#pg. 97
marq-de-laf · 2 years
The cavalry was instructed to continue on Wilmington before encamping, and Washington, Greene, and their new charge, Lafayette, along with their aides continued along with the horsemen and made headquarters in Wilmington in a house on Quaker Hill.....The next morning, Washington, Greene, Lafayette, their aides, and a strong troop of horse, rode southward on a scouting expedition.
Forgotten Patriot: The Life and Times of Major-General Nathanael Greene by Lee Patrick Anderson, pg. 97. This book and I don’t get along, but I feel irrationally obligated to share every mention of Lafayette I see. Here you go. 
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genesisgijinka · 1 year
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inkinmyskinandsoul · 1 year
You never really “reach” a limit. Approach it, sure – so close you can smell it, so close that it aches – but you don’t arrive. The jump to the limit is an act of transcendence; it’s akin to the leap of mortality, the transformation from time-bound body to timeless soul. Why should every property survive the journey? Our bodies have hair and teeth; do we expect an afterlife of hairy, toothy spirits?  The miracle of calculus, the unfathomable secret of the whole discipline, is that so much does survive the mortal leap. The derivative and the integral are both defined by limits. Yet they don’t collapse in paradox. They work.
Ben Orlin, Change Is the Only Constant
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pandoraaucomic · 4 months
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part 1 pg 91-97
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itsfantasticac · 6 months
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Character art for Jaleco's 1997 team-based Mahjong game, Vs. Mahjong Brand New Stars, by Tetsuyarou Shinkaida. Shinkaida's arcade contributions also include character design for Taito's 1996 3D fighting game, Fighters' Impact.
Gamest magazine no. 193 (Apr. 30, '97), pg. 212-213
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afloweroutofstone · 1 year
One thing I've learned working on this is that, had the Three-Fifths Compromise not given slave owners disproportionate political power in the US, the bill enabling the Trail of Tears would have died in congress. The Indian Removal Act only passed the House of Representatives by 102-97! 49% voted against it!
Claudio Saunt. 2020. “Unworthy Republic: The Dispossession of Native Americans and the Road to Indian Territory.” eBook version, pg. 97-100 or so
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colonel--sarge · 11 months
Joseph kavinsky
- gold chain necklace (pg 26)
- refugee's face (hollow eyed and innocent) (pg 26)
- long nose (pg 49)
- hollowed out heavy-lidded eyes (pg 49)
- dark, arched eyebrows (pg 49)
- spiked hair (pg 49)
- a small earring (pg 49)
- chain around his neck (pg 49)
- white tank top (pg 49)
- always moving (pg 49)
- "something erratic and vulgar about the full line of his lips" (pg 49)
- lives in a "hellish affluent subdivision" (pg 95)
- screws up the shift from third to fourth (pg 97)
- "hummed with a restless, unpredictable energy" (pg 180)
- "...erasing the ribs from his concave torso" (pg 211)
- "with his hollow cheeks, he was a ghoul in this light" (pg 212)
- "...was late, as always" (pg 266)
- wears white-rimmed sunglasses (pg 267)
- "...wore a white tank top, and his exposed shoulder was raw and beautiful as a corpse" (pg 268)
- "...the vein-covered peaks of kavinsky's knuckles..." (pg 284)
- his father: rich and powerful and Bulgarian, lived in Jersey where he was possibly a mobster (pg 313)
- his mother: tanned and fit and make with non-factory-standard parts, lived in the suburban mansion with kavinsky (pg 313)
- the rumor was: his mothers nasal septum had been eaten away by cocaine and his fathers patriarchal instinct had died when kavinsky tried to kill him (pg 313)
- "is it true that you tried to kill your father?"(said by ronan) "I never try to do anything, man. i do what i mean to" (kavinsky's response) (pg 313)
- "he tried to kill me" (talking about his father) (pg 314)
-  "his eyes glittered. he had no irises. just black and white" (pg 314)
- "the line of this smile was ugly and lascivious" (pg 314)
- "his already keen expression sharpened when he saw Ronan's dream object" (pg 315)
- heavy-lidded eyes (pg 315)
- "he was too high for food to be very interesting as anything besides a concept" (pg 317)
- "my favorite forgery is prokopenko" (pg 369)
- "...with that slow, despicable laugh in his voice" (pg 403)
- "I got away with dear old dad. and prokopenko. and no offense to your brother, but they were a lot more complicated" (pg 403)
- wears cargo pants (pg 411)
- "kavinsky looked at ronan, his eyes dead" (pg 412)
- his last words: "the worlds a nightmare" (pg 425)
- "he crumpled to his knees and then slumped gracelessly off the car" (pg 425)
- "but he had been dying since ronan met him." (pg 425)
- one shoulder crooked and higher than the other (pg 214)
- ears like wing nuts (pg 214)
- has a matching Golf with Swan (pg 268)
- drives an rx-7 (pg 268)
- has a matching Golf with proko (pg 268)
- drives a Supra (pg 268)
nicknames that kavinsky has called ronan
- sweetheart (pg 284)
- rain man (pg 299)
- princess (pg 309)
- sailor (pg 312)
- sweetie (pg 409)
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peachmangopie323 · 1 year
Idol✮Amy! AU v2 pg. 97-101
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thenixkat · 5 months
i was going to refrain from it for awhile but since folks ruined my whole funky flow twice now I might as well.
Someone remind me around 5:30/6 pm whenever i actually get back home from work to elaborate on shit cause I do have shit to say on
Low facial diversity
Pasty bitch overload
In Dungeon Meshi
Cause like while I really do like Dungeon Meshi that doesn't mean I didn't notice shit
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ndbookstudy · 8 months
questions answered by robert adams in silence of the heart:
pg. 51-55, 97, 99, 108.
How can I do all the practical things I need to do in the state of mind of "I am not my body"?
If you really knew you were not the body, that question would never come to you. The body will always take care of itself. Who grows oranges on the orange tree? Who makes the grass grow? That same power will take care of your body. You don't have to worry about it. Everything will be okay. Your body will not walk into the street in front of a truck, unless you are day dreaming. You will be awake! Being awake is not being in a stupor. Because you believe yourself to be a body, you believe you are the doer, in charge of everything, making meals, walking, shopping. But you have nothing to do with that. Being awake is being aware of all of this that is happening spontaneously, which has nothing to do with you. Grass grows spontaneously, but we can imagine we are making it grow with our willpower. The same with the activities of our bodies. Actually, they function better when you don't think about them. Therefore, be yourself and watch what transpires.
Why do we have to go through such trials and tribulations in the world? What is that part of it about? If we are Consciousness, then why do we have to bother with the material world?
You don't. Ask yourself who has to bother. There is no one to bother. It is like a dream. You are dreaming the mortal dream. Pinch yourself. Wake up. Be free. There is no one who has to do this. See, we're caught in mesmerism. We're hypnotized into believing we have to go through experiences, so it's natural to ask why. But the truth is, no one is going through any experience. It just appears like that. Just like the water in the mirage, or the sky is blue, or the snake in the rope. It appears that way, it appears real. But once you know the truth you're free. There will be no one going through anything. Only when you hold on to the "I am the body" idea, do you appear to go through experiences. But as soon as you give up the body idea by realizing I is the body, not you but I, then you become free. You never were the body. There is no body. But I do admit that in some people the mesmerism is so strong that it is most difficult to believe you're not the body. Because you see it, you observe it, it feels and acts. This is the reason you have to do Self-inquiry.
Does meditation serve a purpose in the spiritual quest?
For the beginner it quiets the mind to an extent, and it makes you one-pointed. It makes the mind one-pointed so that you can concentrate on one thing at a time. It does help. But as you advance, it actually becomes a hindrance. For on whom are you meditating? To meditate you have to have an object and a subject. You are the subject meditating on an object. But in truth, in reality, there is no subject and there is no object. There is only the one Self, there is only Brahman. Therefore, you have to ask yourself the question: "Does Brahman have to meditate? Does God have to meditate?"
In the meditations, when you sit down to meditate, do you try to stop the thoughts, or do you try to dismiss the thoughts?
Never try to stop the thoughts. If you try to stop the thoughts, they will become bigger and greater, and they will win. Because the mind appears to be very powerful. Yet in reality, the mind does not exist. There is no mind. There is no such thing as a mind. So when you sit in the Silence, you observe, you watch, you become the witness, you can do many things. You can watch your breath by practicing vipassana meditation, watch the feelings in your body, observe the breathing.
Yet the better way is to still inquire, "Who am I?" You never answer that question. You just ask the question and keep still. When you keep still, thoughts will come into your mind. Simply inquire, "To whom do these thoughts come? They come to me. I think these thoughts. Then who am I?" Who am I simply means, what is the Source of the I? From whence does the I arise? You follow the I back to the Source, which is the Heart center. And one day, the I will disappear, and you will be totally liberated.
Why does the mind seem to always go to the negative?
Because the mind is trying to save itself from annihilation. It doesn't want to be destroyed. Therefore it will scare you. It will cook up all kinds of schemes so that you will forget about Self-realization. After all, who wants to be destroyed? The mind wants to continue its nonsense. Therefore it sometimes brings up all kinds of negatives, to frighten you so you'll give up the practice. Sometimes it may show you wonderful things also. It will tell you, "You don't need this. Look what you've got! You've got all these beautiful people around you, and you've got everything you want out of life. This teaching is only for negative people." Your mind will do anything. It will play all kinds of games with you. Keep up the Self-inquiry.
There are two things that you said which I had difficulty with. One of the things you said is, never deal with a problem.
And I know we should concentrate on the positive things you were speaking about, that's the essential teaching, to stress all the ideas you already talked about today. But still, in this period of life that we have, as we make these statements, as we move towards this goal which I can accept, still there is the life to be lived. There are issues to deal with. So it seems to me that when you say, don't deal with the problem, this leads to enormous problems.
On the contrary. You're separating both. You're putting them into categories. There's only One. As an example, say somebody cheated you, and you sue them in court. When you sue somebody and you're getting involved in something like that, you're sending up an energy. Even if you win the case, you're going to have to sue somebody else and then sue somebody else, and it never stops. You've set up a pattern for yourself. But if you go about it the other way, and if you know the truth about yourself, you also know the truth about the guy who cheated because you both are One.
Robert, let me give you another example. Let's say that we all stay here and we have no money. Tomorrow we're all hungry in the morning, and we say we're not going to deal with this problem, but because our hunger is so great and keeps mounting, we really can 't think of anything else. Eventually, we can't think of any of these ideas that you told us about because we're so extremely hungry.
Your first premise is wrong. It doesn't work like that. It would never work like that. If you're hungry, something will happen to appease your hunger. What you're thinking about is that you sit down and you do nothing. It doesn't work like that. When you know the truth, somebody will knock on the door and bring you food. Something will take care of you. When you came to this earth, everything was predestined. And everything is aware of how to take care of you, and what you're going to go through. But it has nothing to do with you. The secret is not to react. Just do what has to be done. And you will do what has to be done. You can't help it.
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llovelyclouds · 9 months
notes on cassiopeia the first
here's all my notes on cassiopeia (my beloved) that i thought seemed relevant during my tlt reread!
(you can find the rest of my posts from this project here!)
Fourth saint to ascend, (??) gen, founded the sixth
notes from harrow the ninth:
Name origins, from the pronunciation guide at the end of htn: "NOTE: Cassiopeia's most famous namesake is the vain queen of Greek mythology who chained Andromeda to a rock, but this does Cassiopeia the First a disservice, as she was honestly just a universally beloved and clever human being who made beautiful meals with the occasional finger error. The evolutionary pressure of Lyctorhood has, alas, selected for jerks."
Came up with the magma metaphor for the river that John later uses (htn. pg. 94)
The only lyctor to last seven minutes in full physical submersion in the river (htn. pg. 97)
Died trying to lure an RB through the current of the river. It followed her, but the spirits killed her, and the RB emerged unscathed 20 mins later (htn. pg. 97)
Had a ceramics collection (htn. pg. 105)
Was able to perform necromancy her first time in the river (htn. pg. 156)
For some reason, the fact that Harrow was also capable of this was part of what gave John the idea that something was up with her birth… interesting!! What does this say about Cassiopeia?
Specialised in studying the river (htn. pg. 171)
Coined the term "periscoping" in regards to the RB's (htn. pg. 173)
Was great at cooking, but once cut off a finger that fell into the food and didn’t mention it until everyone had eaten it (htn. pg. 231)
was a lightweight lol (htn. pg. 268)
Died fighting the seventh RB, Varun (htn. pg. 333)
Brought the RB into the river alongside its brain (htn. pg. 337)
was the person to tell Mercy that blood wards can be bypassed with the genetic material of a close relative (htn. pg. 474)
notes from nona the ninth:
was originally brought on Johns team by oversight execs to handle contracts as their lawyer, but was "on their side before the first year was over" (ntn. pg. 13)
"C- was panicking because with the project over she was getting recalled to England and didn't want to go, she'd got N- and didn't want to leave her, refused to admit they were dating even though we all knew." - John 5:20 (ntn. pg. 73)
specifically worked in contract law (ntn. pg. 99)
when she found out about the cow wall they had to lock her in the kitchen so she could throw up in private for a while (ntn. pg. 192)
"C- kept saying, Pick one. Are we more invested in proving this new plan is bullshit, or in saving you? I was like, It's both, how can it not be both. C- was like, It can't be both. Pick one and stick to it. Decide what you give a fuck about." (ntn. pg. 280)
"'Does God know why the Sixth House left?' 'I'm assuming some grisly moral reason that you're about to impart,' said Ianthe, 'and I want to warn you against sounding like a tract.' [...] 'Cassiopeia the First left us instructions years ago,' said Camilla. 'We left for a lyctor.'" - Ianthe & Cam (ntn. pg. 335)
"Cassy played long games." - Pyrrha (ntn. pg. 336)
"C- had been saying, Can't we gin up an act of good wizardry? Any way to stabilize the North America glacier? Any way to trap the atmosphere over the Northern Territory, show them we can fix things here?" (ntn. pg. 397)
“C- admitting out of nowhere she’s dating N-. All of us like, What? We've known for a year? Go ahead and get married already, we've got a nun. N- was all, That’s not legal. C- of all people said, Who cares. That’s how bad it was. [...] C- and N- got married right over there, you can’t see it now ‘cause of the rubbish. I made flowers grow for them out of the garden, but they came out… weird. Some of the roses had teeth. C- and N- thought that was hilarious. [...] The dome meant we hadn’t had full sunlight in a while. It was beautiful anyway. I cried the whole service. I couldn't remember the last time I’d eaten food.” (ntn. pg. 400)
“At this point my people were like, John, what the fuck? What the fuck is happening? We were all yelling at each other. First time I’d ever seen C- angry.” (ntn. Pg. 401) 
 “C- said, John, your problem is that you care less about being a saviour than you do about meting out punishment. I said, C-, I was just your best man! C- said, You still are. That doesn’t change the fact that you can be quite the most appallingly vindictive person I have ever met.” (ntn. pg. 401)
“They’d shot C- first… and right in front of my eyes they shot N-. Bubble wrap. I don’t know what happened to them..” (ntn. Pg. 406)
“Cass and Mercy and I worked on cell thanergy- we need thanergy, fresh thanergy, to activate…” - Pyrrha (ntn. pg. 471)
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ludi-ling · 3 months
Guys. If you've watched X-Men '97, you know what I'm saying when I say that @rogue-gambit-fan-zine is here to serve all your Romy needs. Well, maybe not ALL of them (the fanzine is PG-13 after all), but dude. You will not be disappointed. 💘
We have four bundles for you to choose from, and you can pre-order at https://homeharborfanzine.bigcartel.com/
I was super proud to be asked to draw the front cover, and I also got to do some writing and art for the contents too.
Last but not least... keep an eye out for our X-Men 97 celebratory giveaway! 👀
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OK, real 'last but not least' here. This is a charity zine, we're donating any profits to the Hero Initiative. They take care of down-on-their-luck comics creators. Share the love, guys 💖
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best--dress · 1 year
Baz raises an eyebrow.
Ok so I think about this line a lot:
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"You should eat something," I say. He raises an eyebrow at me. “Oh, piss off.” (CO pg 330)
Like, I've always been curious what exactly Simon thought Baz was implying with that eyebrow raise, you know?
In WS, we get this from Baz:
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I raise an eyebrow, which is my go-to move when I want to look cool but don't have anything cool to say. (WS pg 272)
Relatable! Is this *always* the reason behind Baz's singular raised eyebrow, though?
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He's looking at me like I'm a complete freak. .. His right brow is arched so high, it looks like it's broken free of his eye. (CO pg 240)
Post magic-sharing dragon fight - here, I think the eyebrow raise reflects genuine surprise - altho we know Baz is also feeling the aftereffects of Simon's magic - “being struck by benevolent lightning.”
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She frowns at Baz–”Hot.” He grins, hitching up that eyebrow again. (CO pg 244)
Alright, this one is definitely innuendo.
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Then, sister, he cocks one of your eyebrows at me. (CO pg 308)
Very cheeky!
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He cocks an eyebrow and stares at me, like figuring out what's wrong with me is something he'll never have enough time for. (CO pg 390)
Idk Simon, I think he's truly startled again - definitely a candidate for “I want to look cool but don’t have anything to say.”
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"You don't have x-ray vision." Baz raises an eyebrow. (CO pgs 491-492)
Cheeky! Flirty!
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Baz's eyebrows are at maximum up and down positions. (WS pg 40)
A delightful description of the single raised eyebrow, and an eyebrow that is surprised bordering on impressed.
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My eyebrows drop, in suspicion, then I slowly raise the left one. (WS pg 97)
I'm gonna categorize this one as surprised bordering on flirtatious. (Oh, and Baz’s lowered eyebrows might warrant their own separate post.)
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"You can't be serious," I say. He cocks an eyebrow at me in the mirror. (WS pg 229)
Oh, he is dead serious. (Undead serious?)
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I raise an eyebrow. "A picky eater?" (WS pg 281)
This one’s not NOT flirty.
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He tips his head back and cocks a thick eyebrow. "I don't think I said always." (AWTWB pg 226)
Now THIS is where "figuring out what's wrong with me is something he'll never have enough time for” comes into play...
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Baz cocks an eyebrow above the frames. "I don't think this is what Lady Salisbury had in mind when she lent us her heirloom reading glasses." (AWTWB pg 323)
Playful, flirty, Baz’s eyebrows are an entire category of banter unto themselves.
Which brings us back to this!
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Can’t think of anything cool to say, Baz? Surprised? Or... could it be...
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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♬ Summary: Y/N has met Jungkook’s members but she hasn’t met his friends. To be more specific, the 97 line and tonight is the night for that to change. 
♬ Pairing: Established relationship; Jungkook x reader 
♬ Rating: PG - 14
♬Genre: Established relationship and fluff
♬ Warnings: Jealousy and swearing
♬ Part of, ‘ I fell In Love With A Girl Group Stan; The After Story
Jungkook watched from his side of the room with a worried look as Y/N kept changing her hairstyle. She went from braids to a bun and now she has her hair down. He walked up to her and took the brush out of her hand when he saw her aggressively brushing. She looked up at him and he raised his eyebrow, “Y/N, that’s not good for your scalp.” 
She puffed out her cheeks and looked away from him, “It was helping my nerves...” 
“Doesn’t mean it's good for you. Baby, why are you so nervous?”
“Are you really asking me that!? These are your best friends! Of course I’m going to be nervous.” 
He let out a laugh and she gave him a small glare through the mirror, “You met my members and they love you. I feel like I have to fight Jin and Yoongi for you sometimes...Also, don’t yell at me or you’ll be punished.” 
Her face turned red and looked away from his teasing smirk, “I-I’m just nervous to be around them...It’s different from your members.” 
“You do realize you melted Yoongi’s heart right? That’s like the hardest thing to do. I think you got this babe.” 
“I’m not sure...I’m really nervous to meet Eunwoo.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrow at this and crossed his arms over his chest, “Why?”
“I’ve watched so many drama’s with him in it...it's crazy to meet him.” 
He pouted at this and Y/N let out a small laugh, “You watched his dramas?” 
“Mae showed me a couple, don’t be jealous.”
“I-I’m not!” 
The couple made their way to his car as Jungkook pouted at the thought of Y/N watching his friend. The car ride was filled with Jungkook explaining who was going to be there, Yugyeom, Bam Bam and Eunwoo. She was more nervous to meet Yugyeom because that was Jungkook’s best friend. He parked the car as she stared at the restaurant with a nervous look. Jungkook saw this and grabbed her hand gently, “Baby, it's going to be okay.”
“I-I know...I just don’t know if they would like me.” 
“Again, you melted Yoongi’s heart, you're going to be fine.” He glanced down at her outfit smiling to himself. She was wearing one of his black shirts with a pink cardigan on top with black pants. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her cheek making her eyes go wide, “I forgot to tell you, you look cute.” 
The two walked in the restaurant with masks on, hiding their identities from the world. She knew it was necessary and she honestly loves no one knowing who she was. It made her feel protected. He showed the waiter his ID and they nodded their head at him. They walked towards the back with Jungkook holding her hand tightly, something that always gave her comfort. The door opened as her eyes widened a bit when she saw Bam Bam singing into a spoon while Yugyeom filmed him all while Eunwoo continued to eat his soup. Jungkook bowed his head at the waiter pulling down his mask letting out a loud cough. This caused everyone to look at them and this made Y/N hide behind Jungkook, “We’re here. You guys already started drinking?”
Eunwoo wiped his mouth and let out a small laugh, “They only had water, don’t tempt them.” 
Bam Bam frowned at Eunwoo and then turned his attention towards Jungkook, “I thought you said you were bringing your girlfriend.” 
“What are you talking about? I-” He turned his head to see that spot next to him was empty and let out a small laugh. He moved to the side and Y/N was in view of everyone, “I did.” 
She blinked her eyes at them pulling down her mask. She quickly bowed at them, happy that she was hiding her red face, “P-Pleasure to meet you.” 
When she came back up, Jungkook wrapped his arm over her shoulders, “This is my girlfriend, L/N Y/N.” 
She gave them a small wave and hid her face into Jungkook’s side. Bam Bam leaned forward with his chin resting on his palm with a small smirk, “Yah, Kook, she's cute. Too cute for you.”
Jungkook glared at his friend and kissed the top of Y/N’s head, “She’s mine, back off.”
Yugyeom let out a laugh and took a sip of his water, “Aww Jungkook is being possessive. It’s cute.” 
“Stop calling me cute!” 
Y/N and Jungkook sat next to Eunwoo and she felt her face turn red when she glanced at his face. He was really handsome up close and it was clear he was an actor with his jawline. Jungkook placed some kimchi in a bowl for her when he caught her staring at Eunwoo. He felt his eyebrow twitch as he placed the bowl in front of her. He leaned forward and gently touched her inner thigh causing her to jump a little as he sent her a small smirk, “Your kimchi, baby.”
She picked up her chopsticks nodding her head. She took one bite when Yugyeom leaned forward giving her a small smile, “Neh, Y/N, when’s your birthday?” 
“O-Oh, it's February twenty-first...”
Bam Bam wiped his mouth and Y/N was more nervous having more eyes on her, “Are you the same age as Jungkook?” 
“I was born in 98...”
Yugyeom let out a small laugh and smacked Jungkook’s shoulder lightly, “You like them young?” 
“Shut the fuck up.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh and a deep voice next to her caused a shiver to go down her back, “What’s your occupation?” 
“Eunwoo, you sound like a job interviewer.” 
Y/N shook her head at them with her face being as red as the kimchi in front of her, “It-It’s okay. I’m training right now at the Royal Culture Vault but after that's done, I will be a historian.” 
Eunwoo nodded his head at this and looked at Jungkook with a small smirk, “Cute and smart, you made a good choice, Kook.” 
Y/N shook her head at this looking at Jungkook with a small smile, “Jungkook is also cute and smart...he’s everything I wanted in someone. If anything I made the best decision in my life by saying yes to him.” 
Jungkook's eyes widened at this and looked down at Y/N, “R-Really?” 
Yugyeom looked between them and smiled to himself, happy that his friend found someone that truly loves him. Bam Bam on the other hand, grimaces at this and lets out a loud gag causing the couple to look at him, “That’s disgusting.” 
Eunwoo rolled his eyes and smiled at Y/N, “I think it's sweet.” 
Jungkook rolled his eyes at his friends and leaned down placing a quick kiss on her lips, “I think it's sweet too.” 
Tag list:
@hannahdinse8 @princess172 @bbl32 @gloomy-k @dahliasbouqet
@cosmiclatte-world @juju-227592 @singukieee @astronaut-jin-moon @yvonne624
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itsfantasticac · 1 month
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Fernandez illustration, for Waku Waku 7.
Gamest Mook Vol. 63 - Waku Waku 7 (Feb. 28, '97), pg. 88
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randomtacoscry · 1 year
Icemav moments from the Top Gun book (1986) - 4/4
Lmao Mav is entranced by shirtless Ice- also, a touch of Sloose? Or Glider? (Idk what their ship name is lol)
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Pg. 96
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Pg. 97
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