#perse v is typing…
gogmstuff · 1 year
More images of 1912 fashion -
1912-1913 Afternoon dress.
1912 (Winter) Jeanne Paquin evening gown (Helen Larson Historic Fashion Collection, FIDM Museum - Los Angeles, California, USA).
1912 (Winter) Jeanne Paquin evening gown (Helen Larson Historic Fashion Collection, FIDM Museum - Los Angeles, California, USA).
Left 1912 Lucile dress (V&A). From omgthatdress.tumblr.com/post/654088327176306688/evening-dress-lucile-1912-the-victoria-albert 1280X1707.
Center and right ca. 1912 Chantilly lace dinner dress front quarter and back (location ?). From whitakerauction.smugmug.com-Fall2012-Clothing-ID-22-140-i-b3kCXfz 3068X2895
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1912 Lady in Furs, Mrs. Charles A. Searles by Cilde Hassam (location ?). From tumblr.com/catherinedefrance 900X1090.
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1912 Lady wearing a large hat sitting by Franz von Stuck (auctioned by Sotheby's). From their Web site 1753X1991.
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1912 Mrs J., by Józef Męcina-Krzesz (location ?). From godsandfoolishgrandeur.blogspot.com/2016/11/randomly-ix.html; shadows 60% and fixed spots w Pshop 750X975.
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1912 Mrs. Ernest Guinness by Sir Francis Bernard Dicksee (auctioned by Christie's) From www.pinterest.com/nouvellegiselle/vintage-inspiration slightly cropped & fit to screen 924X1500.
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1912 Mrs. John Lawrence by Edmund Tarbell (private collection). From cutlermiles.com/mrs-john-lawrence-edmund-tarbell/ 992X1280.
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Left 1912 Princess Elena of Greece, nee Russia, in 1912, wearing the diamond and pearl tiara she later gave to her daughter as a wedding gift From pinterest.com/inara0798/aristocrats/ 602X960.
Center 1912 Princess Paley in a dinner dress with fancy headdress. From Sacheverelle's photostream on flickr 488X983.
Right 1912 Vizcondesa de Termens From laalacenadelasideas.blogspot.com/2012/12 1018X1316.
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1912 Robe de Visite de Paquin (pl.5, La Gazette du Bon ton 1912-1913 n°2) by George Barbier. From edition-originale.com/en/prints-engravings-photographs/ 1682X2518.
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Left ca. 1912 Frau Prinzessin Rupprecht in Bayern, Marie Gabrielle in Bayern, by F. Grainer. From eBay fixed spots w Pshop 1017X1600.
Right ca. 1912-1913 Olga de Meyer wearing the famous Paul Poiret coat La Perse, photograph by Baron de Meyer. From facebook.com/144304418968266/photos/a.397639360301436/1143579645707400/?type=1&theater 1123X2048
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Left 1912 Winifred, Duchess of Portland by Philip Alexius de László (Portland College - Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, UK). From books0977.tumblr.com/post/111045895147/the-duchess-of-portland-1912-philip-alexius-de 999X1280.
Right 1912 New Book by Walter Bonner Gash (location ?). From tumblr.com/larobeblanche/742427773413556224/the-new-book-c-1912? 876X1024.
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Left 1912 Le Manteau bleu by Xavier Gosé (location ?). From tumblr.com/mote-historie/744587745354301440/painting-by-xavier-gos%C3%A9-le-manteau-bleu-1912?.
Center 1912 Fourrures Max (Max Furs) in the catalogue 'Fourrures Portraits Minatures' by George Barbier. From tumblr.com/mote-historie/732453186620866560/george-barbier-illustration-for-the-catalogue?source=share& 1939X2541.
Right 1912 Man and woman in evening dress by Coles Phillips (NYPL). From tumblr.com/sartorialadventure/747029584815489024?; fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 764X1000
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ca. 1912 a Femme chic, Supplément by A. Souchel (Rijksmuseum). From their Web site; fixed flaws & spots w Pshop 3229X5315.
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paleman21 · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: James Perse Standard Gray Panel Women Shirt.
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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[L’Éternel] envoya Moïse, son serviteur, Aaron qu’il avait choisi. Psaume 105. 26
Aujourd’hui, dans la cité de David, vous est né un sauveur, qui est le Christ, le Seigneur. Luc 2. 11
Deux sauveurs
La Bible ne nous laisse aucun doute sur le fait que Moïse est un type, une image, de notre Sauveur ; Moïse lui-même le dit dans sa prophétie bien connue de Deutéronome 18 : “L’Éternel me dit : … Je leur susciterai un prophète comme toi” (v. 17, 18). Depuis le début, Dieu avait déjà le désir de susciter un grand sauveur pour le peuple d’Israël.
Dieu avait dit à Abraham que son peuple serait dans l’esclavage en Égypte pendant une période de 400 ans (voir Genèse 15. 13). Ce long temps est passé sous silence – nous savons seulement que le peuple de Dieu était dans l’affliction pendant la majeure partie du temps, dans la servitude et le dur esclavage sous les Égyptiens.
De manière semblable, 400 ans de silence se sont écoulés entre la fin de l’Ancien Testament et le début du Nouveau Testament : aucun prophète n’a parlé entre Malachie et Jean le Baptiseur. Pendant cette longue période, le peuple d’Israël a vécu de nouveau en esclavage, sous les Perses, les Grecs, et au moment où s’ouvre le Nouveau Testament, nous le trouvons sous le dur régime des Romains (voir Luc 2. 1).
Dans les livres de l’Exode et de Matthieu, nous trouvons des parallèles frappants :
– Le Pharaon a essayé de tuer tous les enfants mâles des Hébreux (Exode 1. 15, 16) ; à Bethléem, Hérode, le représentant de Rome, a voulu tuer tous les petits garçons de moins de deux ans (Matthieu 2. 16).
– Moïse a été sauvé et protégé par une princesse égyptienne ; Christ a été emmené en Égypte pour y être protégé !
– Ces deux enfants étaient destinés à être les libérateurs du peuple d’Israël. Et pourtant, ces deux libérateurs seront rejetés par le peuple qu’ils étaient venus sauver (Exode 2. 14 ; Jean 1. 11).
Il y a pourtant une grande différence entre les deux. Moïse n’était qu’un serviteur de Dieu, alors que Christ était Dieu lui-même (Hébreux 3. 2-6) ; Moïse a institué la fête de la Pâque (Exode 12), Jésus était l’agneau de la Pâque (1 Corinthiens 5. 7) !
Nous pouvons souligner l’immense grâce de Dieu qui se penche sur son peuple après 400 ans de silence – dus à son infidélité – pour leur envoyer un sauveur, ou le Sauveur. La grâce de Dieu ne se lasse pas !
d’après B. Reynolds
➡ Dimanche 24 septembre 2023
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viktor and jayce in league lore are kismesises while viktor and jayce in arcane lore are moirails send post
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Tbh one of my favorite things about Sora is that he's like a gold digger, but instead of money, it's power and capability that attract him to people, like
Yuya, inventing a whole new summoning method:
Sora: owo?
Reiji, managing to cram Fusion, Xyz, Synchro, AND pendulum all into one deck:
Sora: OwO?
Yuto, a mysterious duelist that quickly proves to be physically strong when matched up with Sora and strong in a duel by defeating Several LID duelists with ease:
Sora: OWO?
And then he found out Yuto was XYZ scum and lost all interest, but my point still stands
Sora's not attracted to anyone based off gender or money or anything like that, he's just attracted to really strong duelists and power first and foremost, and I think that's valid
Honorable mention goes to Masumi for also being a person he showed slight interest in during her first duel with Yuzu, for seemingly no other reason than she was a talented fusion duelist
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What can he say, he's got a bias for fusion freaks
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
What kind of content does Perse do for grubtube?
Perse is currently somewhat unavailable to answer questions, HOWEVER!
She does a variety of things, always either in suit or using essentially a V-Tuber. Reaction videos, talking about things, she's done some singing type stuff, mostly she talks about being a furry and various crafting things. Gives tips and tricks.
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judicial-review · 5 years
Plaintiff's counsel, whose name is Harry Lore, read defendant's brief and found it a bore. Instead of a reply brief, he acted pretty quick and responded with a clever limerick: "Admiralty process is hoary With pleadings that tell a sad story Of Libels in Rem— The bane of sea-faring men The moral: Better personally served than be sorry." Not to be outdone, the defense took the time to reply with their own clever rhyme. The defense counsel team of Mahoney, Roberts, & Smith drafted a poem cutting right to the pith: "Admiralty lawyers like Harry Both current and those known from lore Be they straight types, mixed or fairy Must learn how to sidestep our bore. For Smith, not known for his mirth With his knife out for Mackensworth With Writs, papers or Motions to Quash Knows that dear Harry's position don't wash." Overwhelmed by this outburst of pure creativity, we determined to show an equal proclivity. Hence this opinion in the form of verse, even if not of the calibre of Saint-John Perse.
Mackensworth v. American Trading Transportation Co., 367 F. Supp. 373 (E.D. Penn 1973)
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hunterartemis · 6 years
The Assistant: Chapter 4: Employee of the Month
Chapter Summary: a brief history of our heroine’s previous job.
Chapter theme: Dance of the Hours, by Amilcare Ponchielli :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3ILbnHhAzk
 word count: 1329 (approximately)
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At the end, they didn’t have to endure Newt’s three day old lamb stew, because Maxine politely told Newt, (by politely I really mean exclaiming “eh bon putain”* after taking the first sip) that the stew wasn’t edible anymore.
“Mr. Scamander... I am surprised that you are even alive and healthy after this...” Maxine looked at Newt incredibly, after waving away the stews towards the kitchen counter and got up from the table and went to the hob.
“Miss Page, I really appreciate if you not—we could just go to Leaky Cauldron--” Newt turned himself around to face her, while remaining seated, but Maxine already got out all the ingredients.
“Let’s see... c’est la, c’est la*...” she mumbled along and waved her wand around swiftly, much swifter and crispier than Queenie, in Newt’s opinion. When Queenie made food, it looked like she was conducting a symphony; Maxine looked like a loony artist waving around his paintbrush at random spots, and within a minute, a three course meal was on the table.
“Eh voila... Je présente vous votre diner*.” Maxine sat down as the dishes slowly plopped on the table. Newt and Theseus looked at the dishes curiously and before Newt could reply Theseus spoke.
“What the hell are these even? I never saw any of this in my life!” Theseus exclaimed with half impressed and half annoyed manner.
“As admirable as your patriotism is, but this is gentlemen... this is the real food.” Maxine said proudly, “Navarin, Poulet a la moutard with pasta and chocolate mousse.”* Newt looked at the Navarin with surprise,
“That looks just like my lamb stew...”
“It is... only better, added some seasonings and reversed the aging process...” Maxine said, “How do you think restaurants work...”
“That’s incredible, but I want some English food...” Theseus commented sourly, and Newt frowned at him. “You Brits!” Maxine said with an undiluted French accent, “you go one spend your cabbage* at French Restaurants but when it is right in front of you, you act like a bunch of ponce.”
“Let’s not go there shall we... ” Newt said sternly and dived in. with him Theseus did too, and Maxine smiled covertly at how Theseus was blown away despite himself as he took the first sip of the navarin.
“Told you....” Maxine said triumphantly.
“We are digressing from the point... Miss Page why were you fired?” Newt asked rightaway.
“That escalated quickly...” Theseus took a break from the Navarin and rolled some linguine on his fork, dipped in mustard sauce, while chewing the lamb.
“First of all...” Maxine answered after gulping her stew, “it was not my fault that I was fired. Practically I am the victim here...”
“Oh yeah... tell that to your Head of the Department...” Theseus said a little bit too excitedly and his pasta slipped from his fork.
“Okay, my respected Head of the Department, it was your fault that you denied my suspicion and did the covert operation anyway, which belly flopped, and the budget of our respected department was cut... and that includes my pay.” Maxine stabbed her fork on a chicken thigh.
“I need facts not rants Miss Page...” Newt calmly took a bite of the potato.
“She called Travers an asshat--” Theseus said,
“—for assigning the operation in the Père Lachaise” Maxine replied.
“—it would have been overlooked...” Theseus exasperatedly continued, despite Maxine’s interruption, “if not for her other questionable actions.”
“What questionable actions?” Newt looked at them with curiosity and alarm.
“How should I put this...” Theseus sarcastically added, “She is called the Peeves of the Ministry...”
“Oh, that’s just childish... and only you call me that” Maxine huffed and stuffed herself some linguine.
“Oh yeah? What about the time you pulled one with Carr ...” Theseus turned towards Newt, “it was when you went off to New York, Lucian Carr... that blond fella from our dep—well, you tell him what you did.” Theseus excitedly smashed his carrot and severely looked at Maxine, who shrugged casually.
“He annoyed me. He was flirty and obsessive, and apparently no female has ever said no to him...” Maxine answered while looking at Newt, “and you know what he said when I said he is not my type... “but you’re French? aren’t you supposed to be, you know... liberal” quell salaud*....”she hissed while twirling her linguine.
“So I gave him what he wanted...” Maxine smiled mischievously. Perhaps she was waiting for any of the brothers to raise a voice for what she did for an added drama, but it didn’t happen. Only Theseus frowned, “and you mean?”
“I think you know it better don’t you, since it was you who demoted Carr?” Maxine said, and Theseus impatiently bit his lips, “I think he had some quality phrases for you written in the report...”
“It seemed...” Theseus said unenthusiastically, “Whoever tried to read anything written by Carr would be insulted... but Carr vehemently denied that he wrote anything like it... but later, I found out he was innocent, and could do nothing about it because of the scandal”
Newt said nothing and looked at them quietly.
“We thought she would stop here, but no... She does it again... this time Travers.” Theseus was fuming with rage, “in the middle of one day, he collapsed on the floor, moaning and whimpering. We couldn’t understand what was going on so we took him to St. Mungos, and three minutes later the healers came out of the Emergency room swearing at us...” Theseus was waving his fork around while he spoke.
“Yes I heard about Travers having a heart problem recently and this was a top secret within the Auror department, but I don’t see how Maxine could be responsible--”
“It wasn’t heart problem...” Theseus said it ominously low, “Travers was—he was—according to the healers, he hexed himself to have--”
“To have what?” Newt asked, and Maxine was awfully quiet.
After a long awkward pause Theseus mustered the courage to utter the word “... spontaneous orgasm...”
Newt choked on his pasta and started to snicker, Maxine enthusiastically said, “See, it’s funny... and then there’s you who have to make everything a conspiracy theory... besides, I did you a favour, after that he was mild for week...”
“And what about Veritasereum in his morning tea...?”
“His heart is heavy... he needs muggle Catholicism*” Maxine wiped the last bit of sauce of her plate and wiped her face in the napkin, “besides, how else would you know how much he hates you”
“But if no one could prove it...” Newt interrupted the argument, “how did you know it was her...”
“I just knew okay!” Theseus mouthed casually, “only she is stupid and mad enough to pull these... other people have jobs to protect, but not her...” and then his voice escalated to a more annoyed and angry tone “oh how I curse the day I chose you for my intern... and by Merlin’s pants I curse myself to have sworn to protect you from any blames or accusation put on you rightfully for your antics, just because you were a little above average than the dimwits I had the misfortune to work with...”
The table went awfully quiet. Newt nervously looked at Maxine whose face was unreadable and then he veered to Theseus and he knew what he was thinking, he was regretting the words he said to this beautiful young lady. Both of the Scamander brothers had an old fashioned sense of chivalry in them, Theseus more than Newt and he knew, his elder brother was suffering under his own conscience. But when he thought someone is going to cry or apologise, a small voice broke the silence.
“Thank you for the compliment...” Maxine broke into the chocolate mousse and continued to eat it while the brothers stared at her cool temper with a flabbergasted face. After finishing her food, she stood up, wiping her face and getting into her La perse* coat and gauntlet gloves. “Now if you’ll excuse me gentlemen, I need my beauty sleep. Bon nuit...” she threw some floo powder into the fire from Newt’s mantelpiece and disappeared into the emerald whirl. Newt and Theseus were still in their stupor.
“I think she might be the best assistant I have ever had...” Newt added with crooked smile while nibbling his spoonful of mousse, while Theseus frowned at him. Newt caught a glance at Theseus, who shook his head and smacked Newt at the back of his head. 
“eh bon putain“ (literal: oh good whore) a French slang for “oh fuck”.
“C’est la... c’est la“ translates this “here’s this, there’s that“
“ Je présente vous votre diner “: I present you your dinner.
Cabbage: 1920′s slang for “cash”
Navarin is a heavy and rich French lamb stew. This takes place approximately six months after Paris 1927, which makes it Fall/early winter which is a favorite time of eating the stew. The stew is eaten in a flat plate with pieces of large vegetables and meat on top and about three-five big spoonful of liquid at the bottom. Maxine had to work a little harder because British cook their meat a little longer than the French.
Poulet a la moutard with pasta: Chicken cooked in Mustard sauce, served with Pasta. Yes, French do eat pasta, they are called “pate”. Lamb is usually topped with Dijon Mustard in France (unlike Britain where lamb is served with Mint sauce) so instead of topping, Maxine chose a continuation of taste.
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chocolate mousse: we all know what it is... XD
quell salaud: French for “what a bastard!” despite having educated impeccable etiquette and table manners (as a French), Maxine is getting away with her swearing because the brothers cannot understand her.
Muggle Catholicism: she meant by confessing what was pressing in his heart
La perse coat: it is a longline shapeless coat with crushed velvet collar. It rose in popularity in the 1910′s Parisian socialites, and became popular all over Europe and America in the 1920s.
tags: @my-current-fandom-is
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heliosism · 5 years
ACCESSING FILE: 𝒿𝒶𝒹𝑒 𝓋𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓇 (𝒽𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓈) — INTRODUCTION.
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⌊ dua lipa, cisfemale, perses ⌉ ⏀ have you spoken to JADE VANDERMEER recently? the TWENTY-THREE year old who’s been in seneca for SIX MONTHS or so? either way, they always seem to remind me of YELLOW EYESHADOW, LOUD FEELGOOD MUSIC, SUNNY DAYS, GLITTER whenever i see them on main street. on a good day they’re pretty SIMPATICO, but they can also be FIERY.
*shaking from the caffeine from the coffee i mentioned in my first character’s intro* okay, home stretch! just one more intro and i can get to interactions! ICYMI, my name is jess. i was late around here but i’m pumped to get started! my second and final muse is jade. another pre-existing muse revamped for this group. she’s like the polar opposite of ricky & i love her, so i hope you do too!
p.s. some cool info:
my discord is @ soft aries#7087 if you prefer to plot there! if not, IMs is fine
jade’s pinterest board can be found here!
jade is the daughter of two business-people. the pair of them strict & straight as a line for her whole childhood. she was born in seattle, but since her father is dutch (hence her last name) and her mother is albanian, the family spent a lot of time travelling to their respective homelands, which was just about the most fun she had as a child. when at home in baltimore, she was kept under close supervision as her parents were the typical snobby, superficial semi-wealthy types and way too overprotective.
leaving the states for long periods at a time made it somewhat hard for jade to keep a friendship group, so she found fun in things that she could do alone like painting, writing and music.
but this wasn’t the most satisfying thing in the world for a child so extroverted. she was a people person from birth and just wanted to be surrounded by other people. luckily, when she reached high school, the family’s travelling out of the country settled down a little
of course, around this time is when she developed a taste for fun. she wanted to hang out and go to parties and stuff like a normal teenager but again, her parents were still being way too strict & sheltering her. this was the beginning of her disconnect from her parents. it wasn’t that she wasn’t grateful for them & their financial support but their overprotective ways were... a lot.
after graduating high school, she was off to study at a seattle university. the kicker was, though, that her parents had pushed her to study business so she could follow in their footsteps. but this wasn’t something she was passionate about — and jade ended up dropping out.
scared to face her parents after this bold move they wouldn’t approve of, she became a bit of a vagabond, couch-surfing at her friends’ places for a while and just contacting her parents every now and then. she had a barista job, so she could always help out her friends with rent, but after a couple years she decided couch-surfing was no way to live and wanted a new start. 
in a rather dramatic and impulsive move, she ran away to new york with nothing but some savings and one suitcase of belongings, keeping this from her parents. 
she got to seneca about 6 months ago, bagging herself a tiny little apartment. no longer reaping the benefits of her parents support, she struggled for money, so she picked up two jobs. luckily, though, she found two that she enjoyed: one as a bartender, gaining her the thing she loves the most: the opportunity to meet people. the other as an assistant in an art studio, organizing supplies and overseeing sales for the artists. 
in her spare time, she’s creating her own paintings. her signature color in her portraits is yellow, as she aims to create work that makes people happy. her goal is to become an independent artist and get her work in galleries.
despite being 23, jade has decided to reward herself a second adolescence, since her mom and dad were too strict to really allow her one. when she’s not working, she’s focusing a lot of her time on partying, having fun and making mistakes and learning from them. maybe she needs a reality check, but she’s not willing to acknowledge that yet.
introducing little miss god(dess) of the sun. bright, warm & fiery.
impulsive and unpredictable, she’s one of those extroverts that can become draining to be around after a while. she’s so talkative and excitable, a little too much. your muse may find her annoying or endearing depending on what they’re like
very all or nothing. doesn’t like to half-ass things. v determined and inspired at all times
a bicon (again, shocker)
hopeless romantic, idealist / optimist, quixotic type. obviously, this is why she believed she could pull off running away in the first place
can be a lil intense but is high-key lovely, v sweet and sociable. 
she has a very strong personality and can be a bit of a liability. does a lot of things she regrets. doesn’t always think before she speaks
i’m gonna stop here bc i reallllly wanna jump into some interactions but hmu for plots !!
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A level, short sleeved t-shirt is an essential because they re very comfy, timeless, and also every person wears them. Now whether you require a staff neck or v-neck t-shirt depends on a couple Wear bu of factors that I ll enter into later in this write-up.
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If you re like most of my customers, you re probably putting on a t-shirt or golf shirt the majority of the time, so let s see to it you look impressive in them. Before we get involved in that, however, I have a few bones to pick with guys in regards to their t-shirts. They completely crap the bed in a couple of methods:
Their shirts have lots of logo designs.
They put on t fit correctly.
The textile is also thin, glossy, or broken.
A horrible mix of the above.
A tee shirt is defined as:
A light-weight shirt without buttons, with brief sleeves and no collar. Often made of cotton as well as often bears a photo or motto.
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Prior to we get into the finer points of tee shirts, allow s discuss both various types, first. Before I started in the fashion industry, I didn t understand that there were only truly two kinds of tees. So allow s promptly obtain this off the beaten track.
These t-shirts have rounded collars that fit carefully to the neck like the photo above. You possibly have these in your wardrobe right now. They are great base products for layering or endured their own. They work on many type of body. See the below area regarding suitable for even more information.
If your powers of reduction are strong, you ll currently understand that the v-neck t-shirt is called as such because the neck remains in the shape of a v. They also service a lot of type of body. See the listed below section regarding suitable for even more details.
Long-sleeved t shirts are not technially t-shirts. I place this right here, since when I was very first starting, I promised that long-sleeved shirts, like Henleys, were additionally t-shirts. However, they re not. Additionally, in my expert viewpoint you shouldn t truly possess any type of long sleeve shirts. Henleys would certainly be the only exception, however they just look excellent on particular body types. I ll do a write-up regarding Henley shirts at a later time. But I put on t consider them a wardrobe crucial.
If you need long sleeves, throw on a Oxford Button Down Dress T-shirt, V-Neck Sweatshirt Harrington Coat or Sports jacket rather.
I discussed my disgust of logos in my golf shirt write-up. And also it most definitely puts on tee shirts. Possibly more-so.
No self-respecting guy must ever before wear tees with logo designs glued around them. We have sufficient signboards as well as promotions in our lives, wear t transform your body into one more one. Sports teams and concert/band tees are fine if used to an occasion where it s suitable. However the most awful is when I see individuals wearing developer tees. It simply shouts sucker, amateur and douche. Just don t do it. If you have any of these, either toss them out right now or
See the Tee Shirt Fit Overview for information. But I ll rapidly point out right here, also, that despite your age or type of body, a t-shirt (any t-shirt, for that matter) must have a trim fit and lightly hug your body.
That doesn t suggest it should be skin tight, yet it likewise doesn t indicate it should be saggy, either. A great deal of my customers with larger builds tend to believe that their t shirts require to be baggy to conceal their blemishes, yet it really works counter to that. It ll emphasize your flaws if you attempt to conceal them under bigger swaths of textile. And if you re thinner, a larger t shirt won t add any bulk to your framework, it ll simply make you look even skinnier.
I can t inform you the number of nipple areas and stubborn belly buttons I see walking around community since guys are using undershirts or lightweight t shirts with actually slim or fragile materials as routine tees.
I see a great deal of individuals using what resembles white undershirts due to the fact that the material is so slim. I ve honestly been searching for months for good white t shirts that don t program skin through. See my referrals listed below. Thin shirts/undershirts are not the like regular tee shirts. Underwears, true to their name, should just be put on below an additional t-shirt normally an Oxford Button Down Outfit T-shirt or a Semi-Spread Collar Dress T Shirt. They re thin and also soft because they re purpose-built to go underneath another thing.
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The quickest means to resemble a scary uncle is to put on a glossy or silky t-shirt. You must just wear cotton and also matte (not glossy) tees. Absolutely nothing else.
Your t-shirts shouldn t look like the garment matching of those terrible damaged baseball caps. A tee should look tidy, comfy and relatively brand-new. Once they ve got openings or they re faded, also a bit, they need to be changed. Such is the nature of being a well-dressed gentleman. There s absolutely nothing even worse than old, stretched-out, or discolored looking t-shirts, unless you re deliberately choosing that look.
You ll get even more use out of your tees if you clean in cold water as well as hang completely dry them. Once they re extended or discolored, it s time to give away as well as replace them.
Selecting the best t-shirts comes down to your physique, choice and the colors. I ll state once more, since my older customers like to provide me this reason before they see the light: AGE DOESN T FACTOR INTO WHAT SHIRTS YOU MUST ACCESS ALL.
Between both, I would say all of it depends on your preference. Some of my clients are adamant regarding their love or hate for one or the various other. However if you put on t have a choice, I d suggest getting one set of each. That way, you have the option to change it up.
When it comes to which ones you should get, there s 3 points to consider:
If you have a longer neck, opt for team necks. A v-neck would aesthetically extend your neck and make it look longer. Unless you can discover much shorter v-necks with a shorter v like the white t-shirt on my version listed below. If you have a much shorter neck, go with v-necks. It ll make your neck appear a little bit much longer. If your neck is ordinary, the tee shirt globe is your oyster and also you can have whatever you desire!
Every male should have these shades to start since they ll go with whatever else in your Essential Closet.
Heather grey
As for the number of each you should have, I suggest accessing the very least 2 of each, by doing this you can easily survive a week without needing to do washing.
DESIGNER CHOICES The textiles of these options are really fantastic and also super comfortable. The James Perse ones are an individual favorite and I use them on a lot of my clients. I desire I might make all my clothes out of several of these materials. 
See my note in the area listed below, prior to making your decision. Every one of these t-shirts are available in the shades I suggested above.
BUDGET-FRIENDLY OPTIONS I d most likely default to these options over the developer ones because I find very minute distinctions between them. The most significant factors would certainly be in shape and slightly much better textiles. 
I wear t find the included expenses deserve what you enter return, particularly because tees will require to be changed much quicker than various other items in your closet. All of these t-shirts can be found in the colors I suggested above. I specifically enjoy the RibbedTee tee shirts and the American Apparel Summertime Tee Shirts.
2 notes · View notes
paleman21 · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: James Perse Standard Gray Panel Women Shirt
0 notes
real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Rehabilitation: Brand New Cards (10/?)
Side effects may include a loss of self-identity and individuality, frequent nightmares, questioning your own existence, severe mental trauma, constant panic attacks, spontaneous crying at random moments, and a strong desire to stay with loved ones at all cost. Co-written with @violetganache42​​​​​​​. Takes place between Chapters 6 and 7 of Arc-V Aftermath.
With the bus now leaving, Sora led the way with Yuya and Zuzu following him as they all walked down to Card Craze. Yuya scanned the buildings on his left and right, checking to see if any of them rang a bell to him; so far, nothing seemed that memorable to him because of how they’re constructed. The only things that were familiar to him were the bus driver and the Rare Hunters…and he still couldn’t shake the feeling off of him, especially this Arkana guy. What was it about him that made him stand out above the rest? Yuya doesn’t even own a Dark Magician yet there was something about his sadism that made kept on edge.
Sora approached the shop's counter. "Hiya Kenshin," he told the shopkeeper. "Got anything good today?"
The shopkeeper, Kenshin, looked up from his computer and recognized the Frightfur user. "Sora Perse," he acknowledged. "It's good to see you again. And now that you mention it, I got a new shipment of cards..." He reached into a desk. "...especially this super special Fluffal card."
"Wow, really?" Sora asked.
"Indeed," Kenshin replied. He took out the card and showed it to Sora. "I just know she'll be a perfect fit for you."
Sora marveled at the card in front of him; the image depicted a fluffy, purple cat with angel wings and a pink bow. According to the card, it was Fluffal Cat, a Level 1 EARTH Fairy-Type monster with 700 ATK and 300 DEF. If she was sent to the Graveyard as Fusion Material, a Polymerization card that is in the Graveyard can be added to the Duelist’s hand, but this effect can only be done once per turn. What made her super special is because she's a hard-to-find card, making it another reason for her to be a perfect fit for Sora’s deck.
"Whoa!" Sora exclaimed. "That's one of the rarest Fluffal cards ever made! How did you get it?!"
"Oh, never mind my reasons," Kenshin answered. "Think of this little cutie as a gift from me to you for being such an amazing cust-"
"YUYA!" Zuzu cried out.
Sora and Kenshin both turned their heads to see Zuzu restraining a livid Yuya, who was attempting to go after a fair-skinned man with dark indigo hair tied into a ponytail, dark blue eyes, and wearing a white suit with a red undershirt. Despite his appearance, Yuya could tell from how his face was genetically structured that the former was indeed Arkana and he wanted to show him a thing or two about utilizing magicians, but more importantly, treating his cards with respect and understanding to never betray them.
"You don't deserve to be a Duelist!" Yuya snarled. "You're nothing but a cheat who uses cards as a tool!"
Alarmed, Sora rushed over to the Pendulum counterparts. "What's going on?!" he asked.
"I'm not sure!" Zuzu exclaimed. "Yuya saw this person and he started freaking out!"
"How dare you cut up your cards!" Yuya continued shouting. "A person like you should-"
"Yuya, calm down!" Sora said upon realizing who Yuya was talking to. "That's Arkana! He's one of the store employees!"
"Correct I am," Arkana confirmed as he took out some playing cards. "It's my job to serve as entertainment for the customers." He started to shuffle the playing cards. "I would never tamper with these cards."
As he spoke to Yuya, he split the cards into four even piles by dropping them onto a nearby table covered in a red tablecloth. He took the top three cards from the first pile and placed it on the bottom before taking the first three from the last pile and placing one on top of the remaining three. He then proceeded to repeat the procedure three more times until all four piles were randomly shuffled and neatly organized. He flipped the four top cards to reveal all four aces, surprising Yuya and Zuzu, who let go of her friend. Watching Arkana perform a card trick like that had manage to calm the latter down; maybe he may not be as bad as he initially thought.
"You're...just a showman..." Yuya noted.
"But of course," Arkana confirmed. "I can also assist customers with the best cards for their deck, something you clearly need."
That alarmed Yuya. "How-"
"Do I know you need cards?" Arkana asked. "I learned how to detect a Duelist's aura from my loving wife, who is a talented empath. And if your aura is any indication, I have just the cards for you." He proceeded to fill over the four aces.
The backs of the aces faced up towards the ceiling, except they weren’t exactly the backs; instead, they were four Duel Monsters cards from the Odd-Eyes archetype. Yuya gasped at what each of them were: a Ritual monster named Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon, an XYZ monster called Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, a Synchro monster referred to as Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon, and a Fusion monster identified as Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon.
Yuya was absolutely amazed. "This is... This is exactly what my deck was missing! Thank you!"
"You're quite welcome," Arkana replied as he gave Yuya the four Odd-Eyes cards. "Now what would the young lady like?"
"Me?" Zuzu asked. She looked a bit nervous. "It's kind of a surprise..."
"I understand," Arkana said. He gave Zuzu a large white rose bud. "Then perhaps this will help you with your surprise."
With the bud in the palms of her hands, Zuzu glanced closely at the closed petals which were showing signs of blooming yet they were still wrapped shut for a reason. She noticed small yet noticeable portions of two cards and her intrigue was beginning to show; those two cards were perfect for her to demonstrate her surprise she has been working on, and if that was the case, will they be compatible with her Melodious monsters? When she takes the bud home, she was going to find out for sure because she wanted to make sure Yuya will enjoy her surprise.
"It does," Zuzu said. "Thanks."
"Glad to be of service," Arkana said with a bow. "And feel free to look around the shop. You might find even more cards to each of your likings."
For the duration of their morning, Sora gave Yuya and Zuzu a little tour around Card Craze, explaining about how it was an ideal store for Duelists to trade their cards for new ones to help improve their decks or create unique strategies. The two Pendulum Duelists got to see a variety of cards from a broad range of archetypes, including those that were used by their previous owners and vintage prints. Zuzu did remember they were recently gaining attention and popularity and she recalled the time she bought an older Polymerization card for Rin to use. At the same time, she wondered if there will be even more archetypes available in stores now that the four dimensions were fused into one again.
As for Yuya, he soon found his eyes metaphorically glued to a display case. "Whoa..." he said.
Sora walked over to Yuya, realizing what he was looking at. "Yeah, they started printing out more Performapals," he explained. "Pretty impressive, huh?"
"No kidding..." Yuya slurred, a glazed look in his eyes.
He couldn’t keep his eyes away from these two cards; the images contained two horned ladies, one with green eyes, a blonde ponytail with pink streaks on the bangs while dressed in light yellow and purple circus clothes and one with light blue pigtails, red eyes, and a white and purple circus suit. The cards stated their names were Performapals Uni and Corn and Yuya was falling head over heels for them. Unbeknownst to him, Sora had caught a glimpse of his fingers twitching, almost as if he wanted to touch something. After putting two and two together, it became to clear to the Fluffal user that his friend was not as innocent as he thought.
"I have to get those cards," Yuya decided, wiping drool from the corner of his mouth. "They're twice as cute!"
"I didn't know you have a type," Sora noted.
At that moment, Yuya remembered his adopted brother was standing next to him. "What?!" he blurted out, embarrassed. "Who said I have a type?"
"Whatever you say, lusty," Sora said, playing along. "So do you see any other cards you like?"
Snapping out of his trance, Yuya looked at the other cards on display. "Hmm... I don't have any of these Performapals," he decided, referring to the Performapal cards Handsome Liger, Ballad, and Barracuda.
"You're not interested in those new Odd-Eyes Pendulum cards?" Sora asked.
"Wait, what?!" Yuya asked in response.
"Yeah, Leo made them as a way of saying thanks for getting rid of Zarc once and for all," Sora explained. "It's an exclusive three-card pack featuring Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon, Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon, and Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon."
Yuya dropped his jaw out of disbelief. Three more Odd-Eyes dragons?! He was really hitting the jackpot at this place. Whatever these three monsters are, he knew they would all be great additions to his deck, mainly because of Absolute Dragon’s abilities to special summon an Odd-Eyes monster from the Extra Deck, hand, or Graveyard. He also knew he was going to spend some time strategizing and experimenting with his new dragons and Performapals, but it was going to be worth it.
"Man, I can't wait to add these new cards to my deck," Yuya happily said. "And maybe afterwards we can test them out at You Show."
That caught Zuzu's attention. "Did you say 'You Show'?" she asked, approaching the Sakaki-Perse brothers.
"Well yeah," Yuya answered. "For testing out our new decks-"
"I'm in!" Zuzu blurted out, thrilled.
"How about that?" Sora innocently asked. "All it took was one trip to this card store and you're already pumped for a duel."
"I...have my reasons," Zuzu explained.
Of course, she needed to be make sure her reasons were done perfectly because she, Yuya, and Sora returned to their homes later that day to reconstruct their decks with the new cards they purchased. She had the rose bud held carefully in the palm of her hands for the entire ride back to her house and has been waiting patiently for the petals to open up a bit more. Even as she sat on her bed, she was still left wondering if those two hidden cards were what she had in mind. Suddenly, as if it was coated with some kind of magic, the bud began to glow and ascended into the air, shocking Zuzu and grabbing Ray’s attention.
"Okay, what's going on?!" Zuzu asked.
"I honestly don't know. I get that Arkana guy is a magician, but this is ridiculous."
The glowing petals then proceeded to spread themselves wide and bloom into a fully grown rose before flashing its luminescent light and shortly blinding Zuzu. When she removed her arm away from her eyes, she gasped at what took the rose’s place: two glowing cards which slowly descended until she got a hold of them on each hand. The glowing quickly stopped and Zuzu was left breathless at the sight of the two Duel Monsters cards. These were exactly what she hoped she would get to show off her surprise.
"I... I can't believe it..." Zuzu said, looking at the two cards. "These cards are perfect..."
"I guess Arkana is more magical than we thought."
"Yeah..." Zuzu agreed. A smile slowly appeared on her face. "I can't wait to show my new skills to Yuya."
Meanwhile, Yuya was back in his bedroom giving his deck a major overhaul; he was obviously keeping his current Performapals and Odd-Eyes monsters, but he wanted to give his new cards a chance. Seven additional Odd-Eyes dragons, five more Performapals, and an added bonus: Magicians. Now you’re probably guessing that he must have bought those cards after getting the ones he wanted, but in actuality, Zarc was the one who gave them to him. They consisted of Pendulum Magicians named Dharma-Eye, Nobledragon, Oafdragon, Wisdom-Eye, Dragonpit, and Dragonpulse Magicians, an XYZ monster named Timestar Magician, and the Four Dimension Dragons’ Magician forms: Double Iris, Black Fang, White Wing, and Purple Poison Magicians. With all of these new monsters, it was pretty clear that Yuya was going to be busy with his deck reconstruction for a little while.
"Looks like someone is in deep thought. Still trying to figure out your new strategies?"
"More like trying to figure out which cards I should use," Yuya corrected, having already separated his cards into three separate stacks for each archetype. "Performapals, Magicians, Odd-Eyes... Which ones would be best for who I am now?" Zarc groaned in response.
"This again? I already told you you're nothing like me."
"But I just realized the archetypes represent who I am," Yuya explained. "Dad gave me my starting Performapals, the Magicians originated from your deck, and Odd-Eyes..." He picked up his ace's card. "Is he also a part of you?"
"Nah, you've got that wrong. Odd-Eyes Dragon was my star ace, not Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. And look at all the new Odd-Eyes cards you got. Heck, we haven't even seen what was in the envelope that Kenshin guy gave you."
Before leaving Card Craze, Kenshin had handed an envelope to Yuya, which was now resting on his bed next to his cards. He picked it up and inspected the front and back, wondering who it was from or what was in it; it didn’t say the name of the person, but hopefully a message in there would shed some light. He opened up the sealed flap and saw there was indeed something inside, so he took them out to realize it was another Duel Monsters card and a folded sheet of paper, which contained a message for Yuya.
Hey Yuya! I'm not sure if I ever told you, but I originally joined Duel Academy to be a card designer. So, like, I made this card as a way of thanking you for helping everyone at the school.
I hope we can duel for funsies in the future!
-Grace Tyler
A light blush dusted onto Yuya's face. "Grace...?" he muttered.
"So what's the card she made for you?"
Yuya looked at the card Grace made for him; the image showed a dark-colored dragon with the same red and green eyes from Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and has features from Yuya’s pendant, including an arc on each side of his body. This monster was known as Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon, a Scale 8 Level 7 DARK Dragon-Type normal Pendulum monster with 2700 ATK and 2000 DEF. Because he is a normal monster, he doesn’t have a monster effect, but his Pendulum effect allows Yuya to special summon an Odd-Eyes monster from hand, deck, or Graveyard if one or more Odd-Eyes monsters he controls are destroyed by battle or card effect, but it can only be done once per turn.
Yuya noticed the description text printed on the card. "Made from miracles, this valiant and beautiful dragon has gleaming eyes that reflect an arc drawn in the sky," he read. A small smile slowly appeared on his face. "I can't believe Grace actually designed this card. It looks beautiful."
"No kidding. Kinda hard to believe this is the same girl who tried to hunt you down with a tiger."
"She even used my pendant as part of the design," Yuya said. "Could this card represent how she sees me?"
"I guess. You do have a way of attracting ladies despite Yuto having all of my natural charm."
"Not like that," Yuya said. He carefully lifted up his right hand and touched his left arm. "I never noticed it before, but I feel...different."
"Good different or bad different?"
"I'm not sure," Yuya admitted. He walked over to a mirror and lifted up his maroon t-shirt, surprising him. "What the...?"
Staring at the reflection in the mirror, he could see scars all over the front torso and all around his upper arms. He has never noticed them before, even after the four dimensions were split back, so why was he seeing the differences in his body now? Was this why he didn’t feel like himself all of a sudden?
"Yeah, sorry about that. I might have made some...modifications to your body while I took over. There are also scars on your ankles and back, so what you see isn't a big deal."
"Not a big deal?!" Yuya asked as he lowered his t-shirt. "This is my body!" He gripped his arm. "Did you also stretch my arms and legs?!"
"Nah, that wasn't me."
That took Yuya by surprise. "Wait, what?" he asked. "Then why-"
"Geez, you haven't figured it out? You're growing."
Growing? Yuya looked back into the mirror to see what Zarc meant by it and saw his face was losing some baby fat, but the biggest change he went through were seen in his eyes…literally. His eye color was no longer his usual crimson hue, but they have now transformed into something more heterochromatic; his left iris was now green while the right became red, which were coincidentally the exact same eye colors as Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Yuya’s face showed some mild concern as the changed he underwent, but the bigger problem was on whether or not he should like his new eye colors.
Briefly shrugging out of his concern, Yuya instead focused on how much his body has matured. "Did I go through puberty during the Interdimensional War?" he wondered aloud.
"Looks like it. You're getting older, no longer the cheerful child you were before this whole ordeal happened. Maybe your new deck should reflect that."
Yuya looked back at his cards. "Of course," he said, walking back to his bed. "I shouldn't use mostly Performapals as much anymore." He put Hip Hippo aside from his other Performapals. "I should be running an Odd-Eyes mix deck, using mostly Odd-Eyes cards mixed with Magicians and Performapals."
"But you'll still keep in Hip Hippo?"
"Of course," Yuya answered as he was about to rearrange his cards into a single deck. "He's Odd-Eyes' second-in-command. Can't run the show without him."
All of a sudden, his deck began to glow light blue in reaction to what he just said. Yuya was left breathless as the light grew brighter and brighter until it diminished around a single card lying on top of his deck. He sat on his bed, staring at his cards and wondering what happened before drawing the top card. He examined it and let out an audible gasp because he had acquired yet another Odd-Eyes card; this time, it was Odd-Eyes Revolution Dragon, a Scale 12 Level 12 LIGHT Dragon-Type Pendulum monster with an unknown number of ATK and DEF as designated by the question marks. His Pendulum effects prohibits Pendulum Summoning monsters unless they’re Dragon-Type monsters—with it not being negated—and can target and special summon a Dragon-Type Fusion, Synchro, or XYZ monster from the Graveyard by destroying this card. If he was going to be summoned onto the field, then he has to either be Pendulum Summoned from the hand or special summoned by tributing three Dragon-Type monsters: one Fusion, one Synchro, and one XYZ. His monster effect allows Yuya to discard him and pay 500 LP in order to add a Level 8 or lower Dragon-Type Pendulum monster from the deck to his hand, gaining ATK and DEF equal to half of the opponent’s LP. Also, once per turn, Yuya can pay half of his Life Points to shuffle all other cards on the field and in the Graveyards into the deck.
"Whoa..." Yuya said. "This is like the polar opposite of Supreme King Z-Arc!"
"I would agree with you, but this is a pure Odd-Eyes card, not a combination of the four dragons."
That made Yuya have a sudden realization. He took out Odd-Eyes Absolute, Meteorburst, and Vortex Dragons from his deck. "This requires tributing an XYZ dragon, and Synchro dragon, and a Fusion dragon," he said. "Like maybe my new Extra Deck cards." His eyes lit up in inspiration as he suddenly imagined brand new combos and strategies.
"I take it you're finally figuring out your new deck."
"You bet," Yuya confirmed. He proceeded to begin rebuilding his deck. "Time to get to work on this new Odd-Eyes mix deck!"
Some time later, during the afternoon hours, Yuya met up with Zuzu and Sora at You Show Duel School. Unlike academic schools, duel schools are open for all seven days of the week so that future Duelists will get as much time on their lessons and practice sessions as they needed. In their case, they chose to meet up there because they finished reconstructing their decks and wanted to test out their new strategies, so what better way to experiment with them than a Battle Royale. So with Tate, Ally, and Fredrick, and Gong watching, three-way duel began.
"Time to let the show begin!" Yuya exclaimed, beginning the opening chant.
"This performance is bound to be a wonderful delight!" Zuzu added.
"With a show you certainly won't forget!" Sora chimed in.
"So let's...begin!" the three exclaimed in unison.
Gong pressed on a button on a keyboard to activate the Action Field. This one was called Dragon Fountain Spring, which looks similar to Plain Plain but has been upgraded to have an Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon fountain in the center.
Augmented Reality Combat System energized. Generating Action Field.
Below the floor, light beams were released from the ARC System, causing them to generate the selected Action Field in the duel room. Yuya gazed at the implemented upgrades to Dragon Fountain Spring, including the Odd-Eyes fountain standing on the pedestal. He then proceed to activate his Duel Disk along with Zuzu and Sora. The text saying “Duel Mode” before switching to “Standby” appeared on their screens as the compartments housing their Main and Extra Decks popped out and their blades materialized in front of their Duel Disks. With a snap from Yuya’s fingers, Action Cards scattered all over the field and the trio exclaimed, “Let’s duel!” Starting off with 4000 Life Points each, Sora went first.
"I'll start things off with the Spell card Instant Fusion!" Sora began. "Sure it costs me a huge chunk of my life points, but it's worth it. Come on out, Frightfur Sheep!"
As his Life Points decreased to 3000, two copper buzz saw-like appendages emerged from a stuffed sheep body and the chains wrapped around him started coming loose a little. His mechanical jaws unleashed sparks from rubbing against each other before landing on the monster zone. Normally, according to Battle Royale rules, Duelists aren’t allowed to attack on their first turns, but since Instant Fusion also has an effect where Fusion Summoned monsters can’t attack, it didn’t bother Sora at all because of his other effect and what Frightfur Sheep can do.
"Then I end my turn," Sora concluded.
"What?" Yuya asked. "That's it?"
"Well yeah," Sora answered. "Which means Frightfur Sheep goes to my Graveyard, yet due to his ability, he comes back even stronger!"
The Graveyard portal opened up below Frightfur Sheep and he fell right into it, but right as he was destroyed, the particles condensed themselves into a single yellow light before unveiling the Fusion monster back onto the monster zone. His ATK rose up to 2800, leaving Yuya confused. He thought Frightfur Sheep only increases his ATK if he was destroyed by battle or by an opponent’s card effect once per turn, but Sora explained that he got a rare variant of his monster at Card Craze in which he gains ATK if he was destroyed by battle or by anyone’s card effect once per turn. They recently upgraded chain sheep's effects some time after the Interdimensional War ended, so he wanted to take full advantage of it.
The information concerned Yuya a little because he knew it was a bit of a clever strategy Sora pulled. He was going to have to be a bit more careful in this duel yet he wanted to give his new Performapals and Odd-Eyes cards a chance at the spotlight.
"My turn!" Yuya happily declared as he drew a card. "Ladies and gentlemen, today's a very special day! My new assistant is gonna make her debut!"
"Wait... Assistant?" Zuzu questioned.
"And now, kicking off her introduction in today's duel, please give a warm welcome to Performapal Uni!" Yuya continued.
Uni jumped out from the holographic light and into the air before landing onto the field. Based on her stats, she is a Level 4 LIGHT Beast-Warrior-Type monster with 800 ATK and 1500 DEF. Once per turn, a Level 3 or lower Performapal can be special summoned from Yuya’s hand in attack position during the Main Phase of the turn she was normal or special summoned. During the opponent’s turn, if battle damage was going to be dealt, her quick effect can be activated by banishing one other Performapal and herself from the Graveyard to negate said damage. While her effects were impressive, her appearance was more…how to put it mildly, suggestive. Gong panicked at what Uni was wearing and prompted Frederick, Tate, and Allie to shield their eyes.
"Yuya, what is that card?!" Gong horrifying asked.
"Just my lovely new assistant," Yuya answered. "But I'm not just summoning her during my turn. Thanks to her special ability, I can special summon a companion Performapal. So say hello to Performapal Corn!"
Placing her two fingers on her lips, a heart escape from Uni’s smooch and floated next to her before popping to reveal Performapal Corn, a Level 3 LIGHT Beast-Warrior-Type monster with 600 ATK and 1000 DEF. Once per turn, during the Main Phase of the turn she was normal or special summoned, she can target one other Performapal that Yuya controls with 1000 ATK or less and switch that target and herself from face-up attack position to defense position, resulting in an Odd-Eyes monster getting from his deck to his hand. She also has a similar quick effect in which she can banish one other Performapal and herself from the Graveyard to gain 500 Life Points during the opponent’s turn.
"And as you can see, these two girls are twice as cute!" Yuya happily said.
"Unicorn!" Performapals Uni and Corn exclaimed as they posed.
Zuzu was having difficulty processing on what happened, as shown by her shocked face and dropped jaw. She never knew those cards existed in the first place; should she be jealous by this or not?
"Now to truly begin my entertainment!" Yuya continued. "I activate Performapal Corn's special ability! By switching her and Uni to defense mode, she lets me retrieve an Odd-Eyes monster from my deck and add it to my hand."
Corn covered her mouth with her fingers and kissed out a heart that floated towards Yuya. Once it hovered over his right hand, it popped in order to let a card fall right in his grasp. This selected card was Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron; he hasn’t used this monster since his duels against Jack and Declan, so no doubt it will be useful again. And since it is a member of three archetypes, it was a great maneuver of him to specifically choose him.
"Now to finally let this duel swing my way!" Yuya declared. "For starters, I'll use Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon and Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn to set the Pendulum Scale! I'm taking control of this duel starting now!"
Yuya placed his Scale 1 Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon and Scale 8 Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn on the Pendulum Zones, located on the opposite ends of his Duel Disk blade. His monsters then ascended into the air with the numbers 1 and 8 appearing below them and a larger version of his pendant dangling in between them. With everything set, he can now Pendulum Summon his monsters from Level 2 to Level 7.
"I'm allowed to summon monsters from Levels 2 and 7 all at the same time!" Yuya continued. "Swing far, Pendulum! Carve the arc of victory! My monsters are ready...to SWING INTO ACTIOOOOOON!"
The Pendulum portal opened up and two trails of colored aura soared out of it before landing on two monster zones to reveal themselves as Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix and Synchron. With his monsters having a Level of 5 and 2 respectively, Yuya had the necessary monsters he needed to bring out one of his newest dragons.
"Now it's time to bring out one of my newest stars!" Yuya announced. "I tune Level 2 Performapal Odd-Eyes Synchron with Level 5 Performapal Odd-Eyes Light Phoenix! Take off into the night sky and bring down a meteor shower that sparkles so bright! I Synchro Summon Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon!"
The sky suddenly turned dark for a brief moment as meteors rained down and pelted the ground. One of them stood out from the rest because it looked more like a red-colored shooting star, and upon impact, chunks of dirt and soil were kicked up into the air before falling back down. As the dust settled and the sky returned to normal, a red dragon stood in the middle of Yuya’s side of the field: Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon, a Level 7 FIRE Dragon-Type Synchro monster with 2500 ATK and 2000 DEF. When special summoned, a monster in the Pendulum Zone can be special summoned onto the field at the expense of Meteorburst Dragon not attacking for the rest of the turn; naturally, this effect can be done once per turn. Also, any and all monsters that the opponent controls cannot activate their effects during the Battle Phase.
"I activate Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon's special ability!" Yuya continued. "Call over Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon and have him join this party!"
Meteorburst Dragon turned around to face Persona Dragon and unleashed a roar into the sky. He then sharply rotated his body to have his tail wrap the latter and drag him from the Pendulum Zone and onto one of the available monster zones; one can describe this as a similar manner to a cowboy lassoing up cattle.
"Now to make sure my dragons are protected," Yuya added. "I activate the Field Spell Sky Iris! Now Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn can't be targeted by any card effects!"
Right as the Spell was activated, Yuya’s pendant glowed in front of him, catching him off guard. He couldn’t find the right words to express his reaction, but his eyes slightly shifted upwards and he saw his pendant materialized above his monsters. It was slowly circling around as if someone had just picked it up by the string; as the seconds passed, however, it was picking up in speed, leaving behind a trail of light from the icy blue crystal. Just then, a portal reminiscent to the Pendulum Portal opened up and streaks of blue, green, yellow, and red light surrounded Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn while a thick, rainbow beam of light shot upwards from the same trail. As fast as it occurred, the portal closed, the light diminished, and the pendant vanished from the field, causing it to stop glowing. A speechless Yuya couldn’t believe the visual effects this Field Spell packed, especially the aftermath it left behind because his dragon was now coated in a surrounding rainbow aura.
"Usually I would attack at this point," Yuya said. "But since this is a Battle Royale, I have to end my turn."
"Alright," Zuzu said. "It's my turn! I draw!" As she drew a card, a trail of music notes appeared from her hand. "I set my Pendulum Scale with Beetho the Melodious Songstress and Opheli the Melodious Operetta!"
That declaration surprised Yuya. "You got Pendulum cards?" he asked.
"Well of course," Zuzu answered. "Did you think I was going to sit back and become a spectator while you continued to evolve your deck?"
"No, of course not," Yuya sheepishly admitted. "You just didn't seem like dueling these days and-"
"It's called acting," Zuzu interrupted. "I wanted to surprise you with my new cards. And now it's time to show you my brand new skills!"
She placed her Scale 1 Beetho and Scale 9 Opheli set on the Pendulum Zones, causing the word “PENDULUM” to appear on her Duel Disk blade. Her two monsters ascended into the air, and upon stopping, the numbers 1 and 9 faded in below them. Yuya and Sora marveled at what her two new Melodious monsters’ appearances; not only were they based on Pendulumstatues White Butterfly and White Flower respectively, Beetho was also a green-skinned girl who donned a piano dress while Opheli had blonde hair and dressed in black while wearing a white mask. Keeping the tradition of being based on anything music-related, Beetho’s name derives from the famous composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven and Opheli’s clothing paralleled to the Phantom’s appearance from Phantom of the Opera.
"Fairies of song, lend me your voices!" Zuzu chanted. "Take flight onto the stage in a beautiful harmony! I enact the Pendulum Summon of floral glory!"
The Pendulum portal reopened but on Zuzu’s side of the field as three trails of light swooped down onto the middle three monster zones. The monsters she chose were Mozarta the Melodious Maestra and two copies of Sonata the Melodious Diva. Suddenly, a bright pink glow blinded Zuzu from her right cheek, leaving her baffled by this strange reaction. What exactly triggered this glow? Was it normal or something out of the ordinary? As for Yuya and Sora, they saw the pink glow too, but because of the surrounding light pillars, they assumed it was Beetho and Opheli glowing pink whenever they’re used for a Pendulum Summon.
"But I'm not done!" Zuzu continued. "I haven't done my normal summon for this turn." She revealed the last card in her hand. "So say hello to my newest card: the Tuner monster Buten!"
A blue-eyed pig with wings flew onto the field and next to Mozarta. Like Zuzu said, that monster was Buten, a Level 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type Tuner monster with 200 ATK and 300 DEF. During her Main Phase, she can banish this card from the Graveyard in order to target a Level 4 or lower LIGHT Fairy-Type monster and treat it as a Tuner monster. Yuya and Sora faced each other and turned their attentions back to Zuzu; did they actually hear her say “Tuner?” If so, then is she going to do what they think she is going to do?
"Now watch as I tune Buten with my two Sonatas!" Zuzu declared. "Fairies of wonder, sing with delight! The queen of all fairies has arrived! I Synchro Summon Ancient Sacred Wyvern!"
In a bright flash of light, a monster sailed through the air from where the tuned materials were and landed next to Mozarta. Sure enough, that was Ancient Sacred Wyvern, a Level 7 LIGHT Fairy-Type Synchro monster with 2100 ATK and 2000 DEF who requires 1 LIGHT Tuner and 1 or more non-Tuner monsters. One of her main effects revolves around Life Points and her ATK: if Zuzu’s is greater than her opponent’s, then she gains ATK equal to the difference between the two; if it was less than the other, however, she loses ATK equal to the difference. Additionally, if she were to be destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, Zuzu can pay 1000 LP to special summon her.
Since this is a Battle Royale, that meant Zuzu had two opponents to face off against, making it Wyvern’s usage of her effect more complex. She and Yuya both have 4000 Life Points while Sora has 3000, so that would make the total difference 1000 ATK. Because Sora has less Life Points than Zuzu, 1000 ATK is added to Wyvern, making it 3100 ATK.
"Wait, since when did you learn how to Synchro Summon?!" Yuya asked.
"Gong's been giving me private lessons," Zuzu answered. "Oh, and I forgot to mention one detail: because I Pendulum Summoned my two Sonatas, Mozarta gained an additional 1000 attack points."
"Oh boy..." Sora remarked.
"That's right," Zuzu cheerfully said. "My fun's just getting started!"
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hello htf nation. i have opinions. and this would not leave my head after seeing the ask earlier today.
the fic in question
Image Description below the cut.
[Image I.D.: A bingo board titled “Perse V’s Hammer To Fall Prediction Bingo”. It has the image of a city skyline in the background.
Beneath the title is the caption “Hammer To Fall is a JayVik Superhero AU Tragecomedy written by @/the-neon-pineapple and @/caspercryptid. These are simply fun or interesting things that I think could maybe happen! I am delighted to say I have no idea how the fic is actually going to go!”
Each square of the board is filled with the following prompts in this order:
Jayce refers to himself as Blitzcrank’s Stepdad.
Herald and Defender switch weapons in the middle of a fight.
Gratuitous Viktor Baby Cuddles in the ending.
Camille calls Viktor or Jayce weak and the other snaps (this is wishful thinking).
Jinx has the sisterly “If you hurt him, I hurt you” talk with Jayce.
Defender gets another building dropped on him for the sick metaphor.
Viktor and Jayce fuck and somehow still don’t realize the other is also in love.
Someone from Zaun makes fun of the ~Modifications~ to Herald’s suit.
Viktor calls someone a bootlicker to their face, not as Herald.
Someone thinks about or suggests making a little Defender/Herald outfit for the baby.
Jayce/Defender comes out as trans to the public.
Caitlyn arrests Herald and honestly I have no clue what would happen next but holy shit.
Jayce and Viktor have the “who’s last name are we using” talk but somehow still platonically.
Herald’s identity is revealed against his will or very publicly.
Mel has an extremely practical and calm reaction to Jayce fucking Herald.
Jayce goes to therapy (please?).
The image has a watermark for my tumblr in the bottom right corner. End I.D.]
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Bi/pan solidarity is being interested in the same guy until you find out he's XYZ scum
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jeanboehm · 4 years
Your Fashion Questions, Answered
I took a poll on Instagram last week and requested that you send in all of your questions.
Because there was such a strong response, I decided to break them up into sections starting with the most popular category, Fashion & Style!
Do you still wear your Chanel sunnies you got last year? – Ashley P
No. They were an impulse purchase that I made while in Florence and I regretted it. I actually gave them to my brother to he can wear them for fun this summer.
Top 5 pieces for a summer wardrobe? – Cat
1 A great pair of denim shorts. 2. Oversized sunglasses. 3. A medium sized straw bag. 4. A classic black one-piece swimsuit. 5. Pair of white sandals.
How did you find your style? – Hibi C
That’s a tough question to answer because I feel like my personal style is constantly evolving. After high school when I moved to Chicago I was given the chance to play dress up more {living in a big city}. The seasons gave me a chance to play with layers and really explore different sides to my personality. After I moved to Los Angeles the style here is much more laid back. However I travel {or used to} quite often to New York and Paris for work so it lended me with opportunities to dress up. I think the more chances you have to dress up for different types of occasions the better you get at doing so.
What are your favorite styles of belt bags? Martha D
Do you mean crossbody bags? I don’t really wear belt bags but my favorite cross body bag is the A.P.C. half moon and all of Clare V’s crossbody bags.
Do you prioritize eco-responsible clothes (non-toxic, good salary, local) – Lauren C
I shop a LOT locally and strive to support my friends such as Heidi Merrick, Rachel Comey, Rachel Pally, Clare V., The Optimist, Janessa Leone, Sophie Monet, Sophie Buhai…to name a few. So to answer your question: yes!
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Favorite everyday handbag? – The Luces
I absolutely love my Goyard PM tote and carry it almost every day. It’s a great bag to buy used because it’ll get banged up a little bit. For a less expensive option, I also love the Everyday Tote bag by Mansur Gavriel or the Cloud Bag by Baggu.
Can we see your fine jewelry collection? Favorite piece of jewelry? – Quyen P
I don’t love showing it all together. It feels a little braggadocious. My collection includes Cartier Juste un Clou and Love Bracelets, an Hermés watch, Retrouvai jewelry and Tiffany & Co. pieces to name a few.
How do you keep your tees so white? – @bexhunt1
I’m not sure but I do wash ALL of my whites together using Laundress. I love, love the smell of Laundress.
Do you take your love bracelet off? Is it hard? – Maddie B
Very rarely. I recently took my bigger one off as we entered quarantine because I wanted to wear minimal accessories while at home. It isn’t hard to take off at all.
Can we see your engagement ring? – Anne R
Sure! If you google it I think more images will come up. It’s a modified radiant cut, 3.25 carats.
Do you like your small Cartier Love better than original? Reason you’re wearing one less? – Keesha G
I’m only wearing it less because I’m home and it felt weird to be wearing two bracelets all the time. I’ll put it back one once I go back out into the wild
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But to answer your question, lately I’ve been liking my smaller one because I’ve been feeling rather minimal lately.
How often do you do closet clean outs? – Sarah
Once a month.
New favorite clothing finds? – Lauren B
I’ve been loving finding secret pieces on Amazon. I’m doing a year-long partnership with them soon so I’ve been geeking out to finding super affordable pieces. It’s like a fun game for me!
How do you style outfits for spring? – Stephanie V
I’m all about layers and never leave the house without a light jacket. Lately I’ve been loving lots of neutrals and don’t worry about them being too matchy. I also lean in to accessories more during the spring, such as hats, jewelry and scarves.
Favorite affordable online shops? – Desi G
Obsessed with Everlane lately!
Any ideas for re-entry looks? – Janelle I
For me I’m going to wear less make-up and stick to minimal styles and neutral colors.
How to elevate basics for work? – Lisa L
I think that any outfit can be easily elevated with a great slingback heel. You can also pull your hair back in a low bun and add a headband to elevate the look.
Tricks for save/splurge style? – Lisa L
Splurge on bags and accessories such as a classic black headband and good jewelry. Splurge on classic pieces like the Hermès Oran Sandals or a Chanel quilted handbag. Save on jeans, tops and sunglasses.
Trend you can’t get behind? – Christine
Just one? (ha!). I can’t get behind the puffy Bottega Veneta sandals or the netted cage sandals. I can’t get behind biker shorts and crop tops.
How has your style changed to accommodate mom life? – Penny
My pajamas are less cute because I get messy during dinner time and soaked during bath time. Really just my “stay at home” style is different. I still love getting dressed when I can go out.
How long did it take for your Amazon straw bag to arrive? (backorder situation) Christine E
Damn! Mine took about a week.
Have you always had an eye for fashion and design or is a skill you have honed? – Joni
I’m not 100% sure but I do know that I’ve always enjoyed playing dress up and my mom and I used to take a lot of shopping trips growing up.
Summer tank/shirt dresses to wear with sneakers/sandals? – Narz T
Love this dress by Lacausa. It’s been in my closet for a very long time and I always bring it out during summer.
Robe suggestions? – Nina M
100% Lunya “The Robe”
Affordable fashion picks for transitioning back into seeing people? – Sabrina M
I’d check out my clothing favorites from my Amazon shop because I’m constantly adding affordable pieces that I love.
Classic, everyday pieces for work? – Grace M
Black trousers, a slingback heel and a crisp white button up shirt.
How do you know when something is out of style? – Marija P
If you are dressing in classic pieces that feel timeless then you will never be out of style.
Hat box suggestion? – Melissa D
I’m on the hunt! Steamline makes some great hat box luggage pieces.
What are the items I should invest in at goal weight? – Niamh C
Congrats! I would invest in a pretty black silk dress.
Next big wishlist purchase? – Noelline B
A piece of Retrouvai jewelry from her Lollipop collection.
10 best shoes? – Noelline B
Hermes Oran Flats, Gianvitto Rossi Portofino 70’s, Soludos Beach Slides, Mansur Gavriel Slingbacks in White and Black, Jenni Kayne House Slippers, Chanel Ballerina Flats, Tkees, New Balance Sneakers, Tory Burch Bubble Sneaker and a pair of Hunter Boots.
10 best bags? – Noelline B
Chanel Quilted Black Classic, Bottega Veneta Quilted Pouch, anything Mansur Gavriel, Goyard PM in black, Dior Saddle Bag, Cult Gaia, Staud, Tory Burch, Clare V. and Loewe.
I feel like I reached a certain age and lost my style – any tips for re-finding it? – Wendy W
Oh no! Have you tried hanging out with people who are younger than you are? Try listening to different music, watch a new show or read an inspiring book. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone a little bit and maybe buy something you normally wouldn’t buy.
Where are your sunglasses/eyeglasses from? – Melissa W
My eye glasses are very, very old and from LA Eyeworks. My sunglasses are Amazon.
Jewelry organization tips? – Erin T
I would check this video out. I use inserts in my drawers to keep everything organized.
Favorite white tee? – Jennifer J
Currently it’s this one by James Perse.
Best workout clothes for postpartum mom? – Stephanie
I love Beyond Yoga pants because they have stretch. I’d wear an oversized tee with them.
Do you have a bag you love that seems to go with every outfit? – Devon
Yes! Any of the Dior prints like this one OR the Tory Burch Lee bags.
How do you decide what to get rid of? – Kristin
If I haven’t worn something in over a month it gets moved to the further left side of the rack. I then make myself wear it within a month or I get rid of it (unless it’s something sentimental or occasional like a black silk dress).
What’s the story about your Chanel ring that Grant got you? – Julie
Ha! I’ll share it in my book (coming soon!).
Easy wardrobe style tips? – Tracy M
Keep things sweet and simple. I would “favorite” or take screen grabs of favorite outfits you come across online. I save all of my outfit inspiration images into a folder on my phone so that when I go to get dressed I try to put together an outfit that’s similar.
Favorite high and low designers right now? – Nadia D
High – Asceno // Low – Amazon
Best investment white sandal? – Tiffany
Hermes Oran Sandal for sure but there’s a great knockoff on Amazon. I also really love these Tkees.
If you were an award circuit celeb, which designer would be your dream gown partnership? – Shannon
Maria Grazia Chiuri
Favorite running shoes? – Amanda
Favorite affordable denim shorts? – Inessa
Affordable summer dresses? – @cmoggs
Faithfull The Brand
How do you organize closet? – Veroushka
I put everything into categories {t-shirts, dresses, blazers, dressy tops} and then organize by color.
Your Fashion Questions, Answered published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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sweatpantshedonist · 7 years
This is a bunch of fake band names that read as a poem
Khaki pain Undome Smile Flooring Perse Brick Voyeur Sleeping bag Beautiful sunset Morning poem Hush poet Danky Cummy Tried Floppy dick 1992 Toyota Camry Beavis and butthead and loneliness Bb lonely Work is ass Work is fuck Fuck work Worky life Wage God Salary Weak Dick Boshtwish Morose bone Stupid powder All My Friends 3D Origami Time is a vapecloud Heinous925 xGodx Famous Life Life Work The Real You Fool Steve he's dumb Steve's Bong Charlie's Throne Nicole's Kid, man Jobby Perse Dumb shit Zoo porn Good soap Idiot hotdog Spicy mustard Coconut water is a healthy alternative to soda Supportive footwear Leather bag Correct postage Unwanted email Return policy Catalog Skinny fit Make-up Brand name goods Low interest loan A fucking mortgage Organic dog food Reusable bag Vinyl acoustics Pitchfork recommendation Athletic attire "Irony" "Sarcasm" Symbolic tattoo for 300 dollars designed by someone else I don't get it I'm agreeing with you Longwinded poetry Self awareness is annoying Dog shit in a plastic bag in your hand Used toilet paper in a plastic tote under my bed Goofing around Water games Pee foot Smelly sexual organ Loud financially successful drunk person Motivated individual For real tho Loss of culture Complete and utter asshole Bad sense of humor Bad close mindedness Tiny penis Tiny nut sac and balls too Favorable review Internet comments with likes Serious news article link Political anger Old people shit being put into my mouth Typing with an outraged look on your face Opinions Strong opinions Drunk opinions Fully informed opinions from someone you don't know said completely out of context Talking for more than 2 minutes about fashion Talking shop all night long yes Bad breath is such a turn off Mean people are so mean It is what it is I don't have the capacity to articulate thoughts/ I don't want to talk to you in depth because you're not my kinda guy Affordable brunch The most amazing tacos Superfood McDonald's is gross Omg I ate McDonald's last night Morning regret Mourning time McDonald's for breakfast Sit down job Performance boost Noticeable improvement Secret fetish My thoughts Taboo Free flowing ideas Projected earnings Family expectations Getting older in the face Fear of death Killing in the name of my coworker Ramon I'm an American badass Working on 2 hours of sleep is harder Trying to concentrate among excessive noise Crazy view from high atop a natural formation Extreme sport enthusiast from Southern California Leisure Free time Tomorrow is my day off Today is my Friday Words said too often Trivial observation The same same same same same Time is cyclical and I'm losing my shit Movie time HBO original series Season finale Series finale Did you see the last episode? Don't spoil it for me Making fun of stuff is good for you Status Post Tagged in whatever You can see my nuts in these pants Saggy beanie Cute flats from Macy's Leggings are v practical Futuristic designer looks Standing outside a store while the wife shops Inconsiderate volume Cute person Cutty spot Look my way Ya yer foine Ok I changed my mind What size is your head? Negi ass Big dog head Taper my jeans How much for this umbrella? Camouflage blender Scrape my face across your serrated toenails Good look Hot looks for fall Really big deal Money hole plz deposit worth Skater/tagger/hotgirlmagnet Your dog has humanlike balls Bitchy side-eye Judging ppl is wrong Why can't u just be happy? Fucking smile jeez Have a good one An autographed photo of Jerry Seinfeld Saggy jeans Tousled hair mist Stand up straight Complain aloud We went to school together Do I know u? Hey is that Jason? Damn I haven't seen u in hella days, homie Stab myself in the shin during someone's shitty performance piece Jam session Music jack off Masturbating my guitar neck I know all the scales I play in a band I do something with my life Punk reunion Reliving the glory days 47 denim jackets in one room You should have been here 4 years ago What era do you think defines your fashion? Really really genuinely cute lesbian I want you Misguided idea Jump shoes Vapid Bohemian hat Wealthy person who tips poorly Condoms suck bro White woman from stable family whose primary interest is trap music I own property in Manhattan Honking at a line of 30 cars All of my current friends in New York are white I don't have any black friends Going for a run in Times Square Shapeless couple in head to toe work out gear (feat. hopelessness) Me (feat. Weak chin and narrow shoulders) No fee apartment Life time gym membership Alan is more upset Carbon monoxide sleepover Bad breakup Hurtful text message Troubling thoughts about suicide and drugs Gun shots in the distance Ruptured dream Nostalgia and cyclical thoughts Nymphomaniac for pain Pain injection feels good Your mom is the butt of all my jokes Fast forward me Costume for penis Parasitic person Clingy butt Sofa Eater My Strange Addiction Balloon Porn Squirting frequently contains urine Urea Urethra Urshit Carbon Soft Gland Hardwood Ruffly Counting Solution Calving Solution Gem Builder Papes Analtussin Phoney Laying down Sustained 7 Icecream salad I only wear boots Child's hat I'm a size small She can't walk in heels Gift card Forced interaction Conversation about tinder during tinder date How much should we tip? Candle Do you watch Game of Thrones? That's life Gun violence advocate Little wife ass bitch Cum repository Soulless vessel of rage God damnit Son of a bitch Get upstairs Jonathan Don't make me Pay for me Cum hose dork Laughable life Deluded self Diluted mind (cuz weed) Dissolves inwarder Pun Malapropism Body Sleep Vapid pleasure Lonely Lobe
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