#picture it: I’m sat outside viewing the garden there’s a slight breeze and all is calm
whimsyprinx · 1 year
i truly should’ve been born to a noble family that has more rivals and enemies than they do allies so that one day I would inevitably be caught in the crossfire and dies tragically coughing up blood (and tea) after succumbing to the poison that has laced my tea
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callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 41
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss.
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 7.0k
Chapter 40 | Masterlist
It was a warm and sunny day in San Diego, perfect for viewing venues. I pulled the Bronco up next to Penny’s Porsche, her and Mav leaning against it and talking. “There she is! The Bride-to-be!” Mav yelled as I got out, wrapping me up in a hug. Once he let go, Penny hugged me. “So, how’d you find this place?” She asked, turning to look at the victorian home in front of us. “Passed it on the way back home from looking at that last hotel.” She nodded as we walked onto the porch. I caught sight of the Kingston Estate as I sat in traffic coming back from the last venue I checked out. When I looked online they had a garden in the back, as well as a hillside that gave you a view of the ocean, perfect to get married in front of. We walked inside as a woman in a suit walked up to us. “Hi, you must be Miss Motley.” I nodded, shaking her hand. “I’m Margaret, will your fiancé be joining us?” I shook my head. “He’s currently deployed. He’ll come back in April.” She smiled and nodded. “Well here. These have our package options, we offer catering, a photographer and videographer, and we can even make your cake in house.” I raised my brows as she went over everything they did, and the prices on the sheet weren’t that bad.
“Now let me show you the ballroom.” “Oh, can we actually see the garden and the outdoor space first?” She nodded, having us follow her outside. We walked out a large set of gorgeous french doors, leading into a large open space. “Now this is where you would have the ceremony outside. We supply chairs as well as an archway that you can decorate as you, please. If it is too windy that day, we can move it inside, but hopefully we wouldn’t have too.” It was so open and spacious out here, the grass was soft and green, and you could smell the flowers from the garden when a breeze blew by. “You think Bradley will like it?” I turned to Mav who nodded. “Oh yeah, this is something he’d enjoy.” I smiled, nodding. “Okay, let me show you the garden.” We followed her around the corner and all kinds of flowers in many different colors invaded my vision. “Oh wow!” Penny gasped as we walked around. Rows on rows of flowers were everywhere, and there was even a small pond with fish inside. “I really really like this.” The smile wouldn’t leave my face and my muscles were aching. “Would you like to see the inside now?” I nodded and we followed behind her. “Okay, this is our main ballroom.” She opened the double doors to reveal a large room with white and black tiled floor. Tall windows allowed for the sunlight to pour in which made the room seem so warm.
“This is where your reception would be. We provide tables, chairs, a screen for pictures or videos, and space for a band or DJ. We can decorate however you wish. A lot of people these days like the bright neons, but we do have some warm yellow lights that we can hang.” I nodded. “Warm lighting for sure, I’m not a fan of a club element at weddings and neither is Roo.” She nodded. “We have a list of bands and DJ’s that have worked with us, and we recommend as well.” I nodded, just amazed at the room. “Against this wall here we have the bar. You don’t have to use it but if you do you have the option of an open bar or guests paying.” I nodded still mesmerized by the room. The gold chandelier hung over the center of the floor, the morning sunlight bouncing off it. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to our bridal suite and our grooms suite.” We followed her up the grand staircase, the windows showing a beautiful view of the ocean. She took us to the right, towards the groom’s suite, swinging the door open and allowing us into the large room. There was a pool table, a wet bar, a large bathroom with a shower, darts, a large couch and a few chairs and a tv. “There is a bedroom through here, many grooms decide to stay here the night before.” She opened the door to see a smaller bedroom that had a queen size bed. I nodded, as we looked around. “We also have a large closet with a steamer for tuxedos.”
It was nice, nicest I had seen yet and the best price for what we were getting. “Now, the bridal suite.” I was excited to see this, almost skipping behind Margaret on the way over. She swung the door open, and I gasped. Everything was white, bright and beautiful. Tall windows like the rest of the house with sheer white curtains around them, plush white carpet, a wet bar, tv, a living room set up, and a few vanities spread throughout the room. “The bathroom has everything the groom’s suite does, as well as a king-sized bed in that room.” We walked over and it looked so plush and soft, white blankets making it look crisp and clean. “Here we have a hook that you can hang the dress on, a lot of women love to have pictures of just the dress. These are bow windows, and they look beautiful at any time of day, and they make for great pictures.” The excitement was building in my chest. “What do we think?” I asked, turning to Mav and Penny. “Rooster is obviously going to like whatever you like,” Mav said as he tossed his arm over my shoulder. “But I genuinely think he will love this.” I nodded as Penny stepped up next to him. “This screams you guys. It’s classic but not super formal, I can see you guys getting married out there.” I nodded and we followed Margaret down to her office.
“So, what do we think?” I nodded. “I like it, a lot. It’s just screaming at me, but I do have to talk to my fiancé before I book anything.” She nodded, clicking around on her computer. “Okay, well we book out fast and far. When do you talk to him next?” I looked at my phone, looking for the date. “Tomorrow actually.” She nodded, looking up at the clock. “I have four more couples who are looking today. If they all book with us, this can book us out another five months because we already have stuff booked for next year.” My face fell at her words, I was worried we wouldn’t have the short engagement we wanted. “Is there any way I can hold a spot?” She pursed her lips, looking at her computer. “I’m not supposed to, but I’ll tell you what. The next available day we have for a wedding is Saturday December thirty-first. If you put down a deposit on that day, I won’t let anyone else book it. You can talk to your fiancé and call me, but if you don’t call me by Monday, you won’t get that deposit back.” I nodded, whipping out the cash I kept in case I found a venue. “If you do book on the 31st and hang around till midnight there will be fireworks.” I smiled as I handed her the money, nodding. “Thank you so much, Margaret.”
As we got outside, I couldn’t help but do a little dance. “Ah! I found a venue!” Penny and Mav laughed. “It’s really great, Magnolia.” Mav said and I couldn’t help the sigh that escaped me. “I know, and I can’t wait to talk to Rooster about it! I’m gonna go home and email him all the info!” They smiled as I got into the Bronco, tearing down the road, joyful as ever. I was surprised when I got home to find a small SUV in the driveway and an older woman standing on the porch. As I pulled in, she turned to me, her facial expression being unreadable as she did so. “Hi, can I help you?” I asked slowly, a little nervous as to why she was here. “Is Bradley here?” She was snippy, rude even. “No, he’s not. But I’m his fiancé, can I help you?” Attitude was dripping from every word as I crossed my arms over my chest and my hip popped out. “You-you’re the fiancé?” She asked, pointing a chubby finger at me. “I am. And you are?” My eyebrow raised as she seemed to huff. “I’m his aunt Matilda, but he calls me Tilly.” So this was his aunt Tilly, I haven’t seen pictures but she was not what I was expecting. “Well, why don’t you come in and I’ll make lunch.” I said as I walked by her, unlocking the door. She seemed a little stunned at my actions but soon turned and followed me.
The dogs were happy I was home, but they were even more excited that Tilly was here. “Oh! Oh! Good doggy.” She said slowly backing away from Dahlia. “Dahlia. Bed.” She slowly turned, ambling over to her bed before flopping down on her side. Sadie had herself propped up on Tilly’s leg, expecting attention. “Sadie.” She got down, looking at me with a side eye before crawling into Dahlia’s bed and curling up next to her. “I’m sorry. Everyone is so used to them that I forget that some people aren’t fond of dogs.” She seemed to calm down once the dogs did, her shoulders visibly relaxing. “Mangy mutts.” She muttered, making me stop, and turn around. “I’m sorry?” She gave me the fakest smile I had ever seen. “Beautiful dogs.” I huffed, getting fed up with this woman already. “Thank you. Bradley has quite the relationship with them, especially Sadie. The little one.” She followed me into the kitchen, a confused look on her face. “Oh no, my Brad Brad is scared of dogs.” I cringed at ‘my Brad Brad’, pulling out some chicken to cook. “Mm, no he’s not. At least if he is he has an odd way of showing it seeing as the dogs’ sleep in the bed with us.” I was getting frustrated wit her. She shows up to our house, being rude and acting like she knows everything.
“Sleep with you? Do you live here?” It sounded incredulous. I nodded as I pulled out some veggies. “Yes, I do. Bradley and I share a house, a bed. We live together and we love it.” She scoffed, leaning back from the island that she leaned on. “In this house? My sister’s house? Which doesn’t even look like her house anymore! Bradley would never make these changes so I can only assume you pushed it on him! Disrespecting my sister and brother in laws memory!” I slammed my knife down, turning to her as she jumped in surprise. “Shut up! The renovation was Bradley’s idea and yeah, I had some input, but for the most part this was him! And disrespecting their memory?” I stormed back out to the living room, pointing to the pictures placed around the house. “Does this look disrespectful to you? Putting pictures of them and Bradley around the house so he can always see them? I dug these out, making sure that they had a special place in this house.” I stormed over to the fireplace. “Their wedding picture, this is Bradley’s favorite and I wanted him to be able to see it whenever he wanted. So don’t come into our house and start talking shit about how we’ve done things.” She seemed taken aback by my words.
“I can’t believe you would talk to me like this! Bradley wouldn’t stand for it!” “Oh, I know all about your relationship. How you shamed him for following his mother’s wishes and all but abandoning him at seventeen. You’re a piece of fucking work and at this point, you’re not welcome in my house.” She was shocked at my words. “I told him not to marry you! You broke his heart too many times! I don’t trust you!” I laughed as I swung the front door open. “I don’t give a fuck if you don’t trust me. Bradley knows I’m not going anywhere. Now, leave.” She huffed before walking outside. “I’ll just come back when he’s home. I had some stuff to give him anyway.” She was fuming as she stormed towards the car. “Well then see you in April, he’s deployed.” She glared at me before huffing. We stared each other down for a minute before she sighed. “Can I at least leave this stuff here? It’s the rest of his mom and dad’s stuff that was at my house.” I pursed my lips. I couldn’t let my feelings towards her keep Roo from getting stuff that means a lot to him. “Of course.” I helped her tote everything in before setting it in the living room. “Thank you.” I nodded at her. “I’d never stand in the way of what he wants.” She sighed, standing up straight. She turned towards the door, grabbing the door handle and swinging it open, gasping when she saw Maverick standing on the other side with his fist up. They stared at each other for a moment before she spoke up. “Pete.” There was so much malice in her voice, it almost made my skin crawl.
“Matilda.” There was just as much venom in his voice. “What are you doing here?” She asked, her hand on her hip. “He came to discuss wedding stuff with me. He’s been a big help since Bradley is deployed.” She huffed, looking up at him. “You will never be able to replace Nicholas.” Mav seemed shocked, so I stepped in. “Okay. First off, he’s not. Rooster asked for him to assist with the wedding while he was gone. No one could ever replace his dad and Maverick is not trying to.” “You don’t know what he did while my sister was sick.” It was taking a lot to bite back my anger at this point. “You mean like how he took care of Bradley while you bitched about Carol’s wishes?” I asked as I took the door from her. “You don’t know anything!” She yelled. “I know enough. Now, please leave. I don’t want to have to force you out.” She stormed past Mav, almost knocking him over in the process. “Have a nice day, Matilda.” Mav yelled after her. She just gave him the middle finger before tearing out of the driveway. We just laughed as I let him in. “Why was she here?” He asked and I motioned to the boxes. “She wanted to drop the rest of the Nick and Carol’s stuff off for Roo. I don’t know what’s in here.” I said as I walked over and opened the top box, gasping when I saw what was inside. “Carol’s wedding dress.” Mav looked at it as tears sprung to his eyes. I grabbed the pile of tulle on top, lace lining it on the outside. “This is her veil.” It was soft and Mav helped me pull it out completely. “I forgot how long it was.” He chuckled before wiping his cheeks. “You think Rooster would let me wear it?” Mav seemed surprised by my question, but a soft smile graced his features. “I think he’d love that.”
Mav originally came over to retrieve a pair of shoes Penny had loaned me, and he stayed to help me hash out a few small wedding details. It was nice to spend this time with him, I’ve known Mav my whole life, but since being out here he really feels like family. The next morning, I sat at the island, my computer in front of me as I sipped my coffee. I emailed Rooster all of the information on the venue yesterday in hopes he got to read it, and now we were about to finalize a few decisions on this call. I opened the kitchen windows while I sat here to let the warm breeze in as well as listen to the waves crash on the beach just out back. The call was loading, all Rooster had to do was pick up on his end. After a few minutes, the constant swirling circle on the screen disappeared and the face of my handsome fiancé replaced it. “Hey, pretty girl!” The screen was a little grainy but I could tell his smile overtook his face and his eyes had a certain glimmer to them. “Hi honey!” I said excitedly. “How’s your morning?” I smiled, picking up my laptop to show him the windows. “I have the windows open, there’s a warm breeze, and I can hear the waves crashing on the beach. Perfect for a Sunday morning!” He gave me a dopey smile, resting his face in his hands. “God, I love you.” I giggled as I sipped my coffee. “I love you too.” I grinned. “So, I did get to look at the venue and the pictures look amazing.” I nodded excitedly, grabbing the paperwork. "It’s even more amazing in person! They have Bridal and Groom’s suites so if one of us wanted to stay there the night before, we could. The ballroom is beautiful, with room for everything. The gardens are magical almost, I figured we could sneak in there right after the ceremony for a few minutes. Just to take a breather and be with each other for a minute before we dive back into the madness.”
He nodded, listening intently to me. “I think that’s a great idea.” I nodded, writing it down. “Okay, so she told me she would hold the one available date they had if I put down a deposit. I can call her after I talk to you, and if we want it it’s ours, and if we don’t she said she would refund us. She’s not supposed to do that but she’s making an exception.” He nodded. “So, what’s the date?” I sighed, not sure he would be on board with it. “December thirty-first.” I bit my lip, staring at him. “Of this year?” I nodded. “Book it! Take it!” He yelled out, making me giggle. “We wanna get married on December thirty-first of this year?” He nodded, and I jotted it down on the notepad in front of me. “I know it’s not the shortest engagement like you wanted, but I’m excited to get to marry you this year.” I shook my head. “I’ll wait a hundred if it means I get to marry you in the end.” His hand flew to his chest, clutching his heart as he leaned back. “It’s so sweet, I’m gonna die.” I laughed as I looked at the paper with notes I took with Mav last night. “So, you know how we were trying to figure out a second color for the wedding?” He nodded. “I was talking with Mav yesterday and I mentioned that, and he had quite the idea.” He raised an eyebrow. “What about Navy and Champagne?” He raised a brow in surprise. “Mav came up with that?” I nodded. “Sure did.” He chuckled. “I’m impressed, and I really like those color ideas.” I nodded. “So, JJ is gonna be the ring bearer.” I nodded, my bottom lip jutting out. “He’ll be able to walk by then.” Roo mimicked my face before laughing. “I don’t know how you can look so cute like that.” I shrugged with a grin at his words.
“I considered asking Amber and Kim if Anita and Isabella could be flower girls.” He sighed. “The only thing is, Anita is super shy. How’s she gonna act if all these strangers are staring at her?” I pursed my lips. “I had thought about that. Maybe have Jake sit up in the front row, that way if she gets overwhelmed, she can run to him. These ceremonies can be long for kids, so I don’t really expect them to stand with us. They can go sit in the front row if they want.” He nodded. “I considered having Jake be a groomsman.” I raised a brow. “I know you guys are getting on a lot better now, but I didn’t expect that.” He shrugged. “We’ve been emailing back and forth while I’ve been deployed, and we’ve just been getting closer.” I nodded. “Either way, he’ll be at the end of the aisle if Anita gets overwhelmed.” He nodded. “You know, I joked with Coyote, Bob and Payback that they would be flowers boys.” I laughed out. “I think Harvard, Yale, Fritz, and Omaha would be a better fit for that. I was gonna ask Coyote, Bob and Payback to be groomsmen.” I pursed my lips. “Who says we can’t have flower girls and flower boys?” He laughed. “We’ll work that out closer to time.” I nodded. “Okay, so I think that’s it. We will figure out food, flowers, photographers and everything when you come home.” He nodded. “But I was thinking we could do the engagement party not long after you get home. Do you have an idea of when you’ll be home?” He shook his head. “Just April. That’s all I know.” I nodded, my smile falling slightly. “Well then, we’ll just plan it for the first weekend in May to be on the safe side! Penny offered up the bar for anything we needed, and I may take her up on that for this party.”
I looked up, to see he had that dopey smile back on his face. “You’re so cute when you talk about our wedding.” A laugh escaped me, loud as I threw my head back. “You’re so cute with that dopey smile on your face.” He chuckled as Dahlia padded over, propping her legs in my lap so she could see the computer. “What is it? You hear daddy?” Her large nose almost covered the screen as she sniffed it, very confused as to why she could see and hear him but he wasn’t here. “Say that again.” I raised a brow. “What? Daddy?” A large grin grew on his face as mine heated up, the blush creeping up my neck. “Rooster, you’re nasty.” He shook his head with a laugh. “I mean, I was the one thinking about how when we have kids that’ll be my new title. You’re the one who made it dirty.” It’s like someone turned up the heat, I started feeling even hotter at his words. “Speaking of daddy.” I said as I reached behind the computer, grabbing the stick. I held it up, showing him the bold negative in the tiny window. “Wait, did you think you were pregnant?” I nodded. “I had the flu this past week and some of my symptoms could’ve been pregnancy related. Natasha was the one who suggested I take a test.” He sighed, leaning back. “I wanted to talk to you about it though. I think we should stop trying.” His face fell in surprise. “Not permanently. Just until after the wedding. I don’t wanna have to move our wedding around if I do get pregnant because I’m not walking down the aisle with a baby bump.” He nodded, still looking sad. “I also don’t think I’m ready to give up flying yet. My eye doctor told me I’d be lucky to fly after thirty-five anyway, and I want to do it as long as I can.” He bit his lip, looking down at his hands that were folded in front of him. “I forgot about your eyesight deteriorating.” I nodded. “I’m just not ready to give it up, Roo.”
“And I’d never ask you too. But if we did have kids, we would make it work. But I agree, maybe we should stop trying until after the wedding.” I nodded with a sigh as I propped my head on my hand. “So back to condoms, and I’m gonna get on birth control. I have a gynecologist appointment in a few weeks, so I’ll ask then.” He nodded. “Sounds good, pretty girl.” He looked just behind his computer sighing. “One minute.” I pursed my lips. “I love you, and I’ll see you on our next call. One more and then you’re home.” He nodded. “I know, I can’t wait.” I bit my lip. “You know when you come home, we’re gonna be in bed most of the time.” He nodded. “Oh, I know, trust me. It’s all I think about some days.” I smiled at him. “Bye, Roo. I love you.” He gave me a big smile, leaning back in his chair. “I love you too, pretty girl.” With that the call ended. A few tears slipped from my eyes as the call ended. “Fuck.” I muttered, wiping my eyes. Dahlia whined as she propped her head on my leg. “I know, baby. I miss him too.” I said as I pet her head and played with her ears. “Okay, now to call and confirm the venue.” The words alone made my excited. I paced the kitchen as I called Margaret who was ecstatic that we were booking for the thirty-first. As soon as I hung up, it settled in me. I was actually getting married to Bradley Bradshaw. The excitement was so much, I thought my chest would burst open. “I’M GETTING MARRIED!” I screamed as I danced around the kitchen. “I’M GONNA BE MRS. BRADHSAW! FUCK YEAH!”
That week I called mom, telling her we had a date and a venue, which she raved about. Almost more excited than me. I told the rest of the team the date, and they were excited as well. “We should grill out to celebrate.” Payback said as he stood from his seat. “We can do it at my place, tonight. I have all the food.” They nodded. “But we’re cooking. You shouldn’t cook for your own party.” I held my hands up in surrender. “I’m a-okay with that.” After we all finished our hops for the day, we went to the locker rooms, showering and changing into more comfortable clothes before heading out. “We’re all gonna drive back to our places and just ride in one car, so we’ll be behind you.” Payback said and I nodded. “Well, Coyote, Bob and Phoenix rode with me this morning.” Jake said just as I pulled the Bronco door open. “Well, if any of y’all wanna ride with me, you’re more than welcome too.” Phoenix immediately crawled into the backseat as Bob took passenger. “I see how it is.” Hangman huffed as I cranked the engine. “I love you, baby.” Phoenix said, blowing him a kiss. We pulled out and off base, taking in all the warm air that whipped around us. As we went down the road, Hangman passed us, blowing his horn as Coyote waved from the passenger seat.
“Guess they’re gonna wait in the driveway.” Bob chuckled. “Nah, we have a key. Rooster gave it to me just before he left for Texas. It’s on Hangman’s key ring.” I nodded. “They’ll probably let themselves inside, raid my cabinets for anything to cook.” The rest of the drive was spent with the radio filling the silence between us. Some seventies station Rooster keeps it on. As we pulled into the driveway, we saw Hangman and Coyote standing on the porch, staring at the front door. I furrowed my brows, getting out and grabbing my bag. “Figured you two would’ve been inside already.” As they turned around, I saw the door was open. “Did you open that?” Jake shook his head. “It was open when we got here.” My heart was racing. I probably didn’t shut it all the way, that had to be what happened. I stepped onto the porch reaching for the door handle when Hangman stopped me. “Hey, Magnolia, you don’t wanna go in there.” I furrowed my brows in concern. “It’s not pretty and the police are on their way.” My heart was thumping around in my chest. “Hangman I need to go in there. My dogs are-“ I stopped, realizing how quiet it was. “Oh my god.” I dropped my bag and shoved the door open. There was glass everywhere, pictures were smashed, the teddy bear Rooster sent me for Valentine’s Day was shredded and all over the floor. “Dahlia?!” My voice cracked, worried I was gonna walk up on my dog dead in the floor somewhere.
But I was relieved to hear a deep bark from the kitchen. I sprinted over, tossing open the laundry room door and there they both were, safe and sound. “Hi girls.” Tear rolled down my cheeks as I bent down, both rushing to me. “What happened? Huh?” Dahlia licked my face as Sadie nuzzled into my hand. “Okay, come on.” They both turned for the living room, but I caught their attention and sent them out back so they wouldn’t step on the glass. “They’re okay.” I said as I walked back through the living room. There was so much glass everywhere, it looks like all the windows in the house broke. “Who the hell would do this?” I asked to myself as I walked over to the mantle. The pictures of Goose and Carol, and pictures of my parents were fine. But any picture that involved Bradley and I were destroyed. “Magnolia.” I turned to where Phoenix had walked over to the piano. She was crouched on the floor, swiping some glass away. I walked over, careful not to step on any frames on the floor. “Dammit.” I muttered as more tears streamed down my face. I bent down next to her picking up the frame with my pregnancy test in it. The test was gone, and the frame was destroyed, the picture was scratched up from the glass. I wasn’t upset anymore, I was angry. I stood up, rushing up to the bedroom, seeing the same thing in there. Pictures were destroyed, the bedding was ripped apart, even a few of his Hawaiian shirts were ruined. I quickly rifled through my jewelry box, seeing that all the jewelry he gave me was still there.
I sighed, looking around the room. It was absolutely trashed and I had no idea who could’ve done this. I walked downstairs, running my hands through my hair. “This has to be tied to Aaron somehow.” Phoenix tossed her arm over my shoulder, pulling me close. “You think so?” I nodded quickly. “If any random stranger did this, that big ass tv would be gone, all my jewelry would be gone, hell they probably even would’ve taken the dogs! But all things relating to Bradley is destroyed. A few of his shirts are torn upstairs and someone shredded the bedspread. I’m just glad I managed to put away all the stuff his aunt brought over the weekend. If it was laying out, who knows what they would’ve done if they found that stuff.” I heard a car pull up and groaned. “Is that the cops?” Jake nodded as he walked outside. “What did she bring?” Bob asked, using his foot to sweep some glass away from the door. “Mostly stuff of his and his parents. His mom’s wedding dress was in there.” I heard a low whistle and turned to see the same two officers that showed up the night I saw someone sneaking around. “Miss Motley.” They nodded at me, looking around. “So, what happened here?” It was obvious but I knew it was a question they had to ask. “We showed up and the door was open, we peeked inside and saw the place was trashed.” Jake said as the officers wrote it down. “I came home and walked in and saw everything, I’ve walked the house and our bedroom is trashed as well.” They nodded. “If you guys can wait outside, we’re going to do our own walk through.” We all nodded, walking outside as they went around the house.
“Oh my god.” I groaned as I stood in the front yard. “I can’t believe this.” It felt like one thing after another. “I’m just trying to figure out who could’ve done this for Aaron if it was him.” I shrugged. “He has so many connections, and he’s in a federal prison, so he’s probably got some free reign. I’m sure he’s gotten a hold of someone.” Jake nodded. “It’s just so violating. This creep went through the house finding anything to do with Bradley and I, and destroyed it.” I sniffled, trying to keep the tears at bay. Bob came over, hugging me tightly. “You think they took that pregnancy test?” Phoenix asked and I shrugged as I leaned back on Bob. “I don’t know. What would they want with an old positive pregnancy test?” Just as I said that the two officers came out, a manila envelope in hand. “Okay, we haven’t found any clear evidence of who did this. We have a crime scene unit coming in to dust for fingerprints and things like that. But we did find this, it was under one of the pillows on your bed.” He handed me the envelope, and I popped it open. I felt sick to my stomach at what I pulled out. Black and white photos of me leaving the house, out at the hard deck. Rooster in the Bronco, even of him pulling the airstream. There were a few of us through the windows, one of him carrying me inside after the Halloween party. This guy has been watching us for months, and that scared me.
“This person seems to have been watching you for months.” Jake snatched the stack of photos, flipping through them, his face tensing more and more with each photo. “Once the CSI team gets in here, they will take a while to go through everything. We are going to go around and ask your neighbors if they saw anything, once the team is done then we will let you back in.” I nodded. “And what about after? She has some creep stalking her and you’re just going to leave her here all alone?” Jake snapped. “We will have an unmarked patrol car parked out front of her house for a few nights, see if we see anything and we will be making rounds through here during the day.” The officer nodded. “Damn right you will.” “Okay, you’re walking away.” Phoenix said, taking his hand and pulling him over to his truck. “Now do you believe me when I say someone has been creeping around my house?” I asked. “I'm sorry. What?” I squeezed my eyes shut at Jake's voice. “Yes and we'll do our best to catch this guy.” I nodded. “Look, my suggestion would be to go and get some food. We’re gonna be here a while.” I agreed and gave the officer my number before turning and getting in the cars as Payback and Omaha drive up. “Change of plans, we’re going out to dinner.” Payback nodded before I turned. “As soon as we get to the restaurant you’re spilling everything.” Jake snapped before opening the jeep door for me. I just nodded, not wanting to argue. There was a fire in his eyes that almost scared me. I had never seen him this angry and I never want to again. I got in, Bob joining me and we took off for a restaurant. We arrived at some Mexican place that smelled divine and that's when I realized how hungry I really was. Once we got inside and sat down, that’s when the grilling started.
“Does Rooster know someone’s been sneaking around the house?” Hangman’s questions triggered everyone else’s questions. ‘What?’ ‘When did this happen?’ ‘Should someone stay with you?’ I was grateful for their concern but I didn’t want everyone worrying about me. “No he doesn’t, and I would appreciate it if no one tells him. I’ll tell him when he comes home, cause I don’t want him worrying about me while he needs to be focusing on his mission.” I didn’t eat him to be distracted. Distractions cause accidents. “You’ve been keeping too many secrets from him.” He huffed and I scowled. “I’m telling him everything when he comes home.” Hangman crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You could’ve told him at Christmas.” I scoffed at the thought alone. “Yes, because on Christmas, after he proposed I was supposed to say, ‘Hey, by the way, your buddy Buck pinned me to the wall and kissed me and I got into a fight with him after.' No, we were enjoying our time together.” I snapped. “Look, just promise me you’ll tell him eventually and we will all make sure you’re taken care of till he comes home.” Everyone agreed, giving me soft smiles. “Okay. I’m gonna look into getting a security system as well.” Everyone agreed that was a good idea.
We had a good dinner, even had a few drinks before we went back to my house. They apparently found some finger prints but it would take time to run them through the database. Once they left I went back inside to the mess. It was now seven o'clock, and I knew I wouldn’t have this all cleaned in an hour. “Want our help?” Bob asked, leaning against the door frame. I just shook my head. “No, it’s not your responsibility.” He scoffed and I looked at him in surprise. That’s very out of character for Bob. “It’s not yours either. Someone forced their way in here, it’s not like you made this mess yourself. So let us help you.” I sighed but reluctantly agreed. Soon everyone came in. Halo helped me clean up my room while everyone else cleaned downstairs. “Whoever did this really hates Rooster.” She said as she yanked the bedding off. “Either that or they were paid to destroy everything relating to Rooster.” I said as I looked at his shirts. I wasn’t sure if I had the sowing skill to fix them. I just hoped and prayed they weren’t some of his dad’s. Halo helped me make the bed, making sure the new sheets and bedspread we put on was nice and clean. Once that was done we went downstairs to see everyone cleaning up the last of the mess. “I um, kept all the pieces of the bear he sent. I didn’t know if you’d wanna try and fix it.” I nodded. “I’m gonna try, I’m also gonna attempt to sow some of his shirts back together. My mamaw taught me well but it’s been years since I’ve had to sow anything.” She nodded before everyone plopped down onto the couch. “It’s getting late, I’m sure y’all wanna go home and get in bed.” Everyone just shook their heads. “We’re not leaving until that officer shows up.” Fanboy said and I nodded, opting to sit between Coyote and Phoenix.
I held the shredded bear in my hands, realizing I couldn’t tell what pieces attach to which. Tears sprung to my eyes as I stared at it. Phoenix ran her hand through my hair, leaning her head on my shoulder. “Let it out, Magnolia.” Her words were like an earthquake causing a dam to break. Sobs racked my body as my cheeks got soaked with salty tears. Coyote pulled me down to his shoulder as Natasha adjusted herself. Her arms wrapping around my torso and her head on my chest as Javy held me close. “Why me? I just want to live my life and people keep messing it up!” I sobbed. Javy shushed me as Natasha squeezed me. “I know, I know and I’m sorry.” Her own tears covered doused my shirt as she cried with me. After about twenty minutes I had calmed down and the officer showed up. “I’m officer Watson. I will be parked just a few houses down.” He handed me a business card. “That has my direct number on it. If you hear anything, see anything you can call me, and I will come running.” I nodded. He seemed nice enough, but he also seemed young. “Thank you.” He walked back towards his car, and I turned back to everyone. “Well, now, we will leave you.” Fritz said as he stood, pulling me into a tight hug. “We’re all going to keep our phones on tonight. So, if you need us, you can call.” I nodded as he squeezed e one last time. Soon everyone went outside except Hangman and Phoenix. “Are you sure you’re gonna be, okay?” He asked and I nodded. “I still can’t believe they didn’t believe you.” I sighed and nodded.
“Well, I had a manic episode, and I was hallucinating from lack of sleep. I’m just glad they seem to now.” He nodded. “You sure you’re gonna be okay?” Phoenix asked, taking my hands in hers. “I’ll be fine. If I need you, I’ll call.” She nodded, hugging me tightly before stepping outside. “We’re a phone call away.” Hangman said before hugging me as well. Once they left, and I shut and locked the doors, I noticed how dark and eerie the house could be. I let the dogs out one more time before double checking that all the doors and windows were locked. Once I did, we went upstairs and got ready for bed. As I laid there, staring at the ceiling, I couldn’t help but think how this creep touched my bed, how he destroyed it simply because Rooster and I share it. When I realized I wasn’t gonna sleep much that night, I grabbed my phone, pulling up my email. Quickly I typed out a very short email to Rooster. ‘I love you, and I can’t wait for you to be home.’ Once I sent it, I felt a little better, but not enough to make me sleep. “You’ll let me know if you hear anything, right Dahls?” She just huffed as I ran my fingers down her spine. “Atta girl.” With that, I laid there, hoping for sleep, knowing it may not come.
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
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footballxwrites · 4 years
Cute date night mason mount please xx
Valentine’s Night ♡
Nice long one for the occasion, enjoy the read and I throughly enjoyed writing this! <3
To be fair you didn’t really expect to be celebrating the day seeing as the both of you haven’t for the last two years due to your work schedules and just not being that fussed about the whole romantic gestures sort of thing so you were caught off guard when you walked through your front door to find a trail of rose petals leading down the hallway. Of course being intrigued, you began following the path of flowers and candles along the floor of your house until you reached the stairs, “Mase?” you called up the staircase, hoping to get some sort of response however nothing but a silence and a cool draft could be heard and felt. “What are you up to Mount” you whispered with a slight giggle, climbing the stairs in search of your boyfriend, the roses continuing on each individual stair filling your heart with happiness, remembering just how lucky you are to have him in your life. You weren’t the fittest soul going and by the time you reached the top, it took you a minute to gather back your breath and in that time, your bedroom door caught your eye as it gently swayed back and forth, which you were presuming was where the breeze was coming from, so you tiptoed towards it, on your way finding the biggest bouquet of flowers you’d ever seen, a mixture of white and pink lilies that were wrapped in a gorgeous golden bow with a little card attached reading “to my love”.
“Mason” his name faded off your tongue as you opened the door to find him stood there, suited and booted for a proper night in, wearing a simple white tee with some grey joggers (which you went absolutely mad for) and a huge smile painted on his face as he held in one arm a Cadbury’s milk tray and a card in the other. He moved closer and wrapped his arms around your waist and as you leaned in to place a kiss on his lips, he gently pulled away and whispered a small “follow me” into your ear before taking your hand in his and leading you outside onto the balcony that was connected to your master bedroom. You had the most perfect view of your back garden and into the distance, over the trees, you could just about notice the busy city of London, seeing a little peek of the iconic shard rising into the night sky and seeing as you lived on the outskirts, there was nothing but peace and quiet for miles, which was exactly why you chose the house in the first place and it meant you could enjoy one another’s company without the interruption of anyone else.
“What the-? You really did all this for me?” you gushed as your eyes became glued to the little setup of pillows (hundreds of them) that were under the duvets and the bottles of fizz on the table with a few cherry scented candles surrounding them in a heart shape (he really went all out) as well as your favourite snacks and treats, oh not forgetting the giant cuddly bear in the corner. “Happy Valentine’s darling” he grinned softly before closing the space between the pair of you with a kiss, you right away gripping his soft, ungelled hair as he held you tightly in his arms and the two of you slowly fell into the mess of blankets in the heated moment. You could feel Mason smile as he mumbled a small “I love you” against you lips whilst he hovered over you before deepening the already very passionate kiss and leaving little trails all down your neck as you traced patterns along his abs over his t-shirt, “loving the comfy look, those grey joggers do all sorts to me” you giggled, slightly moving away to catch your breath, “glad you like them, they’ll be coming off in no time tonight though” he winked as you nodded in agreement.
“Right stop distracting me with all your beauty we have a date to get on with” he smiled, sitting up as you laughed, watching him struggle to pop open the champagne, “come on use those muscles you love to show off about” you joked as he purposely put on a show, flexing as hard as possible and eventually get the cork out, causing it spray all over the side of the balcony. “For you m’lady” he gleamed and without hesitation you sat in between his legs so your head was resting on his chest and the two of you looked into the cool night, admiring the stars that were clear in the sky, “I never noticed how much of a beautiful view we have up here” you stated in awe as Mason nodded, “me neither till the other morning, somewhere over there’s the Tower of London and to the right of that there’s Stamford Bridge” he said, pointing in amazement, not quite believing how much of the urban city you could actually see from your house.
“I can’t thank you enough for being in my life, I’m sorry we haven’t had a proper Valentine’s in a couple years” your boyfriend said, leaving a lingering kiss on your lips as you gazed at him and chuckled heartily, running a finger over his cheek, “it’s ok, waking up next to you every day is enough for me” you replied, reaching for the bear he bought you, “and I couldn’t have wished for anything more than this big fella” the both of you falling into a fit of laughter as he rolled his eyes, “will never be as cuddly as me though” he promised, snuggling into the crook of your neck even more. “Right what will it be, pizza and a movie or do we skip the whole meal deal and make up for lost time with the past Valentine’s 👀?” he asked, of course knowing it was an obvious question as you didn’t think twice about straddling him and ripping his top from him, kissing down his body as he let out a small moan of delight before you traced back to his ear, “I think we”ll eat later” you seductively said, ridding yourself of your clothes as top you began showing him just how much he meant to you right there and then on your balcony ❤️
Picture this house and balcony with this set up...
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creativityworks-sx · 4 years
By Karmeta Clarke-Newman
1. TGI Fridays
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The first place seeing me after lockdown is going to have to be TGI’s! That place definitely adds something special into their food, especially in their Jack Daniels sauce. Highly Recommended.
I can’t wait to tuck into another rack of ribs, not forgetting to mention their long list of great cocktails to choose from!
TGI Fridays is a family-friendly eatery with a brilliant atmosphere that's perfect for a casual place to eat, date nights or even birthday celebration meals. However, if your birthday is coming up and your family takes you to TGI Fridays - be prepared for the whole restaurant clapping whilst singing happy birthday to you.
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Everyday feels like a friday when you walk into a TGI Friday restaurant. Their customer service is very good, staff are very welcoming and energetic. Customers are accommodated with plush leather booths suitable for cosy meet-ups.
Cuisine: American, American Fusion, Cocktails, BBQ & Grill, Burger Joint, Diner, Steak
Dress Code: Casual
Price point: £ £
2. Box Park
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If you’ve not been to Box Park yet..I suggest you put it at the top of your ‘Things to do after lockdown’ list.
Boxpark is the world’s first pop-up mall, constructed entirely out of refitted shipping containers, – fusing the concepts of modern street food and fashion to create a unique shopping and dining destination. A Fantastic complex with a great choice of food outlets. Box Park is located in three different areas across london: Shoreditch, Croydon and Wembley.
If you enjoy listening to live sets from talented DJ’s, eating food and trying new drinks this is the place for you! A sociable place to spend time with your friends. A range of events are held at the 3 venues including previous appearances from Stormzy, Unknown T, WSTRN and more! From concerts to markets, bingo to sports screenings. Upstairs you'll find table tennis, pool and table football.
Cuisine: American, European, Asian, South American, Street Food
Dress Code: Casual
Price point: £ £
3. Tower bridge glass floor
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Did you know you can experience a birds-eye view of London life, from 42 METRES above the RIVER THAMES?!
After lockdown i’m going to book a day visit to Tower Bridge - I’ve already put it into the group chat so it's happening!
This is a great experience if you like ‘thinking outside of the box’ activities, especially if you can deal with heights. Upgrade your ticket to a detailed tour of iconic structure and the stories behind it. Learn more about the Victorian Engine Rooms and the people who built it.  
The Tower Bridge glass floor is an award-winning visitor attraction open daily to the public. Definitely add this to your list to see London's defining landmark from a fresh perspective.
Tower Bridge is open 09:30 - 18:00
(last admission is 17:00)
All children aged 15 years and below must be accompanied by an adult.
Ticket Pricing:
Adult: £9.30
Senior: £7.00
Student: £7.00
Child: £4.70
4. Sky Garden
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This is one of my favourite places to go! I love it here!
Are you thinking of a place to take that special person for that special occasion??  Well, you’ve found this listical just in time! I suggest you take them here. A perfect place to share a romantic experience and an unforgettable memory.
The Sky Garden is London’s highest public garden – a vibrant social space with 360-degree views of the city’s iconic skyline located at 20 Fenchurch Street. Serving food by restaurants, Darwin Brasserie, Fenchurch Seafood Bar & Grill and Sky Pod Bar.
The spectacular views from the outdoor balcony of the River Thames, where you can see the whole city including the shard from the top of this iconic building. Experience the panoramic nightlife view of the city, evening live bands and entertainment on the 43rd floor till 1am.
The beautiful scenery is accessible to all, and entry is free of charge. Yes, I said FREE! Tickets are available to book on a weekly basis but a  limited number of walk-in slots are available so book up to three weeks in advance of your visit.
Cuisine: Modern British, Seafood, British Brasserie
Dress Code: Day, Casual // Night, Fancy
Food and Drinks: £ £ £
20 Fenchurch Street 1
Sky Garden Walk,
London EC3M 8AF
5. Golden Bee
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JUST PICTURE IT...A warm sunset with a slight breeze, sat at a table with your group of friends laughing and drinking cocktails with soulful house playing in the background in summer.
The Golden Bee rooftop bar has you covered.
This bar livens Singer Street with its good vibes, parties and cocktail bars with monday nights devoted to film screenings up on the rooftop terrace - complete with bottomless popcorn and a blanket. Food is not served but call and inform them you are coming down 48 hours beforehand so they can order you a sushi platter ready for when you come - how thoughtful of them!
The seating is casual and relaxed but very luxurious and modern. Great bar staff who are friendly and welcoming! Definitely worth the visit..SEE YOU SOON GOLDEN BEE.
Dress Code: Casual
Price point: £ £ £
Singer Street
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tessimagines · 6 years
After All This (Bill Weasley x Reader) - Part Four
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Pairing: Bill Weasley x Moody!Reader
Summary: As (Y/N) and Bill move into Shell Cottage, Bill notices a change in her.
You can find the series masterlist in my bio!
Warnings: none, really. 
Wordcount: 2.5k
A/N: This chapter is quite light compared to the others. Enjoy!
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September 5th, 1997
You unfolded the silver ash picture frame, the photo that your father had given you tucked away behind the glass. Your mothers flickering gaze caught your eye as she looked at your father beside her. It was the softening of her face that got you every time, the motion reminding you of the way you sometimes caught yourself looking at Bill in a crowded room.
You reached up and placed it next to the photo of you and Bill, the one that had once sat on your father’s cabinet by the window. Next to that was a photo of the entire Weasley clan from about ten years ago. You could still picture Molly insisting that you get into the photo and Bill throwing his arm around you as you moved to get in. Ginny had smiled when she watched you move into the photo, quickly rushing over to throw her small six-year-old arms around your body.
The cottage was still filled with boxes, bare of any indication of who might live there besides the three picture frames you had just placed on the mantlepiece. You glanced around the room, eyes settling on the few pieces of furniture you had had the chance to move in. There was an old, grey couch behind your father’s old coffee table and an old and pale dining table near the kitchen, left over by Bill’s aunt that had once lived here. The cottage’s walls were decorated with all different assortments of shells cemented into the walls, and if you looked just hard enough, you could see their swirling patterns come to life.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Charlie said, coming into the cottage with a cardboard box in his hands. “Where do you want me to put this one?”
You smiled at him, “Just in the kitchen. Thanks, Charlie. Are you going to stay for dinner? I’m sure I can whip something up.”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” he said as Bill came down the stairs, immediately going to place his arms on your hips. He pulled you close, a large and bright smile on his lips. He was so happy that you two would be living together once again, but now in a home rather than an apartment.
“Our own home, huh?” Bill said, taking a look around the place. Nothing seemed to be able to wipe the ever-growing smile off his face.
“Finally,” you said, turning around to face the window. Thin, lace curtains were tied at the side of it, allowing you to look out at the view of the sea just right outside your new house. Bill still had his arms around your waist, his chin moving to rest on the top of your head.
“You guys realise that you won’t actually be alone, right?” Charlie said, a smile on his face as his gaze flickered between the two of you. “Ginny will want to live here with you.”
“Don’t pretend that you don’t want to live here too,” Bill said, causing both you and Charlie to give a loud laugh. Charlie had been like a constant third-wheel in yours and Bill’s relationship, but you two had never really minded.
“Don’t worry, Charlie.” You said, a smile still stuck on your face. “We can always make up a mattress for you next to our bed.”
“Mmm, sounds delightful.” Charlie rolled his eyes at the pair of you. “I’ll probably wake up in the middle of the night and the entire cottage will be shaking-”
“Are you three just standing around?” Molly said as she entered the room, her face fussed and annoyed. “Well, come on. Go get some boxes won’t you!”
The three of you didn’t stand around a second longer, rushing outside to go collect the boxes that needed to be moved into the house.
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“Here you go,” you said, placing a nice, steaming cup of tea in front of both Molly and Charlie. You picked yours and Bill’s up off the kitchen bench and carried it around the table, placing them down before plunking yourself in your seat beside him.
“Thank you, dear,” Molly said, bringing the mug closer to herself. Charlie gave you a nod before picking his up and bringing it to his lips, taking a sip.
“How’s Ginny been? Have you heard from her?” You asked. Molly put her mug down when you asked the question, a worried look coming over her face.
“No,” Molly said, concern in her voice and eyes. “She is so terribly worried about Ron, Harry and Hermione but I have half-a-mind to know that it’s mostly for Harry. She’s been like it since they had to disappear the night of your father’s memorial.” She gave a nod in Bill’s direction. “She reminds me of you whenever (Y/N) would be out on Auror missions. She was hardly eating anything before we had to send her off to school, and I doubt she’s still eating anything. I just wish they would send something, to let us know that they’re safe. Not only for Ginny’s sake but for mine too.”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine, Mum,” Bill said, leaning across the table to grab his mother’s hand. “Plus, they have Hermione with them. As long as the boys have her, trust me, they’ll be fine.”
Molly gave a faint smile, taking her oldest son’s words in. “We can all hope so,” she said, peering across at Charlie beside her. “Well, alright. We better get a move on, Charlie. Let these two spend the first night in their own home together.”
“I guess we can do that,” Charlie smiled, standing up out of his seat. Before you knew it, both Molly and Charlie had given you and Bill a hug and said their goodbyes, making their way out of the front door and apparating towards the Burrow. The second you heard the crack of their disapparating forms, the whole house felt a lot quieter and empty, leaving only you and Bill to stand alone in your half-unpacked kitchen.
“Well, now that they’re finally gone,” Bill said, coming over to place his arms on your hips. The sky was a pitch black outside, a slight breeze ruffling the small bushes in the garden of your small and cozy cottage. You could faintly hear the crash of the waves against the cliff outside and the sound of the fireplace crackling away in the corner of the room.
“Okay, I want you to go get a coat and wait in the bedroom until I call for you,” Bill said, an excited look hanging off all of his features. Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
“Why?” you laughed, a smile sitting snugly on your lips at the curious request.
“Just do it.” Bill laughed, letting go of your waist and moving your body in the direction of your shared bedroom up the stairs. You let another laugh slip from your lips before making your way upstairs and out of sight.
The bedroom was cool when you entered, quickly walking over to one of the many cardboard boxes on the bed. You riffled through one of them, finding a coat for both you and Bill. A smile was still on your face at the thought of what Bill might be up to. He had looked so excited when he was telling you to grab a coat and seemed relieved at the fact that you too were now alone in your own home. The request of coats told you that whatever he was planning was going to take place outside and out in the cool night breeze wafting in from across the sea.
“Alright!” You heard Bill shout from the living room. “You can come down now!”
You hurried out of the room and down the stairs, finding Bill standing alone by the couch. He was beaming up at you as you walked over to him, pulling the coat you had gotten him over his shoulders. He took your hand and made a bow towards you.
“Now, if you would follow me, Madame,” He joked, leading you out of the front door and into your front yard. In the distance but not too far away you could see what looked like a picnic blanket out in the grass, two glasses and a bottle of wine set out on top of it.
“Oh, Bill,” you whispered, taking a seat on the picnic rug beside him. “This is just what I need.”
Bill picked up the two glasses and passed one to you, unscrewing the lid of the wine bottle in his hand. He poured the glasses full of red wine, before turning back to you, a proud smile taking up half of his face.
“You like it?” he asked.
You nodded, taking a glance up at the stars above you. They were dotted everywhere, little pin-pricks of light scattered across the clear night sky. You let the sound of the waves at the base of the cliff wash over the both of you as you drew yourself closer to Bill’s body. You watched as he lifted the glass of red wine to his lips, the smell of the alcohol on his breath filling the small space between you.
You sat there in silence for a few minutes, letting the beauty of the stars above you and the crashing of waves below fill the crisp air. Both sets of eyes were pointed up at the memorising sky, Bill’s hand sitting snugly on top of your own.
You were halfway through a sip of red wine when the memory came back to you, your eyes flickering over to the man beside you. As soon as your eyes fell on him, he sensed it, turning to look back at you. “What’s up?” he asked, the sliver of a smile still on his lips.
“Do you remember when you met Dad for the first time?”
“Oh, Merlin,” Bill said, the breeze ruffling his long ginger hair that you loved so much. The brisk air had turned the scars on his face to a purple colour, little bits of red coming through. “Don’t remind me. That day was a disaster.”
“Oh, gosh, remember the moment when he walked in on us snogging each other’s faces off?” You let a laugh slip out with the words, the vivid memory of that moment playing like a movie in your head.
“The look on his face,” Bill sighed, shaking his head. He cringed at the memory, the residue embarrassment still enough to turn his features a bright, blazing red. “I think he was so close to picking me up by my collar and throwing me into Azkaban right there.”
“Maybe he didn’t like you from the get-go,” you said, smiling at him and taking another sip of your wine. “But he eventually did. I remember the night after you had gone home to the burrow for the first time and he had just been quiet for a solid hour or two afterwards. Then I just couldn’t take it anymore and had to say something. And as soon as I opened my mouth, he just said ‘that boy needs to cut his hair and get that bloody toothpick off his ear.’”
Bill roared with laughter at your father’s old words, his hand going up to grip his stomach as he let his laugh ripple through the air. “What did you say?” He could barely get the words out through his laughs.
“I told him I thought it looked sexy.” You raised an eyebrow as you said the words, a smirk playing on your lips. You hadn’t felt this happy in weeks and you were so ready to embrace it.
“I bet Moody loved that,” Bill laughed, his light blue eyes looking adoringly into yours. His lips were enticingly close to yours and you just wanted to lean in and kiss them.
“Well, I got sent to bed early and I think he spent the night trying to erase the memory of us snogging from his brain.”
Bill glanced down at your smile. It was so real and full, the happiness it held radiating through the space between you two. It was the first real smile he had seen you make since the incident, and it felt like rain after a harsh and relentless drought. It filled every last cell in his body with a rush of euphoria, the look on your face warming up his body with a sense of relief and amazement.
“It must have been scary when he was angry at you,” Bill said. You just continued to smile and gave him a shrug, bringing the glass up to your lips.
“I’d rather take an angry Dad then an angry Molly,” you giggled, the bitter taste of the red wine on your breath. “He wasn’t that scary to me, to be honest. He was just plain ole’ Dad.”
“You two were funny together.” The mood in the air had calmed into a less-joking affair, Bill’s voice taking a sincere tone. “I remember when he’d say something grumpy or grouchy and you’d just roll your eyes at him and shake your head.”
“I miss his grumpiness.” You didn’t cry as you said it, or even come remotely close. It was the first time you had been able to get sad about losing him without getting completely overwhelmed. It was a nice relief compared to the usual mess you would become at the simple thought of him. “He was a very grumpy man.” You turned to face Bill, your lips stained red from the wine in your hand.
“That he was.” Bill couldn’t keep his lips off yours for a second longer. As soon as they connected he tasted the bitter taste of the red wine on your lips, his tongue going over where it lay. Your arms went to wrap tightly around his shoulders, laying your back down on the picnic rug below you. Bill’s lanky body leaned over the top of yours, one arm resting just above your head with his hand stroking the hair that sat there.
His other hand went down to the hem of your shirt, the edge of it moving in and out of his fingers. He moved it up, starting to unbutton it, your bare skin now visible to the shining stars above.
Your hands ran down his back, the simple touch of your fingertips against his clothes were enough to send the hairs there flying up. It was a comfort and an excitement all at the same time, a total reassurance that you were the part of him that allowed him to keep going day after day.
“I love you,” the words rushed out of his mouth, great heaves of breath the only thing to carry them through the air. The second he took to speak the words was too long, his lips rushing down to meet yours again.
“I love you too,” you muttered against his lips, your hands going down to undo the belt on his hips. Bill let his lips slip off yours, letting them trail down to your neck and collarbones.
The warmth of your bodies kept each other warm against the brisk air that night, your arms and legs all tangled together in a dreamless sleep that came to pass. It was the first night in a long time that you hadn’t dreamt of your father, the haunting green flash nowhere to be seen behind the black of your tightly shut eyelids. You both held each other close as sleep fell upon you like the crashing of the waves against the pale cliffs below.
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mycatshuman · 5 years
Castle of Devils
Chapter 2
Pairings: Eventual Prinxiety
Warnings: mentions of blood? I don't think there is any others? Let me know if I missed any.
Word count: 1,868
Thank you so so much to the amazing @civilsounds17 for helping me and reading through this for me! 💚💚💚 also thank you so very much to @wxlcomxtothxjunglx for helping me with the title.
More Chapters
Roman awoke the next morning to find a tray sitting outside his door with a note. He frowned slightly before glancing around. He wasn't sure how long the food had been out there, he hoped it was still warm. Grabbing the tray, he brought the tray inside and closed the door behind him. Taking a moment to debate where he wanted to eat, he decided to sit his breakfast on the desk beside the window so he could sit and look out at the view.
He shoved the velvet red curtains aside dramatically (as he did everything) and sat down, opening the window, he let out a surprised breath at the view. It was, it the simplest of terms, enchanting. The sun shone down on the land, it's beams hitting the multicolored leaves adorning the trees below. The reds, yellows, and oranges swirled through the air as they fell from the dying branches. The twinkling of the cool water in the river below as it ran over small pebbles and rocks was picturesque, and Roman could have sworn he could hear the trickling of the crystal liquid as it flowed. He let out a small shiver as the crisp fall breeze blew through the air, bringing with it, the smell of apples and pumpkins. The whole scene was like something out of a fairytale.
Roman felt a small, content smile make its way to his face before he turned to his food. He delicately picked up the small note bearing his name with intricate, crimson script. Bringing the note close to himself and opening it, he felt his breath hitch in his throat as the faint scent of...something, trailed along with it. Roman felt his head grow slightly dizzy. The smell was intoxicating. It was the smell of crisp autumn leaves, the smell of pumpkin spices, clover, nutmeg, and cinnamon. The smell of ancient tomes and a slight smell of thrill seeking danger. Roman recognized the scent as it all swirled around him in one unique smell that he distinctly remembered from last night. Virgil.
Roman felt his cheeks warm. He hasn't even been here one night and he was already finding himself falling for someone. And it was his host! At that. Roman shook his head to clear his head of thoughts of pale skin and stormy eyes. He quickly read through the note his host left him.
Dear Mr. Prinz,
I trust you had a pleasant sleep? Please enjoy this meal I have prepared for you when you wake. I shall be quite busy today and I hope that you can get yourself settled into your new home for the next month. If you finish that, please enjoy my library. It has a vast collection of novels and I can only hope you will find something that intrigues you. I shall come find you somewhere around five and then we can start my studies. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask.
Yours truly, Virgil Stoker
P.s. the Wifi password is alucard500
Roman chuckled breathlessly before setting the paper down and starting on his food. As he ate, he looked out over the forest surrounding the castle. His thoughts wandered from the serene view to the people in the gas station. Why were they so scared of this place? Sure it looked scary on the outside, at night with wolves howling, but in the day, it was like something out of a fairytale.
Roman frowned. What could they possibly be scared of? It couldn't have been the castle's owner. Virgil was too kind and polite, albeit a little weird, but that couldn't be cause enough for them to call him a devil. And it wasn't like there was anyone else who lived here who could have caused the reputation of devils. Could it possibly be the castle? Maybe something in its past. Could it be haunted? Are there ghost and literal devils and demons here? Could it be a previous owner? The land?
Roman was beginning to drive himself mad as he went over countless possibilities in his head. Maybe I could ask Virgil? He thought as he finished his breakfast. Yes. Surely Virgil would know how the rumors came about. Roman stood up from his spot on the window sill and began to unpack his things and put them away. He was extremely happy to find his closet was much bigger than his one at home. After he was done, he opened the door to his joined bathroom and took a nice soothing bath in the clawfoot tub.
As he soaked in the warm water with the soothing smell of candles swimming through the air and the instrumental tracks to every Disney song playing from his phone, he thought, Why would anyone want to leave? Roman's green eyes flew open as he hit Eureka. Maybe Virgil wants to leave because they whisper such nasty rumors about him! It wasn't much, but it at least gave some light? On the subject. It still didn't give him an answer as to why such wicked rumors were spread in the first place. Although, it could possibly be due to a lifestyle of Virgil's or part of his personality.
Roman let out a sigh and sank into the tub as he closed his eyes and relaxed his muscles. It wasn't really something he should concern himself with. After all, it wasn't like it involved him. For all he knew, it could just be a family feud that doesn't involve games and television. Roman pushed all thoughts from his mind and focused on the music spilling through the air, creating a calming atmosphere as Roman prepared for this evenings lesson with his host.
Roman found himself sitting at his desk, a few minutes before five, writing about his stay so far when a feather like knock sounded at his door. Roman startled slightly and turned his head to the door. “Mr. Prinz? If you're ready we can start the lesson now.” Roman glanced down at his attire, he was wearing a pair of black dress slacks and a crisp white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top two buttons were undone. Is this professional enough?!?! “Mr. Prinz? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I'm coming!” Roman called out as he frantically glanced around the room, forgetting his dilemma of a few seconds ago as he tried to make sure his room was at least presentable. Roman moved quickly to the door and fixed his hair before opening the door. “Good evening Mr. Stoker.”
Virgil quickly took Roman in, suppressing the irregular jump of his heart in his chest. The reaction totally wasn't due to how handsome Roman looked. Not at all. “Please, call me Virgil,” he replied before stepping away from the door and sweeping his arm to the side. “Shall we?”
Roman swallowed a lump in his throat as he nodded and left his room, closing the door behind him and looked expectantly at the other. A ghost of a smile spread across Virgil's smooth pale face before he lead the way through the hall to the study where they would be completing the lessons.
Roman took the time to study his host's face as they traveled through the dimly lit halls of the castle, the flickering light of the candles (not sure why the castle had candles what with all the technology this age provided but Roman appreciated the aesthetic) casting shadows across the darkly dressed man's face. What had Virgil so busy today? Roman had to admit, it was a little strange that he had only ever seen his host in the shadowy hours of the dark. Then again, Roman hadn't even been here for two days. He could just be paranoid. Although, he wouldn't lie and say the words of the cashier weren't still ringing in his head, putting him on edge.
Roman continued to glance at Virgil as they walked through the halls. On one of these small stalker moments, Roman caught a glimpse of Virgil's eyes. They shone slightly in the light, the grey orbs flashing with mystery. And, oh, how Roman loved mystery. They stopped outside of closed door, which must have been the study, and Roman watched as the other twisted the silver handle and pushed the door open. Virgil stepped through the threshold and Roman followed, finally tearing his eyes away from the other man and getting a look at his surroundings. There was a wide window overlooking the back of the castle grounds where a sprawling garden of flowers and trees of all sorts stood. It was beautiful.
Roman tore his attention away from the view outside and took in the view on the inside. It was gorgeous. Rich mahogany bookshelves stood along the wall to the right, the spines thick with words. To the left, a magnificent woven tapestry hung against the wall, it's thread woven picture depicting a scene of the ocean, her waves reflecting the full moon as it floated above her vast waters. The stars accompanying the moon in the sky of the artwork seemed to almost twinkle in silent knowledge of complex detail. In the middle of all of this, a table stood out amongst the other elements of the room.
The table was a deep brown, its chairs of the same shade. It was round with the base carved into the shape of a great tree trunk, it's thick branches holding up the surface on which one would place their books. Although, Roman would wonder how anyone could possibly place anything atop its surface was when it's face was decorated with such delicate, intricate detail. Roses and thorns carved themselves into the table, their stems connecting all of them all over the wooden surface. It was magical.
Virgil noticed his awe. “You like it?” He asked as Roman ran a tan hand over the dark wood with a feather light touch. He nodded.
“Yeah, this is-” he swallowed. “This is truly magnificent. Such gorgeous craftsmanship. It's like something out of a fairytale,” Roman breathed out, his voice soft with appreciation. “Wherever did you get it?”
A smile tugged at Virgil's lips as he watched Roman. He shifted slightly before mumbling. “I-I made it.”
Roman stopped running his fingertips over the carvings and turned to look at the other, surprise evident on his chiseled features. “You-you made this?” He asked, his voice soft. Virgil nodded and scratched at his cuticles. Roman glanced at the table beneath his fingers and felt a warm feeling blossom in his chest. He turned back to Virgil. “Virgil… this is magnificent. Truly. You have a gift.”
A faint blush colored Virgil's cheeks as the blood warmed his face. Roman watched as the other stared at him with what could only be an expression of pleasant surprise and felt his blood rush to face as it turned a slightly darker shade of blush. After a few moments of uncomfortable warmth and silence, Virgil cleared his throat. “Um, shall we get started?” He asked.
Roman stayed silent for a few moments as he waited for his cheeks to cool, then he nodded. “Yes. Let's begin.”
Taglist: @kittycake574 @rainbow-roman @icequeenoriginal @ilovemygaydad @roman-flair
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taronfanfic · 6 years
Us Beneath The Weather - Smutty Wednesday
It was an idyllic view from the bottom of your new garden which overlooked the peaceful Welsh hills. Taron had wanted a more private family home away from the noise of the city and you’d fallen in love with the rustic charm of your barn conversion as soon as you saw it. It had been home for a couple of months before you’d got around to doing any work on the garden, but with spring on the horizon you thought you’d try and get ahead of the game. The only idea you’d had so far was to clear a path through the overgrown shrubs and create a secluded area at the end of the garden; somewhere you could sit quietly with a cup of tea and take in the views.
“Perfect!” Taron sighed heavily as he tugged the wrought iron bench over a bit further to the left, convinced it would get an extra 5 minutes of sun in the summer from the very slight adjustment. You sat down at the opposite end before he could change his mind and move it again and he laughed softly as he joined you.
“It looks like we’ve hardly done anything, this is going to take forever.”
“We have forever though, don’t we.” He slid along the bench until his leg was touching yours, letting his muddy hand rest gently on your thigh. “This is our proper home. I know it’s a bit of a project right now, but one day soon we’ll be bringing up our kids here.” You smiled as you lowered your head to his shoulder, thinking about watching him run up and down the garden chasing after your kids. Two, maybe three of them all laughing and screaming as they had a water fight in the summer or made snowmen in the winter.
“I can’t wait… we really should get a gardener though.”
“We don’t need a gardener!”
“But we don’t have a bloody clue what we’re doing, and it’s not like we can’t afford it!”
“And here was me thinking I’d chosen a low maintenance girlfriend who was up for getting her hands dirty!” You sat up from Taron and gave him your best pout as you held your muddy hands up to him.
“Do you want this smearing across your face?”
“Not ideally.” He smirked back.
“Then agree to getting a gardener.”
“Never!” He laughed as you took hold of his cheeks and leant in to kiss him.
“Think of how much spare time we’ll have for other things…” You struggled to keep a straight face as you took your hands away and admired the mud you’d left behind.
“I’m thinking of how much time you’d spend staring out the window at the muscly, sweaty, probably shirtless gardener when I was at work. It’d be like a constant diet coke break and I wouldn’t get a look in!”
“Who said we had to hire a young and attractive gardener? I’ve got my muscly, sweaty, and muddy man right here and I like what I see… a lot.” Your comment drew Taron back in towards your body, and this time he was the one to mark your skin with mud as he reached out to your face whilst he kissed you slowly.
“I guess we could find an old, unattractive one, if we had to.” He agreed before kissing you again. His hands lowered down your body, moving to your waist and down your back to your bum where he took hold and lifted you up onto his lap. Your arms wrapped naturally around his shoulders and your fingertips teased the short hairs at the back of his neck lightly as the kiss continued. The gentle breeze picked up into a stronger gust and lifted your shirt away from your back, sending a chilling shiver up your spine.
“I don’t think the weather is on our side today.” Taron hugged you in tighter against his body as you both kept your eyes closed and heads resting gently together. The moment felt too good to break up so you pushed your surroundings to the back of your mind and started to kiss him again, opening up and letting his tongue touch yours. The sound of raindrops hitting the leaves around you at first was soothing, but as they started to drip through to your little sheltered spot they added a chill to the mood.
“We should get back inside.”
“Give it a minute, it’ll pass.” Taron replied optimistically as he stroked up and down your thigh. His eyes stayed glued to the sky, watching the dark clouds lingering over the hills behind you. The mud had dried on his cheek and you tried to brush it away with your thumb, finding him all too tempting and leaning back in to kiss him again. Without a moments pause a flash of lightning and clap of thunder, so loud and crisp above your heads, had you jumping together. A giggle of shock came from Taron but you silenced him with a kiss, the electricity from the lightning adding more passion than you’d initially intended. The light spots of rain turned into a downpour around you but still you kissed. Hands were caressing faster, bodies hugged tighter and clothes getting wetter by the second.
“Fuck, I want you.” Taron mumbled against your lips as his hands started to undo the top few buttons of your flannel shirt.
“Not here.” You stopped him and looked out to the still darkening sky, knowing the storm was only just getting started.
“Shall we make a run for it?”
“It is seriously muddy, I don’t think I can run through that!”
“Want me to carry you?” He raised his eyebrows, begging you to say yes and let him play the hero.
“You’re so desperate to be in a rom com aren’t you? Carrying me through the pouring rain so my shoes don’t get muddy, placing me down on the doorstep and kissing me desperately, hoping I’ll invite you inside and let you fuck me on the kitchen table.”
“Now that sounds like a great idea!” Before you could get to your feet Taron had swept you up into his arms and started to make a run for it back up the muddy path you’d created earlier. You giggled wildly along with him as you tightened your arms around his shoulders and tried to shield the thrashing rain from your face. Half way back to the house and Taron slipped, skidding along and then catching his foot on a large stone. His balance was long gone and you both went tumbling down to the ground, landing in the mud with a damp thud.
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don’t think you’ve got the part based on that audition.” You laughed wickedly, not caring in the slightest that you were soaking wet and now half covered in mud.
“I’m so sorry!” Taron also laughed as he moved himself over you so he could check that you weren’t hurt. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. It’s a good job I love you.” You reached up for his face with loving intent before adding fresh mud in a line straight across his forehead.
“You!” Taron’s face was a picture of shock. “Get your arse inside right this second!” He growled lustfully as he let you get up and run back to the house.
Shoes were kicked off outside the backdoor before you rushed in ahead of Taron, taking the stairs two at a time and giggling like you were 17 as Taron chased after you. He backed you into your en suite bathroom, never taking his eyes away from yours. As you hit the back wall of the shower you reached your arms out in front of you, pressing them up against Taron’s chest and leaving two muddy hand prints on his wet t-shirt. He started to lean his weight down onto you as he forced himself closer and closer, taking hold of your wrists to support you.
“Taron.” You giggled as his face was just inches away from yours. “I’m still fully clothed.”
“And?” He smirked as he reached out and turned on the shower above you both. “Can’t say we’re not… filthy.” He lowered his lips down to your neck as his hands let go of your wrists and continued to undo the buttons on your shirt. Succumbing to his lust was the easiest thing in the world. You dipped your hands under the hem of his t-shirt and let them roam across his cold skin, knowing you’d both warm up very quickly from the direction things were going. With your shirt now open you went to pull the sleeves from your arms but Taron stopped you. “Leave it on.” He licked his lips at the sight of you, muddy and wet, open shirt, soaking wet bra and jeans.
“Come here.” You pulled him forward by his hips, opening the top of his jeans and tugging them a few inches lower to free his hard length and stroke him up between your thumb and fingers. Steam billowed up from your bodies as the warm water mixed with your rain drenched clothes. Everything was clinging tightly to your bodies and adding an extra weight, but you couldn’t care less as Taron kissed you passionately beneath the water. He tugged your jeans open roughly, pulling your hips in towards his and then plunging his hand straight down the front of your knickers. The kiss broke off as you moaned into the side of his neck, the feel of his fingers slipping straight up into you filling you with joy.
“Fuck.” Taron groaned slowly as you upped the pace around his dick, trying your best to focus on getting him off and not letting yourself go too soon. He added a third finger into you and made you tense up around him. Every pulse into you was like fire. The storm outside continued, rumbles of thunder sounding out above the noise of the water and your moans. With your free arm teasing up the back of Taron’s neck you pulled him in to your lips again, kissing him deeply and never wanting this moment to end.
“Shit, shit.” You cried in delight as he teased into your sweet spot and had you rising onto your toes. “Right there.” You panted. “Yes!”. The grip you took against Taron’s shoulder was all the encouragement he needed. He pumped harder and faster into you, not caring that you’d now let go of his cock. “Don’t-don’t stop.” You screwed your eyes up in pleasure and leant your head against the wall as your orgasm took hold. It stuttered through your body with haste, pulse after pulse tensing around Taron’s fingers as he started to slow and bring you back down. After a couple of deep breaths you opened your eyes to see Taron looking straight at you.
“Enjoy?” He smirked and made you giggle. “I’ll never tire of being able to do that to you.” You ran your hand through the top of his wet hair before kissing him tenderly.
“I think that deserves a blowjob.” You looked down at his erection, the vein on the side just asking for attention and drawing you straight down to your knees.
“Let me come on you?” Taron asked as he pushed your wet hair away from your neck and then moved himself in closer.
“Have I ever said no?” You smiled back up to him. “I’m all yours.”
Pre-cum was already dripping from the end of his tip as you slid your hand down over his length and around to the underside of his balls. He settled into a wider stance as you took his tip into your mouth and kept your lips tight.
“Oh god.” He moaned out already at the feel of you around him, placing his palm flat against the wall and taking in a deep breath. Each movement was deeper and deeper, taking him right to the back of your throat as you held onto his thighs for support. Taron was swearing and moaning, biting his lower lip as you drew him up to the edge. You were watching him closely, waiting for him to take back control and finish himself off over you but he continued to hold on. You swirled your tongue around his tip and traced your thumb and forefinger lightly up his shaft to tease him before going down on him again and again. He was breathing heavily and starting to rock his hips forward into you so you knew he was close. As you traced your fingers to his inner thighs you felt his hand reach down to your head, pushing you away as he took hold of his length and pumped furiously. He spurted out over your chest, watching his cum running down into your bra and adding a second load to it at the sight.
“That was hot.” You admired the mess he’d made on you as he helped you back to your feet and turned you around so you were back under the water with him.
“So good.” He mumbled against your lips. “Might need round 2 once we’ve cleaned up and dried off.”
Request: I know you just got a request but i have one too if that’s okay and you’re up for it?? :) Having a steamy kiss outdoors& (windy&thundering) one jolts them into it so they laugh and continue on, but it starts to pour& they kiss a little more before they run inside getting muddy ..They go in the shower&the water turn on the reader accidentally so they stumble in & their clothes are sticking to them so they cont. their heated session in shower or take it to the bedroom?(yes even the drying mud):)
Taglist: @egerton-sweetie @lizziespidiepridie @original-criminal-fanfics@anantheminmyheart22 @oheggsyno @tiffleen @marvelmakeuplover@welcometotheg0odlife  @istandandan @leanimal90 @5-seconds-of-sarcasmm @baileythepenguin @hartirl  @manners-maketh-taron@dragonluver9393 @xsinfulltrashx @jenloveshaydenchristensen @mmdarko @winsky1989 @venomhazcoffeewithpeterman @bohemianrhapsody86@theworldisugly-22 @lilspacepandaboy @ediblemurderer@sprinkleofhiddles@WrrkaMrrvelka @deetle625 @excellentbecca @a-goddessofmischief @tvwhoresblog
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