#picky writer
knife-filled-plushies · 7 months
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i love the Smiling Critters as a cartoon concept and if it ever developed like mlp or something like that I can absolutely see something comical like this happening djkfskf
lesson at the end would probably be something about getting a healthy amount of sleep and staying on a good schedule jfhskf
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a11eya · 3 months
can you rec some of your favorite bakugo fics or writers on here?
hi anon! yeah ofc!! tho i have to preface this by saying that i haven't really read any bkg fanfic, whether on here or tumblr, for months now... when i write, it's hard for me to read for the characters i write for—not sure why!—so i can only rec writers i really enjoy but found before i even started writing bkg fanfic haha. (they are very popular writers! much more popular than i am so!! if you found me you'll most likely know them already so sorry 🥺)
off the top of my head, and by no means an exhaustive list—
i talked about eli's fic "i like to call myself wound but i will answer to knife" in this ask i got way back, but her bkg fic "in the dark of morning, you promise me the sun" is devastatinggggg
cee's fic "give you my wild" 👀 god the emotional depth of this fic
willow's fic "and you take me the way i am" ahhhhh reader is his assistant like PLEASE the premise
andie's fic "savvy" is MWAH enemies to lovers
also, if ya'll have any recs for me to read!! pls drop them in the replies!!!
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cahootings · 7 months
Do you have any ofmd fic recommendations? I’m out of things to read. If you don’t have time to compile a list just ignore this, but I like your opinions so I thought I’d ask (:
ok first of all im so flattered i don’t know how to act 😚 secondly, and I am sorry for this, but im fairly sure most of my favorite fics I have gotten from specifically you posting them ahskfjshskfjd WHOOPS!!!
thirdly if you have not made your way through the entirety of @darcylindbergh/@forpiratereasons’ AO3 catalog, you must. I won’t lie that’s where I spend most of my fic time. Darcy doesn’t know how obsessed I am with her writing except now she does. Also specifically this one that, im not kidding, I reread like every other week. Such a concept and fits them so well. Also riding double is so heartachingly sweet, I come back to that one a lot too. I love them oh my god
losing count by @bizarrelittlemew !! still one of my favorites man it made me cry like a baby it’s so beautiful!!
so long, seabird they are soooooo…. Them. so absurd. they can’t shut up and I never want them to. by oh wait you wrote this one you devil
bright & early by @summerlinenss idk what else to say they’re in love and they take care of each other
also these hello collar fic my beloved. Chasing this high forever. I love seeing them communicate and understand and help each other and also I love the collar what can I SAY!!!!
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journey-to-the-attic · 9 months
one thing i've noticed about obey me's story is that it generally delivers on big dramatic narrative moments, but often neglects the surrounding scenes and especially the fallout. there is of course, the oft-talked-about lesson 16, feat. mc's death that never gets brought up again, but then there's also s2's amnesia arc, which ends things with "mc has the ring so everything is completely fine forever"
om has a habit of doing this, where a realm-wide (or heck, universe-wide) problem is hand-waved away by the appearance of a convenient fix-it, which is usually either an object or just ~magic~ (magic as a plot device in om in general is handled poorly but that's a story for another day)
in some cases they just don't address the fallout at all. at least belphie talks about what he did in lesson 16 - but, see nb s2, wherein levi floods the entire devildom, submerging entire houses, and they don't bring it up again afterwards. as far as i remember too, belphie's mini-arc in this season wasn't really given room to breathe, either
but here's the main thing (spoilers for nb lessons 38 and 39)
i've just done these two lessons and in hindsight lucifer's mini-arc feels like a lot of missed potential
honestly they could have excluded diavolo entirely - his main purpose was to stall for time so that the brothers could show up. the moment where he kneels was cool (more on that moment later), but the way they've written him in means that the angels kinda. don't get to do anything? at all?
look - raphael has a gorgeous character moment at the end of 37 where he cries for the brothers' plight. like you don't understand this had so much potential!!! he didn't really do much in s1 (and might not have actually been himself??) so i was hoping this would be his chance to shine, but instead he's on the sidelines. simeon gets the most to do, and even then it's really not much. luke doesn't do anything, unless you count those blessings he and simeon give mc, but they don't really factor in at all??
what especially doesn't make sense about diavolo's role here is that lucifer turns on mc after they step in to protect him. this is meant to be a pay-off to diavolo's less savoury motivation for saving the brothers, revealed in his arc in nb s1, but all lucifer does is say it, get mad, then completely forgets about it once all is said and done
if that's all they were going to do with it, why bring it up at all? from a character standpoint, it makes more sense for mc to shield one of the angels - again, raphael this could've been your moment. (alternatively it could've been a call-back to the og s1 where mc shields luke in the underground tomb)
the appearance of the brothers was welcome, but at the same time i don't quite buy that they all got out of their respective predicaments completely fine. (also where did mephistopheles go??) lucifer also calms down very quickly, which is a great moment for the power of family, but at the same time i feel like he would've needed at least a few more dialogue boxes of him registering through his rage that his brothers were there. eh, this is more nitpicky than everything else
the brotherly moment was 10/10 though. love these guys <3
but i hated the final resolution so so much. sure, have god forgive him, whatever. but why would you end it all with a "papa loves you"???? if it had been raphael or simeon saying it, maybe i could get behind this as a symptom of the celestial realm's unhealthy society, but LUCIFER, whose greatest fear was revealed to be his father in s3 of the original story?
om has never made it seem like god's relationship with the angels was anything other than controlling and borderline abusive, and for some reason (if the poignant flashback is anything to go by) they've done a complete heel turn into "actually it's fine because he loves the angels". it could be read as representing how children often still cling to abusive/controlling parents, but i doubt it - especially coming from lucifer, who started a war and lost a sister in direct opposition to his father
and i get the whole deal with "lucifer was so beautiful as an angel" but it feels really disingenuous to the brothers' arc (about settling into the devildom and coming into their own as demons) to harp on about it. like, fuck that, have lucifer cast away the angel form, or at least have some pushback from him in the aftermath. have mc tell him "you're even more beautiful as a demon" or something
then in lesson 39 everything's back to normal. it's a very cute lesson and i had fun in the moment, but it feels off. there's no discussion of what happened, everyone's completely fine. there's got to be some psychological after-effects to all of that, no? for lucifer especially if not the brothers who got frozen as well???
though lucifer's dragon gift was very sweet. i can't stay mad at that old man
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limitedanomalies · 7 months
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Can't get over this.
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devastatinglygreen · 3 months
Why do you think the angst was all in the last 2 episodes?
okay. so. what's one of the biggest tenets of romance writing?
why can't they be together now?
that's it. that's the question you need to continually answer when writing a romance story, right? RMB (and the bridgerton books in general) are interesting in the way that they don't particularly take too much part in the traditional 3rd act breakup.
most writers live or die by it (and it can often be tedious, i know) so what happens when in RMB when they're married but they need a 3rd act conflict to add to the show where the drama is amped up to 100?
you have a big ass fight.
the thing is, if it's something solved by simple communication, it's irritating to watch and no one is going to enjoy it (it's also what makes or break fics in my opinion, ha). and i see this take a lot in the polin fandom tbh but it's not simple conversations they need to have and i think that there's a misconception of "oh if they just talked to one another...". great! they should talk, right? because they do. they talk more than once and it goes nowhere. they both leave the situation frustrated.
because it's a fundamental disagreement of where they stand as individuals.
it's not because colin is being dramatic, it's not because penelope won't bend. it's because they each think the other is asking too much of them in the moment and feels the other doesn't understand where they're coming from.
all penelope wants is colin to love her and accept her as she is. that includes LW and understanding where her voice comes from. all colin wants is to provide for penelope and be the man he thinks he needs to be for her. he's also worried about penelope and can't reconcile LW and his wife, the love of his life, being the same person.
penelope lays her cards out and tells that she wants him to love her and be by her side. that he, as he is, is enough for her. he comes to accept that penelope and LW are one and the same. he learns to love them both. he no longer wants penelope to split herself and he learns that just being by her side is enough for him. that he can be just who he is and that's enough.
it is, honestly, far bigger than a conversation or two. i think that gets lost since they shoved it all into 7 & 8. if it were me i would have started it somewhere in the middle of 6 tbh.
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grimark · 12 days
the problem with a lot of f/f fic is that people will do things like tag it with the words "useless lesbians" and i will have to be like sorry i'm not reading that
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dovand · 1 month
anyone have poetry recs (including your own)
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pfhwrittes · 10 months
this is such a stupid niggle to have but whenever i read fics set in scotland or the uk and the characters mention being worried about raccoons there’s a part of my brain that goes “oh. an american wrote this.” because we don’t have raccoons here. they’re just not a thing. like in terms of rabies vectors our main concerns stem from bats, not raccoons. in terms of scavengers knocking over bins it’s usually foxes or gulls that cause the most disruption. not raccoons. never raccoons.
also on the list of animals we don’t have wild in the UK, no bears, no moose, no big cats (lynx, bobcats, mountain lions) no wolves, and no coyotes. we don’t actually have any large predators (which is actually a massive problem because we have a huge issue in some parts of the UK from the deer population).
what we do have? foxes, badgers, deer in various flavours (roe, red, muntjac, sika, fallow and chinese water), lots and lots of different species of bats, beavers (in some parts of Scotland), wildcats (only in scotland i believe and they’re not big cats they’re mostly oversized house cat shape), pine martins (again i think only in scotland), stoats, otters, seals. plenty of birds.
so yeah. UK wildlife. pretty chill. no large predators.
you can absolutely blame my ex-partner for some of this knowledge as they are an ecologist
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declanscunt · 10 months
kenstewy fic recs?
oh god… so many… first of all anything and everything by ao3 authors leoandsnake (especially tsd i & tsd ii) and stewyonmolly (im particularly fond of lesbian kenstewy & their senses series)
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coefficient of variation by trill_gutterbug
"No, it's not—I just want to. It's not like, a thing, you know?"
"You want to lie here slobbering on my limp dick while I read forty-seven thrilling pages of Macroprudential Policy Regulation, but it's 'not a thing.'"
Kendall's face, already hot, pulsed feverish with a livid mix of embarrassment and arousal. He shut his eyes. "Something like that, yeah."
Telemachus’ Detachment by magnoliabud
There’s one thing Logan hasn’t used against Kendall yet: his relationship with Stewy. Kendall decides to jump in front of it.
Or: thirty years of something.
Set from the middle of Series 3, after the shareholder’s meeting.
tenderness of heart by strangeluvz
My assistant said that you told her if I wasn’t using my phone “to at least send a fucking letter or some shit” and I don’t know whether you were joking or whatever but here. You know that being online is bad shit for me man. So here’s this: I’m OK. Is that good enough? Do you need a stool sample or something too? Vial of my blood? Let me know
Kendall Roy
Kendall goes offline. Stewy sends him letters.
we’ll meet in even greater darkness later by moonrocks
Kendall isn’t exactly sure what Stewy’s doing here, if this is a booty call for old times’ sake or there’s something else they need to discuss. Maybe Stewy’s just doing him another solid. Since his dad died, it’s been hard to be stagnant in his apartment all alone. Between the studio in LA and the corporate retreat in Norway, Kendall has actively avoided it, but the election is coming up, and there’s nowhere to run now. He’s in the bullpen and the beast is rearing its ugly head.
(Set sometime between 4x04 and 4x08).
some little language by strangeluvz
Stewy says, “Dude, sometimes. I think I, like, love you so much, it physically hurts.”
Kendall replies, without thinking, “What the fuck.”
Post-canon: Kendall goes to Stewy. Stewy’s arms are always open.
Make Good by Springandastorm
"I don't think…" Kendall trails off. His shoulders hang heavy.
"You don't think, or you do?" Stewy asks, the usual smooth scale of his voice a little softer, like he's talking Kendall off a ledge somewhere.
"I think I'm pretty fucking hollow."
"Yeah. My voice echoes when I talk to you." Stewy agrees, leaning a little closer and knocking his shoulder into his. "That's okay."
a current under sea / picked his bones in whispers by ingwertee
God, he’s been picking up the pieces for a mopey, strung out, kicked puppy version of Kendall for over a year now. Kendall’s sudden surge of confidence, however unjustified, turns him on, reminds him of the Kendall he had started to think only existed in his daydreams.
a little of the collapsing space by ohtempora
“I’m not gonna say you should have told me,” Stewy says. “You absolutely should not have told me fucking anything."
what did you tell me, mary by harukatenoh
In which Kendall and Stewy attempt to answer: what have you got in your fucking hand?
i figure you with love by alaczije
Stewy manages to do a decent job of forgetting about Kendall, and him-and-Kendall, and all the neuroses contained therein, until the pap photos leak.
Luxe / Redux by orestesfasting
He’s not sure what he’s more angry about, is the thing. The betrayal or the subsequent lie.
Or—maybe that’s not quite true. He knows which one he’s more angry about, and he knows that rationally it should be the other one. But needless to say, if Kendall had told him the truth about why he did what he did, Stewy wouldn’t be heading to his place uninvited at 11PM on a Saturday night, brimming with righteous fury like the proverbial woman scorned.
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deadpanwalking · 5 months
In your opinion is there still space for new authors (that don’t write YA) in the publishing industry?
I'm guessing you mean the traditional publishing industry. I’d be a hypocrite if I told you to burn down the Big Five publishing houses that take up space in your head, but you gotta understand that in addition to the shit that’s always been wrong, there’s a now a huge labor issue on account of the buyouts and layoffs last year, not to mention that the recent layoffs in the journalism industry = less book coverage = less publicity = fewer sales = more layoffs of editorial staff.  The chances of you getting a fair shake with that crowd any time soon are not great. Mind you, this is provided you’ve already locked down a literary agent who either likes your shit or thinks it will sell (birth of first child<the purple 😎 on QueryTracker when you get Offered Representation).  In any case, if you’re pitching literary fiction, get acquainted with reputable small presses, micro-presses, and indie publishers—some take unsolicited manuscripts if you aren't repped.
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WIP Ask Game!
I was tagged by @vampswritings thank you!!!!
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
if you hold me without hurting me, you'll be the first who ever did
texture (chapter 2)
"Please don't hurt me."
All Grown Up
Makeup Christian
Makeup Christian (Modern AU)
t4t (Modern AU)
Lifeguard AU
OCD Christian
thanks, I hate it
Study abroad hook-up to LDR
Firework! for maya
shower sex (laughter during sex prompt)
to cover the bruises (which ending??)
Arabia and Satine
Friends hear through hotel walls? (Arabia and Ivy)
Arabia/Ivy + Satine/Nini + La Choc x Baby Doll
Arcade trash rat
Missing Tour Hamish
Catsit Switch Up
Exes to lovers costars in a musical
Slower burn romance
gravity will hold us as we're holding on for life (and we're racing to get older)
on a walk
say please
too small to remember/too precious to forget
"Come with me, to the stars!"
moments of tenderness
oral fixation
Hadestown time loop
in her sleep
non-binary Satine
Phone sex line
Coffee Shop AU
Fairy tale doesn't work
Broken mirror
Theatre AU
Elevator - piano teacher and porn star
memento mori
5 moments when it wasn't safe to be himself (and 5 when it was)
Next Time Around
trans Christian childhood
I am tagging @falsestardust @gingerpeachtea @ashleyslorens @franniebridgertons @juanabaloo @all-seeing-ifer and anyone else who wants to play!
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mikakuna · 1 month
reached the point where if i even see "pit-mad" or "pit-rage" in a fic, i'm immediately clicking out
i know enough
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xehanortsreport · 6 months
one of my xehanort hcs is that hes agender as hell. absolutely transcended gender, and a big part of it was him being taken off of destiny islands and realizing there's infinite possibilities. as a result, i also like to think YX experimented a lot with femininity and using she/her pronouns and in general just being incredibly fluid in presentation.
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inklore · 1 year
tag replies/reblogs on a writers work is just as good as a comment reblog. you don’t gotta write a whole paragraph on our work to show you love it. a simple reblog and screaming in the tags is just as great!!
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plz tell me if this bickering sounds more like virrow or viravos i think im going insane
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