#peter ballard x female reader
t-horn-n · 2 years
— he who wears the crown of thorns
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PAIRING: peter ballard/henry creel x reader (female) 
GENRE: angst, h.end
WARNINGS: canon-level violence, allusions to substance (mis)use 
Stranger Things S4 spoilers.
SUMMARY: when you are injured in the lab, peter must finally admit what your relationship is.
NOTE: I have exhausted the well of Peter Ballard fanfiction, so I decided to write my own.
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If you were one for poetics, you would craft the story of Hawkin’s Lab into a drama, or more likely, a tragedy.  Peter Ballard Henry Creel the hero, a fallen king who wears a crown of thorns around his neck.  And Martin Brenner, the arrogant mortal who tries to wield a god’s power.  
What does that make you?  Once, you may have simply been the narrator.  An outsider who felt obliged to tell the story of those who could not tell it themselves.  But now?  As time has passed, are you the fallen king’s guardian angel?  His pawn, a subject made to be ruled?  His friend?  Or his lover?  
It is not yet clear. 
What is certain is that you are entangled with him as though you have been ensnared by invisible threads, as unnoticeable as fishermen’s line, but as strong as spiders’ silk.  To Henry your presence in the lab has been as permanent as the white-tiled walls.  Though you are his age, you have been there since the beginning—to lend some normalcy into his life, Brenner had claimed.  Though, surely, you are not so ignorant as to believe anything about Henry is normal.  
Nonetheless, you are a constant in Peter Ballard’s life.  A rock that has stood even as Martin Brenner’s forest grew.  Peter became taller, older, more deceitful.  Together you raised the doctor’s saplings, fostered them with sunlight in the form of smiles.  
And now, your relationship?
Well, it’s simple in its complexity.  It’s peculiar in its secretiveness.  Your private grins and unspoken jokes and the strange way you store a piece of your weird, mangled souls in each other.  
But Brenner gets high off control.  If not, what need does he have for the collars?  The cameras?  The rules?  And when he loses his grip he suffers from withdrawal.  And he can be so very cruel when he does not get his fix.  
For a while, he pretended that that attraction did not exist.  He chose not to see the proximity because with all of the power Brenner tells himself he possesses comes laziness.  
“Don’t you think that if we all lined up on a checkerboard we would look like oversized chess pieces?” you murmur to Peter one afternoon—or at least that is what the clock claims—in the Rainbow Room.  
The two of you stand against the wall with the twin doors, facing the mirror with its reflection of your white uniforms and a dozen shaved heads.  
He chuckles quietly in amusement, the kind only you can earn.  “If that’s the case, that would make us the King and Queen.” 
You smile and your hands inch together.  A fingernail brushes against a fingernail, but a pinprick of red light bores into your forehead and you do not dare to do anything more than whisper.  
Brenner may be lazy, but he can also be sly and sneaky.
Two of the younger children colour on pristine sheets of paper.  Flowers and suns, things they have never seen for themselves, are conjured from the coloured wax of the crayons they hold.  Eleven drops a red disk into a numbered peg board, again and again.  Two, Three, and Four toss a bean bag between them.  Anything to cure their boredom. 
Suddenly, the door is pushed open.  It is not Martin Brenner, so the children do not rise.  They continue their puttering and only the oldest look to see who caused the disturbance.  Another Orderly addresses Peter.  
“Your shift is over.  I am here to take your place.”   
Peter smiles, his beautiful lips stretched thin.  
“I’ve been assigned a double shift today.  Don’t worry about me, Ballard,” you say to his hesitance.  
He smiles again and now his eyes crinkle too.  Then he leaves and you are left to stand with this Orderly on opposite sides of the steel door as though the lab is the prison Brenner tries so hard to deny.  You avoid staring at your own reflection because you have found that if you look at yourself for too long your reflection will become unrecognisable.  And then the person across from you is alien, and will certainly drive you mad.
Before your thoughts can run around your head in dizzying loops, the children start yelling.  Two and Three have stalked over to where Ten kneels surrounded by a fortress of blocks.  Wooden walls will not protect him from entitlement.  
“Move,” Two demands.  
For a moment, Ten does not reply and you think he will ignore Two—that he will weather this onslaught.  The silence permeates and is only broken by a soft whirring as the camera stationed in the corner of the room angles to watch the performance unfold.  
For that same moment, you do not know what to do.  Brenner has never liked Orderly interference in his children’s matters, always eager to see the extent of their capabilities, and of their rage.  But then again, he will be undoubtedly upset if one of his assets is damaged.
“No,” Ten says.
In a swift movement Two kicks his block towers and they go sprawling on the floor.  You and the other Orderly rush forward as Two takes Ten by his collar, yanking him up so quickly that he is not allowed time to yell, and his toes barely brush the tile.  
“Say again?” Two snarls.
“Two, your behaviour is—” you start.  
Two thrusts an arm outwards and the other Orderly flies backwards and into several chairs.  You do not move.  A rock. 
Perhaps Two would have been surprised if he were not so busy spitting in the other boy’s face.  “When I tell you to do something, you do it.” 
Ten’s face hardens defiantly and you are almost envious.  Where was this courage when you were a child?  Did you lack Ten’s bravery or the fodder of the other children?  
Two swings hard and his fist meets Ten’s cheek because in a deranged rage he must have forgotten that he is always being watched—or is the true reason more sinister?—and Ten is on the floor.  Blood runs down his face and stains his teeth.  Two appears drunk from adrenaline. 
A grin is spreading across his face, arrogant and smug.  But from the ground Ten throws a wooden block at his face.  It cuts his eyebrow, its point digging into his skin and now he too is bleeding.  Again, Two lunges forward like he is about to commit murder, but you are there, holding his shoulders and trying to push him against the wall.  His hands fly up, your face stings as Two drags his fingernails across your skin.  
Your fellow Orderly has since recovered and is holding Ten’s arms behind his back as though in the past three minutes the child has been traded for a criminal.  
“Let go of me!” Two yells.  
Your lips press together. 
Startlingly, the doors fling open, Martin Brenner has arrived.  Now, the children all jolt and stand in their lines.  
“Hello, Papa,” they greet. 
Even Two’s anger has waned in the presence of the doctor.
He speaks to the other Orderly first.  “Please escort Two and Ten to the infirmary.  I will have a chat with them later.”  
Then he looks directly at you and juvenile fear seizes you, the kind you should have grown out of.  “Come.” 
You release Two.  Approaching Brenner you do not look at the children, you try to relax your shoulders and raise your chin.  Peter would not be afraid, you remind yourself.  Brenner grasps your wrist in a handcuff not made of metal but flesh.  Roughly, he pulls you from the Rainbow Room and down the hallway.  
“You are here to protect them, Y/N, and today, you have failed to do that.” 
There is no point in protesting nor is there a reason to sputter apologies.  Simply, you allow him to drag you through the corridors of Hawkin’s Lab. 
A collar of metal and wires is fixed around your neck, a bite guard in your mouth.  You sit in a chair and an electrical shock races through your veins.  Your nerves alight and already perspiration beads at your hairline.  
Humiliation as you slide from the chair because your muscles spasm and you see Peter watching behind glass with an expression that discloses nothing.  But in his eyes, you see horror.  You tell yourself that you are not crying, and that the water that turns your vision bleary is the natural reaction to your situation.  
Pain as your legs commit treason and kick in odd directions.  
You count to yourself the seconds that pass.  It is all manageable if the time you suffer is compartmentalised.  When it is over and Brenner has left and Orderlies have taken the collar from your neck, Peter gathers you into his arms.  He tucks his head into your neck and whispers into your ear.  He does not tell you that you are okay because obviously you are not.  
“I’m sorry.” 
Still, your fingers twitch.  Your head jerks periodically while your feet tingle. 
He does not apologise again.  He does not need to.  Now it is certain that what you are extends past labels.
“They will not control us forever,” he promises.  “Soon we will rule them all.” 
Perhaps Henry Creel still wears barbs like a necklace, but his pledges to you are like a crown of thorns placed over your brow.  Those who wear the crown of thorns will not be caged for long.
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— m. list
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inkedreverie · 2 years
Love me, I’m lost
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pairing: peter ballard x innocent!reader
warnings: fluff, tiny bit of angst then fluff. soft!peter ballard, peter has daddy/abandonment issues, talks of near death experience & cpr. reader is of age.
A/n: another repost from my old blog. Trying to get everything uploaded on here while I work on wips. I have a sequel to this in the works that will hopefully be released soon. Reblog/comments & any kind of feedback is encouraged and appreciated!
He’s in denial at first. Peter never thought he was capable of loving someone. Never had the chance to before Y/N entered his life. She pulled at his heart strings sometime along the way. The two have grown really close. When he started mentoring her, he quickly realized Y/N and him were very similar. The other teens have been bullying her. They don’t like how strong and powerful Y/N is.
Dr. Brenner’s grown suspicious of them. Y/N and Peter have been sneaking around. It's become more frequent ever since that day he dragged her into the Janitor's closet and kissed her. Still makes her cheeks heat up when the memory invades her mind—She’s walking down the hallway, headed towards her room. Papa had pushed her really hard and she was tired. Next thing she knows she’s being pulled in by her waist, back hitting the hard edge of the shelves.
Before she can react, she’s greeted with cerulean eyes and him saying, “There you are.” He’s now gripping her chin and leaning down, soft lips capturing her own. She’s never been kissed before, and when he pulls away her head is spinning, butterflies still churning in her stomach. “Y/N, I can’t hide my feelings from you anymore,” he finally says. “I know it’s risky but…” Y/N gives him a soft smile and Peter can feel a weight being lifted off his shoulders when she finally responds. “Shh. I feel the same way”, she mumbles, scared to say the words any louder. Afraid someone in the hallway passing by will overhear them.
After that, it turned into a routine. Every evening she’d meet Peter in the closet. The rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins never gets old. Y/N’s appearance in the rainbow room lessened and Peter snuck into her room almost every night, sometimes he even gave into the temptation and stayed till dawn. Arms wrapped around her lower stomach, back against his chest. His breath tickling the back of her neck as Y/N falls asleep. Peter knows he shouldn’t, that there’s a chance he’ll get caught by Dr. Brenner and get a beating. But, at this point he doesn’t care. He’d do anything for her.
Peter remembers the night they both escaped but it’s like a dream, in a sense. Multiple images scattered and misplaced. His mind has blocked some parts of it out, protecting him. He’s already had so much trauma as it is. Peter’s thankful he doesn’t remember all the details. He doesn’t remember Y/N almost dying, or how he carried her out in his arms, blood dripping out of her nostrils, barely breathing.
She’d over exerted herself, and even though Peter did most of the dirty work, killing the other orderlies, along with Brenner’s men. The last person waiting for them was Dr. Brennar himself, blocking the last exit. Peter stops, hands clenched into fists. He had no problem killing the rest of the staff or anyone else who got in the way, but when he sees Dr. Brennar before him, he freezes. He can’t quite understand why. He’s dreamt of this moment. Before he can muster up any courage, Y/N steps forward and it takes everything in her to lift Martin off the ground, sending him flying through the cement wall to the right of them. The last thing he remembers is giving her CPR and desperately pleading, “Y/N, don’t do this to me. Not now. We’re free. Wake up, please. Y/N, please wake up!”
When he wakes and sees her beside him, he can’t help but smile, burying those painful memories to the depths of his mind. And that dreadful night at Hawkin’s Lab is a mere memory, for now. He feels like he needs to pinch himself to make sure this is real. That every day the sun rises he gets to wake up with her in his arms. Wrinkled, tangled sheets wrapped around both of their waists.
He hates to wake her up, Peter loves watching Y/N sleep, he’d spend all morning watching her if he could, and most days he does. Peacefully watching her chest rising and falling, the stream of sunlight shining through the window, making her skin aglow. Finally, Peter presses his lips against her bare shoulder. “Baby, it’s time to wake up.” At first he’s not sure she’s heard him. And he hates the thought of having to raise his voice again. He really does hate to do this. She’s so peaceful and he loves the warmth radiating off of her. Skin touching skin.
But then Y/N turns on her side, face burrowing into the crook of his neck. Groaning, she slips her arm around his waist. “Just a few more minutes, please?” she mumbles and Peter grins in response. “Let’s just stay like this a little longer.”
Normally, he’d happily sigh and say ‘yes’. It’s not easy for him to say no to her. Peter’s still adjusting to this life the two of them have now. Not having to be afraid of doing the wrong things, having to hide their feelings in public or having to face Dr. Brenner’s wrath. A year has passed and he’s not used to this amount of unlimited freedom at his fingertips.
He places his hand on the back of her head, fingers raking through her hair softly. “I wish we could.”
“Please, just one more minute,” Y/N pleads. She lifts her head, hand slipping around to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. His forehead touches her own. His lips curl up into a faint smile, palm cupping her face.
His eyes dart from hers down to her mouth, the pad of his thumb brushing over her bottom lip. “If I kiss you right now, I won’t be able to leave this bed,” Y/N’s fingers sink into his hair. “I don’t see how that’s a problem.” He chuckles in response, softly pecks her forehead before he gets up, disappearing into the bathroom.
It’s late at night when he feels the panic set in. Y/N has to work a late shift again, which makes it that much harder for her to unlock the front door, fingers fumbling with her keys. The lock clicks, when she opens the door she’s met with her boyfriend glaring at her. Before she can even set the keys on the table, he’s in front of her, hands pressed on each side of the door.
“Where were you?!” he growls, eyes narrowing with such intensity, Y/N’s almost afraid to respond. He’s looking at her like she just betrayed him. And in his mind, she has.
It’s not often that she sees this side of him. Since the two of them have been together, it’s a rarity that he lets the anger and darkness seep through.
Y/N exhales, forcing a nervous smile. “I was at work. I had to work late, remember?” It takes him a moment to process. He still struggles with his demons and it doesn’t help that whenever she leaves, he’s alone with his thoughts most of the time.
Everyone has either abused or abandoned him, so it makes sense that she would too. Right? He keeps waiting for this to end. To him, it’s best if he expects the worst. Knows that this relationship with her is probably fleeting. He’ll hurt her or vice versa because that’s all he’s ever known and the world has beaten him down so many times.
After a few minutes pass, his face softens, head dipping down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I was worried that you’d—” Peter pauses for a moment before turning around. He slumps down on the sofa, hands covering his face.
“That I’d what? That I’d leave you?” Y/N places her keys down on the end table. When he doesn’t move, she walks over, sitting next to him. “Peter, I’m not leaving you. Ever.”
“Hey,” she whispers, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay.” When he finally looks up, his cheeks are red, eyes watery. He’s never been this vulnerable, never cried in front of anyone until now.
“I’m not ready… I don’t want to lose you,”
“Peter, you’re not going to.” Y/N whispers softly, placing a hand to his cheek, the pad of her thumb wiping away a single tear. “I don’t care how many times I have to tell you,” y/n offers him a faint smile, “I love you and I’m not going anywhere.”
He sniffles, his hands grip hers, pressing a chaste kiss on the inside of her palm. “I don’t deserve you.” he whispers, gazing up through dark lashes. Pulling her hand away from his mouth, he intertwined his fingers with her own. “I love you too.”
“You don’t have to say it back.”
Peter furrows his brows. “No, I mean it. I’ve known for a while now.”
Her eyes gleamed, lips curled up into a small smile. He’s never said it out loud before and she’s never held that against him. Knows that he needed time and frankly, Peter’s love language is physical touch so she never minded having to wait. Y/N’s been very patient with him but she’s also been dreaming of this moment. For him to finally say it back, it feels surreal to her.
“You mean the world to me, Y/N. And I know I don’t voice my feelings nearly enough…”
Shh,” she coos and before he can utter another word, her lips are on his, warm and soft. “You never have to explain yourself to me, Peter.” Y/N whispered, gazing at him with kind eyes. Peter leans down, and when he rests his head on her shoulder, all of his demons fall silent.
“I definitely don’t deserve you,” he mumbles.
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jennay · 2 years
Request: Maybe brenner said something to the nurse or she saw something that made her upset. Peter comforts reader.
Word Count: 1100ish
A/N: Let me know your thoughts 💜
Master List
When you first arrived at the lab, you were excited to make friends and bond with people you'd be around daily for the following year. Still, bonding only happened with one person, and even then, you couldn't tell if you were only friends because of your situation or if you could leave the lab and still get along in the outside world.
Feeling lonely wasn't typical for you, but you felt it nearly every day for the last month. You missed your parents, your siblings, and your friends. You missed socializing with more than five people a day.
You weren't allowed to be around the children anymore; last time, you got an insight into how they were being punished, and not only did you completely lose your mind, but you're massive meltdown proved to Dr. Martin Brenner that you weren't cut out for that side of things even though your job title was nursing.
You weren't supposed to take breaks whenever you wanted but needed to find Peter. He was the only person who would be excited with you, and though he never showed many expressions, you knew he would at least give you one of his crooked smiles and a pat on the back. Human connection wasn't a regular thing here; your body craved affection today.
Opening the breakroom door, Peter is leaning against the counter and stirring sugar into his coffee. His eyebrow raises when you enter; he's attempting to dissect why you're smiling at him and in such a good mood when nothing exciting is happening.
"Hello?" He chuckles. "You're chipper this morning." Peter drinks his coffee, waiting for you to tell him your reasons.
"Tomorrow is the day!" You playfully shimmy up to his side, rubbing your shoulder against his. "I finally get to leave!" Your bright smile nearly shatters the glass windows, and you don't plan to let anything ruin your day.
Smirking, he sets his coffee on the counter and loosely wraps his arm around your shoulder. "I'm happy for you." He lies. "But I'll miss you." He clears his throat to get rid of any emotions in his voice.
"What was that?" You childishly nuzzle your face toward the crook of his neck. "Can you say that a little bit louder? I don't think I heard you correctly." You taunt.
He drops his arm from around you and steps back from you, his eyes deadening when you ask him to repeat himself. He didn't want to admit he was having difficulty with you leaving. He knew, more than likely, he would die here and never see you again.
"Fine." You stick your tongue out at him. "I'll miss you too, though." Your hand rests on his should, and you give him a light squeeze. You didn't expect him to be upset you were leaving.
The breakroom door opens, showing Brenner standing with files in his hand. He glances up, seeing your hand resting on Peter's bicep. You quickly drop your arm to your side and look everywhere but him. "I need you in my office." he points at you, and before words come out of your mouth, he has left, closing the door loudly behind him.
You dramatically shiver and rub your hands down your arms. "My heart drops every time I see that man."
Peter couldn't imagine how you might feel if you saw who he used to be before Martin made it impossible for him to use his powers. Would you think he was a monster?
"I guess I should go."
Peter nods, "I'll find you later and help you pack. I'm glad one of us is getting out of here." He opens the door for you giving you one last smirk before you leave. "Don't sign anything you haven't read. Read everything." He warns you.
You stop in your tracks, "I don't know that I read the entire contract when I signed it." You look around the hallways, suddenly feeling nervous. "I tried to, but he rushed me, and I needed the job. You don't think I signed something I shouldn't have, do you?"
He shrugs, "Only one way to find out."
You dreaded the walk to Brenner's office; it wasn't where you often found yourself. You stop in front of his door and lightly knock. It takes him no more than ten seconds to fling the door open. He waves you in as he walks back to his desk; he drops your file on his desk. "You're scheduled to leave tomorrow."
You sit down in the empty chair across his desk. "Yes, sir."
"I'm afraid I can't allow that." His lips press together, and he pretends to be sorry, but deep down inside, he doesn't give a shit about your feelings. "We lost our nurse in D2, and I need you to take her place. I'm sure you know per the contract that I can change your release dates if something like this occurs."
You feel like he punched you in the stomach. Your mouth drops, and you feel your eyes sting but refuse to let him see you cry. You will not cry in front of the monster himself. "Oh," You swallow hard. "How long will you need me?" You bite the inside of your cheeks and tap your foot against the concrete floor. You needed to get the hell out of there.
"Until we find a replacement, and with how things are going, that could be a few weeks or months. It's hard to say." He leans back in his chair, "Now go on. I'm sure you have plenty of work to do."
Lazily you slide out of the chair with slumped shoulders and tear-filled eyes. You walk out the door. You jog down the hallway until you reach your room. When you enter, you see Peter sitting on your bed.
His eyes are soft while observing you, "Shit," He mutters; things didn't go how either of you expected. "Come sit." He pats the side of your bed, and you do as you're told.
"I thought I was going home." You snivel. "Now, I don't know when I'll see anyone." You lean your back against the wall and look up at the ceiling to blink your tears away, but the moment Peter wraps his arm around you and drags you to his chest, your tears are no longer hidden, and you let it all out.
He rubs your arm, attempting to soothe you. He figured something like this would happen; Martin Brenner didn't let anyone leave. The only way out was death.
"I'm so sorry." His cheek lays on the top of your head. "Get it all out." He coos. "When we go back out there, no more crying; you can't let him know he's winning." Peter gives you one last tight squeeze before pulling away from you. He runs his thumbs under your eyes and wipes the puddles from your skin. He brings his lips to your forehead and gently kisses your soft skin; he quietly speaks. "I'll get you out of here one way or another.”
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7mprettywhenicry · 2 years
me at 3am reading on wattpad ignoring the fact that i need to wake up at 7 to go to school
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retrospacejelly · 3 months
Requests Are Open!
Who I Write For:
Spiderman: Across the Spider-verse
Miguel O’Hara
Peter B Parker
Spider Noir
!If there’s a character you’d like to request that isn’t on here, don’t be afraid to ask!
Stranger Things
Henry Creel
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
!If there’s a character you’d like to request that isn’t on here, don’t be afraid to ask!
The Lost Boys
!If there’s a character you’d like to request that isn’t on here, don’t be afraid to ask!
What I Write!
X Reader (any gender!)
Character x Character
Poly relationships
What I don't write!
I don't write these themes:
P*dophillia and R*pe - BIG NO
Anything political
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e-munson666 · 2 years
🖤Lady Hellfires🖤 Masterlist.
(Continually in progress)
Femme reader unless stated otherwise. ⚠️ signifies the dark content.
Eddie Munson:
Petals & Metals Series-
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4
Bloody Water series (kas!Eddie)- ⚠️⚠️⚠️
(Taking you) with me series (Rockstar!Eddie)- ⚠️⚠️⚠️
BODYSHOP series (mechanic!Eddie)-
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
Secretly Braiding Eddies Hair
Let Me Brand You (continuation of braiding eddies hair)
The unnamed Eddie series (first fics I wrote)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 (backstory) Pt4
The DMs Girlfriend < new 11/13
Caught You Peeking
What Are You Doing?!?! G/N!Reader
The Maiden Marauder
*Stealing the throne of the banished* G/N!Reader
Steve Harrington:
Old Money! Steve Series- Ch1 Rich Lust
Sweet Stevie
Her Velvet Voice (part one)
Duo of the damned series-⚠️⚠️⚠️
More Than Mean Masterlist ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Joseph Quinn:
Pretty Poses- ch1 ct2 ch3
Jamie Bower:
Something Worth Yearning For
Gareth Emerson:
Denim or flannel series (Gareth/Eddie/Reader)-
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3
Pt4 < 12/9
Poly/love trios/love triangle:
Just us three (Joe/Jamie/Reader poly series)
One Two
He Might Be Upset (Joe/Jamie/Reader love triangle series)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5
Dark!Billy request ⚠️⚠️
Jamie/Joseph meeting reader at event request
Dark Steddie requests SERIES (asshole Steve)- ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
Eddie being intimate after the upside down request.
And pt2
Angst with Eddie&Reader over Chrissy request
Shy!Reader/Eddie Headcannon request
Prompt request
11/26/2022 (Jamie and Joseph x reader on ST set)
Silk & Spikes (Hunter Sylvester from Metal lords)
One & Two
Braiding Argyle hair when he's stoned
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mystic-shadows42 · 2 years
Imagine Henry Favoring You
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Henry held your hand as he was walking you somewhere you had never been before. The thought of being discovered by Papa was what kept your heart pounding in your chest. The repercussions were something that you didn’t even want to think about. 
It was always when you were with Henry that you felt safe. Papa never gave you that feeling.
Henry was encouraging, funny, and he even confided in you his secrets. He spoke that his true name was Henry, not Peter. He had you promise him not to tell another person or else he couldn’t be your friend anymore. You had nodded adamantly and promised. You felt of great importance knowing this bit of information that he was trusting you with.
He was always there when the other children shunned you away in the rainbow room, he was the one who comforted you whenever you blacked out in your anger not knowing what you did once you awoke, he was the only one who didn’t fear you.
Henry opened a door to a dark room that you hesitated to enter. You feared the dark. What lay in it could be anything that your mind conjured up which scared you to no end. Looking up to him for reassurance he nodded to you and squeezed your hand.
“You won’t have to face your fear alone. I will be here with you. Trust that there is a way out of the darkness.”
Trembling but wanting to prove your bravery, you nodded. You took a step forward into the darkness. Your breathing increased but you felt comforted knowing Henry was here with you and he didn’t seem to fear a thing in this world.
Once you walked further into the room you felt Henry stop and let go of your hand. Before you had a chance to say anything he turned a lantern on brightening up the room.
“I’m proud of you,” he spoke as he rested his hand on your shoulder. Pride ran through you at his words. “You shouldn’t have to fear the darkness. Although you can’t see at first, it doesn’t mean you’re blind to the unknown. Once you’ve had time to adjust and settle, the darkness becomes your friend. It lets you see what it does and you’ll find comfort in what others usually don’t in it.”
You didn’t quite know what he meant but all you knew was that you didn’t want to stay in the darkness longer than this.
“I’m going to leave for a little bit but while I’m away I need you to stay here until I come back for you.”
You reached for him not wanting to be down here in the darkness alone.
“Where are you going?”
“I have to take care of something.”
“Let me go with you.”
Henry smiled gently. “This I must do alone but rest assured you’ll be with me soon enough.”
You trusted Henry but it bothered you how much he didn’t want to share his ‘plans’ as he would call them with you.
“Why am I treated differently? From the others.” You clarified still not entirely sure if he would answer. You were always isolated and would get wary looks from everybody. It made you feel smaller than you were.
“You’re…special,” Henry spoke seeming to look for the right word.
“Papa said I kill things. That I bring death.” Reflecting back on that made you sad and cast your head down. There was something dark in you that you couldn’t control and it scared you that you could never recall what those were. There was something wrong with you as everyone liked to put it.
Henry raised your chin until your eyes were leveled with his. Those bright eyes of his seemed to darken as if he could read your thoughts.
“You also bring resurrection. Did he ever tell you that?”
You shook your head unaware you possessed the ability.
“You are more than what you think you are. Your power can be endless with the right teaching. I plan on doing that for you.”
You smiled at how endearing he sounded in teaching you but you knew it was near  impossible.
“Papa will never let me leave.”
Henry shook his head in agreement. “You’re right, he won’t. Just let me handle it. Just promise me that whatever you hear that you won’t leave this spot. I will come back for you, I promise you this.”
He held out his pinky waiting for you to make your promise to him. For the first time, you hesitated. You knew Henry planned on doing something you just didn’t know what but he was never one to lead you astray before. Believing in his words and promise you brought your pinky up to his. “I promise.”
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joekeeray · 2 years
Update List:
This is mostly for me, but now you can see my progress and what I hope to have up soon for this blog 🫡 ♥️ these are in no particular order btw
Lipstick Stains (Steve Harrington/Female Reader)
Train drabble (Steve Harrington/Female Reader)
After Dark (Peter Ballard/Nurse!Female Reader) (final part of the After Dark series)
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themoonsbride · 2 years
Protective Peter is just something else.. 🥵 Andd because of him I was thinking about requesting one shot with him - where reader is scared, sitting in the chair with the scientists around her, listening their talking about another experiments they want to do on her, and when she's almost crying, Peter enters the room and with just one move of his hand all the scientists are dead 🤭 I just know that he would be the most protective boyfriend ever 🤤
I had fun writing this !! thank you so much for your request beautiful ♡
Give Me Your Heart And Your Hand And We Can Run .
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pairing; Protective!boyfriend!Peter Ballard x Fem!Reader
summary; In the request! readers scared whilst listening to the scientists talk about tests to run on her, and when she finds herself on the edge of tears, Peter comes in and takes her away. <3
warnings; mentions of murder, crying, extreme fear
a/n; I'm trying so hard to think of something to write for Anthony Hope oh my god it's not even funny
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The sound of printing and machinery filled the room, but the fear was the only thing blanking everything out. Your skin prickled with goosebumps.
Scientists were inside of the testing room, where you'd been forced into. You didn't want to do this, you missed the outside world.
People must've thought you were dead, or just went missing, maybe even moved. You hated to think about it, you weren't dead, you were kidnapped.
You tried to focus on reality, fear was consuming you, bound to swallow you whole at some point.
Suddenly there was a headset being forced onto your head, thankfully they wouldn't be buzzing you to your scalp since you were 28.
At least they allowed you some sort of freedom, but only because you knew the fucked intentions or Hawkins Labrotory.
You'd read the newspapers, the articles, hell you've seen the building for yourself before you became trapped inside if that place like someone trapped a hamster inside a cage.
And the facility making you play along in their tests and mess of genetics to give you physiological powers was like the hamster running on the wheel.
You focused your attention on the white walls, then the tiled flooring, the feeling of the headset thats wrapped around your head, and suddenly reality had pulled you back to itself.
"Is Brenner going to allow us to put her inside of the Nina project?" One of the female scientists asked, your ears were suddenly one of the most active senses you had.
You glanced up at the camera in the corner, the red blinking light was the most color there could've been inside the room.
You looked down at the floor, it had a shine to it from the nauseating white lights in the ceiling slabs. it reminded you of the classroom ceiling from high school.
"Brenner hasn't had any of the others test out the Nina project, it could be dangerous."
"But he needs a test subject, we could use her instead of risking one of the children subjects."
Your breathe caught inside of your throat. Children subjects? what the fuck? this rancid place tested on children?
"No, Brenner strictly informed us to not interfere her with anything else until we've studied her brain enough to estimate what she can and cannot do."
"It's still worth a chance to confrence with him and discuss having use her as a test run for Nina."
Your heart rate felt like it was beginning to speed as your fear began to swallow and digest you.
"Fine, we will conference with Brenner and discuss it then, but as of now we are focusing on seeing if her mind can handle the challenge of the test examples we have in place."
You weren't sure if you'd ever make it out if this building alive, or what it would've mattered even if you did, how would you cover it up to the outside world? where people didn't know the containments of Hawkins Labrotory.
You didn't want to be here, or anywhere else in the building, you weren't sure where you wanted to be, you just wanted to get away.
Your throat began to feel sore, like there was a wire wrapping itself in your nerves of your neck, and your eyes became soggy.
This was not what you would've expected your adult-life to have turned into, a lab rat. Your life has been now officially thrown away, and all you could do is live in fear.
Except that's not whats happening. And you knew that everything was now changing for you and your future when you saw the man you'd fallen in love with opened the door those scientists forced you behind.
He seemed normal, except he looked at you, for a split second, but it didn't feel like a normal glance he'd spare you, he was telling you something.
You couldn't piece together what though, what was he telling you?
"Is there something in need for you Mr. Ballard?"
"Yes, actually, I'm in need of Ms. L/n." His voice seemed firm
"Did Brenner ask you to escourt her to him?"
"Not quite."
"We're going to have to ask you to leave-"
"Gladly." And with the quick turn of his head, they all dropped dead.
You gasped quickly, as he walked over to you whilst the alarms throughout entire facility blarred.
"What did.. What did you just do?!" You asked him as he grabbed your hand, the both of you running out of the room.
"I took care of them so we can leave, like they asked us too." He looked over at you whilst the two of you ran, hand in hand and undoubtedly in love, smiling cheekily.
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lovetohate001 · 1 year
hii, its my first time requesting for peter-😭 but
a angst fic where orderly!reader seeing another female orderly flirting with Peter and, peter thinks its cute that reader is jealous so he flirts back. then he got confused on why reader ignores him, she only told how she felt when he finally cornered her and peter makes it up to her?? :))
also, ps. i love ur works!! <3
Brown. As In Charlie Brown?
Peter Ballard x Gender Neutral! Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
CW: angst (but jealousy?), fluff, confessions, jealousy
AN: I am alive! I haven't written for Stranger Things since last year, and I am so happy to be back. and this fic was so fun and fluffy. Bite sized and not too long! Enjoy!
“You have adjusted so well to your new position, Miss Brown.”
That was the first compliment Peter had given another co-worker in months besides you. Miss Brown this, and Miss Brown that. She was a new Orderly who had been placed on your ward after a new group of children had been brought in. Brenner had high hopes for these children and only wanted the best to handle them.
Her name was even perfect. Miss Brown. Like Charlie Brown. The smell of warm coffee at the beginning of a morning shift. Chocolate. The leaves turning for Fall. She was too perfect, and how you seethed.
“Good morning, Wilson. How are the children doing this morning. Any progress with 003?”
Wilson. You met Peter’s gaze, swooning at how kindly he looked at you. Your name wasn’t anything like Brown. It reminded you of football and shoelaces. There was nothing poetic about it, and it made your temper simmer dangerously.
“Morning,” you replied shortly, tearing your gaze away to lock on the floor. Your shoes scuffed against the linoleum, squeaking in the silence. “003 is doing well. 011 is still in conflict. But with time things should mend, we hope.”
“Well, that’s good to-”
“I have to go,” you cut him off, not sparing him a second glance as you made your way out of the hallway and to the breakroom. You needed to breathe. And your heart was in your throat, closing it up.
You shut the breakroom door behind you, sighing in relief when you saw you were alone. You made your way to the coffee machine, slow brewing something dark and bitter. Cupping the mug, you poured as much milk in as you could. If only you could wash Miss Brown away as easily as weakening your coffee.
“This is absurd,” you muttered to yourself, scoffing at how ridiculous you were being.
You had been working with Peter for a long time, and you knew him. He was kind to everyone. But before Miss Brown you had been the only other female Orderly on your ward. You hadn’t known Peter to extend his kindness to another woman before that you happened to work with every day up until now. Knowing that he was sharing his attentiveness with someone else left a pang of jealousy, and hurt, in your heart every time you saw him smiling at her.
With a sigh, you sat down on a rickety fold out chair in the corner, looking down at your sad, weak mug of coffee. This was truly a sorry sight.
“y/n?” a knock on the door.
You froze, eyes quickly flitting up to the door’s window and down again. Of course he’d come running after you, generously kind as always.
You heard the door open as you idly watched your spoon stir your coffee around.
“Are you alright? You seem off today.”
Oh, how concerned he sounded. Like he actually cared.
“I do care.”
Oh, shit you’d said that out loud, hadn’t you?
“Well, I don’t care that you happen to care,” you snapped, finally looking up at him.
He looked surprised at that. You weren’t usually like this at all. This seemed to spur him on, prodding at your thinning patience like a stick to a bear ready to leap.
“I don’t know what I did,” he started, slowly sitting down on a chair next to you. “but I would like to know what is going on.”
You stared at him. Those blue eyes staring into your green ones. Earth against water, and tumultuous with conflict as they battered against one another.
“It’s Brown,” you said simply. You took a large sip from your mug and grimaced, a frown deep in your brow.
“Brown?” he was even more perplexed now.
You got up and threw out the coffee in the basin, moving to the machine to brew another cup.
“Stop. What do you mean by Brown?” He got up and caught your wrist, stopping you from starting up the machine again to drown out his voice.
You whirled around. “B. R. O. W. N! Do I have to spell it out for you? You like Miss Brown.”
His grip on your wrist loosened and you yanked it away, turning your back on him. The grind of coffee beans filled the stunned silence. You could feel his calculating stare land on your back, a target filled with speculation and judgement, no doubt. If he thought you had gone mad, you wouldn’t doubt it.
“You’re jealous?” was what he asked once the machine had finished, a fresh shot of espresso slowly flowing into your mug.
“No.” You shoved the cap back on and moved down the station to put sugar in.
“You clearly are.” Was that the hint of amusement in his voice? Did he find this funny?
You scowled and shook your head, aggressively dumping the sugar in, not sparing the small grains that flew to the floor a second glance.
The crunch of shoes on sugar as he moved with you. This haphazardly made coffee was somewhat entertaining for him to watch. He smiled a little, charmed by how much you had seemed to lose your composure.
Just as you were about to pour milk (a significantly smaller amount this time), he stopped you. His cool hand rested gently over yours this time, pushing your hand to set the milk carton down.
“I don’t like Miss Brown, if that is what you are so ruffled about,” he said gently, his hand still there, palm down, over yours. If anyone were to come in, they’d find it a funny sight: two Orderlies, both holding the same carton of milk, one ignoring the other.
“Then who do you like?” you pulled your hand away from his in defeat. The soft clink of your mug being placed on the metal table before you turned to face him once and for all.
“You,” he said simply, a small shrug. “From how you’ve been lately, I’d say you do too. Like me, I mean, not yourself,” he laughed awkwardly and oh, the way that smile went crooked on one side made your heart flip.
You moved back a little, noticing how close he was. The soft crunch of sugar under shoes again as he moved closer to you again.
“Maybe?” that boyish smile of his never left as he leaned forward, a hand reaching up to brush your cheek.
Frozen. You were actually incapable of moving. And he was so very close to you, the soft tickle of his breath on your cheek as his lips softly pressed against yours in a closed kiss.
Your cheeks warmed as he pulled back, meeting your eyes again.
“I’ll see you after morning roll call,” he said softly, breath fanning against your lips. “Don’t be late. Brenner wants us all there at 7:30.”
Before you could say or do anything, he was gone and down the corridor. And you were left with your cooling cup of coffee and the lingering scent of spearmint and a cologne you couldn’t name.
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inkedreverie · 2 years
stranger things masterlist.
henry creel/ peter ballard
one shots;
love me, I’m lost | 1.7+k words
summary: after escaping hawkin’s lab together, peter struggles with normal life and his feelings for y/n.
the dark prince.
eddie munson
coming soon.
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peggyao3 · 3 months
Peggy's Masterlist
All of my fics are x AFAB!reader (reads like an ambiguous OC), include explicit sexual content, most are fairly dark and explore complex and morally grey relationships, some include dub-con/non-con themes ‼️
Finished ✅, Ongoing ✏️, Ao3 only 🔺
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-> PREYD 🩸
Feyd calls his pet to his chambers for a monthly feast.
[Oneshot, dub-con, blood/period kink, 2.2k] ✅
Feyd-Rautha welcomes a nocturnal visitor in his chambers, who is plagued by the symptoms of her artificially induced condition.
[Dub-con, lactation kink, breast feeding, 9.7k]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 ✅
-> RELIC 🌌
✧Dreams are messages from the deep ✧
A woman from the unknown comes to Feyd in his dreams and his nights become his days as he flees to the dreamscape to escape the nightmares that haunt his waking hours.
[Lucid Dreaming, Vulnerable Feyd, Female Rage]
Series Masterlist ✏️
Feyd-Rautha is the center of attention for an entire planet, but it counts for nothing because his favorite concubine isn't paying attention during the fight. How dare she ruin his birthday?
[Jealousy, Mutual Pining, Marriage Proposal, 6.8k] ✅
Part 1, Part 2
Feyd so badly wants to plant his seed deep inside his wife's belly.
[Breeding Kink without Breeding, Switch Feyd & FMC, 2.5k] ✅
After the fall of House Harkonnen, an innocent poison flower is planted in their evil heart to teach them the art of empathy.
[Bene Gesserit FMC, Soft!Feyd, Redemption, 6.3k] ✅🔺
In a fight for freedom or death against the na-Baron Feyd-Rautha, his woman figures out how she feels about him. A poor devil wrapped in the skin of a beast.
[Gore, Blood for Lube, Mutilation, Public Sex, 2.7k] ✅🔺
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You follow a trail of corpses to the rainbow room and find a bloodied angel.
[Blood & Corpses, Fucking in the Rainbow Room, 4.2k] ✅🔺
-> YOU & ME 💑
“There's a second facility…” Dr. Brenner wheezed.
“And what's inside of this facility?”
“A woman… One woman.”
“What is she capable of?”
Henry’s eyes blazed up with fresh hope. Greedy, frantic wicked hope. “I need to have her.”
[Stockholm Syndrome, Quantum Physics, 37k] ✅🔺
An apathetic sociopath meets an insecure overthinker with anxiety.
After an embarrassing incident at the cafeteria of Hawkins Lab, a man named Peter Ballard takes morbid fascination in your displayed insecurities and anxiety, because like him, you don't seem to fit in with the other humans and society. From now on, he wants to study and observe you. Unfortunately, you agree.
[Mental Illness, problematic relationship, 55k] ✅🔺
When Dr. Brenner came to the conclusion that 001’s powers were uncontrollable, he decided to dispose of the useless subject who was proof of his failure as a scientist. Isolated in a cell on the minus third floor of Hawkins Lab, 001 is locked up to rot and be forgotten. You are hired to be his prison guard, his nurse, his orderly, responsible for 001’s health and well-being. The full-time job goes well for many years, until eventually your morals start crumbling away…
[Power Imbalance, Forbidden Romance, Switch!Henry, 41k] ✅🔺
You are a master of lucid dreaming, able to create all kinds of wondrous things and go on the most fantastic adventures in your sleep. One night, you receive a mysterious call in your dream. From then on, you find your mind being invaded by an uncanny, clingy, pushy intruder night after night, who tries to convince you that he is not just a product of your imagination, but a real person with telepathic powers.
[Lucid Dreaming, Toxic Lovers, Jealousy, 50k] ✅🔺
-> OH, ASHES... 🌪️
On a stormy day, the ashes had whispered to you for the first time. Like shadowy fingertips, their call for help had ghosted over your heart and mind. Now, three years later, you finally fully accepted the quest that had been given to you – To liberate the ashes’ home dimension from the plague that had infested it, by summoning the surprisingly human parasite back to its own birth realm and taking him under your wing.
[Burnt!Henry, Modern Setting, Master/Servant, 44k] ✅🔺
A collection of smutty oneshots. Every chapter is a complete story. Porn with plot, porn with no plot, plot with porn, but there is always porn! <3 There will be dark themes, kinky shit, AUs and madness. So, beware! Warnings for each chapter.
[BDSM, Stockholm Syndrome, Sex Toys, Angel!AU... 104k] ✅🔺
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The unseeing gaze of the mysterious boy named Ominis seems permanently glued on you, and as weeks turn into months, you feel like he begins following you around the castle. Between unease and anger, you feel something else, so you confront him in a deserted hallway after dark.
OR: Who the hell is Mark Markson? And what does his cabbage have to do with it? And most importantly, why are you and Ominis clapping cheeks all across Hogwarts?
[Strangers to Lovers, Ambiguous Encounters, Dominis, 81k] ✅🔺
Please beware, the fics below this point are REAL old and shitty in comparison 😔
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Danny Johnson is your best friend. But little do you know he wanted to be so much more than that from the day he first met you. Eventually you say something that gives him the final straw - He will make you love him back, one way or another.
[Dub/Non-Con, Best Friends Trope, Jealousy, 11k] ✅🔺
You're just an average girl who likes reading smutty fanfictions about dangerous psychos and serial killers and all of sudden you find yourself face to face with a serial killer in real life. Luckily, fanfictions have perfectly prepared you for situations likesuch.
[Dub-Con, Knife Play, Anal Sex, Outdoor Sex, 4k] ✅🔺
An accidental boob slip gets you into a heated up situation.
[Dub-Con, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, Light BDSM, 9.5k] ✅🔺
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Frank and you are college freshmen and roommates but not only do your personalities clash, you end up getting into heated disputes on a daily basis. One day you come home late and catch him red-handed masturbating. Unfortunately, Karma is a bitch and Frank gets his revenge on you just a little later.
[Room Mates, Accidental Voyeurism, Hate Sex, 11.5k] ✅🔺
You spawn in a place that you've never been to and encounter a man that you have never seen before. But he is not who you think he is.
When he finally gets a hold of you things get more heated up than you ever imagined they could.
[Dub-Con, Knife Play, Blowjobs, Playing Chase, 6.3k] ✅🔺
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voxmortuus · 2 years
001 completely destroying your pussy fic?
PAIRING: Peter Ballard x Fem!Reader
UNIVERSE: Stranger Things
WORDS: 388
SUMMARY/PROMPT: See above <3
Trigger Warning(s): Nothing but pure smut.... no context | Character Death | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this…
NOTE: Sorry if this isn't what you expected, I'm hoping this finds you well love! PLEASE BE NICE!!!
IMAGE CREDIT: Image credit below image.
My Master Masterlist | Taglist
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It was the way he filled you, the way he stretched you, how you gripped around his throbbing cock as Peter pressed himself into you. His arms wrapped around your waist. Looking over the back of your head, he snarled as he felt how wet you had become in such a short time. He had decided to let you go and forced you flat against the cold metal counter.
Licking his lips, his hand was pressed on the side of your head, his other hand gripped at your hip, his fingers digging into your curvy hip. His thrusts begin off slow, building momentum, but soon they begin to pick up, faster and harder. Your lower lips quiver with such want, feeling yourself getting wetter as he gets wetter. It's like this possessive need washed over him.
His growls and his snarls, they were because of you, for you, the way you gripped him was something he very much enjoyed the feeling of. It was something he wanted all the time from you. You were his, and he was going to make that quite clear. His motions were rough, his grip was tight and strong, and his grunts filled the room as your moans matched his, echoing in his mind, fueling him.
Each thrust got rougher, it was getting to the point of pleasurable pain. His hands moving over you, his snarls bouncing off the walls of the room. It was this uncontrollable deviousness that pushed from him. His hands gripping even tighter against your hips, his fingers starting to leave bruises against your pale flesh.
Feeling that release starting to build, he picked the pace up a little quicker. Feeling it in the pit of your core, he could smell it, sense it, feel it as your dripping walls clenched around him. Unable to control your finish you began to raise the volume of your moans, into mere screams. Within a matter of moments, you were unable to contain yourself as you had let off such a powerful release. Feeling his own fill you. He pulls from you, looks you over, and he said nothing, but you knew you weren't allowed to wash yourself up. You knew he marked you as his, with a smile, you kiss his cheek, readjust your skirt, and head back to your office.
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misserabella · 2 years
𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡
Joseph Quinn x Fem! reader PT.1
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✧ Synopsis;; Joseph Quinn was filthy rich, for he was royalty. Handsome, charming and a gentleman, a dream dressed in pure silk for any kind of woman. But not you.
✧ y/n is a mere slave of a nobel family who just turned 18. On the night of the prince’s royal ball she is dragged against her will to this dance just to be used as a coat rack for the purses and coats of the family ladies, who, of course, treat her like absolute sh’t, to the point where they could agreed to hand her over for a generous amount of gold.
“Just name your price, sweetheart.”
“Screw you, my prince.”
Just how lucky you were for had caught the
prince’ s attention!
< enemies to lovers 3
17th century royalty!
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ATTENTION!! this is not Arthur Havisham, i only used the photo cause it resembles the appearance i want to give Joseph in this story. I would never use Arthur since he’s not attracted to females!!!
A/N;; i’m sorry if this is sloppy and like…, BAD, english is not my mother language and it’s my first joseph x reader story. either ways, i hope y’all like it. <3 comments and reblogs are appreciated!!!
CW;; this series might include 18+ content (details will be given at the start of each new part uploaded) MINORS DNI AND SKIP!!!
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
WARNINGS PART ONE: mention of blood, abuse, cursing and slave trafficking.
(A/N pt.2; it is much enjoyable(??) if you read it with a british accent since this fic takes placed in the U/K)
`·. lastly; enjoy! <3
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Her faced seemed to tell everything: she hated it.
She hated everything. From the music, to the little stupid shoes that clacked against the floor. The floral scent, the wine, the giggles… She hated the ton*. Every single one of them,
Everything. It was a goddamn nightmare.
“y/n! You are letting my coat slip! Do i have to tell you how much it costs?! If you dare let it touch the floor I’ll take the money out of your poor allowance to pay for a new one!” one of the misses glared at you, hitting you in the face with her closed paper fan, its gemstones leaving marks on you cheek.
“We might as well do it anyways, since her filthy hands have touched them already!” her sister laughed, grabbing your face in between her gloved fingers and digging her nails in your skin. “Don’t you think so, y/n? What? Cat got you tongue?” they giggled.
“Children, children!” the woman of the house hushed them with a sweet smile. “You shall never touch her!” she said, taking of the gloves out of her daughters hands to give her a new pair, with a sweet smile telling one of the servants of the castle to burn them. “God knows what she might infect us with!” she laughed, her offsprings following her.
God, you hated her. Her and her stupid daughters. With their stupid dresses and stupid painted faces.
You glared at them, your grip tightening around their belongings, holding your stare and your head up even when the woman stared back at you, her face scrunching in disgust and anger.
“Who do you think you are staring at?!?!” she suddenly yelled, catching the attention of those who enjoyed drinks and company around her, not waiting a mere second to rise her hand and slap you to ‘show you your place’. You took the hits, the metallic flavor of blood filling your mouth due to the continues smacks and hits with the back of her fan. “You filthy ungrateful bitch, you dare stare at us? Who give you food and a bed?! I should’ve let you died out in the cold, in the dirt, where you belong to!” you gritted your teeth, your eyes down to the floor as your free hand made its way to your bottom lip, where you felt the skin split, the crimson of fresh blood tinting your frail skin.
“Fucking fussock*.” you cursed her under your breath, loud enough for her to perfectly hear you.
“What did you say?!” her free hand gripped your long and matted locks, making you look staring into her enraged eyes, her other hand rising up to hit you once again.
Your eyes closed as you expected a new slap, which surprisingly enough never came. The sound of multiple gasps filled your ears and when you opened up your eyes once again, your stomach sank at the sight of…
“Your highness!” everyone suddenly diverted their eyes to the floor, including you, your mistress and her daughters bowed in his presence, the wrist of the first of them all gracefully and softly held by the prince’s, who let her go with a kind smile.
“Is everything alright?” his voice tested the waters, his tone low and soft as the silk he dressed in, his hands jeweled in silver rings joining and intertwining in an elegance you never had witnessed.
“Yes, your highness.” the woman stuttered, showing a nervous smile. “Our slave just seemed to…, misbehave, your highness.” your eyes travelled trough his tall and magnificent demeanor. His crimson blood suit matched perfectly with the snow of his skin and his brown and perfectly combed curls.
Your eyes quickly darted always as he had caught you staring once he had turned to you. He fought the lopsided smirk that urged to grow in his lips, stepping closer to where you stood.
He took a glance at the ragged clothes that hid your bruised and malnourished body, probably due to the family’s treatment under your care, your matted hair, cut up hands…
His warm touch spread on your skin as he took your chin in between his thumb and index finger, softly trying to rise your head up, but you denied him, in a harsh turn of head freeing yourself from his touch before giving him a glare.
A new wave of gasps filed the air as you stared right into his eyes, him holding your glare.
You didn’t care if he was a noble or pure royalty. Those ‘pure blood’ were all the goddamn same. With their leather shoes and gold jewelry, fancy words and silk dresses and suits. Their appearance was only a pretty facade that hid the ugliness of their insides.
You hated all of them. Might as well just get your head off as soon as possible.
“You slave! How is it ye dare to stare at the prince, soon king?!” a blonde and tall man talked, you recognized him as the pince’s right hand, but only with a wave of this hand, he stood silent beside the prince.
“Huh…” the smile he had been trying to fight off finally took place on his gracefully sculpted face and full rosy lips. “Interesting.” once again he took a soft grasp to your face, this time not letting you go even if you fought him off. His eyes took everything your face offered him, from your perfect nose to you long eyelashes and your beautiful fierce eyes, which stared at him with pure hatred and anger. “How much?” he suddenly asked, still not drifting his eyes away from you.
The woman stood frozen in place, just like her daughters.
“What does your highness mean with…-”
“How much would you want for her?” he cut her off, the deadly silent that fell on the salon almost giving you chills.
What was he saying?
“Your highness, I can’t…” she was short of breath and words. “I surely doubt thee would want her under your care, she…”
“I don’t care about any of it. Name a price.” everyone was shocked by the situation. Buying and selling slaves was something quite common, that’s how your current ‘family’ have got you, but this…
The prince? Has he gone nuts?
“Your highness, I don’t think…” the prince’s counselor stepped in, shutting up once again as soon as he gave him a glance.
“50 gold coins.” the woman suddenly blurted out, everyone’s jaws dropping at the audacity of the woman and such large figure.
“Mother!” her offsprings whispered-yelled. Not believing her words.
50 gold coins?!
You scoffed, smirking at such nonsense, not noticing the staring of the prince due to your reaction.
She wished you were worth that much. He would never…
“Make it 150.” he closed the deal.
“Your highness!” the counselor exclaimed, completely alarmed.
“I don’t wanna hear it, Ballard.” he hushed the blonde.
You watched as the woman who once abused you and starved you for days fainted due to the prince’s words and his daughters kneeling down to help her followed by some of the nearby guests, fanning her pale sleeping face.
You too felt like fainting.
“Hey, eyes on me, sweetheart.” the prince caught your attention once again, when your eyes met a smile growing on his lips. “All you need to do from now on keep your eyes on me.”
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“Get off of me!” you screamed at the servants that tried and strip you out of your clothes, pushing their hands away. “I said stop!”
“Miss, they’re orders from your highness.” one of them spoke, his blue eyes soft on you. “He wanted us to help you bathe and and get rid of your dirty clothes.” she explained.
“I don’t care about what he said.” you scoffed. “If he wanted me undressed so fast why isn’t he the one taking my clothes off?” they all gasped at your words and no respect to the prince.
You didn’t care though, they were all the same anyways. Always reaks* that just wanted to have women swoon at their feet. Maybe that’s why he had bought you, just to use you when his cock got cold.
Suddenly, the door on your back opened, the heads of the servants quickly lowering as your eyes met the prince’s.
“Oh, fantastic…” you muttered. Just what you needed at the moment.
“You heard her, ladies. You are all dismissed.” he smiled at every and each one of them, bowing and moving aside with a swing of his arm on the door to let them out, all of them bowing and giggling.
And weren’t you just right?
“Great. And what do I have the honor of your highness’ presence for?” you sarcastically inquired him once he had closed the door behind his back, noticing…, ‘Ballard’ outside. “Got too excited due your new acquisition to just wait?” you mocked him.
“I heard you were putting up a fight.” he smiled, ignoring your words whilst looking at you up and down. “Is there something not to your liking, perhaps?”
“‘Not to my liking’?” you scoffed. “I can’t believe thee.” you shook your head, grasping at your locks as you stared at him in disbelief. “How about this whole goddamn situation? I mean, look at this!” you pointed out everything that surrounded you, the whole bathroom with a gigantic bathtub of quartz, marble floors and pillars… “A few hours ago I was being used as a coat hanger in your ball and now I’m in a bathroom with the prince, who, surprisingly enough, bought me for 150 golden coins god knows why?!” you exclaimed.
He stared at you with a funny look in his eyes. His back against the door as his eyebrows raised at you.
“What.” you spit out, a glare in your eyes.
“Nothing, is just that…” he stepped closer to you, his arms crossed over his chest. “You don’t seem to…, respect me.” he frowned, his voice low. “Not like all of them.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, your highness, for not being another dog licking your leather boots.” you bowed, more of his steps growing closer to you until his thumb took your chin, rising your head up so you could meet his eyes, his face stood serious for a couple of seconds, before a downside smirk grew on his factions. “Why haven’t you cut my head off yet?” you inquired him, not really understanding his behavior. By the way you treated him, any other prince would have already gotten you to the guillotine.
“Why shall I?” he answered with another question, his thumb caressing the wound on your bottom lip, the still fresh blood that stood on it staining his thumb as you hissed in pain, getting away.
You stared at him in confusion.
Yeah. He was absolutely nuts.
“The water will go cold if you don’t get in soon.” he said, drifting off the matter while whipping off your blood from his thumb with his handkerchief. “Are you sure you don’t want to get off those ragged clothes?”
“This is the only dress I’ve had, sir.” you said, his eyes meeting yours.
“What’s your favorite color?” you frowned at his sudden question, which made absolutely no sense. He made no sense. “Crimson, like the purest blood? The forest’s green? The ocean’s blue, perhaps?”
“I’ve never seen the forest nor the ocean, sir. I’ve never left the capital. Though I find the sky’s blue on spring pretty wonderful, not sure it does justice to the ocean’s.”
“It doesn’t.” he said, sitting in the edge of the bathtub, his fingers taunting the warm water. “The ocean is cold, and fierce…, untamable. But it can also be warm, and calm, and soft.” he tried to explain, and from your point of view it didn’t make sense.
It didn’t make sense but you found it…
“It must be beautiful.” you said, him flashing you a soft smile before nodding.
“It is.” he got up clapping his hands together before looking back at you. “Well then, you should really hurry up, the water is perfect.”
“I already told thee, this dress is the only-“
“You won’t need it anymore.” he cut you off.
“And why is that?” you inquired, his steps growing closer to you.
“Because from now on…” he said, catching one of your locks in between his fingers. “You belong in this castle.”
To be continued…
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*fussock; a lazy fat woman…, a frowzy old woman.
*the ton; the ton actually refers to English high society during the Regency era, and encompasses every aristocrat from the royals to the gentry.
*rake; ‘rake’ is used to describe an immoral, hedonistic young man circulating in high society.
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elliewlums · 2 years
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Ahem this is how
Peter (01)
Would text you to ask if you wanted to come over 🤭
big on steve and eddie
steve’s just such a daddy guy to me. and with how casually dominant he is i feel like he’d throw the term around pretty often despite what your friends think of it. and as a reprimand. he refers to himself as daddy out in public and he’s either needy and wants to love on you or you’re in trouble.
eddie has no shame. none. zero. reckon he does it irl too, in front of everyone if he wants you to sit on his lap. just a pat of his thigh and a “come to daddy, baby.” and you’re scampering over and climbing into his lap, lacing your fingers through his thicker ones.
peter would be condescending about it i think. you’re maybe at the lab, he knows it’s a term of endearment that soothes you and he totally uses it to his advantage. pulls on your vulnerabilities to coerce you into doing whatever he likes.
and mikey… i feel like mike was pretty startled the first time the term fell from your lips, but now he’s grown to love it and prefers you calling him it over his name. he knows it means you feel safe and comfortable with him. and he loves it when you sob it, crying on his cock.
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joekeeray · 2 years
Broken Camera
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part one of the after dark series + read part two here !
pairing: Peter Ballard/Nurse!Female Reader
summary: The night shift at Hawkins Lab is usually boring, but one night, orderly Peter Ballard makes it a little more interesting. No one will find out… right?
warnings/extra tags: explicit smut, MINORS DNI, mutual pining, fingering, dirty talking, unprotected sex, rough sex, spit kink (ill see myself out for this one), choking, degrading I think, but also praising babes, first time writing him so be warned, shout out to the bestie @gothbitchshit for the summary and beta reading and thirsting with me <3 , edited by me and autocorrect
note: i am not immune to jamie bower// this happened because every spicy lab fic i read i was like pls mention the cameras being off alsjskjssjha Thanks for reading and enjoy!
It was still early into her night shift. The children had all been put to bed, but there was no telling if any of them would need medical assistance or a visit to the nurses. 
Her nights were typically quiet though, filled with paperwork left to her by the morning and afternoon nurses since they were well aware she had the time to do them. She became used to the solitude, and slow nights where her only interaction was with the clicking of the keyboard as she filled out reports or just sitting around reading a book one of the guards smuggled in for her.
This night though appeared it would be more eventful though as only an hour into her shift, one of the lights on the board beside her began to blink. 
It signified that she was needed in whatever room the light was blinking indicated, which meant that at least for the first hour of her shift she could do something useful other than doing the work her coworkers didn’t want to bother with. 
With her standard medkit in hand, she left the tiny office and began to walk down the eerie, bright halls toward the room that the blinking light had told her to go to. It wasn’t far, but it was just at the edge of her assigned sector and she had to pass through a guard’s station to be buzzed in.
She greeted the night shift guard with a tight smile, and his eyes fell over her body, taking in her obvious nurse’s uniform.
“Got a call?” He asked her as she pulled out her keycard and handed it to him so he could buzz her through to get to the other part of the building. 
“Yeah,” she replied, “It’s not urgent, but at least it gets me out of that tiny office.” 
He had chuckled as he scanned her card, and pushed the door open for her, “Well, have fun then Nurse.” 
She nodded at him and took her card back before walking through the door and continuing her journey. She did wonder who would have needed her all the way over here, as the children’s rooms were on a separate floor, but a lot of people who worked at the lab also lived in it, so she safely assumed it was probably some scientist whose experiment went wrong and needed light medical assistance. 
When she finally got to the room, she used her keycard to unlock it and pushed the large door open to reveal a lab like she figured it would be. The lights were dimmer in here though, which was odd as every room seemed to have those annoying fluorescent lights that buzzed. 
“Hello?” she called into the lab, “It’s the nurse you called for, is everything alright? Are you hurt?” 
She flickered the main lights on then, brightening up the room, and her eyes scanned the clean lab for her patient when her eyes fell upon someone standing by one of the lab tables. She blinked for a moment, recognizing the blonde haired man who stood there in an all white orderly uniform. 
“Peter?” she asked, worry crossing her features as he must’ve been her patient, “Is everything okay?” 
She was walking toward him, and he turned his head to meet her concerned gaze. 
“I’m okay,” he told her, “I’m glad it was you who came though, I wasn’t sure if the room I chose was too close to the other night time nurse.” 
She stared at him incredulously after her eyes flashed all over him in search of any visible injuries that she still believed she was here for.
“So there is nothing wrong?” He shook his head once, and smiled tightly at her as she crossed her arms and sighed, “Peter…come on, I have work to do. What if there’s an actual emergency?” 
“You and I are well aware that you are on call right now, so any emergencies go to a nurse in a different sector,” he reminded you, then he tilted his and continued to say, “Besides, I just wanted to see you.” 
Peter stepped closer to her, and she was quick to step away from him despite the warmth that had grown in her chest at his last statement. She tore her eyes away from him, saying his name warningly, as she searched for the inevitable camera in the room.
It was something she was always aware of since being sent here by the government to work as one of their many nurses on their Lab's medical team, and something she became very hyper aware of since meeting Peter Ballard, afraid that they would catch their lingering stares and passing smiles, and hand touches.
It was a few months ago when she was called to his bedroom on the rare occasion she got called in the night hours. He donned the burn marks of the tasers the guards and other orderlies would carry around on his neck, so it was clear he had broken a rule of some sort set by Dr. Martin Brenner and was punished for it, even when he was just an orderly. It had made her sick to her stomach.
They had been tender and red, and painful to the touch. He was so quiet, his blond hair mussed up and his face red with agitation and pain, and when he looked at her, he looked at her with hatred that wasn’t necessarily meant for her, but at what happened. 
So, she was gentle with him as she possibly could be, applying the proper medication to his wounds and tending to him with precision. He had seemed to calm down in her care, his body that was once tense with anger and frustration turning calmer. It was when he had looked up at her as she wiped the blood off an open cut, and finally acknowledged that she was here where something seemed to have clicked between them. 
Since then, a friendship had formed, and then, there was clearly something more there, something that had her yearning for him in a way she shouldn’t be, and she thought of him in ways a nurse shouldn’t think of an orderly and co-worker. 
It was just as well because she knew the cameras were there, a man behind them always watching. In fact, one of Martin Brenner’s first words to the new hires was that there wasn’t one thing that went on in his lab that he didn’t know about, and it really stuck with her as she tried to find it in the room.
“If you are looking for the camera, it’s over there,” Peter had said, her eyes met his and saw he had nodded his head behind her. She turned her head, squinting her eyes a bit to see the camera sitting in the top corner of the room. 
It surprised her that he hadn't seen it in her first scan of the room, and before she could turn around, she felt his hands gently grazing the small of her back. She tensed up at his touch, her breath hitching softly and nervously. 
“The camera…” 
“The camera is not on,” he told her as his hands gently moved upward, past her shoulder blades before resting on her shoulders, “Look…” 
She looked closer at the camera, now realizing she hadn't seen the camera because the little red light that indicated it was on wasn’t shining. It was always the first thing she looked for as it always stood out when she’d scan the room looking for it.
Her head tilted and she asked, “How?” 
“Does it matter?” 
Peter’s lips were right beside her ear, his hypnotic voice paired with his thumbs that just barely touched the exposed skin of her neck sending pleasurable chills down her spine. She inhaled deeply, especially when his hot breath tickled her ear too. 
“Y-yeah it matters,” she replied.
He chuckled, gently massaging her shoulders and enjoying the way her body was slowly leaning into his delicate touch, similar to the way his body had the first time they had met in his bedroom those months ago. 
He had been dreaming of this since that day, and he knew by the way she’d look at him, how her eyes would linger on his lips before quickly turning away as the camera’s scared the ever living hell out of her. He imagined that she probably never even touched herself like he did, too afraid that the rooms that didn’t have cameras still did. 
Today though, he was finally going to be with her in the way he knew she wanted, in the way that he wanted. It was just about convincing her now. 
“I can’t tell you how the camera’s off, but I can promise you it is,” he told her reassuringly, but he could tell that she was still doubtful. He suspected she might be still, but that was okay, he could handle her doubt. 
She stared at it closely, trying to see if there was any kind of trick of the light where the red light was on and someone was watching her right now, watching them, and watching one of his hands on her shoulders lower and rest over her chest where her heart was. 
“Do you trust me?” he asked her, feeling her fast beating of her heart on his palm. 
“Yes,” she told him up front, “But we…we can’t do this, what if…” Her words were swallowed by a quiet gasp as he lowered his hand then to grope one of her breasts over her uniform. 
She wasn’t lying when she said she trusted Peter, if anything, she just didn’t trust the camera. Though she was aware that not every room had working cameras, it still made her nervous, but his hand felt so good on her. 
She hadn’t been touched like this since before she took the job here in Hawkins, Indiana, and since it was Peter who was touching her in such a way, it made her body easily give in to his touch. She felt Peter press his bottom half against her ass, and her lips fell open with a soft sigh. 
“What if what?” 
She could practically hear the smile on his lips. He was teasing her with that question, and had his hand not been on breast and massaging it she would’ve told him something.
“The…door?” she asked him this time, and he replied that nobody is going to come in because it was an unused lab after all. She was still unsure, even as his hand moved to unbutton the top of her dress uniform, “Then we need to be fast- god what am I saying…”
Peter chuckled at her words, and was twisting her around so that her chest was pressed right up against his and he pushed toward one of the lab stations so that her lower back was pressing onto its edge. He loved the way she looked, her lips parted, and her eyes were so wide that he could see how dark her pupils had become with desire. 
He snaked his hand up her skirt, and the cold temperature of his long fingers caused her legs to twitch apart. She was so warm down there, just like he imagined she would be, and he took in her quick paced breaths and the way her eyes kept shooting toward the camera again. 
“It’s not on,” he told her as his other hand captured her chin to make her look at him. He smiled at her when their eyes met, “Just trust me like you said you would.”
Her lip swiped across her bottom lip as his eyes bore into hers, and a quiet moan slipped out of her lips as his fingers came into contact with her soaking cunt. He watched her expression closely, loving the way she bit her lip then, as if wanting to keep quiet. 
“You’re so wet down there,” he told her, “I’ve barely even touched you, let alone been that close.” 
“Peter please,” she said just barely above a whisper, gently bucking her hips into his hand. 
“You’re a little too eager,” he said as he pushed the fabric of her soaked panties aside, “It must have been a while since you’ve been touched.” 
Her legs shook as he pressed his fingers between her slick folds and she released a shattered breath that hit the edge of his face, and he said, “I doubt you’ve ever touched yourself while here, too scared of these pesky cameras. Am I right?” 
“You-you’re-” her own words were cut off with a gasp when his fingers began to circle her clit. One of her hands flew backwards to grasp the table she was leaning on while the other grabbed his shoulder. Peter grinned, satisfied with that reaction, and he continued the circular motion. 
“Answer me,” he told her, his own voice lower and very clearly aroused. 
Her lips quivered, and she said breathlessly, “You’re right…god Peter.” She bucked her hips forward again, and he decided to sink his finger into her cunt. She was so wet that it was so easy for his finger to slide past her walls, and even his breath hitched. 
“I thought so,” he replied, voice deeper and quiet so that only she could hear him as he began to pump his finger in and out of her at a slow pace, “It must feel really good then.” 
She was nodding, and murmured, “Yeah, yes, it feels good.” 
Her skin was growing hot by the second, and with every pump of his finger she felt this small coil in her stomach get tighter and engulfed in pleasurable heat. She threw her head back as he sunk in a second finger, and curled them inside of her. 
“Oh my god,” she moaned, slightly louder than her previous moans. He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip then, relishing in the reaction he got out of her, and his eyes glanced over her parted lips where she was panting his name quietly. 
That was when her moans were swallowed by his lips on hers, he was fast and rough, using his other hand to grasp the back of her head and forcing her lips to meet his. She was momentarily caught off guard by his kiss, but very quickly began to return it with the same intensity. 
Their tongue and teeth clashed together in a bruising and almost inexperienced kiss, just wanting to get a taste of one another. She hummed against his lips as he moved his fingers faster in and out of her.
He drank her delicious moans that only got louder when his palm dragged across her clit with every pump of his fingers. Their lips were parted forcefully by him pulling her back, as he wanted to see the look on her face when she came. 
Her hips were sputtering forward, and he felt her walls clenched around his fingers, and there was a slight pain on her scalp by how hard he was holding her hair, but it was very quickly forgotten as the coil in her stomach got tighter and tighter. 
“Oh you’re so close, I can feel it,” he said to her, then tightened his grip on her hair when her eyes tried to close, “Don’t look away. Keep your eyes on me, I wanna see you when you finally come.” His tone was forceful, filling her stomach with a sort of excitement
His blue eyes were just as dark as his voice was, boring into her very soul and she was suddenly being pushed over the edge as the coil snapped and an intense orgasm washed over her. She let out a shattered moan as her body convulsed and her release flooded and soaked his fingers, making the filthy sound of him fingering her get louder. 
Her hand gripped his shoulder tightly as he continued to fuck her with her fingers ever after her orgasm passed, and she whimpered, “Peter- I’m too- I’m too-” His fingers were back on her sensitive clit, and she almost cried out by the over stimulation. 
Her hand released his shoulder and rather grasped his wrist, and that was when he stopped finally. She let out a long exhale, finally letting her body come down from that high. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, though he didn’t sound very sorry, “You were just so pretty the first time you came I wanted to see it again.”
She laughed breathlessly, “Just give me a second…fuck.” 
Peter released the hold on her head then, allowing her to have that second and she leaned onto the table as she came down from that intense orgasm he had just given her, probably the most intense one she’s had in her life to be honest.
“Mm,” Peter suddenly hummed, “You taste good.”
Her eyes lifted up after a few seconds to look at Peter, only to find him licking his own fingers that were just buried inside of her almost a minute ago. Her mouth nearly watered as she watched him slide his tongue over the pads of his fingers before sucking them into his mouth. His lips glistened with his own spit and her cum, and she was clenching her thighs together at the sight. 
Peter’s eyes flickered back to her, still taking one of his fingers into his mouth. His eyes narrowed at her then, taking in her eyes that were still on his lips and he smirked. 
“You don’t look like you believe me,” he said as he licked off the remaining cum on his fingers, “Unfortunately, there isn’t any more, but I think I know what to do.”
She half expected him to touch her again, and then stick his fingers into her mouth, something she wouldn’t exactly object to, but his hand was suddenly on the back of her head again, grasping at the strands there and forcing her to look up. 
His other hand, the one that he had been licking and still covered in saliva, grasped the bottom of her chin and he said, “Open.” 
She wasted no time in parting her lips for him, and he shook his head and said, “Wider.” And she listened, except she must’ve been too slow as he hooked his thumb into her mouth and forced it open. She hummed in surprise when he did so, but her eyes glossed over when he leaned over her to spit directly into her mouth. 
It took her more by surprise than him shoving his thumb into her mouth, and while normally that idea might’ve made her gag it only made her whine with pleasure as she felt his warm spit dribble down her tongue and toward the back of her throat. 
“Swallow it,” he told her, and she obliged, making sure to dramatize her gulp so that he knew she had done as told. He looked satisfied, his eyes lingering onto her lips, a bit of his own spit dripping off of the side. He looked completely enamored with her then, and she felt pleased that he was, but when he looked at her, she only saw this dark, mischievous look go over his features, and he was suddenly twisting her around so that the front of her body was pressed and almost over the table. 
“I knew you were filthy,” Peter said, “All those sweet, innocent glances you’d send my way,” He laughed darkly, “No, I’ve seen the way you started to not button the top of your uniform, how you’ve opened those pretty thighs for me when I see you in the infirmary.”
He was hiking the skirt of her uniform up and grasping her underwear to pull them off of her. 
“From the moment we met, when you put your chest in my face while you talked so softly and sweet, acting like you didn’t know what you were doing- I knew you weren’t what you seemed,” he said, “I just needed to break you- make you show your true self to me.”
He was undoing his belt then with one hand, and held his hard cock in his hand, letting out a raspy breath at the contact. He felt her try and back up into him, small desperate moans slipping past her lips. He spit into his hand, despite knowing that she was nice and ready for his cock, and smeared it over the tip. 
“And I certainly did, I wish you could see yourself,” he said, placing his hand onto her thigh and squeezing the flesh there as he made her spread her legs for him so that her soaking cunt was on display for him, “So perfect, so ready to take my cock.”
“Yes, I’m ready Peter, please,” she was saying between her moans. 
“Well, since you’re polite enough to say please,” he said, his voice slightly humorous, and teasing. He held her still, keeping her from wiggling her ass at him before he aligned his cock with her entrance, pressing the tip of it against her folds but not entering her yet. 
His eyes rather went to the way her back was arching, and he clicked his tongue together, reaching forward to rest his hand on the small of her back. 
“Very eager,” he muttered to her, before he shoved his cock inside of her with one quick thrust. She cried out, her hands gripping the edge of the lab station and he let out a suppressed groan as he felt her walls clenched around his cock.
She practically whimpered, her entire body vibrating with pleasure and arousal of finally being filled up by him. There was a only few seconds of her adjusting to his size before her body was pleading to fucked, before she was a mewling mess of pleas for him to move. 
He removed his hand from her back, moving both to grip her sides roughly, sinking his fingers into the flesh of her outer thighs, and he held her still as he pulled out of her before he snapped his hips back forward. 
“Take all of it,” he told her through gritted teeth, “It’s what you wanted, what you’ve always wanted. I know by the way you're taking my cock.” 
He buried his cock inside of her again, causing another loud to moan to pass through her lips, “So filthy, so fucking filthy with how tight your cunt is around me.” He pulled out again, leaving her with only seconds of emptiness before filling her up again roughly. 
She cried out, loving the way he felt inside of her, how his cock stretched her walls out and hit that spot inside of her just right with every thrust. Through pants, she was begging him to go faster, to just take her on this table right now, to make her his. 
Her words were music to his ears, “Are you sure you can take it? Seems to me it’s been a while for you…” 
“I can take it, I can take it,” she was telling him repeatedly as his hands gently rubbed the skin of her thighs, as if he was in thought and contemplating her words, “I can fucking take it. Please fuck me.” 
Something clicked into his eyes at her words, and before she knew it he was leaning forward and reaching for her neck. His hand grasped around her throat tightly as he pulled backwards until her back was against his. 
She gasped out of surprise, but it was quickly replaced by an array of moans and whimpers as he started to fuck her at a more merciless rhythm. 
“God I wish you could see yourself, and maybe you can,” he said in her ear with a grunt as he rolled his hips into hers, “Maybe those cameras are on…” 
She mewled, her eyes slightly rolling back as each pump of his cock caused shockwaves to grip onto her body, and she said something incoherent again, unable to speak because of how good he fucking her and the tight hold on her pulse, constricting her slightly of air. 
“Oh, you don’t even care about the cameras anymore,” he growled into her ear, “I can feel your body shuddering at the thought of it, of the thought of someone watching this- watching me fuck you.” 
“I-I can’t-” her voice was choked and refrained, and he tilted his head before laughing darkly and slowly releasing the hold on her throat and she gasped for air, but he didn’t let up with this relentless thrusts, causing her to cry out his name and then say something between her pants and moans that had him moaning too right into her ear, “Again. Do it again, please.”
He obliged, tightening his grip on her throat once again, tighter and tighter with every thrust, and with his other hand, he reached down, passing her abdomen before his fingers found her clit. Her body jolted when she felt his fingers there, feeling the pads of his fingers running over it and she jerked her hips forward. 
She couldn’t breathe again, well just barely, her lungs felt like they were on fire and her vision began to black out from him very quickly bringing her to the edge. He was fucking her so perfectly and deliciously, holding onto her throat tight enough that had her eyes rolling back once again. 
Her hands were reaching back, grasping the back of his hair like he’d done to her, and he let out a hiss of pain mixed with pleasure, not expecting her to do such a thing, but she didn’t let him go and he rubbed her clit faster. 
He could feel her clenching down on him, her legs beginning to spasm and curse words were slipping from his lips as well as he pounded his cock into her, and she was getting gradually louder until she let out a final, strangled moan as the walls of her cunt fluttered around him and her body spasmed against him. 
Peter thrusted into her a few more times before burying himself as deep as he could inside of her, allowing his own orgasm to come over him. He filled her up with his cum, his hips jerking forward as he grunted and held her in place until she milked every last amount of him. 
“That’s it, take all of it,” he told her breathlessly in her ear.
Her body had gone slump against him, her hand falling from the back of his head and falling back to her side and his hips stuttering one last time before he dropped his head onto her shoulder, out of breath himself. 
Peter continued to hold her, both of them coming down from their respective orgasms, and for her it was her second one, which had been more mind-blowing than the one before. She was still panting, and her legs felt like jelly. She was grateful he was still even holding her as she might’ve fallen to the floor or at least back on the station in front of her. 
Instead, she leaned back onto him, feeling him press his lips onto the crook of her neck and kiss her almost tenderly in the aftershocks, and her eyes shifted toward the camera again. 
“You didn’t mean that, did you…” she said breathlessly as he lifted his head up and kissed another part of her neck. 
“Didn’t mean what?” he asked, voice slightly hoarse. 
“The camera is off…right?” 
Peter sucked in a tight breath, and when he exhaled he released a throaty chuckle as well. 
“It’s broken…if it wasn’t somebody would’ve come in by now to stop us.” 
She sighed, relieved even though the idea of it actually being on and someone was watching him fuck her into oblivion was arousing a few moments again. She didn’t want to lose her job here, especially not now when Peter Ballard was here. 
She didn’t know when they would have time to do this again, if the camera would be fixed tomorrow or something, so she was the first to move away from him. He watched her curiously as his cock slipped out of her and she turned to face him. 
“They can get the other night-time nurse,” she told him confidently, before she was falling to her knees before him. His head tilted, and then he licked his lips and smiled wickedly as her hands were moving to grasp him and he realized what she was going to do. 
He moved his hand to her hair, and said, “I’m glad we’re both here at the same time. Truly.” 
It was an odd thing to say, considering the things he had told her before, but something about it felt…sweet, especially with the way his blue eyes almost sparkled at the sight of her on his knees before him. She smiled sweetly up at him and said, “Me too” before she was leaning in.
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