#personall question
theidiottoast · 5 months
Dear robocar poli fandom i had a question for you all to answer...
1.what is your favorite character?
2.favorite season?
3.character that you hate/dislike?
4.what is your thought about season 5?
5.what is your hopefull future story if roi visual released season 6?
6.favorite character beside the rescue team?
7.who is the most rescue team that you guys simp is?
8.favorite tv show beside robocar poli?
(if you want to answer it! Please reblog☺️☺️)
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mossmx · 8 months
premesso che non odio il Sud, adoro i dialetti, ecc. gente io letteralmente dall'anno scorso ho ascoltato più di 150 volte MOSTRO di gIANMARIA, non potete chiedermi se mi piace una canzone rap XD non voglio mentire
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year
comunque incredibile ho realizzato che per conoscere le persone ci vuole del tempo e che non è che un terzo di passo falso corrisponda necessariamente a un flop e che il proprio personale senso di latente inadeguatezza è pressoché impercettibile ai più pertanto easy peasy un caffè preso o non preso non è il momento della resa dei conti ma può essere tranquillamente il primo di tanti (a prescindere dal coinvolgimento emotivo con cui viene preso). hashtag character development :)
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hotniatheron · 1 year
I hate when my boss is out of office because fielding these questions......
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hylass · 2 years
Night in the woods mae is like if they put my personality in a weird little video game cat
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tomstoast · 7 months
Hey how do u stop laughing as a response to discomfort
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kiruamon · 1 month
Don't wake me up - AU Introduction
Cooking up another au idea. So first take these sketches and my info dump will follow further below. Also this feels like one of my more darker aus when I look at the amount of angst involved.
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Soooo... I was thinking of an au with dreams as a theme. Sun and Moon being an entity or guardian of dreams. While Sun stands for the good dreams Moon is in care of nightmares.
And into this setting I decided to throw a Y/N who has only very recently gone blind. They had always loved to create art. So to suddenly being unable to see was shattering their whole world. What's making it worse is that they always had been very independent and pride of what they achieved soley on their own. The thought to be dependent of others was something they never had liked.
But now even in their own home they don't feel any longer in control or autonomous. It's a struggle to navigate around. Bumping into furniture. Memorizing the distance from the bed to the door. Not knocking anything from the desk by accident or crawling under it if it does happen and feeling around for their keys without being able to use their vision to find them. It's frustrating and makes them feel like a stranger in their own place that should usually feel safe and familiar. But now it's all: Where did I put my phone? Was the grater in the drawer under the silverware or left from it? Did I grabbed a spoon or a fork? Which of my sweaters am I holding right now? Hopefully not the ugly christmas sweater I got four years ago? Does the shirt even match the rest or are the colors clashing with each other? Everything feels slowed down and like a big pain since things are still so fresh. Even worse that they have to let a stranger into their life to help them out that is supposed to teach them how to slowly cope with their new situation. It doesn't matter much to Y/N that said caretaker isn't human. They want their vision back so badly. And if that's not possible just to be left alone. Feeling overly emotional over the smallest things and then quickly burnt out. Every little thing is just too much. Being so stressed out and all... their only safe place for them is their dreams. It's where they feel the most normality and comfort. To sleep and to dream means for them to be free. To enjoy the colors and shapes of their dream environmental without any restricts that hold them back.
And that's where they meet Sun during one of their dreams. Not thinking too much of the strange encounter at the start. After all, it's just a dream. There could be much weirder things as a tall animatronic that claims himself to be a dream guardian. It's just odd how often they start to met since their first encounter. But Sun's nice. A very friendly and jolly fellow with an optimistic personallity that's kind of delightful. And Y/N finds himself quickly warming up to their new dream friend. Strolling through the dream realm with Sun and having some silly fun adventures without Y/N needing to worry that they could run into something by accident like in reality. But with time passing by Sun is starting to ask questions about Y/N. Questions that feel like hitting to close to home to them. That they don't want to answer. That they do not want to think about. After all they are hiding into their dreams to escape reality. Not to face their problems. Sun means well, but when he starts prying with his questions Y/N gets defensive and at some point snaps at him. And with the negative emotions flowing over their dream starts to shift. Bringing up more of their hidden fears and tinting it to become more of a nightmare.
Y/N finding themself suddenly alone in an eery nightmarish place. Full of dulled and muddled colors. Their surroundings looking close to a multi layer paper cutout full of symbols that represent their fears and worries which they had tried to desperately deny. The place gives them the shivers. Their shouting out for Sun. But he doesn't seem to be anywhere anymore. So they start running. Searching for him just to fall into a pitch-black pit that feels like it grows deeper and deeper with every second they are into it. Heart rate is going through the roof and panic is spiking up. That's when someone pulls them out. But before they can have a look at them the person they wake up from their nightmare. Next time when Y/N is back to sleep Sun is immediately there and telling them how worried he had been about them. Taking them in their arms and apologizing over and over for upsetting them. At the question where he had disappeared to last time he tells Y/N that he had been looking for them as soon as the dream had been shifting. Aside from that he seems a bit reluctant to tell them more about it. But from that day on Y/N finds themself a bit more often faced with nightmares and feeling as if someone was watching them during those times. Which turns out to be true as he spots a hooded figure at the edge of his vision a few times before finally being able to confront them. Feeling already unsettled and in fight or flight mode Y/N settles for the first option when catching Moon sneaking around them once more. Unbeknownst to them that Moon and Sun are practically one and the same entity. Just that Moon is in charge of their body in the realm of nightmares and Sun in the realm of good dreams.
Moon is more annoyed with Y/N's defensive and stubborn attitude as Sun is. But it might also not help that Moon himself is very tight-lipped instead of trying to explain things. So the two aren't off with the best start. And Sun has some explaining to do when he and Y/N meet the next time. Despite this rough start with Moon Y/N will find out that the more grumpy dream guardian is staying close to them whenever they find themself back in a nightmare instead of hiding like before. Giving them a bit closure with their presence and words and helping them to guide them slowly out of their nightmares back into more peaceful dreams where Sun will take over again.
As things progress there comes a time where Y/N will hardly want to get out of bed anymore. Just wanting to sleep. To go back into this world of dreams where they feel free instead of struggling all day without knowing what for. They are at a rough place. And they find themself wishing to stay longer and longer in their dreams with Sun and Moon. The world where they feel whole.
Of course Sun and Moon notice what is going on. The dreams after all depict the things that are going subconsciously and consciously on in Y/N's mind. It's hard for them if the two bring up their blindness. Or that they have to wake up instead of keep dreamig on forever. To start to live their life again. It's a messy time for them all and a lot of ups and downs. But with those confrontations and growing closer to the two guardians Y/N finds themself also becoming more vulnerable and slowly opening up to them. Admitting that they are scared. That they feel useless and like having lost so many things. Not knowing what to do. It takes a lot of time, patience and comfort from Sun and Moon as well as some firm words to slowly convince Y/N to start working on their fears in the real world. Y/N's dreams during this time are very unstable and easily shifting often between good and nightmarish during the course of one night. But they are slowly trying to work things out.
It takes a lot of them to ask the animatronic that had been assigned to take care of them for help. Not only because Y/N feels pretty shitty for having lashed out verbally in the past for a bunch of minor little things that had got them riled up during this time, but also because it's still hard for them to rely on someone this much. But all their conversations with Sun and Moon have teached them that's okay to ask for help. And so they do. Slowly finding their way back into life. Learning how to cope with their blindness. What tools to use to navigate better through their daily life. Learning that's okay to be vulnerable. It's a little surprise to Y/N when they find out that the name of their caretaker is Eclipse. A very patience and kindhearted animatronic. The round head plate with the triangular rays feels all so familiar under their fingers when he allows them to run their hands over them. Eclipse is the one helping Y/N out in their daily life. Cooking together and giving them all kinds of tips and tricks. Guiding them with his directions and gentle voice. He even brings up things like tactile art, sculpting and other things Y/N hadn't thought of before since they had believed they would have to give up on art completely. But slowly there is new hope found. And with each little achievement Y/N will find themself more independent over time. Finding joy in creation again and even some new things. While they always had liked music they also find a new interest in audiobooks. Even though they enjoy it even more when Eclipse will read for them while they sit together on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands and leant against him. Since Y/N grows more and more fond towards Eclipse to a point where they even found their more cheerful side back. It comes as a shock when Eclipse is telling them someday that he will soon quit his job as their caretaker. Since he feels that Y/N has grown independent enough again for not needing a full-time caretaker anymore. It leaves a bitter taste for Y/N as they had started to grow so used to having the other around and now feeling as if losing Eclipse again. Questioning the fact if they even had been friends or if they had been just another job for him. But at the same moment they start having those insecure thoughts they feel guilty about them. After all Eclipse had done so, so much for them and they don't want to taint their last time with him with acting like an upset or ungrateful child. So Y/N decides to just tell Eclipse how thankful they feel for everything he has done for them and that they wish him the best. Just for Eclipse to chuckle softly and telling them that he doesn't intend to make this their last meeting. He swiftly explains to Y/N that he only wants to quit the job in order to be able to be their friend without it feeling like he is paid to be nice to them.
Aaaalso some side notes to Sun and Moon. While they are like a dream entity or like I call them the guardians of dream it's not like they can do whatever they want in the dream realm. Besides their transformation they can not just wave their hand and change what happens in a dream. Their influence on the dreams is more subtle and depending if they are able to calm down the dreamer. So it's more like their interactions and words with the dreamer will affect the dreamers thoughts and subconcious and that will influence the dream. So if Sun for an example senses Y/N getting upset he will most of the time swiftly change topics and trying to use distraction as a method to keep the dream nice and peaceful. Asking about things Y/N likes and that feel safe to adress. Since Moon is just there when the dreamer is already in a nightmare his method is more about showing support. Staying close to them as some form of protection. He will take Y/N's hand or later on take them in his arms. Brushing over his back and keep talking with them in a calm voice. Letting them vent about their fears while giving some guidance if needed.
So it's all more about their skills in interacting and subtle manipulation via words (in a more healthy way) as having some magical superpowers.
Ooookay, that was a lot. And I hope it's not too confusing to follow my line of thoughts. There will be a second post entry that focuses more on some sketches that I did for this au and that will show some of the things mentioned here.
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falcemartello · 4 months
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(Il gruppo TNT.)
Marker certi di irrimediabile e grave disagio mentale sono:
- al cambiamento climatico antropico e che la CO2 sia un problema.
- e parlare di uguaglianza e non di equità.
-che i sessi non siano solo due.
- che astenersi dal voto sia qualcosa di più di una piccola soddisfazione personale.
- che il greenpass fosse giusto.
- che schierarsi a favore di qualcuno in una guerra non nostra sia utile, intelligente o “buono”.
- che esistano “responsabilità collettive”.
- che chiunque sia non italiano non bianco o non cristiano meriti un trattamento di favore.
- credere che l’accoglioneria sia una questione di buoni sentimenti.
- sia giusto abolire il contante.
- quelli che mettono il rating e fanno la recensione.
- sia normale prendersela con gli evasori e non con chi e come spende i denari sottratti ai cittadini, prima.
- di essere qualcosa di più che un povero essere umano che spende in vita un tempo assai breve e con evidenti limiti sul possibile.
Ovviamente il disagio è diagnosticabile al ricorrere di anche uno solo dei marker elencati.
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sthnearlyheadless · 1 year
To be alone
The Hyde is looking for Wednesday Addams, everyone knows this. But you're not scared of this. Nor of her. Pairings: Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
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You see, i intent to make this a series and is going to be +18, i guess, but for this one the warnings are gonna be mentions of blood and fights. That's all i guess. also: i did not proofread, y'all!!! I'm sorry if you find any mistakes
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You always were an observer. Always. It was a curse and a blessing.
You were born with this quiet trait and people often took it as if you were spacing out or were just disconnected with everyone else all the time. To be honest, most of the time you felt disconnected with everyone else, yes, but you were always aware of everything. You just chose to not get involved with things that weren’t of your concern.
But when you saw her, you could not help it. There were something more than magic and attractive about the new raven student girl of Nevermore Academy.
Wednesday Addams. The one and only.
You could never be sure what made you - and let’s be honest - half of the school so magnetized by the small girl. The same mysterious and gorgeous amount of energy that Wednesday carried with her made you and the other fascinated, the other half of the school were just afraid of the strong but small girl.
Not only because of her personallity, but because of the monster that was seeking for her.
The Hyde.
You were scared for her, but not of her. Never of her.
But you never ever expected that she would notice you.
You, who show up little and speak even less.
But that was what happened. Completely out of nowhere she showed up by your side, taking you by surprise and filched a little. Just like she expected, of course.
“Don’t you sleep?” she asked. You were sat by the lake, looking at the white reflection of the Moon on the water. The only sound present was the wind that occasionally made you shiver a little, the weather was the way you liked. But now, Wednesday’s voice was present as well and her figure also made you shiver a bit, for different reasons.
“Yes”, you answered looking up to her. She was looking straight ahead not at you. You look at the lake again, like she was doing. “You?”
“It’s late. You shouldn’t be here by yourself” she pointed out, still not looking at you. It wasn’t the fact that she didn’t answers your question, was the statement itself, like she was concerned about you somehow. That thought made you frown a little and look back at her. “You know there is a monster out there, attacking people”.
“Do you even know me?” you scoff, Wednesday looked at for the first time. O as far as you know, it’s the first time, because just like you, Wednesday is an observer. A pro one. Like a hawk and am owl, nothing can escape from her and that was what you were feeling right now looking back at your reflection on her black irises. Like a pray.
“Your Y/N Y/L/N, a very brilliant shapeshifter for your age… or so the teachers say” she stated. “Your also Enid’s so I inevitably heard about you, even if that wasn’t my willing”.
“Sorry to hear that Enid tortured you” you smiled without showing your teeth.
Wednesday looked you, I mean, really watched you. She was watching how your hair was softly dancing with the wind accompanied by the moonlight. She loved the feeling of solitude, but to be alone with you right now almost felt as good.
“It wasn’t torture, I usually enjoy pain. But hear her bubbling is not the good kind. It’s worse than anything”.
“So the big Addams does have a weak point. This is a real surprise”.
“Tell anyone and that will be the last thing you’ll ever say” she fiercely said. You raised your hands in defense, smiling at her. Once again Wednesday felt a weird feeling on her guts, seeing you smile. Why couldn’t she figure it out this? You?
“I guess you’re right” you said standing up. Patting your clothes to clean them. “I should go back to my dorm. It’s getting late.”
Wednesday nod one time.
“Why are you here, Wednesday?”
“I was just passing by”
“And suddenly came to the exactly place that I was. The other side of the Ophelia Hall, almost at the florets. It’s very far”
“I couldn’t sleep, was just wondering”
You squinted your eyes.
“You? Just wondering?” you scoffed, crossing your arms around your chest. “You don’t seem to be the person who even breath without thinking about. All your movements have a reason why”.
“You almost talk like you know me” Wednesday slightly lifted her perfect eyebrow. It was almost unnoticeable.
“I’ve been watching you. You caught my attention, that doesn’t happen often”.
“I could always said the same to you” she retorted.
As you were about to reply and ask one more time what Wednesday was really doing there, both of you clearly heard a noise. A loud one, coming from the bushes that were near you two.
You instantly took a step forward Wednesday. People didn’t know about your body muscles because you always wore big clothes, they were comfier, but boy you were strong. You always were exercising when you were not studying and this is about everything you do in your life.
“Stand back” you advised her. Wednesday send you a dirty look, you couldn’t see because you were looking at the bushes that were moving a little now, and that wasn’t because of the wind that was blowing.
“Don’t you ever tell me what to do”
“I’m just trying to protect you” you explained, talking low and approaching to the bushes. You looked at Wednesday. “Can you please leave now?”
“And let you here by yourself? We don’t even know what’s in there”
“It could be the Hyde, we both know it” you said. “That’s why you came here outside, wasn’t it? You’re crazy to find who is it, aren’t you?”
You were very smart, Wednesday had to admit. Quick to solve puzzles. But she would not tell what she thinks to you or out loud, of course. You just seemed to be more and more interesting to her.
“If it’s it you can’t beat it by yourself, Y/N. The Hyde is looking for me”
“I’m stronger than I look” you gave her a half smile. “Now go back inside, Wednesday”.
“I’d love to see you try make me do something I don’t want to” the raven girl challenged.
Dammit, you thought as you sighed. She wasn’t going to back up, she was too stubborn to do that.
“Fine” you said at last. “But if it’s really what you’re looking for you won’t stay here. You’re going to the school and call for the teachers, Weems, the police or whoever the hell for help, OK? I’ll try to stop this thing but you won’t stay here”.
Wednesday was analyzing you for a second. Studying your features and almost seeing through you like a dead frog in a biology class that amazed her.
“Why do you care do much?”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt” you explained. “We have a deal?” Y/N urged.
“OK. Good” you nod your head. You both were a bit serious now, tense as you quietly walked towards the bushes. A growl could be heard. The bushes were moving more erratically and out of nowhere, something jumps out if the bushes, aiming to attack Wednesday, but Y/N is faster and catches the thing in the air. Wednesday was petrified for a split second, but it wasn’t her fault. Everything happened in a blink of an eye.
She watched as the Hyde and Y/N were on the grass, rolling from one side to the other as Y/N was struggling to hold the enormous creature. But somehow during the fight, Y/N could shift her form to a wolf, a big wolf, almost as big as the Hyde. She was strong, this Wednesday could admit out loud. Even more because she was defending her for some reason the short girl couldn’t understand.
“Go. Find. Weems!” Y/N growled. Her voice wasn’t her voice, was the wolf’s voice. A anger bark. But Wednesday was getting back to Earth quickly, pulling herself together as the Hyde looked at her with its horrid eyes.
The Hyde attacked Y/N when she was trying to get Wednesday’s attention to get out of that place and she was the one who lowed her guard and was with that was hit pretty hard in the head. The wolf’s body flew away with a shriek of pain.
“Y/N!” Wednesday wailed.
The thing’s distorted face cracked a smile looking at Wednesday, the girl shifted her gaze between Y/N’s body and the monster who attacked her. The wolf’s head was bleeding now.
You see, Wednesday was a stoic person and would never demonstrate with her facial expression or body language what she was feeling, her face was always grave and serious and all. But she was feeling a lot right now.
She was concerned with Y/N, she knew she was never able to get to the school without the Hyde get her before she could even think about it. And she was dying to know who it was and why this monster was haunting her and hurting other people. Well, in on way or another she would actually know at least one thing finally. Even if it was the dying part.
She had to think.
The Hyde growled and huffed its big nostrils and was starting to walk walk rapidly towards Wednesday. Only to be stopped on his track by you. You was hurt, but you managed to get in front of Wednesday, like a wall. The small girl’s breath was erratic like yours.
“Why don’t you fight with you height, asshole?” you grunted.
Angered, the Hyde attacked one more time, but this time you could block its attack. And having her senses back to her, Wednesday thought of a way to get him away from you. She spotted an old rake that was laying around near the garden cleaners and ran to get it. When she took it, she glanced at the both of you and saw the Hyde on top of you while you were both fight. She didn’t think much of it. She ran toward you two again.
“Leave her alone!” she screamed as she stuck the rake into the side of his stomach, piercing the skin. That was enough to make it whimper and get off of you. You were panting as you watched the monster hold its belly as it was walking away. The Hyde was with his wide eyes looking at Wednesday, scared and surprised at the same time.
You smiled weakly. Stupid beast, it should know better than underestimate the small raven girl. Wednesday’s impassive face was looking on the monster’s eyes without blink, a silence dare to it get back, but the Hyde was too pathetic to try. Not now that it was so hurt, at least.
The monster got back to the florets.
Y/N’s whimper made Wednesday look back at her, she kneeled down by the girl side.
“You are an idiot” Wednesday said looking at her. “You could have killed yourself”.
“I know”
“Why did you do it?”
Y/N was going to answer if the blood on her mouth wasn’t making her cough and the pain on her whole body wasn’t starting to get a little too much for her to be conscious.
“Don’t say anything. I’ll get help. I don’t want you dying here like you did something when I was the one who actually saved you”.
“Yeah…” you smiled a bit, your face was getting back to normal. You were so tired that you couldn’t even open your eyes. “You’re the hero, Wednesday, you can have the credits. I won’t say anything. Maybe you’ll get a medal”.
“Can’t you pass out already?” Wednesday taunted and heard a laughed from you before you actually pass out.
She was worried in reality, but she had to make sure you were OK. The Hyde wasn’t important now, she rushed to get help for you.
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farvann · 7 months
It’s my birthday next week and I want VAMPIRES!!!
Show me your ocs or favs from media! Tell me your personall vampire lore or fun things you like about them! Ask me an questions you have about my vampire ocs or vampires in general!!
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acribistica · 1 month
A volte è più semplice raccontarsi che una persona amata sia cambiata a causa di una deriva personale anziché collettiva. Quella collettiva, infatti, non lascia scampo perché si lega a una questione di sopravvivenza: cambio per rendermi a misura di un sistema che altrimenti mi ingoierebbe vivo. In questo secondo caso si può star certi che il mutamento della persona cara sia pressoché definitivo, oltre che obbligato. Magari, al contrario, qualcun altro trae conforto e senso di pace dall’inesorabilità di un evento del genere, dal fatto che sia impossibile intervenire e prevenirlo in modo efficace. Invidio non poco chi ci riesca.
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kon-igi · 6 months
Ma oramai non credo che esistano argomenti di condivisione comune sui quali poter fare affermazioni nette e aspettarsi che tutti siano d'accordo.
Il cielo è blu? Ma va'... il cielo è celeste! No, guarda che è nero ed è un fenomeno di rifrazione dei raggi solari sull'atmosfera. Ti sbagli, è giallo! Sì, però togliti quel sacchetto dell'Esselunga dalla testa. Basta! Il cielo è marrone con radici che penzolano. Zitto tu che sei morto!
La scelta del giorno della festa del papà, poi, coincide con quel santo del calendario che credo abbia avuto il peggiore martirio fra tutti, cornuto, mazziato e ringrazia pure. Cioè, come papà sfigato il primo posto se lo prende di sicuro Darth Vader ma perlomeno aveva una spada laser e il suo arco di redenzione è stato più appassionante.
Insomma, la festa del papà è divisiva per due ragioni, una sociale e l'altra personale.
Da una parte, è una ghiotta occasione perché alcuni frignino che non esistono più i papà di una volta, tutti pipa e cinghiate, e che anzi, se andiamo avanti così non esisterano più nemmeno gli uomini, dall'altra è che al netto di tutto, i padri molte volte più che festeggiati spesso vanno perdonati.
Adesso come adesso, i papà sul mercato sono figli o nipoti del patriarcato, nel senso che difficilmente non avranno assorbito per osmosi familiare e sociale l'idea di quello che deve essere il ruolo di un genitore maschio all'interno della famiglia.
In sintesi il pater familias.
[maledetto genitivo ellenico ma sono cose mie]
Quando io e la mia compagna dobbiamo fare cose importanti che implichini decisioni tecniche, burocratiche, meccaniche, matematiche o notarili, il mio gesto preferito è questo
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perché tutte le volte il venditore di auto parla rivolgendosi a me che distinguo le macchine solo per il colore, l'avvocato quando io risolverei tutto con il trial by combat e la commercialista dove io opterei per il baratto.
Io sarei il pater familias, quindi automaticamente il detentore delle decisioni familiari e è invece è la mia compagna quella che prende le migliori, senza spargimenti di sangue o una pila di conchiglie che l'enel non accetta come forma di pagamento.
Sì, vabbè... non sa accendere la motosega o da che parte si impugna un coltello da lanciare e se proprio dobbiamo dirla tutta non riesce neanche ad accendere il fuoco nel camino (cosa che le rimprovero sempre ricordandole che erano le vestali ad accudire il Fuoco Sacro del focolare domestico). Poi però c'è quell'altra che disegna tubi e motori idraulici usando termini strani tipo 'valvola di massima' o 'dislocamento positivo' e quell'altra ancora che snocciola a memoria le caratteristiche di ogni macchina o moto e parla per due ore di maderizzazione e di vendemmia in neve carbonica.
Questo per dire che i ruoli sono solo ruoli ed è solo questione di abitudine... le abitudini cambiano e ci si abitua al nuovo.
Quindi buona festa a quella persona alla quale dovrebbe essere solo chiesto, dopo la fornitura di migliaia di gameti scodinzolanti, di amare in modo vasto e profondo chi non ha mai chiesto di essere portato su questa spaventosa e bella terra, ricordando che amore non è mai possesso, conferma od orgoglio.
L'amore per i propri figli è essere partecipe della gioia che abbiamo insegnato loro a conquistarsi da soli.
E per concludere, si può essere padre amorevole pure senza aver mai partecipato con un singolo spermatozoo.
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hotniatheron · 5 months
Um, did you all know I'm really good at my job
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hylass · 5 months
did not fully process when i joined the lab that one day i would be in charge of training people who have never touched a snake before to handle 6ft rattlesnakes
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tomstoast · 10 months
My prof uses legacy software while I pay for a subscription to the latest shitty cloud version so as a TA all I really do is share my screen, give him remote access, and watch him do stuff with my computer
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