#people arent going to explode if they find out what death is or hear people say curse words. please
mbat · 9 months
yknow what, either people want the internet to be censored more, or you want it to be at the level where people are allowed to say fuck cunt shit bitch 2000 times in a 20 minute timespan and im sick of people acting like you can have it both ways
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honeypirate · 3 years
Easy Living pt one
Part two
Obi Akitaru x fem!reader
The one where reader almost dies.
Warning- blood. Swearing. Trauma from getting hurt while working. Obi figuring out slowly how he feels.
Part two reader puts on a surprise concert. I don’t know why I add music to so many fics I write lmao. I also write reader getting hurt a lot I think but oh well. Sorry if this is too much like my other one or if Obi is ooc. I’m still learning 🙈
Part two also has a bonus if the ducky explanation
Your boss. He was your boss. You knew how cliche this was, but it didnt help you at all. Didnt stop the way your heart fluttered around him or the way his teasing felt like flirting. There was no way he was flirting with you and you knew that! So you just pretended like everyhting was fine, shoving your feelings as far down as you could and putting the lid on them, gluing, locking, putting everything you could think of to keep those feelings in.
Technically he was your boss because he was the captain, but really, you knew him when you were just fire fighters. you were friends before he was even your boss but still, you were unsure how that affects interpersonal office dating.
Thinking about this whole situation is what got you into the mess you were in, but even now, leaning against the side of a burning building as a metal rod sticks out of your shoulder, you couldnt help but think of Obi.
White clad and infernals, a normal tuesday, you ran into the garage and started quickly pulling on your pants and jacket. Obi comes in half a second after you, sliding into place in his cubby next to yours as he hops into his boots and pants. “Ready for this Ducky?” he says and you roll your eyes “when will you drop the duck thing? Shit Obi its been years.” you say as you throw on your jacket “never” he mutters into your ear, his breath making you shiver as it hit your ear. Good thing he didnt notice since shinra pops up “what about a duck?” he asks and you sigh “i’ll tell you later” you say as you all rush into the matchbox, of course landing you into sitting beside Obi. you really felt like a matchstick in this cramped car, but your heart was warmed becaue it wasnt always this full.
You got separated right off the bat. A white clad successfully drawing you out and leading you down back alleyways. You beat him, quickly you might add, but he was able to make an infernal, releasing a bug while you weren’t paying attention, for the split moment you got distracted thinking if Obi was okay. The infernal took out the building behind you and sent shrapnel going everywhere. Shrapnel like the metal rod currently attaching you to the wall of the next building which was currently blazing.
“Okay. think y/n. If you pull yourself off you could bleed out. You could use your flames to burn the wound but not on the exit wound. Fuck. what do i do here? i cant just stay here please think” you feel yourself get light headed, a wave of strange tingles hitting your body as your blood pours out of you, you can feel it running down your chest and back and pooling in your left boot. It squishes when you move your toes. “Fuck!” you shouted. Your only choice is to pull yourself off of it and since you’re bleeding so much you doubt it’s even tampering off anything and maybe it’ll be okay. Hopefully. Probably. I guess you’ll see.
You felt your tears start to flow from the pain but the fire was moving closer as it raged through the building, making your back feel warm. You could hear people shouting far away but you could tell they were all civilians, you didn’t recognize anything that could be your team. You were too far lost down back alleys to be found easily so you had to work fast.
You took a deep breath and ripped off your glove. “Please, if there is a higher power, dont let me die” you whisper before you shove your glove between your teeth to bite down on as you whine, throwing a mini tantrum because you really didn’t want to do this but your back was starting to burn now from the flames on the other side of the wall, the wood cracking right by your ears. Burn to death or bleed to death? What a decision. What a shitty hand you have been dealt today.
You count down in your head from five and when you get to one you’re screaming and pushing your body forward, gritting down on the glove in your mouth. The metal tears more and more of your shoulder as you pull, you feel blood pouring more down your shoulder, warm and causing you to get goosebumps from the heat. When youre free your glove falls from your teeth as you gasp for air and fall to your knees.
“mother fucker” you whispered and then then mustered up the rest of your strength to use your second gen powers, pulling the fire that's all around you to just hold a small ball in your hand. You tear off your jacket and push down your jumpsuit sleeve, your tank top sleeve underneath torn away and ripped because of the metal rod. You scream out as you try to push the fire into your skin but you cant, you cant physically put yourself through any other amount of pain. You start to sob, you were so scared, you’ve never seen this amount of blood before and it’s your blood which makes it even worse. You discard your helmet, then you pull yourself to your feet, your knees wobbling for a moment before you take off running, using your last energy to make it back to your team.
“y/n?” arthur is asking when he sees you pop out from the alleyway “Arthur please” you sob, your voice breaking from the pain and from your fears “you have to, you have to burn it okay?” hes voicing his confusion but when you turn and he sees all the blood he’s quiet and starts to run towards you “you have to, to stop the bleeding. Please” you say as you try and take a step towards him but falling to your knees.
“I cant. I tried to burn it myself, but i had to pull myself off and i couldn't- i couldnt do it. but you have to! okay Arthur? Use your sword. You have to stop the bleeding or i will die” you say, your body shaking as you reach for him, your hands covered in your own blood and shaking uncontrollably “ I cant burn you y/n. I cant” he says, his voice cracking. seeing you covered in so much blood freaked him out. You growl, getting annoyed with the pain and fear now “ARTHUR DO IT NOW! A TRUE KNIGHT would save their friend” you say, your energy begin to fail as you another wave of lightheadedness hits you and he screams before he places his sword against your wound and ignites his plasma.
Your screaming is what attracted Obi, he heard your blood curtling screams and took off running. You sounded so close you must be just a street away. He pops out to see Arthurs plasma disappear and hes filled with anger “Arthur what did you do?!” he shouts as he runs towards you. “I didnt do anything she didnt ask me to!” he shouts.
Obi runs to you, ignoring the smell of iron covering you and the smell of burning flesh, and he sheds his jacket. He unzips his jumpsuit to shed his shirt, using it to press into your shoulder in the front. He rips the sleeve off your jumpsuit and then rips it more making a makeshift bandage. He rips your other sleeve off as you kneel there a little loopy, your tears still flowing as you looked at his serious face. “Hi Obi” you whisper with a light chuckle and he gives you a stern look making you smile for some odd reason, thinking he looked so handsome in this moment.
He uses your other sleeve to shove tight against your back wound before using the long strip of sleeve to use to tie around you as tight as he can, holding the fabric in place. Obi didn’t know the whole story, just that you were covered in blood and had a bad wound. Once hes done, after about 8 seconds, hes lifting you easily into his arms and taking off running, not even payinng any attention to Arthur.
Everything after he picked you up was a blurr, you weren't all there but you tried to keep conscious as much as you could as your head lolled to his shoulder, realizing he didn't put his jumpsuit back on and your cheek is against his skin. “Stay with me. Do NOT fall asleep. That’s an order!” you chuckle softly, your tears stopped now as you felt safer in his arms, and you lift a hand covered in drying blood and started to trace small circles aganst his chest so you could stay conscious.
“An order from my superior who isnt that much older than me and who was my friend before he was my captain. You know” you groan and sigh as you start seeing dark spots in your vision “i would more likely follow your orders if you just asked me as a friend” he laughs, glad that at least you’re talking and awake even if your speech is slurred and he can feel your blood start to seep through his bandages. “More likely? Like you arent always following my orders to the T anyway little duck” he jokes and you nod, your head swimming from the action. “Yes but who knows the extra miles I would go for you, Obi” you whisper before your consciousness finally fades away into peaceful darkness.
You wake with a gasp, your hand tightening around the one that was currently holding yours, startling the person awake as they move to stand quickly “hey hey shhh shhh shh it’s okay you’re okay” he says and you recognize his voice. Finding his eyes you relaxed into the bed as you remember everything that happened.
“Captain” you said, your voice and throat dry and he hands you some water. “Glad to have you back. What do you remember?” he asks and you go to sit up but wince, your eyes screw shut and you groan as you stop moving. When the pain has stopped a little you take a deep breath and start from the beginning, using the bed remote to lean your body up.
“The white clad drew me away from everyone else and before I realized it was too late. He let a bug go before I took him out and the infernal caused the building to explode, a metal rod flying out and hit me in the shoulder pinning me to the next building which was already burning.” He was scowling as you told him this, anger in his heart about how you got hurt. “The building was ablaze. I could feel it burning my back and I had no other choice but there was so much blood” you voice cracks as you look down at your hand remembering how covered it was. You clear your throat to try and stop the tears that you feel burning your eyes “I made Arthur stop the bleeding because I couldn’t do it. I was so afraid Obi. Please don’t be mad at him. The bleeding had to be stopped” he nods “I know. I still cant help but feel annoyed that he had to hurt you though” you smile softly at him, glad that he was here with you. “It was that or let me bleed to death obi what would you have done?” he scowls “something else” he mutters and you laugh gently and squeeze his hand “been protecting me since we were greenies. I must say, i appreciate it”
He sits again and runs his hand through his hair, he looks disheveled and he has a 5oclock shadow. “I got you to the ambulance shortly after you passed out. I left everything with Hinawa because it was pretty much wrapped up by that time. they took you into surgery and it went well and didn't take a long time. They said the longest thing was the blood transfusions since you lost so much blood. It didn’t hit anything important thankfully and they said that burning it was a good idea given the circumstances” your eyebrows furrow as you realize it’s dark outside. “What time is it? How long have you been here?” you ask and he looks away sheepishly “it’s around three in the morning. And I’ve been here the whole time. What did you expect?” He says with a chuckle and shy smile. you squeeze his hand and he looks back to you “i’m glad it’s you” you say, quite easily in fact that it kind of scares you, until you realize it’s probably the pain meds.
You shiver and try to pull up your thin hospital blanket, but it does nothing to help how cold you feel. “Obi do you know if there are any more blankets in here?” You don’t know why you whispered, maybe because of how late it is or how dark the room is, the only light being from the light on in the bathroom with the door halfway open. He stands and starts to look through the cupboards and drawers.
“I found socks, another gown, and this pack of tissues” he says and you smile “thanks for looking, can I have the socks” you go to reach out for it but unintentionally use your bad arm since it was your dominant hand. You hiss and stop moving, leaning back against the bed. He scowls, hating to see you in pain, but currently he thinks it’s just because you’re one of his closest friends and what kind of person would like to see their best friend in pain?
He takes the socks and moves up the blanket from your feet, gently lifting your right foot he slips on the sock and then pulls a little at the toes so they aren’t too tight. Your eyes widen and your breath hitches at his soft actions and the way he fixes your toes. You’ve never even mentioned that you do that he must have just picked up on your habits and noticed these small things.
Once he’s done he slips out of his jacket and goes to hand it to you “no it’s okay. I don’t want you to be cold too” you say and he smiles softly, “I insist y/n. You’re the wounded one” he says while placing it on you gently. His warmth floods into you and the smell of his cologne which makes your heart flutter. You frown and take his hand before he can sit again “hey maybe we could compromise so we can both be warm..” he raises his eyebrows and you scoot to the edge of the bed on your side, gingerly babying your shoulder as you meet his eyes. looking down at you he can see the vulnerability in your eyes. He remembers how you were crying when he found you and Arthur, how scared you were and the sound of your scream still fresh in his mind. He can see some of that residual fear in your eyes and as you pat the empty space he’s kicking off his boots and climbing in the bed next to you.
He’s slow and easy, a little awkward at first, but he relaxes as you turn into his body, wrapping one leg around his, his jeans rough against your bare legs as you try and soak in his warmth. His arm wraps around your back and stays away from your wound. you sigh softly as you finally stop shivering. “Thank you Obi” you say and he hums in response. His eyes closing as he relaxes into the bed until he feels something hot and wet hit his chest then he’s looking down at you worried.
“Hey hey what’s wrong?” He asks softly and you sniff, trying to hide your face in his chest “I’m sorry” you whisper, unable to stop the tears that fall and he hushes you “no you have nothing to apologize for” he pets your head comfortingly, his fingers sliding through your soft hair. “I just. I was so scared tonight. I’ve never been that scared before. There was so much blood. I thought. I thought that was it. That I wasn’t going to see you again” you sniff and quickly add “or anyone else at the eighth. I thought-“ his hand stops on your head “hey” he says cutting you off “you’re right here” he says “you’re here. You’re safe with me” he whispers and you feel the tears flow harder as you hide your face in his chest. He hums softly and shushes gently, every once in a while telling you that he’s with you or that you are safe.
When you relax into him, your tears stopping and exhaustion hitting you, you sigh and move your head so your cheek is against his chest. He brushes away the stray tears left on your cheeks and you smile in your half asleep state and say “you’re such a good man Obi”
He doesn’t know why his heart fluttered when you said that. He doesn’t know why it made him feel so proud that you think he’s a good man. He was confused about why he wanted to be a good man for you. he sat awake in the dark, playing with your hair and thinking about why he’s suddenly feeling this warm and soft with you, he catches himself thinking about how he never wants to have you out of his arms, where he knows you’re safe.
“Well isn’t that sweet” Hinawa says from the door and you stir in his arms. He shoots Hinawa a glare and brings his finger to his lips. “She hasn’t slept nearly long enough” he whispers and Hinawa smirks as he enters the room, as an outsider who’s known you both since the beginning of the eighth, he’s seen all the signs and knew this would eventually happen. “Is she okay?” He asks as he sits in the chair. “She will be” Obi fills in Hinawa about what happened and told him how your surgery went, he left shortly after to fill out the paperwork for a worker hurt on the job and tell the rest of the team.
When you wake up it’s because Obi is brushing your hair from your face “y/n wake up” he’s saying softly and it pulls you from unconsciousness. You take a deep breath as your eyes flutter open, smiling when you see him looking down at you. “Good morning little duck” he says with a soft smile “the doctor is here and I should get out of the bed so they can do their tests” you nod and move, letting him go as he gently rolls out of the bed.
After the tests the doctors say they want you to stay there for a week under observation so they can make sure your wound doesn’t get infected. you were surprised when it went by quickly and even more surprised that Obi came to see you every day. The rest of the team takes turns on days to come see you so you never had to be alone for too long but Obi was there every day at the same time in the afternoon, bringing you some brunch and staying for a few hours. And every time he leaves he finds it harder to be away from you. The only times he has had to be away from you in years and he doesn’t like it one bit.
“You’re scowling again” Hinawa says during dinner and Obi huffs rolling his eyes “you don’t have to point it out every time” he says and Hinawa just laughs, because he knows how this is going to end and he enjoys watching it go down.
“Today’s the day!” Obi says as he walks through the door and you laugh, you’ve changed into clothes he’s brought you the day before and you just got done with the physical therapist meeting and you’ve set up days to come back for therapy every other week for the next two months. You go to put your bag over your good shoulder and he’s taking it from your hand and putting it over his shoulder “ready little duck?” He says and you roll your eyes “I’m so ready” you say and he grins “let’s go home”
“You have no idea how nice it is to be out of there” you say at dinner and Hinawa looks knowingly at Obi who just kicks him under the table. “We’re so glad to have you back Y/n!” Tamaki says and you smile “I missed you guys. I was going a little crazy there”
Obi makes sure he knows where you were at all times, telling himself it’s just so he knows you’re okay just in case you need anything. Not letting himself believe that almost losing you almost wrecked him
He brings you into his office that night to talk about moving forward and what he expects of you. “Until you’re cleared from physio you won’t be sent on any missions unless cleared by me. Expect a lot of paperwork” he smiles softly when you sigh, knowing your hatred for the mundane task. You nod “yes sir” before he lets you leave his office, he gets up from his chair and gently embraces you. You gasp softly and pause before wrapping your good arm around him and burying your face in his chest “I’m so glad you’re okay y/n. I just wanted you to know that” he whispers and you nod into chest, your heart fluttering and stomach flipping.
You go to shower that night, tucking clothes into your sling and your towel before grabbing your caddy with your good hand. When you exit your room you bump into none other than Obi, who was just about to knock.
Your clothes fall to the floor and he chuckles and apologizes before bending down to pick them up. “I wanted to ask if you wanted-“ his voice goes quiet as he picks up your thong, black and lacy he feels as if his heart stopped as he immediately pictured them on you. He pushes away the thought and his face turns red, your cheeks blush when you notice what he’s holding but you smile softly when he just folds them and places them between your shirt and shorts he just refolded as well, then he grabs your towel and stands.
“I was going to ask if you wanted to” he laughs awkwardly “have a cup of tea with me. Like we used to when we were greenies” you smile as you remember getting tea with him when you weren’t a fire soldier. Every night after work you’d get a cup of tea and talk about your lives and mainly rant about work and the government. It was nice because he would sometimes choose to get tea with you instead of get beers with the rest of the team. Sure you went out with all of them occasionally but he always preferred your company to the rest of your team at the time.
“If there’s lavender tea you know I’m in” he smiles with a chuckle “ don’t worry. I picked up some yesterday”
He walks you to the bathroom, carrying your stack of clothing as you talk, just joking like usual but there was something sweet in the air, and you were pretty sure he was flirting with you when he said “see you later pretty little duck” which he was, but cut him some slack man doesn’t know how to flirt with someone way out of his league like he knows you are. He’s nervous. And that’s the reason why he used your nickname to call you pretty without it being too heavy of a confession that he wasn’t that confident with at the moment, he didn’t know just how deep he loved you yet.
Your feet pad softly against the hard flooring, echoing softly against the hallway walls. You left your sling in your room, not wanting to wear it since you’ll be going to bed soon. You push open the kitchen door to find no one there, but the remnants of someone making tea is obvious. You see the light on the stove that means it’s still hot, and some crumbs on the counter from the cookies you knew Obi was saving on the highest cupboard. You smile and walk down towards the dining room and smile when you see what’s inside.
“Hey there Ducky” he says when he sees you come in and you feel your cheeks flush, not at the name but the way he said it, his voice soft and gentle, no trace of teasing or jokes. Like being called ducky was endearing and not a story you hold as your most embarrassing moment in your life.
The table had tea set out and cookies and had only the lower lights on so it wasnt too bright, it was just the same atmosphere as the tea shop youd go to. “You didnt have to do all this” you say and he smiles with a shrug “just wanted to show you how glad i am you are home” you smile, suddenly feeling shy, and take the seat next to him.
He pours you some tea and adds a sugar cube, just how you like it and you smile “thank you Obi” you say and your fingers brush his when you take your mug and he furrows his bows at the tingles that shoot up his arm. You take a deep inhale of the tea, the lavender already making you relax.
You sit and talk with him for hours, it feels like you’re young again and actually taking time to relax with your friends. “This is really nice Obi. It’s been a long hard road filled with never ending work, it feels nice, to have a moment where I don’t have to worry.” You ended up as close to him as you could be at the edge of the table, next to him at his place at the head of the table. Your left foot was behind his and your right foot was between his that were crossed at the ankles. Physical touch wasnt anything new between you but it felt - new - somehow. “I’m glad I could give you that moment” he says with a smile as he finishes his tea.
“Why do you call me ducky so much? Is it because you’re just teasing me?” you ask as you nibble on a cookie, your eyes were tired and burning but you didn’t want to leave yet. He watched as your eyes rose from the cookie to meet his eye and couldnt help but think how cute you looked as you slowly blinked tiredly at him.
“Because that was the day i realized that you’d be in my life forever” he says with a grin and your heart stops as you stare at him “care to elaborate?” you whisper and he laughs softly “that may be an embarrassing memory for you, but for me it was one of the best memories. I realized that we would be best friends for a long time and that i’d make sure of it” you laughed “best friends. Yeah” you say and then lean forward, pulling your feet from him and sighing “i should get to bed, my shoulder is beginning to hurt” he nods and stands with you, helping him clean up before he walks you back to your room.
“Did I say something? Are you okay?” he asks softly when you get to your door and youre too afraid to look him in the eye so you just wrap your good arm around his side and hug him close “dont worry Obi, i’m just tired. I’m really glad you want to be my best friend. You are invaluable, truly. Keep calling me duck, i dont mind it.” you turn to walk into your room and wants to stop you, wants to cup your cheeks and look deep into your eyes until you tell him the truth, but he cant make himself. He can only watch as you avoid his eye and close your door softly with a click.
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thequeenb · 5 years
Pairings: KamilahxMC
She stood frozen in place. The scene before her own eyes was to violent, to cruel. Amy swallowed hard, maybe she is just dreaming but no she wasn't.
"What..what the.." she tried to wrap her head around it, it sank in to her stomach, those people are dead.
Rheya pulled away from a woman's neck smiling widely. The first woman she ever fed from is now dead, got her blood sucked out until death.
"Oh my" that damn melodic voice spoke, something that sent shivers down Amy's spine
"It looks like my secret is out, i hope i had more time but..i got a little careless"
Amy took a step back, this sight was heavy for her stomach. The smell of blood was to strong, maybe ever delicious but most of all it made her sick and uneasy.
Before she could form a response Rheya stood up and the power she radiated was all over the room. She walked gracefully, her naked body covered in innocent people's blood.
How could she lie about her intensions? Amy knew something was off but she had hoped it was just a stupid dream. When she spoke about making the world a better place she looked so convincing, so powerful that Amy couldn't believe in her eyes.
"Oh now what are we going to do about this?" she asked rhetorically with a smirk on her lips. The more she approached Amy the more horrified she felt. No one would ever believe her.
She saw Rheya's dangerous red eyes, her fangs on sight like two weapons ready to kill. Amy closed her eyes, trying to wake up but it wasn't a dream. The last thing she saw was Rheya hoovering above, her smile evil.
Her head was spinning, she can still smell the scent of blood that covered all the room. Her eyelids slowly opened when she realized, she was still in that damn room.
She can hear her friends voices making her feel more safe but then Rheya's tone made her feel completely in danger.
When she opened her eyes she could see her friends around the bed, Rheya standing behind them with a disappointed look.
"Now i believe our friend here is new to her powers, her desires"
Adrian had his eyebrows frowned, Lily tried to look away disgusted with the scene as Jax was pacing around the room watching the corpses laying on the floor.
"How could you do this?" Kamilah asked, her tone wasn't the usual sweet one, it was cold and sharp like a knife. Amy tried to stand up but there she was watching the same scene playing over her head. Rheya sucking that poor woman dry, her evil smile when she noticed her, her lying words as she explained to her friends.
"I didn't..I--" she wanted to tell the truth but the she looked deep into Rheya's eyes that screamed danger so she decided to see where this was going
"I thought i taught you how to feed Amy" Adrian said with anger in his eyes
"Adrian let me--"
"I shouldn't left you out of sight" Jax continued
Lily wanted to say something but her look of disgust was enough for Amy to understand what she was trying to say.
Rheya looked so calm but Amy could notice an amusement in her face as all her friends disowned her.
"You were careless my child, when i said to let your desires guide you i didn't mean" she pointed around the room "this"
Amy tried to find comfort in her friends but they all looked so angry, so hurt
"Would you please give us a moment alone?" Rheya demanded. They all nodded and left the room, left her with a monster.
Amy stood up on her legs even she felt weak something that made Rheya more victorious
"Why are you doing this?" She knew the answer, but she still wanted to show that she cant effect her, even though she did
A laugh echoed around the room, a scary one
"And ruin my reputation? Everything i built until now?" She now approached closer until Amy was pinned on a wall
"I am important, you are just another creation of mine" Rheya now placed her delicate hand on Amy's neck pressing hard.
"And if you think you can turn your friends against me, remember Kamilah, you dont want her to get hurt do you now?"
Amy hated how scared she felt, how vulnerable. She used her love against her, she saw it as a weakness for her to abuse.
"Now i will say it once and i want to be clear, if i sense any doubt from them your little lover will hurt, badly am i clear?"
Amy's tears ran down her cheeks freely, she couldn't hold them anymore. She couldn't imagine Kamilah getting hurt, she couldn't imagine losing her again.
So she nodded, surrendering to Rheya like a pawn of hers. The goddess just smiled satisfied letting Amy breathe.
As she left the room Kamilah walked in, taking another look on the innocent people lying dead on her feet. She didn't come close to Amy, she couldn't.
"Kamilah please i-"
"You are turning into the monster that i once was" she said crossing her arms.
"You let your anger guide you arent you? Isn't this the human you just fed on an hour ago? What happened? How..why?"
Amy couldn't ignore the pained expression in her lovers eyes, they changed the way they looked at her
Remembering Rheya's threat she took a step closer to Kamilah trying to reach for her hand. Instead to feel her warm hand against hers she felt emptiness, she didn't want to touch Amy.
Amy gasped slightly, it suddenly felt all to real
"You are right, i am a monster"
Kamilah frowned, trying to read her lover's eyes but they seemed out of place.
"And you should probably stay away from me" she added as fresh tears ran down her face.
"Amy i didn't say that we should ask Rheya to help yo--"
"No!!" Amy couldn't contain her emotions anymore. All the anger and betrayal made her explode
She looked one more time at Kamilah who was distant, exactly like the day they met. All their memories and intimate moments faded away as Rheya's words kept repeating themselves on her head over and over again.
Your little lover will get hurt badly. Your little lover will get hurt badly. Your little lover will get hurt badly.
"I love you Kamilah, i do with everything that i have" Amy said carefully as her voice broke, but she didn't want Kamilah to see her cry, it would rise suspicions, the last thing she wanted.
Kamilah opened her mouth ever so slightly in surprise. She wanted to say those words to Amy since she woke up, in better circumstances. She knew a 'but' was coming and thats what broke her more. She looked at Amy finding her wet pained eyes.
"But i..but i think you should go.." her voice was now weak, her heart completely shuttered.
She was now dangerous for her friends, she couldn't hide her fear or the horror she felt when she saw Rheya, she had to be gone.
"Amy i cant lose you again i just try to understand i..i.." she couldn't say those words, not now. But if not now then when?
"Then don't try anymore, dont you see?? I am a monster!!" she dared to rise her tone as her eyes turned from their soft brown to crimson red. Red like the blood she hypothetically spilled. She looked at the walls and floor feeling completely disgusted.
Before she look up again Kamilah had left the room without another word. Amy leaned back on the wall letting her emotions finally get out. She fell on the floor, wrapping her hands around herself sobbing. She felt so sad so empty not because of what happened, but because she knew, Kamilah will never come back.
Tag list: @sleeping-with-her06 @wildsayeed @sayeedbound @thepotatobleh @la-guera-69 @ilovetaylor13m @scarlet-letter-a0114 @amorettemcsky @lightning-fury @mrskamilxh @gavryllo @blackphenix9527
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spideyy-girl · 5 years
Hope ~ Peter Parker (pt. III)
Summary:  Y/N gears up and gets ready to go into battle, determined as ever to get her best friend and the love of her life, Peter Parker, back to her after 5 long years without him.
Fandom: MCU
Warnings: bit of swearing as per usual, depictions of violence, fighting, blood, death, and other gory scenes, angst and fluffy at the end. THIS DOES NOT FOLLOW MCU CANON! EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN SNAPPED WAS AGED THE SAME AS THOSE WHO WEREN’T, SO PETER IS STILL THE SAME AGE OF Y/N, AND THEY ARE BOTH AROUND 21!!!!
Word Count: 10100 (28 pages wOAh)
A/N: finally, the long-awaited finale for Hope is here! Thanks to everyone who showed so much support for this series I love every single one of you honestly! Lmk if you guys want an epilogue? cause I don’t wanna be done with this series yet lol
If you haven’t read the first two parts, I would suggest looking through them before reading this!
Y/N walked towards the large platform in the middle of the room with the remaining of the Avengers, all in their rather cool looking matching time heist suits. She had to admit that she felt pretty badass, walking alongside the world’s mightiest heroes, going off to save the world like it was any other Tuesday for them.
After the young girl found out the formula of time travel and showed it to Tony, they had created a steady device and explained the idea to the team, which everyone quickly agreed with. They had been split up into three teams to go back in time and gather all six infinity stones before Thanos could find or use them. The teams were split up into Natasha, Clint, Nebula and Rhodey to get the soul and power stones, Thor, and Rocket to get the reality stone (or ether I guess), and Scott,  Bruce, Tony, Steve and Y/N to get the Time, Mind, and Space stones.
The team now stood on the platform, putting their hands together as Steve performed his motivational speech, Y/N clung onto every word, still shocked that she got to suit up with them, and also a bit nervous. But she knew that she had the proper training if it came to it and if worse comes to worst, she has a quick solution handy in her pocket, one that she’s been carrying around for years.
“One round trip each. No mistakes, no do-overs,” Cap spoke as he looked around at everyone in the circle. “Most of us are going to a place we know; that doesn’t mean we should know what to expect. Be careful, look out for each other.” Y/N looked beside her up at Tony, who smiled reassuringly at her. “This is the fight of our lives, and we’re gonna win. Whatever it takes.” Steve finished his speech as they separated hands. Y/N looked over at Nat and gave her a smile, to which she returned.
“See you in a minute,” she says winking over at her mentee. She rolled her eyes but laughed. Suddenly the machine above them started to whir and spin around, and the mask on Y/N’s suit came up to cover her face. She felt her breathing start to go heavy but soon relaxed as Tony gave her hand a squeeze. She felt her body being compressed down into the size of an atom and swept away into the quantum realm, trying to control herself and following the lead of Tony just in front of her.
Before she knew it her feet hit the ground below her and her knees buckled from underneath her. As she regained her balance and looked up, her eyes went wide as she took in the scene in front of her. Just a few feet away, she saw the original Avengers, formed in a circle and gearing up for the infamous battle of 2012 against Loki. Y/N almost let out a squeal, remembering watching them do their work on the news when she was younger.
“You alright there?” Tony asked as he gave the girl a teasing smile. “You look like you’re about to explode.” Y/N shook her head but smiled back.
“Yeah I just, wow I was such a fan of you guys when I was younger,” she said as she watched on as they parted ways and did their own thing to take down as many aliens as possible. She then looked back up at Tony and smirked, one that reminded him of himself. “You guys were so much cooler back then. Now you’re all like, big old grampa’s.”
“Woah!” Tony said, giving her a playful look of pain as he grabbed his heart as if she had stabbed him with her comment. “Ouch, you know I understand why you would say that for Cap, cause he’s literally like, 100 years old but for me?”
“Guys we have to focus here,” Bruce caught their attention before Y/N could come back with another snarky comeback. “God sometimes I wonder how the two of you arent’s related, you’re like the same person nowadays.” Tony rolled his eyes, looking back out onto the street.
Before they could try and cross the street to get to the Stark Tower, a giant and raging green Hulk came down from the ground, pounding robots into the ground and flinging them around like ragdolls. As the group looked back at Bruce he covered his face, embarrassed of what he used to be. Steve told Bruce and Scott to find Dr. Strange and the time stone while he, Tony, and Y/N went up to the Stark tower to get the mind and space stone. As they got in and saw the past Avengers, Steve departed to get Loki’s staff, containing the mind stone, while Tony and Y/N worked on getting the Tesseract.
Y/N hid out in a small conference room out of sight, since Tony didn’t want her directly participating in the mission, much to her demise. She opened her laptop, which she disguised as a briefcase. She quickly typed in the password before pulling up multiple programs on the small screen, including a camera view from Tony’s glasses and a controller for a small robotic device she’d use to slip around without being realized.
“You sure this is gonna work, kid?” Tony asked quietly through the comm, causing Y/N to roll her eyes.
“Yes, Tony. I’ve been working on this model forever, I know what I’m doing,” she sassed back, looking through a small camera on the spider-shaped device she originally created with Peter. “Just remember I’m the reason we’re all here. I’m not just a pretty face, Stark.”
“Yeah yeah,” he mumbled as he watched his past self pack up the Tesseract in a briefcase. “Ok, spider-girl, release your little spiderling.” He says dramatically as the spider crawls from his pocket and makes its way onto the roof. Y/N chuckled at the nickname before focusing on controlling the spider-robot, the decoy lowering itself onto past Tony’s shoulder without anyone noticing. She couldn’t help but let out a little squeal at her excellent work. She watched through the small cam as the Avengers (excluding Hulk, who was told to take the stairs) made their way into the foyer of the building.
Tony watched along as his past self walks along with the other original Avengers and Loki. Alexander Pierce and his crew walked towards them as present-day Tony gave Y/N the signal to drop down. Y/N dropped the spider drone into Tony’s beard and then down onto his chest, the almost microscopic robot slipping through and into his arc reactor. She explores for a while until she finds what Tony had told her would cause the distraction.
“Is this really a good idea, Stark?” Y/N asked worriedly, not thinking of the consequences until then.
“Yeah, sure. It’ll only cause me to go into a tiny cardiac distract,” Tony stated casually, and Y/N’s eyes widened immediately, stopping the robot.
“What?!” She says, shaking her head. “Okay, no. No no no no no. I’m not gonna do this, we can figure out something else it’ll be fine.”
“Y/N, hey, calm down,” Tony says, his voice going lower. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. I mean I’m still here, so that’s gotta mean something right? If I died I wouldn’t be here.” Y/N scoffed at his words, but still, her hands were shaking, not wanting to hurt someone she had gotten so close to. She couldn’t bear if anything happened to him.
“No shit, Sherlock,” she whispers back into the comm, but loud enough for him to hear it. He rolled his eyes and continued to watch as Pierce tried to snatch the case away from his hands. “Time’s running out, Y/N. Pull my pin!”
“Okay, okay, give me a second.” She said as she maneuvered the tiny device to the said area with a small pin that helped keep everything in the arc reactor together. “But if you die, Tony, it’ll be your funeral. Literally.” She comments back to try and defuse the tension she felt. He quietly gave her another reassurance before giving the signal. With the small metal pinchers, Y/N pulled the cord in the arc reactor and through the other camera through Tony’s glasses she saw past Tony fall to the floor just as Pierce was taking the case containing the Tesseract from his hands.
The metal case fell to the floor with a hard clank and 2012 Tony followed soon after it, shaking slightly on the floor. Pierce and his crew members, as well as the other Avengers there, kneeled down beside him and tried to figure out what was wrong.
The small metallic robot climbed out from Tony’s reactor and pushed the case over to Tony, who was disguised as a staff of security. He discreetly picked it up and began walking away from the scene as medics began rushing to help the famous billionaire on the floor. What they didn’t know was that they weren’t as discreet as they thought.
“Good job, kid. Meet me in the alley, I’m gonna-” but was cut off as a big green angry hulk burst through the door, knocking down Tony and flinging the tesseract out of its case and down the hallway. The bright blue square landed right at the feet of Loki, who looked down and quickly picked it up, using its powers to teleport him out of the tower as people were too distracted running in terror.
Thor tapped his hammer against Tony’s chest, causing him to stop shaking and blink frantically, looking at his surroundings. “Where’s the case?” Y/N heard him ask. Her face dropped as she moved to drone to look all around the room, finding no clue where the Tesseract or Loki himself was.
“Fuck this,” she mumbled, working her computers to try and get into the security tapes, looking for what might’ve happened to either of them. “That wasn’t supposed to happen, was it?"
Tony sat himself up on his elbows looking around to see people screaming and running away from the Hulk, who was screaming about no stairs, and to his other side, officers looking for Loki and the Tesseract. “Shit.”
Y/N quickly packed up her computers and put them back into her bag, running out to meet Tony at the alleyway where they had come in. She found an abandoned car parked beside it and saw Tony already sitting in its head in his hand as he observed the destruction outside.
“What the hell happened, Stark?” She said as she got into the back seat. “We had the Tesseract, where did it go?” Tony sighed, closing his eyes as he responded, trying to keep calm.
“I don’t know what happened, Y/N,” he said tensely. “I know we had it but now we don’t, okay? Something happened, I don’t know what.”
“Well, you better fucking figure it out!” She yelled, her ears going red as she got more angry by him not seeming to care. “Did you not hear what Cap said? No do-overs! We fucked up so what are we gonna do now!”
“I don’t know what we’re gonna do!” He screamed back turning to face her. He sighed, running a hand down his face and closed his eyes. He stayed silent for a bit, using the silence to calm himself down. He knew she was only acting like this because she was scared. And honestly, he was too. “But we’ll figure something out. I promise. Everything will be okay.”
Y/N gulped to hold back her screaming, not wanting to rant to him about every little thing that had already gone wrong, and how she was starting to lose hope. Then Cap jumped down from a balcony, one hand propping up the shield while the other gripped Loki’s staff.
“Cap,” Tony caught his attention. Steve saw them in the dirt-covered car as he walked towards them. “We’ve got a bit of a problem here.” Y/N scoffed, shaking her head as she let her stress get the better of her again.
“A bit of a problem?” She asked sarcastically. “More like we’re in deep shit!” She said getting out of the car and slamming the door shut with surprising force. Tony rolled his eyes. Steve looked between the two, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.
“What happened?” he asked, looking at Y/N. She laughed ironically, starting to pace along the alleyway.
“We lost the goddamn Tesseract is what happened!” She said as she aggressively kicked a piece of debris on the ground. “It’s gone and now the plan isn’t gonna work. We don’t have enough Pym particles to go back again. It’s over, we’re done.” She leaned down and sat against the wall, leaning her head back.
“Are there any other options with the Tesseract,” Steve asked, causing Y/N to roll her eyes at his always enthusiastic goody-two-shoes energy.
“No. No there’s not,” she said annoyed as she stood up and walking over to him. “You said it yourself, there are no do-overs. If we use that last Pym particle, we’re never getting home.”
“Well, if we don’t try, no one else is going home either,” he stated. Y/N sighed, squeezing her eyes shut as she leaned against the car. She knew he was right. But what was the use of going back again to get the stone if they couldn’t get back in the present to put it in the gauntlet?
“I got it,” Tony said suddenly, getting out of the car. Y/N’s head shot up as she stood up and followed him as he got out of the car himself. “There’s another way to get the Tesseract and acquire new particles. We’ll take a stroll down memory lane. Military installation Garden State.”
“Why were they both there?” Steve asked, causing Y/N to look between the two as they continued their conversation. Tony shrugged.
“They were both there for a…” he trailed off as he thought. “I have a vaguely exact idea,” he defended himself. Cap gave him a look, the same one he gave Y/N when he caught her doing something she shouldn’t have around the compound or when she sasses one of the other team members a bit too much.
“How vague,” he asked.
“Woah, okay, what’s going on?” Y/ finally butted in. “What are you guys talking about? Where are we going?”  She asked eagerly as they started entering in the time date and coordinates.
“Correction, we’re going. You’re travelling back to the present to give this to the others,” Tony said as he handed her Loki’s staff. Her eyes bulged out as she stood up straighter.
“Tony, I can help. I’m not letting you guys go alone, I’m coming with you,” she stated strongly as she put her suit up. Tony shook his head.
"I trust you with this, kid, okay? get back to home base, we’ll be there by the time you get back.” He said as he and Steve put up their own suits. He took her hand and entered in the present-day coordinates to get back home as she looked at him like he was crazy, which she currently felt he was.
“What?! But Tony-!” She started, but before Y/N could argue, she felt the ground sweep from under her feet and she was being sent back to the present day, Loki’s staff still held tightly in her hand.
As she regained her balance, she looked around the room, seeing that everyone had their respective stone’s, including Tony with the Tesseract. But something seemed off. She did another swift headcount of everyone and realized someone had to be missing.
“Where’s Nat?” She asked, looking around at everyone’s confused faces before looking at Clint, whose eyes were red and glassy. She watched as he looked up at her, shaking his head slightly as a fresh tear rolled down his face. Y/N felt her chest tighten as her mouth opened slightly, letting out a shuttering breath. She knew that face, she wore the same expression five years ago.
She felt tears well up into her eyes, not even thinking of losing a mentor, someone she considered family during the process of getting those who were snapped away back. She felt tears starting to form in her own eyes as regret and sadness took over the whole team.
The team had taken a quick break to take a moment to mourn their friend, to some even their family. It was odd to not have Natasha around, making small sarcastic quips at any person in the room when you’d least expect it. Y/N quickly splashed her face with water, making the tears on her face earlier vanish as she went back into the room where Tony had just completed the infinity gauntlet 2.0 and everyone was arguing over who should snap their fingers.
“What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?” She heard as she exited the ladies bathroom just beside the room. She leaned against the doorframe as she answered.
“Cheez Whiz?” she asked sarcastically as she came up to stand in between the god and Tony. Thor looked down, confusion on his face as he pointed at her and she, in return, gave him a sly smile.
“Lightning,” he emphasized. Y/N sucked in a breath and averted her gaze as he looked expectantly at Tony, who let out a sigh as he pinched his eyebrows together in concentration.
“Lightning won’t help you, pal. It’s gotta be me,” she heard Bruce say from behind her as he walked to the group. She listened intently as he continued. “You saw what those stones did to Thanos; it almost killed him. None of you would survive.”
“Well, how will we know if you will?” Cap said seriously. Y/N looked at Tony, who looked down at her and gave her a knowing glance, that showed he knew it was true. Y/N nodded slightly as Bruce continued.
“We don’t. But the radiation is mostly gamma. It’s… it’s like I was made for this.” The team looked around before Tony stepped out and started explaining the rules of the stones.
“Remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago, we’re just bringing them back to now. Don’t change anything from the past five years,” he said and Bruce nodded, looking at his arm which he prepared to hold the gauntlet in.
The team around him suited up. Y/N felt the cool nanotech of her newly modelled suit slide over her skin, occasionally catching a thin hair. The spiderman-inspired outfit was of the colours white, black, and magenta, with fine reflective webbing details along the side of her arms, legs and torso. She stood behind Tony as he created a protective shield in front of them and Clint on the other side of him.
Metallic barn doors shut around all doors and windows in the room and around the compound. Bruce put on the glove holding the infinity stones and immediately began to scream in pain, doubling down to the ground as he struggled to push his fingers together to snap.
“Take it off! Take it off!” Thor said as he stepped towards Banner, who was still struggling to stay upright. Steve held out his hand to Thor as a sign to stop.
“No, wait! Bruce, are you okay?” Steve asked as he looked at the green giant. Bruce continued to moan but nodded slightly. Y/N stood back further as she heard Banner scream loudly and saw his fingers coming closer together and finally the sound of the metal hitting metal in the snap.
There was a surge of power that almost knocked her over, stumbling to catch her balance. She heard a loud thump as Bruce’s body finally collided with the floor, unconscious. Many people ran towards him to help but Y/N just looked around. She felt her feet carry her to the window as they opened again, seeing birds chirping happily outside.
“D-did it work?” Y/N mumbled as the mask of her suit disappeared from around her face. Everyone turned to look at where she was, seeing multiple new birds coming into sight, planting themselves on a nearby sapling. A phone started to ring, and Clint walked over to his cell vibrating on the glass table, a picture of his beloved wife displayed on the screen. He picked it up and started talking to her.
Tony walked over to Y/N, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, bringing her attention over to him. He wore a giant smile and even looked like he was in tears. He squeezed her shoulder as she let out a gasp, hand covering her mouth as the biggest smile spread across her soft features. She laughed softly, in disbelief but so happy. Tony matched her actions and pulled her into the biggest hug, and she felt comfortable as she placed her head on his chest.
“We did it, kid,” he mumbled into her messy hair, feeling her locks dampen with his tears. “We finally did it. They’re back.” Y/N laughed again into his suit as she pulled him closer and hugged him tighter, closing her eyes as she felt true relief finally wash over her entire being. But of course, that wouldn’t last for long.
Next thing she knew she was being flung across the compound while a missile hit just outside the window. She felt herself fly through multiple layers of brick and glass, piercing her skin and knocking the breath from her lungs. She coughed heavily as the dust from the rubble entered her system, trying to balance herself enough to stand up and analyze the situation.
“Tony?!” She screamed, looking for the older man that she was just in contact with. “Tony?! Cap?! Thor?!” She screamed any name that came to mind, hoping for someone to hear her, and possibly give her an explanation. She was limping, pain shooting through her ankle whenever she out the slightest pressure on it. It was definitely broken. She felt the metallic taste of blood entering her mouth, and she was scared to say she didn’t know where it came from, her now bleeding nose or the small cuts that littered her cheeks and lips.
“Y/N?” She heard a voice say and sighed with relief. From the dust came Clint, holding something in his arms, the Infinity Gauntlet. “Hey, I got you, you’re okay,” He reassures her as he puts an arm across her back and under her arms, supporting her weight so she can walk. “Tony, I’m with the kid, she seems okay.”
“Is he okay?” she asked quietly when Clint found a safe spot. He looked at her and nodded.
“yeah he’s fine, but almost had a heart attack when he couldn’t find you,” he says, offering her a smile before his face went stoic again. “But he’s here. Thanos. He found us.” Y/N’s eyes went wide, her eyebrows furrowing into a line of confusion. She blinked a couple of times as she processed the new information.
“What? But– but Thanos i-is dead? He’s dead! You said he was dead!” She screams as she feels her heart rate quicken, her breath refusing to meet her lips as if it was stuck inside her throat. Clint reached down and held her hand, rubbing his thumb against the back of her hands as a calming method he has seen Tony use on her before.
“I know, I thought he was gone too,” he whispered, looking back at the dark tunnel before turning back to her. “But this is a different Thanos, he followed us from the past.” Y/N felt her throat close up, dark thoughts filling her mind. Fuck. This was all her fault.
There was a sound that came from down the tunnel, almost like a snarl. The pair went quiet, looking towards the source. Clint slowly took out an arrow from the collection he kept on his back, placing it in his bow and shooting it straight down the line, the end glowing up– revealing about ten or twelve alien-looking dogs. Y/N let out a breath as the two scurried to get up. Clint held up her weight as they ran, eventually settling to pick her up as he ran from the dogs.
As they came to a split in the road, Clint threw her to a different path, signalling for her to run and hide as he continued to run down the other path, provoking the dogs to follow him and leave her. Y/N limped down the path, using the wall to support her as she hopped along. Soon she came across a mop of messy hair frantically looking around the rubble.
“Tony,” she tried to say but found that her voice was scratchy and weak. “Tony, I’m right here.” The said man turned around the stress on his face leaving as he saw the girl he was looking for. He quickly wrapped an arm around as Clint had earlier and walked her away from the scene.
“God, hey kid. You hanging in there?” He said, checking the area before leading her to a small space of coverage under a piece of rubble that looked like it used to be the floor. She nodded in reassurance before grabbing his arm and pulling him back up.
“I need you to take me to our lab, now,” she said urgently and he obliged, not even thinking of asking why. He directed her to a small metal door attached to a broken piece of wall, typing in a code on the damaged keyboard before pushing the heavy doors open.
She rushed over to her part of the lab, the barely working glass screen table popping up and she quickly punched in a few passwords before looking in a locked drawer for one of the small viles kept safely there. Tony looked from her face to the small tube, confusion painting his face as he watched her pop the lid, hesitating before bringing it to her lips and gulping down the small amount of dark red liquid.
Y/N felt the iron tasting liquid slid down her throat as she swallowed it uncomfortably, immediately feeling the effects. Her eyesight went black and her head started to spin. She went to grab the nearest object her hold herself up, the dizziness and broken ankle not being the best combination. Tony rushed to her side, grabbing her other arm.
“Y/N, what the hell was that,” Tony said, concern laced his voice as he watched the girl groan, squeezing her eyes shut and throwing her head back. She gulped before answering in short breaths.
“That answer may vary between poison and what I like to call a spider-serum,” she replied, sarcasm still in use through her pain. Tony looked at her with bewilderment in his eyes, as this was not a project approved by him or not even one they’ve talked about. She gritted her teeth together, continuing to moan out in pain as she collapsed to the floor, Tony calling out her name.
As Y/N got her self together, she placed both hands on the desk in front of her nailed into the floor, using it to pull herself back on her feet. She felt everything in her body changing, she could hear the blood rushing through her veins, she could smell the smoke from across the battlefield outside the reinforced metal door, she could feel the small hairs on Tony’s arms tickling her own as he tried to shake her out of her trance.
“Y/N! Kid come on, snap out of it. What the hell was that?” He said as he continued to shake her. She was going to bring a hand up to slap his own away but instead found them stuck to the table. As she tried tugging again, the steal table breaking off the floor while still sticking to her hands. Y/N and Tony looked in shock.
Y/N then began to laugh, her eyes wide in disbelief. She widened her hands and the desk fell from her palms, crashing against the floor. “Holy shit,” she whispered as she looked at Tony, who was looking from the now broken table to her. “It worked! Oh god, I can’t believe it actually worked!” She screamed as she jumped up and down and headed towards the door.
“No no no, what the hell was that?!” Tony asked. Y/N rolled her eyes, still smiling as she impatiently grabbing his arm and dragged him outside towards the fight. She smiled at him, a great look of success overgoing her as she showed him the potion she had been perfecting for the last couple of years.
“Well, I took a blood sample of Peter’s and checked it to see what kind of stuff the spider had injected into him,” she said as Tony gave her a weird look. “Don’t ask how I got it, I don’t really know either. But as I analyzed it further, I had an idea to take the sample and separate the effects of the injection, and used it to create a serum that would give me powers similar to Peter’s, using the poison of his spider to create powers of my own.”
Tony looked at her mesmerized, then looked at the stash of dark red vials in the drawer. He lifted his eyebrows and nodded, impressed beyond words of the young girl’s discovery. Then he paused and looked back at her. “Wait, so you technically drank spiderboy’s blood?” He asked suspiciously. Y/N opened her mouth to respond but didn’t quite know how.
“I-” she paused, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “Okay, no, we don’t have time for this conversation right now. There’s a giant purple grape out that waiting to be slain.” Tony nodded and soon the two headed out the door without any further questions, saluting each other before Y/N darted off at an irregularly fast tempo.
She felt the wind blow rapidly against her hair as she ran through the bad guys, dodging hits with swiftness. Of course, she wasn’t fast like Pietro but definitely was faster than she usually was, which proved to be a great advantage while on the battlefield. Y/N saw Tony, Thor and Steve fighting against Thanos in the background as she thwiped out a web and flew into the air, grabbing one of the Chiari and slamming it into another group coming towards her.
She continued to fight when suddenly she felt a tingly sense that made her head shoot towards Steve, watching as he stood up by himself, his shield broken in his hand, as he prepared to single-handedly fight the titan. Y/N ran towards him when she heard a voice in her comm, that definitely wasn’t from anyone on their battlefield.
“On your left…”
She seemed to distantly recognize the voice but couldn’t quite place it. That is until a portal appeared beside Steve, made of orange sparks that she had remembered. There, the king of Wakanda, T'Challa, his younger sister, Shuri she thought her name was, and another girl who was dressed in a warriors uniform and a shaved head, holding a golden spear stood beside the king.
After that, portal after portal began to form around the atmosphere, with more battleships, superheroes and warriors of all kinds of countries and galaxies appearing through them and getting into their battle positions. Y/N smiled proudly before running up to the giant team and taking her place next to the Wakandian princess, lunging down into the iconic spidey stance and getting ready to avenge the rest of the universe. She looked at Steve as he watched everyone take their places among him.
“Avengers…” he starts as he holds out his hand and Mjolner flies into his grip. “Assemble!”
Battle cries and the sound of machines whirring and flying filled the atmosphere as they ran towards the alien army opposite of them. Y/N flicked out her wrist and grabbed onto one of the giants floating motherships and swung low to the ground, knocking out multiple enemies at once. Once she landed on the ground she continued to fist fight them off of her one by one, like Natasha had taught her for so many years.
But as good as she was doing at the moment, it wasn’t hard for her to get overpowered when a bunch jumped on her back at once, knocking her down to the floor, struggling to keep them from ripping out her skin. She tried to push them off, and successfully webbed some to the ground to keep them off of her, but it wasn’t enough to handle them all.
“Hey, watch out!” A boyish voice sounded through her comms as all the aliens were kicked right off of her, giving her a chance to stand up and fight off the rest, her rescuer standing behind her, back to back, as they both slung down the dogs and threw them across the battlefield. Y/N stabbed some with her pincer things Tony put on her back.
Once they were gone, Y/N grabbed the boy behind her and pulled him into a quieter place as she unmasked herself, looking expectantly at the boy. “Peter?” She said, her voice breaking as she looked at the Iron Spider suit, which disappeared from his face, revealing his unruly curls and a just as shocked look on his face.
“Y/N?” He whispered, disbelief in his eyes as she saw a single tear escape his brown orbs and gently slide down his cheek. He looked the same, but at the same time looked more mature, and she was relieved that he had seemed to grow while he was gone, or else the near future situation would be a bit awkward. “W-what are you doing here?” Y/N giggled a bit, feeling her own hot tears sliding down her dirt and blood covered cheek as her delicate hand went up to grab his own, wiping his tears.
“I came to save you, dummy,” she joked. Peter smiled at her, placing his hands on her waist. Although it wasn’t as long for Peter in the soul stone as it was for Y/N while on Earth since he was in a coma-like state pretty much the whole time, he had missed her honey-coated voice and sickly sweet smile. He had waited too long for this.
They watched each other for a little longer, analyzing the small details that had changed around their faces since the years passed before Peter leaned down and attached their lips together for a very long-awaited kiss. Y/N squeezed her eyes shut as her hands trailed back to rest on the back of his neck, playing with the small hairs at the nape of his neck as she felt the cold metal of his suit brush against her fingertips.
As they parted, he leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers, her sweat mixing with his as they kept their eyes closed and smiled at the feeling. Even though they were in the middle of a war, Y/N has never felt more at peace than that moment while she was in his arms.
Suddenly she felt the fine hairs on the back of her arm and the back of her neck stand up, and without thinking she extended her arms and traps the alien running towards them in one of her webs, throwing it up before pulling it back down to the ground, crushing it.
Apparently, Peter felt it too because when she looked back to him he was already looking back at the now-dead dog. His head turned back towards her, his mouth hanging open a bit as he let out a breath, a beautiful smile painting his lips as he grabbed her face, looking her in the eye.
‘God, I love you so much,“ he mumbles as he brings her mouth up to his again, this kiss a bit more passionate than the last. Y/N laughed into the kiss as she brought her arms around his neck and played with his hair. She pulled him back a bit, their noses still brushing against one another as she pecked him on the lips.
"I love you too,” she whispered, looking into his eyes with such adoration he almost exploded right there with the adrenaline he was feeling just having her this close to him. He smiled wider as he pecked her on the lips; once, twice, and a third time brought her into a proper kiss.
“Y'know as heartwarming as this moment is, you lovebirds realize we’re still fighting a war,” someone said from behind them. They quickly pulled away, stepping back from one another to face Tony Stark, a smirk on his lips as he examined the blush on the young adult’s faces, bashfully looking away from one another.
“Oh shut it, Tony. I deserve this at least,” she shook her head as she looked at the perfect boy beside her, someone she had known pretty much her whole life and had been in love with for just as long. Peter smiled at Tony and walked over to greet him, excited to see his mentor again after so long.
“Mr. Stark! Holy cow you will not believe what has happened to me,” Peter began to ramble as he walked up to him and started to do his usual over-exaggerated hand gestures. “Do you remember when we were in space? Right? And I got all dusty? Well I must have passed out and Dr. Strange said we went to the Soul Stone and we were in like a coma for like five years, and when I woke up, Dr. Strange was there too and he was like 'it’s been five years we have to go’, and then he started doing that yellow sparkly thingy, uh, that he does and… what are you doing? …oh.” Peter stopped when Tony wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a tight embrace.
Tony felt such a great sense of relief as he hugged Peter, never realizing that the kid was like his first son until it was too late and having to wait so many years to hear his voice again. He placed a kiss on his cheek, in a fatherly way, and opened his eyes, smiling at Y/N who looked so happy.
“This is nice,” Peter said before they pulled away, Peter turned back at Y/N and smiled at her, his grin reaching his sparkling eyes. Tony patted his shoulder.
“I think it’s time we get back into battle,” he stated, his mask going back over his face as he got his repulsors ready. “You two don’t take too long, and NO funny business.” The pair nodded as he flew back into the air, going to help Banner or the Hulk. Peter turned back to Y/N.
“Wow, this is so awesome,” he said as he walked back to her, holding her arms as he admired her suit, which looked similar to his. “You’re like, my spider-girl sidekick.” Y/N laughed and pushed his chest playfully.
“I’m nobody’s sidekick, Parker,” she said. “But I can be your… partner?” Peter smiled and blushed. He bit his lip as he looked her over again, his grin contagious.
“In what way?” He asked, trying to sound sly but sounding more scared of the answer. Y/N laughed and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.
“In whatever way you want me to be,” she said, kissing his cheek before putting her mask back on and saluting him before swinging of back into battle. Peter stood there with a red blush crawling up his neck and feeling breathless, his smile growing wider if that was even possible.
“Awesome,” he muttered before his mask also went over his face and he went to go help as well.
Y/N was swinging over the battle, occasionally knocking out an airborne enemy in her way if she had to. She scanned through the people fighting, looking for anyone who needed help. But then her web was seemed to be disintegrated as she fell hard onto the floor, another lazer like beam hit right beside her just barely grazing her shoulder. She saw the witch people? (that’s what Tony called them at least) started to make barriers which she quickly ran under. She looked around for Tony and Peter, but couldn’t see them. Until she heard the latter’s voice through her comm.
“Help! Somebody help!” He said, sounding panicked and she heard his grunts as he tried to fight off the aliens. Without thinking of the possible dangers she ran out to help him, her spider-senses helping her locate him. She saw him under a bunch of the aliens and shot a web up.
“Peter, duck!” She said as she rammed through the enemies, knocking them over like bowling pins. She grabbed Peter around the waist and tugged him into her as she shot a web and took them out, grabbing onto Mjloner which had flown right above.
“Aw, thanks, Y/N,” Peter said as he put his head into her neck, which she couldn’t help but blush at. She thought it was cute how their roles were sort of reversed and he was just so baby.
Y/N continued to ride onto the hammer until she saw that it was heading straight towards one of the flying motherships. Her eyes went wide as she looked for a way to get off. She saw Valkerye, one of Thor’s friends, and called out for her as a warning before throwing Peter up so he could get the gauntlet back to Scott.
Y/N then stood on the small handle of the hammer before using her web to fling herself forward, jumping up to get on top of the ship as the hammer continued to destroy it from the inside. As she jumped off and landed surprisingly gracefully on the ground, she looked up to realize that the ships were no longer firing at them, but at something in the atmosphere above.
Y/N squinted before watching a figure move at lightning speed straight through one of the ships firing at them, exploding the whole thing. Y/N smiled, knowing who it was as she ran down to help Peter up, who had just almost been hit by one of the beams.
“Hey, you alright?” She asked softly as she grabbed his arm and helped him get up, him going to get the gauntlet which had escaped his grip after falling. He nodded, his mask going back as hers did.
“Yeah, yeah, all good,” he reassured as he held onto her shoulder for support. “That was so badass, by the way. When I was like, stuck, you know, under those aliens. And then you came and was like wham! and like kicked them off and then you just sorta like picked me up and then you just like threw me onto that flying horse, which is crazy. But you like saved me and that was so cool. Like really cool. Thanks.” Peter rambled as he looked at her in awe, which she gave a sweet smile in return.
Before he could comment any more someone landed right in front of them. Captain Marvel smiled and nodded at Y/N, as she returned the gesture, and looked at Peter, who was still holding tightly onto the infinity stones. Peter looked at her with wide eyes and in awe.
“Hi I-I’m Peter.. Parker,” he said shyly. Captain Marvel smiled at him, looking between the two teenagers.
“I know,” she said as she gave Y/N a knowing glance. “Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?” Peter looked at the gauntlet before looking out at the army that was racing towards them, feeling scared at the moment.
“I don’t know how you’re gonna get through that,” he said as he delicately handed the glove to Carol as the other female Avengers and superheroes gathered together around her. Y/N felt immediately at home and looked over at Peter reassuringly as Wanda landed by her side.
“Don’t worry,” Y/N said with a smile as her mask got on and Okoye, T’Challa’s head of king’s guard, finished her sentence for her.
“She’s got help,” she said, and the group of them began to run like hell towards the growing army, all doing their own thing to slam through and take down the enemy. Y/N webbed them down as they tried to attack her sisters and knocked them over as she swung by. She saw one of the bigger monsters making its way towards her, and effortlessly picked it up and threw it into the rest of the aliens making their way towards her at a fast rate.
As she continued to fight off the enemy, she felt a strong surge of energy pass through her, making her stumble slightly. As she regained her balance, she watched as the aliens that were once running straight for her turned into dust, disappearing into the wind. She squinted her eyebrows, looking around for who had snapped before she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, warning her that something was wrong.
She followed her senses to find Tony sitting against a piece of debris, extremely pale and barely moving, his arm and part of his face burnt off. She felt her breathing stop as she stumbled towards him, muttering his name as she collapsed in front of him in front of all the other Avengers.
“T-Tony? Tony! No!” She said as fell in front of him, going to grab his hand with both of hers. She hadn’t felt this type of heartbreak since 2018 when she had lost Peter, her mom, and the rest of her friends. But this time she was losing her father.
“Hey, kid,” he said so quietly she wouldn’t have heard him, but she was practically hugging him by now, clinging onto him as a silent way of asking not to leave her. As she heard his voice, an ugly sob ripped through her as she buried her head in his chest as a form of comfort.
“Tony, please not you too,” she asked quietly, squeezing his hand so tight that the metal surrounding it had started to cut into her palms, but she could care less. “Not you too, please. We need you, Tony. I need you, and Morgan, please.” She couldn’t even finish before breaking down.
“Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It’s Peter.” Peter asked from behind her, shocked to see Y/N holding onto him and crying into him. Tony weakly looked up and brought his attention to the original web-slinging spider.  “We won, Mr. Stark. You did it. You did it, sir.”
At the mention of his name, Y/N finally looked up towards Peter, and he felt his heart shatter looking at her already bloodshot red eyes and the tear tracks that were a bright contrast against the rest of her face, which was covered in dust and blood. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, gently pulling her off and into his own arms.
“No, No! Let go, please! I need to help him. Please. No.” Her voice got quieter as Peter held her closely, her back pressed against his chest as they both watched him. Tony looked between the pair, and although it hurt him to see the tears in their eyes, he was happy that they would be able to work through it together. He looked up at Peter and nodded his chin towards Y/N.
“Take… take care of… of her,” he whispered, causing a sob to come over Peter as well as he nodded vigorously, holding her tighter against him if that was even possible at this point.
“Of course, yes always,” he said as he felt salty tears run down at a rapid pace. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Tony.” Tony tried to give him a smile, tried to give him a sign that everything would be okay, but found that he couldn’t.
Then Tony looked at Y/N. He remembered the last time she was like this, and it hurt him that he had to cause her the same pain. But he cared for her and knew that this was what had to happen to keep both of his daughters safe. “I love you.”
Y/N’s head fell as she heard the three simple words come from his mouth, leaning into Peter as she tries to control herself, trying to look strong in front of him, knowing who worried he must be already. “I love you, too, dad.” She whispered and nodded, reaching out to squeeze his hand one more time before Pepper came to his side. Peter carefully pulled Y/N back, her collapsing into his lap and crying into his shoulder as he rubbed her back tried to keep in his own tears to be strong for her but ended up letting go and crying into her soft hair.
“Friday?” Pepper asked, her hand on Tony’s chest as Tony’s hand was placed gently on top of hers.
“Life functions critical,” the AI responded. Y/N felt like she was gonna be sick. She couldn’t think she could breathe, how do you even breathe again? Because she couldn’t quite remember at the moment. She listened to Peter’s heartbeat and used his rising and falling chest as a model.
“Tony? Look at me,” Pepper managed a smile at Tony as he groaned while turning to look towards her. “You’re gonna be okay, you can rest now,” she said as she put a hand on his cheek, gently caressing it before placing a soft kiss to it. And after that, the light on his chest went dim, and it took everything in Y/N not to scream like the day she found out Peter wasn’t coming home for dinner that night.
She felt Peter shaking around her, choking on sobs. She knew he would try and act as a support base for her, and he always liked to put others before himself. But she just held onto him, her hands going up to his messy hair and carting her fingers through the strands as a silent way to tell him that she was there for him too.
The Avengers and other heroes and warriors who had teamed up together to fight kneeled down, showing their respect to another beautiful life taken. The chaos in the warzone had gone quiet, a moment of silence taken in honour of Tony Stark.
And just like that, he was gone, just another figure of history in the textbooks. But to others he was a friend, he was a teammate, he was an idol, he was family. And God knows that he wouldn’t be forgotten for what he was, a hero.
The funeral occurred a couple of weeks later, only close friends and family were invited at the small gathering at the lake house where he lived with his family. It was odd, walking into the house and feeling so much dread in a place she considered a getaway just days before, a place that brought her such a feeling of happiness and relief.
She sat quietly in a soft chair in the corner, trying to process everything that was happening and everything that would come with it afterwards.  She had just finished watching Tony’s video to his family, which Pepper insisted included her, and felt heartbroken at the thought that it would truly be the last time she saw him, ever again.
“Hey,” his soft voice said as Peter crouched down next to her, a hand on her knee as he gently squeezed. His eyes were red and puffy, just as hers were, and he wore a black and white suit that looked nice on him, though it seemed an inappropriate time to comment on it. “They’re starting the service soon, um, by the lake. I think we should go.” Y/N nodded, standing up from her chair and taking his hand in her own, finding comfort in his warm and soft grip.
The two walked out to the deck, one that she had so many memories on with the rest of the Stark family. Peter brought her to stand beside him and his aunt May, who smiled at Y/N and squeezed her hand. Y/N smiled back, but it came out as more of a grimace. They stood just behind Happy, Pepper and Morgan, as Pepper leaned down and set the wreath onto the lake, in the middle it had Tony’s original arc reactor from 2008, with words engraved into it.
‘Proof Tony Stark has a heart’
She found humour in the words but also wondered why anyone had ever thought otherwise. Sure he was a bit egotistical and petty sometimes, and often took to bragging when it came to being one of the smartest people on earth. But if you had known him like I had, she thought to herself, you’d know that he was one of the most caring people ever.
She watched as it floated away down through the calm river, eventually turning into a speck in the distant, covered by trees and the glistening light reflected off the water. Y/N gulped harshly as she tried to keep her tears in, not trying to break the strong personality she had set in stone for the past five years, but nonetheless couldn’t help a few of them slip from her eyes.
When the funeral had ended Y/N went to greet the others that had attended, wearing her best fake smile as people commented on how sorry they were for her loss and she did the same for them. She had gotten many embraces from people she did and didn’t know, and shared small laughs and memories with them.
After Y/N got tired of talking to everyone she tapped Peter, who had stayed by her side through the whole day, and told him she was going to get a drink of water. Peter had insisted on coming and held her hand as they walked away from the crowd and to the cute lakeside cottage, Y/N had considered home for so many years. On the small bench beside the door sat Happy with little Morgan in his lap, who sprung off and ran towards the girl with a bright smile on her face.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Morgan chanted happily as she ran closer, arms stretched out. Y/N smiled genuinely at the young girl and crouched down, picked her up as she ran into her chest and resting her on her hip. She brushed her nose against her soft cheek and placed a kiss upon it.
“Hi, baby,” Y/N said as she bounced Morgan. Peter looked at Morgan with a grin as well, since it was honestly astounding how similar she was to her father. Morgan giggled and played with Y/N’s hair as they had a small conversation and Peter could only watch on in awe. Then Y/N turned Morgan to face Peter. “You remember who this is, don’t you? It’s uncle Peter!” Y/N said, looking at Morgan and then smiling up at Peter, who felt like he was about to cry again just hearing those words.
“Spidey! Spidey!” Morgan screeched happily as she leaned over and made grabbing hands towards Peter, asking him to pick her up. Peter smiled widely before taking her from Y/N’s grip and holding her on his own hip now.
“Hey there, nice to finally meet you,” he said as he rocked slightly and Morgan placed her head on his shoulder, wrapping her small arms around his neck. Peter felt like he might explode from cuteness overload.
“Yeah. Daddy and Y/N says that-that you is the bestest,” she says as she played with the collar of Peter’s shirt. “You’re my favourite superhero! But after daddy.” She says as she smiled up at him. Peter raises his eyebrows and nods, letting out a laugh as he continued to talk with her. Soon the girl was falling asleep on Peter’s shoulder and the two walked inside to put her down for a nap.
Peter gently placed her down on her bed as he put a few stuffed animals by her side and covered her with the pink, fluffy blanket at the end of the bed. He kissed her forehead as Y/N went to place another on her cheek.
“Love you 3000,” she mumbled in her half-asleep state, and Y/N smiled, feeling tears brimming in her eyes as she replied.
“Love you infinity,” she says as she kissed her head. Morgan smiled in her sleepy state as the two stood up and exited the room, closing the door as quietly as they could to not stir her. Peter pulled Y/N into a hug, rocking them from side to side as he felt her tears start to make his shirt wet, but he didn’t seem to care. He kissed her temple and gently grabbed her chin, guiding her to look up at him as he smiled down at her.
“You know, I love you infinity,” he mumbled as he leaned down to brush against her lips. She laughed, his presence making her feel so much better since he really was her saviour. She shook her head, scoffing.
“You’re such a dork, Parker,” she said as she looked up at him, smiling for what felt like the first time in forever. She didn’t know how he had that effect on her, but then again she wasn’t complaining. God knows she needs a bit of relief. “I love you infinity too,” she replied after leaving him hanging for a while, and she stood up on her toes to press her lips to his, the kiss soft and short but still full of emotion.
As they broke apart, he pressed another kiss on her forehead and pulled her into his embrace. “You know what would make you feel better?” He said into her ear, which she replied with a ‘hm?’, asking for him to continue. “If we went home and binge-watched that Shane Dawson conspiracy theory video you told me about the other day.” Y/N scrunched up her eyebrows and looked up at him, a soft laugh passing her lips.
“Right now? Are you serious?” she said, shaking her head as she jokingly pushed his chest. He also chuckled a bit.
“What?” He asked, taking her hand and backing down the hallway. “C’mon, Y/N, you know how long I’ve waited for this video! You can’t just tease me with it!” Y/N raised her eyebrow as she watched Peter bounce a bit, begging her with his adorable brown puppy eyes to come with him.
“Well, you know what? There’s actually two, and they’re an hour and a half each” she whispered, causing Peter to groan and throw his head back. As he looked back up he was smirking, his tongue swiping over his teeth as he looked at her.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he whispered as he tugged on her hand and pulled her away, Y/N following a giggling mess as he brought her to Aunt May’s car and drove them back home, both excitedly discussing different videos and movies and other events that Peter had missed while he was gone.
Even though it meant sacrificing a lot, and even though she was still devastated about Tony and Nat’s death, Y/N felt as if everything would be okay as she lied on Peter’s chest, his strong arms wrapped securely around her as they watched the movie long conspiracy videos together. They exchanged small kisses and soft words, and even feeding popcorn to each other cause they were that grossly sweet kind of couple. And Y/N had finally found her hope.
Permanent: @phonegalhelp @caswinchester2000
Peter Parker: @britishspidey @deansdeliciouspies @triviaisbop
    Hope: @dee-writes-fics​ @xsweetnsour @underooling @studyxuxi@ibookishqueen @sunflowercth @bucky-to-my-barnes @green-lxght@softrdj @multifacetedfandom @obsessedwithrogertaylor @shayke-and-bake @bellero @spookyanairwin @lizlil @eridanuswave@reinyrei @wishing-wanting​ @dragqueenseverywhere  @creativedogs​ @officialmarvelwhore​ @bolivianchickennugget​ @jarvis-play-despacito @pvachyy @ksmy-99 @venomavacado @triviaisbop @kidensdouble88 @stark-spiderling @autobotgirl15-blog @madampomfrcy
Let me know if you want to be added to the permanent or the peter parker taglist! Also, message me your thoughts on this chapter and if you’d like to maybe see a short epilogue for what comes after!
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wrennix062 · 4 years
Let's get personal:
• 6 of the songs you listen to most?
You’ll Be Back (Hamilton), Car Radio (TØP Vessel), Soldier Poet King (The Oh Hellos), IDK You Yet (Alexander 23), Lemons (Brye), S.L.U.T (Bea Miller)
• If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Thomas Sanders
• Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
"Her smile faded, her chest tightened, and heavy blanket of anguis smothered her smallest joy."
• What do you think about most?
Whether or not the world exists
• What does your latest text message from someone else say?
• Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
• What's your strangest talent?
Uhm, I can identify any bird based on a picture (not that great a talent)
• Girls... (finish the sentence) Boys... (finish the sentence)
Girls are handsome. Boys are beautiful.
• Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Not that I know of
• When was the last time you played the air guitar?
Earlier tonight (i was listening to the phineas and ferb theme song)
• Do you have any strange phobias?
Agoraphobia (fear or large spaces/rooms, I always hated gym class)
• Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
One of those round flat LEGO dots
• What's your religion
I don't have one specific, though I lean towards a philosophy known as the Dao De Jing
• If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
• Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
• Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Twenty Øne Pilots
• What was the last lie you told?
That I practiced piano
• Do you believe in karma?
It depends.
• What does your URL mean?
Pidgeon refers to Pidge Gunderson from Voltron Legendary Defender, 11206 is my favorite number
• What is your greatest weakness and strength?
Weakness - Emotions Strength - Music/Art/Writing
• Who is your celebrity crush?
Bex Taylor-Klaus
• Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?
• How do you vent your anger?
Writing angst
• Do you have a collection of anything?
Tiny screwdrivers
• Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Honestly it doesn't really matter. As long as I'm able to talk to them and hear them, I'm good.
• Are you happy with the person you've become?
More or less.
• What's a sound you hate vs a sound you love?
Hate - hail on my window or roof Love - pencil tapping
• What's your biggest "what if"?
What if the world as we know it doesn't exist and we are all living an illusion surrounded by other illusions that act as if they understand reality?
"I think, therefore I am."
• Do you believe in ghosts? What about aliens?
Ghosts, more or less. Aliens, absolutely. There is a vast and ever growing space beyond our knowledge, there is no way we're the only planet capable of harboring life.
• Stick your right arm out. What do you feel first? The same with your left arm.
Right - my nightstand Left - my wall
• Smell the air. What do you smell?
My dogs
• What's the worst place you have ever been to?
A mental hospital, visiting a family member. (No, it wasn't an insane asylum, this family member was dealing with suicidal thoughts and tendencies.)
• Choose - East or West coast?
• Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
I am all genders and none, but of my opposite sex would be Shawn Mendes
• To you, what is the meaning of life?
There is none. You wake up, do things daily, go to sleep, and repeat until you die. You aren't meant to do things differently, some people are just considered better than others and actually make an impact.
• Define Art.
A way for others to interpret an individual's self expression
• Do you believe in luck?
Yes. The universe doesn't treat people the same all the time.
• What's the weather like right now?
It's storming outside, lots of thunder and lightning and rain.
• What time is it?
At the time of writing this question, 12:10 am
• Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
No, I don't drive.
• What was the last book you read?
"The Mysterious Benedict Society"
• Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Absolutely not.
• Do you have any nicknames?
One of my friends refers to me as Remus because I remind her of Remus from Sanders Sides
• What was the last film you saw?
"After The Dark" otherwise known as "The Philisphers"
• What's the worst injury you've had?
Between spraining my wrist and getting a two inch split on my scalp
• Have you ever caught a butterfly?
No, but I have held one and walked with it without it flying away
• Do you have any obsessions right now?
Chemical Engineering, learning Italian, Philosophy
• What's your sexual orientation?
Asexual - Panromantic
• Ever had a rumor spread about you?
• Do you believe in magic?
Not really, no (but I do believe in the paranormal)
• Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
The only person I know has done me wrong gaslighted me and made me believe it was my fault, so no
• What's your astrological sign?
• Do you save money or spend it?
Depends on if we're talking about video games or real life
• What's the last thing you purchased?
Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha
• Love or Lust?
Lust is fake. I will always and forever choose love
• In a relationship?
• How many relationships have you had?
• Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
• Where were you yesterday?
At home
• Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
An old toy vault that I got at a book fair
• Are you wearing socks right now?
• What's your favorite animal?
It's between a lion, a snake, or a coral polyp
• What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Use a super cheesy dad joke, it always makes everyone laugh
• Where is your best friend?
At home
• Give me your top five favorite blogs on Tumblr
Idk I don't really follow any blogs
• What is your heritage?
Italian, Danish, Norwegian, English
• What were you doing last night at 12:00 am?
Writing fanfiction
• What do you think is Satan's last name?
Grovum (don't ask me why)
• Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
I tried, I hated it
• Are you the kind of friend you want to have as a friend?
Not really, no
• You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss told you that if you are late on more time, you get fired. What do you do?
If I'm late all the time, it means I don't wanna be there. I'll search for my dream job, but right now there is an innocent life at stake and I can do something about it.
• You are at the doctor's office and she has just informed you that you have one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone that you're going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) I tell my closest family and friends. I want them to be there for me, but if I tell anyone I'm not close with, they will only pity me.
b) I will spend the rest of my time eating chocolate, drinking coffee like it's soup, and blending waffles, because doing something weird is doing something fun.
c) Not at all. Death is an inevitable concept. I would be sad, I would be angry, but I would not be afraid. There isn't a point to being scared of something you can't avoid.
• You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
I choose love. Living life without loving another person, whether it be romantic, platonic, or familial, would be torture. And for me, love is the same as trust, but trust is not the same as love.
• What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
"Sincerely Me" from Dear Evan Hansen
• What are the last four digits of your cell phone number?
• In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
• How can I win your heart?
Chocolate, a Ferris wheel ride at night, and accepting my sexual orientation.
• Can insanity have more creativity?
No. Creativity is always in the back of your mind. The same is with darker creativity. Insanity just brings it to the forefront or makes you act on it.
• What is the single best decision you have made in your life?
I decided that self harm doesn't help. I'm glad I did, or I could have landed myself in a hospital.
• What size shoes do you wear?
8 1/2
• What quote would be written on your tombstone?
"Life is a locked door. Death is the key.
Death is a locked door. Life is the key."
• What is your favorite word?
• Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word heart.
Red mixed with black and white.
• What is a saying you say a lot?
What can you do when you live in a shoe
• What is the last song you listened to?
• Basic question, what is your favorite color?
• What is your current desktop picture?
Hogwarts castle
• If you could press one button and make anyone in the world explode, who would it be?
*thinks to self* does my sleep paralysis demon count..?
• What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
It's not a matter of which question, it's a matter of who's asking it
• One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn the light on to find you are surrounded by mummies. The mummies arent really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Offer them some toilet paper, maybe they're here because the ones at the supermarket are still sold out.
• You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they grant you a superpower if your choice. What is that power?
• You can re-live any point in time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half hour experience would you like to experience again?
My first time watching the first scene in IT.
• You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
Fighting with both of my best friends
• You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
None. I'm asexual.
• You just got a free plane ticket anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Venice, Italy
• Do you have any relatives in jail?
• Have you ever thrown up in the car?
• Ever been on a plane
• If the whole word we're listening to you right now. what would you say?
F**k Donald Trump
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abitofafatass · 6 years
You sit there at the top of the cliff, watching Sarge tinker with his robotics absently, and think about the first time he died.
You didnt even really know Church back then. He was just another asshole on the other side of the canyon. You watched him through the sniper scope, and wondered what they were bickering about over there. Then the rookies showed up and you actually had to go out and fight him. Driving the warthog was so much fun, and you could hear Simmons whooping in the gunner’s spot behind you before the bullets started flying. You remember seeing the tank roll up, the fear of getting run over or shot (things that would happen much later), and then you watched, stunned, as Church’s own team member lined up the barrel and shot him.
Later, you’d meet Caboose properly and understand.
That death had meant little to you. You’d never even had a proper conversation with the guy before he died.
Besides, the next year and a half, you spent with his motherfucking “ghost” anyways. What was the point of getting worked up about a dead body if you could still have beer with his spirit?
When you think about his second death, you’re floating in the swimming pool of your new water park. Everything had gotten so serious; Church was really an AI, there were real things trying to kill them, Freelancer had to be stopped. You wish there had been more time to say goodbyes before Wash is telling all of you to leave and get Epsilon out of there. The frantic drive to get away from the Emp (EMP still sounded fake as hell, thank you very much) still makes your heart beat fast and you realize that if Caboose hadnt been just a little faster, you could have lost a friend twice over that time.
At least then, there were shiney new bases, and a few months to mourn Church. It hadnt really seemed real though, you think. Tucker was also gone, and things werent business as usual at Valhalla anyways, so why should you miss the absence of another Blue? Your too busy dealing with Sarge’s bullshit and wondering if Lopez really did kill your baby sister (you doubt this heavily. Kai has gotten out of worse).
The next time you dont get to say goodbye either. 
You dont like thinking about Sidewinder. Every time you do, you can feel a vise-like grip around your ankles, and you can practically feel snow and ice scraping against your armour as your pulled towards an empty abyss. It makes you shiver uncontrollably, despite the fact you’re currently laying in the warm sand, letting the tepid water of the beach lap against your feet. You draw them up and think about how Tex was worth leaving all of his friends behind. 
You cant help but feel some resentment. After sticking your neck out for him for the past few weeks, Church is just going to abandon you and the rest of the team? Perhaps that anger is unfair. Epsilon was not Alpha. He did not have the same feelings for the guys, no matter how many gaps in his memory that you offer to fill. Just because you treat a guy the same doesnt mean that he actually is.
Still, you muse, watching the water spill over your little waterfall haven, that doesnt excuse all the times he’d run off without a goodbye. It might not have been a death, but you still count the time he ran off with Carolina like it was. You still went through the same feelings of anger and sadness, and even grief for a friendship that seemed forever out of reach. There had been a moment when you thought you were getting it back, but then...
Thinking about the time inside Sarge’s stupid holograph room where he exploded at you makes you angry, and you throw a fairly large rock into the pool at the bottom of the waterfall in frustration. Sure, Church had died all those times, but they’d also had to deal with it! They all had history together! They risked themselves time and time again to deal with Church’s problems. And then he just left with some bitch when he was done using the lot of you.
That reporter had really dropped a bomb into the middle of everything, you think to yourself, hunched over and staring at the wall of your secret cave. The last time he’d died, it had felt so final, so permanent. Ten months, you’d spent trying to reconcile the fact that he was never coming back. Sure he had before, and you’d never tried to work through those times. Why should you if he was just going to reincarnate as a bigger asshole?
There are hot tears between your helmet and your cheeks, and you know from experience that its going to get uncomfortable soon, but you dont dare remove the helmet. Everyone is getting ready to leave Iris, your home, your happy life together, to go save a guy who cant figure out how to stay dead, and who didnt want to be around them much in the last year of his life anyways. You think to yourself that he really shouldnt be dead anyways. Maybe if you’d been a better fighter, Church wouldnt have needed to create fragments of himself and then die. 
Maybe you shouldnt be so quick to write him off.
Thinking of rescuing him again just makes you tired though, deep in your bones. Its been hard; Church’s problems have taken up almost all of your adult life, and you’ve gotten almost nothing in return. His words in the holo-room haunt you, and for a moment you seriously consider going after Church. Then you also remember waking up at Crash Site Bravo and finding out he’d taken off again, and the anger comes back strong enough that you feel like you need to throw up.
You still feel like this when the reporter tries to guilt you into going. She says things that you’ve tried to hide and pretend arent part of you -- caring for these people means you’ll get hurt. Just like with Church.
“FUCK CHURCH!” you scream. The anger feels good, it feels right. It feels better than the literal years of denial that he’s been carrying around. Later, it’ll be nothing but guilt, but you relish the release of emotions that comes with shouting now. You take that anger, low and simmering, with you when you tell the people that you call friends that you quit. You just cant deal with Church anymore.
The guilt eats away at you for weeks. How could you just leave him when he might be alive? How could you let him do that to himself? Why werent you better so he didnt have to fragment?
You stare at a deflating volleyball, and feel the words fall from your mouth just as fast as the tears do. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
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commanderofcandles · 8 years
Don’t let me fall (I know you’ll catch me)
soooo… after this week’s episode I honestly had to write this lil supercorp one-shot plus, my freak out with @louloutche gave me just what I needed to write it beware, it is very gay (duh) mostly Lena obsessing over Kara’s strong arms loosely based on this post hope you enjoy guys
you can also read it here
Lena can’t believe it. In just the span of a few months, she’s come face to face with death five times, five. She’s a Luthor after all, she should be used to death following her. But she’s not, not really, and she’s starting to think she never will be.
When Lena was thrown off that balcony, her first thought was that she’d never get to redeem her name. She’d never get to prove to everyone just how good she wants to be, how much she’s striving for justice. Because, in spite of what Kara is always telling her, she knows people are still thinking she’s like a ticking bomb, ready to explode at any given moment and wreak havoc around National City.
Then Kara – Supergirl – had flown in and caught her in her arms, and she’d barely felt any pain when she had landed in her strong arms. Because Kara’s arms were so strong, and Lena has been obsessing over them ever since she’s felt them around her body, protecting her.
She can’t stop thinking about it, the feelings, the scent, the wind whirling around, running through Supergirl’s blonde hair. Lena often feels like she’s floating when she’s talking to Kara, but in that case, she had literally been floating, flying even.
Lena feeling Kara’s strong muscles, her arms protecting her, and it’s the first time in a while she’s felt this safe, and she can’t believe she feels safe when she’s flying because God she hates flying so much but with Kara, it actually feels good, so good, to be in her arms.
And now Kara is here (well technically, Supergirl is here). After saving the aliens that night, she offers to take Lena for a flying session across the city, and Lena tries, she really tries, to hide the dread she feels inside but Kara, oh sweet Kara, of course she catches it.
“Unless you’re scared.”
Lena laughs, she laughs so hard, so… freely. Because Supergirl is standing right in front of her, teasing her about her fear of flying, and Lena finds the whole situation so ridiculous.
“Well Supergirl, feeling very sassy tonight, arent’ we?”
Kara smiles back at her, in a Kara way, not in a Supergirl way, and Lena swears her heart is trying to jump out of her chest.
Ever so softly, Kara takes a step forward, her face barely inches apart from Lena’s. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay after…”
Kara drops her gaze and Lena raises an eyebrow. “This wouldn’t be the first time someone’s trying to kill me, you know.”
Kara’s eyes shoot up to meet her green ones, and Lena’s breath catches in her throat.
“I know. It’s the fifth since the day we met.”
Lena is surprised at the confession. She didn’t think Kara kept tabs on that, but well, she is a reporter after all, Lena guesses it’s part of the job to know just how many times one of the most powerful woman in National City has almost died.
(It’s not.)
Kara puts her Supergirl face back on and smiles wryly at her. “So? What do you say? Wanna go for a ride with me?”
Lena genuinely smiles. How could she say no?
Lena hates to admit that she’s had one of the best times of her life but well… it’s the truth.
Flying with Kara is such an incredible experience. Seeing the alien’s genuine smile and hearing her laughter, so pure, so warm, so rich, so… carefree. Lena loves it. Kara seems really happy when she’s flying. She seems… her, not Supergirl, not Kara Danvers either. Just her, Kara, and Lena falls a bit more.
They’re now sitting on the top of the L-Corp building, on the quiet and empty rooftop, feet dangling in the air, and Lena still doesn’t understand how she’s not afraid. How the Kryptonian makes her feel so safe and relaxed all the time (well, not all the time. She’s often a mess when she talks to Kara, but she thinks she hides it pretty well).
“See? I’m okay,” Lena says, nudging Supergirl’s shoulder playfully. “You don’t have to keep babysitting me. I’m sure you have superhero stuff to do.”
Kara feigns to be offended. “I’m not babysitting you! I’m spending time with my friend.”
Lena’s face softens and her lips tug upwards to form a genuine smile. “I’m really grateful that you decided to check up on me.”
(As she will later find out, Kara’s offer to fly across the city wasn’t entirely innocent. The Kryptonian really enjoyed having Lena in her arms. Lena isn’t about to complain about that either.)
Lena thinks back to Kara’s arms around her, to the way her own hands had found their way around the alien’s neck so easily. She can’t shake the feeling inside of her, telling her Kara’s hold on her body had been tighter than necessary, that the superhero had been genuinely afraid to lose her. Lena wants to convince herself that she had been afraid to lose her friend, but something in the reporter’s gaze lately makes her question that.
What if Kara feels the same way she does?
Lena really doesn’t want to ruin their friendship, not when Kara is the only real friend she’s ever had. But she can’t keep it to herself anymore. She has to let her know. Let her know how safe she makes her feel. Let her know how much she loves her.
“I’ve never felt this safe you know.”
She’s barely realized she’s said it, but too late, Lena is diving, and if she’s being completely honest, she doesn’t mind drowning.
Kara tilts her head to the side and gives her a puzzled look, so Lena explains, “When I was in your arms, flying hundreds of meters above the ground, it was the first time in my life I felt this safe.”
Kara’s eyes flashes with something akin to hurt, and suddenly Lena remembers. Kara still thinks Lena doesn’t know she’s Supergirl (honestly who wouldn’t have figured it out at this point? Lena is a goddamn genius, of course she knows ever since they met). Kara thinks Lena is in love with Supergirl. But that’s not who Lena fell in love with. Lena fell in love with Kara, just Kara, no matter what her last name is, Danvers, or her real family name from Krypton (which Lena is still very curious about).
“Kara…” Lena whispers as she reaches out to brush her fingers against the other woman’s cheek.
Kara’s eyes flash with realization, and she doesn’t even try to pretend. Lena knows, and it is not an issue. The Kryptonian relaxes, leans in Lena’s touch and closes her eyes, keeping Lena from drowning in her favorite shade of blue.
Lena leans in, resting her forehead against Kara’s, and closes her eyes too, forgetting the world around them even though they’re dangerously close to falling from the rooftop of her own building. She doesn’t care. Kara would catch her anyway (and she’d get to be wrapped in her strong arms again).
They stay like that for hours maybe, or mere minutes, neither of them know, they don’t care. Their little bubble of happiness if far too precious for them to let go. Up until Lena feels brave enough and decides their worlds should collide, pressing her lips against Kara’s soft ones.
Kara’s lips taste like raspberry. Lena loves it, and she’s never felt so grateful to be already sitting down, or she’d have collapsed at the sweet taste.
Kara is quick to pull away, and Lena unconsciously chases after her lips, not nearly done with the woman next to her.
Lena’s breathing is frantic, and she smiles as she sees Kara is in the same state, even though she’s an alien with superstrength, barely flinching when she has to carry an entire bus, but apparently breathless after kissing Lena.
Kara is quicker to gather her thoughts though, and she softly offers, voice barely above a whisper, “How about I take you home?”
“Will you stay with me?”
Lena doesn’t want to leave Kara, and she really wants the answer to be a positive one. She’s hopeful when she sees Kara’s broad smile.
“Only if you want me to.”
Lena grins and leans in for another kiss, feeling Kara’s strong arms wrap around her once again, and she thinks she could get used to flying with her favorite alien.
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miscastcommentary · 6 years
Episode 0 - Our Genesis
This is going to be an interesting journey. Going through the old episodes, we wanted to share our thoughts with you as we re-lived these moments. It was interesting hearing me tell the story of how the podcast came to be. It is indeed true that I was watching Marked for Death on my own when the whole idea came flooding into my head. A few back and forth conversations and a sizeable investment later, we had a podcast and this was its beginning. I like to think we have gotten better at it since this one. I hope you enjoy the read.
Miscast Commentary - Episode 0
Released August 19, 2016
Intro : You’re listening to Miscast Commentary.
Joe: Hi guys. How’re you doing here. It’s Joe Findlay
Todd: Hello, this is Todd “T-Bo the Sailor” Murray
Joe: Yeah, and we’re here. This is Miscast Commentary. We’re giving you a little mini episode to tell you who the hell we are before we get started.
Todd: Miscast is definitely the correct name.
Joe: Yeah, exactly. So, somewhere out of the ordinary, we just decided to… do a podcast.  I just… let him know. I just texted Todd and said “Hey, wanna do this podcast? We’re gonna talk about movies.”
Todd: Then i asked you what a podcast was, honestly.
Joe: Yes. and I didn’t have a great answer for him. Essentially, what we’re gonna do… We’re gonna do another commentary for a movie. So you’ve got your Director’s Commentary. You’ve got your Cast Commentaries and you’ve got… you know…
Todd: Two guys who had absolutely nothing to do with the production or the film.
Joe: Yeah, exactly and we’re gonna give you our insights. We’re gonna do some bits. We’re gonna have some fun. We’re gonna talk about all kinds of movies. Mostly old movies. But it’s not gonna just be bad movies. It’s gonna be movies we like, it’s gonna be movies we hate and it’s gonna be all kinds of things. Whatever we enjoyed watching when we were young or whatever we would have enjoyed watching when we were young.
Todd: Which was anything that had explosions and boobs.
Joe: Yes, and if a boob exploded, you were in fantastic shape.
Todd: Oh yes.
Joe: Yes. So we’re really looking forward to doing this. We’re hoping we can get four or five listeners that aren’t related.
Todd: So the idea is that people will turn the movie on and turn  us on and listen to our commentary over top of the film as it plays.
Joe: Well, they certainly can. They’re invited to do that. That’s how this was born, but I mean you can still listen to it anyways. If you’re driving then we don’t want you to watch the movie because if you die, we’ll feel bad.
Todd: And you’ll know what’s happening because Joe will be talking smack and I will literally be describing the movie in English and Espanol.
Joe: If you’ve never seen a commentary that has Arnold Schwarzenegger on it, just go on YouTube and Google it. That’s what Todd’s gonna be doing.
Todd: Pretty Much.
Joe: (Impersonating Schwarzenegger) “This is the scene where I walk into the room and then I say hello, and that’s very funny because I wouldn’t normally say hello. I’d just shoot the man in the chest.”
Todd: Exactly, and I’m not going to be doing it as me or an outsider, I’m going to be one of the characters telling you what’s happening
(Joe Laughs)
Joe: See and we’re still learning technically about things so Todd just learned hard..
(Banging sound)
Todd: Ohhhh!
Joe: Todd just learned not to bang the table.
Todd: It’s a very expensive Table, by the way. You should see the setup in this room it is… It’s as professional as it gets.
Joe: Well, unless you go to a professional studio. We are on a couch. I am looking at my daughter’s… still Easter candy, so that’s where we’re at.
Todd: I’m in the Bathroom. Live via satellite.
Joe: Yeah. I got a cable that was just long enough. When you hear him… I will try to keep the mic down if you hear him start to struggle.
Todd: Grunts. Flushes.
Joe: Yeah.
Todd: Pages turning.
Joe: You’ve never flushed.
Todd: Yeah. I don’t know how.to.
Joe: Alright. So anyways. So let’s talk about the movie we’re gonna do next week. It is a fantastic one. It’s actually the one I was watching when I was like “Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if me and Todd were doing a podcast about this?” And then my brain literally went “Woaaaah.” and then my brain went “Woooah” again because that’s what Steven Segal would have sounded like and which movie are we doing Todd?
Todd: We are going to do… You could pick any Steven Segal film, ‘cause they’re all exactly the same. We’re gonna do Marked For Death.
Joe: Fantastic. Marked for Death. The third of his bigger movies at the time. He did three really close together and he takes on Jamaicans in this.
Todd: Yes which is different than the others where he took on a different race of the exact same guy.
Joe: And don’t worry. Are they kind of racist against them? Totally!
Todd: Oh this is… What year did this come out?
Joe: ‘90.
Todd: Stereotypes were the… that was the way to go.
Joe: I know. The fact that we made it out of there and thought “Hey, black people are ok.”
(They laugh)
Todd: Anybody. Especially whitey.
Joe: No. I’ve never been a fan of whitey. Yeah, so we’re gonna give it a watch. We’re gonna be watching it in real time and we’re gonna be reacting. You can join along with us, you can just listen to us watch the movie, If you’ve seen the movie you know what happens. When you hear us talk about “Hey, there’s a girl with boobs.” You’ll know what we’re getting at.
Todd: A girl with boobs.
Joe: Yeah, exactly. If you can't figure it out then I can’t help you. You can get this thing anywhere. You can find it in any cheapy bin in any store. I found it in a video store in the used bin. You can rent it on YouTube for $3.99 right now
Todd: I don’t.. Honestly. I wouldn’t recommend… for $3.99. Yikes.
Joe: I know. I’m sorry (They laugh). Then there’s other things in the states if there’s any possibility that an American is going to listen to this. You can get it on Amazon Instant. You can get it on Vudu
Todd: if you live anywhere in the vicinity of somebody who’s like from the ages of 35 to somewhere in their 50’s range just wait ‘til they go to work, break into their house. I’m sure they’ll have it amongst their Van Dammes.
Joe: If you know anybody who owns a sword, They’ve got this movie or can describe it to you in full. So that’s it guys. We really hope everybody tunes in. We’re gonna try and have these things up on Fridays, so you should always be able to tune in and hear something. Somebody will be talking. If you want to reach us, you can catch us at [email protected]. You can find us on Twitter @miscastpodcast. You can find us on Instagram @miscastcommentary. Lots of ways to find us.
Todd: You can… I was just gonna say my local phone number. You can just call me. And yack whenever, really. If you just wanna rap.  
Joe: But you literally have to rap.
Todd: Yes. I will not accept any phone calls unless you are freestyle rapping.
Joe. Yeah. That’s how I had to tell him that, like, a friend of ours died. (They Laugh) It was really bad,
Todd: It was awkward.
Joe: I could not find the rhymes. So I hope everybody tunes in and checks us out; Marked for Death. Find it. Watch it along with us. Don’t find it. Listen along. I don’t care.
Todd: Live it.
Joe: Just be a part of it with us. Be inside us.
Todd: Yes, Both of us.
Joe: Alright. Tune in.
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ilygsd · 6 years
odfidk: 140818 - 1
ok so i really want to talk to a therapist but i wont be comfortable explaining my life story if theyre white. i just want help cus im always so tired but no one helps. ive been angry, fighting my whole life but no one cares. i came as an angry anxious baby. i was furious when i was adopted. i was screaming all the time,  abandoned multiple times just to be bought by these white foreigners i didnt even understand. but no one cared. no one knew how to handle my loss and pain, and my dad’s emotionally abusive as it is, making me grow up, feeling like theres smth wrong with me. that im just an annoying angry kid by default or smth, while my sister was the perfect one. thats why i always protected her. thats why i always stood up against his accusations,  guilt tripping and anger. because my little sister was too afraid and i was already labelled as the problematic kid. but im tired. she’s fkn 15. after all the things ive done for her the least she gan do is ask me how im feeling fromt time to time. my whole family knows ive been depressed for like 2 years and the only one who cares is my mom who just survived a 7 year old long ptsd. i hear from her that my sister appreciates it but i never get anything from her. i dont feel appreciated in this family at all. im still the angry annoying sjw and nothing i say will ever be taken seriously by our dad cus hes a master of making both me, my sister and mom (probably brothers too but they fkn abandoned us a long time ago those pussies, leaving 10 year old me to fend for me and lil sis all on my own while our parents were divorcing, mom was suicidal, dad abusive and economy crashing) feel like shit. their divorce was probably my first trigger factor. it took me 2,5 years, i was 4 the first time i dared to let go of my parents. first time they could leave me out of sight without me being ”annoying and screaming” aka having a fucking panic attack. their divorce was another abandonment, another trauma and i never learnt how to get over that either.
yesterday i was crying in the bathroom for 2 hours straight bc my family doesnt love me, i get out and no one cares. i literally told my dad he wouldnt care if i died yesterday and he didnt react. he fkn closed the balcony door bc he didnt want the neighbors to hear me ”so angry and upset”. i yelled at him that when i commit suicide its going to be his fault but hes so narcissist and dumb he doesnt understand. so i threw smth and destroyed smth and tHEN he reacted. i love having to use unhealthy techniques like suicide threats and murdering threats to get a reaction. i once did that and this ex friend threatened to report me to the police for murder threat. her mom even called my boyfriends mom to warn them of me but she didnt even call my mom??? she didnt care abt the fact that next to my ”i want to kill everyone. dream of murdering my family” i also wrote ”i want to kill myself”. dont remind me of this though. im not proud of it. i know its weong to manipuqlte like this but no one teached me how to deal with my feelings and avandonemnt issues in a healthy way. and so i’ve took after my dad and turned into this controlling emtoionally abuser, all bottled up, constantly angry and sad, guilt tripping and manipulating the people im supposed to love in fear of them abandoning me. and i will always hate the world for making me suffer like this. 
i just want to rest. im tired of always fighting for something as basic as love and safety. i never got over the loss of mom and culture and people. and i lost every sense of safety i had built up during my adoptive parents divorce and older brothers leaving. and im unhappy, im always unhappy because i miss my mom and culture and people so much. i feel misplaced and lost. the only thing keeping me alive being the thought of one day going back to china. the only thing keeping me alive is the thought of being able to actually help people with my experiences and knowledge, to help other international transracial adoptees or maybe fight for chinese womens rights or smth. thats the only thing. if my life turns out like.... nothing i’ve been suffering in vain. if im never going to be happy ive been suffering for nothing. ive tried so hard in my life but nothing works. im cursed. i really am cursed but not only do people leave me im also incapable of feeling other peoples love. i cant feel other peoples love because the only love i want is my mothers. my REAL mother, my ACTUAL mother, the chinese mother society loves to shame and make me forget because you all see her as a threat to my white parents claim over me.
the only difference between me and all those other ”normal” adoptees (aka my little sister) is that they’re whitewashed to death by their family, probably even more emotionally abused than i was and also they’ve repressed their feelings and trauma and I AM THE VERY REASON ADOPTEES DO THAT. ME AND ADOPTEES OVERREPRESENTATION IN SUICIDE STATISTICS ARE THE REASONS BECAUSE ITS GOING TO KILL YOU. my abortion and friend-break up was the last trigger before i exploded but believe me, it would have happened sooner or later anyways. my whole life has been a trigger. however many adoptees live their whole lives without ever waking up from this pretty little perfect sunshine story their parents and society had told them. there’s a reason so many adoptees are whitewashed to death and hates your disrespectful nosy questions. its a survival technique. we know that if we want to survive a life with our background conditions, then we have to repress our feelings concerning our adoption and everything associated with it. its not conciously, ITS A DEFENSE MECHANISM. and we get so much shit for it, which is understandable because many adoptees are fucking racist asshats. but you need to fucking understand that its because they’ve learnt to hate themselves and their own people. they’re TERRIFIED of being associated with immigrants and people of color because they know their white racist parents secretely hate them and actually secretely hate them too. all they want is love, they dont know anything else. it sucks to argue with a 40 year old adoptee of color though who’s still racist and whitewashed af, thats just sad and i would love to focus more on younger adoptees and help and support them through their ”awakening”. the awakening is much like learning about sexism or racism and how its ingrained in everything and practiced by your family and friends. just 100x worse cus you realize your family isnt even your family and you’re all alone in your thoughts, feelings, experiences and eventual search.
i honestly dont get enough appreciation in this family. the only thinkers in this family is me, my mom and one of my brothers. but fuck him as i said, he abandoned us during their divorce and he’s been absent all my teenage years. we could have been close, he could have helped me bc he also suffered from depression. he gould have protected me like i proteced my little sister but he didnt. maybe it was the age gap or the fact that me and my sister are adopted while he and our other brother isnt, we’ll never know. all i know is that unlike my other brother and our dad he’s not completely unfamiliar with what racism, sexism and capitalism is. he’s not dumb and empty. he got a brain and he would be capable of understanding these things just like mom if he wanted to. but its been so many years, he’s fucking 28 and he betrayed me that bitch.
i really dont get enough appreciation. no one ever tells me they love me or appreciate my brain since im the only one analyzing shit. my mom does too but only personal and psycholgy shit never society or groups like oppression and structures and systems. im the only one doing that and im good at it. i always see patterns and i know my politics very well so i can easily see what kind of ideology people have. but i never get credit for it. im still just the lazy kid while my sister get cred for..... idk studying and working our and being didciplined. also ive been through mich more than anyone in this family. my mom and brother has also been through shit, i mean okay ALL OF them have because all people go through shit, but ive LEARNT things and they havent. they’ve repressed it or ignored it. only my mom and brother have also learnt but they never talk. my brother is avodiant like my sister. he never talks. hes quiet to himself and thinks. my mom talks but shes still a pussy
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from FIGHT FESTIVAL to the 8th getting a new recruit
Benimaru: *stands his ground, ready to knock the Demon away* shinra:.... (arrow: your flames...are only meant to kill) tamaki: *standing her ground* Arthur: *wields Excalibur...* Demon: *rushes at Benimaru* Benimaru: *doesn't move* tamaki: he's not doing anything?! Tsukiyo: "Wait for it..." Demon: *pulls back a fiery fist* tamaki: ?? !!! LOOK OU- Benimaru: *holds up two fingers, blocking the fireball...and sending it upward into the sky, where it explodes* tamaki: WOAH!....it's....STILL THERE?! shinra: ?! Demon: *lifts arms, summoning a larger fireball...* shinra: !!! Benimaru: *summons another matou--and flies it at the Demon, lifting both of them into the air, the heat of the Demon's fire ball burning away at Benimaru's jacket* arrow: got you. *shoots and arrow* shinra: !!!!!!!! *rushes up after and tries to kick the arrow away, taking most of the impact* GRK- arrow: ?! shinra: hey newsflash. my flames arent for destruction...they're to help people! Demon: "GRK...GRK..." Benimaru: *having dissipated most of the fireball, still sending the Demon higher into the air...* "???" Demon: "PIG...GY..." Benimaru: "...Wow. Those are incredibly dull last words..." Demon: "???" Benimaru: *prepares his final move...and...* "Goodbye." *BOOM* shinra: woah! *The shockwave sends a flame across the sky...its force felt along the ground* Akitaru: *standing, but stumbles back a bit* maki: what was that?! tamaki: WOAH! Arthur: "AAAAAH!" *knocked back* tamaki:... !!! Tsukiyo: ._. "...Benimaru...just turned...the Moon..." *points up* Benimaru: *watches as the Demon is evaporated in flames* Benimaru: "..." fang-hua: t-that’s…! kirei:...ah! Takehisa: "A red...Moon." fang-hua: akatsuki... Tsukiyo: *gulp* "Y-Yeah...That's one way to put it..." Benimaru: "..." *still floating on his matou* "...I have avenged you, Konro...And...I have no idea how to get down to the ground..." shinra: need a lift? Benimaru: "...Can you carry me down?" shinra: ah, right. Benimaru: *lets himself be carried bridal style down to the ground* shinra: *lands* 7.7; Konro: *struggling to stand, having exhausted himself calling aloud mentally* Tsukiyo: Q~Q "Commander..." ("And men-holding-men...") -and so- reimi:...... Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form...approaches Reimi...* reimi:.....*mumbling* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *approaches to hear her..." reimi: s...sister....yana...se.... -her breathing is shallow- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." ("What do I do...?") Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *clears his throat, in fox form* "Sister...?" reimi: *weakly opens her eyes* ....im happy....she's alive....even if...i wont be..... Mr. Tsubaki: "It doesn't have to be like that..." reimi:...?? Mr. Tsubaki: "I could help you live..." reimi: r..really?....i know...i gave my life for her....but im still afraid.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Reimi...I am...not a normal fox. I guess the talking clarified that...I am a vampire." reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: *changes into his human form, looks at her, holds her hand* "I have the ability to save your life..." reimi: !!!....p...please....*shaking* Mr. Tsubaki: *lowers himself towards her neck* "This will make you a vampire. You understand, yes?" reimi:.....*she nods* (thinking: is this a dream...?) Mr. Tsubaki: "And you will have to feed on my blood...So be ready..." reimi: *closing her eyes* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small cut on the index finger and rests it along her mouth* reimi:......*drinking the blood* Mr. Tsubaki: *waits a bit...* "Okay...That should be enough...You'll start to feel the changes..." reimi: *passes out* hinata: ?? hikage: ?! Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" ("...Maybe I can say I'm a physician...") hinata: is reimi-nee ok?? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "I administered first aid, but she will need a hospital." hikage: <8c Mr. Tsubaki: "I am a traveling emergency medical technician. Where is the nearest hospital?" hikage: you're in asakusa's clinic! -elsewhere- maki: so what now? Konro: "The Commander wishes to speak with all members of your brigade." shinra:....*he nods* nozomi: r-right! Benimaru: *seated inside the HQ, in a new kimono* Akitaru: "...Yo." *waves* Benimaru: "...This is not easy for me to say...Thank you. Especially you, Commander Obi, and Shinra Kusakabe." shinra: ....*awkward smile* tamaki: so then...does this mean everything's all good between the 8th and the 7th? Benimaru: "Not yet..." Akitaru: "..." Arthur: ("Oh crap...He's going to cut someone's head off...") Benimaru: "Konro...Bring them out." Akitaru: " 'Them'?" maki: OwO;;; nozomi: ????? Arthur: *hides behind Tamaki* Konro: *enters with two saki bowls and a bottle of sake* Akitaru: "...Huh." Benimaru: *opens the bottle, pours two bowls for him and Akitaru* "It was your assistance that helped Asakusa survive. And which saved the lives of many people...those I care so much for." *he was looking at Konro and Kirei* shinra:....*smile* maki: *tugs his ear* you're too young mister! >n< shinra: ow! Benimaru: *he turns to Akitaru* "...What? You don't like sake?" Akitaru: "!!! N-No! I love it!" *picks up his cup* "Um...So, this is affirming our alliance?" Benimaru: "If the 8th needs the assistance of the 7th, we will be there." maki: great! shinra: awesome! *Akitaru and Benimaru sip the sake* nozomi: *smile* Akitaru: "Mmm~ Really good!" kirei:... ^^ Benimaru: "Yes. We look forward to beginning this partnership..." *Benimaru has his eyes closed...and is grinning peacefully* kirei: ah... tamaki: he seems pretty happy. fang-hua: ^^; oh dear. nozomi: hmm? what is it? Konro: *laugh* "When the Commander has a little too much to drink--" Tsukiyo: QWQ "Like even just a thimble, he loses control of his facial muscles...and has that adorable smile." fang-hua: ^^; Benimaru: *still smiling calmly* "...What?" tamaki: aww, just like shinra. Akitaru: "..." *snort laugh* shinra: *chuckles* Takehisa: *flatly* "Very amusing." maki: commander! be nice! >3< kirei:....*soft chuckle* Benimaru: *still smiling calmly, even as he sounds pissed* "It's not funny. Stop finding enjoyment in my face, you buffoons!" Tsukiyo: "But it's such a cute face, sir!" fang-hua: *chop* down girl. please dont mind them, commander. -_-; Benimaru: *smiling serenely as he says...* "Ignoring your jackassery..." *reaches out a hand to Benimaru* "The 7th kept a close eye on you before. Now as our allies...we'll be keeping an even closer look." *there is a tinge of a threat in that line* Akitaru: *forced smile, as he shakes Benimaru's hand* "Wouldn't have it any other way..." maki: ^^; Tsukiyo: *rubbing her head, pouting at Fang-Hua, before turning to the 8th* "Closer look alright..." soldier: COMMANDER SHINMON! USADA TOLD ME YOU AND KIREI- Tsukiyo: "???" Benimaru: *serene smile...but murderous edge to voice* "Told you what?" soldier:... OwO n-nothing sir. Tsukiyo: *hides behind soldier* shinra: ??? *confused* kirei: .////. Benimaru: *still smiling, looks at Kirei...sounds calmer* "And now, we as a community can move forward." Konro: "Well, let's celebrate! Takehisa, care for a drink?" Takehisa: "Thank you, but I am on duty." -elsewhere- chikami: thank you so much for visiting. iris: it's no problem, mrs kurai. ^^ Relan: "How is your daughter?" chikami:....she's recovering. she's asleep right now. iris: i see.... Relan: *nods* "We...brought some treats for her when she wakes up...and wanted to...um, ask..." chikami: hmm? what is it? Relan: "Has she mentioned odd dreams?" chikami: not that i know of... Relan: "Well, I hope she feels better soon." *smiles* "We brought a notebook for her, in case she needed to write or draw while she's resting..." chikami: why thank you. i'll give this too her as soon as she wakes up. Relan: *smiles, nods* "If you need anything, Iris and I can help..." chikami: *she nods* im certain she appreciates having friends like you.....i do worry about her. ever since ak-....*shakes her head* nevermind...its nothing important. Relan: "..." *nods* ("Wonder what 'since' was...") iris:...well, we should probably head home now. Relan: *bows to Chikami* -the next day- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, in the infirmary, keeping an eye on Reimi* reimi: *asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: ("Another subclass...that I am responsible for...Tsubaki, my blossom, please keep me in your thoughts, as I take on this responsibility...") -elsewhere- Hibana: "This is idiotic!" iris: ?? nayumi: whats biting her butt? Hibana: "Sending someone from Haijima to the 8th, for chemistry?! This has bad news written all over it!" serina: didnt you use to work for haijima? Rino: "Yeah. You had some bad dealings there, right?" *smirk* Hibana: *glares at Rino* "Yes, I worked there...and I know every single person there, including this guy they are trying to stick onto the 8th!" gabriella: really? iris: well, the commander said they'd be coming home today. miwa: misora said she'd be back later tonight too. Hibana: "And that slow gorilla can't hurry his ass up?!" Rino: "...Maybe you need to calm down..." gabriella: *rubs her shoulders* Hibana: =w= *calms down* "I think I'll sit to a cup of tea...Rino, go make us tea." Rino: -_-;; -later that afternoon- shinra: we're home! iris: welcome back everyone. ^^ maki: well, good news, we got the 7th as allies now! Rino: "Yo, congrats." Akitaru: "Where is the Princess?" iris: in the den area. Hibana: *from the den* "DARN IT TO HECK AND BACK, THIS NONSENSE IS SO FREAKING STUPID--" Akitaru: "...Super. I'll go talk to her..." miwa:.....proceed with caution. Rino: *nods* "Take this." *holds up an axe* Akitaru: "...Is that from my office?" Rino: "...Yes." iris: rino! Akitaru: "..." *takes the axe* iris: COMMANDER! Rino: "What? I needed a quiet space away from this." Akitaru: "What? I need protection." Takehisa: "...Phrasing." shinra: *sigh* ok, i'll play the martyr....heeeeeey princess hibana.... ^^;;;;; Hibana: *fire breath* shinra: OwO;;;;;;; Hibana: "YOU STUPID GORILLA TOOK LONG ENOUGH TO GET BACK HERE BEFORE THAT IDIOTIC FUZZY-HEADED DICKWAD IS ADDED TO YOUR BRIGADE!'" *lifts Akitaru by he the collar* "Do you have any idea what kind of nonsense you're about to deal with?! Having an interloper in your midst to screw up your brigade from the inside?! Who knows what he'll do to your team!" Akitaru: "...Like re-decorate my entire building, have sex on my bed--" Hibana: "YOU ARE STILL GOING ON ABOUT THAT?!" Victor: "..." nozomi: ??? eh? Victor: "Yo." tamaki: hmm? who's that guy? shinra:... !! (thinking: that guy...he was at the trainee tournament...) Victor: "I'm Victor. I'm the new guy." *waves* "Hello, Princess." Hibana: *fire eyes* Akitaru: "...Huh. Um, welcome, Victor. I'm Commander Obi. And...you were assigned by the Emperor to join us?" Victor: "Yeah. Boss man said your chemistry department sucks." maki: well...we have a nozomi! Victor: "...Yes, indeed you do." nozomi: um...n-nice too meet you...s-sir... Victor: *reaches out, takes Nozomi's hand, shakes it vigorously* "Heya." nozomi: um...h-h-hello... .///.; tamaki:...*glint* Victor: ("Got her.") Arthur: "???" shinra: ..... Akitaru: "Well, then...Shinra! Show Victor to one of the guest rooms until we get him moved in..." Victor: "Or you can take me to my lab now. I'd like to get to work immediately." iris: well, we did get a room set up for you. Victor: "...I suppose I can do some work in there." *looks to Nozomi* "Care to show me the way?" nozomi: oh um... iris: they did just get back...i'll show you guys the way to the room. nozomi: .///.; Victor: "Awesome, Sister. Thanks." *follows Iris, looks back at Nozomi briefly* nozomi:... ?? Victor: *keeps walking* "So, Sister, how is life around here at the 8th?" iris: it's nice. its not a very big brigade, but we get by. Victor: "I hope my expertise helps. I can start looking at any evidence you got so we can find whoever is making these Flame Humans." Victor: *sets down his suitcase on his bed* nozomi: mm.... well, i'm currently the only member of the research department so...i'll do my best to help you, sir. Victor: "Great. I look forward to working with you, then." *smiles* "What I could use right now are some of your case reports. Can you get me those?" nozomi: ah! right! *she goes to get those* Victor: *smiles at Iris* "She seems hardworking." iris: she certainly is. Victor: "That should be helpful..." *looks at Iris* "Thanks for making my room up...Um, is there a meal to have around here?" iris: yes. commander hinawa is a really good cook. ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *shudders* lilac:...s-scary... tsubaki:....*watching the news report of the asakusa incident* Reporter: "While the 7th Brigade is tight-lipped, we have heard reports of numerous flame humans emerging in the town--" Black Star: "Damn it..." naho: *shaking* Sakuya: *holds her hand, stays close to Lilac* Reporter: "--as well as some vague rumors. Sir, we wanted to know, what you saw--" tsubaki: *still watching* Resident #1: "People wearing other people's faces!" Reporter: "...What?" fang-hua: well, it's difficult to explain, but we'll try the best we can. -elsewhere- Yumi: "We've tried reaching to the 7th, but our calls are largely diverted to the 8th..." lord death: hmmm... Yumi: "Flame humans, impersonators...If the 7th has means against these potential threats, we should convince them to share the knowledge. And that's not even considering their potential partnership with certain villainous individuals with quirks." lord death: perhaps we could send someone from the hoshino shrine? Yumi: "Good idea. I'll contact them." Yumi: *calls the Hoshino Shrine...* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Really bad news." mahiru: ?? tetsu: whats up? Kuro: *holds up newspaper* "Look at the fires in Asakusa." tetsu: .... misono: that's pretty bad... Kuro: *watching the video* "Huh...Thought I saw something..." misono: ?? Kuro: "Like a small wolf or something. See, that injured woman?" mahiru: *squints* -they're interviewing someone at the clinic- *A nurse is tending to Reimi* mahiru: *examining the screen* *A small fox is sitting in Reimi's lap* mahiru: !!!! t-thats...! Kuro: o_o "...Shit." misono: !!! lily, could you call tsubaki? Lily: "On it~" *auto-dial on phone* "Hello?" tsubaki: yes? may i ask who's calling? Lily: "It's me, silly, Lily! What, you don't have me programmed into your phone? How mean." tsubaki: ah, sorry. i'll do that in a bit, so what's up? Lily: "We found someone~" tsubaki: oh? Lily: "...Him." tsubaki:....!!!.... Lily: "Asakusa, the village that was just attacked." tsubaki: !!!!...... Lily: "He's in fox form, sitting on a lovely young lady's lap~" tsubaki:.... ^^; s-should i intervene? misono: LILY! D8< Lily: "It's up to you, Negotiator~ We have full confidence in you." tsubaki:...right. i'll head over right away. Lily: "It is a disaster area there, though. It may help if you know someone in the 7th Brigade." tsubaki: i'll keep that in mind. -and so, after she explained the situation to black*star- Black Star: "...You think you can talk to him? After what he did?" tsubaki: the least i can do is try, right? Black Star: ("But what if she...") *shakes the thought away* "R-Right...So, given all that security around there, need some muscle?" tsubaki: *she shakes her head* i think i have a plan. Black Star: "Want to clue me in? I'll help however I can." tsubaki:...*hug* i appreciate the thought...but this is something i have to face myself. *kiss on the forehead* Black Star: -\\\- *nods, hugs back* "Come back safe." -and so, after she arrived in asakusa- tsubaki:...it's certainly busier here now... Tsukiyo: "Hold it right there! State your name and business being here!" tsubaki: tsubaki nakatsukasa...there's someone i need to speak with... Tsukiyo: "Oh? And who is that?" tsubaki:....he's at the clinic. Tsukiyo: "Oh, an injured? Are you a relative? Wife?" tsubaki: um.... 7///7; i-its complicated. Tsukiyo: "..." *light bulb* .w. "Ooooooooh..." *clears throat* "I'm afraid I will need more information to complete the paperwork before letting you in. Why don't you start at the beginning--and give me all the juicy details~" fang-hua: *chop* you can go on ahead, miss nakatsukasa. tsubaki:...thanks. ^^; Tsukiyo: TT~TT "Right this way, ma'am..." -at the clinic- tsubaki:....*enters reimi's room*....hello. reimi: *asleep* Mr. Tsubaki: *asleep on Reimi's lap...then opens one eye...* O_- *small gasp* tsubaki:...it's been a while, hasnt it? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods silently, looks downcast* tsubaki:...did you...want to talk at all? a lot's happened since we last saw each other... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Okay." *carefully moves from Reimi towards Tsubaki, whispers* "She knows, but as she is sleeping, we will have to be quiet." tsubaki:..right. -she tells him about all that has happened- Mr. Tsubaki: "Sham...is back with my...with his family?" *looks relieved* tsubaki: yes.....and himawari as well.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...You continue to impress, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa." tsubaki: *small smile* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Would you like to hear my story?" tsubaki: *she nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "The short version is that I returned to a former subclass's home, then a shrine...then came here...and now...this woman was going to die..." tsubaki: ah.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...So now, I have a new subclass here...a new family." tsubaki: hmm....what will you do now? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I feel obligated to watch over Reimi. Becoming a vampire is a challenging process. But...I want to get home to the rest of my family." tsubaki:...and your mission that you had? Mr. Tsubaki: *shudders* "Tsubaki...I don't know. My teacher wanted this world wiped away...but I see the people in this world, too..." *thinks of Hikage and Hinata...* "..." tsubaki: .....if you need a place to stay..i'll still leave the door open. Mr. Tsubaki: "...When the time is right...Will it ever be?" tsubaki:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I miss my family...I miss you." tsubaki: hmmm.....we miss you too... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Please let them know I am safe. And I love them." *nuzzles against her hand* tsubaki:...i will. Mr. Tsubaki: *swallows* "And I...l-l-love..." tsubaki: ??........ Mr. Tsubaki: "...You." tsubaki: ...*small blush* i.... Mr. Tsubaki: *bows his head, leaving her hand on his head* tsubaki: im....conflicted. Mr. Tsubaki: "...'Conflicted'? Tsubaki...I'm sorry." tsubaki: you...black*star.......i think to put it bluntly....i love you both. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks up with a start* "...You do? I...love you, too." tsubaki: i know....i do love black*star, and i always will....but i think i can find room in my heart for you. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *moves from the bed, to the floor...and resumes his human form...he is on one knee, and he holds her hand* tsubaki: ah- Mr. Tsubaki: *kisses her hand lightly* tsubaki: .////. Mr. Tsubaki: "Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, with all my heart, I will always love you." tsubaki: ..... -later that night, she told the others everything- naho: TT~TT my feels.... Shamrock: X~Q lavender: oho, going for the harem route then? Black Star: "..." *frowning* tsubaki:....do you hate me? Black Star: "...I..." *shakes his head* "Can we talk, in private?" tsubaki:...... -in her room- Black Star: "...I don't...I feel angry..." tsubaki: ....... Black Star: "I'm not angry with you...but this situation...I did not...I did not think this...person would come into our lives...He hurt people." tsubaki:...i know....he's done things that i still have a hard time forgiving... Black Star: "...I'm sorry for saying that I can't see how even you could hold love for him...How can you love him?" tsubaki:...to be honest...i'm just as confused as you are... i think part of me wants to reach out and show him he isnt alone.... i must sound pretty dumb right now, huh? Black Star: "..." *shakes his head* "...I knew you loved him, a long time ago...when I saw you reach out to help him..." tsubaki:......even then....i still love you too...i love you both. Black Star: "..." *wipes his eyes* "I don't want to lose you...and that's selfish...but I love you. And I don't want to be some creepy stalker who forces you to stay..." -she only replies by hugging him- Black Star: *cries, holding her* tsubaki: i'm not going to leave you...i promise. Black Star: *sniffs, nods* "I'm not going anywhere, either. I love you." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, smiling, in Reimi's lap again* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "A lot of rebuilding to do..." kirei: *she nods* Benimaru: "..." *takes her hand* kirei: *small blush* Benimaru: "Kirei..." *brings her hand to his lips* kirei: ah... o/////o Benimaru: "Kirei...I love you." kirei: b-beni... Benimaru: "This is me speaking. No one else." kirei: *blushing* Benimaru: "You don't have to say anything...I leave it to you to take the lead..." kirei:....*she smiles and hugs him* i...l-lo...lo.... >/////< Benimaru: "..." *holds her, smiles...a sincere one* "I love you, too." soldiers: WOOOOOOAH! fang-hua: congrats. ^^ kirei: !! O//////O Tsukiyo: Q~Q *cries, clutches Fang-hua, sobs into her shoulder* Benimaru: "...How long were you all there?" Konro: "Long enough, it seems." kabuki: aww. hinata + hikage: oooooh~ hehehehe~ ^^ fang-hua: ^^; *pats tsukiyo's back* at least you still have kabuki Konro: "D'aw, you're blushing, Young Master." Benimaru: -\\\\- kirei: ^^ Benimaru: *holds Kirei's hand, small squeeze* kirei: *smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: *enters, leading a recovering Reimi* reimi: hello sister. kirei: ah! reimi! reimi: im feeling a lot better now....what did i miss? fang-hua: well.....a lot. Tsukiyo: *crying* "Commander has found love with Sister Kirei..." Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ ("She's not the only one...") reimi: ah...WAIT WHA?! O-O fang-hua: yeah... ^^; well, im happy for you guys. kirei: hehe, thanks kohana. fang-hua: !!! NOT YOU TOO! Benimaru: *smiles* "It's catchy." Mr. Tsubaki: *looks up at Reimi* ("Something wrong?") fang-hua: -_-; -elsewhere- Meme: "How's your family doing with shrine stuff, Ao?" Anya: -__-; ao: they're doing well. Meme: "Helping out with the Asakusa recovery efforts?" -elsewhere- nozomi: *reviewing files* Victor: "How's it coming along?" nozomi: still looking things over......*staring at one file; Toshiaki Harada*.....*trembling* Victor: *picks up on her reaction* "...Someone you lost?" nozomi:.... my father.... Victor: "Oh...I'm sorry." nozomi:.....the commander.....put him out of his misery......he was...the only family i had... Victor: "...I can't imagine what you must be feeling." nozomi: oh..it...it happened a long time ago.....i didnt even know he had become....*her breath is caught in her throat* ....i...didnt want to believe it... Victor: *holds her hand* "Hey. Let out that breath...Breathe in...and out...You're doing good work here. You're trying to find who is responsible, so you can make sure this never happens again. You're doing what needs to be done...You're helping." ("..." *smirking internally*) nozomi: ah...right....just crying about it isnt helping anyone. s-sorry... .///.; Victor: *pats her hand, pulls back* "Let's take a break to refocus. You like coffee?" nozomi: i-i dont drink it often. i usually have tea... Victor: "Tea's good, too. Come on, let's go have a cup--it'll be good for both of us." *smiles* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "I know you have an undergone a tremendous change...How are you handling this experience?" reimi: i've been feeling rather tired.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Because you need blood...?" reimi: i guess im still in shock... Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nods* "It was that way for almost all of my subclasses...and for me." reimi: hmmm...... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Please know: you are still the same person you were before. Your memories, your hopes, your qualities..." reimi:..r-right. Mr. Tsubaki: "Sister...Tell me a bit more about yourself. What do you like to do with your day?" reimi: well, i've been told i have a talent for humming folk songs. OwO Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Really? I enjoy folk music...Could you hum one?" reimi: *humming kagome-kagome* Mr. Tsubaki: -w- "Quite good..." *curls his tail up around himself...* -elsewhere- Kid: "Good news from True Cross?" stocking: well, i passed the preliminary exams. Kid: "That's great!" *hug* stocking: well, it helps that miss kirigakure was the teacher. kirika: for what? stocking: NOT YOU! Kid: "??? Wait, haven't I met her before--Shura Kirigakure?" stocking: yeah, she was on the camping trip with us. Kid: "Ah. She seems passionate about teaching, so that was good of her to be there for you." stocking: yeah. *she smiles* Kid: "When is your next exam?" stocking: next week. Kid: "Anything I can do to help prepare?" stocking: i'll have to do more studying. Kid: "I'll do what I can to keep your studying environment peaceful." *smiles* -elsewhere- Black Star: *knocks on Lavender's door* "Lavender? You got a few minutes? I...need some help." lavender: what's up, kiddo? Black Star: "...Can you tell me a bit about Mr. Tsubaki...and open relationships?" lavender: oh~? what did you want to know? Black Star: "Look, I trust Tsubaki...it's him I got problems with. And I worry, like, is he going to hurt her? How does our relationship work? Do he and I, what, 'share' Tsubaki?" lavender: ah. well, ever heard of a threesome, kid? it's easier than you'd think. Black Star: -\\\\- "Yeah...I've kinda looked into that...But how can I trust Mr. Tsubaki?" lavender: *smile* he may be crazy....and i mean really crazy...but he really cares about her, based on what i can tell.....once you get to see past that crazy psychopathy, he's not that bad a guy. Black Star: "...Not the best recommendation I've heard...If he really cares about Tsubaki this much, I guess I have to trust her...Regarding...'intimacy'...do you have any, like, books or something?" lavender: books, dvds, or you can watch me and higan, haha! Black Star: -___-;;; "Thanks for the offer, but I'll stick with the books right now." lavender: alright then. Black Star: *opens one book--* o\\\\\o "...I can't imagine Mr. Tsubaki doing _that_ to me..." lavender: need anything else, kiddo? Black Star: "...I'm scared...that I won't have Tsubaki in my life." lavender: hey, she's not goin' anywhere, ok? tsubaki:...*she hugs him* Black Star: "!!!" *looks at Tsubaki* "S-Sorry for...doubting you. I'm just...This is all new..." tsubaki: it's...still a lot for me to take in too... Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* "One day at a time?" tsubaki:..*she smiles* yeah. lavender: *smiles* Black Star: "..." *hug* -outside- naho: how heartwarming~ ^^ Shamrock: X_TT otogiri: .... lilac: a-are you...ok..mr shamrock? Shamrock: "...He hasn't returned to us...but somehow he finds love...and I feel alone." lilac:...... otogiri:...that's unfortunate. Belkia: "...Maybe try online dating?" Shamrock: X_T;; otogiri: it's a possibility. Shamrock: "Knowing my luck, I would end up with that stalker Belkia had--" Belkia: "NOT FUNNY, SHAM!" D: naho: too soon! Shamrock: *shamed* Belkia: "Hmph. Let's just have an adults' night out--Clubs! Bars! Random acts of violence!" otogiri: -_-; Sakuya: *chop* "No violence. Tsubaki said so." Shamrock: "...Maybe going out for a night would be fun." otogiri: perhaps. lavender: say, maybe we could go out and enjoy a night out. i know just the area to do so as well~ Belkia: "Where’s that?" -and so- lavender: there it is. Red light district~ Shamrock: x_o Higan: "...Huh. Didn't realize Death City had one." lavender: gotta know where to look~ besides, this city is massive. Belkia: "Well, let's get started! This is gonna be fun!" otogiri: *sigh* this wont end well. Woman: *looks at Lavender* "Hey, there." lavender: hey~ *waves* Woman: "You and your friends looking for a fun time?" manager: oi! you there! *grabs belkia* we need a performer, since our show tonight called out sick. lavender: trying to set our friend up here with someone. *points to shamrock* guys, girls, either will do. Belkia: "??? Oh! What will I be doing? Rabbit out of the hat? Cut a woman in two? Escape from a cage?" Shamrock: x_-;;; Woman: "I can help with that..." *smiles at Lavender* "Nothing for you, though, doll?" manager: just follow me. lavender:....you up for a threeway? Belkia: *follows* Woman: *smiles, puts an arm around Lavender's shoulder* "Depends who the third is~" lavender: *looks at higan* 7w7 Higan: *waves* Woman: "Oh, aged to perfection~" *stands before Higan and Lavender, hand on each of their shoulders* "Let's get your friend [Shamrock] hooked up, then we'll find a place..." Shamrock: *follows the Woman* otogiri:....*facepalm* otogiri: fancy... Woman: "I have some friends who would enjoy your friend..." lavender: dang. nice place. Shamrock: x_-;;;; lavender: good luck sham~ Woman: "We try." *holds out her hand to Lavender* "I'm Lilith." lavender: just call me lavender. or lav~ Shamrock: *looks around* "Y-Yeah, thanks." Higan: "Higan." *kisses Lilith's hand* Lilith: "Oh, a gentleman...What will you two have to drink?" Shamrock: *stands around, awkwardly* otogiri: 7_7;;;;; ?? oh, belkia didnt follow us? Shamrock: "??? Huh...Must be having fun elsewhere." woman 2: oh, that guy who dresses like the manager? i think he's down at prince pegasus. Shamrock: "Ah..." *looks at Woman #2* "Thank you. So...How is your evening going?" woman 2: alright. want something to drink? Shamrock: "Sure...How about a rum and coke?" woman 2: sounds good. -meanwhile- guy: O_O;; uhhh... guy 2: who's this guy? guy 3: not sure, but he's kinda cute~ Belkia: ^\\\^ "D'aw, thanks! I'm Belkia--and I...am a master magician!" guy 3: oooh~ *shiny eyes* Belkia: *smiles* "So, where do you want me to perform?" guy 3: 7w7~<3 -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *grumble grumble* "So annoying..." fang-hua: its ok. you're life isnt over. Tsukiyo: *pout* "I know. I just feel conflicted. I'm upset for myself, but happy for the Commander and the Sister--and I don't want to come between that." *sigh* "...You know what I want?" fang-hua: oh? Tsukiyo: *sets a bottle of sake on the table* fang-hua: ._.; oh... Tsukiyo: *pours out two small cups, then sets the bottle away* "Just a little to take the edge off." fang-hua: ^^; -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Lilac, pass the plate around--take as many donuts as you want." lilac:....*nom* .... Sakuya: ^^ "Naho, want one?" naho: *nom* ^o^ himawari:..... Sakuya: *offers one* "Here, Himawari--try one." himawari:...*nom*.... Sakuya: *smiles* tsubaki: enjoying yourselves? Sakuya: *nods* "Yeah. It's kind of nice having the place not so packed." -later- otogiri: we're home. lavender: it was one hell of a night~ Higan: *his jacket over Lavender's back, his hand on her hip* "Yeah." Shamrock: *sigh of relief* lavender: ^^ otogiri: -_-; Black Star: "Wait, where's Belkia?" otogiri: he's here. Belkia: *winces* "H-Hey..." tsubaki: oh my goodness! are you ok? Belkia: "Y-Yeah, I'm fine...Just a...'show' didn't go as I expected." ^^; tsubaki: ?? Belkia: "Man, I've _never_ pulled a rabbit out like that before--HA HA--ow..." tsubaki: ?? oh..OH! O.O otogiri: *facepalm* what have we learned from this? Belkia: "Ask more questions, use protection, and damn that did feel kind of good!" lavender: on the bright side, at least sham didnt break any legs this time! Shamrock: x_-;;;; "...I may have bust a nut..." Black Star: >__< naho: O_O like with your foot or...??? Shamrock: "...It's a phrase, referring to men getting off..." naho: o////////o oh. tsubaki:..i....see.... *covering lilac's ears* Sakuya: -____-;;; "Some info is better left to yourselves..." Belkia: "I'm going to turn in...and sleep this off." Higan: "I'm not that tired yet." otogiri: .... lavender: round two~? Higan: "Indeed~" Black Star: -_-; "You okay, Otogiri?" otogiri: yes. just tired from dealing with their nonsense. Black Star: "Yeah, I hear that..." tsubaki: ^^; himawari:....... Shamrock: "??? Himawari? You have an okay day?" himawari:...... Shamrock: "...I hope it's getting better. Did you have anything to eat?" himawari:.... Shamrock: "...Well, I'll cook something and put it in the fridge, in case you get hungry in the night." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *slurred speech* "You are a good friend, Fang!" *pats her back* fang-hua: t-thanks... 7///7; Tsukiyo: "Okay, last call! Want another sip?" -elsewhere- Kuro: "...So we're fine with Tsubaki negotiating 'peace' with this lunatic?" mahiru: well, she's our best option for this. and it's worked so far, right? Kuro: "This person is dangerous, though. I only hope she keeps a tight leash on him." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "I hope the blood helps you feel better. Get some more rest." reimi: *asleep* hinata: *pokes her head in* hikage: *peeeeek* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!" hikage: mr doctor, are you really a kitsune? hinata: thanks for saving kabuki. ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *nervous laugh* "A 'kitsune'? Ha ha...Who told you that?" ^^;;; hinata: kabuki told us! Mr. Tsubaki: ._.;;;; "Um...You promise not to tell anyone?" ("Otogiri and Teacher, thank you both for teaching me first aid...") hikage: we wont say anything. hinata: so long as you pay up! Mr. Tsubaki: "...Eh?" *looking in his empty pockets* "Um...I guess I'll be doing odd jobs to pay up..." hinata: not money. *points to a jar of candy* Mr. Tsubaki: "...Ah!" *opens the jar, removes candy to hand to the girls* "Here you go!" -nom nom- hinata: thanks~ hikage: you've bought our silence. Mr. Tsubaki: ^^;; "That's good...Now, let's let the Sister sleep to finish her recovery." -elsewhere- Victor: "Thanks for the tea. I hope you get some good sleep tonight, Nozomi." nozomi: r-right. tamaki: making friends, new guy? *sits next to nozomi* Victor: *smiles, nods at Tamaki* "I hope so. Nozomi has been a brilliant colleague in our investigation." tamaki: she sure is. nozomi: oh..t-thank you. Victor: "How long have you two known each other, Tamaki?" tamaki: a while. she's kinda monitoring my behavior...she's kinda my best friend. nozomi: ./////. m-miss tamaki... Victor: *still smiling* "Then you probably have the best friend anyone could have." tamaki: *smiles* yeah. i want to be there to keep her safe too.... *gives him a glint* Victor: *smiles back* "Don't we all?" *glint--to the point that a spark of electricity is passing between his and Tamaki's intense glares* nozomi: ^^;; Victor: "I hope to continue this conversation with you both in the morning..." *yawns, stretches...right in front of Nozomi* "But I had best sleep. Good night, Tamaki. Pleasant dreams, Nozomi." nozomi: .////. r-right. tamaki:..... Victor: *leaves...and left a listening device hidden under the table* -elsewhere- Black Star: *crawls into bed* tsubaki: *asleep next to him* Black Star: "..." *worried face, as he gently hugs her* tsubaki: *smiles* Black Star: *closes his eyes, rests his head next to hers* -morning- Tsukiyo: =w= *muttering in her sleep* "Why, yes, that would be wonderful..." fang-hua: tsukiyo...tsukiyo time to get up.... Tsukiyo: *still talking in her sleep* "Right there, Kabuki..." *her arms go up towards Fang-Hua* fang-hua: e-eh?? O///O *she got pulled in* !!! Tsukiyo: *her arms wrap around Fang-Hua, as a leg goes over her* "Mmm...Hold me close..." fang-hua: !!!! t-t-tsu-tsukiyo!! Tsukiyo: "Oh, Kabuki...Call my name out again..." *opens one eye...sees Fang-Hua* "...Huh. Why are you in my bed, buddy?" fang-hua: im trying to wake you up... .///_///.; Tsukiyo: "...Huh." *looks down at herself* "...I guess I drunk too much, huh?" *she's pressed up against Fang-Hua...* fang-hua: mind letting go please? >///<; Tsukiyo: "Oh, right!" *lets go, sits up...she's naked* "Sorry about that." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *already making breakfast* tsubaki: morning. Shamrock: *nods* "Good morning. How are you feeling?" tsubaki: a lot better. Shamrock: "...I am happy for you, and Tsubaki." tsubaki: hey, dont leave black*star out. >.< Shamrock: *small smirk* "I think it's _you_ who shouldn't leave him out..." tsubaki: *pouts* lavender: *chop* come on sham, lay off. Shamrock: X_T "Hmph." *goes back to cooking* Higan: *shirtless* "Ignore him, Tsu. Sham just likes to be a jerk about things. Wishing you the best." tsubaki: thank you. Higan: *pouring some coffee, reaches to the table to take some sugar--and purposefully passes his hand just close behind the small of Lavender's back* Belkia: "Mornin', everyone." lavender: oh~ 7w7 Higan: *winks at her* naho: *nyaaawn* morning everyone... =.= *still half asleep* otogiri: -_-; Sakuya: *standing next to Naho...but...* "Zzz..." lilac: *poke poke* himawari:........ Sakuya: *snort awake* "H-Huh? Wha? Where am I?" naho: mrrzzzz..... Black Star: *yawns* "..." *spots Tsubaki* tsubaki: morning. *she smiles* Shamrock: *smiles at Himawari* "Ready to dine, Himawari?" himawari:...... Sakuya: *looks at Naho, who is leaning against him* Black Star: *small smile* "Hey..." *walks over...and kisses Tsubaki lightly on the lips* tsubaki: U///U naho: zzzzz..... Black Star: "Morning..." Sakuya: *poke poke at Naho's shoulder* tsubaki: sleep well? naho: nhhnng? who..wha.... Black Star: *small shrug* "Alright..." *holds her hand* tsubaki: *smiles* Sakuya: "Hey...It's morning. Time to get up, sleepy head." naho: is it the weekend? Sakuya: "Yep...so I thought you'd like to be up to make the most of it." *smile* naho: *nyaaawn* ok. tsubaki: that reminds me, i got this weeks schedule set up. Shamrock: "Oh? What's on it?" -a list of chores, appointments, and other reminders- Belkia: *pops up behind Tsubaki* "...I'm not going to do most of this stuff, so let's all agree to have Shamrock do all the work!" otogiri: -_-; Shamrock: *SHAM-CHOP to Belkia's head* "We will split the work on the basis of ability, time, and fairness. Tsubaki, I will take on more work so that the younger subclasses have time for their homework and leisure time." Higan: *points to a few entries* "I can take care of those today." lavender: hmm, i got gardening duty today, not bad. Sakuya: "Vacuuming and...bathrooms? Ugh...Fine." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in nurse's scrubs, visiting Reimi with a tray of food* "Morning. Ready for your breakfast?" ^^ reimi: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *sets the tray at her bed...and points to a vial with his blood in it* Mr. Tsubaki: "You'll be released tomorrow." reimi: *she nods* i cant wait to head back to the shrine. i bet the others are worried about me... Mr. Tsubaki: "I can assure you they are..." *points to his ear* "Foxes keep an ear open for those things." reimi: ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: "...I know it will be challenging to re-acclimate after all that happened, including having someone take your identity. But...if life has taught me something, it is that you can overcome these challenges." reimi: *she nods*.... Mr. Tsubaki: "Is there anything I may do to help?" *slicing her apple* -elsewhere- Kid: *already dressed and adjusting furniture in the den* stocking: feng shuei? Kid: *nods* "I always have trouble with getting the colors correct..." *holds up his fingers to form a square with with he looks* "Hmm...That painting is still crooked, too." stocking: need help? Kid: *nods* "Yes...You have such a good idea for these details..." -elsewhere- Konro: "Good work rebuilding, soldiers." soldier: ^^ Konro: "Kabuki, when does the next delivery of lumber arrive?" kabuki: should arrive by tuesday. Konro: *nods* "We'll move onto other tasks until Tuesday, then." Benimaru: "Oh, Konro, Kabuki. Good work..." kabuki: *he nods* soldier: gonna call it a day and visit your girlfriend, beni~? haha! Benimaru: -\\\\\\- *summons a fireball...* "You have five seconds..." soldier: O-O;;;;; kabuki: ^^; Konro: "...Huh. Having a girlfriend has made you lightened up: usually you only give them two seconds--" Benimaru: *fireball at the soldier's feet* soldier: *FLEES* Benimaru: *grunt, harumph...* "...Excuse me. I have to see Sister Kirei now..." kabuki: by all means. Benimaru: *approaches the shrine...* "Hmm...Much work to do here..." kirei: hmm. oh, benimaru. it's nice to see you. Benimaru: *nods* "You as well." *awkward silence* "...You are looking well." sister: oh~ she's going right to his name! sister: oh my~ kirei: g-girls! really... ^///^;; Benimaru: -\\\\- *small smile* "I wanted to check on how recovery and rebuilding was going." kirei: it's doing well. sister reimi will be home soon. Benimaru: "Oh, that is good news. Her recovery is nothing short of a miracle." kirei: ....she saved my life... Benimaru: "..." *holds her hand* "She knows how grateful you are...as am I." kirei:...*smiles* Benimaru: *looks around* "Wait...where is your fox?" kirei: he's with reimi in the clinic...he's taken a liking to her as of late... Benimaru: "...Rather loyal, then. Someone to help her recover..." -elsewhere- Lawless: *holds up his phone* "Do it. Come on! You'll get so many hits!" julian: this is a terrible idea. TT_TT romina: it's fine, you've had worse! Lawless: "Okay, I hit record--start the music!" julian:....*sigh of defeat as he begins dancing....in a maid costume....a very showy maid costume* Lawless: "Ha ha ha! Yeah, baby! Shake that money-maker!" licht: ..... -_-; Lawless: *finishes recording* "And now to upload! So much traffic, man...Licht, go put on those boxers with the hearts on them: you're going to be reading 1 Henry IV." licht: no way in hell. kranz: i'll do it then. besides, those are my boxers! Lawless: "Thanks, Kranz! You're a bigger help than Piano Fuck Boi over here..." licht: *inches from lawless' face* im sorry, the fuck was that? Lawless: "..." *puts the phone away, stares Licht in the face...and...* *tear, rip* licht: ?!?! Lawless: "AH HA!" Lawless: "You _do_ wear boxers!" licht:......... Lawless: *SNAP SNAP SNAP* "Blackmail!" -one brutal beatdown later- Lawless: *body pixelated due to the amount of blood lost* -elsewhere- Victor: "What do you in the 8th do for fun?" shinra: we have a wii u. tamaki: most of us go to school during the day. Victor: "How about you, Nozomi?" nozomi: i go to school with them. Victor: "Neat. How far along are you?" -elsewhere- Johannes: *grumbling* "Stupid Jeje and everyone telling me to get out of the shop for a few hours...Not my fault that stink bomb went off..." ???: then i said 'no you are', then he said 'no _you_ are' and then i was like 'i guess i kinda am.' so long story short, i kinda owe him 5 dollars. Johannes: "???" *looks at the person talking* kyouko: honestly, i dont know what we're gonna do with you. sayaka: hehe ^^; Johannes: :3 *looks at them talking* kyouko: ..?? hey, isnt that your 'boyfriend'? sayaka: eh? *turns* O____O OHGODNO! *'graceful' swan dive into the bushes* Johannes: *waves happily* "Hello, Sweet Pea! Hello, Sweet Pea's friend!" kyouko: hey. sayaka: *in the bushes* Q__Q Johannes: *walks over, waves* "I'm Dr. Johannes Mimir Faustus! Happy to meet you!" kyouko: well, you can just call me kyouko, and as you know, this is sayaka. sayaka: KYOUKO! HOW COULD YOU SELL ME OUT!? Johannes: *still standing beside Kyouko, waving happily at Sayaka* "Howdy! What are you two up to this fine day?" sayaka: Q-Q kyouko: -_- sayaka get out of the bushes and face your damn fears. sayaka: *tiny scoot* hey. Johannes: *squee* "So, what are you two up to? Errands? Off to the library? Movies? Meals? Battling the forces of evil with powers inherited by small furry creatures?" kyouko: ...what? sayaka: nothing! nothing interesting at all! we should be going now! Johannes: "...Oh. Well, um, okay." *waves* "Have a good day, then..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, rolling on his back in Reimi's room in the sunlight through the window* ^^ "So happy..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Feeling better?" mikami: y-yeah... Relan: *smiles* "That's good...We miss you at the station. Gonna need you back there soon...Giovanni wants you back at work when you're ready, too." mikami: *she nods* ryuuko:.... Relan: "...Um...I could also get you your remaining homework, too...If that helps." mikami: i appreciate that, t-though you dont have to if you d-dont want to... Relan: "I want to, because you and Ryuuko are my friends..." *smiles* mikami:... ^^ ryuuko:.... 7u7; Relan: TTwTT -elsewhere- Sakuya: Q~Q "That bathroom was icky times a billion." naho: phew...at least it's all done now... Sakuya: *collapses onto the couch* "I wonder how the others did..." Higan: "About done..." lavender: all finished~! himawari:...... Shamrock: "Kitchen is cleaned up--so I made some snacks." *holds the tray up to Himawari* himawari:... Shamrock: "..." ("What do I do with this one...?") -elsewhere- Gopher: "I think it's cute..." kirika: 7n7;; *in a kigurumi* Gopher: "And I bet it feels soft and warm, right?" kirika: it's nice. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *reading a newspaper* kim: whats new? Jacqueline: "Rebuilding is still happening in Asakusa...jewelry theft in Milan...value of the yen went up..." kim: ah. -with ponera's group- shaula: *hella proud of her new scorpion brooch* Ponera: "...So...How did you get that?" shaula:...it was a present~ beatrice: 7///7; Ponera: *shiny eyes* "D'aw! I wish I had someone do that for me..." grimoire: .... -elsewhere- Jeje: "I forgot how much quieter it is when he goes out..." metsu: *she nods* Jeje: "Anything I can do to help you with remaining items on our to-do list?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *eating cereal angrily* *NOM NOM NOM* >< gabriella: please be careful. ^^; -elsewhere- Shinoda: *hugging the apple tree* ^^ mana: SHINODA YOU ARE EMBARRASSING ALL OF US! Shinoda: "This is a life-giving tree for me--don't ruin this..." *kisses the tree* nea: *facepalm* Kepuri: "...Kind of shipping it." nea: D8< lin: maybe putting Adderall in his apple wasnt one of your best ideas, emine. Emine: "...I may have gone too far this time...I'll put myself in the corner when we get home." Shinoda: "Cradle me in your branches, you gorgeous life-giving plant." nea: and this is why we cant have nice things. -elsewhere- Kid: "And now, all is in order." *beaming* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...Sorry. I took you away from your studying, didn't I?" stocking: it's fine, kid. Kid: *smiles* "Thank you." *pats her back* "Well, I'll let you return to studying..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *heads to the kitchen...* -elsewhere- Lily: "Any updates from your girlfriend?" misono: oh shush. 7///7; mahiru: ^^; misono: well, things seem to have cooled down at C3 for now... Kuro: "Locking up vampires like that...I don't see Touma forgiving his employees for allowing their escape." misono:....still, i hope she- they, are ok... 7///7; Lily: "Maybe you should check in on her...I mean, 'them.'" :3 misono:....i wouldnt want to arouse suspicion. Kuro: "Put on a disguise? Or talk with her at school?" misono:...perhaps. Lily: "I have quite a range of disguises~" -elsewhere- Touma: *reviewing files on vampires...and other creatures* ("This may prove useful...") -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form, waves at the twins* hinata: ^^ fang-hua: so then, 'drifter', you're some kind of kitsune then? Mr. Tsubaki: o___o;; ("So much for secrets...") "Um...Well, I mean...Heh. What makes you say that?" ^^;; fang-hua:....nevermind, just thinking out loud. Mr. Tsubaki: ^^;;;;; "I'm just here to provide any medical assistance I can...I mean, you don't suspect me of anything, do you?" fang-hua: why would i? you did help the commander out back at the shrine. Mr. Tsubaki: "It's just that your colleague seemed suspicious of me...I swear, I'm just here to help." ("...And because I can't go home...") fang-hua: alright then. -elsewhere- Relan: [things calmer now?] shinra: [yeah. we now have the 7th as allies! \(^o^)/ ] Relan: [yay! i assume in no small part because of your work] shinra: [daw. ^^; well the others helped out a ton as well.] shinra: [anyway, how's mikami doing, any better?] Relan: [a bit. it's a lot to work through] shinra: [no kidding. did U and iris talk to her about anything?] Relan: [a little. trying to figure out what kind of dreams she's having] shinra: [ah. so what was kurai manor like?] Relan: [big. o_o like, could fit 20 houses in there. regal look, interesting coat of arms] shinra: [oh?] Relan: [yeah, the coat has this woman with bright red hair] shinra: [ah, well, mikami does have red hair too... and i saw her dad has red hair too. i saw him on TV once. them genetics tho] Relan: [ha ha! yeah. hard not to spot members of her family in a crowd. sleeping any better?] shinra: [yeah.] Relan: [that's good. i hope you have good dreams soon] -elsewhere- Joker: "All according to plan..." *sips his umbrella drink* scarlet:.... you just walked in here, sat down and said 'all according to plan'. -_-; Joker: "...That is part of the plan." *sip* scarlet: your plan being? Joker: "Well, having Victor in place with the 8th to keep an eye on what they discover...and to make sure we keep tabs on the Hoods." scarlet: right. Joker: "We are in the intelligence gathering. Once Victor finds what we need, we make our next move." Joker: "And our next move will be quite a doozy~" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Huh. Never seen you without the nun outfit, Sister." iris: ^^; tamaki: so what are we doing out here? Arthur: "Grocery run. Freaking Victor is eating us out of house and home..." nozomi: he's not so bad. ^^; tamaki:... Arthur: "Well, you two _have_ to work together, so I get that _you_ have to see the best in him..." nozomi: .////. i-i suppose. tamaki: *rolls her eyes* Arthur: "If Victor gives you problems, let us know. No point having him try to disrupt our home...Interloper." nozomi: r-right... Arthur: "??? In any case, what food do we need? I want a boar, to roast on a pit." -elsewhere- Anya: *napping on the couch* tsugumi:...*puts a blanket over her* Meme: "Must be pretty tired after work today." -elsewhere- Shinoda: *holding an ice-pack to his head* "I can't remember what happened..." nea: *patting his head* Shinoda: "Did I do anything stupid?" *feels something in his mouth...pulls out a leaf* "???" -elsewhere- Johannes: "I'm home!" metsu: welcome back. Jeje: "Sss...I suggest you hide. Mikuni wants to know--" Mikuni: "What happened to Jocelyn's eyeball?!" *holds up a doll missing an eye* Johannes: "...Vision test." metsu:....*facepalm* Mikuni: "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" Johannes: *holds up Jocelyn's missing eye to his own eye* "That's not how I saw it..." Mikuni: "...Metsu...Give me some space..." metsu: *she goes upstairs* please take it outside. Jeje: -____-;;; Johannes: "Yeah! Time to play--" *PUNCH'd* *Johannes is knocked through the open door and into the street, landing in a dumpster* Mikuni: "..." *sigh, as he picks up Jocelyn's eye* "Time to sew you back on~" ^^ Jeje: "That was quick...Wait for me, Metsu..." Johannes: @~@ "I see three of everything...That ain't right. Usually it's six of everything..." ???: oi, you alright? Johannes: "Oh, this is nothing. One time, he punched me so hard I went into orbit...Um, who is speaking? Is that you, God?" -a young woman is there, wearing goggles and a lab coat- ???: nah, just a regular passerby. Johannes: "Huh." *picks banana peel off his head* "You have on goggles and a lab coat, the international symbols of a fellow scientist." ???: why you'd be correct my good man. i also do some mechanic work on the side. *offers a hand to help him out* Johannes: *takes her hand, steps out, brushes debris off him* "Thank you. By the way, I am Johannes Mimir Faustus." ???: cool, the name's Itou. Karin Itou to be exact, haha! Johannes: "Hey, neat! So, what are you a scientist of?" karin: answering the unanswered question, my particular field of study would be in flame humans, as well as flame compatible tech. i even built this bad boy! *pats a flame powered mech suit* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, so you all finish your errands?" naho: yep. otogiri: yes. Belkia: *covered in leaves* "Done!" Shamrock: *in an apron* "Food finished." Higan: *smoking a cigarette* "What do you think?" Black Star: -____-;;;; otogiri: *chop* do that outside. Black Star: "Thanks, Otogiri. Tsubaki, how did your errands go?" tsubaki: they went well. Black Star: *nods* "Well, guess it's time to sit to dinner--" *KNOCK KNOCK* tsubaki: ?? *she checks the peephole* *A small package is outside* tsubaki: ??? *It has a camellia blossom attached to the top...and a small kitsune plushie* tsubaki:... !! *she brings it in* naho:....ah! otogiri: !! Sakuya: "Is that...?" tsubaki: yes...*she looks at black*star* seems it's for all of us. Black Star: -___-;;; "It better not blow up..." tsubaki: *carefully opens the package* *Inside are some treats and a card* naho: ooh! *shiny eyes* tsubaki: *reads the attached card* NOTE: "A local treat until I can return to you, my family. I miss you all." *Signed with the doodle of a fox* tsubaki: *soft smile* naho: awwwww..... Black Star: "...Okay. That's pretty sweet. But you don't think he poisoned these, do you?" tsubaki: ^^; i doubt that Shamrock: X_TT "He thinks so much about us..." *nom nom* Belkia: "Yo, Tsu? I think there's another note in there..." tsubaki: ........*she looks at black*star* Black Star: "..." *nods* tsubaki:....*she opens it* NOTE: "Camelia Blossom-- What gets me through this time is knowing you are waiting for me. Your smile is what I see in my dreams. The warmth of your hand against mine is what I remember when I desire stability and strength to get through the day. I miss our family so much, and I miss you. I love you, and I will never stop loving you. Wait for me." tsubaki:....*tearing up* Black Star: "..." *pats her shoulder* tsubaki:...t-thanks. Black Star: *smiles, nods* Sakuya: "..." *holds Naho's hand* otogiri: -_-; so much for a 'private letter'.... lavender: oh shit...he's got it bad for her. *The envelope is sealed with a kiss...and the envelope is all black* naho: another one! *muttering* well, white day is tomorrow... Sakuya: ^^; tsubaki: *she opens it* Note: "If you need something to get you through those lonely nights..." *Enclosed is a photograph...* tsubaki:..... O////O;; lavender: oh. well then. Higan: "..." *smirk* "Good for him." Black Star: -____- otogiri:.... i have no response for that. Sakuya: "...That idiot." tsubaki:...*gives the photo to shamrock* here, you could use this more than me. i'll probably get too flustered to keep looking... .////.; Shamrock: x\\\o;;;; "B-But it was addressed to you!" *tries to pass it back* "My hands are not worthy of touching this!" tsubaki: n-no, i insist, really. >///< naho: JUST TAKE IT ALREADY! Shamrock: "Eep!" *holds it* x\\\\\\\o -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Kirei, are you well?" kirei: yes. *she smiles* i appreciate you letting me visit. Benimaru: *nods* "It is...a new experience. I tend to be private." kirei: *she nods* its understandable. your soldiers arent teasing you too much, are they? ^^; Benimaru: "...They tease. Not too much. They tend to stop once I threaten to burn them." kirei: hehe... *she holds his hand* Benimaru: -\\\- *small squeeze* "...I am happy you are here." -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzz.... Kid: *hugs her in his sleep* stocking: =w= Kid: *nuzzle* *yawns* "Love you..." tsubaki: mmmn~ Kid: *falls asleep next to her* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Victor: *sitting alone in the kitchen, sipping on a glass of milk* nozomi: oh, you're still awake? Victor: "Yeah. Sorry, I take some time getting used to new places." ^^ nozomi: i see...h-how are you liking it here, so far? Victor: "Not bad. Surprised how furbished everything here is." *sips on milk again...leaving a milk mustache* nozomi: *chuckle* y-you have something on your... *points* Victor: "???" *touches his upper lip...small laugh, as he wipes it away* "Thanks...So, you're still up, too?" nozomi: *she nods* sometimes i work so hard i lose track of the time. ^^;; Victor: "Your hard work is admirable--I'm still impressed how thorough you have been in your records." nozomi: t-thank you. Victor: "...Hey, can I ask you something personal? What are some of your hobbies?" nozomi: eh? well, i do enjoy reading from time to time. Victor: "Fiction or non-fiction?" nozomi: usually non-fiction. Victor: "Ah. Any particular reason you prefer non-fiction?" nozomi: hmm, i suppose i just enjoy learning about things. ah, i sound like such a nerd, dont i? >///< Victor: "Yes. But I'm a nerd, too. It's about desiring to know more, and I don't think that's a bad thing at all. I think it's admirable." nozomi: oh. um.... .///. Victor: *smiles* "Thanks for telling me. It makes me feel better about being here." nozomi: mm.... .////. Victor: "...Want some milk? It tends to help me fall asleep." -elsewhere- Shamrock: x\\\\\\- *sigh of content* -knock- naho: sham? you in there? Shamrock: x\\\\\\\o ("WHY CAN'T I EVER GET A MOMENT OF PRIVACY?!") *pulls up his pants, hides the photograph, approaches the door, talks through it* "Y-Yes...Is everything okay?" naho: just checking. Shamrock: "..." *opens the door--he is fully dressed* "It is rather late. Couldn't sleep?" naho: im worried about himawari...i think she's cold... Shamrock: "...Maybe a thicker blanket?" naho:...do you think you can talk to her? Shamrock: "..." *nods* "Where is she?" naho: on the couch, she hasnt moved an inch... Shamrock: *nods, goes to the couch* "Himawari? How are you?" himawari:....*glances at him*...... Shamrock: "...May I have a seat?" himawari:...... Shamrock: *sits by her* "...I tend to have trouble sleeping, some nights." himawari:....... Shamrock: "I have to remind myself, that I have a life ahead of me...and another day..." himawari:........ Shamrock: "So I have to remind myself my body needs some sleep...and I lie in my bed, pulling the blankets over me, to feel held by them..." himawari:.......... Shamrock: "...Would you feel better if I stayed with you, until you fall asleep?" himawari:..... Shamrock: "...I brought a blanket?" *puts it down over her and him* himawari:...... Shamrock: "...Is this okay? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..." *lightly rests his hand over hers* himawari:....*slightly leans in* Shamrock: "..." *puts an arm around her, lightly* himawari:....am i.... Shamrock: "???" himawari:....am i.....a bad girl....mr touma....? *she's trembling* Shamrock: "Himawari...No. You are not..." himawari:.....? Shamrock: "You are not bad. You are yourself, and you get to decide who you will be." himawari:......... Shamrock: "I think you are a good person..." himawari:...... Shamrock: "You are going through a difficult time...and you are strong to get through each day...and you will always have help..." himawari:....*trembling* Shamrock: *hug* himawari:.....im sorry.... Shamrock: "You have nothing to apologize for...I'm sorry I was not there..." himawari:.... Shamrock: "You are safe here...and your family loves you." himawari:.......*trembling* Shamrock: "It's okay...What you feel is fine...Let it out..." himawari:......i can....still feel him....touching me.... Shamrock: *nods* "Those memories...are going to persist. But he is not here..." himawari:........*whimpering* Shamrock: "You are away from him...And you have a life ahead of you." -morning- Shamrock: "Zzz..." himawari: zzzz....... Shamrock: *yawns, wakes up...* "..." *tries to get out of bed without waking her...* himawari: zzzzz.... Shamrock: *exits his room to go to the kitchen... lavender: she doing any better? Shamrock: "...You know, huh? I don't know...She held onto me, crying for an hour, before falling asleep. She talked a bit, shivered...but I think she got some deep, uninterrupted sleep." lavender: that's good...... sorry, its just....her situation...it hits a little too close to home for me... Shamrock: *nods* "I'm sorry." lavender: .... Shamrock: "...I was going to prepare breakfast..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Good morning." chie: TT~TT Yohei: "??? Oh no...Need something to drink?" chie: *nods* Yohei: "Water? Ginger ale?" chie: the second one.... Yohei: "On it. Be right back..." *leaves and goes to the kitchen, getting the ginger ale* chie: TT_TT i thought i was done with morning sickness.... Yohei: "Just a bit longer..." *hands her the glass* chie: thanks honey. Yohei: *hugs her* "You're welcome." chie: UwU Yohei: "It'll get better soon..." *rests a hand on her belly* -elsewhere- misono: happy birthday lily. Lily: TTwTT "Thank you..." *hug* -elsewhere- Kid: "Good luck with studies today." *smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "I'll have dinner ready when you get home. I love you." stocking: ok. *she looks at her notes* -upon arriving- student: i hear mr neuhaus is teaching the class today. stocking: (thinking: i've heard the name, but i've never met him in person...) Neuhaus: *enters* "Good morning. Eyes on the board, as we begin your work on summoning and controlling demons." *spots Stocking* stocking: ......?? (thinking: so, is he gonna be cool, or is he gonna be a d-bag?) Neuhaus: *calling to Stocking* "You are the new potential instructor?" stocking: !! yes sir! that would be me. OwO;; Neuhaus: "Hm. Any experience with taming demons?" stocking: well, somewhat. Neuhaus: "Good. Let's demonstrate. I'm having the students attempt a summoning--please pass out the summoning papers to students." stocking: right. Neuhaus: "Hold the paper to you...prick your finger to release blood...and let's see whether any of you have innate summoning abilities." stocking: *wince* Neuhaus: "Observe what I summon..." *POOF: a vaguely canine-like demon emerges by Neuhaus's side* "I have to keep a strong command over this demon, or risk having it loose control." stocking: *deep breaths* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *he is smiling* kabuki: you seem to be in a good mood today. Benimaru: "I think that this is a chance at progress for our home..." kabuki: how so? Benimaru: "A new alliance, rebuilding our homes, enlarging our medical unit...my own personal progress." kabuki: ah.. Benimaru: "...I feel more content." *smiles at Kabuki* "I am thankful that you and others were able to keep our home safe." -elsewhere- Victor: *stares at Shinra* shinra:...can i help you? Victor: *gets down on his belly, staring at Shinra's feet* "...Piggies..." shinra: uh.... iris: h-hey now! tamaki: WHAT THE HELL PERV?! Victor: *grabs Shinra's sandal, pulling it off, examining Shinra's toes* "So your fire is concentrated here? How do you walk with fire? Do you get athlete's feet? Are there any shoe-fabrics your feet don't burn through? Do you clip your nails? How do you avoid calluses? Have you ever walked on glass?" *starts writing notes, as he measures Shinra's feet with a ruler* shinra: um.... Akitaru: *picks Victor up--by his leg, holding him upside down* "Please don't harass the other members here. Nozomi, take him back to the lab to finish your work." nozomi: r-right. this way. Victor: *pouts* "Just want to learn more...for science." shinra: ......thanks commander. Akitaru: *smiles* "Any time, son. Now, let's all get back to work, too--we have a lot to catch up on after our excursion to Asakusa." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *pokes Kim's arm* kim: hmm? Jacqueline: "What if you had a tattoo there?" kim: tattoo? owo;; Jacqueline: "Remember when I dyed my hair? I thought maybe a tattoo would look good on you." kim: like a permanent tattoo? owo;;; Jacqueline: *shrug* "Just a thought...Maybe...we could both get tattoos..." -elsewhere- Emine: "...You did say 'paint the fence.' You didn't say I couldn't write a message on it..." mana:....i have no words for this. Shotaro: o___o;; "...Those are some really naughty words." *holds up the "Swear Jar"* "That's at least 20 dollars' worth of cursing." Emine: "I don't see the problem. What do you think, Lin?" lin: O/////O;;;; saki: ^^# Tool: *glaring* "That fence...is crying in pain because of what you wrote. Now, paint _over_ those words, or you'll get an earful from me. Got it?" Emine: "...Fine. You *HONK HONK*." saki:.....emine~.....start running~ ^^# Emine: "..." *flies away like a bat out of Hell* Tool: "GET BACK HERE, YOU *HONK HONK*!" Shotaro: "...Mana? What's a *HONK HONK*?" mana: i'll tell you when you're older. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *reviewing medical records* "Hmm...This patient's electrolytes are a bit low..." -elsewhere- Joker: *staring at the phone* "...He hasn't called in." -riiiing- Joker: *picks up the phone* "Yes?" Victor: [text...which is just a photograph of toes and the sentence, "his toes must be the answer!"] Joker: "..." -_______- scarlet:..... ew. -elsewhere- Gopher: *opens his locker* "...Where are my books?" kotone:...bottom shelf... Gopher: "Aw! Thank you." -w- *takes his books...then finds a note* "???" kotone: ??? -do your best. ~eibon- Gopher: TTwTT "My emotions...He cares so much about us..." kotone:...*small smile* Gopher: "Ready for lunch?" kotone:...yes. Gopher: "Yay! Chicken nuggets today--" *BUMP* kotone: ??? bandaid kid: ah! s-sorry! *runs off* Gopher: O_____O "...Was that a tinier me?" -elsewhere- Kid: *in the Death Room* "How is work proceeding, Father?" lord death: doing good kiddo. ^^ Kid: "I'm glad." *looks at the Mirror...his hand approaches its surface before he pulls back* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Any plans for after school?" naho: not really. i'm probably gonna get myself ready for the flower viewing next month. Sakuya: "Neat. Got an outfit for it?" naho: still getting it set up. Sakuya: *nods* "Where is flower viewing next month?" naho: *gets up map app on her phone* here, in spring grove park in primrose neighborhood. Sakuya: "Cool...What do you wear to it? Kimono?" naho: probably. ^^ Sakuya: *smiles, nudge of her arm* "That'll be cool." -elsewhere- Kid: "Dinner is served~" stocking: thanks~ Kid: *pulls up the dining cover to reveal...* "Candied pistachio chicken." -later- liz: how was class? stocking: well, i learned summoning is not in my skillset. -_-; Patty: *pat pat* "Can't be perfect at everything!" stocking: i guess. Kid: "You have so many skills to offer the students, though." *smiles* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Do they have any trips planned to help you with additional training?" stocking: i'll have to check. Kid: "Do you have additional tests before they make your job official?" stocking: just the medical, aria, dragoon, and knight tests.... Patty: "Wow...That sounds like a lot." stocking: yeah.. *sigh* Kid: "One test at a time...Is there anything we can do to help with studying, or to keep up your motivation?" -elsewhere- Kepuri: *wearing a T-Shirt covered in baby vomit* T_T "I don't know how Saki and Tool deal with this..." akaderu: imagine what it'll be like with _two_ rugrats runnin around..... Kepuri: *groans* "That means more babysitting..." *pouts* "Kids are a lot of hard work, aren't they? I can't wait for Io to be old enough to tend to Yohei and Chie's kid." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Woo! Good sparring session, Fang!" fang-hua: *she nods* it's starting to get warmer out now. Tsukiyo: :3 "I know. Can't wait for summer. But us fire people need to keep cool in the heat." fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "You know what? We should buy an ice cream machine and make some!" fang-hua: maybe. Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Well, that work-out worked up an appetite! What you hungry for?" -elsewhere- Higan: "...Feeling alright, Lav?" lavender: yeah. why wouldnt i be? Higan: *smile* "Just checking." *pat pat* lavender:...thanks. *small smile* Higan: "Hey...Wanted to show you something..." *takes out a photograph of the subclasses with Mr. Tsubaki* lavender: *she smiles* that was during the flower viewing last year, right? naho was still just a newbie then. Higan: *nods* "I found it while developing film...A lot has changed." lavender: yeah. Higan: *sigh* "...I appreciate what Miss Tsubaki does for us...but I miss that jackass." lavender: yeah, haha. Higan: "..." *pats her hand* "I also found some other photos I developed." lavender: oh? Higan: "Some of the youngsters, some of trips and meals...some private ones..." -elsewhere- Lawless: "Then check this out, Soul's brother--this is me and Lich-tan at Tokyo Disney! Look at his little Mickey Mouse ears!" Wes: "...Huh." licht: *sipping on a slushie* soul: ^^; Wes: "Never got to go to Disney. Soul, we should check it out some time." soul: sounds like a good idea. you could even take liz with you. Wes: "Yeah, her and Patty would get a kick out of it." Lawless: "??? You and Liz are a thing? Huh. So, Soul's going to be her brother-in-law, then?" Wes: o\\\\o soul: yeah, anyway, bro. Wes: *shakes his head back to focus* "Y-Yeah? What's up?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Not too long before garden comes back into bloom..." sachiko: yeah. *she smiles* Spirit: "I was thinking of farming some new herbs for meals." sachiko: that sounds like a good idea. Spirit: "Anything you want to grow, Izumi?" -elsewhere- Anya: *flipping through a magazine* "Hmm...That one looks nice." tsugumi: oh. Anya: "Be a nice dress for you to try on. Or maybe this one?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *holds up a cat-shaped ice cream cookie sandwich* "For you." tamaki: *nom* Arthur: *smiles* "Feeling alright?" tamaki: yeah. *looking at the trees* hard to believe spring is just about here... Arthur: *nods* "A long year..." *slowly puts his arms around her* tamaki:.... 7///7 Arthur: "Maybe we can have a picnic in the park?" tamaki: sounds good. Arthur: *smiles, sighs* "...I'm happy you joined the 8th." tamaki: ...*smiles* shinra: come on, lovebirds, we got stuff to do. iris: ^^; tamaki: -_-; Arthur: -_-;; "Just taking a break...especially with the newbie around..." shinra: yeah, no kidding. *shivers* Arthur: "I don't trust him...Maybe we can learn more about him...Research him." iris: ^^; Victor: "Yeah, that sounds great! How can I help?" Arthur: o___O tamaki: NYAAAH! *jumps up into a tree* shinra: HOLY- Arthur: "Tamaki!" tamaki:...yeah yeah, laugh it up! the old cliche cat in a tree jokes.... Victor: "Oooooo! Tamaki! When you come down, I'd like to examine the flames along your legs and arms!" shinra: on the bright side, its not your usual cliche jokes. Arthur: "...I wasn't going to make a joke...Much." tamaki: WHEN I GET DOWN HERE IM GOING TO MASSACRE THE THREE OF YOU!!!! Victor: "What did I do?" Arthur: "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" shinra: dont ask. Victor: "I could get you down..." *holds up an axe* -elsewhere- Hibana: *glomp* gabriella: ah! >///< Hibana: "Hee hee..." *smooch* gabriella: >/////< well, the tube is about ready, now we just have to wait... Hibana: ^\\\^ "Yes...How would you like to pass the time?" -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: *she smiles as she puts a blanket over him* Kid: *curls up, smiles* "Thank you..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I hope tomorrow is good to you..." *yawn* stocking: i hope so too.... Kid: *hug* "You will..." -morning- Benimaru: "Mmm..." kirei: U///U Benimaru: *smiles* "Good morning." kirei: *she smiles* Benimaru: "How is your morning starting?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *whistling, as he makes breakfast* tsubaki: *helping* Shamrock: "Thank you, Tsubaki. Could you help me with this dish for Hinawari?" tsubaki: *she nods* Shamrock: "Keep an eye on this syrup I'm preparing while I finish the waffles..." *smiles* -later- himawari:....t...thank you... Shamrock: *smiles* "You're welcome. Tsubaki and I made this meal for you, because we wanted you to have a good meal." himawari:.....*small smile* Shamrock: *smiles back* "Enjoy." Belkia: *sniff sniff* "...Waffles?" naho: *drooling* Sakuya: "Looks great!" *sits down* Higan: "Good cooking, you two." *sits as well* -elsewhere- Kid: "Anything you want after school?" stocking: maybe visit the shops? Kid: *smiles* "I would like that." *pats her back* -elsewhere- Victor: "Yummy~" shinra: this is good, nozomi. nozomi: im glad you all enjoyed it... Arthur: *nods* "Thank you." Takehisa: "Quite good." Akitaru: "TASTY!" Victor: *smiles at Nozomi* "Delicious." nozomi: .////. tamaki: ...... Victor: "Well, I better get to work in the lab. See you all later!" nozomi:.... .//////. Akitaru: "...Nozomi? How are things working with Victor?" nozomi: eh? h-how so? Akitaru: "Getting along in the lab? Able to share the space, cooperate? Is he causing any problems?" nozomi: e-everything's doing well! very well! .////. maki:... 7w7 nozomiiiin~ is this love in the air that i smell~? nozomi: e-eh!? o/////o Takehisa: ._. Akitaru: "???" maki: just kidding~ nozomi: right!...hahahaha...ha...haaa..... .//////.;;; Akitaru: "Well, I'm glad you two are getting along at work. If you have any problems working with Victor, you let me know, any time, okay?" nozomi: r-right... Takehisa: "I think we should all get to work, then. No point fooling around..." -elsewhere- ivy: any updates? scarlet:... Joker: "I think our boy has an 'in' with the 8th, getting to one of their members." ivy: oh really? do tell... Joker: *shows a photo on his phone, with Victor posing with some brigade members, including Nozomi* "Looks like he is working along that girl there--ingratiating himself." ivy: i see. so he's putting the moves in shitty braids then? HAH! what a riot! scarlet: *rolls her eyes* Joker: "Got to start somewhere, if you want to appeal to the 8th and get them to see the Hoods for what they are--and help us with our work." scarlet: do you really think they’d be willing to work with 3 wanted criminals? Joker: "Misery makes strange bedfellows..." scarlet:....are you trying to hit on me again? -_-; Joker: "...Is it working?" scarlet:.........*takes his cig out of his mouth and snuffs it on his hand* -elsewhere- Shinoda: *pouts* "We only have apple sauce left..." lin: we'll head to the grocery shop then. medea:... Shotaro: "Right, we can go! Want to, Medea?" medea: very well. Shotaro: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Lawless: *reading poetry aloud at the school's entrance* student: isnt that hyde kranz? Anya: "???" Lawless: "True love is a durable fire, / In the mind ever burning, / Never sick, never dead, never cold, / From itself never turning." mio:....i dun get it. Lawless: -_-; *sigh* "It means--" Anya: "It means that love, if it is true, is everlasting rather than something fickle." Lawless: o\\\\o "Y-Yeah." licht: *clap* good for you. Lawless: *bows* "Thank you." *leaps off from the entrance to stand with Licht* "Ready for class?" -elsewhere- Relan: *smiles at Iris and Shinra* "How's the new recruit working out?" shinra: *cringe* iris: ^^;;; Relan: "??? That bad, huh?" iris: he's...enthusiastic, i'll give him that much. Relan: "So, kind of pushy?" shinra:.....anyway, is mikami doing any better? iris: did you find anything out? Relan: *nods* "Probably a link between what you were going through, Shinra. And she is almost ready to get back to service." shinra: hmm... Relan: "Would you like to meet them? I'm sure Mikami and you would have a lot to talk about." shinra: perhaps. (thinking: im not sure how much she knows....) Relan: *smiles* "Can always get something to eat. Mikami likes a few sweets..." -elsewhere- Hibana: "How is the tube working?" gabriella: coming along nicely... Hibana: *smiles* "Excellent." *checks the vitals* "Look at that..." gabriella: >w< Hibana: "Hee hee..." *kiss on Gabriella's cheek, holding her hand* -elsewhere- Kid: "Which shops would you like to visit?" -elsewhere- Lily: "Have you been speaking with your girlfriend?" misono: .... 7////7 y-yeah....she's doing well.. Lily: *smiles* "That is good. Is she safe with C3?" misono: i think so. Lily: *pat pat* "Then I'm sure she will be fine." -elsewhere- Victor: *looking through microscope, taking notes* "Still trying to figure out this ash...It's fascinating." nozomi: oh? Victor: *nods* "Ashes usually look like sand itself--yet I continue to find additional particles in these ashes from deposed Flame Beings...as if these are impure..." nozomi: hmmm.... Victor: "Here, take a look--" *stands away from the microscope* nozomi: *examining* ah, i see.... Victor: "If we isolate those particles, it may clue us in on what it is that separates Flame Beings from other humans..." nozomi: *she nods* Victor: "Here, let me increase the magnification..." *his hand passes over hers...* nozomi: o/////o ah... -elsewhere- Emine: *in overalls, with paint along his hands and face* "...I finished re-painting. The fence is now all one color and with no words on it." Tool: ^^ saki: good job. Emine: "Thank you. However, I still need to do a bad deed..." mono: TT_TT *covered in white paint* Emine: "And done." Tool: D:< -elsewhere- Kid: *reading through history books* stocking: *reviewing notes* Kid: *finishing writing a note* "May I help you with studying?" stocking: if you want to, though i dont know how much you know about this. ^^; Kid: "Maybe we can make some flash cards?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: *smiles* "Divide the notes, each of us write a few flash cards each?" stocking: sure. -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Kohana." fang-hua: hmm? yeah commander? Benimaru: "How has your day been?" fang-hua: doing well, sir. Benimaru: "That is good. I wanted to see whether you would be interested in joining Kirei and me for dinner." fang-hua: would you be alright? i wouldnt want to impose... Benimaru: "Not at all. We thought it would be a good way to catch up and decompress after the last few weeks. We may have Kabuki, Konro, and Tsukiyo as well, and Reimi." fang-hua: ah, well, in that case i guess it wouldnt be too much of a problem. Benimaru: *nods* "We were thinking this weekend." fang-hua: alright then. -elsewhere- Yohei: *rubs Chie's back* chie: ^w^~<3 Yohei: "Feel okay?" chie: yeah. Yohei: "That's good..." *hug* "Know what I did today?" chie: what? Yohei: "I improved the home security system, with a few more baby safe-guards." chie: *she smiles* that's great! Yohei: "Thanks...Just glad we got something in place for security." *holds her hand* "Anything you want to do tomorrow?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Ready for bed?" kim: yep. Jacqueline: *nods, slides under the sheets of her bed* "Well...I hope you get some good sleep." -elsewhere- Medusa: "Aren't you just growing up fast..." neian: guu! ^o^ Medusa: *opens a book, starts reading...* "What animal is that, Neian?" *points to a drawing* neian:... sss... Medusa: "Yes, a snake. And a snake goes...'ssss'..." neian: ^^ Medusa: *points to a dog* "And what is that animal?" neian: bwuf! bwuf! Medusa: "Yes--a doggie! 'Woof woof!'" neian: hehe! Medusa: *kisses her forehead* "So smart." *flips the page, showing a lion* "Is that a kitty?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Anything you need before bedtime?" -elsewhere- Victor: *asleep in lab* nozomi:....*puts a blanket over him*.... *smiles* Victor: "Zzz..." *smiles, feeling warmer under the blanket* nozomi: ^///^ Victor: *continues sleeping...* -elsewhere- Black Star: "Ready for bed?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: *slides into bed beside her* "...I love you." tsubaki: *smiles* i love you too... Black Star: *smiles* "Sleep well..." *turns off the light, holds her hand* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Himawari? Are you okay?" himawari:......tired..... Shamrock: *nods* "Want some warm milk?" himawari:....yes.... Shamrock: *heats up some milk* "...Will you be sleeping in your room tonight?" himawari:....could i......stay with you....you're....warm.... Shamrock: "..." *nods* "Of course. You are always welcome." himawari:....thank you.... Shamrock: *serves her the milk, smiles* "You're welcome." himawari:...... Shamrock: "...Is the bed comfortable? Do you want a different pillow or sheets?" himawari:......i feel.....safer....with you..... Shamrock: *smiles* "It means a lot to hear that. I hope I'm not a nuisance--I may snore..." -elsewhere- Lawless: "I can't sleep..." licht: zzzz...... Lawless: *pout* ("I guess I don't get to have a song played for me while I try to sleep...I'll go drain the lizard.") *gets up to go to the bathroom* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Mmm..." *small kiss on Gabriella's cheek* gabriella: ^///^ Hibana: *hugs her, patting her hands along her hips* "You have such a great figure." gabriella: o////o Hibana: *small laugh* "What? Am I wrong? You're beautiful." -elsewhere- Joker: *flipping through his phone* "...No updates." scarlet: was this really a good idea? Joker: "??? Sending in Victor? Yeah, why not? He gets us info on the 8th's Adora Burst..." scarlet:....right...... ['GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!' "her adora burst....i want to see it...."] Joker: "What, you had a better idea? How else do we convince Shinra?" scarlet:..... -elsewhere- Sakuya: *cuddle* naho: ^w^ Sakuya: *smooch* "Comfy?" naho: *she nods* Sakuya: "That's good." *leans his chin along her shoulder* naho: hehe~ ^^ Sakuya: *his arms wrap around her waist* "So huggable." naho: *nuzzle* U///w///U Sakuya: *hums lightly, as he rests his hands over her belly, holds her close* -elsewhere- himawari: *asleep* Shamrock: *watching her sleep...* ("She is peaceful now...I hope that lasts...We never talked as much when young master first brought her in...") himawari: zzzz..... Shamrock: "..." ("She didn't deserve this. No one does...Was I...ever this awful?") himawari: ..... *shifting in her sleep* Shamrock: "???" *eases his breathing so not to wake her* himawari:...... Shamrock: "..." *shifts the sheets over her* himawari:...*soft smile* Shamrock: *smiles* "Sleep well..." -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: zzzz.... Kid: *smiles...smooch* stocking: =w= Kid: "Time to begin your day, Angel." stocking: *yawns* Kid: "Didn't sleep well?" stocking: i slept pretty good.... Kid: "That's good...Will you be studying at True Cross today?" stocking: is it the weekend? Kid: *nods* -elsewhere- Konro: "What would you like for Commander's dinner, Kabuki?" kabuki: perhaps some okonomiyaki? Konro: "Oh, good choice!" *grabs a bottle of sake* "Housewarming gift." kabuki: ah. Konro: "I'm happy for him and the sister. After that attack, glad he is moving forward." kabuki: indeed. who knows, maybe soon we'll be seeing the next generation of asakusa's leaders. Konro: "Ha ha! Please, you're going to make me feel even older." kabuki: hehe. Konro: "So, we'll be heading to their dinner tonight...Anything else to bring?" -elsewhere- Lawless: >w< *in bed...cuddled against--* licht: zzzzzz...... Lawless: *nudge nudge* licht: nngmhph.... Lawless: "Mmm...So huggable." licht: *muttering* cuz. im.....zz...an angel...zzz.... Lawless: "And what nice abs you have..." licht: *opens his eyes* nnnh...? Lawless: owo;;;; "...Morning." -he got wrecked. hard- Lawless: *twitching...his body embedded into the wall* "Ouchie." -elsewhere- Victor: *yawn, looks up* "Huh? I'm still in the lab?" nozomi: good morning. Victor: "..." *smile, yawn* "Hey." *stretches* "Ha. I always fall asleep in the lab. Glad you are here, bright and early." nozomi: t-thank you... .////. Victor: *stretches, then sniffs* "Ugh...I was at this so long, I need to shower first." *hands her his notebook* "You mind reviewing my notes while I get cleaned up?" nozomi: ah! right.... Victor: "Thanks." *smiles, winks, heads towards the bathrooms* nozomi:.... .////.;; Arthur: *already in the showers* Victor: *goes into the locker room, undresses, puts clothes into his cubby...enters the showers* "Mornin', Boyle!" Arthur: -____-;;; "Morning." Victor: *heads to stall, starts showering* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Time to wake up..." himawari: nnh? *opens her eyes* Shamrock: "Hey. Ready to start the day?" -later- Higan: "Hey, Himawari, Sham." lavender: mornin' himawari:....*nods* Shamrock: *sniff sniff* "...What's burning?" Belkia: *holds up burnt toast...and his hair is on fire* "I don't know what I did wrong..." otogiri: *getting the fire extinguisher* Black Star: "Okay, new rule: Belkia never gets to cook again--" Belkia: D: Black Star: "Sham, get to work." Sham: "Hmph...Himawari, care to help me with toast?" -later- Sakuya: "All set for going out?" naho: yep. lilac:...*nods* Sakuya: *smiles* "Then let's get going. Can't wait to start..." -elsewhere- Emine: *stares at Chie* "Does your child require anything? I could eliminate any obstacles in your way." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Get lots of desserts! We'll need them for dinner!" Tsukiyo: *picks up a Japanese cheesecake* "Yummy~" -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking through his records* "Where was that workshop again...?" shinra: workshop? Akitaru: "Ah, Shinra! I ever tell you about Vulcan?" shinra: what, from star trek? Akitaru: "Ha ha ha! No, Vulcan is an amazing expert at analyzing Flame Beings, known as the God of the Forge." shinra: oh? tamaki: and you're telling us this, becauuuuse? Akitaru: "Unfortunately--" Hibana: *pops up behind Shinra* "Unfortunately, Vulcan does not take well to people coming to them with offers to join their brigades. Haijima has tried for a long time..." shinra: GAH! iris: when did she-? Hibana: *holds up a key* "I made my own to let myself in~" shinra:.....that's a comforting thought. Hibana: ^^ Akitaru: -_____-; "In any case, since Vulcan is around your age, I thought maybe having you all visit them may convince them to work with the 8th." shinra: seriously, they're that young? Hibana: "Hard to tell, given how secretive Vulcan is. If you're going to see them, you'll need to ditch the brigade outfits and look like regular civilians, to better ingratiate yourself." shinra: ah, well we do have casual clothes. Arthur: *looks at Iris* iris:....what? Arthur: "You can't go out in your habit." iris: i knew that... ^^; Akitaru: "I'll look up Vulcan's workshop address. You all get ready for the meeting when it happens." shinra: right..... *still thinking about what he learned about the amaterasu incident* ...... Victor: *pops up behind Shinra* "Should I go with them to see Vulcan?" shinra: GAAAAH!! nozomi: ^^; Akitaru: "No, for right now, we need you to keep researching the Flame Humans' remains for any leads on what is causing the transformations." Victor: *nods, then looks at Shinra* "Something on your mind?" shinra: nothing just....its nothing... Akitaru: "??? You sure, son?" shinra:...yeah... Victor: (thinking: "Joker told me to keep an eye on him...") -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Anything you want to do, Himawari? Play a game? Go for a walk?" himawari: *reading something from off the bookshelf* Shamrock: "Ah. Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your reading..." himawari:...its...ok... Shamrock: "...What are you reading?" -it seems to be some kind of book on old legends- Shamrock: "Ah. Which legend are you looking at?" -it seems to be related to kitsunes- Shamrock: "..." *sad look* "...You are thinking about Tsubaki?" himawari:...? Shamrock: "Kitsune kind of remind me of Tsubaki's animal form." himawari:....you....really...like him....dont you? Shamrock: x\\\^;;; "I...am having to make my peace with that. He likes someone else..." himawari:......oh... Shamrock: *sigh* "It's rough. I have been devoted to him for so long. But I also have to know what he feels, and I want to respect that." himawari:...... Shamrock: "...So, all I can do is accept how things are, and move forward." himawari:......*nod* Shamrock: *smiles* "...Thank you for letting me get that off my chest." himawari:.... Shamrock: "..." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *vacuuming under the couch...using Bone of the Gorilla to get enough strength to lift the couch up with one hand...while people are already seated on the couch* mono:...... -_-; Emine: *enters the room...looks underneath the couch...pulls back a spring on the couch, right underneath Mono's seat...* mono: nyah! Emine: "Bad deed complete..." *continues walking back to his room* mono: *growling* Shotaro: ^^;; "Um...I finished vacuuming, so I'll just set the couch down now..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holding up his phone* "Lilac, stand a bit closer to Naho." lilac: *scoot scoot* Sakuya: "That's good...Say cheese!" -click- Sakuya: "Hey, that looks great! See?" *shows his phone* naho: nice! lilac:...*faint smile* Sakuya: "You both look great in your outfits, too." naho: you too, sakkun~ ^^ Sakuya: ^^ *smooch* naho: ^///^ Sakuya: "Let's try underneath the tree." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *preparing for dinner* "Hmm...May need more salt." -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel okay?" stocking: mmhmm... Kid: *smiles, hugs* stocking: maybe after all this testing is over, we can take a vacation, just the two of us? Kid: "I would like that." *kiss on her cheek* "A reward for getting through the tests." stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *smooch* stocking: U////U Kid: "Where should we vacation?" stocking: maybe a nice little inn by the countryside? Kid: "Oh, that would be nice! Get to see the flowers blooming..." stocking: ^^ Kid: "And wonderful breakfasts at the inn...and picnics." stocking: *nuzzle* Kid: *nuzzles, holds her* "That would be perfect...because you would be there." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "I love you." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *rests his forehead lightly against hers* stocking: U///U Kid: *his hand rests along her back, lightly rubbing* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Tickles a bit?" *kisses her other cheek lightly* stocking: a bit~.....your hands feel nice though~ Kid: *smiles* "So do yours...so strong and precise..." stocking: *smirks and grabs his rear* Kid: o\\\\\\o "Oh...So, you're going to do that, huh?" *puts his hands on her bottom* stocking: ooh~<3 Kid: *squeeze squeeze* "Oh...So nice." stocking: *soft moans* Kid: "You like that..." *massages her cheeks* stocking: y-yes~ >///< Kid: *he pushes her from behind towards him, pressing her against him* stocking: ah... Kid: *his hand slides up under her dress, touching her bottom* stocking: ah~ k-kiddo~! Kid: *smirks, as his mouth reaches her* stocking: mmmn~<3 Kid: *he continues to hold her bottom, his fingers sliding under her panties and pulling them down* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Welcome to dinner." fang-hua: thanks for inviting us all. kirei: ^^ fang-hua: (thinking: this is actually the first time i was ever at the commander's house. the estate is rather nice.) Konro: "Yes, thank you." *offers bottle to Kirei and Benimaru* Tsukiyo: *looking around* "Fancy home, Commander." Benimaru: *nods* fang-hua: *looking around* Tsukiyo: *looks around as well...including at a small painting of a few people who look like Benimaru* kabuki: ah, i take it that's you in your younger days, commander? Benimaru: "??? ...Yes. When I was tiny." -elsewhere- Johannes: "Come on in! I can show you what I did to Mikuni's doll!" customer: eh.... O_O; Johannes: "See?" *holds up the doll--which now has elephant ears and a nose* "I combined his Ella doll with an elephant! An Ella-phant! Eh? Eh?" customer: right..haha....ha....*backing away* metsu: doctor, stop harrassing the customers. Johannes: *pout* "I'm not harassing. I am just creative at attracting new customers." -elsewhere- *A cell phone rings* Shamrock: "??? Tsubaki? I think you have a phone call." tsubaki: *she answers* yes? this is tsubaki speaking. Touma: "Hello, Ms. Nakatsukasa." tsubaki: *her heart practically dropped to her stomach* !!! Touma: "It's been awhile. How are you?" tsubaki:.......what do you want? Touma: "Straight to the point, huh? Sorry, I guess you have been busy tending to various tasks...I just wanted to see how you are managing. I am sure your house feels like it gets more crowded all the time." tsubaki:..... Touma: "Tell me, are all of your visitors behaving themselves?" tsubaki:....my family has been on good behavior, yes. Touma: "...Happy to hear that about your 'family'...I hope you are taking care of yourself as well. I would hate for something to happen. I could always recommend a doctor. Or a nurse." tsubaki:.....what are you implying? *shaking, but keeping calm* Touma: "I never imply, Ms. Nakatsukasa. You sound a bit under the weather, and I am simply asking whether I may recommend someone to you. I know medical professionals everywhere, from Death City all the way to...Asakusa." tsubaki: !!! ......... Shamrock: *watching, looking worried* Touma: "If you ever require my assistance, please know C3 is always near." tsubaki:..... Touma: "Well, I have a meeting--interviewing new applicants for the position of my personal assistant. And I'm sure you are busy as well tending to your 'family.' I will let you go. Goodbye, Ms. Nakatsukasa." tsubaki:....*she hangs up*......*shivering* Shamrock: "Tsubaki...Wh-What happened?" -she explains what happened- lavender: that....sack of SHIT! Higan: *practically growling* Belkia: *oddly serious-looking* Shamrock: *shivering* otogiri:.... himawari:.....this is....my fault....mr touma's angry....because i ran away.....*trembling* tsubaki: himawari...its ok, this isnt your fault at all. Shamrock: *holds Himawari's hand* "He is angry...because he is a pathetic creature. This has nothing to do with you: you did nothing wrong." tsubaki: ..... otogiri: on the positives, yumikage and junichiro are our allies, as are those three girls, right? lavender: that is true. Higan: "But if Touma is doing an end-run around them to directly threaten Tsubaki over the phone? And getting a new personal assistant? That all sounds bad." tsubaki:..... otogiri: tsubaki....it's going to be ok. Belkia: *nods* "We're not going to let that weenie get to any of us." -elsewhere- Jun: "??? What is Touma up to?" yumikage: i dunno...but i dont trust him for a moment... mitsuba: 'new assistant'....i have a bad feeling about this. hyakuya: no kidding.... Jun: "Who is he even interviewing?" shinoa: no way of telling. tsurugi: even i dont know. 83 -elsewhere- Kuro: *curled up in Mahiru's lap* mahiru: ....*small smile* tetsu: *doing push-ups* Hugh: "93, 94, 95..." kaori: *smile* it certainly is peaceful nowadays.... uzuki: no kidding... Kuro: *yawn* "Hope it stays peaceful a bit longer..." mahiru: spring's going to be here before we know it... Kuro: "Good. I was getting tired of the cold." Hugh: "121, 122..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *playing ball with the twins* hinata: over here! over here! reimi: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *kicks to Hinata* "Coming your way!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Ah~" stocking: *panting* Kid: *small pant...he smiles, as he looks up and down her* "You're beautiful." stocking: you're not too bad on the eyes either~ *kiss* Kid: ^\\\^ "That means so much, coming from you..." *kiss* stocking: aww. Kid: *holds her* "Mmmm...So huggable and warm...and hot." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *pats her side* "You are the sexiest person I have ever known..." stocking: as are you~ Kid: *snuggles* "I can't wait for that vacation..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "Mmm...Sister, you are a great cook!" reimi: thanks. ^^ Benimaru: *small pout* "I helped..." Konro: *trying to hold back a laugh* reimi: ^^; Benimaru: *clears throat* "Kohana, anything to drink?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *hugs Tsubaki* tsubaki: thanks...i needed that today.... Black Star: *nods* "Hey. You're going to be fine. You have an entire household full of vampires, you got me, and most importantly, you're strong." tsubaki:...*she smiles* Black Star: *holds her, smiles* "See? That's a happy smile." -elsewhere- Victor: *reading through a history book* nozomi:....oh, that's the amaterasu incident, right? i think i remember my father mentioning it... Victor: "Oh--you're familiar with it?" *looking at photographs of the documented destruction* "It was...destructive." nozomi: not really, just with what i've read in books. Victor: *points to the photo* "You ever hear the mythology about how this world came into being? What created it?" nozomi: i've heard a lot of stories, but there's so many interpretations to it... Victor: "Yeah...It has to do with those interpretations around the Adora Burst--and how it created this world...and can destroy it..." nozomi:.... Victor: "The Burst caused this..." *taps on the photograph* "...and as a scientist, I want to know more--so that something can be done with it, to benefit humanity." nozomi: ....*she nods* right... -the photo is of a large crater on the outskirts of tokyo; the amaterasu crater- Victor: *sighs* "I don't want to see that destruction again. And with some Flame Humans having that purified flame of the Adora Burst...I wanted to work here at the 8th to see it firsthand." shinra:....... Victor: *senses Shinra, but keeps talking* "Nozomi, have you ever been to the Crater?" nozomi: not personally, but my father has. *showing a photograph of toshiaki and a woman at the crater. the woman is giving him the bunny ears* Victor: *small snort laugh* "That's...Your dad? And...?" nozomi: a family friend, dr itou. she's also one of my mentors. Victor: "Oh! She also researches Flame Humans?" nozomi: to some extent. she also works with machines as well. she once built a flame powered mech suit. Victor: *shiny eyes* "Really?" nozomi: *she nods* Victor: "Neat...She work with any brigade?" nozomi: not to my knowledge. no. Victor: "Hmm...Hope I can talk with her at some point. Thanks for telling me about her." ^^ -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "It's getting late. Time for you two to head on home to bed." hikage: awww. hinata: that's lame. -n- Mr. Tsubaki: "The earlier you get to bed, the earlier you'll be up for cupcakes and fruit for breakfast~" hinata: *already asleep* hikage: *also heading to sleep* Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles, whispers to Reimi* "That was fast..." reimi: ^^; you know how kids can be. Mr. Tsubaki: "...I forget sometimes..." *thinks of Sakuya, Lilac, his own childhood...* -elsewhere- Konro: *pours a bit of sake out* "That was a delicious meal. Thank you for hosting us." Benimaru: *nods* -elsewhere- Tool: "Io's sleeping soundly." saki: *she smiles* Tool: "...Want some tea?" saki: i'd like that. Tool: *sets to work* "How was Io at daycare? What did the babysitters there say?" saki: she's behaving, but keeps to herself a lot. Tool: "Hmm...Maybe introverted?" saki: maybe... Tool: "...What were you like as a kid, Saki?" saki: me? i was a bit rambunctious. ^^; Tool: "Ha ha...Raised heck around the house with Chie?" saki: i guess she kinda helped me cool down a lot... Tool: *smiles* "That's it is with you, one who is calm..." *stares at her* "...one who is passionate." saki: ? Tool: "I admire how you persist, how confident you are." saki: *soft smile* aww. Tool: *smile...puts out his hand* saki: *small smooch* ^w^ Tool: ^\\\\^ "Heh..." chie: awww. Tool: o\\\\\o "...You've been there the entire time, haven't you?" chie: dont mind me~ saki: oh my, i didnt think my sister was a vouyer. for shame. chie: s-SAKI! >////< saki: haha! Tool: *snort laugh* chie: -n- -elsewhere- Arthur: *laughing* tamaki: what's so funny? Arthur: "If you ever want a laugh--" *giggle* "--ask Iris about various animals. Like ask her what she thinks an elephant looks like..." tamaki: ??? iris: .~. Arthur: "And Shinra didn't know what a bull looked like..." shinra: that's not true! i've seen bulls before! >3< Arthur: "Oh, really? Then why did you need to look it up online?" shinra: it's been a while since i was on a farm. Arthur: "??? You were actually on a farm? Doing what?" shinra: it was back when i was just a kid. my mom took sho and i to a farmers market. Arthur: "Ah. So, you saw the animals and picked up produce?" shinra: yeah, it was a lot of fun. iris: i've never actually been to a farm before.. Arthur: "Hmm...Neither have I. Have you heard of Mutton Busting? I have long wanted to tame one of those wild beasts." shinra: not really. -elsewhere- Touma: *reviewing his applications* "Excellent..." -outside the office- girl in school uniform: this is so dumb, why are we being dragged into this? random person: say, wasnt your sister in C3? school girl: yeah she was, why do you ask? *Touma exits* Touma: "Hello." -the applicants look up at him- girl: ..... Touma: "I am happy to have you here for today's interviews. Sorry for the wait. I am Taishi Touma, vice manager." -one girl raises her hand- girl 2: will we be doing an oral test, or is this a written test? Touma: "Written first, then one-on-one interviews." girl 2: do we have to bring our own stationary? i left mine at home. Touma: "I can provide stationery." *starts walking from his office to an empty room, gesturing for them to follow* -the applicants follow behind him- girl 1:....... *There are numerous school desks with chairs, and a chalkboard at the front* Touma: "Have a seat." *he hands each of them the test and a pencil* girl: what is this, school? -_-; Touma: *a bit too close to her* "We are simply making sure you got through school--and to push you towards adulthood." girl: ....... *The questions are largely about biology, mathematics, and problem-solving* -the test goes on until it concludes- Touma: *nods* "Give me a few minutes to grade these. Drinks and snacks are in the next room..." *exits for another room* -later- girl:.... Touma: *re-enters, points at the girl* "Let's begin the interview. Right this way..." girl:....*she follows* *Inside is a table, two chairs, and a lamp* girl:..... Touma: "Have a seat. I look forward to talking with you, Miss..." girl:....natsuna kanemoto. Touma: *smiles* "That is a unique name." natsuna: is it really? Touma: *nods* "It stands out. Well, let's get started with the interview. How far along are you in your education?" natsuna: i'm a 2nd year in junior high. Touma: "Oh, really? What would you say is your best subject?" natsuna: i guess writing? Touma: "That is a strong skill. Communication is key here, in order to best follow orders and to follow through on what I ask be communicated to my colleagues. Now, for the opposite question: what do you do when you have a bad subject in school, and can you give an example for how you overcome that problem?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *smiles at Kirei* "Good dinner?" kirei: *she smiles* thank you, benimaru. Benimaru: *holds her hand* "...Thank you." *small kiss* kirei: ^///^ Benimaru: "...Did you..." kirei: hmm? Benimaru: "...want to stay over?" kirei: oh! if its not a problem with you... Benimaru: *shakes his head* "...I'm nervous. But it's not a problem." -elsewhere- Victor: *yawn* "Well, I'm turning in..." nozomi: good night then. Victor: "Good night. Pleasant dreams..." nozomi: r-right.... ./////. Victor: "..." *waves* nozomi: *meek wave* o/////o Victor: .\\\\. *turns and quickly leaves* tamaki: *glaaaaaaaaaaaare* Victor: "!!! ...Hello, Tamaki." tamaki: *glint* im watching you.... Victor: "...Okay." *smile* "I'll let you in on a little secret..." tamaki: what...? Victor: *smirks, leans in, towering over her* "I watch everyone--as a good scientist must~" tamaki: O____O;; Victor: *smiles* "So just know that's what I do. Good night." tamaki:...if you try anything to her, you're as good as dead, punk! Victor: *smiles* "What ever makes you think I would? I have no intention of hurting Nozomi...and it's not really up to you what she thinks or wants, now is it?" tamaki:...... Victor: "And I would expect her friend to be worried about someone new coming here. So, I'll focus on my research, and you focus on Nozomi...Deal?" tamaki:...... -elsewhere- Johannes: *doodling* metsu: *finishing up work for the day* Mikuni: *playing with dolls* Jeje: *changing a light bulb...* Johannes: "I DREW A VAMPIRE!" *holds up his doodle* metsu: an excellent job. we'll put it up on the fridge. Johannes: *happy hand-clap* "Yay!" Jeje: "..." *holds up an apple magnet for the fridge* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *lies down* -knock- Shamrock: *sits up, answers the door* otogiri: belkia got his hand stuck in the coffee pot. im taking him to the ER. again. Shamrock: x_-;;;;; "...Okay. Don't let him bite people." otogiri: understood. Shamrock: "How long you think it'll be this time?" otogiri: i'll give the estimate of 7 minutes the fastest. Shamrock: *nods* "I'll hold down the fort." -later- Belkia: -3- "Stupid coffee pot is out to get me..." otogiri: *sweatdrop* Belkia: *glares at the coffe pot, which now has a frowny face in perspiration on it* "I'M WATCHING YOU!" ???: bel....ki...a..? -ayami is laying in the hospital bed next to his- Belkia: o_______O *whispers* "Heeeeeeeeelp..." ayami:...am i....dreaming...? *she's covered in bandages* i did....something bad.... Belkia: "...Dude...You didn't..." otogiri:..... Belkia: "Oh, God...Why did you do that?" ayami: do you.....hate me now? *her eyes seem lifeless* Belkia: ._o *looks at Otogiri* otogiri:.....its ok. Belkia: "...No, I don't hate you...I'm sorry..." ayami: im sorry that...i...ever burdened you.... Belkia: "...You just scared me, that's all. I'm around a lot of scary people." *points at Otogiri* "You should see what Otogiri does when I get this coffee pot stuck on my hand." otogiri:... -_-; Belkia: "So, um...no hard feelings, Ayami?" ayami:.....it's....my own fault.... Belkia: "Hey...It isn't...It's no one's fault. Just...got to get past this. Make it disappear." ayami: *gets up* otogiri: you just sit down...dont...even think about it.... Belkia: ._. "...What exactly was she thinking?" ayami:...... Belkia: "Um...Ayami? What are you doing?" ayami:.... *staring at the ceiling, laying back down* Belkia: "???" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *looking at his bed* himawari: zzzz..... Shamrock: "..." *defeated smile...crawls into bed carefully beside her* himawari:....*shivers* Shamrock: "..." *pulls the sheets over her...small hug* himawari:....*slight nestle against his chest* Shamrock: *holds her, as he yawns* lavender: cute. Higan: *nods* Shamrock: x_-; *tries to fall asleep...* -early morning- Benimaru: *turns* kirei: zzz.... Benimaru: "..." *smile, tries to leave the bed without waking her...* -elsewhere- lavender: zzzzz..... Higan: *cuddling* -in another room- naho: zzzzz.... Sakuya: "..." *blows lightly at her ear* naho: >////< Sakuya: *whispers* "Time for beautiful young women to wake up..." *small nibble on her ear* naho: s-sakkun! >///O Sakuya: *rubs her arm a bit, hugging her* -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzzzzzzzzz *KNOCK KNOCK* stocking: neh? w-whu-wha? Kid: *snore* Patty: *from behind the door* "You two up yet?" stocking: im up.. *rubs eyes* Patty: "Well, we got a surprise for breakfast--so hurry!" stocking: ok. kiddo~ wakey wakey~ Kid: "H-Huh?" *looks up* stocking: it's morning~ Kid: *yawn* "So it is...and what a beautiful morning." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *stretches...gets out of bed and takes his robe* -and so- Gopher: "Surprise!" *holds up a box* "I brought donuts!" Kid: "...This is the surprise?" Gopher: :< kirika: mornin' Gopher: *shiny eyes* "Good morning!" Patty: *already eating a donut* -later- Kid: "Plans for today?" stocking: maybe i could do more studying. Kid: *nods* "Sounds like a plan. Need any help?" stocking: i think i'm gonna study over at the cram school, try making friends. Kid: "That will be good. See you this evening for dinner?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: *smiles, kisses her cheek* "Good luck." stocking: ^///^ Kid: "I'll finish some of my own studies with Father today." stocking: right. Kid: *nods, smiles* "Until then..." -later- Kid: "And this file, Father? Has that mission been completed?" lord death: yep. that puts soul at needing only one more soul plus a rogue witch... Kid: "Amazing...Another Death Scythe." lord death: indeed... Kid: "Which witches are on your Death List?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *yawn* himawari: zzzz..... Shamrock: "???" *looks at the clock* -10:14 AM- Shamrock: "Oh dear...I overslept." *gets out of bed* "...Himawari?" himawari:...hmmn? Shamrock: "It's after 10. Time to wake up." himawari:...*getting up* Shamrock: "Sleep okay?" himawari:....*nods* Shamrock: "That's good. Let's see whether someone else made breakfast--and whether Otogiri and Belkia are back." -and so- otogiri: good morning. naho: how did it go? Belkia: "...Well, my hand is now sans coffee pot...but..." naho: hmm? Belkia: "...I ran into that girl who was following me." naho: oh. Belkia: "She...looked pretty bad. Hospitalized." naho: !!! Belkia: "I felt bad--I didn't mean to cause that for her." naho:...... Belkia: "Naho, what would you do?" naho: me? o.o~? Belkia: *nods* "Yeah. I don't know what to do with someone who was...well, struggling like this. I could use some advice." naho: hmmm...maybe a fruit basket? Belkia: "I guess that's a start. Will she misinterpret that, though?" naho:...*shrug* Belkia: *sigh* "Okay, thanks. I'll get to work on the fruits basket--" *looks down...lifts his foot...and the coffee pot is on his foot* "...MY ONE TRUE ENEMY..." otogiri:... -_-; Sakuya: "...Maybe try soap and water this time, rather than another ER bill." naho: or try turning into a doll and shimmy your foot out! Belkia: ._. "...Oh." *POOF* *the coffee pot rests on the floor, with Belkia in doll form inside it* naho: *picks it up and pulls the doll out* TA-DAH~! Belkia: "Magic!" Sakuya: *claps his hands* lilac: wow... naho: hehe~ ^^ *peace sign* Belkia: "I guess I'll be putting on more magic shows to pay the ER bill." ^^; naho: megane-pire~! Belkia: -_____-;;;; "...Ouch." naho:...~? owo Belkia: "That pun..." naho: what? it's cute! >n< Sakuya: "I thought it was." *smiles* Belkia: "Look, I'll handle the cute jokes here!" -elsewhere- stocking: *checking the map* lets see....hmmm... ???: "Hello." stocking: hmm? *she looks up* ya? Shima: "Yo!" stocking: hey. you're in...rin's class, right? Shima: *nods* "Renzo Shima, at your service~" stocking: nice to meet you then shima. Shima: "Likewise! If you ever need any help around campus, let me know--I know everything, every place, and everyone around here!" stocking: i'll keep that in mind.....1106....1106...hmm... Shima: "Ah, looking for Room 1106? Cool, cool..." stocking: let's see...ah! here we go! Shima: "??? You have a class there? Which is it?" stocking: i'm actually doing some cramming to become a student teacher, more or less. ^^' Shima: "Ooo, smart. But be careful in there--the corner of the ceiling leaks." stocking: noted. Shima: "Who teaches this class?" stocking: isnt this the freshman class? Shima: *nods* "Maybe Yukio?" stocking: that's good. *she smiles* Yukio: "Oh, Stocking. Welcome." stocking: hey. noriko: oh, you're....mr pheles' daughter, arent you? Yukio: "Okay, let's get started...Have a seat next to Noriko, Stocking." stocking: right! *she sits down* Yukio: "We begin today's lesson looking at taming demons in the category of Galatea..." *writing on the chalkboard* stocking:.... (thinking: i have no idea what that means. -_-; ) Yukio: "This is forcing a demon into an inanimate object." stocking: oh. like a possessed doll? Yukio: "Yes, although the process of forcing a demon into an inanimate object can make that object gain movement and abilities..." *opens a small chest...and a walking desk lamp pops out* noriko: ah! Lamp-Chan: *blinks light on and off...as it dances across the desk* Yukio: "This one is rather well trained. Other Galatea are less so. Imagine a demon possessing an entire building...and bringing it down upon you." stocking: o_o; (thinking: then honekoneko's also....) Yukio: "Even something innocuous like a doll could be formidable, depending on the form of taming completed. After all, the doll could just house the demon, or the demon could transform the doll..." stocking: *awkward sweat* izumo: *raises hand* Yukio: "Yes, Izumo?" izumo: it's because of that reason that games such as 'hitori kakurenbo' are ill advised, right? Yukio: *nods* "The results can be catastrophic." stocking:.... Yukio: "You will be testing your skills with Galatea in a situation similar to Hitori Kakurenbo, but it will be supervised." *notices Stocking* "Something wrong?" stocking: nothing, just thinking... Yukio: "Well, let's move onto another set of demons: Elements." *he draws a flame, a water droplet, a tornado, rocks, and some crudely drawn fifth element* stocking: the 5th one is metal, right? shiemi: i thought it was grass? izumo: of course you would -_-; shiemi: ^^; Yukio: "These elements are in harmony: each is stronger than another, but weaker than another." -later- Yukio: "Let me return your tests to you...Shiemi, you still need to use actual names for plants, not your pet-names for them." shiemi: ^^; Yukio: "Good work, Izumo, but you confused two of the Galatea versions." izumo: ._.
0 notes
spideyy-girl · 5 years
Hope ~ Peter Parker (pt. III)
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Summary:  Y/N gears up and gets ready to go into battle, determined as ever to get her best friend and the love of her life, Peter Parker, back to her after 5 long years without him.
Fandom: MCU
Warnings: bit of swearing as per usual, depictions of violence, fighting, blood, death, and other gory scenes, angst and fluffy at the end. THIS DOES NOT FOLLOW MCU CANON! EVERYONE WHO HAS BEEN SNAPPED WAS AGED THE SAME AS THOSE WHO WEREN’T, SO PETER IS STILL THE SAME AGE OF Y/N, AND THEY ARE BOTH AROUND 21!!!!
Word Count: 10100 (28 pages wOAh)
A/N: finally, the long-awaited finale for Hope is here! Thanks to everyone who showed so much support for this series I love every single one of you honestly! Lmk if you guys want an epilogue? cause I don't wanna be done with this series yet lol
If you haven’t read the first two parts, I would suggest looking through them before reading this! 
Y/N walked towards the large platform in the middle of the room with the remaining of the Avengers, all in their rather cool looking matching time heist suits. She had to admit that she felt pretty badass, walking alongside the world's mightiest heroes, going off to save the world like it was any other Tuesday for them. 
After the young girl found out the formula of time travel and showed it to Tony, they had created a steady device and explained the idea to the team, which everyone quickly agreed with. They had been split up into three teams to go back in time and gather all six infinity stones before Thanos could find or use them. The teams were split up into Natasha, Clint, Nebula and Rhodey to get the soul and power stones, Thor, and Rocket to get the reality stone (or ether I guess), and Scott,  Bruce, Tony, Steve and Y/N to get the Time, Mind, and Space stones.
The team now stood on the platform, putting their hands together as Steve performed his motivational speech, Y/N clung onto every word, still shocked that she got to suit up with them, and also a bit nervous. But she knew that she had the proper training if it came to it and if worse comes to worst, she has a quick solution handy in her pocket, one that she's been carrying around for years.
"One round trip each. No mistakes, no do-overs," Cap spoke as he looked around at everyone in the circle. "Most of us are going to a place we know; that doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful, look out for each other." Y/N looked beside her up at Tony, who smiled reassuringly at her. "This is the fight of our lives, and we're gonna win. Whatever it takes." Steve finished his speech as they separated hands. Y/N looked over at Nat and gave her a smile, to which she returned. 
"See you in a minute," she says winking over at her mentee. She rolled her eyes but laughed. Suddenly the machine above them started to whir and spin around, and the mask on Y/N's suit came up to cover her face. She felt her breathing start to go heavy but soon relaxed as Tony gave her hand a squeeze. She felt her body being compressed down into the size of an atom and swept away into the quantum realm, trying to control herself and following the lead of Tony just in front of her.
Before she knew it her feet hit the ground below her and her knees buckled from underneath her. As she regained her balance and looked up, her eyes went wide as she took in the scene in front of her. Just a few feet away, she saw the original Avengers, formed in a circle and gearing up for the infamous battle of 2012 against Loki. Y/N almost let out a squeal, remembering watching them do their work on the news when she was younger. 
"You alright there?" Tony asked as he gave the girl a teasing smile. "You look like you're about to explode." Y/N shook her head but smiled back.
"Yeah I just, wow I was such a fan of you guys when I was younger," she said as she watched on as they parted ways and did their own thing to take down as many aliens as possible. She then looked back up at Tony and smirked, one that reminded him of himself. "You guys were so much cooler back then. Now you're all like, big old grampa's."
"Woah!" Tony said, giving her a playful look of pain as he grabbed his heart as if she had stabbed him with her comment. "Ouch, you know I understand why you would say that for Cap, cause he's literally like, 100 years old but for me?"
"Guys we have to focus here," Bruce caught their attention before Y/N could come back with another snarky comeback. "God sometimes I wonder how the two of you arent's related, you're like the same person nowadays." Tony rolled his eyes, looking back out onto the street.
Before they could try and cross the street to get to the Stark Tower, a giant and raging green Hulk came down from the ground, pounding robots into the ground and flinging them around like ragdolls. As the group looked back at Bruce he covered his face, embarrassed of what he used to be. Steve told Bruce and Scott to find Dr. Strange and the time stone while he, Tony, and Y/N went up to the Stark tower to get the mind and space stone. As they got in and saw the past Avengers, Steve departed to get Loki's staff, containing the mind stone, while Tony and Y/N worked on getting the Tesseract.
Y/N hid out in a small conference room out of sight, since Tony didn't want her directly participating in the mission, much to her demise. She opened her laptop, which she disguised as a briefcase. She quickly typed in the password before pulling up multiple programs on the small screen, including a camera view from Tony's glasses and a controller for a small robotic device she'd use to slip around without being realized.
"You sure this is gonna work, kid?" Tony asked quietly through the comm, causing Y/N to roll her eyes. 
"Yes, Tony. I've been working on this model forever, I know what I'm doing," she sassed back, looking through a small camera on the spider-shaped device she originally created with Peter. "Just remember I'm the reason we're all here. I'm not just a pretty face, Stark."
"Yeah yeah," he mumbled as he watched his past self pack up the Tesseract in a briefcase. "Ok, spider-girl, release your little spiderling." He says dramatically as the spider crawls from his pocket and makes its way onto the roof. Y/N chuckled at the nickname before focusing on controlling the spider-robot, the decoy lowering itself onto past Tony's shoulder without anyone noticing. She couldn't help but let out a little squeal at her excellent work. She watched through the small cam as the Avengers (excluding Hulk, who was told to take the stairs) made their way into the foyer of the building.
Tony watched along as his past self walks along with the other original Avengers and Loki. Alexander Pierce and his crew walked towards them as present-day Tony gave Y/N the signal to drop down. Y/N dropped the spider drone into Tony's beard and then down onto his chest, the almost microscopic robot slipping through and into his arc reactor. She explores for a while until she finds what Tony had told her would cause the distraction.
"Is this really a good idea, Stark?" Y/N asked worriedly, not thinking of the consequences until then. 
"Yeah, sure. It'll only cause me to go into a tiny cardiac distract," Tony stated casually, and Y/N's eyes widened immediately, stopping the robot.
"What?!" She says, shaking her head. "Okay, no. No no no no no. I'm not gonna do this, we can figure out something else it'll be fine."
"Y/N, hey, calm down," Tony says, his voice going lower. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I mean I'm still here, so that's gotta mean something right? If I died I wouldn't be here." Y/N scoffed at his words, but still, her hands were shaking, not wanting to hurt someone she had gotten so close to. She couldn't bear if anything happened to him. 
"No shit, Sherlock," she whispers back into the comm, but loud enough for him to hear it. He rolled his eyes and continued to watch as Pierce tried to snatch the case away from his hands. "Time's running out, Y/N. Pull my pin!"
"Okay, okay, give me a second." She said as she maneuvered the tiny device to the said area with a small pin that helped keep everything in the arc reactor together. "But if you die, Tony, it'll be your funeral. Literally." She comments back to try and defuse the tension she felt. He quietly gave her another reassurance before giving the signal. With the small metal pinchers, Y/N pulled the cord in the arc reactor and through the other camera through Tony's glasses she saw past Tony fall to the floor just as Pierce was taking the case containing the Tesseract from his hands.
The metal case fell to the floor with a hard clank and 2012 Tony followed soon after it, shaking slightly on the floor. Pierce and his crew members, as well as the other Avengers there, kneeled down beside him and tried to figure out what was wrong.
The small metallic robot climbed out from Tony's reactor and pushed the case over to Tony, who was disguised as a staff of security. He discreetly picked it up and began walking away from the scene as medics began rushing to help the famous billionaire on the floor. What they didn't know was that they weren't as discreet as they thought.
"Good job, kid. Meet me in the alley, I'm gonna-" but was cut off as a big green angry hulk burst through the door, knocking down Tony and flinging the tesseract out of its case and down the hallway. The bright blue square landed right at the feet of Loki, who looked down and quickly picked it up, using its powers to teleport him out of the tower as people were too distracted running in terror.
Thor tapped his hammer against Tony's chest, causing him to stop shaking and blink frantically, looking at his surroundings. "Where's the case?" Y/N heard him ask. Her face dropped as she moved to drone to look all around the room, finding no clue where the Tesseract or Loki himself was.
"Fuck this," she mumbled, working her computers to try and get into the security tapes, looking for what might've happened to either of them. "That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" 
Tony sat himself up on his elbows looking around to see people screaming and running away from the Hulk, who was screaming about no stairs, and to his other side, officers looking for Loki and the Tesseract. “Shit.”
Y/N quickly packed up her computers and put them back into her bag, running out to meet Tony at the alleyway where they had come in. She found an abandoned car parked beside it and saw Tony already sitting in its head in his hand as he observed the destruction outside.
“What the hell happened, Stark?” She said as she got into the back seat. “We had the Tesseract, where did it go?” Tony sighed, closing his eyes as he responded, trying to keep calm.
“I don’t know what happened, Y/N,” he said tensely. “I know we had it but now we don’t, okay? Something happened, I don’t know what.”
“Well, you better fucking figure it out!” She yelled, her ears going red as she got more angry by him not seeming to care. “Did you not hear what Cap said? No do-overs! We fucked up so what are we gonna do now!”
“I don’t know what we’re gonna do!” He screamed back turning to face her. He sighed, running a hand down his face and closed his eyes. He stayed silent for a bit, using the silence to calm himself down. He knew she was only acting like this because she was scared. And honestly, he was too. “But we’ll figure something out. I promise. Everything will be okay.”
Y/N gulped to hold back her screaming, not wanting to rant to him about every little thing that had already gone wrong, and how she was starting to lose hope. Then Cap jumped down from a balcony, one hand propping up the shield while the other gripped Loki’s staff.
“Cap,” Tony caught his attention. Steve saw them in the dirt-covered car as he walked towards them. “We’ve got a bit of a problem here.” Y/N scoffed, shaking her head as she let her stress get the better of her again.
“A bit of a problem?” She asked sarcastically. “More like we’re in deep shit!” She said getting out of the car and slamming the door shut with surprising force. Tony rolled his eyes. Steve looked between the two, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.
“What happened?” he asked, looking at Y/N. She laughed ironically, starting to pace along the alleyway. 
“We lost the goddamn Tesseract is what happened!” She said as she aggressively kicked a piece of debris on the ground. “It’s gone and now the plan isn’t gonna work. We don’t have enough Pym particles to go back again. It’s over, we’re done.” She leaned down and sat against the wall, leaning her head back.
“Are there any other options with the Tesseract,” Steve asked, causing Y/N to roll her eyes at his always enthusiastic goody-two-shoes energy.
“No. No there’s not,” she said annoyed as she stood up and walking over to him. “You said it yourself, there are no do-overs. If we use that last Pym particle, we’re never getting home.” 
“Well, if we don’t try, no one else is going home either,” he stated. Y/N sighed, squeezing her eyes shut as she leaned against the car. She knew he was right. But what was the use of going back again to get the stone if they couldn’t get back in the present to put it in the gauntlet?
“I got it,” Tony said suddenly, getting out of the car. Y/N’s head shot up as she stood up and followed him as he got out of the car himself. “There’s another way to get the Tesseract and acquire new particles. We’ll take a stroll down memory lane. Military installation Garden State.”
“Why were they both there?” Steve asked, causing Y/N to look between the two as they continued their conversation. Tony shrugged.
“They were both there for a…” he trailed off as he thought. “I have a vaguely exact idea,” he defended himself. Cap gave him a look, the same one he gave Y/N when he caught her doing something she shouldn’t have around the compound or when she sasses one of the other team members a bit too much.
“How vague,” he asked. 
“Woah, okay, what’s going on?” Y/ finally butted in. “What are you guys talking about? Where are we going?”  She asked eagerly as they started entering in the time date and coordinates. 
“Correction, we’re going. You’re travelling back to the present to give this to the others,” Tony said as he handed her Loki’s staff. Her eyes bulged out as she stood up straighter. 
“Tony, I can help. I’m not letting you guys go alone, I’m coming with you,” she stated strongly as she put her suit up. Tony shook his head.
"I trust you with this, kid, okay? get back to home base, we'll be there by the time you get back." He said as he and Steve put up their own suits. He took her hand and entered in the present-day coordinates to get back home as she looked at him like he was crazy, which she currently felt he was.
"What?! But Tony-!" She started, but before Y/N could argue, she felt the ground sweep from under her feet and she was being sent back to the present day, Loki's staff still held tightly in her hand.
As she regained her balance, she looked around the room, seeing that everyone had their respective stone's, including Tony with the Tesseract. But something seemed off. She did another swift headcount of everyone and realized someone had to be missing.
"Where's Nat?" She asked, looking around at everyone's confused faces before looking at Clint, whose eyes were red and glassy. She watched as he looked up at her, shaking his head slightly as a fresh tear rolled down his face. Y/N felt her chest tighten as her mouth opened slightly, letting out a shuttering breath. She knew that face, she wore the same expression five years ago. 
She felt tears well up into her eyes, not even thinking of losing a mentor, someone she considered family during the process of getting those who were snapped away back. She felt tears starting to form in her own eyes as regret and sadness took over the whole team.
The team had taken a quick break to take a moment to mourn their friend, to some even their family. It was odd to not have Natasha around, making small sarcastic quips at any person in the room when you’d least expect it. Y/N quickly splashed her face with water, making the tears on her face earlier vanish as she went back into the room where Tony had just completed the infinity gauntlet 2.0 and everyone was arguing over who should snap their fingers.
“What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?” She heard as she exited the ladies bathroom just beside the room. She leaned against the doorframe as she answered. 
“Cheez Whiz?” she asked sarcastically as she came up to stand in between the god and Tony. Thor looked down, confusion on his face as he pointed at her and she, in return, gave him a sly smile.
“Lightning,” he emphasized. Y/N sucked in a breath and averted her gaze as he looked expectantly at Tony, who let out a sigh as he pinched his eyebrows together in concentration.
“Lightning won’t help you, pal. It’s gotta be me,” she heard Bruce say from behind her as he walked to the group. She listened intently as he continued. “You saw what those stones did to Thanos; it almost killed him. None of you would survive.”
“Well, how will we know if you will?” Cap said seriously. Y/N looked at Tony, who looked down at her and gave her a knowing glance, that showed he knew it was true. Y/N nodded slightly as Bruce continued.
“We don’t. But the radiation is mostly gamma. It’s… it’s like I was made for this.” The team looked around before Tony stepped out and started explaining the rules of the stones.
“Remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago, we’re just bringing them back to now. Don’t change anything from the past five years,” he said and Bruce nodded, looking at his arm which he prepared to hold the gauntlet in.
The team around him suited up. Y/N felt the cool nanotech of her newly modelled suit slide over her skin, occasionally catching a thin hair. The spiderman-inspired outfit was of the colours white, black, and magenta, with fine reflective webbing details along the side of her arms, legs and torso. She stood behind Tony as he created a protective shield in front of them and Clint on the other side of him. 
Metallic barn doors shut around all doors and windows in the room and around the compound. Bruce put on the glove holding the infinity stones and immediately began to scream in pain, doubling down to the ground as he struggled to push his fingers together to snap.
“Take it off! Take it off!” Thor said as he stepped towards Banner, who was still struggling to stay upright. Steve held out his hand to Thor as a sign to stop.
“No, wait! Bruce, are you okay?” Steve asked as he looked at the green giant. Bruce continued to moan but nodded slightly. Y/N stood back further as she heard Banner scream loudly and saw his fingers coming closer together and finally the sound of the metal hitting metal in the snap.
There was a surge of power that almost knocked her over, stumbling to catch her balance. She heard a loud thump as Bruce’s body finally collided with the floor, unconscious. Many people ran towards him to help but Y/N just looked around. She felt her feet carry her to the window as they opened again, seeing birds chirping happily outside.
"D-did it work?" Y/N mumbled as the mask of her suit disappeared from around her face. Everyone turned to look at where she was, seeing multiple new birds coming into sight, planting themselves on a nearby sapling. A phone started to ring, and Clint walked over to his cell vibrating on the glass table, a picture of his beloved wife displayed on the screen. He picked it up and started talking to her.
Tony walked over to Y/N, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder, bringing her attention over to him. He wore a giant smile and even looked like he was in tears. He squeezed her shoulder as she let out a gasp, hand covering her mouth as the biggest smile spread across her soft features. She laughed softly, in disbelief but so happy. Tony matched her actions and pulled her into the biggest hug, and she felt comfortable as she placed her head on his chest. 
"We did it, kid," he mumbled into her messy hair, feeling her locks dampen with his tears. "We finally did it. They're back." Y/N laughed again into his suit as she pulled him closer and hugged him tighter, closing her eyes as she felt true relief finally wash over her entire being. But of course, that wouldn't last for long.
Next thing she knew she was being flung across the compound while a missile hit just outside the window. She felt herself fly through multiple layers of brick and glass, piercing her skin and knocking the breath from her lungs. She coughed heavily as the dust from the rubble entered her system, trying to balance herself enough to stand up and analyze the situation.
"Tony?!" She screamed, looking for the older man that she was just in contact with. "Tony?! Cap?! Thor?!" She screamed any name that came to mind, hoping for someone to hear her, and possibly give her an explanation. She was limping, pain shooting through her ankle whenever she out the slightest pressure on it. It was definitely broken. She felt the metallic taste of blood entering her mouth, and she was scared to say she didn't know where it came from, her now bleeding nose or the small cuts that littered her cheeks and lips.
"Y/N?" She heard a voice say and sighed with relief. From the dust came Clint, holding something in his arms, the Infinity Gauntlet. "Hey, I got you, you're okay," He reassures her as he puts an arm across her back and under her arms, supporting her weight so she can walk. "Tony, I'm with the kid, she seems okay."
"Is he okay?" she asked quietly when Clint found a safe spot. He looked at her and nodded.
"yeah he's fine, but almost had a heart attack when he couldn't find you," he says, offering her a smile before his face went stoic again. "But he's here. Thanos. He found us." Y/N's eyes went wide, her eyebrows furrowing into a line of confusion. She blinked a couple of times as she processed the new information.
"What? But-- but Thanos i-is dead? He's dead! You said he was dead!" She screams as she feels her heart rate quicken, her breath refusing to meet her lips as if it was stuck inside her throat. Clint reached down and held her hand, rubbing his thumb against the back of her hands as a calming method he has seen Tony use on her before.
"I know, I thought he was gone too," he whispered, looking back at the dark tunnel before turning back to her. "But this is a different Thanos, he followed us from the past." Y/N felt her throat close up, dark thoughts filling her mind. Fuck. This was all her fault.
There was a sound that came from down the tunnel, almost like a snarl. The pair went quiet, looking towards the source. Clint slowly took out an arrow from the collection he kept on his back, placing it in his bow and shooting it straight down the line, the end glowing up-- revealing about ten or twelve alien-looking dogs. Y/N let out a breath as the two scurried to get up. Clint held up her weight as they ran, eventually settling to pick her up as he ran from the dogs.
As they came to a split in the road, Clint threw her to a different path, signalling for her to run and hide as he continued to run down the other path, provoking the dogs to follow him and leave her. Y/N limped down the path, using the wall to support her as she hopped along. Soon she came across a mop of messy hair frantically looking around the rubble.
"Tony," she tried to say but found that her voice was scratchy and weak. "Tony, I'm right here." The said man turned around the stress on his face leaving as he saw the girl he was looking for. He quickly wrapped an arm around as Clint had earlier and walked her away from the scene.
"God, hey kid. You hanging in there?" He said, checking the area before leading her to a small space of coverage under a piece of rubble that looked like it used to be the floor. She nodded in reassurance before grabbing his arm and pulling him back up.
“I need you to take me to our lab, now,” she said urgently and he obliged, not even thinking of asking why. He directed her to a small metal door attached to a broken piece of wall, typing in a code on the damaged keyboard before pushing the heavy doors open.
She rushed over to her part of the lab, the barely working glass screen table popping up and she quickly punched in a few passwords before looking in a locked drawer for one of the small viles kept safely there. Tony looked from her face to the small tube, confusion painting his face as he watched her pop the lid, hesitating before bringing it to her lips and gulping down the small amount of dark red liquid.
Y/N felt the iron tasting liquid slid down her throat as she swallowed it uncomfortably, immediately feeling the effects. Her eyesight went black and her head started to spin. She went to grab the nearest object her hold herself up, the dizziness and broken ankle not being the best combination. Tony rushed to her side, grabbing her other arm.
"Y/N, what the hell was that," Tony said, concern laced his voice as he watched the girl groan, squeezing her eyes shut and throwing her head back. She gulped before answering in short breaths.
"That answer may vary between poison and what I like to call a spider-serum," she replied, sarcasm still in use through her pain. Tony looked at her with bewilderment in his eyes, as this was not a project approved by him or not even one they've talked about. She gritted her teeth together, continuing to moan out in pain as she collapsed to the floor, Tony calling out her name.
As Y/N got her self together, she placed both hands on the desk in front of her nailed into the floor, using it to pull herself back on her feet. She felt everything in her body changing, she could hear the blood rushing through her veins, she could smell the smoke from across the battlefield outside the reinforced metal door, she could feel the small hairs on Tony's arms tickling her own as he tried to shake her out of her trance.
"Y/N! Kid come on, snap out of it. What the hell was that?" He said as he continued to shake her. She was going to bring a hand up to slap his own away but instead found them stuck to the table. As she tried tugging again, the steal table breaking off the floor while still sticking to her hands. Y/N and Tony looked in shock.
Y/N then began to laugh, her eyes wide in disbelief. She widened her hands and the desk fell from her palms, crashing against the floor. "Holy shit," she whispered as she looked at Tony, who was looking from the now broken table to her. "It worked! Oh god, I can't believe it actually worked!" She screamed as she jumped up and down and headed towards the door.
"No no no, what the hell was that?!" Tony asked. Y/N rolled her eyes, still smiling as she impatiently grabbing his arm and dragged him outside towards the fight. She smiled at him, a great look of success overgoing her as she showed him the potion she had been perfecting for the last couple of years.
“Well, I took a blood sample of Peter’s and checked it to see what kind of stuff the spider had injected into him,” she said as Tony gave her a weird look. “Don’t ask how I got it, I don’t really know either. But as I analyzed it further, I had an idea to take the sample and separate the effects of the injection, and used it to create a serum that would give me powers similar to Peter’s, using the poison of his spider to create powers of my own.”
Tony looked at her mesmerized, then looked at the stash of dark red vials in the drawer. He lifted his eyebrows and nodded, impressed beyond words of the young girl's discovery. Then he paused and looked back at her. “Wait, so you technically drank spiderboy’s blood?” He asked suspiciously. Y/N opened her mouth to respond but didn’t quite know how.
“I-” she paused, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “Okay, no, we don’t have time for this conversation right now. There’s a giant purple grape out that waiting to be slain.” Tony nodded and soon the two headed out the door without any further questions, saluting each other before Y/N darted off at an irregularly fast tempo.
She felt the wind blow rapidly against her hair as she ran through the bad guys, dodging hits with swiftness. Of course, she wasn't fast like Pietro but definitely was faster than she usually was, which proved to be a great advantage while on the battlefield. Y/N saw Tony, Thor and Steve fighting against Thanos in the background as she thwiped out a web and flew into the air, grabbing one of the Chiari and slamming it into another group coming towards her. 
She continued to fight when suddenly she felt a tingly sense that made her head shoot towards Steve, watching as he stood up by himself, his shield broken in his hand, as he prepared to single-handedly fight the titan. Y/N ran towards him when she heard a voice in her comm, that definitely wasn't from anyone on their battlefield.
"On your left..."
She seemed to distantly recognize the voice but couldn't quite place it. That is until a portal appeared beside Steve, made of orange sparks that she had remembered. There, the king of Wakanda, T'Challa, his younger sister, Shuri she thought her name was, and another girl who was dressed in a warriors uniform and a shaved head, holding a golden spear stood beside the king.
After that, portal after portal began to form around the atmosphere, with more battleships, superheroes and warriors of all kinds of countries and galaxies appearing through them and getting into their battle positions. Y/N smiled proudly before running up to the giant team and taking her place next to the Wakandian princess, lunging down into the iconic spidey stance and getting ready to avenge the rest of the universe. She looked at Steve as he watched everyone take their places among him.
"Avengers..." he starts as he holds out his hand and Mjolner flies into his grip. "Assemble!"
Battle cries and the sound of machines whirring and flying filled the atmosphere as they ran towards the alien army opposite of them. Y/N flicked out her wrist and grabbed onto one of the giants floating motherships and swung low to the ground, knocking out multiple enemies at once. Once she landed on the ground she continued to fist fight them off of her one by one, like Natasha had taught her for so many years.
But as good as she was doing at the moment, it wasn't hard for her to get overpowered when a bunch jumped on her back at once, knocking her down to the floor, struggling to keep them from ripping out her skin. She tried to push them off, and successfully webbed some to the ground to keep them off of her, but it wasn't enough to handle them all.
"Hey, watch out!" A boyish voice sounded through her comms as all the aliens were kicked right off of her, giving her a chance to stand up and fight off the rest, her rescuer standing behind her, back to back, as they both slung down the dogs and threw them across the battlefield. Y/N stabbed some with her pincer things Tony put on her back. 
Once they were gone, Y/N grabbed the boy behind her and pulled him into a quieter place as she unmasked herself, looking expectantly at the boy. "Peter?" She said, her voice breaking as she looked at the Iron Spider suit, which disappeared from his face, revealing his unruly curls and a just as shocked look on his face.
"Y/N?" He whispered, disbelief in his eyes as she saw a single tear escape his brown orbs and gently slide down his cheek. He looked the same, but at the same time looked more mature, and she was relieved that he had seemed to grow while he was gone, or else the near future situation would be a bit awkward. "W-what are you doing here?" Y/N giggled a bit, feeling her own hot tears sliding down her dirt and blood covered cheek as her delicate hand went up to grab his own, wiping his tears.
"I came to save you, dummy," she joked. Peter smiled at her, placing his hands on her waist. Although it wasn't as long for Peter in the soul stone as it was for Y/N while on Earth since he was in a coma-like state pretty much the whole time, he had missed her honey-coated voice and sickly sweet smile. He had waited too long for this.
They watched each other for a little longer, analyzing the small details that had changed around their faces since the years passed before Peter leaned down and attached their lips together for a very long-awaited kiss. Y/N squeezed her eyes shut as her hands trailed back to rest on the back of his neck, playing with the small hairs at the nape of his neck as she felt the cold metal of his suit brush against her fingertips.
As they parted, he leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers, her sweat mixing with his as they kept their eyes closed and smiled at the feeling. Even though they were in the middle of a war, Y/N has never felt more at peace than that moment while she was in his arms.
Suddenly she felt the fine hairs on the back of her arm and the back of her neck stand up, and without thinking she extended her arms and traps the alien running towards them in one of her webs, throwing it up before pulling it back down to the ground, crushing it.
Apparently, Peter felt it too because when she looked back to him he was already looking back at the now-dead dog. His head turned back towards her, his mouth hanging open a bit as he let out a breath, a beautiful smile painting his lips as he grabbed her face, looking her in the eye.
'God, I love you so much," he mumbles as he brings her mouth up to his again, this kiss a bit more passionate than the last. Y/N laughed into the kiss as she brought her arms around his neck and played with his hair. She pulled him back a bit, their noses still brushing against one another as she pecked him on the lips.
"I love you too," she whispered, looking into his eyes with such adoration he almost exploded right there with the adrenaline he was feeling just having her this close to him. He smiled wider as he pecked her on the lips; once, twice, and a third time brought her into a proper kiss.
"Y'know as heartwarming as this moment is, you lovebirds realize we're still fighting a war," someone said from behind them. They quickly pulled away, stepping back from one another to face Tony Stark, a smirk on his lips as he examined the blush on the young adult's faces, bashfully looking away from one another.
"Oh shut it, Tony. I deserve this at least," she shook her head as she looked at the perfect boy beside her, someone she had known pretty much her whole life and had been in love with for just as long. Peter smiled at Tony and walked over to greet him, excited to see his mentor again after so long.
"Mr. Stark! Holy cow you will not believe what has happened to me," Peter began to ramble as he walked up to him and started to do his usual over-exaggerated hand gestures. "Do you remember when we were in space? Right? And I got all dusty? Well I must have passed out and Dr. Strange said we went to the Soul Stone and we were in like a coma for like five years, and when I woke up, Dr. Strange was there too and he was like 'it's been five years we have to go', and then he started doing that yellow sparkly thingy, uh, that he does and... what are you doing? ...oh." Peter stopped when Tony wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a tight embrace.
Tony felt such a great sense of relief as he hugged Peter, never realizing that the kid was like his first son until it was too late and having to wait so many years to hear his voice again. He placed a kiss on his cheek, in a fatherly way, and opened his eyes, smiling at Y/N who looked so happy.
"This is nice," Peter said before they pulled away, Peter turned back at Y/N and smiled at her, his grin reaching his sparkling eyes. Tony patted his shoulder. 
"I think it's time we get back into battle," he stated, his mask going back over his face as he got his repulsors ready. "You two don't take too long, and NO funny business." The pair nodded as he flew back into the air, going to help Banner or the Hulk. Peter turned back to Y/N.
"Wow, this is so awesome," he said as he walked back to her, holding her arms as he admired her suit, which looked similar to his. "You're like, my spider-girl sidekick." Y/N laughed and pushed his chest playfully.
"I'm nobody's sidekick, Parker," she said. "But I can be your... partner?" Peter smiled and blushed. He bit his lip as he looked her over again, his grin contagious. 
"In what way?" He asked, trying to sound sly but sounding more scared of the answer. Y/N laughed and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"In whatever way you want me to be," she said, kissing his cheek before putting her mask back on and saluting him before swinging of back into battle. Peter stood there with a red blush crawling up his neck and feeling breathless, his smile growing wider if that was even possible.
"Awesome," he muttered before his mask also went over his face and he went to go help as well. 
Y/N was swinging over the battle, occasionally knocking out an airborne enemy in her way if she had to. She scanned through the people fighting, looking for anyone who needed help. But then her web was seemed to be disintegrated as she fell hard onto the floor, another lazer like beam hit right beside her just barely grazing her shoulder. She saw the witch people? (that’s what Tony called them at least) started to make barriers which she quickly ran under. She looked around for Tony and Peter, but couldn’t see them. Until she heard the latter’s voice through her comm.
“Help! Somebody help!” He said, sounding panicked and she heard his grunts as he tried to fight off the aliens. Without thinking of the possible dangers she ran out to help him, her spider-senses helping her locate him. She saw him under a bunch of the aliens and shot a web up.
“Peter, duck!” She said as she rammed through the enemies, knocking them over like bowling pins. She grabbed Peter around the waist and tugged him into her as she shot a web and took them out, grabbing onto Mjloner which had flown right above.
“Aw, thanks, Y/N,” Peter said as he put his head into her neck, which she couldn’t help but blush at. She thought it was cute how their roles were sort of reversed and he was just so baby. 
Y/N continued to ride onto the hammer until she saw that it was heading straight towards one of the flying motherships. Her eyes went wide as she looked for a way to get off. She saw Valkerye, one of Thor’s friends, and called out for her as a warning before throwing Peter up so he could get the gauntlet back to Scott.
Y/N then stood on the small handle of the hammer before using her web to fling herself forward, jumping up to get on top of the ship as the hammer continued to destroy it from the inside. As she jumped off and landed surprisingly gracefully on the ground, she looked up to realize that the ships were no longer firing at them, but at something in the atmosphere above.
Y/N squinted before watching a figure move at lightning speed straight through one of the ships firing at them, exploding the whole thing. Y/N smiled, knowing who it was as she ran down to help Peter up, who had just almost been hit by one of the beams.
“Hey, you alright?” She asked softly as she grabbed his arm and helped him get up, him going to get the gauntlet which had escaped his grip after falling. He nodded, his mask going back as hers did.
“Yeah, yeah, all good,” he reassured as he held onto her shoulder for support. “That was so badass, by the way. When I was like, stuck, you know, under those aliens. And then you came and was like wham! and like kicked them off and then you just sorta like picked me up and then you just like threw me onto that flying horse, which is crazy. But you like saved me and that was so cool. Like really cool. Thanks.” Peter rambled as he looked at her in awe, which she gave a sweet smile in return. 
Before he could comment any more someone landed right in front of them. Captain Marvel smiled and nodded at Y/N, as she returned the gesture, and looked at Peter, who was still holding tightly onto the infinity stones. Peter looked at her with wide eyes and in awe.
“Hi I-I’m Peter.. Parker,” he said shyly. Captain Marvel smiled at him, looking between the two teenagers.
“I know,” she said as she gave Y/N a knowing glance. “Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?” Peter looked at the gauntlet before looking out at the army that was racing towards them, feeling scared at the moment.
“I don’t know how you’re gonna get through that,” he said as he delicately handed the glove to Carol as the other female Avengers and superheroes gathered together around her. Y/N felt immediately at home and looked over at Peter reassuringly as Wanda landed by her side.
“Don’t worry,” Y/N said with a smile as her mask got on and Okoye, T’Challa’s head of king’s guard, finished her sentence for her.
“She’s got help,” she said, and the group of them began to run like hell towards the growing army, all doing their own thing to slam through and take down the enemy. Y/N webbed them down as they tried to attack her sisters and knocked them over as she swung by. She saw one of the bigger monsters making its way towards her, and effortlessly picked it up and threw it into the rest of the aliens making their way towards her at a fast rate.
As she continued to fight off the enemy, she felt a strong surge of energy pass through her, making her stumble slightly. As she regained her balance, she watched as the aliens that were once running straight for her turned into dust, disappearing into the wind. She squinted her eyebrows, looking around for who had snapped before she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, warning her that something was wrong.
She followed her senses to find Tony sitting against a piece of debris, extremely pale and barely moving, his arm and part of his face burnt off. She felt her breathing stop as she stumbled towards him, muttering his name as she collapsed in front of him in front of all the other Avengers. 
“T-Tony? Tony! No!” She said as fell in front of him, going to grab his hand with both of hers. She hadn’t felt this type of heartbreak since 2018 when she had lost Peter, her mom, and the rest of her friends. But this time she was losing her father.
“Hey, kid,” he said so quietly she wouldn’t have heard him, but she was practically hugging him by now, clinging onto him as a silent way of asking not to leave her. As she heard his voice, an ugly sob ripped through her as she buried her head in his chest as a form of comfort. 
“Tony, please not you too,” she asked quietly, squeezing his hand so tight that the metal surrounding it had started to cut into her palms, but she could care less. “Not you too, please. We need you, Tony. I need you, and Morgan, please.” She couldn’t even finish before breaking down.
“Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It’s Peter.” Peter asked from behind her, shocked to see Y/N holding onto him and crying into him. Tony weakly looked up and brought his attention to the original web-slinging spider.  “We won, Mr. Stark. You did it. You did it, sir.”
At the mention of his name, Y/N finally looked up towards Peter, and he felt his heart shatter looking at her already bloodshot red eyes and the tear tracks that were a bright contrast against the rest of her face, which was covered in dust and blood. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, gently pulling her off and into his own arms.
“No, No! Let go, please! I need to help him. Please. No.” Her voice got quieter as Peter held her closely, her back pressed against his chest as they both watched him. Tony looked between the pair, and although it hurt him to see the tears in their eyes, he was happy that they would be able to work through it together. He looked up at Peter and nodded his chin towards Y/N.
“Take… take care of… of her,” he whispered, causing a sob to come over Peter as well as he nodded vigorously, holding her tighter against him if that was even possible at this point. 
“Of course, yes always,” he said as he felt salty tears run down at a rapid pace. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Tony.” Tony tried to give him a smile, tried to give him a sign that everything would be okay, but found that he couldn’t. 
Then Tony looked at Y/N. He remembered the last time she was like this, and it hurt him that he had to cause her the same pain. But he cared for her and knew that this was what had to happen to keep both of his daughters safe. “I love you.”
Y/N’s head fell as she heard the three simple words come from his mouth, leaning into Peter as she tries to control herself, trying to look strong in front of him, knowing who worried he must be already. “I love you, too, dad.” She whispered and nodded, reaching out to squeeze his hand one more time before Pepper came to his side. Peter carefully pulled Y/N back, her collapsing into his lap and crying into his shoulder as he rubbed her back tried to keep in his own tears to be strong for her but ended up letting go and crying into her soft hair.
“Friday?” Pepper asked, her hand on Tony’s chest as Tony’s hand was placed gently on top of hers. 
“Life functions critical,” the AI responded. Y/N felt like she was gonna be sick. She couldn’t think she could breathe, how do you even breathe again? Because she couldn’t quite remember at the moment. She listened to Peter’s heartbeat and used his rising and falling chest as a model.
“Tony? Look at me,” Pepper managed a smile at Tony as he groaned while turning to look towards her. “You’re gonna be okay, you can rest now,” she said as she put a hand on his cheek, gently caressing it before placing a soft kiss to it. And after that, the light on his chest went dim, and it took everything in Y/N not to scream like the day she found out Peter wasn’t coming home for dinner that night. 
She felt Peter shaking around her, choking on sobs. She knew he would try and act as a support base for her, and he always liked to put others before himself. But she just held onto him, her hands going up to his messy hair and carting her fingers through the strands as a silent way to tell him that she was there for him too.
The Avengers and other heroes and warriors who had teamed up together to fight kneeled down, showing their respect to another beautiful life taken. The chaos in the warzone had gone quiet, a moment of silence taken in honour of Tony Stark.
And just like that, he was gone, just another figure of history in the textbooks. But to others he was a friend, he was a teammate, he was an idol, he was family. And God knows that he wouldn’t be forgotten for what he was, a hero.
The funeral occurred a couple of weeks later, only close friends and family were invited at the small gathering at the lake house where he lived with his family. It was odd, walking into the house and feeling so much dread in a place she considered a getaway just days before, a place that brought her such a feeling of happiness and relief.
She sat quietly in a soft chair in the corner, trying to process everything that was happening and everything that would come with it afterwards.  She had just finished watching Tony’s video to his family, which Pepper insisted included her, and felt heartbroken at the thought that it would truly be the last time she saw him, ever again.
“Hey,” his soft voice said as Peter crouched down next to her, a hand on her knee as he gently squeezed. His eyes were red and puffy, just as hers were, and he wore a black and white suit that looked nice on him, though it seemed an inappropriate time to comment on it. “They’re starting the service soon, um, by the lake. I think we should go.” Y/N nodded, standing up from her chair and taking his hand in her own, finding comfort in his warm and soft grip.
The two walked out to the deck, one that she had so many memories on with the rest of the Stark family. Peter brought her to stand beside him and his aunt May, who smiled at Y/N and squeezed her hand. Y/N smiled back, but it came out as more of a grimace. They stood just behind Happy, Pepper and Morgan, as Pepper leaned down and set the wreath onto the lake, in the middle it had Tony’s original arc reactor from 2008, with words engraved into it.
‘Proof Tony Stark has a heart’
She found humour in the words but also wondered why anyone had ever thought otherwise. Sure he was a bit egotistical and petty sometimes, and often took to bragging when it came to being one of the smartest people on earth. But if you had known him like I had, she thought to herself, you’d know that he was one of the most caring people ever.
She watched as it floated away down through the calm river, eventually turning into a speck in the distant, covered by trees and the glistening light reflected off the water. Y/N gulped harshly as she tried to keep her tears in, not trying to break the strong personality she had set in stone for the past five years, but nonetheless couldn’t help a few of them slip from her eyes.
When the funeral had ended Y/N went to greet the others that had attended, wearing her best fake smile as people commented on how sorry they were for her loss and she did the same for them. She had gotten many embraces from people she did and didn’t know, and shared small laughs and memories with them.
After Y/N got tired of talking to everyone she tapped Peter, who had stayed by her side through the whole day, and told him she was going to get a drink of water. Peter had insisted on coming and held her hand as they walked away from the crowd and to the cute lakeside cottage, Y/N had considered home for so many years. On the small bench beside the door sat Happy with little Morgan in his lap, who sprung off and ran towards the girl with a bright smile on her face.
“Y/N! Y/N!” Morgan chanted happily as she ran closer, arms stretched out. Y/N smiled genuinely at the young girl and crouched down, picked her up as she ran into her chest and resting her on her hip. She brushed her nose against her soft cheek and placed a kiss upon it.
“Hi, baby,” Y/N said as she bounced Morgan. Peter looked at Morgan with a grin as well, since it was honestly astounding how similar she was to her father. Morgan giggled and played with Y/N’s hair as they had a small conversation and Peter could only watch on in awe. Then Y/N turned Morgan to face Peter. “You remember who this is, don’t you? It’s uncle Peter!” Y/N said, looking at Morgan and then smiling up at Peter, who felt like he was about to cry again just hearing those words.
“Spidey! Spidey!” Morgan screeched happily as she leaned over and made grabbing hands towards Peter, asking him to pick her up. Peter smiled widely before taking her from Y/N’s grip and holding her on his own hip now.
“Hey there, nice to finally meet you,” he said as he rocked slightly and Morgan placed her head on his shoulder, wrapping her small arms around his neck. Peter felt like he might explode from cuteness overload. 
“Yeah. Daddy and Y/N says that-that you is the bestest,” she says as she played with the collar of Peter’s shirt. “You’re my favourite superhero! But after daddy.” She says as she smiled up at him. Peter raises his eyebrows and nods, letting out a laugh as he continued to talk with her. Soon the girl was falling asleep on Peter’s shoulder and the two walked inside to put her down for a nap.
Peter gently placed her down on her bed as he put a few stuffed animals by her side and covered her with the pink, fluffy blanket at the end of the bed. He kissed her forehead as Y/N went to place another on her cheek.
“Love you 3000,” she mumbled in her half-asleep state, and Y/N smiled, feeling tears brimming in her eyes as she replied.
“Love you infinity,” she says as she kissed her head. Morgan smiled in her sleepy state as the two stood up and exited the room, closing the door as quietly as they could to not stir her. Peter pulled Y/N into a hug, rocking them from side to side as he felt her tears start to make his shirt wet, but he didn’t seem to care. He kissed her temple and gently grabbed her chin, guiding her to look up at him as he smiled down at her.
“You know, I love you infinity,” he mumbled as he leaned down to brush against her lips. She laughed, his presence making her feel so much better since he really was her saviour. She shook her head, scoffing.
“You’re such a dork, Parker,” she said as she looked up at him, smiling for what felt like the first time in forever. She didn’t know how he had that effect on her, but then again she wasn’t complaining. God knows she needs a bit of relief. “I love you infinity too,” she replied after leaving him hanging for a while, and she stood up on her toes to press her lips to his, the kiss soft and short but still full of emotion. 
As they broke apart, he pressed another kiss on her forehead and pulled her into his embrace. “You know what would make you feel better?” He said into her ear, which she replied with a ‘hm?’, asking for him to continue. “If we went home and binge-watched that Shane Dawson conspiracy theory video you told me about the other day.” Y/N scrunched up her eyebrows and looked up at him, a soft laugh passing her lips.
“Right now? Are you serious?” she said, shaking her head as she jokingly pushed his chest. He also chuckled a bit.
“What?” He asked, taking her hand and backing down the hallway. “C’mon, Y/N, you know how long I’ve waited for this video! You can’t just tease me with it!” Y/N raised her eyebrow as she watched Peter bounce a bit, begging her with his adorable brown puppy eyes to come with him.
“Well, you know what? There’s actually two, and they’re an hour and a half each” she whispered, causing Peter to groan and throw his head back. As he looked back up he was smirking, his tongue swiping over his teeth as he looked at her.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he whispered as he tugged on her hand and pulled her away, Y/N following a giggling mess as he brought her to Aunt May’s car and drove them back home, both excitedly discussing different videos and movies and other events that Peter had missed while he was gone.
 Even though it meant sacrificing a lot, and even though she was still devastated about Tony and Nat’s death, Y/N felt as if everything would be okay as she lied on Peter’s chest, his strong arms wrapped securely around her as they watched the movie long conspiracy videos together. They exchanged small kisses and soft words, and even feeding popcorn to each other cause they were that grossly sweet kind of couple. And Y/N had finally found her hope.
Permanent: @phonegalhelp @caswinchester2000 
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
it’s perfectly symmetrical!
???: "...What do you fear?" medusa: and why do you ask this? --Something pushes into Medusa's chest-- ???: "Because you want to know, too." medusa: ?? ???: "You claim to be an adherent of science, desiring knowledge. What better knowledge to have...then of yourself?" medusa: what are you getting at? ???: "Knowledge...It is right under you." medusa: *she looks down* --A book is there-- medusa: oh? *she tugs her restrains* dammit... ???: "Let me help with that..." --The book opens with a thud...then rises until its pages are within reading distance of Medusa's face-- medusa: well, what do we have here? --The book presents blueprints for Magic Tools, summaries of experiments, diagrams of various beings (even an angel-demon hybrid)--but it flies by so fast before Medusa can read it all-- medusa: this looks familiar.... ???: "Want to learn more?" medusa: indeed. this may become useful to me... --The book slams shut-- medusa: ?? ???: "The knowledge I offer you requires a trade." medusa: and that is? ???: "My freedom. Like you, I am trapped. With the knowledge I can provide in this book, however, you can escape." medusa: is that so? ???: "And with the knowledge I give you, you must free me." medusa: hm... alright. fair enough. ???: "Good." (opens the book up again) "Which bit of information would aid your escape? I find this method to be a fun one..." medusa: hmm... ???: "You have another idea in mind? Just ask--my index is quite exhaustive." medusa: perhaps removing these restraints would help? *she listens to outside, seems quite the ruckus is occuring* Guard (from afar): "Stop! Stop it now! Get away!" ???: "You will have to be the one to remove those restraints...Perhaps one that could loosen your limbs a bit, let you slither out of them..." medusa: i could if i werent wearing these anti-magic cuffs... --Flames shoot into the room-- medusa: !!! ???: "Sigh...For a mad scientist, you are far too cautious. Here..." (flips to a spot) "This should help you get out of those cuffs. Now get to it already." Flame!Guard: (her skinless fingers, covered in flames, wrap around the edge of the entrance, melting it) "Witch..." medusa: hmm... -with enough trial and error, she makes it out of the cuffs- well, seems these cuffs arent so effective as one thought... oh, its you again... --The Flame!Guard appears. Bits of her skin, fused to her muscles and uniform, remain amidst the flames-- Flame!Guard: "....Snake...." medusa: heh. *she changes into snake form and slips out of the restraints before changing back* i think after this, we both could use a bath. Flame!Guard: "Die!" (swings flaming fist towards Medusa's head) ???: "Impressive transformation magic, since you were not able to do so before...I told you knowledge is a powerful thing." medusa: *le dodge* missed me~ heh, still got it. Flame!Guard: "Stop!" (flames shoot up along the floor in a circle around her and Medusa) "No...escape..." medusa: hmm. not on ground anyway. *grabs the book and vector-plates over the fire* Flame!Guard: "No!" (whips the flames forward to burn Medusa) medusa: tch- down girl. *vectors the guard through the torso* Flame!Guard: "Tcuh!" (coughs up a bit of blood, some lingering humanity now returning) "..." (eyes watering) "No..." (collapses, "dead"?) medusa: perhaps spending some time down here will help you behave yourself. *she exits the door* ???: "...Ha." medusa: hmmm? ???: "That was actually a funny line." medusa: how so? ???: "Suitable punishment for that guard. She thought she could make you behave. Instead, she gave you and I what we both want: power." medusa: and a way out of here. *she decimates a wall and casually sneaks away* ???: "Now, you have to come to where I am trapped, to set me free." medusa: alright. and that would be where, exactly? ???: "Deep below, in the realm of the Sorcerer." [meanwhile, the 3rd brigade is dealing with the flame!guard] medusa: in the underground? ???: "Indeed." medusa: ok... but first... *she casts a soul protect* cant have people finding out about this. *she slips underground* -elsewhere- shaula: so, you broke out of prison sis? heh, took you long enough... -elsewhere, again- witch assistant: lady maaba! we've just had a report from one of our watchers that medusa has escaped from confinement! Maaba: "Nyamu!" Witch Judge: "No, nothing could get out of those anti-magic cuffs! What could have aided her escape?" witch assistant: we arent quite sure, but the incident has been reported to lord death and others as well. Maaba: "Nyamu!" Witch Judge: "Doubtful--he failed to realize Medusa was hiding under his very nose, and you think he can stop her?" (to Assistant) "Where is the Snake?" witch assistant: sadly, as soon as she escaped she casted a soul protect, so we've sorta lost....track of her... Maaba: "Nyamu!" Judge: "No, the Pit of Hot Oil is under repairs--and not really helpful right now. She will try to return to her lair, so we should search there." assistant: of course ma'am! we'll send a search team ASAP. Maaba: "Nyamu!" Judge: "What?! Why would you refuse to check the labs? Just because she is not likely to return to them does not mean it is bad to check them!" Maaba: "Nyamu!" Judge: "...Fine. Assistant, also have Watchers see which classified information they can gain from the DWMA, without their knowledge." assistant: yes ma'm. -and so- stocking: kid, are you ok? Kid: "Sorry, I was just thinking..." stocking: about what? *she holds his hand* Kid: (small smile) "Tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that." (squeezes her hand) "I want to get better...for you." stocking: *she blushes* kid... Kid: "And for Liz. And Patty. And Father. And Azusa." stocking: you will... *she smiles* Kid: (kisses her forehead) "I...am amazed by you..." stocking: *she smiles* how long has it been since the last appointment? Kid: "About a month...You are due, aren't you?" stocking: yeah... Kid: (holds her hand) "You are going to make it, aren't you?" stocking: of course i am. why wouldnt i? Kid: "I wanted to be sure. I'm not one to talk, but we have to be regular about taking care of our health...in all ways." (sigh) "I have an appointment Monday to see my therapist." stocking: want me to come with you? Kid: (nods) stocking: sounds good. Kid: (leans his head on her shoulder) stocking: *she hugs him* -and so, on the day of the appointment- Naigus: "I'm a bit surprised to see you both here. You had not tried couples' therapy before this point." stocking: oh, no no, its just kid's session. i'm just here as moral support. ^^; Naigus: "Oh, okay. Well, if you two do want to discuss your relationship at any point in the future, I can do couples' counseling." Kid: (sweating) "It's...not that. I mean, I am worried about...being as good as I can be for Stocking after I...tried to die." stocking: .... *she holds his hands* Kid: "I'm scared I'm going to try again, at some point in my life." stocking: ...... Naigus: (nods) "And that is why you are here, demonstrating that you take seriously this concern. That is important." stocking: *listening* Kid: "I know...I...still regret stopping my medication. I was so arrogant, thinking I would just die..." stocking: ...... Kid: "...I think I need help, something to make me stay on that medication." stocking: ........ Naigus: "Kid...You've been on it for months now without incident." (to Stocking) "Can you confirm?" stocking: yeah, he's started taking it again. Kid: (sullen) Naigus: "Then that should be enough for you, Kid." stocking: *she holds his hand* Naigus: "You know whether you are doing what you need to. You also know your responsibilities." Kid: (squeezes Stocking's hand) "R-Right." Naigus: "Any additional concerns you would want to discuss? Or Stocking? Anything you want to tell Kid?" stocking: so is that it then? im not really an expert on these things. Kid: (bites his lip) "I...can only face problems as they present themselves." (holds Stocking's hand) "And my goal is to do all we can to improve our health." (looks to Stocking) "Right?" stocking: of course. Naigus: "If you would like to make another appointment, please do so. And my door is always open, to both of you." Kid: (nods) stocking: ok. thank you *she nods* --They exit-- stocking: well? Kid: "Eternal Feather? May I make another appointment for next week?" eternal feather: yes, of course. Kid: "Thank you...How are you?" eternal feather: i've been doing well. Kid: (nods) "Good...I'm happy to hear. I'll...see you next week, then?" eternal feather: of course. see you later then. --Outside-- liz: well, how was it? Kid: "I...have work to do. But it is manageable." liz: thats good... --Patty glomps Kid-- Patty: "He's the hardest working shinigami out there!" (rubs her cheek against him) Kid: -_- stocking: *she giggles* Patty: "Join the glomp fest, Stocking. His face is all smooth and warm..." Kid: o\\\o stocking: come on patti, i already do enough of that with him at home. Patty: "I could pinch your cheeks too, Stocking..." stocking: woah now. Patty: "Hee hee hee..." (puts an arm around Liz's waist) "Sis, what were we up to, again?" liz: well since school is over for the day... Patty: "Oh, okay! So, does this mean doing something boring like homework, or something fun?" liz: kid? Kid: "Hmm...I wouldn't mind getting a treat before homework. Stocking?" stocking: sounds good. Patty: "Oh, I have a place in mind! It's a new bakery!" stocking: *her eyes light up* Kid: "Oh? What's on the menu?" Patty: "Let's go there, and you'll see. :3 " -and so- stocking: *squeeee!* Kid: "Sweetie? Maybe you should stick to _one_ plate first? I think it will let you enjoy the flavors more thoroughly..." stocking: *sigh* i guess... Patty: (whispers to Stocking) "Just sneak treats off my plate." (aloud) "What're you gettin', Sis?" liz: *shrug* Kid: "I am going to get the black-and-white cookie." Patty: "Peanut butter milkshake! And double-chocolate cookies!" -later- stocking: so yummy~ Patty: "Indeed! I'm amazed your tummy didn't explode with sugar!" Kid: (sweating) "Stocking? You have a little something on the right side of your face." stocking: oh? could you get that for me? Kid: (picks up a napkin) stocking: *slight pout* Kid: (smirks, kisses at the spot to remove the crumb) stocking: *blush* dont you want to kiss the other side too~? Kid: ("I can kiss all of you if you want...") "Yes..." (gently turns her head to kiss) liz: *rolls her eyes* Kid: (kisses Stocking) Patty: (glances at Liz, then Stocking and Kid, sighs) liz: ?? stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I must say, the desserts here are tasty...especially off of your face..." stocking: aww. Patty: (looks down, sighs) liz: .....well, we better get to studying, huh? Kid: "The Mansion should be quiet and let us focus. Let's return there." stocking: ok. Kid: "After I handle the bill, we shall depart." stocking: alrighty then. --At the Mansion-- stocking: *reviewing her notes* Kid: (sweating) "That letter 'O' still does not look right..." Patty: (asleep, a book over her face) liz: you've really been doing better in class, stocking. Kid: (smiles) "That's good news." stocking: yeah, i have to thank you for that, kid~ Kid: (surprised) "Oh?" stocking: you've really been helping me out these past few months... Kid: (smiles) "I am happy to. You've helped me so much." stocking: *she smiles too* Kid: (blushing) liz:....*AHEM* Patty: (waking up) "You two done being lovey-dovey? Some of us are trying to study..." Kid: (blushes harder) stocking: hehe, ok~ Kid: (returns to reading his notes...while his eyes still look back at Stocking) -later- Kid: (closes his notebook) "I look forward to dinner, but I feel a bit thirsty. What would you all like to drink?" stocking: some lemonade if you have it. Patty: "Just water!" Kid: "Liz?" liz: some pepsi would be nice. Kid: "Okay. I'll be right back." (departs for the kitchen) Patty: "Sis, are your grades doing better? Because I feel like mine are in the toilet again." liz: well, im sure i can help with that. Patty: "Great! Can I copy your homework, then?" liz: not what i meant! Patty: (pouts) "Okay. Help me tutor this week, then, with your big smarty-pants brain." liz: deal. Patty: "Want in on this, Stocking?" stocking: if theres room, sure. Patty: "Sure!" (drops a stack of books onto the table) "I just need help figuring out all of this." --The table collapses under the weight of books-- Patty: "...And a carpenter." --Kid enters with drinks...and sees the table-- Kid: "..." stocking: .................wasnt me. Kid: "..." (sets the drinks down atop the books) "..." (falls backwards onto the floor) -later- stocking: *sitting on the couch, with kid's head in her lap* Kid: "Such...damage to that table..." Patty: (sitting in the corner) "Not my fault I had so many books..." liz: *patting her back* stocking: *she strokes his hair* Kid: (eyes widen a bit. "This feels nice...") "T-Thanks..." stocking: no problem kid~ Kid: "I-I...missed being in your lap." stocking: ...... Kid: (blushes) "Resting my head, that is." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (still blushing) "S-Sorry." stocking: its fine, really. Kid: (smiling) "Okay." stocking: did you want to study more, or just take it easy? Kid: "I'd rather take it easy...and get ready for dinner. I'll sit up, now..." (slowly moves out of her lap) -after dinner- stocking: *laying next to kid* i really missed this... Kid: "So have I." (kisses her forehead) "You are safe, Stocking." stocking: *she smiles and snuggles into him* Kid: ("I have missed her so much.") "I like your warmth..." (senses her soul) "...down to your soul." stocking: *she smiles and snuggles him* Kid: (he holds her in his arms, says nothing but smiles) stocking: *she soon falls asleep* Kid: (whispers) "I love you..." (falls asleep as well) -the next morning- Kid: (yawns, slowly opening his eyes) stocking: zzzzz..... Kid: (smiles, just staring at her asleep) -after she wakes up, they go to the doctors- Dr. John: "How're you feeling, Stocking?" stocking: a lot better. Dr. John: "That's good. The test results and the diagnosis from your other doctors mostly align with that. Your muscular strength is still building up, so you will have to keep up this exercise regimen, still increasing it each week with your physical counselor. However, there was one thing I noticed..." stocking: oh? Dr. John: "According to the dietary information forms you filled out, your diet seems to consist largely of sweets...yet my blood records show no signs of diabetes, heart problems, or related difficulties." (puts down the papers) "I have seen many surprises in Death City, so I cannot say I'm surprised that there is someone who can handle that much sugar and not suffer from its effects." stocking: ah.. ahaha... i guess i was born lucky then... *sweats* Dr. John: "Given your combat experience, I'm going to do what other Death City physicians do: while a normal human needs a physical every year, I'm putting you down for one at least twice a year. So come back in six months or whenever you want an appointment...Stocking, you have recovered very quickly, and I want you to do all you can to take care of your health, okay?" stocking: yes ma'am. Dr. John: "Take care of yourself, Stocking..." (looks around, whispers) "And I heard the candy shop three blocks from here has excellent nougat...I would get yourself some." stocking: can do. Dr. John: (smiles, hands Stocking a lollipop) stocking: *she smiles* -later- Kid: o_o "So much nougat..." stocking: totes worth it~ Kid: "...May I have a piece?" stocking: open wide now~ Kid: (blushes and smiles as he opens his mouth) -later- Kid: (opens a book) stocking: *relaxing* phew... that was some workout... Kid: "Feel better, though?" (looks at her...and sees the sweat on her body...) stocking: y-yeah... *she takes a long swig of her water* Kid: (gulps) "G-Good." stocking:...kid.... i wanted to apologize... Kid: "For what?" stocking: y-you know.... we haven’t *ahem* we haven’t had sex in a while....i hope you aren’t upset with me.... Kid: "No! Not at all!" (beat) "...Sorry. I said that louder than I wanted to..." stocking: i-its fine....*she sighs sadly* Kid: "..." (sits by her, holds her hand) "I have had...difficulties. My mind has not been on sex: it's been on my recovery and you. Sex is important--but it is much less important to all else that you and I have in our relationship." stocking: *she smiles a bit* Kid: "Stocking, our lives are ahead of us. Whatever we need to do to heal, I think that should be our focus. I am confident we will be ready for sex again. I...think I'm almost ready to go back to sex. But I am afraid...of myself. Of what I became..." stocking: kid..... Kid: "Can we...agree to heal together? To recognize that neither of us will do anything until we are ready?" stocking: o....ok.... *she hugs him* Kid: (returns the hug) "Stocking...I am so happy to have you in my life." stocking: i'm happy too kid...i.... i love you... Kid: "I love you, too." stocking: *she falls asleep in his arms* Kid: (gingerly picks her up to bring her to their bed) stocking: zzzz.... Kid: (lays her onto their bed, puts the sheets over her...climbs into bed and lies beside her, just to look at her as she sleeps) stocking: *she's sleeping very soundly* Kid: (smiles, tears falling a bit as he watches her) stocking: zzzz... Kid: (starts to, then falls asleep as well) Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzz... liz: hey kid, you up? your dad wanted to see you about something. Kid: (yawns, turns over in his sleep, closer to Stocking) "Hmmm..." (lifts his head) "Liz? Hang on..." (slowly gets out of bed--realizes he is still in his jeans and shirt) "At least I'm dressed..." (opens the door) "Where is Father?" liz: well, it is pretty late out, but he wants to see you at the school first thing tomorrow...and the rest of us. Kid: " 'The rest of us'?" liz: me, patti, soul, black*star, stocking, all of us. said it was important... Kid: "Hmm...Okay. Thank you for letting me know..." (Yawn) "I'll set the alarm. Please let the staff know to wake us by 6:00 AM to make sure we are up and ready for this meeting." liz: will do. stocking: zzzz.... Kid: "Get some sleep, Liz..." (yawn) "I better wash and get back to sleep. Stocking and I have been exhausted." -the next morning- lord death: glad to see you are all here. Kid: "As well as you, Father." Black Star: "Zzz..." (standing asleep) soul: *he nods* so whats the emergency? lord death: well, im not going to beat around the bush on this one....medusa has escaped. Kid: "What?!" Black Star: (shaken awake) "Huh? Wha?" lord death: and whats worse, she's stolen the book of enoch. soul: !! what?! stocking: ..... gopher: medusa....why does that name sound so familiar...? Kid: (shaking) "A witch...The one who led to the Kishin's release...Goddamnit..." eibon: not only is....that being that caused you so much trouble sealed in there, but something that must never be released, the demon known as pandora. Kid: "...What?" eibon: in the ancient past, pandora was of lunarian blood, like myself. however, she became corrupted by a force of pure evil, the very entity of madness, existing since ancient times, izanami. gopher: she snuck onto the lunar ark that carried 8 lunarian children to earth, and she brought the black blood and clown blood with her. Kid: (for some reason, Kid starts to remember being dragged under the water by that woman...and he starts to hyper-ventilate) liz: kid? kid?! stocking: *she holds him close* Kid: "I-I...why am I feeling like this? P-Pandora? Was that..." liz: take it easy kid, just breathe. Patty: (removes paper bag, puts it to Kid's mouth) "Breathe...slowly...in...and out..." Kid: (breathing--quickly...then more slowly...as he collapses more into Stocking's arms) eibon: she has conspired against humanity, to try and turn them into the clown entities that brought the lunarian people to ruin. but when she was to be executed, she broke free and attacked. gopher: thats when you sealed her within the book, right? eibon: indeed, young one. my mother and the other sages placed a seal to keep her contained. Black Star: (thinking) "Um...This Pandora person. She was in the Book? With us?" liz: that chapel then.... Kid: (sobs) stocking: *she rubs his back* Kid: (shaking) "Not again..." stocking: its ok kid, im right here, ok? Kid: (holding her) "I thought this was done..." lord death: ......... (thinking: how will i tell him....?) liz: well what can we do about this? lord death: first off, we need to locate and capture medusa. eibon: second, we must find the other sages Black Star: "What's third?" Patty: "And where are these other sage persons?" -eibon shows a paper with the pictures and names of the other sages, including the sages of the sea, the forest, the mountains, and the desert.- Black Star: "Sea, Forest, Mountains, Desert...Not sure that narrows things down much. Don't suppose Soul Perception would help us?" eibon: well, last i heard, the sage of the seas, Udine, is living in a small village which is often called 'sea sage village'. i know what you may think, but that is what humans call it, since the village's real name is difficult for most humans to pronounce. Patty: " 'Sea Sage' is already hard enough." (looks to Liz) "Say 'Sea Sage' 11 times in a row, really fast, Sis!" eibon: here, take this with you. *the group obtained the sea chart and the mystic shell* these will help you get into the village. Black Star: (puts the shell to his ear) "Do we listen to it?" gopher: its more like a ticket to get into the town without the guards throwing you in the dungeon... Black Star: (slowly removes the shell from his ear...) "Um...Liz? You hold onto this...I'd just lose it." liz: alright then. eibon: fair warning, Udine's apperance may be a bit... surprising to some, but keep in mind she is very wise, she's been around longer than i have. Kid: (struggling to stand) "Wh-When do we depart?" lord death: at the end of this school week. and kid....if you are feeling any better i want to discuss something with you. alone. Kid: (nods) "N-Now is good..." (looks to Stocking) "Please, wait for me..." -in the back- lord death: are you certain you want me to tell you this? i fear it will make things worse... Kid: "Yes, tell me now. No more secrets. I have to know." (shakes his head) "No. I have to know now." lord death: its about pandora. she was indeed the one who betrayed the lunarians and humanity, and... *he sighs* she is- was my mother Kid: "...I'm going to be sick." (covers his mouth) lord death: ...... kid, i- Kid: "..." (sobs) lord death: son....*he places a tender hand on kid's shoulder* Kid: "The things she did to me...I-I..." (sobbing) lord death:........*he hugs kid tightly* Kid: "She made me kill. I wanted to kill everyone to get Stocking back...D-Did she know I was...her grandchild?" lord death:............................ Kid: (sobs) "Father...I have so long wanted to have children, but..." lord death: there there.... Kid: "I feel like there is something wrong with me...If she and...him are related to us...am I cursed? Is this what I pass on to my children?" (shaking) lord death: shhh... *rubbing his back* -later- stocking: *she holds kid tightly* Kid: (whispers) "Stocking?" stocking: yeah? Kid: "...I'm scared. I'm scared for me. I'm scared for you, and Liz, and Patty...I'm so afraid." stocking: its going to be ok kid. we're all here. its alright... Kid: "I...didn't think this was going to happen." stocking: i know..... Kid: (holds her) "I'm sorry. I...cannot imagine what you feel." stocking: i want to help you get better...i want us both to get better..... *she kisses his forehead* Kid: "...Stocking...That's all I want to do for you: to get better for you." (hugs her closely) "I'm scared that I'm going to lose you. I'm scared what I would do..." stocking: im here for you ok? Kid: "And I as well...Stocking? If I am about to do something awful...I need you to stop me." stocking: ok.... Kid: (nods) "Good..." (crying) stocking: *she hugs him, crying silently* -next morning- Kid: "..." (looks around) stocking: .............. you ok? Kid: "I...cannot hold food. I was in the bathroom and..." stocking: *she gives him a wet wash cloth and wipes his mouth* Kid: "T-Thank you...I think I need a shower...I don't know what to eat...I think I need water, but I worry I'll dry-heave." stocking: kid..... Kid: "I...I'll go shower..." -later- stocking: feeling any better? Kid: (shakes head "No.") "I feel both starving and sick." stocking: *she frowns and holds him* liz: kid, you arent relapsing, are you? Kid: "Relapsing? No, I just feel sick. I swear, I've stayed on my medication, I have been getting better...and then F-Father..." (grows silent) "This is so hard." liz:............ Kid: "I just feel sick. After what Father told me, I am not sure what I can keep down...Could someone please get me some water with some lemon in it?" liz: *she goes to do that* Patty: "...Maybe crackers?" Kid: (nods) "Yes, please." stocking: *she just stays by his side* Patty: (lays out a plate of saltine crackers--arranged as a smiley face. She's tearing up a little bit) Kid: (smiles) "Thank you, Patty..." liz: *she gives kid the water* Kid: "Thank you, Liz." Patty: (holds onto Liz for a hug) liz: *hugs her a bit* Kid: (puts a cracker in his mouth, letting it sit and dissolve. He sips on some water) "I...could use some peanut butter..." liz: *goes to get some* Kid: (holds Stocking's hand) stocking: *she kisses his forehead* do you need a day off today? Kid: (nods) -later- Kid: (sitting up on couch, drinking Gatorade) stocking: feeling any better? Kid: (nods, smiles) "Thanks to you, Liz, and Patty." stocking: i love you, ok? Kid: (smiles) "I love you, too." (sets aside his drink, opens his arms) stocking: *she hugs him* Kid: (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I love your laugh..." (kisses her other cheek) stocking: *blush* Kid: "..." (leans his forehead against hers) stocking: mmm... Kid: "I love you so much...I never thought I would find someone that...would make me feel so much better as you make me feel." stocking: yeah... i didnt think i would either... Kid: "..." (holds her hand) stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Stocking? I am scared about this mission...and I don't want to lose you." stocking: *she just hugs him* i know.... Kid: (says nothing, just holds her) stocking: i love you, ok? Kid: "I love you, too. It's just...I hate not knowing what can happen. All we can do is prepare for this battle." stocking: yeah... Kid: "...I wonder...whether we will need something else...Stocking, how powerful are your blades?" stocking: well, since they are technically divine relics... pretty strong i'd say. Kid: (taps his fingers together) "Powerful enough against whatever we're going to face?" (looks at his hands) "What if I'm too weak?" stocking: you arent weak... Kid: "I don't know how to be strong enough, though..." (looks at her) "We're up against powerful forces." stocking: i believe in you.... we can train together if it helps... Kid: (nods) "I would like that...I think we should ask Father to be excused to train tomorrow. Not over-train...just...train." stocking: sure. -at training- stocking: how're you holding up? Kid: "Better...I just think that my response time firing is a bit slow." Patty: (from within weapon) "Not really--it's kinda fast?" liz: ??? Kid: "I think that, when the target appears, I could fire more quickly. The time for my eye to communicate to my brain to communicate to my fingers seems slow." stocking: i think you're doing great. Kid: (smiles despite himself) "You as well...And so are you, Liz and Patty." liz: *sweatdrop* Patty: "Ha ha ha! We're already awesome, Kid! We're strong enough to kick anyone's ass! Right, Sis?" liz: yeah of course! Kid: "...Liz? You know that is the truth, yes?" liz: yeah. Kid: (looks to Stocking. ) Kid: ("She boosts our confidence so much...") stocking: *she smiles and hugs him* Kid: (returns the hug, while still holding Liz and Patty) Patty: "Hey! Let us in on this hug!" liz: um kid, you know we are still here....right? Kid: o_o "R-Right! Um...hugs all around?" Patty: "Yay!" (transforms back--and hugs Kid and Stocking) liz: ahh hell why not. *joins in too* Kid: (squished in the hug) "...Yay?" reid: lucky! *is promptly punched into the dirt by kim* stocking: hehe~ Patty: (happy murmur) "So warm and squishy..." Kid: (blushing) stocking: o//////////////o liz: patti! Patty: "What?" (sees where her hands are) "Oh--sorry, Kid." stocking: >///////////> Kid: "THEN LET GO OF MY BACKSIDE ALREADY!" Patty: (beat) "Right!" (throws up hands) "Done! Not touching anymore!" -honk- stocking: *innocent whistling* Kid: "Ah! Who did that?!" stocking: *shrugs* Patty: (still holding up her hands) Kid: (glares at Liz) liz: why am i getting blamed for this?! Patty: "Okay, fine, we'll make it even..." --Patty lightly smacks Liz's butt-- liz: !!!! PATTI! stocking: *snickering* Patty: "Now someone spank me!" -silence- Patty: "...Fine!" (spanks herself) -later- Kid: (rotating his shoulder) "Still sore..." stocking: *she gives him some ice* Kid: "Thanks, Love." (puts it on--clenches his teeth, then slowly lets the cold rest) "Ah..." Kid: "How do you feel?" stocking: a little better now. Kid: "Sore anywhere?" stocking: just my back... Kid: "No ice? No heat? ...Or maybe..." stocking: maybe what? Kid: "...Would you like a backrub?" stocking: i would love one. Kid: (smiles) "Okay...Well, lie down, and I'll get to work." stocking: *she lays down on her stomach* Kid: (he starts with his fingertips, likely moving along to gently massage her skin) stocking: ahhh~ Kid: (slowly begins to push the pain out of her back with his fingers) stocking: *she blushes and sighs* Kid: "Is this helping?" stocking: y-yeah... Kid: "Good..." (he starts to press the palms of his hand along her back, a bit harder to let out some pain) stocking: ahh thats good~ Kid: (persists with a few more back rubs) "Should I stop here?" stocking: i-if you want.... Kid: "...Stocking? Is there somewhere on your back that you wanted more attention?" stocking: well...m-my spine...i guess... Kid: "Okay..." (he puts a bit more work into that part of her back, careful not to apply too much pressure) "Does this hurt?" stocking: nnng...f-feels good... Kid: (blushing a little) "G-Good..." (he continues rubbing...) "Stocking? When I finish your back...is there anywhere else to massage?" -lets just cut to later- stocking: d-damn....you have magic fingers i swear... Kid: (panting, catching his breath) "Y-You too..." (sighs) "That...was a relief..." stocking: i....really missed that.... Kid: "Same..." (puts a hand to her face) "I missed you so much for so long. And I'm happy you are here." stocking: *she smiles and kisses him* Kid: (cradles her in his arms) "You beautiful soul..." stocking: s-sorry if my wings whapped at you.... *sweatdrop* i didnt even notice that i revealed them... Kid: (smirks) "I like seeing your wings...It lets me know I'm doing something right." stocking: *pouts and blushes* Kid: "Oh, no need for shyness." (kisses her nose) "You also did something far more than right for me..." (blushes) "I...like your touch." stocking: .////////////////////. Kid: "...Stocking...Thank you..." (hugs her...letting his hand linger on her backside) stocking: i love you, kid. Kid: "I love you, too...Stocking? I'm so happy we get to say 'I love you.'" stocking: *she smiles* so am i.....thanks kid...f-for helping me open up more. Kid: (smiles) "Anytime...You deserve all the credit. You have shown such bravery..." stocking: *bluuush* Kid: (giggles) "You're so cute when you blush..." (kisses her cheek) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (glances down) "You still blush all the way down your neck..." (strokes his pinky along her neck) stocking: *flinch* !!! 0/////0 Kid: (light kiss on her neck, then pulls her in closer for a hug) stocking: mmmm kid~ Kid: (kisses her shoulder) "Stocking...This is good. Right here with you feels like...Heaven." stocking: *she smiles and closes her eyes* Kid: (massages along her hip) "What now? Get some sleep?" stocking: zzzzzzzz....... Kid: o_o (then smiles) "...Well, that answers that..." (kisses her forehead) "Sleep well, Angel..." (nods off) -next morning- Kid: (yawns) stocking: *still clunked out* Kid: (admires her. "Sleeping angel..." Stretches a little..."And she was incredible last night...") stocking: *nuzzle nuzzle* Kid: (nuzzles back. "So cute...") stocking: *yaaaawn* Kid: "Morning, sunshine." stocking: mernin.... Kid: (giggles) "Groggy?" stocking: *nods* Kid: "Want me to get you some coffee or tea?" (smiles) "How about breakfast in bed?" stocking: maybe.... *yaaaAAAAAAAWWWWWnnnn* Kid: (pats her belly) "I hope you have a good appetite..." (gets up in his boxers, about to grab his bathrobe) stocking:......(thinking: dat ass) Kid: (before he puts on his bathrobe...) *small wiggle of dat ass* stocking:..............................*NOSEBLEED* Kid: (already with a tissue to her face) "You naughty young woman..." (smirks) stocking: *pouts* Kid: (kisses her forehead) "I like when you're naughty..." (tugs a bit on his underwear's elastic, bringing it down just a little bit...) liz: hey breakfast is-...................... stocking: O_____________________________________O Kid: o\\\\o "CAN'T YOU KNOCK?!" liz:...............*slowly closes the door* Kid: "..." (collapses) stocking: !!!! *she picks him up and carries him back to the bed* Kid: "...I guess we're having breakfast with our friends...downstairs...Once the embarrassment subsides..." stocking: yeah, hehe~ Kid: (small smile, then laughs) "I am quite good at being seductive, aren't I?" stocking: hehe~ Kid: "...I'll get dressed. Up for heading downstairs for breakfast?" stocking: sounds good. Kid: (puts on his robe) "Let's head downstairs, then." (holds out a hand to her) -later- Kid: (pats napkin on his face) "Good meal. Sleep well, Liz?" liz: yeah, pretty good... Kid: "Patty?" Patty: (yawn) "Alright...Just thought I heard something all night..." stocking: probably just the wind or something. Patty: "Some loud wind, then...almost sounded like..." (realizing...blushes) "Wind. Definitely wind." (goes back to drinking orange juice) stocking: ?? Kid: "Oookay...Well, finish up your meal, Patty: we have a busy day ahead of us." Patty: (blushing, nodding) Kid: "I'll go shower, then I'll see you at the entrance." -and so- liz: so whats the game plan today? Kid: "Cool-down training and prepare for our mission. Is our mission tomorrow?" stocking: i think its saturday... Kid: (nods) "Okay. Let's focus on some more practice, just a bit more easily today so not to wear ourselves out. We'll take Friday off to recuperate." liz: ok then. Patty: "I think I could use some hand-to-hand combat work, in case I need to wield Big Sis." (holds up a dummy) "Knock this fucker down!" liz: *sweatdrop* Kid: "Okay, Patty, we'll tackle some hand to hand in sparring. Liz, who will you spar with?" -later- Kid: (panting) "That was a workout..." Patty: (collapses along the floor) "You're telling me..." stocking: phew... Patty: "How you doin', Sis?" liz: *sigh* good. man, that was pretty intense... so much for taking things easy, huh? Kid: (nervous laugh) "Sorry. I guess we'll be resting Friday, then. I suggest we all get sleep and decent food." stocking: yeah... i should get to my apartment and clean up. do you guys want to come over? Kid: (nods) "Liz?" liz: yeah, sounds great. -later- liz: *knocks on the door* stocking: i-its open... Kid: "Stocking?" -she's sitting on her bed, holding honekoneko and crying silently- Kid: (looks to Liz and Patty) "Stocking?" (He approaches, sitting beside her) "What's wrong?" stocking: *she looks up* ah! k-kid.... s-sorry i just.... i got a bit emotional.... this is the first time i've been in my room since the incident.... Kid: (puts a hand over hers) "I'm sorry. But you're here right now, aren't you?" stocking: y-*sniff* yeah... Kid: (looks around the room) "It's...been a long time. I remember how many get-togethers you've had here...when Maka visited..." stocking: .................. Kid: (holds her hand, as his lip quivers) "Do you...want to sleep here tonight? Or at the Mansion?" stocking: here would be nice. its been so long.... and my other clothes are starting to smell, haha. Kid: (small laugh) "Okay...Would you...want to be alone tonight?" stocking:.......*she grabs his arm* Kid: (nods) "I'll sleep here, then, with you. Is that okay?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: (looks to Liz and Patty) liz: ...... *she seems concerned for stocking.* Patty: "Stocking? Anything you want us to do?" stocking: s-stay with me...at least until i can calm down a bit.... Patty: (nods, approaches) "Do you want a hug?" stocking: ......yes.... Patty: (leans down, hugs Stocking) stocking: *hugs back* \how dare she touch her....\ Kid: (goes into the back of his head--and slaps the heck out of his Mad!Kid. "You open your mouth again, and I will make you suffer...") Patty: (cries a little) "It's going to be okay, Stocking..." liz: kid? Kid: (puts on a smile) "Yes, Liz?" liz: you ok? Kid: (still keeping his smile) "Yes, I am fine. Thank you." -later that night, stocking ends up being sandwiched by kid and patti, liz just sleeps on the couch- stocking:......... Patty: "This okay with you two?" stocking: y-yeah... its not like we're doing anything sexual... Patty: (blushes) "Y-Yeah..." Kid: (blushing) "It's good to have you here, Patty. I'm happy to have you and Liz here, and as partners." Patty: (smiles) liz: zzzzzzzzzzz........... stocking: *chuckles* Kid: "???" stocking: nothing...just liz snoring... Kid: (small laugh) "Liz tries to hide that." stocking: its cute though. Patty: "Yeah, Sis can be noisy when she sleeps." (tugs a bit at the curtain over herself, yawns) "Hope everyone sleeps well..." stocking: night patti... Patty: (smiles) "Night, Stocking. Night, Kid. Night, sleepy Liz..." (yawns) stocking: *she smiles and nuzzles into kid's chest* warm.... Kid: (kisses her forehead) "So are you...Good night, Love." -next morning- stocking: thanks for coming over. it meant a lot. Kid: "Happy to." Patty: "It was fun! Like a sleepover!" liz: the couch was surprisingly really comfy. Patty: (smirks) "Really? We couldn't tell..." stocking: yeah, my dad had it ordered. Kid: (frowning) "Have you spoken with him recently?" stocking: yeah... Kid: "How is he?" stocking: a lot better.... Kid: (smiles) "That's good...Do you...want to meet him today? I mean, this mission is important..." stocking: yeah... i'll see him by myself though... Kid: (nods) "And I will see my father..." -and so- lord death: hey kiddo how's it going? Kid: "...I am worried about this mission..."' lord death: how so? Kid: "We are facing the Book of Enoch. Isn't that enough reason to be fearful?" lord death: indeed. i understand where your concerns may lie, but your concern right now is locating the other sages. Kid: (nods) "I am still scared...What if that Book takes Stocking again? Or someone else?" lord death: most of the books power has been weakened. i assure you, there is more likely it will not happen. Kid: " 'Weakened'? But how?" lord death: eibon placed a small seal on the book, however, the seal will require the strength of the other sages to keep it out of trouble permanently. Kid: "Why not destroy this Book?" (clenches his fists) "Something like that...should not exist..." lord death: if we could, it would have been done a long time ago... but that would require destroying its index, which would in turn release all the beings sealed within... Kid: (nods) "Father? The persons in this Book...are they on your kill list?" lord death: those names have been lost to the ages..... Kid: "I don't understand. Do you mean these persons _preced_ your kill list?" lord death: you must understand, the last time it was used to seal a criminal was over 800 years ago. Kid: "...When was...Pandora sealed?" lord death: *he nods* lord death: very many years ago... she was the last person sealed. Kid: "...And then the Book was lost?" lord death: it was hidden in the gilgameshian underground... it was lost under rubble when asura became a kishin. Kid: "...Who is this Noah? Where did he come from?" lord death: that is something we are uncertain of... its likely he was created by the index itself. Kid: "A creation? Of the Book itself?" (shuddering, holding his fists) "That...thing...After what it did to Stocking..." lord death: i know, son... Kid: (shakes his head) "I...I do not want anyone hurt by that Book ever again." lord death: ..... Kid: "Is there anything you could give me--advice, a weapon, anything--to help us in this battle?" -later- Kid: "..." liz: how was it? Kid: (shakes his head) "Still full of doubts." liz: ....... Kid: "...Liz? I'm scared I can go too far...after what happened..." liz: kid.... Kid: "If I go too far, I will depend on the bonds I have formed with you and Patty to pull me back. And I am going to do everything I can to keep myself sane. For you, Patty, and Stocking." liz: ............*she nods* dont forget the others too....your dad... soul...black*star... everyone... Kid: "I won't..." (holds out his hand) "I can't afford to." -later- Kid: "Stocking? Are you here?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "H-How are you?" stocking: much better.... Kid: (smiles) "How is your father?" stocking: doing well... it was nice to get to hug him again.... Kid: (nods) "That's good...I'm happy for both of you..." stocking: yeah... Kid: "...Stocking? I talked with my father today..." stocking: so you told me... Kid: "...I'm worried. I asked him for help to be stronger, and..." (shakes his head) stocking: ?? Kid: "He only said the...seal on the Book would not...let us be captured again. But..." stocking: kid? a-are you ok? Kid: (tearing a bit) "I'm scared. I'm still scared of tomorrow..." stocking: ....... *she hugs him* Kid: "I will not let anyone else be hurt by that Book...not again." stocking:.... im sure it will be ok... tomorrow we go to the sea sage village, right? Kid: (nods) "Stocking...Let's stay safe out there, okay?" stocking: yeah... Kid: (takes her hand, and kisses it) stocking: hehe~ you're adorable. Kid: (blushes) "Not as adorable as you...Cutie." stocking: arent you going to kiss the other hand too~? Kid: (smirks) "I didn't hear 'please'..." stocking: pretty please~? Kid: (smiles) "Of course..." (kisses her other hand) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (kisses lightly along her lips) stocking: *she nuzzles under his neck* Kid: "So warm..." stocking: do you know how we're getting to the island? Kid: "The DWMA has been preparing for this occasion: they built an amphibian vehicle, one powered by a Demon Tool..." stocking: oh? Kid: (nods) "Something Eibon had been planning. He had turned over instructions to Gen months ago..." (solemn) "Makes me wonder how long Father knew this was going to happen..." stocking: *shrugs* Kid: "...Have you been underwater before?" stocking: at the pool, yeah. Kid: (shivering) "I was...in that Book..." (shudder) stocking:.....*she hugs him tightly* Kid: "...At least we get to ride in a sub...Y-You're not claustrophobic, are you?" stocking: not really... Kid: "I'm not...I usually panic about the asymmetry." stocking: aww.... *she kisses both his cheeks* Kid: (blushes) "Thanks...A-Are you hungry?" stocking: yeah, its about lunch time, right? Kid: (nods) Kid: "What would you like?" -after school- liz: why did they need our measurements...? Kid: "...Oh no...If we have to be underwater...Do you think they want scuba suits?" liz: maybe. Patty: "Yay! We can go underwater! Neat!" liz: maybe. Kid: "Hmm...But usually scuba suits are more one-size-fits-all variety, not such specific measurements. I should ask Father..." liz: yeah. Kid: "I'll ask Father in the morning. Until then, I suggest we rest. We should focus on a good dinner, too." liz: yeah. Kid: "I'm sure the staff will have a delicious meal that will leave us prepared for tomorrow's journey. Let's head back..." -next morning- Kid: (yawn) liz: you sleep well? Kid: (stretching) "Yes, although I still feel tired." liz: well, any idea how we're getting to this boat or submarine or whatever? Patty: "What's the problem?" Kid: "...We're in the middle of the desert." Patty: "...We can't swim through sand?" Kid: (slaps hand over face) liz: looks like we're taking a roadtrip to the ocean... Black Star: "Yo, guys! The motorcade leaves for California in an hour. Help me move the rest of this stuff!" tsubaki: that sounds fun. soul: road trip, huh? stocking: that sounds neat! Patty: "Snacks! We are going to need more snacks!" (runs to the vending machine) "Sis! Quarters! Give me all of your quarters!" liz: *sigh* -seems they were all given new swimsuits- Kid: (holding his attire) "Uh..." stocking: o/////o tsubaki: how nice. ^^; Black Star: (holding a Speedo) "What the hell?" spirit: oops, thats mine. these are yours. *gives him star print swim trunks* soul: *hurk* Black Star: "Dude, what kind of weekends are you having?" Patty: (hands Soul a vomit bag) "Does this thing look skimpy, Sis?" (shows the swimsuit) liz: its actually pretty nice. mines not that bad either. stocking: um... kid, do you think this is too revealing? Kid: (stares at it, blushing) Kid: "No, I don't think so. The color will complement you." stocking: yeah i know it'll look nice, i just wanted to see your face~ Kid: o\\\\\o Patty: "All the ladies who got it--flaunt it!" (clicks tongue and points at Tsubaki) soul: wow, you're a dick stocking. tsubaki: um.... o////o stocking: *GLAAAARE* Kid: "Um...Soul! Help me move these items to the vehicle! Ha ha ha ha!" (nervous laugh) soul: right away! *flees* stocking: *squints at him* Patty: (sneaky face) "Want to get back at Soul?" stocking: how so? Patty: (smirks, wiggles her pinky) "Shrinkage..." stocking:....go on? Patty: "Dunk Soul in the cold end of whatever water they are putting us in, a little 'accident' removes him from his trunks, and there's you with the camera ready..." stocking: oh boy. Patty: "So, no?" stocking: maybe we should put tape over his door so he walks right into it, before that we wake him up and throw flour on his face. Patty: (shrugs) "That works, too." stocking: yeah, my one uncle did that to me once... fucking prick... Patty: "You ever want to prank that uncle, you let me know: I got your back, girl." (fist bump) stocking: hell yeah. liz: *rolls eyes* Black Star: (wearing Tsubaki's top on his head) "We got all the supplies we need?" soul: yeah, i think thats everything. Kid: "...Take that off." Black Star: (smirks) "I think it's good fashion." tsubaki: *snatches it back* Patty: "Ha ha ha ha!" tsubaki: *sigh* Kid: "Spirit, any instructions from Father?" -and so- Patty: (munching on potato chips) liz: so, we're going to oceanedge town, huh? how are we getting this sub there? Kid: "Looks to be a covered flatbed." (reads the bumper sticker) " 'Wide Load'?" soul: *snickers* Patty: "When this is done, I'm totally taking that bumper sticker home with us." (slaps Kid on the butt) "Let's get this roadshow on the move!" Kid: (blushing, rubbing his backside) stocking: *she grabs his arm* hey cutie~ Kid: "Y-Yes?" stocking: *she smooches him on the lips* Kid: (surprised, then melts into her kiss) stocking: hehe, so cute~ soul: jeez, get a room... Kid: (astonished Charlie Brown-esque smile) "Th-Thanks...Angel." stocking: hehe~ *glares at soul* Kid: (panicking) "Let's all get into the vehicles! Ha ha ha!" (to Tsubaki) "Keep Soul in another vehicle, please." soul:.......... tsubaki: of course. Kid: "Good." (to Soul) "Stocking can be...vicious. I ask you as a friend to be careful..." (looks back and forth, whispers) "Make sure she doesn't put your hand into water while you sleep." stocking: aw baaabe, would i ever do that? *she bats her eyes* Kid: (frowns) "Tell that to Arthur: I heard he still has night terrors." --Elsewhere-- Arthur: (in the corner, rocking back and forth) "Never before has someone been so terrifying..." shinra: cant sleep. hibana will get me.... cant sleep.... hibana will get me... Tamaki: "...You little babies." -back with the group- Kid: "I still get reports from the 8th Station about paying for Arthur's therapy..." (smirks) "You little minx." stocking: *whistling* Kid: (leans close to her face) "So cute..." stocking: hehe~ Black Star: "You two done making out? Or can you get in the van already?" stocking: !!! r-right! Kid: (blushing) "S-Sure!" (holds hands with Stocking to pull her towards the van) -later- Patty: "Anyone up for 'I Spy'?" liz: ok. Patty: "I spy with my little eye...something that's blue." stocking: my hair? Patty: "Ding ding ding! We have a winner!" liz: actually its more navy.. i think. Patty: "Really?" (pulls out a strip of swatches from...nowhere) "Hmm...Maybe a royal navy? Or a dark navy?" liz: where do you.... Patty: (smirks) "Magic..." (holds up a bag labeled "MAGIC") "Don't ask what's in the bottom of it." (whispers) "I don't think it's legal in most states..." Black Star: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- eibon: now where did i put that bag?....*sees a picture of a giraffe* oh dear... -back in the cars- Kid: "...Patty, when we get home, you're grounded for a week." Patty: "What did I do?!" Kid: "I'm sure I'll learn you did something, so consider it preemptive punishment." liz: how do you not get lost down there?! Patty: "I tagged myself with a GPS chip." (pulls out her cell phone) "This way, I never get lost!" (the phone's screen: "PATTY IS HERE") liz: (thinking: now i see why the occult club thinks you’re some deity....) Patty: "Yeah, the Occult Club does, Sis!" ("I can read your thoughts...") -later- Kid: (squirming) "Are we really going to need to wear those swimsuits when we get to our destination?" liz: we got swimsuits, scuba suits, and beach clothes. Kid: "At least beach clothes cover more..." (holds up beach shirt) "...Father's sick sense of humor: this palm tree shirt is not symmetrical at all." stocking: aww... *she hugs him* Patty: (holds up her beach attire) "I think this skirt is cute..." tsubaki: this sundress isnt that bad either. i like the floral print. Black Star: (holds up loose shirt--with big star on its back) "Oh, awesome!" soul: *he just has a plain white t-shirt and trunks* Patty: "How 'bout you, Sis and Stocking?" -stocking has her sailor outfit- Kid: (blushes seeing the sailor outfit) liz: oh, nice. *she has a t-shirt with 'california gurl' written on it* Patty: "Cute, Sis! I can't wait to see you in that!" liz: yeah. its been a while since we all went on a road trip... Patty: (sighs) "Sun, surf, water, everyone showing skin...Life is good." stocking: i dont think i've ever been to the beach... i think i may have, but that was long ago... Kid: "???" stocking:...nothing, im just rambling again... Kid: (holds her hand) "Okay..." -later- Patty: (whining) "Are we there yet?" liz: soon. Patty: "How soon?" Kid: (hands her Hitchhiker's Guide) "Read." liz: *shrug* Patty: (frowns) "Fine." stocking: *napping* Kid: "Liz, what do you think will happen? Are we expected to hang out on the beach during this mission?" liz: according to these notes, the sea sage village is on a tropical island, the other half of the village is underwater, due to its merfolk and draconian population. Kid: "Hence the scuba gear...I can't imagine my shinigami skin will get much of a tan..." (strokes Stocking's hair as she sleeps) soul: you could always get a spray tan. Kid: (grimaces) "It looks so fake..." liz: *chuckles* if all else fails, i'll lend you some of my blush. Kid: (sarcastic) "Ha ha." (crosses his arms) "Knowing you, we'll have to drag you off the beach..." tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "You just want to see Stocking getting all tanned on the beach, Kid." Kid: o\\\\o soul: or just seeing her in a swimsuit. Kid: "..." (nosebleed) liz: wow guys. woooooow.... Patty: (holds up tissue to Kid's face, looks at Soul) "Wait 'til you see me in a swimsuit, Soul. I'll make you die of blood loss!" soul: sure patti. Patty: (glares) "If you saw my awesome bod, your jaw would hit the floor!" soul: yeah. Patty: (blushing with anger) "Sis! Soul isn't falling for my feminine wiles!" liz: *gives him a look* soul: what?....WHAT? Patty: (sticks tongue out at Soul) "Not liking my hot bod...We'll see who is getting all hot and bothered by how hot I am..." soul: jeez, why is everyone on me? tsubaki: *pats his back* Black Star: "Come on, man. It's okay." soul: thanks you two. at least someone is on my side. liz: *laughs* Patty: (pouting, hugging Liz) liz: im sure you'll find someone. Patty: "Hope so..." -later- Kid: "Wake up, Stocking..." stocking: *yawns* 5 more minutes dad and i'll be up, really.... Kid: "We're almost at the ocean, Stocking..." (kisses her cheek) stocking: *opens her eyes* oh, good. *yaaaAAAAAWwwn* Kid: (smiles) "Sleep well?" stocking: *nods* Kid: "You're so cute when you sleep..." stocking: yeah... liz: ok, oceanedge town next exit! Patty: "Neat! Here we come, Oceanedge!" liz: ok, the first thing on the agenda, spend a day at oceanedge as a bit of a special reward. Black Star: "Hell ya! To the beach!" soul: neat. Patty: "Water! Sun! Tanning! Woot!" Kid: "Well, let's change into our swim attire and meet back at the refreshment stand.: liz: but where are we going to keep our stuff? Sid: "I'll bring the stuff over to your lodging. Have fun--but be responsible. We are guests here, representatives of the DWMA." liz: yes sir. Sid: "Oh, to be young again...and not rotting flesh..." liz: just...try not to cause another angry mob..... we dont need a repeat of new orleans. Sid: (grumble) "Visit one graveyard one time, everyone has a panic attack..." (ready to drive off) -later- Kid: "You really need to stop fooling around in changing rooms, Black Star." Black Star: "What are you talkin' about? Soul thought it was hilarious!" liz: ok, so for the bedroom arrangement, im with patti and tsubaki, soul is with black*star, and of course the resident lovebirds have a room together too. soul: dude, lighten up. Kid: (blushing) "I-I'll try..." (looks at Stocking) stocking: im glad your dad hooked us up with the premium suite. Kid: "Y-Yes...I wonder what it looks like..." -inside- liz: woah. Kid: (jaw hanging open) stocking: its huge! Patty: "You could fit, like, a hundred rooms in here!" Patty: "I got to check out the bathroom!" soul: *chuckles* y-yeah. theres even a kitchen and dining room. Black Star: "Dude, stock this fridge up! So much seafood! You can catch, like, giant squid and great white sharks, then fry them up in here! So awesome!" stocking: *she goes onto the balcony* wow! look at this view! Kid: (stands with Stocking--then looks at her) "Breathtaking." stocking: the ocean is so big.... its like it just goes on forever... Kid: (says nothing, looks at the ocean's edge...and holds her hand) stocking: *she blushes* Kid: "Maybe this trip will be good for us all..." stocking: yeah.... Kid: (sighs, content) stocking: kid?.....are you ok? Kid: "Just happy..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Well, perhaps we should eat...or go for a swim?" stocking: what time is it? Kid: "It was a long trip...but only 3:00 pm here." stocking: how about we check out the shops? Kid: (nods) "It would help us acclimate to this location, too." -and so- liz: these are quite a lot of shops. Patty: "Look at all the snowglobes at that one gift shop!" stocking: its like a little beach. Kid: "There's a grocery...We can pick up some food for breakfast there." stocking: ok. Patty: "Get some donuts for breakfast, too!" stocking: i actually saw something online for donut waffles. Patty: o_o "Pleeeeeeeeeease, Sis?!" liz: *sigh* alright. Patty: "Yay!" (kisses Liz on the cheek and hugs her) -and so- Kid: "We have everything we wanted to buy?" liz: seems like it. stocking: i even got a nice sundress. Patty: (blowing into a giraffe inner tube) Kid: (smiles at Stocking) "I can't wait to see it..." stocking: doesnt this hotel have a restaraunt? Kid: (nods) "Fine dining with a wonderful view of the ocean." Patty: (still huffing and puffing to fill up inner tube...) stocking: i'll go get changed then. Kid: "As will I..." Patty: (collapses, huffing) Kid: "...Take a breath, Patty..." -later- stocking: *in a cranberry party dress* its so fancy here. Kid: (dressed sharply, even for warmer weather) "Suitable for the cuisine, I hope." stocking: so what are you getting? Kid: "I think the surf and turf. You?" stocking: i think i'll have the sashimi platter. Kid: "Good choice. Will it be enough for your sweet tooth?" stocking: thats for dessert~ Kid: (chuckles) "Okay..." stocking: this is a nice view... Kid: "A gorgeous sunset..." stocking: the music is nice too... Kid: "...Soothing...a bit tropical, too. I feel at ease." stocking: *she smiles and holds his hand* Kid: "I am happy for this moment, and every moment, with you." stocking: this is almost a perfect environment to propose.... *she chuckles* Kid: (blushing) "I'll...keep that in mind..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (drinks water. "Propose?! W-What kind of ring would I buy?!") stocking: (thinking: he's so adorable when he's flustered~) Kid: "A-A walk on the beach would set that environment well, too..." stocking: *blush* oh really? Kid: "Holding hands...walking along the sunset...I get down on my knee and...and..." (blushing) stocking: um kid? y-your nose... Kid: "Wh-What?" stocking: *chuckles* you have a little blood... Kid: o_o (takes napkin to his nose) "Sorry! Must be--the humidity! That's it!" stocking: hehe, sure kid. *she smiles* Kid: ("Why would I have a nosebleed now? It wasn't like I was thinking about Stocking in her swimsuit...on the beach...or an evening of skinny--") Kid: "..." Kid: (the nosebleed worsens) stocking: ah!! *she gets him some tissues* Kid: "Th-Thank you! I-I have to go to the bathroom--clean myself up! Just a moment!" (takes off) -in the bathroom- Kid: "At least the bleeding stopped..." (splashes water on his face) -meanwhile stocking is enjoying her sashimi- Kid: (returns to the table) "I'm sorry." stocking: its fine. the food's here, though. Kid: "Still warm, though." (pours water for both of them) "...Actually...maybe we should have...wine?" stocking: well, maybe a little wont hurt...is it even legal? Kid: (shrugs) "We could...see whether they card us?" stocking: yeah. *chuckles* Kid: (gestures to the waiter) "Which wine would you recommend?" (his voice cracks at the end) stocking: *eating her sashimi* Waiter: "Aw, quite a challenge, as you had the surf and turf, and you the sushi...Hmmm...Ah! I know! Pinot Grigio! Would that satisfy you both?" Kid: (nods) "S-Stocking?" stocking: sure that sounds good. Waiter: "Very good. One moment..." (departs for glasses and a bottle) Kid: "Phew! Thank goodness Father is covering this bill...and that I cannot get inebriated anyway..." stocking: he'll probably assume its for sid. also, more fun for me then~ hehe~ Kid: (nervous smile) "Not too much fun, though..." Waiter: "Here we are: our special shinigami vine!" Kid: o_O stocking: ?!?! Waiter: "It will let you feel the effects, sir, despite being a shinigami--and it has no side effects on humans, so your colleague may drink it as well." stocking: *whispers* how do you even know he's a reaper? Waiter: "...The three lines in his hair was one giveaway..." Kid: (slaps hand over his hair) stocking: *she notices two black lines on the waiter's wrist* oh. *she holds kid's hand* Kid: (eyes widening) "You're a--?!" stocking: shh. Waiter: (puts a finger to his own lips) "Consider this a treat, as thanks to you and what your organization has done. We owe you a lot." (looks around) "Just don't tell my boss...She'd fire me immediately..." stocking: our lips are sealed~ Kid: (nods) "Please don't tell my Father..." stocking: my statement still stands. Waiter: (pours a bit for each of them) "I promise. But don't over-do it: drink in moderation. Cheers!" (departs, leaving the bottle for them) stocking: well, i dont want to get him in trouble, so i'll pay for the drinks. Kid: (exhales) "Um..." (resumes composure) "To the future..." (holds his glass up to her) stocking: yeah. -later- tsubaki: kid? stocking? are you ok? stocking: yeeeeeah im fiiiiine~! Kid: (giggles) "What a beautiful night...with a beautiful lady..." Black Star: "..." stocking: aw you~ hehe~ *hic* soul: dude what the fuck?! liz: .....were you two drinking? Kid: (puts an arm around Stocking's waist) "Y-You should really try th-that...what's it called? The place for eating...things?" Patty: "...Convenience store?" Black Star: "Ice cream shop?" stocking: no no, with tha fush-fishies and steaks and stuff. Kid: "The rest-sure-ant!" (slurring his words) Kid: "Ha ha! Fush-fishies!" (giggles--and gooses Stocking) liz: oh my god. Patty: "Must've given Kid the good stuff, if it got him smashed. Um...Should we lead them to bed?" stocking: hehehehehehe~ kiiiid your face is like....soooo smooth... like a baby's butt. Kid: "Not as smooth as your butt..." (breaks out laughing, as he puts his hands on her face, too) liz: ok you two need to sleep this off. and dont think i wont tell sid! Black Star: (pulls out cell phone) "Oh, this is going online..." stocking:........erry pardy needs a pooper dats why dey invited yuuuu Kid: "Poopy-pardy-poopers! Ha ha ha!" Black Star: "1 million hits, here I come!" stocking: i got toooooo many clothes. imma take em off nowz. liz: DO THAT IN YOUR ROOM! Kid: (already unbuttoning his shirt) "It is rather hot in here..." (pulls Stocking along her waist, whispers) "I can't wait to get out of these clothes..." stocking: niiiiice. liz: OH MY GOD! Black Star: "Oh boy..." (puts away phone) "Um, let's get these two into their room before...that happens." Kid: (swinging shirt over his head) "Woo! Woo woo woo!!!" liz: bed. now. *she shoves them in their room and closes the door* Black Star: "Um...I'll get some coffee ready. And some protein breakfast. They're going to have one nasty hangover tomorrow..." liz: they better use protection... Patty: (opens the door, throws condoms in there) "Here! Sis said you needed these!" liz:..................................................................................... Black Star: o_o Kid: "Thanks, Liz!" -later- Kid: (staring at the ceiling) soul: dude, they're still going at it in there.... why did we get the room next to theirs? Black Star: "When we get back to Death City, I'm going to his house, and I'm going to SMASH HIS WALLS DOWN UNTIL THAT ENTIRE MANSION FALLS!" soul: like thats gonna help.... *stocking is moaning in the other room* *soul bangs the wall* SHUT UP IN THERE SOME OF US WANT TO SLEEP!! Kid: "Oh, God, yes!" Black Star: (bangs on the wall) "I can break this wall! Don't make me do it! Just shut up!" soul: *hurk* oh god _no_ Kid: (loud scream of pleasure) stocking: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!! Black Star: (banging his head, fruitlessly, against the wall) Black Star: "Never. Sleeping. Again." soul: *covers his face with a pillow and screams* fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- --Elsewhere-- Patty: (clutching pillow) "So. Loud." liz: T_______________________________________T -the next morning- stocking: *laying face down on the pillow* *muffled mumbling* Kid: "Ugh..." (clutching his head) "What did you say?" stocking: i hate this stupid hangover......please kill meeeee.... Kid: (opens bottle of medicine) "Here...I'll get some water..." (gets out of bed--naked--to walk to kitchen) stocking: *blushes and holds her pillow* liz: morning kiiiiiiii-.............uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Kid: o_________O Kid: (keeps walking into the kitchen, calmly gets two glasses of water, and calmly walks back to the bedroom, all without covering himself) soul: o___________o dude what the fuck... Kid: (shuts the door behind him) "...Oh, God, I hate this hangover..." (hands Stocking a glass of water) tsubaki: well thats more kid than we needed to see... Patty: "...I could stand to see more." stocking: *her face is buried into the pillow as she cries* Kid: "Stocking?!" stocking: *she looks up with tearful eyes* Kid: "What's wrong?" stocking: i made such an idiot out of myself last night.... Kid: (shakes his head) "No. It's okay...Many people our age get...inebriated..." (holds her by the shoulders, drawing her into a hug, letting her cry on his shoulder) "It's okay. Our friends understand..." stocking: *she clutches her abdomen* it hurts.... Kid: "Drink the water." (removes an antacid from the luggage) "Here." stocking: *she nods and drinks some water* ...... *she still cries* i wasnt ready yet.... Kid: "...Oh. Stocking, I'm so sorry..." stocking: i didnt even realize we did it until this morning.... i wanted it to be soft and gentle the first time i did it with you again... *she cries harder* Kid: (horrified at himself) "I'm sorry. I screwed up." (clutches her) "I'm so sorry." stocking: i-its not your fault kid... Kid: "Yes, it is. I wanted to drink, and--" (horrified) "I...shouldn't have done anything when you were drunk." stocking: *she doesnt say anything* Kid: (crying) "I...did something unforgiveable..." stocking: kid.... Kid: (shakes his head) "I was an idiot. I'm sorry." stocking: its alright kid, we just didnt know any better... \disgusting scum. you dont deserve her. you're no better than the man that assaulted her...\ Kid: (clutching his head) "Shut up! Get out of my head!" (slamming his head against his knee) stocking: kid!! what are you doing?! \disgusting. worthless pig. pathetic rapist bastard. just jump off the roof and die you worm.\ Kid: "I'm scum! I--I--I raped you!" stocking: k-kid.... you didnt... Kid: (sobbing) "I'm sorry..." \KILL YOURSELF BASTARD! JUST DIE ALREADY! DIE DIE DIE!\ Kid: "I should die..." kid: please...stop it... \DO IT! SLIT YOUR FUCKING WRISTS YOU FUCKER\ -several bloody, rotting stockings crawl out from the walls, floor, and bed- Kid: (gasps, falling off the bed, crawling into the corner, swatting at the imaginary Stockings) "No! You're not her! None of you are her!" stocking: kid... y-you're scaring me.... Kid: (wails) "I'm making it worse...I make everything worse." ???: worthless pig. ???: go to hell scrub ???: drop dead you worm ???: your pathetic ???: do me a favor and die ???: i hate you! Kid: (looks up--and sees no one else but Stocking. He sees the room as it is--but he keeps hearing the voices) "St-Stocking? I'm hearing...voices." ???: ugly. stocking: k-kid? -the corpse stockings begin to crawl out behind kid and grab at him, clawing him up- -another kid appears in front of you; mad!kid- mad!kid?: just die~ Kid: (shakes his head) "Stocking. I'm seeing things...I...am hallucinating. I have been taking my medicine, I swear. But I...I...I don't know what any of this is. It's like the Book again..." (hugs himself) stocking: *she hugs him tightly* kid.... you didnt do anything to hurt me.... you didnt assault me..... im glad it was with you... Kid: (crying) "I should have been responsible...and I wasn't..." stocking: kid.... *she kisses his forehead* Kid: "Please...Just be here." stocking: .... *she lets him rest his head against her chest, letting him feel her warmth and hear her heartbeat* im here kid.... Kid: (crying, slowing down his sobs as he hears her heart) "You're here? You are alive?" stocking: yes kid....im here, im alive, and i forgive you... Kid: "I'm sorry...I...am never going doing that again..." (wipes away tears) "I am not sleeping with you if...you are drunk." stocking: *she nods and rubs his back* Kid: (nods) "Okay..." stocking: *she kisses him softly* i love you kid... i always will. Kid: (has stopped crying, his eyes stinging) "And I will always love you." stocking: *she smiles* -later, after things calmed down and they are dressed- Kid: (standing at the door, staring at it) liz: i heard screaming, is everything ok? Kid: (nods) stocking: its fine, kid... just felt a little sick is all... Kid: (nods again) liz: well, if you need to talk to us, let us know, ok kid? we're here for you... Kid: "Liz...I need you to make sure I keep taking my medication..." (clenches his fists) "And we have to get that Book back." liz:...ok.... Kid: (sniffs, trying to hold back tears) "Thank you." liz: do you need anything right now? Kid: "...Time." liz: .... Kid: "..." (tenses) "Can we...just forget me getting water earlier?" liz: ???? Kid: (blushing) "I'll take your silence as forgetting..." -later- tsubaki: are you feeling any better, kid? Kid: (nods, smiles) "Yes, thank you." (but his eyes look less bright) soul: just, take it easy today, ok? it sounded pretty bad in there... Kid: (nods, avoiding eye contact) stocking *laying in kid's arms, weeping silently* Kid: "Stocking..." stocking: its still sore.....it isnt your fault kid... Kid: (holds her) "I want these wounds to heal..." stocking: me too.... inside and out.... Kid: (sighs) "Time..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "All healing takes time..." (shakes his head) "I'm impatient." stocking: *she holds his hands* i know... Kid: "Stocking...I don't know what to do. Should I stay here? Or do you want to be alone?" stocking: i want you to be here with me.... i feel safe with you... Kid: (nods) "Then I stay. I have to listen to what you want...I feel safe with you, too." stocking:.....i know, we did something stupid last night, but..... im glad it was with you, and not some strange sleazeball... Kid: (nods again) "We were foolish. I am going to learn from this mistake so not to repeat it." (cries a little) stocking: *she nods and kisses him softly* Kid: (returns the kiss softly) stocking: if we ever have children someday, what do you think they'd look like? Kid: "...I think they'll have your smile." stocking: *she smiles* hehe~ Kid: (some light returns to his eyes) "Like that...a smile that shines brightly..." (holds her hand) "With strong yet comforting hands, to reach out to those who need support." stocking: *she nuzzles softly into him, the wings of her soul wrapping around his own* Kid: (feels the warmth and comfort of her. He closes his eyes and hugs her) stocking: did you want to do anything today? Kid: "...Part of me wants to hide from the world...another part of me knows I have to step out...I would like to see the beach..." stocking: did you want to wear a swimsuit or just beach clothes? Kid: "Hmm...I would like to test the water, so swimsuit?" stocking: sure. -and so- stocking: nice trunks. Kid: (blushing) "Thanks..." (stares at her attire) "You made an excellent choice." stocking: *she blushes* Kid: "I won't sunburn out there...did you put on sunscreen?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (holds out a hand) "Well, let's see what this beach is like..." stocking: *she smiles and takes his hand, looking at his wrists* Kid: "..." (nervous) stocking: you ok? *she examines him a bit* Kid: (nods, inhales, puts on a smile) "Yes." (looks at the sky) "Clear skies today." stocking: yeah... -there is a mark on kid’s right wrist- Kid: (watching the waves coming in and out) "Want to walk along that water for a moment?" stocking: ..... sure. Kid: (slips out of his flip flops, still holding her hand...) "Um...Have you been to beaches often?" stocking: not really. Kid: "...Spirit used to take me to them...We'd have ice cream...he's oogle women in swimsuits." stocking: what about your dad? Kid: "...He was always busy." stocking: oh... s-sorry. Kid: (smiles) "It's okay. He still would visit the swimming pools around the city all the time, and an indoor water park, so...there was that." stocking: i didnt know there was an indoor water park. Kid: (nods) "A bit expensive. But it makes good use of limited water in our desert city." stocking: yeah. Kid: "Do you like water parks?" stocking: i guess... i dont usually swim in public places... Kid: "Wait...I never thought to ask: you can swim, yes?" stocking: of course i can. Kid: (nods) "Ah....I usually don't wear only..." (gestures to his trunks) "...just these in public." stocking: ah... do you get shy too? Kid: (nods) "I...have felt awkward in this body for some time." stocking: *she holds his hand* i think you have a beautiful body. Kid: (blushes) "Th-Thank you. I think that your body is beautiful, too." stocking: *she smiles and kisses him* i normally dont wear swimsuits in public either... Kid: (smiles) "I think you look lovely in this attire..." (he holds her hand as he feels the ocean wash along his feet) stocking: yeah, they're nice.... its just the stares i get from others i dont like... Kid: (frowns, looks around) "I can imagine. I wish I knew how to block out stares." (looks at her) "Maybe if we just focused on each other?" stocking: yeah... *she splashes him with the water* Kid: "Hey!" (laughs) "I didn't mean like that..." (splashes water back at her) stocking: gah! cold! haha! Kid: (continues splashing, before collapsing back into a wave) stocking: ah! you ok? Kid: "Yes, I'm okay." (lifts himself up--and has a tiny octopus stuck atop his head) stocking: *she snickers* Kid: "What?" (then feels something squirming on his head) "...What is on my head?" stocking: i see you made a little friend kiddo, whats their name? Kid: (finally pulls the suction cups off his head) "...Um...'Octavius'?" 'octavius': O3O ~??? Kid: "Back into the ocean with you, Octavius..." (scoops the octopus in his hands, lowering it into the water) -the little creature swims off- stocking: aww... Kid: (puts a hand along Stocking's shoulder, as he watches Octavius swim off) "I'm just glad I didn't get a fish stuck in my trunks." stocking: *she laughs* Kid: (smiles at her) "Let's keep walking a bit further--maybe get some ice cream?" stocking: yeah. -and so- Kid: "Good ice cream?" stocking: sooo good~! Kid: "Hmm...I never thought green tea ice cream would be so tasty." stocking: yeah. Kid: "...This has been all I could want, Stocking." stocking: hmm? Kid: "Today, with you, and being able to talk...I like being with you." stocking: i like being with you too, kid. *she smiles* Kid: (smiles, holds her hand) "What next?" stocking: head back to the hotel? Kid: (nods) "Let's go." -and so- Kid: (opens the door to their hotel room) soul: *caught in the middle of spraying the whipped cream bottle in black*star's mouth* Kid: 0_0 soul: uhhhh..... Patty: (holding up her phone to photograph the prank) "Um...You can blame this one on me." Kid: (deadpan) "I do for most things." Black Star: "Wa grr wuu duhing bah?" soul: patti's idea. Patty: (nods) "My idea. I had suggested something kinkier, but we're trying to keep things PG from now on." stocking: sure patti. Kid: (looks at Stocking) "Maybe we should come back...when things are not so goofy. Or at least change and leave our...friends to their...game?" stocking:.....suuuuure.... Patty: (frowns) "What, you two don't want to play 'Truth or Whipped Cream'? Wimps." Kid: "...Let's just change into other clothes and go somewhere else." -and so, again- Kid: (dressed sharply but for the heat) "Any ideas? I heard there is a small animal exhibit here with some of the local creatures." stocking: sure. --At the exhibit-- Kid: (looking at the tank of various fish) "Oooooo..." stocking: wow, its so big... Kid: (nods) "Very. Yet that shark requires a comparatively small diet despite its size." stocking: really? Kid: "Yes. Although new research has shown they eat more often than we thought. They can't be without food for weeks, for example: they still need to eat." stocking: yeah, most living things do... Kid: (smirks) "Touche." stocking: oh, what are these? 'sea butterflies?' Kid: "They are a type of sea snail, common to colder water." (watches it) "It looks like it's flying, doesn't it?" stocking: its so pretty... Kid: (smiles) "Like an undersea angel..." stocking: yeah... Kid: "Oh, the exhibit has an expert to let you hold sea urchins...Want to try?" stocking: sure. Kid: "Excuse me? We would like to learn how to handle the sea urchin." Volunteer: "Sure! Hold out your hands like you're cupping them." Kid: (does so) stocking: *she does the same* Volunteer: (takes a damp cloth) "I'm going to pat down your hands with salt water to let the urchin acclimate to your hands..." --Brushes along their hands with the cloth-- stocking: ok. Volunteer: "Ready to hold the two urchins, Kevin and Samantha?" Kid: (nods) --The Volunteer rests the urchins into their hands-- Kid: "Prickly..." stocking: wow. Kid: "So weird...very light in weight, too." stocking: so these are living things? its so surreal... Volunteer: (nods and smiles) "Yes, life comes in so many forms, doesn't it?" Kid: (smiles) "I would know..." stocking: yeah... -after that- Kid: (holding Stocking's hand) stocking: what did you want to do now? Kid: "I'm not sure...I wonder what the stars look like at the beach. There is a balcony over there with an excellent view." stocking: i might want to get back to the hotel... Kid: (nods) "Okay. Let's head back." -and so- tsubaki: hey guys. Kid: "Good evening. How are you all?" soul: doing good. we ordered pizza. Patty: "Yay! Pizza!" Black Star: "Out-eat all you tiny mortals!" liz: so, where were you two? stocking: at the aquarium. we even got to hold sea urchins! Kid: (nods) "Despite their thorny exterior, they are light and do not hurt--with proper guidance from the aquarium staff, of course." soul: cool. Kid: "What were you all up to today?" soul: other than playing truth or dare, not much. Patty: (smirks at Liz) liz: *blush* tsubaki and i went shopping. Kid: "Oh? Find anything good to buy?" liz: we got t-shirts and a mug for lord death. it has a palm tree for a handle. Kid: (smiles) "Thank you." liz: should we just send it to him? Kid: "I think that would be kind." (realizes) "I should get something for Father, as well as Azusa." stocking: yeah, i should get something for my dad too. Kid: "We'll shop tomorrow, then prepare for the real work of this mission." liz: right. Patty: *yawn* "Well, I'm sleepy." (whispers to Stocking) "Remind me to show you the photos of truth and dare--fun stuff!" stocking: sure. *she smiles* -the next morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning kid. Kid: (smiles) "Morning. How do you feel?" stocking: doing good. Kid: "I'm glad..." *yawn* "How about you shower, and I'll make us breakfast." stocking: sounds good. *she leans in to kiss him* Kid: (returns the kiss) Black Star: "Yahoo!" stocking: !!! Kid: "What the hell?!" -black*star; momentus killerus- stocking: BLACK*STAR!! Black Star: "You guys aren't up yet?! We got a busy day ahead of us for this mission!" stocking: just give us a moment ok? jeez... Black Star: "...Only a moment? Or maybe seven moments?" Kid: "Out!" Black Star: "Okay, okay!" (slams door behind him) stocking: *sigh* -and so- Kid: (frowning) stocking: dont let him get to you, hun. Kid: (sighs) "Right. Speaking of which..." (holds up honey) "Want some for your tea?" stocking: sure. *she smiles* Kid: "Should I pass it, or should I add it myself?" stocking: if you want~ Kid: "Say when..." stocking: riiiiiight now~ Kid: (concludes) "I hope it is sweet enough..." -later- liz: so how is this thing supposed to work? Black Star: "I'm not a technician, so I guess we ask the tech...Um...Who is the pilot of this sub, anyway?" liz: *shrugs* Kid: "Father said we would have a visitor to lead us to the Sea Sages. Or at least instructions...Stocking, do you see anyone or any instructions?" stocking: there is a note. Kid: "What does it say? Are there instructions for operating the sub?" stocking: there's some music notes and a flute of some kind... Patty: "A flute?" (looks to Soul) soul: hm... looks like an ocarina. tsubaki: let me try... *she sets the cube in the water and plays the melody* Kid: (awestruck) "It's...a song that willtake us to the Sages? Amazing." -the cube turns into the automatic sub- stocking: woah. Kid: :0 -begin travel?- Kid: "Onward!" Patty: "Aye-aye, Cap'n!" -and so, our heros continue their journey to find the other sages- soul: im glad sid is looking after our stuff back at the hotel. --At the hotel-- Sid: "What did they do with all this whipped cream?" nygus: *shrugs* -back on the ship- Patty: "How you holdin' up, Sis?" liz: good. Kid: "Stocking? How are you?" stocking: a lot better than black*star's doing. Black Star: (green face) "Ugh...Tsubaki..." tsubaki: *gives him a paper bag* Black Star: (wretching) Kid: "Ew." -later- Patty: (making faces at the fishes) stocking: see anything yet? Kid: "No. But--Ah! One of the compasses is glowing!" stocking: where's it pointing? Kid: "...In all directions? It's spinning like wild!" -thunk- Kid: "What was that?" soul: i think we hit something. Kid: "I don't see anything. I just see a school of fish...Wait...They are dispersing and--" (jaw drops) stocking: woah... Patty: "Sis? Did we die and go to The Little Mermaid castle?" liz: bring us up kid! Kid: "Roger!" (pulls the lever to rise...) liz: i think we're here. ~Sea Sage Village~ Kid: "...Where is our contact here?" -some guards appear- guard 1: <why are these hoomies and a reaper here?> guard 2: <explain yourselves!> Kid: (holds up his hands) "We are here on behalf of Lord Death and Eibon." guard 1: ?? <eibon? then prove it!> Kid: "Um...Tsubaki? Show the ocarina and the cube." tsubaki: actually, the cube _is_ the sub... oh! *she shows the ocarina and the shell* guard 2: <wait thats.... ah! do forgive our rashness. Lady Udine is in the sage's temple in the reef district. you will have to acquire some shell bells to breathe under the water* Kid: " 'Under the water'?" (looks at his clothing) "So...we had best put on our swim attire, then..." resident: if you wish to change, then you can come in here and use the back pantry. we dont get many visitors here. Kid: "Um...We men will go in first and change, then the women." liz: alright. -and so- stocking: now we just have to get the shell bells. Kid: (adjusting his trunks) "Yes, let's have them." Patty: (adjusting her top) -after getting the bells, they just wear them around their necks- Kid: "Do these go over our mouths? How can a shell on the neck help us breathe?" clerk: these are gifted with a special magic, blessed by our wonderful sage herself. she takes it upon herself to help those in need, even hoomies like you. Patty: " 'Hoomies'?" stocking: *shrugs* Patty: "Yo, homey! Why are you calling us 'hoomies'?" clerk: they also help us people of the seas breath outside the water, pretty nifty huh? Kid: (embarrassed by Patty) "Y-Yes. Very nifty...I'm sorry for my partner..." clerk: isnt that what your species is called? soul: its 'humans' actually....more or less... Black Star: (still green) "Do you have any underwater medicine for upset stomachs?" clerk: well, your best bet is visiting our town's doctor, Dr Ikura. Black Star: (nods) "I'll do it when we get there..." (covers mouth) "Don't blame me if I vomit underwater..." stocking: please dont. Kid: "Agreed...Well, shall we depart for the city?" clerk: you mean the coral district? just go to the docks in the center of the city. Kid: (nods) "Thank you. Stocking, are you ready?" stocking: yeah. soul: as ready as i'll ever be. Patty: "Cannonball!" stocking: *she holds her breath before letting go* ah! wow.. Kid: "We're breathing!" (lets out a laugh) "Amazing!" liz: kid? are you sure you're going to be ok? Kid: (looks around, sees his friends, sees Stocking. He nods) "I think so." -they swim their way to the sage temple.- Patty: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." liz: oh boy. Black Star: (kicking vigorously while clutching his stomach) "Keep it together, man...Don't lose your cookies in the ocean..." -soon, they make it to the sage temple.- -the inside is very ornate, decorated with coral and shells. it almost resembles a japanese castle in some aspects- Kid: (staring in awe) "So decorative..." (frowns) "Although that one shell could be moved down to be more balanced...Here, let me fix that for you..." liz: kid behave. Kid: (frowns) "Just wanted to improve the structure as a diplomatic gift..." (looks her swimsuit) "Actually, your top could be adjusted as well..." -SMACK- liz+stocking: down boy. Kid: (collapsed on the floor) "At least two people punched me symmetrically..." Patty: (looks at the guards around the temple) "Oooooo, neat weapons! Can I hold one?" liz: patti no! Patty: (pouts) Black Star: (trying to calm his stomach) "So, um, who's the boss around here we got to talk with?" -they are led to the sages room- -a small girl is sitting in what seems to be a throne- Kid: (realizing) "Oh." (bows at the throne) "We are the representatives of Lord Death. It is an honor to be in your presence." Udine: so i've been told. So tell me, what do you wish to discuss? Kid: "We are here regarding the loss of the Book of Enoch." Udine: ..... so she's escaped then? Kid: (surprised) "You know of Medusa's escape, then?" Udine: medusa? the name is unfamiliar, i was talking about the book demon. Kid: (cringing) "No, not Pandora...But we are afraid of her escape." (bottom lip quivering as he keeps staring at the floor) Udine: then we shall assist in whatever way we can. have you contacted the other sages? Kid: "You are the first. We hope that you will speak with the Sages to coordinate how best we can recover the Book." tsubaki: we have spoken with Eibon though. Udine: ah, i see. i do know of the location of two sages, the forest sage and the mountain sage. Kid: "We would be indebted to you for those locations." -she writes down the names of the places to find the sages; Verdant forest and Valcona mountain- Kid: "Thank you. You have been very forthcoming with this information. Is there anything we can do in exchange for this information?" Udine: when you reclaim the book, be sure to inform us, ok? one last thing. remember this melody. *she plays a song on her shamisen* -obtained the Ocean ballad- Kid: (nods) "We will remember it. But what is it for?" Udine: in case you ever wish to communicate with me. it will only work when played around water, though. Kid: (nods) "Thank you. We will be departing to the next Sage as soon as possible. Do you request anything else from us?" Udine: how has young Eibon been doing as of late? Kid: (blinks) " 'Young'? Um, he has been busy with our goals to prevent further damage from the Book, including taking on an apprentice." Udine: is that so now? *she smiles* thats good to know. Kid: (nods) "We are grateful for his assistance. We only wish that the Book had not escaped again..." -later, after returning to oceanedge- Kid: "Verdant Forest...Valcona Mountain...Is there a map where we can track these locations?" soul: looks like we'll have to check the library. Kid: "Hmm...I'll head to the library then. Any other tasks we need to finish before we depart Oceanedge?" -one obligatory beach 'episode' later- Black Star: (rubbing his cheek) soul: stupid crab... tsubaki: *angry blushing* Patty: "At least you didn't an eel stuck in your swimsuit." Kid: (staring at the rest) "I didn't think the beach visit was _that_ bad." liz: well, at least i got to obliterate you all in volleyball, hehe~ Black Star: "Oh, joy--get slapped in the face, then get a volleyball to the balls. Oh, that was just fun." (gives the finger to Liz) liz: want to go for round two? stocking: well, i had fun today. Black Star: "Oh, hell yeah! I'll beat your ass at volleyball, Liz!" Kid: (smiles at Stocking) "What was the best part of today?" stocking: just being with everyone, really... although it would have been better if my bikini top didnt come loose... at least i got it back... t-thanks for helping me with it... *she blushes* Kid: (blushing) "N-No problem..." (whispers) "I know that had to be embarrassing...even if I don't mind the view..." Patty: (frowning at the happy couple) "I still say we should've pantsed Kiddo..." liz: oh behave will you? stocking: *she chuckles* Kid: (frowns at Patty) "I suppose we had best pack for our next trip. I got the directions to our next two destinations. Which of those should we travel to? Or should we return to Death City first?" liz: we should head to death city first... Kid: (nods) "I'll call Father to let him know we are returning. The rest of you, please pack up and neaten up the room...Um...you don't have to make the room symmetrical, though..." soul: can do. Kid: "I'll make the call in my room." --Enters room, fogs up the mirror in there, and writes the number...-- Kid: "Father?" lord death: hello kiddo~ how was the mission? Kid: "Quick, actually--the Sage provided us with the locations for two more Sages." lord death: excellent! Kid: "...Father? I also encountered...my darkness again." lord death:..... are you alright? Kid: (nods) "I didn't give in...but it was difficult." lord death:.... is there anything you need right now? Kid: "I don't think this is merely...a mental condition. Father, is there something else at work here? This feels like...I feel like I am suffering from a madness, not unlike what Professor Stein has gone through." lord death:... i shall see what i can do. Kid: (nods) "That's all I can ask for. Thank you..." (sighs) "I think I need to be more responsible with my actions...I appreciate you including Stocking, Liz, and Patty on this mission. But I wonder whether there is someone else who could be here, someone to...be willing to...contain me should I act out. Someone who is not afraid to...stop me, by any means." lord death: what do you mean? Kid: "...Is there someone in the Academy to monitor me? And if necessary...disable me? Or even...even...do more than that?" (shuddering) "I'm not sure I can be trusted." lord death:................ i will see what i can do... Kid: (nods) "Th-Thank you. I...know this is difficult to hear." -later- stocking: kid? are you alright? Kid: (nods) "Just a difficult conversation with Father." stocking:... *she hugs him* Kid: (returns the hug) "I am going to keep trying to get better...not only for you, but for myself." -she stays by his side the whole trip home- Kid: (hugs her) "Thanks for staying by my side." stocking: of course kid... i love you. Kid: "I love you, too." stocking: do you want me to spend the night with you? Kid: (nods yes) stocking: ok. Kid: (smiles) "Thank you." -at gallows manor- stocking: how're you feeling? Kid: (sipping on water) "Better...It's just difficult to think everything has to be one day at a time..." stocking: i know.... *she holds his hands* Kid: (rubs her hand) "I...missed you for so long." stocking: i missed you too... Kid: (keeps holding her hand, shakes his head) "I know that, no matter what, we will always find each other..." (brings her hand to his chest) "I know it." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Stocking...How do you feel right now?" stocking: im happy... Kid: (nods) "So am I." stocking:.... i've been thinking about babies for a while... n-not right now, just... thinking... Kid: (smiles) "You were asking how I imagine our children would be like." (smirks) "You haven't made that desire hidden, you know?" stocking: *she chuckles* i guess i havent. Kid: (sighs) "How many kids do you want?" stocking: not sure yet, maybe one or two... Kid: (chuckles) "Two would be great..." (kisses her forehead) stocking:..... do you think i'd be any good as a mother? Kid: "You are loving, strong, compassionate, and protective. I only wish my own mother could have met you." stocking: yeah.... i wish i could have met her too... and my own.... Kid: "Your mother, wherever she is, is so proud of you." stocking: i hope so.... Kid: (hugs her) stocking:.... what did you want to talk about now? Kid: "Stocking...I want us to have a future. To have it, I have to be more cautious about myself. I...can't afford to lose myself into that madness again. And if I do...someone would have to..." stocking: *she holds his hands and kisses him* Kid: "Someone would have to stop me: by any means necessary." stocking:......... Kid: "I'm sorry. I want to get better...but what if I'm a danger to others?" stocking: i'll stay by your side... Kid: (leaning down, hugging her waist) "What if I'm a danger to you?" stocking: then i'll take that risk... Kid: "You'd go through hell for me?" stocking: of course.... after all, you did the same for me... Kid: (sniffs) "I love you." stocking: i love you too, kid.. Kid: (pats a hand on her midection) stocking: *she blushes* Kid: (laughs a bit) "I can imagine a tiny little one in here...or two tiny little ones..." (looks at her) "That's a long time off, though, isn't it?" stocking: yeah.... Kid: "Whenever you are ready, let's talk about it, to make sure we are both ready, okay?" stocking: ok. *she smiles* Kid: "What would you like now? It's late, but...I think there may be some dessert downstairs, if you want." -elsewhere- lord death: haaah..... t-thank you, yumi.... i truly needed that tonight... Yumi: "N-Not at all..." (smirks) "I have to imagine that is not all you needed." lord death: *he smiles a bit* yeah. *he sighs* im worried.... about kid... Yumi: (adjusts herself) "You spoke with him earlier today, yes?" lord death: yes... he's encountered his darkness again.... Yumi: "...I am sorry." lord death: he told me if..... god.... he said if he became lost in that madness to.....to stop him..... *he trembles* Yumi: (holds him) "You know it will never come to that." lord death: i hope so but......i already lost one child.... i dont want to lose another.... *he whimpers* Yumi: (silently holds him, strokes his head) lord death: am i a bad father? Yumi: (shakes her head) "I see the kind of young man who Kid is. He is not simply rational and intelligent: he is full of love." (kisses his lips) lord death: *he smiles, kissing back* thank you yumi... Yumi: (smiles) "You are welcome." (puts a hand to his chest) -the next morning- stocking: *yaaaaawn* -she looks over at kid, who is still asleep- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: so cute.... *she got up and went to wash her face* oh, miss azusa. i didnt know you were here... Yumi: (blushing a bit) "Oh. H-Hello, Miss Pheles. How are you?" stocking: good... kid's doing good too. and you? Yumi: (stares at the mirror) "I...am worried for his father." stocking: oh... is he ok? Yumi: (puts a hand along her own ear, to brush hair aside) "He is concerned for Kid, as any father is. He wants the best for his son, he has full confidence in him...but it hurts him to see how pained Kid feels." stocking: *she nods* yeah... i want to help him get better... Yumi: (smiles) "Good." (puts a hand on Stocking's shoulder) "If you want to be there for Kid, or anyone else, take care of yourself, first." stocking: ok, i'll do my best. Yumi: "Thank you." (pauses...awkward hug) stocking: y-you too mom....i-i mean ma'am! Yumi: (smiles gently) "Thanks." (yawn) "I did not sleep very well. I will go make some coffee." stocking: i'll go get kid up then. *she returns to his room* kiiiiiddoooo~ Kid: (Yawns) "Best alarm clock ever..." stocking: *she chuckles and kisses his eyelids* Kid: (opens his eyes) "Morning." stocking: how're you holding up? Kid: "Better, I think. Today is a new day, and we have more Sages to prepare to find." stocking: yeah. so whats first on the agenda? Kid: (yawns) "After breakfast and a shower, I'll be meeting with Gen to see which vehicle he has prepared to bring us to our next destination. I just do not know whether it is to the Mountain or the Forest." stocking: yeah... still nothing on the desert sage, huh? Kid: (shakes his head) "I almost think we'd have better luck if we sent a team out into the desert around our city to find them..." -after school- spirit: we checked all over, so far, nothing on the desert sage... Yumi: "Perhaps you did not look well enough. Now that I think about it, does a Desert Sage necessarily have to be in a sandy desert? Technically Antarctica could be considered a desert." djinn:..........perhaps the south asian branch has something... Kid: "I think contacting them would be helpful." eibon: the last i heard from the desert sage was in the city of gilgamesh... Kid: "Has no one yet visited? I would say that should be our first stop." lord death: that seems good. djinn, zubaidah, you will accompany them, seeing as you both grew up in the desert province at an early age. Kid: (smiles at Djinn and Zubaidah) "I will appreciate your presence." Djinn: ......*he nods* Zubaidah: "Of course." eibon: i shall accompany you as well. even though its been a long time, the path to the city is fresh in my mind. Kid: "Thank you. I will inform our peers that we are heading to Gilgamesh." -and so, at the airport- Patty: "Man, I hate deserts. They're so hot." -eibon was in his 'civilian clothes'... aka some jeans and spirit's 'hot dad' shirt- soul: dude.... Kid: "Are those the only clothes you could find, sir?" eibon: mr albarn was kind enough to lend me some clothes... i dont have much clothing other than my robes. Black Star: "Um...You should ask someone to take you out shopping when we get back." eibon: perhaps... Patty: "Oh! Oh! Let me and Sis do it! We got great clothes for Crona one time!" --In Crona and Mami's Apartment-- Crona: (Holds up shirt that says "Hentai") Crona: "..." Crona: (buries it back into closet) mami: at least its somewhat better than the 'unko' shirt... *sigh* -back at the airport- Kid: "You are not taking Eibon shopping, Patty. Let's just line up for our flight." liz: --; Patty: (pouts) "Bet other people would like my fashion know-how...Hey, Soul, you want some new threads?" soul: *sweatdrop* Kid: (looks to Stocking) "Are you ready for this trip?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (nods) "I brought eyedrops to contend with the desert environment." stocking: ah. Kid: "And sunscreen. We'll also have to walk rather far, so I hope your shoes are comfortable." stocking: yeah. Black Star: "Hey, guys, I think we're boarding. Come on!" -and so- Kid: (points out the window) "So much desert." stocking: its like a beach with no water. Kid: (nods) "Quite a departure from our last location." stocking: yeah... Patty: "It all looks hot, dry, arid, and miserable. Do we still have to go?" liz: yes patti. Patty: "Can I just stay in my room? I mean, you know what the desert heat does to my hair, skin, and temperament." (gets out of her seat on the plane) "I DON'T WANT TO GO!" Kid: o_o "We are on a plane, and you will behave, or who knows what will happen to us!" liz: dont worry, i brought plenty of moisturizer. Patty: "But it's still so hot out there!" -later- Patty: (holding eight cold bottles of water from the airport gift shop) "Mine!" tsubaki: *sigh* Black Star: "So, where to, Eibon?" eibon: it will take days to reach the city by foot... soul: seems they're giving tours of the city via car. Kid: "I suppose that's one path to take. Should we bring our luggage with us?" eibon: i would recommend it. its good they're all in knapsacks. Kid: (nods) "Yes, we made sure to keep our materials in such knapsacks. Let's go to the car and get on board." -after a while of driving, they arrived at the city outskirts- Patty: D: "Hooooot..." driver: well, this is as far as we can take you. remember the rules now. Kid: " 'Rules'?" soul: yeah, we wont damage anything. -soon, they enter the ruins- eibon:............. Kid: "Sir? Are you okay?" eibon: hm? yes...its just....nostalgic....but painful as well.... <its been so long....> Kid: "I can imagine. Why don't we take a moment and wait before proceeding? I'll speak with the others..." eibon: yes.... Kid: (walks to Stocking) "How are you?" stocking: ok. this place is so old... Kid: "From what I heard from Eibon, it retains a history important to him. Imagine finding some ruins that could show you more about your past..." stocking: yeah... i think this might have been the market district... Kid: "Oh? What indicates that?" stocking: some old stalls here and there. Kid: "Ah. I can imagine the discoveries archeologists have made here." stocking: a lot of the stuff seems gone now... Kid: "That's concerning. After what we've seen...these old relics accomplish, I'm scared to know that someone else has access to them. All the more reason to find this Sage as soon as possible." -the melody of an ocarina can be heard- Kid: (looks around) "Where's that coming from?" -they investigate the noise- eibon: im glad this seal still held up... would you like to come in? Kid: "Sir, 'seal'? What is all of this? 'Come in' where?" stocking: i think down there. eibon: its been so long since i was down here last... Kid: (following down to Eibon) "Where are we?" eibon: my old study. Kid: "Oh. Is it as you left it?" eibon: yes, though there is a bit of sand on the floor... Kid: "Well, in a desert, that's to be expected, isn't it?" eibon: *chuckles* i suppose... stocking: no offence but it seems kind of... empty in here... Kid: "Had you left materials here before you left?" eibon: well, i took just about everything with me when i left this place... Kid: " 'Just about'? Anything here you wanted to bring back?" eibon: a few documents maybe...i'll need to look around.... Kid: "Take your time." (looks around) "Stocking, I'm surprised how much Eibon may have lost." stocking: thought it wasnt much... Kid: "I guess I'm just thinking how many locations he must have occupied over all these centuries. And I can't help but fear that, after the Book of Enoch, what else he may have lost...or whom he may have lost." stocking:...... Kid: (shakes his head) "Sorry. Just thinking aloud." -after a while, you find eibon standing before what seems to be a tomb- eibon:................ Kid: "Sir?" eibon: !!!! *he turns back, it seems he was crying* Kid: "Sir? I-I'm sorry. I can give you a moment..." eibon: i-its fine...... *he places his hand on the stone.* Kid: "Are you mourning for someone?" -the stone's text is somewhat still legible; here lays ------, loving wife and mother. may her beautiful soul be at peace Kid: "Was she..." eibon: my wife, yes.... Kid: "I'm sorry." eibon: ...... she was very sickly. while most of my research was on the demon tools, another majority was trying to heal her illness... Kid: "To conquer death itself? That's audacious." eibon: unfortunately, my arrogance caused me to pay the price in the end... Kid: "What was that price?" eibon: what you see before you now... Kid: "Oh! I-I'm sorry." eibon: i cannot undo the past... all i can do is move forward.... but i miss her so much.... Kid: (tentatively rests a hand on his arm) "I...lost my mother." eibon: *he nods* i can remember... you were still so small..... asura was not as fortunate..... his mother died giving birth to him... Kid: "I had not considered how my br--Asura, had a different mother. I cannot imagine that pain." (looks to where Stocking is) stocking: ........ eibon: *he sighs* my dear inori is all i have left now... Kid: "Inori?" eibon: my daughter. you go to school together, remember? stocking: is she the quiet girl with the ponytail and the freckles? eibon: yes, thats her. Kid: "Oh. I know having your child near you at school is important." stocking: im confused... Kid: "???" eibon: ah, to elaborate, inori is an artificial construct as well, a homunculus if you would. i created her to raise as a child, since my wife was sadly infertile due to her illness. stocking: oh. Kid: "Sir, does Inori know?" eibon: of course she knows. she's known for the past 800 years. Kid: o_o "That's a lot of birthdays." eibon: yes, but that is a story for another time... Kid: "Understood. If you need a few more moments..." (holds Stocking's hand) stocking: *she nods* Kid: (leads Stocking away) "To have a child without both parents..." stocking: ??? Kid: "It's not fair, for a child to be without both of their parents." stocking: what do you mean? Kid: (remembers to whom he is speaking) "I feel sad for Inori, as  I feel sad for myself and for you. To lose a parent too soon, or to not even know them...it's not fair." stocking: hmm...... Kid: (holds her hand) "Stocking...if I lost you in childbirth...or if you lost me...The thought makes me feel awful for our potential children." stocking: c-come on now... lets just think about happier things.... Kid: (sniff) "O-Okay...Stocking? Before we flew here, at breakfast, did Azusa seem different?" stocking: what do you mean? Kid: "I felt like she was both calm and pensive. She has seemed much more openly warm when with Father. But when she looks at me...it feels like she is concerned." stocking: i guess she's just worried about you... stocking: she told me your dad does know you can handle yourself, but he still worries... Kid: (sad smile) "I wish she and Father didn't have to be worried for me. I just...want to get better." stocking: you will. stocking: also i maaaay have kinda sorta accidently called her mom.... Kid: (then realizes what Stocking just said) " 'Mom'?" stocking:.... yeah... *sweatdrop* it was a slip of the tongue, i swear! Kid: (chuckles) "She is certainly much more parental than I gave her credit." (kisses Stocking's forehead) "Azusa has been supportive albeit very serious. Now, she seems much warmer in public." stocking: really now? i used to think she was made of ice. Kid: "You didn't see her in the Death Room. All the Death Scythes have looked out for me throughout my life. Azusa can be rather cold. But when she looked at me...I guess I didn't realize how parental she was until after we walked in on her and Father...doing that." stocking: yeah....haha.... ^^; *she starts to laugh* Kid: "What is it with couples who just cannot lock their bedroom doors?" stocking: i dunno~ stocking: probably some weird sex gag. Kid: "...Huh. That clarifies things a bit..." Kid: (looks to the side, a la The Office) stocking: yeah.... Kid: "In any case, I am happy Father is more honest with me now." (looks to Eibon) "And that Eibon can be to his child as well." stocking: same for my dad... Kid: (nods) "Family is important right now." (looks to Liz and Patty) liz: *she nods* ..... Patty: "Kiddo..." (grabs Kid and Stocking and hugs them) "We're family. Don't you forget that." stocking: *she hugs them back* Kid: (smiles, then frowns) "Get your hand off my backside, Patty." Patty: (holds up hands) stocking: *bluuuush* -later- Kid: "Where to? Are we any nearer to locating our Sage?" liz: no, and its getting late too... Kid: "Eibon? That ocarina music: can it help us find our Sage?" eibon: if it could, it would have led us to him already.......... djinn:...............there's a sandstorm coming... Kid: "Oh no...I cannot imagine being out in the open is sufficient protection. Where can we go indoors in this city?" eibon: down into the study, we can wait it out there. Patty: "Fine...Just hope there's something good to read in the study." Kid: (pushing Patty along) "Hurry!" -everyone made it down inside. eibon closed the door behind him- -seems everyone has all their stuff with them- soul: so, what now? Zubaidah: "Djinn and I have survived enough of these storms." Zubaidah: "We will be able to sense when the storm passes." djinn: *he nods* tsubaki: i guess we'll set up camp here. Black Star: (removes bag of chips out of his bag) "Might as well eat up a bit..." (then sees the sodium content) "Um...maybe something not too salty given the amount of water we got." Kid: "Liz, help me lay out this blanket." liz: ok. -later- Patty: "Ugh, I got sand in my boots..." (removes one, smacking it down) soul: *standing guard* ........ Black Star: "Look at you, Soldier Boy--" (taps Soul on the arm) "Standing guard. How you doing?" soul: good. i'm gonna be taking first night watch.... zubaidah said she'd take over after an hour... Black Star: (Yawns) "Good luck, buddy. Night." soul: yeah.... Patty: "How am I supposed to sleep with all this sand? I hate deserts." Zubaidah: "Zzz..." liz: zzzzz.... Kid: (lying down) -later- soul: ............. Zubaidah: (tossing, yawning) "Soul?" soul: yeah? Zubaidah: "Is it my shift?" soul: not sure, but i woudnt mind having someone to talk to... Zubaidah: (nods) "I cannot sleep right now. Sandstorms tend to be difficult to do so." (stands next to him) "How are you?" soul: alright i guess..... i bet maka would have loved to see this place... Zubaidah: (sad smile) "Yes. Rich history here." soul: *he nods*.... say.... i-i dont mean any offence here but, are you really a romani? im not saying it because- w-well eibon did call you a 'child of roma'... like i said, no offense. Zubaidah: "No offense taken. It's...complicated." soul: ah, i wasnt sure.... but if you are... i can tell how it'd be complicated.... they tend to get a lot of crap.... Zubaidah: "Yes." (slight laugh) "It makes family reunions an interesting affair." soul: yeah. Zubaidah: "I think that is one reason I came to Death City: I thought it would be a place to get away from the prejudices. Instead...even Death City can have hateful residents." soul: ....thats pretty fucked up... Zubaidah: "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but haven't you felt similar prejudices, being a demon weapon?" soul:...... maybe another time... Zubaidah: (nods) "You should get some sleep." soul: yeah.... Zubaidah: "Good night." soul: night... Patty: (snoring) stocking: *sleeping next to kid* Kid: (smiles, feeling Stocking next to him) -the next morning- Kid: (yawns, curls up closer to Stocking) Patty: (hugging Liz) liz: *yawns* morning already? Patty: (nuzzling against Liz) "Zzz..." Kid: "Wha--?" (yawns) "Soul? You still standing guard?" djinn:....morning. Kid: "Good morning, Djinn." (sits up, careful not to upset Stocking) "How are you?" stocking: *yaaawn* djinn:..... i heard something.... Kid: (guarded) "A threat?" djinn: it sounded....passive..... but... Kid: "Should we step outside to check?" djinn: *he nods* it wanted us to go someplace... Kid: " 'It'?" (looks to Zubaidah and Eibon) djinn: a voice.... *he points to the south* eibon: !! Kid: "Who's there?" eibon: to the south... thats where the Se-Tehp desert temple lays. Kid: "A temple? So, that is where we will find the Sage?" eibon: perhaps... but that temple has been abandoned for centuries... Kid: "As far as we know. Would you advise leaving a few of our party here, just in case?" eibon: indeed. tsubaki, black*star, soul. you stay here and keep guard. stocking: i'll stay here too. Kid: (looks to Stocking, nods) "Be safe." stocking: *she kisses him* you too... Kid: (smiles, then frowns) "Liz, Patty. Let's go." liz: right. Patty: " 'Kay." (grabs three bottles of water) -and so, they arrive at a massive structure- Patty: (panting) eibon: ........... Kid: "This is a very large building. Who knows how long it can take to search it..." --Kid uses Soul Perception to check for anyone present-- -there are many lost souls inside, the souls of those who died inside the temple's walls. but two in the center of the temple stand out- Kid: "I sense souls of the departed...but two in the center of the temple. Shall we proceed inside?" eibon:.... *he nods and plays the melody, opening the door- Kid: "Okay. Be careful entering. We are approaching these individuals peacefully, so stay in human form until I tell you otherwise, understood?" -the weapons nod- liz: *shudders* i dont want to see any ghosts or creepy mummies in here... Patty: "Deserts...equal mummies...and heat..." (shakes empty bottle of water) "And thirst...I'd kill for a ghost to hand me a glass of H2O." eibon: many centuries past, this was a romani site of worship, but was converted into a prison and execution site... Zubaidah: "..." djinn: *he places a hand on her shoulder to try comforting her* liz: e-e-execution site? Zubaidah: (accepts hand on her shoulder) "Yes...I can hear the anguish shouted by these souls." liz: Q~Q eibon: this was the place that pandora was sealed inside the book, however, in her rampage, the sage of the sky was killed... Kid: (grimaces) "She killed?" eibon: *he nods* she also conspired against humanity to bring.....*he sighs* do you wonder where the black blood originated? Kid: "My God. She created it?" eibon: no, but she did bring it to the surface. she was amongst the 8 children that escaped the lunar calamity, an event that left the lunarian people near extinction. Kid: " 'To the surface'?" (looks at the ground below him) "Where did the Black Blood come from?" eibon: from the moon. an ark came from the heavens and crashed to the earth's surface, with only 8 vessals on board; 8 lunarian children, including my own parents and pandora. Kid: "Is it okay to talk about this with you? I have a lot of questions, but I am aware of our other priorities." eibon: if you wish to discuss this later... Kid: "I just...do not understand how someone could be so bloodthirsty and be my gra--" (stops himself) eibon: shhhh. it is alright young one... Kid: (inhales, stands taller) "Let's proceed." (marches ahead) -they proceed deep into the temple, many bones were littered about, some parts of the building were decayed from time and weather.- Zubaidah: (trying to even her breath but...) "God..." liz: *whimpering* its so creepy... Patty: (holds Liz's arm) "It'll be okay, Sis..." Kid: (stares at one set of bones) "May these persons find peace...I am so sorry." eibon: perhaps, though many were criminals, others were unfortunate victims of the roma war... Zubaidah: (clenching her fists) Kid: "Pardon me, but even if many were criminals, the fact that many are the victims of war is infuriating. And I would love to know whether these crimes were ones deserving of execution." djinn:..... eibon: sadly, i can not say for certain... Kid: "Then I will continue to pray for the dead, regardless of their guilt. In the end, we are all dead: we owe at least the smallest amount of respect to those who once lived." Zubaidah: (staring at the floor, teeth clenched) -soon they make it to the center, a large open area, almost like a coliseum- Kid: "Should we call for someone? Bring them with the ocarina?" eibon: the only thing we can do for right now is wait... -come night time, a presence could be felt- Kid: "You feel that, Eibon?" eibon: we are in no danger.... -the moonlight shines on a platform, a transparent, female figure appears before them- Patty: (puts out hand to see whether she can put it through the figure...) Kid: (slaps) "No." ????: so it's truly you then.... it's been some time. eibon: *he mutters something in lunarian* Kid: "Eibon?" ???: you have grown into a fine young man, my son. Kid: (small gasp) ???: i can tell you are suprised, child of death. i am Diana, former sage of the plains, a title passed down to my child, Eibon. Kid: ("The plains?") (bows) "It is an honor to be in your presence, Sage." diana: i can sense your confusion. in the area that the ark landed, it was a vast plain, located on the outskirts of a village by the sea, which is where the title comes from. each of the sages is given their title based on the place of origin. Kid: "I am sorry to interrupt, but how is it that the Sages found each other?" diana: in some aspect, i suppose it was. Kid: " 'Some aspect'? Can you all locate each other by sensing each other's souls?" diana: you wish to find the other sages, correct? Kid: "Yes. We need assistance to contain the Book of Enoch." diana: then you will need two awaken two new sages; the sage of the desert and the sage of the sky. Kid: "But...I thought the Sage of the Sky..." diana: has passed. but someone must take up the helm. in some cases, a sagehood is passed down through a bloodline, while in others, a spiritual decendant is easily accepted as well, such as her. *she points to zubaidah* Zubaidah: (realizing) "What are you saying?" diana: the original sage of the sands, Ishter, was of romani decent, much like yourself. he was also greatly skilled in the magic arts. Zubaidah: (shaking a bit) "Wait. You're not actually suggesting what I think you're suggesting: that I would be a Sage..." diana: i understand if you are uncertain, but i can feel you have great potential, child of roma. Zubaidah: (narrows her eyes) "My name is Zubaidah." diana: a lovely name, young one. *she smiles* but your eyes, they carry such a sadness inside... Zubaidah: "Yes." (inhales) "You try living life hated for who you are." diana: *her expression is sullen* i can see where you come from on this. however, even though the world may seem cruel, things only worsen if you let them. i can tell you can be much more than you make yourself out to be. liz: she's right you know, i mean look at me and patti, we started our lives on the streets and now? we're the partners of death's son. Patty: (nods) Zubaidah: "What would happen to me? Would I even still be myself?" diana: of course you will. you have much to learn, but i wish to give you something. -there is a box with a flute like instrument, like a snake charmer's pipe- Zubaidah: "A pungi? A little obvious, isn't it?" liz: it looks.... new. diana: he had crafted it himself. he was always very traditional. *small sweatdrop* i do apologize if it offends you. Patty: "Where did it come from, Transparent Sage Person?" diana: it has rested here for a long time. Kid: "Waiting for someone to take it?" (looks to Zubaidah) eibon: each of the sages craft their own instruments. in fact, my mother crafted this very ocarina. Zubaidah: (shaking) "No. This is too much. How am I supposed to do this alone?" djinn: *he holds he hand* eibon: keep the instrument with you. as time goes on, you will understand more. it is how i learned. Zubaidah: (inhales, looks to Djinn) "Thank you." (narrows her eyes at Eibon) "For us to get the Book, how long will it take? Are we talking a week? A month? A century?" -there are notes engraved in the box- eibon: hopefully, if we can locate the thief, not long. Patty: "That's...a lot of notes. You guys got the Cliffs Notes version? Preferably not written on actual cliffs?" Patty: "How about a remix version? A sampling?" Kid: (puts hands over her mouth) "Stop." Zubaidah: (curt laugh) "I could barely play the clarinet, now you want me to play the pungi?" (looks at the others) "You may want to cover your ears--these notes may sound shrill." Patty: (covers Liz's ears) eibon: *he nods* djinn: *he nods as well* Zubaidah: (inhales--and plays the notes) -the note seem to be natural, perhaps with some magic?- -learned the desert requiem- --As she plays, the notes glow on the box's engraving...-- Zubaidah: (concludes a measure) "Continue?" diana: you may stop if you wish, but do keep the box with you. the pungi as well. Zubaidah: (tense...then bows) "Thank you." -soon, they returned to the study- stocking: ??.... !!! kid! *she gets up and hugs him tightly* Kid: (laughs) "I'm happy to see you too--Ouch! A bit tight, though..." stocking: *she chuckles and lets go* sorry, so how did everything go? Kid: (looks back at Zubaidah) "We made progress." Zubaidah: (staring at the box, stroking along its top) stocking: ah... i see. well, do we return to death city or...? Kid: "I don't know. We found...the Sage of the Sand. But I still do not know where to find the Sage of the Sky." (looks to Eibon) eibon: .... Kid: "Eibon? Where can we find the Sky Sage?" eibon: ...... i think we should return to death city for now. Kid: (nods) "When is the next available car to take us to the airport?" Patty: "WE GET TO GO HOME?! Yay! From one hot, arid desert to a less hot, less arid desert!" -after a while they return to death city for some well needed rest- Patty: (fanning) "I need ice cream, ice water, air conditioning, popsicles..." liz: we just got home. Patty: (puts her hands over Liz's cheeks) "NOOOOOOOW!" Kid: o_o -later- stocking: wow.... zubaidah, a sage? Kid: (nods) "You should have seen her. She seems conflicted, but she took on the role." stocking: i could only imagine... Kid: "It's a new responsibility to take. Imagine being handed that new task, on top of all other responsibilities." stocking: yeah... Kid: (holds Stocking's hand) "I hope she gets through it...How were you and our friends while the rest of us were meeting with Eibon and his mother?" stocking: wait...his mother?! Kid: (nods) stocking: ...........well, we passed the time telling ghost stories... Kid: (laughs) "Good thing Liz wasn't there." stocking: *she chuckles* i told them about some of my ghost pacifying exploits. Kid: "Care to re-tell it? For me?" Kid: (draws her closer for a hug) stocking: its a bit of a long story... -the next morning- Kid: *Yawn* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: (smiles at her, cradles her in her sleep) stocking: *she stirs slightly, but remains asleep* Kid: ("I'm happy when she is can rest...Her nightmares have diminished.") stocking: *she opens her eyes and smiles* this is nice... Kid: "I'm happy to hear." (kisses her forehead) stocking: *she giggles and snuggles into him* Kid: (blushes a bit) "Good morning." stocking: morning handsome~ Kid: "Beautiful..." (kisses her lips) stocking: so whats today's gameplan? Kid: *yawn* "Father said we should be recuperating while our backup team researches the location for the other Sages. And as our new Sage Zubaidah practices in her new role." --In the music room at the DWMA-- Zubaidah: (Playing notes--then plays the wrong one) "Whoops. Sorry, Djinn." djinn:... *he gives a nod and a thumbs up* -back at the mansion- Kid: "I think we can afford to take it easy today...with maybe a little work along the way." stocking: yeah. *she looks at the entertainment section of the news* seems the crown theater is doing a showing of hamlet tonight. Kid: "Oh, I heard that the previews were good. I think we could get tickets, if you are interested." stocking: i would love that! i'll have to stop by my dad's place to get dressed though. Kid: (smiles) "I'll try to dress as well as I imagine you will." (kisses her cheek) "Although I doubt I'll look nearly as good as you." stocking: *she chuckles and rolls her eyes* oh you~ Kid: "Am I wrong...?" (kisses her other cheek) stocking: wellllll~... oh, it seems a student of a really prestigious school is going to be in the show as well. Kid: "Oh? Which school?" stocking: didnt catch the name, but the students name is Shinoa Hiiragi, i think it was? Kid: "Any idea who this student is?" stocking: not really. Kid: "Hmm. I think it best to introduce ourselves when we all meet at the play." stocking: if we meet her, maybe. Kid: "So, that determines plans for tonight. Would you like to meet for a late dinner after the play?" stocking: sounds like a plan. Kid: (smiles) "Tonight, then." (kisses her lips) -and so- stocking: *dressed in a crimson ball gown with her hair done up* seems pretty full tonight. Kid: (in a white suit with a red shirt) "Indeed." (looks at her) "Have I ever said how much I love your hair up like that?" --Kid also has a rose for Stocking-- stocking: *she smiles and kisses him on the nose* Kid: (smirks) "I guess I don't say it enough..." stocking: well, it was nice of my dad to reserve tickets for us. Kid: "I will have to write my thanks to him...and whenever I next see him in person." -and so, they enter, and the play begins- Kid: (whispers) "Have you read it in school?" stocking: yeah, well, a tutor did come to the house when i was 15, so... Kid: "It helps to see it on stage...although I had to read the footnotes so often in the Norton edition." stocking: ah. Kid: "It has its darkly comedic moments." stocking: yeah. any in particular that you liked Kid: "Regarding his father being at 'dinner'..." stocking: ??? Kid: "Hamlet is asked where his stepfather is. As he assumes he has killed his stepfather, Hamlet answers at that he is at dinner: ' Not where he eats, but where he is eaten,' referring to the worms that have gotten to his body." stocking: *she chuckles* thats pretty fucked up. Kid: (smirks) "Language, my lady: we are in polite company." stocking: *ahem* indeed, that is quite an unsettling thought. ohoho~ Kid: "My refined, foul-mouthed lady..." (lightly kisses her lips) "I love your mouth." stocking: ah, its starting. Kid: (quiets himself, but holds her hand as they watch) -the play continues to the scene where ophelia is drowned- stocking: this part always creeped me out... Kid: (holds her hand more, having some memories...) "Yes." stocking: *she holds him close* Kid: (whispers) "Thank you." -after a while, the play was complete- Kid: (holding her hand) "Wow." stocking: *she claps* Kid: (joins her in clapping) "Bravo!" -later at dinner- Kid: (with menu) "What are you feeling like?" stocking: i think i'll have.... lets go with the hamburg steak. Kid: "Oh, not starting with dessert?" (looks with mock-seriousness) "Who are you, and what have you done with Stocking?" stocking: *she pouts and sticks her tongue out* what? i cant enjoy a dinner like a normal person? how mean! Kid: (smirks) "Should I begin with dessert? Just to watch you salivate as I enjoy, oh, I don't know, some Black Forest?" stocking: *frowns* kiiid! Kid: (laughs) "Just a little teasing. I think I'll have the roasted chicken--it has caramelized onions." stocking: hm... well, if i wanted you to tease me, it'd be for the bedroom~ Kid: (blushes, whispers) "Stocking!" (smirks) "You talk this way in public?" stocking: *she whistles innocently* Kid: (whispers) "Wait 'til I get you home..." (lets his shoe just tap very lightly near hers) -after dinner- stocking: i'll let you touch me but... i still want to wait on the penetration... Kid: "I understood that--I was teasing during dinner. Stocking, I don't want you to *let* me do anything. I only want to do whatever you want. If that means just holding each other and cuddling, I am happy to do so." (holds her) "This is enough for me." stocking: *she smiles* ok, but i wouldnt mind having you touch me. Kid: (lowers his head into her neck) "You tell me where you want to be touched." stocking: wherever you wish. Kid: "Maybe here..." (traces the tip of his finger along her jaw, leading to her mouth) stocking: *she blushes and quivers to his touch* aahhh.. Kid: (brushes his lips along hers) stocking: *she kisses him back* kid... Kid: (he kisses back as he holds her left hand, as his own left hand rests along her back, slowly trailing down her waist) stocking: a-ahh~ Kid: (his mouth moves down to her neck, kissing there lightly) -later- stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: (hugging her as they sleep, stirs a bit) "Stocking..." stocking: zzzz....... Kid: (draws himself closer to her in his sleep, letting his head rest against her neck, still asleep, smiling) -the next morning- stocking: *whimpering, clutching a hot water bottle to her abdomen* stupid fucking cramps... Kid: "Is there anything I can do to help? Pick up some medicine?" stocking: this is a bit embarrassing to ask but... c-could you pick up some tampons? and chocolate. lots of it. Kid: (smiles) "Not embarrassing at all. Why don't you take a bath, and I'll be back with both ASAP." stocking: *she nods* -later- --At Pharmacy-- hiro: oh hey kid. Kid: "These are the ones Stocking told me to get..." (grabs two boxes--then sees Hiro) "Oh. Hello." hiro:..............liz or patti? Kid: (narrows eyes) "None of your business, thank you. I am simply running errands for others." (deposits the Tampons into shopping cart, begins to walk by...) hiro:..... *sweats* Kid: (removes three boxes of chocolates...then removes five more) -later- Kid: "Stocking? You home?" stocking: *crying from the cramp pain* Kid: (sits down beside her, resting a hand on her shoulder) "I got you Tampons and chocolate. May I get you anything else, Love?" stocking: something to get the cramps to go away... i put a bunch of towels down so i wouldnt bleed all over the couch... Kid: (removes something from shopping bag) "This will have to do for now..." (opens a bottle of Midol, hands her two pills and her glass of water) stocking: *she swallows them with the water* thanks kid... Kid: "You're welcome." (opens a box of chocolate, removes one and puts it to her mouth) "Here. You should eat something to help the pills go down." stocking: mmmm~ so yummy~ *she hugs him* i love yoooou~ Kid: (smiles) "I love you, too." (gently rubs her back) -later- liz: yeah, i know how shitty periods can be, but its only for a few days. Patty: "Still suck, though. When you feel better, let's do something fun, Stocking." stocking: like what? Patty: "Hot springs?" stocking: oh hell yeah. Patty: (smiles) "Super! Mud-bathes, massages, sauna!" (points a finger into Kid's nose) "No boys!" liz: *chuckles* Kid: "Hmph. You think that I wouldn't also enjoy a mudbath, a massage, and sauna? Now, remove that finger from my nose, or you'll be missing a digit." Patty: "...What about my finger?" Kid: "Patty!" Patty: (hides behind Liz) stocking: hehe. Kid: (pouts at Patty) "Stocking, is there anything else I can do?" stocking: im good for now. Kid: "Did you take a bath? I'm sure it would dull some pain." stocking: a shower actually. Kid: (nods) "I hope the shower helped." stocking: it did. *she smiles* Kid: (chuckles) "If you wish." (kisses her forehead) -later- Kid: (pats his stomach) "Tasty." stocking: *she smiles* Patty: "BuuuuuUUUUUUUUrp!" liz: gross. Patty: "My way of saying 'Thanks for the meal!'" stocking: ehehe... Kid: "Never challenge Patty in a belching contest. We lost too many windows that day." Kid: (smiles at Stocking. "I love when she laughs...") liz: yeeah... Patty: "In this household, a lot of noises break windows: Kid's screaming over asymmetry, Liz's screaming over ghosts..." liz: *mumbling* stocking screaming from her orga- Kid: (chokes on drink) stocking: o-kay! why dont we talk about other stuff? Patty: (whispers to Liz) "Like you aren't a screamer yourself, Sis..." liz: *CLAMPS A HAND OVER HER MOUTH* O_O;;;;;;;; Kid: (nervous) "Y-Yes! How about, um...Oh! Dessert! I'll get the sorbet!" Patty: (holds up two fingers for two scoops--since she can't talk) liz: orange please.... stocking: i'll have strawberry. Kid: "Patty?" Patty: "Mm-mmm!" (pouts, then licks Liz's hand) liz: geeh! Patty: "Lemon, please!" (then licks Liz's other hand) Kid: "...Right. I'll have cherry." -after liz washes her hands- Patty: "Mmmm...Tasty!" Kid: "May I try some of your strawberry, Love?" stocking: open wide now~ Kid: "Aaaah~" -she puts a spoonful in her mouth then frenches him- liz:..... *she puts hers down* there goes _my_ appetite... Kid: (shocked...then slowly melts under her touch...) "Mmmm...." Patty: o_o "That's hot, though." (shoves another scoop in her mouth, staring) liz: *excalibur face* ugh... Kid: (practically collapsing) "Wow..." stocking: you're welcome~ Kid: (lets a finger linger along her lips, to wipe a bit of the sorbet still there) "How did you become so..." (licks his finger) "...delicious?" liz: oh my god! *she gets up and exits* Patty: (looks at Liz's sorbet) "You gonna finish that?" (already scooping it into her mouth) liz: nope! Patty: (mouth full) "Thanks, Sis!" (waves at Kid and Stocking) "Keep making out." -later- liz: ............. *Buzz* liz: *she checks her phone* ?? Wes: *text* Hey--how you holding up? [text from liz cell: wes! hows it going? im doing ok? kid and stocking were just making out. XP] Wes: *text* im doing OK too. heh the lovebirds still going at it? [text from liz cell: oooh yes. -_-; at least kid isnt trying to....nevermind.] Wes: *text* no need to say more.  how's patty? [text from liz cell: just watching them. basically the same as usual.] Wes: *text* i hope that's *good* usual. aside from people making out in your house how are you feeling? [text from liz cell: doing good. a bit exausted from the last mission to the desert...] Wes: *text* really? which desert? [text from liz cell: its a long story. anyway, whats new with you?] Wes: *text* prepping for next concert in NYC next month [text from liz cell: thats great :) ] Wes: *text* thanks. if you know anyone who wants free tix let me know. maybe a certain awesome demon gun pistol would be interested... [text from liz cell: i'll ask around~] Wes: cute ;) well i'll leave you be for the night. miss you [text from liz cell: yeah. see ya around.] Patty: (looking over her shoulder) "Man, he is hitting on you hard." liz: !!!! PATTI!! Patty: "Maybe text him a pic of you in something sexy!" liz: patti oh my go-... d-did you get slapped?! stocking: im sorry! it was a reflex! Patty: (frowns at Stocking) "Just because you're hot doesn't mean you get to slap me!" (seductive voice) "Unless you're into that sort of thing..." stocking: *blushing, then smacks the other side* knock that off perv!! liz: what did she do this time? stocking:..... *she covers her chest* i dont want to talk about it. liz: PATTI! Patty: (in closet, tossing out clothes, then shows up holding a string bikini) "How 'bout this for Wes?" -later- liz: that outta hold her. Kid: (stares at Liz, Patty, and Stocking) "What is wrong with you three?" stocking: i honestly dont know anymore. liz: can we go someplace with less pervy humor now? Patty: (tied to stairway) "Fine! Leave me! Bunch of prudes!" Kid: "Yes. Let's retire to the den..." -the next day- liz: have you learned your lesson now? Patty: (still tied to the stairway, asleep) "Zzz..." Patty: "Huh? You say something?" liz:.... *she unties her* did you learn your lesson? Patty: *Yawn* "Yeah, I've learned...Can you let me go now?" liz: i already did. Patty: (leans into Liz's arms) "Sorry about last night. Love you." liz: *sigh* love you too sis. Patty: (hugs her) "I just want you to be happy." liz: i am happy though. Patty: "But I mean like with a boyfriend or girlfriend kind of happy. Don't you miss out on that?" liz: ...... why dont you stay home and rest today? Patty: *yawn* "Okay..." (hugs her more, pats her back) "Have a good day, Sis..." liz: ok. *she picks her up and carries her to her room* you rest up now, ok? Patty: *yawn* "Okay. I'll have sweet dreams..." (starts to doze off) -at school- liz: you ok, kid? Kid: "Oh, sure..." (shaking a bit) "Just...not used to only one partner here..." (looks to Stocking) "I don't suppose I could convince you to put on Patty's outfit, could I?" stocking:...... w-well if it helps... Kid: o\\\\o "Yes. Yes, it would." -one changing session later- stocking: how does it look? Kid: o_o "You already look beautiful in anything...but now..." Kid: (takes Liz by the hand, so that he stands between her and Stocking) "SYMMETRY!" stocking: *chuckles* liz: ^^; Kid: (singing) "I got my symmetry, I got my symmetry, la la la la la..." stocking:.... (thinking: HOLY SHIT HE'S TOO CUTE IM GONNA SCREAM OH MY GOD) Kid: (looks at Stocking) "It is a good look for you. I never realized how good you would look in a sweater vest..." (stares at her sweater...for a little too long) liz: *SMACK* Kid: "Ow! What on earth are you doing, Liz?!" liz: nothing... reid: *whistling* hot dang baby! Kid: (glares at Reid) reid: !! *looks at his mouth and runs* Kid: (rubs his chin) "Um...Shall we depart for class?" stocking:.... im kicking his ass tomorrow... liz: yeah. Kid: "Stocking...I'm sorry for...staring." stocking: i.... dont mind if its you.... Kid: "O-Okay...You really do look good in that outfit." (looks at her legs) "I never understood why Patty insists on those puffy shorts, though." stocking: *blush* Kid: (slaps a hand over his eyes) "Sorry!” stocking: *she chuckles* -after school- Kid: o\\\\o stocking: .................. Kid: "Well...so, what now?" stocking: the sooner i change out of this the better im going to feel. Kid: (nods) "Okay. You can change before we leave the Academy." stocking: i dont have a change of clothes though... Kid: o\\\\\o "Oh. So...I guess you'll be going to your apartment to change. Or back to the Mansion." stocking: yeah. -later- stocking: *changed into a black dress* ................ Kid: (jaw drop) "That...looks great on you, too." stocking: thanks. *she hugs him*...................................... *she starts to cry* Kid: "Stocking? What's wrong?" stocking: everyone was staring at me... leering at me..... i felt so exposed..... Kid: "Oh no...Stocking, I'm sorry. I never should have asked you to wear that." ("Is this what Patty and Liz feel like all the time?") stocking: i-its fine.... i wanted to make you feel comfortable... Kid: "But my comfort should not be at the cost of yours." (pulls back) "Stocking, I'm sorry. I screwed up--again." stocking:.... *she kisses him* i forgive you kid. Kid: (frowns) "How many times can you forgive me if I keep letting my stupid symmetrical focus get in the way? ... I need to make this right." stocking:...... Kid: "I need to take...small steps to stop fixating on symmetry..." (looks at his clothes) "Can you...help me?" stocking: ??? Kid: "How can I dress...less...symm--symmet--symmetrical? Even if just for short periods of time?" stocking: kid. you dont have to give it up entirely just for me. -later- Kid: "..." Kid: "H-How does this look?" soul: surreal..... is this even reality anymore? Black Star: "Um...You look a little uneven, man." sayaka:...................  :) *faints* Crona: "Mami--I'm scared. Kid's not dressed like he usually is." mami: there there. lord death: kid im ho-............*scary mode* who the hell are you and where is my son? Patty: "I still think the rainbow afro wig would've been a nice touch, but this still works. Quite fashionable, Kiddo!" Kid: "F-Father! It's still me! I'm just trying baby steps to respond to my fixation on symmetry! I'll go back to my usual attire! I just wanted to try something different now and then!" Azusa: "Easy." (puts a hand on Lord Death's shoulder) "Keep that voice for other moments." lord death: is....that....right..... *sweating* Kid: (nods vigorously) lord death: well....i-in that case...you might be suprise that....there's a new family member here. liz: ???? Kid: "What?" Patty: "WE GET A NEW BABY SIBLING?! Sweet! I'm not the baby anymore!" lord death: remember that one homeless student? Kid: (nods) lord death: well. due to her circumstances, i've decided to adopt her! kirika: sup. liz: oh boy. Kid: (mouth agape) Patty: "...New sister!" (hugs Kirika) kirika: so, where's my room? lord death: right this way. there are plenty of spare rooms down this hall, choose anyone you want. Patty: "New sister! New sister! New sister!" Kid: "...Why is this happening?" liz: not sure. kirika: look on the bright side, i get to torment you more now! Kid: (whimpers) stocking: *she hugs him* Azusa: "Okay, you two can have family bonding later. Kirika, go to your room and get organized: dinner will be served soon." Kid: (hugs Stocking back) kirika: kay. *she takes her backpack and heads in* Azusa: "Kid, please make our guest feel welcomed." (smiles) "I know you can." Kid: (nods) "This is...a lot to get used to." liz: *she pats his back* Patty: "Yeah. Now the bathroom will be more crowded." -later- Kid: "..." liz: you ok? Kid: (nods) "Still wrapping my head around this. I think it is admirable what Father and Yumi are doing. It is a new change." liz: yeah.... *chuckles* it reminds us of when patti and i were taken in. Kid: (smirks) "I guess so." Patty: "We came and flipped your mansion upside down, Kiddo! Just think of this new arrival as flipping it back upright." stocking: i can remember when i was adopted too. Kid: "...I imagine it was a significant transition." stocking: yeah. i was just a 10-11 year old girl, afraid and lonely, finally finding a place to call home... Kid: (holds her hand) Patty: (hugs Liz) -the next day at school- Patty: "Back to school for me!" stocking: so, whats on todays agenda? Kid: "I know we will have some meister-weapon training later. I forget what first period will be." stocking: what day is it today? Kid: "Thursday?" stocking: then i think first period is zoology. Patty: -_- "The dreaded giraffe...If that is today's lesson..." -later, at lunch- Patty: (tapping her zoology textbook) "I want a giraffe burger. Now." stocking: so, what did you plan on doing later. liz: i think lord death was going to take kirika shopping to get her some new things to settle in. Kid: (nods) "That's good...Maybe we can do something at the Mansion, too. Make the home feel more welcoming." liz: maybe. stocking: i say we get her a welcome cake. Kid: (smirks) "Of course." (serious) "I think also balloons, a banner. And have the maids bring additional snacks and drinks." -later- kirika: im gonna go set my room up now. ???: "SURPRISE!" kirika: WHAT THE FUCK?! *pulls out scissors* YOU WANNA GO MOTHERFUCKER?! Patty: "Eek!" kirika:.... *puts them down* jesus dont sneak up on me like that! Kid: "S-Sorry. We had wanted to give you a housewarming..." (looks to Stocking, gesturing to show the cake) kirika: ?? the hell is this? Kid: "A cake, to welcome you to your new home." kirika: ...why? Kid: "Because it is the kind thing to do for someone else." (holds up a slice of cake for her) "And it tastes sweet." kirika: .... *eating it* i thought you hated me... Kid: "We are familiar with former enemies becoming allies...and we have all confronted darkness in various forms." (looks to Stocking, Liz, and Patty) "We need to be with others to get through those dark times." kirika: ............ Patty: (holds up carton of ice cream) "Want some, Kirika?" stocking: kinda like gopher. you helped him get back on his feet, and now he's eibon's apprentice. kirika:...............*sniff* you guys are weird.... Kid: (smiles) Patty: "Yep! And you're now with us weirdos!" Kid: "Just take your time. There's no rush to go into anything until you are ready." kirika: w-whatever.... but dont think im gonna stop tormenting and annoying you. Kid: "Wouldn't have it any other way." -later- lord death: well, from what i can tell, her behavior has been improving. true, she still gets into scuffles with the other students, but it doesnt happen as often. Yumi: "Given the number of fights that happen on an average day at the Academy, scuffles are not a problem. Rather, I would worry about the severity of such fights." lord death: *he sighs* she's been on her own for 6 years, but she's managed to make it by without too much trouble. Yumi: (nods) "It will be a challenge to realize no one can be alone forever..." (slowly reaches for his hand) lord death: *blush* she does have that one child and her one mentor.... though her mentor has an awful odor of alchohol... Yumi: (smirks) "A mentor who smells of alcohol? Perhaps you should introduce them to Spirit." lord death: *snickering* maybe. Yumi: "So, now that the family is enlarging..." lord death: ?? Yumi: (blushing) "Have you considered...what we have discussed?" lord death:..... *BLUUUUUUUUUUSH* Yumi: "I am still ambivalent. But I am open to the idea of us...having a child." liz: *she heard* O____________O *JAW DROPS* lord death: p-perhaps... but after this all settles down. Yumi: (frowns a bit) "Very well." (assumes more professional demeanor) "But remember, I am not getting any younger..." Yumi: (pinches Lord Death's ass) "And you know the best part of having babies...is making them." lord death:........... *nosebleed* Yumi: (smug grin) -later- liz: oh my god. Patty: "You've been saying that for about a minute now." liz: dont tell kid this, ok? Patty: "Okay, I won't tell Kid that his daddy and new mommy want to--" liz: *covers her mouth* shush. Patty: (muffled: "You shush!") Kid: (coming around the corner, whistling) liz: hey kid. Kid: "Hello, Liz. Patty." (then notices Patty's mouth covered) "Well, that's typical." (keeps walking, whistling) liz: *phew*.... Patty: (wriggles free) "You know Kiddo is going to find out...hopefully without walking in on them this time." liz: just give it time. -the phone rings- Kid: "I'll get it!" (picks up the phone) "Gallows Mansion." -there are unintelligable voices on the other end- Kid: "Hello?" -the voices continue- Kid: (eyes widen) "What in creation is this...?" -this continues for a while, may as well hang up. probably a prank call- Kid: (hangs up) "Odd." -elsewhere- asura: *glaring at the payphone* i think its broken. tsumiki: *she pats his back and rubs her stomach* -back at gallows manor- Yumi: "Kid? Who was it?" Kid: (shrugs) "Wrong number." liz: huh. Patty: (nervous) "So, Yumi...H-How's it hangin'?" Yumi: (narrows her eyes) "I am fine. How are you and Liz?" liz: good. -the next day at school- Kid: "Hmmm...I wonder how today will go." -first class- Patty: "Hi, Mr. Albarn!" spirit: mornin' everyone~! Kid: "Morning, Death Scythe." Black Star: "So, what's today's lesson? Weapon practice? Fist-fights?!" spirit: today you're just going to do some sparing for the time being. liz: seems easy enough. spirit: just some basic hand-to-hand combat. Kid: "Very well. I think it may be better that I spar with Black Star--we don't want another first-year put through the wall..." Black Star: (frowns) "They lived." stocking: hand to hand huh?....oh aaartie~ *cracks her knuckles* Arthur: (smirks) "Please. You may be a lady adept at the sword. But a lady, you remain." (assumes stance) "I'll try to make your defeat as painless as possible." Patty: (glares at Arthur) -0.8 seconds later- stocking: didnt even break a sweat~ Arthur: (flipped upside down against a wall, with blood dripping from his forehead) "Th-That ogre..." Patty: "Mr. Albarn? Should I take Artie to the nurse's office?" stocking: you know boil, yes, i am a lady. a lady who just wrecked your shit. Kid: (smiles) "Well done." Arthur: "...Don't tell anyone about this happening, please?" hiro: o___o; -later at lunch- Kid: "Excellent work at sparring today, Stocking. You as well, Liz." liz: thanks, ox held up surprisingly well. Patty: "Good thing he has extra pairs of glasses." liz: yet i never saw his eyes. weird. Kid: "Hmm..." ("That's odd.") soul: looks like harudori's getting stronger now. Patty: "Yeah, I was surprised she could knock down her opponent like that." Meme: (checking Tsugumi's fist) "You sure you're okay?" tsugumi: im fine, really. mio: *pouty face* Anya: "Given the force with which you punched, I do think it is worth us checking." Meme: (notices Mio, smiles) mio: !! *blush* aaron:.... tsugumi: sorry for hitting you so hard... aaron:...........im good. Meme: "Psst? Tsugumi? What do you think Aaron's eyes look like?" tsugumi: *shrugs* aaron: im.... gonna go see the nurse now. Meme: (stands up, ostensibly to get more food) "Whoops!" (deliberately fakes tripping so to brush her hand over Aaron's forehead to pull back his hair a bit) -later- soul: so, what did you want to do? Black Star: "I don't know...Class was kind of a workout, so maybe something laid-back." soul: maybe go check out the theater? Black Star: "Sure! Tsubaki, you up for that?" tsubaki: that sounds great. what to watch though? Black Star: "Hmm...What has a little bit of everything? Something with a lot of action, some comedy--maybe some yucky romance stuff for those of us who want that." (looks at Soul and Tsubaki) tsubaki: hmmm... oh how about this one? -points to a movie called 'Tale of the phoenix kingdom'- Black Star: "Well, the movie poster has enough lens flares and muscular people to satisfy my Ass-Kicking Quotient. Up for that one, Soul?" soul: i heard its pretty good. its supposed to be based around chinese history, i think? Black Star: (pulls out his Death Notes) "Well, take my money and give us our tickets, please!" ticket person: and what would you like to see? tsubaki: 3 for tale of the phoenix kingdom please. Black Star: "I'll get the snacks--popcorn, sodas, candy...Oh, did you guys want something, too?" soul: im good. -and later- Black Star: (shoveling popcorn in his mouth) tsubaki: *her eyes are tearing up from a romance scene* Black Star: (stops eating...wipes his hand, hands her a napkin from concession) tsubaki: thanks. Black Star: "No prob." (keeps watching the film--with one eye still on her) soul:........... Black Star: "Pst--Soul?" (offers popcorn) soul: *he takes some* --Something blows up in the film-- Black Star: "Wow!" tsubaki: ah! -after the movie- Black Star: "Good explosions, the fight choreography wasn't that good, though." tsubaki: the plot was really good. but when the heroine's father died, i couldnt stop crying! Black Star: "Yeah, that was pretty hard to sit through." soul: yeah... tsubaki: i guess.... the dad looked a lot like....*sniff* like him.... Black Star: (kind of realizing, puts a hand on her shoulder) tsubaki: but, the ending was phenomenal. Black Star: "Yeah. Not sure whether it leads to a sequel." tsubaki: maybe. *she shrugs* soul: so, i hear there's a school trip coming up. Black Star: "To find another sage? Or something fun?" tsubaki: just a rest and relaxation trip this time. its to japan. Black Star: "Really?! Sweet! I never get to go there enough!" soul: i think i went there once. Black Star: "Which part, Soul? Are we going there?" soul: *shrug* dont remember. but i think we're hitting the big spots; tokyo, kyoto, nara, etc. Black Star: "Awesome...Tsubaki, you gonna visit your parents while we're there?" tsubaki: i think i will. Black Star: (smiles) "Cool." soul: im gonna have to brush up on my japanese then. Black Star: "Aw, man! So am I!" (slaps forehead) "Tsubaki, how do you say, 'I need the toilet'?" -later, at soul's apartment soul: maka! im home!..... *sighs and looks at a small memorial he made for her* so, the school trip is coming up soon. we're going to be going to japan. soul: yeah, we're hitting all the big ones. tokyo, harajuku, all that stuff. im gonna brush up on my japanese so... yeah... so much has happened over the last weeks.... i just wish.... you were there with me... soul: i.....i miss you so much..... i just hope you're happy, wherever you ended up.... i...i lov- ???: "Soul?" soul: ?! *he opens the door* oh, hey blair. Blair: *sniff* "Hey." soul: you ok? Blair: (puts on a smile) "Yes. Thank you for asking. I'm just...a little sad." soul:....wanna talk about it? Blair: (nods, wipes her eyes, pats a spot next to her to sit) soul: *he sits next to her* so whats up? Blair: "Oh, work was okay...then I came home and...everything felt quiet here." soul: ?? Blair: "I miss her, too." soul:...oh..... yeah.... i've been doing my best to keep it together... look. *he pulls up his sleeves; no scars here* Blair: "And you've been doing great." (she smiles) "I'm proud of you." soul: thanks..... do you... n-nevermind... Blair: "Soul? You can ask me. I'll do my best to answer." soul: do you think _she's_ proud of me? Blair: (smiles) "She already was. And if she was here now, she'd feel even more pride." (kisses his forehead) soul: t-thanks....c-can you go in your cat form please? sorry if that sounds rude... Blair: (mock-offense) "How dare you..." (poof) "But I'm comfortable with that. :3 " soul: thanks... it helps me calm down a bit... Blair: (crawls into his lap) "Me, too..." soul:................zzzzzzz........ Blair: (frowns, yawns, then falls asleep...crying a bit silently) soul: *subconsciously petting her back* good...kitty.... Blair: (smiles a little) -the next morning- Blair: *yawns* soul: zzzzzz.... Blair: (looks at him...slowly leaves the bed to make him some breakfast) -later, soul wakes up- Blair: (humming to herself in the kitchen) soul: morning. --Blair is in her nightgown, cooking eggs, bacon, and pancakes-- Blair: "Morning! Sorry there's no fish for your breakfast." soul: its fine. it smells good. -later- Kid: "Good morning, Soul." soul: morning. so whats on the agenda? Kid: "Well, I know there is gym today. And I was hoping to visit the library during study hall to read more about the Sages." soul: sounds good. Kid: "I can't remember what our first class is, though..." soul: i think its home ec. Kid: "Oh, good. I've been wanting to bake a better dessert for St--" (stammers) "I mean, for someone..." soul: yeah. Kid: "Um...How about you? I know you're adept at cooking. Anything you would like to improve upon?" soul: not sure. i guess my sewing could use the exp. Kid: (smiles) "I always thought you customized your own outfits?" soul: well yeah, but i've been falling behind. Kid: (nods) "Then let's both improve today." -later- Kid: (studying his dessert in the oven) "Please, work..." -ding- Kid: (claps his hands) "Yay!" (turns off the oven, waits for it to cool...then removes his dessert) "Who wants to sample?" stocking: *MOVES IN CLOSER* hey. Kid: "S-Stocking!" (pulls back--careful not to upset the table) "Um...surprise?" stocking: awww kiddo~ *she smooches his cheeks* Kid: "I-I hope you like it. It took me a while to find the right caramel to go with the apple..." stocking: well i think its sweet. Kid: (smiles) "Thank you. Well, there's plenty to go around--dig in!" -after school- stocking: kid? Kid: (rubs her hand) "I wanted to show you something...to make up for this week. Could you wait here?" (lets go to enter the bathroom) stocking: ok. *she covers her eyes* --Music starts to play: love machine- --Kid exits the bathroom-- --In Patty's outfit...-- stocking:.... *snickering* OH MY GOD. *she falls over laughing* Kid: (back turned, dancing to the music, including slapping his hands onto his backside) stocking: ..... *she smacks his booty* Kid: (moaning) "Oh, yeah..." (grabs the puffy pants--and reveals he has modified them to be tear-away, as he rips them off to reveal himself in very tiny underwear...) stocking: ................ *NOSEBLEEDS* Kid: (turns) "Oh, don't give up on me now, Stocking..." (pulls a hankie from the torn-shorts' pocket, handing it to her) "This show isn't over yet..." --Kid also modified the sweater top, as he rips it open, revealing his bare chest-- stocking: *NOSEBLEED x2* Kid: (keeping the cowboy hat on, but tosses the sweater onto her head...and walks up to her, gyrating still) stocking: huehuehuehue~ Kid: (pulls another hankie from nowhere, holding to her face) "You like what you see?" stocking: oooh yes~ *she smirks, crawling on top of him and kissing all over his chest* Kid: (smirks) "I don't remember saying you could touch..." (puts his hands along her shoulders) stocking: sorry, guess i got a bit carried away... Kid: "Then just sit, for a little longer..." (eases her down back to the seat) "This show isn't done yet..." stocking: woo! Kid: (slowly removes the hat from his head, letting it slide down his chest until it is covering his underwear-clad groin...) stocking: *licking her lips* Kid: (with the cowboy hat over his groin, he tugs on his underwear--ripping them off!) stocking: *NOSEBLEED x3* Kid: (holds both hands to her face with a hanky) "Now, now--we have to control ourselves..." (the hat is still over his groin...for heavily implied reason) stocking: yeah i just... when i have those urges... i tend to get.... a bit too excited... *bluuuush* Kid: (smirks) "I don't see a problem with urges at all." (holds hand to his hat again, as his finger touches to her neck and traces up to her chin) "Just how we guide those urges...Shall I continue?" stocking: y..yes. Kid: (smirks, backs away. He swivels at the hips with the hat over him--then hops and turns, removing the hat from his groin to cover his bare bottom, just exposing his genitals and backside to her briefly in the switch. He keeps dancing to the music as he looks back at her, still smirking)) stocking: uehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue~<3 Kid: (singing along) "I'm just a love machine..." (switches back, covering his groin again with the hat--and leaves it there as he aims finger-pistols and "fires" at Stocking) "And I won't work for nobody but you..." stocking: hoooot! Kid: (dances towards her) "La, la la la la, la la la la, la la..." (removes the hat, putting it back on his head, as places one foot onto the arm of her chair, gyrating) stocking: mmm-mmm~! Kid: (stops singing, smiling) "You liked me in that cowgirl outfit? Or do you prefer me with just the hat?" stocking: well you look cute in anything... *blush* Kid: (leans down, his lips almost brushing hers) "Cute...but also sexy?" stocking: hell yeah. Kid: (smiles) "Hell yeah..." (lightly kisses her) stocking: mmmmm~<3 Kid: (coaxes her out of the chair as he kisses, then pulls back) "For your happiness, Stocking, I am willing to wear even Patty's outfit. But I have to say, my stripping of those clothes off of me can be pleasant...and I hope for you, too." stocking: it is. *she smiles, kissing him softly* i want to enjoy this moment with you. Kid: (strokes a hand along her cheek) "This moment is all I need." (returns the kiss, softly, just letting his hands rest on her arms) stocking: *she lays down on her back* Kid: (lets his legs rest by hers, but leans over her, his chest over hers, his face over hers, his hand again stroking her cheek) "Stocking..." stocking: *she smiles* you're beautiful, kid. Kid: (smiles) "You don't know how much that means to hear. And _you_ are beautiful." stocking: h-hold on a moment. *she undresses so that she is only in her panties* there we go...
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