#perfect quote selection op
fandomsinabookshelf · 1 month
Persoonlijke Armbanden met Tekst: Unieke Accessoires!
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Persoonlijke Armbanden met Tekst: Unieke Accessoires! Welkom bij ons nieuwste blogartikel over​ persoonlijke armbanden met tekst ‌- de perfecte accessoires om jouw unieke stijl te laten zien! Of je nu een persoonlijke boodschap wilt delen of een ‍speciale herinnering wilt koesteren, deze⁢ armbanden bieden een prachtige manier om jezelf uit te drukken. Bij‍ het kiezen van een sieraad is het belangrijk dat het niet alleen mooi is, maar ook een betekenis heeft die echt bij jou past. Met onze persoonlijke armbanden met tekst kun je​ je eigen verhaal vertellen en jezelf laten stralen. Ben je klaar om te ontdekken hoe deze unieke accessoires jouw outfit helemaal af kunnen maken? Lees dan snel verder!Inhoudsopgave1. "Wat zijn persoonlijke armbanden met​ tekst en waarom zijn ze zo uniek?"2. "De​ betekenis achter persoonlijke teksten op armbanden"3. "Hoe kies je de perfecte tekst voor jouw persoonlijke armband?"4. "De verschillende materialen en stijlen⁣ van persoonlijke armbanden"5. "Een persoonlijke armband als uniek en betekenisvol cadeau"6.​ "Tips voor het dragen en onderhouden van je ⁢persoonlijke armband met tekstVragen en antwoordenAchteraf bekeken1. "Wat zijn persoonlijke armbanden met tekst en waarom zijn ze zo uniek?"1. Persoonlijke armbanden met tekst⁢ zijn ‍accessoires die speciaal zijn ontworpen om een persoonlijke boodschap, naam of datum te tonen. Deze armbanden zijn de perfecte manier om je eigen stijl uit te drukken en een uniek statement te maken. Of je nu een inspirerende quote wilt tonen, de naam van ​je geliefde wilt dragen of een belangrijke⁤ datum wilt herdenken, een persoonlijke armband met tekst kan al deze wensen vervullen. Wat deze armbanden zo uniek maakt, is dat​ ze volledig gepersonaliseerd‌ kunnen worden. Je kunt de tekst, het lettertype en het materiaal van de armband kiezen, waardoor je een stuk hebt dat echt bij jou past. Of ⁢je nu een armband wilt met een subtiel ontwerp of eentje die opvalt, er zijn ‌eindeloze mogelijkheden om je eigen unieke sieraad te creëren. Daarnaast zijn persoonlijke armbanden‌ met tekst ook geweldige cadeau-opties. Deze armbanden kunnen een diepe betekenis hebben voor de‌ ontvanger, omdat ze een persoonlijke boodschap dragen. Of het nu gaat om een verjaardag, jubileum, Valentijnsdag of gewoon om iemand te laten weten ‍dat je aan hen denkt, een persoonlijke⁤ armband met tekst is een attent en uniek geschenk. Met persoonlijke armbanden met tekst kun je je individualiteit vieren⁢ en een statement maken dat echt bij jou ⁣past. Ze zijn niet alleen unieke accessoires,‌ maar ook betekenisvolle⁣ stukken die je kunt koesteren⁢ en delen met anderen. Dus ⁣waar wacht je ⁣nog op? Ontwerp je eigen persoonlijke armband met tekst en⁤ laat je boodschap schitteren!2. "De betekenis achter persoonlijke teksten‌ op armbanden" Persoonlijke armbanden met ⁣tekst zijn niet alleen trendy accessoires, maar ze kunnen ook een diepere‌ betekenis hebben voor degene die ze draagt. Of het nu gaat om een inspirerend citaat, een betekenisvolle datum of de⁢ initialen van geliefden, deze armbanden kunnen een unieke manier zijn om je persoonlijkheid en ⁣emoties te uiten. Een persoonlijke tekst op een armband kan dienen als​ een dagelijkse herinnering aan een belangrijk moment in ‌je leven. Het kan een motiverend woord zijn dat je inspireert ⁣om door te ‌gaan, zelfs op de moeilijkste dagen. Of het kan een symbolische ⁢betekenis hebben die alleen jij en een select aantal mensen begrijpen. Wat de reden ook is, deze armbanden hebben een speciale plaats in ons hart omdat ze ons herinneren aan wie we zijn en waar we vandaan komen. De kracht van persoonlijke teksten op armbanden ligt in de emotionele band die ze creëren tussen de drager en ⁣de tekst. Het is een subtiele manier om jezelf te uiten, zonder ⁣dat je woorden hoeft te spreken. Of je nu ​je liefde voor iemand wilt tonen, jezelf wilt herinneren aan je doelen⁢ of gewoon‌ een persoonlijke touch aan je​ outfit wilt geven, een armband met een persoonlijke tekst kan dit allemaal doen.
Daarnaast bieden persoonlijke ‍armbanden met tekst ook ⁢de mogelijkheid om een uniek cadeau te geven aan iemand die speciaal voor je‌ is. Door ​een persoonlijke tekst toe te voegen, toon je niet alleen je liefde ​en waardering, maar geef je ook ⁣iets dat ⁢langdurig‌ is en een blijvende herinnering zal zijn. Elk keer dat​ de ontvanger naar ⁤de armband kijkt,⁢ zullen ze worden herinnerd aan ⁢de speciale band die jullie delen. Kortom, persoonlijke armbanden met ⁣tekst zijn niet zomaar accessoires. Ze hebben een​ diepere betekenis en kunnen een tastbare herinnering​ zijn⁢ aan belangrijke momenten en emoties. Of je ze nu voor jezelf draagt of als cadeau geeft, deze armbanden zijn een unieke manier om jezelf ⁢uit ⁢te drukken en anderen ‌te‍ laten zien ​hoeveel ⁣ze voor je betekenen. Met een persoonlijke tekst om ‌je pols​ draag je niet alleen een stijlvolle accessoire, maar⁢ ook een verhaal dat alleen jij kunt vertellen. Bold: persoonlijke armbanden met tekst, inspirerend citaat, betekenisvolle datum, initialen van⁣ geliefden, symbolische betekenis, emotionele band,​ uniek⁣ cadeau, speciale band.3. "Hoe kies je de perfecte tekst voor jouw persoonlijke armband?"3. Bij het ​kiezen van een‌ tekst voor je persoonlijke armband zijn er verschillende factoren om rekening mee te houden. Het is belangrijk om een tekst te ​kiezen die jouw persoonlijkheid ⁣weerspiegelt⁤ en tegelijkertijd een betekenisvolle​ boodschap overbrengt. ‌Hier zijn enkele tips om je te helpen de perfecte tekst voor jouw persoonlijke armband te kiezen. Ten eerste, overweeg de lengte van de tekst. Armbanden hebben vaak beperkte ruimte,‍ dus het is belangrijk om een⁣ tekst ​te kiezen die niet te lang is. Korte en bondige ⁣woorden of zinnen kunnen krachtig en⁣ impactvol zijn. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan inspirerende quotes zoals "Leef in het moment" of "Dromen worden werkelijkheid". Daarnaast is het belangrijk om na te denken over de betekenis achter de tekst. ⁤Wat wil je graag uitdrukken met je persoonlijke armband? Wil je iets motiverends,‌ iets dat geluk symboliseert of misschien een ⁢herinnering aan een speciale persoon of gebeurtenis? Door na te denken over⁣ de betekenis achter de tekst, kun je een ⁤armband creëren die een diepere emotionele waarde heeft. Bedenk ook wie de armband zal zien. Wil je‌ een tekst die alleen voor jouzelf is, of wil je een boodschap delen met anderen? Als je de armband wilt delen, ​is het belangrijk om een tekst te kiezen die universeel begrijpelijk is en anderen kan inspireren of ontroeren. Ten slotte, wees niet bang om creatief te zijn! Je persoonlijke armband is ‍een weerspiegeling ⁢van jouw unieke persoonlijkheid. Durf iets te kiezen dat buiten ‌de gebaande paden ligt ⁤en echt bij jou ⁢past. Of het nu een grappige slogan, een favoriet citaat of een simpel woord is - de keuze is aan jou! Met deze tips in gedachten kun je nu op zoek gaan naar de perfecte tekst voor jouw persoonlijke armband. Onthoud dat het uiteindelijk gaat⁢ om ‍de persoonlijke betekenis die de tekst voor jou heeft. Laat jouw armband een uniek accessoire zijn dat een verhaal vertelt en jouw persoonlijkheid in stijl uitdraagt.4. "De verschillende materialen en stijlen ‌van persoonlijke armbanden" Persoonlijke armbanden zijn unieke accessoires die een persoonlijke touch kunnen geven‍ aan je outfit. Er zijn verschillende⁤ materialen en ⁢stijlen beschikbaar, zodat je altijd een armband kunt vinden die perfect bij jou⁢ past. Een populaire optie voor persoonlijke armbanden zijn armbanden met tekst. Deze armbanden kunnen worden gegraveerd met namen, ‌initialen, belangrijke data of inspirerende quotes. Het mooie ⁤van deze armbanden is dat je ze kunt personaliseren en aanpassen aan je eigen smaak. Of je nu kiest voor een subtiele gravure of een opvallende tekst, een armband met tekst‌ is altijd een stijlvolle en persoonlijke toevoeging⁣ aan je sieradencollectie. Naast armbanden met tekst zijn er ook ⁢armbanden verkrijgbaar in verschillende materialen. ⁤Zo⁤ kun je kiezen voor een armband van⁤ sterling zilver, goud, rosé goud, leer, touw, kralen of zelfs hout.
Elk materiaal heeft⁢ zijn eigen unieke uitstraling en draagt bij aan de persoonlijke betekenis van‍ de armband. ‍Een zilveren armband straalt bijvoorbeeld elegantie​ en tijdloosheid uit, terwijl een leren armband een stoere en nonchalante look kan creëren. Het kiezen van de juiste stijl en het juiste materiaal voor je persoonlijke armband is een kwestie van persoonlijke voorkeur en stijl. Het is belangrijk om een armband te kiezen die past bij jouw persoonlijkheid en die je met trots kunt dragen. ⁣Of je nu houdt van een minimalistische stijl, een bohemien look ‍of juist van⁤ een opvallend sieraad, er ⁢is altijd een persoonlijke armband die perfect bij jou past. Laat je creativiteit de vrije loop en creëer een ‍uniek accessoire dat jouw persoonlijkheid weerspiegelt.5. "Een persoonlijke armband als uniek⁣ en betekenisvol cadeau"Als je op zoek bent naar een uniek en betekenisvol cadeau, dan zijn persoonlijke armbanden met tekst de perfecte keuze! Deze accessoires zijn niet alleen trendy en stijlvol, maar⁤ kunnen ook een​ diepe betekenis hebben voor degene die het cadeau ontvangt. Met een persoonlijke boodschap gegraveerd op de armband, kun je​ een speciale herinnering of een inspirerende quote delen met je dierbare. Persoonlijke armbanden met tekst zijn verkrijgbaar ⁤in verschillende stijlen ‌en materialen, zodat je de perfecte armband kunt kiezen die past bij ​de persoonlijkheid en smaak van degene aan wie je het cadeau geeft. Of het nu⁢ gaat om een gegraveerde naam, een belangrijke datum of een motiverende zin, de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos! Met deze unieke accessoires kun je niet alleen een fashion statement maken, maar ook een emotionele band creëren. Het dragen van een persoonlijke armband met tekst kan een constante‍ herinnering zijn aan de speciale band die⁣ je deelt met degene die​ het cadeau heeft ‍gegeven. Het is een tastbaar symbool van liefde, ⁢vriendschap of waardering. Dus waar wacht je nog op? Geef een persoonlijke armband met tekst als cadeau en laat zien hoeveel iemand voor je betekent. Of het nu voor een verjaardag, jubileum, bruiloft ‌of gewoon zomaar is, deze unieke accessoires zullen zeker een glimlach op het gezicht van de ontvanger toveren. Kies een armband die past bij de persoon en de gelegenheid, en maak van het cadeau ⁣een blijvende⁢ herinnering.6. ⁣ "Tips voor het dragen en​ onderhouden van je persoonlijke armband met tekst6.​ Een persoonlijke armband met tekst⁤ is een unieke en betekenisvolle accessoire om te dragen. Of het nu gaat om een speciale‍ boodschap,⁢ een naam of een belangrijke datum, een armband met tekst⁤ kan echt een persoonlijk statement‌ maken. Hier zijn enkele handige . Ten eerste is het‌ belangrijk om de juiste maat armband te kiezen. Een armband die te⁢ strak zit kan ongemak veroorzaken en een armband ⁤die te los zit kan gemakkelijk verloren gaan. Meet je polsomtrek nauwkeurig op voordat je een armband koopt en⁤ kies een maat die comfortabel om je pols past. Hou er ook rekening mee dat sommige armbanden verstelbaar zijn, ⁢zodat je de maat kunt aanpassen indien nodig. Om je persoonlijke armband met tekst mooi te houden, is‍ het belangrijk om aandacht te besteden aan het onderhoud. Afhankelijk van het materiaal van de armband, kunnen er verschillende onderhoudsvereisten zijn. Bijvoorbeeld, armbanden gemaakt van edelmetalen zoals zilver of goud kunnen dof worden na verloop van tijd. Gebruik een zachte doek en een mild schoonmaakmiddel om de⁣ armband‌ voorzichtig schoon te maken en zijn glans te behouden. Vermijd echter⁤ agressieve chemicaliën, zoals bleekmiddel, omdat deze de armband kunnen beschadigen. Daarnaast is het belangrijk om je persoonlijke armband met tekst met zorg te ​dragen. Vermijd​ het dragen⁣ van de armband​ tijdens ruwe activiteiten waarbij hij kan ⁤worden blootgesteld aan ⁣beschadiging of verlies. Verwijder de armband ook voordat je gaat douchen, zwemmen of sporten, omdat water en zweet de kwaliteit van de armband kunnen ⁢aantasten. Bewaar de armband op een veilige
plek wanneer je hem niet draagt, bij voorkeur in een sieradendoosje om krassen en vervorming te voorkomen. Met deze ⁤tips kun je optimaal genieten van je persoonlijke armband met tekst en ⁤ervoor zorgen dat hij er altijd mooi uitziet. Onthoud dat een persoonlijke armband een speciale‍ betekenis heeft en ‍dat het dragen ervan een manier is om je persoonlijkheid en stijl⁤ uit te drukken. Kies een armband die bij⁢ je past en draag hem met trots! Vragen en antwoordenQ: Wat zijn persoonlijke armbanden met tekst? A: Persoonlijke armbanden met⁢ tekst zijn unieke accessoires die speciaal ontworpen zijn om een persoonlijke boodschap te laten zien. Deze armbanden zijn vaak gemaakt van hoogwaardige ​materialen zoals edelmetaal of leer en worden voorzien van ​een gravure of bedrukking met een specifieke tekst, woorden of namen die‍ belangrijk ‍zijn voor de drager. Q: Wat maakt persoonlijke armbanden ‌met tekst zo uniek? A: Wat‌ deze armbanden echt​ uniek maakt, is het feit dat je ze helemaal kunt aanpassen aan je eigen smaak en voorkeuren. Je kunt kiezen uit verschillende lettertypen, stijlen en symbolen om jouw persoonlijke⁢ boodschap tot leven te brengen. Of het nu gaat⁤ om een motiverende quote, een⁣ belangrijke datum of de namen van geliefden, de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos. Q: Voor welke gelegenheden zijn persoonlijke armbanden met tekst geschikt? A: Persoonlijke armbanden met tekst zijn geschikt voor vrijwel elke gelegenheid. Ze kunnen dienen als een geweldig cadeau-idee voor verjaardagen, jubilea, bruiloften‍ of andere speciale mijlpalen in het leven van iemand anders. Daarnaast zijn deze armbanden ook perfect om jezelf te verwennen en je eigen persoonlijke stijl te laten zien. Q: Welke materialen worden vaak ⁢gebruikt voor persoonlijke ⁢armbanden ⁤met tekst? A: Persoonlijke armbanden met tekst⁣ kunnen gemaakt zijn ⁤van ⁣verschillende materialen, ⁢afhankelijk van je ​voorkeur en budget. Populaire materialen zijn onder ⁣andere roestvrij staal, sterling zilver, goud, ⁤leer en zelfs natuurlijke materialen zoals hout of edelstenen. Het belangrijkste is​ dat je ​kiest voor ‍een materiaal dat zowel duurzaam als comfortabel is om⁢ te dragen. Q: ‍Hoe kan ik een persoonlijke armband met tekst bestellen? A: Het bestellen van een persoonlijke armband met tekst is ⁢over het algemeen heel eenvoudig. Veel‌ online‌ winkels bieden de mogelijkheid om je eigen tekst en personalisatie-opties te kiezen. Je hoeft‍ alleen maar het gewenste materiaal, ⁣de tekst en ‌eventuele symbolen of stijlen te selecteren en vervolgens ⁤je bestelling te plaatsen. Binnen enkele dagen ontvang⁤ je jouw unieke accessoire op maat‍ bij jou thuis. Q: Is er iets waar ik op moet⁤ letten bij het bestellen van persoonlijke armbanden met tekst? A: Het is⁢ altijd belangrijk om de betrouwbaarheid en reputatie ​van de verkoper te controleren voordat je een persoonlijke armband met tekst bestelt. ‍Lees recensies van andere klanten en controleer of de website beveiligd is voor online transacties. ​Daarnaast is het handig om de maat van de armband⁤ te kennen, zodat deze perfect om je pols past. Q: Hoe kan ik mijn⁣ persoonlijke armband met tekst onderhouden? A: ​Het onderhouden van je persoonlijke armband met tekst is meestal heel eenvoudig. Voor armbanden van materialen zoals ⁤roestvrij ​staal of zilver kun ⁣je een zachte doek gebruiken om ze schoon te maken en op te poetsen. Lederen armbanden kunnen worden behandeld met een speciale lederreiniger en conditioner om ze in goede staat​ te houden. Het is ook belangrijk om je armband niet bloot te stellen aan vocht en​ chemicaliën om verkleuring of beschadiging‍ te voorkomen. Q: Kan ik mijn persoonlijke armband met tekst retourneren als ik niet tevreden ben? A:​ Dit kan variëren afhankelijk⁤ van het beleid van de verkoper. Het is echter altijd verstandig‍ om de retourvoorwaarden te controleren voordat je een bestelling plaatst. Veel verkopers bieden een retourbeleid aan waarbij ‌je de‌ armband kunt retourneren als je niet tevreden bent, zolang deze in originele staat is.
Zorg ervoor ⁣dat je dit controleert voordat je je definitieve beslissing neemt. Q: Zijn persoonlijke ‍armbanden met tekst alleen voor vrouwen, of zijn er ook opties voor mannen? A: Persoonlijke armbanden met⁣ tekst zijn absoluut niet alleen voor vrouwen! Er zijn talloze opties beschikbaar die speciaal ontworpen zijn voor mannen. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan stoerdere materialen zoals leer of roestvrij staal en ‌gravures met naam, belangrijke data ⁤of inspirerende woorden. Of je nu op zoek bent naar een cadeau voor een man of gewoon jezelf wilt verwennen,⁢ persoonlijke armbanden met tekst zijn⁢ er voor iedereen. Achteraf bekekenBedankt voor het lezen van ons artikel over persoonlijke armbanden met tekst! We hopen‍ dat je net⁣ zo enthousiast bent geworden over deze unieke accessoires als wij. Of je nu op zoek‍ bent naar een betekenisvol‍ cadeau voor ⁣een geliefde of gewoon je eigen stijl wilt laten zien, persoonlijke armbanden met tekst⁤ zijn de perfecte keuze. Met een ruime ⁤collectie aan stijlvolle ontwerpen en‌ mogelijkheden‌ om je eigen tekst toe te voegen, is er voor ieder wat wils. Of je nu kiest voor een⁢ inspirerende quote, een⁢ liefdevolle boodschap of simpelweg je eigen naam, jouw persoonlijkheid straalt altijd door in ​deze armbanden. Naast het esthetische aspect ‍hebben persoonlijke armbanden met tekst ook een diepere betekenis. Ze kunnen dienen als een herinnering aan een belangrijk moment, een motivatie tijdens moeilijke tijden ⁣of gewoon als een dagelijkse bron​ van‍ inspiratie. Het dragen van een armband met jouw eigen gekozen tekst is een manier om jouw verhaal te vertellen en een uniek⁢ statement te maken. Bij⁢ het kiezen van jouw persoonlijke armband met tekst is kwaliteit van groot belang. Daarom werken wij alleen met hoogwaardige materialen en zorgen we voor ⁤een zorgvuldige afwerking ​van elk stuk. Hierdoor ben je verzekerd van een duurzaam sieraad dat lang meegaat en ‌elke outfit ​compleet maakt. Ontdek vandaag nog ons uitgebreide assortiment persoonlijke armbanden met tekst en laat jouw individualiteit stralen. Of je nu⁢ gaat voor een elegante zilveren armband⁤ of een stoere leren variant, er is altijd een armband die perfect⁣ bij jou past. Bestel nu en geniet binnenkort van jouw nieuwe favoriete accessoire! Bedankt voor het lezen en veel plezier met het vinden van jouw perfecte⁢ persoonlijke armband‌ met tekst!
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sparklingvows · 4 months
Top 9 Wedding Accessories for 2024
As weddings continue to evolve and trends shift, couples are constantly seeking unique ways to infuse their personalities into their big day.
 From statement jewellery to personalized décor accents, wedding accessories play a crucial role in adding the finishing touches to the celebration. 
At Sparkling Vows, we're committed to helping couples create unforgettable moments with our curated selection of top wedding accessories for 2024. Whether you're planning a lavish affair or an intimate gathering, these must-have accessories are sure to elevate your wedding to new heights of style and sophistication.
Statement Headpieces:
Make a bold statement with a stunning headpiece that adds a touch of glamour to your bridal ensemble. From intricate tiaras to floral headbands adorned with pearls and crystals, a statement headpiece is the perfect way to express your unique style and personality on your wedding day.
Personalized Veils:
Add a personal touch to your bridal look with a customized veil embroidered with your initials, wedding date, or special message. Whether you prefer a classic cathedral veil or a modern fingertip length, a personalized veil adds a sentimental element to your wedding attire.
Embellished Clutch Bags:
Complete your bridal look with an embellished clutch bag that adds a touch of elegance and sophistication. Opt for a clutch adorned with crystals, sequins, or pearls to complement your wedding gown and keep your essentials close at hand throughout the day.
Customized Cufflinks:
Elevate the groom's attire with customized cufflinks that add a personalized touch to his wedding day ensemble. Whether engraved with initials, wedding date, or a special message, customized cufflinks are a thoughtful keepsake that he'll cherish long after the celebration is over.
Bridal Belts and Sashes:
Define your waist and add a touch of sparkle to your wedding gown with a bridal belt or sash. Whether adorned with crystals, beads, or floral appliqués, a bridal belt or sash adds an extra layer of glamour to your bridal look and creates a flattering silhouette.
Signature Perfume:
Leave a lasting impression with a signature perfume that captures the essence of your wedding day. Choose a fragrance that reflects your personal style and evokes memories of your special day every time you wear it.
Customized Ring Box:
Display your wedding rings in style with a customized ring box engraved with your initials, wedding date, or a meaningful quote. A customized ring box adds a sentimental touch to your ring exchange ceremony and serves as a beautiful keepsake for years to come.
Chic Bridal Robes:
Get ready for your big day in style with chic bridal robes that are perfect for pre-wedding preparations and photo ops. Choose from a variety of styles, fabrics, and colors to suit your bridal party's personality and preferences.
Personalized Champagne Flutes:
Toast to your love and celebrate your union with personalized champagne flutes engraved with your names, wedding date, or monogram. Raise a glass in style and create lasting memories with these elegant keepsakes.
From statement headpieces to personalized champagne flutes, these top wedding accessories for 2024 are sure to add an extra layer of elegance and sophistication to your special day. 
At Sparkling Vows, we're committed to helping couples create unforgettable moments with our curated selection of wedding accessories that are as unique and special as they are. 
Cheers to love, laughter, and happily ever after!
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a question to consider
What is the most memorable book ending you’ve ever read? Did it leave you satisfied or wanting more? 
(there will be more)
Maybe it's because I finished it Monday but I am not over the ending of An Unauthorised Fan Treatise. Like I won't spoil anything because I want people to read it and while I will reread it, I think people should go in blind the first time. Just. The main narrator, Gottie, is very unreliable and lies a lot. The ending was WILD and raises so many questions that I want to bring out my imaginary detective kit and comb through the story again for clues about what is the TRUTH.
Oh oh wait. I think my favourite ending of all time was from And Then There were None by Agatha Christie, because the mystery there kept me on the edge of my seat all the time and the ending clarified everything and was so perfect with the tone of the book.
Also shout-out to This Woven Kingdom which I read last month and ended with a dragon showing up in the last chapter (there were no dragons mentioned before), the main character flying off on it and the final sentence. Was. That she fell off.
I didn't like it but it is memorable.
(I pasted your other questions here for convenience)
What fictional world would you love to visit and explore if given the chance? 
Y'know? I think Narnia. I'm currently rereading the books and honestly it's a world with honestly very few problems and TALKING ANIMALS! Do you think they would have talking Elephants and Dolphins too? Like in Prince Caspian it is suggested that all talking animals only live in Narnia so maybe not as the climate doesn't seem to be ideal for them, but I would want to find out. Like almost all other cool fantasy worlds have war and monsters and are just scary overall, but Narnia is fun and save for children I wanna be there.
What quote from a book resonated with you deeply?
I cannot choose so have a selection (roughly from less to more serious):
"Het is moeilijk te geloven maar er zijn mensen die immuun zijn voor de aantrekkingskracht van chocolade. Je moet het zien als een van die dingen waar de wetenschap geen verklaring voor heeft." (David Grossman, Het Zigzagkind) (It is hard to believe, but there are people who are immune for the attraction of chocolate. You should see it as one of those things science doesn't have an explanation for.)
"Kijk daar doe je het voor, die zes jaar Latijn: wijzen op je pinpas" (Paulien Cornelisse, Taal voor de leuk) (Look, that why you take six years of Latin: To point at your debit card)
"It is enough - I think it is no sacrifice to join occasionally in evening engagements. Society has claims on us all." (Jane Austen, Pride & Prejudice, the most relatable sentence Jane Austen ever wrote)
"No, you don't understand. Most of all I'm afraid that the more I fight her and the stronger I become, the more I'm turning into her." (Marissa Meyer, Cress)
"I so totally missed class the day all required information was handed out." (Jandy Nelson, I'll give you the sun)
“If you accept others as equals, you embrace them unconditionally, now and forever. But if you let them know that you tolerate them, you suggest in the same breath that they are actually an inconvenience, like a nagging pain or an unpleasant odour you are willing to disregard.” (Arthur Japin, In Lucia's Eyes) (I read this in Dutch but didn't find my note of this quote, but I found it in English on Goodreads)
Thanks for asking!
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caireuromatic · 1 year
Choosing The Best Ball Valve Supplier For Your Industrial Needs
In the industrial sector, ball valves are crucial in controlling the flow of various liquids and gases. These valves are essential components in pipelines and systems that require precise control and shut-off capabilities. When choosing the best ball valve supplier for your industrial needs, it's important to consider several factors to ensure you make the right decision. This article will guide you through selecting a reliable and reputable ball valve supplier.
Understanding Ball Valves
Before diving into the selection process, it's important to have a basic understanding of ball valves. A ball valve is a type of valve that uses a spherical ball with a hole in the middle to control the flow of fluid. When the hole aligns with the flow path, the valve opens, allowing fluid to pass through. When the ball is rotated 90 degrees, the hole is perpendicular to the flow path, effectively shutting off the flow.
Importance of Choosing the Right Ball Valve Supplier
Selecting the right ball valve supplier is crucial for several reasons:
The quality and reliability of the ball valves supplied can significantly impact your industrial processes' overall performance and safety. A defective ball valve can lead to leaks, inefficiencies, and even system failures.
A reputable supplier will offer various products and customization options, allowing you to find the perfect ball valve to meet your specific requirements.
A reliable supplier will provide excellent technical support and customer service, ensuring a smooth purchasing experience and assistance.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Ball Valve Supplier
When evaluating potential ball valve suppliers, consider the following factors:
Quality and Reliability
The quality and reliability of the ball valves should be a top priority. Look for suppliers who adhere to strict manufacturing standards and have a reputation for delivering high-quality products. Check for certifications such as ISO 9001 to ensure consistent quality.
Product Range and Customization
Every industrial application has unique requirements. Ensure the supplier offers various ball valves with different sizes, materials, and end connections. Additionally, inquire about their ability to provide custom solutions tailored to your needs.
Industry Experience
Experience matters in the industrial sector. Look for suppliers with a proven track record and extensive experience providing ball valves for your industry. Their knowledge and expertise can contribute to better product recommendations and support.
Technical Support and Customer Service
A reliable supplier should provide excellent technical support and customer service. This includes prompt responses to inquiries, assistance with product selection, and after-sales support. Evaluate their responsiveness and willingness to go the extra mile for their customers.
Pricing and Cost-effectiveness
While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it's important to consider pricing and cost-effectiveness. Compare quotes from different suppliers, but be cautious of exceptionally low prices indicating compromised quality. Strive for a balance between quality and affordability.
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Researching Potential Ball Valve Suppliers
To identify potential ball valve suppliers, utilize various research methods:
Online Search and Reviews
Start with an online search for ball valve suppliers. Explore their websites for information about their product offerings, certifications, and company history. Please pay attention to customer reviews and ratings to gauge their reputation and customer satisfaction.
Recommendations and Referrals
Seek recommendations and referrals from industry peers or colleagues with ball valve supplier experience. Their insights can provide valuable information and help you narrow down your options.
Trade Shows and Industry Events
Attend trade shows and industry events related to your sector. These gatherings provide an opportunity to meet suppliers, view their products, and engage in direct discussions. Networking with industry professionals can also lead to valuable supplier recommendations.
Evaluating Supplier Capabilities
Once you have a shortlist of potential suppliers, evaluate their capabilities in detail:
Manufacturing Standards and Certifications
Review the supplier's manufacturing standards and certifications. Look for adherence to recognized industry standards like API, ASTM, or ANSI. Certifications like ISO 9001 demonstrate a commitment to quality management systems.
Production Capacity and Lead Time
Assess the supplier's production capacity and lead time. Ensure they can handle your order volume and deliver within your required timeframe. A supplier with a robust production process and efficient lead times will contribute to smoother operations.
Quality Control Processes
Inquire about the supplier's quality control processes. Reliable suppliers should have rigorous quality control measures to ensure consistent product quality. Ask about their testing procedures and inspection protocols to gain product confidence.
Making the Final Decision
When making the final decision, consider all the gathered information, including product quality, customization options, industry experience, technical support, and pricing. Evaluate the supplier's overall fit with your requirements and objectives. Requesting samples or visiting their facilities is also a good practice before committing to a long-term partnership.
Choosing the best ball valve supplier for your industrial needs is a critical decision that can impact your operations' efficiency, safety, and performance. You can make an informed choice by understanding the importance of quality, considering various factors, and researching potential suppliers. Remember to prioritize quality, reliability, customization, and excellent customer support. With the right supplier, you can ensure a steady supply of high-quality ball valves that meet your requirements.
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Can you write an AU where the reader is a ssr in a gacha game that the twst boys really want to pull? pick any boys you want, I'm not picky...I just really need encouragement to not pull on permanent card rate up banners, lol
...As much as I love Rook, this is a public service announcement: do not, I REPEAT, do NOT roll for characters that will eventually be added to the permanent pool!! SAVE FOR THOSE PRECIOUS BIRTHDAY BOIS AND EVENT LIMITED CARDS!!
@pianostarinwonderland and @jellyfishstuckinwonderland (members of the Azul salt squad) this one goes out to you poor, unfortunate souls.
Imagine this...
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“Checkmate,” Azul declared, whisking a black king piece off of a checkered board. He smirked, relishing in the taste of victory. His eyes cut to his opponent across the way, eager to drink in their defeated expression.
Azul was sorely disappointed to find Idia’s face buried in his phone, fingers flying across the screen.
“Idia-san. It is rather rude of you to be fixated on your device once again rather than engaging with your beloved board gaming buddy,” Azul lamented out loud, wiping at a nonexistent tear.
“C-Can’t talk,” Idia mumbled back, his eyes still glued onto his screen. “Gotta grind, get mats, rank at top of the leaderboard...th-then I can get all the dupes I need of the e-event exclusive card...and I can limit break it, use the leftovers to roll for the new OP SSR in the pool...Hihihihi!”
Azul heaved a sigh. “Whatever in the world are you talking about now? It sounds like nothing more than needless babbling to me.”
“Hmph. N-Normies could never hope to understand the genius that is Warped Looking Glass, but I thought better of you, Azul-shi!”
“Ah, that.” The octopus snorted, folding his arms. “You are well aware that I am not a fan of games of chance--those gacha of yours. You should not be surprised.”
The word gacha drips with both disdain and respect--disdain because the odds were never stacked in one’s favor, and respect because by the Great Seven, those games must haul in a boatload of money. And for what? Nothing more than PNGs? A businessman like Azul had to, at the very least, respect that.
Curiosity nipped at the back of his head--so he bit the bullet and dared to ask a question.
“What is even so appealing about those...‘waifus and husbandos’ of yours?” Azul made air quotes with his fingers as the unfamiliar phrase unceremoniously tumbled out from his lips.
“Wh-What’s so appealing? Wh-What’s so appealing?!” Idia tore away from his screen and stared at his club mate with bulging eyes. “I-I’ll show you what’s appealing...!! T-Take a look at the limited cards for the Song of the Sea event!!”
He shoved his phone into Azul’s face.
A series of images faded in and out of view--no doubt whatever overpriced PNGs were most coveted at the time.
First, a finely dressed noblewoman, seated at a grand piano. Her hair was pinned up in a seashell comb, set in a scattering of pearls.
Next, what appeared to be a younger girl in a wide brimmed hat of a strange, gelatinous consistency. She was seated at a pier, dipping her toes into the ocean. 
And finally...
“Idia-san. Who is this?” Azul inquired, pointing to the third card on the banner. “This character with the charming smile.”
“Hihihi, impressed?” Idia snickered to himself. “That’s (Y/N), the super exclusive, event limited card that I’ve been saving up for months to roll for...!! Aren’t they so cute? They also have a r-really interesting backstory and personality. A-And look, their stats and skills are amazing too...! They’d be a perfect fit for my roster...!!”
Azul looked again, just as his companion instructed--and in that moment, he could perfectly understand how gacha games milked their players for so much Madol.
“...Do you have them?” he inquired.
“N-No,” Idia confessed, bristling, “b-but that’s why I-I’m grinding now! S-So I can have more pulls...!!”
“I do not see you ‘grinding’ at the moment, Idia-san.”
“Th-That’s because you...”
“Still not grinding, Idia-san,” Azul teased in a sing song. “I believe you’d best get your priorities straight, yes?”
“G-Gurk...!! Y-You’re right!! I need to get back at it!” With a growl, he ripped back his phone and set to pulling up the level select menu.
Azul let out a bittersweet laugh. “I suppose that leaves me to clean up after our match today?”
“I-I’ll pay you back with some fried chicken later,” Idia promised, though he only seemed to be half paying attention.
“No need,” Azul insisted with the wave of a hand. “All that I ask is that, when you finally pull (Y/N), you show them off to me. I am rather interested in learning more about them, you see.”
“Eeeeeh, so even the scheming capitalist octopus Azul-shi has a type...”
“Think what you will. I only wish you the best of luck,” Azul smirked. “May the Goddess of Fortune be ever in your favor.”
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pamouche · 3 years
Thanks a lot for tagging me @phascinationphases @borborai and @onzeziggy it's sweet of you, have a great day🌼🌼
fav wtfock s3 things Soundtracks , Robbe, Sander, Sobbe's kisses, THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF CHEMISTRY AND LOVE ,Teasing, Croques and traditions, Casa Milan and Zoënne, Jens who was there for Robbe, the end with everyone together to celebrate Christmas and "dat we nu leven" I would say in conclusion everything, this is the best remake that has been done this season (it's my opinion) The acting of the 2 Willems was impeccable, the emotions were strong. They deserve great oscars
fav clip Everything in fact ahahaha. More seriously I would say the clip at the hotel (= Vrijdag 22:21 / 22:52), the shower scene=masterpiece and when Sander talks about his future project of marriage, their look for each other, their smile, their kiss, their hug... It was just them and nobody else. "Nowhere as happy as we are" and it's true (here's another iconic line that makes me emo as fuck) plus there is literally my favorite kiss, it's the one after Sander said "take it or leave it", I am obsessed with this kiss ahaha. It's so perfect, happy young in love and so well together
fav scene I love the scene of the Vrijdag 22:53 clip (the beginning, not the end you know why) they are boyfriends and bestfriends and I love this relationship. Robbe and his magic trick, Sander and his little tap on Robbe's cheek because he doesn't believe in this trick, their big smile and the look game and then the moment of the hands, on the hair, near Sander's mouth... Sander whispering sweet things in Robbe's ear and when they leave the bar, happy and in love, Robbe getting on Sander's back and then when he answers Sander "bij je" and Sander's little snort after that and their looong kiss<3 Their first date went so well until ....
fav shot I would say the shots of their eyes before they kiss. I could look at their loving looks all day long because you can tell they love each other so much and just want to never leave each other. Their eyes really shine before they kiss, just at the sight of the other, and then their smile before kissing omgg , I think in particular of the clip of Woensdag 16:36 where these shots are abundant
fav kiss that Robbe initiates I think it's in the Dinsdag 07:27 clip when Robbe tells Sander he's going to school because he has an exam. Sofffft morning kiss, I can't stop watching the gifs on it, it's so beautiful. The way Robbe is caring while doing this and Sander asleep but receptive because how can you not...They were really taking every minute, nothing was in a hurry it was just the two of them in their world and the music in the background was really nice. I love this clip.
fav kiss that Sander initiates I think directly to the kiss of this clip(= Zaterdag 09:41) It was my end, the way Sander touched his nose on Robbe's (while Robbe was smiling) before kissing him and then rocking him on the bed is for me ahaha. Even the continuation is perfect with Sander's sentences so sincere and too many emotions when I hear them... and between these sentences the kisses, a little teasing but so beautiful and soft to see. Anyway I loved "from now on it's just the two of us" qarrggg I'm going to cry again
fav Sander dialogue We won't lie, Sander has the most iconic lines. I'm going to select two that really stood out to me: "Gij en ik, honderd procent voor altijd, in elk universum" and "Het maanlicht scheen op je en ik wist direct he is the one" Can you also hear his voice while reading? I think I'm going crazy ahaha I miss him and his boyfriend
fav Robbe dialogue At first instinct I would say "altijd" after Sander asks him if he's going to come back, but I think it's short so I would then say THE phrase "You touched me and I've never felt that before.. Ik hou van je" It's the most sincere sentence he ever said, and I actually had chills while I was crying when I listened to it because Robbe means it and Sander doesn't destroy everything he touches on the contrary...
fav hug I have 2 because I can't choose. The first one is of course the one of Dinsdag 07:27, Robbe caressing Sander's hand while Sander is sleeping and sticking to Robbe, impossible to go closer because he wants to feel Robbe's warmth, Robbe's body.. just Robbe. And the second one is the one of Woensdag 17:21 sooo perfect with the kisses super affectionate, cute, soft and Robbe who rests his head on Sander's hair while this one hums of satisfaction bc he has found his home, it is Robbe. Real soulmates aren't they?
fav 21:21 I am leaning towards Vrijdag 21:21. Woensdag 21:21 is just as good, it's the beginning of their story. But the Vrijdag 21:21 is a big step towards their eternal love story, no more turning back, it's the reunion, it's two soulmates in symbiosis who promise each other their love, it will always triumph because it's the most beautiful one humanity could have known. No more Britt, no more confusion, it's now that everything starts to take shape, it's always been them since the beginning... and then this scene is beautiful, it's clearly art. Also when Sander intertwines fingers with Robbe's it's definitely too much for me. I was so not expecting it and when I saw that I understood that these are really sincere lovers. It's such a true act that gives off incredible emotions, full of love and comfort. Sander seems to say that he is there and that he will always be there for Robbe, it is them welded like the fingers of the hand, no but just think about it one second, I don't have the words... Sander means everything he said before, it's them 100% voor altijd in elk universum. Excuse me I'm crying while writing this...
fav Sobbe instagram pic Idk if it is because we are in the context of the crisis with the virus but I like this picture very much. It's so original, so them, in b&w aka the best filter for them aka love at first sight for me but moreover this pic is so meaningful... It looks like I was waiting to see Sander wearing Robbe in this way ahahah. No but they are the most iconic couple I've ever seen, you don't change a winning team as they say. And then the quote "different supermarket, same love" to make us all emotional :') I'd like to say a lot more but I have to stop, I feel like I'm writing a novel with each answer
fav scene x song pair Here I can talk about Woensdag 21:21, absolutely perfect, Sobbe cycling, their tunnel, they were already in love, their teasing, "nee, better" , the swimming pool, their KISSS and the most important, their song : Wildfire <3 I won't say more, you understood
fav message between Sander & Robbe The messages during wtfockdown are the best!! I selected these ones from the clip Vrijdag 18:37 (Sander does his walk in their tunnel)
Sander: Ik zie u graag, Robin
Robbe: Ik u ook. Niet normaal hard!
In fact they are simple but so passionate and when I look at them I have a big smile because I know they meant it more than anyone else and it's mutual and my heart melted every time they say it, I can't help it
fav banter on instagram Everything!!!
Sterkerdanijzer : Happyiest year of my life😊❤️
Earthlingoddity : Only 99 more to go ❤️
Sterkerdanijzer : 💯
I also really like these ones: s o b b e
I tag in my turn my cutie @hereforsobbe and @happilyinsane @foxsake5 @jackfrostsander @maade-of-stardust @pepethehobbit @robbesdriesen @vataraxia @remy3010 @sandersdemaury @sanderxrobbee @in-elk-universe-voor-altijd @undcrthesun @annonymannonym @justalina @skam-wtfock-sobbe @gele-gordijnen @debussyatmidnight @artisticsander and ofc the others who would like to do it ! I really enjoy reading you ahaha also feel free to ignore
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a-book-dragon · 3 years
A.2.17 Aren’t most people too stupid for a free society to work?
- Anarchy Works, FAQ
We are sorry to have to include this question in an anarchist FAQ, but we know that many political ideologies explicitly assume that ordinary people are too stupid to be able to manage their own lives and run society. All aspects of the capitalist political agenda, from Left to Right, contain people who make this claim.
Be it Leninists, fascists, Fabians or Objectivists, it is assumed that only a select few are creative and intelligent and that these people should govern others.Usually, this elitism is masked by fine, flowing rhetoric about “freedom,” “democracy” and other platitudes with which the ideologues attempt to dull people’s critical thought by telling them what they want to hear.It is, of course, also no surprise that those who believe in “natural” elites always class them-selves at the top. We have yet to discover an “objectivist”, for example, who considers themselves part of the great mass of “second-handers” (it is always amusing to hear people who simply par-rot the ideas of Ayn Rand dismissing other people so!) or who will be a toilet cleaner in the unknown “ideal” of “real” capitalism.
Everybody reading an elitist text will consider him or her-self to be part of the “select few.” It’s “natural” in an elitist society to consider elites to be natural and yourself a potential member of one!Examination of history shows that there is a basic elitist ideology which has been the essential rationalisation of all states and ruling classes since their emergence at the beginning of the Bronze Age
(“if the legacy of domination had had any broader purpose than the support of hierarchical and class interests, it has been the attemp to exorcise the belief in public competence from social discourse itself.”[Bookchin,The Ecology of Freedom, p. 206]).
This ideology merely changes its outer garments, not its basic inner content over time.
During the Dark Ages, for example, it was coloured by Christianity, being adapted to the needs of the Church hierarchy. The most useful “divinely revealed” dogma to the priestly elite was“original sin”: the notion that human beings are basically depraved and incompetent creatures who need “direction from above,” with priests as the conveniently necessary mediators between ordinary humans and “God.” The idea that average people are basically stupid and thus incapable of governing themselves is a carry over from this doctrine, a relic of the Dark Ages.
In reply to all those who claim that most people are “second-handers” or cannot develop any-thing more than “trade union consciousness,” all we can say is that it is an absurdity that cannot withstand even a superficial look at history, particularly the labour movement. The creative powers of those struggling for freedom is often truly amazing, and if this intellectual power and inspiration is not seen in “normal” society, this is the clearest indictment possible of the deadening effects of hierarchy and the conformity produced by authority. (See also section B.1 for more on the effects of hierarchy). As Bob Black points outs:
“You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid, monotonous work, chances are you’ll end up boring, stupid, and monotonous. Work is a much better explanation for the creep-ing cretinisation all around us than even such significant moronising mechanisms astelevision and education. People who are regimented all their lives, handed to workfrom school and bracketed by the family in the beginning and the nursing home in theend, are habituated to hierarchy and psychologically enslaved. Their aptitude for auton-omy is so atrophied that their fear of freedom is among their few rationally groundedphobias. Their obedience training at work carries over into the familiestheystart, thusreproducing the system in more ways than one, and into politics, culture and everythingelse. Once you drain the vitality from people at work, they’ll likely submit to hierarchyand expertise in everything. They’re used to it.”[The Abolition of Work and other essays, pp. 21–2]92
When elitists try to conceive of liberation, they can only think of it beinggivento the oppressed by kind (for Leninists) or stupid (for Objectivists) elites. It is hardly surprising, then, that it fails. Only self-liberation can produce a free society. The crushing and distorting effects of authority can only be overcome by self-activity. The few examples of such self-liberation prove that most people, once considered incapable of freedom by others, are more than up for the task.Those who proclaim their “superiority” often do so out of fear that their authority and power will be destroyed once people free themselves from the debilitating hands of authority and come to realise that, in the words of Max Stirner,“the great are great only because we are on our knees. Let us rise”
As Emma Goldman remarks about women’s equality,“[t]he extraordinary achievements of women in every walk of life have silenced forever the loose talk of women’s inferiority. Those who still cling to this fetish do so because they hate nothing so much as to see their authority challenged.This is the characteristic of all authority, whether the master over his economic slaves or man over women. However, everywhere woman is escaping her cage, everywhere she is going ahead with free,large strides.”[Vision on Fire, p. 256]
The same comments are applicable, for example, to thevery successful experiments in workers’ self-management during the Spanish Revolution.Then, of course, the notion that people are too stupid for anarchism to work also backfires on those who argue it.
Take, for example, those who use this argument to advocate democratic government rather than anarchy. Democracy, as Luigi Galleani noted, means “acknowledging the right and the competence of the people to select their rulers.”
However,“whoever has the political competence to choose his [or her] own rulers is, by implication, also competent to do without them,especially when the causes of economic enmity are uprooted.”[The End of Anarchism?, p. 37]
Thus the argument for democracy against anarchism undermines itself, for “if you consider these worthy electors as unable to look after their own interests themselves, how is it that they know howto choose for themselves the shepherds who must guide them? And how will they be able to solve this problem of social alchemy, of producing the election of a genius from the votes of a mass of fools?”[Malatesta,Anarchy, pp. 53–4]
As for those who consider dictatorship as the solution to human stupidity, the question arises why are these dictators immune to this apparently universal human trait? And, as Malatesta noted,“who are the best? And who will recognise these qualities in them?”[Op. Cit., p. 53]
If they impose themselves on the “stupid” masses, why assume they will not exploit and oppress the many for their own benefit? Or, for that matter, that they are any more intelligent than the masses? The history of dictatorial and monarchical government suggests a clear answer to those questions.
A similar argument applies for other non-democratic systems, such as those based on limited suffrage. For example, the Lockean (i.e. classical liberal or right-wing libertarian) ideal of a state based on the rule of property owners is doomed to be little more than a regime which oppresses the majority to maintain the power and privilege of the wealthy few.
Equally, the idea of near universal stupidity bar an elite of capitalists (the “objectivist” vision) implies a system somewhat less ideal than the perfect system presented in the literature. This is because most people would tolerate oppressive bosses who treat them as means to an end rather than an end in themselves. For how can you expect people to recognise and pursue their own self-interest if you consider them fundamentally as the“uncivilised hordes”? You cannot have it both ways and the“unknown ideal”of pure capitalism would be as grubby, oppressive and alienating as “actually existing” capitalism.
As such, anarchists are firmly convinced that arguments against anarchy based on the lack of ability of the mass of people are inherently self-contradictory (when not blatantly self-servicing). If people are too stupid for anarchism then they are too stupid for any system you care to mention.
Ultimately, anarchists argue that such a perspective simply reflects the servile mentality produced by a hierarchical society rather than a genuine analysis of humanity and our history as a species. To quote Rousseau:“when I see multitudes of entirely naked savages scorn European voluptuousness and endure hunger, fire, the sword, and death to preserve only their independence, I feel that it does not behove slaves to reason about freedom.”[quoted by Noam Chomsky,Marxism, Anarchism, and Alternative Futures, p. 780]
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requiem626k · 3 years
Hello my dear Req, I'm here again to ask for some classical music you could recommend me🤭 Usually I would ask for piano music, but I've been in the mood for one with a harp in it lately! And I know you're busy with school and all that so please take your time hehe. And take care🥰
Hello there, my dearest Kat ❤️! I’d be so delighted to recommend you more pieces, it makes my little heart so happy that you’re interested in them 🥺💕
I hope you’ll like my selection! I tried to include variety in terms of vibes, nationalities and eras this time (Austrian-Classical, Russian-Romantic and French-19th century), instead of sticking to a single man 🤭 I’ll try to keep it short and simple (no that’s a lie, I won’t be able to 😶)
And thank you so much for your consideration, things have been pretty busy for me indeed so I’m sorry for the extremely late post 😖 And I know that uni is soon starting for you, so likewise, please take your time to listen to the pieces <3
That being said, let’s start~
Mozart - Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte
Of course, it wouldn’t be Req’s post if it didn’t start off with Mozart. This is a short lied like Das Veilchen (the one that I previously shared), the title is long haha and it means “As Luise Was Burning the Letters of Her Unfaithful Lover”. As you can guess from its name, this is really, REALLY dramatic. It’s in c minor, a tonality that Mozart doesn’t use so often (but when he does, oh boy, see his Great Mass in c minor 🤤) but which is perfect for its fierce mood. Also it’s fairly special for me because we used to sing this in our music theory classes haha, I would play the piano accompaniment while practicing with the classmates before every oral exam.
I truly adore this lied. The lyrics are once again taken from a poem, a poem of Gabriele von Baumberg, she apparently wrote it at a very young age (18 or so).
My heart melts at 00.34 omg, that soft “melancholie” and the silence that comes after 🥺… It’s truly one of those silences that make you agree with Mozart’s quote:
The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.
Then, it takes a cheerful turn (he just can’t refrain from putting happy sprinkles 🤭) until the strong chord at 00.49.
I think the section that starts at 01.00 is so worthy of being noted, I love love LOVE the suspense and tension that the piano accompaniment creates and that finishes with a strong build-up.
And the chord at 01.32… I leave my heart there. It just has me so soft. It’s so bittersweet, Mozart for some reason repeats the phrase “May smoulder long yet in my heart.” twice at the end and it’s just- 🥺
As always, he knows so well what word must be cited with what emotion, and chooses carefully his chords and functions. I just love it, and wanted to share since you had liked the previous lied 🤭
Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 2
*inhale* This one’s gonna be long, I can feel it.
I have literally SO MANY things to say about this one.
Rachmaninoff is a famous Russian composer that you might have heard of. He’s part of the Romantic Era which is, to simplify, about pouring your emotions and the turmoils in your life into your art and depicting feelings instead of trying to stick to certain rules and ‘holy’ virtues, of which we had already talked about a bit hehe.
And this piece… Oh my. You’ll see how different this concerto is compared to the Mozart ones we listened to previously. His second piano concerto corresponds to a depressive episode of his, due to his works not having a big success and being criticised so harshly. This beautiful piece is his comeback work, and you can just feel the inner conflicts, the emotional tornado he had at that period. With Mozart’s concertos, your soul is purified, they softly caress your insides and comfort you. But here, Rachmaninoff takes your emotions, and he proceeds to crush it. He plays with it, throws it, abuses it, you sob and sob and sob. At least I do 😭.
First movement
One can perfectly sense the dark pessimism in the first, silent, dangerous chord. As the 8 chords come one after another, every single one stronger than the previous, you’re on your toes and the tension increases until finally hearing the main theme through violins at 00.43. Listen to that theme very well. It’s so beautiful, so so moving, the piano section creates a fierce, dangerous background and I always get goosebumps when the violins come in.
Then, at 02.30, the second main theme is heard through the piano, pay attention to that! You will encounter it under various forms through the movement 🤭 It’s much softer compared to the first, ominous theme, it creates a beautiful contrast.
I want to note down the beautiful oboe-piano duet in 04.14 🥺. I adore oboes, it has a really beautiful and soft vibe, and here its melody is just so bittersweet when combined with the piano’s accompaniment. Then at 04.35, the piano starts playing a really soft phrase, the soft touch at that high note at 04.46, oh my God my heart. I have a feeling that you’ll adore that part 🥺 I want to note down literally every second omg
At 05.22, it turns once again really quiet and ominous, foreshadowing a big outburst through a build-up. The flutes play a big role in that aura through their short but dangerous phrases.
I especially adore the part at 06.17 in this pre-outburst section, it’s reminds me of a wave of emotions that keep hitting you and stepping back, only to strike even harder afterwards. The flutes in the background reinforce this vibe. The tension gets higher and higher at 06.36 (omg I’ll faint I love this part, I’m trembling while listening to it and trying to write this at the same time, I can’t keep up with my thoughts aaa) through the constant mutual escalation of both the piano and the orchestra. THE BEAUTY OF THE BUILD-UP PLEASE I WILL LOSE MY MIND.
And all this preparation was for the beautifully passionate part at 07.02. Rachmaninoff notes down “Alla Marcia”, meaning it should be played like a march, and its rhythmic features most certainly have that vibe. It’s just so majestic, so pompous, so raw, I love love LOVE it. It’s almost like you’re swooning in euphoria after having an emotional build-up and breakdown, it’s just- it’s something else that I can’t even describe. I just don’t have the right words for it.
I know that the piano’s melody is so alluring and enchanting there, but maybe in a second listen, I’ll want you to pay attention to the violin part during the march section 👀 Can you hear the very first theme that was introduced at the very beginning of the movement? Rachmaninoff was a total genius to put it in the background and make it fit so well. I always hesitate between paying attention to violins or piano, I end up rewinding it every single time 😖 It’s soo good.
After the euphoric section, the second theme comes again. A thing that’s worth noting down is the flute’s beautiful addition at 07.53, it’s in the background but it just makes my heart melt. I also always get goosebumps at the few ominous, sinister seconds that starts at 09.17 😳
Then it goes pretty quietly until the ending hehe, like a calmness after storm 😌 This piece is a total emotional rollercoaster, I swear. At 11.01, I love the playfulness of the piano section, it’s just so mischievous like a little naughty kitten. Then it picks up the pace, and ends with three strong beats.
Ugh. 🦋🦋🦋
Second movement
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(meme credit goes to @/pianoomemes on Instagram)
This meme says it all. I don’t even need to add anything else. As you know by now, the second movements are meant to create a sharp contrast with the first one’s mood, and 🥺😭.
The main melody… It has my heart. The movement starts with a soft piano-flute introduction, and the ethereal main theme is heard at 12.56 through an oboe.
I don’t really any other commentary to do on this heavenly movement. Just let yourself in its embrace without any technical/guiding worries <3
(Though I feel obliged to add that the part that truly has me in this movement is 22.17 🥺. It’s just so moving and sweet ahh, it just takes you away, it almost has a sentiment of longing I feel, I always have a drop of tear forming in my eyes at that part.)
Third movement
The third movement is a usual, playful, jokester movement hehe. It’s a general pattern for final movements as you might have noticed, even though this one’s not written under a Rondo form. It’s rare that I say this, but I feel like this final movement is as charming as the second one for me 🤭 (No movement surpasses the first movement though, personally of course~)
The theme that starts at 25.51 through violins is so so charismatic, it almost always flusters me 😳✨.
Then he naughtily plays around with themes, modulations and instruments haha, I’ll leave the commentary at that and leave you once again alone with the movement itself 😌
(The majestic comeback of the charismatic theme at 34.09 though 😳! I’m *this* close to thirsting over a theme omg it’s MESMERISING I want to cry.)
Fauré - Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11
And finally, to fulfil your wish 💕, here’s a piece from Fauré where you can hear one of the most beautiful usages of harp in a work, in my opinion.
Even though it’s a religious work, its lyrics are in French. Fauré is a French composer from late 19th century, and even though he’s not that well-known among the media he’s a really unique composer that we can’t even classify in a certain movement. He’s from the same era as the French Impressionists such as Debussy or Ravel, but his style is much more different than theirs. He even has his own unique chord chain etc. that we use the term “fauréen” in harmony classes. But anyways, onto the piece 🤭
I really have no proper words to describe how heavenly, ethereal, poetic, incredible, awe-inspiring and soft this piece is. Like oh my God. I feel my heart melting into a puddle and tear up every time I listen to it. I just can’t bring myself to believe that he was only 19 when he composed this for a competition, if my memory doesn’t deceive me.
The beginning with the orchestra and harp is making a truly beautiful beginning, and the first moment that I want to talk about is 01.09, it always gives me goosebumps when the sopranos come in on the background that the basses and tenors had created.
At 02.00, there’s a soft oboe that comes in for a few seconds and only plays four notes, do you hear it? Those four notes can have my heart 🥺. It’s so beautiful omg. It’s crazy how the littlest touch could make such big of a difference. He could’ve easily not put it there, but he did and that’s what makes a good composer.
The “que tout l’enfer” at 02.24 is so fierce, so mad, “enfer” means “hell” and Fauré really accentuated its meaning, I love it.
And when the piece comes to the ending, at 04.14, a soft flute plays the beginning of the main theme for the first time I believe, which is a really enchanting change for the ear.
And the ending is just so, so soft like the whole piece, I truly can’t. The main melody is just so beautiful, and he truly did an impeccable job with mixing all the voices, the orchestra and the beautiful harp together. I just turn into a soft, soft bubble made out of cotton every time I listen to this.
Ahh this was a long ride, I truly hope you enjoyed the pieces, my beloved! I wasn’t sure which style or composers you would like the most, I guess we’ll try and see 😳❤️
Just for the sake of archiving them, I’ll also add the links of the beautiful pieces we discussed on Discord.
Fauré - Barcarolle no. 1 (Fauré brainrot is strong with me nowadays haha)
Mendelssohn - Etude no. 1 op. 104b (I feel like you’d love his A Midsummer Night’s Dream overture ngl, because Shakespeare 😳 I didn’t add it here though since it doesn’t contain piano or harp)
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peytonlangosh · 3 years
9 places to find free (and almost free) fonts
When you’re kicking off a new website project, one of your most important decisions is finding what fonts to use. And while Webflow offers a host of typographic options via our Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts integrations, sometimes you might want something a little different.
For those moments, here are a few of my favorite places to find free (and low-cost) fonts that, despite their low price tags, offer both beauty and flexibility. I’ll kick the list off with places that let you download desktop and web fonts, then round it out with some cloud-based options.
9 places to find free fonts Here are a few places you can find free (and almost free) fonts:
1. Lost Type Co-op lost type co-op Inspired by Webflow’s own hometown, San Francisco, Lost Type's Mission Gothic manages to be both elegant and functional. Lost Type’s “collaborative digital type foundry” plays host to a wide variety of gorgeous, expressive fonts with a variety of price points (from free for “personal use” on up).
Like many of the smaller foundries, Lost Type offers a bunch of ornate, all-caps display fonts. But it balances that out with several more robust and flexible families that can stand up to editorial and UI use, including (my personal faves) Mission Gothic and Klinik.
2. Fontfabric fontfabric ‍Fontfabric's Signika was built for wayfinding, which makes it a natural for UI use. This independent type foundry boasts an impressive collection of free fonts suited for big, bold display use — and many include Cyrillic versions.
While it’ll probably never become your go-to for flexible body fonts, it’s worth bookmarking for those times when a project demands a impactful (or playful) hero section.
That said, the folks at Fontfabric seem to use free releases as a way to gauge demand, and often turn the more popular faces into full-fledged families you might find worth grabbing. (Especially during their introductory sales.)
That fact also demands a caveat: When browsing the site, read carefully—their “free” fonts often don’t remain that way after release.
3. The League of Moveable Type The League of Moveable Type Back when I was first discovering the joys of typography, I was a bit demoralized by the bank-busting prices. Until I discovered the League of Moveable Type, whose superheroic name seemed perfectly fitting.
(To be clear, I now know that the prices foundries charge for their work are 100% justifiable. I was just broke back then.)
While the League seems to be losing a bit of steam of late, the first open-source foundry boasts several lovely typefaces you can download for free, from the punchy League Gothic to the delicate Raleway.
4. Font Squirrel font squirrel fonts Punchcut's Amble pulls off a modern professional feel without feeling coldly neutral. Okay, so if you’re looking for an all-in-one, end-all-be-all for your free font hunt, Font Squirrel’s your jam. As they describe themselves:
“Free fonts have met their match. We know how hard it is to find quality freeware that is licensed for commercial work. We've done the hard work, hand-selecting these typefaces and presenting them in an easy-to-use format.”
And I, for one, can’t thank them enough for doing that hard work for me. Their curated collection boasts a ton of beautiful fonts, many featuring far more than 1 or 2 styles you’ll usually get in a free font. They’ve also got robust filters, tags, and categories to help you quickly find just what you want. Finally, their Generator tools helps you get desktop fonts ready for web usage, and their Matcherator is handy for identifying fonts from images.
5. Creative Market Free Goods of the Week creative market homepage Creative Market serves up a ton of (typically) affordable, high-quality design assets, including fonts. Plus, every week they share a bundle of assets that seems to always include a free face. (But don’t quote me on that.) While there’s a marked tendency for these typefaces to be of the limited use display variety, they’re still a ton of fun to play with. So sign up, and maybe you'll find the right font.
6. Behance behance free fonts Just look at all those beautiful fonts Behance users have built for us. Surely you all know — and probably use — Behance as a place to share work and get noticed. But it’s also a fantastic place to find new free fonts, and their creators, with a little creative filtering. You can find great fonts for any design project. Behance has everything from abstract fonts, commercial-use fonts, premium fonts, sans-serif fonts, and more. Just be sure not to hit the back button while you’re browsing, or you’ll lose your filters. Have fun!
7. MyFonts MyFonts free fonts MyFonts is an amazing resource for finding incredible fonts — at the usual steep rates. You can find different font styles — both for personal and commercial use. But foundries who release on MyFonts often do so with very tempting discounts that make them much more obtainable. Check out the Hot New Fonts page regularly to build up your perfect font library without breaking your bank. (Though I still refer it to as The Most Dangerous Place on the Internet.)
8. DaFont DaFont free fonts DaFont is a great place for downloading high-quality fonts. Many of the fonts on DaFont are free for personal use, making them great for any design project.
9. Adobe Fonts Adobe Fonts selection While you can’t download and use Adobe Fonts wherever you want like you can with other foundries, a free Adobe account does give you access to some of the best free fonts to use on your websites and in your Adobe design apps.
How to use custom fonts on your Webflow sites Webflow offers a variety of fonts out of the box, and you can easily add fonts from Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts.
And, if you’ve found and downloaded a beautiful face from one of the websites above, it’s just as quick and easy to upload and use them in Webflow.
What’d we miss? Surely there are other awesome places to find beautiful free and affordable fonts. If you know of any, be sure to let us know on Twitter!
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fandomsinabookshelf · 3 months
Persoonlijke Armbanden met Tekst: Unieke Accessoires!
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Persoonlijke Armbanden met Tekst: Unieke Accessoires! Welkom bij ons nieuwste blogartikel over​ persoonlijke armbanden met tekst ‌- de perfecte accessoires om jouw unieke stijl te laten zien! Of je nu een persoonlijke boodschap wilt delen of een ‍speciale herinnering wilt koesteren, deze⁢ armbanden bieden een prachtige manier om jezelf uit te drukken. Bij‍ het kiezen van een sieraad is het belangrijk dat het niet alleen mooi is, maar ook een betekenis heeft die echt bij jou past. Met onze persoonlijke armbanden met tekst kun je​ je eigen verhaal vertellen en jezelf laten stralen. Ben je klaar om te ontdekken hoe deze unieke accessoires jouw outfit helemaal af kunnen maken? Lees dan snel verder!Inhoudsopgave1. "Wat zijn persoonlijke armbanden met​ tekst en waarom zijn ze zo uniek?"2. "De​ betekenis achter persoonlijke teksten op armbanden"3. "Hoe kies je de perfecte tekst voor jouw persoonlijke armband?"4. "De verschillende materialen en stijlen⁣ van persoonlijke armbanden"5. "Een persoonlijke armband als uniek en betekenisvol cadeau"6.​ "Tips voor het dragen en onderhouden van je ⁢persoonlijke armband met tekstVragen en antwoordenAchteraf bekeken1. "Wat zijn persoonlijke armbanden met tekst en waarom zijn ze zo uniek?"1. Persoonlijke armbanden met tekst⁢ zijn ‍accessoires die speciaal zijn ontworpen om een persoonlijke boodschap, naam of datum te tonen. Deze armbanden zijn de perfecte manier om je eigen stijl uit te drukken en een uniek statement te maken. Of je nu een inspirerende quote wilt tonen, de naam van ​je geliefde wilt dragen of een belangrijke⁤ datum wilt herdenken, een persoonlijke armband met tekst kan al deze wensen vervullen. Wat deze armbanden zo uniek maakt, is dat​ ze volledig gepersonaliseerd‌ kunnen worden. Je kunt de tekst, het lettertype en het materiaal van de armband kiezen, waardoor je een stuk hebt dat echt bij jou past. Of ⁢je nu een armband wilt met een subtiel ontwerp of eentje die opvalt, er zijn ‌eindeloze mogelijkheden om je eigen unieke sieraad te creëren. Daarnaast zijn persoonlijke armbanden‌ met tekst ook geweldige cadeau-opties. Deze armbanden kunnen een diepe betekenis hebben voor de‌ ontvanger, omdat ze een persoonlijke boodschap dragen. Of het nu gaat om een verjaardag, jubileum, Valentijnsdag of gewoon om iemand te laten weten ‍dat je aan hen denkt, een persoonlijke⁤ armband met tekst is een attent en uniek geschenk. Met persoonlijke armbanden met tekst kun je je individualiteit vieren⁢ en een statement maken dat echt bij jou ⁣past. Ze zijn niet alleen unieke accessoires,‌ maar ook betekenisvolle⁣ stukken die je kunt koesteren⁢ en delen met anderen. Dus ⁣waar wacht je ⁣nog op? Ontwerp je eigen persoonlijke armband met tekst en⁤ laat je boodschap schitteren!2. "De betekenis achter persoonlijke teksten‌ op armbanden" Persoonlijke armbanden met ⁣tekst zijn niet alleen trendy accessoires, maar ze kunnen ook een diepere‌ betekenis hebben voor degene die ze draagt. Of het nu gaat om een inspirerend citaat, een betekenisvolle datum of de⁢ initialen van geliefden, deze armbanden kunnen een unieke manier zijn om je persoonlijkheid en ⁣emoties te uiten. Een persoonlijke tekst op een armband kan dienen als​ een dagelijkse herinnering aan een belangrijk moment in ‌je leven. Het kan een motiverend woord zijn dat je inspireert ⁣om door te ‌gaan, zelfs op de moeilijkste dagen. Of het kan een symbolische ⁢betekenis hebben die alleen jij en een select aantal mensen begrijpen. Wat de reden ook is, deze armbanden hebben een speciale plaats in ons hart omdat ze ons herinneren aan wie we zijn en waar we vandaan komen. De kracht van persoonlijke teksten op armbanden ligt in de emotionele band die ze creëren tussen de drager en ⁣de tekst. Het is een subtiele manier om jezelf te uiten, zonder ⁣dat je woorden hoeft te spreken. Of je nu ​je liefde voor iemand wilt tonen, jezelf wilt herinneren aan je doelen⁢ of gewoon‌ een persoonlijke touch aan je​ outfit wilt geven, een armband met een persoonlijke tekst kan dit allemaal doen.
Daarnaast bieden persoonlijke ‍armbanden met tekst ook ⁢de mogelijkheid om een uniek cadeau te geven aan iemand die speciaal voor je‌ is. Door ​een persoonlijke tekst toe te voegen, toon je niet alleen je liefde ​en waardering, maar geef je ook ⁣iets dat ⁢langdurig‌ is en een blijvende herinnering zal zijn. Elk keer dat​ de ontvanger naar ⁤de armband kijkt,⁢ zullen ze worden herinnerd aan ⁢de speciale band die jullie delen. Kortom, persoonlijke armbanden met ⁣tekst zijn niet zomaar accessoires. Ze hebben een​ diepere betekenis en kunnen een tastbare herinnering​ zijn⁢ aan belangrijke momenten en emoties. Of je ze nu voor jezelf draagt of als cadeau geeft, deze armbanden zijn een unieke manier om jezelf ⁢uit ⁢te drukken en anderen ‌te‍ laten zien ​hoeveel ⁣ze voor je betekenen. Met een persoonlijke tekst om ‌je pols​ draag je niet alleen een stijlvolle accessoire, maar⁢ ook een verhaal dat alleen jij kunt vertellen. Bold: persoonlijke armbanden met tekst, inspirerend citaat, betekenisvolle datum, initialen van⁣ geliefden, symbolische betekenis, emotionele band,​ uniek⁣ cadeau, speciale band.3. "Hoe kies je de perfecte tekst voor jouw persoonlijke armband?"3. Bij het ​kiezen van een‌ tekst voor je persoonlijke armband zijn er verschillende factoren om rekening mee te houden. Het is belangrijk om een tekst te ​kiezen die jouw persoonlijkheid ⁣weerspiegelt⁤ en tegelijkertijd een betekenisvolle​ boodschap overbrengt. ‌Hier zijn enkele tips om je te helpen de perfecte tekst voor jouw persoonlijke armband te kiezen. Ten eerste, overweeg de lengte van de tekst. Armbanden hebben vaak beperkte ruimte,‍ dus het is belangrijk om een⁣ tekst ​te kiezen die niet te lang is. Korte en bondige ⁣woorden of zinnen kunnen krachtig en⁣ impactvol zijn. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan inspirerende quotes zoals "Leef in het moment" of "Dromen worden werkelijkheid". Daarnaast is het belangrijk om na te denken over de betekenis achter de tekst. ⁤Wat wil je graag uitdrukken met je persoonlijke armband? Wil je iets motiverends,‌ iets dat geluk symboliseert of misschien een ⁢herinnering aan een speciale persoon of gebeurtenis? Door na te denken over⁣ de betekenis achter de tekst, kun je een ⁤armband creëren die een diepere emotionele waarde heeft. Bedenk ook wie de armband zal zien. Wil je‌ een tekst die alleen voor jouzelf is, of wil je een boodschap delen met anderen? Als je de armband wilt delen, ​is het belangrijk om een tekst te kiezen die universeel begrijpelijk is en anderen kan inspireren of ontroeren. Ten slotte, wees niet bang om creatief te zijn! Je persoonlijke armband is ‍een weerspiegeling ⁢van jouw unieke persoonlijkheid. Durf iets te kiezen dat buiten ‌de gebaande paden ligt ⁤en echt bij jou ⁢past. Of het nu een grappige slogan, een favoriet citaat of een simpel woord is - de keuze is aan jou! Met deze tips in gedachten kun je nu op zoek gaan naar de perfecte tekst voor jouw persoonlijke armband. Onthoud dat het uiteindelijk gaat⁢ om ‍de persoonlijke betekenis die de tekst voor jou heeft. Laat jouw armband een uniek accessoire zijn dat een verhaal vertelt en jouw persoonlijkheid in stijl uitdraagt.4. "De verschillende materialen en stijlen ‌van persoonlijke armbanden" Persoonlijke armbanden zijn unieke accessoires die een persoonlijke touch kunnen geven‍ aan je outfit. Er zijn verschillende⁤ materialen en ⁢stijlen beschikbaar, zodat je altijd een armband kunt vinden die perfect bij jou⁢ past. Een populaire optie voor persoonlijke armbanden zijn armbanden met tekst. Deze armbanden kunnen worden gegraveerd met namen, ‌initialen, belangrijke data of inspirerende quotes. Het mooie ⁤van deze armbanden is dat je ze kunt personaliseren en aanpassen aan je eigen smaak. Of je nu kiest voor een subtiele gravure of een opvallende tekst, een armband met tekst‌ is altijd een stijlvolle en persoonlijke toevoeging⁣ aan je sieradencollectie. Naast armbanden met tekst zijn er ook ⁢armbanden verkrijgbaar in verschillende materialen. ⁤Zo⁤ kun je kiezen voor een armband van⁤ sterling zilver, goud, rosé goud, leer, touw, kralen of zelfs hout.
Elk materiaal heeft⁢ zijn eigen unieke uitstraling en draagt bij aan de persoonlijke betekenis van‍ de armband. ‍Een zilveren armband straalt bijvoorbeeld elegantie​ en tijdloosheid uit, terwijl een leren armband een stoere en nonchalante look kan creëren. Het kiezen van de juiste stijl en het juiste materiaal voor je persoonlijke armband is een kwestie van persoonlijke voorkeur en stijl. Het is belangrijk om een armband te kiezen die past bij jouw persoonlijkheid en die je met trots kunt dragen. ⁣Of je nu houdt van een minimalistische stijl, een bohemien look ‍of juist van⁤ een opvallend sieraad, er ⁢is altijd een persoonlijke armband die perfect bij jou past. Laat je creativiteit de vrije loop en creëer een ‍uniek accessoire dat jouw persoonlijkheid weerspiegelt.5. "Een persoonlijke armband als uniek⁣ en betekenisvol cadeau"Als je op zoek bent naar een uniek en betekenisvol cadeau, dan zijn persoonlijke armbanden met tekst de perfecte keuze! Deze accessoires zijn niet alleen trendy en stijlvol, maar⁤ kunnen ook een​ diepe betekenis hebben voor degene die het cadeau ontvangt. Met een persoonlijke boodschap gegraveerd op de armband, kun je​ een speciale herinnering of een inspirerende quote delen met je dierbare. Persoonlijke armbanden met tekst zijn verkrijgbaar ⁤in verschillende stijlen ‌en materialen, zodat je de perfecte armband kunt kiezen die past bij ​de persoonlijkheid en smaak van degene aan wie je het cadeau geeft. Of het nu⁢ gaat om een gegraveerde naam, een belangrijke datum of een motiverende zin, de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos! Met deze unieke accessoires kun je niet alleen een fashion statement maken, maar ook een emotionele band creëren. Het dragen van een persoonlijke armband met tekst kan een constante‍ herinnering zijn aan de speciale band die⁣ je deelt met degene die​ het cadeau heeft ‍gegeven. Het is een tastbaar symbool van liefde, ⁢vriendschap of waardering. Dus waar wacht je nog op? Geef een persoonlijke armband met tekst als cadeau en laat zien hoeveel iemand voor je betekent. Of het nu voor een verjaardag, jubileum, bruiloft ‌of gewoon zomaar is, deze unieke accessoires zullen zeker een glimlach op het gezicht van de ontvanger toveren. Kies een armband die past bij de persoon en de gelegenheid, en maak van het cadeau ⁣een blijvende⁢ herinnering.6. ⁣ "Tips voor het dragen en​ onderhouden van je persoonlijke armband met tekst6.​ Een persoonlijke armband met tekst⁤ is een unieke en betekenisvolle accessoire om te dragen. Of het nu gaat om een speciale‍ boodschap,⁢ een naam of een belangrijke datum, een armband met tekst⁤ kan echt een persoonlijk statement‌ maken. Hier zijn enkele handige . Ten eerste is het‌ belangrijk om de juiste maat armband te kiezen. Een armband die te⁢ strak zit kan ongemak veroorzaken en een armband ⁤die te los zit kan gemakkelijk verloren gaan. Meet je polsomtrek nauwkeurig op voordat je een armband koopt en⁤ kies een maat die comfortabel om je pols past. Hou er ook rekening mee dat sommige armbanden verstelbaar zijn, ⁢zodat je de maat kunt aanpassen indien nodig. Om je persoonlijke armband met tekst mooi te houden, is‍ het belangrijk om aandacht te besteden aan het onderhoud. Afhankelijk van het materiaal van de armband, kunnen er verschillende onderhoudsvereisten zijn. Bijvoorbeeld, armbanden gemaakt van edelmetalen zoals zilver of goud kunnen dof worden na verloop van tijd. Gebruik een zachte doek en een mild schoonmaakmiddel om de⁣ armband‌ voorzichtig schoon te maken en zijn glans te behouden. Vermijd echter⁤ agressieve chemicaliën, zoals bleekmiddel, omdat deze de armband kunnen beschadigen. Daarnaast is het belangrijk om je persoonlijke armband met tekst met zorg te ​dragen. Vermijd​ het dragen⁣ van de armband​ tijdens ruwe activiteiten waarbij hij kan ⁤worden blootgesteld aan ⁣beschadiging of verlies. Verwijder de armband ook voordat je gaat douchen, zwemmen of sporten, omdat water en zweet de kwaliteit van de armband kunnen ⁢aantasten. Bewaar de armband op een veilige
plek wanneer je hem niet draagt, bij voorkeur in een sieradendoosje om krassen en vervorming te voorkomen. Met deze ⁤tips kun je optimaal genieten van je persoonlijke armband met tekst en ⁤ervoor zorgen dat hij er altijd mooi uitziet. Onthoud dat een persoonlijke armband een speciale‍ betekenis heeft en ‍dat het dragen ervan een manier is om je persoonlijkheid en stijl⁤ uit te drukken. Kies een armband die bij⁢ je past en draag hem met trots! Vragen en antwoordenQ: Wat zijn persoonlijke armbanden met tekst? A: Persoonlijke armbanden met⁢ tekst zijn unieke accessoires die speciaal ontworpen zijn om een persoonlijke boodschap te laten zien. Deze armbanden zijn vaak gemaakt van hoogwaardige ​materialen zoals edelmetaal of leer en worden voorzien van ​een gravure of bedrukking met een specifieke tekst, woorden of namen die‍ belangrijk ‍zijn voor de drager. Q: Wat maakt persoonlijke armbanden ‌met tekst zo uniek? A: Wat‌ deze armbanden echt​ uniek maakt, is het feit dat je ze helemaal kunt aanpassen aan je eigen smaak en voorkeuren. Je kunt kiezen uit verschillende lettertypen, stijlen en symbolen om jouw persoonlijke⁢ boodschap tot leven te brengen. Of het nu gaat⁤ om een motiverende quote, een⁣ belangrijke datum of de namen van geliefden, de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos. Q: Voor welke gelegenheden zijn persoonlijke armbanden met tekst geschikt? A: Persoonlijke armbanden met tekst zijn geschikt voor vrijwel elke gelegenheid. Ze kunnen dienen als een geweldig cadeau-idee voor verjaardagen, jubilea, bruiloften‍ of andere speciale mijlpalen in het leven van iemand anders. Daarnaast zijn deze armbanden ook perfect om jezelf te verwennen en je eigen persoonlijke stijl te laten zien. Q: Welke materialen worden vaak ⁢gebruikt voor persoonlijke ⁢armbanden ⁤met tekst? A: Persoonlijke armbanden met tekst⁣ kunnen gemaakt zijn ⁤van ⁣verschillende materialen, ⁢afhankelijk van je ​voorkeur en budget. Populaire materialen zijn onder ⁣andere roestvrij staal, sterling zilver, goud, ⁤leer en zelfs natuurlijke materialen zoals hout of edelstenen. Het belangrijkste is​ dat je ​kiest voor ‍een materiaal dat zowel duurzaam als comfortabel is om⁢ te dragen. Q: ‍Hoe kan ik een persoonlijke armband met tekst bestellen? A: Het bestellen van een persoonlijke armband met tekst is ⁢over het algemeen heel eenvoudig. Veel‌ online‌ winkels bieden de mogelijkheid om je eigen tekst en personalisatie-opties te kiezen. Je hoeft‍ alleen maar het gewenste materiaal, ⁣de tekst en ‌eventuele symbolen of stijlen te selecteren en vervolgens ⁤je bestelling te plaatsen. Binnen enkele dagen ontvang⁤ je jouw unieke accessoire op maat‍ bij jou thuis. Q: Is er iets waar ik op moet⁤ letten bij het bestellen van persoonlijke armbanden met tekst? A: Het is⁢ altijd belangrijk om de betrouwbaarheid en reputatie ​van de verkoper te controleren voordat je een persoonlijke armband met tekst bestelt. ‍Lees recensies van andere klanten en controleer of de website beveiligd is voor online transacties. ​Daarnaast is het handig om de maat van de armband⁤ te kennen, zodat deze perfect om je pols past. Q: Hoe kan ik mijn⁣ persoonlijke armband met tekst onderhouden? A: ​Het onderhouden van je persoonlijke armband met tekst is meestal heel eenvoudig. Voor armbanden van materialen zoals ⁤roestvrij ​staal of zilver kun ⁣je een zachte doek gebruiken om ze schoon te maken en op te poetsen. Lederen armbanden kunnen worden behandeld met een speciale lederreiniger en conditioner om ze in goede staat​ te houden. Het is ook belangrijk om je armband niet bloot te stellen aan vocht en​ chemicaliën om verkleuring of beschadiging‍ te voorkomen. Q: Kan ik mijn persoonlijke armband met tekst retourneren als ik niet tevreden ben? A:​ Dit kan variëren afhankelijk⁤ van het beleid van de verkoper. Het is echter altijd verstandig‍ om de retourvoorwaarden te controleren voordat je een bestelling plaatst. Veel verkopers bieden een retourbeleid aan waarbij ‌je de‌ armband kunt retourneren als je niet tevreden bent, zolang deze in originele staat is.
Zorg ervoor ⁣dat je dit controleert voordat je je definitieve beslissing neemt. Q: Zijn persoonlijke ‍armbanden met tekst alleen voor vrouwen, of zijn er ook opties voor mannen? A: Persoonlijke armbanden met⁣ tekst zijn absoluut niet alleen voor vrouwen! Er zijn talloze opties beschikbaar die speciaal ontworpen zijn voor mannen. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan stoerdere materialen zoals leer of roestvrij staal en ‌gravures met naam, belangrijke data ⁤of inspirerende woorden. Of je nu op zoek bent naar een cadeau voor een man of gewoon jezelf wilt verwennen,⁢ persoonlijke armbanden met tekst zijn⁢ er voor iedereen. Achteraf bekekenBedankt voor het lezen van ons artikel over persoonlijke armbanden met tekst! We hopen‍ dat je net⁣ zo enthousiast bent geworden over deze unieke accessoires als wij. Of je nu op zoek‍ bent naar een betekenisvol‍ cadeau voor ⁣een geliefde of gewoon je eigen stijl wilt laten zien, persoonlijke armbanden met tekst⁤ zijn de perfecte keuze. Met een ruime ⁤collectie aan stijlvolle ontwerpen en‌ mogelijkheden‌ om je eigen tekst toe te voegen, is er voor ieder wat wils. Of je nu kiest voor een⁢ inspirerende quote, een⁢ liefdevolle boodschap of simpelweg je eigen naam, jouw persoonlijkheid straalt altijd door in ​deze armbanden. Naast het esthetische aspect ‍hebben persoonlijke armbanden met tekst ook een diepere betekenis. Ze kunnen dienen als een herinnering aan een belangrijk moment, een motivatie tijdens moeilijke tijden ⁣of gewoon als een dagelijkse bron​ van‍ inspiratie. Het dragen van een armband met jouw eigen gekozen tekst is een manier om jouw verhaal te vertellen en een uniek⁢ statement te maken. Bij⁢ het kiezen van jouw persoonlijke armband met tekst is kwaliteit van groot belang. Daarom werken wij alleen met hoogwaardige materialen en zorgen we voor ⁤een zorgvuldige afwerking ​van elk stuk. Hierdoor ben je verzekerd van een duurzaam sieraad dat lang meegaat en ‌elke outfit ​compleet maakt. Ontdek vandaag nog ons uitgebreide assortiment persoonlijke armbanden met tekst en laat jouw individualiteit stralen. Of je nu⁢ gaat voor een elegante zilveren armband⁤ of een stoere leren variant, er is altijd een armband die perfect⁣ bij jou past. Bestel nu en geniet binnenkort van jouw nieuwe favoriete accessoire! Bedankt voor het lezen en veel plezier met het vinden van jouw perfecte⁢ persoonlijke armband‌ met tekst!
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scarfform85-blog · 4 years
What Are The Best Blinds For Bedrooms?
Aluminum Foil On Windows
#toc background: #f9f9f9;border: 1px solid #aaa;display: table;margin-bottom: 1em;padding: 1em;width: 350px; .toctitle font-weight: 700;text-align: center;
Timber Blinds
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What Is The Distinction In Between A Recess And Also Exact Fitting?
Are Awnings Waterproof?
All-Natural Blinds
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Timber Blinds
However unlike drapes, blinds have many relocating parts and also supply a number of advantages over curtains that can not be undervalued. For example, blinds use greater control of light levels, as they can be adjusted into a number of different settings. Lowe's will mount an entire house loaded with blinds for only $118. The first expense to determine your windows is $35, but this fee is reimbursed if you make a decision to buy blinds as well as have them mounted via Lowe's. Mounting window blinds need to be a smooth process, taking your bare windows to perfectly decorated.
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Some blinds are better at dimming an area than others, with functions like tight-fitting or routeless slats. Other blinds are specifically produced huge moving doors, or to hold up against locations of high moisture as well as moisture-- like bathrooms as well as kitchen areas. You can choose blinds in supply dimensions or it's easy to buy custom blinds made to fit your certain window sizes. Dress up your windows and supply functional security versus sunlight and also heat with among these premier choices. Acquiring a window blind can be an overwhelming job, as on the face of it the expense of the blind, and afterwards possible installment expenses can look extremely costly.
What Is The Distinction In Between A Recess As Well As Specific Fitting?
What window treatments are in style for 2020?
Be sure that you are installing your product straight and level as well. With Home Depot's Blinds Installation service, we provide professional measurement and installation of your new window treatments and make sure they are sized and hung correctly.
Relying on the variety of home windows you have, this work can take numerous hrs to a few days. Preparing as well as mounting blinds in a solitary room may have the ability to be performed in something like a single go to.
Sheer tones offer the soft appearance of tones while giving the additional level of functionality that's normally booked for blinds. Depending on the degree of personalization wanted, it can take a week or more for the manufacturer to create made to measure blinds. They're generally set up by the manufacturer or an experienced expert when manufacturer supplies the blinds.
Are Awnings Waterproof?
A lot to ensure that numerous customers who believed they would like dark blinds, currently report that if they needed to choose again they would certainly pick something lighter.
Usually https://www.suntex.nl/jaloezieen-op-maat/ on which shade to select can be made easier by thinking about a couple of things.
Choose from a series of colours and designs that consist of timber, aluminium, pleated and also roller blinds.
Dark blinds help keep out more light and also are easy to look through.
Perfect Fit Blinds are also appropriate for the majority of home windows, as they can be made to determine, making sure the ideal fit.
If cleaning blinds is not something you intend to take care of, you may wish to select roman tones, woven timbers, or honeycomb tones.
Labor costs are minimal, with the average handyman charging $10-$ 20 per window to mount blinds. Several specialist teams will certainly even take dimensions for you and provide every one of the necessary hardware as well as tools. Setting up window blinds will have a variety of variable expenses entailed. If you get on a limited budget, you can discover basic window blinds either online or at your regional big-box store for only a few dollars each.
Does Home Depot measure and install blinds?
Difficulty: Beginner Installing your new wood blinds can take less than 10 minutes, and we have made it easy for you to do yourself. For additional installation instructions, view our wood blinds PDF. This project guide highlights the installation process for an inside mount and outside mount.
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You ought to also consider how many windows require blinds mounted. The variety of sets can influence the price for installment, so it's a key information to remember. The national average for home window blinds setup in the UK varies from ₤ 60 to ₤ 115. Depending upon the variety of windows you prepare to install blinds for and the experience of your installer this expense quote could vary.
Shades can be both much cheaper and far more pricey than blinds. A basic roller color might be as little as $20 per window, while a roman color with a premium quality fabric and also motorized lift can be quite a bit a lot more. Shades are readily available with much more custom-made options, so they have the possible to be a lot more expensive than blinds on the high-end. Over the last few years, an increasing number of homeowners have actually started to trying out home window blinds along with enhancing with drapes. This is because, as interior design styles and trends evolve, people are searching for window home furnishings which match more contemporary layouts.
But if you are wishing to have actually blinds mounted throughout your residence, anticipate this to take longer. This can cut down on total costs considering that your installer only needs to come out as soon as for the work, as opposed to spreading it out over numerous weeks or months as you furnish all of your windows. They might need to do some research or other intending to make this setup work if an expert is unfamiliar with the type. Maintain this in mind so your pro can really prepare before they get here for the job.
We likewise provide numerous various other affordable window blinds as well as shades such as upright blinds, honeycomb tones, and also a lot more. Each of our window therapies are custom made to your requirements and also shipped free of charge straight to your residence. By measuring and mounting on your own you can save hundreds on your entire residence. Materials are the greatest expense, by far, of a home window blinds setup.
Blinds with various styles and also shades will certainly be a little a lot more expensive. Or, you can make them a house enhancement investment by having them skillfully created. Large fabrics can be added to shades to supply an added degree of functionality to the product. zonwering Bloemendaal serve the exact same purpose as various other tones, but they include slats like blinds do, which can be adjusted to raise or decrease the amount of light going into a room.
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grayjing · 4 years
Anarchist FAQ/What is Anarchism?/2.17<
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A.2.17 Aren't most people too stupid for a free society to work?
We are sorry to have to include this question in an anarchist FAQ, but we know that many political ideologies explicitly assume that ordinary people are too stupid to be able to manage their own lives and run society. All aspects of the capitalist political agenda, from Left to Right, contain people who make this claim. Be it Leninists, fascists, Fabians or Objectivists, it is assumed that only a select few are creative and intelligent and that these people should govern others. Usually, this elitism is masked by fine, flowing rhetoric about "freedom," "democracy" and other platitudes with which the ideologues attempt to dull people's critical thought by telling them want they want to hear.
It is, of course, also no surprise that those who believe in "natural" elites always class themselves at the top. We have yet to discover an "objectivist", for example, who considers themselves part of the great mass of "second-handers" (it is always amusing to hear people who simply parrot the ideas of Ayn Rand dismissing other people so!) or who will be a toilet cleaner in the unknown "ideal" of "real" capitalism. Everybody reading an elitist text will consider him or herself to be part of the "select few." It's "natural" in an elitist society to consider elites to be natural and yourself a potential member of one!
Examination of history shows that there is a basic elitist ideology which has been the essential rationalisation of all states and ruling classes since their emergence at the beginning of the Bronze Age ("if the legacy of domination had had any broader purpose than the support of hierarchical and class interests, it has been the attemp to exorcise the belief in public competence from social discourse itself." [Bookchin, The Ecology of Freedom, p. 206]). This ideology merely changes its outer garments, not its basic inner content over time.
During the Dark Ages, for example, it was coloured by Christianity, being adapted to the needs of the Church hierarchy. The most useful "divinely revealed" dogma to the priestly elite was "original sin": the notion that human beings are basically depraved and incompetent creatures who need "direction from above," with priests as the conveniently necessary mediators between ordinary humans and "God." The idea that average people are basically stupid and thus incapable of governing themselves is a carry over from this doctrine, a relic of the Dark Ages.
In reply to all those who claim that most people are "second-handers" or cannot develop anything more than "trade union consciousness," all we can say is that it is an absurdity that cannot withstand even a superficial look at history, particularly the labour movement. The creative powers of those struggling for freedom is often truly amazing, and if this intellectual power and inspiration is not seen in "normal" society, this is the clearest indictment possible of the deadening effects of hierarchy and the conformity produced by authority. (See also section B.1 for more on the effects of hierarchy). As Bob Black points outs:
"You are what you do. If you do boring, stupid, monotonous work, chances are you'll end up boring, stupid, and monotonous. Work is a much better explanation for the creeping cretinisation all around us than even such significant moronising mechanisms as television and education. People who are regimented all their lives, handed to work from school and bracketed by the family in the beginning and the nursing home in the end, are habituated to hierarchy and psychologically enslaved. Their aptitude for autonomy is so atrophied that their fear of freedom is among their few rationally grounded phobias. Their obedience training at work carries over into the families they start, thus reproducing the system in more ways than one, and into politics, culture and everything else. Once you drain the vitality from people at work, they'll likely submit to hierarchy and expertise in everything. They're used to it."—Bob Black, The Abolition of Work and other essays, pp. 21-2
When elitists try to conceive of liberation, they can only think of it being given to the oppressed by kind (for Leninists) or stupid (for Objectivists) elites. It is hardly surprising, then, that it fails. Only self-liberation can produce a free society. The crushing and distorting effects of authority can only be overcome by self-activity. The few examples of such self-liberation prove that most people, once considered incapable of freedom by others, are more than up for the task.
Those who proclaim their "superiority" often do so out of fear that their authority and power will be destroyed once people free themselves from the debilitating hands of authority and come to realise that, in the words of Max Stirner, "the great are great only because we are on our knees. Let us rise"
As Emma Goldman remarks about women's equality, "[t]he extraordinary achievements of women in every walk of life have silenced forever the loose talk of women's inferiority. Those who still cling to this fetish do so because they hate nothing so much as to see their authority challenged. This is the characteristic of all authority, whether the master over his economic slaves or man over women. However, everywhere woman is escaping her cage, everywhere she is going ahead with free, large strides." [Vision on Fire, p. 256] The same comments are applicable, for example, to the very successful experiments in workers' self-management during the Spanish Revolution.
Then, of course, the notion that people are too stupid for anarchism to work also backfires on those who argue it. Take, for example, those who use this argument to advocate democratic government rather than anarchy. Democracy, as Luigi Galleani noted, means "acknowledging the right and the competence of the people to select their rulers." However, "whoever has the political competence to choose his [or her] own rulers is, by implication, also competent to do without them, especially when the causes of economic enmity are uprooted." [The End of Anarchism?, p. 37] Thus the argument for democracy against anarchism undermines itself, for "if you consider these worthy electors as unable to look after their own interests themselves, how is it that they know how to choose for themselves the shepherds who must guide them? And how will they be able to solve this problem of social alchemy, of producing the election of a genius from the votes of a mass of fools?" [Malatesta, Anarchy, pp. 53–4]
As for those who consider dictatorship as the solution to human stupidity, the question arises why are these dictators immune to this apparently universal human trait? And, as Malatesta noted, "who are the best? And who will recognise these qualities in them?" [Op. Cit., p. 53] If they impose themselves on the "stupid" masses, why assume they will not exploit and oppress the many for their own benefit? Or, for that matter, that they are any more intelligent than the masses? The history of dictatorial and monarchical government suggests a clear answer to those questions. A similar argument applies for other non-democratic systems, such as those based on limited suffrage. For example, the Lockean (i.e. classical liberal or right-wing libertarian) ideal of a state based on the rule of property owners is doomed to be little more than a regime which oppresses the majority to maintain the power and privilege of the wealthy few. Equally, the idea of near universal stupidity bar an elite of capitalists (the "objectivist" vision) implies a system somewhat less ideal than the perfect system presented in the literature. This is because most people would tolerate oppressive bosses who treat them as means to an end rather than an end in themselves. For how can you expect people to recognise and pursue their own self-interest if you consider them fundamentally as the "uncivilised hordes"? You cannot have it both ways and the "unknown ideal" of pure capitalism would be as grubby, oppressive and alienating as "actually existing" capitalism.
As such, anarchists are firmly convinced that arguments against anarchy based on the lack of ability of the mass of people are inherently self-contradictory (when not blatantly self-servicing). If people are too stupid for anarchism then they are too stupid for any system you care to mention. Ultimately, anarchists argue that such a perspective simply reflects the servile mentality produced by a hierarchical society rather than a genuine analysis of humanity and our history as a species. To quote Rousseau:
"when I see multitudes of entirely naked savages scorn European voluptuousness and endure hunger, fire, the sword, and death to preserve only their independence, I feel that it does not behove slaves to reason about freedom."—Rousseau, quoted by Noam Chomsky, Marxism, Anarchism, and Alternative Futures, p. 780
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Gears V Final Thoughts
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I’m a huge fan of Gears of War, both as a series of games and as a franchise full of characters and lore, and Gears V is one long love letter to both these aspects.  Picking up a month or so after the end of Gears of War 4, Gears V follows the story of Kait much more closely, but it doesn’t abandon 4′s other new characters by any means.  All in all it makes for an almost perfect package of a campaign for me, only held back by one very odd design decisions that lead to prominent pacing issues at a couple points.
The Good:
More Like “Gimmie Myrrah This Story”!: Gears of War 4 had a simple but effective story, it was more concerned with showing the world of Sera bounce back even as it slides into another conflict than anything else.  Gears V is much more in depth, analyzing it’s existing characters to great effectiveness, introducing more fresh faces that get far more fleshed out than you’d assume and, this is the big one for me, clearing up a plot hole from Gears of War 2 that’s been bothering me since 2008. To say too much about the story would give too many spoilers, but suffice to say it’s easily the best one Gears of War has ever had. Stop And Pop Still Won’t Drop:  Gears of War’s gameplay has always been excellent, even the first game with it’s terrible writing and limited selection of weapons still plays pretty damn well today, but it’s refined to a science in Gears V.  There’s just the right amount of weight and speed mixed in with the movement controls, the changes to the shooting to add more recoil to the guns is a little odd at first but makes you wonder how it ever worked without it once you get used to it, and enemies are even more aggressive and intelligent in finding ways to flush you out of cover or keep the pressure on in the games immaculately designed firefights. There’s only a handful of new weapons, like the Lancer GL (Grenade Launcher, and believe me, it rules) and the Swarm’s “Claw” machine gun (that looks like it’s held together with nails and tape and fires as erratically as you’d expect), but all of them serve to introduce some great variety into your combat options.  Most of all though Gears’ shooting gameplay still just feels good, even if every other part of this game had bombed, and failed miserably to achieve what it was going for, if the shooting was still the same I’d probably still be singing this games praises to the end of time.
Jacks Back, Jack: Jack is an odd part of Gears of War because he really never did all that much, being the little invisible robot friend who followed the squad around waiting for someone to say, and I quote, “Jack, rip that door!” before he decided to do anything.  Well in Gears V not only is Jack back, he’s a fully featured mechanic to be used in single player and a full playable character on his own in co-op!  Jack can retrieve weapons and ammo from the battlefield, lay traps, pulse the world to reveal enemies and even mind control select bad guys to fight on his own.  It might sound like he’s a little too much of a Jack of all trades (NOW I GET IT), but using him in the heat of battle never stops being fun and useful.  Also, he occasionally still rips some doors, so don’t worry, you purists out there.
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The variety of locations is top notch, including a few nostalgia laden surprises you definitely won’t expect.
The Bad:
Lets Ruin The Paci-Er Uh, Get Back To The Skiff!: (To Preface this point let me just say, I’m glad The Coalition tried....but....) So Gears V made the bold decision to have the bulk of the game set in two large open world areas, one you navigate via a skiff vehicle with a handful of side missions doting both the open worlds you can stop to inspect in-between the main story missions which all both function as and feel like traditional Gears of War levels from series past.  This open world style simply doesn’t work.  The side missions are so few and far between that they truly don’t add anything meaningful to the game except for a handful of generic firefights.  The open worlds are gorgeous to look at and the Skiff is fun to drive, but both end up being utterly pointless 5 or so minute roadblocks to continuing the story of the game.  Again, I’m glad The Coalition tried something new, but this is about the defition of a swing and a miss.  They didn’t lean into the open world enough to re-define what Gears is, but they did lean in just the right amount to cause friction between what they thought they were making with these sections and what the rest of the game actually is. The open world sections were a great idea, and expanded upon I think could work with some refinement, but as they are here only serve to ruin the story pacing with odd roadblocks and travel times that feel like just enough of a chore to be annoying.
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ctl-yuejie · 5 years
all of @howdydowdy‘s most loveliest tags for my fanfic, you are so wonderful i don’t know how i deserved the good luck to find you ;A;
1. #OH MY GOD!!!!!!!#it's here!! i'm gonna lose my whole entire mind!!!!!#well i hope everybody's ready for me to scream about every single installment as it comes out because this is the most important thing now#i didn't even know turnip!ah yuan was gonna be in it THIS IS THE BEST SURPRISE!!!!!#i feel so honored that my tags had anything to do with inspiring this incredible au but this is absolutely so much better#even in this short installment i'm getting such a good feel for the three characters who have made an appearance so far!#excited to see your lwj!!!#'the only thing his viewers enjoyed more than his content were the occasional take-downs Wen Qing was dishing out in the comment section'#ahahaha you are so funny#PLEASE EVERYONE LOOK AT THIS AMAZING FIC! I'M SO EXCITED FOR IT!!!!#i don't know all the things that are gonna happen but i have a general idea and guys it's such a good au#op is so creative and brilliant!!!#the untamed#ah yuan and his two dads will be the death of me#fic#these are a few of my favorite things
2. #second! installment!! time!!!#i feel like i'm a reader in dickensian london waiting for the new chapter to come out in the magazine#except there's less pollution and i don't have to put coal in an oven#why are those my associations with dickensian london? idk don't worry about it#jiang cheng makes an appearance! okay so i have never really understood him but i've been reading a LOT of fic#and i'm starting to get the picture i think#this is like...just the right amount ominous to get me super excited to see what happens next#WYD JC????#also wwx's characterization is just *chef's kiss*#<3 <3 <3 love u op you're too good to me#puns
3. #ohhhh shit everybody lwj is here! things are happening!!!!#i love all the sibling feels lxc gives me always#in every single fic i read he's like 'lwj i found another boy your age please be friends with him i love you so much'#oOoOoO the shoot will be four whole days i wonder what can happen in four days you guys...#like maybe...mister stoic guqin falling in love with disaster farmer man????#STAY TUNED#you know what just occurred to me is that lwj needs an emotion translator#i'm thinking like luther the anger translator for obama in those key & peele sketches#except it's just someone interpreting all of lwj's stoic faces#i mean lxc can read his faces so you'd think he could do it but idk if lxc himself is emotive enough#i'll have to think about it more
4. #this fic is the gift that keeps on giving#slowly introducing new characters...now we're meeting my sweet baby wen ning...i don't deserve this happiness...#also wei wuxian's carefree chaotic energy is just to die for#and what's this? jiang cheng appears on the horizon? narrowing his eyes at a tumbleweed that rolls across his path#his spurs jingling menacingly as he stalks ever closer?#hold on to yer hats cowboys i smell some Plot approaching#the untamed#fic#(okay also 'explosive arts & crafts projects' ahaha you are the best at these descriptions)
5. #oooooooo things are really coming together my dudes...#more jiang cheng content! okay he is really growing on me. grouch with a heart of gold. huge schemer. just wants to make fun of his BIL with#his brother but feels like he has to prioritize his ~responsibilities~#he loves wwx and understands what motivates him and at the same time just wants him to like. chill#the air quotes ahaha#that wwx makes them and that jc hates it#also i think my favorite image from this is the fact that one of the draws of the tv show is that all the cultivator hosts are handsome#which means that when lxc needed someone to cover for him he just went to the producers like#'no worries my little brother is also super hot so he should meet all your requirements'#'is he personable? no. does he speak in complete sentences? also no. but are the viewers gonna go batshit over his face? absofuckinlutely'#and the producers were like 'oh yeah dude say no more'#this is so fun i'm really enjoying these updates!!!
6. #not the city centre itself but a nearby mound#which sounds unusual and ominous#honey you got a big storm comin'#lwj is getting there early...oh fuck the suspense...#also 'either this is just how show business works or no one really knows what they are doing' why not both lwj??#ahaha i am cackling and steepling my fingers imagining how this is all gonna go down#babe i'm glad you decided not to give me spoilers because it is so fun watching things unfold
7. #i'm just imagining the perspective of the film crew showing up and it's a barren wasteland#they're like...wtf kind of establishing shots are we supposed to take of this??#don't worry guys the cutest child on the planet lives here. just get some footage of him frolicking in the turnip fields#the audience will lose their effing minds
8. #i love jc's logic like 'no one can find out about this or it'll be bad for the family. how to accomplish this? better get a film crew'#also i love how he's lowkey bitter that no one wants to interview him AHAHA jc you peach#and he's like 'maybe i'll watch the show. JUST TO MAKE FUN OF WWX FOR NO OTHER REASON'#wow i'm like becoming really fond of this character op!!!
9. #AHAHA love this image of lwj staring after nhs as he traipses down the street#'fancy birds? tf kinda innuendo is that??'#also lwj deciding to wear all white so that people won't approach him ahaha damn where is my equivalent outfit??#MATCHMAKER LXC STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!#did lxc even have to go out of town for real or was it all a setup to get lwj and wwx in the same place??#wouldn't put it past him tbh#lwj is so perfectly taciturn here i love it#and not just because he's not personable or something it's because he's having FEELINGS#also because wwx never shuts up lol#'he is doomed just like before because even this unknown wei wuxian he wants to be close to and find out who he is'#ughughguhgghhghhh how are you finding and pushing all my buttons???#hot DAMN i am HERE for this!!!
10. #i've now read this three times and i love it more every time!#you have such a way with words and i love how you're getting into wwx's head#it can be hard to relate to him with how dense he can be but you make it all seem incredibly plausible and realistic!!#i love him like 'wonder what it would be like to share a hotel room. it's totally normal that i'm thinking about this'#and like. you show how he got there in his thought process and it makes total sense!#also: lwj as eye candy YES EXACTLY#nhs is the perfect choice for a tv interior designer expert. that is SO what he would be doing in a universe with tv about interior design#okay and MOST IMPORTANTLY we have come to the part in the gifset!! this is the best crack that ever caught feels omg ilysm#demonic blood pool WEI YIIIIIIIING#wen ning being all yeah goth guys and blood pools two great tastes that taste great together#i love everything about this and it was so worth the wait. very excited for the next installment!!!
11. #you are LITCHRALLY killing me with this sharp characterization!! how are you nailing all their voices!!!!#nhs just in it for the hashtag drama that's so spot on omg. breaking all the rules HE wrote just so he can torture jc#all 'are you seeing this??? ARE YOU??' poor nhs and jc having to watch these two lovesick fools make googly eyes at each other#for YEARS and not REALIZE it well it's your lucky day mr. fan man because soon the whole world will see this UST and validate you#okay but what i love the most is jc the masochist being so uncomfortable he has to keep turning off the video ahahahaha#wangxian out here romancing so hard that jc needs a barf bag. or therapy. or selective amnesia.#you ever get secondhand mortifying ordeal of being known? that's what's happening for jc here#it's mortifying watching other people experience the ordeal of being known. this is the hardest i have ever related to jc#it's like oh fuck. lwj loves wwx and it's so obvious. oh my god. i'm so embarrassed.#wwx is so gone for lwj and it's right there on his face for anyone to read. i'm in agony.#ALSO 'jiang cheng can feel his head get hot and he drops the phone on the table like it personally betrayed him' THANK U FOR THIS#everything about this is the best and my favorite#ahhh i'm so excited for the next chapters and so glad they're already up so i can read them right now!!!!
12. #lxc shooting lwj pointed looks every time the jiang sect comes up in conversation for the past 13 years!!!!! he would!!!!!!#i love the way you describe wwx through lwj's eyes. the love just shines through#also you are so insightful about his character but what else is new??? you're the character breakdown QUEEN#OH MY GOD AH YUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111#i am writing these tags as i read or that would have been the first tag it's SO important#i mean my tag isn't important it's incoherent but AH YUAN IS IMPORTANT!!!!!#you really want me to die. you really want me to be all the way murdered.#this image of lwj just standing there with impeccable posture one arm behind his back the other holding a sword in the air randomly#with this squirmy lil bab clutching at his clothes and reaching up on his tiptoes#okay dang i didn't know there was gonna be action! intrigue!! an ambush!!!#this fic really has it all#bamf!wwx and rescuer!lwj#battle couple ftw#NOT TO MENTION DRUNK!LWJ!!! SELF SACRIFICING!LWJ!!!!!#how am i supposed to live knowing lwj Did That#ughghughghgughgh#'at least i made him happy.' at least you made him happy???!?!?!?#just let me live for a second!!!#just one second though then i'm gonna read the next chapter
13. #awwww jiang 'I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU I'VE JUST BEEN CUTTING ONIONS' cheng gets a tear in his eye#they are...a fambly.....#my man lxc coming thru for the people!! title of my upcoming inspirational children's book: Lan Xichen Takes a Stand#op you made me love jiang cheng. i'm in it now
14. #omg i forgot that you had written this and sent it to me weeks ago so when i read it just now i was like...obviously that's what happened???#i had already just fully incorporated it into my understanding of these characters in my head and forgotten how it got there#so this was the BEST surprise#i can't believe you. putting ah yuan and bunnies in the same chapter because you love drowning me in cute#soft domestic adoptive dad content???? ugh i literally need to lie down and go into a coma.#just a lil coma. to recharge my feels.#i don't know what you could possibly be putting in the 'extra' but i am. vibrating with excitement!!!!#this is one of my favorite fics ever and i'm forever happy that you came up with this amazing idea and executed it so well#I APPRECIATE AND ADORE YOU!!!#HEART EYES EMOJI#these are a few of my favorite things#the untamed#ah yuan and his two dads will be the death of me
15. #OH MY GOD NHS MASTERMINDED ALL OF IT#this is so perfect i'm in awe!!!!#of course he did!!!!#also 'he had been very invested in this romance he had even painted themed fans for this' ahahaha#these schemes! these machinations!! he got lxc out of the way! he put the idea in jc's head! ahhhhh!#mr. fan man
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akatdeity · 5 years
On the Muses -
    Hidan is a priest with extremist tendencies. You will often find him with some sort of weapon in his body as a part of ritual self-mutilation. Body horror, existentialism, and general violence is to be expected, and will be tagged accordingly.
    Hidan is mostly friendly and contemplative, but easily slips into teasing that can be cruel. He isn’t looking for relationships that aren’t between him and the Big Guy Down There. Please be patient with him. Don’t force anything. If you want him to be gentle or soft, please DM to plot out something with the mun.
  The only holy thing this blog recognizes is Jashin, so please - no god modding.
   †   .   †   .   †
    Jashin is a god of life and death. He can often be found among the suffering, judging souls and setting them right. Psychological horror, existentialism, and general creepiness is to be expected, and will be tagged accordingly.
    Jashin is calculating, and stares at men as if they are cogs in the grand scheme of his perfect universe. To him, everything has a balance, and so pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin. He favors very few. Please be patient with him. Don’t force anything. If you want him to be gentle or soft, please DM to plot out something with the mun.
Being a god, he will occasionally intervene in the lives of mortals. Mun will contact you ahead of time as needed. Note that Jashin will not intervene on Hidan’s behalf: his follower will reap what he sows.
   †   .   †   .   †
On the Mun -
Basic Info: Mun has no pronoun preference. Use whatever you like. 
Shipping: Mun is open to almost all pairings where characters have chemistry. 
Hidan/Konan: 🚫
Noncon and domestic abuse: 🚫
NSFW: Mun is 21+. Will write 18+ ships with 21+ RP partners. 
Interactions -
Unless otherwise discussed, Mun usually answers queries assuming that the relationship between characters is that of canon. Muses will interact and ship with everyone, so long as they are compatible! Friendships, rivalry and hateships are also sought after. 
     Style: Paragraph/Prose, usually present-tense.      Length: Match quality not word count.       Asks: 
Put IC dialogue in quotes.
Indicate applicable verses, muse(s) and/or characters. 
If not specified, Mun will choose whatever is inspiring.
    Mutual RP Blogs: ❤️     Non-Mutual RPers: ❤️     Non-RP Blogs: ❤️     Likes & Reblogs: ❤️
All likes are good likes.
Ask before reblogging an RP thread.
Anyone can reblog posts in which Mun is OP. 
    OCs, Alts, Rare and Crossover Characters: ❤️
Please DM a VERY detailed bio prior to interacting. 
   Over-Projection & Kins: 🚫    Callouts/Vagueposts: 🚫
  †   .   †   .   †
    Who are you?
I go by “Akat” on my roleplay Tumblrs, @akatdollie, @akatdeity, and @slcklecell.
If you know my fandom main do not mention it to others, please.
    Are you affiliated with Akatzombie?
No. Akatzombie—though my friend—is run by another wonderfully talented mun.
    Why didn’t you follow me back?
First, this is a side blog. I may have followed you back from my main, “akatsings”. You do not have to follow that blog for me to interact with yours.
Second, I don’t automatically follow back. If I do, I may unfollow at will—nothing against you, I just aim to keep my dash focused for my muses.
Third, if you don’t see that in your follower list, don’t worry! I still answer casual asks (ooc and easy interactions) from anyone, both rp and non-rp blogs.
    How selective are you in general?
I will not respond in detailed prose to any rare, crossover, or OC character without an easy to find biography/intro. I am not researching your muse. That is not fun—it’s homework.
OOC and headcanon asks are fine, though.
I will not answer shipping, violent, or sexual asks for anyone but my mutuals. Even then I only answer what inspires me.
The reason for this is that my muses tend to respond aggressively to unsolicited advances, and I don’t always feel comfortable answering in character.
I won’t thread for anyone but long-term friends or those who respect and understand the dynamics of my characters.
I reserve the right to determine who does and does not meet the above qualifications.
    How selective are you in shipping?
It usually takes me two to three sentences of a reasonable argument/AU to ship something, but I won’t do all the work to make it “happen.”
Further: Just because I generally ship something, doesn’t mean that I will automatically ship my muse with yours. Different muns have different portrayals and different writing styles for the same muses; sometimes these portrayals click. Other times they don’t.
    What if my character doesn’t meet yours in canon?
That’s fine! Just ask or dm me with how you want them to interact (friends? Rivals? Comrades? Etc), plus a scenario where they do meet, and I will tell you how my muse will react in that situation, and then we’ll move on from there.
    What if I want to make an AU for our muses?
Same as above! Give me an idea and we’ll talk about it.
I generally have a lot of open-ended verses that I adapt to fit other people’s muses and ideas. You are free to propose a variation on them, or another verse entirely. However, I won’t be doing all the work in order to get our characters to meet, interact and like/dislike each other—that’s unfair, and too much work on one mun.
If you’re having trouble, start with— “I really think it’s cool if X and Y character—“ etc. Or how you think our characters would work together.
    What if I accidentally break a rule of yours?
If you’re a mutual, I will take a screenshot of the rule and kindly remind you to abide by them. If you’re a stranger, I will automatically soft block or block, depending on how badly the rule was broken and how uncomfortable I feel.
I don’t make these rules to be mean, but to save the time and energy of us all. So if these rules are disregarded, then we will have to cut our losses. I will unfollow when I feel like someone has not read my rule page, and not be inclined to interact.
If you’re unsure if you have broken a rule, please politely ask. I don’t bite really.
    How do I interact with you more?
Send! 👏 More! 👏 Asks!
OOC, or IC, I promise to return the favor.
     Can I have your discord ID?
Nope! This is reserved for long-term friends and mutuals that respect my characters.
If you are one of these people, do not give out my ID without asking, please.
  †   .   †   .   †
Thank you for reading my rules! Mun will extend the same courtesy to you, and will be reading your blog information prior to following or interacting.
   †   .   †   .   †
    Note: Mun works eight to six job Monday through Friday, in addition to running several sideblogs, so replies may be slow. Feel free to poke them if you haven’t heard from them in a while.
About   †   Verses   †   Rules (here)
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  Why do people use coworking spaces?
Having a shared space and creating a sense of community is another reason why people chose coworking spaces. Officing in a coworking environment lets you surround yourself with goal-oriented and high-achieving professionals. Having so many professionals in one room means your networking opportunities are endless.
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  How much are coworking spaces?
How much are coworking spaces?
The average price of Hot Desk option offered by WeWork is $392 per month. The most expensive space is located right at Hollywood with monthly price of $450 per month, while the cheapest price is $350 per month for several spaces.
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  What does coworking space mean?
What does coworking space mean?
Coworking is a business services provision model that involves individuals working independently or collaboratively in shared office space. The typical user of a coworking facility is self-employed, a telecommuter, or a freelance worker.
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  Do Coworking spaces work?
Do Coworking spaces work?
Coworking spaces don't come with the high costs and commitments of a traditional office leases. They also provide the chance for small teams to interact with others in the space. These spaces also may even help entrepreneurs find a co-founder for their start-up by connecting the right people at the right time.Sep 12, 2018
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  How many coworking spaces are there in the US?
How many coworking spaces are there in the US?
This statistic shows the number of coworking spaces in the United States from 2007 to 2022. In 2017, there were 4,043 coworking spaces in the U.S., and this is forecasted to increase to 6,219 in 2022. In 2017, there were around 1.18 million people working in coworking spaces worldwide.
Search for: How many coworking spaces are there in the US?
  Should I get a coworking space?
Should I get a coworking space?
Some coworking spaces even require that several current members vouch for you before you're eligible to apply. ... They may offer a free coworking day each month so you can drop in and get a feel for the space. The coworking spaces that I jived the most with were the smaller, more laid-back spaces.May 30, 2017
Search for: Should I get a coworking space?
  How much should I pay for office space?
How much should I pay for office space?
$3000 per month for 1200 square feet. So now we know how much startups pay for office space. If you have enough revenue or have raised enough capital to have 10 employees, your startup can expect to pay around $6,100 in rent per month.Feb 26, 2014
Search for: How much should I pay for office space?
  How much does shared office space cost?
How much does shared office space cost?
Best Shared Office Space Summary Table
Shared Office Space Best For Pricing From* Industrious Another coworking and/or private office space option $495/month Servcorp Virtual office space $112/month Davinci Another virtual office space option $50/month
3 more rows
Jan 8, 2018
Search for: How much does shared office space cost?
  How many coworking spaces are there in the world?
How many coworking spaces are there in the world?
Coworking now takes up 27million sq feet of office space across the US, and 19 more growth statistics that prove coworking is the new normal. There are currently 14,411 coworking spaces in the world today. The number of coworking members will rise to 3.8 million by 2020 and 5.1 millionby 2022.Mar 15, 2018
Search for: How many coworking spaces are there in the world?
  What are the benefits of coworking?
What are the benefits of coworking?
7 Benefits of Coworking Spaces
Productivity. Imagine an environment without the stuffiness of a corporate office space but still more structure than your home office. ...
Community/Networking. ...
New Business. ...
Increased Well Being. ...
Diversity. ...
Cost Efficient. ...
Jun 18, 2018
Search for: What are the benefits of coworking?
  How do I start a coworking space business?
How do I start a coworking space business?
What are the steps to start a coworking space business?
Plan your business. A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. ...
Form a legal entity. ...
Register for taxes. ...
Open a business bank account. ...
Set up business accounting. ...
Obtain necessary permits and licenses. ...
Get business insurance. ...
Define your brand.
Search for: How do I start a coworking space business?
  How do you manage a coworking space?
How do you manage a coworking space?
6 Top Tips For Managing a Coworking Space
Be Selective With Members. A coworking space is as much about the people within it as the physical premises. ...
Embrace Diversity Among Members. ...
Encourage Members to Use Other Coworking Spaces. ...
Design Your Space For Interaction. ...
Monitor How People Use the Space. ...
Encourage Engagement.
Mar 1, 2011
Search for: How do you manage a coworking space?
  How do you make a creative space?
How do you make a creative space?
Here are some personal tips to help you create the perfect creative space.
Visualize your creative space.
Comfort is the key ingredient.
Surround yourself with inspiration.
Let the sun shine in.
Personalize your space.
Develop a mantra.
Facilitate creativity with music.
Bring nature indoors.
Search for: How do you make a creative space?
  What is a co op space?
What is a co op space?
A co-work space is a shared work environment where people meet, work, network, share ideas and collaborate on projects. ... There are many benefits of joining a co-work space, and they are becoming widely accepted and utilized around the country.Nov 24, 2014
Search for: What is a co op space?
  What are shared office spaces?
What are shared office spaces?
Office sharing is a concept that allows companies who own or manage an office, that have redundant office space to share or rent the workstations or self-contained units to smaller companies looking for flexible workspace. ... Higher office management costs (cleaning services, printer ink, office supplies and so on)
Search for: What are shared office spaces?
  What are shared workspaces?
What are shared workspaces?
Physical & Collaborative: Physically collaborative shared workspaces, also known as coworking spaces, are spaces that are created in an office that provide employees the ability to collaborate together and work more closely.Apr 1, 2014
Search for: What are shared workspaces?
  What is GCUC?
What is GCUC?
Fun fact: GCUC (short for the Global Coworking Unconference Conference) is the largest coworking conference series in the world, and it's way more than that, too. ... The coworking conference movement has exploded, and we're shaping its evolution.
Search for: What is GCUC?
  How many coworking companies are there?
How many coworking companies are there?
Coworking members are not only tech professionals and startups; part-time workers, freelancers and small enterprises are joining the coworking world. By 2022, there will be over one million coworking members in the U.S. alone. Forecast of coworking members in the U.S. Source: GCUC.
Search for: How many coworking companies are there?
  How big is the coworking industry?
How big is the coworking industry?
We expect the number of coworking members will grow from 1.74 million in 2017 to 5.1 million in 2022. This is an average annual growth rate of 24.2%. The faster coworking member growth is due to coworking spaces getting bigger in square footage as well as members per square foot.Dec 18, 2017
Search for: How big is the coworking industry?
  Can you write off coworking space?
Can you write off coworking space?
Renting office space produces significant tax deductions during tax season. ... While many of the expenses incurred at a coworking space can be deducted — such as the cost of renting a conference room, printing costs, networking events, etc.. — the IRS is clear that the cost of commuting and parking cannot be deducted.Apr 2, 2019
Search for: Can you write off coworking space?
  How do I rent out office space?
How do I rent out office space?
Check whether you can rent. You might not be able to rent a home office. ...
Determine the rent. You should look at how much office space rents for in the nearest business district. ...
Decide what amenities to provide. ...
Tell people you know that you are renting. ...
Confirm that you want to rent out a home office.
Mar 29, 2019
Search for: How do I rent out office space?
How much does it cost to lease a space?
How much does it cost to lease a space?
So for 1,900 square feet, that would cost approximately $3,642 per month. A similarly sized stand-alone building located one-half mile from that store may only be $11 per square foot. For the purpose of writing a business plan, using an average price of $17 per square foot would be a safe assumption in this example.Dec 31, 2018
Search for: How much does it cost to lease a space?
  Can you work in a storage unit?
Can you work in a storage unit?
Commercial storage units have slightly different rules than regular storage units depending on the scale of the business. But remember, unless you rent an office, retail or commercial space specifically, you're not allowed to work or conduct business inside a storage unit.Nov 10, 2017
Search for: Can you work in a storage unit?
  How do I get office space?
How do I get office space?
The six steps to find and lease office space include:
Evaluate Your Office Needs. ...
Estimate Your Budget. ...
Identify Office Space for Rent That Meets Your Criteria. ...
Research & Tour Available Office Space for Rent. ...
Organize Your Business' Financials. ...
Choose an Office & Negotiate Your Lease.
Aug 31, 2018
Search for: How do I get office space?
  How is office space rent calculated?
How is office space rent calculated?
Rent Per Square Foot
Example with annual quote: A 2,200 square foot office space is quoted a rent of $11.50 per square foot. 2,200 X $11.50 = $25,300 per year for rent.
Example, same building and rent for monthly amount: 2,200 X $11.50 = $25,300. Divide by 12 months to get a monthly rental amount of $2,108.33.
Jan 22, 2019
Search for: How is office space rent calculated?
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