fooloftheunknownworld · 15 hours
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You can tell the Rosen' devs are Mega Man fans when they referenced this in a game over screen.
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
ANALYSIS: Joris Jurgen, Mage-Slayer, Bearer of Grougalorasalar's Black Fire.
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For quite a while I had wanted to make this post, concentrating my personal pet theory/something I noticed, but as of recently, it has been made especially relevant with to the role Grougalorasalar, as well as the Jurgen-Crepin family, may play in the manga.
This post touches on the following topic: Joris is probably mostly/fully incapable of using magic due to Grougalorasalar's possession, and there may be other consequences too, for his psychology.
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"At the time of the Dofus film, we saw [Joris] as a mage-killer. Someone who does not practice magic, nor is attuned to it."
Note: Some parts of this were already proven true (or true-in-the-past-but-now-reconned) by this tweet, but I would like to go more in depth, and talk about why Joris is not practising or attuned to magic.
Black Fire, Stasis, and Dragons:
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The magic of the world is based upon the Quadramental Breeze (the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind), Black Fire (Stasis, energy of destruction), and White Fire (Wakfu, energy of creation).
All of these forces originate from the three dragons of Osamodas: the elemental dragon Spiritia, the white fire dragon Helioboros, and the black fire dragon Ouronigride.
The descendants of Spiritia became the four elemental primordial dragons.
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Dofus MMO Book "Dragon Era - Found Fragments III"
Ouronigride had three descendants, of whom only two are extremely relevant to this post: Grougalorasalar (ebony dofus), and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, who refused a physical body, and therefore, remained without one, unlike all the other dragons.
Helioboros had three descendants, two of whom are important to keep in mind: Dardondakal (ivory dofus, his guardians used to be Joris, as well as Leorictus Sheran-Sharm), and Croulakrakoss, a dragon that has a history with Grougalorasalar.
Possession & violence:
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"Young Lukruh… You don't know that I'm watching over you… From the shadows!"
Joris is not the first person in the history of the World of Twelve to be possessed by a Black Fire dragon — albeit his possession was less planned, and ended far less tragically for him.
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While Grougalorasalar only resorted to possessing a body and mind that would not resist him, in order to save his own life — his sibling, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, had always yearned to possess and overtake, and for that end, he chose a man named Lukruh.
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"Go ahead! Set them on fire! Oh yes! Lukruh! Your hatred gave the two of us wings! Keep going, and then nothing will stand in our way!"
He spent a long time slowly weakening his defences to overtake his body and mind (the downside of possessing someone who is not a newborn, and actually has a free will and a mind to overwrite, I suppose), and fed on his anger, at some point even giving him wings.
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Feeding on anger to increase control over the body, something isn't unique to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
It is unknown whether possession is something only Black Fire dragons are capable of, but we do know the dire consequences it has for the possessed — because Joris has opinions on this story, and he voices in the Dofus MMO questline for the Ivory dofus.
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During the first Crimson Dawn, he took the life of Dardondakal, and some time after, died himself. What really happened is murky (perhaps in part because this is not my lore area of expertise), but we know that Hyrkul ended up as an undead lich, before being abandoned by the dragon.
Joris explains that:
1. Dragons of black fire are not evil, but merely drawn to destruction. While I personally believe him, the fact that he mentions this immediately and unprompted may point to this being an insecurity of his.
2. The He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named kept Hyrkul alive, or turned him into a lich, using black magic. Then, in response to being asked whether it is possible that Hyrkul could have recovered his free will, Joris says the following:
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This implies that 1. Joris views the condition of being possessed as one you can't recover from, and 2. that he still does not entirely possess a free will of his own. His mind has forever been tainted by/muddled with Grougalorasalar's, and that is simply not something that can be changed or healed from.
...Perhaps Black Fire stirs his thoughts too. No wonder he would mention this not being an evil thing, then.
(To be honest, one of my own darker thoughts on this topic is that Joris as we know him has been possessed since infancy, so if Grougalorasalar overwrote his brain fully with his own personality without any memories, we'd just never know. Though, considering there wasn't really a personality to overwrite, it's a bit of a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Sorry for becoming a conspiracy theorist for a sec.)
Joris also elaborates further on their relationship in the Ebony dofus questline:
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This reveals multiple things:
Joris may be implying that he and Grougalorasalar did not part on good terms.
The alternate explanation for his words here, is that Joris knows what Grougalorasalar feels due to his influence over his psyche — meaning that he also neither forgives nor forgets. While it is a fun possibility that fits in with the rest of the post, I am inclined to believe that the shorter and easier explanation for his words is the one meant by the developers. Occam's razor.
The conflict that led to their separation was based in their world-view and morals — but here Joris says something that is very interesting:
The thing about possession, is that it affects both parties, whether they like it or not.
(Imagine two pieces of clay. Imagine pushing them together, and then tearing them apart. There would still be a bit of colour from the other piece of clay, on both of them, you know? I suppose it works the same way with souls.)
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Whatever their relationship used to be, Grougalorasalar no longer respects Joris's opinions. Joris still seems to feel protective of the Ebony Dofus — even if he couldn't fulfil his promise of keeping it safe forever.
Joris the Powerless:
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The Black Fire eats away at all magic and life, like rust; and rules the thoughts and impulses of those affected by it, like hunger.
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But it's not an evil energy — merely the yin to Wakfu's yang. It destroys without a malicious intent.
Even if we've seen the consequences that an abundance of it has, in season 4 of Wakfu...
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*relevant parts of the quotes are marked with a red tint
It is not a secret that Joris was first conceptualized to be a character who had no innate powers of his own — instead drawing them from his magic wand/hand-held tree stump. (Well, the first idea was a warrior with a woman's voice, but Xa disregarded that brief and made up a whole new guy...)
It was the idea they had during the making of Wakfu season 1 — which is why he always held his magic wand back then — and it was the idea they had during the development of the cancelled spin-off game "Joris the Powerless".
It is also why he has seldom been shown with the tree stump afterwards — it has lost its relevance to his character outside of being his preferred weapon.
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The reason I bring it up is that, while ideas change — when something is so integral to a character that you almost name a game after it, even multiple rewrites may not get rid of an idea entirely.
If black magic is a hunger that corrodes other magic, then wouldn't it make sense, if Joris could not use magic to begin with?
His situation is far different from Julith, who used black magic to try and resurrect Jahash. Black Fire is a part of Joris the same way it is a part of Black Fire Dragons, — it's not just a tool to him.
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...Though, he does make use of it.
All of this together would explain why Joris was envisioned, and could still turn out to be, someone who neither practices nor is attuned to magic, and how the idea of him being a powerless individual may have evolved.
It is important to note, that while I think he is mostly incapable of magic, he can probably still preform simple spells:
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Joris is shown using some type of magic in the Wakfu series, though we don't know what sort of magic it is, and what is its source.
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And, this is a bit more shaky, but he may be shown using some sort of electricity magic in Dofus MMO's battles — to enhance his mobility/melee attacks. The only reason I am unsure is that it could just be game-specific animations, to make the fight more interesting.
Either way it would make sense — Black Fire Dragons are living beings attuned to Stasis, but they are not devoid of Wakfu, (if they were, they would either be dead or necromes...) and Joris is simply an individual whose body was warped — capabilities for branching out into other types of magic could be limited, instead of being gone.
From possession to possessiveness:
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While the main point of this post was to analyse the fact that the possession probably affected his magical capabilities, it is also important to note, that I don't think his psychology was untouched.
We have multiple sources claiming that dragons are, in general, emotionally unstable, as well as textual evidence of said fact (via Arty's Burning of Bonta, which is mentioned by Qilby; Grougalorasalar's... Grougalorasalarness, as well as Adamai's many crises.)
As well as an interesting quote by Qilby, in regard to Grougaloragran. But it comes with a preface:
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While we don't know whether the vocabulary of "white fire/black fire" applies to the Eliatropes, it is important to consider this:
It was said by Tot that six dofus are required to create a world.
The appearance of a new primordial black fire dragon (Rotalström) in the necroworld could signify that having six primordial dragons for the four elements, as well as stasis and wakfu, is a constant between various worlds.
According to Tot, Rotalström was the last dragon defeated by Toross. Could it be that Primordial black fire dragons play an important role in keeping the world safe? And is this why Grougalorasalar is very active in the new manga?
This would probably make Grougaloragran a black fire dragon. It would also explain why he is both impulsive, and very keen on self-control and trying to be a kind person. But this isn't outright canon — just my speculation.
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(It would also explain why Adamai knows how to use stasis magic at such a young age, having been raised by him.)
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Which brings me to this point: it is interesting to think about the way Grougaloragran craves violence and destruction as a baby (cute), and how this quote about impulsiveness and jealousy also fits Grougalorasalar:
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Many people may not know it, but there is a lot of lore pertaining to Grougalorasalar in the Dofus MMO — and especially to his child, Crocoburio.
Crocoburio and Grougalorasalar tried to devastate and control the lands, slaughtering countless people, and Grougalorasalar was madly obsessed with his offspring: whispering him advice in the dark, supporting him every step of the way, giving him enchanted items.
These aren't necessarily normal behaviours for a dragon — but his son was so much like him, that it bewitched him for centuries, even after he was gone.
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The quests in the MMO involve Grougalorasalar wanting to ressurect his offspring, even if it damages Crocoburio's soul irreparably — and the player trying to ressurect Crocoburio without hurting him, to use as a bargaining chip.
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What I am saying is that:
Joris is a very impulsive person, a misantrope prone to poor decision making, involving himself in situations that don't concern him, and anger issues. He is also obsessed with his family — his so called "sons" (they aren't, but the three of them love playing pretend).
And maybe it's just how he was born — but maybe, just maybe, this too, is something that can be in some way traced to Grougalorasalar.
But maybe Joris also relishes in having posessive control over Kerubim and Atcham. Maybe he also hates everyone else besides them, and barely tolerates some people outside the family unit, with his brief friendships with others. Maybe its just like Grougalorasalar, and his love for Crocoburio.
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ol-files · 7 months
Easter eggs/lore enjoyer 2
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The logo of the Real boitar the Boufbowl equip the brotherhood was in season 1
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This dog is a Péki a dofus mmo familiar ! Also their a boss in the kitsune donjon the Péki Péki (the same dog but stronger)
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Dragon well known from the mmo (dofus/Wakfu) has been the starting area.
Prysmaradoth is an ancient rainbow dragon on whose back is Incarnam. It is also the dragon from which the scales of wisdom, ferocity, endurance and courage come. He would be the father of Spiritia as well as the brother of Queen Thanatena.
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carriershoukaku · 2 years
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Rosenkreuzstilette, a game I haven't heard about in a very long time but have picked up again. Yes, the title is a huge mouthful and is known among the community as RKS.
First released for Windows in 2007 at Comiket as a doujin game, this game is VERY similar to Castlevania and Megaman. You play as the magi Spiritia Rosenberg who has the abilities to replicate the power of her fellow magi, she prepares to fight the true antagonist of the game, a powerful vampire named Count Michael Zeppelin.
I don't particularly agree with some of the level design all that much; but I fell in love with the love letter to Castlevania and Megaman, it definitely activated some very weird memories of me trying to defeat Metalman as a kid. The dark fantasy setting is a particularly endearing choice I found myself enjoying. More doujin games definitely deserve more love. Think about picking it up this Steam winter sale to support the developers.
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5 Dangerous Haunted Bridges You Should Never Cross
Join me and embark on a journey to 5 of the world's most dangerous and supernaturally charged crossings. From mournful ghosts of the past to demonic entities... prepare yourselves for bone-chilling tales as we uncover the dark history and ghastly hauntings surrounding five bridges that you should probably never cross. Are you sure you're ready?
"Poinsett Bridge, Greenville County, South Carolina" by Indies1 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Us...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"Poinsett Bridge 5" by Upstateherd (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"Poinsett Bridge, Monument plaque, Greenville County, South Carolina" by Indies1 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Us...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"Dyavolski bridge" by Evgeni Dinev (https://www.flickr.com/people/4174533...) is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Devils-bridge-Ardino2" by Vassia Atanassova - Spiritia (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Us...) is in the Public Domain
"Dyavolski most, Ardino, Bulgaria-2" by Klearchos Kapoutsis (https://www.flickr.com/people/8383084...) is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Bunnyman bridge night" by Secretsqurl (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Se...) is in the Public Domain
"Norfolk Southern freight train at Colchester Overpass aka Bunnyman Bridge" by Kohlchester (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
"Night time traffic at Colchester Overpass aka Bunnyman Bridge" by Kohlchester (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
"Richmond Bridge 05" by Harryt51 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"Richmond Bridge Tasmania date stone" by Luckydog429 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
"Richmond-Tasmania-Australia04" by Diego Delso (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q28147777) is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
"Alton Bridge" by EARTEAGAV (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
"Old Alton Bridge, Denton, Texas Historical Marker (8979778593)" by Nicolas Henderson (https://www.flickr.com/people/7679285...) is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Altonbridge3" by Renelibrary (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...) is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
"Oldaltonbridge" by Brianchester666 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index...) is in the Public Domain
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btrinidad01 · 1 year
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Animation cel of Sivil/シビル from the anime マクロス 7/Macross 7 episode 42 . . This cel was used in episode 42 of the anime. Where Sivil is taking Basara’s spiritia which starts killing him but stops when Mylene alerts of her of doing so. This is an interesting cel as if you watch the scene there seems to be another out there which is almost identical with subtle differences. This cel didn’t come with her mouth so I made one lol, it’s not perfect but I made an attempt lol. . . Another cel of Sivil to my collection! With this I now own six cel of Sivil! I’ve missed out on some in the past so I’m always excited to get one! Also shoutout to @novabreaker88 I think they where the one to alert me to this when it was for sale! #Macross7 #マクロス7 #Sivil #シビル #NekkiBasara #熱気バサラ #KenichiroKatsura #桂憲一郎 #ShōjiKawamori #河森正治 #FireBomber #ファイヤーボンバー #Macross #マクロス #Macross7Sivil #animecel #douga #Macross7fan #MacrossFan #MacrossCel #anime #manga #90sanime #animationcel #animecelluloid #protodeviln #animaspiritia #animefan #celcollectors #productionart https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUQJq7rEio/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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antimnemonic · 2 years
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wikiuntamed · 1 year
On this day in Wikipedia: Friday, 18th August
Welcome, Bienvenida, أهلا وسهلا, Velkommen 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 18th August through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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18th August 2020 🗓️ : Death - Ben Cross Ben Cross, English stage and film actor (b. 1947) "Harry Bernard Cross (16 December 1947 – 18 August 2020) was an English stage and film actor. He was best known for playing Billy Flynn in the original West End production of the musical Chicago, and his portrayal of the British Olympic athlete Harold Abrahams in the 1981 film Chariots of Fire. ..."
18th August 2018 🗓️ : Death - Denis Edozie Denis Edozie, Nigerian Supreme Court judge (b. 1935) "Dennis Edozie (10 November 1935 - 18 August 2018) was a Nigerian jurist who was Judge of the Supreme Court of Nigeria from 2003 until his retirement in 2005...."
18th August 2013 🗓️ : Death - Josephine D'Angelo Josephine D'Angelo, American baseball player (b. 1924) "Josephine "Jo Jo" D'Angelo (November 23, 1924 – August 18, 2013) was an American baseball left fielder who played from 1943 through 1944 in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. Listed at 5 ft 0 in (152 cm), 135 lb, she batted and threw right-handed.She was one of the sixty original..."
18th August 1973 🗓️ : Event - Aeroflot Flight A-13 Aeroflot Flight A-13 crashes after takeoff from Baku-Bina International Airport in Azerbaijan, killing 56 people and injuring eight. "Aeroflot Flight A-13 (Russian: Рейс A-13 Аэрофлота Reys A-13 Aeroflota) was a scheduled Soviet domestic passenger flight from Baku, Azerbaijan to Fort-Shevchenko in Kazakhstan that crashed on 18 August 1973 shortly after takeoff killing 56 of the 64 passengers and crew aboard. The Antonov An-24 had..."
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Image licensed under GFDL 1.2? by Felix Goetting
18th August 1923 🗓️ : Event - 1923 WAAA Championships The first British Track and Field championships for women are held in London, Great Britain. "The 1923 WAAA Championships were the first national track and field championships for women in the UK. The tournament was held on 18 August 1923 at the Oxo Sport Grounds in London, United Kingdom...."
18th August 1823 🗓️ : Death - André-Jacques Garnerin André-Jacques Garnerin, French balloonist and the inventor of the frameless parachute (b. 1769) "André-Jacques Garnerin (31 January 1769 – 18 August 1823) was a French balloonist and the inventor of the frameless parachute. He was appointed Official Aeronaut of France. ..."
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Image by Edward Hawke Locker
18th August 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Agapitus of Palestrina "Agapitus (Italian: Agapito) is venerated as a martyr saint, who died on August 18, perhaps in 274, a date that the latest editions of the Roman Martyrology say is uncertain.According to his legend, 16-year-old Agapitus, who may have been a member of the noble Anicia family of Palestrina, was..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Vassia Atanassova - Spiritia
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coolmoviemanmike · 1 year
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I just watched Macross 7 1x02 "Spiritia Level"
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zak-kondo · 2 years
Macross 7 is a passionately written, music driven series. Nekki Basara touched my soul and set it on fire, as I connected with him on a spiritual level. It's unique that this series abandons the typical background music approach, by using the setting and characters instead. Every episode felt like a concert, as I screamed along the lyrics. At the same time, a love triangle plays out, while the Zentradi from the original Macross, continue to haunt the humans by stealing their spiritia.
Including the extra plus, encore, Galaxy, and Dynamite side content and sequel, I experienced something so magnificent, it almost surpassed Ashita no Joe for me. I listened to Basara's song, and sang along.
Macross 7 is a spiritually liberating series about a wandering rock star, and his unique philosophy on life. He travels the galaxy to sing his songs to friend or foe. I enjoy the feelings of freedom and positive energy he emits. There's a message here to travel the world, be free, and to keep struggling and pushing forward with your dreams. As the sequel to SDF Macross, Max and Milia return as well.
I love how Gamlin's character plays out. At first, he and the viewers don't understand what Basara is doing, as they see Basars singing in the battlefield, only dodging and not attacking. Their relationship gets greatly developed, as well as the viewer's with basara, as Gamlin, the viewers, and even the antagonists, begin to understand, and also sing along.
song about how the passion and how riduclous it was to see bassara singing.
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kakasz · 6 years
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churrifma2 · 7 years
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Mira nada más esa referencia xd
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nakamorijuan · 3 years
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hansungkee · 4 years
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Spiritia Rosenberg Useing Cirno's Ice! but She Not Alone, Freudia Neuwahl Can Useing Ice was Faster Than Freudenstachel for Next Day is The Cirno Day! Music : Beloved Tomboyish Girl (Cirno Theme, Touhou 6) Base on Shotgun ice from Rockman X, Cyber Mission, Irregular Hunter X and Triple 7(VAVA's Weapon) From Irregular Hunter X Rosenkreuzstilette (C) [erka:es] Touhou (C) ZUN Art by ME
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ryo-maybe · 5 years
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otomokatsuhiro · 3 years
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macross 7 「マクロス7」 (1994-1995) episode #02: spiritia level
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