#personified pikachu face
inpursuitofnunchi · 5 months
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parcai · 3 years
oh kit idk if ive ever mentioned it but i am a law major, so im the lawyer in the tags of that post
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alolanrain · 5 years
In the Wrong Kind of Pikachu AU, Ash only has one Legendary Parent. Giratina gave Delia their blessing when she was pregnant with Ash, and the power seeped through to Ash. Thus, Giratina is a Parent. (They panic when they learn this, because they're an Eldritch Horror who guards reality and personifies Antimatter, and they can't be a Parent yet.) They're not a bad Parent, by any means: they're actually pretty decent at it. They just have no idea what the [censored] they're doing.
Giratina is a very good parent who opens their “ears” to Ash when the boy hits his rare limit here and there. He also helps Ash through his struggles that can’t be faced with a Pokémon battle and assured him that no nightmares and night terrors will harm him in the future if Giratina has anything to say about it.
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donutwatches · 4 years
MHA 1.3 - Roaring Muscles - Best Screencaps
Here are the images that tickled me the most from episode 3:
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Haha, is it weird that I love this kid’s ugly snot crying so much? 
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Oh wow, the blood looks like a wild mustache. A blood beard is pretty heavy metal. 
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This is the face I make when carrying groceries, and I have the bag with the cursed canned goods in them. Cursed Spaghettios. 
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‘Are you kidding me?’
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How is he so relatable. I have almost fallen asleep in class so many times. 
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Holy crap, All Might you are going to SQUISH him. How is this even possible?
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This screen cap is too funny. They are both such goofs! 
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Ah yes, a picture of before Baby Chia went through his Pokemon evolution into Swol Chia. What Pokemon sound would Midoriya say? Pikachu says Pika-Pika, so would it be Midi-Midi or Deku-Deku? 
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HA! I have no words. 
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He really is fan boy personified. Such a goober. I hope he reacts like this to every hero he meets. 
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comradeocean · 5 years
I haven't read Arya x Gendry in like ... 6 years. I caught up a bit this week. Here are some I really like! 
[30 some fic recs after the jump]
post 8x01 Arya keeps looking for reasons to visit Gendry in the forge. - mmh post episode askbox fic
Somewhere to Begin, MissAtomicBomb (mrs_nerimon) The Stark sisters share a moment in the wake of some impactful reunions. - lmao my most frequently used GoT tag was "westeROS" (remember Ros???) followed by "Stark famly dynamics." So Stark sisters hashing things out... my kryptonite
Beautiful & Deadly Sharp, vlaurie17 Learning to fight with a sword were some of Arya's best memories. Sansa, however, was hesitant. “What do I do with it?” “Stick ‘em with the pointy end,” Arya smirked. Sansa just rolled her eyes, “Obviously." - also Stark sisters revisiting being Vengeance-made-girls together and practising to knife someone
I'll sing for you, Ravenclawpride06 Set post 8x1. Gendry wants it bad. Arya wants it worse. Was going to more explicit but I left it vague, felt it fit better in the end. All the pining! - I’m soft for the pining
This is my wish, crazychipmink "As he studied the drawing she had given him, he slowly began to let himself believe that she was real and alive and well. He had thought about Arya so many times that the memory of her was worn in his mind. Fragile and faded, like a piece of parchment that had been read too many times. To tell the truth, sometimes, he couldn’t even remember what she looked like, only that she was the only thing he ever wanted, ever wished for.” - season 8 episode companion fic series - ao3 tag: weapons design processes are long and require many iterations - “Davos assumed he was waiting to play his part in the great war to come, but in reality, Gendry was waiting for the next remarkable thing to happen to him. Perhaps if enough remarkable things happened to him, he would finally let himself believe that the most remarkable thing that had ever happened to him had happened.” wow ok
Who are you waiting for? crazychipmink [incomplete] "She had Arya’s face and Arya’s voice and even Arya’s smile. But despite all that, he felt like he had just spoken to a ghost. An unnatural ghost of Arya, pretending to be the girl he was in love with. Gendry had traveled to the end of the world to find her, but now that he finally had, she was gone." - the angst universe evil twin version of the fic above - we will take it bc we love to suffer - and also bc the author promises "fluff" and "eventual romance" ok sounds real but ok
the thing with feathers, yanak324 If anyone is capable of bringing the old Arya back, it’s this man in front of her, which is precisely why she must walk away. - a more (immediately) optimistic read of how Arya's in episode enactments of being No One might have gone
and in the end, jeeno2 [incomplete] Five times Gendry Waters is an idiot and the one time he figures things out. - Gendry being dumb is kind of a thing and I'm not always the biggest fan of how it plays out in fanon but this is sweet!
 The She-Wolves of Winterfell, vixleonard The pack survived. So has the Stark habit of keeping secrets. - 2nd generation Stark girls. Arya's daughter matter-of-factly saying "Stark women don't get married" - a whole ass mood.
Mid-Battle, Mary_West Sandor has something important to say to Gendry - if only Gendry can live long enough to hear it.
season 8 AU My Lady sanctuary_for_all Gendry and Arya find each other again. (AKA the plotline Gendry deserved in 7X07) - fic convention I am 100% here for: Arya scrabbling around Gendry's face looking for the seam. fic convention I am 100000% here for: Arya throwing off her glove in order to do so and then holding her hands against his cheek
Nights are for You (or Five Times Arya Visits Gendry in the Forge and One Time Gendry Visits Arya in the Castle) ASwornStark She hasn’t visited the forge since Jon returned home with the dragon bitch (the Stark sisters’ favored name for her) and him in tow. - reunion fic
season 7 Before We Jump, MissAtomicBomb (mrs_nerimon) Arya Stark's bastard boys bond on their way to the Wall. - anything for some good rowing references and bastard subjectivity
earlier laughing 'till our ribs get tough (that will never be enough), belasteals "Gendry took one look and laughed so hard that wine came out of his nose, until Harwin gave him a thwack alongside his ear." - A Storm of Swords, Arya IV (or, Gendry's POV on Acorn Hall) - real ones can't get enough of book canon and Acorn Hall.
Butcher, elephant_eyelash Gendry and Arya by the fire, discussing jacket potatoes and thinking murderous things. - perfect meditation on food and hunger and care
Dissimulo, Somnio, jeeno2 She is no one, now. But still the boy with the black hair haunts her dreams. - honestly the showrunners are cowards for not going there. let No One be Vagina Dentata Personified 2kwhenevertheBraavosiseasonsaired
post canon/canon divergent Charcoal, elephant_eyelash All about winter and feeling the cold. - weird how I'm obsessed with self-loathing and wintry alienation and the weight of history and ancestry but also devotion also love. super weird totally unexpected
Five Things Gendry Only Says in the Dark, jeeno2 Where no one else can hear him. - loneliness, shame, self-loathing. the important emotions. oh and spoiler alert some joy.
Like Wenda, Furious_Winter "...she could ride with Gendry and be an outlaw, like Wenda the White Fawn in the songs." - my favourite canon AUs are Arya and Gendry with the Brotherhood and my absolute favourites of those are when they are apart (who's ever heard of a marauding smith??) but have some of miserable bittersweet understanding and they glower at each other and make each other jealous and everything is unspoken but this is it this singular love they have for each other that doesn't quite work out. I've just realized that most of these recs are highkey angsty oops. anyway, this fic is like the most complete and perfect distillation of everything I want. - also this is so richly detailed and complete in itself. immensely satisfying. - yeah ok Furious_Winter is actually the master of post canon together but not Arya/Gendry love is not always enough fics. I'm just going to recommend all of them: - The Wolf's Head Helm [The Starks are back in Winterfell and Sansa is Queen in the North. One day, Arya receives a gift from an old friend... - Arya is in Sansas's queensguard.]  - A Means To An End (incomplete) [Arya Stark has returned from Essos and has been staying at the Inn at the Crossroads. Things are not nearly as simple as she sees them. - fuck this one hurts so good] - A Bastard At Heart [Arya and Gendry marry other people for the good of the kingdom 'cause they're self sacrificing like that. the last line took me outtt]
the truth is, baby you're all that I need, belasteals “You were jealous,” he laughed, almost shocked. “Arya Stark of Winterfell, jealous of a whore.” - sirens This One Is Not Angsty sirens
A Girl Meets a Boy, Hotpie A girl takes a face; a girl takes a lover. - possibly my favourite Crossroads Inn fic. love the Faceless Man stuff. love the detail of Needle having a smallest spot of rust, from Braavosi Steel Pox and Arya feeling a ways about it. love picking up the Melisandre thread.
So Easy To Love, Val_Creative She misses Gendry's complaining, too enthralled with staring. "You smell like Dennett's underarms," Arya murmurs, leaning in, going for blunt honesty. Gendry opens his mouth, beginning to laugh, turning uproarious and smiling. She's never seen anything more beautiful than this. More kissable than Gendry's mouth. - the summary makes it seem like it's all kissing when there is actually a big chunk of plot - in service of eventual kissing, yes, - but! spoiler alert! they don't even get to it in this fic! not exactly - maybe why I love it a lot??
With Bells in Her Hair, semicolonlife [incomplete] The further south they travel the more Gendry starts to wonder if he truly knows this woman who wears Arya Stark's face. As he begins to doubt himself more and more, Gendry becomes obsessed with the strange bells she wears in her hair. - ruthless slightly wonky Arya is my favourite Arya.
Wayfaring, Rainfallen An accidental series centered on the same basic headcanon of how Gendry found himself in the North and how Arya found her way back to it. - wolf girl Wolf Girl WOLF GIRL
Seen, sanctuary_for_all Being important matters less than who you're important to. - He wasn't sure what that verdict was, however, until she returned the unfinished sword to rest position with a deeply satisfied expression. "I am going to kill so many people with that sword." It was probably a bad sign for his long-term sanity that Gendry felt deeply complimented by that. "Happy to help." my useless heart: pikachu face - see! I like fluffy HEAs too
Hearts, sanctuary_for_all Arya comes home to her family. (Future flash) - look, I just think it's really important that even married and with children, Arya continues murdering people uwu
other AUs/misc I'll Run (Run To You), belasteals “You would rather marry a lowborn knight than a high lord, then?” She grinned, all bared teeth and sharp eyes. “I’d rather marry no one at all, else I'd not play at this mummer’s farce.” “What about the man who outruns you?” “Nobody outruns me.” (Greek mythology fusion: Arya as Atalanta, Gendry as Hippomenes. Arya vows only to marry the man who can outrun her in a footrace) - Atalanta, Mononoke, Arya. same energy.
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rockynfriends · 5 years
Tricky Treat
(This is a commissioned story from the fantastic @incaseofart​, just in time for the spooky season! Hope you all enjoy -- we have another post coming out later today so don’t touch that dial ;)
Two voices shout in unison “HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN! HALLOWEEN!”
“Alright, alright, hang on a moment. Before we leave, we need to establish some ground rules.”
“That’s right. Fugue and I want to make sure no one does anything that puts them in danger.”
“But Rocky -- you said that Halloween was a dangerous season!”
“I SAID that it was a season of intrigue and danger. I also said that it was a good reminder to be aware of your surroundings and not let yourself into situations with unnecessary risks.”
Fugue smirks as he listens to his friend talk about the merits of avoiding risk and describe the other ‘ground rules,’ thinking about the many and various ways in which Rocky has personified unnecessary risk.
“What? You don’t agree with me?” asks the latter, looking at Fugue with a coy grin.
“You know that when it comes to reducing danger I’m always in favor,” replies the Ampharos with a shake of his head. “I just never thought I’d hear YOU telling someone else.”
Rocky scratches his head and chuckles. “Well, a year ago neither of us expected me to be taking my little brother trick-or-treating either.”
“Like my costume?” asks Pizzicato gleefully.
Rocky smiles. “Absolutely. It’s very fitting, sweetie.”
“If he’s not careful he’ll end up being another dad friend,” Fugue thinks to himself as the younger mons grab their baskets.
“Ready to go, everyone?” Rocky asks.
“What about Cynthia and Deneb and Cassie?” asks the Azurill quickly, apparently noticing their absence for the first time.
“They’re gonna stay home and watch Arsenic and Old Lace. It’s one of Cass’s favorites – apparently they’re in it, though they’ve never told me where,” Rocky replies with a shrug and a smile.
Fugue stifles a chuckle at this. “I imagine Deneb will get a real kick out of that one. It’s the one with Boris Karloff and the psycho great-aunts right?”
“Psycho what?” Riley tilts his head.
“I’ll explain later,” Rocky replies. “For now, let’s get some candy.”
This is met with cheers from all sides.
“Now then,” Fugue begins, as they make their way to the first house, “Is there a reason you wanted to help chaperone instead of look for candy yourself, Rocky?”
“Uh, well…to be honest, I liked the idea of watching Riley more than getting extra treats for myself. He’s my brother and I wanted to just be there for him, I suppose. I’d like him to have a normal Halloween. No monsters, no villains, just candy and family and friends.”
“That makes sense. You’re pretty good at this big-brother stuff.”
“Ha, thanks. I’m learning that apparently it means being the responsible one, which used to be Cynthia’s job, but now I find myself trying to stop her from getting him into mischief! She loves him to death, honestly. Personally I think--”
He pauses as they stop at the first house.
“Uh, Fugue? Has this place always been…creepy?”
It’s a fair question. The building seems to loom over them with its spiked tower in the center leaning slightly forward and a dimly lit porch.
“Let’s uh, skip this—” but before Fugue can finish, Pizzicato has smacked the door several times with her tail.
“Ding-dong ditch?” asks Rocky nervously.
Fugue nods. “Normally I’d say no but let’s—”
He’s interrupted by a hissing sound, and then the air fills with smoke.
“Uh…what’s happening?” Riley says with a mixture of confusion and nervousness in his voice.
“Welcome travelerssss…” replies a voice with an unusual tone. “You’ve found my housssse of secretssss.”
“Great,” Fugue mutters. “Weird neighbor. Probably just pranking would be candy getters. Alright, then, thank you for the excitement but we have to go now.”
“Ssssooo ssssooon?” asks a Seviper, appearing in the doorway through the smoke. “Sssssurely you’re here for Halloween treatsssss!”
Riley looks at Seviper skeptically. “Yeah, without the smoke and scary expression, thanks.”
“Jussst sssstaying in the sssspirit of the ssseasssson,” laughs the Pokémon, “I like to keep trick-or-treaterssss on their toessss.”
“You don’t have toes though,” says Pizzicato innocently.
“True, ssssmall one,” replies Seviper with a chuckles.
“We appreciate your time, but I just remembered something important,” Rocky says. “We have to go get it. Sorry to disturb you.”
“Yeah…you’re creepy,” Riley chimes in.
Seviper laughs again. “Yesss…but that’ssss the point of Halloween, issss it not?”
A moment later, the Pokémon vanishes. Fugue shakes his head.
“Come along, then, onwards to—” his sentence is cut off when turning around makes him aware the group is now suddenly IN the house despite never making an effort to cross the threshold.
“Okay…” he frowns. “Rocky, any thoughts?”
“I’m thinking we just went straight to the trick part,” replies the Pikachu, looking around the large foyer into which they seem to have been transported.
“How do we get out?” asks Pizzicato. “We haven’t even gotten any candy yet!”
“I like her,” says the voice of the snake, though the direction from which it comes is no longer clear. “If you can find your way through thissss place, there will be a very big treat. Your firsssst clue issss to figure out which of you issss the odd one out.”
“Odd…one out?” Riley frowns.
“That’s me!” Pizzicato giggles. “I’m water and you’re all electric!”
Rocky nods slowly. “That sounds about right.”
Fugue shakes his head. “Yes, but there’s another interpretation. All of you are mouse Pokémon, and I am not. So it might be me too.”
Riley shakes his head. “It’s Rocky.”
Everyone looks at him surprised.
“Why me?” asks the Pikachu.
“You’re the only Pokémon that can use a move normal Pikachu can’t. I’ve seen you do it.”
Fugue pauses for a moment, then agrees. “That’s a good thought, Riley.”
“Indeed it isssss,” comes the hissing voice of the snake. “Up ahead there are doorssss with your facessss on them. Pick the door that you think hassss the ansssswer.”
Sure enough, a variety of doors appear out of the smoke.
“How did he get our faces…?” Fugue begins, but is interrupted by Riley marching to the door and throwing it open – only to nearly be tackled by Rocky.
“Careful!” the Pikachu nearly shouts. “Let’s at least see if we can figure out what is going on in there!”
So saying, he peers into the door…and a light comes on, revealing a wooden staircase leading downwards into a darkly-lit basement.
“Good choice, Riley,” the snakey voice says. “You’re on the right track.”
Fugue shakes his head. “Me first. I can light the place up.” The orb on his tail glows bright, showing the whole room – inside there appears to be a Rube Goldberg machine of sorts.
“What does this thing do?” asks Pizzicato as the rest of the troop follows Fugue downstairs.
“I dunno, but I want to find out!” Riley says excitedly. “After all, this is the right door.”
Rocky pauses. “How do you know?”
“Because it was your face, Rocky. I haven’t gone wrong by following you yet!”
The Pikachu is not expecting this reply, and sniffs slightly to hold back sudden happy tears.
“Well, how do we trigger it, do you think?”
Fugue looks it over. “I think that’s our next obstacle to clear. Figuring it out, I mean.”
No one notices that Pizzicato has wandered up to a small bowl and hopped inside. A moment later, it lifts into the air, taking her with it.
“Whee!” she shouts, much to everyone’s dismay.
“Pizzicato!” Fugue cries, but the machine continues to whir to life.
Her weight counters another weight, thereby knocking a lever over. It smacks into a cup with dice, which roll across a drum of some sort, which lets out a sound that fills the room and causes the plunger below it to pump once or twice, pulling a block of wood down a pipe and letting another ball roll down a ramp until it smacks a plank, which seesaws into the wall, knocking it down.
“All that effort just to open a door?” Rocky frowns.
“Sssssometimessss it’sss about making ssssure the participantssss are paying clossssse attention,” says the voice. “The next room will require ssssome extra thought. Better sssstay alert! Sssso far the young onessss have been more obsssservant. Can the adultssss catch up?”
The others exchange a look before Fugue reaches up and picks Pizzicato out of the bowl.
Rocky shakes his head. “This feels like a sort of game, but what kind of prize is there for winning?”
No answer comes, and Fugue shrugs. “All I know is that the kids seem to be having fun.”
“Yeah, but I’m missing out on candy,” Riley pouts a bit as they enter the next room. Suddenly carnival music plays and they find themselves surrounded by mirrors on each side.
“Did it suddenly get hot in here?” asks Rocky, shuddering.
“Who knowssss thissss ssssong?” calls the Seviper with a hissing laugh. “You’ll find your exit in the rhythm!”
“I don’t know this song,” Riley shakes his head.
“Me neither,” Pizzicato chimes in.
Rocky shrugs. “I’m lost, personally. Any ideas, Fugue?”
The Ampharos pauses. “Hold on a moment…I think…I think I’ve heard it before…”
“Holding on” proves to be a somewhat difficult task, as it only continues to get hotter in the room. It’s not long before everyone’s sweating.
“Fugue, no rush, but uh, if you have any ideas, we’d love to hear them,” Rocky says in a dry whisper.
The Ampharos’s eyes are determined – and suddenly they look inspired. He claps twice, stamps his right foot, then spins a somewhat clumsy circle – and the room almost instantly cools down as the mirrors fall away to reveal another door.
Pizzicato cheers. “I knew you’d figure it out!”
Rocky tilts his head. “What was the song?”
Fugue smiles, shaking his head. “Someone I care very much about sang it to me when I was younger. We had a dance we used to practice for it too. You know, like kids like to do? What you saw just now was part of it – it took me a while because I hadn’t heard it in years. I haven’t the faintest clue how Seviper knows it.”
“Sssome ssssecretsss ssstay that way,” replies the hissing Pokémon. “But you’ve done well. Can you ssssolve my lasssst puzzle? It’sssss a real doozy.”
“Last puzzle?” Pizzicato frowns. “I was hoping there were a few more.”
The others all give her a “you’ve gotta be kidding me” look, but only Riley says it out loud.
“Sure it’s fun but we’re missing out on all the treats!”
“Come on,” Rocky shrugs. “The more we stand here, the longer we’ll be missing out whatever’s out there.”
The group makes their way into what appears to be a great dancing hall, with portraits of Pokémon clad in formal, almost Victorian style attire, hung on the walls. It’s not long before they recognize their own faces in some of them.
“Hey that’s…” Fugue has to stifle a laugh as he notices Deneb, wearing a frilly collar and a somewhat dour expression. “I uh…I wonder what the puzzle here is supposed to be.”
“Hey, isn’t that your trainer?” Riley asks, pointing to another painting.
Fugue nods, perhaps even more baffled. “I can’t believe I’m saying this but that puffy wig actually looks pretty good on her. How did they get her likeness, though?”
Before they can discuss it further, the snake interrupts, suddenly appearing in another burst of smoke.
“You’ve sssspeculated plenty. It’ssss time for the main event! If you can bessst me in a fight, then I sssshall releasssse you!”
Rocky frowns. “Well…that’s sort of disappointing. I had hoped you planned a real mind-bender, not just a throwdown.”
“Ah, but you ssssee,” laughs the snake. “I will not be battling you directly. I have insssstead devisssed a battle of the witsss unlike any other!”
Another puff of smoke fills the room, and before them stands a perfect facsimile of Cynthia!
“What the heck?” Riley practically shouts.
“Don’t worry,” she laughs. “Your challenge isss to determine what move you have that could bessst counter an attack I ussse. If you win, then you will try another opponent, then another, before the tessst endsss.”
“So it’s a simulated battle,” Fugue thinks. “Well, I don’t have everyone’s movesets memorized just yet but—”
“I do,” Pizzicato says happily.
“Then it fallsss on you to determine the bessst courssse of action,” smiles the Eevee with her strange enunciation still in full force. “I trussst the othersss will not regret having you in charge!”
“Uh, Fugue? Are we floating?” Rocky asks calmly, but with a certain tremor in his voice.
“Quite suddenly, yes. Except Pizzicato,” mutters Fugue. “I guess the final test really is all hers.”
“The adultsss never quite caught up, did they?” laughs their Halloween host. “Nonethelessss, here’ssss the firssst tessst! Cynthia approachessss and ussesss ssswift! What do you do?”
“Riley! Use Protect!” Pizzicato says with confidence. Riley complies, though a moment later he looks quite confused.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” Rocky says.
“Uhhhh, neither did I?” he replies.
There’s another puff of smoke, and this time it’s Deneb facing them off. As if to remain in character, this time the Pokémon does not speak, instead presenting them with a Psychic attack.
“Fugue, try Rock Throw!” The Ampharos does so, but his confusion is even more evident.
“Um, I can’t…actually do that,” he whispers. “I think Pizzicato doesn’t actually know what I can do.”
“Well now’s not the time to correct her,” Rocky says quickly. “We’ve KINDA got to rely on her so—”
He’s interrupted by the sudden appearance of Cassiopeia where Deneb was.
“Crap,” Riley mutters, only to quickly apologize when Rocky gives him a look.
“Here’sss a Ssshadow Ball!” they declare, only to have Pizzicato immediately say “Rocky! Bug Bite!”
For a moment the older trio all exchange a look of despair – but then Rocky stirs, looking as lost as he possibly can, and executes the move with perfect precision.
“Okay….” Fugue says, scratching his head. “I assume this means we win?”
As if to answer his question, Seviper reappears and smiles. “Well done, travelerssss. You’ve defeated my obssstaclessss and proven your ssskill. I presssent you with your reward.”
A golden plastic card appears in front of each Pokémon and Seviper vanishes, revealing the exit just ahead.
“What’s this?” Pizzicato asks plaintively, apparently bummed that the game has ended.
“Well, it’s…10,000 poke worth of candy – or rather, a gift card for that – for each of us,” Rocky says with a half-stunned expression.
“Candy? You mean that weird snake gave us free candy? And we get to pick it out?” Riley asks quickly.
“That is…indeed the case,” Fugue says, scratching his head again, this time with a smile.
“Wow! What a prize! Hey, can we play again?” Riley wonders out loud.
“I had fun too! I don’t even need another prize!” Pizzicato adds, only for both of them to find themselves half carried to the exits and into the night.
“That was pretty fun, Cassiopeia. I didn’t know you were such a prankster!” laughs Cynthia as they make their way home.
“I believe Halloween is an opportunity to enjoy the chance to give others a bit of excitement. I couldn’t have pulled it off without your help. Your portrayal of a Sevipers’ accent is quite convincing, Cynthia.”
“Ha, well, Deneb here had it the hardest, but she still pulled it off wonderfully!”
The fusion Ampharos grins and wobbles with delight, nodding in agreement.
“So they’ll probably need to go do more trick-or-treating, and tell us their story when we get home. In the meantime, shall we actually go watch Arsenic and Old Lace?”
“Sounds like a plan to me. I’ll pop the popcorn!” Cynthia grins.
So, having finished their own trick, they make their way home to enjoy their treats.
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tumblunni · 5 years
Idea for combining the two very different personalities and powers of Lord Shrillington in the anime and games!
Cos in the game his power is 'being a weirdo who sucks at social interaction and he makes you weird too', and he's portrayed as almost like..cheshire cat esque? Like cinnamon roll cheshire cat? Like cheshire cat and mad hatter had a baby??? He's just a big goofball who doesnt realise he's goofy and takes everything very seriously and fancy style even when he's being totally ridiculous. The rare trickster who doesnt know he's a trickster! And his goofyness seems to be specifically 'head in the clouds' style, as a joke on fancy rich people being oblivious to regular life. Like his big ol eyes are meant to look spacey and his default expression is a spacey sort of surprised pikachu face and he always has question marks popping up around him that he can literally throw as an attack. And the small amount of dialogue he gets seems to imply that he has NO IDEA about any of the main plot or even what a yokai is. He's just here for fun tea parties! And completely doesnt notice all the other guests are giant monsters and also we're mid fight with an even gianter monster. He's so fuckin cute!! Protect this bean!!!
Buuuuut then the anime is a wildly different version that seems like they didnt get any info on this dude beyond just a picture od what he looks like, or something. Now instead of general goofyness/being so rich youre clueless, his power is making people scream? And specifically a very cute squeaky scream that makes everyone laugh at you. Which would have worked perfectly fine with his game personality but instead they wildly changed him into a completeky non clueless super evil super manipulative planner type guy who intentionally ruins the lives of humans to take revenge for his own tragic death. And apparantly he used to actually NOT be goofy as a human, and his Entire Thing wa sthat he was the most calm and composed man ever who has never been embarassed even once. So his asshole wife tried to embarass him with a bunch of pranks and then cheated on him with some other dude. And this was what it finally took to break his composure, and he screamed so hard he died on the spot fron a heart attack. And now he has the awful fate of being the personified elemental of embarassing screams when 99.99999% of his life was spent beibg super cool and he only had that one scream ever. Like wow the universe is way too cruel to this dude!! But then his personality is such an asshole that its hard to stay sympathetic to him :(
So yeah PROPOSED COMBINATION IDEA: just the better game personality but with the same sad anime backstory. It could work really well cos it could be like he never realized he died and he still thinks he's in a fancy rich person ballroom where he has to do everything all fancy. And his whole 'forever calm and composed' thibg could be less of him being boring and more of him just being afraid of nothing and always rolling with whatever happens because he's always sure it must be some new Rule Of Fancy Etiquette and everything is totally under control. Just 100% convinced he's still in his mansion and youre his new butler and oh i need to greet this new guest who appears to be an 80 foot tall oni, i guess! And his goofy mad hatter nature could be like his true self is shining through his fancyness now he's dead? Like when he was alive he really was a boring cliche englishman, but he was just a dude trapped by worries over social conventions and atuff. He was still a kind and cute goofball inside but had to hide it to keep up appearances. Probably a lot of times he came close to cracking his emotionless facade just because he thought of some silly joke in his head and couldnt stop laughing. Probabky every time he had a moment alone he was like OKAY PHEW TIME TO LET OUT ALL MY FUN FUNNESS *does a little dance and hopes nobody saw* He really kinda hated his life and the crushing expectations of his family. So being a goofy ghost is a lot better! Even if he finally realized he was a ghost i dont think he'd be particularly mad about it like the anime version. "Oh wait is there any proper etiquette for the afterlife?" "No basically the only rule for yokai is to be as goofy as possible" "IVE FOUND MY TRUE HOME" *sobs*
Also the anime's random thing of cute screams was very cute, so maybe make this dude make weird adorable noises even if its not exactly the same ones. Like make him all singsong sound effects like Hoaxy Coaxy in the third game!
ALSO he would be totally voiced by cosmo from fairly odd parents. God i wanna go make a compilation vid of lines from that guy that could fit this oc lol
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malereaderfanfics · 6 years
Iida Tenya x Male Reader
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Thank you @rebeliousasshole ^_^
If you guys can give me any tips/feedback on my writing, it'll be greatly appreciated!
Warnings: second hand embarrassment
Iida couldn't help but throw glares at Kaminari as he joked and laughed around with y/n, a telling rosiness to his cheeks.
"Hey, Iida, are you okay?" he was snapped out of his trance by Midoriya, looking worried.
"Yeah, I'm just, uh, tired," the boy pushed his glasses up his nose and focused on a random building a few kilometres away, Midoriya, apparently satisfied with his answer, nodded and sat down at his desk. The conversation between Kaminari and y/n continued and Iida felt jealousy swirl unpleasantly in his stomach, he reached his peak when the personified pikachu asked y/n for his number. Iida stood quickly, making the chair scrape across the floor and locked eyes with Kaminari.
"I have been trying to flirt with y/n for weeks with .1% chance of a romantic outcome and you just waltz over and get a date?!" he said, louder than he thought he would, and felt his face burn up. "At least wait until I've been rejected first!" the whole class was silent by this point and Iida felt the strength of the jealousy give way to full on embarrassment as he realised what he'd said. Y/n's eyes were wide and Kaminari looked surprised, but ready to laugh. Not really knowing what else to do, Iida briskly walked through the doors and dodged past Aizawa, he quickly made his way to the roof. Not really knowing if y/n calling his name was a figment of his imagination or not.
The doors to the rooftop slammed open and Iida walked out, finding the light breeze comforting considering how hot he felt. He walked to the balcony and leaned against it, refusing to think for a few seconds and just be silent before the realisation dawned on him. How badly he just screwed up. His face flushed again and he buried it in his hands, slouching down to rest against the wall.
The door slammed open again, and someone, breathing heavily, stood there. Iida didn't want to turn around, knowing instantly who it was without even needing to see his face or hear his voice.
"Iida," y/n breathed, just loud enough to be heard. Reluctantly, Iida turned around and started approaching y/n.
"Look, I greatly apologise for the incident just now I let my own jealousy get the better of me and-" Iida was cut short by y/n running up and almost dive hugging him, blood rushed to Iida's cheeks as he returned it. They stayed like that for a little while before y/n adjusted himself so he was looking him in the eye.
"Don't worry about it, but if you wanted a date, you should've asked me outright, I'm not good at reading people," he said, the movements of his jaw lightly prodding Iida's chest. "I like you, a lot,"
And boy did those words send Iida's heart racing, without thinking he leaning down and pressed his lips firmly against y/n's, if only for a short time.
"S-Sorry I shouldn't have-" and once again he was interrupted by y/n giving him another quick kiss.
"You think too much," he muttered, "now about that date..."
"Ah, yes!" Iida grinned, "How about a movie on Saturday, I'll buy food?" y/n chuckled, probably at Iida's flushed expression.
"That would be wonderful,"
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u-are-my-melody · 3 years
Chapter 220
Theory Time
I still stand by my theory that Anthony replaced XQC’s medication (I will hang onto this until I’m proven to be right or BAB ends and I’m proven to be wrong). And I think, all the symptoms XQC is feeling right now come not only from RN13 and the serum of Mental Ebola patient no.2, but also the replaced medication. 
It might be that a lot of things might mix together in XQC’s mutated body. The RN-13, the serum, He Yu’s semen, Anthony’s replaced meds and really cause smething.
Duan Wen is that nameless cousin of He Yu’s who is also a medical doctor. The further we go, the more convinced I am that it’s him. I have been thinking this over again and again and decided that: XQC is not going to actually get pregnant. I’m so sorry to all the milf XQC enthusiasts. I don’t see it happening. Even if he grows a uterus, I don’t see how the pipes would connect, if u know what I mean? I don’t see him getting pregnant through his intestines and his rear end would not be a way out for the baby either. I remember this one real life instance on science trivia where a man well into his life was found to have a uterus. he was peeing blood from time to time (it was his period) and thought he might have a cancer. So technically, he had a possibility to get pregnant, but not sure how the logistics of it would work, besides the artificial insemination. He chose to surgically remove the uterus btw.
Anyways. XQC might feel pregnant, his body might react to He Yu’s body fluids or those fluids might affect him in some significant way, like cause some kind of mutation, or something (He Yu’s blood is very special, after all), but not a pregnancy (if I’m wrong on this I’m gonna be a surprised Pikachu face personified :D). The furthest he might go with prwgnancy is  XQC getting boob milk do to his ultimate kink. We will see. It’s fun to be right, but it’s fun to be wrong and be surprised.
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kpopanimereject · 5 years
Stray Kids Ideal Date
not the person, but location. And these don't mean for first date either, idk man I just thought about what they'd like, I'm up for some criticism.
I see Woojin being the type of guy who wants to prove how manly of a guy he is. Carnival games. He'll try his hardest to win you anything you even glance at. Stuffed panda? Yours. Baby elephant plushie? Yours. Pikachu plush? Yours as well. He'd even go back and get a pencil you wanted on the ground you passed but for jokes. Then when it came to rides he refused to scream, maybe laugh and all that but he'd really want to impress you. Extra bonus if you cling to him on scary rides. I guarantee he's scared too, but you clinging to his side would make him feel better.
More than anything he'd want to take you home to the outback, jk but he'd really like to take you to Australia for both you and him. He'd show you around to some of his favorite spots and would take you to places he's always wanted to go but never got to when he lived there. And if you were comfortable with it, he'd take you to see his eomma and appa. I see him being really excited and he just wants his parents to know he's well looked after by all the people he cares for.
Lee Know
Ya know how he's got this face of disgust, or distain (and I think it's the funniest thing ever). Well, he wants you to be comfortable and familiar with his joking habits (at least I hope that face is a joking around thing). So, to break the ice, he'll take you ice skating. Whether your better or worse than him, he'll still have that face. But once you realize he's only joking he drops the face and tries to actually have fun with you, introduce his other joke habits. But the real reason he did this was to have an excuse to hold you.
I feel he'd be in the mood to take you shopping at the mall. If it's not your first date, would definitely try to buy matching earrings. Boy would be HYPED over matching couple items. Something small but that hold so much significance would make him a puddle of gush.
I see him liking the idea of a beach date. The sun on his skin, smell of sun lotion, the sound of the waves. It's all relaxing to him. An added perk would be to see your slightly exposed skin. Don't get him wrong, that was not his intention, he just wanted you to enjoy something he found fun. But it was an added perk nonetheless.
He would love to do something with you at night, I just know it, it's when all the magic happens 😏. Jk but I feel like he has something towards the night sky thinking it's so romantic. So yes, he'd star gaze with you, I just know it, lets bet 20 on it. But there's something about the night sky that everyone is looking at the same sky, so like it's Jisung ya know? He'd definitely pull the whole, you looking at those stars too? Kinda thing when he's away from you. You know what I mean? I apologized my English if failing me atm but I have no excuse 😅
Would be the type to love movie dates then gush about the film afterwards. I can see him taking you to a Marvel film or any super hero movies and completely nerd out. He'd switch between English and Korean so much it give you whiplash but you find it adorable. It's be bonus points if you have your own opinions about it and banter about it back and forth.
Classy man right here 👌. He'd take you to a nice sit down restaurant. It's just the two of you with the hum of the restaurant surrounding you. You two just talk and talk but as it comes closer to ordering and seeing the price you two dip the nice restaurant for probably take out or McDonald's. Secretly he's memorizing your eating habits for future reference.
With his young life revolving around school and idol stuff, he would really cherrish little things in life. He would find ice cream dates the most memorable. Those dates first thing you two do is get your ice cream then wonder the streets where you two end up after finishing it is where the rest of the date will continue. Like, just imagine you guys finish in front of an aquarium, and you both get so excited to look at the fish and personify them. Or you two could end up in front of a shady restaurant, but have fun regardless. He'll make it a priority to try and do this at least once a week. Will sometimes purposely lead you to a place of his choice, but you see through him and don't mind.
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