#petty gremlin blogging
isabelpsaroslunnen · 6 months
I know I should be grateful that I have a very treatable variant of bipolar disorder (it's fairly responsive to Lamictal+Abilify). And I am! I have friends with depression that doesn't respond to medication and it can be an interminable hellscape, whereas I always know that a) it'll shift states to hypomania at some point and b) I can take my meds and they will help a lot.
But. I'm also autistic, and just remembering my medication and coordinating appointments and dealing with my psychiatrist and getting my blood tested and generally keeping everything straight is aghghhhhhh. And between my dissertation and some personal stresses, I lost track and I've crashed from obvious-in-retrospect scatterbrained hypomania to my current feeling that my brain has been scooped out of my head, alternating with the conviction that everyone in my life secretly hates me, or at least is deeply bored by me, that I'm a terrible writer and an academic failure, etc.
I can't really think, otherwise, and it's doubly frustrating because I'm the one who fucked up my medication, at a time when I'm lucky to have health insurance, so ... ugh. And the idea of Dealing With People to get it straightened out is particularly exhausting.
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scary-lasagna · 2 years
Okay I know the meme is old but there was definitely a point where everytime someone saw Ben they would do a Talking Ben meme voice.
And Ben thought it was hilarious at first but as tome when on he started to loathe it and ended up banning anything with Talking Ben from the manors internet devices.
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kit-williams · 4 months
Cheer them up
Male Lead: Simon 'Ghost' Riley/Ymeo Sgosh Inirlt Universe/AU: Bloodthirster!141+friends Canon Status: I'd say this is canon.
Note: I was reminded how much I liked 09 Ghost being that the man is literally a gremlin/goblin so there might be some personality fusing
The initiates did not like it when they were with a brooding Ymeo. Sure he could get serious but when he was broody it was like the typical Khornite demons... hairpin trigger. Hell he even swiped at their handler as it looked like he was going to flex free of his bindings at any point he wanted.
That's the feeling all the initiates had gotten as his eyes were always molten brass as they roved over the group. But it was driving them mad that Ymeo wasn't being his usual self... which was saying a lot for the initiates as they were use to the smartass giant "goblin" of a man verses this cold and detached and able to appear like a ghost sort of man.
He was sitting on the floor in the back of the truck as his large arms were folded over his chest. Purity seals and other sigils kept him in place as it was always long transportations that strained him in his physical form.
"Um," An initiate started causing Ymeo to open an eye behind the skull faced mask, "What do you call a group of kids who enlists in the military?" They ask with a smile clearly looking at Ymeo who is just sitting there, "The Infantry!"
A soft groan filled the cabin as several others covered their face.
"Well it was worth a shot." They grumbled.
A few moments passed before another initiate spoke up, "What do you call someone who joined the military out of spite?" Again Ymeo was silent, "A PETTY officer!" The female initiate was grinning at that lame pun but it was nothing.
This continued till they got to their destination no one managing to make him chuckle or crack one of his own awful jokes.
Tobias got up a little bit too quickly and smacked his head on the lip of the roof of the back of the transport. He braced to fall flat on his face but opened his eyes to see Ymeo holding him by the back of his vest with ease as he got out and looked over everyone.
"Two fish are in a tank... one turns to the other and says... 'Do you know how to drive this thing?'" He says before letting out a small chuckle. "Good job lads and lasses you certainly raised my mood." He clapped his hands together as suddenly his axe materialized as he pulled his hands apart. "Whose ready to lop some heads off?"
He said and everyone could see the smile that was in his eyes.
@bispecsual @the-californicationist @egrets-not-regrets @libraryshadow @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
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"this is a discussion blog and we're all allowed to have our own opinion on the matter"
Here is a point where I find it conflicting.
There are a lot of anonymous women who have made a big deal out of it (including you at times). To the point, and I saw it in your blog, that they even took it for granted that Evan is going to marry Haley. That she is perfect -in general- and that everything Evan does, something has to do with her (for example, the comment on Amazon about the anti-allergic).
Then you allow the issue to get bigger. When there is only one photo and, at most, they are dating and haven't seen each other for a long time (at least in public).
So, you have a little responsibility for the blog to enter into discussion. When you can easily answer to every repetitive question about Haley that you are asked with a "nothing is confirmed, time will tell".
My opinion.
i'm not exactly sure what you mean when you say a ''big deal''. i know i harp on this at times, but i have to reiterate: this is a gossip blog. if celebrity gossip makes you uneasy, then it is best you do not engage with this content. the very first post i ever made stated this and that no reasonable topic would be off-limits, and i let my readers guide the discussions we have. the messages i get define the flow of our conversation. some days all we do is bemoan the emma roberts gremlins, other days we talk about haley lu, or fran and her bait-y ways.. sometimes it's just folks having an outlet for their horny thoughts. sometimes i have nothing to add and other times i write paragraphs. this blog belongs to the readers just as much as it belongs to me - if they do not engage, this is just an empty blog where dust would collect.
also, if you saw the posts you're referencing, because lord knows i remember.. then you already know i tempered the expectations of the people who thought that evan and haley should have already been meeting each others families and planning for marriage 2 weeks after potentially meeting the first time. it was whiplash inducing going from ask to ask. but outside of managing trolls, i tried to do this in a civil way and understand that not everyone is as old as i am and it's natural that some people may get over-excited. likewise, i dealt with people who came to share legitimate feelings of sadness and conflict over evan dating someone, and i tried to talk with them in a human way to understand that our feelings can be complex and irrational, and it doesn't always mean someone is ill-intentioned or stupid; just struggling with their emotions.
this is the nature of a discussion blog - as the admin, outside of sharing my own opinions, i feel like my only responsibility is to keep conversations from going off the rails and being destructive or overly negative. i am not here to police anybody for reasonable conversation on a gossip discussion blog! i do not resent those who disagree with me, but i do kind of resent stupid people who litter my ask box with petty or downright delusional baloney. sorry if that makes me a grump.
and this is where you lose me. the comment re: the amazon review for nasal spray was obviously done jokingly. please remove the stick from betwixt the cheeks of your buttocks, ma'am. no tumblr users were hurt by me and a tweam member joking about evan's allergy to felines, when haley lu has a beloved cat! no one, and i really mean no one because i can never recall it, has said haley is perfect or everything she does is related to evan. where were you the other day when we literally belabored the fact that not everything haley (or anyone) posts on social media is about their SO? c'mon..
and what kind of a gossip/discussion blog would this be if every time someone wanted to chat about something unverified, i simply copy and pasted an auto-response about how ''nothing is confirmed''? it's not like we're over here discussing evan's tax documents or racing to see who can find his social security number first. TEA is in the username, TEA is slang for GOSSIP. and what purpose does this response to all haley/evan relationship questions serve other than to spare your feelings when you apparently have to read my discussion blog and see that we're discussing who evan is dating? friend, click away! blacklist haley's name! it's just not that deep. this is supposed to be fun; if you're not having fun, you should not be here.
also, evan and haley dating is not an ''issue'' that gets bigger. him dating a girl who is causing no problems should not be an issue to you, or anyone else. evan peters is a stranger to you, me, and everyone else reading this blog unless something's going on i don't know about lmao
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What is the relationship between a man in a hat and six?
This blog awakens to answer this one ask...
Six and the Thin Man
Like many of Six's relationships, these two just freakin' hate each other
It's not a true, full on hatred. It's more like an extreme, petty, mutual disliking towards the other
For Six, he's just tall, old fart that harbours a grudge towards a little girl for absolutely no reason
For the Thin Man, this gremlin of an ankle biter (literally) is a menace to society
...also, she's small
Six would just love to make the ridiculously tall guy fall and cannot get up ever, but that would require a lot of effort she doesn't want to commit to
And the Thin Man would punt this kid to the moon, if she wasn't best friends with Mono
Whenever these two meet, they merely glare at the other, begrudgingly acknowledge the other's presence, and leave to do whatever
It annoys everyone, but at least Six and the Thin Man aren't trying to harm the other
It's almost a good thing they're not friends though...
The Thin Man can devolve into an unhinged ball of chaos, and Six is the harbinger of despair
These two just might end the world faster
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Tbh I didn't write out my opinions when that anon said stuff about @tulipsbymybed posts because of reasons but I was like? SO? CONFUSED?
First of all yeah like what you all said the actors/actresses that portrays the characters written by the writer are of legal age, and they did say that in their works the characters are all aged up to 18+ so like 😃 I'm failing to see the problem here :")
Also some anon made a point saying that teens wouldn't abide the warnings (very aggressive warnings btw) that the writer has put at the start of the post that there are mature contents, and like?? Okay how is it the writer's fault that underage people CHOOSE to NOT abide the explicitly written warning about the fic being 18+ ????
Like people are putting out contents with warnings, and if the consumer chooses to consume these contents despite having read the warnings etc then it's on the consumer??
I might be wrong and please do give your view and understanding of the situation because I could be biased since I'm the 💞 anon of their blog and I hope this ask could reach them since I didn't realize how much this has bothered them cuz they were responding calmly after that one anon made like several long ass paragraphs??? (I realize that I'm doing the same thing but fuck it you're not the only anon who can write long as paragraphs).
also I really enjoy your writing, keep up the good work! :)
i love how people see the warnings, proceed to read the whole fic despite not liking what was in the warnings and then whine about it
this is how i imagine it happens
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like why read it in the first place?? it's incomprehensible to me
also teens WILL read mature stuff no matter what restrictions and warnings you put, it's inevitable. let's be real, i played my first god of war game when i was 8 lol
that's on them tho. i did what i had to do as a content creator, put warnings and all. what happens after is not my responsibility
i don't even care enough to fight tbh. i'm just out here writing my silly little fanfics and giggling like a gay little gremlin
it does make me sad that some petty people even bother to say mean things to writers, like get a life fr
i was a long-time follower of a pretty cool artist, and he posted literal pedophilia with some naruto characters one day and was like 'don't like just unfollow', and you wanna know what i did? FUCKING UNFOLLOWED WOW
i was extremely disturbed by what he was doing but i didn't go into a whole rant in his dms about it. simply unfollowed and forgot about him. why can't people do that??
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I think there's an innate misunderstanding all around of who/what I mean/did/whatever in this fandom or under the skin for certain messengers.
Let it be clear. I am not a Friend(TM) to Supernatural. I was a Friend(TM) to the queer battle going on inside the show, but not to Supernatural(TM).
Supernatural was the beginning of the last end for Atlanta. It started before CW became CW, but was the first show to move to Vancouver, and became the model by which Pedowitz wholesale screwed the vestiges of Ted's entertainment crew in the gulf by bulk ordering all the superhero shows out to Vancouver, and then hanging one black character out there and convincing the world it's woke and diverse after nuking a dozen black shows off the planet for their airspace.
I made it clear for many years that my hate of CW went well beyond SPN or Destiel. These were separate issues to me, even if related. Sometimes I also knew other shit in Supernatural. Like racist casting decisions internally as far back as season 4 with Anna. Like people breaking t heir heels clean off on other shows and just getting brushed under the rug by production insurance. Things.
So yeah, nobody cared when it was black entertainers. But an army of angry gays showed up and I'd been grinding an ax REAL SHARP for about a decade. I knew they lost the Netflix deal and were vulnerable. I had the codeex on how to break down their infrastructure that made them the corporate monster they were while seeming untouchable. And nobody thought to ask like. Why? I knew how to do that?
So yeah I got between the cracks in SPN in ways even TPTB probably doesn't totally have a thumb on when half of it runs by a few dozen messengers. Yeah, we pulled stunts. But there's very, very few members of TPTB I consider myself friendly with. The few that made that list I would like to think I've been clear enough about, to those who can read between the lines.
Vancouver was basically enemy territory and you know what, I operated like that the whole time, and it's what made this shit work in a fandom full of vicious dishonest gremlins.
So yeah, i got done what I wanted to do. I ain't owe shit to anyone else. And that includes any real emotional vestment in this fandom and its petty wars and inflationary rhetoric and misinfo blogs spreading rumors they're gonna get clowned on anyway. Like who tf cares guys. There's TV outside of SPN, I have a life outside of this place, and unless anyone wants to give me a salary for my old work, like, what do I genuinely give a fuck, i got what I wanted. we took it.
So yeah enjoy a personal blog of muddled shitposts and the occasional leak or ~spec or meta or whatever, because that's what it is at this point man. There's a new crowmaster. Theyre hot as hell, in your business, and you'll never see them them coming. It ain't my circus and you ain't my monkeys anymore.
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 years
should this be anonymous? well opsie!
anyways, I LOVE all your fics, your AUs, your writing skills are over the f top girl. I wish you would write a pic where Lando has like the biggest crush on Daniel ever but he doesn't interact much with the latter cause he thinks that Dan and Max were together and they ended things not so good (Lando literally has a Tumblr blog for this in my mind ngl #ripmaxiel). then, with Monza 2021 and stuff he realizes that Dan ADORES him (as he should) but not as a friend or as a teammate!
this kinda merges in your oblivious AU and I hope you don't mind!!!! it's just that your writing is sooooo good and I would love to hear from you!
have a great time, stay hydrated and slay it <3
Send away, anon or not!! 😊
Oooo I love this idea 👀
Lando absolutely would be a tumblr gremlin. Him and George would have secret accounts where they shit post about F1 just for the fun of it and Lando would be a little petty about Maxiel 😂
Monza happening when they're starting to get a bit closer then they already have. The two of them have been flirting, not that they realise it, and Lando is aching with the urge to tell Daniel that he has feelings for him but until that podium haooe s he's convinced that Dan doesn't feel the same
And they're on that podium together and Daniel is grinning and he's looking right at Lando and Lando sees it for just a moment. He sees that longing and that urge in his eyes and it takes his breath away. Its like he's been bowled over by the amount of emotions he can read on Daniels face, and when the other hugs him he melts
He can't stop grinning after that because he has feeling that he isn't the only one wanting to take this further than friendship
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iinksplit · 2 years
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my sleep schedule watching me consider waking up at 7am for opening... this is queued tho 😭 hihi i’m melo (21+, s/h), writer of hot girl trash raccoon lee yuram & her functional symbie known as yubi! she’s currently a low ranking journalist at the herald & has lived all her life in eden while dreaming of taking over the world ( yubi tells her to pass her exams first, loser 😔 ) all her info is scattered around the blog ( stats, bio, power ) & i have no plots so here’s an attempt at putting everything together under the cut 😬 hit the ♡ or drop an im if you’d wanna plot, i also have discord if that’s easier!! 💖
eden born & raised! her parents were both metas who decided quickly that they wanted to settle down, get registered, & live a good safe life. her dad talks to animals & her mum has some healing powers
think about the most law abiding, nice, polite, incredibly normal two people who could ever exist. that’s yuram’s parents. that’s also how you get an absolutely unhinged child
yuram’s a terror before she gets yubi, the sort to get into playground brawls & play dumb pranks. that annoying kid who likes to ask but why tho when she’s told no. extremely bored of being a goody two shoes like her parents so she turns around & is no shoes gremlin
anyway she’s born with a funky looking birthmark that turns into symbiotic ink when some kid breaks their pen & splatters her with ink, around age ten-ish. enter: yubi!
( basically venom but ) reverse symbiote trope! yuram wants WORLD DOMINATION & yubi just wants to pass their tests & maybe get a steady income
so ( v sadly ) yubi doesn’t help with any of the taking over the world stuff. they do help with exams & chores though 🙏🏻
yuram ends up in university thanks to her symbie, as a journalism major bc she’s a nosy little shit & thinks she knows what the news should be reporting
fresh grad, just got herself hired by the herald but doesn’t get to cover the mayor chae story :( but she might be poking around on the downlow......
other symbie facts! yubi’s personality fluctuates depending on what kind of ink yuram uses to build them up, but they’ve got a solid lawful good base. they aren’t always awake; if there’s too little ink on yuram, the symbiote just hibernates/goes dormant. they communicate telepathically but yubi can either borrow yuram’s mouth or pass notes to other people to talk to them. their big venom form is a huge mass of inkperson, pitch black; kinda scary but they only use that form for sneaking around, non-combative even though yuram wishes they were. ( but someday... 😉 )
chara insp! venom & eddie brock ( venom ), jang hari ( mad dog ), ji seungwan ( 2521 )
personality / misc! gemini sun, sagittarius moon, aries rising, a powerhouse clown. loves being argumentative & is always ready to go. probably willing to go to bat for you even if she’s only known you for 10sec bc she’s nice looking for a fight like that. can’t cook or clean but would d*e before admitting it or the many other things she sucks at. her common sense only exists in yubi, really really rebellious for fun & impulsive because she’s not patient enough & just wants instant gratification. in my head her bgm is any mgk x blackbear collab bc she’s got loser punk rock vibes. disaster really
petty crimes crew: exactly what this sounds like! just a ragtag buncha dummies spraying graffiti & pickpocketing, have been saying they’ll commit a heist since high school but still have no idea how to. lame gang things!!
free printer services: if you need help printing something or, ahem, ‘editing’ a document wink wink... she’s here to help
herald coworkers: yuram’s notorious for being a bit too headstrong & willing to investigate excessively for a story, asking way too many questions & only trusting herself. writes articles freakishly fast once she’s done tho. maybe a mentor or someone who has to keep her in check? fellow new hire jostling for a promotion?
snu friends: anyone from journalism, or their school’s broadcasting & journalism club? maybe someone who saw her ( yubi ) sign up for a million clubs but she never turned up too
bulleog apartments: neighbour plots!! yuram’s a petty little shit of a neighbour & somehow always up to something strange
commitment issues tm: yuram’s string of flings, past & current, or the (1) serious relationship she screwed up? ( also lowkey would love an enemies to friends / lovers / worse enemies but now we care for each other gdi plot )
thats all the ideas i have in my head but we can brainstorm instead!!
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holyguardian · 2 years
Knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier. Repost, don’t reblog.
NAME: Muddy.
PRONOUNS: She/her.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Do not perceive me. In all seriousness though, I am terrible with ongoing conversation unless I am in a group chat setting like Discord with a handful of others typing. Small RP hubs where it’s OOC chat and spitballing ideas, chilling, talking about life stuff, hobbies, desires for writing etc. otherwise I’m a fucking gremlin and ANYONE WHO HAS TRIED TO TALK TO ME knows I disappear into my hovel. I’m not good at one-on-one chat that’s purely character or plot-based.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Aerith Gainsborough (here), Genesis Rhapsodos (@firxga), Ariadne Nihilis OC (@rebelichor), Jason Kolchek / Miller Park OC / Millie Park OC (@returnedtoashes).
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: I have been on Tumblr roleplaying since 2015, however my roleplaying journey began when I was 14 years old (teen chat rooms ((A/S/L anyone)) -> IMVU forums -> MSN messenger -> AIM -> Skype -> Tumblr -> Line -> Discord -> back to Tumblr). Before all of this little-Muddy was playing tabletop games and acting out stories.
BEST EXPERIENCE: I found my best friend through Tumblr roleplay. Skit and I never would have met if not for a chance recommendation from a mutual. This was when I didn’t know how the website worked, wasn’t tagging, was on a default theme, used awful big images and was hitting a lot of walls because there isn’t a how-to guide to get into the Tumblr bubble. Skit took me in at my worst (how was I not an embarrassment to type with my god) and deserves the very best for helping me in so many ways.
RP PET PEEVES: Let me preface this with I know everyone has limited spoons, and this has nothing to do with slowness or needing to ease thread load, this is directly related to interest not being communicated. Going hard on my OC’s with liking starters or grabbing opportunities from mutuals in general and getting dropped after 1 reply or no returned interest is more disheartening than a peeve, however it’s worth noting because once that happens I’m more likely to back off with any of my canon characters. Perhaps that is a little petty but I much prefer to be told ‘actually, I don’t think our characters will fit’ outright than having to smack into a wall several times to get the message, whereas my canons can walk in 5 months late with starbucks and a flimsy excuse but be fine. TL;DR: if my OC is on struggle street with a blog, but my canon character is cruising, of course I notice.
MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT: ‘All’ for most of my muses. Ariadne is more adventure, horror or occult themed.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots. Having a vague idea and running with it, throwing bumps in the road or outright breaking the road.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Nice middle ground. I think 4 paragraphs is a happy spot for me, 2 I feel like I’m not contributing enough and once I’m leaning more into 8 paragraphs I lose motivation and spoons quickly because writing actually takes a lot of focus for me.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: When it is completely quiet. I cannot write or even brainstorm when there is background noise. That tends to fall into night time, but then I also battle with feeling sleepy and not having the energy to.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: I wish I were so sassy. No, I think I have a dumb sense of humour and am way too gamer-nerd and relaxed to really relate to any of my characters like that.
TAGGED BY: @noblehcart
TAGGING: @ceaselxss @enokvirkow @fraxcxccl @hautevaux @heavensfists @hyperionfated @lightwithinthenightsky @omnilimit @ravusnightblossom @reiivusu @stingslikeabee @talesfantastic @warofthebeasts @wiintereyes @yumetohokori
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aceys · 2 years
anyway idk if i’ll be active on here after again but im just gonna update some stuff anyway i don’t care enough anymore to keep this an exclusionist blog like truly i have no opinion on the matter anymore... things get crazy when u get out of high school dkjfhjdkfg
idk maybe i will post abt proship stuff since im on a kaeluc kick lately so the discourse is occupying my brain... i think i just need some kind of debate to keep my mind entertained or maybe im just a petty little gremlin idk
but yea thats my little update also i have a marching band performance tomorrow yay college band yeehaw
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 11 months
A pretty cool thing just happened!
Backing up, some context: I was very close to my late grandfather (he died shortly before I began my PhD program). He loved books without having had much opportunity for formal education, and was thrilled that I did have the opportunity. He'd buy any used books that looked like something I might be interested in and save them for me (he traded in used books in the last portion of his life).
Now, his judgment of what I might be interested in was honestly a bit flawed—anything vaguely Victorian, but I actually don't like most Victorian literature. I study early modern and (long) eighteenth-century literature. He also got me a lot of old (i.e. early 20th/late 19th century) anthologies of English literature generally that also tend not to be very useful, given the very dated editorializations.
Setting all that aside, I've been working on formatting the Wordsworth section of my dissertation, and it's a pain because online versions are weird about line numbering and often "fix" ostensible errors that were just normal conventions at the time, etc. So I've been keeping an eye out for a hard copy of just about anything that a) includes "Tintern Abbey" and at the least, has proper line numbers.
I could have sworn I bought one at some point, but I cannot find it and it'd be so handy, but I ran over one of Grandpa's old and previously useless anthologies that I hadn't the heart to get rid of, and on a whim, checked the table of contents. And it did have "Tintern Abbey" and it's got proper line numbers and there's no modern standardization, and that section of my diss just got way easier to manage. Oh, and it has the preface to Lyrical Ballads that I want to reference in a different part.
Thanks, Grandpa :')
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anghraine · 2 years
I got up still thinking about the trailer, lol, and given that I still have lots of icon space on Dreamwidth, made three quick icons of what/who most intrigued me:
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Take ’em if you want!
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
i swear to god y’all jikookers spend more time talking about taekook than your ship, are you a jikook or anti-taekook blog? both sides have toxic people, just focus on jikook, they have more than enough moments to discuss. or at least please stop tagging your posts with taekook, not everyone is interested in your petty fights
And yet here you are, anon. What's wrong? Grownup logic chafing your asscheeks?
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I tell you what. You keep your kids OUT OF MY GODDAMNED INBOX WITH THEIR DEATH THREATS AND BULLSHIT and I won't feel the need to point out their rabid stupidity in public. OKAY?
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Let's see how effective you are at controlling the insane and the insipid. Because I block about twenty-three of you before lunch on any given day BUT YOUR ASS CAN STILL SEE ME AND FUCK MY INBOX WITH A RAKE DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MANY ASKS I THROW AWAY IT'S LITERALLY A WHOLE DIAGNOSIS AT THIS POINT YOU PONTIFICATING PENISPULLER JUST STOP ALREADY DAMN
wow that was capitalist of me
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BE MORE LIKE JIMIN I DARE YOU Meanwhile, you own a magic go-away button that you can use to make sure you never have to see the results of what happens when you feed your gremlins after midnight and let them loose on the internet.
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occasionallybagel · 3 years
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So let me invade Pokeask Positivity to gush over these two swell fuckers!
@mod-jazzy is one the most sweetest, and hard working mods in the entire community. They have put so much effort into this little gang we got going on, to make it a happy and welcoming place! The fact that there are some pathetic idiots out there who are using such petty and superficial reasons as a way to bully and harass her is astounding. I hold nothing but the utmost respect for this little gremlin, and you should as well! I swear if it weren’t for their work and dedication, this community wouldn’t be the open and friendly place it is today. I can only watch with awe as to what they end up doing next, with both pokeask and beyond!
Then we have @theredvaporeon, one of me’ oldest and best friends in the community, all right!? I love this old bastard, ever since the olden days of ol’ Arthur and Grim. I’ve loved every interaction we chuck our muses in! You put yourself down so much, and you really shouldn’t! You’re a strong, talented artist and i’m proud to call you me bro! Through silly shenanigans and all! Your blogs are one of the few I have my notifications set to on! I can’t wait to see where your blogs go from here dood! I wanna support you 100% all the way!
Happy Positivity ya’ll nerds.
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primalvessel · 2 years
Without saying with whom, list something that has pleasantly surprised you about your most recent five RPs or other interactions.
Okay I may have misinterpreted this since I wasn’t sure if it was one thing encompassing five recent interactions/rps (even though these could be with a bunch of different people) or one thing for each of five recent rps/interactions so I’m sorry if this is more than what you meant. I went with the latter which hopefully fulfills the criteria either way?
I’ve popped it under a readmore because it’s a smidge long having done it that way.
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1.) To start with, it was real nice to get those asks from Kink Rating meme and before you start in on me being a horny little gremlin (which I am, no lie), it was more the fact that I posted that meme days ago and yet someone took the time to send the asks anyway (they were formatted the same way so I'm assuming it was the same person).
Asks of any kind are always welcome, prompted or otherwise and as a small blog who generally doesn't get many asks, it was a really nice surprise to come online to see that someone had taken the time to send something.
And I loved it.
2.) Getting to explore and indulge in certain topics that it’s so rare to be able to, whether it’s out of embarrassment, shyness or just a lack of interest. Whether they’re darker topics, kinkier ones or just less mainstream. Being able to talk about them with someone. I’m going to count this towards Soren’s blog too because there are things there that can or are happening that wouldn’t work on Maru’s blog and while Soren was created in no small part to invite those darker themes, it’s still a nice surprise when I actually get them.
3.) No-one’s come at me for being weird or awkward while I’ve been trying to leave more comments and send asks and things for people. I’m really not very good at talking to people and sometimes when I see that little mutual mark, I get a little excited. On more than one occasion I’ve left a comment or sent an ask and then immediately sat there and asked myself if that came out right, if maybe that wasn’t an appropriate ask to send and anxiety sweated while I wait for some kind of forcibly polite and awkward comment, or some kind of gtfo comment and block because I’ve made things weird.
So not having been attacked because I’ve accidentally said something stupid has been nice. I say this because I know how unnecessarily petty people can be in callouts and things.
4.) This kinda ties into and extends point 1 but. Getting asks related to something that’s happened on my blog somewhere has been something that hasn’t happened ever on my blogs in other fandoms so to see it happen here has been amazing. Even if the person sending the ask is the one I’m already interacting with in whatever’s being referred to. It’s like someone enjoys reading over my blog, or wants to know more or something. It’s a really nice feeling and a huge surprise whenever someone goes out of their way to send an ask like that.
5.) And finally, people just liking my posts? I don’t post much ooc at all, nor do I post much in the way of musings or pictures but it’s always a really nice surprise when someone drops a like on something I’ve posted. Again I’m comparing to other blogs I’ve had, some of which have had many more followers than here and yet far less interaction between the content people posted.
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And there you have it!
I hope I hit on what you were looking for in there somewhere!
And now I’ll sit here and hope I haven’t said something stupid in there somewhere accidentally...
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