#perhaps....stayed tuned
bigskycastle · 11 months
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the covers i was allowed to do for the "a year in hyrule" planner project (preorders closed now)
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mintypsii · 1 month
sanuso runaway AU - where Usopp leaves syrup village after his mom dies to look for his dad and ends up at the germa kingdom, growing up with Sanji as the doctor's lab assistant
That's basically the gist of it, there's a LOTT more but I just wanted to share some of the art I made for it (came up with it with a friend of mine)
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In short -> sogeking is usopp's clone (the kids aren't aware of this) and was created to help germafied sanji on missions (sanji's scores began to improve after he met usopp so judge decided to keep him for more infiltration or espionage based tasks, hence "stealth black" since he's considered weaker than his siblings)
reiju's here too :) she and sanji have a bit of a rocky relationship (it gets better!!) but she's besties with usopp and hangs out with him at the lab to make ,, various concoctions
I'll make another post with more art and info later (I HAVE A LOTTT) so i'll tag em with (#op runaway au) hehe ,, feel free to send asks about it too!!
EDIT: HE FINALLY GOT A TUMBLR @arttlars !!!!!!! blame him for all of this
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cinamun · 6 months
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Things Fall Apart will continue shortly.
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pittsburghhockeybirds · 8 months
I LIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (+ Happy 1 year anniversary to EH2!))))
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mercyisms · 2 years
bringing some of this out of previous tags, but something incoherent about the escalation of ‘dolls’ throughout the series, and the (obviously gendered) difference between ‘dolls’ and ‘puppets.’ including but not limited to:
john’s first forays into necromancy as puppeteering ‘Titania’ and ‘Ulysses,’ who are explicitly named as ‘extensions’ of john, which progress to the puppeteering of the world leader, which progresses to the apocalypse and john fashioning the parts of earth he doesn’t consume (alecto) a barbie-shaped vessel.  back in gideon the ninth, cytherea’s puppeting (explicitly called this, i believe) of protesilaus, to be contrasted with cytherea’s own doll-like position. both in her posturing as someone who needed to be carried, adjusted, coddled and in the broader uncanniness of pretending to be dulcinea septimus, of being a passable but undead ‘fake’ substitution of the living ‘real’ dulcinea.* all of the victorian energy also undeniably relevant. all of this progressing to cytherea’s body being a doll? a puppet? a weapon? for commander wake in harrow. the role she forced upon others and enacted being enacted on her own body in death.  rocking back up to nona, where images of dolls and puppets abound. though ianthe describes it as puppeting, naberius body is described, by others, in a way that’s much more suggestive of a barbie doll (“fashion hair” echoes the “hollywood hair barbie”). and naberius, furthermore, stands apart from the multitude of soldiers ianthe is also controlling from a distance. mixed with corona getting quite literally dolled up (hair refashioned, and ianthe’s fixation on the poor condition of corona’s hair, and put into a dress) once pulled back under ianthe’s control (to whatever degree we believe her to be). the doll as a particular extension of oneself, perhaps laced with intimacy? naberius as the conduit through which ianthe can (insufficiently) touch coronabeth; john’s romantic desire for annabel (and his occasional inability to sleep without her comforting him); even the fact that naberius becomes the vessel for palamedes and conduit through which he and camilla can become paul. (noting that camilla and palamedes sharing a body is framed outside of this language, possibly because camilla actively consents, for good or ill, to the process?)  (in dialogue with all of this, the way BOE encodes the lyctors as ancient weapons, and kiriona’s assertion that she is fulfilment of the nine house’s arts, stronger than titanium, faster than a speeding bullet: a weapon in the shape of a corpse, a prince, a girl. [to be a very dead weapon-body rather than a tragically alive one.] [also, as an aside, how her mother conceived of her: a bomb in the shape of a baby.] [also obviously related is that the out-of-house derogatory term for necromancers and cavaliers being, respectively, zombies and minions.])  i do not have a thesis statement, of course, but i think there is a clear development of a theme and some symbols and language that may be helpful to return to later or to unpick some of the various (and very gendered) ways agency is or is not present in necromancy.  * very known, but i think the fact that cytherea and dulcinea are both subjected to the same cancer-eugenics and arrive at a near indistinguishable state, that they are in some ways duplicates of each other, takes on a really compelling sheen in the wake of her comment that john, explicitly, is building a static society.  
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elyyxium · 1 year
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Anya Taylor-Joy in The Menu (2022)
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lynzishell · 9 months
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Phoenix: Are you doing anything tonight? Dawn: Not really, you? Phoenix: I don’t know. I was thinking of checking out the Humor and Hijinx Festival. You interested? Dawn: YOU want to go to Humor and Hijinx? Phoenix: Could be fun. Dawn: Alright, let’s do it.
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echinoderma · 1 year
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all this talk about wolves made me pick up wolvden again so please look at my new most special son of all time now and forever. his name is JUNEBUG!!!!
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flowering-darkness · 3 months
okay actually one more thing before I try and get back to the aforementioned coursework
I may or may not have finally figured out how to integrate my Reborn self-insert’s status as a previous timeline’s “player”/protagonist into the in-game story, in a way that doesn’t break as many (or hopefully any) known canon details. It also means both of my Reborn selfships are as canon as each other, while still retaining the same reconnection themes I had with my selfship with Luna.
So suffice it to say I am very satisfied now and once I’m out of coursework hell - so, hopefully by the end of today! - I can tell you all about it if you want to hear ^-^
(I hope that everyone here does have a good day today, though~)
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rimeiii · 8 months
I love how I'm using Arknights formation principles even now when doing stages in WHB.
Like, see a stage with three 'parallel' spawn points and one protection objective?
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Time to pull out my rock hell aka 1-7 trust farm setup, adapted for WHB!
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(Shalem is there just for moral support, Executor to help with the large wave of slugs in the middle lane)
Also using this opportunity to talk about some QoL I'd like to see from WHB. First is at least an auto-setup feature if not a full-blown auto clear for stages you've Perfect-cleared. Would cut down grinding times immensely.
Second, I'd like it if they clearly outlined which tiles are undeployable immediately at the start. In WHB, you'd occasionally find tiles that are undeployable despite there being no in-game indicator that it's the case, unless you hover your unit atop said tile. Compare that with Arknights, where one glance at this map (H7-4) tells you the three rightmost columns are undeployable, and the black ranged tiles are also undeployable - nevermind the Originium Altar at the bottom.
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Also I experienced a bug a while back where ults don't charge properly at times if you run an aura type unit in the stage, as in they sometimes just....stop charging up again after use? And by this I mean the Asmo demons, where their skills are buffing autocast spells...
Skill multipliers also feel a little bit too small for my taste, but that may be because of scaling issues. They're all percentage based, with small percentage buffs with each skill level - which means they're pretty insignificant at lower levels. I'd recommend saving your Tears to uncap your units first before raising skill levels.
Anyways, that's all my rambling for now. I just went all out for Halloween Fallen Robin and I'm debating on also going for the Halloween Duo Sothis purely because I like the Byleth design there...
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midnightdemonhunter · 2 years
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Three more Heathers songs, three more style experimentations!
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
like. okay. i have no real horse in the race of “which brother is the secret bad abuser” because the show does not actually care about that or think that either of them is actually treating each other that badly (except for when sam get manipulated, which is always his own fault and he should suffer for it /s)
but what i will say is that the way dean is written sometimes manages to make me more uncomfortable than any of the villains on this show. dean scares me. completely unintentionally, they did write a guy who only gets Worse over time, and it’s compelling, and it’s upsetting for me to watch.
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i have. an analysis. idk if i actually believe the whole thing.
but it's so interesting. like. i've connected. the dots.
i have identified a potential root of the deslandes family issues.
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cherubimon (good)
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diorsbrando · 9 months
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okay i’ve come to show y’all that neuvi is home 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 after fighting this battle i have emerged victorious and when he came home i kissed his cheeks and his pretty supple lips sooooooo hard ! repeatedly <3
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