Racism in Elfquest
This is a critique of the way the comic book depicts poc by @pigeonfancier. I will add my words for context and my own commentary. My text is in bold.
Context: Elfquest is a long-running indie comic book written and drawn by Wendy and Richard Pini. The first issue was published in 1975 and issues have been published until 2018.
 It is a fantasy story about a community of elves and other fictional species like trolls and pixies who struggle to survive and coexist on a primitive earth-like planet with two moons known as Abode, alongside humans. There are multiple tribes of elves who vary in appearance and lifestyle, having adapted to different environments-the wolfriders are white elves who ride wolves and live in a forest, the gliders are tall, very pale elves who ride birds and live in a mountain and the sun villagers are dark-skinned elves who live in a desert.
Elfquest as a series handles humans poorly in the context of race and culture. In humans, darker skin and complexions are codified as signs of aggression, malice and foolishness. Lighter complexions are associated with the helpful humans of Abode, the ones who are more peaceful, more tolerant, less religious, and more “civilized” than their peers.
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From the very get-go of Elfquest, dark skin and "savage behaviour" is explicitly linked. The ethereal, pale, gentle and naive elves are put in stark contrast to a human that does not even look particularly like a human. 
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This theme starts right at the beginning of the series, but it'll continue all the way throughout it.
Even when it doesn't particularly make sense. Nonna (a human woman) from the Original Quest is of the Hoan-G’Tay-Sho (a tribe of stone-age era humans). Her skintone is shown to be a match to Cutter's, if not also Skywise's. However, when compared to her husband fellow villagers, she's very pointedly pale.
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This is in sharp contrast to how the Hoan-G'tay-Sho are depicted otherwise. In the Original Quest, it's noted that they are the same complexion as Suntop (the child of a wolfrider and sun villager), who is notably darker in most scenes than the majority of the Wolfriders.
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When we see the descendants of the Hoan-G'tay-Sho later on in the series, off in the Forevergreen, their skintone is hard to quantify. The art throughout this arc is not very consistent, and characters switch appearances regularly. However, the costumes are largely consistent, and I feel comfortable saying that the influences they're drawing from are not European - the Forevergreen arc runs at the same time as Shards, which is set in the 1300's, but...
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There isn't much difference between that and the tribal societies we'd seen previously, because the Pini's write their non-white humans largely only in one way. Regardless of the geographic distance between societies, almost all groups of non-white humans in the series share the same traits of being aggressive, superstitious, easily misled, and xenophobic.
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The old lady covered in bones is the Bone Woman, an early antagonist. She is a shaman who uses the tribal chief's superstition to turn him against the elves. 
I personally feel that she draws on primitive witch-doctor stereotypes. Her appearance is meant to evoke disgust-an elf remarks that "even trolls aren't that ugly" after seeing her-and she comes across as an one-dimensional stereotype of indigenous religious leaders.
She appeared in an issue published in 1984, but the problem of stereotyping continues during the comic's entire run.
In the first comic, the opening scene is of a group of dark-skinned humans dancing around a tied up white elf, about to sacrifice him:
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the human cultures in Elfquest are also, almost unerringly, largely sexist.
In the story Mender's Game, the comic shows the asian-adjacent society as actively torturing their women for dishonouring them: https://href.li/?https://elfquest.com/read/index.php?s=MEN4&p=7 CW on this link for severe abuse. 
What I think stands out about this is that the culture in question is based on mongolian and central asian steppe nomads who while still patriarchal, traditionally gave lots of freedom to women they weren't afforded in many contemporary societies. They could hunt, ride and influence the men on important decisions in the Mongolian culture.
While it's true that many cultures including ones of color were patriarchal, I feel that EQ lacks nuance when it comes to depicting gender roles in human cultures. Not all cultures were awful to women and in quite a few of them women had many rights and held quite a lot of power but we never see them depicted, the aforementioned mongolian steppe nomads and the iroquois are some examples.  
the girl drawing the bow is Shuna, a girl adopted by the elves who comes from a culture analoguous to medieval Europe. In this storyline, she enters a culture based on pre-colonial north America, is believed to be a "spirit-woman" and gets married to a hunter named Nunkah, who becomes abusive towards her.
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  In Shuna's storyline, her first husband and Bee's tribe is shown to be heavily sexist. Her behaviours outside of her designated role are not initially punished, but ultimately are in the end, with the implication that this is normal for her first husbands' culture. Throughout the story, Shuna notes things such as that "the chief invited me to sit beside him. Later, I would learn it was unheard-of to honor a woman so." and then later, "though patriarchal and restrictive to its women, the hill-hopper clan was not so inclined to look down on a female forest deity. I enjoyed many privileges denied my humbler sisters."
Also, Shuna continues to refer to the tribe as "primitives" throughout the story.
Shuna later meets another man from the tribe named Ikopek who eventually becomes her second husband.
This is Ikopek:
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and this is Nunkah:
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while Nunkah turns abusive and controlling: 
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Ikopek is gentle and kind. I think it's worthy to note that compared to Nunkah and the rest of his tribe, Ikopek is light-skinned with white-features and blond hair, even though it doesn't make sense for someone from a culture based on pre-colonial American societies to have those features.
And, of course, Nonna is tossed out from her husband's tribe for not fitting the appropriate gender roles. Sexism is prevalent in many places throughout Elfquest, in the white-coded societies as well as the rest, but it's noteworthy in that it's linked so explicitly to the non-white societies.. to the degree that even the Sun Villagers note that there are expected behaviours of maidens, ones that the wolfriders do not necessarily conform to. 
The wolfriders help them change, though, over time - and to bring us back to the human aspect of this criticism, this is a trend unfortunately evident throughout the entire series. Little Patch (a boy abandoned by his parents from a tribal society as an infant but gets adopted by the wolfriders) is tossed aside by his kin, but returns as a blonde hair, blue-eyed adult to eventually lead them. Shuna leaves the white society of Junsland and joins into Ikopek's tribal network, educating and enlightening those that she speaks to. When the Gliders- and eventually, the Wolfriders - interact with humans, they're inevitably seen as an ideal. 
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pictured here is Aramak, the human chief of a tribe descended from the Hoan-G’Tay-Sho. He is a cruel tyrant who did not hesitate to maim and kill his subjects, considering them little more than offerings to be used. He reveres the elves, to the point of mutilating his ears to look like theirs.
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This is just part of a larger, unfortunate aspect of how the Pini's treat a lot of their human societies as well. For those in tribes, which is to say the majority of the societies depicted, they simply aren't treated with much respect by the narrative or even by those within it. 
I also think it should be mentioned that the trolls in Elfquest have been criticized as being antisemitic stereotypes; they have large, hooked noses and thick lips and are early on characterized as greedy and dishonest, but get more sympathetic portrayals later in the comic. 
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screenstretch · 20 days
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Thanks for the tag ☺️ Beautiful print from @artistdenisewyllie
‘Scarlet Companions on Gold’ is a limited edition of 5 screenprints with stencilling. #pressingmatters I sketched the two pigeons as they were happily grooming their ruffled feathers under the spray of water in the Chelsea Physic Garden. This oasis in the city is a wonderful garden of Eden and watching them was a theraputic experience. If you wish to bring an original artwork of two cheeky lively birds into your home do DM me for details. #pressingmattersinsert28 #screenstretch #graphicdesign#scarlet #gold #amber #hereslookingatyoukid #soulmate #companions #companionship #birds #rspb #lovenature @townergallery #pigeonfancier #screenprinting #stencilling @re_printmakers @artukdotorg #printmakerscouncil @re_printmakers @printmakerscouncil @printmakingtoday #art #buyartfromartists #supportsmallbusiness
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fallingawkwardly · 2 years
Eee, good! Here's some q's, then - please feel free to disregard whatever ones you don't feel like answering.1) You said the setting was "modern-day yorkshire town" - are we *secret* space alchemists? Is the setting Wynne Jones style pastiche fantasy, or more/less on the nose? 2) What's your favorite bit (or part, or process!) that you've written so far? 3) What character has been the most fun or interesting for you to create so far?
Oh god. Thank you. Chymicalia brainspill incoming. Please don't judge my writing on any of this, I multiple edit pass in real life.
1) You said the setting was "modern-day yorkshire town" - are we secret space alchemists? Is the setting Wynne Jones style pastiche fantasy, or more/less on the nose?
We are secret space alchemists! Albeit ones in an alternate universe where there are also more legitimate, less secret alchemists, we're just not that kind. We're ~renegades~, it would be very cool and sexy, except that it is absolutely neither, and at least for this protagonist, actually just hideously abusive indentured servitude to a mysterious disembodied entity known only as "the Shop".
The Wynne Jones reference is on point actually, in that there are Howl-like secret magical contracts, plus dimensional-shifting-via-a-magical-building, done by someone who is originally from Earth, but trying to play themselves off as a powerful Alchemist to bewildered otherplanetary denizens.
Generally speaking, though, it's not pastiche, and mostly doesn't come over as fantasy at all, tone-wise. Urban fantasy, I guess? Tone-wise, we're very much in Yorkshire, and Yorkshire is nothing if not no-nonsense. (check out that quadruple-negative!)
Anyway, I can tell I'm not writing fantasy, because I have to constantly check real world historical dates and legalities, instead of just making up some cool-sounding bullshit. I have to constantly google shit like "football team formations" and "is it illegal to steal cuttings in the UK". This "real world" setting is exhausting and infinite, how do people do this all the time, what the fuck.
2) What's your favorite bit (or part, or process!) that you've written so far?
I'm really enjoying writing the text messages you can send and receive from various characters, and how different people express themselves via that medium.
3) What character has been the most fun or interesting for you to create so far?
See: who's the most disastrous, because it's the same thing, innit? Although I also like Chrissie, who is a peak weird-girl six year old, constantly hunting for bones for her imaginary friend, Jinny Vinegar. (Jinny has no bones, and it makes her sad.) Chrissie isn't disastrous, she knows exactly what she's about.
Oh, and Yaz, the worst librarian ever, who is just a receptacle for all my dayjob librarianship frustrations.
[I'm adding the rest of your questions from your second ask here!]
4) Do you have a core cast of characters, or is this ala a lot of various simulation / visual novel-esque games, where who the PC is exposed to will depend on what choices they make?
There's a core cast. Besides the central protagonist and antagonist, there are four major characters (Ana, Bern, Nimone and Voss) whom you can form relationships with and become catastrophically intertwined with the problems they have, some of which are caused by the solutions you gave them to the problems they had before that. Then there are around ten minor characters who have problems, or cause problems, or ARE problems, often relating to the main cast, etc etc.
It's also one of those "ooooh, the LOCATION is a character, ooooh" type of things. But virtually everyone's issues relate in some way to the town's history, and how to try and fucking live in this place.
5) What inspired you to make it?
I played a couple of customer-service simulator type games, especially the lovely Coffee Talk (the author of which really sadly died recently, I'm gutted) …and basically, I thought it was a really enjoyable mechanic, but a lot of games I found were quite linear and in a certain stylistic mould. Neither of which are bad things! But I started thinking about how to take that mechanic and do something a bit tonally different with it, with different kinds of choices and implications, and more opportunity to make drastic/arguably terrible choices about what you think the customer "ought to" receive, and how that might change things.
Anyway, I'm not trying to pretend I'm revolutionising the medium - it's a crafting sim/visual novel! - but I haven't seen anything quite like this, and I want to play it, so I've got to make it.
6) of your cast so far, who's your most disastrous and least?
I mean… making characters is just making flavours of disaster, yeah? It is in a game like this, anyway, where your customers need to constantly have problems for you to "FIX!!!".
The obvious answer here is Voss, with his catalogue of failed jobs, relationships, exams, rental agreements, you name it. But really, Voss is just the most VISIBLE disaster, because he's a critical mass of untreated ADHD.
You can argue that Bern's actually more of a disaster, because he's quietly pretending he's not a disaster and is ignoring the huge flaming mass of disasterstuff about to engulf him, while at least Voss is aware of the fact, and is trying (disastrously) to dodge.
Ana is a disaster because she's trying so hard to NOT be a disaster, and getting everything wrong.
Nimone is the least disaster, to the point that's she's just another kind of disaster, and embracing being more of a disaster would actually be good for her, because being at least a little bit disastrous is essential to human relationships both with others and with yourself, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in, etc.
Unfortunately for everyone, the REAL biggest disaster in town is the person behind the counter who's totally going to fix all their problems!
Welcome to Chymicalia, We Have Solutions!
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toushindai · 4 years
⭐ for your latest fic! :)
Thank you!!
So the fic that falls at the conjunction of “most recently finished AND posted” (as opposed to older fics I’ve cross-posted recently, or the ficlet I recently finished but haven’t posted yet) is “Discoveries,” which I’ve described as a “five-chapter one-shot” because it. got away from me!
This is a smut fic so let’s tuck these details under a cut--
What happened is, I had written what turned into the first chapter (in which Zag gets turned on by Meg pinning him to a wall and threatening him in what should have been a thoroughly nonsexual context) about a year before I wrote the second chapter. It didn’t stand well on its own, not least because I kind of just started right in the middle of things and wasn’t inclined to figure out the details. Really, what Zag was being threatened over wasn’t the point! But, when I finished the second chapter--this being the “one-shot” I cheekily refer to--I realized that I could combine the two. And I could write a second (aka, a third) chapter from Meg’s POV. And then, once I had that written (which took a stupid number of drafts, including one which started from Zag’s POV), well they weren’t really getting along great, so I needed a fourth chapter; but surely that would be even shorter than the first, it’s really just to wrap up and get them kind of understanding each other again... nope, it’s 1965 words long!! And at this point I had realized that I wanted to tweak chapter 1, too, because this damn smutfic grew itself a theme, but if I was going to do that, I might as well post those tweaks at the same time that I posted... chapter five... of what was supposed to just be a sexy little one-shot about Zagreus and Megaera finding common ground over having fun with pain.
Really, this is just how my brain works.
Because here’s the thing, I got the dialogue that implies that Hades forced Meg and Zag together about two weeks into my experience with the game (so, late December 2018), and my brain has never, not once, put that idea down since. I’m absolutely neck-deep in this elaborate headcanon where their prescribed relationship--Megaera assigned to make Zagreus grow the fuck up--conflicts against their accidentally discovered sexual compatibility and the interest in each other that grows out of that. So it’s hardly surprising that writing that discovery turned into writing Zagreus going “wait, now that I don’t hate her... MAYBE I’LL FALL IN LOVE WITH HER??” and Megaera running into inner turmoil between gaining an interest in Zagreus as a person and how she’s supposed to regard him as part of her job. Of course I was drawn to write something where, even as they were drawn to each other, even as they made the decision yes, this is something we’re going to pursue and keep doing on purpose, the attitudes that would eventually drive them apart before the game timeframe (Zagreus’s recklessness with his own emotions, Megaera’s holding fast to her duty when given the choice between that and personal interaction) were already beginning to show.
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This isn’t directly related to this fic, necessarily, but now that it’s clear that Hades/Persephone was a result of Zeus plopping Persephone down into the Underworld and saying “here! you two are cute together” and neither Hades nor Persephone being like totally off-board with this but Persephone especially not having a real choice in the matter had she not been on board, because Zeus; now that it’s clear that this did, in fact, strike Hades as kind of fucked up at the time... this makes arranged-betrothal!ZagMeg... weirder. Somehow. I honestly have not figured out how those two things fit together just yet, I only know I want to have some kind of opinion on it. Now that it’s legal to treat Hades as a somewhat sympathetic character, I’ve gotta figure out what was going on in his head at that point. ...Oh, god, you know what it probably is? He refers to bringing Persephone down to the Underworld as “tantamount to kidnapping.” The issue being that Demeter is kept in the dark. He probably doesn’t conflate that with forcing ZagMeg together because Nyx is on board with it. Maybe?? Maybe. Still weird, dude.
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cumaeansibyl · 4 years
Your opinion on the Stepford Wives! Book, old movie, new movie, whichever.
Only thing I know about the new movie is that the wives can be cured, which really fucks up the entire premise imo -- Nicole Kidman was also in an Invasion of the Body Snatchers adaptation around the same time where that was some sort of curable parasitic infection and not a total replacement, and that’s a weird comment on the 2010s, isn’t it? can’t live with the irrevocable, I guess. Even in the original Body Snatchers where they drive the alien invasion away, which is a much happier ending than later versions, the people who got replaced are still dead.
anyway! between Rosemary’s Baby and Stepford Wives, I am extremely impressed with how Ira Levin unerringly strikes at the vulnerability of women in relationships with men, and the fears we can’t quite shake. In Stepford Wives, it’s the fear that, no matter what your Good Husband says, what he really wants is one of those cheery domestic slaves, happy to be used. That when he says he values your individuality, he’s secretly fantasizing about a woman with no mind of her own. That if he can’t get you to be that woman, he’ll happily replace you.
(Rosemary’s Baby is the same set of fears at a different angle -- Rosemary is already a fairly good wife by those standards, but her husband Guy, all loving and indulgent as he seems, is willing to let Actual Satan knock up his wife for career advancement. What’s the point of having a wife if you can’t use her?)
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clockworkmoose · 4 years
@pigeonfancier​ replied to your post:
I have  read 7 books in the past 6 days. If I read...
Ooh, what books?
Okay, so half of them were a series - The Murderbot Diaries books 1-4.  Antisocial robot who has anxiety and definitely does not want to be human and wants humans to stop wanting it to be human which is fantastic. 
I haven’t read the fifth one yet because I have not bought the fifth one yet and that’s all that’s stopping me. Because Murderbot is great. 
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The others were Ball Lightning by Liu Cixin which was pretty good, but definitely the hardest to get through because oof it started out super technical, eased up for the middle half, and then went all quantum physical HARDCORE in the last quarter. 
So. Oof. Science Fiction, but more “science” than “space battles and laser guns.” 
I’d been meaning to read The Three Body Problem by the same author (because I saw it in Barnes and Nobel and it had a holographic cover and I am a magpie that likes shiny things, APPARENTLY) but saw a review that mentioned that Ball Lightning wasn’t exactly a prequel, but it had like a marvel-teaser style reference to something in The Three Body Problem, so I decided to read it first.
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Also, To be Taught, If Fortunate. Which is short, but also kept me up to like 3am reading because I kept saying, ah, it’s short enough, I can finish it before it gets late. But the trick was I was a fool and it was already late when i started reading. 
It’s another Sci fy that’s more on “science” than fiction, about a group of four scientists going on a romp through an alien solar system and getting their biologist and research nerd on together. The alien worlds they visit really kinda reminded me of like... what you might see in ‘70s weird pulp magazines where people were just making up the craziest alien life you could imagine for funsies.
Also? All 4 of the main characters are some shade of lgbt/queer and I did not know that before picking up the book and was very delighted by the fact. The cover kind of looks like Princess Leia got ejected out into space for some reason. 
(OH, it just dawned on me, that’s a scene in the book. I did not imagine that character looking like that. I no longer think the cover looks out of place.)
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The last book that I just finished today was probably the weakest of them, which is super unfortunate, because it had the best world building out of everything, and I think ties with Murderbot for the best character characterization, and is called Binti.
It’s about a girl from the Himba people in Africa (I’m not sure if it’s *actually* the Himba, or a science fiction version that’s just based on them) who is the first of her family to ever leave earth to go study at a galactic university. And everything about Binti (the name of the MC) is fantastic and great and wonderful.... and then halfway through the book, the plot falls apart. To the point of, (example, not spoilers) a bank robber walks into a bank, shoots someone and demands all the money, and then the police come and say, “ah yes, it’s fine you killed that guy because you were fired from your job. Here’s the keys to the vault, help yourself.” which! Is not very logical to me!!! 
I did not like how the plot just kinda... did whatever it wanted and got to unrelated endpoints because those were good endpoints, but I did like Binti the character a lot, and the book did win several awards and has two sequels so maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about and it’s better than I thought it was! Shrug emoji? I am planning on reading the sequels anyways.
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astrallar · 5 years
pigeonfancier replied to your photo: So I was doing a commission over a couple of days...
The way you draw bodies and hands is so fucking dynamic, I just love looking at it.
Aaaaaa ty! I just woke up so I havent seen the morning after version but im really pleased with how its coming along since all I really draw is idle standing :)
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cloudbatcave · 5 years
Romcom meet cute!
You’re giving me the hard stuff, huh.
Romcoms are not my wheelhouse at all, but I could get behind writing one if the setting itself was darker. The idea of a meet cute in an eldritch or dystopian fantasy setting amuses me, because the challenge of juggling a genuine romance against a backdrop of monsters and/or screwy magic and hitting the right tones would be engaging.
Oh, this sorcerer who hears dark gods in their head urging them to abandon humanity and meld into the hivemind falls for someone who struggles every day to enable people with magical diseases or disabilities to get equal rights, because society is shit but they want to try! How the hell will this one work out.
I can think of ways to still make it funny, but I’d have to walk the fine line of not actually veering into dark humor and keeping things lighthearted while also acknowledging the absurdities and problems of the setting.
I think I just made it even harder, but then, that’s one of the only ways I’d be into writing it, so. 
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ladytrollfishes · 6 years
ID. uwu
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I got sliiiiightly carried away i think?
a very fun draw
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prince-liest · 6 years
Curse of Strahd: An Angel, a Devil, and a Grandmother Walk into a Bar
Basic session summary for the Curse of Strahd campaign I’m DMing for @pigeonfancier, @cloudbatcave, and @rebatrolls. We had our second session today, in which they successfully defeated a potentially haunted suit of armor using what was technically a sword-and-board, in the sense that it was a sword permanently attached to a decorative board backing used to hang it on a wall.
Rose (Aasimar Cleric), played by Mar (@pigeonfancier)
Ursa (Dwarf Sorcerer), played by Cloudy (@cloudbatcave)
Faithfulness (Tiefling Paladin), played by Reba (@rebatrolls)
The three of you entered the Durst household at the behest of two young children waiting outside, who had pleaded with you to rescue their crying baby brother from his nursery on the third floor. Wary of a monster in the basement and nervous about your lack of equipment, Faithfulness immediately burgled a decorative shield hanging from a wall, and subsequently a similarly decorative sword attached to a wooden backing mount. Now marginally more equipped, you began your search for the missing child, making your way to the third floor nursery.
Before entering the nursery, you encountered a suit of armor - which Faithfulness immediately prodded with his sword, prompting the previously still object to animate and attack the closest party member. After an awkward and damaging battle that ranged up and down the manor’s spiral staircase, Rose managed to lever his decorative sword into a hole that Ursa and Faith magically burned into the chest of the suit of armor, and hauled it over the staircase banister, sending it crashing to its destruction on the first floor. And then proceeded to magically mend and burgle that, too.
Thus armored, you explored the nursery, discovering that the crying baby was but a disappearing apparition, and meeting the ghostly figure of the baby’s nursemaid. Unable or unwilling to communicate, she eventually watched Faithfulness from the nurse’s suit mirror as the party discovered a hidden door to the attic, where you plotted to open a locked door before barricading yourselves in an empty room for a long rest.
Rose seems to be determined to burn the house down, and has alluded to attempting to do so several times - seemingly not entirely sure if he’s willing to wait until the party is out of the house.
Ursa, delighted at the party’s success, attempts to high-five Faith... who stares blankly and leaves her hanging. Good will? What’s that?
Rose: “Warlocks fuck!” / Ursa: “Of course warlocks fuck, it’s just... but... I lost my train of thought.”
Rose excitedly declaring that he has discovered that the nursemaid is, in fact, a ghost! ... Several minutes after Ursa and Faith had reached the conclusion themselves and were already debating what to do about that.
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videolotnik · 2 years
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Gołąb z Opola wrócił do domu. Pisaliśmy o tym na www.videolotnik.pl Na zdjęciu piosenkarka Karolina Lizer i hodowca Jerzy Koźlik. . . . #golebiepocztowe #pzhgp #gołąbpocztowy #hodowcagołębi #lotygołębi #instapigeon #pigeonloft #pigeonhobby #pigeonsport #racingpigeons #pigeonracing #homingpigeon #pigeonfancier #pigeonlovers #pigeonfan #brieftaube #paloma #duif #holuby #porumbei #holub #pigeonbreeder #pigeonofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CfMLNvuogv5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hi, can I submit a post by @pigeonfancier criticizing the way the comic book Elfquest depicts people of color? I will be adding my own commentary for context and some of my own opinions/criticisms.
yeah absolutely you don't have to ask permission!
mod ali
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cloudbattrolls · 6 years
maidel: if she could switch castes, which would he switch to? if not, why?
Maidel would either rather be a lowblood, to better fit in with Pheres and Sipara, or he’d rather be jade or teal. The former for social reasons, the latter because he’d have more social power and thus be more “interesting” and supposedly worthwhile as a troll, and maybe not have his psi.
Because while Maidel’s psi is important to him and he’ll admit it’s the main reason he’s still alive and at all useful to Pheres, but it’s gotten him in as many scrapes as it’s gotten him out of, and very deep down he wonders if the reason he’s so ‘boring’ is because he leans on his psi too much. Maybe he’d be forced to be more interesting without it protecting him, because he’s weak and dumb otherwise.
tldr maidel is full of doubt and insecurity, because he’s a dweeb, and would maybe go a little lower or higher but would never be a blueblood.
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toushindai · 4 years
1, 16, 27?
1. your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else) 
I don’t listen to playlists very often and don’t actually. use spotify at all (somehow the streaming revolution passed me by entirely) but I really loved that southern gothic playlist that was on 8-tracks for a while.
16. how you wake your body up when it’s feeling tired, achy or needs a stretch 
Quick walk around the block, weather permitting! I’ve been trying to do this when my cheapo computer chair starts hurting my back, for instance. Other than that, just stretching I guess.
27. your favourite flavour and brand of tea 
Since being at home and not regularly going to the grocery store (and ordering groceries from Aldi, which has fewer brands than the local Giant Eagle), I’ve been ordering a lot of Stash teas. I think my faves from them are probably the Spice Dragon Chai and Lemon Ginger, but I buy four or five different kinds at a time and try to rotate my selection.
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cumaeansibyl · 5 years
2, 4, and 12?
2. What’s the most disturbing movie you’ve ever watched?
I would have to say Downfall (Der Untergang), the 2004 German drama about the last days of Hitler’s life, best known as “the one the Hitler yelling meme is from.” Bruno Ganz’s performance is stomach-turning. It’s probably one of the best movies I’ve ever seen and I never ever want to see it again.
4. A film you could watch on repeat for the rest of your life?
Raiders of the Lost Ark. There’s a lot of answers to this, because I love watching movies on repeat, but I dearly love yelling about this one. Very little in cinema is more viscerally satisfying to me than the moment when this:
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turns to this:
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12. A movie that holds a special place in your heart?
Mad Max Fury Road, which I actually can’t watch on repeat because I’m always doing other stuff while watching movies, and if Fury Road is on I have to sit down and watch it with my full attention because it’s so important to me.
I love Furiosa, of course, but what got me was how many different kinds of women were there: soft scared children looking to trade liberty for safety, fired-up radical idealists willing to die for freedom, old women who never gave in, old women who did give in but finally stood up and said “no more,” girls whose trauma made them compassionate and girls whose trauma made them suspicious, girls who get lost in their heads but sometimes see more clearly (at least at a distance)
oh, and the little girl in Max’s head sending him visions of the future (among other things) which either means that he’s clairvoyant on his own or that he’s actually having visions from a supreme being, one who ultimately sides with justice but also is just gonna fuck with this guy first because lol. which actually helped me clarify and visualize a lot of my thoughts about god? so yeah 
finally, WHO KILLED THE WORLD? is permanently stuck in my head
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weiy1ng · 6 years
47, 54 or 53, 1, 95!
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
Boy, how do you even answer this one? I’ll just list some recent favorites:
Follow You Down - Zedd
Andromeda - Gorillaz
Emotion - Carly Rae Jepson
Superheroes - Daft Punk
Midnight - Caravan Palace
Fake Happy - Paramore
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
Cooking shows and like, special interest videos about things nobody really talks about. Like odd gadgets, dead malls and defunct companies.
53: Do you save money or spend it?
I try to but my finances being what it is I often end up using my reserves on some minor disaster and having to use credit -_-
Been doing pretty good the past few months though mostly because im adamant on having money to donate to my school club’s new york trip.
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
A carton of almond milk and arizona green tea.
95:You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
We Goin’ To Japan BayBee!!!!!!!!!
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