#pharma propaganda
ronnyskochshow · 11 months
Deutschland is(s)t "Dumm wie Brot" ARTE Doku, Lösung und Apartheid in Stuttgart
Nicht wer zuerst die Waffen ergreift, ist Anstifter des Unheils, sondern wer dazu nötigt. Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) Vorwort zum Neu eröffneten Krieg Mehr Luxus führt zu mehr Krieg Je mehr Waffen Deutschland produziert und verkauft, desto mehr Menschen sterben und desto reicher werden die Reichen und armer die Armen bzw. werden sie ausgerottet. Klaus Schwab vom WEF und…
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
Reasons why I don't buy into "posh, aristocratic, and/or bigot Pharma" headcanons
Listed in no particular order, mostly prompted by a conversation with a mutual (that I've also had many times in the past with other mutuals)
For some reason people assume that being a flight frame is what would make Pharma so prideful and disdainful towards everyone else? But in IDW1 canon, flight frames are actually an oppressed class who were restricted by functionism to only be allowed to be soldiers or cargo lifters. The only flight frames who got to go outside of that mold were ones who got special exemptions (Jetfire) or ones who schemed and took advantage of politics (Starscream). If anything, being a flight frame would be a source of self-consciousness/annoyance for Pharma, since he would be seen as unusual and probably get constant "wow I didn't know flight frames could be doctors" type comments that single him out because of his body and not because of his actual skill or personality. It's possible that he might be proud of being a flight frame AND being a doctor, like being so good of a doctor that being a flight frame doesn't matter. But Pharma certainly wouldn't feel prideful or entitled to anything JUST for being a flight frame.
Re: bigoted and/or functionist Pharma: I think this headcanon comes from the fact that Pharma worked at the New Institute yes, but so did other characters such as Chromedome, Rung, and Brainstorm who are neither posh nor functionists. It seems rather unfair to assume that Pharma specifically must be a functionist or hate the lower class because he worked at the New Institute, when other characters who were in the exact same situation weren't presumed to be bigots just because they worked at a shitty place. Also as my point above states, why would Pharma be a functionist when functionism is the institution that would've kept him from being a doctor if he (presumably) wasn't forged with medic hands?
Speaking of bigotry, it's canon that Pharma and Ratchet were best friends since they worked at the DMF together, which was pre-war; how in the hell would it be in-character for Ratchet to be best friends with Pharma if he was an open bigot and a functionist? Ratchet would literally never. Plus, secondarily, Pharma is canonically in love with Ratchet, so if he were some sort of posh aristocrat, it'd be pretty odd for him to be best friends and shack up with a guy that's as down-to-earth and rude as Ratchet is. Not impossible, but for me personally, it counts as a mark against posh!Pharma because I think the fact that Pharma was best friends with Ratchet means that we can form a broad outline of his personality based on the type of person that Ratchet would like enough to be best friends with.
Pharma's diction and way of speaking isn't "high class" at all. He pretty much speaks like any other "normal" character in MTMTE does, but what's more, there are actually a couple of instances where he speaks in a much more casual and loose way. Little details where he says "coz" instead of "cause/because", uses words like "chap", that time he chainsaws someone and says "Feels rough, doesn't it?" I wouldn't say that Pharma is lower class or anything, but when looking for evidence that he's posh or stuck up, his diction/manner of speaking is a good place to start, but there's really no evidence of any poshness there at all. MAYBE that one time he talks to Ratchet talking about "instruments" and making an analogy between a surgeon and a musician, but in that case he was just using a metaphor to make a point to Ratchet.
In general, the only notable thing about Pharma that anyone talks about related to him (besides "going insane and killing patients") is the fact that he's a good doctor and all the various feats he's pulled off. One would think that if he was some sort of posh bigot, people would complain about it or bring it up when talking about their memories of Pharma, but no. Literally Pharma's primary trait is that he's a hella fucking good doctor. I GUESS you could argue that since a lot of doctors IRL are rich bc they get paid a huge amount of money, that means Pharma is also rich and sees himself as above everyone else, but that seems like a rather large leap to make from what little we know about Pharma. And everything we DO know about Pharma points to the fact that being a doctor was his entire life, and the only specific case where he wants to be seen as "superior" is with regards to Ratchet, another doctor who Pharma feels insecure in comparison to. So again, canon points us to the fact that Pharma really only cares about practicing medicine, and the only person he wants to feel superior to is Ratchet, because Ratchet is a better doctor than he is.
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jangillman · 27 days
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steelthroat · 1 year
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I've never drawn Pharma in my life before, but @lord-squiggletits this is for you
I'm thinking about him more than I should, and I think it's your fault :3
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elipsi · 7 months
even supposedly progressive articles about trans issues in italy are so bleak in their approach :////
why are you telling me that trans teens can only access puberty blockers with their family's consent like it's a good thing
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unknownsoldiers · 2 months
Get you a Conjunx that can do both
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battleangel · 11 months
80 Degree Halloween
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It was never 79 degrees on my birthday, October 28th.
Almost 80 degrees right before Halloween and November?
Absolutely never.
But everyone just stays consistently distracted now with all the social media scrolling, messenger apps, non stop notifications, endless shows to stream, multiple screens, videogames, anime, comic book movies & tv shows, star wars, halloween, amazon prime 1 day sale, thanksgiving, black friday, cyber monday, christmas, new years, presidential election --
Noone says, at a mass scale, "Hey, it was never almost 80 degrees Halloween weekend."
The humidity is one thing.
48 degrees & 90% humidity is a result of the bomb testing they did over the summer with resulting smoke falsely blamed on "canadian wildfires" when many in NYC reported seeing a mushroom cloud right before the smoke filled the skies on the east coast.
Humidity & air quality have not returned to normal since that day.
This is different where the temperatures have been steadily rising due to climate change, the polar ice caps are gradually melting, the ozone layer is becoming depleted, we have overextracted the worlds resources.
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Capitalism means never having to say when.
Too many landfills, too many cars, too many flights to nowhwere, too many greenhouse emissions, too much drilling for oil, drill baby drill!, too much fracking, too many oceanic oil spills, too many nuclear power plants, too many humans, too much overpopulation, too much deforestation, too much factory farming, too much ethane gas emitted from cows fecal matter, too many millions of gallons of water needed every year for factory farming, too many cities, too many skyscrapers, too much pollution, too many factories, not enough clean drinking water
Too many bombs, too many cars clogging the highways, too much construction, too much machinery, too many houses with air conditioning set at 70 degrees, too many SUVs, too much industrial waste, too much industrial pollution, too many landfills, too much non-biodegradable waste, too much trash that wont break down in a landfill for thousands of years, too much smog, too many fossil fuels being burned, too many fires, too much smoke
Too many fast food chains, too many Mcdonalds burgers served, too many KFC wings, too many factories, too much carbon dioxide, not enough trees planted, too many species now extinct, not enough wildlife preservation, too many cruise ships polluting the oceans, too much recycling using more energy than it saves, too much plastic, too many experiments, too many chemicals, too many synthetic ingredients, too many labs, too much radiation, too much trash, too many chains
Too many amazon warehouses, too many big box retail stores, too many starbucks, too many plastic straws, too much overconsumption, too much greed, too much exploitation, too much raping mother earth, not enough abortions, too much overpopulation, too many people not enough resources, finite planet infinite greed, finite planet infinite capitalism, finite planet elon will just take us to mars, too many private jets, too much capitalism, not enough socialism, too much capitalsm, not enough solidarity, too much individualism, not enough communalism
Too many opioids, too many benzos, too many anti depressants, too much alcohol, too much electricity not enough solar power, too many luxury cars, not enough electric vehicles, too many cars, not enough bikes, too many highways, not enough bike lanes, too many lanes, not enough walkways, too many oil rig explosions, not enough clean up, too much money, not enough love, too much competition, not enough togetherness, too much dog eat dog, not enough lets not keep fighting over scraps, too many rich CEOs, not enough workers unions
Too many toxins, not enough herbs and plants, too many lobbyists, too many manufacturers, too many industry titans, too many leviathans, too many convenient scapegoats, too many targets of hate, too many layoffs, too much waste disposal, too many garbage pickups, too much trash per US citizen, too much smoke, too many pollutants, too much toxic waste dumped into water into poor and inner cities
Too many prisons, too many overcrowded jails, too much elder abuse in nursing homes, too much corruption, too many payoffs, too many grifters, too many wheelers and dealers, too many wall street executives, too many bernie madoffs, too much abusive porn, too much violence, too much cheap dirtiness
Too many walmarts, too many deals, too many dollar menus, too many dollaritas at applebees, too many people living paycheck to paycheck, too many individual 401k accounts, too many millionaires and billionaires, too many 1%ers
Too many false american dreams, too much meritocracy, too much keep up the good work, too many trips to the moon, too many rocket launches, too many lunchables, too many chicken mcnuggets, too many billions served, too many whoppers with cheese, too many water bottles, too many coke cans
Too much fast fashion, too many SHEINs, too many fashion novas, too much collagen, too many ccs, too much lip filler, too many bbls, too many augmentations, too many brow lifts, too many cheek fillers, too many facelifts, too many surgeries
Too much chemo, too much radiation, too much slashing and burning, too much fear of death, too much desperation to stay alive at any cost, too many people waiting to retire, too many people working to live, too many golden handcuffs, too many executives, too many VPs, too many Silicon Valleys, too many startups, too many uncanny valleys, too much virtual reality
Too many trash cans, too many plastic trash bags, too many paper towels, too much disposability, too much one use only, too many throwaways, too much extension of life at all costs, too many vacations, too many trips, too many homes, too many cars
Too much materialism, too much shallowness, too much superficiality, too many prison sentences, too much criminalization of normal behavior, too much medicalization, too many soldiers, too many products, too many costcos, too many gas stations, too many grocery stores
Too much excess, too much blind worship of success, too many genocides, too much jealousy, too much envy, too much child trafficking, too many rape parties, too many child soldiers, too many child prostitutes
Too many private swimming pools, too many gated communities, too many suburbs, too much middle class, too much low wage exploitation, too much stock market, too much dow jones index, too many returns on investment
Too many fur jackets, too many chinchillas dragging on the floor, too much theraflu, too much robitussin, too many covid vaccinations, too many vaccines, too much childhood autism, too many boys on ritalin, too many boys with adhd
Too much pathologizing of normal behavior, too many roofies, too many rape drugs, too many rohypnols, too many dollar trees, too many creature comforts, too much luxury, too many five star hotels, too many deliveries, too many amazon drivers, too many five belows, too many worker bees, too many garbage trucks, too many lobbyists
Too many zionists, too many western powers, too much modernization, too much technology, too much frictionlessness, too many diversionary tactics, too much repression, too much protestant work ethic, too much hubris, too much ego, too much money, too many elons, too many monarchs, too many queens of england, too many kings without a crown, too many rulers of the world, too many fake elections
Too much reality tv, too much double anal, too many hits to the head, too many hits under the chin, too many concussions, too many blue tents on the sideline, too many prison sentences, too many mass graves, too much ethnic cleansing
Too many taxpayer funded genocides, too many people afraid of being called an antisemite for telling the truth about US Israel zionism, too many kidnappings, too many abductions, too many shootings, too many stabbings, too many beatings, too many killings, too much spousal abuse, too much spousal rape, too many false agendas
Too many microwaves, too many cell phones, too many air conditioners, too many heat waves, too much climate change, too many drivethrus, too many distractions, too much doordash, too many surgeries, too many prescriptions, too much prescription abuse, too much alcoholism, too many suicides, too many rehab stints, too many revolving doors
Too many santa clauses, too much commercialization, too much commodification, too much consumption, too many rockefellers, too many rothschilds, too many bidens, too many mein kampfs, too many cultural revolutions, too many shibboleths, too many highways to hell, too many bridges to nowhere, too many dont ask dont tells, too much homophobia, too much transphobia, too much fear, too much hate, too much regret in hospices, too many lives wasted at a 9 to 5, too many too late realizations on deathbeds, too many trees cut down for paper...
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liesmyteachertoldme · 2 years
AMA, WHO, NIH, CDC Controlled by Big Pharma
Systemic corruption in Medical Organizations: The American Medical Association only contributes to the corruption of the health care industry, as they sell lists to the drug industry revealing which drugs certain doctors are prescribing. Big Pharma can then reward doctors prescribing the most expensive medications. McHenry continued:
“The oligarchy of corporations here has basically usurped cherished institutions of democracy, which involve checks and balances in the system but also scientific integrity. So who’s looking out for scientific integrity?”
Dr. Paul Marik, a critical care doctor formerly with Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in East Virginia, who is renowned for his work in creating the “Marik cocktail,” which significantly reduces death rates from sepsis using inexpensive, safe, generic medications,  was interviewed in the film. He went so far as to call for Big Pharma to be removed from the equation entirely to protect public health worldwide:
“WHO should be there to represent the interests of people on this planet. That’s what their job is. But unfortunately, the WHO, the NIH, CDC are so influenced by Big Pharma. So, I think, you know, we need to evolve to the point where Big Pharma gets removed from the equation. Big Pharma is the biggest contributor to lobbyists. They control the media; they control the press.
So, they have a stranglehold on free speech, scientific investigation, scientific integrity. I think COVID has brought up the worst in this respect. And I think it’s time that these organizations should go back to what the goal is, what the fundamental job is, to provide the best health to people on this planet. And that profiteering should not be driving this.”
The result is that scientific freedom and academic freedom are myths. “The NIH gets into contractual relationships with companies that, once they patent a drug, the NIH gets a certain amount of the revenue. They make a lot of money from these patented drugs and their development, including the vaccines,” Marik said.
According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the FDA gets 45% of its annual budget from the pharmaceutical industry, while WHO gets about half of its budget from private sources such as Big Pharma and its foundations. Further, the CDC owns 56 vaccine patents, and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines every year, amounting to more than 40% of its total budget.  With this level of corporate capture, how can they have the public’s best interests at heart?
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blackwolfmanx3 · 1 month
Forced to Choose: They Said I Couldn’t See My Grandma
Never let these weirdos get away with pushing experimental jabs.
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tinyshe · 7 months
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ronnyskochshow · 1 year
Teil 2 zur Cannabis (il)Legalisierung 2023 in Deutschland
odysee.com/@lovepeaceharmony:3/Cannabis_2023_Teil2:2 #deutschland #ronnyskochshow #legalisierung #cannabis #politik #freiheit #frieden #gesundheit #pharma #wahrheit #propaganda #nachrichten
https://odysee.com/@lovepeaceharmony:3/Cannabis_2023_Teil2:2 Namanste BroSis, …in meinem ersten Video habe ich bereits einige Punkte angesprochen über die sonst niemand öffentlich spricht.In Teil 2 geht es um weitere Details, die ich selbst noch nicht so genau beleuchtet hatte. Ruf mich an und lass uns GEMEINSAM die Welt verändern.Alleine schaffe ich es nicht und erst Recht nicht, wenn du…
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laurielcalhoun · 11 months
Enter the contest currently underway at Goodreads for a free copy of my new ebook, Questioning the COVID Company Line: Critical Thinking in Hysterical Times! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/188057590-questioning-the-covid-company-line
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#RFK Jr: big #pharma & #military ind. #propaganda, #socialmedia censorship, undemocratic refuse of #primary debates to reelect #Biden, whole system incl. #elections is rigged vs #Americans
#EU #DigitalSA, #US #DisinformationGB would #stifle #FreeSpeech
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noviquelife · 2 years
Novique Life Sciences is a leading propaganda pharma company based in Chandigarh, India. As one of the top pharmaceutical companies in Chandigarh, Novique Life Sciences is dedicated to improving the lives of people by providing innovative medical solutions. Through its targeted propaganda efforts, Novique Life Sciences raises awareness about its products and services to reach out to its customers.
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airbrickwall · 2 years
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megachirottera · 2 years
UHC2030: Partnership globale pubblico-privato per l’assistenza sanitaria delle Nazioni Unite
La nostra serie continua con l’esplorare lo sviluppo sostenibile e i connessi Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDG) associati, rivolgiamo la nostra attenzione all’SDG 3 che promette di “garantire una vita sana”. Ancora una volta, quando esaminiamo questa promessa è vuota. Attraverso l’Agenda 2030 per la copertura sanitaria universale (UHC2030) sembra che il neocolonialismo basato sul debito e la governance globale oppressiva da parte di un partenariato pubblico-privato globale siano i veri obiettivi.
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