cocogum · 5 months
The dragon HAS to be Draconiros.
So a while ago, back when chapter 1 recently came out, a French YouTuber by the name of Zaki theorized that the dragon in Yugo’s nightmare might have been Draconiros.
For those who don’t know or don’t remember the dragon he was referencing, here is a short recap:
Draconiros is the dragon of dreams.
His job is to govern the dreams and nightmares of the Twelvians. People suspect he might have taken the form of Grougalorasalar while talking to Yugo.
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Despite never meeting Yugo, he could have watched over the Twelvians through their dreams. This means that he might have seen Oropo's dreams, as well as Yugo's own, giving him insight into Yugo's future actions and indirectly caused consequences. If true, this theory would explain why he holds a grudge against Yugo. It currently stands as the most compelling theory among all others.
(this small segment was just something I pulled out of a post I made when chapter 1 came out)
But why am I mentioning him all of a sudden?
Because the next chapter, which is chapter 4, will come out today late at night and the cover for the chapter shows an individual we have never seen before.
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No matter how much we try to distinguish who is the person underneath the hood, there’s no one we know that fits the exact figure the cover is showing. But when we take a look at the Draconiros theory, we can see so many physical similarities to Draconiros’ form.
For a better idea of what I’m talking about, here’s Draconiros’ dragon form and human form placed side by side.
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And here is Draconiros in the Dofus game with the only things different about him are his clothes having different colors and patterns.
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The image depicted on the cover of chapter 4 appears to be a humanoid figure. In order to gain a better understanding of Draconiros, let's focus our attention on his human form.
Upon examining the cover, it becomes apparent that the shadowed figure depicted is male, although some details remain undisclosed. We can also assume that he’s quite tall given how solid he seems. A closer look reveals that the man possesses a sturdy jaw and a broad neck. Upon comparison with Draconiros' physical features, it is evident that the two share a similar bone structure in these areas.
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Based on the three main key points - the jaw, neck, and tall stature - I am absolutely confident that these two are the same person. There is no doubt in my mind that everything fits perfectly after noticing these major physical similarities. It's only makes me fully believe that Zaki was right.
But again, the reasons why I’m even bringing this all up are because 1) Chapter 4 is approaching and this figure will obviously make an entrance soon, and 2) I’m still so very confused about why Draconiros did not reveal his dragon form to Yugo.
If this is actually Draconiros, then why would he purposely show Grougalorasalar’s dragon form and not his?
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No matter how good the Draconiros theory is, it doesn’t change the fact that Draconiros chose one of the primordial dragons’ forms instead of simply taking his.
Remember, he’s the dragon of dreams, he can invade a person’s mind and make up anything he wants including changing his appearance.
But why change his appearance in front of someone he loathes?
He had no problem telling Yugo TO HIS FACE that he absolutely despises him and will hunt him down. If he’s so bold with his words, why not just show himself completely to him? Because he assumed the form of Grougalorasalar, the attention was diverted from him whether this was a deliberate act or not.
I can't understand why he chose to conceal his true identity by taking the form of a dragon from the primordial era. I'm also curious why he picked Grougalorasalar, out of all the dragons available.
So because the theory has one decision that stands out as strange, the one being Draconiros choosing to take Grougalorasalar’s form instead of just using his own, it makes it difficult for me to fully accept it.
It just seems so unnecessary for him to use another dragon’s appearance for this. But then again, the only dragon, or any divinity really, capable of entering someone’s dreams like that is Draconiros.
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onyichii · 5 months
My Reply to you Cocogum
This is a response to @cocogum post! Since it is SUPER LONG! Imma start doing this instead of reblogging if I have a lot to say.
YES COCOGUM!! I am LOVING YOUR ENTIRE POST! I have a few thoughts to add...
A) I'm happy her hair is growing out too! I hope she eventually has hair as long as her mothers.
I want her to look like a forest goddess.
I think the growth is a symbol of just (as you said) being happy or at peace. In TV/movies people cut their hair as a symbol of change (freedom from the past) and grow it out again (sometimes) when they're at a new happy place. As we have seen, her hair and that green leaf she sports now are a symbol of her new found happiness.
B) I too was not expecting the "adult fun time" scene but i am hoping we get A TON more especially if this series is gonna be 100 chapters. I want more fluff, more hugs, more kisses, more f--ks! lol Put a baby (or three) in her Yugo! Give the Sadida kingdom an heir!
I can see where you are coming from that Yugo was having a wet dream. If that's the case, that is funny because he (presumably) had just pollinated his flower queen and he is dreaming of doing it again! 😀😀 And he called her tireless!? LMAO. Whether it was a dream or they were interrupted before the nut we can agree that they are BOTH hungry for each others touch/warmth (based on that scene alone).
I still think they were interrupted before they...made sap🌳and fell from the air.
I think the "adult fun time" positions you were suggesting are accurate and I can see Yugo switching too. I think it would depend on who initiates it. When she initiates she's top but when he initiates he'd top....sometimes (not all the time because as you said—he loves the view)! lol
C) For the open room. I think the construction of the floor (or level) gives them privacy. Like a long corridor before the room entrance. And at the entrance to the corridor there'd be a magical cotton bell (as seen in s3) that rings when pulled to let the royals know when servants want to enter. BUT if there is no magical door bell (OR ANYTHING) that is bold of them!! lol.
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Rereading your post...if the doorway is open like that it makes me think of this quote (the last quote at 1:40) from the film Scary Movie (watch from 1:30 to 1:42 for context)
D) So I am GLAD people have been bringing up Draconiros. I am not deep into the WAKFU/KROZMOS/DOFUS universe and had NO IDEA who he was nor any of the other primordial dragons.
I got into Wakfu for Amalia. I thought she and Yugo would be cute from all the hugs she gave him. When they canonized a potential Yumalia (in the OVA) I STANNED for their star-crossed lover romance that could never be. I love the whole cast but Amalia's character design is so cute/fun (it drew me into Wakfu).
Anyway, I am curious if Draconiros is ALSO responsible for Nora's daydream in ep 4 of season 4. THIS SCENE ALWAYS THREW ME OFF!
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I feel like this scene was added for two three purposes... 1) to introduce the audience to Efrim (in a foreshadowing way) 2) to add to what Oropo says in episode 1. Questioning Yugo's "good" intentions and actions which have caused (and WILL CAUSE) trouble for the World of Twelve. 3) To sneakily, introduce Draconiros (without the audience knowing).
The reason why I think this is Draconiros and NOT Efrim is because—how would Efrim know any of what was said in that scene? Efrim is in the Necroworld at this moment. He and Nora were in the Krozmos away from the World of Twelve for a long time. There is NO WAY Efrim would know about YUGO's effects on the World of Twelve. At none, that I can think of...
Which also brings to question, how did the Goddess Eliatrope know the Brotherhood of the Tofu and everyones names when they entered the temple? Did I miss something? I mean Quilby could have told them some things. From before his imprisonment...but I digress...
Anyway, I think Draconiros took on Efrims form/voice in s4. And now he is making an official appearance in the manga.
If they had shown Draconiros in season 4, it would be a loose end. And Tot wanted to wrap the animation up without any loose ends. So (to me) it'd make sense not to show Draconiros' true form at all in s4 and have him take on Efrims form/voice.
E) I think this dude is gonna be a problem. But I may be over thinking 🤷‍♀️. And shouldn't he be referring to her as QUEEN Amalia instead of LADY Amalia? Does he have some passive aggressive beef with her? Or is it okay to refer to a Queen as Lady instead. I feel like the Sadida's are more chill about titles (compared to other kingdoms) but...idk.
His character design (in this scene) is just giving...bad guy or pawn to me. If I am right, he could play a betrayal role (if the plot takes that turn). I do not see him being a fan of the Eliatropes either.
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F) And I agree that the Sadida kingodm is tense with it's new residence. I'm glad you brought up the perspective from the Sadida but let's talk about it a little more with a Eliatrope in mind...
The Eliatrope have NEVER had to live with another race before. EVER. They had their OWN PLANET. No other race existed on there but them.
Thanks to Baltazar (in s2) they had been watching Yugo through the Eliacube, but have they been taking notes on the customs of the world around him?
Being on a new planet with so many races must be a SHOCK to them. ADDITIONALLY, they haven't interreacted with anyone but each other for goddess knows how long!!! So the communication, customs, cultures, and everything probably hit them like a TON OF BRICKS. I would assume that they don't (quite) understand what tolerance and acceptance of other cultures is thanks to their isolation too.
However, it is something they are gonna have to learn. Starting with the Sadida race.
Since they're teens I think (...well, I hope) it'll be easier for them to learn and integrate into the world of twelve via the Sadida Kingdom.
ALSO...It will take time for the Sadida's to be comfortable with the Eliatropes too. I mean...people have been trying to take their homeland (via possess the tree of life) for a long time. It's no surprise that they are weary/tense of some alien race residing on said homeland. They may know Yugo, but they don't know his people. They probably think they'll take over....IDK.
But I am here for the tea! 🫖🍵
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ol-files · 5 months
OMG 😱 noway 🦎
I'm swear that dragon must be draconiros, hé his the god of dream and master of nightmar after all
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And it would also correspond to what his going on with Yugo
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Sorry, my bad....
I want to publicly apologise to the Great Dragon. 🙇
After a cool-down period, I dove into Wakfu Wikia and re-read the first chapter of WAKFU: The Great Wave.
I've realised the dragon who invaded my boy's dream and gave Yumalia a case of coitus interruptus (a wet dream ?) was NOT Yugo's father.
*Beware of potential spoilers for Dofus the Movie, Wakfu, Wakfu the webtoon and Waven*
The silhouette shown during the dream sequence reminded me of two dragons from the World of Twelve.
Theory #1 : Grougalorasalar
The first one is Grougalorasalar, the Primordial Ebony dragon. Yes, the same dragon linked to Master Joris.
The picture from the webtoon is very similar to Rasalar, especially the wings and horns.
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I can't show the webtoon, but here is the Ebony dragon. Looks like if Godzilla and a giant bat had a baby.
However, I don't know how Grougalorasalar could have entered Yugo's dream or how he would have known about the threat the Eliatrope king might represent. I mean, sure, Yugo is a walking disaster but his reputation is not (yet) that bad, right?
As far as I know, Grougalorasalar doesn't have a "dream-hijacking" ability. Plus, like in all good old fantasy settings, the Ebony Dragon and all Black dragons from the WoT is a malignant creature, symbolising Black Fire or Stasis... or so the Wakfu wikia says.
If that's the case, why would Grougalorasalar seemingly try to prevent Yugo from doing what he does best, "unwittingly endangering the world" ?
That's why I'm more inclined to believe this is the work of Draconiros.
Theory #2 : Draconiros
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His dragon form is flawless.
Draconiros is the Master of Dreams and the Lord of Nightmares. He lives in the Kingdom of Dreams, within the Astral Plane. As such, he can manipulate dreams as he wishes. This could include hijacking someone else's dreams or even changing his appearance within said dreams.
In the wikia, it is said that Draconiros also seems to have a part in the events preceding the Eliocalypse, possibly trying to prevent it.
Since he has access to dreams, this dragon could know about the vision the Eliacube gave Oropo and how Yugo might be linked to the almost destruction of the World of Twelve (WoT). If so, it would make sense for Draconiros to contact Yugo and announce his upcoming courtesy visit. This dragon is a true gentleman! 🙏
Still, if Draconiros is really behind Yugo's nightmare, why would he pick the form of another dragon? It could also be that his true form has been redesigned for the webtoon, like they did with Nora in the tv show, idk.
Theory #3 : Idk for sure but it's not the Great Dragon
Either way, an interference from any Twelvian dragon makes more sense than the Great Invisible Dad trolling his son just to say "I hate you! Wait till I get home! 👿👿👿".
This is especially true, taking into account what is known about the Great Dragon. He is the incarnation of Stasis, the energy of destruction. Why would he bother preventing the end of one world among so many? Plus, he wasn't shown interacting with the Eliatropes back in the day, even when they were facing extinction, thanks to the Mechasms. he Great Dragon is the incarnation of Stasis, the energy of destruction.
Nah, Great Dragon "danced" with the Eliatrope Goddess, which helped her get the kids she wanted, and DIPPED! Does he even know the names of his kids? There's a reason they are called Eliatropes and not Stasisians or something. 😒
These are speculations based on my small understanding of the Wakfu universe. I don't play any MMORPG from the Wakfu franchise. I have not read all the available materials, apart from the manga-style Wakfu comics, which are a must-read for fans of the series and take place after Season 2.
For all I know, Yugo's nightmare could be sent by someone else or something else entirely.
For example, if the gods were not MIA, I would have thought Osamodas, the OG dragon master, or Sram, the biggest troll in Twelvian History, would have something to do with this nightmare.
Ngl, I was hoping this was a nightmare created by Yugo's trauma (ptsd) or his link with Toross. I really want to see this antagonist come back to haunt Yugo somehow. Maybe he can still make an appearance as a hallucination (PTSD?) or as himself from the Necroworld, channelling Rotalström (still in the Sadida kingdom), the stasis he stabbed Yugo with or the wakfu he ingested from the Eliatrope king. Anything to see Toross again! 🙏🙏🙏
I cannot wait for Episode 2 to drop and obliterate my theories!
**Please, go read Wakfu The Great Wave if you can **
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yajan1 · 29 days
Misión (Evento): Simulaciones infinitas
Para iniciar la misión hay que hablar con el Ankamiano soñador de Oficinas de Ankama 
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Explora el PSI, el Programa de Salvajismo Instanciado puesto a punto por un ankamiano soñador, y recupera datos para equilibrar mejor los distintos monstruos del juego. ¿Acaso te has convertido en un agente de la Balanza Krósmica?
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El único objeto que debemos conseguir es un Rubí. Debemos llevársela a Draconiros que ha aparecido en la cafetería
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En la misma Cafetería, Examina la Caja polvorienta que está encima de la mesa de la derecha.
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Ve hacia la Tienda de Ankama (un mapa a la derecha desde la Cafetería) y habla con Encargado de la tienda.
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Enséñale a Ankamiano soñador los 3 objetos que has conseguido.
Ahora fabrica 1 Analizador onírico y cierra la interfaz.
En el mismo mapa, usa el Banco para fabricarlo con los módulos y el rubí que has conseguido.
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Entrega un informe de análisis al ankamiano soñador
Con el Analizador onírico en tu poder, realiza Sueños infinitos. Desde el 30/07/24, los informes de análisis ahora caen en un 100% de las veces
Vuelve con el Ankamiano soñador una vez dropeado el objeto, entrégaselo y habremos terminado la misión.
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kamas24 · 1 year
ACHETER Kamas Dofus Sur https://kamas24.com 🐉Draconiros : 1,55 €/M 📷Hellmina,Imagiro,Orukam,Tylezia : 0,98€/M 📷Terra Cogita : 5,20 €/M 📷Oshimo : 4,34 €/M 📷Brutas : 2,55 €/M 📷 Dodge : 2,50 €/M 📷#DOFUS 🪓🏞️
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n-akaly · 5 years
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This place is so beautiful <3
Can’t wait for next update: 
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kakasz · 6 years
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zx758542360-blog · 5 years
DOFUS: Détails du rêve infini
DOFUS: Détails du rêve infini
Une fois la version 2.49 mise à jour, vous trouverez un module supplémentaire. Ce module mis à jour est Infinite Dreams. Une entrée de l'interface utilisateur apparaîtra dans l'interface utilisateur du lecteur. Quel que soit le lien sur lequel vous cliquez, vous pourrez accéder immédiatement à l'interface Infinite Dreams afin que les utilisateurs puissent y participer à tout moment.
En cliquant sur le bouton d'interface, le joueur se trouvera automatiquement, ainsi que les monstres dragons, dans le puits de rêves infini. En parlant aux PNJ, vous pouvez choisir de commencer une nouvelle aventure.
Infinity Dream Well est un système de donjon infini inspiré du sous-genre de la classe des voleurs. Les joueurs peuvent choisir à tout moment de croire aux rêves infinis qu’ils souhaitent, car ils savent qu’en cas de perte de progression du jeu, le système ne présentera pas nécessairement les monstres qu’ils auraient pu rencontrer auparavant. La sortie du jeu recommence, les joueurs obtiendront de nouvelles salles, de nouvelles combinaisons de boss et de nouvelles récompenses.
Les joueurs peuvent suspendre à tout moment leurs aventures de rêve sans fin, en faisant d'autres choses sur Dofus, comme s'affilier à des syndicats, jouer à des jeux d'équipe, etc. Même pour aider leurs amis à réaliser leurs rêves illimités.
Le système offre une variété de combinaisons de monstres parmi lesquelles les joueurs peuvent choisir. Cliquez sur la sphère de la salle de découverte Infinite Dream et une interface apparaîtra montrant différentes options de progression du jeu. Les joueurs peuvent choisir celui qu'ils aiment explorer.
Survolez la flèche de la souris sur chaque monstre ou boss et un onglet apparaîtra. Cet onglet montre la composition du monstre actuel. Le niveau du monstre peut être augmenté pour correspondre au niveau du donjon, mais à son tour, le niveau du donjon ne peut pas correspondre au niveau du monstre. Par exemple, si le niveau de donjon du joueur est de 120, il ne pourra pas choisir de se battre contre des monstres supérieurs au niveau 120 dans les douze mondes. En d'autres termes: dans Infinite Dreams, il n'y aura pas de Harebourgs à 120 niveaux.
Seul le maître du donjon peut commencer à se battre. La composition et la carte du monstre sont aléatoires. En ce qui concerne la carte, ils seront toujours les gardiens du donjon pour protéger la carte.
Une fois que vous avez vaincu un groupe de monstres, les personnages se retrouveront dans des salles différentes dans un rêve sans fin, car le nombre d'entrées est aléatoire et varie entre les entrées de chaque route, avec un nombre maximal d'entrées de 5.
Autres / Informations complémentaires: L'érosion est préservée dans un rêve infini. Si un nouveau personnage rejoint à mi-chemin, le personnage sera automatiquement érodé par le processus lui-même (car l'érosion a un rêve infini du personnage pour lequel l'équipe se bat).
Tous les monstres n'existent pas dans Infinite Dreams, un groupe de mobs est toujours composé de quatre monstres, dont au moins un gardien de donjon.
Il peut y avoir jusqu'à 2 Gardiens de Donjons dans le même groupe, mais les joueurs peuvent choisir d'acheter un administrateur de Donjon supplémentaire (via le magasin) pour limiter le nombre de monstres à 4. Si vous gagnez, vous recevrez également un nombre aléatoire de Acheter Dofus Kamas , éliminant le coût supplémentaire de l’achat de kama.
Oto-Mustam et joueurs fantômes: Nous voulons éviter de fournir une zone sécurisée aux joueurs, car cela ne stimulera pas l'enthousiasme des joueurs. Lorsque vous utilisez différentes entrées pour accéder à la carte Infinite Dreams, vous êtes en sécurité. Cependant, sur la carte de Draconiros, vous pouvez être attaqué. Nous vous recommandons donc de vous rendre au magasin pour vous procurer suffisamment d'équipement et de sorts avant de commencer à protéger les performances de votre personnage dans le jeu. Cliquez sur ce lien pour voir quel type d'équipement vous recherchez https://www.igamegold.com/Dofus-Kamas.
0 notes
vital-ghost · 6 years
Dofus - L'appel de Draconiros : aux armes, Douziens !
La mise à jour de cette fin d'année fait parler d'elle depuis presque deux semaines et cela n'est pas prêt de se terminer... Afin de préparer l'arrivée des Songes Infinis le fils du dragon Prysmaradoth, Draconiros, a besoin de votre aide chers Douziens ou le Monde des Douze risque bien de disparaître... from Dofus - Actualités https://ift.tt/2zNG6QD via IFTTT
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yajan1 · 27 days
Evento: El mundo al revés - cuarta parte
[!] IMPORTANTE: Para poder llegar a estar parte de la misión, el servidor debe haber realizado 1500 misiones de cada simulación y 50000 puntos de análisis en sueños infinitos.
Habla con Draconiros en la Cafetería de Ankama
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Entra en la sala selatrop
Ve a la segunda sala de oficinas y examina el Digicódigo.
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Ve al Templo de los selotropes, usando el portal ubicado en Amakna [4,0] o en Sufokia [14,26], y dirígete dos salas a la derecha para hablar con Selotrop somnoliento.
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[!] IMPORTANTE: Salta todo este detalle si en el servidor ya aparece la tercera opción cuando hablas con Selotrop somniliento.
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[!]IMPORTANTE: Son cuatro salas de enigmas, con baldosas en cada una de ellas. Uno debe cumplir ciertas condiciones para poder ponerse encima de ellas. Nota: Solo es necesario realizarlo una vez en el servidor, para que quede desbloqueada en lo que queda del evento.
Sala 1: Las ocho baldosas requieren personajes que tengan equipado la Señal de Gobuevo en la ranura de Compañero.
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Sala 2: El número de cada baldosa debe ser equivalente a la cantidad de años abonados que tenga el personaje que se coloque en él. (Ejemplo: En la casilla 4, el personaje debe tener 4 años de abono acumulados en total) ¿Cómo saber los años de abono acumulado?: Ingresa y conéctate en https://account.ankama.com/ > pestaña Juegos > opción Dofus > Tiempo de abono acumulado
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Sala 3: Solo pueden ubicarse encima los Xelor, Tymador y Steamer que tienen el oficio Manitas al nivel 200.
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Sala 4: Cualquier personaje puede ubicarse.
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Volvemos a ver al Selotrop Somnoliento
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Regresa a la segunda sala de oficinas de Ankama y vuelve a examinar el Digicódigo.
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Eres teletransportado a la Sala Selatrop
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Vence a los guardianes de Ankama
Habla con Tot o Kam y elige la opción Desafiar a Tot y Kam en un combate amistoso para empezar el combate. Se puede utilizar un compañero en el combate
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Kam es Invulnerable desde el inicio del combate.
Para que lo pierda, debe ganar 50 PA, que se los roba a Tot.
Tot gana PA cuando recibe daños, que varían dependiendo la distancia entre el personaje atacante y él: Si están CaC, Tot gana 5 PA; si están entre 1 y 4 casillas, gana 4 PA; si están entre 5 y 7 casillas, gana 3 PA; entre 8 y 10 casillas, gana 2 PA; si están a mas de 10 casillas, gana 1 PA.
Entonces, golpea a Tot tantas veces como puedas, y trata de mantenerlo alejado de ti cuando finalices tu turno.
Mientras mas cerca este Kam de Tot, más PA le robará, siendo 10 PA lo máximo y 1 PA lo mínimo que le robará.
Prepárate con hechizos de protección, curas y escudos.
Cuando Tot tenga más de 50 PA, lanzará un ataque especial que hará que pierda todos los PA que ganó
Matar a Tot antes de que Kam pierda su invulnerabilidad es una derrota garantizada
Cuando Kam se vuelva vulnerable, curará a Tot el 100% de su vida.
Kam tiene IA Temerosa y Tot suele preferir perseguir invocaciones.
{Detalles de los monstruos pronto}
Luego, vuelve con Draconiros en la Cafetería de Ankama.
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Enciende el último cirio de la tienda dedicada al dios Zurcarák [-11,-37]
Luego habla con Parissil Trool y habremos terminado la misión
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cocogum · 7 months
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The theory behind Evangelyne’s father explained (SOLVED)
The theory behind the sick eliatrope explained (SOLVED)
The theory behind the mechasms explained
Where is Kali and Poo’s hazardous child?
How is Coqueline older than Dathura?
The dragon HAS to be Draconiros (SOLVED)
Count Harebourg is alive. Here's why.
0 notes
ol-files · 2 years
The Eliocalypse is a tragic event that disrupts the Kontinuum, time and space. The events of the Eliocalypse were reported by the King-God who testifies to the end of the world of the 12.
The announced catastrophe is brought by 4 plagues responding to the names of War, Misery, Servitude and Corruption.
It is Helzbeth, the mother of the Ravagers, who allows the 4 plagues to enslave the consciousness of the World of Twelve by entrusting them the tormented stone. This event is at the origin of the Eliocalypse and the chaos that follows it.
Helzbeth is one of Rushu’s sisters, who along with seven other demons, is held prisoner in Externam. She was plunged into a dream-free sleep by Draconiros following the Cania event (*see below)
Indeed, by recovering the stone at the origin of the nightmare of the pests, the 4 plagues also create a paradox, which makes that a piece of time, the Entropix, is detached from the dreams to land in the Xerlorium then in the World of Twelve, making the Twelvers have strange nightmares at the same time.
The 4 Horsemen begin their work of destruction by sowing trouble in the plains of Cania after having poisoned a Kanig ambassador then visiting Amakna Castle. Moreover, while a large part of the Kanigs fought the Bworks in the Cania Peaks, King Beldarion decided, on the instructions of Intendant Danathor, to consider the Kanigs and their matriarch Kanigroula as a threat to the White City. Militiamen then took control of the village of Dents de Pierre and took the matriarch prisoner.
The Kanigs thus fall under the yoke of Servitude. The war between the Kanigs and the Bworks is transmitted between the Kanigs and Bonta. The War plan being to use the conflict to shed the blood of the Kanigs and Kanigroula in order to make appear Thanatena, queen of Externam and god of death, and propose him a covenant.
All this in order to extend their dominion over the world of the Twelve.
Servitude spreads despair and submission by reducing the passengers of his galley to slaves, forced to obey his orders. Servitude holds the soul of Draconiros prisoner and uses it to make his galley more efficient. The Galley absorbs the bodies of dead prisoners, whose dreams and nightmares then reach Draconiros.
Servitude searches for the 12-sided box or Pandora’s box, containing the memory and part of the power of each of the 12 pantheon gods. However, the god Xelor, who had knowledge of his plans, preferred to erase his memory so that he would forget the existence of the artifact.
Corruption also tries to corrupt Rathrosk, the son of death, but fails, making at the same time fail the plan of the 4 horsemen to recruit his mother, Thanatena, to make him the 5th horseman.
These events are accompanied by the arrival of Temporal Anomalies in the world of the 12. The Zaaps Network has become unstable, forming disturbances in the Kontinuum that manifest in the World of Twelve in the form of temporal anomalies. These anomalies cause instability in the areas in which they occur, making the monsters in the vicinity more powerful.
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yajan1 · 3 years
Los sueños Infinitos
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¿Qué son los sueños Infinitos?
Se trata de una mazmorra sin fin de dificultad ascendente, en la que tanto la sucesión de salas como la composición de los grupos de monstruos son aleatorias.
Nuevas recompensas aparecen en escena y solamente los aventureros más valientes podrán tratar de obtener las más exclusivas.
Los combates de los Sueños Infinitos se desarrollan en otra dimensión, en una parte del Krosmoz que los eruditos llaman comúnmente el plano astral. Ese lugar extraño, hecho de sueños intangibles, de ideas luminosas y de pensamientos oscuros, está gobernado por dragones. Uno de ellos, el misterioso Draconiros, protege el sueño de los doceros.
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El plano astral es muy popular entre los magos y los profetas, ya que está frecuentado por visiones. A veces, algunas de estas se hacen realidad... Por eso, cuando Draconiros presagió un mundo devastado en el que los mortales dejaban de soñar, se lo tomó muy en serio. El sueño debe alimentarse, si no, se debilita; sus colores palidecen, sus detalles se emborronan, sus símbolos pierden su sentido.
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¿Cómo se previene una catástrofe así? Creando una fuente de sueños y de desafíos que se renuevan sin cesar: el pozo de los Sueños Infinitos.
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Acceder al pozo de los Sueños Infinitos
Cualquier personaje de nivel 50 o superior puede acceder a los Sueños Infinitos, en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar, siempre y cuando no esté en combate (tambien hay ciertos mapas que no te dejarán entrar a los sueños infinitos, como las dimensiones divinas o el santuario del Almanax). Cada personaje posee una mazmorra que le pertenece y a la que puede invitar a otros personajes. Sin embargo, no puede acceder a la mazmorra de otro personaje si no se le invita. Hasta cuatro personajes pueden unir sus fuerzas para tratar de aventurarse lo más lejos posible en el pozo de los Sueños Infinitos.
En los Sueños Infinitos, no es obligatorio progresar todo el tiempo con los mismos miembros del grupo: tan solo el propietario es irremplazable. Lo que significa que él podrá decidir continuar la mazmorra con personajes diferentes o con menos personajes. Por ejemplo, un antiguo personaje puede ser remplazado durante varios combates y, más adelante, volver a ser integrado al grupo.
Los Sueños Infinitos están sometidos a reglas específicas:
Pueden aparecer Jefes de Mazmorra y monstruos que nunca has enfrentado antes. Sin embargo, no puedes validar el combate contra un Jefe de Mazmorra que no haya sido derrotado previamente
Los logros de exploración y de mazmorra no se pueden completar.
Determinados objetivos de misión no se pueden validar.
No aparecerán ni archimonstruos ni monstruos de búsqueda
El botín de los monstruos se sustituye por puntos de sueño y cofres de ensueño
El cofre de ensueño que obtendrás al final del combate depende de la dificultad del combate
Geografía del lugar
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El pozo de los Sueños Infinitos toma su nombre del último de los cinco sectores. Cada uno corresponde a una porción de plantas:
Pensamientos oníricos: plantas 50 a 229
Paseos fantásticos: plantas 230 a 269
Espacios imaginarios: plantas 270 a 324
Conceptos brumosos: plantas 325 a 399
Sueños infinitos: plantas 400 y más
La distribución de las salas y los monstruos que las habitan se definen aleatoriamente entre una lista basada en los mapas y los monstruos presentes en el resto del juego.
Un grupo de monstruos se constituye de cuatro monstruos, de los cuales, al menos uno es guardián de mazmorra. En determinados casos, un segundo guardián puede formar parte del grupo, aumentando sensiblemente la dificultad del combate y, por consiguiente, las ganancias asociadas.
Cada piso tiene puede tener 2,3,4 o 5 Jefes para enfrentar
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Aquí un ejemplo de una habitación de los sueños infinitos
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La sala es de Anerice la Fabuquesa
Sin embargo, aquí te enfrentarás a 2 jefes a la vez, el Shogun Tofugawa y Kumijo (ambos provenientes de la Isla de Grobe) que están acompañados de un Tofu enfermo (monstruo de las minas de astrub) y una Solfara (monstruo de las lágrimas de Uronigrido)
Los monstruos y jefes toman automáticamente el nivel de tu piso y, por lo tanto, se potencian en consecuencia. 
El tofu enfermo que normalmente tiene unos 50 a 100 de vida, en esta sala tendrá sobre 6000 de vida
El Shogun Tofugawa que tiene entre 8000 a 11000 de vida, tendrá 22.000 de vida en este combate
Cada pelea tiene 4 tipos de modificador, 3 de ellos asociados al jefe al que nos enfrentaremos
Calma Astral
El sueño de [Jefe de mazmorra]
La paradoja de [Jefe de mazmorra]
La pesadilla de  [Jefe de mazmorra]
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La Calma Astral no pone ningún desafío extra al jugador.
Al grupo de monstruos se le atribuye un modificador de combate que va a depender del guardián de mazmorra presente. Solo hay un modificador, indiferentemente del número de guardianes de mazmorra. Existen tres modificadores de combate específicos a cada guardián de mazmorra (el sueño, la paradoja y la pesadilla) y, en el momento de la constitución del grupo de monstruos, se elige uno de ellos aleatoriamente. Cada modificador tiene una influencia más o menos importante en la dificultad del combate y en las ganancias resultantes de este.
Las recompensas
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Cabe resaltar que cada cofre da un premio al azar (si se pone el mouse sobre el cofre te muestra que puedes obtener y el % de éxito de obtenerlo) que se volverá más valioso mientras mas grande sea el cofre
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podemos ver que el cofre pequeño de los Espacios Imaginarios da Reflejos oníricos, una runa astral mayor, un fragmento de Prismaradita o un Elixir ucrónico, mientras que el cofre grande, fuera de los premios anteriores (en mayor calidad y cantidad) podemos obtener Leyendas para crear objetos legendarios (aunque en una probabilidad ínfima)
Una vez en los sueños infinitos, las cajas desaparecen. Se acabaron las recompensas mercantiles: este sector sombrío situado en lo más profundo del pozo está reservado para los jugadores valerosos que buscan un reconocimiento definitivo. Aquí abajo ganarás reflejos infinitos, ¡que te servirán para desbloquear ornamentos!
¿Cómo saber que cofre puedes obtener?
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Al ver la previsualización de los jefes, su modificador y que podemos canjear si los derrotamos, un marco bajo el número delatará el premio. El combate del roble blando no tienen ningún marco, por lo que recibiremos un cofre fácil. El combate de Shonk y la gelatina real de mental tiene un pequeño marco púrpura, este nos dará un cofre difícil. El combate contra el Dragocerdo tienen un enorme marco púrpura, este nos dará un cofre muy difícil 
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yajan1 · 4 years
Dofus Ébano: Misión #3 Hasta el final del sueño
 Explora el pozo de los sueños infinitos en busca de los sueños de Cocobur
Misión #2 El forjador de leyenda
Hablamos con Volkaragnar quien nos dirá que deberemos ir al pozo de los sueños infinitos 
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Entramos al pozo de los sueños infinitos desde la interface y hablamos con Draconiros respecto a la espada
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Draconiros nos dará 2 opciones:
podemos “pagarle” reflejos oníricos para que al pasar una sala, la espada se encuentre 100% asegurada en la sala y poder interactuar con ella
Seguir tu propio camino, peleando en las salas de los sueños infinitos hasta que aleatoriamente aparezca la espada
Tenemos que encontrar “El sueño perdido de Cocobur” 12 veces por lo que tendremos que pasar 12 (si pagamos) a 360 salas de los sueños infinitos para poder restaurar el poder de la espada. Si no quieres depender del azar, lo mejor será pagarle reflejos oníricos a Draconiros. Cada sueño tendrá un precio diferente
Primer sueño: 5  reflejos oníricos
Segundo sueño: 10  reflejos oníricos
Tercer sueño: 15  reflejos oníricos
Cuarto sueño: 20  reflejos oníricos
Quinto sueño: 30  reflejos oníricos
Sexto sueño: 40  reflejos oníricos
Séptimo sueño: 50 reflejos oníricos 
Octavo sueño: 60 reflejos oníricos 
Noveno sueño: 70  reflejos oníricos (Tienes que esta pasada la sala 207 de los sueños infinitos para que aparezca Cocobur)
Décimo sueño: 80  reflejos oníricos (Tienes que esta pasada la sala 208 de los sueños infinitos para que aparezca Cocobur)
Onceavo sueño: 90  reflejos oníricos (Tienes que esta pasada la sala 209 de los sueños infinitos para que aparezca Cocobur)
Doceavo sueño: 100  reflejos oníricos (Tienes que esta pasada la sala 210 de los sueños infinitos para que aparezca Cocobur)
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Al encontrarla la 12° vez, la espada tomará un color verde, demostrando que ha recuperado su poder
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Volvemos con Volkaragnar, y al mostrarle la espada, nos confirmará que la hemos restaurado 
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Luego vamos con Meriana, le informamos que hemos restaurado el poder de la espada y habremos finalizado la misión
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