grim-ghou1 · 1 year
A Kings Cry...
The Brotherhood had just gotten back From Oropo's Tower, Eveyone was exhausted and Tired.
Especially Yugo.
Night began to Fall as Everyone was getting ready for Bed, Yugo However was pacing Back and forth in His room Next to Adamaï.
He couldn't Stop thinking, 'What if we get Attacked? What if we get Ambused?..' He thought as he continued to Pace.
That was until a voice snapped him form his Thoughts; "Hey, You've been pacing for atleast 20 Minutes, What's Wrong?" Adamaï got up Looking at him worriedly.
Yugo had been Extremely Jumpy Since they got back from Oropos Tower; He'd act like something was always around the Corner. His tail swayed Unconsciously Without him Knowing, Adamaï could feel his Stress. He would bring yugo to his Side trying to calm him Down.
"A..Ad I dont.. Know!" Yugo said Shakily as he started to break. His tail curled under him as he looked up at Adamaï.
"Stay here." Adamaï said to Yugo, Gently Pushing him on the bed. Yugo curled up into a ball, His wings wrapped around himself while his tail remained curled under him. He was terrified of Oropo coming back.
Adamaï walked out of Yugos Room, Closing the door as gentle as possible.
"So How is he!?" Elely Shouted at the dragon. Adamaï quickly put his claw on her Mouth, Putting a finger to his Lips Shushing her.
"He's worse than when we left, He wont calm down. I'm gonna have to talk to Phearis about this, This is too much for him." Adamaï continued.
"You." He pointed at Amalia, "Me?.." She said confused. "Yes, Can you try to calm Him down?" He almost sounded Desperate.
Amalia Nodded, Walking behind Adamaï and putting her hand on the doorknob.
Adamaï Nodded, Walking out of the House, Flying off.
Amalia turned the Doorknob, Walking into the Room and closing the door quietly.
Outside of his room, The group has still worried about Yugo.
"So what's wrong with Him?" Rubilax asked
"That's what I'm Asking myself, Rubi." Dally replied to Him.
*"He's Mentality and Physically Exhausted, It's Making him Overwhelm Himself, He thinks Oropo will come back for Us. And he thinks he needs to protect Us, I know He's a King but... This is Too much for him." Eva explained
"Ohh!" Elely and Flopin said in Sync.
"That's better than I could've explained it." Ruel shrugged.
As Amalia closed the door, She saw Yugo. He looked horrible; He had developed bags from Lack of sleep, He was extremely Skinny. Adamaï did say he wouldn't eat..
Amalia walked over to His bed, She made Slow movements Not wanting to spook the boy.
When yugo saw her, He looked desperate to see her. Her slow movements somehow made him let his guard down the Slightest bit.
Amalia sat on his bed, Moving her hand to his. Grabbing it gently.
Yugo looked up at her, Shaking as tears dripped down his face. His Hood-ears twitched.
"Yugo.." she spoke softly, "What's Scarring you..?" She confused to speak softly. Almost a whisper.
Yugo shook his head "E...e-everything Ami.." his voice was a gust in the wind.
Amalia opened her Arms, Knowing what he needed.
Yugo almost flew into her Arms, Shaking and Sobbing as he put his head into her neck.
Amalia hugged him tightly as she slowly rocked them both, Yugos Wings wrapped around Ami as he was I'm desperate need Of comfort.. And Amalia would so her best to help him.
This AU Tajes place after Season 3, Yugo is Extremely Traumatized and has some traits from Adamaï; Wings, Horns, Tail ect-
Instincts are heightened, Making it easier to find people--
Okay so in my AUs Yugo has always had the traits from his brother, Like let's say he was somewhat taller than in cannon like.. hes 5"3.. Yugo figured out he had a dragon tail in the end of S3. The Brotherhood knew about it, But yugo knew he had actually wings in his back. But he didnt want to reveal them yet. The only one who knows is Adamai, And he hasn't showed his Wings on his head. He's showed Adamaï but He just teases him about them, By teases I mean he takes off his hat when there alone. Yugo just loves his brother...
And yugos always had an instinct where he can sense Anyone behind him because his tail would be able to sense the vibrations. His tail isn't too long but it's long enough to where it touched The ground.
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kakasz · 6 years
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edeyess · 5 years
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My friend’s fantroll, she’s bisexual and a punk rocker. Is in love with her matesprit, but wishes that the guy that used to have a crush on her wishes he was still interested in her.
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academychronicle · 6 years
DnD V: Estibule
Waking up in the inner sanctum of the Knights Tomb, the party was accosted by Sir Anthony, the zombie-like guardian of the tomb. He gave the party quite the tongue lashing about waking Ryloch - apparently, the idol Phearie took had lain undisturbed for over a century. Not being too concerned about this, the party decided to head to Vestibule.
After carefully travelling through the woods for 4 days, our heroes made it back to town. Heading straight for the bar, they met up with Lucille and Aylia who had stayed in town to build rapport with the citizens. Scanning the room for bitties, KF noticed a fine young honey with curly black hair. After buying her a drink she introduced herself as Clara, and showed the party a note that had allegedly been tied to a rock and thrown through her window. The note read “we know you have our bloodstone. Come to the Turing River in 3 days or you will regret it”.
When questioned about the note, Clara revealed that she had come across a stone while walking through the woods, and had picked it up to make it into jewellery. This turned out to be the bloodstone mentioned in the note. The party attempted to bargain with Clara for the stone, but she was unwilling to part with it while there might be dangerous people looking for her and the stone. The party agreed to help Clara, and Lucille was able to convince her to let them hang on to the stone in the meantime. 
The group spent a few days in town stocking up before heading out to the spot indicated on the note. On the way, they were able to turn the tables on a group of bandits waiting to ambush anyone coming down the road and surprise them. Clara proved to be capable of holding her own, taking down a bandit with a single Eldritch Blast while out of view of everyone but KF.
The party defeated the bandits and continued down the road, following the Turing River. Emerging into the clearing marked on Clara’s note, they saw a single hooded figure who asked for the party’s bloodstone. Before much conversing could occur, Clara ran past Lucille and attempted to grab the stone out of their hands - betraying the party and revealing her hypnotic allegiance to the cult. A battle ensued, with 12 more cultists appearing out of the hills in an apparent ambush. Just as the party gained the upper hand, a dragon landed in the clearing and started to help the cultists. Thinking quickly Lucille bargained with the dragon, promising it Clara’s bloodstone in return for helping the party deal with the cultists. Miraculously, this worked - the dragon burned the remaining cultists to a crisp and took Clara’s bloodstone before flying away.
Collecting themselves after the battle, the party decided to interrogate the now unconscious Clara. After reviving her in the river, Clara informed the party that she was an unwilling member of the cult, and she only did their bidding because of a magic amulet that she was incapable of removing on her own. When pressed, she appeared to go into a sort of trance and the party heard the voice of Ryloch echoing through her. The dead king offered the group a bargain; help bring about his return to power, and he would send them back to Europe.
The party decided to set up camp for the night and consider Ryloch’s offer.
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academychronicle · 6 years
DnD X 10.2
8HYP: The guild is rudely awakened early in the morning by a strange noise. Phearie and Reisal jump out of their beds and race to the main room of the cave. The room is full of Cocks wondering what could have made the noise. Heading outside they are met with a puzzling sight; a multitude of small creatures from the area are all standing very still on their hind legs, staring directly up. They notice Conrad Fallohide, the halfling server from Luchili’s, is also there.
Phearie and Reisal approach Fallohide cautiously, and eventually come near enough to hear him mumbling in a strange tone.
“w a t c h t h e s k i e s w a t c h t h e s k i e s w a t c h t h e s k i e s . . . t e n t a c l e p i r a t e s . . . i k n o w w h e r e t h i s i s go i n g . . . w a t c h t h e s k i e s”
Reisal does not look up. Phearie eyes Conrad, his eyes towards the clouds, then looks directly up. A strange yellow glow begins filling her view, rapidly growing to a blinding intensity. Both party members hear a *schwampf* and the light slowly fades to reveal a small green room, seemingly made out of some kind of glass or shell. A small torus embedded beneath a sheet of clear glass in the floor slowly pulsates with the same yellow glow, dimmer now.
They attempt to puzzle out the physics of the light and the torus, with Phearie positing the photons don’t have any mass and Reisal countering with the observation that black holes are able to suck them up. The torus begins glowing brighter, and before they can react a hungry intellect devourer bursts into existence in the middle of the room with another *schwampf*. “They fight” - George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith
Once the intellect devourers are dealt with, Phearie attempts to use the transporter by jumping into the centre of the room. She disappears with a final *schwampf* and materializes in a large room made of the same material as the previous one. What appear to be three large windows lie at the other end of the room, depicting a view of Cydonia from very high up (high enough that the fall damage would definitely kill you. We counted.). Three nothics are also present, though they appear to be focused on the windows. Phearie takes care of the first two with a kiss of Mephistopheles, with Reisal coming in clutch with the Eldritch blast to finish off the last nothic.
Exploring the now-calm room, Phearie and Reisal find a map depicting the interior of some sort of airship called the Kulkat. Comparing the lower floor layouts with the two rooms they’ve already seen, the pair of mages are able to determine their location as well as the presence of a hidden elevator shaft. With some more figuring and various thinking noises, they learn how to call the elevator.
They ride straight to the top floor, a small open area at the top of the ship that, judging by the notes on the map, is where the “miniboss” of this “dnd session” lies. They emerge and are met with a fearsome sight: a tall tentacle-faced man in a dingy tricorne hat, seated at some sort of magical throne. Guarding the mind flayer are two large masses of what appear to be straight up eyeballs with some flesh mixed in to hold them in place.
The two mages attempt to fight but quickly realize they are way out of their league. Phearie manages to knock the mind flayer off of the throne, and the ship begins slowly descending. With the horrifying psychic monster almost upon them, the Cocks do the only thing they can think of: they pray to Melf.
Miraculously, Melf appears with a clap of thunder right beside Reisal. He grabs their hand and reaches out toward Phearie, teleporting everyone to safety as the words of the mind flayer captain echo in their ... minds. “Foolsss..this is not the last you’ve seen of Captain Furiza, scourge of the phlogiston!!”
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academychronicle · 6 years
DnD X 10.1
6HYP: All throughout the Dank Cave, members of the Cocks of Cydonia begin to stir. Lucille wakes up in his bed at Luchili’s and bakes some cookies. Aylia rises from her spot in the barracks and spends the morning gathering sap and distilling syrup. Phearie opens her eyes to find her room - the alchemy lab - has been filled with skunky smelling plants. Tin foil lines every surface, and strange magical lights hang from the ceiling.
Ricky, the guild’s new resident alchemist, enters in a cloud of smoke. He jumps at the sight of Phearie, apparently having not noticed her before. He gives Phearie a puff of whatever he’s smoking, she’s blown away to discover that it’s Flame Thrower Kush - and she just gained 4 charges of Fireball. 
The three guild members head to the bar in Vestibule to catch up on the local gossip. While Phearie does her best to flirt with Clara, Aylia speaks to Tim and learns that the election for the new village elder is split between Tim himself and Thalamos, the local blacksmith and Winry’s father. Lucille elects to head north, and the other two decide to join him.
Shortly after exiting Vestibule, Aylia notices something feels off. The air is unnaturally still, and clouds cover the sun like water does when something becomes wet (but not itself, as water does not get wet). Suddenly the ground begins to churn, and before anyone can react three zombies rise from the earth.
The three companions make short work of the zombies and seem to be safe for now (but why is the grid still on the table? :o) when they notice a familiar face among the trees - Ralph the moosetaur is there. He pulls out a bloodstone, and begins to say something to Aylia but is interrupted by a loud rattling groan from behind the party - more zombies!
They whirl around to face the new threat, using various forms of magical fire to blow them away. Turning back to Ralph to ask about the bloodstone, the party is surprised when a net is dropped over him and he collapses to the ground. Two orc soldiers come out from the bushes and begin dragging him to the treeline. The heroes give chase, and soon see where Ralph is being dragged: two cultists are standing just out of sight of the road, and appear to be casting what sounds like a teleportation spell.
Aylia sends a fireball over and kills one of the cultists, but the other is able to dodge and survives with nothing but some singed robes. Lucille casts darkness over the adversaries, Aylia polymorphs into a giant snake, and the guild members leap into the darkness for a good old-fashioned cartoon censored beatdown. Aylia quickly locate the assailants with her blindsense and wraps herself around Ralph. Lucille squirms into the snake-net-moosetaur mass and tries to feel around for the bloodstone, but finds nothing. The orc soldiers blindly smash through the darkness, but are unable to land an effective hit on anyone.
The remaining cultist finishes their spell and teleports away, abandoning the soldiers and Ralph. At that moment, Lucille lets out a muffled cry from beneath the massive snake; “THERM'F NO PLHGM LINGM H DHNK GHVM!!”
Aylia, Lucille, and Ralph disappear with a *schwoop*. Phearie, left behind in the middle of the road with the orc soldiers, solos them both like a boss. Looking around at the blood-soaked stretch of road, she notices a fox near the bushes. She decides to pet it, and it gives her what can only be described as a wide grin. She decides to make it her pet and returns to the guild headquarters herself using the same incantation Lucille shouted.
Back in the teleportation room of the Dank Cave, Lucille heads to bed while Aylia morphs into her humanoid form. She asks Ralph about the bloodstone, and is told that he found it near Steve the ancient tree while clearing a gopher’s nest from around his root system. She inquires further about his past, and learns that he used to be a human before being turned into a moosetaur about 50 years ago. She searches hard for a potential plot hook, but Ralph is very content with his life as a centaur and doesn’t want to be changed back for the forseeable future.
Phearie and her new fox friend *schwoop* into the cave and head to the alchemy lab. Ralph heads back to the Arrow to continue doing moosetaur stuff, and Aylia goes to bed.
7HYP: The next morning over breakfast, Phoebe proposes a trip to Vestibule. Mikey, Ferrero, KF, and Phearie all agree to join her. They teleport to town and Phoebe immediately runs toward the Bear and the Bull, announcing her intention to finish what she started and kill Tim. Phearie attempts to block her way, but Mikey slips past. Phoebe orders him to kill Tim, but he seems unsure about following through. Thinking quickly, KF asks Tim for the strongest drink he has. He eventually comes back with a dark blue bottle labeled ‘WYCH’S BREW”, which KF immediately passes over to Mikey. He downs it and begins staggering around blindly.
KF strikes up a conversation with the tortle at the bar. He introduces himself as Oogway and casually flicks a cone of wind over his shoulder, totaling the bar and sending four patrons flying into the corner. They pick themselves up and start moving menacingly towards Oogway. The first reaches him and punches him right in the mouth, but the old tortle is able to talk his way into a calmer situation.
Meanwhile outside the bar, Phoebe remembers that there was a back door. She begins running around the building but is intercepted by Phearie using her misty step to get ahead of her. Phoebe scales the wall and begins lighting the thatched roof on fire. Phearie takes the phrase “fight fire with fire” a little too literally, and launches her last remaining fireball up at Phoebe.
Back inside, KF notices that the bar is starting to get uncomfortably warm. He looks up and sees smoke trickling in from the top corner of the wall. KF thinks back on his talks with Melf, and tries his hardest to manifest some sort of freezing magic. Outside, miraculously, a small snowstorm forms around the blaze and puts it out.
Acknowledging the foiling of her dastardly plot, Phoebe attempts to parkour away. Phearie sees this and tosses her sword Ashbringer at Phoebe, knocking her unconscious.
Inside, Ferrero notices a set of stairs for the first time. Going up to the first floor, she sees a hallway with a series of doors leading off to the rooms Tim rents out. Moving towards the only open one at the end of the hallway, he meets Redraven, a copper dragonborn mercenary passing through Vestibule. Ferrero invites her to Luchili’s. They teleport back to the cave along with the rest of the party, minus Phoebe and Mikey.
At the cave, Ferrero and Redraven discuss her mercenary work, and the guild agrees to hire her for the upcoming assault on Ryloch’s lair.
also Ferrero totally had a threesome with Redraven and Toots
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academychronicle · 6 years
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Aylia and Phearie address Steve in the Swamphills
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academychronicle · 6 years
DnD VI: The Dankening
20P: The party decides to head back to town. On the road, a group of orcs stops them and demands money in heavily accented Common. Fortunately, Phearie uses her maple syrup to persuade the chieftain to bring them back to their camp to party instead.
Phearie shares her syrup with the rest of the orc tribe and they drink until night falls. Lucille steals a hat, and the party decides to continue onward under cover of darkness.
21P: Arriving in Vestibule and heading to the Bear and the Bull for a drink, the party soon decided to part ways with Clara on the condition that Aylia keeps the enchanted amulet. Lucille and Aylia decide to go shopping, while Phearie meets a tweaker in a back alley to sell some more maple syrup. One by one, the three active party members are ambushed and knocked out.
22P: Waking up, yet with their hands bound and unable to see anything, the party hears three voices. One, who the others address as Tuco, approaches Lucille and beats the piss out of them, before telling the other two to remove the hoods blocking their vision. The party realizes they have been brought to a cave, and notice Farly in the corner. He’s got bruises all over his face and is covered in small cuts and scratches. He appears to be conscious, but in immense pain.
Tuco accuses the party of selling drugs on his territory, showing them the moon dust sold to Farly and mentioning the tweaker from the tavern as an informant. A fight breaks out when Aylia transforms into a dire wolf, but the party is quickly subdued. Phearie tells Tuco that he can find more in the city of Furnost by talking to someone named Blu Gai. He disappears through a door and is gone for about 10 minutes before returning angrily. He threatens to kill the party if they don’t tell him where to get more of the moon dust they sold to Farly, and Phearie tells him that the orcs from earlier may still have some. Aylia manages to convince him to let her try to cook more as Tuco sends some of his men to locate the orcs.
Ayllia creates some good moon dust using the alchemy lab in the dank cave, impressing Tuco with her skill. The men Tuco sent to find the orcs abruptly return, warning of an impending attack. The orcs arrive and, with the help of the party, clear the cave of Tuco and his men.
The party members decide to take over the cave to use as a stronghold, finding that it contains a barracks and teleportation circle in addition to the alchemy lab seen earlier. They allow the three surviving orcs to stay in the barracks, decreeing “NO BOYS ALLOWED, except orcs”. Farly uses the teleportation circle to return to Vestibule after agreeing to sell moon dust for the party from now on.
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