#peter abelard
asteria-of-the-stars · 10 months
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Héloïse d’Argenteuil in a letter to her former lover Pierre Abélard, nineteen years after their forced separation and entrance into religious life.
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Peter Abelard (1079-1142) - Planctus David super Saul et Ionatha
Ensemble: Augsburg Early Music Ensemble
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tiodolma · 1 year
Love is incapable of being concealed; a word, a look, nay silence, speaks it.
-Pierre Abelard from Letters of Abelard and Heloise
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marislittlethings · 1 month
okay... on the subject of future taylor projects... i grew up a history nerd & i have so many random historical figures/events that i would DIE for her to write a song about a la the last great american dynasty
first & foremost, peter abelard & héloïse d'argenteuil
they were a medieval philosopher couple who engaged in a famous love affair and were eventually separated (peter hid himself away in a monastery, héloïse became a nun)
their story was hugely influential in medieval literature and a few of the letters they exchanged later in life have survived, but it's a bit of a mystery how/why they were preserved, given their illicit nature (also given that their only son was raised by an aunt & as far as we know had little to no contact with either of his parents - he was also named astrolabe but that's a tangent i can't get on right now)
the song i'm imagining would be some combination of false god, ivy, and francesca by hozier, something about inevitability, falling in love & being doomed by it
as proof of concept, here are a couple of lines taken from their letters:
Those oaths which I have taken before the holy altar, are feeble helps when opposed to you.
I will endeavour by that means to satisfy you at least, if I cannot appease an angry God.
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dum-spiro-spero99 · 2 months
P.S I'm a medievalist historian so I know him well both for his personal story and for the impact he had on the history of medieval thought, I don't condone his actions I simply love fancasts
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the-mediaeval-monk · 11 months
Abelard is the racoon I hit with my broomstick to get it to stop eating my trash on my porch
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Peter Abelard's The story of my misfortunes is a surprisingly good read, which I didn't expect to be enjoyable at all
This guys life deserves to get a movie it's Wild.
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apenitentialprayer · 5 months
We do not easily think ill of those whom we love most, and the taint of suspicion cannot exist along with warm affection.
Peter Abelard (The Story of My Calamities) trans. Betty Radice
Original Latin: Non enim facile de his quos plurimum diligimus turpitudinem suspicamur, nec in vehementi dilectione turpis suspitionis labes potest inesse.
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eugaenia · 4 months
I need a movie about Bernard of Clairvaux. But let me be specific. I want it to be a musical. Featuring epic rap battles. Just imagine Bernard beating Abelard's ass at the synod of Sens with some kick-ass lines. Or a duel between Bernard and Peter the Venerable with groups of Cistercian and Benedictine monks raving in the background. Let the hooded boys have some fun. 🤌✨️
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Peter Abelard (1079-1142) - Mater Salvatoris
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tiodolma · 1 year
Sometimes I grieve for the house of the Paraclete, and wish to see it again. Ah, Philintus! does not the love of Heloise still burn in my heart? I have not yet triumphed over that happy passion. In the midst of my retirement I sigh, I weep, I pine, I speak the dear name of Heloise, pleased to hear the sound, I complain of the severity of Heaven.
-Pierre Abelard, from the The Letters of Abelard and Heloise
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names for abelard and héloïses second kid if peter abelard hadnt gotten castrated and they hadnt entered monasteries:
isoceles zenith tetrabiblos and almagest (twins) apogee benefic algorithm hydroscope
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sabakos · 2 months
adelard of bath, peter abelard, and peter lombard walk into a larder. this larder has a guard, hildegard, whom the three mistake for a bard, which isn't hard.
Philosophy in 13th century Europe was the time of Aristotle, but in the 12th century it was the time of Ard.
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positivelybeastly · 2 months
What's supposed to be the implications of this quote?
“How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!”
"Ahh. Well, to understand the quote, you first have to understand where it comes from and the wider context of the work. It originates in Eloisa to Abelard, a verse epistle written by Alexander Pope in 1717 - a verse epistle being a poem told over the course of several letters, hence the title."
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"It's inspired by the real life story of Héloïse d'Argenteuil and Peter Abelard, a romance with a twenty year age gap from the 12th century, one kept secret from the world at large so as not to destroy Abelard's career.
But, as is inevitably the case with stories that survive hundreds of years, the secret came out. Héloïse's family castrated Abelard, and he joined a monastery in shame for his quite literal loss of manhood."
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"Her own prospects now dim, Héloïse, or Eloisa, was convinced by Peter to take vows as a nun. They led successful, if . . . lesser, lives, in their respective monasteries, but Abelard continued to write, most notably the Historia Calamitatum, which, as you might guess, is a history of misfortunes . . . his autobiography. When Eloisa read it, her passion for him was reignited, and they wrote to one another.
But. Things had changed."
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"They tried to make sense of their tragedy, of why them, of why they had been betrayed, why their love had to be so profoundly dashed upon the rocks, but it only brought them pain. In the poem, which is a fictionalised version of the real life series of these events, Eloisa confesses her love, remembering the life they had enjoyed together.
And in remembering, and remembering the pain that comes with remembering, she exclaims;
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot! The world forgetting, by the world forgot. Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!”
How happy is the innocent virgin's lot in life? The world forgets her, and she is, by the world, forgotten. In a mind without darkness, before tragedy, before loss, before failure, there is nothing but eternal sunshine. What a happy state of being that must be, to not know and to forget."
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"How happy we are, when we are ignorant. Before we ruin ourselves."
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sggk · 3 months
Genuinely though it is a little funny . Sad people will be like waoahh i can’t hear that song or i can’t read that book anymore it’s too hard . And i am like Under no circumstances can i ever be shown anything related to Peter abelard and Héloïse d'Argenteuil of 12 century ce France .
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ok so I’m actually in a situationship with the mutual friend Abelard and I have that I’ve mentioned a few times here
I don’t imagine that I’ll talk about this guy/our relationship too often because it doesn’t really have anything to do with Abelard, but I’ll give him a name anyway so I can talk about him more easily when I do mention him
I’ll call him Peter—he’s 25 and actually already finished his bachelor’s and a master’s degree, which is in stuff I’m interested in and the stuff Abelard teaches/has a phd in. Peter went to the same college I do and is a former student of Abelard’s which is how he knows him, and how we got introduced to each other. Peter works at the college now (not as a professor and in a totally different department than me and Abelard)
back in the summer, this situationship kinda fell apart for a bit because tldr I wanted a relationship and Peter didn’t. I ended up venting about it on my insta close friend’s story, which Abelard saw. Abelard has never said anything about it which is funny and awkward lol
However, Peter and I ended up getting back “together,” which I never told Abelard, but he knows we’re still friends
at the movie night on Thursday, Peter sat next to me and ended up putting his arm around me. After the movie was over, abelard held a q&a for people to talk about the movie. Since he was standing at the front of the room, he could very clearly see me and Peter together with his arm around me. He looked kind of confused when he first noticed and then kept staring/looking at us lmao I felt so awkward 😭😭😭😭😭
it is kinda weird tbh that peter and I are together, especially after crying about him back in like, july because he was, tbh, kind of an ass about not telling me he didn’t want a relationship until after we went on a few dates & hooked up a few times (but that’s water under the bridge I guess lmfao)
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