#permafusion stevonnie
permafusion-stevonnie · 22 hours
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A shout out to the @permafusion-stevonnie AU, also known as Together Forever AU!
I discovered it and re-discovered it several times because I'm usually terrible at keeping up with comics, but I'm always amazed by the sheer determination and will of the author. Incredible to see how long and complex the story has gotten, and I am constantly impressed by the writing and dialogue! It's on point!
Warning: This comic deals with some heavy themes involving grief and loss and sense of self.
Read it on the tumblr or on Tapas!
Thank you Together Forever AU for the story you have written and exploring some of the most fascinating parts of fusion and the human and gem condition!
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I’d rather be me (with you)
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[WOW we have come a long way since my shipping chart where I said she was completely apathetic towards him. This is what claiming characters and adding shit to them does to people it’s a slippery slope guys.
Anyways if anyone has been near my Twitter, which is unlikely especially considering that I specifically tell people on Twitter not to look for my Tumblr, although it isn’t the same here y’all can try to find me there if you really wanna but not the other way around the Twittypets wouldn’t understand. Ok anyways I’ve started shipping them but in, like, that “I’m starting to wonder if you respect me” “Oh Mr. Universe, you’re hilarious” kinda way. In the way I rotate them in my brain I think they do genuinely both enjoy each other’s company, but the relationship would be inherently toxic because there’s, like, no equal sense of respect in it. Dennis would probably be a major pushover and not set any boundaries cuz he’s just like that and Citra is. Citra. But maybe just MAYBE if they stopped being so fucking weird all the time then just MAYBE we could have some heterosexual yuri going on here. Realistically would never happen, but it COULD.
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jayyekko · 2 years
fusion in steven universe is a representation of the different types of relationships people can have with each other. the more healthy a relationship is, the more stable a fusion will be and the less abnormalities they will have.
you have familial relationships like with steven and the gems, and steven and his dad: creating the fusions smokey quartz, rainbow 2.0, sunstone, obsidian, and steg (i hate that name). steven’s relationships with the gems and greg all vary, and that shows in his fusion w/ them. his relationships with them aren’t perfect, and they have moments of conflict, which is why those fusions have some abnormalities (smokey has three arms, steg and sunstone have four) but because of the bonds that he has with this family, these fusions can remain stable if needed.
toxic/abusive relationships were also represented in the show through lapis and jasper’s fusion, malachite. irl, malachite is a gemstone that is known to be extremely toxic to humans and animals when exposed to water while it’s in its raw form or broken. malachite wasn’t formed due to a healthy bond btw jasper or lapis, she was formed for power. jasper, wanting to be able to beat the crystal gems at the end of the episode “jailbreak” (the end of season 1), caught lapis while she was trying to escape and coerced her into fusing. but, lapis also took this as an opportunity, an opportunity to protect steven and get jasper away from the gems. so, after agreeing to fuse, lapis took control of malachite, chained her up, and trapped both her and jasper in the ocean still fused as malachite.
malachite is huge, with four eyes, four legs, and two arms. this, along with the fact that lapis continued to force the fusion between the two of them despite jasper wanting to escape (shown in the episode chille tid) and had to chain them to stop from falling apart were visuals for the unhealthy and toxic relationship between the two. jasper and lapis hated each other, there was no type of love or agreement, so their fusion was unstable and on the fence of falling apart at any second. lapis recognizes this unhealthy relationship in the episode “alone at sea”, after jasper comes back begging to fuse again to feel that power again despite the fact that being malachite hurt them both and she refuses to put either of them through that again.
and then last but not least, we have romantic/platonic relationships shown through fusion. outside of the main cast, fusions that involve romantic relationships include the off colors fluorite and rhodonite. both stable and able to exist indefinitely, showcasing the healthy bonds the gems within those fusions have with each other. they do contain abnormalities, either due to the individual strengths of those relationships and/or the number of gems in the fusion (fluorite is a fusion of six gems, representing a polyamorous relationship). but then we have the two main examples of healthy romantic/platonic relationships in the show: garnet and stevonnie.
starting with stevonnie, the fusion between steven and connie, they have no abnormalities at all, looking like a normal teenager. at first, many thought this was because stevonnie was 3/4 human, so they were gonna look like a human. but the movie gave us the fusion btw steven and his father, also a human, and steg had four arms. this is how we know that stevonnie is the only fusion other than garnet to be so balanced and stable due to the relationship btw the two people that make them up. steven and connie’s relationship when stevonnie first came to exist was purely platonic (well, not really, they had mutual crushes) but the strength btw their friendship and the trust they had for each other is what makes stevonnie so stable. they are a representation of their love, platonic or not.
and with garnet, a permafusion by her own choice, she is the literally embodiment of ruby and sapphire’s love. when she first came into existence, she had blotches of pink and blue everywhere in her clothes and hair, and she was confused and shy. the relationship was new, ruby and sapphire had just really gotten to know each other properly. but at time passed, 5,750 years later you could see that garnet was all figured out and put together, with her own style, her own voice, no confusion on who she was and what was was supposed to be. ruby and sapphire’s love grew, and in those years it settled down into an understanding. they know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, their hopes and dreams, and they chose to remain fused rather than being split up because fusion is was represents their love for them. their love is so strong and beautiful, and from it come a wonderful experience that became an example for other gems that also wanted that certain bond with each other.
garnet once said that by being a fusion, you forget that you were ever alone. a fusion isn’t two people together, they become their own being. she also said, “i embody my- i mean, ruby and sapphire’s love. i’ll always exist in them, even if i split apart. but the strength of that love keeps me together, so that i can stay garnet for a VERY long time” even when ruby and sapphire are apart, when a FUSION is apart that fusion still exists in them, their bond, their relationship represents that fusion, and it can never be taken away. this is why when ruby and sapphire got married, a ceremony they participated in to remind themselves that their love is true, and strong, and exists outside of being garnet, they told their vows, exchanged rings, kissed and melted i to each other to form garnet again. garnet will always be there, even when ruby and sapphire are miles apart. it’s like steven said, she is their love, given form. and that exists within each fusion to make an appearance in the show.
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she-ra-her-ra · 7 months
I remember ppl complaining about the stevonnie proposal scene when it aired but it makes complete sense. Almost everyone thinks of their parents as their first model of what a relationship looks like, for better or worse. It didn’t hit me until watching this ep but Garnet is Steven‘s only model of a stable romantic relationship in his family. He naturally wants to follow her example. She’s not unique among gems either, 2 of the off-colors are permafusions, so there’s clearly precedent. The poor kid has culture shock around other humans. Now, what‘s the excuse of the ex who proposed to me when we were 16 🤣
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diamcndlegacy · 1 year
@lerfmuses / @fleshero
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Some random headcanons for their permafusion AU. I have like two separate ideas for how this AU is set up so let me know which you prefer.
First idea I have is finn being a part of his human zoo and that's how they met. Steven introduces him to the concept of being a hero through his cartoons, books and movies. Eventually with enough begging he convinces the diamonds to let finn be one of his guards. They grow really close and fuse accidentally. Their fusion being seen they run away in fear of what their punishment will be.
My other idea is just them meeting like in their main verse. So basically princey arriving in ooo on accident due to this gem artifact. Finn let's him stay with him for awhile and they grow closer over weeks and months. Eventually the diamonds find out what happened, what artifact he used and they use something similar to find where he is and take him back home. Princey makes it known how he doesn't want to leave finn and the diamonds take them with him. Just viewing him as his pet similar to how connie was seen/treated in the diamonds days arc. Like stevonnie in said arc they fuse at a ball while dancing in front of everybody and then they run away.
Atleast at first they would talk about themselves in this fusion as two separate feelings. Them talking a functioning is like a partnership rather than moving as one single unit.
Finn is the stronger one in a fusion emotionally. When they do unfuse and break apart it's usually due to a trauma response from princey. If they're confronted by the mention of the diamonds or who they're wanted now in the eyes of homeworld.
Them usings they/them pronouns when they feel like two separate being together in said fusion but using he/him pronouns once they have more confidence as one single unit.
Them having long hair due to finn's half but also have the rose curls due to steven's. The hair color being a light brown or strawberry blonde. Or maybe when they first fuse it's brown with streaks of blonde similar to how cotton candy garnet's hair was a miss match of her partners colors.
They stole a ship of princey's and arrived on a planet similar to earth with a lot of fauna and wildlife. It's somewhere they can get their thoughts together. find piece and discover who they are.
Once settled they would be an amazing hero. Basically taking the best of both of their partner's heroic qualities, skills and powers. Their fusion traveling to different planets to help different races of people.
I'm thinking them being known as the flora or fauna knight. They're basically a mix between a prince and a knight. Gives off the vibes of those princey type characters in anime.
Their fusion is dramatic and theatrical with their movements and fighting.
Atleast a few times they would put their long mane into a braid. Also wearing a flower crown.
It takes time for them to be fused all the time. They can fuse for weeks and months at a time but atleast at first they need breaks.
They're so tall. Not as tall as opal but taller than stevonnie.
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fused-stevonnie · 3 years
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So, uh, it was pretty cute, I gotta admit
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dimonds456 · 4 years
Yesterday I had the idea of if Spinel followed PD and became a Crystal Gem or if PD took Spinel with her, and me finding your AU is such a nice coincidence! :)
Cool! I figured that, since Pink was annoyed Spinel, there was no way she'd take the bean with her, but what if she came back for her instead? But who knows! According to multiverse theory, anything can happen!
If you wanna play with the idea, go for it! I know I'm not the only CG Spinel blog out there, so don't let me stop you.
That goes for anyone who wants to make an AU. Go for it! So what if another version if the same concept exists? That's... Kinda the definition of an AU. As long as you're not copying anyone, go for it!
EDIT: To elaborate (because I'm paranoid lol), if you think that a completely different situation could get the same result, then you have a different AU (for example, the Spinel AUs where Pink makes different choices, or she gets involved in the plot earlier, or Steven finds her. Or, Permafusion Stevonnie can happen in a few different ways, too!). The reverse is also true, where the same situation gets different results (see the Gone Wrong AU, and the resulting Disarmed AU where Steven didn't die).
So again, as long as you're not stealing a concept, go for it. If your idea stems off someone else's, be sure to mention that your AU/idea came from them (the Disarmed AU does this).
The main goal here is to have fun. So darn it, go have fun!
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peribytes · 4 years
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I now pronounce you STEVONNIE!
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dori-artz-blog · 4 years
Can you please do a fusion between Universetale Steven and Stevonnie from @permafusion-stevonnie?
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NO REPOST MY ART/Reblogs are appreciated
"You are filled with INDEPETENCE"
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Can you do an image of your Steven meeting Stevonnie from @permafusion-stevonnie?
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“Hi, you must be Stevonnie. I’m Steven, a permafusion just like you. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Steven extends his hand, wanting to shake her hand.
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AU ideia
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e350tb · 5 years
Jam Bomb 2: Proposal
If she were just asking him to marry her, well, this would have been a lot easier.
Connie sat across the table from Steven, trying to stop her hands from shaking as she imagined all the ways this could possibly go wrong. The little box in her pocket weighed down on her, like an anchor threatening to drag her down into a proverbial sea, and she could barely focus on what Steven was saying.
“...so anyway, that’s what’s going on with the Rubies,” he finished.
He took a sip of his drink (sparkling water in a wine glass) and smiled.
“So, uh, what did you do today?”
Connie swallowed, her eyes drifting over to Ruby and Sapphire at another table. Both turned and grinned, giving her a thumbs up - they weren’t terribly discreet about it, but Steven didn’t seem to notice.
“I, uh, I talked to Garnet about something,” she replied.
Steven bit his lip, and Connie detected a hint of red on his cheeks.
“Look, I’ve been thinking lately,” she continued, “About us, I mean, and… I guess I was wondering… I mean, we’ve been together for a while now, and…”
She trailed off as Steven slowly withdrew the little blue box from his pocket. She blinked, dumbstruck - then, she slowly brought out hers.
“Both of us,” she said flatly.
“On the same day.”
There was a long, awkward silence.
At last, Connie broke, covering her mouth as she began to chuckle. Before long, Steven had joined in - the couple attracted more than a few stares as they laughed at the strange, implausible, entirely predictable scenario they’d found themselves in.
“Okay, this is…” Connie wiped her eyes, the laughter subsiding, “Well, I’ll marry you, that’s probably obvious.”
She wondered if engagement was supposed to be this casual.
“Yeah, same,” nodded Steven, “But…”
“But there’s one other thing I wanted to ask,” said Connie, “A-a-and it’s probably silly, and weird, but I talked to Garnet about it, and…”
She took a deep breath.
“...what if we became like her?” she asked, “Just… be Stevonnie. All the time.”
Steven nodded slowly.
“Because it’s like… this is probably silly, but their existence, to me, is like… like a hug, but more, and it doesn’t go away, and…” she continued, “F-forget I said anything, this is…”
Steven leaned forward, looking her in the eye.
“Connie,” he said, “There’s nothing I’d like more than to be Stevonnie with you.”
There was a loud crash as Sapphire jumped up, her chair falling backwards. She danced around her table, grabbed Ruby, and began to dance with excitement in the middle of the restaurant.
“I knew it, I knew it!” she exclaimed, “I knew it, Ruby!”
Ruby laughed, pulling her wife into a hug. They twirled around, their gems glowing as they began to fuse.
Steven glanced at Connie and smiled.
“I guess they’ve been looking forward to this,” he said.
“Yeah,” nodded Connie, watching Garnet twirl in place, hugging herself and shouting out in joy. Another patron tried to shush her, but the fusion ignored him completely.
Connie grinned slightly giddily and took a sip of her drink.
“And you know what?” she added, “So have I.”
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minijenn · 6 years
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Heyoooo I finished all the Stevonnies! And personally? I think most of these turned out great! And so to keep things short, here’s the rundown as to who’s who: 
1. UF Stevonnie, complete with sword and shield 2. Reverse/DIamond Stevonnie who is an absolute mess tbh 3. GR/Momswap Stevonnie, who’s kinda awkward but still good and pure 4. Teen Stevonnie, who is Buff and also very good 5. Relativity Stevonnie, who’s absolutely made of love 6. Gem Bros Stevonnie, who’s just adorable 7. Crystal Falls Stevonnie, who, while hypothetical at best, is very adorable as well 8. Monster Stevonnie, who’s like a mysterious ghost/dryad hybrid 9. UF2 Stevonnie, lookin absolutely cute as always 10, MK2 Adult Stevonnie, who is a completely adorable husband/wife powerhouse 11. (going out of order of how I usually do these) but let’s finally top things off with a Movie Stevonnie! ^_^
And thems all the Stevonnies! Now, of course I didn’t draw Swap Stevonnie, mostly since Swap Stevonnie pretty much can’t exist since Steven and Connie are both fully human in that AU. Even so I think my favorite out of these is probably UF2, they just look so cute imo ^_^ So yep, there ya go! Now that I’m done with MK and MK fusion AU sheets (save for the trifusions which I’ll do... eventually) I’m gonna start branching out to do other UF characters, starting with the Crystal Gems up next (probably Garnet will be first) so keep an eye out for those! Enjoy!
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pearlplusau · 3 years
Pearlplusau animatic #1: The Great Divide (By Tripixle)
I believe this was the first animatic that introduced the AU.
Full video description and brief analysis below:
So in the beginning, we were given a glimpse of Pearl's original position, which most of us believed to be White Diamond's pearl. (This was before the canon origin of Pearl was released.)
Pearl had a brief eye contact with Pink Diamond's pearl while they passed by. There we can tell they probably weren't super close or anything, just Pink Pearl (who I will be calling her Coral from this point on) casually waving at another pearl like they were acquaintances in the same office.
After Pearl was assigned or "given" to Pink Diamond (without Coral getting hurt and replaced), she found her new diamond panicking over her burning throne while Coral was doing her best. Pearl realized right then and there what she was getting into for the rest of her gem life. She activated the sprinkler system and accepted her new role and post.
The next scene showed how Coral was a bit nervous around the new pearl. Her quick glances were noticed by the aloof-looking Pearl but her friendly handshake was finally started their relationship. (This is most likely how the two introduced each other similar to the short comic.)
We see Pink balancing on a giant ball with Coral by her side. Pearl came in, flipped out, and rushed to her now wobbling diamond. Coral was less worried but she joined in on the mayhem. Pink fell down and both pearls caught her. The trio, now laying on the floor, was stunned for a moment. Pearl got up and checked if her diamond was hurt in any way, but the diamond couldn't help herself and burst into laughter with Coral. It looked like Pearl was able to finally let herself go from her own strict codes and officially join the two as a group.
After Pink got her first colony, Earth, from Yellow and Blue, she had fun adventures with her pearls but found out how it was damaging the planet. She formed the rebellion starting with her two loyal friends.
After their encounter with the permafusion at the sky arena, the trio came to a rest and discussed their excitement. The trio accidentally fused from their shared excitement and startled the passing permafusion, who later joined in as Garnet.
The next scene cut to a battle with Homeworld gems, where we saw the Crystal Gems had the upper hand from the battle. Unfortunately, it was also the last battle as three diamonds launched a direct attack on the planet Earth. Rose realized what was truly going on and grabbed the closest gems to her, Coral and Garnet. The other closest member, Pearl, was too far for the leader to reach, but Coral was not one to give up on her companion. She screamed at Pearl, urging her to come over. She was finally within reach and into safety as the light shone bright green.
Skipping a few storylines, we see Rainbow Quartz being shown off to Greg the human. Coral looking a bit upset seeing Greg (or RQ?). We then move on to the talk of Greg and the leader of the Crystal Gems. Coral was found to be just as worried as the rest.
As Rose gave out her big announcement to the gems, Coral forced out a smile, trying to be happy for her leader while Garnet and Pearl took a different turn. Coral tried to keep the group together but failed to do so as everyone wanted to be alone.
Pearl was found weeping behind a stone hand by Coral. The two pearls wasn't sure whats going to happen, but they know they'll get through it when they have each other.
After that its a sequence of major events in rapid pace, from Steven joining the team, to Opals appearance, to the fight with Sugilite, to Coral's fusions with the gems, to Stevonnie, to the arrival, to the Malachite arch, to Coral's confrontation with Pink (Story for another time), to the Sardonyx arch, to Coral and Garnet's fusion, to the Rupphire wedding, and finally, to the Diamond days arch.
Aw man, I haven't seen this animatic for a super long time. So glad I was able to find it on youtube, which was re-uploaded by someone else after the original got deleted.
I'll be posting another animatic I found online, but the other two animatics are still nowhere to be found. To whoever's reading this, please take a look at your downloaded folder and see if you have the following animatics downloaded:
1. Listen before I go
2. Coral's part in "Here we are in the future"
If you've read to the end, I really appreciate it and hope you can help to spread the word about the missing animatics above. It will be a great help to me and the rest of the pearlplusau fans!
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fused-stevonnie · 3 years
How have you been lately?
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