#phil mason
romaroy · 1 year
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December 3, 2016
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lilirari · 9 months
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ ( ⚽ ) . . . FAKE TEXTS ⁵ !
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ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ꩜⋆ we're back, baby ! please take this as a compensation for not posting any writing in the past week... i promise i'll work on all my drafts soon 🤞 anyways, who wanna be the cockroach to my lobster ? 🫣
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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jdbellingham · 2 years
The Deal (Part One - “I’ve never seen you look so sexy”)
a 10 Things I Hate About You inspired series featuring Jude Bellingham
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pairing: jude bellingham(patrick verona) x reader(kat stratford)
summary: a new student arrives at Birmingham City Football Club Academy (BCFCA), Cameron Thomas, who sets his sights on y/n’s sister Caroline. unfortunately for him, Caroline cannot date until her so called “heinous bitch” of sister does. he sets out to do everything he can in order for that to happen, even if that means convincing the academy’s most well known player—Jude Bellingham.
note: here it is as promised. I hope this isn’t too boring
word count: 3k
warnings: sexual jokes (I don’t remember what I wrote), underwhelming lol
“How you doing?” Eric greeted as he approached Jude, who was sweating profusely from the practice he had just left.
Jude stared blankly at him, then turned to his teammates, giving them a look that said “Why the hell is he talking to me.”
Eric, used to being treated like the popular boy he was, felt slightly taken aback by the cold shoulder treatment; yet he managed to continue.
“I just bought a new lighter,” Eric said, trying to start a conversation while also taking a dig at the fact Jude was known for lighting the lawn of a school he had lost a match to in year 10.
“Do I know you?” Jude asked, bringing his water bottle to his lips and taking a long sip.
Eric stopped beating around the bush and began explaining, “You see that girl over there?”
Jude put down his bottle and looked over to where Eric was pointing before responding with a “Yeah,” his voice laden with indifference.
“That’s Y/n L/n,” Eric explained, and Jude gave him a look.
“She’s on my team you idiot,” Jude told him, Eric’s face immediately reddening.
“Right, sorry I forgot she was on Birmingham FC’s EFL team,” Eric reached for the back of his neck before he continued, “I want you to go out with her,”
Jude laughed, incredulous of how a boy he didn’t even know could walk up to him and order him around like that. He pondered for a moment if he should simply walk away and leave the conversation behind, but some small part of him was intrigued by what Eric had to say.
“Yeah, sure,” Jude responded sarcastically, shaking his head while his teammates howled with laughter.
“Look, I can’t take out her sister until Y/n starts dating,” Eric added, “You see, their dad is whacked out, he’s got this rule where his girls-
“That’s a touching story, really is. But it’s not my problem,” Jude cut him off before he could go into more detail, and began packing up his kit.
Nonetheless, Eric remained confident, “Would you be willing to make it your problem if I offered you some generous compensation?”
Jude paused, his eyes shifting back to Eric before he scoffed.
“You’re going to pay me to go out with some bird?” Jude raised his brows, before taking off his practice jersey and slinging it around his neck.
Eric hummed in agreement then Jude chuckled, his head dropping down to face the ground as he stuck his tongue into the side of the cheek.
Jude looked up again before asking “How much?”
He knew he didn’t need the money but what harm could it do? It wasn’t as if Y/n would actually let him take her on a date.
“20 euros,” Eric responded, and Jude scrunched his brows. That wasn’t worth his while.
“No shot,” Jude frowned, “That doesn’t even cover the cost of taking her to the movies,”
“Fine, 30,” Eric countered, crossing his arms.
“75, take it or leave it,” Jude’s voice flattened, he wasn’t going to waste his time doing this if it was for nothing.
“50,” Eric pushed, growing annoyed.
“100,” Jude countered, staring directly into his eyes.
“75,” Eric groaned, exasperation seeping into his voice, handing over the bills.
“Okay, deal,” Jude looked away from Eric and over to where Y/n was practicing her corner goals. She started from the lower left corner of the pitch and her foot lifted to the bottom of the ball, hitting it at the perfect angle and sending it smoothly into the upper right corner of the goal. He had always known that Y/n was good but he never said anything to her, knowing anything he said wouldn’t matter. They worked together smoothly without the unnecessary communication and chit chat, mutually understanding each other's style of play. They became nearly untouchable when put on the pitch together, Jude set her up for goals, getting the ball to her when he could, and Y/n would indefinitely score. And when Y/n was midfielder and Jude was center forward, they would still do the same thing, their roles simply switched. Jude wondered if their bond while playing would be affected by this stupid deal, but he had already started towards her so he wasn’t going to back out now.
“Hi there,” Jude greeted, and Y/n looked him up and down. Her eyes lingered a split second longer on his bare abdomen, which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Move,” She ordered, looking away and focusing on the ball. Y/n took a moment to consider the alternate path of sending it into Jude’s crotch just for kicks, but decided against it, remembering the consequences of the last time she’d aimed for a males privates.
“What are you doing?” Jude asked, despite the fact he already knew.
Y/n didn’t respond, instead opting to make another corner kick.
“You already know that, what do you want,” She crossed her arms as the ball swished into the net of the goal.
“That’s certainly a way to get a guys attention,” Jude ignored her previous statement, his eyes focused on the ball she had once again managed to kick into the goal.
“Ah yes, my mission in life. Getting the attention of males,” Y/n agreed, before continuing, “And obviously it worked, seeing as you’re here,”
“The world makes sense again,” She plastered on a phony smile, walking over to get the ball. Jude laughing behind her as he followed, staying within her proximity as she went back to the bleachers to her kit.
“Pick you up on Friday then?” Jude asked, and Y/n responded without missing a beat.
“Oh right, Friday, uhuh,” She nodded, downing a gulp of water before she reached down to the hem of her jersey, pulling it above her head to reveal her sports bra which was damp with sweat. In her mind she wished she had just kicked the ball into Jude’s.
“I’ll take you places you’ve never seen before,” Jude’s brows went up and down and he stared at her back as she bent over to unlace her shoes. He was beginning to enjoy the banter, it was a nice change of pace from the silence broken by an occasional “nice”, “you did well”, or “good job” they usually shared.
“Oh? Like the theatre 4 miles away on Grant?” Y/n asked, unimpressed. She stood straight again, pulling off the light blue pre-wrap on her forehead.
“Do you even know what number I am?” Y/n questioned, eyeing Jude when she put her jersey into her kit.
“12,” Jude answered easily, “I know a lot more than you think,”
“Doubtful, very doubtful,” Y/n laughed, picking up her bag and walking away. For some strange reason, the refusal left Jude only more encouraged.
From a discreet spot in the bleachers, Cameron and Marcus watched the exchange and groaned.
“We are screwed,” Cameron whined, his hopes of dating Caroline felt like they’d be dashed.
“Hey I don’t want to hear that defeatist attitude,” Marcus demanded.
“We are screwed!” Cameron exclaimed, and Marcus nodded in approval.
Cameron had gone through the effort of becoming the practice partner of Caroline, Y/n’s sister, and talked to her only to find out that she could only date if Y/n did. Then he had managed to get the academy’s most affluent player to approach Jude (more like inceptioned him to), knowing he wouldn’t listen to Cameron himself—only for Jude to fail. If this didn’t work he had no other options left.
“If Jude can’t do this himself we need to help him,” Cameron finally spoke, looking to Marcus who hummed in agreement.
Cameron knew that Y/n was difficult, when he had spoken to Caroline she had explained that Y/n used to be popular, but at the end of year 11 something had flipped. It was like she was sick of it or something, and she began dedicating all her time to football. It paid off, she was one of the best strikers in the league, the men’s league she had somehow gotten into. She was so good that Birmingham Academy decided to put her on their EFL team, but of course it came with the price of her becoming a heinous bitch (Marcus’s words not Cameron’s).
˚ ✧ ˚
The next day Jude found Y/n on the football pitch during the free period they happened to share, and sat by her school bag watching as she did passing drills around a set of bright orange cones.
It was normal to see her at the pitch during the middle of the day, she was known for practicing every possible moment.
When she finally finished up and went to grab her water, she saw him staring at her.
“Nice passes,” Jude complimented before she could let out the string of complaints she probably had waiting to be let out. “You’re quick on your feet,”
“Are you following me?” Y/n scoffed, grabbing her water that was situated next to Jude.
“I was going to get my jacket, and saw you were practicing. I decided to come say hi,” Jude shrugged, feigning disinterest.
“Hi,” Y/n replied, obviously glaring at Jude.
“Not a talker, huh?” Jude remarked watching as Y/n began changing. She didn’t quite care that he was there, letting him watch as she switched her athletic shirt for a tank top. However he averted his gaze when Y/n switched her soccer shorts for denim ones.
“Depends on the topic,” She replied, “Passing drills don’t exactly whip me into a verbal frenzy,”
“You’re not afraid of me are you,” Jude said, half a question half a statement.
“Why would I be afraid of you,” Y/n laughed, folding her clothes and putting them into her bag.
“According to popular belief, I lit a school on fire because I was a sore loser. So most people are,” Jude replied, standing up.
“Well I’m not,” Y/n responded, slinging the bag over her shoulders. She noticed how Jude had purposefully shifted to block her from exiting the field.
“Well maybe you’re not afraid me but I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked,” Jude suggested smiling coyly.
“Am I that transparent?” Y/n asked, acting shocked. “I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby,” She groaned while rolling her eyes, and Jude found his smile growing wider, his laugh genuine.
Y/n pushed past him and out of the football pitch, and Jude let her. He stared as she walked away, realizing that he had grown a liking to her. When she was finally out of sight he shook his head, wondering how on earth he had managed to start fancying the most out of control girl he had ever met.
˚ ✧ ˚
“We know what you’re trying to do with Y/n L/n,” Cameron said over the loud commotion of the craft room, Marcus nudging him forward.
“Yeah? What are you going to do about it?” Jude replied unfazed, continuing to saw away at a piece of wood.
“We want to help,” Cameron replied, and Jude’s eyes didn’t budge from the wood.
“And why is that?” Jude inquired, finally giving the pair a glance.
“The deal is that my friend here has a major jones for Caroline L/n,” Marcus paused, waiting for Jude to say something.
“What is it with that girl?” Jude muttered, it seemed as if everyone wanted a piece of her.
“I uh, I think I speak correctly when I say Cameron’s love is pure, purer than let’s say Eric’s,” Marcus continued, to which Jude answered.
“Look I’m in this for the cash, Eric can plow whoever he wants,”
“Okay there will be no plowing,” Cameron interjected, getting heated. Jude sniggered under his breath at the year 12 boy.
“Jude, let me clear one thing up—we set this whole thing up so Cameron, yeah Cameron, could get Caroline. Eric’s just a pawn,” Marcus elaborated.
“So you’re going to help me tame the wild beast?” Jude quirked a brow, and glanced over at the duo again.
“Absolutely. We’ll do research, find out what she likes and get back to you. We’re your guys,” Marcus smiled, grabbing Cameron’s shoulder who added:
“In a strictly non group of arsonist buddies type of way,”
Jude stared at Cameron, not sure whether to laugh or punch him.
“Uh, sorry. Now, Friday night Bogey Lowenstein is having a party. Perfect opportunity,” Marcus shifted the conversation before Jude could react.
“Perfect opportunity for what?” Jude asked, his full attention now on Marcus.
“For you to take out Y/n,” Marcus gave a doubtful look.
“I’ll think about it,” Jude replied, though he had already made up his mind.
˚ ✧ ˚
Marcus and Cameron arrived at the locker room Jude had told them too, Cameron having just snooped through Y/n’s dorm with the help of Caroline.
Jude arrived shortly thereafter, out of breath from running there after his practice ended.
“So what have you got for me?” Jude asked, his hands at his sides, chest going up and down as he panted.
“A little insight into a very complicated girl,” Cameron replied, crossing his arms and leaning into a locker.
“All right, first thing. Y/n hates chapped lips,” Cameron cleared his throat, looking at Jude’s lips which were thoroughly dry.
“So you’re telling me I use chapstick,” Jude raised his brows, subconsciously licking his lips.
“Yes, well—just for now,” Marcus explained.
“And um, here’s another problem, Caroline says Y/n likes pretty guys,” Cameron added, looking from Marcus back to Jude.
Jude stared blankly at the two for a few moments before saying “Are you telling me I’m not a pretty guy?”
“He’s very pretty!” Marcus immediately countered, and Cameron followed with a “Yeah yeah I just wasn’t sure—I didn’t know,” the pair of them playing it off.
Jude visibly relaxed, and Cameron took it as a sign for him to continue. “Alright, uh yeah, okay here’s this,” Cameron reached into his back pocket and pulled out a list.
“Likes: Thai food, feminist prose, and angry girl music of the indie rock persuasion. Here’s a list of CDs she has in her dorm,” Cameron handed the list over.
“So I’m supposed to buy her some noodles and a book and sit around listening to girls who can’t play their instruments right?” Jude remarked sardonically.
“Have you ever been to Club Skunk? Her favorite band is playing there tomorrow night,” Marcus answered, and Jude’s face paled.
“I cannot be caught at Club Skunk, alright?” Jude pursed his lips into a thin line.
“But she’ll be there, she’s got tickets,” Cameron pushed back.
“Assail your ears for one night,” Marcus joined in, and Jude caved.
Dear lord what had he gotten himself into.
˚ ✧ ˚
Jude arrived at Club Skunk, not quite believing that he was spending his evening at a club full of girls. He pushed his way through the crowd, the music growing louder the further he got into the club.
Eventually he spotted Y/n, who was dancing in a black spaghetti strapped satin dress. He smiled at the sight, and stared as Y/n began laughing with a friend.
He found himself fixated on her, this was a side of Y/n he had never once seen revealed before. And he liked it.
His dark doe eyes filled with adoration as Y/n smiled brightly and cheered when the song changed, before he came to his senses and went to the bar, knowing she would eventually come there.
“Bellingham! What are you doing here tonight?” Huxley, the bartender, greeted. He knew Jude and his mates from his days at the local pub.
“Oh you know, just here for the girl,” Bellingham grinned, then asked for water.
A good few minutes later, Y/n came up to the bar, asking Huxley for 2 waters. As she stood there waiting she glanced to the side, noticing Jude sitting at a stool, inconspicuously staring at the band on stage.
She immediately frowned, and after paying for the drinks she approached him.
“If you’re planning on asking me out again you might as well get it over with,” She said loudly, barely audible over the noise of the club.
“Do you mind? You’re kind of ruining this for me,” Jude said right as she finished talking, and Y/n raised her eyebrows in disbelief.
“Your lips aren’t as chapped as they usually are,” Y/n noticed, changing the subject.
“I know, I started using chapstick, it was about time I got a tube,” Jude replied, continuing to act nonchalant when he knew he was an imposter in this club.
“You think?” Y/n laughed, her eyes focused on Jude’s mouth.
“You know these guys are no Bikini Kill or the Raincoats,” Jude remarked, bringing up other musicians he knew Y/n liked, adding “But they’re not bad,” before he stood up and started walking away.
Y/n’s smile stuck to her face, but it was a puzzled one, she stood fixated to her spot for a second before she ran to catch up to Jude.
“You know who the Raincoats are?” She demanded, her eyes squinted in puzzlement.
“Why, don’t you?” Jude shot back, pretending as if it was the most obvious thing in the world for him to know who they were.
A series of fed up expressions crossed Y/n’s face, and Jude proceeded to keep talking as the song currently played ended.
“You know I was watching you out there,” Jude commented, his voice straining to be heard over the music, “I’ve never seen you look so sexy,” The second part came out just as the song finished, and the whole club heard and began laughing.
Y/n let out a chuckle, beaming at Jude. Jude’s head leaned low, and for a moment it seemed like he was about to kiss her before he pulled his head a bit back.
“Come to Bogey’s party with me,” Jude suggested, and Y/n moved her head from side to side.
“You never give up, do you?”
“Was that a yes?” Jude asked, voice loud again as a new band started playing.
“No,” Y/n shouted, walking away.
“Was that a no?” Jude yelled after her, keeping his gaze focused on her as she disappeared into the crowd.
“No!” Y/n replied, and Jude’s lips pulled upward into the largest smile he’d ever had.
SEND ME REQUESTS PLEASE!! I’ll write for Jude and Neymar (Jude preferred tbh 🤭) and if it’s another player, message me and if I have enough slots I’ll write a fic just for you 😁
note: I am so sorry that took so long to come out, I wrote like 5 different variations of this and this was the best and it’s still underwhelming so I’m super sorry. part two will be written if people actually want it
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andradrawsstuff · 3 months
Ok, hear me out-
The penguins are DnD nerds.
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But so are the chimps, so they’d have like a whole little party and play their campaign every Thursday or something
Some headcannons:
Mason is their dungeon master
Phil is the ranger
Kowalski is a wizard
Private is their cleric
Rico is obviously the barbarian
Skipper usually goes fighter or rogue
Marlene and Julien would join later since they are newer to the zoo and they’d start a new campaign with them
Marlene is a sorcerer and is chaotic good
The penguins would make Julien be the bard lmao
The whole party is chaotic neutral apart from Marlene and Private who are chaotic good and lawful good 💀
Some other headcannons:
Kowalski and Marlene will constantly rival about who is the better magician and fight about it like siblings, but Kowalski is very arrogant about it
Skipper tries paladin once even though everyone tells him it’s a bad idea, but he doesn’t listen - he accidentally oathbreaks within the first 5 minutes and makes them restart the whole campaign
When they see Rico get randomly encumbered it’s immediately a cause for concern, because they instantly know he just yoinked some barrels of gunpowder and alcohol and is planning something really stupid
Marlene and Kowalski make up their own spells and constantly cast them on each other, much to Mason’s dismay - “I cast… MANUAL BREATHING!” “I cast… PARENTS FIND YOUR TEENAGE SKETCHBOOK!”
Skipper is an absolute menace as a rogue and always uses sleight of hand on his friends which he finds very funny
Marlene will do ANYTHING just to spite Kowalski
Private is the strongest and takes it the most seriously, so he usually has to dig the others out of their own shenanigans
Julien is the first to die in every situation, usually because his use of vicious mockery comes to bite him back in the ass
Rico loves to use his friends as improvised weapons
Mason is a very good narrator, but usually goes on forever until someone has to tell him to get to the point
Private collects EVERYTHING he finds along the way and makes Rico carry it when he gets encumbered
Phil and Rico turn into partners in crime and cause chaos and destruction wherever they go - they love to use explosives in battle which ends up with half the party dead
They always make Alice the final boss of their campaign
Maurice loves his weekly break from Julien
That’s it for now :)
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kaiispost · 2 months
soccer master list
★ Hyper bf
★ Why? (Pt.1)
★ “Minha vida”
★ Making out
★ Pressure
★ Injured
★ Falling in love
★ Stealing clothes
★ Tall Bf! ("Headcanons!")
★ Instagram au
★ Instagram au
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mchlgayser · 2 years
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starring: jude bellingham x female!reader
warning: slight mentions of reader past's relationship, very angsty but with a fluff ending & not proofread
author's note: im a big fan of how this turns out, so good, better than what i had in mind tbh, didn't mean to make jude so red flag in here but things happened lmao.
song suggestion: tv by billie eilish
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It was nighttime, past midnight, the clock strike two in the morning but still no signs of your boyfriend. You are well aware of the celebration party his manager arranged for him and the guys after they won an important match this evening but one thing that you don't get is that. For this long? He was out for all day, his match supposedly ended at 21:00 and now it's almost 03:00.
You are getting furious, partially worried and anxious, if you could drive his other car, you would have already done it hours ago revving to the club he's at but the problem is you don't drive. Your boyfriend never let you to.
Your body slumping on the leather couch, eyes boring glare on the door waiting and waiting.
The constant loud knocks on the door brought you back to life, grabbing your phone from the coffee table to see that it was now 4:03 in the morning. How furious you grew after that dashing to the door
His body immediately stuck on you like glue, his hands on his side as he rested his chin over the shoulder, you see Gio over the door 'Thanks for bringing him back.' You said, he nodded 'Try to convince him to go home but you know how he is..' You rolled your eyes 'Yeah, stubborn. Still thanks again, have a good night.' You closed the door after, bringing Jude back to your room which you silently pray for it to magically be on the first floor so that you won't have to drag him all the way.
Only a few steps up and you already gave up, he was giving up his weight on you, and your legs gave up, so you threw him down as he groan and sighed with a small smile 'You should just sleep here, I think.'
Give him a small fluff blanket, you draped it over his curled-up figure and undo some of his buttons 'Night.' You left after that having your best time sleeping on the king sized bed alone.
The next morning, Jude woke up feeling sort of discomfort and throbbing all over, his whole body is aching in pain and so is his head, probably the hungover from last night's event. His eyes are blurry, looking around but his neck are too sore for him to even twist it around. A couple of minutes has passed, he gained visions and now stunned seeing himself, sleeping on the stairs, not sleeping on his bed is one thing, no pillow is one thing.
His eyes averted to the living room, seeing you with a bowl of cereal in hand, your eyes were fixated on the movie that was playing. He tried getting up but he ended up falling back. He groaned in frustration 'Hey Y/n! Why am I sleeping here?' But you ignored him.
He grew frustrated getting up forcefully and went up to you 'Y/n? I'm talking to you.'
'Jeez, you are so loud for someone with a throbbing headache, leave me alone Jude.' He grab the controller from the table and switched off the tv 'Hey!' You growled, trying to get back but he silenced you with a side glare 'Stop it I-' He drops the controller, his head is aching in so much pain
You rolled your eyes, 'Take this pill.' He yanked it from you and you scoff 'What a jerk you are.' He sighs 'Leave me alone.'
'Nah uh, I said that first, you leave me alone, Jude.' You pointed out and sit back down.
The rest of the afternoon you've been ignoring him, well it's not like he's not ignoring you too. You do your stuff staying on the living room whilst he stayed in the room, '...Hey.' You heard him say, you noticed him from the corner of your eye but didn't budge 'C'mon Y/n, you can't stay mad at me forever?'
'Watch me.'
'Look I get it, I came home late last night but it's not like it was all the time right? Am I not allowed to have fun now? Do you think you can keep me in cage here forever? Come on, have some common sense.' You scoff 'This is so irrelevant, Oh my God! Go on have all the fun you want and come back every day at 04:00! You know what, I'm not even gonna complain! Go! Go partying, get drunk whatever, I don't even care anymore...' Your breath are rigid, out of breath, your chest violently bounced up and down
He huffed in disbelief 'Sometimes, I think it's better if I just don't go home at all you know, I'm so tired of your constant yelling and annoying rants, You are always onto me, pointing my mistakes, being absolute burden! This issue of yours I'm fucking tired of it! I'm tired of these pointless arguments! I'm tired of you!' Every spiteful word that are coming out of his mouth are like a knife, slashing into your heart multiple times.
His angry exhales, it was scary, reminiscing all your horrendous memories of your past. You eyes moist with warm tears cascaded your cheeks, it was hard to contains and you ended up crying a bit despite wanting to look tough
He sighed feeling frustrated at himself, it was't his intention to say such things, he was just mad that you've been ignoring him and not to mention the hungover from last night haven't yet subsided. He bring his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose but your next actions instantly brought tears to his eyes, he was shuddering in mistrust
Both of your hands are now in front of your face guarding it, your whole body fell to the floor as you yelped, your figure are in a major trembling state. He was stunned, could't be able to move 'Y/n...Did you...?' He was so out of words. Not once, never once this would cross his mind, the day you would become scared of him. In this poor shattering state. All because of him.
His hand wanted to hold out for you but he restrained himself, turning heels and left the house grabbing his jacket and slammed the door. You try muffling your sobs but the moment he left, you could't helped but wail and sobs like a broken child. You began hating yourself for this. How could you?! How could you think he would ever hit you?! But you could not helped it, your body acts on its own. You are too scared because of the argument.
You brought your knees to your chest hug it and cry, you don't know how fast time flies but Jude came home again, you are still in the same position but you are sleeping. His eyes soften nearing your structure and picking you up, how saddening it is for him to see you in this puffy-eyed state, cheeks stained with tears, lips bleeding slightly. He gently puts you to bed and tucked you in giving your temple and the tip of your nose a chaste kiss.
He was about to leave, ready to take the guest room to sleep but you hold his hand, your eyes barely opened but he could see that it was reddish and swell 'Hey...' He croaked, tucking one strand of your hair behind your ear. He was cautious as he sat beside you by the edge of the bed with your hand still holding his.
He was hesitant 'I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean what I said, at all. I'm just... Mad because you ignored me but I understand. You can stay mad as long as you want, I'll make it up to you, months, years, decades and forever so please don't leave me.' You hold tightens, sending him a small lazy smile 'No I'm sorry Jude, I know you won't hit me it's just... I think I'm being paranoid. You know how shitty my past relationships are.' He adjusted the hold, hands now entangling
'And I promise not to make you feel that way anymore, from today onwards, no sorrow for you. At least not from me. I won't treat you like they did. I won't became the asshole and treat you like an object. You are one kind of treasure. That one that needs to be held carefully so it won't break. I promise to take a better care of you.' He boops your nose and smile giving you a long kiss on the head and hugs your form
'Come on, sleep with me.' He get under the bed beside you, his body facing you with one arm stretching out and tucks it under your head and the other arm resting on your waist caressing it. Your head against his broad chest and hugging him close to you, closing your eyes with a contempt sigh 'I love you Jude.' Her hums, kissing the top of your head and murmur; 'I love you too babe.'
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bl00dst41ned · 1 year
made a collage of some of my celeb male crushes
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was fun to do but I'm wondering if I have a type now
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avenirdelight · 2 years
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England NT — Nike FC Event at St. George’s Park | Inside Access | FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022
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romaroy · 1 year
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Justin Kirk in The Tribes of Palos Verdes
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hotwanter · 2 years
Suits (2011)
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nothingbutedits · 8 months
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lilirari · 10 months
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ ( ⚽ ) . . . FAKE TEXTS !
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ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ꩜⋆ i should be studying for my physics exam right now but i just had the sudden urge to make these texts for these silly bri'ish men ehe.. also i made declan's contact name as 'girl dinner' bc his last name is rice and that's basically what (asian) people have for dinner ahaha i'm so funny 👩🏻‍🦯 anyways hope you guys will like it ! i'm willing to take requests for fake texts so if you have anyone in mind (be it a f1/f2 driver or a footballer), you can send their names in my asks ! ^^
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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atearinspaceairlock · 11 months
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FAVOURITE ALBUMS of 2023 [insp]
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ala2ilas-s · 2 years
Mason Mount
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The whistle was blown and my heart sank, we lost. I pushed down my own feelings and looked for Mason. The moment I spotted him I called out for Gareth. He was talking to the other coaches but when he heard his name, looked over at me desperately pleading him to let me on the field and finally nodded. I shouted thanks and jumped off the benches running to my boy. He was haunched over on Harry’s side, hand on his shoulder and while I couldn’t hear what he was saying I stopped a few feet away from them letting them have their moment. Meanwhile Declan passed me putting a hand on my shoulder and I looked at him smiling sympathetically “you were great Declan, don’t beat yourself up” I told him hugging him and he sniffed nodding at me and I could see in his eyes that he needed to hear that.
Mason spotted me when he stood up, patting Harry’s shoulder giving him and Jordan space to talk. I didn’t waste another second and ran straight in his arm and he hugged me tighter than ever pushing his face in my neck.
“You’re a star Mase, my star” I whispered putting a hand on his hair scratching lightly other arm around his neck holding him protectively while I could feel his knees wobbling and my neck becoming wet “I’ve got you love” I said pressing a kiss to the side of his head. He only responded with tightening his hold on me.
Jack came on behind us one hand on my shoulder while the other went to pat mason’s head “cmon” he said smiling sadly at me.
Mason slowly lifted his head up, eyes bloodshot and I had to bite my lips to stop my bottom lip from quivering. He wiped his face with his sleeves clearing his throat and was dragged away by Jack who first looked at me, silently asking for permission. Mason glanced at me for a brief second before looking away, almost like he was embarrassed.
It warmed my heart when I saw all the boys running for a group hug just being there for each other while they were feeling crappy themselves. I was confused when Jordan suddenly ran over to me “what?” I asked, he didn’t answered just went behind me, gently grabbed my sides and pushed me over to the hug. The boys breaking the hug to let us in it.
My heart cracked more when I looked over to mason and he was still avoiding my eyes but I just gave him space. When the hug was finally over Phil jogged over to me. Almost halting to a stop to see my expression “I’m so proud of you” I said tears uncontrollably pulling at my eyes and that was more than enough for him to pull me into a bone crushing hug. I closed my eyes hugging him tighter allowing myself to let go for a minute in my brother’s embrace “I’ll see you around alright?” He whispered after a minute, kissing my forehead and I nodded.
The field slowly clearing up, couple players still around and I saw mason still in the same position glancing at me but looking back at his feet when he caught my eyes. I slowly walked up to him cupping his cheeks “hey..” I whispered softly stroking his cheek, knowing it’d help him relax and it worked, for a second. He leaned into my palm before taking a deep breath, almost like he was preparing himself for another hit and finally looked at me.
“Are you disappointed?” He mumbled sniffing up again and that’s when I felt myself freezing up, feeling all sorts of things at once. His questioned echoed through my mind bringing me back to reality.
“Mason” I said his full name, firmer than before his teary brown eyes looking at me resembling a kicked puppy “do you trust me?” I asked which caused him to frown but didn’t hesitate to nod “with my life”
“Then please believe me when I say you can never disappoint me” I said stepping closer to him. He bite his lips, looking up to blink the fresh tears away “I’m so proud of you” I said wiping the one that escaped the corner of his eye “and I love you”
“Fuck I love you” he said grabbing the back of my neck and smashing our lips together. I could taste the salty tears on his slightly chopped lips, I could also taste my lip balm that I know he stole from me but claimed he didn’t, but mostly I could taste him and I never wanted to stop.
My arms around his neck, our bodies pressed together, breathing in each other and that was enough to make us forget about everything even just for just a second.
“Get a room” we heard a mocking chuckle on our left which caused us to pull apart slightly.
I frowned as I saw Kylian Mbappé standing a few feet away from us, smirking with his arms crossed “cmon man” one of his teammate told him trying to drag him away from the field, clearing trying to diffuse the situation but Mbappé shrugged him off.
Mason’s arms fell from my neck to my waist as he held me close to him. My hand on his chest and I could feel how fast his heart was beating, his jaw clenching hard and furious eyes on kylian.
“You’ve got a problem mate?” Mason asked voice dangerously low, his chest vibrating.
“Aww someone’s a sore loser” Mbappé pouted mockingly causing me to tense up, glaring at him. Right as I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind I felt mason squeezing my side almost like he could sense me about to blow up but he just stood his ground glaring at him.
It was Mbappé’s turn to frown, obviously unsatisfied that he didn’t get the reaction he wanted from mason “why don’t you come with me sweetheart, bet I can show you a better time than your little boy toy”
I almost got a whiplash from how fast my head whipped around in his direction. To say I was shook was an understanding. Mason was always a calm person but his nostrils flaring was indicating he was anything but calm at that moment just as he was about to take a step forward a hand on his chest stopped him and I saw Jordan standing next to him also glaring at the French player.
“Take the win Mbappé” my eyes snapped to my right seeing Jude standing protectively to my right and despite everything I could feel a small smile crawling on my lips feeling extremely lucky to have the team on my side. They were like my family.
I didn’t even noticed Mbappé leaving and I turned around thanking both of them. Jude messing my hair with a gentle smile on his lips causing me to giggle for the first time that night.
“Go change we’ll leave in a few minutes. I’ll stay with her” Jordan said.
Mason hesitated before slowly letting go of my side “you good?” He asked gently stroking my cheek with his thumb before pressing a kiss to my forehead. Walking to the tunnel with Jude once I nodded.
Me and Jordan walked to the benches. He was always like a big brother for me and Phil, always watching our backs considering we knew each other since we were kids.
“How you feeling?” I asked watching him closely “gutted” he sighed “but we gave it all, so.. proud” he gave me crooked smiled and I squeezed his shoulder “I think you were brilliant” I said really meaning and he nodded chuckling as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder “I know” he said causing me to giggle and I leaned on his chest. Both of us settling and enjoying being with each other, something we haven’t had the chance to do much lately.
“Take care of your boys” Jordan nodded to mason coming out of the tunnel with my brother. The other boys following closely behind “he’s a good one” he continued and I looked up at him with a thankful smile. He always supported me through my whole life and knowing that he approved of Mason was a huge comfort for me.
“Cmon, time to go home”
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upindreamland · 1 year
Hard Launch - Mason Mount & Twin!Brother Phil Foden
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boyfriend!mason mount x fem!reader x twin!brother phil foden
Summary: It’s your birthday and what better way to celebrate then to tell the whole world about the person who makes you the happiest.
Warnings: None
AN: In honor of Phil Foden’s birthday I made this cute little instagram imagine. I hope you enjoy!
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Liked by philfoden, masonmount, jackgrealish, user_1, and 378,200 others
yn_foden: happy birthday to my number 1 since the womb! Phil thanks for being the best big brother (even though it’s only by 5 minutes). It’s been an amazing ride with you. It’s been an honor watching you grow and accomplish all these things we talked about when we were younger. I love you so much
philfoden: Dang who is that fine young lad? 
↳ yn_foden: definitely not you 😊
philfoden: I love you too little sister. I can’t believe you’ve grown up so quickly
↳ yn_foden: 🙄 we’re the same age Phillip. 
mancityfan: Young Phil was so cute. Thank you Y/N for posting these!
↳ yn_foden: anytime
england: happy birthday to our favorite set of twins!! 
jackgrealish: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N (my favorite Foden)
↳ yn_foden: jackgrealish thank you Jackyboy 
↳ philfoden: jackgrealish HEY! what about me??
↳ jackgrealish: philfoden you didn't let me have a piece of cake
↳ philfoden: jackgrealish ohh whatever
masonmount: can’t wait to celebrate 🎉 ❤️
↳ masonfan: masonmount a red heart???? What the heck
↳ yn_foden: masonmount ❤️❤️❤️
↳ philfoden: yn_foden OMG IS IT HAPPENING
↳ yn_foden: philfoden SHHHHHHH
↳ masonfan: philfoden i think I might pass out
mancity: That last picture though 💙. Happy birthday Y/N and Phil!!
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Liked by masonmount, judebellingham, phildoen, randomuser, and 489,700 others
yn_foden: life recently! ft. my birthday. 
Thank you all for the birthday wishes I appreciate them all 🫶
tagged: masonmount
masonmount: I love you Y/N
↳ yn_foden: I love you too Mason. Thank you for making me the happiest girl ever 
↳ masonfan: masonmount  dang he’s really off the market 
user_3: This was definitely not on my bingo card 
philfoden: FINALLY!!!! It’s only taken 2 years to post this!!
↳ yn_foden: oh shut up
↳ fan_1: 2 YEARS?? They’ve been together for 2 years and we didn’t even know 
philfoden: ALSO, why that picture Y/N?? You promised to never show it again 
↳ randomuser: I know what my new profile picture is going to be now 
↳ yn_foden: randomuser DO IT!!!!
jackgrealish: cutest couple ever!! Please just keep the PDA down now that you’re public 
↳ masonmount: jackgrealish no promises 😏
judebellinghman: MY PARENTS. I love you guys
↳ yn_foden: judebellinghman my favorite son! Thanks for the birthday present btw
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AN: That's it! I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to come talk to me or request something. Feedback is always appreciated
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