renatomarini · 2 years
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frogfrizz · 2 years
FreenBecky (BeckFreen) and WLW representation after Gap the Series
I’m once again pulled into the world of Gap the Series, but in particular, the rich, warm fandom that has become FreenBecky or on occasion, BeckFreen, in its wake. As we all grapple with Gap the Series finally ending, the fandom seems to have gravitated towards the main stars, namely Rebecca “Becky” Armstrong and Freen Sarocha. This is a thing unto itself and vastly different from the fan service that the Rich Man’s Daughter gave us.
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Here, we find an army of fans translating nearly all content from the actors across Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, and Weibo from the Thai language to others’:
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It’s a concerted effort among a web of individual to fan-club-run accounts that drum up enormous coverage, enthusiasm, admiration, funds for billboard ads or fan projects, and even gifts for the pair.
The fan community is self-sustaining in its growth; it is massive in Southeast Asia and South America, hashtags trending in one country or another, and even globally nearly every day. I have the impression that this fandom never sleeps and there is new content to traverse and giggle over every 12-hour cycle. It’s refreshing to see this level of self-sustained, growing adulation for actors of an LGBT show in countries that have traditionally been so conservative in their views and sorely underrepresented in mainstream media.
But it isn’t just the fans. There is consistent, honest regard in Freen and Becky’s interactions with each other, a world of memes and a language of their own that they share between themselves and with the fans (ex. “mami” and “honey” lines, the “phi-nong” interactions *wink-wink*).
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We have so little of this attention and enthusiasm for and in the LGBT community with mainstream actors, but these two! They demonstrate a commitment to the fans that is unwavering and unprecedented. They are clear and vocal about their acceptance of the LGBT community, which make up so much of their fan base, trumpeting their advocacy at every opportunity simply by showing up together.
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And oh! Do they have opportunity. They sell record amounts of product as the faces for a variety of brands on live streaming –from make-up, to magazines, to something as innocuous as seaweed chips.
Together or individually, they are constantly being promoted in magazines or on bright, LED billboards in Thailand and even so far as New York’s Times Square:
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A magazine seems to be released nearly every week, and it has left fans languishing with empty pockets as they faithfully try to collect every single one. Though these magazines aren’t distributed internationally, an informal network of locals purchase them for international fans (or interfans, as they’re called), and ship them out at the buyer’s expense, which interfans are more than willing to cover.
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Freen and Becky are adored, loved, and fiercely protected. It’s an amazing phenomenon to watch, and even more extraordinary to contemplate that their popularity has brought their relatively new promoters IdolFactory tremendous exposure and a mountain of ad cash. To an extent, because of such exponential growth, the company has been criticized for poor security and an inability to cater for a large fan base during events as it continues to hire woefully small, inadequate venues.
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We deserve to be heard. LGBT content, specifically wlw content, is valuable, loved, adored. If it came to just the bottom line, it is also incredibly profitable. What a message to send to media creators, to brands! I want this to be heard loudly, and for media executives to realize that they are missing out by cancelling so many wlw-centred shows on their streaming services:
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I wish FreenBecky every success, good health, and happiness.
I want Gap the Series to have even more exposure and recognized as the phenomenon that it is –as the first wlw web series that has breached more than 17M collective views on YouTube. It is the singular show pushing very, very hard against the norm: whether against the persistent cancellations of many wlw shows, catering to a mainly Western audience, or the more Western narrative perpetuated in majority of famous LGBT media today.
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radix-outpost · 5 months
Something I'd been trying to figure out for the longest time was what to do with the Animamates as the classic anime presented them. In the manga and Crystal, they murdered their planets' guardians to gain Sailor Galaxia's favour, but not only did the classic anime leave this out, it implied that they really were true Sailor Guardians (via Tin Nyanko being partially healed).
I'd seen a few proposed solutions here and there, but none really worked for my classic-based AU purposes... and then, last night, it hit me:
The Animamates all have star motifs on their fukus. What astronomical phenomenon is both made of stars and often named after animals and mythical creatures?
They're constellation guardians. Which not only keeps with the overall theme of "Sailor Stars", but fills a niche that isn't really explored much in any continuity (AFAIK).
I put together a list of who's associated with what, with some fine-tuning by Lan (her suggestions have two asterisks).
Lead Crow: Corvi
Aluminum Seiren: Hydra
Tin Nyanko: Lyncis
Iron Mouse: Coma Berenices, which has mice galaxies in it
Heavy Metal Papillon: Scarabaeus**, an extinct constellation
Pewter Fox: Vulpecula
Titanium Kerokko: Makara (aka Capricornus)**
(more musing under cut)
AU-wise, they're still lower on the totem pole than planetary or even lunar guardians, which may be what drove them towards Sailor Galaxia in the first place--yeah, you guys might represent whole planets, but we're the teammates of the most powerful Sailor Guardian to have ever lived! Ha ha whoops Galaxia is possessed by Chaos and now we're all brainwashed.
After Galaxia is freed, she resurrects her four Animamates (with one hell of an apology lined up, presumably) and seeks out the rest. Given how many constellations there are, it's unlikely that she'd only end up with seven Animamates total.
To be determined: if they just continue hanging out with Galaxia (with Phi, Chi, and the river girls coming in later) or if a fellow Animamate becomes their leader. I did want to reuse the idea of a "Sailor Osmium Phoenix" somewhere...
(Should the latter come to pass, then Sailor Chi's role would be modified to "middle-woman between Galaxia and literally every single Sol System guardian". She and Phi are still not nice people, so you can imagine how that goes.)
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plangentia · 4 months
PY Ae 134
.a o-ro-me-no .b ke-ro-wo , po-me , a-si-ja-ti-ja , o-pi , ta-ra-ma-o qe-to-ro-po-pi VIR 1
Kerowos, the shepherd, at A-si-ja-ti-ja, watching over the quadrapeds of Thalamatas. 1 MAN.
ke-ro-wo - Kerowos. A common personal name - also seen on other tablets describing different locations, which are presumably not describing the same person.
po-me - poimen - "shepherd." Related to Classical Greek ποιμήν, which also means shepherd (descended ultimately from PIE root *peh2- "to protect").
a-si-ja-ti-ja - a place name in the dative-locative singular -ai. This is likely a place name.
o-pi - "over." A preverb linked to o-ro-me-no.
ta-ra-ma-o - Thalamatas. This is a mispelling of the personal name ta-ra-ma-ta-o - the name recurs in the correct form multiple times in the same structure and series and is written by the same scribe. This is a genitive in -ao.
qe-to-ro-po-pi - kwetropopphi - "quadrapeds." qe-to-ro- = Greek τετρα (τ is outcome of labiovelar *q before front vowel e; -ρα- = outcome of syllabic r (outcome -or- in Mycenaean)). popphi = pod-phi. -pod means "foot." Unknown which animals this might refer to.
o-ro-me-no - horomenos - "watching." This is a middle present participle from the verb ὅρῶ - "to see." This verb is linked to o-pi and means "watching over." This free nature of the preverb o-pi and its separation from the verb form is indicative of the fact that these preverbs were originally separate words that ultimately come to merge with the verbs that follow them. This phenomenon is seen as tmesis in Homer.
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hylfystt · 7 months
characters: ophelia adair (oc), jill valentine, chris redfield fandom: resident evil word count: 1.3k notes: smth short and sweet featuring the besties during the s.t.a.r.s. years. you know. before the horrors. early chris/phi hints for those invested.
Jack’s is crowded, an unusual phenomenon for the bar which they find themselves frequenting after their shifts. Bodies press together at the bar, laughter and loud conversation filling the space.
“Bar crawl,” says a bright-eyed, flushed-cheeked college student when asked. The two women at the bar share a look, raised brows and slight smiles saying more than enough as they wait for their beers.
Eventually, Jill and Ophelia muscle their way past the throng of students, bottles clutched in hand.
“Scooch!” Ophelia says, sliding into the booth next to Chris, Jill following close behind. Ophelia passes Chris his beer, taking a sip of her own as she settles in.
“Did you have to pick the smallest table here?” Jill asks, looking at Chris with a huff.
“Just means we get to snuggle up,” Ophelia says, winking at the other woman. “Get comfy, Valentine.”
Jill laughs, taking a sip of her beer. “At least I won’t get cold. Has anyone ever told you you’re like a human furnace, Phi?”
“Look, it’s not my fault you’re just unnaturally cold.”
“No, you two are just freaks of nature,” Jill says dryly, pointing at Ophelia and Chris.
“You wound me Jill,” Phi says, slapping a hand over her chest as if she’s been shot. “You wound me.”
“You’ll get over it.” Jill shoves at Ophelia’s arm with her shoulder, knocking the other woman into Chris. Ophelia chuckles, shooting a wink at Jill.
“Don’t make me file a complaint with Wesker,” Ophelia teases as Chris groans beside her.
“Please, no talk about Wesker tonight.”
Jill raises a brow. “Why? What happened?”
Ophelia grins, throwing an arm around Jill as she leans in conspiratorially. “Our dear Chris here got chewed out for, what was it again?” She shoots Chris a smirk. “‘Flagrant disrespect of the workplace environment?’” She shrugs. “He and Speyer got into an argument over which Spice Girl is the best or something and Wesker was less than impressed.”
“Did you agree on one?”
“No, Wesker shut it down before we could finish.” Chris grumbles. “It’s Posh Spice though.”
Both women both shake their heads, Jill tutting lightly as she takes a sip of her beer. 
“Wrong,” Phi sighs.
“It’s definitely Sporty Spice,” Jill agrees.
Chris’s jaw drops. “Sporty Spice? Over Posh?”
“I bet Wesker’s a Baby Spice guy,” Phi says, looking at Jill and ignoring Chris’ indignation.
“Really?” Jill clicks her tongue. “I would have pegged him for a Scary Spice guy myself but I can see it.”
“Hey, who did Speyer pick?” Ophelia asks, finally turning her attention back to Chris.
Chris mutters something under his breath, hiding behind his bottle as he takes another sip.
“What was that?” Ophelia’s brow quirks, a grin pulling at the corners of her mouth as she leans in expectantly.
Chris sighs. “He picked Sporty Spice too.”
“Ha! I always knew he had good taste,” Phi says, mouth curling into a grin around the mouth of her bottle. 
“I can’t believe this,” moans Chris, covering his face with his hands.
“It’s okay Chris,” Ophelia leans into him and pats his arm. Chris puffs his cheeks and blows out a long breath, rolling his eyes. “You can’t win them all.”
“But really you should have known better,” Jill says with a wink. “It’s all in the arms.”
“Amen to that,” Phi says, clinking her bottle against Jill’s, laughing brightly.
“Anyways,” Chris says loudly, steering the conversation away from his loss as he shoots the pair a glare. “You two hear about the new hire?”
Ophelia shifts slightly, fingernails finding the soft corners of the label on her bottle.
“Bravo Team, right?” Jill asks.
“Yeah, that’s the one.” Chris takes a sip of his beer. “Heard they’re really young too.”
“She is,” Ophelia says, not looking at either of her companions. “Fresh out of college with her degree at 18.”
Chis and Jill both turn to look at her, brows raising.
“Someone’s well informed,” Jill drawls, eyeing the other woman carefully. “Care to share with the class?”
Ophelia sighs, flicking away a torn piece of the label.
“I’m going to be training her.”
A grin breaks over Chris’ face. “Is that what your meeting with Wesker was about?”
Ophelia nods, lips quirking up in a small smile.
“Yeah. She’s basically hiring on for the same position, so Wesker wants me to shadow her and train her for a few months.” She hesitates, finally meeting Chris’ eye. “On Bravo.”
“Wait.” Chris’ bottle hits the table with force. “On Bravo? You’re being reassigned?”
“Just temporarily,” she says, a trace of guilt creeping into her voice as she can practically feel Chris deflate from where she’s pressed against his arm. In truth, she’s excited to have been asked to train the new recruit. She can’t deny the rush of pride she felt when Wesker told her that she would be the girl’s mentor. Yet…she’s loath to leave Alpha for such an extended period of time. Their shifts will be different, and much of her attention will be focused on training, which she knows will impact how much time she can spend with her team. “A few months, at most. At least until she has the basics down and can shadow the rest of Bravo.”
“Hey,” Jill calls softly. Phi glances over, catching Jill’s easy smile. “That’s a big deal. Congrats, Phi.”
Ophelia smiles in return, shoulders relaxing slightly.
“Thanks. Honestly, it feels nice, you know? To be trusted like that.” Ophelia turns her attention back to the label on her bottle, smiling lightly. She’d had to work hard to get where she was now, lacking the military training that the others came into the force with when she first joined. Now, she was considered proficient enough to train a new recruit.
Chris considers her for a moment, before his features soften. “She’ll be in good hands.” Opehlia flicks her gaze to his, holding his stare for a too-long moment as her features soften in return. Reluctantly, Chris tears his gaze away and sighs, back hitting the booth’s worn fabric with a little more force than necessary. “Still, it’s gonna suck without you around.”
“It’s not like I won’t be around. I’m sure if something big happens they’ll still call me in.” She elbows Chris lightly, grinning wide. “And we’ll still have the weekends. You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Redfield.”
Chris laughs, a generous flash of teeth peeking from behind his lips. “I’m gonna hold you to that, Adair.”
“When does she start?” Jill asks after a moment, gaze sliding between the two, a small smirk playing on her lips.
“June.” It was still several months off, but Ophelia knows that the time will come and go far too quickly. Jill nods, spinning her bottle idly on the table as she loses herself to contemplation. “She’s got to finish her last semester technically.”
Chris nudges Ophelia’s arm, gives her a small smile. “Well at least we get you until then.”
“A toast,” Jill says after a moment, glancing at Ophelia with a warm smile, winking. “To new endeavors.”
“To good friends,” Ophelia adds, lifting her bottle to clink against Jill’s. She slides her gaze to Chris, who raises his bottle in turn as he looks at her warmly. “And bright futures.”
The three friends sit in comfortable silence as they each take their drinks. Ophelia can’t help but to feel like this is how the world was meant to be. With Jill and Chris by her side, she’s sure in her conviction that the road ahead of them is full of possibility. 
Her mouth curves around the mouth of her bottle, and she leans back into the plush backing of the booth, heart full as she savors the warmth of the two people beside her.
‘98 was surely going to be their year.
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spiced-wine-fic · 2 years
I was sure a demon was sitting on top of my chest, gleefully trying to choke me. And this time, I couldn’t peacefully drift off to sleep. Somehow, by sheer force of will, I forced my arm up and swiped at whatever was strangling me. My arm raked through empty air, and that simple act brought me immediate relief.
This hallucination, according to the Sleep Foundation, was an incubus one, one of three common categories of sleep paralysis hallucinations. With incubus hallucinations, you feel pressure on the chest and have difficulty breathing. The other two types are “intruder” (a threatening presence heard or sensed) and “vestibular-motor” (a bit astral, like spinning, floating or falling; an out-of-body experience).
Ask me in the light of day, and I’ll say it happened because of a cocktail of stress, irregular sleep, and anxiety mixed with an imagination injected with a healthy dose of TV horror.
But ask me in the pitch dark, when I’m lying in my room alone, afraid to let a hand or a foot hang off the edge of my bed, and my answer might lean toward the supernatural.
After all, with what little research has been done in this field and the prevalence of tales of creepy nighttime horrors, it’s easy to see how this phenomenon can be pinned on a supernatural entity.
Because while “sleep paralysis” is the term most commonly used, it’s known as kana tevoro (being eaten by a demon) in Fiji. In Thailand, a Thai folklore ghost, Phi Am, is said to be responsible. In Italy, people blame the Pandafeche, an evil witch, while in Egypt, a djinn is to blame — all feature some variation of a demon or witch attacking.
I’m not sure which belief is less comforting ― that an unknown force is holding you hostage or that your brain can rob you of your ability to move and speak? Especially within the comfort of your own bed.
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shaunstenning2020 · 3 months
Krabi Islands Closed: Understanding the Impact of Coral Bleaching by Shaun Stenning
It's with a heavy heart that we bring you the latest news from the mesmerizing Krabi Islands: they are now closed to visitors. This announcement, effective from May 16th, 2024, comes as a response to alarming evidence of severe coral bleaching discovered during a recent survey in the Phi Phi National Park area.
Coral bleaching, a phenomenon triggered by environmental stressors, has taken its toll on the vibrant underwater ecosystems surrounding these islands. The Hat Noppharat Thara Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park in Krabi has taken the proactive step of temporarily closing several islands to snorkeling and scuba diving activities, aiming to protect the fragile coral reefs from further harm.
According to Shaun Stenning, The affected islands include Kai Island, Poda Island, Dang Island, Railay Bay, and Yawasam Island. This closure serves as a necessary measure to allow these precious marine environments to recover and thrive once again.
But what exactly is coral bleaching? It occurs when corals expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues due to changes in environmental conditions, resulting in their whitening and eventual death if the stress persists. Several factors contribute to coral bleaching, including elevated sea temperatures, increased solar radiation, ocean acidification, pollution, overfishing, diseases, and physical damage. Shaun Stenning said
According to Shaun Stenning, Combatting coral bleaching requires collective action on a global scale. From reducing greenhouse gas emissions to protecting and restoring coral habitats, reducing pollution, promoting sustainable fishing practices, and fostering public education and community involvement, there are various avenues through which we can work together to preserve these vital ecosystems.
At 5 Star Marine, we stand in solidarity with these closures and remain committed to supporting conservation efforts in any way we can. As stewards of the oceans, it's our responsibility to ensure the longevity and health of these precious marine environments for generations to come.
For any inquiries about tours and activities, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, let's protect our oceans and the magnificent life they sustain.
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zizekianrevolution · 3 months
Recall what we know about this notion of castration this phenomenon of castration as we've seen the math is simple phi minus phi equals object a who whoa whoaa hold up man don't be topping phi minus phi object a it sounds complicated right at this point you know that it's not actually that complicated mathematically speaking phi minus phi equal object a is as simple as 1 -1 equals 0 the first one is the imaginary object known in Lacan's preoedipal theory as the imaginary phallus usually written in the lowercase Greek phi this little anatomically looking ball and cock image of lowercase Greek phi that's our first one it's whatever the preoedipal child imagines the maternal figure to lack and hopes to become for them that's what this little phi (golden ratio) indicates we've shown in previous series castration occurs when a third party invoked by the maternal figure typically cuts into this fantasy figuration effectively denying mother and child alike access to this imaginary object this imaginary phallus and to the child the paternal figure says she doesn't have it and you can't be it for her now in Lacan's algebra this operation is written as minus phi a little subtraction sign in front of that lowercase Greek phi minus phi is the signifier here of the loss that the child sustains in this moment this is the loss of an imaginary object a loss which leaves behind an opening a Gap a hole a lack a space where the imaginary object was that is now vacant the algebraic symbol that we use to mark this absence this vacancy where nothing appears where nothing is Left Behind is object a which is every bit the zero point of the child's transformation into a subject and that zero point language is important here from the early' 60s forward Lacan thinks of object @ as a kind of zero point of Desire it's a figure of lack it is the zero that we get when we subtract one from itself 1 - 1 equal Zero phi minus phi equal object a and this is important because again it marks the transition from the preoedipal child into the living subject a living embodied subject who experiences lack which in turn begets desire which in turn draws the subject toward all sorts of supplemental metonymic objects in hopes of finding something to plug that hole in their existence the hole which in fact each of us is here's the problem though nothing quite fits nothing quite stacks up to the imaginary phallic object that they lost but they just keep trying as we do from one object of desire to the next ever in search of fulfillment:  fulfillment in place of loss and lack these supplemental objects can be numbered indeed that's all they are is a sequence 1 2 3 and so on and that's exactly how Lacan sees them as supplementary Surplus figures added to the original equation 1 - 1 equal 0 and 0 begets 1 2 three and so on now you can see what he's up to here and how it impinges on his thinking around castration phi minus phi equal  “Object a”  signifier of lack and then the one and the two and the three and the numbers that follow are figures of objects we use to try and plug that hole that lack signaled by object a this is simple math and I think by this simple math which has a nice logical twist to it what Lacan in this lecture calls mathematical logic you can see what he means in the second part of this passage on 74 that we just considered this is the story of zero and one only with one there cannot be any repetition such that for there to be repetition I don't mean for it to be gotten underway there has to be a third the one in this sequence from 0 to 1 to two to three and so on it does not repeat the zero before it but it nevertheless shows repetition underway and I think that's an important little caveat that you hear on page 74 here repetition is nevertheless underway even though the one doesn't repeat the zero for what else is this one but a sublimated metonymic stand in for the original one the imaginary phallus that was lost in the process of castration
Seminar XIX Mathematico Logic by Samuel McCormick
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spoilertv · 5 months
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crookedbirdwizard · 5 months
The Worst Videos of All Time About kubet soi tài khoản
I’ve always taken pride in having an open mind …
So, when the invitation came to visit Uri Geller at his estate in the English countryside back in the summer of 1987, I couldn’t pass the opportunity to personally experience the phenomenon he represents and/or channels.
Uri Geller has made a career out of being controversial. His claims of possessing paranormal talents have not necessarily polarized opinions as much as the outrageous outlets by which he seemingly prefers to display them. For example, Geller has, at one time or another, alleged to have:
– bent spoons and keys merely by concentrating on them,
– made a soccer ball move just before a Scottish penalty kick was taken during an international match against England, causing the shot to be missed and victory assured for the English,
– stopped the hands of time on Big Ben,
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– advised families that messages from the dead would appear to them in symbolic acts,
– sent disorienting mental signals to KGB agents at the request of the CIA, and
– healed people’s afflictions merely by being close to them.
Uri Geller was an Israeli paratrooper who fought in the Six-Day War and dabbled in modeling and a small-time magician’s career before bursting onto the global oddity scene by apparently having access to a part of his brain that others didn’t. He seemingly had hack cf nhin xuyen tuong mien phi the powers to move objects and sense thoughts and do them well enough that major media and, yes, even major governments took notice. Results may have been mixed — the CIA, interestingly, doesn’t comment either way about their contact with Geller — but they all served to perpetuate his fame (or notoriety, according to the skeptics).
When we approached his mansion, there was no doubting that his exhibitions, books, television appearances and hobnobbing with politicos and celebrities had allowed him to amass considerable wealth. Geller met us in the foyer, immediately conveying the impression that he may be a shameless self-promoter in public, but at home, he was a gracious host. This was a social call, so he was casually dressed, soft-spoken and totally unpretentious. I couldn’t say that for the furniture in his drawing room, however, as the matching sofa, chairs and coffee table were composed of huge glass-shards held together by metal spines. They were more artwork than furniture, and I was quite glad we settled in the kitchen instead.
Inevitably, our conversation broached the topic of Geller’s talents. He asked if I wanted to see them for myself and, after receiving the cách nạp tiền vào kubet obvious response, he pulled a spoon from the utensil drawer and gave it to me to inspect. I can attest that it was a normal, everyday spoon; I tried to flex it and confirmed that its malleability was what one would expect from a common spoon.
Geller took it, kept it in clear view, and began to rub the stem in short, quick strokes from his index finger. Before my eyes, the spoon’s business end began a perpendicular rise, as if awakening from a nap. When it had formed a 90-degree angle, Geller stopped rubbing and handed me the spoon again. I felt the bent segment of the stem for signs of kubet - kubet88 - nhà cái uy tín hàng đầu việt nam heat, but there was none. I checked to see if the tensile strength had been diminished, but it had not.
He really did it.
Geller then asked me to pull any spoon from the drawer and he’d do it again. I noticed that they were made of sterling silver — ie- a normal metal — and wondered how many he’d buy during the course of a year. Meanwhile, cách chơi tài xỉu trên kubet he repeated the feat. The only factor I noticed that could have possibly come into play was that Geller made sure he was standing in the same place both times. There was a metal radiator very close to him, but I have no idea if that played any role in the result.
He then gave me a small notebook and pen and asked me to draw something simple. He stood away and there was no chance he could see what I did. As this was summer, I opted for something totally opposite from the season and sketched a Christmas tree with a star on top. I then closed the notebook and told him I was finished.
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Geller reached for a totally separate piece of paper and pen. He sat at the table, thought đăng ký kubet for a moment and began to draw. He briefly stared at me and then returned to his task. It only took another minute for him to announce he was done. He put down his pen and held up his drawing.
It was a Christmas tree, with a star on top.
I was impressed. I almost wished I had something he could heal.
I could not resist asking one off-the-wall question. I knew a prominent shipbuilding family in Spain who had access to the records of many galleons which disappeared on return voyages from the New World. Many of them were laden with gold. Had Geller ever been asked to ‘divine’ for precious metals underwater?
He didn’t bat an eye. “No,” he replied, “But I don’t know why I couldn’t.”
He pulled a book from a nearby shelf and opened it to a section of photographs in the middle. The topic was Uri Geller. The photos were allegedly taken with a sensitivity that exceeded the spectrum of light. There seemed to be a ‘cloud’ between Geller’s head and a small object of his concentration, such as a ball. The inference was that his mental projection was being physically ‘captured’ on film, joining his mind with the matter on which he was focused.
I ultimately did report to the Spanish magnates what I had seen and what I suggested. They were more than interested. One of their scions promised to get back to me, and he did, but somewhere during the course of our days, the momentum to pursue such a project faded.
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I did pay closer attention to Uri Geller in the next few years. The two displays I witnessed were clearly his top talents; I read accounts of similar feats from others who had met him. However, Geller wasn’t as successful when he attempted to expand his range. For instance, he bought a soccer team, Exeter, and said he’d keep his mind off the pitch. I guess he did, as they were relegated to a lower division under his chairmanship.
Allegedly, Geller did later claim to avail his services to oil and gold companies. He said he got results, but that nobody wanted to disclose he was the secret to their success. He’s since written a number of books — some of the holistic tomes are actually quite logical and devoid of anything paranormal — and continues to enjoy the company of celebrities.
I have no idea about his talents beyond what I saw. I am convinced that what I witnessed was authentic. My lingering thought is what Geller’s displays to me could portend for the human condition. It’s a fact that 90% of our cerebrum’s utility is yet to be understood. Did all of us really have the powers of telekinesis and telepathy?
Those are deep thoughts, and I’m certainly open to further suggestions. In the meantime, if I ever come across shipping records which list a cargo of golden spoons lost at sea, I know who I’m going to call.
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renatomarini · 2 years
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imitytravels2019 · 8 months
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Day 1: Explore the Old City (Icherisheher) 🏰
Start your journey by immersing yourself in Baku's rich history. Wander through the narrow streets of the Old City, visit landmarks like the Maiden Tower and Palace of the Shirvanshahs. Enjoy local cuisine at a traditional restaurant.
Day 2: Modern Baku & Flame Towers 🌆
Discover the modern side of Baku. Explore the Flame Towers and take in panoramic views of the city. Visit Heydar Aliyev Center, an architectural masterpiece. Stroll along the Boulevard and experience the vibrant atmosphere.
Day 3: Gobustan National Park & Mud Volcanoes 🏞️
Embark on a day trip to Gobustan, home to ancient rock carvings. Explore the Gaval Dash Museum and witness mud volcanoes, a unique natural phenomenon. Return to Baku in the evening.
Day 4: Baku Boulevard & Caspian Sea 🌊
Spend a leisurely day along Baku Boulevard. Enjoy a boat ride on the Caspian Sea or relax in the seaside parks. Visit the Carpet Museum and indulge in Azerbaijani tea at one of the seaside cafes.
Day 5: Day Trip to Gabala 🏞️
Venture to the scenic town of Gabala for a day surrounded by nature. Explore Tufandag Mountain Resort, visit Nohur Lake, and savor local flavors. Return to Baku in the evening.
Note: Adjust the itinerary based on personal preferences and local events. Ensure to check opening hours of attractions and consider local cultural events during your stay. Safe travels! ✈️🌍 #BakuItinerary #TravelAdventure
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Early Cinema and why it was important
The relevance of pre-cinematic technologies and early cinema for movies and moving-image technology today is that it helped shape and create what we watch today and if we are ever stumped on what to create, we can always go back to the basics and the beginning in order to start fresh. 
Films first got their start from the ideas of persistence of vision and the phi phenomenon. Persistence of vision causes the brain to retain images cast upon the retina of the eye for a fraction of a second beyond their disappearance from the field of sight. The phi phenomenon creates apparent movement between images when they succeed one another rapidly. These two phenomena come together to form the succession of still frames on a film strip to represent continuous movement when projected at the proper speed (Britannica). Early inventions such as the phenakistoscope and zoetrope tried to capture this effect. Positive photographic processes and negative photographic processes were created as well. Eadward Muybridge came up with the technology of series photography, being able to “film” a horse riding along a track. 
Edison took what was given and created the phonograph and had his assistant, Dickinson, create the motion-picture camera. While his bits of film were short and simple, such as an acrobat performance, topsy the elephant being electrocuted, a kiss, etc. they were part of the building blocks of film. Lumiére’s films such as the Arrival of the Train had fantastic quality for the time and Hoser got Hosed showed the first hints of comedy. A Trip to the Moon was  the spark that lit the science fiction genre, while the Great Train Robbery could be seen as one of the first action films as well as one of the first western films, beginning an interest in making films of danger, drama, and stakes.
“In the 1930s, when experimented television broadcasts had already launched in Europe and the United States using TV receivers with proper ‘screens’, ideas like handheld peep show televisions and wearable 3-D televisions and wearable 3D television spectacles were still presented.”  This quote, as found by another peer, is an example of how earlier cinematic technologies shaped what we have today. The early ideas of film have been built upon for years, so that even in the 1930’s, 3D was an idea. Today, 3D is not only existent, but has gone beyond what the 1930s ever thought possible. 
“Magic lantern projections provided domestic audiences an occasional opportunity to enjoy images in a social setting. The peepshow model provided an alternative, which, in spite of the different constitution of its apparatus, also emphasizes social rather than an individual mode of consumption.” This quote, as found by another peer, is another example of how early cinema is still influential today. The magic lanterns projection have been expanded upon and are what we call today, a movie theater. People can go and view films with large groups of people for an experience that heightens the film and makes it all the enjoyable. 
The clip I have attached a link to below is from the movie Babylon. It is from the end of the film, where the main character, Manny, is sitting in a movie theater watching Singin 'in the Rain. Manny starts to get emotional as the film reflects his real life experiences in the movie industries when films were transitioning from silent to talkies. That in itself is an example of how early cinema evolved into what we know today. However, the clip brings even more as it shows a montage of images and clips, from the beginning of cinematic history and beyond. It is a direct example of how the early days helped shape what we know to be cinema today. 
By: Callahan Coffey 
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articlesubmissionho · 2 years
What are the Best Animation Tool to be Used by the Animators?
Animation is the process of creating the illusion of motion and shape change by rapidly displaying a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon and beta movement. To make these animations, the animators use a variety of graphic animation tools as well as to create their work. 
Such tools help create high-quality images and animations that can be used for various purposes, including commercials, video games, movies, and television shows. So, if you want to know about the best animation tool, here is the list of some best animation software that animators can use.
Let's take a look at them.
Moho Pro
Moho Pro is a vector-based animation software that allows you to create your animations from scratch or edit existing ones. It has a wide range of features and tools that make it perfect for both beginners and professionals. One of the best things about Moho Pro is its user interface. It is very user-friendly, and the learning curve is relatively short.
Even if you've never used animation software before, you'll be able to create your first animation within minutes. With Moho Pro, you can create professional quality 2D animations for TV, film, games, and the web. Moho Pro is worth checking out if you're looking for powerful yet affordable animation software.
CelAction2D is a 2D animation program for Windows that comes in four editions: Professional, Animator, Studio, and Educational. If you're working with a big team, animating television programs, producing feature films, or making animated shorts, the Studio version is a great option. This version is the first to get updates, assistance, and innovative features.
The Professional version can be the most appropriate for you if you operate alone or with a small squad. There is also the Animator version if you wouldn't want all of its rigging features, but you won't be ready to invent assets with this—you'll need to have the Studio edition for that.
Procreate is an animation tool that is popular among animators. It is easy to use and has many features that make it ideal for creating animations. It also has a wide range of brushes and tools that you can use to create your own unique animations. You can draw out animatics, build looping GIFs, & make gorgeous animations using Procreate's Animation Help without ever touching your computer.
The most recent edition of Procreate also has some very fantastic 3D features. This program is the top choice if you want to create on the go and is loved by everyone from newbies to experts.
Autodesk Maya
If you're a skilled animator seeking a potent 3D animation tool, Maya is unquestionably one of the most outstanding programs available. You can accomplish everything using Maya, including animation, modeling, and visual effects. As if that weren't enough, Maya also has one of the market's top rendering and physics systems. 
Additionally, Maya comes with a special function called XGen interactive grooming. You may utilize the tools in XGen interactive grooming, including modifiers, sculpting brushes, and sculpting layers, to produce various hair and fur patterns.
Cartoon Animator 4
Cartoon Animator 4 is considered one of the best tools for animators as it helps users create animations easily with its wide variety of features. Professional-caliber cartoons may be made with ease with Cartoon Animator. Cartoon Animator offers the capabilities to accomplish everything, from sophisticated IK motion editing to whole-body motion capture. For instance, you can easily convert a 2D visage into a 3D talking head through its sprite-based facial engine.
You can also make convincing multi-angled 2D figures using the handy rigging & bone tool. Although Cartoon Animator may not be the simplest program to use, it is a superb animation tool for many types of content creators, provided you have the patience and time to master it.
Adobe Character Animator
With the help of lip-syncing and motion capture technology, Adobe Character Animator provides you with all the resources you need to swiftly and effectively create your 2D characters. Thanks to its Illustrator file integration and seamless Photoshop, you may build your models using your preferred tools and bring them to life with Character Animator. You may even broadcast your characters live!
Character Animator is still a helpful program for pros and enthusiasts alike, but it's incredibly fantastic if you're a beginner to animation and want a handle on the fundamentals.
Clip Studio Paint
Clip Studio Paint is a powerhouse when it relates to an all-in-one sketching and animating solution. It allows you to mix screen animation using camera effects to produce spectacular full-length movies, even though it might not have had a robust rigging system. Additionally, you can quickly adjust the tempo of your animation or even reposition the animation cels thanks to its easy timeline interface. 
The best part is that Clip Studio Paint works on almost all popular platforms. If you can navigate its slightly challenging user interface, Clip Studio Paint may greatly complement the digital toolbox of aspiring, enthusiastic, and experienced animators.
Adobe Animate
Adobe Animate has many more features to offer animators while being very easy to use. The user interface is simple and intuitive, especially if you've used other Adobe products. Additionally, it's simple to upload your cartoons to social networking platforms like Twitter & YouTube fast and easily. Although Adobe Animate lacks some of the capabilities a professional animator would require, it may be the right tool for someone wishing to build interactive animations & simulations easily.
Open Toonz
OpenToonz is an open-source technology used to make basic animations or polished productions. It is also an excellent option for the classroom because it's effective and simple. The software has been designed with the non-artist in mind, which makes it a great tool for anyone who wants to create animations.
The Bottom Line
There are various animation tools available in the market, each with its pros and cons. Animators must choose the right tool that suits their needs and preferences. Although, there is no single perfect animation tool that all animators can use. Above, we have listed some of the best options that animators commonly use. We hope you find this information helpful in choosing the right animation tool for your project.
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somebaconlover · 2 years
Empire of Light (2022)
Directed by Sam Mendes
Cinematography by Roger Deakins
Starring Olivia Colman, Michael Ward, Tom Brooke, Toby Jones and Colin Firth
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"It is amazing. Because it's just static frames, with darkness in between. But there's a little flaw in your optic nerve, so that if I run the film at twenty-four frames per second, you don't see the darkness. It's called the Phi Phenomenon. Viewing static images rapidly in succession creates an illusion of motion. An illusion of life."
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mars1cieranshippy · 2 years
What is persistence of vision?
(copied and general info)
Persistence of vision is an optical illusion where the human eye perceives the continued presence of an image after it has disappeared from view. Also known as retinal persistence, this optical effect was described by English-Swiss physicist Peter Mark Roget in the nineteenth century.
In the motion picture industry, animators have combined the basic principle of persistence of vision with the phi phenomenon, which postulates that showing still images in rapid succession can create the illusion of movement—as in a flipbook.
My opinion
It is basically an optical illusion where the human eye perceives movement from an image that is no longer there as the info stated above, that with flip books you can see movement even when the image is no longer there or is moving at complete speed to make something look like it is walking.
Why is 24 frames per second still used in animation?
The reason why 24 is still sued is because our brain can only see that amount of time with each frame it is basically easier for us to understand and to create animation itself, like if our eyes were as good as a insects then that would mean ten times more frames to work with.
What is rotoscope animation?
What it is basically, is you have an already made gif or like person moving etc and then draw over on top your character or something to either give a cartoony or spooky and uncanny feel to it.
My opinion of rick and morty is that I hate it in all honesty. It just does not really be something for me.
Mark Justin Roiland is an American animator, voice actor, writer, producer and director. He is the co-creator of Adult Swim's animated sitcom Rick and Morty, for which he voices the protagonists Rick Sanchez and Morty Smith. He is the co-creator of Hulu's Solar Opposites, in which he voices the main character, Korvo.
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