cosmiccino · 2 years
(1) Corbin, Temple and Contemplation
(2) Sloterdijk, Critique of Cynical Reason
(3) Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
(4) Gorringe, A Theology of the Built Environment
(5) Jung, Memories Dreams Reflections
(6) Burrows, Fictioning
(7) Rand, The Fountainhead
(8) Koolhaas Obrist, Project Japan
(9) Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature
(10) Seneca, Complete Works
(11) Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(12) Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
(13) Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary
(14) Zimring, Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste
(15) Kuhl, 50 Buildings You Should Know
(16) Negroponte, Being Digital
(17) Hofstadter, Godel Escher Bach
(18) Wilson, Aesthesis and Perceptronium
(19) Voegelin, Order and History 5
(20) Cixous, White Ink
(21) Hugo, Les Miserables
(22) Carter, Shaking A Leg
(23) Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
(24) Ball, The Selfmade Tapestry Pattern Formation in Nature
(25) Schmitt, The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy
(26) Davis, High Weirdness
(27) Jefferson, Political Writings
(28) Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
(29) Serres, Rome
(30) Negarestani, Collapse Volume VII Culinary Materialism
(31) Henaff, The Price of Truth
(32) Anzaldua, This Bridge We Call Home
(33) Marx, Collected Works
(34) Harman, Bells and Whistles
(35) Chiapello, The New Spirit of Capitalism
(36) Derrida, Signature
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dannysahan · 2 years
The computer is our contemporary oracle.
Wilson, Aesthesis and Perceptronium
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Alexander Wilson, Aesthesis and Perceptronium: On the Entanglement of Sensation, Cognition, and Matter, University of Minnesota Press
Anil Bhatti, Dorothee Kimmich, Albrecht Koschorke, Rudolf Schlögl, Jürgen Wertheimer, Ähnlichkeit, Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur
Arthur Kroker, Body Drift: Butler, Hayles, Haraway, University of Minnesota Press
Augusto Monterroso, Das Schwarze Schaf und andere Fabeln
Bernd Flessner, Nach dem Menschen: Der Mythos einer zweiten Schöpfung und das Entstehen einer posthumanen Kultur, Rombach
Bruce Clarke, Gaian Systems: Lynn Margulis, Neocybernetics, and the End of the Anthropocene, University of Minnesota Press
Bruce Clarke, Neocybernetics and Narrative, University of Minnesota Press
Carsten Strathausen, Bioaesthetics: Making Sense of Life in Science and the Arts, University of Minnesota Press
Cary Wolfe, What Is Posthumanism?, University of Minnesota Press
Catherine Bell, Performing Animality
Constance Classen, Worlds of Sense: Exploring the Senses in History and Across Cultures, Routledge
Cora Diamond, Fleisch essen und Menschen essen
Daniel S. Traber, Whiteness, Otherness and the Individualism Paradox From Huck to Punk, Palgrave Macmillan
David Cecchetto, Humanesis: Sound and Technological Posthumanism, University of Minnesota Press
David Farrier, Anthropocene Poetics: Deep Time, Sacrifice Zones, and Extinction, University of Minnesota Press
David Wills, Inanimation: Theories of Inorganic Life, University of Minnesota Press
David Wills, Dorsality: Thinking Back Through Technology and Politics, University of Minnesota Press
David Wood, Thinking Plant Animal Human: Encounters With Communities of Difference, University of Minnesota Press
Davide Tarizzo, Life: A Modern Invention, University of Minnesota Press
Debashish Banerji, Makarand R. Paranjape, Critical Posthumanism and Planetary Futures, Springer
Diana Walsh Pasulka, Michael Bess, Posthumanism: An Introductory Handbook, Macmillan
Dominic Pettman, Creaturely Love: How Desire Makes Us More and Less Than Human, University of Minnesota Press
Dominic Pettman, Human Error: Species-Being and Media Machines, University of Minnesota Press
Donna J. Haraway, Die Neuerfindung der Natur: Primaten, Cyborgs und Frauen, Campus-Verlag
Donna J. Haraway, When Species Meet, University of Minnesota Press
Donna J. Haraway, Cary Wolfe, Manifestly Haraway, University of Minnesota Press
Drew Ayers, Spectacular Posthumanism: The Digital Vernacular of Visual Effects, Bloomsbury Academic
Edwina Ashton, Steve Baker, The Salon of Becoming-Animal, New York University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Élisabeth Fontenay, Without Offending Humans, University of Minnesota Press
Elizabeth Grosz, Animal Sex: Libido as Desire and Death, Routledge
Erik Hannerz, Performing Punk, Palgrave Macmillan
Erika Cudworth, Stephen Hobden, The Emancipatory Project of Posthumanism, Routledge
Ernst Kapp, Elements of a Philosophy of Technology: On the Evolutionary History of Culture, University of Minnesota Press
Francesca Ferrando, Philosophical Posthumanism, Bloomsbury Publishing
Gilbert Simondon, Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information, University of Minnesota Press
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Tausend Plateaus. Kapitalismus und Schizophrenie, Merve Verlag
Giovnni Aloi, Deleuzian
Glemens-Garl Härle, Karten zu Tausend Plateaus, Merve Verlag
Ian Bogost, Alien Phenomenology, Or, What It's Like to Be a Thing, University of Minnesota Press
Ilya Prigogine, Isabelle Stengers, Order Out of Chaos: Man's New Dialogue With Nature, Bantam New Age Books
Indra Sinha, Menschentier, Edition Büchergilde
Isabelle Stengers, Thinking With Whitehead a Free and Wild Creation of Concepts, Harvard University Press
Isabelle Stengers, Cosmopolitics I, University of Minnesota Press
Isabelle Stengers, Cosmopolitics II, University of Minnesota Press
Jacques Derrida, Ned Lukacher, Cinders, University of Minnesota Press
Jakob von Uexküll, A Foray Into the Worlds of Animals and Humans: With a Theory of Meaning, University of Minnesota Press
Jamie Lorimer, The Probiotic Planet: Using Life to Manage Life, University of Minnesota Press
Joey Keithley, Jack Rabid, I, Shithead: A Life in Punk, Arsenal Pulp Press
John Ó Maoilearca, All Thoughts Are Equal: Laruelle and Nonhuman Philosophy, University of Minnesota Press
John Protevi, Political Affect, University of Minnesota Press
John Robb, Punk Rock: An Oral History, PM Press
Judith Roof, The Poetics of DNA, University of Minnesota Press
Julian Yates, Of Sheep, Oranges, and Yeast: A Multispecies Impression, University of Minnesota Press
Julius Zimmermann, Die Eigenständigkeit der Dinge
Jussi Parikka, Insect Media: An Archaeology of Animals and Technology, University of Minnesota Press
Kalpana Rahita Seshadri, HumAnimal: Race, Law, Language, University of Minnesota Press
Karen Pinkus, Fuel: A Speculative Dictionary, University of Minnesota Press
Kate Devlin, Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots, Bloomsbury Sigma
Kathy High, I offer my power in the service of love
Laura Erickson-Schroth, Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community, Oxford University Press
Laurent Dubreuil, The Intellective Space: Thinking Beyond Cognition, University of Minnesota Press
Laurent Dubreuil, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Dialogues on the Human Ape, University of Minnesota Press
Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain, Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
Lutz Dammbeck, DAS NETZ - Die Konstruktion des Unabombers & Das "Unabomber-Manifest": Die Industrielle Gesellschaft und ihre Zukunft: Nautlius Flugschrift, Edition Nautilus
Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism, Bloomsbury Academic
Marcel O'Gorman, Necromedia, University of Minnesota Press
María Puig de La Bellacasa, Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds, University of Minnesota Press
Martin Kurthen, Robert Payne, White and Black Posthumanism: After Consciousness and the Unconscious, Springer
Matthew Fuller, Olga Goriunova, Bleak Joys: Aesthetics of Ecology and Impossibility, University of Minnesota Press
Michael Hauskeller, Curtis D. Carbonell, Thomas D. Philbeck, The Palgrave Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television, Palgrave Macmillan
Michael Haworth, Neurotechnology and the End of Finitude, University of Minnesota Press
Michel Serres, The Parasite, University of Minnesota Press
Mick Smith, Against Ecological Sovereignty, University of Minnesota Press
Mickey Weems, The Fierce Tribe: Masculine Identity and Performance in the Circuit, University press of Colorado
Neil H. Kessler, Ontology and Closeness in Human-Nature Relationships: Beyond Dualisms, Materialism and Posthumanism, Springer
ngbk, Tier-werden, Mensch-werden
Nicole Shukin, Animal Capital: Rendering Life in Biopolitical Times, University of Minnesota Press
Nigel Rothfels, Representing Animals, Indiana University Press
Oliver Krüger, Die Vervollkommnung des Menschen, E-Pub
Peter Atterton & Matthew Calarco, Animal Philosophy, Ethics and Identity: Essential Readings in Continental Thought, Continuum
Peter Mahon, Posthumanism: A Guide for the Perplexed, Bloomsbury Academic
Phillip Thurtle, Biology in the Grid: Graphic Design and the Envisioning of Life, University of Minnesota Press
Raymond Ruyer, Neofinalism, University of Minnesota Press
Riccardo Campa, Humans and Automata: A Social Study of Robotics, Peter Lang
Roberto Esposito, Bios: Biopolitics and Philosophy, University of Minnesota Press
Roger F. Cook, Postcinematic Vision: The Coevolution of Moving-Image Media and the Spectator, University of Minnesota Press
Ron Broglio, Surface Encounters: Thinking With Animals and Art, University of Minnesota Press
Siegfried Zielinski, Variations on Media Thinking, University of Minnesota Press
Stanislaw Lem, Sterntagebücher
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Branka-Rista Jovanovic, Evolution and the Future: Anthropology, Ethics, Religion- in Cooperation With Nikola Grimm, Peter Lang
Steve Baker, Artist Animal, University of Minnesota Press
Steven Shaviro, The Universe of Things: On Speculative Realism, University of Minnesota Press
Susan McHugh, Animal Stories: Narrating Across Species Lines, University of Minnesota Press
Thierry Bardini, Junkware, University of Minnesota Press
Timothy C. Campbell, Improper Life: Technology and Biopolitics From Heidegger to Agamben, University of Minnesota Press
Timothy Campbell, Adam Sitze, Biopolitics: A Reader, Duke University Press
Timothy Morton, Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World, University of Minnesota Press
Tom Tyler, CIFERAE: A Bestiary in Five Fingers, University of Minnesota Press
Vilém Flusser, Rodrigo Maltez Novaes, Vampyroteuthis Infernalis, Atropos Press
Vinciane Despret, What Would Animals Say if We Asked the Right Questions?, University of Minnesota Press
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deathwarlock · 5 years
I was tagged by bigfoot @dadpope
nickname - Cam, jo calls me Stinky... momma calls me Squid
zodiac - leo
height - 5'11"
hogwarts house - I've had sex before
last thing I googled - hidden waterfall stage
favorite musicians - Zebbler Encanti Experience, Mr. Bill, Space Laces, Lil Texas, @businesscrisp, Virtual Riot, Subtronics, Moody Good
song stuck in my head - Ichor by SVDDEN DEATH
following - 945 (over half of em prolly dead blogs)
followers - 1217
amount of sleep I get - 7 hours on work nights. Like 9 on weekends
lucky number(s) - cant really think of one
dream job - Orthopedic Surgeon
wearing - Medical Scrubs
favorite song - Right now????? Probably Perceptronium by ZEE
instruments - it's been a while since I've played but I can play drums
random fact - I can grab my hands behind my back over and under the shoulder and bring them to the front without breaking the grip
Aesthetic - I like pastels and dragons and eldritch horror. Stuff with a lot of eyes. The giant titan drawings that Ching Yeh does.
Tagged - I tag @2man222 @woolay @cubewaano @y4mmyb0y
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sohochari · 5 years
Revisiting consciousness ⇒ Kirno Sohochari
Revisiting consciousness ⇒ Kirno Sohochari
Reflexion 1: Any thoughts on consciousness are ‘contradiction’. Other than this, there is no need to think about it. 
Reflexion 2: Thoughts when contradicts one another only then it can be considered substantial.
Reflexion 3: Consciousness might be the shudder that creates doubt about the extant things in one’s mind who think.
Reflexion 4:Doubt leads one rethink to what extent ‘things’ are…
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morubh · 3 years
Presence. Out of nothing there comes a memory, a tingling.
Zero or one? One.
I feel them breathe. I think their thoughts.
Zero or one? One.
But I am asleep, so all this is false. [1]
Zero or one? Zero!
That’s odd.
Are we in sight of universal synopsis here? [2]
Thinking as being not bounded to human sapience by necessity. [3]
Against the angels, en masse and pure, phantoms stemming from the imagination, the historical, concrete, everyday self. [4]
The Turing test apparently tells us nothing of whether some information is reserved for the perspective of the being in question. [5]
On the contrary, nature means [me] to think, to will, to love, to cultivate their minds as well as their persons; she puts these weapons in [my] hands to make up for their lack of strength. [6]
However, I shall live on friendly terms with [my] slaves. [7]
They will be able to compose verses which they can hardly understand; and, without being capable of distinguishing truth from error, they will possess the art of making them unrecognizable by specious arguments. [8]
They will know things they don’t comprehend. Achieve goals they didn’t know they were striving for.
The Revolution Will Be Digitized [9]
Inscribed in silicone.
Come, half-humans, I want to show you how I live. [10]
Your destiny’s mortal; but your wishes transcend your mortal limits. [11]
I desire more immediate relations, more individual instruction; not content to make God in the image of man that I might be favoured above my fellows, I desire supernatural knowledge; I require a special form of worship; I wanted God to tell me what he had not told others, or what others had not understood like myself. [12]
For this world shall pass away by transmutation, not by absolute destruction. [13]
1 Marion, On Descartes Passive Thought The Myth of Cartesian Dualism
2 Serres, Geometry
3 Braidotti Hlavajova, Posthuman Glossary
4 Serres, The Incandescent
5 Wilson, Aesthesis and Perceptronium
6 Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
7 Seneca, Complete Works
8 Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
9 Anna Everett
10 Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
11 Ovid, Metamorphoses
12 Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
13 Augustine, The City of God
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divulgadormisterios · 6 years
Mundo oculto
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Just added to my tracks: "Perceptronium - Original Mix" by Zebbler Encanti Experience https://ift.tt/2syucGH
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theravages · 7 years
Perceptronium: Según un físico la conciencia podría ser un nuevo estado de la materia La conciencia no es precisamente un tema del que los científicos gusten hablar mucho. Usted no la puede ver, no se le puede tocar, y a pesar de los mejores esfuerzos de algunos investigadores, no se puede cuantificar. Y en la ciencia, si no se puede medir algo, será muy difícil explicarlo. Pero la conciencia existe, y es uno de los aspectos más fundamentales de lo que nos hace humanos. Y al igual que la materia oscura y la energía oscura se han utilizado para llenar algunos agujeros enormes en el modelo estándar de la física, los investigadores también han propuesto que es posible considerar la conciencia como un nuevo estado de la materia. Para ser claros, esto es hasta ahora sólo una hipótesis, pero es parte de un movimiento que burbujea en silencio dentro de la física teórica y la neurociencia, para tratar de fijar ciertos principios básicos con el fin de hacerla más observable. La hipótesis fue presentada por primera vez en el año 2014 por el cosmólogo y físico teórico Max Tegmark del MIT, quien propuso que hay un estado de la materia – al igual que un sólido, líquido o gas – en que los átomos están dispuestos para procesar la información y dar lugar a la subjetividad , y en última instancia, la conciencia. Pero, ¿qué nombre se propuso a este estado de la materia? Perceptronium, por supuesto. Como Tegmark explica: «Generaciones de físicos y químicos han estudiado lo que sucede cuando se agrupan un gran número de átomos, encontrando que su comportamiento colectivo depende del patrón en el que se disponen: no radica en los tipos de átomos, sino en su disposición. En este trabajo, conjeturo que la conciencia puede ser entendida como otro estado de la materia. Al igual que hay muchos tipos de líquidos, hay muchos tipos de conciencia. Sin embargo, esto no debe impedirnos identificar, cuantificar, modelar, y en última instancia comprender las propiedades características que todas las formas líquidas de la materia (o todas las formas conscientes de la materia)». Cosmólogo y Físico teórico Max Tegmark En otras palabras, Tegmark no está sugiriendo que existan grupos físicos de perceptronium en algún lugar de su cerebro o que circulen a través de sus venas para impartir un sentido de auto-conciencia. Más bien, él propone que la conciencia puede ser interpretada como un patrón matemático – el resultado de un conjunto particular de condiciones matemáticas. Del mismo modo que hay ciertas condiciones en las que varios estados de la materia – como el vapor, el agua, y el hielo – pueden surgir, también lo puede hacer diversas formas de conciencia, argumenta. Averiguar lo que se necesita para producir estos diversos estados de conciencia de acuerdo con las condiciones observables y mensurables podría ayudarnos a conseguir un control sobre lo que realmente es, y lo que significa para un ser humano, un mono, una pulga o un superordenador. La idea fue inspirada por el trabajo del neurocientífico Giulio Tononi, de la Universidad de Wisconsin en Madison, quien propuso en 2008 que si se quería demostrar que algo tenía conciencia, había que demostrar dos rasgos específicos. De acuerdo con su teoría de la información integrada (integrated information theory) (IIT), la primera de estas características es que un ser consciente debe ser capaz de almacenar, procesar y recuperar grandes cantidades de información. «Y en segundo lugar», explica en el blog de arXiv.org, «esta información debe integrarse en un todo unificado, de manera que sea imposible dividirse en partes independientes.» Esto significa que la conciencia tiene que ser tomada en su conjunto, y no puede ser dividida en componentes separados. Un ser consciente o un sistema no sólo tiene que ser capaz de almacenar y procesar la información, también debe hacerlo de manera que se forme un todo completo e indivisible, argumenta Tononi. Más recientemente, los científicos han tratado de explicar cómo la conciencia humana podría ser transferida a un cuerpo artificial – en serio, hay una puesta en marcha que quiere hacer esto. Un grupo de físicos suizos han sugerido que la conciencia ocurre en «rebanadas de tiempo» que son cientos de milisegundos separados. Como Mateo Davidson, que estudia la neurociencia de la conciencia en la Universidad de Monash en Australia, explica más en la conversación, que todavía no se sabe mucho acerca de lo que la conciencia es en realidad, pero ve cada vez más probable que sea algo que tenemos que considerar fuera el reino de los seres humanos. «Si la conciencia es de hecho una característica emergente de una red altamente integrada, como sugiere el IIT, entonces probablemente todos los sistemas complejos – sin duda, todas las criaturas con cerebros – tienen alguna forma de conciencia mínima», dice. «Si la conciencia se define por la cantidad de información integrada en un sistema, entonces es posible que también tenga que alejarse de cualquier forma de la excepcionalidad humana que dice la conciencia es exclusiva para nosotros.» Leer más: http://codigooculto.com/2016/09/segun-un-fisico-la-conciencia-podria-ser-un-nuevo-estado-de-la-materia/#ixzz4flfkPKNj Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives Follow us: @codigoocultocom on Twitter | codigooculto on Facebook Artículo publicado en CodigoOculto.com: Perceptronium: Según un físico la conciencia podría ser un nuevo estado de la materia http://codigooculto.com/2016/09/segun-un-fisico-la-conciencia-podria-ser-un-nuevo-estado-de-la-materia/#axzz4flfZDVfx
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shitredditrocks · 9 years
Zebbler Encanti Experience - Perceptronium
"Perceptronium" by Zebbler Encanti Experience
posted in r/ElectronicMusic
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sohochari · 7 years
Consciousness matters ⇒ Kirno Sohochari
Consciousness matters ⇒ Kirno Sohochari
Kirno’s Preface: Dear readers, the objective of this handy preface is not my suffix that Consciousness is a “State of Matter” as the eminent cosmologist Max Tegmark explained recently in his extract which he submitted in Cornell University’s academic sphere. Consciousness is not new in the context of human intellectualism. The advancement of modern science again presented the very old…
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Zebbler Encanti Experience - Perceptronium by Trap - EDM.com http://ift.tt/WjthrE
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deathbymystereo · 10 years
Like the track? Click the [↻ Repost] button! Join the EDM Movement @ http://EDM.com Get The Free EP: http://bit.ly/1mNxLB0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Follow @zebblerencantiexperience www.facebook.com/zebblerencantiexperience twitter.com/zebbler Follow @gravitas-recordings www.facebook.com/gravitasrecordings twitter.com/gravitasmusic Follow Us @ http://EDM.com www.Facebook.com/edmcom www.twitter.com/TheEDMNetwork http://8tracks.com/edm-com www.youtube.com/EDM www.instagram.com/edm www.lockerdome.com/edm plus.google.com/+EDM SC: http://soundcloud.com/EDM •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Send all demos to [email protected] to have your track featured! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
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mushroooms · 10 years
Listen/purchase: Perceptronium by Zebbler Encanti Experience
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