#philza's acting tho like
notthecity · 1 year
I don't regularly keep up with the qsmp, and yet "a cage for a cage" made me cry real tears. and the reason why is easy: q!Phil's greatest strength and weakness are paradoxically the same thing: his love of Chayanne and Tallulah. Daedalus and Icarus combined, a man who would do anything for his children, who would easily burn down the island if it meant getting them back, and yet a simple ruse was enough to lure him right into the Federation's hands.
give a man a reason to fight and he will do anything in his power to get it back. throw him an ounce of hope, and he will crawl to you like a poor man begging for food from a king. and you will sneer at him, like the king does, disgusted at his presence at your feet, watching the mighty fall to the pits of the despair you've inflicted on him.
it's cruel. it must be an unbearable circumstance, to realize that you fell into a trap orchestrated by the same people who gave you your own universe to fight for, just to suddenly rip it all away from you with no warning or explanation. to realize that you can't protect anything you love from the monsters of the Federation, even you yourself falling under their clutches. that not only you, but your fucking children, the light of your world, you are all stuck at the mercy of their sinister plans, and there is no longer anything you can do to save them now, because you're stuck. trapped. caged.
because revenge is a game of multiple turns. it's like warfare—heartless, calculated, devastating. it's game, and a statement, and a threat, all at once. and you win if you opponent breaks, which Phil did.
it's hell on Earth, for him and for them. a cage, for a cage, for a cage.
what a way to realize you've lost it all.
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fuck you *foils your c!clingy and c!emerald*
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notthebestatart · 1 year
Wouldn't it be funny asf if chayanne refused to wake up and get outta bed I'd his dad's aren't there so it resulted into ppl having to wear philzas or missas mc skin to trick chayanne into think his dad's there with him so he'd get outta bed and do his egg quests lol
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Fault!SBI Love languages
Tommy: Physical contact. Not even a question. He’s just so incredibly touch-starved. Given the smallest excuse, he’ll sling an arm around Phil’s shoulders or lounge in The Blade’s lap. It makes for a bad combination with his anomalous properties, and he has a habit of unconsciously reaching for people and then jerking away. When talking to people he instinctively leans forward, and more often than not he’s accidentally smack dab in someone’s personal bubble. Tubbo (carefully) headbutts him, but any further level of contact and he gets stressed about contamination. He also tends to puff up when given compliments. 
The Blade: Quality Time. In particular, training. The first friends he ever made were through group projects at college w/ Averil, and it carried over to when he demanded Philza become his mentor. When The Blade accidentally acquired a Tommy, the way they became friends was through sparring that was admittedly far gentler than emerald duo matches. Part of him and Tubbo finally bonding is working on projects together, like quilting or making their prosthetics. Not much of a touchy-feely guy, and compliments sometimes make him feel awkward. 
The Blood God: Words of Affirmation baby! He loves the crowd roaring his name! Phil gives him compliments mid-battle and it’s such a rush. Once, he praised Tommy by calling him ‘not entirely useless’
Wilbur: Gifts. He grew up owning basically nothing, fighting for everything he had. The idea of just being given something was earth-shattering for him. But after the Foundation exploited that in a way that stripped him of coping mechanisms and exacerbated his preexisting trust issues, gifts became a trigger for him. While he despises receiving them, that doesn’t stop him from giving. Wilbur is the main resource gatherer of the group both for strategic reasons and because he wants to provide for his family. He’ll give even if it means he goes without, be it a jacket or food or a little toy he thought Tommy would like. Half his love language is also chewing someone out while tending to their needs. 
Philza: Acts of Service. Whether it’s cooking for his Collected or creating a pyre of bodies in their name, Philza is all about the acts of service. His M.O. is basically attaching himself to a neat mortal he finds and doing whatever he can to help them. If one of his Collected wants something done, Philza will move heaven and hell to do it. Also great for life advice, though his frame of reference for what's normal is pretty wack given the immortality. Additionally, he tries to specifically pay attention to his Collected and try out a variety of love languages to see what they like. So, ruffling Tommy’s hair (and fixing it afterward), sparring with The Blade, getting little presents for Wilbur, practicing active listening with Anderson. He’s still trying to figure out Tubbo, which is hard since they hate him. 
Tubbo: ??? Hard to pin down, but I guess Quality Time, as that’s how clingy duo really bonded in Fault. A lot of Tubbos’ displays of affection are paying attention to someone’s needs, such as being there if Tommy has a nightmare or Wilbur isn’t sleeping enough. They tend to recognize pretty quickly if someone is feeling down because of the 24/7 Bug Brother surveillance system buzzing around. Tubbos’ big on just hanging out with people, and even if they aren’t physically present, Tubbo will leave a swarm to be on hand with someone in case they want to talk or need something. Quality Time also feels symmetrical given The Blade is Tubbos’ foil. There's a little bit of Gift sprinkled in, such as Rhodes domesticating baby feral Tubbo via sweets and toys. Also, some Acts of Service, because what makes Tubbo start to trust Philza and The Blade is seeing how hard they worked to take care of everyone.
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fizzlo-and-the-cubes · 8 months
alr to help with the Great QSMP Content Drought of 2024 im gonna empty all the death family headcanons in my brain onto this tumblr dot com post
all these are cubitos unless stated otherwise btw i just didnt want to go through and indicate every name lmao
(also to my qpr deathduo homies (luv yas) I'm a bit of a romantic pissa truther so be warned about that)(but i also suck at writing romance so it's pretty subtle also most of these are about chayanne)
remember last year when Chayanne was almost always asleep because the admin was too busy? i think that his ties to death pulled his conscious into Kristin's domain whenever he slept, so he just spent his time chilling over there (i simply choose to ignore the fact that she isn't canon)
Tallulah can clearly see and hear spirits, all her brother can see are blurry figures and the occasional whisper
Chay's wings started growing feathers very early on, Phil had to pretend he had no idea where they came from whilst also assuring a heavily sobbing Missa that he didn't cheat on him
no one has known fear like a fed worker that tried to touch Chayanne's wings in the early days and almost lost their hands to a newly-grounded crow
unrelated to that Philza Minecraft puts the 'death' in 'death-glare'
Chayanne's first attempts of jumping off the wall on day one were baby-crow instincts but after that he was just doing it for his dads' reactions
Chayanne knows the blade, but he knows strategy far better - both draw blood in the end, regardless
Juanaflippa was the best at swimming, then Leonarda, then Chayanne
when they learn to fly, Chayanne is the best, then Tallulah, then Pomme
Leonarda wonders why bother flying when she has a cloud to do it for her
Chayanne wants to fly just as much as Tallulah, but she's more vocal about it since her brain is experiencing crow instincts for the first time
Phil taught Pomme how to aim
Phil has dreamed about his kids in his hardcore world more than once
Richarlyson was the one who cut Tallulah's hair short (THANK GOD HE DIDN'T LEARN FROM MIKE)
Tallulah often put flowers in her hair when it was longer, so she sneaks some into everyone else's now that its short
Chayanne can summon his mask over his face (like the Visoreds from Bleach. this is because i like Bleach and will put as many references as i want)
Phil acts more short-tempered than before, and the roses have started to wilt
upon arriving on a reset island, Phil finds Missa hanging off of a rose branch
i hc Missa's face to be similar to bad's since they're both reapers (so a black void with two white eyes and nothing else) but instead of horns Missa has flowy, almost mist-like hair that fades to cyan at the ends
Phil saw it for the first time at the prison when Missa's mask and hood slipped off in his sleep (entirely Chayanne's fault) and was completely normal about it end definitely went back to sleep and didn't stay up staring between Missa's hair and the ceiling.
upon stealing a kiss from Missa, Quackity had to sit down for a few minutes because he couldn't comprehend the texture of Missa's face
Phil was fine tho. he's kissed death plenty of times
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graysbullshit · 1 year
the funniest thing about q!forever is that he is a pretty normal dude most of the time. like, he is a good father, a good friend, hangs out with everyone, is very kind, likes to share and give out gifts, almost never fights with people, is a pacifist.
but then you take a look at his romantic life and he will only date rich people (even tho he is currently rich as well) and is obcessed with philza, he will say anything to get philza to like him but hasnt actually *done* anything besides act like a maniac around him.
and then there is his work life. He works 24/7 and decided on a whim to wipe out a whole bioma by hand. he knows so much about the technical stuff because he is absolutely addicted lol
and the funniest thing is that, in his pov he looks/sounds mostly normal, but in everyone else his audio is SO DAMN LOUD LMAO
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fanboo · 2 years
They’re Sick HC’s
• Very needy bby
• Wants all the cuddles
• “Where’s Patches? I wanna pet my cat…”
• You bring him blankets, food, water, medicine and Patches
• Constantly reassuring you that he’s okay
• “It’s just a cold” he says as you take him to the doctor because he won’t stop puking
• Will yank you down into the bed to cuddle you
• But it’s cute
• “I’m literally fine Y/N I’m not sick”
• Is very sick
• Only admits it once you force him to take his temperature and is running a fever of 102°
• Surprisingly willing to tell you what feels wrong once you make him admit he’s sick
• Will help you take care of himself while also letting you do most of it because you don’t want him to exhaust himself
• Asks you to come cuddle for a bit
• Will fall asleep on you and will drool
• So. Fucking. Needy.
• “Y/N come cuddle pleaseeee”
• “Darling pleaaasssseeeee????”
• You basically have to lock him in his room
• Day two you caved and let him out instead of making him eat in bed
• He gave you covid
• Sapnap and Dream end up taking care of both of you
• “You two are idiots” “Shut the hell up Dream.”
• He is so anxious when he’s sick
• Literally called you the second he realized he was ill
• “Don’t come over this week I’m sick.”
• “Wilbur I’m coming over, you get into bed”
• Says okay on the condition that you wear a mask at all times
• Only asks for things he needs to minimize the work you have to do
• Asks you to hold him for a bit because he couldn’t get warm and couldn’t sleep and it honestly helped him
• He’s so worried and cute and you keep him distracted the entire time
• “Y/N. I am ill.”
• Goes to bed and literally sleeps the entire time
• Lets you cuddle and get him food and whatnot
• Dude legit managed to sleep for the entire week with the exception of meal and bathroom times
• What the fuck Thomas
• “Eh, I’m fine”
• Still streamed
• When he started to get worse and was bedridden he’d still insist that he was okay because seeing his little sibling in so much distress caused him more pain than the cancer ever did
• He’d let you come and lay in his bed with him and you’d talk for hours
• You’d go into his room in the middle of the night and he’d wake up when he heard you open the door
• Always always ALWAYS let you hang out with him because he knew what was coming
• Told countless stories
• Comforted you to the very end
• I’m not crying you are
• It’s so cute
• He’s like a little kid
• Walks around the house in sweats and a blanket
• Follows you around like that
• Rests on the couch because he felt cooped up in his room
• Walks up to you from behind and adds you to his blanket and just stands there with his face pressed into your back
• Very cute
• You cuddle him a lot
• He’s so bby
• Mf will NOT admit to being sick
• You have to force them to go to bed
• “I am perfectly fine Y/N”
• “So who’s puke am I mopping up then?”
• Little shit
• Will not let you take care of them
• Insists on doing it himself
• Annoyingly cute
• Father is sick
• Where is Mumza
• “Mum. Dads sick.”
• You and Mumza make him stay in bed and do everything for him
• It’s fucking hilarious
• He just had a small fever and was literally fine but let you do this because it’s fun
• “Hello chat. I have a small fever so Y/N and Tristan are taking care of me.”
• Very good at acting sick for you
• “Thank you Y/N, I feel better already”
Karl Jacobs
• Shows up at your house wearing a blanket and goes straight to bed
• Sleeps half the time and helps you the other half
• It’s hard for him to eat when he’s sick so you tell him eat what he can and snack on the rest later and it helps
• Cuddles
• Helps you clean after he gets better
• He’s very cute
• “I don’t get sick I get bitches”
• Very independent and actually takes good care of himself
• Does make you cuddle tho
• It’s all over once he pukes
• “I take it back I get sick. But also bitches.”
• Goes to bed and lets you do everything
• “Thank you Y/N” he mumbles quietly
• Forehead kisses for him
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disordercinema · 10 months
To add to your retail AU-
Fred worked right next door to the store and was really close with Tubbo and Tubbo fell in love with him. The store ended up moving so now Tubbo sulks about it, especially when he sees Pac and Fit flirting. His background is also him and Fred.
Fred is the son of the store owner so he just moved with the building. Now instead of working next door, they work a couple of blocks from each other. Tubbo always acts like he moved continents.
Other members would come by and just talk for a while.
Bolas is just that one dnd group that hangs around after closing hours. Phil doesn’t do shit about it, he’ll actually join in with them every once in a while.
Bad would often yell at Tubbo for his mannerisms, like cursing while talking to a customer or back talking.
Pierre is the tech support that everyone calls if Tubbo doesn’t know how to fix it himself or makes it worse.
If someone is yelling at an employee and no one can calm them down and Phil is needed, he kills them with kindness. If someone yells at one of the kids though, he gets pissed.
The island is frequently visited. People will stay for a few months or less but most leave rather quickly. It’s small enough to where everyone knows everyone, but everyone knows the islanders as they’re own group.
The Islanders are one big family and are willing to do a lot for each other. If you argue cross one of them, you cross all of them.
The Federation is a government system and Cucurucho is the mayor
The eggs are the islanders children still. They came from an overcrowded orphanage so they took them in.
This is it! For now maybe- idk.
I like, I like, tho I don't follow all
I had imagined Bolas as like, the employees of the other store Philza owns across the city. All the employees are insanely terrible at their jobs but somehow always outperform the morning crew's store especially during holiday season and Tubbo absolutely hates them for it. He has a whole one sided rivalry with them and comes up with crazy plans to win against them while most of their stategy is just "Let's figure out a way to leave early".
I don't see a reason why the kids would be at the store, but I like Pierre being the tech support. I think Bad would be a former Karen turned regular after Philza won against him during a passive-aggressiveness-kindness-disguised contest. He starts going there out of pettiness, but actually becomes friendly with the employees over time and it is close to his job (daycare worker) so it's easy for him to buy stuff on the way home. Sometimes Tubbo convinces him to go terrorize Bolas when he finds out Bad has an errand across town and he does it for discounts.
I also like the idea of the Fred being from a nearby shop, maybe a flower shop?
The Federation would 100% the heads of the Retailers Association, always in contact with the government, observing and making sure the policies are being followed. Fit gets a spot in it for his strong presence in the union and all he does is cover up for all the things his store fails to comply on. Cellbit gets a place in it too, because he used to be a general manager at another big retail company, but he fucking hates it and wants to leave so he has been trying to get kicked out by leaking shit he shouldn't and it somehow doesn't work because no one figures out it was him.
I really like your ideas, this is just what my brain cooked since I made that post lmao
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Hi mum !! If you could, maybe some platonic mcyt with a teen reader that loves physical affection? Hugs, cuddles, holding hands, kisses, etc. they just find it comforting and love doing it to friends :>
Haven't wrote a platonic one in a while, so I'll be happy to do it ^^
Hope you enjoy <3
DSMP w/ a teen!Reader who loves physical affection [Platonic]
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
Dream naturally hugs anyone who he's friends with, obviously with their permission, so he does it without you needing to tell him;
George is more reserved when it comes to physical affection, but from time to time he'll give in to you;
Sapnap is a bit shy at first, even if he's older. But once he gets comfortable, he'll even cuddle you if you'd like;
Bad is another one who's naturally physical with close friends. So if he sees that you're ok with it, he'll gladly continue;
Skeppy is definetly the type to joke about you being clingy, but he won't let you let go of him. Like "Haha you're so clingy. I didn't tell you to let go tho-";
Quackity doesn't seem like the one who likes too much physical affection, but he'll hug you once in a while;
Karl and you are two inseparable koalas. Like no ones ever pulling you away from the other, you two are literally stuck like glue;
Wilbur likes to tease you about it, but when you need it the most he'll do it without you even asking;
Philza adores to give you hugs and cuddles, he basically adopted you so he can't help it;
Techno would seem like the type to not like it, and he'll act like that, but in reality most of the physical affection between you two are started by him;
Niki does it so naturally that you'd never had to ask her for it. She just enjoys to give you hugs, cheek kisses and even hold your hand whenever you're out togheter;
Eret just looks like the type to constantly hold your hand, just as a sign that he's comfortable w/ you;
Punz doesn't do it often, but if you ask he won't say no because he cares too much about you. He mostly does hugs tho;
Foolish is another koala, but only once he gets comfortable. Then you can have all the hand holding and cheek kisses you want;
Sam is super cuddly, and I stand by it. Man just looks comfy and he really enjoys any kind of physical affection w/ you
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stardustcentral95 · 1 year
Everyone knows that Jaiden has said that she hasn't seen the code entity yet but in actuality she HAS but she didn't know that that was what it was.
This clip makes me think two things ever since philza had confirmed that the code was an egg.
The first is that Quackity was saving money by using the eggs actors to also fill the role of Cucurucho as well as the code, that canonically the eggs have no relationship with anyone else that they play as
My second theory is that there IS a connection between who the actors play. If Bobby was also playing as the code then there could be a reason that Bobby has never attacked Jaiden as he is her mom and it is shown that bobby acts nothing short of an angel near here (a big mamas boy). I don't watch Roiers perspective so I don't know if this theory holds true but it's also shown that Bobby amd Roiers is the complete opposite of his and Jaidens. While Roier is still nice to Bobby he also goofs around with him and both are equally assholes to each other so if Bobby did attack HIM it would make sense because both like getting on each other's nerve and Bobby loves pissing him off.
I don't have an answer for the time Bobby and Roier were both attacked by the code but I suspect that that was another eggs doing to fill in to not make Bobby seem unfair because he was the code and couldn't attack himself.
Just a theory tho so take everything with a grain of salt :p
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raiweljace · 6 months
Can you tell me about the imymf au
Yeah sure 👉🏻👈🏻
I must say that originally it was @tiredfoxtf idea about George wearing Dream's stuff and trying to revive Dream after Sapnap killed him as he promised. But, I understand it in a wrong wrong way so here we are with a brand new au :D
Imymf au starts at the very beginning of the prison arc, when Tommy has not yet experienced his third death. So, the blood vines spread throughout the place, Eggpire becomes stronger, and sir Awesamdude begins to act suspiciously. BadBoyHalo, despite being the leader of the red egg cult, makes a request to the Dream Team to meet with Dream saying Dream wants it. Together with Tommy, Dream Team discovers that Dream is dead. They had an arguing, Tommy insisting it's great, Sapnap approves it, George says it's treason, then runs away. George is wandering around the server with all sorts of thoughts in his head and sees Wilbur's grave with everything that remains here from the resurrection attempt. He assumes that Philza might know more about this, so he goes to the anarchists place.
George got lost his way and Ranboo saved him in the snow storm. Techno said it's Ranboo's responsibility now so they ended working on Dream's resurrection together.
It's the main intro I think. There's much more info like Eggpire stuff, Drista's investigation and Tommy's depression arc. Actually I'm working on creating a fic about it, still on chapter 2 tho. Main characters of this au is George and Tommy.
Imymf means "i miss you my friend" btw and I referred it to all the cast because imo Dream SMP plot was always about loneliness even tho there's many fractions, people and stuff, but in the end every character feel guilty and empty, never finding a way to an understanding.
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hepatitushepatits · 10 months
Egg headcanons! (Yes more) ((and yes this is if everything was happy and all eggs were alive))
Winner of 26/11/23 poll
JuanaFlippa is allergic to 20+ things (I can list them but that may or may not be overkill)
When Leo has panic attacks, Foolish or Vegetta or Roier will rock her and pet her hair to ground her (Def not projecting)
Pomme, Leo, and Sunny are lefthanded
Richas is ambidextrous
Pepito also has allergies. Pepito has juvenile osteoporosis and chronic pain, and on-and-off uses a wheelchair.
The Hope egg is named Tereza, and A1's real name is Ignacio.
Bobby is an empath
Tallulah has a small collection of photos of Wilbur and his friends from before the island, to recreate when they get out.
Tilín, Bobby, Chayanne, and Empanada do wrestling
Chayanne is one of those kids whose in literally every program. Like, he does sword/fence fighting, archery, wrestling, kickboxing, baseball, futbol (soccer), martial arts, leatherwork, bookbinding, everything you can think of.
Dapper tap dances
Tallulah crochets and taught Wilbur and Philza to
Tallulah also figureskates
Leonarda does hiphop, tap, ballet, and latin dance
Sunny can do the BEST nails. Like. Seriously talented (in Tubbo's eyes) Example below.
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Trump liked to work in animal shelters, and took the best care of all of them
When they have to wash it, Empanada, Richas, and Dapper all go over to Felps' place to have it washed because he has a similar hair type and does it really well.
JuanaFlippa, Slime, and Mari all have matching gas masks. Juana's from her allergies, and Slime and Mariana because of Purgatory
Sunny has a rhotacism
Ramón has a really good fashion sense, and helps Fit out when he goes on dates with Pac.
When Tilín and Bobby wrestle, they try to drag Pepito in but he's too weak to fight (PROJECTING AGAIN, my cousins never wrestled with me because I'm disabled)
Pomme has like, whole bookshelves full of her journals.
Pomme is Muslim, and transitions from a shayla and a hijab, very rarely a niqab depending on the situation (if this isn't like. Accurate. To the Muslim religion tell me, I'll fix it. I don't wanna offend anyone.)
Richas just RAMS people with his forehead when he's playing
Half the eggs have bird wings, while the other half have normal dragon wings. Pomme is the exception, she has butterfly wings
Richas has no sense of personal space, due to sleeping in the Brazilians sleep room.
Tallulah loves Hamilton
Bobby has palilalia
The whole island has a theatre night once in a while, where the eggs act out movies and shows.
Dapper is a god of death devotee, as is Badboyhalo. I have so many headcanons about what this entails for them, rituals, their exact type of devotee, ect. I'll shut up tho
Carre taught Ramón to skateboard, so Ramón always has those knee pads on. Also he never wears a helmet, no matter how much Fit begs him to.
All of the eggs do speak, but not often. They mostly communicate through AAC devices which serve as tablets and also communicaters. They also use sign language. Also, they all have notebooks to elite in. So to be more accurate, the signs all around are the eggs papers littering the ground
Sunny has chronic migraines and headaches, so she's always wearing her sunglasses for that reason.
Sunny trailer park princess canon
Poncho Pepito. See below.
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Also like a jumpsuit. Under. Idk.
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You know that post that says that Pepito has those like children glasses? Yeah. That.
Tallulah likes Pepsi over Coke. Chayanne likes Coke over Pepsi. Sunny doesn't drink soda, besides ginger ale.
Sunny keeps her hair above her neck, because she hates the feeling on her collarbones. (projecting again)
She's literally stretched out shirt collars to being unwearable to stop it from touching her neck (me af)
Empanada has like. Neopolitan hair. Brown, pink, blond/white. She has vitiligo, and is black/japanese. Em's got like, onyx eyes? Like ddu. I forgot the English word. But they sparkle like obsidian, kind of.
Dapper loves watching Skeppy videos, but they reach the island very late
You know Wilbur's new album? He sent it to Phil, and he got it 2 weeks late (cuz international processing or whatever) and then Tallulah got to listen! She loves it! Her favorite songs are Glass Chalet and Dropshipped Cat Shirt.
The longest Sunny's hair has ever been is to her shoulders, aka when she first met Tubbo. She had it up in a bun to make sure it won't touch her skin. Sunny immediately asked him for a haircut on her first night at his place.
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Chayanne: 11, 4'2
Dapper: 10, 4'5
Ramón: 10, 4'6
Leonarda: 9, 4'8
Trump: 9, 4'2
JuanaFlippa: 9, 4'8
Tilín: 9, 4'3
Bobby: 8, 4'4
Tallulah: 8, 4'11
Richarlyson: 8, 4'4
Pomme: 7, 4'2
Sunny: 6, 3'9
Empanada: 6, 3'11
Pepito: 6, 3'2
Fit sometimes tells stories to Ramón about Schlatt. Ramón, so far, is absolutely infatuated. Big Guy is like a God, an idol to Ramón. (Did anyone watch his stream today? Just me? Alright)
Sunny has a cleft lip/palate
When Leo can't sleep, all the capybaras curl up around her with her in the middle, like a little nest.
All the eggs fucking love Pokémon. With a few exceptions (Ramón, Tallulah, Sunny)
Ramón likes blackjack instead. Or Egyptian Rat Screw.
Tallulah likes boardgames (she's a 'Sorry' lover)
Sunny likes Yu-Gi-Oh! better. Or Magic: The Gathering
Speaking of which, they all have those broadcast TVs, and very much live like in 2009 when you were running around during ad breaks, and dove back through furniture to not miss ur show. They can only watch Fed-approved-channels.
Pepito has a stutter and a lisp
Ramón is one of those kids who blends everything. Like. Spaghetti? Into the blender. Smoothie. Turkey? Into the blender. Smoothie.
His favorite is an onion, lettuce, mayo, ham, very thin cuts of shark meat, sweet gherkin, spicy pickle relish, and pineapple (I once knew someone who actually ate this. Daily. At lunch. Mauro you're now the inspiration for a minecraft egg) Ramón just blends it and goes lol
Welp. I think that's it. Thanks lol. I'd love to hear any of yours.
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thinking about the dsmp steven universe au again bc like. c!dream as a diamond makes rose quartz seem like a fucking saint. like he gave zero shits about the morality of the other diamonds and participated in awful shit gleefully. he intentionally “broke” his first pearl bc he bored him and only spared the second (c!tommy) bc he found the fact he was defective fascinating and he basically treated him like an experiment on homeworld (tho tbf tommy would have been shattered if he didn’t do that, he was also genuinely protecting him by keeping him around to study). he ran off to earth and started the rebellion because he was bored and he found earth and humans interesting, but he didn’t have any moral oppositions to homeworld or anything. he protected gems deemed defective solely because he had an academic interest in them, and even though some of them (namely, the surviving crystal gems in this au that aren’t c!tommy) thought he was their friend he just saw them as test subjects. his only Actual friend was tommy and he was awful to him, and while he treated him vaguely better than on homeworld he did physically and mentally abuse him and never stopped giving him orders. having a half human child (namely, c!ranboo) was an impulsive suicidal act, and he left him without even knowing who his other parent was or any provisions to take care of him. he did genuinely help by starting a revolution against an incredibly corrupt regime but it was all for selfish reasons.
(for those wondering who some of the other characters are, they’re not super defined, but a philza/kristin fusion is sorta in the role of garnet tho i'm not sure who to pick for amethyst (personality doesn’t matter esp bc Tommy is the big sibling sorta role here, it’s the backstory and stuff that matters most). Tubbo is connie obviously. xd is white diamond and his Pearl/Dream’s original Pearl is George, spinel is sapnap (he got abandoned immediately after tommy existed). peridot is Jack Manifold and lapis is niki. everyone else is up in the air tho).
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
(Potentially) Daily ask №5
Philza edition!
Stares at him with a mix of hesitation confusion fear disgust respect and concern, hhhhhh I have some feelings about that guy. I put him off as the last character to get an ask cause I genuinely didn't know much about him and cause I didn't really like him either. But here we go!
I can't tell how powerful he actually is. Because the foundation has these things called reality anchors which it canonically traps the reality bending entities with. And Phil was still walking around freely and was powerful enough to make contracts with. But if the reality anchors didn't work on him cause he's so powerful, why didn't he just, yk, break his collected out immediately?
Does he genuinely not understand how traumatizing is a lot of the lovely murder sprees he goes on are, at least for Tommy from what I've read? Like, yeah he's a god but surely he must've researched psychology enough to understand that it's highly stressful?
Are there any repercussions to using his godly powers? Perhaps that's why he doesn't use them often. Loss of humanity?
Why does he actually cling to his humanity via collecting people? Seems like a very illogical and unproductive thing to do if you don't want to get manipulated or hurt in other ways over it.
..I don't have any gift for him but uh.. 👍 good job keeping them alive, dude?
Thanks! I wrote him to be a very complicated guy. This one will dip into some of the deep lore behind the magic system that isn’t entirely explored in Fault bc well the main characters have more pressing problems.
1 and 4 since theyre impossible to untangle. What scp lore I use is up in the air honestly, but Philza is not a reality bender. The Blood God would count as one, though that’s mostly in the ‘unfortunate accidents’ department, and Wilbur very much is a reality. Well breaker but still. Luckily the Foundation doesnt realize he’s an Apollyon since Wilbur keeps that thing locked down anyway. Creatures like Phil are what I personally call Conceptuals, which are personifications of two ideas. They get a lot of names in Fault tho, since it covers Philza, The Blood God, Wilbur’s voidlings, etc. These entities are not real* in the same way a person is, as they lack a body and usually have to anchor onto a vessel. They are beings purely made of a soul, and thus are more controlled by the components of a soul -Memories, Emotions, Name, Bonds. People and Real things meanwhile are more than their essence, and can do stuff like change, act out of character, and most pertinent to this question, break their promises. A person has a body to anchor them but an unbound soul is compelled to complete it be it a bargain, challenge, vow, pulled along by their Bonds. Voidlings to their bargains, The Blood God to his challengers, so on.
Philza is a special case, because he is an entity so powerful that he made himself Real. That’s not a vessel he’s using like The Blood God; he made himself into an actual person. And because he has made himself Real, unlike every other god/void/entity he technically can break his promises. But he doesn’t, because Bonds with his Collected chain him to personhood (and it would be a crappy ethical dilemma if he doesn’t have an actual choice). Philza is like actually billions of years old, and humanity is a blink to him if he doesn’t force himself to live in the present. He can’t care about everyone because they’re dead so fast, but he can become attached to a very select few to anchor him. It took millions of years to overcome his essence enough to even be fully sapient, let alone feel human enough to become one since his form reflects how he feels. Like imagine trying to get in the head space of an ant so completely that you become one. Without Collected, it’s harder for Phil to maintain his personhood though he can probably manage a couple decades without one. And having fought so hard to be a person, Phil isn’t willing to lose it, since again it took millions of years last time and humanity could be gone by that point. As a person he gets to be so much more than an embodiment of fire and fury, is able to change who he is, has purpose and goals and cares beyond the mindless rage he used to be. He gets to be real, all for the low low price of loving and being loved by others. Who the hell wouldn’t? So Philza would sacrifice anything to maintain the Collected system, his promises, and thus his personhood.
And unfortunately his current Collected are suffering for that long term goal. Philza made the Collected Contract with the Foundation because all his Collected were captured and short of setting the entire world on fire he couldn’t find them. Philza is a very destructive guy, but he adores humanity, so that wasn’t really on the table. So he made a promise to the Foundation, and had to follow it or risk unraveling himself. It’s a slippery slope fallacy, but in eternity once you’ve done something once you’re guaranteed to do it infinite times, or so goes Phil’s logic. In his own words: “Morals are a slippery slope. That’s why I made myself a ledge. A precipice so I can know where I need to stop before I fall entirely.” In his mind to snap even one promise gives him free rein to break the next, and the next, each easier to justify than the last until there really is nothing tethering him to his own sapience. The only tenet Philza has is to keep is promises, because he doesn’t know if he can remain a person otherwise.
He doesn’t break his Collected out. He can’t unless he breaks himself.
2. Philza has no morals because in his opinion an immortal can’t have any; what is considered ethical will only shift out beneath you like sand as society changes. He generally aligns with the ethical framework that his Collected have at the time, and Wilbur and The Blade are pretty fine with murder so he’s lenient on that front currently, whereas with his last Collected he was a clean and proper stay at home roommate, his white picket fence completely free of blood stains…until the Foundation ruined that. Philza personally doesn’t have much care for human lives beyond his Collected given they’re just going to die in not even a century anyway. That isn’t to say he isn’t aware of murder being bad/ traumatizing to some people. In fact, prior to the Foundation Philza and the rest took pains to sanitize themselves for Tommy’s visits, cremating the evidence, burning the blood off their hands, etc. They were being actively hunted down and are trying to protect themselves, but also letting a kid see what that life is fully like, all the fear and violence of it, is messed up. Perhaps they sheltered him too much. Tommy didn’t know how to recognized he was being followed.
Once in the Foundation, Philza is less cautious about it, though technically is committing far less murder due to the Collected Covenent. He’s practically behaving himself. Philza makes two mistakes in the Hallway Massacre: 1. Tommy’s killed like so so many people at that point so he doesn’t think it’s a problem, especially as he’s murdering Foundation workers who have hurt Tommy. 2. Philza thinks the Foundation has broken their promise and so he’s free. Technically he’s correct, but the Foundation lies well enough that he later regards the Hallway massacre as a mistake, mostly for political rather than traumatizing Tommy reasons. Philza views the Foundation as a far greater source of trauma for Tommy, and all the murder was for the purpose of breaking Tommy out and so justified to him.
In truth, Tommy had already caused as much carnage as he saw during the Hallway Massacre by that time, albeit likely in smaller, more spaced out batches. The reason that moment stuck with Tommy so much was because he saw it as the consequences of choices he made rather than something he was forced to do. Moreso, all his time in the Foundation he’d been told they were violent monsters that would slaughter humanity without reason. This directly conflicted with Tommy’s experience of being forced and forcing others to be violent; until, of course, Philza proved the Foundation right.
In Later massacres during the amnestic arc Philza wasn’t aware he even had Collected that could be traumatized, and anyway only Tubbo was really there to see it. Any later murders on Phil’s part are typically in battles. He does recognize that Tommy doesn’t prefer to fight, and honestly Phil prefers that he doesn’t too since Tommy getting captured mid battle is how the whole group got picked off one by one. Tommy tends not to see most of the fighting. Philza recognizes that Tubbo abhors murder and would ideally solve that through smoking them to sleep through battles so they don’t get traumatized via their partial omnipresence. But Tubbo refuses bc of moral principles or whatever, and so Phil can’t minimize much trauma there without acting against their expressed boundaries, and since the majority of his Collected want to fight and he refuses to let them be killed/hurt/captured, murder time it is. Potentially if they were on better terms he’d smoke Tubbo anyway on the grounds that it’s better for their mental health, but Philza feels ant present Tubbo wouldn’t understand he’s ‘acting in their best interest’.
3. One large factor is that it’s very hard to be a mile long dragon inside of a itty bitty room, although much like he pretends to be human Philza is likewise only pretending to be a dragon. And also it’s hard to hug his tiny little mortals when he’s big. Plus while his Collected are immune to his fire, the smoke generated from burning matter can be hazardous unless it’s hot enough to be a complete combustion.
And unless his human form is killed (which takes an awful lot of effort) Philza can only switch forms through reframing his entire mental schema. His inner world controls his body, and switching between believing you’re a human and a dragon is quite difficult, let alone reverting to his uncontrolled true essence which Philza takes great pains not to do. It’s a tricky balance between loosening his self imposed reigns and fully unbridling his self. Too much and he might lose sapience altogether. When feeling untethered to his humanity, he does also become more draconian. Philza finds it easier to go from dragon to human since all that’s doing is adding more chains, and you can’t really go overboard with that. Though it is certainly easier to go between a human and dragon, which are pretty similar if you think about it what with their brains and meat and what not, than between an animal and fire/fury incarnate.
4. Answered above. And yes it is all illogical to some extent, since love rarely is purely rational. But immortality would be hell without other people. Going insane is even less rational, so Philza picks the former.
5. Philza sweeps a bow. It is unclear if it’s sarcastic. He then pulls out a wallet, which upon opening dumps out long rows of photos, and tries to corner you to gush about his kids. He is a dorky dad first and a deplorable threat to society second.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Green time :D I’m watching Ranboo
“I can take myself seriously, I can do it” mmm I don’t think you can
I got timed out for saying this will haunt my nightmares????
Welp, he was a fairy for all of five minutes before getting possessed
“If I have the opportunity to get rid of my eyes, I’m going to” yeah ok
This team is going to be so freaking chaotic
Them all yelling swears as soon as they establish no one’s pg 😂
Them just straight up missing the ready up 😂😂😂
Rocket Spleef
Relentlessly unhinged already, I’m losing it
“She green on my gecko til I’m insured” MICHELA 😭😭😭
*grandpa voice* “What the hell is a they/them??”
PHIL MVP!!!!!!
I’m not even processing the event what game are we even playing??????
Hole in the Wall
Send help
“It’s called hole in the wall, not hole in the ground” so true Krinios
I go get a sandwich and come back to them adding an age requirement???
Omg people are dying so fast what
They popped off!!!
Phil is so good at surviving in Minecraft you guys
This is a great pov to watch live because I have no idea what’s actually happening, it’s like I get to experience it for the first time twice lol
“They got the slight cognitive abilities” I zone out for ten seconds lol
Someone help Sniff 😭😭😭
“Time to have a meltdown on stream” so true Philza Minecraft
I’m losing my mind
Michela hit the “girl dinner” note perfectly holy crap
Npc team fr, Krin didn’t get the memo
“To be fair… it was funny” - MCC33 Green Geckos motto
Pink popping off!!
“Icy take: let’s not die”
Michela needs to be a voice actor fr
Manifesting Aimsey back to back wins <333
Battle Box
“I’m about to run this team like it’s the navy” as they should!! Krinios igl arc
Michela 😭😭😭
Sapnap crit is so based
Omg teamwork <333
“New strat: the same thing we’ve already been doing” BASED
“I have no boys in my yard ;-;” lmao
Ran and Phil are holding hands this MCC
“I’m really good at acting like I’m dead, it’s my speciality” RANBOO GENERATION LOSS LIVE I STG
“Oh shi-oot” ran whatchu doin, you can swear now, it’s okay
Ace Race
Noooooo Michela 😭😭😭
Jojo calling the tie sexist is so
“The m in MCC stands for misogyny” so true aimseytv!!!!!
Literally no one wants pkt, so true
Grid Runners
Do we think they’ll try or nah?
You know what? No, I’m gonna stop holding back, Sapnap can stfu, I’m so serious
That was so clutch!!!
“She run on my grid til I ers” thank you Krinios
“I’m in Texas” “Oh. Sorry” 😂😂😂😂
Sands of Time
*Slow pan* “You’re homophobic”
I hate that so much, thanks noxcrew <333 /lh
This is so painful
The belated “hi HBomb” my beloved
This red path is wild
NOOOOOO Phil :((
“At the end of the day, we are the silly team” so true Michela!!!
Movies don’t exist, we love writers and actors
Krin’s reaction to “cream crew” killed me
Yellow supremacy!!!!!
Unanimous yellow support my beloved <33
They’re gonna ambush Scott and harass him into getting this team every event from here on out, so true
MY streamers stan Oli Orionsound, as they should!!
“No one’s rooting for red” hmm that’s so weird and quirky, I wonder why /s
Welp that’s what I get for sharing a negative opinion on the internet, not apologizing tho
“Not this time, anime protagonist, now the villains win” PHILZAAAAAAAAAAAA /pos
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arisu-arts · 1 year
i don't actually remember q!quackity threatening chayanne infront of tallulah? the only times i could think of when this would happen would be either when he broke down to wilbur or during the One Day of class but i don't think that was infront of tallulah? he told wilbur about his plans while tallulah was off in the garden, eitherway i don't think tallulah ever saw him as much as a threat and if push came to shove, chayanne can and will kill him ( please correct me on this tho since i Genuinely don't remember )
i also don't remember when he tried to kidnap tallulah? :O like unless you count the day he griefed her house but tallulah wasn't distressed? she went willingly and was immediately out the house the moment wilbur left and wasn't scared during that period, she herself also doesn't see it as kidnapping but ig you could agrue about it being a child perspective ig? if you count the most recent time quackity hung out with tallulah then i'm even more confused :o
wait unless you're talking about when the eggs were cracked, then yeah she was scared and distressed ! but i thought that was because of everything that was happening ( she got taken and cracked, she wanted to be with her family, she was scared etc ) rather than solely quackity—like he played a part in it but it was moreso something that added to a preexisting stressful situation rather than the sole reason, but if its referencing this then i get agree sorta
my memory is very bad so maybe i'm forgetting smth but that's thats how i see it ^_^ but anyways i could make a huge agruement on why i think it makes sense but really the True Reason why tallulah likes him is because tallulah's admin as a tnt bias lol
Alright so!Tallulah knew that Quackity wanted to harm chayanne from two moments one was when chayanne told her that quackity theatend him and missa and the other was when Quackity in a bad state when to her and wilbur and infront of her said ,,to confront chayanne in a violent manner" while holding a sword. She reacted by saing ,,what did you say" while poiting a sword at him, and after he left she said to wilbur ,,He better not touch chayanne". She was clearly upset abotu that and idk i guess for me it's weird how quickly she went to being nice to him after all that
I was refering to time after she got cracked where Quackity tried to take her by force from Phil becouse idk that whole thing was so weird and very sus like he lied to brazilians that she was his doughter to take her away and creamed at philza while all the eggs were hiding in the basement with tallula hidden in the corner and all eggs ready to fight. Of course they all were distressed becouse of the situation but when they all where in the bunker she acted more normal but when quackity appeared she went to the panic room chayanne build her and just crouch there while playing to herself. that looked very sad to me
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