#peter pevensie x oc
raging-violets · 7 months
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The Night Witch Chapter 34 || FFN  • AO3
"Are you sure?" Susan demanded. Edmund turned to her with a roll of his eyes. "No, I'm making it all up for my own enjoyment." At that, Susan folded her arms, making Edmund do the same. Peter and Lucy merely shared smiles. Not that they didn't believe Edmund, but the few times that his sarcasm wasn't directed their way, the Pevensie siblings did find humor in it. As it was, the conversation needed a bit of lightening anyway. If what Edmund was saying was true…things were even more dire than they'd originally thought. "Yes, Su, I'm serious. There's more than enough evidence that we're being watched. And probably for a lot longer than we thought we've been." He gestured vaguely with his arm in the direction of the forest and village surrounding the Telmarine castle. "You couldn't have possibly believed that Archenland would have let us escape without some sort of a response." Susan shook her head. As diplomatic as ever she said, "We don't know for sure they're going to retaliate." But even the words rang hollow with her. No, they couldn't know for sure. But they'd been through enough battles, enough wars to know if there was a moment of power, a moment of weakness that could be snuffed out, people would take advantage. It was enough to have returned to Narnia and seen how much had changed, but another to readily admit their oldest ally had become their enemy. Edmund made a sound of impatience. All the evidence was staring them in the face. They arrived at Anvard, weren't welcome with the open arms they expected, the Calormens knew where they were so that Peter would be attacked when he went to Cair Paravel, the heavy stillness around Telmar., vegetation picked clean, branches broken, prints that weren't made from animals seen around the perimeter. It didn't take much for anyone to figure out that there was something coming. They'd said as much, all agreed on it before they had left Anvard. Now Susan was changing her mind? "You always were considered the more diplomatic one," He mused before nodding, making her smile with the thinly veiled compliment. It usually took a lot more prodding and a begrudging scowl for Edmund to say anything nice of his siblings let alone the ease it came of his fellow kings and queens. "Su, we know they're going to do something." "But we don't know that it's coming from King Nain and Queen Aria! Or that they're working with the Calormens specifically," Susan pointed out. She slowly lowered herself to the seat behind her. "If we decide to go in and accuse…what will that mean about our own reputation?" It was then Lucy decided to speak up. She simply watched as the two more outspoken of the kings and queens hashed things out. It was they way they'd always worked, Peter was the one that gave the final decision, but Edmund and Susan, the Just and the Gentle, were the ones who had the most power, the most sway when it came to their political leanings and conversations. "Our reputation is that we care about our people." She paused, waiting for the words to sink in. "And not just of our people, but of everyone in Narnia, this world, who is facing injustice." "It's a good reputation to have," Susan agreed. "But you do have to agree with some of the detractors…that sometimes we ought to leave things alone to those that are in the conflict." Susan shook her head. "It's the same that has been said of the war back home." "With the war back home, we had to run out of our house in the middle of the night amongst an air raid!" Edmund snapped, eyes flashing. "Or did you forget what brought us to the countryside and to Narnia in the first place?" "Maybe that was meant to happen," Lucy mused quietly.
Tag List: @darknightfrombeyond @farfallasunicas @foxesandmagic   @witchofinterest @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon
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misshiraethsworld · 1 year
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CLOSE YOUR EYES ━ peter pevensie ✥
the loyal & the magnificent
THE MILLENNIUM CYCLE read here: wattpad
tag family: @arrthurpendragon, @eddysocs, @darth-caillic, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ocs-supporting-ocs if you want to be added to my family, all you have to do is ask!
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gritsandbrits · 10 months
Thinking about my Narnia OCs. Spoilers for Narnia, the last battle
Octavia loves to solve mysteries but the one mystery she refuses yo touch is the one about Aunt Girdy. Cold, aloof, possibly bakes children in her oven Aunt Girdy. Rarely seen at family outings and when there is one it's a funeral.
When Octavia's parents drop her off to spend the weekend with the old bat, Octavia thinks it must be divine punishment for forgetting to thaw the turkey last week. While Girdy proves to not bake children in ovens, she has proven to be cold and strict.
That night Octavia sneaks into the attic and finds a box full of trinkets. She uncovers some interesting things: a dagger, an arrow broken at the tip. A vintage tin of Turkish Delights - the hell are Turkish Delights, Octavia asks herself - and an old b&w photo of a young woman with a young (white) man.
Octavia hears some noises and is about to leave but suddenly she finds herself outside in the middle of broad daylight when it's supposed to be nighttime. The grass a brighter shade of green brighter than humanly possible, the sky azure blue, musty odor replaced by frangipanni. And more unnerving Octavia realizes there is no door for her to return to.
On the other side Girdy wakes up and see that Octavia isn't in bed. She panics, she hate the police and doesn't want them at her house but doesn't want to get charged either. In the eye of tve hurrcane she spots thw attic door open and heads inside she finds evidence of Octavia messing in her trunk. At first Girdy is angry but it dawns on her she may have travelled to the place Girdy herself once visited-Narnia. Suddenly Girdy is digging around in books and the boxy clunker of a computer to find ways of travelling worlds. And then she spits another clue: the book Octavia brought with her to read was written by a Susan Pevensie.
Octavia is taken to the court of the Summer King, Salamann. He beguiles her with tales of the narnian race, of the defeat of the winter witch at the hands of the Four Kings and Queens. He talks of the Last Battle, and of the missing Flower Queen Gertrude. Octavia says she has an aunt named Gertrude but she isn't fit to be queen, more like a tyrant. Salamann tells her that in his domain fun is free and nobody has to work. Well almost nobody, he puts criminals to work as punishment. He plans to expand his world of fun to all Narnia, perhaps someday he might even cheer up the real world too. Salamann believes that the prophesied return of the Flower Queen, he could have the power to make things right.
It turns out Salamann's plan for a peaceful world is causing suffering. On his whims to built amusements he disrupts important monuments and nesting places for the animals and creatures. He puts "unfunny people" to work as punishment. In reality the unfunny people are political dissidents and critics, or people just having a bad day. Soon Octavia learns the truth from a young mouse whose home was destroyed by the construction of Salamann's park. She says in order to stop him they must find the Four Kings and Queens, who are currently in hiding.
Girdy is desperate to find Octavia but nothing she does works. Finally she brings herself to read Susan Penvensie's book.
In Girdy's youth she had lived with the old man, when four English children move in. Girdy was a shy girl, partly due to the bullying she experienced as a mixed race girl. She suspected the Pevensie kids to be tbe same to her relief they aren't. She accompanied them to Narnia, and learning of her powers over plants and nature, became the Flower Queen. As she got older she lost her ability to travel to narnia but never lost her penchant for plants. When the war was over, she and Peter - whom developed a romance with - decided to get married. Getrude had wanted to open a flower shop.
Gertrude was visiting family in Canada when she found out that the Pevensies as well as several of their extended family passed in a train accident. Susan wasnt there, making her the only survivor. In the aftermath, and with her dreams of a happy life shattered Girdy became bitter and lost contact with Susan. They hadn't spoken in years. But Girdy did keep a lot of things to remember them by. It was all she had.
Wait Susan can help her! Girdy finds the number and calls her expecting and answer. An unfamiliar voice answers and it is one of Susan's kids. They tell her that Susan passed away a few years ago. Before her death she wrote a book based on her experiences in Narnia. At this new info Girdy becomes ashamed. How had she been so foolish? To let so many years go by without a single hello or how are you? It was too late for reconciliation. All she could hope now is for Octavia to make it through.
Octavia journeys through the land avoiding Salamann's forces and befriending narnians along the way. Girdy continues to read Susan's book and feels a weight lifting off her, she goes back to the attic and uncovers the dagger the arrow the tin of turkish delights everything she kept of her friends. Now she truly cherished them. It was all she had.
Once she steps out again she finds herself on the same meadow of frangipanni, the sweet summer breeze in her now imperfect coils. The frangipanni whisper to her of the young girl and the soldiers in red and orange and gold. Of the king who rule the domain with dreams and eternal laughter.
Girdy hears it all and asks the frangipanni which direction she needs to take. She and Octavia eventually reunite but they are caught by Salamann, who asks Octavia why have she left their game. Girdy attempts to shield her niece but what can an old woman do? Suddenly an arrow comes their away distracting Salamann enough for the heroes to get away. A mystery figure guides them away, through a hidden pathway until they reach a boat. One the boat the figure unveils their hood - a servant of Caspian. Girdy reveals she once visited Narnia but told no one in their family. Having met Caspian before she trusts his servant to bring them to safety.
As Octavia learns more of her family history, Girdy and Susan have a long overdue conversation. Girdy apologizes for not talking to Susan while she was alive, that she did keep her letters but afraid to write back. Susan replies she also was too anxious to write anything back and was sidetracked by her boo and personal life. But even all this time never lost hope that Girdy would find her happiness again. Girdy and Peter meet again, Girdy is still an old woman at this point, she hasn't fully regain her joy but Peter tells her he still loves her no matter what. He had been disappointed that she seemed to forget about him and his siblings but promise to help her break free of her demons.
Caspian's Servant takes Octavia and Girdy to a castle ground far away from Salamann's cluthes. There in all their sparkling glory are the Four Kings and Queens. To Octavia's surprise one of them is her favorite author - Susan Pevensie!
Susan reveals that after she died she was reborn into her queen form, to finally rejoin her siblings. Octavia says her aunt has been to Narnia before, She mentions Salamaan spoke of the Flower Queen having the same name. The royals reveal that Gertrude IS the Flower Queen. Octavia is shocked but Girdy admits they are telling the truth. She tells Octavia that in their world Peter was her childhood sweetheart and that they had planned to marry after the war. When she lost him & their family, she lost a part of her soul. Only until Girdy regains her spark she can use her powers. Realizing all this makes Octavia feel guilty for judging her own aunt. She had no idea that underneath all that coldhearted resentment, was very deep pain.
At the end, Girdy and Octavia returns to the human world, the older lady having finally accepted that she can live again. Peter promises he'll wait for her like always. Edward gifts Octavia a tin of turkish delights. Susan gives Octavia her blessing to continue the chronicles.
Salamann plans to use Girdy's magic to rid the world of all sorrow and pain. He had seen portraits of her and fell in love. But he needs all elements: he already has water, ice and of course his own fire magic. He needed earth, spring. In a night he ambushes the royal place and kidnaps her. Salamann tries to seduce Girdy but she refuses. While the idea of changing her past seems tempting she didn't want to destroy her beloved Narnia or the real world to do it.
Octavia, The Four Kings and Queens and their allies launch a rescue operation; on the battle Girdy reclaims her joy and her power. Girdy reminds Salamann that pain and sorrow are just as valid as happiness and joy and to run away from negative emotions is just as bas as letting them consume you. Salamann doesn't listen and in a jealous rage tries to kill Peter. Girdy summons a spell and Salamann is swallowed into the earth, never to be seen again.
The story ends with Octavia and Girdy not even being gone that whole weekend, just as Octavia's parents arrive to pick her up. They're shocked to see Girdy in a better mood. They never seen her so...joyful. Perhaps she's thankful to get the brat put of her hair bur she tells them Octavia has been a good girl and open to visit her anytime. A week later Girdy and Octavia go to an ice cream shop in town to talk about Octavia's Susan Pevensie collection.
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wodnikszuwarekx · 1 year
Mr Tumnus book and my version
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drawings from last year by me
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for the plot bunny ask game: the chronicles of narnia!
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name: joseph david mallon
age: 20 in 1949
sexuality: heterosexual
job: student, studying history
love interest: susan pevensie
brief summary: joseph mallon had gone to london for university, the first in his family to do so. he’d struggled to make that choice but eventually, he’d agreed to take the scholarship. a poor catholic kid from dublin couldn’t pass up that opportunity. it was there he met susan pevensie, the girl with the sadness in her eyes. joseph found that she was one of the most beautiful women that he’d ever seen. nothing about her made sense until that night in 1949. susan called him in tears and he learned that her whole family, brothers and sister and parents and cousin, had been killed in a train accident. joseph learned of narnia that night, and while he’d never quite been sure what to make of it, he followed susan’s lead with it. and maybe there was some scandal in their eventual marriage, what with joseph being catholic and susan being an anglican protestant, but what did that matter?
faceclaim: ruiari o’connor
send me a fandom and i’ll create a plot bunny for it
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multifandomgirl12 · 6 months
Hello everyone I'm wanting an rp because I'm bored and I also am in the mood for Narnia rp well I want someone to play Peter, Edmund, or Caspian and I am willing to do double ups I'm semi lit but I can be literate I also want to start from the first or second or even the third movie. I can even do Golden Age. Please comment or pm me if you're interested.
Discord: .fandomfreak the period is important
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nightingale2004 · 3 months
Meet my Narnia oc
Alina: female
Age: 13-28 (the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe), 1300+ (Prince Caspian and Dawn Treader)
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Family: Professor Diggory Kirk (former guardian), The Pevensies (sibling figures), Aslan
Personality: caring, loyal, reliable, kind, compassionate, intelligent, patient, calm, level-headed, playful, strong-willed, generous, devoted, respectful, open-minded, selfless, honorable, determined, brave, stubborn
Epithet: The True
Title/status: Guardian and advisor to the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve (formerly), Queen of Narnia (now)
Species: Sorceress
Items/jewelry: silver locket w/ a heart engraved (glows when opened and/or at full power. Given by father christmas)
Weapons: dagger, sword w/ a lion head hilt, bow and arrow quiver (her initials are on the quiver/ also a gift from father christmas)
Love interest: Caspian X
Extra: Before Alina was born, it was prophesied to protect them and ensure their claim to the thrones of Cair Paravel and a powerful sorceress to best the white witch. After Alina was born, the cold winter winds of Narnia blew a warmth of hope telling everyone of Narnia that the guardian was born including Jadis the white witch, so she sent her army to find her and eliminate her and those that harbored her. Alina's parents were confronted by Aslan, who made them a promise to send Alina somewhere safe, but she would have to be separated from her family for her own safety. So they gave her to Aslan, who transported her to earth in the home of Professor Diggory Kirk, where he raised her with Macready. As she grew up, she went back to Narnia once where she met Mr. Tumnus once but after that one journey, she never went back again until she met the Pevensies.
After she met the Pevensies, she immediately loved them and felt a pull towards them to protect them and from then on she had never left their side, until they left Narnia to their home but Alina this time remained.
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xsphinxx · 4 months
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Die Geschichten des alten Narnias waren eigentlich verboten für Kaspian und Charlotte, doch ihr Professor erzählte ihnen trotzdem über die Königinnen und Könige der alten Zeit. Seit vielen Jahrhunderten waren die vier verschwunden, als Charlotte allein aus dem Schloss floh und sich unter den Narnianen einen Namen machte. Manchmal träumte sie davon, den Hochkönig und seine Geschwister zu Lebzeiten kennengelernt zu haben. Aber nun waren sie tot. Keiner überlebte ein Jahrtausend. Und doch stand sie eines Tages plötzlich vor diesem wunderschönen Fremden, der sich als der Hochkönig Narnias vorstellte.
Wattpad Quotev AO3
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imagines--galore · 1 year
Please read rules before sending requests.
(Always Uploading new Fics)
Avatar The Last Airbender
Pairing: Zuko x Orora
The Thread of Fate - Masterlist
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
It Was Nothing
I’m Here Beside You
Big Hero 6
Pairing: Tadashi Hamada x Sakura Kamiya
Light 'em Up -  Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, 
Criminal Minds
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Evelyn Richardson
Mind Over Matter - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen,
(Companion piece to Mind Over Matter)
A Slight Frustration
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Hold Me Closer
First Kiss
Don’t Go!
Crossover - Frozen x Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack Frost x Elsa (Jelsa)
One Step Closer - Part One, Part Two (InProgress)
Pairing: Taichi Yagami x Hidemi Senshi
The Next Adventure
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Pairing: Alphonse Elric x Willow Hawkeye(OC)
The Ties That Bind - Prologue, Part One,
Pairing: Edward Elric x Reader
The Language of Flowers
Pairing: Roy Mustang x Reader
I Will Always Choose You
Harry Potter
Pairing: Severus Snape x Reader
Reluctant Friendship
Justice League DC Universe
Pairing: Superman x Lucky Penny aka Clark Kent x Penelope Pennyworth
Lucky Break
Pairing: Superman aka Clark Kent x Reader
Part One - Convince Me, Part Two - I’m Convinced
Wedding Drama
Pairing: (Platonic) Superman aka Clark Kent x 12-year-old reader
A New Life
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Rachel
Kiss It Away
Stolen Kisses, Stolen Moments - Part One, Part Two
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Last Night
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Clea
Love, A Kind of Magic - Part One, Part Two
Pairing: Dr. Stephen Strange x Reader
Bleeding Love - Part One & Part Two
A Surprising Twist
Sleep Deprived
What the Wife Says Goes
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Nothing But a Burden
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A Pact Renewed
Because You’re Mine
Not a Waste of Space
Just Hold Me
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Never Leave Me
Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Will Turner x Reader
My Heart Calls Your Name
Tavern Brawls
Rise of the Guardians
Pairing: Jack Frost x Evening Star aka The Blue Fairy
Two Spirits Meet - Wishing on a Snowflake I,
Sherlock (BBC)
Pairing: Sherlock x Reader
The Consulting Detective and the Serial Killer
His Love for Her
Your Hand in Mine
Drunken Comfort
Its All Been Arranged
An Unconventional Love Story (Victorian Era AU)
Star Trek(2009)
Pairing: Spock x Kealoha
The Roommate Experiment - Prologue, Part One
Pairing: Spock x Reader
The Little Green Monster
Chasing Away The Darkness
Here For You (InProgress)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Pairing: Leonardo x Amal
Heaven’s Light
A Comforting Embrace
The Amazing Spiderman
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
A Nonverbal Confession
Falling For Him
Heal Together
Drunk on Pheromones
Take All The Time You Need
Falling for the Enemy
The Chronicles of Narnia
Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Reader
An Unexpected Turn
We Face It Together
Pairing: Edmund Pevensie x Reader
The King and the Commoner
The Hobbit
Creepy Crawlies (No Pairing)
Pairing: Kili x Reader
You Are Safe
The Lord of the Rings
Pairing: Legolas x Annúneth
Love Happens(Coming Soon)
Pairing: Legolas x Reader
We Meet Again A Confession Years In The Making
My Prayer, My Light, My Fëa
A Little Introduction to Rock Music
A Promise
Written In The Stars
Treasure Planet
Pairing: Jim Hawkins x Reader
A Little Competition Goes a Long Way
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ariwritessometimes · 1 year
The Chronicles of Narnia Masterlist
The Faded Portrait of a Bygone Era series
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Summary: Five Royals ruled over Narnia, crowned by Aslan himself. Their story is legend throughout all the land. A great detail of note is that these Kings and Queens are from another world. The fifth is even more odd - for she came from the same world as the others, but from an entirely different century.
When this small family is separated by time, it seems unlikely that they will ever meet again. But Aslan’s will is a tricky thing. Will the five be able to cope in this new Narnia, when everything they knew has gone, and a Telmarine Prince makes a bid for the throne?
Series Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Magic, Major Character Death
Read on Ao3 (x Reader)
Read on Quotev (x OC)
Additional Content:
I made a playlist
Another playlist courtesy of @thefairywanderer !
Edmund Pevensie
Captain of the Guard one shot
Summary: A mysterious knight shows up and challenges the King to a duel. This stranger turns out to be connected to the royals' past.
Peter Pevensie
Some Things Are Meant to Be one shot
Summary: Peter is in love with you, but he thinks you love Edmund.
The Lady of Calormen one shot
Summary: The High King of Narnia is betrothed to a Calormen noblewoman. The entire kingdom is on edge, waiting to see what she will be like. After meeting her, however, Peter finds something stirring inside.
A Lovely Night one shot
Summary: Overwhelmed by royal duties, Peter starts to notice that he's slowly losing the one that means the most. What can be done to win her back?
Peter Pevensie comforting you after a nightmare (Golden Age) imagine
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raging-violets · 1 year
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The Night Witch Chapter 34 || FFN  • AO3
"Yeah, I guess I understand that," Brielle said, voice turning quiet. "You want to be sure the love is true." Susan stopped. Oh. Oh! She looked Brielle in the eye, finally understood what was making her friend worry so much. "You think Peter's still in love with Diane, don't you?" Brielle looked at Susan from the corner of her eye. "Well, he's always going to love her. You know that. But that doesn't mean that he's not going to be able to have some love for you as well. You can love more than one person; I love you and my brothers and sister equally. I love my mum and dad. I love Narnia…" "How can he love a servant rather than a queen?" Brielle asked bluntly. She folded her arms. "I'm not saying I don't enjoy my life; I do. I don't want to run an entire country—" "—if you marry Peter, you'll be the High Queen—" "—and I'll take that with the name but I'm not going to be the one to make the rules," Brielle interrupted. "No one would follow me. They'll just look at me as a lonely servant, as your lady in waiting, as…his…bloody mistress and nothing else." "You mean those rumors that are going around the castle? Since when have you cared about what anyone else has to say? You disregarded Peter telling you to stay with Lucy back when we went on that blitz on Miraz's castle and went to fight anyway." Brielle looked at Susan like she was stupid. "Well, I needed to make sure you were okay. That's my job." "And you didn't stop to think about your safety at all. You wanted to come in and do what you could for Narnia, and for us, because you love everyone and everything here. You've grown to love it as much as the rest of us have in the time you've been here." She grasped Brielle's hands and firmly held them. "Your station in our life, your 'status' doesn't matter. If Peter wants to be with you and you want to be with him, then it's because it's what you want. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks or says. All that matters is what you think of each other." Brielle nodded. Something washed over her face for a moment, something Susan suddenly thought her friend didn't want her to see. Something of a dark look that sent a chill down Susan's spine. Almost like a sinister thought had crossed Brielle's mind in the seconds before the look went away and she appeared more serene. "So?" "So?" Brielle repeated. "Was it a good kiss?" Brielle let out a long sigh and stopped to rest her back against the wall behind her. Susan watched with a small smile as her best friend seemed to swoon directly in front of her. Something that lightly put it off because it was her brother, but at the same time was sweet. Susan hadn't seen Brielle genuinely interested in anyone since Lord Peridan just as Susan hadn't seen anyone genuinely interested in anyone since his late wife. Even if things didn't worked out… At least they would keep each other company with their bickering, Susan thought with a small, amused smile. "How was your kiss with Caspian?" Brielle asked in response. Susan smiled. "It was very lovely." "Yeah," Brielle agreed, voice going soft. "Mine, too."
Tag List: @darknightfrombeyond @farfallasunicas @foxesandmagic   @witchofinterest @ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon
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misshiraethsworld · 1 year
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CLOSE YOUR EYES ━ peter pevensie ✥
Esther Rose believed in the impossible, especially when it allowed her to survive high school. Praying every day for good grades and an extra pair of lungs for P.E., she did not doubt the existence of something more. It had given her a wonderful life amidst the harsh realities of the adult world. As she readies herself for Christmas break, Esther is transported to a mysterious world that desperately needs just a little of her light. A piece that only she can give to rebuild a world and a man that had lost their way so long ago. Peter Pevensie doubted hope could do anything to release him from the confines of war. Hiding from the raids of bombs and hatred, he refused to believe in the possibility of a truce between his world and the enemy. The delusion of peace had become a standard practice to the young, but he sat on the cusp between child and man. As he and his siblings escape to the countryside, Peter is given chance to see the truth in a world that is not his own. A pledge that only he can keep to both a kingdom and a loyal woman full of vibrant life. The acceptance of something bigger than themselves began to grow and build within Esther and Peter. An everlasting promise that, come what may, Peter would choose to see the good where the grim festerings of warfare prevailed. While Esther took heart in knowing her courage would be tested to further the welfare of others in need. Faith offered them a chance at a new perspective, a transcendent world, altering their fairytale into a waking dream.
THE MILLENNIUM CYCLE read here: wattpad
tag family: @arrthurpendragon, @eddysocs, @darth-caillic, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ocappreciation, @ocs-supporting-ocs if you want to be added to my family, all you have to do is ask!
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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-> state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and a plot
-> do you have any specifics for the reader? blonde, poc, male, neurodivergent, etc? (please keep in mind i will write poc readers but i’m white so they may be a little difficult for me)
-> requests are preferred to be sent through inbox, but i can make dms work if needed
-> platonic
-> romantic
-> familial
-> any gender x any gender
-> headcanons
-> long fics
-> multi character
-> blurbs
-> poly relationships
-> x reader
-> i will only write cheating if it’s a character comforting r after being cheated on, not a character cheating on r
-> smut (i’m 14)
-> yandere
-> most aus, ask about the specific au before requesting an au
-> incest
-> age gaps
-> canonical gay/lesbian character x a man (if lesbian) or a woman (if gay)
-> song fics
-> things about ocs
-> ships
-> sunshine x grumpy tropes, i’m horrible at this trope
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character list
keeper of the lost cities
sophie foster, dex dizznee, fitz vacker, keefe sencen, biana vacker, marella redek, maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, wylie endal, jensi babblos, stina heks, elwin hesledge
chronicles of narnia
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, lucy pevensie, caspian
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, travis stoll, connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane
harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon, lily evans, dorcas meadows, regulus black, barty crouch jr, narcissa black, andromeda black, bellatrix lestrange
ride the cyclone
ocean o’connell rosenberg, noel gruber, mischa bachinski, ricky potts, jane doe/penny lamb, constance blackwood
shadow and bone
alina starkov, malyen oretsev, genya safin, zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, tamaar & tolya, nikolai lantsov
six of crows
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, wylan van eck, matthias helvar
the outsiders
ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, twobit matthews, dallas winston, cherry valance
the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, finnick odair, johanna mason, cinna, effie trinket
it (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, mike hanlon
the school for good and evil
agatha, sophie, tedros, hort, hester, anadil, dot, nicola, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, clarissa dovey, leonora lesso
the land of stories
connor bailey, alex bailey, red riding hood, jack, goldilocks
scooby doo
shaggy rogers, fred jones, daphne blake, velma dinkley, thorn, dusk, luna
little women
jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, laurie
dracula, lucy westenra, arthur holmwood, john seward, mina harker, abraham van helsing, renfield, quincey morris, jonathan harker, the brides
victor frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval, adam frankenstein, justine mortiz, ernest frankenstein, the bride
dr jekyll and mr hyde
henry jekyll, edward hyde, richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
phantom of the opera
christine daaé, erik destler, raoul de chagney, meg giry, carlotta giudicelli
a good girls guide to murder
pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh, naomi ward, cara ward, connor reynolds, jamie reynolds, nat da silva
the mighty ducks
charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, guy germaine, connie moreau, fulton reed, dean portman, julie gaffney, ken wu, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
monster high
frankie stein, draculaura, clawdeen wolf, cleo de nile, abbey bominable, ghoulia yelps, operetta, rochelle goyle, spectra vondergeist, elissabat, clawd wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, kieran valentine
the powerpuff girls
blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium, brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
david bowie
david bowie, ziggy stardust, jareth, thomas jerome newton, celliers
sweeney todd
sweeney todd, anthony hope, mrs lovett, johanna todd
the rosewood chronicles
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, jamie volk, ollie moreno, raphael wilcox, anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
corny collins, link larkin, amber von tussle, tracey turnblad, penny pingleton, seaweed j. stubbs
attack on titan
eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, jean kirstein, sasha braus, connie springer, annie leonhardt, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, hange zoe, levi ackerman, erwin smith, colt grice, niccolo, yelena, onyakopon, zeke yeager
daisy jones and the six
daisy jones, billy dunne, graham dunne, karen sirko, warren rhodes, pete loving/roundtree, eddie loving/roundtree, camila dunne, simone jackson
doctor who bbc
ninth doctor, tenth doctor, rose tyler, jack harkness, mickey smith, donna noble, martha jones, clara oswald, river song, simm! master
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, millard nulling, enoch o’connor, olive elephanta, alma peregrine
miscellaneous characters
sarah williams, bernard the elf, rodrick heffley, varian, lisa frankenstein, the creature (lisa frankenstein)
UPCOMING FANDOMS : les miserables
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captainelliecomb · 7 months
2023 Fic Stats
February 2023, I decided to start tracking the amount of fic I read. I travelled a lot last year, quite a bit more than normal. I read a lot of fic when I travel.
I did a half year update at the end of June 2023. Between February and June, I read just under 13 million words.
February through December, I read just over 30 million words and 2,049 individual fic (though several are the same fic on a reread).
Some stats:
First read: Head, Hand, Heart by ddagent (@ddagent) (GOT canon divergence, Jaime/Brienne) (04 Feb 2023)
Last read: Other Brother by AlynnaStrong (ASOIAF canon divergence, Tyrion/Brienne) (31 Dec 2023)
Top 5 Most Read Authors
By number of fic. I reread frequently, so this is number of times I read a specific fic, not the author necessarily having written that number of fic.
ddagent, 78 fic (@ddagent)
Aviss, 72 fic (@aviss)
winterkill, 62 fic (@thebrimmingheart)
Lady_in_Red, 61 fic
chrkrose, 58 fic (@chrkrose)
By word count.
cardinalgirl75, 1.8 million words
winterkill, 1.3 million words (@thebrimmingheart)
sdwolfpup, 1.1 million words (@sdwolfpup)
angelowl, 1 million words (@angelowl-fics)
Aviss, 900,000 words (@aviss)
SeeThemFlying, 900,000 words (@seethemflying)
Top 5 Most Read Completed Fic
This includes number of times I read the entire fic while they were works in progress, which skews numbers. I'm doing something different in 2024.
so all the world can see by EllisJay: 12 (ASOIAF, Jaime x Brienne)
Simple by languageintostillair: 11  (GOT fix-it, Jaime x Brienne)
when the sun shine, we shine together by cardinalgirl75: 9  (Modern AU, sports, Jaime x Brienne)
Runaways by greenmtwoman: 7  (@greenmtwoman) (ASOIAF canon divergence, Jaime x Brienne)
Undisclosed Desires by Roccolinde: 7  (GOT fix-it, Addam x Jaime x Brienne)
Top 5 Longest Fic Read
The Keeper by PalyGirl, 532,733 words (GOT canon divergence, Aegon (Young Grif) x Brienne, Jaime x Brienne) (WIP)
Heart Full of Gasoline by sdwolfpup, 406,767 words (@sdwolfpup) (Modern AU, sports, Jaime x Brienne)
Diamond in the Rough by cardinalgirl75, 374,333 words (2x)  (Modern AU, sports, Jaime x Brienne)
Honor Compels Me by angel_deux, 335,399 words (@angel-deux-writes) (GOT canon divergence, Jaime x Brienne)
Truth and Measure by Telanu, 271,584 words (Devil Wears Prada, Miranda x Andrea)
Fic Over 100,000 Words Read More Than Once
Brienne-centric Kinktober 2021 by dancinginthecenteroftheworld, 101,177 words (3x)  (@dancinginthecenteroftheworld) (Brienne x all sorts of people and settings)
let's exchange the experience by cardinalgirl75, 116,080 words (3x) (Modern AU, Kimi no Na wa, Jaime x Brienne)
None But the Lonely Heart by OccasionalAvenger, 121,079 (3x) (ASOIAF, Jaime x Brienne) 
To Reach for Spring by Kadi219, 173,394 (2x)  (GOT fix-it and canon divergence, Jaime x Brienne) (WIP)
when the sun shine, we shine together by cardinalgirl75, 126,951 (2x) (Modern AU, sports, Jaime x Brienne)
Anima Dannum by motorbike_on_the_avenue, 121,021 (2x) (Modern AU, soulmates, Jaime x Brienne)
come on now, baby girl by angelowl, 119,957 (2x) (Modern AU, Veronica Mars, Jaime x Brienne)
Cubs and Gemstones by ddagent, 113,073 (2x) (Jaime x Brienne in all sorts of settings)
Brienne Pairings
I am here for Brienne of Tarth stories, and I will read her paired with almost anyone. Jaime x Brienne is my favourite, but here are several other Brienne pairings I read in 2023.
old Jaime/young Jaime/Brienne
Aegon (Young Griff)/Brienne
Arthur Dayne/Jaime/Brienne
Brienne & Brienne
Cersei & Brienne
Dothraki OC/Brienne
Leonette Fossoway/Brienne
Melara & Brienne
Multiple people/Brienne
Olenna & Brienne
Pevensies & Brienne
Podrick & Brienne
Renly & Brienne
Robb & Brienne
Sansa & Brienne
Tyrion & Brienne
Almost 1,000 fic were marked alternate universe. Various AUs include:
Apocalypse and dystopia
Fairy tale
Historical (including 1920s, 1940s, 1950s, 19th century, Regency, Victorian, Vikings, WWI)
Modern (including actors, artists, bikers, bodyguards, celebrities, doctors, chefs, farmers, firefighters, mafia, models, museums, photographers, politicians, reality tv, royalty, sports, students, superheroes, teachers, veterinarians, wedding planners, and writers)
Canons Used in Crossovers or Fusions
Belinda Blinked
Blade Runner
Dungeons & Dragons
Dragon Age II
Fight Club
Full Metal Alchemist
Fury Road
Ghost and Mrs Muir
Kimi no Na wa
Mountain Between Us
Old Guard
Only You
Pacific Rim
Ponyo and Dory
Romancing the Stone
Ted Lasso
MCU Thor
Veronica Mars
When Harry Met Sally
What We Do in the Shadows
Canon settings and divergence
Canon: 303 fic Canon divergence: 747 fic Fix-it: 666 fic
Most of the fic I read last year was Jaime x Brienne. For GOT, I consider canon divergence any story that diverges from Jaime returning to King's Landing in Season 8 and fix-it any story that deals with that return.
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esmestarz · 11 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ INTRO ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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about me ─ ★
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i can play on the electric guitar and piano !!
i used to do ballet but now i do belly dancing
i love listening to music esp rap, metal (any type tbfr) and rock, my fav animal is a cat and I'm pretty sure that's it
stuff ─ ★
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if you want me to write for a character that isn't on the list feel free to ask me and I'll write for them if possible <3
i will write smut, fem reader, gn reader, platonic and romantic relationships
i will not write rape, incest, gore, threesome, gang bang, male reader, character x character, character x oc, poly relationships, specified race reader
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what and who i write for ─ 𐙚⋅˚₊‧
black swan
- nina sayers
- lily
diary of a wimpy kid
- rodrick heffley
harry potter
- hermione granger
- harry potter
- draco malfoy
- luna lovegod
- ron weasley
- theodore nott
- tom riddle
- tatum riley
- sidney prescott
- billy loomis
- stu marcher
- samantha carpenter
- tara carpenter
- amber freeman
- anika kayko
- ethan landry
- gale weathers
- jill roberts
- kirby reed
- chad meeks-martin
- mindy meeks-martin
life as a house
- sam monroe
- clay beresford
- casper mcfadden
fight club
- marla singer
- tyler durden
star wars
- anakin skywalker
- padmé amidala
- edmund pevensie
- peter pevensie
seasquatch squad
- jeremy sumpter
pretty little liars
- emily fields
- alison dilaurentis
- hanna marin
- spencer hastings
gossip girl
- blair waldorf
- serena van der woodsen
- georgina sparks
- rafe cameron
- sarah cameron
- jj maybanks
- kiara carrera
- pope heyward
- john b routledge
seaquest dsv
- lucas wolenczak
the babysitters club
- sam thomas
- kristy thomas
- stacey mcgill
- claudia kishi
- dawn schafer
- carl gallagher
- fiona gallagher
- debbie gallagher
malcolm in the middle
- malcolm wilkerson
- reese wilkerson
- francis wilkerson
my babysitters a vampire
- rory keaner
- ethan morgan
- sarah fox
ruby and the well
- sam price
- mina amani
- ruby o'reilly
all of us are dead
- choi nam-ra
- lee su-hyeok
- lee cheong-san
- lee na-yeon
- nam on-jo
sweet home
- yoon ji-su
- lee eun-yoo
- cha hyun-soo
KPOP ─ ★
- karina
- winter
- ningning
- giselle
- nayeon
- chaeyoung
- momo
- mina
- sana
- jihyo
- dahyun
- jeongyeon
- tzuyu
le sserafim
- sakura
- yunjin
- chaewon
- kazuha
- eunchae
- soyeon
- minnie
- shuhua
- miyeon
- yuqi
- sullyoon
- lily
- kyujin
- haewon
- jiwoo
- bae
new jeans
- danielle
- haerin
- minji
- hyein
- hanni
the last of us
- ellie williams
fatal frame
- yuri kozukata
- rui kagamiya
cry of fear
- simon henriksson
resident evil
- leon s kennedy
- jill valentine
- ada wong
- claire redfield
- bela dimitrescu
81 notes · View notes
Narnia OCs Masterlist
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Name: Aine Meraxes
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Liz Pevensie
Quote: I'm going to be the deadliest piece on the board.
Pinterest: X
FC: Millie Alcock
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Name: Amaranta Ira
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Prince Caspian & Edmund Pevensie
Quote: She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Amita Suman
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Name: Avaluna Lohan Kirke
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Lucy Pevensie
Quote: I'm just a girl trying to find a place in this world.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Elle Fanning
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Name: Fitzroy Mahogany
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
LI: Peter Pevensie
Quote: I do not believe this darkness will endure.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Douglas Booth
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Name: Edurne
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Long Cold Lonely Winter
LI: Peter Pevensie
Quote: She waits, seething, blooming.
Pinterest: X
FC: Freya Allan
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Name: Kalila
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Clairvoyant Dreams
LI: Susan Pevensie & Prince Caspian
Quote: Now she sits on her throne in her palace of bones, praying to her greed. She's got my past frozen behind a glass, but I've got me.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Phia Saban
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Name: Killian Evada
Pronouns: he/him
Story: King And Lionheart
LI: Edmund Pevensie
Quote: Even if I can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Thomas Brodie Sangster
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Name: Leocadius Thorne
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
Quote: Fill your mind with knowledge. It's the only kind of power no one can take away from you.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Isaac Hempstead Wright
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Name: Liz Pevensie
Pronouns: she/her & they/them
Story: Untitled
LI: Aine Meraxes
Quote: We were children thrust into war and once it ends, what will we become?
Pinterest: X
FC: Maisie Williams
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Name: Magpie Kirke
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Peter Pevensie & Prince Caspian
Quote: Oh I'm no longer a kid. And everything has changed.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Florence Pugh
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Name: Marianne Luell
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
Quote: And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Sarah Bolger
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Name: Merletta Of Narnia
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Lucy Pevensie
Quote: But I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun, something in the orange tells me we're not done.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Ceara Coveney
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Name: Neera Merwyna
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Prince Caspian
Quote: Do it because they said you couldn't.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Halle Bailey
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Name: Nevan Dair
Pronouns: he/him
Story: Untitled
LI: Edmund Pevensie
Quote: I'll make it though the winter if it kills me.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Kit Young
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Name: Shivani
Pronouns: they/them
Story: Untitled
LI: Susan Pevensie
Quote: My soul comes from better worlds and I have an incurable homesickness of the stars.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Jessie Mei Li
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Name: Verena Mars
Pronouns: she/her
Story: Untitled
LI: Susan Pevensie
Quote: The laws of the universe say that the person I love is lost to me. I say watch me save her.
Pinterest: TBD
FC: Hailee Steinfeld
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