#peral jam
kafkasapartment · 1 year
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Stone Gossard & Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam, A Drop IN the Park, Magnuson Park, Seattle, 9/20/92. Charles Peterson. Pigment print on Baryta Photographique Fine Art paper.
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mando-abs · 10 months
I just need y’all to know that I had a dream recently that I became friends with Jesus.
He looked like he belonged in a grunge band, like, full blown Kurt Cobain wardrobe. He looked like the worst thing he could do was whip out his guitar and sing a song when nobody wanted him to. Other than that, very sweet, didn’t pressure you to do anything with him because he knows he’s overwhelming to people.
His train of thought was scattered at best but he was really calm despite his brain working at 110% all the time. Like, really chill, to the point you were concerned. He was completely sober though which was wild because people instantly assumed he was high on something. Nope, just high on life. I think it was because he wasn’t used to having a body. Like, he may have been dirty but it was because he completely forgot that showering was a thing people needed to do.
And I was like “no wonder why people follow this guy, he needs to be studied.” 😭😭😭
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wolfstarslittlebug · 1 year
Starting a band with the Weasley Twins Headcannon
This is one of my favourite personal headcanons EVER!! rockstar Weasleys have my heart... ALSO let's pretend that time doesn't exist to the twins can listen to everything that's been released so far!
The way I imagine the beginning is the Weasleys bursting into your dorm one fine afternoon shouting your name.
"AH! WHAT THE FUCK! What do you want now?"
"You, you smelly bastard. We have muggle questions."
"What's Nirvana?"
Here is where you begin to get excited as the music artists on your band posters smile down on you proudly.
The next hour you go on a rant, teaching the boys about Nirvana and grunge music.
Then you spend the rest of the night laying around your dorm, blasting Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Soundgarden, Sonic Youth, Peral Jam, Hole, and the rest of the grungey/rock music world.
They leave aSTONISHED.
The next WHILE they ask you to introduce you to different kinds of music and teach them about different genres and their history.
Every few weeks you three decide to focus on a different music genre:
One week is psychedelic sounds of Pink Floyd
Another is on the British Punk Movement
And of course, you had to teach them about the influence of the great band The Beatles!!
One day while laying around your dorm, listening to this week's topic of Green Day George sat up out of the blue stating
"I want to learn the bass."
soon after Fred yelled "AND I WANT TO LEARN THE DRUMS"
you then asked with excitement what kind of songs they'd want to learn.
Fred mentioned how his favourite part in the song Misery Business by Paramore was the drum solo playing along to Haley William's GODLY vocals.
You then spoke: "Oh I learned that song on guitar years ago!"
"YOU CAN PLAY GUITAR???!??!?!?!?!?"
"Oh fuck, did I not tell you?"
After a solid few months of George and Fred learning their desired instruments found in their father's shed full of muggle objects, you all got together to share what you've learned.
Then the marvellous idea formed in your brains as you saw each other play your songs with passion. you then all yelled at the same time
that summer you all played and practised together. you were on guitar and lead vocals, George on lead bass, and Fred on drums (both of them being occasional backup vocals)
that summer also happened to be the summer of your 6th year. and with the influence of rockstars having such iconic hairstyles, the twins began to grow out their hair. you on the other hand cut it above shoulder length, adding streaks of your desired colour.
of course, you drove Mr. and Mrs. Weasley mad from the noise. So a curfew was set soon after you started to practise.
as for more band roles, I feel you all took your own tries at writing songs. they may all turn out terrible but hey, what's the fun in seriousness?
when 6th year came around, and you heard about the Yule Ball the three of you BEGGED Professor McGonagall to let the three of you play for everyone.
and by begged I mean down on your knees.
all you wanted was to share your love of music with everyone
McGonagall didn't want to argue and so she let you play.
the night the three of you played at the Yule Ball, you blew the entire student body away.
When everyone first heard you all were going to play, they thought you were joking as always. no one fully believed you, or if they did they didn't think you were any good. but the three of you didn't care.
either way, you proved everyone wrong that magical night.
you all loved the feeling of playing your hearts out. the heavy eyeliner (you had to teach them how to put it on), the alternative outfits you wore on stage, singing as loud as you can, playing the chords until your fingers bled. you loved every single treacherous moment.
the twins thanked you eternally for opening their lives to music.
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renatofilomena · 2 years
Peral Jam
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lyrasky · 2 years
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Nirvana【Love Buzz】和訳解説 Shobking Blueより多幸感 Euphoria
Grunge RockはLyraにとっては���刹那い気分にさせてくれるパワーミュージックでもあるからだ。
Grunge 自体は音楽好きには評価されているが、一般的には地味な人気な気がする(肌で感じた感想なので悪しからず)。
Lyraにとっては、Grunge Rock バンド全般が大好きなので生活の一部みたいになっている為、とりあえず落ちつきたい時や、聴きたいものが特にない時は NirvanaやSoundgardenやAlice In Chains、Mudhoney にPearlJam やらを聞いて平穏な日々を送らせていただいておりまする。
アメリカ国民には、バンドによっては国歌みたいになってるじゃん、て歌もありGrunge 一括りでのイメージは出来ないだろう。
ロック好きではないPopular Music好きには、根暗な音楽とかGeekっぽいファッションだから薄ら汚いとか言われているからアメリカ人でも多種多様だ。
おっさん達がラジオからかかってきたNirvanaやPeral Jamで合唱してるのに、度々、異様な感じで参加させられて来たから、根付いているしとてもプレシャスなものなのだ。
普通(と言ったらいかんか、ごめんなさい)なPop Songをクールなロックソングにしてしまっている。
Kurt Cobainって、やっぱり上手い。
Kurtの手腕にかかれば、何でもCool なGrunge Rockになってしまう。
Kurt 大好きよ。
今日Lyraが和訳&解説するのは、アメリカ合衆国ワシントン州アバディーンで結成されたバンド、Nirvana ニルヴァーナ。
続きはLyraのブログへ→👠 https://lyriclyra.com/entry/nirvana/lovebuzz/
#nirvana #lovebuzz #kurtcobain #davegrohl #kristnovoseric #bleaech #ニルヴァーナ #���ートコバーン #デイヴグロール #クリスノヴォセリック
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ccbsrmsf1 · 2 years
2, 19, 27 and 28 😉
2: A song you like with a number in the title
18 and Life - Skid Row
19: A song that makes you think about life
Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd
27: A song that breaks your heart
Everybody Hurts - R.E.M
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Black - Peral Jam (I'm totally in love with Eddie Vedder's voice 😍)
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Jearl Pam 
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what your favorite band/Artist says about you!
Also voice reaval! lol
@lovable-tee @princessmccartney @wiesel-mercury @ice-cold-rita
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tjkelly2020 · 3 years
when a dude who doesnt like half these bands reviews them anyways
Pearl Jam
Smashing Pumpkins
Temple of the Dog
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defiledcorpse · 3 years
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indigomusicdotcom · 2 years
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rodsaylor · 6 years
Black-Pearl Jam- Rod Saylor-Drum Cover
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andywirth · 4 years
Black(Pearl Jam cover sample) by Danny Lynch Project https://ift.tt/30THmPi
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ghosttransmissions · 5 years
WA Killjoy headcanon: the Sub Pop headquarters have been turned into a radio station and a general safe haven where everyone is welcome and artists/musicians can meet and collaborate. Theres an amazing library of records that people have donated
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nny11writes · 4 years
For the Fanfic Writer asks, 1 and 36
1. How old were you when you started writing fanfiction?
I was a little baby 11 year old who lied to access FFN to read pokemon fic a year earlier, and then decided to write a fanfiction LoZ: Wind Waker and Harry Potter cross over that could also serve as a walk through for the game. I was /very/ ambitious lol, rip little me what a fuckin’ trip kiddo.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
Why yes, Catra does in fact get a lightsaber whip because those exist and I am weak willed! (bonus: guess who dies in the Crucible lol)
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htfphoto · 3 years
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me doing the hamilton or peral jam’s ten album cover in the middle of winery.
los olivos, ca.
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