#perhaps I’ll get some writing inspo??
hihellogoodbyebruh · 1 year
MAYANS IS BACK so y’all know i gotta come back with my long ass review posts.
Probably watching tonight so stay tuned
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you're losing me | charles leclerc
prompt: charles has been off the past couple of weeks and all y/n wants to do is help him, but what can she do when he won't open up? it's tiring feeling alone, but it's hard to speak up. will charles finally let her in or will it be the end?
warnings: angst and sadness, but it ends up ok lol
a/n: hey guys! this is just a one part story, but i would really love some prompts. please feel free to request anything! i write for bradley bradshaw, lando norris, charles leclerc, mason mount, jake sersein, and christian pulisic. i also love using songs as inspo so pls feel free to use a song as a prompt! thanks for the support!
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The past couple of weeks had been a game of if Charles would speak when he got home or not. The endless amounts of sympathy y/n gave him didn’t seem to open him up. She thought that perhaps he would let himself enjoy life over the summer break, but she doesn’t think he has even said four words to her. The past few days he had left early for runs, climbing out of bed and getting back into it without so much as a squeak of a floorboard. Nightly rituals between them had been forgotten.  This was only their third month… She thought. There were so many things left unsaid between them, things that she felt unimportant to tell him. Things she thought could be seen as coming off “too strong.” But she was extremely tired of feeling alone. She missed his arm around her as they watched the Monaco skies, she missed the smell of his hair after he showered, and she just missed the sound of his voice. Her clothes in his drawers dedicated to her started to feel misplaced. She felt like her presence started to feel like an intrusion. She was practically living with him, but it started to feel like she should be paying rent. 
y/n sat on a barstool, waiting for Charles to come back from running whatever errand he hadn’t told her about. Her head was in her hands as she stared lazily out the window, dark clouds were forming. Click. The door opened. She looked at him, urging him to speak. He looked at her, a quick glance before walking into their room. She heard the water start running in the shower. A tight feeling formed in her throat. How can he not see there’s a problem?  She placed her head in her hands and allowed herself to shed a few tears. A few minutes went by before the sound of footsteps interrupted her silence. She picked her head up. “Charlie?” She tries to get his attention. No answer. Nothing new. She’s not sure she even remembers what it sounds like when he says her name. A sigh leaves his mouth.
“Where are you going?” She asked, just a simple question.
“Out to dinner.” He tied his shoes. 
Please just look at me. Please just see that there is something wrong. A brief moment of silence. “Somethings not working.” She bit her nails.
“I don’t understand.” He shook his head, dismissing her statement.
“I know you don’t.” Her brows furrowed. This can still be fixed. Everything we built can still stand. “Charles, you haven’t said four words to me since you’ve gotten home. Hell, you’ve barely talked to me for weeks. I don’t know what to do!”
“I don’t know what you're talking about.”
“You haven’t even touched me.” The room once filled with light felt cold and empty.
“Didn’t know you needed that validation.” He mumbled. 
“A hug is seen as validation? A fucking hug from someone I haven’t seen or spoken to because he won’t respond whether it’s in person or over the phone!” Just pull me into a hug now, all will be forgotten. Please just hold me. 
“I don’t have time for this right now.” Disappointment. 
“It's now or never. I’ve given you the best I have.” Tell me what to give after that. Her voice caught. She stood, feeling vulnerable in his sweatshirt and his sweatpants. Silence again. Silence that he was not willing to break. “Okay.” She nodded. “I’ll be out of here by the time you get home. I just-” She ran a hand through her hair, “I just need a bit to gather my things.” Guilt panged in her chest, the feeling of being an intruder tearing through her. She held her head high as she walked into their room, grabbing an empty box from beside the trash. 
“Y/n.” He stood in the doorframe. She willed herself to continue packing, despite her longing for his voice. “Y/n.”
“Enough!” She slammed the shirt she had started folding into the box. “Just go to dinner.”
“I didn’t fucking ask you to stay through anything!” He snapped. “I don’t need to see you or feel your embrace every time I come home from a shitty race weekend.”
“Good because it's never happening again! You won’t ever have to see me again after tonight.” The sound of thunder caused her to flinch. Charles’ face softened as he glanced out the window. 
“You can’t leave tonight.” He shook his head.
“I’ll do whatever I want.” She seethed. She kept her head down, making no eye contact. “You’ll do whatever you want tomorrow when the storm clears.” He stated. Y/n held her breath until she felt his presence dissolve. The sound of his footsteps led her to believe he went to his sim room. She shut the door quietly before breaking down. Her face felt burning hot as she rapidly shoved clothes into a random backpack. She frantically tried to collect herself before stepping back into the living room. She held a box in her arms as she struggled to open the apartment door. Rain poured as she sheltered under the overhang of the building. Her heart pounded, all she wanted to do was get out of his way. Y/n made a run for her car and quickly opened the trunk, shoving the box inside before slamming it closed and heading back inside. The lighting of the apartment was dark as the natural lighting was miniscule. Charles had moved to the couch, a solemn look in his eyes as he scrolled on his phone. He glanced up to see y/n drenched in rain. “Mon coeur…” He watched her as she ignored him and kept walking back to their room. He followed her, attempting to talk, but was quickly denied as she reached their bathroom and quickly locked the door. 
Y/n peeled off the wet clothes and glanced at herself in the mirror. A quick rush of feeling came back to her as she let out a sob, steadying herself on the sink counter. The coldness of the rain washed off of her as she bathed in the warmth of the shower, although the tears never ceased to flow. How does she pick up her life after this? The relationship was so public, that doesn’t just fizzle out. 
She walked into the bedroom, towel wrapped around her. Charles was sitting at the foot of the bed, feet planted, head in hands. She quietly grabbed her undergarments, a shirt, and a pair of sleep shorts from the bag she had packed earlier and retreated back into the bathroom. She never did that. Charles thought. She never hid herself away instead of doing something so intimate as changing her clothes in front of him. She changed in the bathroom and washed her face. Y/n opened the bathroom door slowly and noticed Charles in the same position. “I’m so embarrassed.” He spoke. 
“Now you talk…” She whispered. 
“I’m so fucking emberassed with myself I can’t stand it.” He held the end of the sleeves of his sweater in his hands. “I know I don’t deserve you and I know I’ve treated you horribly. There’s no excuse.” He kept his composure. “My team is just so-so aggravating and for a while I viewed you as my escape from all that, but the more interested in me you got and the more you wanted to know the more I grew embarrassed. I’m embarrassed with my performance in the car and I’m embarrassed for you to see that I’m undeserving of you. I never wanted to tear you down with me though.”
Her mouth opened to speak, but her body moved first. She sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“Me too.” She kissed the side of his face.
“I love you.” He brushed the wet hair off of her face. “And I really don’t want you to leave.”
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rphunter · 18 days
hi everyone!! i’m 22, she/they, currently looking for a few fandomless rps on discord with 18+ partners centered around a boarding school/university. i’d love all the drama that comes along with that setting; the secrets, parties, cute uniforms, etc. i’d love to perhaps make the characters next gen of some type so maybe they’re nepo babies or next gen mafia kids or supernatural creatures (like monster high), etc. i’m super open to your ideas so if these aren’t sticking out to you, we can find something that works for us!
i’d love for this to be a multimuse thing where we can create a cast of characters, but i’m also happy to double! i’m open to all sorts of plots between the characters, we can include forbidden romances, arranged marriages, enemies to lovers, love triangles/polyamorous ships, opposites attract, and more! please be comfortable with nsfw topics. most darker themes are also ok with me but we can chat about what we’d be comfortable with. i will do any gender pairings, but i’m looking mostly for m/f or f/f. i’m happy playing any roles!
realistic fcs only please! no length requirement (i can write a little or a lot so we can find what works for us). please come willing to brainstorm with me, don’t be dry! i love sending inspo back and forth (headcannons, edits, tiktoks, memes, playlists), doing text threads and social media threads. i wanna get super invested in the world we create!! like this post and i’ll dm you!
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prpfs · 22 days
🔑 hi everyone!! i’m currently looking for a few fandomless rps on discord with 18+ partners centered around a boarding school / university. i’d love all the drama that comes along with that setting; the secrets, parties, cute uniforms, etc. i’d love to perhaps make the characters next gen of some type so maybe they’re nepo babies or next gen mafia kids or supernatural creatures (like monster high), i don’t know. i’m super open to your ideas so if these aren’t sticking out to you, we can find something that works for us!
i’d love for this to be a multimuse thing where we can create a cast of characters, but i’m also happy to double! i’m open to all sorts of plots between the characters, we can include forbidden romances, arranged marriages, enemies to lovers, love triangles/polyamorous ships, opposites attract, and more! please be comfortable with nsfw topics. most darker themes are also ok with me but we can chat about what we’d be comfortable with. i will do any gender pairings, but i’m looking mostly for m/f or f/f. i’m happy playing both roles!
realistic fcs only please! no length requirement (i can write a little or a lot so we can find what works for us). please come willing to brainstorm with me, don’t be dry! i love sending inspo back and forth (headcannons, edits, tiktoks, memes, playlists), i wanna get super invested in the world we create. like this post and i’ll dm you!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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starjxsung · 2 months
Hey Star!!
No idea what to say on my first ask here, so maybe talk about your favorite genres to write and why? And maybe your favorite members to write about?
Also, I was really curious about one thing. You mentioned how your next fic will probably be divided into two iirc and that made me wonder if one day you’d ever write a chaptered fic? I would absolutely love to read something like from you cause more chapters would mean more room for plot and character building without feeling constrained to a certain word limit!!
This was probably so fucking counterintuitive considering you created this blog for random asks and here I am asking about fic shit SORRY ILY 🩷
HI ANGEL don’t apologize I love love loooove getting these kinds of questions !!
Favorite genres. I do love contemporary romance within the realm of strangers to lovers or common romance tropes within contemporary romance, especially friends to lovers or a specific dynamic / occupation like bartender x reader, professor x reader, etc. I like these because I feel like there’s so much you can do with the pining and the sexual tension leading up to when the characters finally get together and it’s so much fun to illustrate sexual chemistry. I love characters with a small barrier between them- i.e. one already has a significant other, they initially hate each other in the beginning, it’s a “forbidden romance”, etc. I feel like when done correctly these can be particularly fun and sort of break the boundaries of what you’d normally expect from these relationships!
I actually never mentioned this on main™️, but I have also been working on a sci-fi romance based in the realm of a “high-tech Tokyo cyberpunk metropolis” setting for quite some time, and it’s been really exciting to illustrate, but also there’s so much you can do with plot and character development that I really love about the genre. It definitely won’t see the light of day on this site, and even then its farrrr too long (I think just chapter 1 alone sits at roughly 15K words) but I’m set on the direction I want it to take and when it’s finished I’d love to get it physically bound into a personal copy if possible. My sister’s been pushing me to get it professionally published and she’s really into the plot, but I would have to be both closer to its finish AND know what I want out of a publishing site because I’m nottttt about to have my work professionally stolen. 😭 it does also currently involve 2 skz members for visual inspo (but obviously names would be changed upon hypothetical publication). But yeah! Lil fun fact in addition to my other projects 🌃
I would love to create a chaptered series at some point! I definitely have to go through my current “to write” list and see what can best be broken out into chapters, but I think scheduled releases and taking the time to really build out characters and plot developments is super fun. Perhaps after my next release I’ll see what works best and see how I can do chapters 👼 I’m glad you brought this up because it crossed my mind briefly but I honestly didn’t think anyone would care for chaptered work and I’m excited to see there’s still appetite for it on this site !!
Anyways I’m sorry this was so long but thank you for these questions I genuinely enjoy answering them so much and I love you !!!!!! So much !!!!!! 👼💕💗💖💓💞
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findyourrp · 2 months
🕊 hi everyone! 23f, experienced advanced literate - novella, and desperately craving a roleplay based in a medieval setting—taking inspo from both real history and series! think the plantagenets and the wars of the roses, shows such as house of the dragon, the white queen, and the white princess, you get the gist!! i’m dying to explore themes of political intrigue, twists and turns, betrayal, scheming lords, clergymen that pretend to be god-fearing but whisper treacherous plots in confessionals, turmoil and war, shifting power. nothing is certain, no one is safe…
perhaps an arranged marriage between two opposing houses, both that vie for the throne and bear some kind of claim (legitimate or not👀). give me actual enemies to lovers—the murderous hatred, the tension, the conflict and angst!! im also open to other ideas for our main muses.
mxf pairing preferred, in which i write f. open to both irl and art for fc’s.
please be enthusiastic and contribute to the plot , i have lots of ideas for this but i don’t want to be the only one putting effort. let’s build it together! i just wanna gush about our oc’s and the story itself. bring me the headcanons, the worldbuilding, tiktoks, tropes, pinterest boards, playlists—you name it. 
if i message you, please don't just say 'yes im interested'; tell me a little about yourself as a writer, ideas you might have / what kind of muse you were envisioning / etc., otherwise i won’t respond. i’m looking for descriptive, lengthy writers that don’t shy away from detail—so if you’re semi-lit to lit, don’t interact! 
dead dove and dark themes are all heavily welcomed and encouraged!
like if you’re interested and I’ll message you! 🫶
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
May I ask why under construction is going to be your final kylux fic?? I'm gonna miss your writing for them if that becomes true 😭
So I talked a little bit about this on twitter, but tbh should’ve here both because half my audience is here and also because tumblr actually has the room for a complete explanation without worrying about character limits lmao
At this point, I don’t intend to stop writing star wars stuff completely if that’s any comfort. I have some renbens I want to do/finish, also a recent bentai idea, plus who knows what inspiration will strike. Even kylux inspo is possible, especially if we get new stuff at some point (like perhaps that comic in august). Nothing is set in stone here. I never thought I’d actually be at a point where this fic feels finishable lmao, yet here I am, so who knows
However, I have been writing kylux for over 7 years now. I posted that moodboard on my anniversary of the first fic I published, though I was reading fic and stuff for a few months before that as well. And it’s just… after this fic is complete, I’m not sure I’ll have anything left to add to kylux, you know? With it, I feel like I’m saying everything that I want to say about them. Writing this, as both rough and rewarding a journey it has been, feels a lot like closure to me. Tbqh I’m expecting a lot of people not to like the subject matter or agree with some things regarding this fic, but for the first time in a while, it really is about me and what I want. It’s a story I have to tell - that’s why it’s driven me mad for 3.5 years lmao. And after it’s done? I’m not sure what will be left to say. Maybe something, in which case more kylux will happen, but also maybe nothing. Essentially, I’m preparing both myself and the people I care about in this fandom (including lovely readers like you) for the latter just in case it is what happens, even though it may not. Maybe when I post it, it’ll get a ton of love and I’ll get flooded with sudden inspo. But maybe not. Everything has to end eventually, sadly, and this just feels to me like an ending, like the closing of a chapter. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s just the feeling I have. I’m going with my gut here rather than a specific plan
Also, as much as I have people in this fandom I truly care about and adore and I have people who care about and like me, whether we’re close friends, mutuals, or just a follower and a person that have never spoken to each other yet the care is there regardless, there’s also some elements to this fandom that are not so great. I know a lot of people who’ve been driven out. I myself was cancelled on twitter for running a particular event and the rest of the fandom hasn’t treated me the same since. The fandom has changed a lot in those 7 years, some of which is for the better, and some of which I think we could’ve done without. Plenty has also stayed the same; both the good and the bad. And I think the fandom as it is today and what I want to get out of it are just unfortunately incompatible. It’s no ones fault, but sometimes a space isn’t giving you what you need it to. I wish it could still give me that, I really really do, but right now it just seems it can’t. And that’s not the entirety of the reason, but it is a factor as to why I’m not as interested in continuing as I once was. I’m just not getting what I need out of the fandom right now. Again, everything is mutable, but it’s felt that way for a bit now
All that being said though, kylux will still very much exist on this blog. I still very much enjoy the ship and I don’t have a new fandom to move to permanently as of yet, so reblogs will continue, as will shitposting and memes and all of it. I recently finished collecting all the tweets I want to preserve here, so there will be an influx of posts, ficlets, memes, all of it, that will be coming sometime in the near future (whenever I have the energy to actually start the process lmao). This is still the kyluxtrashpit, after all lmao
So I’m not leaving the fandom by any stretch, it’s just that I feel like this fic will say all the things I have left to say about kylux. And because the fandom space isn’t giving me what I’m looking for at the moment, I have less interest in seeking out inspiration and rather am letting ideas to come to me, which at present I just don’t have any more beyond this fic. I could be wrong and who knows, maybe there’s another 7 years of kylux ahead of me lmao. But I want everyone who’s supported me at any point during these last 7 years to know ahead of time that it is very possible for this to be my last fic for kylux because I think that’s the least I can do for you all
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vacantgodling · 4 months
🖋️,❤️, and😭 !! Don't have a specific wip in mind, so you get to decide !!
thank youuuuu 🥺💛 i can talk about the liminal space series for these lol :3
🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?"
donut wip was inspired by my frustration at not being able to finish a story, and i thought if i just plotted out an easy, straight to the point, horror novel (cuz whoops donut wip is straight horror p much) that i’d be able to finish it. i wrote like 15 chapters in 2 weeks and then burned myself out when i started a new job in 2021 BUT as i was thinking about it, more and more could i see it fitting into the universe that already existed in jenna the reaper. but… there was no bridge from point a (college horror) to point b (high school supernatural horror literally across the country)
this is where the inspo for noi, alone came in. i’d had noi as a character in some form, for about as many years as i’ve had jenna but i never knew what to DO with them. but it seemed so perfect to make them the bridge between juls and jenna’s stories, even if they must also go through the horrors 😔 them having a demon entity thing in their eye was always a thing so that makes the transition even better (well, worse for them but better for plot)
and then jenna… tbh i never “had” inspiration for jenna. i was literally chilling at my ex’s house in hs when all of a sudden jenna just knocked on the door of my brain like “hey yeah i’m here now.” with all her plot already figured out LMAO. 💀💀 so in case you were wondering she’s always been like this. all i’ve really done is just tweak it and fit it better into the world with the other two wips, and add stuff on etc etc.
mason at the airport sort of came about from me wanting to take a slightly different direction with liminal spaces, like explore different kinds?? so mason’s story, while it’s in the universe it is Slightly different than the rest of them just cuz i wanted to try something new and LESS horrific lmao
❤️"what are your favorite scenes from your WIPs?"
donut wip (gasp that i’m actually willing to talk about Some spoilers lol):
the donut sharing scene is the most important scene To Me
the elevator flashback that talks about juls’s past & trauma around elevators
when juls and joaquin kiss (even tho the poly is alive and well in my head, this relationship is kind of the only one that gets enough time but it’s something i wanna change when i try to write draft 2)
also a particular scene involving news anchors that i don’t wanna spoil but i LOVE it
noi, alone:
tbh i haven’t plotted this one out that well but when noi meets seph is gonna be soooooo funny bc they’re lowkey attracted to him Immediately and lilly loves making fun of them about it. secondly, when the three of them break into the dorm i want it to be kind of messy
jenna the reaper / jenna the witch king:
the scene where noi reveals their demon
the scene with vega that is sad……. ough……
the scene where jenna tells carlos about frankenstein, i actually have that written out lol
the scene where jenna and yehna merge is gonna be OOF
mason at the airport:
i also don’t have much planned yet but i’m excited to write the beginning when mason realizes that there’s something Wrong with the airport and that he’s Alone (or is he)
😭"what are the biggest challenges writing your WIPs?"
honestly for all of these wips it’s just attention span. i enjoy all these stories but sitting down and writing them since 2021 and i burned myself out on donut wip has been a challenge. i’m hoping i can come back around to wanting to write them, but it’s probably gonna be a Long while (cuz i’m projecting in terms of original projects, i’ll write paramour then vampires don’t take road trips and then perhaps after i’ll come back to these)
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gingerwerk · 5 months
It’s WIP Wednesday and since I seemingly only get writing inspo I while in the car driving to work or when I’m at work now, here is an excerpt for a possible upcoming hbo war au
(but also this scene probably won’t actually be in the fic because of the Andy pov but I Liked it so in posting it for fun)
“Listen, I understand that you definitely didn’t meet him at his best but trust me when I say that Walt is a good kid,” Andy explained emphatically, hands gripping the cold hard edge of the interrogation table. He looked up at Speirs’ cold, dark eyes and when he found the man seemingly waiting for more, Andy continued. “He’s aimless. He’s bored. You grew up in Matilda, you know how it can be- kids will find entertainment by whatever means necessary but that doesn’t make them bad people.”
“These antics left unchecked however will create bad people,” Speirs responded coldly.
“I am not at all saying we let him off the hook,” Andy continued firmly. “I fully endorse Sheriff Riggi’s idea of community service but I think if we want this to really stick we have to actually let him be of service to the community. Picking up trash in the park is a mindless punishment and it doesn’t teach him anything. It’s a slap on the wrist and I’m afraid that it won’t actually change his behavior.”
“So what are you suggesting?” Sheriff Riggi asked calmly, intrigued.
“We should make this an actual learning experience, not just a punishment,” Andy explained. “Doc is always begging people to volunteer around the clinic, help with blood drives, assist with inventory- and he’s not the only one around town who asks for help and rarely gets it. Instead of having Walt pick up trash and scrub his friends’ graffiti off buildings, he could actually help the community. Maybe somewhere along the way he could learn a new interest, maybe a future career… if nothing else maybe he could interact with some adults who aren’t me or his teachers. If he doesn’t want to listen to us, maybe he’d listen to one of them and it could shape up his character.”
It was a bit of a Hail Mary request, Andy was aware, as he watched Speirs’ jaw tense. His nephew was seventeen and already had a laundry list of offenses to his name; if Speirs really wanted to, he could have Walt seriously punished and there’d be little he could do to stop it. Andy did not know Speirs or how vindictive he might be against a teenage boy but he could only hope that his reasonable explanation and Sheriff Riggi’s level head would be enough to keep his nephew out of serious legal trouble.
“Fine,” Speirs responded tersely after a long pause; it took Andy’s tired brain to realize what the man had said. Glancing at the Sheriff, Andy found even she looked surprised.
“Really?” Andy couldn’t help but utter. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
“You can let him know that if he messes up again, you’ll both find I’ll be in a less charitable mood,” Speirs responded, voice a bone-chilling level of calm.
“I understand.”
“Well, that’s great, I’m glad we were able to come to a resolution so quickly,” the sheriff said calmly as she got up from her seat. “Perhaps we should find another time soon to hammer out the details of Mr. Hasser’s punishment- possibly when we’ve all had a bit more sleep.” Andy watched as the Sheriff pointedly turned and looked at Spiers. “It is a school night after all and both Mr. Haldane and Mr. Hasser will need their rest for tomorrow.”
“Fine,” Speirs responded sharply again, dark eyes flickering towards the Sheriff briefly before he got up from his own seat. “We can hammer out the plans tomorrow.”
“Sounds perfect,” Andy said gratefully as he got up from his own seat; he was exhausted and already knew in the back of his mind that sleep was still very far away for him. He still needed to personally talk to Walt. “And thank you so much, again, the both of you.”
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” Sheriff Riggi said.
With a nod and another grateful look to Speirs, Andy turned and ducked out of the room. Still sitting in the hallway on one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs, doing his best to look like a kicked puppy, was Walt. A few years ago, on Walt’s first trip to the Matilda police station, he had found his nephew sitting similarly in the exact same seat. That time Andy remembered how he actually felt bad when he saw his nephew like that, how he knew Walt’s fear of getting in serious trouble had made the poor kid almost petrified. Now however, the puppy dog expression and hunched shoulders was merely part of this song and dance they had been through way too many times now and it made him feel deeply frustrated- angry even. His nephew must have sensed this shift in Andy because he could see the way his blue eyes dilated in what could only be fear.
“Come on,” Andy ordered gruffly before he started walking towards the exit, not waiting for Walt to get up from his seat.
“They’re springing me? Already?” he asked, confused.
“The sheriff needs more time to figure out your punishment. She figured it’d be best to announce your sentencing tomorrow,” Andy explained flatly, looking over his shoulder just in time to catch Walt’s terrified expression.
As the two of them exited the station, Andy desperately hoped his half-baked plea for Walt actually worked. Feeling an uncomfortable and unfamiliar rage built up inside of him the further they moved from the station, Andy didn’t want to know what he’d feel if Walt put them in this situation again. This plan had to work.
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feckyeswriting · 2 years
Err so... I decided to write something entirely self-indulgent?? After playing about 2 hours of MW2 and watching Doc on and off finish the campaign, I have attached myself to the two best boys Soap and Ghost. So. Have some absolutely crack-treated-seriously nonsense where Johnny rescues a street cat and Simon has to be the only goddamn adult.
(also huge props to @darkworkcourier​ for the support and ~inspo~ and being the best :3 )
“Absolutely fucking not.”
The noise that Soap made in response was downright disrespectful. So, not altogether unexpected. “No one said I was asking. It’s quiet. I’ll be right back.”
“You’re going nowhere, Captain. Chain of command,” Simon replied. That should have been the end of the conversation altogether, but of course Soap wasn’t going to just roll over and let it go. That would have been far too mature of a response. 
“It’ll take two minutes. Three, tops. And besides, what’re you going to do about it, LT? Remember who’s on the ground and who’s up a tree,” Soap said. He was in fact serving as the boots on the ground while Simon provided cover from on high. That was how things worked during ops like these. The past four or so missions had gone smoothly. Perhaps that was why Soap was pushing the envelope now - things had been too routine. 
So Simon gritted his teeth and watched through the scope as Soap deliberately ignored the outcome of the argument in favor of doubling back. Exfil was right fucking there underneath Simon’s sniper perch. 
“Johnny…” He’d get one more warning, that was it.
“LT,” Soap bandied back after a heavy huff from dropping back over the fence he’d cleared only a handful of minutes prior. “I know you’re not going to exfil without me. No man left behind, yeah?”
“This isn’t the corps, and you don’t tell me what I will or won’t do.” 
Cheeky didn’t even begin to cover how Soap looked through Simon’s scope as he threw a wink and what definitely wasn’t a fucking kiss blown over his shoulder. Then he gamboled down the alley where Simon had to rely on IR and audio alone to follow along. 
The next time that Soap spoke it wasn’t directed at Simon. “Yeah, yeah. Real tough guy. I can tell. Don’t worry, we’re all quite impressed. But I need you to hush. Yeah. Shh, shh.” 
His mic captured the quite distinctive, if thready, caterwauling going on in the alleyway. Simon could only guess based on volume and the occasional muttered curse from Soap just how well the captain was managing to extract his target from wherever he was holed up. 
“He doesn’t want to come. Leave ‘im.” If Simon didn’t try at least one more time then, really, what was he here for? 
Another long minute of complaining from both parties. Then - “Ah-ha!” Triumph from Soap. 
Simon didn’t relax when he finally spied Soap’s head poking out from the alleyway. Nor did he appreciate having to re-check the way for the captain. To make the assumption that everything was still clear after a seven minute - not two, Simon had been watching the time tick on - detour would have been a rookie mistake. 
“Two in a patrol coming from north east. Setting ‘em up for you,” Simon called. He swapped from his spotter to the rifle scope and clocked the lead time needed. One shot took care of the driver and the collision along the sharp city street corner would stun the passenger long enough for Soap to come with his sidearm. 
There wasn’t an answering retort along comms or in the distance from Soap’s pistol. Now it was Simon’s turn to swear under his breath while he attempted to follow the rapid movement from the patrol car passenger side. The door snapped open with the passenger remaining low, out of Simon’s view save for a few wrinkles of fabric. 
Laying down suppressing fire was a viable tactic, assuming that Soap was still able to finish clearing the area. Or Simon could bide his time and let the remaining patrol soldier leave their secure position to eat some lead. The first option was preferable, if he was being honest, but it wouldn’t work well with the muffled shushing he was hearing over the comms from Soap. 
Oh, the “I fucking told you so” would be fantastic. 
“Don’t mind me, cleaning up your messes,” Simon grumbled as he levered himself up from the windowsill he’d called home for the past hour. There was only so much space in his selected perch to move across but there was a small balcony available through the attached room. 
“In what world is this my mess?” 
“Just shut up an’ let me clear.” 
“You hear that, Biscuit? We’re supposed to shut up now.” The continued chatter between Soap and his unhappy rescuee was more or less easy to tune out. Simon bided his time. The patrol soldier would get twitchy, would get confident that he could take on one chatty Scottsman hunkered down in the street. He’d rationalize that the shot which took out the driver had been from down there, not from up high. 
Or maybe he’d just be an imbecile and decide that standing up with a piddly assault rifle on his shoulder would be enough to outpace and outgun Simon. 
It was a stupid thought. 
Simon scanned for any sign of backup trundling in their direction and was pleased to find no such indication. He hiked the rifle onto his back and drew his sidearm as he began the descent downstairs. “Clear,” he stated and was treated to an actual confirmation from Soap that the captain was loading into the truck already. By the time that Simon made it out the back door, he was pleased to hear the engine running and everything. 
Regrettably all was not yet tied up in a beautiful bow. Johnny was trying to wrench the truck into gear with one hand trying to turn the wheel, work the gear shift, and pull off his gear bag that was pushing him directly against the wheel. All the while his other hand - far from free - clutched a yowling street cat who was quite literally spitting mad. 
Simon scoffed as he held the handle of the door rather than directly getting inside. “Remind me again how this isn’t failure to comply with a direct order?” he said. 
“Because Biscuit here isn’t enlisted, and even if he was, he wouldn’t report to you,” Soap retorted. The swipe that landed on his cheek was rewarding enough to watch that Simon finally threw open the door to haul himself inside. 
“Sure he would,” Simon said. “Again, chain of command.” He gestured for Soap to pass over the tomcat if only to get them actually moving away from the gunshots that would bring scrutiny for the area. The decision was quickly followed by regret as the riled up Biscuit redirected his fury - and his miniscule yet piercing claws - to the one now holding him. 
Soap finally managed to disentangle himself from his pack and get the truck moving. This stopped the scratching from Biscuit, replaced instead with the cat desperately clinging to Simon’s clothing and skin for dear life. This was not a marked improvement. 
“See,” Soap said in a blindingly congenial fashion, “you’re already pals.”
Each time that Simon removed one paw’s worth of merciless claws from his flesh the others would dig in harder. Gradually he maneuvered the cat to velcro himself to the thick padding of his vest. It was not what he would define as a friendly bit of cohabitation between the cat and himself. 
“Next time I’m leaving you on your own to exfil,” Simon said. 
Soap reached over to roughly pat the cat on his head, ignoring the complaints from both parties. “I wouldn’t have been on my own, so that’s fine by us. Right, Biscuit?” 
It was a long fucking ride back to base.
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findroleplay · 2 months
🕊 hi everyone! 23f, experienced advanced literate - novella, and desperately craving a roleplay based in a medieval setting—taking inspo from both real history and series! think the plantagenets and the wars of the roses, shows such as house of the dragon, the white queen, and the white princess, you get the gist!! i’m dying to explore themes of political intrigue, twists and turns, betrayal, scheming lords, clergymen that pretend to be god-fearing but whisper treacherous plots in confessionals, turmoil and war, shifting power. nothing is certain, no one is safe…
perhaps an arranged marriage between two opposing houses, both that vie for the throne and bear some kind of claim (legitimate or not👀). give me actual enemies to lovers—the murderous hatred, the tension, the conflict and angst!! im also open to other ideas for our main muses.
mxf pairing preferred, in which i write f. open to both irl and art for fc’s.
please be enthusiastic and contribute to the plot , i have lots of ideas for this but i don’t want to be the only one putting effort. let’s build it together! i just wanna gush about our oc’s and the story itself. bring me the headcanons, the worldbuilding, tiktoks, tropes, pinterest boards, playlists—you name it. 
if i message you, please don't just say 'yes im interested'; tell me a little about yourself as a writer, ideas you might have / what kind of muse you were envisioning / etc., otherwise i won’t respond. i’m looking for descriptive, lengthy writers that don’t shy away from detail—so if you’re semi-lit to lit, don’t interact! 
dead dove and dark themes are all heavily welcomed and encouraged!
like if you’re interested and I’ll message you! 🫶
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scripture-digital · 2 years
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“Dread-iration! Don’t touch mi locks! Wicked mop top! love it!”
                                                                                - Pinterest comment
I wholeheartedly agree with that pinterest comment - that mop top? WICKED! I don’t think this would technically classify as cybergoth, but this whole’s blog purpose is me writing out my thoughts about images that I WILL use as inspo for my own cybergoth fits, so here we are.
I’d shake her hand if I saw her irl, she’s done something truly amazing and has hit all the right spots with her main piece - her dreadfalls (is that a term? for me it is).
I never, ever, considered hot light pink and neon purple to ever look good together in anything but perhaps a barbie cosplay - I have been proven wrong it seems. And one more thing? She BRAIDED some parts of her falls! In theory it’s such a simple idea to get, but do most people do, it? Don’t think so, not from what I’ve seen!
She’s wild, she LOOKS wild, and is sure owning that word with her looks. I could’ve personally done with a skirt that has a more breathing pattern - that is, that doesn’t have a pattern that is so small... Other than that though this is lovely. Mm... well, perhaps - a little more colour could’ve been beneficial also, but this is predominantly down to personal taste (I love making people’s eyes bleed, respectfully).
I’ll be honest I only have this picture saved because of her dreadfalls - they’re beyond fantastic, and in fact they are truly beautiful. Perhaps one of the peaks dreadfalls can have! Also have armwarmers I like a lot! It’s a shame her fishnet shirt is so tight-knit, the look would’ve definitely bloomed with a messier style applied to the clothes...
Also her piercings are cool... I’ve actually been thinking about getting some myself! I’m not sure they’d suit me, though.
Not much else to say here, except me just continuously raving about her AMAY-ZING dreadfalls, which I’ve done plenty of already maybe lol!
6//10, the rest of the fit is whatever for me, doesn‘t do much, but FUCK YEAH for those incredible dreadfalls! I hope she still has them to this day... Those things need to be in a museum so future generations can learn from them!!!
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prpfs · 2 months
🕊 hi everyone! 23f, experienced advanced literate - novella, and desperately craving a roleplay based in a medieval setting—taking inspo from both real history and series! think the plantagenets and the wars of the roses, shows such as house of the dragon, the white queen, and the white princess, you get the gist!! i’m dying to explore themes of political intrigue, twists and turns, betrayal, scheming lords, clergymen that pretend to be god-fearing but whisper treacherous plots in confessionals, turmoil and war, shifting power. nothing is certain, no one is safe…
perhaps an arranged marriage between two opposing houses, both that vie for the throne and bear some kind of claim (legitimate or not👀). give me actual enemies to lovers—the murderous hatred, the tension, the conflict and angst!! im also open to other ideas for our main muses.
mxf pairing preferred, in which i write f. open to both irl and art for fc’s.
please be enthusiastic and contribute to the plot , i have lots of ideas for this but i don’t want to be the only one putting effort. let’s build it together! i just wanna gush about our oc’s and the story itself. bring me the headcanons, the worldbuilding, tiktoks, tropes, pinterest boards, playlists—you name it. 
if i message you, please don't just say 'yes im interested'; tell me a little about yourself as a writer, ideas you might have / what kind of muse you were envisioning / etc., otherwise i won’t respond. i’m looking for descriptive, lengthy writers that don’t shy away from detail—so if you’re semi-lit to lit, don’t interact! 
dead dove and dark themes are all heavily welcomed and encouraged!
like if you’re interested and I’ll message you! 🫶
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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kazubnnys · 2 years
Hi! I hope you’re having a good day :) Can I request a starry night matchup please?
preferred name: Dawn
pronouns: she/they
mbti + personality: infp, i’m pretty down to earth, if not a bit emotional. I’m pretty quiet because I’m usually lost in my own head– I still think I’m a pretty good listener when it counts though. I’m usually nervous to do something new but with some encouragement then I’ll go for it.
sexuality: bisexual
love language: quality time or touch
anime/game i’m requesting for: genshin
three fun facts about myself: 
I did ballet for about four years before I decided to stop. I’m still super flexible though, but I never really had the ballerina strength that you’ll see in performances.
I love long car rides, they’re my favorite thing in the world. Just listening to some music while daydreaming and looking out the window– yes.
Art and writing is my calling. I love drawing, even if I’m not an absolute pro at it yet, and I love creative writing and creating fantasy worlds and characters.
favorite song: body and mind by girl in red
favorite color: olive green
physical appearance: I have brown hair that goes to my shoulders and I wear my rectangle glasses when I absolutely have to because I despise wearing them. I’m 5’6 and lean, sometimes I feel like my limbs are just awkwardly hanging there though. I have blue/gray eyes and I get freckles in the summer which I love.
favorite constellation: sagitta
favorite dessert/snack to munch on while on a date: strawberries with some sort of sandwich sounds nice
Thank you! I think your blog looks really pretty btw :)
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷  a star falls from the sky and your pair is decided… enjoy your starry night with…
♡ yoimiya!
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- song playing currently!
╰┈➤ ❝ [ meteor shower by : cavetown ] ❞ 
» i don't know why but this pair comforts me a lot. like, i feel as though it'd be the "talks a lot" and "listens" dynamic?? » so much comfort. yoimiya will literally always make sure to spend time with you. she's always taking you from place to place, fawning over you, and making sure that you're having the time of your life. » she'd literally always encourage you, making sure you know just how special you are- and unknowingly you'd probably reassure her too, just through the smallest of your actions! » she just seems like someone who would give a lot of love out to her partner. like, if there's something you enjoy she's making sure she does it with you. no matter whether she herself is a big fan of it, you like it? cool, she likes it now too. buuuut, she will make sure you do things she enjoys as well! (which means more time spent with her :) )
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as for your date scenario. . .
so, you've been in art block for quite some time now and it's not exactly a fun feeling. you're listening to yoimiya tell you about her day, but she realizes that something might be upsetting her precious partner!!
so, she puts it all on pause to make sure you're alright, asking you about what it is that's bothering you...encouraging you to open up to her about what it is that's giving you a problem (which is, your art block)
she hears you out then thinks for a little, eventually grinning like an idiot. you're curious now. she shares the plan she's cooked up which is....
a firework spectacle!
she claims that she's going to put on a firework show just for you since fireworks usually calm her, she thinks perhaps it can work for you too! giving you some inspiration to cure your art block!
you agree, because why not. and it's really cute. she takes a little to prep and you set up your supplies atop a hill, ready to gain some inspo and yeah :)
so essentially, a firework spectacle by yoimiya for you :)
(with lots of hugs and little kisses)
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this makes me feel so warm for no apparent reason...i hope you're having a good day/night and tysm for requesting!!
and tsym, sorry this took so long T^T
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violixs · 2 years
hello!! I recently discovered your blog and instantly fell in love with your writing. I can’t quite pinpoint what it is that draws me in? perhaps its the intimacy that comes along with your typically ‘slice of life’ setting. your ability to establish a descriptive and  intricate story without the overuse of adjectives is truly captivating.
a piece that I really wanted to highlight is stopwatch. my words can’t do it justice and its beauty overflows me (?). to be frank, at this moment in front of my screen, I’m struggling to pick out the parts I love most about stopwatch. as cliche as it may sound, every word is just so perfect??? every emotion flowing between love, desire, and the ‘what ifs’ is just so heart wrenching.
on that note, I’m curious as to how you’re able to  craft these writings. what are your inspirations? most importantly, I was wondering if you have any book recommendations similar to your writing style? if it helps, a recent favourite of mine is ‘alone with you in the ether.’ which is reminiscent to your style in the sense that the writing bounces between philosophical/deeper thoughts and a light focus in character dialogue.
anyways, it’s obvious from your writing that you spend lots if time on your works. I want you to know that your hard work is appreciated and definitely does not go unnoticed by your readers!!
:: ʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ
oh my god anon i am so incredibly grateful and overwhelmed thank you so much ??? getting basivally anything other than a like on tumblr atm has been extremely rare so all of this feels like an incredible gift 😭 you are so kind !!
i quite liked stopwatch too!! unfortunately i have gotten into a habit of not writing for myself but for an audience instead (which i think can affect the quality of the writing) but that piece was one i was very keen on doing, and i was happy w the result! but it makes me even happier to know that the effort i put in was conveyed + through that i was able to create an emotional effect on the readers too ><
but to be honest with you inspiration is a weird thing for me? my writing in general is very slice of life centred theme wise, so most of the time as it doesn’t derive from personal experiences, it’s kind of things i think i would like to experience? that might sound strange and it’s a little embarrassing to admit but the idea of romance in such a casual and every day way is very very appealing to me and sometimes, if i want to write, i often just try and imagine the romance i would want and how it would play out. my writing is very much just an output of my daydreams haha.
unfortunately though i don’t think i’ve ever honestly read a book with a similar writing style to mine yet? a lot of the things i enjoy reading tend to hold similar themes (aka romance, coming of age, acceptance + character growth) however they are all executed very differently! one of the books i have perhaps enjoyed reading the most recently was eleanor and park by rainbow rowell, which again holds a different writing style, but the way the love blossoms between the two characters really was amazing to read! another book i definitely took inspo from was the sight of you by holly miller, and while it wasn’t my favourite read ever, the general ideas and events that take place in the book definitely sparked some inspiration in me too!! other than that, little poetry/classic literature extracts i read on tumblr often give me a base to work on, and can be quite fun to manipulate around my own ideas.
i will definitely keep an eye out for your rec though, it sounds like something i would enjoy and i’m quite interested in the writing style alone, so i’ll have to check it out! but seriously thank u x100 for the feedback and i hope you can continue to enjoy my writing and that we get to speak more <3
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gracefulweather · 3 months
Happy 2-year friend-versary to my fave, Sherrie! 🩷🩵💙💜 Even though our messages have evolved from live chats everyday to paragraph messages every few days, I’m always grateful to have you as my bestie from 10,000 miles away! I can confirm that the Canadian trip from 2022 is still very much my personality! 😂😂😂 And I still get oddly excited when I see things related to Canada (or more specifically, Toronto and Montreal) because they all just remind me of you!
It’s been so great to see you grow in the last year as well! It makes me so happy to see you do well and be living life well (those holidays and concerts!). 🥺🥺🥺 Wishing you always the best of luck in everything that you do!
Although you barely hear me complain about That Project ™️ anymore, you have now graduated to hearing me complain about That Flaky Project Manager ™️ so thank you for always putting up with my work stories! 🤣 I hope my work stories continue to be a source of entertainment to you and perhaps they’ll also be writing inspo for you! 🫠🫠🫠 I will also always think it’s funny that now you know so much about me that you even know the people around me despite having never met them yet! (And to be perfectly honest, some of my in real life friends also know you as The Canadian Friend ™️! 😂😂😂)
Every year, I’ll wish that we’ll meet up again in real life soon and this year is no different! 💖💖💖
Also even though we have less time (?) to be as delulu as before (?????), I have still found screenshots to summarise our 2nd year of friendship! 🥺🥺🥺
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HAPPY 2ND FRIENDVERSARYYYY NATTTT!!!! 🥰💖💞💝❣️💓 i know i'm SO late to answer this (sorry!!) buuut guess that also reflects the way our lives have changed since we first started talking 🥹 i miss our 8 hour daily chats, being endlessly delulu together, and ofc making up the funniest scenarios to fuel that delusion (did you know???? that mingyu was gonna visit the cn tower on the same day as us??? and then fall in love ofc!!)
it's been great to see you grow over the years too and i'm definitely honoured to be your character development friend!! i love hearing your work stories from analyzing all of That Manager's behaviours to gossiping about how Flaky Manager might've met his gf, and everything in between! it's also been great to live vicariously through your concert reviews and fun moments with besties, so even though we're at the opposite ends of the world, it's so comforting to know that i have such a close bestie <3
and ofc your canada trip can still be your personality!! meeting up was such a once in a lifetime thing that i'll never thought get over it either bc who knew it'd happen? and even after it did, it still feels surreal??? (just like the entire face the sun album and be the sun tour did? yeah that). truly the stars aligned for that and i'll forever be grateful to have such an amazing experience!!
now just waiting for the day i get to do my dream trip to australia and visit you!!! 🤞 and of course let me dig through my screenshots folder for some material that we can laugh about again!! they're different from last year's although my humour is still very much the same bc i did initially pick out some screenshots that i realize i already sent last year then had to change them up HAHA. it's ok i have a massive folder so here are some more but unfortunately they're all old!! which means we definitely need another live texting delulu session sometime soooon <3
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throwback to your ex-fav meme 🥰 HAHAH
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