#phasmid egg
briery · 2 years
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Isabella Kirkland, Phasmid Eggs II, 2022.
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ph-cutie · 8 months
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I ASKED MYSELF A WHILE AGO what the baby phasmids look like. the situation of real phasmids is that their young are just bitty versions of the adults, increasing in size each molt. which isnt super fascinating but since i couldnt find a lot of references for specifically phas nymphs i took the artistic liberty of making the proportions a bit more traditionally baby-like :)
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darminky · 8 days
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I asked on twitter for 6 DE characters to do this and they gave me 10 so yeeah why not. Eventually got tired that's why Ruby and the Insulindiand Phasmid are kinda wonky sorry <\3
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The Insulindian Phasmid is a large, psychic, stickbug-like cryptid who lives on the island as the last of its species. It reveals itself to Harry and Kim, the first humans to witness the Phasmid in thousands of years.
Germaine "Egg Head" van der Wijk is one of the ravers that can be found in the church. His nickname comes from his love of Oranjese DJ Arno van Eyck and he has a tendency to declare things to be hardcore.
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fuzzkaizer · 2 months
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"Phasmids, sometimes known as stick bugs, exhibit remarkable camouflage that extends even to their eggs. These eggs beautifully mimic seeds or plant debris to evade predators before hatching. This mimicry involves structures called capitula, which attract ants. The ants transport these eggs to their nests, burying them and providing protection from environmental threats and parasitic wasps. This sophisticated adaptation, known as myrmecochory, exemplifies convergent evolution, where unrelated species develop similar traits to enhance survival. Such intricate evolutionary strategies ensure that phasmid eggs remain hidden and safe until they hatch, emphasizing the almost unbelievable ingenuity of natural selection in the insect world.
cred: instagram.com/delphi.vc, Levon Biss
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wormyorchids · 1 year
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Phasmid egg stickers are a reality!
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thesageofabsurd · 1 year
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Levon Biss, Phasmid Eggs https://levonbiss.com/projects/phasmid-eggs#slide1
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emmaklee · 2 years
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Phasmid eggs | Levon Biss
these are actual eggs of the stick insect family
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palms-upturned · 2 years
I can’t stop thinking about the ZA/UM people who defended the company after it came out that Kurvitz and co were fired like “well disco elysium was a collaborative effort, don’t buy into auteur theory.” Like. First of all what an INCREDIBLE cop out. Second of all elysium was always a collaborative effort, it was a ttrpg setting that Kurvitz made with his friends and had been developing since they were fucking teenagers. And ZA/UM kicked out ALL of those original members who created it together so like. Lol.
But also it just makes me sad bc it’s true that I think the amount of time it took and the collaborative nature of the work influenced disco a lot. There’s such a stark difference between the tone of disco vs the tone of Kurvitz’s novel. Shivers saying “you can keep me on this earth. Stay vigilant. I love you.” The phasmid begging you to please not blink and let the world go. The way that the story had to shrink and shrink for the format until it was localized in Martinaise and the way that zooming in on this small portion of the world they created, all these small people with small lives, made it all the more life affirming bc it turns out to be the small things that make life worth living at all. Egg saying “lonely as I am, I’m not afraid.” The phasmid saying “you are the miracle.” The swallow in the church being kept at bay by a dance club. Like… over all those years of effort and collaborating with other people I think maybe it seems like the og ZA/UM members started feeling a different type of way about things, just a little. Only for all that work and all of those experiences to get stolen out from under them like some kind of cruel joke. It’s sad and infuriating.
Like. Yeah, it’s a collaboration. These guys invited other people into their childhood sandbox to play around with them, and then even invited the whole world in. And then they got kicked out of the sandbox and are no longer allowed to be part of this collaboration. It’s fucked up. Fuck ZA/UM
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weepylucifer · 11 months
Disco Elysium if it was a Hollywood Blockbuster
(inspired by the trailer by @brainrotdotorg)
Harry has to have a glowup arc where he regains his faith in his job and ability to be a good cop. The police isn't criticized here apart from maybe some handwaves at "a few bad apples" rhetoric. In the climactic moment, the phasmid appears and tells him it is his duty and his destiny... to reform the RCM
Because we don't have time for a nuanced take on addiction in this 90-minute movie, the narrative just turns on a dime halfway through to portraying Harry's alcoholism as rugged and badass instead of pathetic, or he suddenly stops drinking when he gets his groove back, with no withdrawal effects shown. The whole thing about speed helping him be better at his job doesn't factor in; Harry drinks and does drugs because he's sad about Dora and there's nothing more to it. All he needed was to buck up and focus on being the best cop in all of Revachol
Klaasje is portrayed as a one-dimensional scheming femme fatale. Her backstory doesn't really come up. She's dumbed down so that Harry can triumph over her, and is also genuinely attracted to him for some reason, "I am Sherlocked" style
Ruby is either cut entirely, or she's genuinely a predatory lesbian and that's it. If the latter, she shoots herself in the head in front of Harry and Kim and they make a MCU-style "Well that happened" quip about it
No political quests! We don't have time for that. Actually, both communism and fascism are only mentioned once in a backstory dump as stuff that happened in a bygone era. If anything, the film ends up really riding for moralism by complete accident
The film makers don't really know what to do with Kim, so he gets reduced to a guy that stands around and delivers snarky one-liners
The Hardie Boys are in one short interrogation scene, not quite enough to make casual moviegoers care when half of them are gunned down
Fan-favorite characters such as Cindy, Cuno or the Speedfreaks can be seen once in the background of a group scene, but have no lines (you KNOW hollywood couldn't handle the Cuno). It's announced on the director's insta as "a little easter egg for eagle-eyed fans"
Joyce has a way more active role, but also her character turns into an utterly flat "milf girlboss" type who gives Harry and Kim direct instructions on what to do, Madame Director style. The movie writers pat themselves on the backs for being more progressive and feminist than the source material. Also she has nothing to do with the mercs, they just sort of... appeared. Don't think about it too hard! It's stressed repeatedly that they're "rogue agents" and it's really nobody's fault that they're there
Evrart is a corrupt mob boss and that's it. He will be played by a skinny actor in a fatsuit. He also doesn't help find Harry's gun, Joyce has someone retrieve it offscreen so she can gravely and meaningfully hand it to him just in time for the mercenary tribunal
The Deserter just kinda being a shitty sad old man would be too anticlimactic for our summer blockbuster, so he is rewritten to be some kind of evil mastermind. Maybe he even directly communicates with Klaasje and tells her what to do, again "I am Sherlocked" style
The tribunal absolutely does end with RCM backup triumphantly arriving to save the day, led by Jean who underwent a mini-arc offscreen about putting his differences with Harry aside because at the end of the day, they're both cops, and goddamn it, cops help each other. He dramatically takes the wig off and chucks it on the ground to signal his character growth, and everything
No homo-sexual underground thought. The Smoker on the Balcony is allowed to show up in one scene, where he flirtily waves at Kim and Harry. Kim nods at him. Disney's first gay character--
There's a moment where Kim talks to Jean, expressing doubt about Harry. Cut to Harry doing something goofy across the room from them. Jean briefly glances at it, shakes his head, turns back to Kim and says gruffly: "He's a loose cannon... but he gets the job done." This is supposed to be a good thing
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yellow-yarrow · 8 months
does anyone know if there are more instances in disco elysium or in Sacred and terrible air, where someone quotes the bible or some religious text? I want to do a deep dive into it and so far I found these two (not counting single words relating to religion like hosanna, holy etc)
Insulindian Phasmid - Yes, holy is the lord of hosts. And all the Earth is filled with his glory.
the beginning quote of SATA:
“My heart will not rest until it rests in you.” Saint Augustine
a big question mark for this one (Ephesians 4?)
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
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So @randomisedmongoose wrote this fantastic fic about phasmid!Harry and Kim becoming the fathers of four beautiful baby eggs (that hatch into phasmid hybrids) and I’m going absolutely crazy for it so I took the next logical step and. Designed their children lmao. Meet Sasha Fleur Charles and Mori! About age 8-12 here I think. Lots of interesting stuff to be explored here with the kids and Harry and Kim was weird but parents !! But idk if I will have the finesse to write about it so I just drew these guys instead. Some info about them (including their phasmid names)
Krrk-Tchk-tchk-cha/Charles: looks like Harry, explores the world with his mouth, for sure needs glasses, scrappy and accident-prone
Mrrp-Chrr/Mori: looks like Kim, spitfire personality, the runt of the litter, articulate and blunt but loves to poke fun
Hiss-tchk/Alexander/Sasha: Harry features and Kim like traits, big physically but quiet and contemplative, loves taking things apart and putting them back together
Whistle-chrrp-chrrp-chrrp/Fleur: Kim features and Harry traits, very curious, likes to dress up, read a book about infra-materialism once and is now hooked on it
I could gush about these guys forever and how I think their parents traits manifest in them/what their personalities and relationships are like/what little vignettes I am already thinking of lmao
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Spiny Leaf Insect - Extatosoma tiaratum
It's been many years since I've laid my eyes on one of these magnificent creatures, and even longer since my days at UofT where I held one in my hand. As such, it was gratifying to see so many individuals on display at the Toronto Zoo and to soak in all their details and movements (mostly wobbles and slow, methodical steps) while observing them. With many female individuals, and a few different instars among them, I should have taken a video, but there was lots of excited screaming in the background from children happy to see the otters and reptiles. As much as I love animals, this blog is all about the insects, and so today we have pictures of these Giant Prickly Stick Insects. Today, they are known by many names such as Australian Walking Sticks, Spiny Leaf Insects, Macleay’s Spectres (named for British entomologist William Macleay and referencing their order Phasmatodea, whose name is derived from apparitions or more commonly, ghosts) or E. tiaratum. You can call them many names, just don't call them "Leaf Insects" as those are a different branch of Phasmid, of the family Phylliidae. Amazing as that family is are, these large armored insects also have a certain special quality to them. Maybe it's just how large and unusual they are compared to our fauna, but I certainly think that they're eye-catching when they can actually be found and observed. In the wild, finding them could be more difficult since their mottled, spiked, dried-in-appearance leafy armor is meant to hide them from their predators.
These peaceful, plant-eating giants need every advantage they can secure since they aren't aggressive and are burdened with slow movement due to their armor. In most cases, if anything gets close, their "scorpion" posture combined with a mild chemical defense and their sharp spines may be just enough. But what if you're a thinner, more agile male? If you've been observant, there is one such darker individual in the background of Picture 1! They're quite different in appearance from females, being much smaller and they are also quite rare! Moreover, a mild reliance on using parthenogenesis to reproduce and lay eggs, they can become even rarer! The thin male has functioning wings and can use them when in danger by either flying away or flashing them to a predator, startling them. Naturally, wings also allow for a wider dispersal and an expansion to the search for fertile females. In an environment within captivity, the presence of a male may be likely to discourage parthenogenesis and in fertilized eggs that will hatch earlier after females drop them to the soil floor. There were no eggs to be found, so if you plan to visit and search for them, look for brown and white, seed-like objects fitted with a capsule-like projection (capitulum). They are likely to be removed and stored, as the eggs of E. tiaratum are reported to need cooler conditions to successfully hatch. Their terrarium may simulate a warm, tropical environment too well in that case. In the wild, Ants fulfill this condition, bringing the "seeds" underground into their cooler subterranean food stockpile.
These insects are exhibited in the Toronto Zoo, so I’ve marked them with the Mantis icon. Pictures were taken August 27, 2023 at the Toronto Zoo with a Google Pixel 4. Please go and visit the animals (insects very much included).
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palin-tropos · 1 year
I am now a dros is lilienne’s uncle truther. unless lilienne was hatched from a phasmid egg
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todaysbug · 11 months
November 14th, 2023
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Common Walkingstick (Diapheromera femorata)
Distribution: Found throughout most of North America; range includes all of the USA, plus southern-central Canada.
Habitat: Deciduous forests where their favourite trees are abundant; also found in agricultural fields, urban gardens and residential yards.
Diet: Herbivorous generalist; adults are leaf skeletonisers with a preference for oak and hazelnut trees; nymphs feed on trees, but also shrubs such as sweet fern, blueberry, strawberry and juneberry.
Description: Walkingsticks are phasmids, and have particularly good camouflage skills in order to avoid predation. Their ability to act like branches is vital to their survival, as they're not particularly quick and don't have wings. Due to their lack of wings, walkingsticks tend to spend most of their life on the same tree, rarely dispersing from tree to tree. Still, clusters of these sentient sticks do still occasionally form, which can cause significant defoliation to their host tree.
Females deposit their eggs in the late summer, dropping eggs one at a time onto the ground, where they will overwinter beneath the leaf litter. Nymphs hatch mostly at night, when humidity reaches at least 80%; this extra lubrication makes it easier for them to crawl out of their eggs.
(Images by Distant Hill Gardens
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Our list of tasks is looking ever more manageable.
The hangover feels really bad. You have to take the edge off. Find a bottle of alcohol, put it in your had, and the magic will happen by its own!
As you can see, the blue text below this task says it was Forfeited on Wednesday. That doesn't mean we can't still drink, though.
Hardie and the boys know the whole story. It'll be difficult to get it out of him. Have you thoroughly inspected the body? Looked around for a witness? Gotten friendly with the Union boss and the company rep? *Really* gotten to Klaasje?
Confront Klaasje with the Hardies' story.
Some locusts have gone missing, and the Insulindian phasmid has yet to be found. Perhaps you can use your detective skills to help out the cryptozoologists?
Ask Cuno about the empty trap, then take a look around the yard.
You have seen an exceptionally beautiful wall in Martinaise, near the pier, and have decided to add to its beauty, artistically. This will take a brush first? Who would have one? Then paint, and then the act itself.
Use fuel oil to paint the wall.
Get Isobel and Lilienne in the nameless fishing village down the coast to sign Evrart's document. Once the signatures are secured, mail the document to Evrart's accountant using the mail box on the plaza in front of the Whirling.
Find someone to sign the documents instead of the intended recipients.
Forge the signatures, but somewhere private, where you feel safe enough to sleep.
Remember, this is also going to point us further towards our gun.
Acele refused to talk about her friends. Maybe she'll open up later -- after you've helped them set up the nightclub.
You can feel it—this music could hit so much harder. It just needs a few tweaks... Walk back to the canal and see if you can find any tapes that could work as a melody, then bring them back to Egg Head for remixing.
Find a tape with a melody for Egg Head.
Noid doesn't want to talk to you, the sines are not in sync. Guess you need to help him and his friends out somehow, prove that you're one of the crew. Who knows what he'll tell you?
The ravers asked you to help turn the church into a dance club, but there are already some people inside. Find out who those people are and what they want.
Look into the spookers in the church.
Almost all of our Thursday quests are to do with the ravers.
The Horrific Necktie is getting ready for the end game. For the love of god do not remove it until 'the magic' happens.
Hold onto the spirits and wait for the signal.
Idiot Doom Spiral stole a cool jacket at one point... and then lost it again. The story of his life. According to the man, the jacket was last seen somewhere around the boardwalk, maybe the abandoned fish market.
We have *a* jacket, but it's not in great condition.
When Kim's not around to stop you, ask Klaasje about what she heard from her room the night before you emerged into Reality. She must know something.
We missed our opportunity to do this last night. If we want to do this, we'll have to wait until 22:00, then pretend to go to sleep to get Kim out of the way. Also, if we go to confront her about Titus's story, it may be the last time we speak to her, so we'll want to put that off.
You need to find the firearm that killed the hanged man. Something tells you it will take *some* time. You could start by identifying the bullet, so you'd know the weapon that shot it. After that, keep your eyes open. And be patient.
Perform an advanced analysis, using H/E Coordination.
Can't do this with HEC maxed out. Although there are *other* ways to level it up...
Due to some confusion over the game René and Gaston are playing, you threw one of their pétanque *boules* far in the sea. The shot was excellent, but now you owe them a *boule*... or at least similar-looking metal sphere.
You want all of the armour pieces. Deck yourself out in full metal battle-hardened glory. NOTE! This might take a while. Like, a *long* while.
In addition, let me go over a few other things we can do:
Get into the area behind the bookstore.
[Volition - Legendary] Look Klaasje in the eyes.
[Rhetoric - Legendary] Get Gaston's sandwich.
[Rhetoric - Impossible] Open the cargo container door.
[Reaction Speed - Medium] Find a Dick Mullen novel.
[Pain Threshold - Medium] Find a Man from Hjellmdall novel.
[Suggestion - Medium] Why is Annette familiar?
[Suggestion - Heroic] Ask Lilienne on a date.
Hear more stories from Doom Spiral.
[Interfacing - Medium] Fix broken faucet, find a figurine.
[Encyclopedia - Formidable] Find the source of the Expression.
[Drama - Impossible] Convince Rene we're also a war hero.
Now that we have money, we could also look into buying a board game from the bookstore.
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