#pharah angst
dawnthefox24 · 4 months
So me and @wildissylupus were talking about their Venice Tragedy AU and I showed them a sad video that kinda suits the whole situation...So anyways enjoy the prompt hun ^^
*VT Genji looks down knowing he has to tell Fareeha what happened during the Venice mission but holds himself a bit before taking a deep breath* VT Tracer: You know you don't have to do it Genji...I could tell her and- VT Genji:...You weren't on that mission Lena... VT Tracer:...I'll be here okay.... VT Genji:*looks at her for a moment before looking at Fareeha with her arms crossed leaning against the wall something she clearly picked up from Cassidy* ...Why did she have to do that.... VT Tracer:...Genji I think I should- VT Genji:*walks off from Tracer as he heads over too Fareeha*...Fareeha.... VT Fareeha: *smiles a bit* Your back! Is Cassidy with you? VT Genji:...Come with me okay...We're going for a small walk okay... VT Fareeha:*Raises a brow at him for a moment* Don't tell me he got a present for me *VT Genji clenches and unclenched his fist and starts walking as he watched Fareeha fallow him for a moment being very confused by everyone's sad reaction* VT Fareeha:*looks around for a moment* What is it? Where Cassidy? VT Genji: Cole is- VT Fareeha:*rolls her eyes a bit but chuckles softly* Let me guess he's playing hide and seek I presume? I'm not a child anymore and- VT Genji:*cuts her off and pulls her close to him* Come here...Cole won't be coming back... VT Fareeha:*looks at him wondering is he's staying in Venice for awhile* Till when? VT Genji:...Ever VT Fareeha:*looks very confused by this* But why not? doesn't he like it here anymore? Doesn't he care about me anymore? VT Genji:*is trying to control his temper* He care's for you very much and he'll always care about you...But he's not with us anymore... VT Fareeha: Can I go visit him? VT Genji:...No you can't...It's not that simple... VT Fareeha: Genji what is- VT Genji:*snaps at her clearly upset as tears roll down his face* HE'S DEAD FAREEHA! YOU WON'T SEE HIM ANYMORE!! YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO LAUGH WITH HIM OR HEAR HIM OR ANYTHING EVER AGAIN!! VT Fareeha:*looks shocked as tears roll down her face shaking her head a bit* No! no, no no! Cassidy isn't dead! This isn't funny Genji! Once I tell Cole that your bullying me I-I'll- VT Genji: *grabs Fareeha by her shoulders and shakes her a bit* HE'S GONE FAREEHA!! VT Fareeha:*prys herself out of Genji grasp and runs off* I don't care what you say! I'm going to find Cole!!! VT Tracer:*walks over next to Genji and looks at him sadly*...I'll go look for her... VT Genji:*looks down shaking a bit as he hears Lena walk off* I'm sorry...
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pochipop · 10 months
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#. synopsis! — fareeha gets called to action, but you really can't handle seeing her go tonight .
#. characters! — pharah .
#. warnings! — explicit representations of a verbal argument .
#. word count! — 2.7k.
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw), @hhoneypop (moodboards) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. a/n! — break from uni yippee, happy holidays!! big crush on pharah rn, really need her to kiss me ngl .
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She’s leaving again. You’ve hardly seen her these past few months as she’s been called to arms over and over and over, and you’re teetering on the edge of decay. It’s like a shot to the heart each time she goes away again, long nights of losing sleep and biting your nails down to the quick, worrying and wondering about whether you’ll ever see her face once more. And even when you do, the thought of her inevitably having to go and fight and struggle to stay alive seeps its way into your thoughts like a virus, corrupting all the happiness and bliss you should feel in your girlfriend’s embrace.
Fareeha isn’t the born soldier everyone (including herself, at some points)makes her out to be. She wasn’t brought onto this Earth to save lives and protect others, even at the expense of her own safety (and your sanity.) It’s the life she chose against her mother’s wishes, against all the warnings she received, and all the pushes she was given to use her talents in other places. Sometimes, you can’t help but wish she would have listened to their advice. Maybe then you wouldn’t be pacing back and forth in the bedroom of the quaint apartment you share with her, —though most wouldn’t know it. It’s filled with your belongings, and it’s home to you. . . But Fareeha’s things go to Overwatch HQ, and they seldom return, left to rot in her locker until she inevitably throws them away.
The bed doesn’t smell like her anymore, and what few clothes remain in the closet hang untouched in the closet like they’re preparing to be sold and not worn. You hear her sigh deeply through the crack in the door, light spilling in from the hallway that leads directly into the living room. There, Fareeha shifts her weight from one foot to the other, her phone pressed to her ear. She hasn’t officially told you that she’s leaving soon, —but you knew the moment her phone rang and she stopped kissing you to roll over and take it that it wouldn’t be long.
Tears prick at your eyes. She’d only gotten back a few days ago, —days that she spent working on reports, instead of falling into the arms of her lover; and now they were taking her away again. It’s times like this when you kick yourself the most for falling for someone like her. Sure, she made it easy enough, with her pretty face and charming wit, and all the times she disappeared just to come back and kiss it better. . . But the pattern was stale now. Your heart was wearing thin.
So the moment she stepped back into the bedroom with an apologetic look on her face, opening her mouth to say what she always does; ‘I’m sorry, angel, I know it’s sudden, but duty calls,’ you quiver a little and shake your head, causing her to clam up entirely.
“That’s it then?” You question after taking a few seconds to collect yourself and swallow the sob threatening to work its way up your throat. “You’re leaving again? And what I think, what I say, what I feel. . . None of that matters?”
Fareeha looks stunned. It’s not like you to break down like this at all. For as long as she’s known you, she’s found that you’ve been stronger about her leaving than she is. But there is something distinctly different about this moment, and you know she can feel the way it weighs heavily enough to suffocate you both.
“Of course it matters,” she replies. “You matter. But this isn’t just about you, or me. . . You have to remember that the world doesn’t revolve around us. There are much bigger things at stake.”
“You promised,” you choke out pathetically. “You promised it wouldn’t be like this when you came back.”
“I know, I know,” Fareeha sighs deeply.
You can tell this is having just as much of an impact on her, but that she’s doing a better job of hiding it this time around.
“I’m sorry. I really am. But I have to go. . . You understand that, right?”
“No,” you shake your head defiantly. “I don’t understand. Not anymore.”
“Baby, please,” she steps a little closer, cupping your cheek in the palm of her hand, “don’t make this any harder than it already is.”
You brush her hand away a bit callously, but the last thing you want is to be touched by her right now. Ten minutes ago, before the call, before she stumbled out of the bedroom to take it, before the world came crashing down again; it was all you wanted. . . But now, her fingers felt like burning coals against your skin.
“It has to be as hard as I’m making it,” you answer. “All the things I’ve sacrificed to be with you, —leaving so much of my old life behind, making changes just to suit your needs, all the shit I’ve forfeited and missed out on to move here and be with you, to get left behind everytime Overwatch wants something from you. I’ve supported every decision you’ve made for yourself, every alteration we’ve had to make together, but I’m tired. I feel worthless to you.”
Maybe it isn’t exactly the right time to rattle all of that off, but God, it was bound to happen at some point with how much you’d been bottling up. Especially after these last few months, caught up in this endless cycle of hurt and misfortune.
“You are not worthless to me,” Fareeha states firmly. “Not at all.”
And you believe her. You know she loves you, and that she does the best she can on any given day, but this downtrodden adrenaline rush has your heart pin pricked, and all you want to do is curl up somewhere and waste away until she comes back home again. If she comes back home again.
“Then don’t go,” you utter, and it sounds almost like a whimper. “Please, Fareeha.”
“Y/n. . .”
Your heart sinks lower. She seldom says your name, and never in that tone unless she knows she’s about to disappoint you.
“Please,” you repeat, a little stronger this time.
“You know what kind of life I live,” she says. “Sometimes, the work I do requires me to leave, and go, and be alone for a while, —and it’s not because I want to. It’s because this is what I have to do. It’s what I’ve been trained for. And I’m sorry that I can’t just sit around and wait for you to be okay with that. I really am. But please don’t take this personally. It’s just something I have to do.”
“It’s been three days,” you say. “You haven’t even been back for a week yet, and they want to ship you off somewhere else?”
“They don’t control when or where disaster strikes,” she reminds you.
“No, they don’t but they sure as hell control who gets called to go fix it,” you argue. “They have a roster full of soldiers, and they can’t give you a week to yourself? A week to be home with the people you love?”
“You’re frustrated, and I understand why. It frustrates me too, believe me. . . But I’m good at what I do, y/n,” she says in earnest.
“I know that,” you answer. “The world knows that. But I can’t keep doing this with you, Fareeha.”
Her face falls. It’s hard to see her look so dejected when you’re used to the bright way she smiles, but what you said was nothing short of the truth. This has been eating you alive for so long, and these last few months have been a dangerous tipping point. Being stuck at home while she fights on the frontlines of every battle they can’t seem to win without her has left you riddled with anxiety, a constant reminder that your lover is unsafe and might not even make it back to you in one piece. It lives in your bones like it’s stuffed into the marrow.
“Please don’t say that,” she says in a voice just above a whisper.
“I can’t do it,” you shake your head, looking anywhere but her eyes as tears begin to trickle down your cheeks. “You leave, and I worry so much that it consumes me. Then you come back, and I feel like I can breathe again, but it’s so shortlived that it might as well not have even happened in the first place. They can’t even wait for your bruises to disappear before they put you out there again.”
“I’m fine, baby,” she urges. “Look at me? Aren’t I perfectly okay?”
She gestures to her strong body as if that’s supposed to make her point for her.
“No,” you shake your head. “You’re not. Do you really think I can’t tell that you’re tired? That you’re exhausted?”
“Of course I am,” Fareeha relents, “but that’s just the way life goes sometimes. I’m a soldier. This is what I am. It’s what I have to do, —it’s all I know.”
You want to offer a rebuttal, but your voice dies in the back of your throat. It’s not that you want to deny her the thing she’s worked at for so long. . . It’s just that this isn’t good for anyone. Not for you and your fragile feelings, and especially not for her. Not when you could feel the weariness in every move she’s made since coming back, and certainly not when they’d promised her a break weeks in advance, only to call her back the very second something went wrong.
“I just need some time to focus on this mission,” she continues. “I’ll make this up to you. I promise.”
“You promised last time too,” you remind her bluntly. “And the time before that.”
“I know,” Fareeha admits. “And I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to keep them. But this time, I’ll make sure things are different. Just let me do what needs to be done, and when I get back, I’ll do everything in my power to make this right. You can have me all to yourself. Please. . . Stay.”
“You stay. If you leave tonight, I won’t sleep, I won’t be able to think straight until you’re home again, I. . . Not tonight. Please, just this one time Fareeha, don’t let them run you into ruins. Put yourself first.” 
“I’m sorry,” she shakes her head, “but I just don’t have that kind of luxury. If I don’t go tonight, I’ll never be able to forgive myself if something goes wrong out there.”
“And what if something happens to you?”
“It won’t,” she insists. “Don’t I always come back to you? Aren’t I always okay?” She questions. 
“Up until this point, sure,” you acknowledge. “But all it takes is one time. One thing going wrong. One missed step because you’re overworked and tired. That’s all it takes for me to lose you, and that terrifies me.”
“Have some faith in my abilities, would you please? I’ve trained for almost my entire life to fill the shoes I do now, —to be a soldier that everyone can rely on! This is what my life’s efforts have been for!” She exclaims.
“And you’ve already done enough for your lifetime and a few hundred others,” you answer. “I’m proud of you, Fareeha. I’m proud of everything you’ve accomplished, of everything you’ve achieved, —but I’m asking you, for once in your life, to think about something other than your job. If you can’t be bothered to put yourself first, then think about everything you’d be leaving behind. . . Your family, your friends. . . Me. . .”
“My work is important,” she says firmly. “It’s part of who I am. This isn’t up for discussion or debate.”
“I’m not asking you to give it up, I’m asking you to take a break,” you reply. “If you want to be a soldier until they force you from the frontlines, then so be it. But right now, I’m fucking begging you to not leave here tonight.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” Fareeha insists. “You know that. . . But please don’t do this.”
That sob you forced down before works its way back up.
“Please,” she repeats, “you’ve always known. . .”
She doesn’t finish that sentence, but you know what she’s implying: that you’ve always known what you were getting into. And that’s true. But more than that, you also know she’s been working herself to the bone, and she’s in no condition to be fighting for anyone else at this point.
You lean in to kiss her, even against your better judgement.
“Stay safe, Pharah,” you mumble against her lips.
“Don’t call me that,” she shakes her head, her hands finding their way to your cheeks again. “Not now.”
“I’ll call you what you are to me,” you answer softly. “A soldier.”
“Don’t,” she chokes out. “I’m your girlfriend. Don’t say that to me.”
“Then listen to me, as someone you love, —as someone you know loves you, and don’t go tonight. Stay here. Let me take care of you,” you plead with her.
“I can’t do that,” she whispers. “I have a duty—”
You cut her off without thinking.
“It’s not always your responsibility to fix all the things that go wrong in the world!” You shout. 
She stops to stare at you in something that looks like a mixture of horror and desperate realization. . . Like no one has ever said anything like that to her before.
“Please,” you plead with her, voice softening. “Please, Fareeha. Let someone else take the burden for once. You don’t have to shoulder all the weight in the world every single time someone needs something.”
She searches your eyes with her own, —beautiful and dark brown, but simmering with conflict. The struggle between what she feels is right for her to do as a soldier and the desire to follow your wishes is palpable, even as the room is shrouded in conflict, both spoken and unspoken alike.
“I love you,” you continue, voice lowering again, barely above a whisper now. “I can’t bear the thought of something happening to you. You deserve to rest and to let someone else handle things, just this once.”
For a moment, you can see it in her eyes that she wants to give in, and you feel a surge of newfound hope at the idea that your words might have finally reached the logician inside her. But then she shakes her head and averts her gaze to the floor.
“I wish things were that simple,” she replies. “I wish that I could stay here and hold you. . . But I can’t ignore my responsibilities. People depend on me.” 
You understand the depth of her commitment. It’s admirable, even. But you also know that she really shouldn’t be pushing her own limits under these circumstances.
“I depend on you too, Fareeha.”
“That’s. . . That’s different,” she says, clearly torn.
“You have a duty to yourself and to us,” you add. “Not just to the battlefield. Please, let this fall to someone else tonight. They can deal with it without you, just this one time.”
She hesitates visibly, a battle of emotions at play behind her irises. The breath she lets out next is shaky and uncertain, but she meets your gaze with a sense of vulnerability that you’ve never seen before.
“Alright,” she concedes. “I’ll call back and tell them I’m not fit for the mission.”
Relief floods through your veins like ice water, and you hug her tightly, savoring the warmth and the firmness of her muscles around you.
“Thank you,” you mumble gratefully against the heated skin of her neck.
She pulls back slightly, looking into your eyes with a soft smile.
“I love you,” she tells you honestly.
You return her smile, understanding not only the weight of her duties and the life she’s built, but appreciating the strength it’s taken for her to step away from it all for a bit, even if it won’t last long.
“I love you too, Fareeha,” you murmur. “More than I can say.”
And in the quiet moment that follows, she finds herself thinking that choosing you tonight has been a victory within itself.
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aksool · 1 year
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My daughter…
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Ashe, D.va, and Pharah relationship hc’s
-part 1 is here!
-warnings: fluff, some angst, nsfw
-hope y’all are ready for more, cause I am! Three more of my favs <3
-if you guys want to see more characters, let me know!!
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-my ganster boo thing oooooh <3
-The deadlock gang and B.O.B was the closest thing she had to a family since her family grew tired and gave up on her. She always kept a tough act knowing she is their leader
-When Ashe first saw you at the local diner on Route 66 before the planned attack. She saw you at the counter ordering a slice of pumpkin pie with a dollop of whipped cream on top and a nice cup of coffee...You looked so content..and pretty
-B.O.B accompanied her as he always did, him noticing her staring at you. She gave him a pout, resting her head in her hand as she leaned on the table. Though B.O.B showed no facial expressions, she knows his body language. She scoffed, “I ain’t saying nothin..”
-He gave her a slight head tilt and she sighed, “Fine,,! But if this goes south, it’s your fault,” she said, flustered already before even getting the chance to even speak to you. As you used your fork to cut into your pie slice, you hear a southern female voice simply saying ,”Hey...” You looked up to see a woman who had winter white hair and stunning red eyes. Naturally you responded with a simple ‘hi’
-Elizabeth sat in the seat next to you and decided to introduce herself to you. Before you know it the two of you having been sitting there for hours, laughing and talking to each other. You also weren’t able to keep track of how many times she has complimented you
-By the end of it, Ashe gave you her number and left with B.O.B. As soon as you went to your motel, you and Elizabeth were texting each other all night long. Ashe laid in her huge bed within her mansion she was able to get from looting and hijacking trains
-The next day you made it home from Route 66 and since then it was constant texting back and forth with you two, even calling each till you fell asleep. But one day she stopped texting, it was odd because she always texted you first thing in the morning. You just decided to wait it out but soon, many days passed and still nothing. You reread and thought about everything you said and texted her to make sure you haven’t said anything to offend her. You felt super confused and nervous..maybe she was busy? maybe she was bored of you?
-Around 2am you wake up from your phone buzzing. You didn’t have time to look at the caller ID. You responded with a groggy, “Hello?”, before you could tell the person you’re sleeping you hear Ashe’s tired voice say, “Hey sugar...How are you?” Her voice alone made you jolt up, “Ashe? Where the hell have you been?!” you whispered yelled, being mindful of the people around you. “I’ve been uh...really busy with working and-” you cut her off, “Well it would be nice to have a heads up, you scared me!”
-”I know I should’ve gave you a text or call but it just happened so soon...Can I pick you up tomorrow? You can send me your address and we can discuss this more in depth and I can better explain myself to you,” she pleaded. Trying not to be stubborn you told her yes so you could back to sleep
-The next day came around and before you know it were greeted with a beaten-up Ashe and B.O.B, “What the hell happened to you?! Are you okay?” You asked as you allowed them to come in. “I’m fine, but we need to talk. Look I think you’re a real nice person and I love all the talks we have..and I would like to take you out on a proper date but there are things you should know”
-Ashe dropped the boom on you that she was part of the deadlock rebels and how she recently have been in a scuffle with an old friend of hers. She laid everything out on the table and was a 100% honest with you
-”Ashe, I know this may seem crazy but..I don’t care about that stuff, I just care that you’re okay and safe, but mostly that you’re here with me. If you are serious about us then I allow one date” 
-well one date became two, then two became 4, and you often found yourself at Elizabeth’s manor with her
-I can see Ashe boss people around for you, she doesn’t want you to lift a single finger inside her large estate. Need laundry done? Someone else is doing it for you. Feeling hungry? She’ll have B.O.B fix you something nice
-She loves board games! They’re a classic way to pass time and definitely gambles money with her gang. If you happen to lose, she won’t force you to give her money- or if a gang member tries to make you pay them she’ll definitely fight them. Yeah it isn’t fair and it’s the rules but it’s her way no matter what
-The gang relies on you to calm Ashe down when she throws a fit, you’re the only one who can calm her down and not throw vases at anyone’s head. She’s so used to going on a rampage of destroying precious china, but now she pulls you into a different room and have you rub her back and rant to you
-Ashe will spoil you rotten, even if you don’t want her to. You’re precious to her and part of her family now. All you will be receiving is designer and real diamonds. Even though she does all of this for you, Ashe loves how you remain humble
-bossy top, I’m sure you saw this coming. Ashe loves to be in control and making sure you know who’s boss. Rarely bottoms but if she does she’s a totally power bottom, so just prefers to be on top tbh
-Going back to being spoiled, she loves dressing you up in lingerie, specially pieces thar her colors of black and gold. Ashe loves when you come to her wearing outfits she picked out for you<3
-loves to give and receive oral, but she prefers to 69 so she experiences two things she loves at once. Killing two birds with one stone here, but she also loves when you sit under her desk and give her head. She loves to take risks, and this is definitely one of them
-Her strap game in strong, trust me bro <3
-If someone from her gang flirts with you, you best bet she is going to make the whole house know your hers. Ashe will make sure you show up to meeting the next day with a bunch of hickies along your neck and clavicle area. And no, you can’t wear a turtleneck to cover them up
- Ashe LOVES dirty talk. If you’re nervous or shy about it, she keeps talking till you’re covering your face trying to hide your smile from her
-She’s a cowgirl, only reasonable to ride her! Ashe loves to watch you bounce on her strap, bonus points if you wear her hat <3
-A sucker for slow and sensual sex, Ashe loves you so much and just wants to show that to you
-fun fact: i didn’t like her for the longest time but now I love her <3 naturally enemies to lovers
-The two of you were highly watch streamers! So being in the community you would think everyone would be friendly? Not exactly. You and the streamer “D.va” have always been head to head.
-Nobody can really pin-point how this competition started but each set of fans knew that you two didn’t like each other. The two of you wouldn’t openly bash each other but comments were thrown here or there
-When a tournament came around, the two of you found out that you be on the same team. You don’t know if this was planned or just to create drama, but you would just have to suck it up play together. Hana was obliviously annoyed when you joined a in a call with your now team. The two of you barely talk to each other during these calls, just talking about the strategy the team should take.
-One time while practicing you ended up as the last person on the team, but the enemy sniped you from far away. Hana was the first one to jump on you, saying how you never pay attention your surroundings and how you should even be in a tournament if you suck. Your fellow teammates were telling her to calm down and to quit being rude but that didn’t stop her. The insults kept coming, you bit your bottom lip from saying anything and left the call
- You sat back in your chair and cried. It was stupid to cry over a video game but there is almost so much you can take. One of your teammates pm’ed you to make sure you were okay. Deciding to not to respond, you turned off you pc and laid in bed and waited to fall asleep.
-Hana cooled down after some time and listened to her teammates yell at her for how she reacted. She decided to pm you a “I’m sorry for how I acted” because if she was gonna be honest, it was stupid to get that mad over a video game. She looked to see you replied with “I don’t believe you :/” She sighed as she decided to call you, sometimes hearing someone say it is better than text
-You were conflicted but answer. Hearing Hana apologize was,,,different but nice to hear. The two of you talked it out, but then moved onto the topic of ‘why did we ever fight in the first place?’. By the end of the night the two of you were laughing and bidding each other goodnight.
-The next few days were fun of practicing with your team and talking to Hana for hours after. The night before the tournament, you both decided to do something big and stream together. Your fans were confused, some saying stuff in chat to make you guys fight, and other saying the two of you were cute together
-The first-time meeting was for the big event. Seeing Hana in person was almost electrifying, being around her made you nervous as the same for her. By the end of everything, you were the only one left alive. Hana was your biggest cheerleader the entire game, but seeing you win at the last minute made her run to you and pull you into a bone crushing hug
-The two of you decided to skip the after party and just go out to dinner together to celebrate and get to know each other more. During dinner she made a perverted joke about the sausage food option on the menu, you said “Wooah Hana take me on a date first” and she simply replied with, “This can be our first date...if you want” You stared at her with confusion, but after the shock you smiled, “Yeah...it can be”
-A week later the two of you were on Hana’s stream, sitting besides each other. You both decided to come together to announce the two biggest rivials on the platform were now dating. Most fans were shocking but happy! Some were just upset and some thought you guys hated each other for clout. Neither of you cared though, you were happy to be with your girlfriend
-One thing with Hana is she loves to show you off! Either in public or while streaming, she loves to kiss your cheek and hold you close to her. On stream she loves to pull you into the camera’s view and smother your face with kisses and loves when you get shy after
-Like Kiriko, it’s now your job to make sure she eats right, not just junk food and soda
-Hana loves to take you out on pottery dates! Neither of you really know how to do it correctly but failing together was better than failing alone. You look to post each other’s creation online; Hana takes the duty of responding to hate comments
-Speaking of posting, you ever post a picture of yourself? She’s always the first to like and comments hundreds of compliments about how perfect, beautiful, and hot you are
-Though you’re also a streamer, PLEASE make sure she gets enough sleep pls
-She’s a bottom, I would say pillow princess, but she also loves to pleasure you anyway she can
-Hana loves when you go down her, especially in her gaming chair. She’s only a hair puller at this time. But she loves to show you the same love, but she’s more smug about it when she uses her mouth on you
-Definitely fantasizes about being fucked on stream, to show how good her partner is able to make her feel. She has told this to you, but you both can’t risk that. So instead, you set up a camera on her computer (you don’t record tho) and pretend you are giving the audience a show
-Favorite positions is either her being bent over her desk or riding your strap in her chair. She can’t choose between either since there is something about both places <3
-Her trademark is a bunny so she likes to be called that! She has brought how the rabbit ears and tail before to show off to you <3
-Now nothing can’t convince me she doesn’t get high from time to time. So high sex is on the table. Your senses are heightened and while music playing? You both feel so light and soft for each other
-loves to cosplay with you! and for you<3 She loves to dress up for you just for you to ruin it by being rough with her<3
-loves your hands??? She can’t figure it out but your hands take care of her, play video games with her, and finger her so well. She would worship your hands if she could
-can be a brat at times and WANTS you to punish her anyway you want<3
-my first ever main <3
-Fareeha has always had a sense of justice within her since birth. She was basically born into overwatch and grew up with people she saw as heros. The wedjat, her tattoo of the eye of Horus, showed as a symbol of being a protector
-She was lucky to meet you when off duty, but not in a situation she would like. Fareeha met you at a bar, you were seated with you friends farther down the from where she was. You caught her eye as she did the same for you. Fareeha gave you a small wave, smiling as did.
-Soon a drunk man came over to your group and was flirting with you, making you very uncomfortable. The egyptian woman kept a close eye on you, nursing her drink as she watched you reject this guy. When she notice he wouldn’t leaveand decided to get closer, that’s when she came over and told him to back off. Fareeha is 5′11 and this guy was at least 5′7, she looked down on him with her eyes and told him to leave you alone
-When he wouldn’t and decided to push her back, she punch him in the face, knocking him out with one punch. You and friends were surprised at how strong she was, “Are you okay, ma’am?” she asked as you nodded. Your friends decided to go to the bathroom, laughing about the situation on their way. A few of the stranger’s friend decided it was time to go and took their unconscious friend outside to leave
-She decided to steal a seat and talk to you. Fareeha told you how she noticed you staring at her all night and wanted to know she was staring too. You admired her bluntness and started the two of you started flirting. When your friends returned, she gave you her number and simply said “Call me.” with that she paid for her drink and left
-You immediately texted her when you got home. From there the both of you would text, call, and meet up for dates. You felt safe around Fareeha and she promised you protection and security when you were with her. In public, she’ll put an arm around you shoulders, waist, or even place a hand in your back pocket
-The more you spend time with her, you found more of her passion and past. The both of you were at her apartment eating dinner when you learned her mother was the famous sniper, Ana Amari, who was apart of Overwatch. She tells you how her mother was the strongest person she knew, but sadly she died on duty, explaining that’s how she got her wedjat of the eye of Horus to match her mother’s wedjat of the eye of Ra. Fareeha explained her new role in the Egyptian military as head chief and how it’s added pressure to her life.
-You pulled her away from the dining table and sat her down. Fareeha continued to tell you about her mother and career, letting you rest your head against her shoulder. By the end of you it, you affirmmed her that you will always be there for her, not matter what, you will help her. “Thank you, my love...It means alot to me..” Fareeha said to you, before pulling you in for a kiss
-The next few months your girlfriend were amazing! You two were always so happy to be with each other and you were super supportive when she had to go back to Egypt to take care of millitary business you couldn’t really understand but she still called you everynight.
-When she came back home, you made Fareeha her favorite dishes for her to enjoy. When she came through the door, you immediately gave her a hug but she only patted you on the back. Confused, you looked at Fareeha and saw her eye were bloodshot and her puffy eyes and cheeks. “Fareeha, what’s wrong..?” you asked quitely.
-Something snapped, “Whats wrong, is that my “mother” has been lying to me for my whole life! She pretended to be dead!” She yelled as she pushed through the doorway, slamming her luggage of the ground as she went to your shared room. “What!?’ you exclaimed
-Fareeha started to cry again and put her hands in her hands. You tried to hug you but she pushed you away, “Get away from me! I want to be alone!” she yelled. You scoffed, “I know you’re upset about this but don’t take that out on me! If you want to be alone, fine! But don’t take out of me, someone who had nothing to do with it!” you cried out, putting on you shoes and grabbing your jacket, “And if you want to be left alone, fine!” you slammed her apartment door shut.
-You managed to make it home without crashing. When you got inside you immediately went to your own bed. You saw texts from your girlfriend but shut your phone off, falling asleep soon after
-A few days passed and you heard a knock at your door. You opened to see Fareeha holding a bouquet of flowers, looking like a sad puppy. “I wanted to saw I was wrong for how I act, y/n... You were right and you has nothing to do with the situation but I managed to take it out on the one person who stuck by me. You don’t have to forgive me, but I at least wanted to apologize to you,” she said, trying to keep her composure
-Not saying anything, you hugged her as she returned the gesture. You felt yourself starting to cry and she rubbed your back and kiss your head. “You’re mean for what you did...All I wanted was to help.” you mumble into her shoulder, and she says a simple ‘I know”
-You looked up at her and kissed her, feeling her return your kiss, “Please..talk to me next time Fareeha..” you told her. “I will...but is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” she asked as you nodded, “All I wanted to do was hold you..”. The two of you decided to spend the rest of the night at your place, curled up in your bed as she told about her time in Egypt.
-okay now happy stuff!!!
-Fareeha plays basketball in her free time and loves when you come to watch and cheer her on! She likes to play against Cassidy since he is the only person ever gave her a challenge in the game. Definitely the type to say, “This shot is for you, babe!” then miss horribly
-Due to her half first nation identity, she loves to make beaded work in her spare time. She was taught from her grandmother and her aunts on her father’s side! Loves to make beaded earrings for both you and her (totally not something I want to do with my future s/o)
-Fareeha loves to watch crime shows with you. Her favorite nights are sitting on the couch, dinner you have deliciously prepared, and cuddle while watching Law and Order.
-Going back, Fareeha will always defend you- right or wrong. You could tell a bunch of people the sky is purple and she will make a power point of how there is a bunch of light in the sky consisting of different colors so would be right
-Fareeha is a service top, she loves to give you everything that your heart desires. She never bottoms, tried to once and didn’t like not having control, but she enjoyed it cause it was you
-She’s is a head monster, idc she likes to get sloppy with her saliva on you. She does have a aquiline nose shape, so she likes when you ride her face and so do you<3 She loves receiving oral as well, praising you the whole time
-speaking of praising, she loves to either give or receive it. When you do praise her, she gets a bit shy but gets the job done. When she praises you, she loves to whisper in your ear of how well you’re taking her
-After her trips to Egypt, she loves reunion sex. When you first greet her at the door, she picks you up and immediately takes you to the bedroom. She loves to feel you after so long on not being able to have you 
-Has definitely thought of fucking you in her suit. It’s a power play for her almost and wants to show you who’s the head chief of her miltiary corp
-Fareeha loves simple things. Including have your sprawled out on the couch, staring into your eyes as she fingers you. Also just bending you over the kitchen counter and taking you behind <3
-Her favorite position is butterfly. She love looking down at you with your ankle resting on her shoulders. Fareeha thinks you look perfect when she grabs your knees and starts thrusting harder.
-Loves being vocal!! Specially with you!!! She wants to hear every sound you make!!! Please dont be shy and be loud with her <33
Thank you for reading!!! 
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always welcomed! <3
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wildissylupus · 4 months
Can we get some OW New Blood headcanons? Whether it be some type of angst, heartfelt, or lighthearted interactions between the group.
Ask and you shall receive!! It's been awhile since I've done some New Blood stuff so let's see what I can do. Let's start off with some head canons first.
The New Bloods are the biggest human help in getting Zarya to unlearn her prejudices against omnics, it's mostly by telling her their own experiences with the Crisis (and with Hana it's her experiences with the Gwishi). They also call her out if she does or says something in line with her prejudice.
Cassidy is giving them all stealth training cause holy shit he cannot be the only person on that team who knows how to stealth, Baptiste is close but Cassidy knows that Talon stealth training is not going to cut it.
On top of that Cassidy is also giving specific training to D.Va so if she has to fight outside of her Mech he knows he can handle herself.
All of them know about Pharah's crush on Angela, either being told by Pharah herself or from Cassidy complaining that Genji and Pharah are hopeless at romance (he's been dealing with this for a max of 14 years at this point, he's allowed to complain)
They are all in agreement that if they are on a mission in a Talon base, they need to steal as much equipment as possible, mainly focusing on medical supplies.
They all make strategies on how to best use their skills together. They also sometimes include other agents abilities as well.
Pharah is the least foul mouthed of the group, only really swearing outside of missions, the rest? Not so much. By far the people who swear most often are Cassidy and D.Va.
----------------------- Cassidy: So I hear you you and Angie where around each other a lot while she was in Cairo, anything happened? Pharah: We just... hang out, spent time together, nothing other then what we would usually do before. Cassidy: ....Fareeha it's been fourteen years, for the love of god please make a move that isn't just flirty banter. ----------------------- Zarya: I don't understand how you have so many fans. Why do people like to watch you play games that they can play themselves? D.Va: The same reason why people play the Olympics and other sports, cause they like to see other doing something they love! ----------------------- D.Va: Ok so what if I initiate Self Destruct and you shoot them when they get behind cover! That way no matter what we're still hitting them. Cassidy: I don't know, might be able to hit some of them but I doubt it would be worth riskin' the Mech. D.Va: Oh, OH! What about if Niran launches you into the air and you shoot them from above! Cassidy: Hey...That ain't half bad! ----------------------- Baptiste: You know, you should really get some rest, it's not good to overwork yourself. Pharah: Have you been talking with my mum? Cause if she did you should tell her to take her own advise. Baptiste: No, no, I noticed it myself. Though I do think it's funny that both Ana and Cole seem to have the same issue as you. Pharah: Well, it kinda runs if the family. ----------------------- Pharah: Hey Cole, did I tell you that Jean thought we were dating? Cassidy: Ew, what?! What made you think that?! Baptiste: You two just seemed to have a lot of history! I was curious! Pharah: Yeah, it was our history that made you curious, nothing else more personal. Baptiste: Fareeha, I swear to god- ----------------------- Pharah: You know, you and Brigitte remind me of Cole and Angela when they were younger. D.Va: Ugh, Cass said the same thing, but I know I'm way cooler then he is! Pharah: HA! He would have said the same but trust me, it's a compliment.
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Questwatch really has the brainworms going...
Listen, I know it’s canon-compliant, seeing as Kiriko and Orisa shouldn’t be with Overwatch by this point, but it was cute to hear that Genji had been working on his Role Heroes’ backstory with Emily for weeks. They’re actual friends!
We could already assume Emily was part of the Overwatch family with how close she is to Winston and Mei (They are her siblings-in-law, your honor). There was that Overwatch 1 interaction where Winston invites Mei to hot pot with Lena, Emily, and Athena that was followed by an Overwatch 2 interaction where Winston says he can’t wait for the next hot pot with Mei. Then, there was also the 2018 OWL spray where they’re all watching sports on a couch. Classic Lemon Tea history right there.
What makes me upset is the fact that Emily doesn’t seem to be living at Watchpoint: Gibraltar. London Calling ended with Lena and Winston saying “We did it! We saved London!”, but we know Iggy is in danger in the upcoming co-op mission. That’s the thing that’s always annoyed me with the plot armor our heroes have. You’re telling me that Lena and Emily have been living safely in London for over five years while Talon has Lena on a hit list???
On one hand, a bit of angst where Emily says her goodbyes to Lena would make me cry, in a good way. (Their love will persevere through anything, damn it!) We see how appreciative Emily is of Lena’s vigilantism in London Calling. She would give up having her girlfriend by her side for the betterment of the world. Also, I love the idea of Mei being subjected to Lena being a sobbing mess without her girlfriend in the crew quarters. On the other hand, Emily is not safe in London. Period.
Let me make one thing clear: I do not want Emily as a hero. Ever. Not only do I not want the possibility of Lena and Emily killing each other (it’s heartbreaking enough with Winston), but I think Emily is perfect as a civilian. She reminds Lena what she’s fighting for, but she’s also a great parallel to Jack’s relationship with Vincent. Jack forgot what he was fighting for, putting his duty above all else, and distanced himself from everyone. Emily is the reason why Lena kept up with being a vigilante, the reason why Lena bumped into Iggy, and the reason why Lena and Iggy were able to stop Kace’s uprising.
All of this is to say that I love the idea of Emily being at Watchpoint: Gibraltar with the new blood of Overwatch. It’s as safe as she’ll ever be with Lena as her girlfriend, after all. I want to see her interact with more heroes, and I guess I’m a little disappointed by the heroes playing their Role Heroes campaign. If we could get Kiriko and Orisa, who are not there in canon, why couldn’t we get Jack? Have you SEEN him being an absolute nerd over chess in the Sojourn novel? It would be a great way to show players who don’t view external media that Jack isn’t just a grumpy old man.
Also, can we talk about Adventurer Tracer’s lines? “Was your knight on holiday?” when eliminating Mercy? “Sorry, I’m the knight in this realm!” when eliminating Pharah? HELLO??? I need to see a Lemon Tea and Pharmercy double date this instant. (People can grow apart after five+ years of not seeing each other. Sorry, Gency shippers.)
I haven’t even seen the rest of Questwatch. I’m “only” tier 42 as of writing this, and I haven’t seen anyone post all the chapters in their entirety. Still, I am LIVING for all this Emily content. Now, give her a voice. Give her a 3D model. Let her show up in Story Missions. I am BEGGING.
(I am so normal...)
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podsn · 11 months
What if Pharah died after joining Overwatch?
So I wanted to makes some Pharah and Ana angst. So I wondered how Ana would react if Pharah died? The regret the anguish. I live for it.
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professionalranter31 · 4 months
So, I’ve said that I want there to be more types of relationships in Overwatch, well I’m gonna share what I think what types of relationships some of the characters should have
I will try to avoid some of the characters that already have relationships with other characters in the roster outside of friendships but some of them would work with other relationships as well
So getting this out of the way already, Emily being Moira’s niece, I’ve done a few posts where I explained why I want this to happen so I’m not gonna go into detail too much with it but giving Tracer an actual connection to Moira outside of her knowing Moira’s reputation would be awesome (Moira had been disavowed from Blackwatch for a while by the time Tracer became a field agent)
Next is Sojourn, I want her to have an ex who disagreed with her testifying against Overwatch and that’s why they broke up. Because it can create doubt in Sojourn about her choices that day and can help to explain why she became a vigilante
Next, Soldier 76 with a current relationship with someone. I want Jack to fall in love with someone who has empathy like him and wants to help him uncover why Overwatch was really shut down and they fall in love and there’s angst when one of them gets injured and I want Jack to actually be with someone who understands his crusade and what he’s trying to do and that man deserves some fucking love gods dammit!
My next choice is Mei, specifically a former lover of her’s who after the several years that Mei was presumed dead moved on. It’s the angst, it’s the heartbreak, and it lends a better idea of just how much Mei lost while frozen for all those years because the gravity of what she lost isn’t always properly felt with just words. Yes she lost all her friends from the Ecopoint, but to be given a proper example of how the world moved on without her would just be a fucking gut punch, it would be so angsty for her because even though she still had friends, she lost a romantic relationship because of how long she was frozen. It gives more to the tragedy
In that same vein, a former partner of Sigma’s. Doesn’t have to be strictly romantic but it’s a character who had a close relationship with him than moved on after Sigma’s perceived death, because it gives more gravitas to just how much he lost because of that accident
I want Torbjorn’s wife Ingrid as a playable hero purely because I know her interactions with Torbjorn and Brigitte will be adorable and because she’s a chemist that could have a lot of interesting abilities. Hell to round out the three Lindholms she could be a tank
And finally, Ana’s former husband Sam. Because Ana faking her death and not telling her family for years is fucked up and I want someone to actually yell at her for that since Pharah won’t. Plus, it could finally reveal if Pharah has some Native American in her which has been theorized she has given two of her legendary skins. Also, it showcases just how bad Pharah’s relationship has gotten with Ana because of her choices by having her have a positive one with Sam. And it gives more insight into just how much Ana destroyed her relationship with her family by faking her death with what they used to be like before she faked her death.
Also a little bonus one, I want Venture to end up in a polycule with some other characters, could be from the current roster could be future added heroes but they have two hands and I want the adorable nerd to be sandwiched between their lovers in hugs and kisses and happiness and giving an example of the most positive and nontoxic relationship in the lore of the game.
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 1 year
Overwatch 2 Masterlist
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None yet!
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None yet
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None yet
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"Leave.” Cole Cassidy x reader angst
“Into the Void” YeeHan angst/fluff
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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None yet
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“Into the Void” YeeHan angst/fluff
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Junker Queen
Junker Queen general relationship/parenting headcannons!
Junker Queen x reader with an ED
Eating her out (NSFW!)
“Rock hard On” NSFW
“You’re Losing Me” (Angst)
“Come Sit”
“Girl Crush” (Angst)
“Such Small Hands” 
“Rough Morning”
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Partner in Crime (Part two to this)
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None yet
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Lucio with a male new recruit reader
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Making him laugh
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None yet
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Holding Reader’s Hand (Fluff)
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Soldier: 76
"What’s wrong?” Dad!soldier76 x child!reader
“Bad Feelings Before Dinner” Dad!Soldier76 x child!reader
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leorawright · 2 years
Overwatch Masterlist 4
Overwatch with s/o who can unhinge their jaw
Mercy's reaction when experimented on reader sees their biological mother
Genji protecting s/o
Talon finding out their s/o can sing opera
Lucio snuggling while sitting on reader's lap
Overwatch with reader who adopted a Maine coon cat
Reaper with s/o who pats him on the head after healing him
Overwatch with reader who leaves little sticky notes everywhere
Overwatch with so who has a Pokémon collection
Soldier 76 with brainwashed child
Talon (and Ramattra) with weird/creepy s/o
Overwatch with s/o who hasn't slept in three days
My favorite characters with a crush
Overwatch with s/o who gives them a mandarin everyday
Junkers with a friend who fixes machines
Zenyatta with teen reader who sees him as a safe space
Father figure overwatch getting a call from reader about their abusive ex
Ramattra being protective over a human reader who nearly died protecting omnics
Overwatch with s/o who is normally calm until they're messed with
Overwatch with reader who can transform into any animal
Overwatch's reaction to child reader carrying the mission
Overwatch omnics with reader who is obsessed with astronomy
Soldier 76 with autistic child
Maximilian with omnic friend who's sweet until Max is messed with
Sigma with friend who can shapeshift
Overwatch with s/o who can reality hop
Reaper with s/o who spoils him
Ramattra figuring out his child was brainwashed to fight against the omnics
Poseidon!Ramattra having a crush on mortal!reader
Overwatch with s/o who randomly kisses their face
Ana with reader who stole her shirt
Overwatch with s/o who's a teacher
Valentine's day special
Overwatch reuniting with s/o who was a lost Blackwatch agent
Ramattra with a brainwashed child
Moira falling in love with her own experiment
Overwatch watching their crush getting married
Genji comforting s/o when they get a limb amputated
Mercy giving young reader forehead kisses after healing them
Mei with a crush
Moira falling for a clinically insane reader
Overwatch with best friend who's a metal head
Talon with angst prompt 16
Reaper with angst prompt 16
Reaper with angst prompt 5
Cassidy with angst prompt 12
Moira with angst prompt 15
Omnics with s/o who likes frogs
Reaper with a child like Ellie from the last of us
Moira falling in love with her own experiment part 2
Blackwatch with s/o who is constantly hospitalized
Blackwatch Reyes with fluff prompt 16
Cassidy with reader who was in a very bad house fire
Sigma with a caretaker s/o
Overwatch with an alcoholic s/o
Poly Roadrat hc's
Moira with angst prompt 7
Reaper with fluff prompt 24
Ramattra with fluff prompt 25
Reaper with fluff prompts 1 and 14
Ramattra with fluff prompt 9
Overwatch with so who fights dirty
Junkrat with fluff prompt 14
Reaper and child reader with angst prompt 6
Genji with fluff prompt 25
Reaper and child reader with angst prompt 14
Sigma with fluff prompt 1
Mercy with fluff prompt 23
Overwatch with so who nearly dies getting back to them
Soldier 76 with angst prompt 2
D.va with a younger sibling
Genji with fluff prompts 18 and 20
Overwatch with s/o who doesn't let their s/o talk bad about themselves
Overwatch with s/o who's a fox hybrid
Maximilian with fluff prompt 18
Genji with reader who's teaching him along with Zenyatta
Junkrat with so who gives his constant compliments
Ana with fluff prompt 9
Early mornings with Genji
Cassidy with an Italian s/o
Overwatch omnics figuring out their omnic friend is an 8 year old
Overwatch trying to have a date with s/o but their friend keeps interrupting
Genji flower picking with s/o
Reinhardt seeing an old crusader working for Talon
Overwatch with s/o who always wins at claw machines
Overwatch watching their ex get married
Overwatch's s/o dying during surgery
Mercy dancing headcannons
Maximilian cuddling
Overwatch with self conscious chubby s/o
Overwatch with s/o who already has a child
Pharah meeting an alien
Overwatch with friend who's a demon
Overwatch with wise teen friend
Widowmaker with s/o who's friends with an Arukenimon
Overwatch with a chef s/o
Cassidy during the actual 1800s
Overwatch meeting their future adopted kid
B.O.B headcannons
Tracer's best friend joining Talon to save her
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gaycragula · 2 years
Request Info
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Fandoms/Characters I will write for
If there's no specified characters, I will write for all characters
Will write for all characters however: Tracer- GN!Reader if romantic; platonic if there's an m!reader Pharah- See above Winston- Platonic only Hammond/Wrecking Ball- Platonic only Orisa- Platonic only
How to Train Your Dragon
Surfs Up (2007)
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed 3 Assassin's Creed Black Flag Assassin's Creed Syndicate Assassin's Creed Origins Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Pirates of the Caribbean
If there's something you're curious if I'll write for, feel free to ask! I jump from fandom to fandom a lot and I'm willing to write for a lot
Things I will write
FTM/Non-binary!Reader x Character Male/GN!Reader x FTM/Non-binary!Character FTM/Non-binary!Reader x FTM/Non-binary!Character Polyamorous Relationships Fluff Smut Angst? I don't think I'm good at it though :[ Ask me about kinks I'll write about if you're curious :]
Things I will NOT write
Fem aligned reader SA/Non-Con Scat Pregnancy Yandere Over the top feet stuff Char/Char
Feel free to ask any questions/clarifications of what I will and will not right if you're curious about anything!
I do reserve the right to decline any requests I am not comfortable with. Thank you
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dawnthefox24 · 5 months
Okay so my mom cut my hair yesterday and it got me thinking what if MW Cole used to cut MW Fareeha's hair when she was younger. So now I make it angsty
*MW Cole is reading a report when he stops and see's Fareeha getting annoyed with her hair tying it back sighing a bit * MW Cole: Hey squirt you alright? MW Fareeha:...I hate my hair...It gets in the way of everything.... MW Cole: Did you ask Ana to cut it? MW Fareeha:*wants to cry but holds it in*...I...she's been busy..... MW Cole:*rubs the back of his neck before sighing* Okay come with me I'll cut your hair MW Fareeha:*looks at him and smiles* Really!? MW Cole:*nods* Of course now I may not be good with scissors but I'm good with a knife... MW Fareeha:*eyes lit up* Cool! MW Cole: No not cool, but come on I might be a bit rusty but I assure you I'll try my best MW Fareeha: That's okay just don't make me look stupid! MW Cole:*rolls his eyes but smiles softly* alright than, now come on MW Fareeha:*smiles happily and takes his hand as she drags him to her room to cut her hair* *Once they entered her room Cole made Fareeha sit down on the ground as he look at the volume of her hair thinking for a moment* MW Cole:*looks at Fareeha hair and sighs* Okay how short do you want me to cut it? MW Fareeha:...Short... MW Cole:*Plays around with Fareeha's hair for a moment trying to gauge with how he's going to cut it before getting an idea* Okay hold still okay... MW Fareeha:*nods happily* MW Cole:*takes his knife out of his bootstrap before he gently starts cutting her hair a bit* MW Fareeha:*closes her eyes for a moment allowing Cole to cut her hair* Hey Cole MW Cole: Yes? MW Fareeha: How did you learn to cut hair with a knife? MW Cole:...I did it for a..ex-friend of mine before Gabe took me in...Stay still I don't wanna nick you MW Fareeha:*smiles softly* MW Cole:*cuts the last bit of her hair before dusting off the left over hair as he fluffs up with hair and shaking it around setting the knife down* Okay so it may not be the best hair cutting I've done and- MW Fareeha:*hugs him tightly* Thank you Cole! MW Cole:*smiles softly and hugs her back* It's it your liking? MW Fareeha:*nods happily* YEAH!!! MW Cole:*smiles happily* I'm glad MW Fareeha: Can you teach me to cut my hair with a knife!? MW Cole:*chuckles a bit* Maybe~ ~~~~~ MW Pharah: *is cutting her hair with a knife and smiles sadly* I'm glad you taught me Cole...
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overwatchfics · 11 months
Reqs ACTUALLY open
Hey I know its been a minute since y'all heard anything from this acc but ive just been on a thirsty baldur's gate 3 binge and writing personal smut with karlach in my google doc hoping that my girlfriend NEVER finds lmfaoooo. anyways requests are open but here are some characters I will take priority requests over.
Illari (There's not enough content for her out there pls request her.
Sojourn (same as illari there's not shit out there for her)
Tracer (also more content for her)
Pharah (listen-)
Moira (I want to write her not as an asshole for funsies)
I want to write more platonic stuff too so keep in mind I don't just write smut/angst!
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ultravioart · 1 year
If it helps I think the Overwatch writers are usually pretty bad with making the ages line up in lore. They somehow decided that Gabriel Reyes was a cop who put away hundreds of criminals and then became an army officer all /before/ the Omnic crisis, which apparently broke out when he was like 21. They also always forget that Cole was 16/17 when he joined Overwatch
Ugh, I hope that it's simply incompetence.
The writers /chose/ to have them meet this way, and imo it's a creepy choice. The writers could have easily had the two meet when Mercy officially joined OW in her mid twenties, aka when Pharah already joined the army (18 and older). If they had met then, as adults, the ship would be totally fine.
They need to retcon basically-adult Mercy knowing Fareeha when she was only a kid ASAP, it makes my skin crawl.
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For those that don't know: This pic is up on Pharah's bio to this day, and Mercy was a uni student at the time of this pic (17). This means Angela was very smart and mature for her age, thus why I argue she was basically an adult figure to child/tween Fareeha(12) when Fareeha was growing up surrounded by Overwatch agents. Mercy may have not been a constant presence in OW then, but she definitely watched Fareeha grow up through the years by these accounts, and I presume Fareeha joined the army at 18.
If they still go for the weird age gap thing and end up pulling a "Fareeha has a one sided crush" then it feels pretty pointless to do from a writing standard, Farreeha doesn't need any more heartbreak/melodrama in her life.
Having Pharah pine for someone unhealthy for her/someone she will never have doesn't add or push development to her character. Fareeha has the stereotypical "stoic soldier with badass armor" exterior but what I love is that her animations and jokes shows she is fun loving (air guitar!) and a strong joyful soul underneath all that rigid armor. I wish she would have more joy in her stories, instead of sadness/angst. The name Fareeha means happy/joyful. She deserves some happiness after all she's been through.
And frankly, writing wise, Fareeha deserves a healthy stable relationship with a loving GF after all the rocky troubles she's had in her life. Between family and friends leaving/presumed dead (Father, Mother, Cole, OW agents, etc) only to later return, I am sure she has abandonment issues and trust issues. :( Girlie needs a break. Having an arc where she learns to trust again/gains the courage to trust again would be great for her character, and would be a very healing story. (Let her have a lesbian happily ever after!!! Just not with Angela as of current lore, please writers retcon the pic or give Fareeha a different gf.)
From what I know the first omnic crisis happened around 25-30 years ago, and if Gabe is 58(wiki), Gabe would be anywhere between 33-28 by the time he did all that? Early 30s seems perfectly reasonable for his career in a world full of super powered superheroes tbf.
And from what I know, Cole was always treated as the same age as Angela? or at least as a younger adult/elder teen in blackwatch. I am not sure where the "forgetting he was younger" comes from?
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beebbg · 2 years
Request Page (yes ik this is like my third time doing this) ៸៸
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꒰ Do's and Don'ts ↷
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎//Do!︰Smut, fluff, angst, headcanons (Nsfw︙Sfw), drabbles
→ Don't︰Weird kinks, racism, pedophilia, homophobia, Character x character, Character x Child! Reader
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎✦⇢
‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ I write gn or fem reader. I also write mostly for women.
﹕Fandoms! ɞ
⸝⸝ Apex・Catalyst, Vantage, Lifeline, Rampart, Valkyrie, Bangalore, Horizon, Wattson, Wraith, Ash, Mad Maggie, Loba
⨯ Overwatch・Mercy, D.va, Ashe, Moira, Sombra, Ana, Symmetra, Zarya, Junkerqueen, Sojourn, Kiriko, Brigitte, Mei, Pharah, Tracer, Widowmaker, Illari
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎。 Arcane・Caitlyn, Vi, Jinx, Mel, Sevika
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏✧ Detroit Become Human・Kara, North, Rose
ʚ The Last Of Us pt.2・Abby, Ellie, Dina
‎‏��‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ✿ Deathloop・Julianna, Wenjie, Harriet, Fia
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wildissylupus · 1 year
Plot points I think (hope) are going to happen in Story Missions because of "As You Are"
Bapssidy-Bapweaver love triangle, not anything serious like most love triangles we see, cause it's in none of they're characters to take something like that seriously, just give me all three flirting with eachother. (Could end with all three of them dating, Bapweavessidy/GunsnRoses)
One-sided Pharmercy angst
Phara moving on, not just from her crush on Mercy, but her (kinda toxic) idealisation of Overwatch as a whole. This is a separate post I'm going to make but because of the recent story story I feel like Pharah was very much sheltered from what everyone went through in Overwatch.
Cassidy and Mercy having a long overdue break down
Pharah trying to get Baptiste and Cassidy together
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