#penrose tribar
mindshiftworks · 5 months
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lovesinistra · 4 years
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rincat21 · 7 years
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So @lady-im-a-fineapple sends me these screenshots and tells me ‘ this is so Ellie and Penrose’. And I said, wow, yes it is. If you don’t already know the tall classy fellow with the mass of black curls is my oc demon of illusions, Penrose Tribar. The quirky, cute, ready-to-kick-ass lil girl is Fineapple’s oc Ellie. And despite all of Penrose’s eye rolls he cant help but love the kid. 
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eucanthos · 3 years
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Penrose: Impossible Shapes to Nobel Prize
In 1954, Roger Penrose happened upon an exhibition of E. C. Escher in Amsterdam. It inspired him to construct the “impossible figure”, now called the Penrose Triangle or Penrose Tribar. A shape that looks like a solid three-dimensional triangular form, but that is impossible to realise in 3D Euclidean space. Penrose received half of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for his 1965 paper “Gravitational Collapse and Space-Time Singularities” showing how black holes can form.
M. C. Escher: Relativity, 1953. Lithograph 27.7 × 29.2 cm
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dr-archeville · 4 years
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Top Image: Penrose Triangle, aka Penrose Tribar or Impossible Tribar
Middle Image: Impossible Cube, based on the Necker Cube
Bottom Image: Impossible Trident, aka Impossible Fork, Blivet, Poiuyt, or Devil’s Tuning Fork.
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badbugs · 7 years
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https://www.redbubble.com/people/badbugs/works/12454431-optical-illusion-impossible-figure?p=metal-print&ref=artist_shop_grid #redbubble @redbubble #impossible #tribar #penrose .
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kickassloops · 4 years
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[A][OC] Yet another Impossible Triange / Penrose Tribar animation
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pinkstarxing-blog · 5 years
SDES9320 z5217112 Hongyu Xing
Architecture is a materialized desire realized through subjective imagination. It is a well-thought-out cultural production that goes beyond its independent discipline boundaries(Mical 2005).This indicates that the style, structure, and space of architecture originate from imagination, and it is influenced by factors such as nationality, period and environment. This blog will present research on architectural styles and methods that I am interested in. It will focus on surrealism and futurism as well as Illusion of space art.
Surrealism and Futurism
Surrealism, as a movement, was almost always interdisciplinary; it was originally an avant-garde movement that eventually crossed cultures,contexts, and media forms, much like modern architecture’s emergence. It is a dialogue between material representations and the (incomplete) subjectivity of the modern world, a dialogue of forms and spaces where irrational meanings and experiences are produced lies at the heart of any surrealist architectural project: “their paintings and poems were characterized by images of searching and finding, of veiling and revealing, of presence and absence, of thresholds and passages, in a surrealized universe in which there were no clear boundaries or fixed identities.( Breton 1969).
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Antoni Gaudí(1852-1926) was a Spanish architect known as the greatest exponent of Catalan Modernism. Gaudí rarely drew detailed plans of his works, instead preferring to create them as three-dimensional scale models and moulding the details as he conceived them. SAGRADA FAMILIA - BARCELONA SPAIN is his representative work of surrealism.
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Gaudi applied the inspiration he gained from nature to the church design, combining spiral, cone, hyperbola, and parabola geometry. In this way, he created detailed, rhythmic and dynamic architectural effects.
Mountain Hostel - Atelier 8000
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The features of this Hostel is the giant cube sits precariously on the edge of a peak, as if it is about to tumble down the mountainside. The architects, Atelier 8000, claim that this angle aims at inducing a feeling of lightness and randomness in the observer and that the laminated building looks as if it were left behind by a retreating glacier. With the angled floors and ceiling, inside it would resemble Piet Blom's 1970s fun-but-awkward Cube Houses in Rotterdam. The visual effect of surrealism is representative and unique, and it is equipped with a sense of futuristic and technological. More importantly, its exterior design conforms to the local environment and culture.
Victor Enrich is a Catalan photographer.In 2013, he created NHDK series work, it is a set of manipulated photographs of the Deutscher Kaiser hotel in Munich, they show the hotel from the same angle.
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Enrich imagines this hotel in various ways, such as parts rotating, copying, removing and floating in the sky.
  The application of surrealism in animation
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Hayao Miyazaki used surrealism in his animated film Hal's moving castle.
The application of surrealism in film (Doctor Strange )
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These  groups of cases deepen my understanding of the concepts of Impossible and Fantastical Structures as well as inspires my subsequent design. Using my understanding of life and nature to reorganize and transform geometry, lines and surfaces is a strategy for creating surrealistic architectural works.
Illusion of space art
My understanding of illusion art comes from the Penrose Triangle. The Penrose triangle, also known as the impossible triangle(Pappas 1989).It is an impossible object of a triangle, an optical illusion that could be described in a perspective but could not exist as a solid object.
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It could be explored in the video, and through the angle change of the object, the illusion visual effect is finally achieved. In fact, it is not a triangle.
Monument Valley
For the application of illusion art, the game Monument Valley is a typical example.It’s principle is similar to the panrose triangle, which creates a visual illusion through space movement.
In conclusion, surrealism, futurism and Illusion art are research directions. They provided inspiration and direction for my later works. I will develop my ideas based on the knowledge they have provided me. I am looking forward to it.
Reference List
Mical, T. 2005, Surrealism and architecture. Routledge.
Pappas, T. 1989,’The Impossible Tribar’,The Joy of Mathematics,San Carlos, CA: Wide World Publ, /Tetra, p. 13.
Breton, A. 1969,’Manifestoes of surrealism’,vol. 182, University of Michigan Press.
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nafa1900-blog · 5 years
Brief 2 - The Impossible. Fantastical structures.
I think the Fantastical structures are more like the structure of building or facility which cannot be made in reality. Penrose stairs are the best example of fantastical structures. The Penrose stairs can`t be made in reality, but it can be reproduced by using CGI technology.
The Inception movie was using lens parallax and CGI, making out the Penrose Steps, that scene made me feel incredible, and it stayed in my mind for a long time. I want to reproduce the Penrose steps or other ‘illusion’ structure in my assessment. 
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Inception Penrose Steps
(Inception Penrose Steps, 2010)
Research Time:
Mc Escher: Illusion art, Geometric transformation & illusion 
According to the Moodle's guidelines, the first man that I'm gonna research is Mc Escher, who is a famous illusion art illustrator. 
I have seen his illusion artwork - Drawing Hands in my childhood. It provides me with some horrible feeling, it was hard to tell why, but it does give me a kind of violation. 
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Drawing Hands 1948 Lithograph while in Holland
(Escher, 1948)
When I started to research his Impossible Constructions series, his unconventional structure makes me fascinated, and I want to reproduce the illusion art in my assessment because it can be causing my audiences fell shocked, and I love to show more cool stuff to my audience.
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Convex and Concave. March 1955, Lithograph
(Escher, 1955)
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Belvedere. May 1958, Lithograph.
(Escher, 1958)
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Ascending and Descending. March 1960, Lithograph.
(Escher, 1960)
In addition to movies and illustrations, mobile games can also bring me some inspiration for fantastic structures. Monument Valley is a puzzle game which allows player walk-in a maze of illusion and impossible geometric objects to reach the destination of each level.
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(Dent, 2015)
(DORMEHL, 2014)
(Bradshaw, 2018)
The artist and designer of the game, Ken Wong, talked about the intent to make a "building-based game.", which inspired by MC Escher's Impossible Constructions.
Penrose triangle
I`m trying to figure out the theory of Penrose triangle as my assessment practice.
Penrose triangle is one of the impossible objects (the objects that cannot exist in the real world, they can only exist in 2D space, the optical illusion formed by projecting a two-dimensional image into three dimensions using the instantaneous consciousness of the human visual system.) which initially produced by the Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd in 1934. British mathematician Roger Penrose and his father also designed and promoted this pattern, and it published in British Journal of Psychology in February of 1958. They call it 'the purest form of impossible'.  Penrose triangle impossible to exist in reality, because if it exists in reality, it must violate the Euclidean geometric rules. At first glance, the Penrose triangle appears to be a 2D depiction of a 3D triangle constructed from cuboid. However, any 3D object cannot implement the properties of this 2D graphic. Therefore, the Penrose triangle is the "impossible object."
(Tribar, n.d.) (Newworldencyclopedia.org, 2019)
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Penrose triangles in Waterfall by M. C. Escher
Actually, I don`t need to create a real triangle, but by using the human`s illusion to create an ‘Impossible’ triangle.
First of all, I need to draw some sketches about the structure of the Penrose triangle.
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This is a typical sketch of Penrose triangle structure, I think it is the basis of the illusion structure. It`s a simple structure that will help me to understand, deconstruct and create an illusion 3D model. 
I`m trying to use MAYA to make a ‘real’ Penrose triangle, and it is not difficult for me. 
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3D modelling is not a difficult thing to me, but the real challenge is to research and understands the theory of illusion art and how to achieve it. Accounting to the book of Illusion in nature and art (Gregory and Gombrich, 1980),  at the very early on, people believed the illusion is part of the art. But for science, the illusion seems to be nothing but a sensory cognitive error that can be avoided or corrected. The magicians we know are also taking advantage of sensory cognition errors and using the illusion to bring amazing performances to the audience. The Illusion art subverts the common sense of people, and it is not common in our life. The illusion may be hidden in a magic show, an architectural design, or in artwork, even hidden in video games. An illusion structure may not able to make in our real world, but this kind of ‘Impossible, fantastical structures’ can be reproduced in 2D/3D artworks. 
The CGI I made will more than just reproduce the single Penrose stairs or Penrose triangle, I want to add some illusion building structures to perfect my assessment.
Advanced Practice:
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Final Design Model
I gave up some complicated concepts, focus on modelling the waterfall which was painted by M.C Escher.
 10-second Animation was limited in time requirement, I`m gonna display how the waterfall illusion works and gives the waterfall a Particle effect for the batter perception.
Mainly I will through the rotation of the camera to achieve the effect of displaying illusion art. 
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Waterfall Texture:
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Water ripple Texture:
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Update: I consulted with my tutor, she thought the style of my original design looks similar to the Monument Valley. I did borrow some elements from Monument Valley and Mc Escher, the final rendering does look like a replica from it. So I decided to add some original elements, to avoid copy with Monument Valley. 
I’m gonna add some tower and Venice elements, which I really love to display in my model, and I will change my model material, to make sure it does not look like the Monument Valley.
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Artwork: "Old Tower of Defense". Artist: Archie T. Newsom, France WWI. 
Sketching model:
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Inception Penrose Steps. (2010). [video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvSD1EAlAUQ [Accessed 1 Oct. 2019].
Escher, M. (1948). Drawing Hands. [sketch] Holland: Lithograph.
Escher, M. (1955). Convex and Concave. [Sketch] Holland: Lithograph.
Escher, M. (1958). Belvedere. [Sketch] Holland: Lithograph.
Escher, M. (1960). Ascending and Descending. [Sketch] Holland: Lithograph. 
Newworldencyclopedia.org. (2019). Penrose triangle. [online] Available at: https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Penrose_triangle [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019].
Tribar, P. (n.d.). Impossible Triangle. [online] The Illusions Index. Available at: https://www.illusionsindex.org/i/impossible-triangle [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019].
Dent, S. (2015). Apple game of the year 'Monument Valley' is now free on iOS. [online] Engadget.com. Available at: https://www.engadget.com/2015/12/02/monument-valley-free-on-ios/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LnVtYmxyLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAIOOhIz7VgkWRmmcRV2P7s1xMndWZqdubesL0AEECk2uvV2rgdPvxyJWn_-eUjt3tgk3veOK5jKHcwYwysgc0jsF0SKye7U5lq_AjJBag820BA93Q9RLBmJ4NmtL6oi4MObLupCnGwNRIrZmUdFrWZ7dlHu9lbZ91TL0kA_2L2fJ [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019].
DORMEHL, L. (2014). Inside Monument Valley: How 'Impossible' Sketches Became An Amazing Game. [online] Cult of Mac. Available at: https://www.cultofmac.com/273790/inside-monument-valley/ [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019].
Bradshaw, P. (2018). Monument Valley Movie Coming. [online] Den of Geek. Available at: https://www.denofgeek.com/us/games/275898/monument-valley-movie-coming [Accessed 2 Oct. 2019].
Gregory, R. and Gombrich, E. (1980). Illusion in nature and art. London: Duckworth.
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yo24hua-base · 3 years
Subjektivität - Zerreißende Wahrnehmung
HINWEISE: Das nachfolgende ist eine noch nicht abgeschlossene BETA-VERSION die lediglich aus internen Gründen vor veröffentlicht wurde !!!
Die Begrifflichkeit "Subjektivität" ist derzeit nach wie vor ein Philosophisch ungefestigter Begriff der im Folgenden teile der geistigen Wahrnehmung sowie visuellen Sichtweisen in sich aufnimmt.
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Es ist einer meiner größten Philosophien & Forschungsthemen in den letzten ca. 24 Jahren sich mit diesen ganzen Wahrnehmungsthesen (Subjektivität) zu befassen. In Kürze kann man sagen: “Nichts vom ganzen lässt sich auf einen Nenner bringen!“ [Yo24hua: 17:09 · 01.04.2021].
"Es ist nach letzteren schlicht auszuschließen das ein anderes 'Wesen' ähnliches oder gleiches exakt wahrnimmt wie derjenige, der glaubt es aus seiner Sicht zu präsentieren!" [3789 JAR]. [Yo24hua: 17:37 · 01.04. 2021].
Das Standardwerk welches ich immer wieder gerne zur Umschreibung heranziehe:
Animation einer optischen Täuschung die ein Penrose-Tribar mit umlaufender Kugel zeigt (Dies ist allerdings auch Bestandteil des Yo24hua-Logo-Bildes).
Es liegt (nur scheinbar) eine Münze auf einen Tisch, glaubt jener ernsthaft das jene Münze aus jenem Blickwinkel dem identisch im Wesen des anderen gleich hinein Projiziert wird, so liege er mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit daneben - Alleine die Perspektive aus der jener andere die Münze betrachtet erlaubt dieses gar nicht, selbst wenn alle beteiligten Wesen dicht an dicht zusammenstehen wird dieses nicht so sein - Lichtwinkel, Schatten sowie andere Objekte, die dort in dessen Umgebung sein mögen, können irritieren und ablenken - Da kommen noch Effekte einer möglichen “Optischen” Täuschung und viele andere Faktoren, die da benannt werden könnten, dazu.
Ähnlich verhält es sich mit allen geistigen Sichtweisen bzw. Visuellen Wahrnehmungen im Ganzen:
“Nichts vom ganzen lässt sich auf einen Nenner bringen! - Wir können lediglich versuchen uns dem anzunähern“.
Selbst die hier dargestellten Texte können von Wesen zu Wesen völlig unterschiedlich wahrgenommen werden.
Es hängt alles von Sachverständnis, Bildung und allgemein den Dingen wie jenen das ganze gelehrt, in jenen hinein projiziert wurde, zu dem ab.
Aus der Sicht eines Farbenblinden:
Erst einmal sei gesagt, dass Farbenblindheit eigentlich auch eher "Subjektiv" in jener Deutung der Farbwahrnehmung ist und könnte wahrscheinlich tendenziell mehr als eine Farbsehschwäche oder eben schlicht als eine anders artige subjektive Wahrnehmung eines jenen definiert werden. Das als "Blindheit" zu umschreiben ist nach der Deutung eigentlich unsinnig, da es eine (Totale) Blindheit gegenüber Farben in den sinne nicht gibt und es lediglich ein anderes Spektrum der Wahrnehmung zu sein scheint.
Mit bestimmten "Farbsehschwächen" können zum Beispiel Tarnkleidung bzw. Tarnmuster im Wald teils besser erkannt werden, währenddessen durchschnittlich sehende dabei eher schwächen in ihrer Wahrnehmung ausweisen können.
Studien haben belegt, dass Wesen mit Rot-Grün-Sehschwäche anscheinend eine größere Anzahl von Khaki-Farbtönen unterscheiden können als Durchschnittlich sehende. Dieses Phänomen wird beim Militär genutzt, da es mit solchen Farbsehschwächen schwieriger zu sein scheint so leicht von Tarnmuster, bzw. dessen Farben, getäuscht zu werden und es daher einfacher erscheint einen getarnten Soldaten im Wald zu erspähen als Durchschnittlich sehende. Dies liegt zum einen am oben genannten Phänomen, zum anderen daran, dass jene im Laufe ihres Lebens gelernt haben, sich stärker auf Formen und Konturen (Kontrast, Farbkontrast) zu konzentrieren statt auf Farben wie Durchschnittlich sehende.
Es kann also unter Umständen auch Vorteile haben und Lehrreich für andere sein, das Dinge anders wahrgenommen werden.
Begriffe, Worte und dessen Bedeutungen:
Man kann nicht einmal Begriffe, Worte und dessen Bedeutung so wirklich sicher definieren - Beispiel:
Evidenz (Wikipedia): "das dem Augenschein nach unbezweifelbar erkennbare oder die unmittelbare, mit besonderem Wahrheitsanspruch auftretende vollständige Einsicht (Phil. Thesen über Wahrheitsgehalt und empirischer Nachweis)." * Evidenz (wiktionary): "Eindeutigkeit, Gewissheit, Klarheit, Offensichtlichkeit, Sicherheit" und viele weiteren Zuordnungen, die da geschaffen wurden und noch werden.
So viele und mehr Bedeutungen werden einem Wort zugeschrieben.
Nicht einmal in unseren germanischen Sprachgebrauch verstehen wir uns ernsthaft wegen dieser unendlich vielen Deutungen der Worte.
Ein jener der mit einer anderen Muttersprache in ein fremdes Land kommt, wird trotz langwierigen Erlernens der neuen Sprache wahrscheinlich zudem viele Begriffe durch den Einfluss der ursprünglichen Muttersprache anders verstehen, weil jener die Bedeutungen der Worte eben auch anders erlernt hat.
In Hunderten Jahren wird wahrscheinlich niemand mehr diese Schrift hier wirklich sicher in die zu der Zeit gültigen Verständnis-weise der Begriffe, Worte und Deutungen übertragen können.
Unser subjektives Dasein gibt das nicht her, Wissen, Informationen und überhaupt jegliche Inhalte, wirklich immer transparent für jeden verständlich zu vermitteln.
Auch hier gilt, das nicht einmal gesichert ist, das dieser Text hier von jeden verstanden werden kann.
Trolle, Dummheit und die fragliche Intelligenz:
Dieser jene könnte denjenigen der ihn als "Troll" betrachtet genauso als solchen für sich aus seiner "Subjektiven" Sichtweise heraus erklären. Es ist schlichtweg nicht genug deutbar wie etwas in das Bewusstsein projiziert wird bzw. vom Wesen wahrgenommen wird. Es ist nur eine scheinbare Vorstellung das etwas immer identisch in das Wesen hineinprojiziert und wie es auf dieses in das fragliche Bewusstsein übertragen wird.
Festigung mit verschiedensten Lehrvorgängen kann durch differenter Wahrnehmung scheitern - über Lange strecken - nicht im Sinne scheinbarer Zeitwahrnehmung - kann es dem Wesen in anders erscheinenden Formen aufgenommen werden und sich in der Wahrnehmung durch wiederum andere Wesen verzerren.
Ein Wesen als "Dumm" oder als "Troll" zu titulieren ist in dem Sinne fehl am Platz, jenes andere Wesen ein anderes Etwas von "Intelligenz" in sich einnimmt, was sich nur ungewiss in Teilen wiederum "Subjektiv" auf andere Wesen spiegeln kann.
"Es ist Teil unseres scheinbar subjektiven Weltwissens und manifestiert sich unbewusst und unkontrolliert in uns". [Subjektive Theorie].
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kontrastumfang (Kontrasteigenschaften).
Video: Phänomenales Bewusstsein – warum unsere Existenz fast unerklärlich ist (10.05.2021) | Gert Scobel * Philosophie, Geschmack Wahrnehmung.
Video: Die 4 Seiten einer Nachricht (Schulz von Thun) - Kommunikation | alpha Lernen erklärt Deutsch (28.03.2017) | alpha Lernen * Kommunikation: Ausdrucksweisen, Emotionen, Betonung.
Twitter: "Um so höher man geht um so kälter wird es!" [26.07.2021]. * Emotionen, Gefühle.
Philosophische Fragen: https://psycatgames.com/de/magazine/conversation-starters/philosophical-questions/ * (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
Penrose triangle: https://twitter.com/lexfridman/status/1171848111767130112
Subjektivität: Analyse / Analytik
Erstellt am: 01.04.2021, Bearbeitet am: 17.06.2021.
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claradaly · 4 years
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Day 18- Trap 🕳 • • • • • @Inktober #inktober #inktober2020 #illustrator #ink #drawing #artist #creative #contentcreator #artoftheday #inkart #blackandwhite #draweveryday #hobbies #lifeisgood #October #penandink #sky #cloud #dust #triangle #geometric #geometry #trap #intertwined #infinity #penrosetriangle #penrose #tribar #opticalillusion #illusion (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGeoBrxho7t/?igshid=5hhwp7mkl314
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‘Penrose Tribar’ 💚🔺💚 #woodartwork #penrose #triangle https://ift.tt/2rBvkwT
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art-now-india · 5 years
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Illusions around a Penrose Tribar, Jayram Menon
This is an attempt to represent the concept of impossibility in its unblemished form. The stuff we call impossible is like an empty space. It doesn’t need anything to exist. It exists with or without our perceptions. Impossible is the answer that the mechanism of logic spits out when something is outside the realm of the finite. There is something thought provoking about this notion. The human capacity to learn is infinite, that is, we can never stop learning, there is always something new to learn, an innate, indefatigable striving to know more. This artwork tries to create the illusion of something impossible. This one draws inspiration from Roger Penrose’s work around the ‘Impossible Triangle’. It seems quite normal at first but if you take a closer look you’ll see that all is not quite what it seems — the corners of the triangle represented in this illusion makes sense spatially on their own but not together. This seemingly impossible construct, appears to be a solid object, made of three straight bars. The shape of the impossible triangle is also known as a Penrose Tribar. In 1954 english mathematician Roger Penrose first drew the impossible triangle as three bars connected with right angles. He gave perspective effect to it, which increased the effect of its impossibility. The Penrose Tribar as a three-dimensional object - looks impossible from a single point of view though it looks ordinary from all other points of view. This piece is an attempt to show how shapes and lines in space can be distorted by changing the underlying geometry of the coordinate system. Impossible illusions occur when geometry departs from the direction of perception.
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eucanthos · 7 years
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Oscar Reutersvärd
The Penrose triangle, also known as the Penrose tribar, or the impossible tribar, is a triangular impossible object. It was first created by the Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvärd in 1934. The psychiatrist Lionel Penrose and his mathematician son Roger Penrose independently devised and popularized it in the 1950s, describing it as "impossibility in its purest form". It is featured prominently in the works of artist M. C. Escher, whose earlier depictions of impossible objects partly inspired it.
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infinity-cosmo · 5 years
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The Impossible Triangle (also known as the Penrose Triangle or the Impossible Tribar) was first created by Oscar Reutersvärd (1915 - 2002), a Swedish graphic artist known as the ‘father of the impossible figure’. . . .@infinity_cosmo_ . . #triangle #impossible #blackhole #penrose #alberteinstein #numbers #astrophysicist #physicists #important #neildegrassetyson #elonmusk #astronomy #nerd #space #universe #earth #mars #math #physicist #einstein #sun #quantumphysics #spacefacts #multiverse #science #nasa #stars #interstellar #amazing #scientist https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Vs-GzpzPM/?igshid=cxa1ko9lsb0v
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promedya · 5 years
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60 Penrose Triangle Tattoo Designs For Men - Impossible Tribar Ideas
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