goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Icy Serenade: Astarion x OC — Chapter 2!!
Hidden Natures — Chapter Summary:
The cold night becomes the perfect place to let Astarion’s true nature reveal itself. As he wanders through the forest, he spots Philrath.
The Half-Dragon tries to hide her secret as much as possible, but it is difficult to hide her emotions. The night becomes warm at least for a moment, and they both rethink their hidden natures. Read on: AO3 Words: 2972 Rating: Explicit Previous Chapter: The Encounter Next Chapter: Bad Dreams
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Fanfic Summary:
 "I don't know. I... I never imagined my scales feeling such a... sweet touch..."
Philrath is a Half-dragon, daughter of a powerful White Dragon, destined to run and hide. One day, fate puts her in front of Astarion, a seductive and mysterious elf, who reveals himself to be a vampire.
 The two beings hide secrets and flee from a past and destiny that refuses to leave them in peace. Amid chains, scars, pain and fear, can there be anything good? Maybe it can, but to do that they will need to find themselves in the darkness.
 Will they have their freedom...?
 "Your scales and fangs... They're a gift, darling." Read Prologue: AO3 Words in total: 9,589
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Meet my Tav/OC!
Philrath, the Half-Dragon
Hello everyone, while I'm writing the next chapter, I thought I'd show a little bit of Philrath, the OC who co-stars in the story, and my Tav in the game!
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Race and Appearance: Philrath is a White Half-Dragon, children of dragons with humanoid races, usually humans and elves. Unlike Dragonborns, Half-Dragons are literally children of dragons, inheriting characteristics from them, but also from their parent's non-dragon races. They usually end up being an amalgamation of the two breeds, with certain characteristics. They are hybrids, just like animals in the real world, and are therefore infertile. Philrath has an elven body, white hair, with turquoise blue highlights. His skin is fair, with freckles on his face. He has white horns, with slight bluish tips on his head. She has white scales on her face, and on the rest of her body, in places such as: Back, Shoulders and Legs. Her eyes are yellow with these draconic pupils, which have a certain glow in the dark. I like to imagine that she would have fangs, very small, even though this doesn't exist in the game, it's a characteristic that I like to think about.
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Class, Alignment and Combat:
Philrath was initially born in my game as a ranger, but I chose to leave her secondary class as a bard, and that ended up being canonical in my story. So, she is a bard who seeks to bring joy to people, with songs, or with actions. Still, the patrol class is not there for nothing. She is very connected to nature, not as much as a druid, but she understands it in a way that benefits her. She uses Speak to Animals a lot to get advantages and to help the poor animals, protecting them from people's evil. She also uses her ranged attacks to help the team, always giving buffs to her companions (cough cough, Astarion, cough), healing them when needed and being deadly when necessary. Philrath as a Half-Dragon transforms into one, being small at first, but growing as he matures and expands his powers, understanding them better. This in gameplay is well... Overpower, but I always dosed it to only use it when it was NECESSARY (hello, Cazador???), so as not to ruin the gameplay. And in history this was cool, it was as if she was afraid to use her powers, and let them emerge as the journey became more difficult. In the end, for her group, she turned into a deadly white dragon, which freezes everyone in its path.
Her Alignment changed A LOT, as my perception changed. At first she was definitely Lawful-Good, trying to be a good person. However, in act 1 she performed very... Chaotic acts. In act 2 I would already put her in Neutral-Good, and in 3 she is certainly a Chaotical-Good or even Neutral-Neutral. My explanation for this was two: The Journey and its Dragon Side. Baldur's Gate's journey is not an easy one, and she has made chaotic and desperate decisions for the good of herself and the group, yet never evil ones. She helped the Tieflings, saved the Nightsong, helped Halsin, was always respectful to Jaheira and let very few die. For her companions, she is a hero, but Philrath doesn't see herself that way. She killed the hunter Guur, she killed all the goblins, she was always aggressive when necessary. But still, she forced Ketheric to seek to be better, not facing him in the end. But as many know, White Dragons are Chaotical-Evil, and she may have gotten that from her father, in part, which explains her impulsiveness in combat.
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(She judging Astarion AND the Hunter Gur)
Personality and Romance:
Philrath is someone kind despite the problems I mentioned above, she understands that she can be dangerous, and that's why she prefers to stay away than to get attached, but at the same time, she is afraid of abandonment. She grew up without her biological parents, always seeing herself as strange. Even though she had a great adoptive father, these problems persist with her to this day. That's why she has her motto: "The Group stays together". Philrath never abandoned any of them, he always gave them the chance to improve and stay with it. She never judged, she doesn't see herself in such a position, after all, she doesn't think she's worthy. As a bard, she likes to make people happy, even if the reason is sad. It's a way for her to make people ignore her different appearance, deep down she hates how she looks, but she loves being who she is. She loves flying like a dragon, loves the powers, the feeling of strength. But she hates being different from other elves, being seen as a monster and a freak. Hence her identification with those who suffer, how would she judge someone, when she is judged all the time? Maybe it was the identification that hooked her. She saw herself in Astarion when he revealed himself to be a vampire, when he declared his fears, when he showed his marks and scars. His words (sometimes false) were comforting. As a Demisexual, she is attracted to the self, not the form. And the Astarion being was interesting. She would love to write more about the relationship, but then it would be fic (more than I've already done in this post). Who knows, maybe I won't do it in my fanfic. She stayed with Astarion until the end, but had a light kiss with Wyll in a moment of excitement during a dance. And she decided to start a relationship with Halsin. I always imagined the "Teddy Bear" as her teacher in transformation, it's cute, right? But she loves Astarion, and always will. A Half-Dragon and a Vampire is a couple odd enough to appeal to me!
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(They look so cute in these clothes...)
What do I expect from Philrath in fanfic? I hope to be able to explore my Headcanons and address what the story of someone so unique would be like. A Half-Dragon would certainly have issues that Tav normally doesn't have in the game, some of which I mentioned above. In the end, I hope to be able to write everything in "Icy Serenade", my fanfic that focuses on Philrath and all the backstory power. I know, it's all silly and trippy. But this character became part of me, playing her was fun, and in the end she had a place in my heart that I didn't expect. It's crazy how such an INCREDIBLE game makes us get attached to the model we create... Philrath ended up having a lot of me, I'm Demisexual, I identified with the story of several characters in the game, and I was simply moved by see her, or rather they, as Non-Binary. Yes, I used "she" out of language and name custom, but Philrath is Non-Binary! She is Philrath! And it's okay to be called She, They or even "Astarion's Husband". She never saw herself as a real woman, just as she never saw herself as an elf or a dragon. She can be both, or neither. It can be "she", "he" or "they".
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This race is obtainable in the game via MOD! It exists in d&d 5e, but it is not normally playable. The MOD(which is not mine!!) is based on an expansion of this race, with extra things and an expansion of its mythology. These clothes are from MOD too, I can share them all in the comments, for anyone who wants them. And yes, a lot of things up there are FIC/HC, after all, Tav is the character made for us to play with our imagination and create his story. And everything is fine! We all create this ourselves when we play games like this. And I had to add these details to make sense of a Half-Dragon out of nowhere in the game. But remember that the game itself places us as Dragonborn in the dialogues, since this limitation exists.
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(There's no way we... She's so expressive!)
Thank you all!!
Thank you for reading what I wrote and will write, it is gratifying to put what I think here. It has been an environment that has done me a lot of good in the last few days.
I hope to meet everyone's Tav/Durge/OC too! Knowing your Headcanons, your stories, your fics, let's all think and create things together. Expanding this wonderful universe that is this Game and RPG. Finally, I hope everyone is safe.
And what did you think of Philrath? Or the Half-Dragons? I simply fell in love with them. I'd love to hear opinions.
See you soon, with more fics and random subjects. Tchau! (Bye Bye!)
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(BONUS: Her looking at Halsin like that is hilarious)
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
The kiss isn't fixed for me, but I made it work for a second... and here's the result:
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Yes! Yes! They are very cute together! I wish I had been able to take more prints... I really want to get more scenes like this.
For me, the kiss may still be bugged, but this screenshot makes me happy.
And a bonus!! With spoilers for act 3:
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Their white hair amidst the dark is so beautiful... And that look she makes! I love this scene.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
First Drawing of my Tav/OC
After a long time, I finished the first drawing of Philrath, my Tav/OC from BG3.
It wasn't wonderful, but I hope it's the beginning and that I can improve over time.
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I just wanted to highlight two things here.
The first is that I'm in love with her outfit. I think the colors match and it's an outfit that covers the body well, something that's much more my vibe than a more open or tight-fitting outfit. (Although those pants…) And your underwear is very demanding, as I said, I prefer it that way. (I'm bothered by all the underwear models in the game)
The second is that it took me a long time to decide whether to leave scales on my body, not just my face. In the end I chose yes. Why I love unique details in characters: Scars, marks, tattoos, etc. So scales on the body would well incorporate the mythology of: A Half-Dragon who tries to hide, but makes her abnormality apparent. (And I imagine scales all over her body, wrapping around the back and stopping in front… Sounds beautiful) Did you find her interesting? She's in my Baldur's Gate 3 fanfic! Icy Serenade is an Astarion x OC Fanfic.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
My dream currently is to be able to draw Philrath and my OCs, and then make a comic, who knows.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Astarion's kiss is still buggy, so I'm going to post Philrath kissing Halsin.
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These two are so cute, I can see him calling her "Little Dragon" (the reason is clear) and her laughing every time he does it.
Who knew that a dragon and a bear go so well together?
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The difference in size and body breaks me to this day. I can see him carrying her like it was nothing.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
My OC/Tav reaction during Astarion's "My Little Treat" scene
Hi, how are you? I'm here to post something cute. My Tav's reaction to Astarion's scene where he quotes his "Favorite Lines".
Astarion: "When I'm with you, I feel practically alive, yet I crave only to die again with you."
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Here, Philrath(The Tav) gave this cute little smile. It looks like she's thinking something like, "Him trying is adorable." I like to imagine that she's loving watching him try, wanting to see how far Astarion can go in this little game. As a bard, she knows how to write elaborate poems to win someone over, and she understands that our beloved vampire is doing that, so she'd love to see him try more.
Astarion: "Every part of your perfect body whispers temptation - it's as of the Gods made you just to ruin me."
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Here she reacted more seriously, as if she was uncomfortable or wanted to see what would come out next. I generally think this line is kind of cute, but it's... Too sexy? I don't know, I imagine Philrath not taking that line seriously, it's so horny. Still, you can see the naughty face on her, as if it were a provocation.
Astarion: "How about if I said these little words... Everyone's favourite..." Astarion: "I love you."
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And finally, defeat. This line broke Philrath's defenses (and mine, seriously, I couldn't help but be shocked).
She expected anything from Astarion but that. Instead of embellishing her words, he was direct, short and sweet. It may even be a lie, but it was so frank and direct that it sounds sincere.
Remembering that at this point they hadn't yet told Astarion's confession, which makes everything seem even more complex. Still, Philrath was already in love with him at that point. So she took this phrase very positively. However, like a flash, she remembers and her response is: "You'd be lying."
With that, she remembers that maybe it really is a lie. Philrath is very afraid of Astarion abandoning her in the end. If all of these statements, until the last one, were a lie, it would mean that the guarantee of having him for the future was uncertain. Even though she is sad, she decides to continue, smiling.
After all, if she felt that little spark of truth in his speech, it was worth trusting.
This scene left both me and my Tav dead inside. 💀💀 And I love that she reacted exactly like me while playing.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
I don't think there will be any way... My fanfic will turn into Astarion x OC x Halsin if I continue consuming Daddy Bear content.🐻🐻
But seriously, imagining Halsin with a shapeshifting Half-Dragon is an incredible trope. I had already thought about him being her shapeshifting teacher. With the two of them in a more intimate relationship, this would become even more comfortable for her.
I can see him praising her scales and saying that she is a beautiful creation of Silvanus.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
(Icy Serenade reached 100 hits!) I'm so happy! I want to thank everyone who supported me, whether by reading, sharing, giving kudos, commenting or supporting me from outside. You are amazing!!!
As a celebration and thanks to you, my readers, I will be releasing an extra chapter, outside the canonical continuity, being an Astarion PoV!
I decided to call these special chapters, well, PoV Astarion anyway. (Creativity is dead). The subtitle of this first one in celebration of the 100 hits will be "The First Touch of the Sun". This will tell Astarion's PoV during the prologue and chapters: 1, 2 and 3.
I will release it either with the next chapter "Bad Dreams" or during "Bad Dreams" and the next chapter, it all depends on how I do it all.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Oh God, my fanfic(Icy Serenade) reached 70 hits in two chapters, thank you!! I don't even know how to react, I just know that I owe it to this welcoming fandom. I think I'm going to start writing the next chapter.
Icy Serenade: Astarion x OC
Prologue: Birth and Death
Chapter 1: The Encounter
Chapter 2: Hidden Natures(Come soon) (Summary WIP: The cold night becomes the perfect place to let Astarion's true nature reveal itself. As he wanders through the forest, he spots Philrath. The Half-Dragon tries to hide her secret as much as possible, but it is difficult to hide her emotions. The night becomes warm at least for a moment, and they both rethink their hidden natures.)
Fanfic Summary:
"I don't know. I… I never imagined my scales feeling such a… sweet touch…"
Philrath is a Half-dragon, daughter of a powerful White Dragon, destined to run and hide. One day, fate puts her in front of Astarion, a seductive and mysterious elf, who reveals himself to be a vampire.
The two beings hide secrets and flee from a past and destiny that refuses to leave them in peace. Amid chains, scars, pain and fear, can there be anything good? Maybe it can, but to do that they will need to find themselves in the darkness.
Will they have their freedom…?
"Your scales and fangs… They're a gift, darling."
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Icy Serenade: Astarion x OC - Chapter 1!!
Chapter Summary:
The beach where Philrath crashed becomes an encounter with a Pale Elf. When she manages to prevent her own murder from taking place, Astarion, the elf, reveals himself to be in the same situation as her.
Now, they need to survive, and to do that, they need help. The Bard and the Rogue team up to find it. Without even suspecting their natures. Read on: AO3 Words: 4345 Rating: Mature Next Chapter: Hidden Natures
Fanfic Summary:
 "I don't know. I... I never imagined my scales feeling such a... sweet touch..."
Philrath is a Half-dragon, daughter of a powerful White Dragon, destined to run and hide. One day, fate puts her in front of Astarion, a seductive and mysterious elf, who reveals himself to be a vampire.
 The two beings hide secrets and flee from a past and destiny that refuses to leave them in peace. Amid chains, scars, pain and fear, can there be anything good? Maybe it can, but to do that they will need to find themselves in the darkness.
 Will they have their freedom...?
 "Your scales and fangs... They're a gift, darling." Read Prologue: AO3 Words in total: 6,612
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goddness-lunafreya · 9 months
I came to show… My Tav's father??
Yes, that's a strange thing to say, but here's how I imagine the elven form of Rathial, father of Philrath, my Tav/OC from Baldur's Gate 3. I'm also here to compare him with our dear Half-Dragon.
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Rathial, in his elf form, used to give birth to Philrath with his mother, Presphine.
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Philrath, daughter of the mighty dragon Rathial with Presphine, a common High Elf.
Physics and Comparisons:
As you can see, they look very similar. But Rathial in this form has more elvish features, such as the ears, the face with more common eyes and, despite a yellow glow, he keeps his pupils rounded.
His horns were just "casualties", he wore them in his elf form almost like a crown, to remind him of his magical nature.
Another thing that's different is their faces. Philrath has dragon scales, coming from his draconic heritage, while Rathial, in his elven form of disguise, can naturally hide them.
But it's interesting to note this face painting, which makes a contour on the face similar to that of scales over a dragon's face. And the painting ends with sharp lines, almost like fangs.
Finally, I want to highlight the hair. His hair is much whiter and bluer, brighter and more magical. While Philrath's hair remains a lighter shade, as if they were more subtle lights.
A dragon and an... Elf?:
Rathial is a dragon, a powerful, relentless and magical creature. When he met Presphine, the two formed a bond… Complex. It's difficult to trace their feelings, but the Dragon knew what she wanted: a child.
In this elven form they consummated Philrath naturally. Dragons are beings that can change shape in a way that not all creatures can. Because they are magical, they can, using this ability, generate hatchlings with humanoid beings, as is the case with Philrath.
These hatchlings are the Half-Dragons, who inherit characteristics from their original races, while losing many of their aspects as well.
See more about the Half-Dragons, I used these links as a reference: DnD Wiki; Forgotten Realms Wiki; and I used the Homebrew DnD Half-Dragon race, which inspired the following mod that added this race to my game.
More on Philrath, Rathial and Icy Serenade:
You can read more about Philrath with my tag! And you can also read the fanfic about her to find out more about her, Rathial, their past and more. Icy Serenade in its own tag.
Icy Serenade - Summary:
"I don't know. I... I never imagined my scales feeling such a... sweet touch..." Philrath is a Half-dragon, daughter of a powerful White Dragon, destined to run and hide. One day, fate puts her in front of Astarion, a seductive and mysterious elf, who reveals himself to be a vampire. The two beings hide secrets and flee from a past and destiny that refuses to leave them in peace. Amid chains, scars, pain and fear, can there be anything good? Maybe it can, but to do that they will need to find themselves in the darkness. Will they have their freedom...? "Your scales and fangs... They're a gift, darling."
Thanks for reading! Reply, Reblogs and Likes are always welcome. Support the artist by following or asking. 🌙 -Goddness Lunafreya.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Philrath Headcanon - As the Companions Come My PoV
So, after seeing many people doing this, I had the courage and desire to do it too. Inspired by the posts Write your Tav (other characters' POV edition) and My Tav (Tyrael) Headcanons, I decided to make this post. Let's see what the Companions think of our Half-Dragon? Meet more about Philrath
"Philrath is...Curious. But not in a bad way. Of course, when I met her I thought she was strange, but she was kind to me, to all of us. Sometimes I think we didn't deserve it. Her being the daughter of a dragon was strange to accept, but I soon got used to it. In the end I think I understand her, she was alone for so many years, away from her family... I hope she feels good where she is now."
"The dragon hybrid exceeded my expectations. Maybe they weren't tall, but Philrath proved to be more than just a pretty face. She fought bravely! When I saw her fly in her direction, spitting the end of her enemies onto the ice, I understood why she was hiding, and I admired her. But she doesn't need to hide, she'll be the dragon when she needs to be, and we'll be here to make sure no bastard locks her up again! I may not agree with everything she does... she's still a sentimental fool. But I see a warrior in her eyes."
"Philrath is unique. What can I say? I would love to study her magic more calmly. I understand exactly how dragon magic flows so well in a hybrid's body, but I'm afraid of getting bitten! Well... I wouldn't just get one..." (Referring to the vampire) "Anyway, I'm glad she trusts us enough to expose herself. It's difficult... Explaining when you have something dangerous in you. I confess that looking at it from this angle, damn, it makes sense that she ignored me... A dragon is a little too much for me..." (He takes a goddess and still says that...). "Better to leave her with someone who understands these wilder things."
"She is amazing! Seriously, she, like, even tried to touch my hand when I asked. We almost gave her a thermal shock, poor thing, but did she accept it? Serious. She's crazy! But... I adore her. I would hate to see her arrested, when she told me I... I was devastated. I'm going to kick those hunters' asses! She protected me... I must do the same. It's almost as if she were a little sister... A little sister who turns into a fucking dragon, but a little sister."
"Philrath... Sometimes I let slip from my lips a nickname, 'Little Dragon'. That's what she is. She's small for a dragon, but she must have her heart in the right place, more so than most of them... When she asked me to train her, I was embarrassed. I didn't see myself in a position to do that, but she opened up and said how scared she is of hurting people, transformed... I know what that's like. Even I, an experienced person, I feel fear when I transform into a bear over unstable emotions, imagine her, a dragon. But she is safe now, in our arms, with Silvanus and protected in the embrace of her soulmate. I will be here if she needs extra arms for the hug ." (A not so innocent joke)
"Oh, Philrath? My Darling? What do I say... I don't want to expose her too much, but she's a delight. But I think that before I talk about how wonderful she is carnally, I should say how much she... Trusted me. See, you let me bite you. She gave me company at night. It was a sweet voice for when I got nervous. She did crazy things, oh how crazy things, for me! And... I never wanted anything in return. She just... loved me. Honestly, I don't want to break up with her! I don't care if she has scales, or if she turns into a dragon, or if she's hunted by maniacs? But so what?? I have my own maniac to kill. So what?? I'd love to do this with her... And I'd love to return the favor." (Post Cazador, they will apparently have no rest.)
"Philrath... She's not a monster. I know it's weird to start like this, but everyone says that! She says this about herself. And she's not a monster. It's just a... Person who has suffered his whole life and wants to live! Damn, if it's difficult for me now that I have this pair of horns, imagine she's had them since birth. I feel sorry, but I want to help her. The Blade of Frontiers has promised to protect those in need, and she does. Philrath could only abandon everything and everyone, live in seclusion, feel angry. But look at her here... Making us happy with songs and dances and saving little children. She is not a monster. Monsters are those who gave her that title."
Tag List: (Thank you!) @spacebarbarianweird @vixstarria
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Name change! Meet Icy Serenade (Astarion x OC)
The Fanfic has officially changed its name, it is now called "Icy Serenade". The tags on the blog will also change to make it easier to find information! As much as I liked the previous name (The Inheritance of Wild Ice), I needed something more easily writeable. Don't know "Icy Serenade"? It's a fanfic about Astarion's journey and romance with the bard Philrath, a White Half-Dragon. Read chapter 1 (prologue) on AO3.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
Below is a brief excerpt from the next chapter of my Astarion x Tav/OC fanfic:
Astarion arrived at the exact point he aimed for, his smile widening as he subtly drew closer. He gestured with his hands, as if engrossed in the conversation.
"What a coincidence, two half-elves! I couldn't help but see the ears, quite adorable, Shadowheart. Now, Philrath." His gaze turned towards her, once again appraising her features. "Forgive my directness, it's mere curiosity. I don't mean to be rude. But pray tell, what's your other half? These horns and eyes, so attention-grabbing! I'd be most intrigued know where they came from. And what a lovely face you have…" The Pale Elf sighed softly, fixing his gaze squarely upon Philrath.
It was hard to tell if he was questioning, teasing, or flirting with her — or perhaps a combination of all three. Yet, Philrath held her ground, even amidst the flirtatious banter that coaxed a brief chuckle from her. She eased her stance, delicately resting her hand on one of the horns.
"This thing here? Nothing much, part of the package. Hope it doesn't bother you."
Follow and read the story on AO3:
"I don't know. I... I never imagined my scales feeling such a... sweet touch..." Philrath, a half-dragon, could never have foreseen the destiny that awaited her. In an unexpected twist of fate, she finds herself in an inconvenient situation that forces her to unite with an unlikely group. At the center of this group is Astarion, an enigmatically beautiful vampire elf with deep secrets, who attracted her like a magnet. As their journey unfolds, Philrath is haunted by a peculiar sensation, as if something mysterious is summoning her, while her connection with her own inner dragon becomes increasingly uncontrollable. She must either embrace her draconic nature and wild instincts or continue pretending and keep a smile on her face? This is a tale of self-discovery and fervent love as both Philrath and Astarion grapple overcome the scars and strive to break free from the shackles of their pasts.
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goddness-lunafreya · 10 months
You know something crazy I think? It's not even if my OC was Tav, it's if my OC was a Companion!
I think about their interactions, their romance with Tav, his comments in the story, how he would approve and disapprove of the player's choices. Your Banter combat and walking for map.
Philrath in particular could sing little songs that she's thinking as she walks. And at Camp she could say what she thinks of each Companion through a short snippet of a song.
Even though I love Tav, I think imagining the OC like this makes it even more incredible. It could have its own side quest, something I already thought about in Philrath.
One day I'll write more about it, because this idea just makes me very very excited.
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