#perhaps a delete later.
stil-lindigo · 6 months
" Is it alright to cling to you? To invent meaning where it is absent? I fear my words won’t grow up with me, still scuffing their knees on cement. I can welcome a lie when it's blinding, But I can’t write like a poet while blinking. I can’t draw like an artist without hiding. I can’t live right now without thinking. "
-words, by me.
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yandere-daydreams · 2 months
black butler and homestuck are trending on the same day i have to edit my college-necessitated research paper on harry potter. what fucking year even is it anymore.
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surprisearson · 1 year
Just saw someone in the Nimona tag complain that they want more tragic and ambiguous media that's more mature for the queer community and honestly? Don't get it. You have the comic. You do not need a one to one adaptation of it. Meanwhile, me? I want a story where I live at the end. I've seen enough of the other version and it's good and sad real and interesting but maybe right now I want a story that says I'm something worth more alive and something that ought to be protected. Yeah, the movie is very simplistic at times but I'm okay with that because its simplistic message is trans people deserve to live as they are and I didn't think I'd see that in this political climate rn. Idk. Frustrating stuff. It sucks when good representation is so low people feel like it has to carry everything for every person. I hope we get to the world where we get the sad and ambiguous and angry trans movies AND the happy and hopeful ones.
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philtstone · 24 days
been trying to put words to why i find psych so unique and effortless in the world of comedy tv and i think ive cracked it. theres a truly excellent approach to storytelling that goes something like this: you pick a high stakes Setting. examples from some Classic media include ancient egypt, space pirates, and in the case of psych: homicide mysteries. all the examples im thinking of are also arguably homages or adaptations to an existing Version of the setting that has expectations or assumptions associated with it. the mummy (1999) was a reimagining of the original horror movie. guardians of the galaxy (2014-2021) borrows and subverts so much of what the audience already knows about classic movies like star wars. (psych is, of course, sherlock holmes). anyway; the setting predisposes itself to more dramatic plot bc inherent to that setting are Stakes. instead of going with the setting-appropriate tone, you commit 200% to comedy through — not the plot — but the DNA of your characters. true, a talented writer will include many deliberate jokes, but the comedy never really turns on and off because your core premise is “watch me put a group of unhinged yet endearing idiots in this major situation and go along with them for the ride”. the more unhinged and idiotic they are, the better, but they have to be setting-appropriate. they have to have the skills and tools to navigate that setting competently or it all falls apart. they’re not bad at their setting, they’re just deeply chaotic. cuckoo bananas. generally stupid (affectionate). they have SO many (complementary) issues.
now comes the most critical part. you tie the whole thing together by also committing 100% to multiple other genres in your already mishmashed genre. when you do romance you do High Romance. when you do drama it is hitting at these characters emotional CORES. and it works because your setting is high stakes and your characters are already three dimensional by being simultaneously hypercompetent and major dumbass. id argue this is a bit different than the more generic works in the indian masala genre or western superhero movie approach because often in those movies its a jack of all trades type situation where there are inserted tracks into a movie thats fundamentally genreless. what im talking about here has fully embraced all 5 of its genres with GUSTO. it’s not slipping in little quips or including one comedy track, it’s always funny. it’s not pairing off two characters for the sake of it, the romance is integral to the core plot of the story and character motivations. its emotional moments are built into the fabric of the story and never afterthoughts.
finally, in order to make the writing work effortlessly (because real life people don’t talk like that) you need a cast with chops and chemistry that makes it all feel organic. there are no breaks or looks into the camera or starts and stops to the emotional and comedic action because the actors embody the spirit of the story so dynamically and work off of each other so well.
like i said, some of my favourite examples of this kind of ensemble comedy-in-a-high-stakes-setting stories are classics like the mummy and more modern works like guardians of the galaxy. it clicked for me the other night that psychs writing reminds me of those stories a lot, but its doubly clever because psych does homage settings inside its already an homage setting and still manages the “watch these idiots in this high stakes situation” bit so well. it’s an entirely different experience from watching a sitcom because the writing never takes you by the shoulder and says “you’re in a sitcom, time to laugh”. id actually argue that psychs weakest episodes are the most sitcom like in flavour. at these stories’ best you’re just dunked into this truly chaotic situation thats made effervescently funny yet also deeply emotional and compelling and dramatic by dint of the characters being Exactly Who They Are All Together. it takes a very talented kind of writer and a special kind of cast to pull this type of storytelling off but when they do. it is so so fun and so so worth it.
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shadowfear-art · 5 months
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Toon Crocodile would definitely start a villainous musical number on how he'd commend the two 'managing in actually entering toon world on their own' but their luck ends here as they have no advantageous means of gaining Luffy back.
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vacantgodling · 1 year
✨preferences should not be standards for writing advice✨
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aastarions · 4 days
i cannot believe that since i posted the last chapter of my zhongli multichap (in july 2022) right
ive gotten engaged
ive gotten married
ive gotten pregnant 🧍🏼‍♀️
specifically pregnant with identical twins 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏼‍♀️
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yonch · 2 months
ok im going to be honest about it on tumblr dot com i've been writing this fic. this is me. i havent posted any of the other three chapters on tumblr so sorry if youve never even seen this and youre like "wow that's chapter 4 why is he posting chapter 4." if youre one of those people. consider reading. the previous chapters. and tell me your thoughts. thank you for your time.
this is a two hat fic. please mind the warnings.
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@dndadscharacterpolls *sweats nervously* guys if either Nick or Grant make it to the next round I'll compile the "every Anthony 'wow' compilation" sjsjjsksks and I made the "heh" compilation so you know I'm serious so say yes to good friendly voter fraud on silly character polls and support my boys please and thank you!
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doukeshi-kun · 7 months
i feel like quitting tumblr lmao it's been a while since i feel like this
i feel a bit self-conscious idk why. i'd like to think i write for bsd and jjk fandom but i feel like i'm centred around nikolai a little too much (even my current wip is his fics). i do want to write more for other characters especially the jjk men bcs i love gojo sm still. but i feel intimidated somehow. the fandom is something else. and bsd... idk, i just really love to write nikolai. something about his character makes it easy for me to incorporate him into any AU. he is just THAT flexible. i love that dude. but i feel like sometimes i write him too much. yet again, what's the harm of it?
i really do want to write other characters but i just don't have the motivation to do so or the confidence i used to have. of course there is an option to take requests but for the love of God, i don't think i am fit to do request.
but well... i hope i can write more... writers block is horrible. uni is killing me. and my sleep schedule is scheduling. time to sleep tho...
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kitmoss · 4 months
hey so y'all do realise the Hermits are guests in the fandom, right. y'all do realise the fandom is not made for them, and we shouldn't be catering to them, because it is literally not For Them. y'all do realise that, right
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gammija · 11 months
i think what defences of barbie against feminist critique on here seem to miss, is that, while yes, a lot of girls grew up with barbie and had fun with her and didn't feel as if her unrealistic body type had any influence on them... that doesn't mean this product wasn't made to appeal to young girls and used a specific body type and aesthetic to do so. Like, it can be both 'barbie empowered lots of girls' and 'barbie, as a huge influential brand, both broke some sexist standards and expectations for women but perpetuated several others'
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mitathemita · 4 months
i have like one million ideas for valentines day doodles but. its tomorrow,,,, augh
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shadowfear-art · 5 months
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The large toon is soooo gonna mess with them emotionally.
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tamiisnthere · 13 days
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rachel-morrigan · 6 months
Rising from the depths of my cave to say i have become a script revisionist and story advisor for an indie produced movie, if everything goes well at one point i can openly go "hooooly shit look!!" Tho my hands are tied now.
Looks fun tho, hopefully i can manage to say sth more at one point, if you see me archive this post or delete it its cause im very nervous about work things generally lmao.
The story is very much based on dante's inferno and mythology which is fun, hopefully it gets fully made so i can point and go " my name!!!" When credits come up
Anywho goodnight mwah mwah
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