#people are going to have to make some capital-C CHOICES
sgiandubh · 4 months
Last minute Swifties
Contrary to what many thought and some posted, I do think the OL cast's Taylor Swift experience was a last minute promo idea, very much monitored by *** and Tall Ships. I was wrong about minder/security guy (still, eerie...) and I never have a problem publicly admitting it. But quite unlikely I am wrong about this one. And sorry for the length, but you know how I am when I am looking for something, right?
Let's unpack: cast thanked the 'organizers' (and minders, really) in very specific terms, leaving NO much doubt:
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Louisa McCulloch. Remember this name, we shall meet her in one hot minute. So thank you Louisa and Maril for organizing this: ask yourselves why did Maril, who (as far as I know) is based in the US, have to come to Edinburgh just for the gig. Damage control, perhaps?
And Sophie S., with a remarkable choice of words:
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'Thank you ***, TS and her team for making it happen'. In my book, this means a strong, common effort to secure the box last minute. Because 'making it happen' means exactly that: 'need to do everything you can to facilitate it'.
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Clearly Skelton, who is a Swiftie in her own right, was particularly appreciative of the efforts it took to ensure everyone could attend the concert. If that were a long planned event, her enthusiasm would have been more temperate, I think. 'Adding more Swifties to the clan' - LOL, Sophie, you mean S and C had no idea of the lyrics and were unable to sing along with you, John Bell, Izzy and Co (I keep forgetting their names and I like them a lot, in the show)? People of my generation are already too damn old for Taylor S. And this different sort of music might be more of S's real preference: otherwise why post it in his stories, as if to say ' TS is a different thing altogether'?
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James. A Manchester rock band, formed in 1982, popular in the Nineties. I see no lies: he was clear 'JAMMF is a Swiftie'. And we are, after all, Children of the Nineties, not TS's crowd. And yes, I knew S was into the same kind of music as I was, in the Nineties (he seems to have stayed put, right there, unlike me, LOL):
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Anyways, back to the mysterious woman up and front on three pictures in a row, that got many speculating. Nope, that was not Wendy, the MUA and S's bestie:
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... Twice...
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... Three times a lady:
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Her name is Louisa McCulloch, née Radcliffe and she is the one S thanked, along with Maril (see above). It was a bit hard finding her, because her IG account is private. But I found her alright on Facebook, and then LinkedIn (of course):
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Based in Lockerbie, Scotland. 20 years experience as a media publicist:
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Worked with *** and Tall Ships since Season 3, after a short stint as Head of Publicity at the Paramount Pictures London Office. Got promoted from Unit Publicist to Publicist during COVID, for Season 6. So yes, she is the one who made it happen, locally, on what I think was a quite short notice.
Attention successfully diverted. Impeccable timing and giving a younger crowd what it wants. Trying to capitalize on TS's huge Instagram fan base: 283 million followers (wow! I had no fucking idea she was so huge). A win-win situation for just about everyone and an elegant way out from sordid waters:
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And it worked. Lost among the hundred of thousands of likes and comments, look who's jumping on the bandwagon:
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Sharon Stone. With a Blue Check and her 3.9 million Instagram fanbase. A Nineties deity, need I remind you (this blogger spotted her during the Berlinale 2007, while I was going out for drinks, blissfully unaware we were all staying at The Adlon, LOL)?
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They mutually follow each other on Insta, by the way. I wonder why *urv did not pounce on that one. I feel robbed, for once, of a wonderful fanfic.
[Later edit] Several comments take on this person without a proper justification. I am editing this post to remind you she is only responsible for the implementation (in Scotland) of decisions taken elsewhere (in the United States of America). She is NOT a decision maker and as Publicist, was probably responsible for the local implementation of a hasty decision to attend an event (secure VIP box at Murrayfield, sell content to the local press). The direct contact with TS's team was, very likely, Maril and upwards, in the hierarchy. In all fairness, she has nothing to do with a billboard spotted in Los Angeles, USA - nothing of the sort in Europe. I am all for taxing, but let's tax people who are really RESPONSIBLE: she is just a very well paid underling. Thank you all, I am sure you understand fairness can only add to our credibility as a group.
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willfulscarlet · 3 months
Assorted Arrowclan headcanons of variable relation to canon, vol 1:
Ollie takes his survivalist shit extremely seriously - not in a prepper ‘six months of canned peaches’ way, but if any of the arrowfam are teleported to a desert island/the Jurassic/an alien planet/etc, they have the skills to survive and even to put batboys to shame. Mia was not terribly enthused to learn flint-knapping, but even on a normal patrol, fixing a broken arrow with a quickly knapped bit of broken glass is a useful skill.
Chilli became Ollie’s comfort food of choice because of Roy, and the cornbread he learned to make growing up on the reservation.
They’re all casually musical. Only Dinah and Roy are fully professional quality - Canary is of course Canary, and at least one of Roy’s cover IDs is a session drummer separate from his time in Great Frog - but the rest are talented amateurs. Star City citizens can tell if it’s a quiet night on patrol by the way they start harmonising Bohemian Rhapsody as they go. For a week after Hal brings Ollie quantum ghost hyperchillies from sector 1337, Roy and Mia sing Ring of Fire every time Ollie gets near them.
The Roy Harper Group Home for Neglected Sidekicks is vastly more successful than the Roy Harper Titans Academy (though to be fair, he’s alive to influence setup and is aiming for wildly different targets to headmistress Kori. But also….) Grant is an enthusiastic mainstay of cookouts and official Big Brother to the brood, several of whom get adopted into the JSA. Jason is perpetually confused.
(this leads to, when Ollie is being especially Ollie, a 21-year old Mia declaring she needs an adult and looking to Roy as the responsible one. Which causes perturbations, mostly in Roy’s psyche)
Between her early home life, living on the streets, assorted heroism-related absences, her school getting blown up and her involuntary sabbatical courtesy of Waller, Mia’s had about a year and a half of high school. It’s something she’s intensely insecure about, especially around her Titans team.
Lian was meant to give back her Legion Flight Ring before she went after Ollie and Connor. And she did! She just stole Saturn Girl’s ring on her way through the portal. This will cause problems for people that aren’t Lian.
Connor is welcome anywhere, anywhen. He’s got the only functioning ‘tact and diplomacy’ brain cell in the family.
Ollie is banned from Twitter. Roy, Mia and the Queen Industries PR department all owe Oracle a kidney apiece for ensuring he remains banned.
Connor’s mom is an old hippie and lives on a commune just outside of Metropolis. They grow weed that could knock out Superman. Mia isn’t allowed to make brownies with Moonday ever again.
Several leaguers and quadruple the number of supervillains have nightmares about the first Sin-Lian-Emi teamup. Some things are just unfair.
By the same token, Bruce and Ollie have explicitly barred Steph and Mia from ever working together again. They pay even less attention to this pronouncement than their mentors expected. Possibly it has encouraged them.
Roy’s favourite shot: tripping Wally with an arrow through his shoelaces. He first manages it when they’re both 14, but the pinnacle is when he repeats it when they’re in their mid-30s and Wally is having yet another Speedforce-related Capital-C Crisis. Roy saving the universe through the medium of teenage pranks is not something he ever lets Wally live down. There’s a display in the Flash Museum and everything.
Mia, recognising Ollie’s habit of stranding himself on Starfish Island every time the wind changes, has buried several caches of clothes, survival gear and rations around the island. Just because he has a Robinson Crusoe fetish doesn’t mean she can’t be comfortable in board shorts while he ‘reconnects’.
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pastel-omegas-blog · 2 years
Chapter Ten. Chapter One
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING!!! THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN MATURE THEMES AND VIOLENCE PLEASE LEAVE IF IT WILL MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. I DO NOT NEED THIS BOOK TO BE REPORTED . YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.( Mentions of suicide, bullying, blood/torture ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️( This book is going to have more matured themes  compared to my others, from smut scenes to non-con, lactation, drugging, hypnosis, abuse of power and over obsessiveness. 
Carriages moved in a single file through the dense forest, the main carriage that reeked of rotten fruit with said substances staining the outside led the line sitting inside were the expected guest of the Northern nobility.
Trees passed the carriage window and e/c eyes peeked out from the soft fluffy fur blankets he had wrapped around his form like a cacoon.
The greenery of nature , the sky blue sky, soft fluffy white clouds, the clean air and fairly quiet place brought his mind to ease a bit as he took it all in.
It was a marvelous sight to behold.
A great contrast to the one he had experienced earlier.
Leaving the palace gates it was impossible to take any of the other quicker routes to get to the northern border because all the roads had been blocked of by the imperial knights, giving his carriage no choice than to pass through the capital square were they were met face to face with the city's people who wanted to show their gratitude to the discarded Emperor.
" Get out of our land you demon!"
A rotten fruit smashed at the side of the carriage and many more followed after it, making the coach man pick up speed.
Aria tried her best to cuddle up to her baby cousin as she pulled him into her lap whispering sweet nothings while Basil tried his best to refrain from going down and killing someone as an example, Felix watched on not knowing what to do.
" Devil leave! "
" Begone you Heathen!! "
" Monster! "
" I hope you fall off a cliff and die "
 Despite his cousin's efforts to cover his eyes so he wouldn't have to see the angry mob M/N still looked out taking in their faces printing them into his mind so he wouldn't forget.
He wanted to know who said what, because very soon in the near future they would be on their knees begging for his forgiveness. He could picture it perfectly and the sight made a small smile stretch on his lips.
​​​​​​They managed to leave the capital without any other hitch, riding deeper into the thick forest that was the only available path to the border.
A dark and stone filled path that housed dangerous magical beasts known to devour human flesh, a place known for being the hangout for illegal slavers, murders, thieves, bandits and hired killers.
At some point during the journey the male omega had switched back to sitting in his knights laps and he snuggled closer into the recessive's chest as he fell  ' fast asleep ' making the pink haired man's heart hammer away in his chest.
 Aria had her nose buried in a book, her golden eyes occasionally glancing to check on her cousin's wellbeing before she went back to the book in her hands.
 Felix had his head lowered at the present of his superiors his violet eyes focuses on his laps. He would stare up once in a while to watch the sleeping omega, taking in how his long e/c lashes fell on his rosy s/c cheeks and how his glossy plump red lips opened ever so slighty before looking back down with a blush on his cheeks.
Despite the bumpy road the ride was relatively peaceful.
 " Not for long though~ "
 The voice whispered in a teasing tone and M/N hummed silently in agreement.
 He could feel their leering stares from the small safety the carriage provided.
 The ' Friends ' that the saint had sent to ' help '  him and his party.
The h/c man had sensed his  kind helpers immediately they entered the forest, they had been watching them waiting for the chance to strike.
 Just like how he was waiting for them to act out.
He thankfully didn't have to wait to long.
 One of the carriage wheels suddenly popped off making the group panic.
Aria wrapped her arms around M/N and Basil wrapped his arms around the two omegas on his grasp while felix was forced to grip Basil's arm for dear life.
 The coach man battled with the reins of the horses, trying to get the animals under control so they wouldn't crash into a tree. The chaos went on for a few more seconds but it felt like hours to those oblivious to the cause before the coach man was finally able to get control once more.
 The carriage came to a halt and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the drivers in the other carriages had stopped immediately they witnessed the accident, but instead of helping they all came down from their spots and ran into the tree line confusing the old coach man who called out for them to come back  yelling ' This wasn't part of the deal! "
 Looks like they were in on it too.
 The h/c male didn't need to worry though.
 None of them would be leaving the place alive anyways.
 Everywhere became deathly still for a moment and it nerved everyone. No birds chirping, the whistling of the wind and ruffling of leaves seemed to stop and M/N felt his loyal knigh shift his weight so he could grab his  sword and the omega gave him points for that.
 The silence was broken as an arrow wheezed through the air lodging itself in the coach man's throat drawing  a gurgled scream from him as he began to choke on his own blood, his limbs failing around in a panic as he tried too pull it out only for a pink tinted foam to start forming at the back of his damage throat and pour out of his mouth, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as the poison kicked in.
 His fat corpse fell to the forest floor with a loud thud.
 The sound caused Aria to tighten her arms around the bundle up man bringing him closer to her laps while Basil started to get ready if the need be for him to bust out and attack. His baby blue eyes darkening a bit as he glared at the tree line through the window.
 The place became silent again no sounds to be heard, then a mad cackle broke it as men began walk out from behind the trees surrounding the carriage and it's occupants in a circle.
 The largest member of the group throw two hard stone like objects to the carriage walls one hitting the edge of the window revealing what it was when they noticed the blood dripping from the small stumps under them did they realize it was the severed heads of the coach men that had ran away early.
Aria screamed at the morbid sight as shuffled back into the carriage using the fur blanket to cover M/N's face, Felix felt vile rise at the back of his throat and Basil clenched his jaw, wanting to lash out and take them out. He would have if they were ordinary people, but he could feel their månå reserves flowing off them in powerful waves. Such a thing couldn't belong to a full blooded human.
 They had to be hybrids. His guess was proven right as he noticed the pointy ears of the man who laughed like a rabid dog.
" Hey! Hey! Come on now mister knight. Why don't you come down and fight us ? I promise we don't play dirty. It'll be a noble and sticking to the rules thing. Come on out already I've been itching to get some blood on my hands " the ' leader ' of the group cackled out maniacally a very pretty man with a lean build and average height and the pink haired recessive repressed a growl under his breath. He could take them on, but they're were to many of them for him to handle. He was sure one small mistake would be the death of him.
E/c eyes peered out of the small space Aria had failed to cover to look around.
" They are twenty five in total " the voice said ' And you need thirteen souls and bodies for the process right ? ' the h/c man questioned  in his head. " Well seeing how the saint has gifted us with so many it would be a shame not to use them~ " the voice mused and his omega host made a sound of acknowledgement.
"  What's taking so long? Why isn't the knight dude going to fight?  I already promised to be all noble and stuff.
I want some action already. "  A white haired man whined out, his pretty blue  eyes looking over at the carriage that had gone deathly silently. He puffed his rosy cheeks.
" It doesn't matter if he comes out of fight now or not. The results are still going to be the same. His body will become an offering to the deity -​​​​​​​​​​​​DEMIORCA  " the dark skinned bulky man replied, his  cat like eyes watching the carriage for any sudden movements ignoring the  childish whining of his partner.
" Well I don't give a damn about that alpha. I'm more interested with the omegas inside. The green eyed bastard said we should bring that stupid Emperor back in one piece, but he didn't say we couldn't have fun with em and the woman first " a large man with pig like facial features said and his words made the rest of the men holler out cheers. 
The white haired man suddenly stopped his whining and turned to look at the pig man with a dark look on his face, the pretty blue of his eyes gone instead a bright purple colour took over, his canines growing longer, the pearly white dagger like tooth shining on the sunlight. His sudden change made the rest of the party freeze in fear.
 The large cat hybrid man put a hand on the pretty man's shoulder to keep him in place so he wouldn't lunge and rip apart a member of their party.
He didn't feel like doing any paperwork.
 " How many times do I have to say this so it enters that thick skull of yours orc? We don't touch the omegas. If you can't follow that simple rule.  THEN GET OUT! "
The crowd broke down into a small mummer at the man's words the orc huffing and turning his face away mumbling to himself " Uptight assholes won't let me have any fun..."
"FuN..."  A deep ominous voice suddenly spoke up scaring the pig man senseless and causing a stir in the group.
The white haired hybrid turned to look back at the carriage realizing the door was open, but inside the carriage was pitch black. Not a single person to be seen and the bright rays of the sun couldn't penetrate into the inky blackness.
A thick black tentacle like appendage with orange and red vein like symbols decorating it shot out of the darkness without any warning and it quickly wrapped itself around the pig man raising him into the air as boarish screams of panic left his lips.
" YoU ThiNk VIOLATING aNoTheR lIVIng tHinG iS FuN ? " The same voice from earlier spoke up, louder than before and it sounded more disoriented, like multiple people were all speaking at once. " THeN iF sO.... " The voice shouted as more tentacles shot out of the darkness, the white haired man and cat hybrid barely having enough time to dodge them as they joined the first one to wrap around it's victim. "​​" I'm sURe YOu'll fInD ThiS FuN~"
They tore at his clothes stopping for a brief moment to display his naked body to his group, tentacles pulling his limbs away so he couldn't hide himself. The humiliation went on for a few minutes, with the things dragging the man in every direction as he cried and begged for mercy.
For a moment the tentacles stopped their torment and everyone that it was over and the man's yelling simmered down to a pathetic sob. All of a sudden blood and bits of guts rained down on the men below drawing screams from them.
 The white haired man stared up in awe at the inky black tentacle his eyes focused on the symbols designing it ignoring the impaled corpse of his former team mate  as well as the screams of the others behind him as more tentacles sprouted out from the carriage and did away with the rest of them just as gruesomely at the first. Two were slammed into a boney red  pulp, some were diced into cubes, others experienced the same fate as their first comrade. The slaughter went on until it was just the white haired hybrid and his partner. Said partner stood by his side his teal feline eyes widening in shock as he recognized the symbols. 
The two hastily bowed on the ground not minding the blood stains or dirt. How dare they complain about such when they've been given the opportunity to stand in the presence of their lord.
" We greet the all knowing and wise Deity DEMIORCA .  It is an honor to be in your presence" their voices spoke in sync as they waited for a response.
The tentacles swarmed around them almost in a taunting manner. As if any wrong move would make them experience a death far  more painful than their comrade
' DEMIORCA ? Is that what your called ? ' M/N asked as he swarm around in the familiar darkness looking at the pretty white haired man and his dark skinned hulk friend taking in their hybrid trusts. The scent coming from them alerting him of their second gender.
The soft scent of tulips from the white haired man gave him away as a recessive omega, while the barely noticable scent of catnip from the man exposed him as a beta.
" ​​​​That is not my name. It belongs to a lower god, but he no longer exists. Yet he still has a strong following. He an I share the same pattern and symbols so it's easy for them to make the mistake " the voice said and the h/c omega chose to ignore the jealousy in his voice. M/N watched them for a few more seconds before an idea struck him. 
' if he doesn't exist anymore why don't we just steal his following? You've already gained the power you need through the ritual plus the extra you scored from those other beings. You  can swindle their hearts. If the god is dead then they've probably been clinging on to any measley thing that could be a proof of his existence. Let's give them hope~
 M/N said as a sinister smirk made it's way too his plump lips as the voice- No Demi cackled in agreement.
 That saint really was just making things so easy for them.
 The white haired hybrid felt his heart beating wildly in his chest, his pale cheeks heating up to a rosy pink.
 He couldn't believe it.
 He was standing in the benevolent presence of his Deity. A dirty scum like him who had been born for a vampire whore was able to get such a chance.
 He could die from happiness.
 A thick sweet scent suddenly appeared catching the two off guard as their senses became flooded from the sweet smell.
 Ripe peaches, thick honey and warm creamy milk. Such a welcoming and alluring scent.
A soft voice giggled, a hand going under both men's chin to force them to look up and their breaths hitched as they stared up in awe.
 Coming out of the inky black mass a mesmerizing creature that made the two men instantly think of a god/goddess
A beautiful face, with curly locks on of thick h/c hair, thick h/c lashes fluttered softly as jewel like e/c hues peered out from them. A rosy red colour dusted his cheeks , his plump glossy red hue lips pulled into a soft gentle smile.
 Silky looking s/c skin seemed to shine in the sunlight, his curvy figure very visible, the inky black tentacles only cover up his upper chest and lower parts. He looked like an angel coming to save them and grant them salvation and the two men couldn't stop themselves from staring.
 Their Deity was so  beautiful. Far better than all those god's those stupid temple men worshiped.      " So my loyal followers seem to recognize me~ " the soft voice teased out making the White haired recessive feel his heart beat faster as he blush got worse at the pretty person's teasing " But......"
The hand under their chin tightened it's grip and the two hybrid's winced in pain as sharp claws dug into their skin drawing blood, making the red liquid drip onto the blood stained grass.  The s/c man's eyes turned a bright orange colour with a hint of red swimming along his hues his smile falling as a disappointed frown took it's place.
" Yet you both attacked my carriage with the intent to harm my companions and dear I say even try to dispose of me. " The h/c omega said clicking his tongue in annoyance as he glared at the two men.
The white haired man let out a small whimper as his blush grow worse, enjoying the attention he was receiving from his lord, but he absolutely HATED that he was being scolded.
it wasn't his fault.
 He didn't mean too, honest.
but he had done it anyway and made himself look unfaithful.
​​​​​​ His soft sweet scent started to turn sour as he whimpered out apologies, the beta following along as shame swallowed the both of them up.
" I'm sorry my lord. This trash dared to attack someone as mighty as yourself. Please do with me what you will, my life and body and exist to serve you. " The blue eyed male said as he stared into the h/c deity's mesmerizing orange cat like hues.
" This servant is useless for not recognizing you and your group my lord. I am not worthy of your forgiveness please do with me as you please. I will take whatever punishment you have without any compliant " the dark skinned man said as his cat ears lowered .
 M/N let out a hum as he stared at the two men. He obviously wasn't going to kill them. He needed them alive to spread word of his existence, that and they were strong. He needed strong people at his side for now while he gathered his own power, but they didn't need to know that.
" Hmmm. You both seemed to have accepted that it's your mistake. So this once I shall grant you mercy.... " He started loosening his grip on their chin as he pulled away from them. " This once " he said before his eyes went back to their vibrant e/c and the gentle smile returned to his lips.
The two men let out a sigh of relief as their tensed shoulders relaxed only for them to freeze up as a dark chuckle left the being's lips and the white haired hybrid forced his leg together as an effort to hide his aching erection feeling his blush worsen.
 " Of course it's for a small price though. " The h/c omega said in a sing song voice, is s smile growing wider as he watched the two nod their heads like obedient little dogs.
" A.. anything for you my lord " the two stammered out in sync.
​​​​They would do absolutely anything to make sure they could gain their lord's favor, the first thing would be to track down their employer and make an example of him.
 " First off all. I need your names. Need to know who my two loyal followers are because after an incident like this I have a feeling we'll be seeing more often~ " the h/c man purred out and the recessive omega whimpered at the sound, his self restrain getting thinner and M/N chuckled.
" A...Alec my lord " the white haired male stuttered out, his wounds beginning to heal as he found himself getting lost in the god's e/c orbs.  " Noah my liege " the dark skinned man answered.
 M/N hummed in satisfaction lett go of the two men as he slowly began to sink back into the darkness. " Such lovely names for my new little butterflies ~ " the omega cooed as familiar orange butteries fluttered out of the mess surrounding the two before forcing themselves into the mouths of the two hybrid's and the s/c man let out a manical laugh at the sight.
​​" Now go on my little dolls spread the rumors little by little and make the people start to question themselves.
' A new god has awoken an aged giant has awakened from his slumber and is ready to save this world from itself ' " M/N instructed and the two men nodded their eyes flashing orange for a brief moment before they disappeared.
" But weren't not saving this world are we~ " Demi asked already knowing the answer.
" Of course not " M/N replied as he cleaned up the scene and replaced the memories of the three people he had hidden safely in his shadow, going back to wrap the blanket around himself as he returned back to his original form.
" We're burning it down "
 DEMIORCA'S  cackle rang in his head as he began to drift off to sleep
Um hi?
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fireartandstylezine · 10 months
What Happened to #Nanowrimo
A Micro Essay
By Mutiny Crinshaw, co-editor, Grinning Kitten Press
It often appears to me that people in the press & in society at large think of National Novel Writing Month, or Nanowrimo, as some cute little holiday-style project, if not on the level of Mother's Day, than at least Secretary's Day or National Donut Day. Fun, innocuous, something your quirky writer friend does.
That's a misperception. & the scandal which took down the forums & has Nanowrimo's Board of Directors scrambling proves that this perception is in error.
The rumors I have seen in Reddit & elsewhere in the Nano community indicate an abuse scandal. I will not dive into it; I am sure others can inform you much better than I can, & I am not privy to the most important details.
What I want to point out is that Nano isn't just some happy-fun project for your writer friends, although many of your writer friends also think that it is & can be forgiven for wanting to hang out with their other writer friends for this one month just to write.
I want to put Nanowrimo in its larger context.
What began as friends around a table wanting to Chase Those Words & Write a Novel was something anyone could have organized. You, me, your own friends. We organize little events like that all the time.
Nano simply had a certain social capital & gained a certain momentum.
The question of what creative types do with such momentum tells us a lot. It tells us a lot in the context of AI, the Arts, & late capitalism.
The choice of folks behind Nanowrimo was to take that momentum & create a 501(c)3, which is a nonprofit entity under US law.
The ease & lack of controversy around that choice exists in a continuum that constitutes all the rest, shaping the kinds and forms of abuse beyond the most illegal and egregious. It gives legal cover to the broader social harms.
Certainly choosing a nonprofit form is not a mistake on the level of "mistakes" that led to the kind of abuse rumored to be going on around Nano HQ, but it is not an unrelated mistake.
Because it is a mistake about power.
About control.
About bending people to your will.
Most of Nano runs off volunteer labor. Interns, unpaid regional coordinators, & the like.
It is a lot of work they do, year-round. Moderating. Writing grants. Chasing donors.
Meanwhile, HQ has worked with fundraising, PR, branding, & most of all selling memorabilia . . . & the best part of that is, you do not need to "win Nano" to participate in the shopping. Or the donations.
Another problem with a collective enterprise like Nano in our stage of late capitalism is that it encourages writers to hustle. (A phenomenon related to Large Language Models/ChatGPT/AI, but I will not be diving into that too much here.)
Successful hustlers - the REALLY successful ones - have social capital to burn, have wealthy loved ones & donor networks & credit (literal economic credit as well as social credit) that boosts their projects.
So while thousands of writers hunker down for the month of November to hustle their novel into being, the real hustlers at the top can hustle & make money in the name of The Arts.
The average Nano author will not get rich. Will not public unless it is through Amazon. Will work very hard for no money.
But who will make money off Nanowrimo?
Thus, it should come as no surprise, if & when Nano HQ's abuse scandal(s) come more to light, that people have been harmed & abused.
The egregious harms lay atop a pervasive culture of exploitation which permeate nonprofits & shape our entire industry of cultural production.
Harm & abuse go hand-in-hand where charity work & volunteer labor are exploited.
The nonprofit-industrial complex provides legally-recognized covers for the harnessing of collective, creative spirit. It drives profits, offsets costs, & masks marketing & PR under a humanitarian guise. In the case of Nanowrimo, it yokes literacy & creativity for the profit of the few admins at the top.
This is "The Arts" in the US. Grifters preying on idealists. Incorporating. & if you are outside the US, you will not go untouched, for our nonprofits come for you & your culture as much as our for-profits do.
In conclusion, we ought to become & remain skeptical of any artistic endeavor that gains prominence under capitalism.
Whether that artistic endeavor promises a hip new movie studio, an artsy social media platform, a rising music label . . . or even a publishing press.
If the Art World & the mainstream media celebrate it, then you know it hates artists. It abuses writers. It milks us for profit.
The best way ahead for Nanowrimo will be for the unpaid regional leads to de-federate from HQ & create new, anti-capitalist enterprises. Artists and writers, we need to form collectives that will meet nonprofits & corporation in cultural combat. No words but class war <3
A rougher draft of this micro-essay was posted earlier on our Mastodon account. It has been edited for stylistic improvements and linguistic and intellectual clarity.
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pynkhues · 2 months
Thank you for your Sam height post! Love that William McInnes is so lovely (and that your grandmother's crush was validated).
Everything you said makes sense. Yeah Sam tends to have really straight posture and Jacob is gumby, lol, so if there's a half inch or inch difference between them, which makes sense, Sam's ballerina posture could for sure make a difference. Plus yes, large head and broad shoulders. And then yes, Sam made Lestat seem so fragile and hunched in the reunion scene, and putting Jacob/Louis in boots and on his level in that sense was a great choice.
Absolutely cackling at "i'm going to build the most 5'9 cast you've ever seen" -- I'm imagining the CD just exhaling smoke from their cigarette as they gaze into the middle distance, envisioning all the 5'9" men they will cast
Also yeah looking at photos, is Rolin over six feet?? It's so funny, he has such small mischievous imp energy, and Sam has such tall energy. I don't know why some actors have tall energy -- I just discovered that Colin Farrell is 5'9" or 5'10" and I would have pegged him as over six feet.
You're very welcome! And yes! Ballerina posture is actually a great way to put it with Sam, haha, he's got that capital-c-capital-t Classically Trained energy all over him. I'm always amused by the fact that he didn't go to NIDA, because I feel like he has the most NIDA accent of all time, but then again, I feel like the combination of Sydney private school and LAMDA probably would've helped shave off the edges of any regional Australian accent (which I say as an Australian, haha).
Jacob is definitely a lot looser in how he holds himself in general, which definitely impacts how you see his height, but I think is also like, this really interesting thing in terms of them both as actors? They're both very physical performers and embody their characters in such specific ways, and how that physical choreography and elasticity comes into both of their performances is a bit magic, but that's a whole other post, haha.
As for Rolin - yeah! I think he's probably around the 6' mark, which genuinely shocked me?? Like you said, he's got such impish, short king energy, and then you see him with the cast and he just looks like everyone's loving but awkward uncle, lmao.
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People just have inaccurate height vibes, I guess, haha.
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rametarin · 4 months
The 'man or bear' thing is deliberate shit stirring, yall.
They used to pull shit like this all the time back in the day. The ultimatum is deliberately skewed, because the entire conversation is a stupid illusion of choice. It's the sort of bullshit that gets passed along the Babby Radfem chain because it sounds clever as a meme.
The sort of radfem meme where eventually it culminates in some adult talking to them about it, and it ends with the radfem pouting and going, "I just wanted to have a convuhsayshun about important social issues. :C :C :C :C"
Because if you haven't noticed, Phase #2 has been "UH, TMI. WOMEN ARE ACTUALLY CHOOSING THE BEAR-" (allegedly) "- BECAUSE RAPE CULTURE AND PATRIARCHY."
And there it is. Boom goes the dynamite. You've been lead into a shitty, ideologically slanted conversation that has the same flavor as some ethnosupremacist trying to, "make a point," about how The Jews control everything. Just, switch out Jews for, "white people and capitalism."
The premise is that some random dude in the woods is an unknown and the woman is justified in thinking the statistical probability that she'll be beaten, killed or raped just for being a woman around a strange man, and then not believed, means they're somehow safer with the bear. That they're justified in thinking that way, allegedly, because of the consequences.
And then that absolutely stupid, pathetic "Gotcha" permutation that has come out recently, where they swell up with air and puff, "HAHA, ISN'T IT FUNNY HOW THEY NEVER EVEN TRY TO DEFEND THE MAN!? ALMOST LIKE THEY'RE TELLING ON THEMSELVES!"
There's nothing to tell. Statistically some dude in the woods isn't going to be a fucking rapist or murderer. Just, straight up facts. Statistically, that dude in the woods won't be a rapist or murderer. They exist, yes, and it's always a possibility, but just from the get-go we're taking this conversation from the perspective of a sheltered, gynocentrist perspective where a woman's safety and security is the only factor that matters, and a man's life and worth is entirely disposable.
Statistically, that dude in the woods, if a single father, is still roughly only 25% as likely to murder his own children to get out of the responsibility of taking care of them, as a single mother. And what, 40 times less likely to do it as a single father with a girlfriend, than a single mother. So take that statistic and blow it out your ass.
And a funny thing happens to rape statistics when you consider a strapon or dildo to be synonymous with rape, or list rape as violent sexual assault the equal of just using a strapon. Suddenly women take up a vast amount more of the % of rape statistics, instead of what their behavior is called being different because it doesn't involve a biological penis. Suddenly even coming on a strange WOMAN in the woods approaches the supposedly overbearing risk of STRANGE MAN.
It's a scenario deliberately cooked up from that snide gynocentrist position that puts a woman's safety and humanity many notches higher on the valid ladder than a mans. It argues that you should always listen and believe a woman when she makes accusations, always, in all circumstances, no matter how improbable, above and beyond when men accuse others (falsely or not), that women do not lie or exaggerate about rape or violence accusations, that society should automatically treat what they say as truth or they just hate women, and the expectation should be any accusation made sticks regardless of evidence or due process or trial, or society just hates women.
It creates an unreasonable expectation of security and protection that no one, especially not capital S society, can ensure. You cannot police peoples thoughts or actions proactively, you cannot indoctrinate out the desire to rape or hurt from someone that is already broken and bent on doing that, and this stupid conversation or some variation on it crops up every few years to pose these stupid questions and make foregone conclusions based on how they perceive thing.
Inevitably it tangents into the conversation about rape, where the people that whine about bears or men in the woods will makesome soapbox speech about how rape only happens, not because people are mentally broken and monstrous individually, but that rape is a societal problem. Caused, "because we live in a PATRIARCHY that says this is okay!"Offering women this ridiculous, romantic delusion to grasp onto and feed, because it gives them both an explanation they hope to be true because it offers what seems like an obvious "solution." Clearly, "men aren't being taught not to rape!" So they willingly engage in this fiction that the only reason rape happens is because those evil men allow other men to do it or nobody told them it's bad, because, "women are hated and feared in this society."
So they entertain the stupid idea the only reason rapists exist is because they, "aren't taught about consent," and then order more fucking teachers and propaganda courses to do their little songs and dances about it. Which helps about as much as high priests ordering people be sacrificed to a volcano to stop an unpleasant, dangerous natural process. It doesn't help at all, and the mental salve of trying to project a problem onto something else you can control doesn't work to resolve it, but it may give the Volcano Priesthood more power in society.
And that's what this is. The people that stand to gain by more women fearing men screaming for what sounds preferable as a reality and to have people magically fix the problem. Clearly, the solution is to "fix Men" (capital M. The platonic, abstract concept of Men. The collective demographic Men.) so they don't or can't rape. They're told "destroying the Patriarchy" will do that, so they're incentivized to share that delusion.
They genuinely appeal to women that already have suspicions and distrust of males and men and give it a rationalization on why that's okay and "the truth, actually." A whole platform and mythology on and for it, the how and why. Women eat that shit up, then they decide to treat men based on this. And those women repeat their fictions as truth to try to MAKE it normalized and true. And it's no different than when it happens to anybody else, be it forms of racism or bigotry.
The people that study this kind of shit for a living or a hobby just decided that it fits their goals if men are made open season acceptable targets for the same treatment they would consider to be prejudiced and bigoted towards any other demographic, because it suits their ideological and political needs. The same technique of social infiltration that people like the Nazis (and Soviet communists, but that's less important righjt now) used to badmouth and scapegoat the Jews for everything. Little jokey-jokes and stupid conversation openers like this stupid scenario of bear or man.
See it for what it is, and treat it like the bad faith method for results that it is. But remember it, and what it was used to do. It'll be back from the exact same people under another form in as few as 20 years.
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hms-no-fun · 2 years
I've been really enjoying your take on Girlboss Jane which I don't see people run with very often. What drew you to digging into that angle on the character as opposed to going another route with her?
jane's turn towards fascism in the epilogues was quite controversial in the fandom (despite the fact that it's entirely in-character, i mean literally the first thing we see her do in the comic is threaten to buy and privatise the us postal service), so as with a lot of character choices around the periphery of the truly *central* cast of godfeels, i wanted to play with that tension.
should be plainly obvious at this point i wrote godfeels to be sort of a distorted mirror of the epilogues. early on i was asking myself a lot, how can i do something *different* with these characters that doesn't come across as a fix-it of the epilogues, but rather as something that adds to them in some retrospective sense. so in the candy timeline you've got fascist jane and bolshevik-lite revolutionary karkat at war with each other... my thought was, okay, what if the universe conspired to match them up together at an early enough age that they could have some kind of influence on each other's politics? and janekat, i dunno, it's such a cursed ship, it's like scientifically engineered to annoy a particular subsect of homestuck fans who think davekat is sacred. no one in this fandom appreciates divorce fever enough btw, that's why i made sure to shatter rosemary. death to endgame ships!!!
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anyway janekat is so obnoxiously cursed i saw it as a challenge. because the thing is that the epilogues have several VERY cursed ships. difference is i find they lean a bit too hard into a sort of meanness about them, so the most important thing for me was to do it in a way that felt GENUINE. blackrom forced-communization janekat has some gas. but it can't be easy, you know? it goes so much deeper than just whether or not jane has money or is a CEO. because capitalism on earth c is a weird superfluous ghost that i don't think functions in any meaningful sense? when she says it's a cultural thing i don't see that as entirely ingenuine. ideology runs deep, and what makes jane perfect for this role at this particular moment in godfeels is that we can peel back her layers with karkat before things get too far-gone for that to make a difference.
but all that aside i just think girlboss jane is fun to write. it's actually amazing how far i've come from early godfeels, when the prospect of writing the alphas TERRIFIED me. i think my earliest roxy shows that in a big way, though i also think that's metatextually quite fitting given her voidy thing. now i LOVE writing the alphas! jake and jane especially have become treasured inclusions, precisely because they're just so fucking obstinate. they put up such a Face and refuse to acknowledge that it's performance. it is a really gratifying challenge as a writer, just overall, trying to keep all of these goddamned characters feeling unique and themselves. i don't know if i always pull it off but it's so much fun to try!
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roselarkpublishing · 2 years
Book Cover Design 101: What Makes Up A Cover
So, I promised at one point to talk covers, specifically book covers and what makes a good book cover. And I realized that to talk covers, I need to make a few things clear and that means understanding some basic concepts/terms.
This is going to be long since it's more complex than you think. I also ramble a lot. LOL.
To go over the terminology and the basics, I'll use covers that are currently bestsellers on Amazon that I've screen-capped. Here's some of the important terms/concepts:
Font - This should be self explanatory. There are four kinds of fonts that are generally used: Serif, Sans Serif, Script, and Unusual. Script and Unusual can be Serif or Sans Serif. And font choice is really important in conveying genre and readability.
Image - Also self explanatory. The image can be made up of several images stitched together, various effects, gradients, vectors, and it can be illustrated or photographed or a combo.
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This is the current cover for Loretta Chase's Steamy Historical Regency Romance "Lord Perfect". It's a pretty standard clinch cover. (Called clinch because one character, typically the dominant male, is clutching the other. This is also true in LGBTQIA+ covers.) The coding is spot on... Let me break it down:
I'm going to talk font first.
The LIME arrow points to the testimonial/endorsement. In this instance, it's a generic author endorsement by Julia Quinn... the author of the Bridgerton series (and another big name HistRom author). Publishers, especially trad pub, love these because they think that readers will read books if one of their favorite authors endorses that author. Julia Quinn also writes steamy historical regency romance, so if she's endorsing the author, they likely write the same genre. This text is in black in a simple serif font. This text is the least legible because it's the least important.
The RED arrow points to the author name. For this book, it's the largest bit of font on the cover. That's because Loretta Chase has a large following and HistRom readers are nothing if not devoted to their favorite authors. This is often true across all genres. The larger the author name, the bigger deal they or their publisher think they are. The author text is also in a SLIGHTLY different color than the title or the brag. This is because the cover designer chose to have all of the important text on the bottom of the cover (Viable choice), but they want people to know which is which. The author name is in a slightly swishy serif font and each letter is capitalized with the L of Loretta and the C of Chase in a larger font size. There's also a drop shadow under it. This is the most legible because it is what the publisher deemed the most important.
The YELLOW arrow points to the brag. This is where the author lists their most important achievement. Did they make the USA Today bestseller list (the easiest of the major paper lists)? Then, you'll see that. New York Times (Super hard for Romance since many of their partner stores don't sell Romance)? Then you'll see that. Bestseller with no listing? That means they cracked the top 100 in their category on Amazon (or another site... but Amazon is most likely). International Bestseller with no listing? That means they cracked both the U.S. bestseller charts and at least one of the other country stores (again this is likely on Amazon). Some people only put bestseller on their brag if they reach number one in their category. But it is absolutely not consistent. If they list a book/series title, that's because it is trying to appeal to readers of that book/series. The brag is in a simple serif font (probably the same as the endorsement), but in white and larger because it's more important.
The MAGENTA arrow points to the title. It is in a simple script font and as the title, it's the second largest font on the cover. It also has a drop shadow to make it stand out. For some reason, it's not perfectly centered... No clue why, likely a mistake or a crop from the paperback version (the dimensions are different for ebook and paperback). Script fonts are really common in romance, especially historical romance.
On to the image itself.
The AQUA arrow points to the characters. They are models who have been to a photo shoot. This is a photorealistic cover, although in past years they were actually painted. And even today, many designers will run the photo through a program to add a paintbrush effect. They're dressed in sort of historical clothing... as is very common for trad-pub it's pseudo historical. (In a former life I was a costumer.) It is very likely that the woman actually wore a white dress and the color has been added by the cover designer. I am 90% certain that I've seen both models before, especially the male. I don't think it's the fat-phobic dude, but it could be. The fact that the clothing is partially off hints at the steamy nature of the contents within--the color of her dress adds to this too. For some characters, you'll get headswaps. If it's done right, you won't notice.
The BLUE arrows point to the background. This is a little complex, so let me break it down... There are at least Three, although I think Four images that are stitched together to form the background. The Roses, the Stairs, the Building, and the Fence that runs into the building. There MAY be an additional image above the fence of some trees. But I'm not totally sure because of the effects. The background is telling a hint of the story and also playing into Historical Romance Tropes. The color appears to be a gradient that's slapped over the stitched background - possibly two... The Red again hints at the steamy nature. And, if this is part of a series, it's likely that each book in the series will have its own signature color for the cover. There's also a paint stroke effect that is most noticeable over the arch fence thing. That stroke effect does double duty. It draws your eye to the characters and it also hides/obstructs the stitching on the background.
Let's move on to a different cover. This time I've chosen a serial killer/police procedural (Think "Criminal Minds") that has been put out by a medium press publisher.
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Starting with the font. As a note, none of the fonts have a drop shadow or outline to them. And they appear to be all the same sans serif font, I think.
The MAGENTA points to the title. You are a LOT more likely to see sans serif fonts in Mystery than you are in Romance. The font color matches the color of the character's coat. As well as the series title & number. There's a small cloudy overlay to the text that hints at the fog of mystery. On this book, the title is the most important thing.
The RED arrow points to the author's name. Note how it's smaller than the title, but it also stands out. This is the second most important thing.
The LIME arrow points to the Series title and Number. This is so readers of the series know where they are. Third most.
The YELLOW arrow points to the hook/flavor text/tagline. This a little tidbit to try to reel in readers, or at least get them to go on and read the summary/blurb. Fourth most.
The WHITE arrow points to the self endorsement. Apparently the author couldn't even mine her reviews for an endorsement, let alone a publication, blogger, or another author. This is more common in smaller press or indie pub. I'm putting my money on the publisher, though. This is also the least important element on the cover.
On to the image.
The AQUA arrow points to the character. Based on the other covers in the series, this is probably the main character... D.I. Lottie Parker. It's incredibly common in mystery to show the lead in either silhouette or from behind. This is because publishers want the reader to be able to insert themselves into the detective role. (It's also why so many YA covers do the same, JSYK.) The only colors on the cover are on the character. Their coat and their hair. That's it. Monochromatic is also common in Mystery/thriller. (And Erotica, but that's another post).
The BLUE arrow points to the background. There are at least five images stitched together... And I'm fairly certain that I've got at least two of them from various stock photo sites. The birds are one layer, the tree limbs at the top another, the clouds that overlay are yet another, the house is its own thing, then there's the dock. It's possible that the hills in the background are another image, but that seems like a lot of work. (There's a ton of dock in lake photos out there.)
So now you should have a good idea what makes up a cover.
I've got more to say on this, but this post has gotten long enough. I told you I'm long winded. LOL
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somethingshifted · 1 year
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(cut the post since it was getting long)
while i don't know of all of damon's inspirations, you could say doing different genres and finding up-and-coming young artists to collaborate with is experimentation itself even if the genres/styles are repeated, gorillaz's "a solar collaboration" was only just in 2018. cracker island is pop which you usually don't associate with experimentation but it was intentionally made as an exploration into Pop with a capital P, not b/c he's now forever writing music in this style. i think judging experimentation is a subjective thing to me 🤷‍♂️ i simply do not know enough about music creation or how to even delineate genres to answer clearly, aside from disagreeing with "it's not like S/T or Demon Days so its not experimental" which is some opinion i come across when trying to see what people felt about more current albums. i thought humanz was experimental! and it's very much inspired by the time it was written. same with song machine.
i don't know if they'll ever be interested in having a stronger hand in the character writing, but i kind of gave up on wishing for that. preserving the style of info dropping via interviews is great, but i complained about the writing choices enough on this blog. there's some interviews from here and here where you can see the reasoning behind gorillaz which was 1. controlled fictional celebrities 2. parodying and 3. freedom of collaboration. the social commentary comes with them being fictional. you can write 2D protesting for denuclearization and he's protected by being fictional, who said it 2D or the writers? his writers of course, same with the whack shit murdoc would say or tacking on NOI stuff to russel without thought or research, that's the writers responsibility. lately when the writing focuses hard on drama & history that is completely fictional, social commentary is dropped. maybe murdoc being a cult figure was supposed to mean something other than marketing, and parody new age cults preying on vulnerable people or celeb worship. their setting of hollywood barely gets referenced. cornwell is fantastic but there's not enough to work with when the end goal is "please the fans". so that's why it's looping back to "murdoc is mean to 2D but they have a history" and then... not much else in terms of depth
to wrap up the negativity, i understand why they aren't as involved with the writing, either now or back then in varying degrees. jamie was famously overworked the back end of 2010s with song machine and to expect control over all written word is out of the question, plus they're more independently funded since 2019 so this means more creative control but also more responsibility. damon writes music and to make it fit with gorillaz lore was never his priority
like yes they should care more but. d&j never wrote for the social media shit back in facebook chat days and they sure as hell won't start now (and i hope they don't) this seperation makes it easier for me to look at the (!!high budget 3D animated!!) tiktoks and go "Damn. anyways i'm gonna go listen to Tarantula"
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pbandjesse · 10 months
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My voice continues to allude me. I was such more squeaky today which was more painful. But thankfully I did not have to talk much at all. That did not stop me from still talking but still. I tried to rest my voice at least a bit.
I did not sleep well. I don't know what it is what at night I get this pathetic wheezy cough that keeps me up and makes me feel terrible. I was able to sleep but it was sitting up again. Which I hate.
At least I was able to sleep at little bit though. And woke up at 7 and was like. Wait it's Wednesday I can sleep later. So I reset my alarm for 745 and got a little extra rest.
When I got up James was there and that was nice. They also had a later start today because of extended hours. So they would come out with me to go for a bike ride and enjoy their free morning.
I had an alright drive but there was a bunch of traffic. Which was whatever. No one was waiting for me for anything. No one would even be in until almost 10. So I had time to just be alone and that was good. More rest for my voice.
I spent that first hour in the very cold art building. My fingers would hurt from working and putting things away and sorting. But it was nice just having a specific task. And I was able to basically get everything put away and organized and ready for the spring. I did find out 3 hours later that I will have another field trip this season, which is shocking because it is usually too cold for kids to be outside for field trips but that's fine. At least I know now that it's all ready to go.
I went back to the office and soon people were coming in. Heather was the first one in and she told me all about her project that she came up with with maiden choice and creating a summer camp program week for them during our orientation in the spring / beginning of summer. And she was so excited about it and I thought that was so sweet. And I really think that if we can get the funding for it it'll be really cool. But with all the staff needed both on our end and theirs, it would cost somewhere in the ballpark of $37,000. Which is a lot for one week. But I think it would be really awesome for the group if we can make it happen.
Pretty quickly everyone else was there and I asked Sarah if she had made any headway redesigning the display poster. It is super out of date and the pictures are from like James's child. She said we had chosen some pictures but beyond that she didn't know how to really start laying it out if she didn't have the prints. So I suggested that I start throwing something together in Canva. And I actually got really really into this and I worked on it from around 10:00 until around 1:30. Just picking fonts and designing it and making a really nice. I ran it past Jess a few times too because she has such a good eye for it but her main comments were just that she didn't understand why everything was in capital letters. But that was just the font choice. And then she had some issues with some of the alignment but because we're going to be printing it to cut out and collage anyway I'm not that concerned about it.
Everyone else still had a few notes in the office. A couple little spelling things a couple changing how something is worded. They wanted to replace a few pictures to make things look a little bit more diverse. But overall everyone really liked my design and that always feels really good. I'm going to be designing some more signs and stuff and honestly they could not be picking someone who is more excited about it than me. Both excited and the correct person for the job because I have a good eye for signage and design. I'm also possibly going to be doing some smaller murals with Sarah and I'm really looking forward to that too.
Ever since the man that usually painted the signs passed away they haven't had anyone to really do it. One guy from Friends of puhtok has done a couple small things but if me and Sarah are really interested I think they'll really let us jump into a lot of it and that's really cool.
I did take a couple small breaks but by the mid-afternoon I kind of was just like bored of sitting and there wasn't a ton for me to be doing. I had printed out all of my summer lesson plans and start organizing those into what needed an example and what didn't. But I needed a break from the computer so I decided to go for a walk.
I walked up to the art building but then I turned around and went down the path towards the frog pond. It is completely dried up and there is no water in it at all. Very weird. And then I walked through the woods down to the Alaskans and over to the Glen. When I got to the Glen I saw that bee hotel has kind of fallen apart and so I've made that a new personal project. I want the bugs to overwinter well so I'm going to also build a couple bug snugs over there too. Since we don't really have any more groups except for a few here and there I will have time for these very silly projects that I have come up with. But it is also important to me that our bugs have somewhere safe to overwinter. And if I can make a nice little space we can also make a display sign for it and use it for educational purposes. In the meantime I took the bee hotel and I filled it with leaves. And tomorrow I'm going to bring my drill in a good bit and a gun to drill out some logs for solitary bees to live inside of. And maybe other crotters but I'm mostly I'm worried about the solitary bees.
I would sit on a bench for a while and watch TikToks on my phone. I found today that I do have a little bit more of a voice which is nice but it's so squeaky. And if I don't talk for any length of time it's really hard to get my voice back up again. I also sound ridiculous. Kind of like spinelli from recess. The TV show. Just really straining.
After my walk I came back to the office and started printing bear patterns for my workshop on Friday but also they will be used for my summer program. I wrote instructions on them about where to tuck and sew ears and where optional sew lines are as well like in the arms and legs to give it a more floppy appearance. And then just to make sure that they can be used over and over I cut them out and laminated them. And then I laminated them a second time. Because I find that when you cut them they start to separate but if you reheat it up it has a better deal and lasts longer. It takes a really long time to laminate stuff but I really enjoy it. It's that thing again about just having a defined task at the beginning and end. And it was just nice to sit there and work on that.
Me and Sarah would have a really nice conversation with Heather about plans for the winter and things that we want to do for the upcoming year to make camp a little nicer. Some exciting stuff and just little maintenance things. We also talked about doing more field trips and activities together as an office to go see what other things are going well at other places. And Heather suggested that we go on a trail ride as a staff group tomorrow. I don't know if Elizabeth or Alexi will do it with us but me and Sarah are totally down. And Heather is such a horse girl so it's going to be nice to see her ride too because I never get to see that. I just know that she does it at home. So I'm excited to see that.
We were stretching in the office and talking about figure skating and roller skating. We ended up talking to Chloe about roller skating later and we're going to try to get everyone to go roller skating with us so that is very cool. But she was also eating tortellini and I was like I should go get something to eat too. But the only thing I wanted was a hoagie. If I didn't leave right then I wasn't going to be able to get back to Manor Mill in time for our class.
So at 5:00 I left and I went to Wawa. It took like 20 minutes to get there because of traffic. And they took a while to make my sandwich mostly because they had a lot of like Uber orders. But it was fine. I mostly went there because I didn't have to talk to anyone. Can order and pay on a screen.
Doing my post right now is very rough and is making my throat feel very uncomfortable because I kind of have to hold the air in the back of my throat but I'm not really using my vocal cords as much as you would think. It is not comfortable. Once my post is done I'm going to try to be quiet again for a very long time. (Oops instead I tried scream singing to 100gecs and might have dislodged some thing and I can actually talk???)
I know again that a lot of typos in this and I'm doing my best and I will go back and edit them before I post it hopefully.
After I got my sandwich I ate it while I drove which I'm sure looked very silly. Eating a hoagie with hands and driving with my elbows. But I made it in one piece to Manor Mill. GPS took me the weirdest and most backwoods way possible but I made it there without hitting any deer or causing any accidents. And I was there exactly on time.
I didn't throw anything today but I did decide to make a few more small critters. This time I made stars shaped bears. So they're flat. I'm not sure how I'm going to glaze them because they don't really have a side to stand on. I might have to leave a note about them going on a pin or something. But beyond that I worked on trimming things and I got to get a few of my pieces that were glazed last week and they look great. The one feedback I have for myself is that you accidentally made the bears green. But that's okay they're not on a part you're going to eat anyway so I might just paint over them is fine. I think the blanket design looks so cute and my little house even though it came out kind of modeled it looks really neat. And I'm just really proud of them. Though the blue bowl is stuck to a tile. I put too much place on it I guess.
I would work on my bear vases from last week as well. Just trimming symbols and then once the bears were dry enough I worked on cutting them open. While they were hollow they were not very hollow. So I'm going to have to carve them out a little bit more. I also decided that I would put keys on them, the little triangles, so that the lid fits on the base nice. And they kind of kind of look like they can pee like pause. I might put a little details on them to make them more pot like. But in general I'm really happy with the work I made today and I just felt really productive. We also just had some really nice conversations and we're very silly. Me and Lindsey the teacher, who was practice week and me really bonded because both of our siblings have been in jail for so long. Mine is dead but still lots of common. And I told stories about her and I was just really nice because it was her birthday so recently and I don't really get to talk about her much. I try not to make too many jokes to make other people uncomfortable but I always say that she was a terrible sister. But she was my terrible sister and I've been robbed of knowing about all the terrible things that she would have done if she was still alive. And man was she good for a story. I do miss and I hurt for my dad and for her kids and her mom and I know that she's definitely very much in the forefront of everyone's mind right now. I know she is for me.
I decided to clean up and leave around 8:30. I wanted to get home so I can wash my hair and try to get more sleep tonight. Hopefully I won't have to sleep sitting up. Right now I'm okay coughing much. I'm mostly just really squeaky. But we'll see what happens. I'm really looking forward to seeing James and hugging sweetp.
I'm going to start doing some research from murals and me and Sarah going to go and clean the lodge before we go on a trail ride. I don't know what else the day will hold but I think it will be a beautiful day and maybe my voice will be back. I'm not holding out hope for that one but maybe
I hope that you all have a really good night tonight. I hope you sleep well and I hope that you are appreciating that you can talk. Because being basically silenced for the last week has not been fun. I'm miss singing most of all. Good night everybody. Be safe out there.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Was Kurtcedes not replaced by Blaine coming along and taking up all Kurt’s time in season 2? As she didn’t like being the third wheel in The Substitute? I suppose they could have had Kurtcedes together in New York but I guess by then Kurt was Rachel’s side kick. And Mercedes is a lovely character, there wouldn’t be half as much drama going on in the loft in 4/5 as there was with Kurtcheltana.
Also regarding bi Blaine. Personally I don’t like the idea. Why? Well he’d have just been another Sam or Artie figure - dating all the girls in Glee club to provide various stories. Please not another Brittany boyfriend to piss off Santana. Maybe Blaine would have been nice with Tina, in 4/5, purely because he did love her platonically.
But I think it would have changed the Klaine relationships if Blaine had a history of previous girlfriends, maybe even previous boyfriends. The idea of them being each other’s first love, first time, first everything (and last!) and their love and devotion pretty much to no one else, just lifts their whole story. Maybe I’m just being old fashioned.
But I’m more drawn to the bi Sam idea, and the Blam option, if I had to choose a midgame for Blaine.
This has been sitting in my drafts for over a year now, lol...
Re: Mercedes -
No, I'd argue that since Kurt was becoming way more popular (I believe he was the most popular character from the show) the writers wanted to capitalize on that bumping him up to a lead character. And thus, it'd be better for the writers to make him share time with the actual main character Rachel.
This is why Season 3 Hummelberry was shoved so hard down our throats. Blaine was a part of Kurt's story, and while there are a lot of reasons as to why Blaine faded into the background more during season 3 (mainly Darren's schedule) by season 3, they wanted to make Hummelberry a feature, and not have Klaine (or Kurt's individual story) such a main thing.
Essentially - Kurt's individual arc stops at season 2, because he becomes an accessory in Rachel's story (really, the way Blaine was an accessory to his story in season 2.)
Mercedes and Kurtcedes becomes a relic of the original landscape of the show, unfortunately. They never wanted to Mercedes to a higher tier, hence why she became a B and later C-list character. (To which I lament.)
Meanwhile, Bi Blaine!
I remember there was a time when people worried that if Blaine was made bi that'd mean, for some strange reason, that it'd cheapen the Klaine "gay" experience or something weird. :P (I'm definitely not saying that's what you're insinuating - just thinking out loud.)
While I personally don't see the character as bi - I'm always up for more bisexual representation. And I agree there were was a myriad of ways they could have achieved that -- Artie would have been an interesting choice. Jesse St. James another.
I wouldn't have minded if Blaine had experiences before Kurt, either, tbh. And I assumed he had at least made out with people (both boys and girls) before Kurt. I personally don't feal that more or less experience with other people has any affect on one's current relationship. However - people are free to enjoy any aspects of the story how they choose to - and that's fine by me. :)
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fishfather · 1 year
On Suffering
I think suffering can be caused by thinking you are unique in your own suffering. what is suffering other than a feeling. do you not believe others can/may/will/do feel the exact same way (the feeling of suffering) you do even if your situation is 100% unique? what does stats have to say about suffering? I should not hold belief that I am the only person who has been SAed. It is not true, others have the same lived experience as me. Can lived experience be truly unique? I think so....but does that mean the magnitude of suffering is one of a kind - I do not think so. Other people c/t, other people have mental illnesses (capitalism), other people have trouble sleeping, other people take medications that makes it so they can't trip on shr//ms. I think that I am unique, but that thought is wrong (statistically). Do I want to be special? Is it the narcissism in people that makes them think they are special. One thing about my pain, grief and negative experiences is that I wish to let it go. Sure, I can attribute problems in my current life to my past - if I choose to - but I now choose to let my issues go. Why do some people get PTSD/complex PTSD but others don't. I do not think it is meaningless to have PTSD but I find it interesting how suspectable I made myself to suffering when I had PTSD -> letting the past distress me. But maybe PTSD was human of me. Something bad happened in the past and I let it affect the way I act present day in fear the bad thing will happen again. I have to put more trust in myself that it is not me who puts myself in these situations where negative things happen to me - but it is the universe? I hate to say that. I make active choices in my life. I think my PTSD and maybe others comes from the lack of ability to make an active choice - someone else, something else made a choice for you made something happen but it wasn't you it could not have been you that is not possible to actively put yourself in harms way is against being human. Am I saying suffering is a choice? I don't know. Can you really be in control of your feelings all of the time - the answer to this question feels like with time, for myself, the answer can be yes. I am starting DBT therapy this thursday - I hope to learn more about suffering and ways to alleviate it.
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ahandfullofreviews · 1 year
Review: Outer worlds
Outer worlds is a game where you take the helm of a colonist by the name of YOU.
In outer worlds you are the captain now. Literally, you become a ship captain like 10 minutes in.
Pick a side in this war between communism and capitalism. Don't ask why those are the only 2 sides.
After getting stolen from your colony ship and getting rudely waken out of cold storage, you immediately are jettisoned onto planet 4546B Terra 2. You crush your chaperon upon landing. He's dead now, and there's nothing you can do to prevent it. You've landed on top of a mountain. As you make your way down you run into the copy-and-paste enemies from borderlands, canids, ratatatatas, ratatatatatatatatatatatatas, and a guy who goes by the name of Icompletleyforgothisnamebutyoudon'trunintohimagain. He's injured. If you help him he'll give you his gun. He's also contractually obligated to say the slogan of his company or else he'll be killed. That is quite literally what the in-game reason is.
After making your way down the mountain, you come across Hawthornes ship and the police.
You ignore them entirely and go inside the illegally parked vessel.
It is here that you meet the first thing you can't mercilessly kill, ADA (Autonomous Digital Astrogator). She's pissed and mistakes you for a miscreant.
You decide to work together because you need to get a vat of something, and ada needs to fly. However, there is a catch. YOU you can't issue orders to ADA because you aren't captain Hawthorne (the guy you crushed) so you have to say you're Hawthorne in disguise in order for ada to accept you as the captain.
You exit the ship and the constables want to talk to you.
You can either
A: end the convo asap
B calmly explain what happened
C: threaten wanton violence
D: Bullshit your way out of a ticket
After you make a decision you're attacked by *checks notes* the unemployed
Jesus christ this game is just a fuckload of propaganda isn't it
You make your way to edgewater to get a *checks notes* power converter.
It is here you meet the guy I hate the most. I hate him SO much I forgot his name. He tells you that edgewater only has the 1 converter and it's not for sale. However if you force people out of there homes you CAN take 1 from the botanical garden.
The botanical garden tells you the same thing. And it is here that the choice is made.
My actual thoughts:
Side quests and companions are what make the game fun. And boy howdy does this game deliver on those fronts.
The side quests are amazing. They're all an easy difficulty and you never feel like you're repeating what you're doing from another quest. One of my favorite side quests is apparently a mandella effect cause I couldn't find any mention of it on the wiki.
For companions you get
A janitor
The only character in this game who never passes the Bechtel test even tho they totally could
The space pope
Drunk & disorderly
Dangerously close to copyright infringement
Medic from TF2
My favorite? If I were to say you'd all hate me
Final thoughts:
It's good. Gives me a nice space western fallout 3, with character writing where their personalities all feel natural. Even when it's lgbt. Memorable weapons, an easy to follow story, and the only game I've ever played where I didn't constantly feel like my character missed out on a far more exciting time in the lore.
Just a few questions
Why are there no children. Is it the corporations? System limitations?
I'm almost positive there were supposed to be cars at one point.
What exactly is "saltuna"
Final rating:
Jokes that I couldn't fit in:
You have to go to the planet formerly known as Terra 1
And you call them fried sprats, despite the fact they are obviously grilled
Too many covid-19 jokes. To the point where it just felt wrong.
None of the safety gear works anymore. If only I could, Idk, use some of it to bypass dangerous areas
You go to jail. You go directly to jail. You do not pass Byzantium. You do not collect 200 credits.
At the bottom of the pit you find spratman
In this room you either find the chairman or the ghosts of communism past, present, and future. Depending on which side you took.
The final boss is something that can be so easily defeated I don't think it would meet the qualifications
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mandajiu · 2 years
CPF Topics: Let's Talk about Candy
This line from 88's recent studio share had me raising my eyebrows: "Ps. Xiao Di’s scissorhands are never out of date✌🏻"It seems that 88 is declaring sovereignty over her time-honored hand gesture and this is VERY interesting to a CP brain who has been studying all sides involved in our imaginary couple.
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Photo Cr 88's Official Weibo
Screenshot 3088 Superchat (In the photo 30 is using 88's scissorhands, 30 is using signature thumbs up (Wu I believe), and then you have 88 and 30 posing for the camera using their signature gestures during the Sina building sweep in 2021)
How Knockable Are Gestures and Poses?
On the other side, 30's hand gesture of the thumbs up has been found on a certain actress apparently only from the time of knowing our 30. Okaaaaaay. That is a bit softer candy than saying 30's scissor-hands came from a certain actress only recently from their side.
Now, what would really be soft candy would be if 30 made a similar post declaring sovereignty over the thumb's up gesture - highly doubt it as that would lead to even more speculation on the one hand; on the other hand it would declare himself to be very much connected with 88. I don't think it will happen and again it would cause more harm than good, but if it did, you would hear my happy shriek from Doha to wherever you are lol The gesture itself isn't that soft; however, the WAY the gesture is made can often make it softer, right? If the person does it with a silly smile or some inexplicable signal that no one understands, then the sugar does appear to be more real.
The thumbs up and scissor-hands gesture is quite common around the world for one and it has been used by 30 in the past; more recently, it has been of note that 3088 use each other's signature gestures quite, quite often. In fact, just today during a live event for KS 88 did the thumbs up gesture (Sheep will say this is 1 I know and I respect all candy even if I don't agree). Needless to say, we know 30 has been using the scissor-hands for quite a while as well. This candy is only medium soft in just the sheer amount of repetitions even if there is no way to know for sure they are representing the other party.
I would never begrudge a CP fan doing what CP fans do; however, I do think you cannot just blindly knock on things without understanding the context and where your evidence lies in the Mohs Harness Scale of CP Candy. You cannot act as if everything is soft candy. That is very hard to swallow. Yes, a bunch of hard candy added up over time is definitely more likely to be sugar, but not necessarily because really people don't differ all that much in their gestures, poses, and clothing choices among C-Entertainers in China. It is especially hard to knock on brands where both are sponsors; in the case of either part not endorsing a brand it is still a capital interest and I would personally classify it as hard candy. I would be able to connect nearly every artist in China with each other if we only looked at these superficial things. Even cheering colors are medium at best especially when they have been overused to such an extent that you feel the industrial sugar.
I'll use the perfume sponsored by 30 as an example. In our enclosure, we believe 30 likes 88. We also know 30 is a custodian of the earth and is tied to an organization for climate change. Given that, when 30 is choosing to promote perfumes and he has two choices - a light pink scent with the name Rose in it or Earth which happens to lean towards dark rose/violet and express affection for the planet - which would you choose? If you choose the cheering color of 88 you are using the name of another person; if you choose the cheering color of the other person, you avoid that confusion and BONUS you get to talk about climate change. Personally, I'd choose the perfume with violet notes in it that looks very red and let's me talk about conservation or going outdoors (another company I am spokesperson for and I happen to be going out a lot for my latest drama and film). Therefore, this candy is pretty hard for all sides regardless of what color you see.
Our imaginary couple reminds me of the time I met my future hubby - that is what I personally am "chasing" and "chewing" - love, passion, excitement - isn't that what makes drama lovers feel alive when the couple inside the drama get together finally? It is exhilarating and freeing to find that love. I know. That's why 3088 is really yyds for me; I see that potential and the idea of it being wasted because of something as simple as 7 years age gap is painful to think about. Am I being irrational, yeah probably, but sometimes you just have to embrace something and this happens to be helping my Mandarin. This is after all my main focus, to find a way to learn through my passion for drama ;-)
It is best not to use names or tag real people in CP posts. I consider myself a supporter of the two and try to respect them and keep the enclosure as much as possible.
PS. This was a much, much longer post. Perhaps it is the best thing as it went into detail over other people's candy and Bird Egg perspective, not necessarily that one is better about 30's recent Dali vlog. It's just here is one perspective, this is how I see your general perspective and given all this historical context, do you still consider this to be something of note. Note: This post is open to all CPF's if no names are used as it is more of a general discussion about what constitutes hard or soft candy. I will not declare you wrong if you give me the same courtesy; we are all talking about a fantasy couple at the end of the day.
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boarding005 · 3 days
Affordable Holiday Rentals in Los Angeles
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Introduction: Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, offers a wide array of experiences for visitors. From the glitz of Hollywood to the sandy beaches of Santa Monica, LA is a dynamic city brimming with iconic attractions. However, like many popular tourist destinations, the cost of accommodations can add up quickly. Thankfully, there are numerous affordable holiday rentals options available throughout the city that make it possible to enjoy Los Angeles on a budget.
On bOarding.com, we’ll cover how to find affordable holiday rentals in Los Angeles, the best neighborhoods to stay in, and tips for making the most of your budget while exploring this vibrant city.
1. How to Find Affordable Holiday Rentals in Los Angeles
A. Explore Vacation Rental Platforms
Finding affordable holiday rentals in Los Angeles is made easier with the help of online platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo, and Booking.com, Boarding.com. These platforms offer a wide range of rental options to suit different budgets, from shared spaces to entire homes or apartments. The key advantage of these platforms is the ability to filter rentals by price, location, and amenities, allowing you to find the perfect place to stay within your budget.
Airbnb: As one of the most popular vacation rental platforms, Airbnb offers a broad selection of properties in LA, ranging from shared rooms to private homes. With flexible pricing options, Airbnb allows you to find accommodations in various neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles.
Vrbo: Vrbo specializes in whole-home rentals, making it a great option for families or groups. While some areas of LA may have pricier options, Vrbo’s flexible search tools let you narrow down affordable choices.
Booking.com: Known for its variety of lodging options, Booking.com offers vacation rentals, apartments, and hotels in Los Angeles. Their deals and discounts help travelers find budget-friendly accommodations in even the most expensive parts of the city.
Boarding.com: b0arding is a travel booking platform that helps people make the most accurate travel choices and take better trips.Backed by Google, Booking.com, Amadeus, and others, b0arding.com is the only go-to site for finding hotels & vacation rentals with video reviews from those who have been there before.
B. Book Early or Take Advantage of Last-Minute Deals
For those looking to save on holiday rentals in Los Angeles, timing is key. Booking several months in advance can help you secure lower rates, especially during peak seasons. However, if you have flexible travel plans, last-minute deals can also offer significant savings. Rental hosts often reduce prices for unbooked properties as the date approaches, making it possible to snag a great deal at the last minute.
C. Leverage Long-Term Stay Discounts
If you’re planning to stay in Los Angeles for an extended period, many hosts on platforms like Airbnb and Vrbo offer discounts for longer stays. This can be a cost-effective option if you’re staying for a week or more, as daily rates often decrease significantly for long-term rentals.
2. Best Neighborhoods for Affordable Holiday Rentals in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is known for its diverse neighborhoods, each offering a unique atmosphere and attractions. While some areas, like Beverly Hills, may be out of reach for budget travelers, there are plenty of neighborhoods where you can find affordable holiday rentals without sacrificing convenience or comfort.
A. Silver Lake
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Silver Lake, known for its trendy vibe and hipster culture, is a great option for budget travelers. The neighborhood offers a variety of affordable holiday rentals, from cozy apartments to private rooms in local homes. Silver Lake is also home to many affordable restaurants, coffee shops, and local markets, making it easy to explore the area without spending a fortune. With its proximity to downtown Los Angeles and easy access to public transportation, Silver Lake is an ideal spot for those who want to experience the city without the high cost of staying in tourist-heavy areas.
B. Echo Park
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Echo Park, located just north of downtown LA, is another budget-friendly neighborhood with a vibrant local scene. Known for its eclectic mix of indie boutiques, cafes, and cultural landmarks, Echo Park is perfect for travelers looking for an affordable yet trendy place to stay. The neighborhood is well-connected by public transportation, making it easy to reach popular attractions like the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Griffith Observatory, and Dodger Stadium.
C. Koreatown
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Koreatown, one of LA’s most dynamic neighborhoods, offers a range of affordable holiday rentals while still being centrally located. This vibrant area is known for its incredible food scene, with many affordable Korean BBQ spots, cafes, and late-night eateries. Staying in Koreatown means being close to downtown, Hollywood, and the Miracle Mile, all while keeping accommodation costs relatively low. Many vacation rentals in this area offer excellent value for travelers seeking a central location on a budget.
D. Culver City
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Culver City is a burgeoning neighborhood offering affordable holiday rentals with easy access to both the beach and downtown Los Angeles. Known for its growing arts district, galleries, and local food scene, Culver City is perfect for travelers looking for a laid-back experience. It’s also just a short drive or Metro ride away from Venice Beach and Santa Monica, allowing visitors to enjoy LA’s famous coastline without paying beachfront prices.
E. North Hollywood (NoHo)
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North Hollywood, or "NoHo," is an up-and-coming neighborhood offering a range of affordable holiday rental options. Located in the San Fernando Valley, NoHo is known for its arts district, local theaters, and eclectic dining scene. While it’s a bit farther from central LA attractions, NoHo’s affordable accommodations and easy access to the Metro Red Line make it a convenient and budget-friendly choice for travelers.
3. Types of Affordable Holiday Rentals in Los Angeles
Los Angeles offers a variety of holiday rental options to suit different budgets and preferences. Whether you’re traveling solo, with family, or in a group, there’s something for everyone.
A. Shared Spaces and Private Rooms
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For solo travelers or couples looking for the most affordable options, shared spaces and private rooms in local homes or apartments offer a great way to save money. bOarding.com hosts in LA offer private rooms with access to shared living spaces, providing a budget-friendly alternative to hotels. Shared spaces are also a great way to meet locals and get personalized recommendations for exploring the city.
B. Studio Apartments
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Studio apartments are another popular option for budget-conscious travelers. These compact, self-contained units are perfect for solo travelers or couples who want more privacy than a shared room but still want to keep costs low. Many studio rentals come equipped with small kitchens or kitchenettes, allowing you to save money by preparing your own meals.
C. Entire Apartments or Homes
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If you’re traveling with family or a group of friends, renting an entire apartment or home can be a cost-effective solution. Splitting the cost of a larger rental among several people often results in lower per-person rates than booking multiple hotel rooms. Look for affordable holiday rentals in neighborhoods like North Hollywood or Koreatown, where you can find spacious homes or apartments at reasonable prices.
D. Hostels and Dorm-Style Accommodations
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For travelers who prioritize affordability over privacy, hostels and dorm-style accommodations are available in some parts of Los Angeles. These are the cheapest options and can be a great way to meet fellow travelers. Hostels are typically located in areas like Hollywood and Venice Beach, offering affordable accommodations in popular tourist spots.
4. Tips for Saving Money on Your Holiday Rental in Los Angeles
Staying in an affordable holiday rental is just one way to save money during your trip to Los Angeles. Here are some additional tips to help you stick to your budget:
A. Travel During the Off Season
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Los Angeles is a popular destination year-round, but visiting during the off-peak season (typically from October to March) can help you save on accommodations. During these months, rental prices tend to be lower, and you’ll avoid the crowds and higher costs associated with peak travel times.
B. Use Public Transportation
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Los Angeles may be known for its car culture, but the city also has a reliable public transportation system, including buses, the Metro Rail, and the DASH shuttle. Opting for public transportation instead of renting a car or relying on rideshare services can help you save money on transportation costs. Many affordable holiday rentals are located near Metro stations, making it easy to explore the city without the expense of car rentals or parking fees.
C. Cook Your Own Meals
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Many affordable holiday rentals in Los Angeles come with kitchens or kitchenettes, allowing you to cook your own meals. Dining out in LA can be expensive, but preparing your own breakfast or dinner can help you stick to your budget. Visit local grocery stores or farmers’ markets to pick up fresh ingredients and enjoy a homemade meal.
Finding affordable holiday rentals in Los Angeles doesn’t have to be a challenge. With a wide variety of rental options available across diverse neighborhoods, it’s possible to experience everything this vibrant city has to offer without overspending. Whether you’re staying in trendy Silver Lake, dynamic Koreatown, or up-and-coming North Hollywood, Los Angeles has budget-friendly accommodations to suit every traveler.By booking at bOarding.com in advance, using vacation rental platforms, and taking advantage of public transportation and local dining options, you can make the most of your budget and enjoy a memorable stay in the City of Angels. Start planning your affordable LA getaway today!
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vivekbsworld · 11 days
Luxury Self-Drive Rent-a-Car in Trivandrum: Experience Freedom and Comfort
Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala, is a city known for its serene beaches, historical monuments, and vibrant culture. Whether you’re a local looking to explore the city or a visitor aiming to experience it in style, renting a Luxury self drive rent a car in Trivandrum can elevate your travel experience. With the rise in demand for personalized travel, luxury self-drive car rentals have become increasingly popular in Trivandrum, offering freedom, privacy, and unmatched comfort.
Why Choose a Luxury Self-Drive Car?
Renting a luxury self-drive car in Trivandrum provides a blend of convenience and sophistication. Here’s why more people are opting for this service:
1. Freedom and Flexibility
With a self-drive car, you can travel at your own pace. There’s no need to stick to a driver’s schedule or be restricted by pick-up and drop-off times. Whether you’re attending meetings, exploring nearby tourist spots, or going on a weekend getaway, a self-drive car gives you complete control over your itinerary.
2. Privacy
For those who value their privacy, especially during long trips, a self-drive car is ideal. You don’t have to worry about having a chauffeur or driver. It allows for intimate moments during special occasions or comfortable solo rides without any intrusion.
3. Luxury and Comfort
Luxury cars come equipped with state-of-the-art features designed for comfort. From plush leather seats to high-tech infotainment systems and superior climate control, these vehicles make every journey a pleasure. Driving a luxury car like a BMW, Audi, or Mercedes-Benz adds a touch of sophistication to your travel.
4. Cost-Effective for Extended Rentals
For extended stays in Trivandrum, hiring a luxury self-drive car can be more cost-effective than depending on taxis or hiring a driver. Rental companies offer daily, weekly, and even monthly packages tailored to your needs.
5. Variety of Choices
Trivandrum’s luxury car rental services offer a wide range of options, from sleek sedans to robust SUVs. Whether you need a car for a wedding, business meeting, or a vacation, you can find the perfect luxury car to match your style and requirements.
Popular Luxury Cars Available for Self-Drive in Trivandrum
Here are some of the top luxury cars you can rent for a self-drive experience in Trivandrum:
1. BMW 5 Series
The BMW 5 Series offers a perfect balance of performance and luxury. Known for its powerful engine, smooth handling, and luxurious interiors, this car is ideal for both business and leisure travel. It’s equipped with advanced safety features, making it a great choice for long drives.
2. Mercedes-Benz C-Class
The Mercedes-Benz C-Class is a popular choice for those seeking elegance and comfort. With its refined interior, smooth ride, and excellent fuel efficiency, it provides a premium driving experience. This car is perfect for both city drives and longer trips across Kerala.
3. Audi A6
Audi’s A6 is a sleek, high-tech sedan with luxurious amenities that enhance your travel experience. The car’s dynamic design, along with its spacious and comfortable interiors, makes it ideal for those who want to drive in style. It also comes with cutting-edge technology for navigation and entertainment.
4. Jaguar XE
For a more sporty and bold option, the Jaguar XE is a fantastic choice. Its sharp design and responsive handling make it an enjoyable car to drive. It’s perfect for those who want to experience luxury with a touch of performance.
5. Range Rover Evoque
If you prefer an SUV, the Range Rover Evoque is a luxurious yet rugged choice. It’s great for family trips, off-road adventures, or simply driving around in style. The Evoque provides a comfortable ride with ample space and cutting-edge features.
6. Volvo XC90
The Volvo XC90 is known for its safety features, luxurious design, and spacious interior. Ideal for long trips and family outings, this premium SUV provides a smooth driving experience and is packed with modern amenities.
Benefits of Luxury Self-Drive Car Rentals in Trivandrum
1. Personalized Experience
Luxury self-drive cars offer a highly personalized travel experience. Whether you want to blast your favorite music or enjoy a quiet, peaceful ride, the experience is entirely yours. Plus, you get to enjoy the comfort of premium cars with no compromises.
2. Perfect for Special Occasions
Luxury self-drive cars are perfect for special events such as weddings, anniversaries, or business events. Driving a high-end car on these occasions adds a sense of prestige and makes the event even more memorable.
3. Well-Maintained Vehicles
Reputable car rental services in Trivandrum ensure that all luxury cars are well-maintained and regularly serviced. This ensures that you’ll have a smooth, hassle-free experience on the road, whether you’re driving within the city or on longer journeys.
4. No Hassle of Ownership
Owning a luxury car can be expensive with the cost of maintenance, insurance, and depreciation. Renting allows you to enjoy the perks of a luxury car without the financial commitment of ownership. It’s also a great way to try out different luxury models before making a purchase.
Top Rental Services for Luxury Self-Drive Cars in Trivandrum
Here are some of the top-rated rental services offering luxury self-drive cars in Trivandrum:
Royal Drive Rentals – Known for its fleet of luxury cars and excellent customer service.
Southgate Travels – Offers a wide variety of luxury self-drive vehicles, including SUVs, sedans, and more.
IndusGo – Provides premium self-drive rental cars with flexible pricing and terms.
Zoomcar – A popular self-drive car rental service with a range of luxury options and seamless online booking.
Things to Consider Before Renting a Luxury Self-Drive Car
1. Insurance Coverage
Before renting a luxury self-drive car, check the insurance policy provided by the rental company. Ensure that it covers all potential damages, theft, and third-party liabilities.
2. Car Condition
Inspect the car thoroughly before driving off. Check for any pre-existing damages and ensure that all features, like the air conditioning, GPS, and infotainment system, are working properly.
3. Rental Terms and Conditions
Understand the rental agreement, including mileage limits, fuel policies, and any additional fees. Some rental services may have restrictions on how far you can travel or where you can take the vehicle, so be sure to clarify these details.
4. Booking in Advance
Luxury cars are in high demand, especially during wedding seasons, festivals, and holidays. It’s advisable to book your preferred car well in advance to avoid disappointment.
Renting a luxury self-drive car in Trivandrum offers the perfect blend of freedom, comfort, and sophistication. Whether you’re in the city for business, a special occasion, or just want to experience the thrill of driving a high-end car, there’s a wide range of options to suit your needs. With flexible rental plans and a variety of premium models to choose from, you can enjoy the luxury of world-class cars without the commitment of ownership.
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