#philippus icons
clamityganon · 2 years
let’s look at the name valentinez alkalinella xifax sicidabohertz gombigobilla blue stradivari talentrent pierre andri charton-haymoss ivanovici baldeus george doitzel kaiser III and its significance to vash’s character
valentinez -> valentine -> love and peace!!!
alkalinella -> alkaline -> relating to a common disposable battery made of zinc and manganese dioxide. hmm. a battery is used by humans for power….
xifax -> internet fax service -> old technology adapted for a new generation, continuing to be of use despite others like it not being made anymore
sicidabohertz -> sicida -> suicide. vash highly disapproves of suicide
sicidabohertz also -> hertz -> hertz is the unit of frequency equivalent to one event (or cycle) per second. time does not apply to vash
gombigobilla -> gomb -> Hungarian onomatopoeia, typically referring to a button. referring to vash’s arm gun
blue -> the color of his eyes, but it’s also the opposite to his iconic red coat. red is vash’s signature color. however, the opposite of red is blue, and the opposite of vash is knives... knives is a part of his brother forever.
stradivari -> antonio stradivari was an italian craftsman of string instruments such as violins, cellos, guitars, violas and harps. he was also a luthier (repairer of instruments). you would come to him for fixing your problem, which is a broken instrument. stradivari was also at first seen as someone with unconventional ideas for violins, but was applauded later on for his innovation. vash is always seen as someone who can be manipulated into solving others’ issues (like how you see at the starting of the 90s series with the sillier filler episodes, and knives trying to use him as a weapon to wipe out the world). 
talentrent -> talent -> duh, he’s talented with a gun
pierre -> a nod to how he spoke french once while crying for “maman”
andri -> is a girls' name is of greek origin meaning "manly” and “virile". vash was created as a protagonist who has appeal for both men and women, leaving him androgynous. 
charton -> chart -> vash is creating his own morals and ethical rules for humanity. he walks an unconventional path compared to all he’s come across, and he’s navigating the waters himself. he welcomes others, but he recognizes that most of it might be spent alone due to all differences.
haymoss -> both names of plants, which rem loved
ivanovici -> ivan the great -> ivan the great was characterized as a cruel tyrant, drunk, and a misogynist, which is contradictory from his character of being a ruler of “great fairness and equity” as written by previous writers. vash’s reputation as the humanoid typhoon blackens his true personality.
baldeus -> philippus baldaeus -> created the long-held belief that the origin of european civilization started in india with hindu and buddhist origins. he was the first who told the wider european audience about krishna and the epics of ramayana and mahabharata. vash is bringing a new ideology to the people, and tries to impact them with it (seen in all episodes where he begs others to not kill, because he doesn’t believe they should). but vash’s arguments don’t normally have an impact on the people around him unlike philippus baldaeus (until it’s too late…)
george -> the name derives from the greek words “earth/soil” and “work”. another nod to the plant appreciation vash had along with rem.
doitzel -> ditz -> a scatterbrained or eccentric person. vash puts on a ditzy persona while harboring a deep sadness.
kaiser -> kaiser is the german word for "emperor". In general, the title applies to rulers anywhere in the world above the rank of king. vash can be seen as a prophet-like figure. he can be considered above all humanity, being inhuman himself but also being one of the few people to cherish human life.
and as @roronoarica pointed out, in the notes “the III has also a meaning then! He is the third independent plant besides Tesla and Knives” that was a good one 😼
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On February 26th 1672  the Border woollen industry was  established when  Philip van der Straten of Bruges set up the first mill dressing and refining wool at Kelso
Van den Straten came over to Scotland to set up the business, but first had to wait for the correct paperwork to be completed, by the powers that be, when it did it read;
‘Anent a petition presented by Philippus van der Straten… intending to reseid in this country and imploy a considerable stock of money in dressing and refining of wooll, in order to which he hath already sett up a work and imployed diverse workmen who are now refining and dressing of Scottes wooll at Kelso… being born in Bruges in Flanders.’                         Register of the Privy Council.
This certainly wasn’t the first time a Flemish man came over to ply his trade here, the first influx was said to have happened in the 11th century,.The Flemings were so expert in making woollen cloth, that it was said of them that their skill in the art of weaving was a peculiar gift conferred by nature. Large numbers of weavers came over from Flanders.
In the reign of Alexander III. considerable quantities of wool were exported to the Continent in exchange for linen, silks, and broadcloth; but there is no mention in the records of those times, so far as I can see, but a lot of our mediaeval records were lost when Edward I plundered the country and took everything that  defined our nationality south in an attempt to turn us into his fiefdom.
 About the year 1600 seven Flemings were brought to Edinburgh to instruct the people how to make "seys" and broadcloth at home, so as to be independent of a supply from England. There were many difficulties in the way, however, and no record remains to show that anything came of the scheme. When "the Hospital of our Lady," which had been founded in Leith Wynd, Edinburgh, by Bishop Spens of Aberdeen in 1479, passed into the hands of the Town Council in 1619, it was converted into a work-house, and named Paul's Work.
The woollen industry really took off in 1771 with the introduction of stocking frames by a canny merchant, Bailie John Hardie. The Pringle brand began life in 1815, with Barrie, Innes Henderson, Lyle & Scott, Peter Scott and many others following.
Over time, stockings evolved into ‘combination’ garments, and eventually knitted underwear made the leap into outerwear, in the form of pullovers, cardigans and the classic British style icon, the ‘twinset’, invented by Pringle’s.
The woollen industry saw a downturn in the late 20th century due to overseas competition, but is thriving once again, with renewed emphasis on design, superb quality, cutting-edge technology and exquisite hand finishing.
Hawick has a long association with the world’s most famous designers, from Dior, Bernat Klein and Chanel to Vivienne Westwood and Clements Ribiero.
Today, couturiers and designers from Italy, France, London’s Savile Row and Highland estates are still regular visitors to Hawick’s mills. And the Hawick-couture partnership is a secret no more!
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jesncin · 2 years
Awww that’s sad. More question! Will Bruce admit his feelings about J’onn to anyone during this time ? Are you planning to remix any more iconic storylines? Does Clark have any funny stories happen to him? Are hippolyta and philippus together in your universe?
More answers!
During J'onn's death in Epiphany? I don't think so since Bruce's still figuring it out.
Epiphany exploratory sketches and a Martian Manhunter origin story are all I plan on remixing at the moment. Maybe when I re-watch the Justice League cartoon some ideas will come up. But I'm keeping it small for now.
There's this running joke in the comics where Lois writes a lot of typos in her articles and I like to think Clark has gotten so used to fixing them that he politely corrects people's typos out of habit on the League computers, haha.
Hmm! I don't have an opinion on that quite yet (I'm fixated on Tall Green Alien Man right now)! My only opinion on the Amazons is that they gotta smooch each other.
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:3 more canon DC lesbians
Top: Philippus Middle: Margaret Sawyer Bottom: Sojourner Mullein
pls credit me if you use- thnx!
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likaron · 7 years
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Wonder Woman Family Week: 5. July 7th - Friendships - Relationships
Amazons Pride Icons
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bonus: transparent
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phoenixlionme · 3 years
DC Black Superheroes
1. Virgil Hawkins aka Static
2. Jakeem Thunder
3. Anansi - Static ally from the animated TV series; West African hero
4. John Stewart aka Green Lantern
5. Keli Quintela aka Teen Lantern - biracial; Afro-Indigenous Bolivian
6. Naomi McDuffie aka Naomi
7. Bolt aka Atlinta - last name unknown; possibly biracial, I believe half white
8. Jenni Ognats aka XS - biracial; half white
9. Danica Willams aka Flash
10. Wallace West aka Kid Flash
11. Duke Thomas aka The Signal
12. Catwoman aka Selina Kyle - biracial; Afro-Cuban
13. Val Zod aka Superman
14. Calvin Ellis aka Superman
15. Batwing aka Luke Fox
16. Tiffany Fox aka Batgirl
17. Maya Ducard aka Nobody - biracial; Afro-Latina
18. Amanda Waller
19. Karen Beecher aka Bumblebee
20. Augustus Freeman aka Icon
21. Raquel Ervin aka Rocket
22. Victor Stone aka Cyborg
23. Sarah Charles
24. Mari McCabe aka Vixen - Ghana born immigrant
25. Jackson Hyde/Kaldur’ahm aka Aqualad
26. John Henry Irons aka Steel
27. Natasha Irons aka Steel II
28. Beth Chapel aka Doctor Mid-Nite
29. Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lightning
30. Anissa Pierce aka Thunder
31. Jennifer Pierce aka Lightning
32. Michael Holt aka Mr. Terrific 
33. Jason Rusch aka Firestorm
34. Black Vulcan - from the old Superfriend cartoon who I personally would retcon as a woman
35. Curt Metcalf aka Hardware
36. Mal Duncan aka Guardian
37. Hot Spot - name unknown; from the animated Teen Titans show
38. Anita Fite aka Empress - biracial; Afro Haitian
39. Jill Carlyle aka Crimson Avenger
40. Nubia aka Wonder Woman
41. Yara Flor aka Wonder Woman - biracial; she is an Afro-Indigenous Brazilian
42. Tanya Spears aka Power Girl II 
43. David Zavimbe aka Batman of Africa or Batwing - Congolese born
44. Connor Hawke aka Green Lantern II - biracial; half white and Korean; depicted with a dark complexion
45. Adam Evans aka Rubberband Man - ally of Static in the animated TV series
46. Darla Dudley aka Shazam
47. Jo Mullein aka Green Lantern
48. Jess Chambers aka Future State Flash
49. Bobby Barnes aka Wonderboy
50. Philippus - Often considered Wonder Woman Diana’s other mother
51. Akila - Amazon warrior and lover of Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
52. Peony McGill aka Star Blossom
Please list any more if you don’t see any on the list. Be respectful with the comments.
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I just watched Wonder Woman today and I’m still soo pumped after it so I wanna do some blogrates!
mbf this diana of themyscira lover
send me the 👸 emoji + your favourite badass female character form movie or tv show :D
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blacklist #ewa rates if you don’t wanna see this
format below the cut:
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira icon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira mobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?:
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snarktheater · 7 years
Comic Book review — Wonder Woman Rebirth
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Happy Wonder Woman Day! I wish I could be talking about the new Wonder Woman movie, but since I'm not getting it in theaters for a couple more weeks, I have to resort to a back-up solution.
Luckily, I mentioned at the end of last year that I'd been reading a lot of comics, especially Wonder Woman comics. And with the completion of the fourth story arc in the Wonder Woman run since the DC Rebirth started, I feel like it's a pretty good time to look back at what the comic has been about, what it's done, and why I love it so much.
First of all: I'm still far from a massive comic book aficionado. I know about comics because I basically live on the Internet (and also, let's face it, because of Linkara), but I'm not really following either the evolution of the DC Universe or the Marvel comic universe. So I'm always happier to catch a series as it starts, especially if it starts anew.
The Wonder Woman Rebirth fits that bill. Part of the DC Rebirth initiative that started a year ago, which didn't fully reboot the universe but did force a clean slate (and some retcons) on most of the properties, it's a series that clearly has roots somewhere, but is written to be accessible to new readers. Like me. Well, kind of. I did read part of the Gaile Simone run before this one, but there's been a universe reboot between the two, so I think it doesn't count anyway.
Another thing: I said it's the fourth story arc, but the comic was actually published with two parallel story arcs at once until now, and all four have built up towards a single storyline.
So we have four story arcs. On the present-day side of things, we have the aptly-named "The Lies" and "The Truth". And in the past, we have "Year One" and "Godwatch". The present-day storylines are more intricately tied together, while the past storyline are independent from each other and mostly connect to the concurrently-running story…to an extent.
The Lies and The Truth are, as the naming scheme implies, two facets of the same story. Diana realizes that something's wrong as her past and memories become confused as a result of the DC Rebirth events, and her investigation leads her to uncover…well, a lie. A pretty big one. Then comes The Truth, where she tries to uncover…well, what the truth really is. Wow, am I being vague with this recap. But really, there's little way of explaining it beyond that.
Year One, meanwhile, follows Diana's first year as Wonder Woman, complete with Steve Trevor crashing on Themyscira and Diana leaving to the "world of men" with him, knowing that she can never return. Of course she does this with a reason: signs have appeared that Ares, the god of war, had escaped from his prison, and Diana must stop him.
Godwatch, finally, follows the backstory of, well, Godwatch, an antagonistic organization that appears near the end of The Lies and is our primary villain throughout The Truth. The comics still feature Diana, of course, but she's not aware of who's pulling the strings of the fights she's involved in. This may make this story arc seem trivial, but it it not.
Why do I love this four-part, twenty-four issues story? Well, on the surface, it's just really well-crafted. The plots intertwine, setups are made that pay off long afterwards and feel natural and no element feels out of place in hindsight. The world surrounding the Amazons is built with precision and with a fresh take that divorces them from Greek culture specifically and gives them a more universal edge. The main characters are fleshed-out and well-rounded, featuring Diana and Steve, naturally, but also Etta Candy, reimagined from Steve's assistant with an unrequited crush to his superior officer (on top of being a black woman, which I understand is the case since the New 52 reboot), Barbara Ann Minerva, the villainous "Cheetah" being now a scientist with a fascination for the myth of the Amazons and a feminist streak…
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…and Veronica Cale, the head of Godwatch, who has a troubled past of her own and is really just trying her best. Plus, a few more characters to round out the cast (and of course, a bunch of Amazons in the early issues who stay very relevant afterwards, in spite of everything).
But it's not just that it's a well-crafted story. This run has themes, and they're good, and I want to talk about them. And I'll split it in two broad categories for the sake of structure
Queer and feminist themes
I'll start with this one because…well, it's more incidental. Although it's really important too, don't get me wrong. But it's more…there, rather than something the story is trying to make a point about.
And really, it's long overdue. Diana comes from a society of only women. She's the most famous superheroine in existence. If anyone's story should primarily focus on women (and it does, if you look at my list of protagonists) and feature some pretty major queer women, it's this one.
And this series delivers on that front, too. Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons calls her general Philippus "my love", Etta Candy and Barbara Ann "Cheetah" Minerva are implied to be a couple when the latter isn't busy being a monstrous demigod, villain Veronica Cale and her associate Adrianna are definitely intimate and Veronica's daughter Isadore "has no father"…it's all there. And of course, there is Diana herself:
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Diana of Themyscira is canon bi in this series. And I do mean bi, since she also has a thing with Steve Trevor and apparently a romantic past with Superman, although that one I think is due to earlier comics that we get the sense the writers here would have happily done away with.
And the greatest thing (especially considering the writer is male) is that all this representation of queer women is done without a single objectifying scene of any of these women. The one more thing I could ask for at this point are trans Amazons, really. But still, that's some giant steps forward.
It's not just queer representation. The story, as I mentioned, is focused primarily on women. Diana's gang includes herself, Steve, Etta and Barbara Ann, and the latter is the first she can even talk to outside of Themyscira, while Etta is definitely her closest friend. The first antagonist of The Lies is Urzkartaga, the god who cursed Barbara Ann to be Cheetah, and he's a literal misogynistic god with a cult of literal misogynists. So that's one obvious message there.
Also—and I'd be remiss to mention it—that head of that cult, Cadulo, gives us my favorite Steve Trevor moment.
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So, you know, no big deal. Let's just have every single protagonist in the series denounce aspects of the patriarchy and fight literal misogynists.
The bigger antagonist of the entire story arc, Veronica Cale, is on the opposite end, in that she's humanized thanks to the Godwatch prequel stories and given motive for standing against Wonder Woman (spoiler: she's more or less coerced). Bonus point since, when the coercion is lifted, she immediately stands down instead of going on being evil for no reason, which I almost expected to happen but never did.
And you also have some racial inclusiveness. On top of Etta, as I mentioned, the Amazons are moved out of Greece and are now multicultural, and a few prominent figures (like Philippus, whom I already mentioned, and a woman who appears to be the Amazons' chief scientist). I'm not going to say it's the most balanced ratio I've seen (because…it's not), but considering how many "iconic" characters we're dealing with here, I think the books are faring remarkably.
Truth and compassion
Linkara defines Wonder Woman as the "spirit of Truth", and I think that's the best way to describe her. I realize that sounds like a meaningless, pompous title, but it actually captures what she's about fairly well.
Outside of the obvious (her lasso makes people tell the truth), the idea of Wonder Woman as the spirit of truth is also well explained in her post-Crisis on Infinite Earth backstory (which is also shown in that video I just linked), where one of the powers she received is to "open men's hearts". Which, no, isn't about romance—I think.
It's truth, but it's also all that derives from it. Above all, something I think is best explained in the recent annual issue of this very series:
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Understanding. And with it, empathy and compassion. Which defines Wonder Woman's heroism. To me, the Big Three of DC's universe, at their best-written, convey very identifiable and humanist messages (in the classic sense of the word, not in the "shouldn't feminism be called humanism if it's about equality?" nonsense).
Batman is the heroism humanity can achieve (and note that I'm not talking about edgelord Batman here like in Batman v Superman, I'm talking about the guy who adopts a whole gaggle of children because he can't see anyone else grow up alone like he did), through wits and resourcefulness (and, admittedly, money). Superman is the value of humanity; what makes a god-like being like him heroic is that he is human and understands humans (again, not something we see in the Snyderverse much), and cares about them. And Wonder Woman is the in-between, the demigod (not necessarily in-universe) who embodies the best values of what humanity can be.
There's obviously some intersection, and probably also better ways to phrase it (let's be real, there's probably an essay's worth of discussion in what I just said in a paragraph), but that's the gist of it.
A few very popular frames from Wonder Woman are the one that shows Batman could never identify a weakness for her, and another where she says she doesn't have a rogue's gallery like Batman and Superman because "when I deal with them, I deal with them". Both of these are cool and badass, but they omit the reason why both of these things are true (in theory if not always in execution, because, again, inconsistent writers): her primary weapon is compassion and understanding. At her best, she solves the problem that drove her villains to villainy in the first place (which is exactly what she does in this series with Barbara Ann as Cheetah), and only resorts to force as the final resort, like with Urzkartaga. And that brings us to the resolution of this story.
Minor spoilers in the next few paragraphs.
It turns out that the big villain behind everything Diana had faced throughout this story wasn't Ares as she thought—he never even left his prison on Themyscira. Instead, it's his sons, Deimos and Phobos (terror and panic), who want to usurp Ares as the god of war. See, when Ares was bound to his prison, he was allowed to see the madness that war brings, so he doesn't really want to be released.
So Diana has to stop Phobos and Deimos, literal gods, from killing their dads. How does she do that?
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End of the spoilers.
It's the same thing with Veronica Cale, though I won't go into details over why. Diana deals with her enemies by understanding them. Even Urzkartaga is defeated through Diana's empathy, not for him, but for his victims.
On a greater level, the final battle of the story sends a powerful message: that truth, understanding and compassion are greater than fear, anger and violence. They are far more powerful tools to solve a problem. And that's a pretty powerful message to send, especially in a superhero comic.
And that's what Wonder Woman being the spirit of Truth means to me, why I love this comic series, and incidentally, why she's my favorite superhero across the board. Oh, yeah, did I mention that she's my favorite superhero? I might have wanted to start with that.
Happy Wonder Woman day, everyone. And now I'll go back to anxiously waiting until I can see the movie, while hoping very, very hard that I won't be disappointed by it. But if I am, I'll know I can go back to these comics to find the heroine I love.
Also, if you're interested in checking these out for yourselves (and you absolutely should), Comixology is currently having a Wonder Woman Day sale until June 5, which includes the first seven issues of this series, so go take advantage of that!
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👸 Jennifer Goines and Nyota Uhura 👸 i trust that you loved Wonder Woman as i am yet too see it!!! have a great weekend👸👸👸👸
I don;t know what show/movie Jennifer is but i trust you she’s badass! and YASS for Uhura obv!!!
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciraicon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira mobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?: yup!
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👸 WONDER WOMAN!! (forever sad i won't see her for another two weeks) but also so many more like Peggy Carter, Rey, Lois Lane and Kate Beckett...
Its so weird you have the premiere later than we in Poland!!! 
also yasss for Wonder Woman, PEGGY, and Rey and Lois and Kate YASSS alll the badass women!!!
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciraicon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira mobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?: now!!! :D
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👸👸👸 - some female heroes: Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice, Uhura from Star Trek, Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec, and WONDER WOMAN of course ^_^
Yassss for Uhura and Wonder Woman! :D And i bet the other characters are badass as well :D
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciraicon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira mobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?: YUP!
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👸 + Uhura and Diana ♥♥♥
Yess! :D
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👸 leia and diana would have to be my favorites. Thank you!
YES!! they are badass! :D
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciraicon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira mobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?: now!!
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👸 aah there are so many that I love. But I gotta say Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec. She's amazing. And omg I'm so jealous you already saw WW! It opens here in Belgium 21st of June.
21st?! OUCH!! Poor you, guys! Yeah we had the premiere already :D
I never saw Parks&Rec but I believe you thats shes a badass!!! :D
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciraicon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira mobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?: yup!
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👸 fav badass female: Kate Beckett from the TV show Castle
Yeah, from what I remember from the few eps of Castle, Kate was a badass woman!!!
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciraicon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciramobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?: now!! :D
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Hey there! :) I can't pick just one favourite character, so here they are: Mako Mori, Roxy Morton, Furiosa and all the ladies from Black Sails 👸
yass Mako Mori! And Roxy!!!!!!!! And Furiosa reminds me i still have to watch Mad Max.... :D
url: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themysciraicon: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira theme: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira mobile: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira posts: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira overall: philippus | artemis | antiope | hippolyta | diana of themyscira following?: YUP!!!
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