mishy-mashy · 11 months
Concerning the Witch Cult and the Seal in Elior Forest;
So I watched through the episodes where Pandora and Regulus show up in Elior Forest, and Emilia is frozen, and had some wonders
First, Petelguese, when he takes the Witch Factor, apologizes to "Flugel-sama". But why Flugel? Remember, Flugel wasn't actually considered anyone great, and was only known because he planted a big tree and carved "Flugel was here" on it
Then there's also the Seal that the elves protect. Fortuna says that if the Seal is unlocked, the world will definitely end this time. But, at this time, who actually can destroy the world? Even looking at the Seal's colors and decorations, they befit Satella, who TRIED to destroy the world and was partially successful.
The world will definitely end this time. There was a past attempt, and this was only ever done by Satella.
So I'm assuming the Seal is containing Satella. The key only appears to the one qualified to open it—and that's Emilia. The same identical half-elf that the Witch Cult believes is the perfect vessel for Satella; the vessel can open the door, and has the key, no one else. Methinks if Emilia opened the door, she might be possessed or become a martyr
Yeah, it's said that Satella was sealed beyond the Great Waterfall. BUT BUT BUT, REMEMBER, they consider beyond the Great Waterfall as THE SAME AS A PARALLEL WORLD. Yin magic can easily sever reality and space, and create a pocket dimension or open to a new reality, just by upgrading Shamak.
For example, remember Beatrice's Door Crossing? The Seal could easily just be the doorway to a pocket dimension like Shamak, and it would still be considered beyond the Great Waterfall.
What the Elves are guarding is the tomb of Satella. That's why the Witch Cult's docile faction helps out the Elves; the Witch Cult reveres Satella. The Elves hid Emilia from the Cult on purpose, but Petelguese found her anyway; and Petelguese sacrificed himself in an attempt to keep the Witch of Vainglory (Pandora) and the Archbishop of Greed (Regulus) away from Emilia. The docile faction definitely had a different goal from the radical faction, the latter which always chases Satella's vestiges.
Petelguese definitely knows something more about Flugel than "Yeah, he made a tree" because to the public knowledge of the Re:Zero world, Flugel is only a guy that grew a tree that happened to live long. It's only realized that Flugel is who the Sage Shaula actually refers to, by Subaru's party in the Pleiaides Watchtower; a place even the Sword Saint couldn't reach. As part of the Witch Cult, Petelguese probably knew a lot of the truth of Flugel and Satella, if he revered Flugel, knew the implications of an incompatible Witch Factor, and knew of the Seal.
Petelguese knows what happens if you take in an incompatible Witch Factor: some sort of insanity. Even Regulus warns him about knowing the price to pay, yet Petelguese still took the Witch Factor. Petelguese knows about Flugel, so he probably knows about the Witch of Envy VS Satella; whenever he refers to the Witch of Envy, he mainly says Satella. There might be parts where he says Witch of Envy, but he mainly says only Witch or Satella. Petelguese taking the incompatible Factor his own choice kind of parallels Satella's own incompability, that it brings the question: was Satella also forced to make a similar decision?
The Elves guard the Seal of the Witch of Envy. The Seal is technically beyond the Great Waterfall. Petelguese probably knew the truth, and Emilia's oddly the only person that can access the Seal's key; that's what I think.
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melancholicmaze · 5 days
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Petelguese sketch
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dia-disappointment · 3 months
does anyone remember a really long post on rezero that was about how all of the archbishops / their abilities were focused on relationships with others. like petelgueses interpretation of sloth being not taking the time to understand the other and forcing your idealized version onto them to avoid confronting the fact that people aernt perfect?? the even meantioned the other 2 but i cant find it anymore. i think was from one of the like 5 regular rezero posters on here but cant remember who
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patrasche-enjoyer · 17 days
All characters pictured below cut
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Leip Barielle
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Zikr Osman
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Bordeaux Zellgef
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Beli Hainelga
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liquidstar · 2 years
Re:zero is really about the power of friendship oml (affectionate)
but if we're going to me more specific its more like. the power of love. but not just in a romantic sense but the fact that so much of the story revolves around love and how sometimes its good and sometimes its bad. but no matter what the main thing that drives almost all of the characters is love. whether its the possessive love that the witch of envy feels for subaru, or the self-sacrificing love subaru has for all his friends, or the obsessive love roswaal feels for echidna, or the way petelguese's love for fortuna and emilia was manipulated and corrupted, or the pure but self-denying love rem has for subaru and ram, or the deep love for her mother that beatrice clings to, or the love for their son that naoko and kenichi have. and thats just scratching the surface of this huge cast! almost all of whom are motivated by love! to me the whole story is about love
actually NOT even to me- this is something the series itself blatantly states. the chapter/episode where subaru tells emilia he loves her, for the first time in an honest and selfless way, is titled "thats all this story is about" its love
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nikitalovesmelissa · 4 months
Why im not rewatching Re Zero (besides the clips that i like)
I know this is very controversial but hear me out im not rewatching Re Zero dont get me wrong Rem is still my girlfriend but the problem with the whole Re Zero anime is that there are some brutal and batcrap insane moments that blow my mind and scarres me deep inside of me i will explain in two moments that happened first of all in episode 7 Rem brutally murdered Subaru in the first half and it's so messed up beyond belief its like it tried to be the Game of Thrones or Attack on Titan type of episode its very scary that it scarres me Rems angry face is very scary messed up picture that makes Jeff the Killer picture look like Mona Lisa in episode 15 Subaru gets to see brutally murdered Rem by Petelguese What kind of sick messed up monster is he and every time i see any brutal sick messed up (im sorry that i have to say Messed up so many times but i cant help it because this needs to discussed) clip i just scarred for life dont get me wrong there are time that anime has pretty slice of life moments but i just can't help to not rewatch this anime because i know whats going to happen and that is main reason why i will not see Season 3 as much as i own many Rem Collection im just going to stick with Dragon Ball Z and my main favourite will be Dragon Ball Z so this is my opinion so dont bash it okay but im still going to buy Rem Re Zero figurines and still rewatch some clips of this anime because there is no point to watch the whole episode again
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silver-trashhuman · 3 years
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seamelon · 4 years
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otogariado · 4 years
im still losing my shit over the fact that geuse and crusch look so much alike
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similar hair colour, eye colour, heck even their eye shapes are kinda similar—and now that i look at them next to each other, even their hairstyles resemble each other. someone told me so far there's been no real link between the two, so it's just a coincidence...but what a coincidence, right?
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pro-prin-prinny · 3 years
Cancel me for this if you must but Archbishop Betelguese is hot.
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squidbulborb · 4 years
Clementine... hot...
Clementine: "SIMP!"
Anson: "what does that mean?"
Clementine: " apparently it's when someone is in love with you or something..."
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recentanimenews · 4 years
FEATURE: A Guide to the Re:ZERO Witches
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    Throughout Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-, the threat of Satella, the Witch of Envy, has loomed over everything our protagonists do. From the Witch Cult that worships her to people demonizing Emilia for looking like her, it has been clear she wields power that is so frightening it influences everything in the world — even when she is not there. However, this season we were introduced to even more Witches, completing the cycle of seven deadly sins, and although they technically died about 400 years ago, Subaru has witnessed first-hand how powerful they are. 
  Let’s go over each of the Witches we’ve met and get a refresher on what kinds of powers each of them has displayed so far.
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    The Witch of Lust, Carmilla doesn’t look physically intimidating; she is polite and timid when she meets Subaru. However, she is seemingly able to emotionally manipulate people by impersonating those they love, shown when she almost tricked Subaru into believing she was Rem during the second trial. She also has an ability called “Faceless Bride” that can cause people in her vicinity to forget how to breathe without even being aware that they are dying. Her abilities may not all be negative, though, as she also uses her Authority to help Subaru realize the love others have for him.
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    Subaru can attribute many of his problems thus far to the enigmatic casket girl Daphne, the Witch of Gluttony. After all, she is the creator of the Mabeasts, the various monsters that have caused trouble throughout the world of Re:ZERO. Most notably, she personally made the Three Great Mabeasts — the White Whale, Great Rabbit, and Black Serpent. That may end up helping Subaru out in the long run, however; as their creator, she also knows their weaknesses, and has already given Subaru a hint as to how to defeat the seemingly infinite and unstoppable Great Rabbit. While we haven’t seen Daphne use it herself, the Authority of Gluttony was infamously used by Sin Archbishop Lye Batenkaitos to “eat” Rem’s name, causing all but Subaru to forget she even existed.
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    Everyone’s favorite Witch of Greed in search of immortality, Echidna may be a prominent force in Subaru and Emilia’s life right now, but we haven’t actually seen her use her powers much yet. We do know she presides over the Trials and seems to keep the souls of the other deceased Witches with her. However, we’ve seen what her Authority can do somewhat indirectly. The Authority of Greed seems to have time-manipulating powers, which the Sin Archbishop Regulus Corneas has been seen using to move objects and attack others like Pandora and Petelgeuse, as well as defensively to block blows in his battle against Crusch.
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    The hot-blooded Witch of Wrath with a heart of gold, Minerva seems to be physically strong, making big superhero-style entrances and causing destruction wherever she lands. Contrary to that first impression, though, her powers seem to be of the healing variety — she uses her punches to put Subaru back together after Typhon removes his arm and causes his body to fall apart. Other than that, we haven’t met anyone who uses her Authority in the real world yet, so while she is surely threatening, the true extent of her powers has yet to be revealed.
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    The most infamous Witch of all, Satella controls the Authority of Envy, but despite her reputation amongst the cast of Re:ZERO, little is known about her powers. We can infer some things, though. She seems to have some control over time, as she is the one who granted Subaru Return by Death. She is also capable of controlling Subaru’s actions to some extent, stopping him whenever he attempts to talk about Return by Death. In battle, she can manipulate shadows and use them to attack her enemies, such as when she incapacitated Garfiel in one of Subaru’s recent failed loops. We’ve yet to meet an Archbishop who uses her Authority to get a better idea of her skills.
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    Sekhmet — the Witch of Sloth — lives up to her title. In the time we’ve spent with her so far, she has hardly lifted a finger, let alone taken the time to stand up. That hasn’t stopped her from displaying some intense power, though; she is somehow able to almost crush Subaru without even moving. Attacking from far away seems to be her Authority’s gimmick, in fact. We’ve seen Petelguese, who we recently saw inherit her Authority in Emilia’s Trial, use his “Unseen Hand” ability, which takes the form of hands that Petelguese can maneuver to attack his opponents. Subaru has used a similar ability, which he calls “Invisible Providence,” that also seems to take the form of a hand, though his version seems much weaker, only materializing as one hand at a time thus far.
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    Last but not least is Typhon, the small but deadly Witch of Pride. Typhon’s powers are more abstract than those of the other Witches, in concept, but their consequences are no less destructive. When she meets Subaru, she removes one of his arms without him even noticing, noting that since he felt no pain he must not be guilty of any grave sins. Soon after, she caused Subaru’s entire body — and later, Minerva’s arm — to shatter into pieces, which she explains happens because he feels guilt. Note that this seems to be different from actual guilt; Typhon is surprised he shattered, because as far as she can tell he’s “not a bad guy.” While this isn’t explicitly explained, it seems clear that her powers are based on some kind of judgment, both for sins her target has actually committed and ones they feel responsible for, even if they actually aren’t. Unfortunately, the person capable of wielding her Authority has yet to appear in the story, so that is all we have to go on, but it seems like the most unique power of them all.
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      And there we have it, every Witch in Re:ZERO, as well as what we know about their powers thus far. The world of Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- is vast and complex, and as more mysteries are revealed, the more questions we have to think about. Hopefully, this refresher has helped put these complex characters into perspective as we head into the Season 2 finale. 
  Which Witch has the coolest powers? Let us know in the comments below!
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    David Lynn can be found obsessing over Fate/Grand Order on Twitter @navycherub.
By: David Lynn
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liquidstar · 2 years
the fact that petelgeuse used to be all bishounen is more shocking than the fact that he was emilias dad. like man what did they DO to you what HAPPENED. he looks like the before and after of a 90s anti drug campaign.
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lonelylesbianbitch · 3 years
me: buying a re:zero gacha charm at the convention I'm at
vendor: gl I hope you get what you want
me: oh I don't really have any preference...! I'll be happy with any of them I think
vendor: haha that's a good mindset
me: *opens it and it's petelguese* why the fuck was HE an option 😭
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brave-symphonia · 4 years
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I feel like he’s got a shot. I don’t really know how strong Puck is though.
I know he’s stronger with Petelguese and weaker than Reinhard but there’s lots of room between those 2 power-wise.
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nikitalovesmelissa · 1 year
Re Zero characters as The Rocky Horror Picture Show cast (for Alexmentcia)
Rem as Dr Frank-N-Furter
Natsuki Subaru as Brad Majors
Emilia as Janet Weiss
Ram as Magenta
Crusch Karsten as Columbia
Felix as Rocky Horror
Petelguese Romanee-Conti as Riff-Raff
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