mzjosef · 6 months
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doe-antlers-blog · 4 months
Opp is Pimpy's Best Son
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revcleo · 5 months
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cosmonova · 3 days
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groggyuckywucki · 7 months
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It isn't some incredulous coincidence or my mind-imploded speculations that zeese two ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE SIMILIARITIES YEES? [Noting their ragged, raw salivation over a good handful of girls, names almost going good ''SNAP'' eg KANAko, KANae, general oddity kookity characteristics matching ...giahhh I do hope it's DELIBERATE and not delirious brain-scrapes pecking about for ridiculousities on my part...
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imcoastingondreams · 9 months
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umi-no-onnanoko · 2 years
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-umi-no-onnanoko (@umi-no-onnanoko / 20.03.23)
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machine-saint · 4 months
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thinking about 2x pimpy 3x bape
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madvillainlover985 · 4 months
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doe-antlers-blog · 4 months
Oh yeah for the rhythm game parts of this I was told to go in a new boyfriendless direction but I do like this version anyways so I figure I'll post it here
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lilcowzia · 4 months
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despazito · 3 months
Dunno if you've already seen it but there's a youtuber (Izzzyzzz) who just uploaded a video about puppy mills and questionable dog breeding practices. I'm not as much in that scene as you are, but i thought she raised a bunch of really important points. What do you think?
I really like izzzyzzz but unfortunately it's really not a great lesson in the topic imo
Same with the ethanisonline video on the topic, they don't actually make the distinction of what an exotic bully even is and what sets them apart from adjacent breeds, and use photos of american bullies and exotic bullies interchangeably. They kind of treat the bully breed group, apbts, american bullies, and exotic bullies all synonymously. I'm fairly certain they never said the name "exotic bully" even once.
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Like, this is one of the clips they showed while talking about the dangers of brachycephaly and extreme conformation... This dog's proportions are totally fine..? If you mean pimpy pull up pictures of pimpy, why's this random dude catching strays.
I'm not really sure why they also brought up XL bully attacks if the topic of the video is extreme breeding of exotic bullies, they are completely separate breeding projects (also talks about XL fatalities in the UK without any of the kimbo line context, it really deserves its own full length video to properly discuss). They talk about american bullies being potentially dangerous (any dog can be potentially dangerous) when again the breed was intended to be a more docile companion dog than its predecessors.
On top of that they basically wonder out loud whether venomline dogs are being used for fighting?? sweaty those dogs are NOT made for fighting.
They push the adopt don't shop angle which, granted, if you're in the market for a bully or a pit in the united states you can definitely shop around tons of rescues. But i wish instead of this they used the angle of just how many litters per year some of these kennels are churning out in comparison to more devoted breeders who really put their all into setting up every litter for success. A good breeder isn't contributing to the shelter population. And i wish instead of just using the moral argument that it's weird to advertise your stud like a product, maybe talk about the tangible harms of the popular sire effect and everyone wanting to use the same few studs in their lines.
Overall I don't think the video was researched enough. It broadly generalizes and uses different types of bullies completely interchangeably, and tries to cover way too many topics spanning many different lines of dogs in a 20 minute video. there's other things that stood out to me but i'm not confident enough to discuss, i'm sure @pitbolshevik could do a way more thorough autopsy on this video than me lol.
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claws10mileslong · 5 months
im watching the pimpy son opp videos again and i cant stop laughing
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kushblazer666 · 1 month
miquella: 2x marika 3x pimpy
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phoenixwritessmut · 11 months
intimacy headcanons about bottoms (2023)
okay, so i have a lot of feelings about this movie right here. i watched it in theatres with one of my bestfriends, and we couldn't stop talking about it afterwards - more specifically, headcanons we had about the fight club OG members and their reactions to sexual intimacy.
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hear me out, okay.
PJ (we start with the queen who started it all): - talks a big game but actually wildly unknowledgeable about everything to do with the female orgasm. - is a bottom. it's in the title, it's in her genes, it's in her jeans. - has a controversy kink (cute cheerleaders, chicks that can make shit explode) and will vehemently deny that she likes the thrill of crushing out on someone she ABSOLUTELY has no business crushing on. - learned halfway through the movie that she's into pain!
Josie (the brains of the operation... sometimes): - pimpy as fuck. she thought she'd be shy and nervous, but when she gets going she's three steps from being the hugh hefner of lesbians. - she's a top, but a service top who will let her girl do the 'topping' if she wants to (and by girl, i mean Isabel). - secret collection of toys "just in case" she needs the help with her stamina (girl just recovered from a broken arm)... spoiler alert, they use absolutely none of them and still run for like four to six rounds. - too embarrassed to admit she used to watch videos to "take notes".
Hazel (my baby, she is everything to me): - is baby girl, but is also daddy depending on her mood (and what PJ is into at the time) but is precious none the less. - refuses to turn the lights off because she likes to watch you both during and after the throes of passion. - lowkey but also kind of highkey enjoys public displays of affection after the kiss that started the straight up murder of an entire football team of teenage boys (also enjoys shoving it in Tim's face that she's got a girlfriend, and he's got... Jeff!). - ridiculously good at what she does but doesn't brag... instead PJ brags to everyone for her, and she ends up with a reputation.
Isabel (shiny, shiny, shiny, shiny): - first time she slept with Josie, she lost all hope that a man would ever know how to satisfy her - or another woman for that matter. - seems like she would be a pillow princess but is actually extremely into giving, and fights with Josie all the time over "topping". - gets turned on watching Josie break people's noses (it's happened a few times, all to the same effect) and isn't ashamed to admit it. - went to Hazel for tips on how to do things, before word even got out that Hazel was a pro... Isabel just had the feeling that Hazel knew.
Brittany (token straight girl... literally the token straight girl): - since turning down PJ, has kissed more girls than the entire club combined (it doesn't help that half of them are all into each other). - wavers on the border of being bi-curious, but just didn't know how to turn down PJ gently, also just not ready to fully come out yet. - definitely fantasizes about women while she's with her boyfriend though. he knows and doesn't really mind about that. - stands by Hazel deserves better than PJ, and if she were just five percent more into women, she'd steal poor Hazel away in a heartbeat.
and to a lesser degree, we had some headcanons about everyone else...
Stella-Rebecca (the regina george, only nicer): - looks like a pillow princess, absolutely is a pillow princess. - into some crazy ass shit; things that the rest of the girls won't even search online for until they're at least twenty-five, married, and bored in their current intimacy lives.
Sylvie (let's crowdfund to get this girl some help): - looks like she'd be in charge, is also a pillow princess, but is completely unashamed to admit that she prefers receiving. - has been hooking up with Annie since the second meeting of fight club. only Hazel knows, but she isn't a snitch.
Annie (you fool nobody, you a freak my dear): - has been hooking up with Sylvia since the second meeting of fight club, when she very concerned about the girl's homelife asked her out for dinner to "talk" and then they ended up spending the entire night together, before they kissed and fooled around a little bit, and Annie told herself for the longest time she was only doing this to make Sylvie happy because the girl is wildly unhappy, only to realize that she's the unhappy one and Sylvie makes her happy. - doesn't know that Hazel knows about them. she aint a snitch.
and for extra bonus points... we had lots of feelings about this.
Jeff (i'm saying he counts, so there): - has never found THE spot, ever. - had to practice with Tim on how to take a bra off because he kept getting confused by all of the buckles and "why is there so many straps? why do they even need these things? can't i rip it? what if i just buy them a new bra after? okay fine." - genuinely does not realize that Mrs. Callahan's daughter Hazel goes to his school and knows his girlfriend, until he is confronted by them. - falls asleep thirty-six seconds after he finishes like a lazy ass.
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