thunderclan — year ten — greenleaf
pinkfoot dies.
juniperpaw and sparkpaw are apprenticed to birchfall and ridgepelt.
lilyheart and snowbush have three kits, honeykit, larkkit, and leafkit.
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fairykukla · 2 years
The Legend of Pinkfoot
In September, my nearly 4 year old niefling told me a great spooky story. I have it recorded but my brother doesn't want me to post pics or video of the kiddo. So here's a transcript:
"Pinkfoot! It's The Pinkfoot! Because it's a good time to tell that story!"
Dramatic pause. Meaningful hand guestures.
"When it's dark
And when the moon is full
He comes and eats s'moooooores."
Then he went in to describe a Smore recipe., Despite having never roasted marshmallows or eaten s'mores. I suspect that there might have been a round of age appropriate campfire stories.
So here's the thing. I own a gorilla suit. No mask or hands or feet but the fur jumpsuit with the rubber chest.
Today, I dug out the fur suit. Picked up vegan marshmallows and bamboo skewers (great big ones), and a camping hat, and wore all of this with vibrant pink socks to visit the nieflings.
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Pinkfoot sighting!
Unfortunately, my niefling had completely forgotten the story, and was a little freaked out about the costume.
But the marshmallow was appreciated.
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scatmaan · 1 year
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Rehoused some of my babies today😘😘
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onenicebugperday · 1 month
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Really excited to share this leggy friend with you! I did not know that there were millipedes of this size in Missouri, and it was such a treat to find out. This curious individual was crossing a sidewalk, I made the choice to move them along a safer route and got a few photos in the process.
You definitely do! Narceus americanus is found pretty much all over the eastern half of the country and up into Canada. They're usually called American giants or pinkfoots. I think there's currently some debate about whether it's just one species or several in that range.
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Dark Forest Residences: WolfStar, GoldfishFur, & HollowStar
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Aliases / Nicknames: Cursed One, WolfFern, Champion 
Gender: demi-tom 
Sexuality: asexual, demiromantic 
Family: SerpentWing (mother), PuppyNut (father), Rainkit, Bristlekit, Mistlekit (kits), 400+ other family members, 60 who were alive at the same time as him. 
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, HalfSpeckle, BeaverJay, BlotchPad, SmallBlossom, AspenLight, MidnightTail, (apprentices) 
Clan: WolfsfootClan 
Rank: leader 
Characteristics: bloodthirsty, good fighter, reclusive, confidant 
Murder Motive: ambition, fun 
Number of Victims: 80+ 
Number of Murders:  80+ 
Murder Method: luring to fox, clawing/ripping throat out, drowning, shaking to death, disemboweling, skinning, poisoning, hypothermia, burning alive, breaking bones, blunt force, placing maggots into open wounds 
Known Victims: RobinKit, MorningKit, PatchKit, BoulderKit, RunningHare, RaccoonFur, PranceBlossom, PheasantJaw, GoldPelt, BadgerRiver, PinkFoot, TawnyPatch, SheepFang, WolfFeather, BlackKit, DayFur, CrestedSlip, FirePoppy, GrassKit, HayBird, ChasingShade, BristleFur, DuskCatcher, HatchNose, QuickKit, ThunderHorse, BreezeSplash, BriarNose, HollyPaw, SmallBeam, MallowLightening, HeronStorm, SleekDrift, LongRump, JumpLotus, SpiderWhiskers, PrickleFur, BroomDust, HollowStar/Stripe, CicadaStar, WolfFade, NeedlePelt, BitternFur, LarchKit, CrookedStone, PloverTuft, BogEar, BraveSkip, RainFur, FawnSnow, RushWish, FawnLeaf, LoudPelt, BlackSpeckle, ShardSpeck, Jayhorse, BubblingSky, OrangeRoar, HalfSpeckle, TroutPeak, PiperNoise, BeetleShade, DancingWhisker,   BayBlaze, SnapDragonBerry, ShrewHeart, CoconutTooth, GoldPelt, BadgerRiver, many rogues 
Victim Profile: Clanmates, rogues. 
Cause of Death: blood loss from many injuries
Cautionary Tale: beware the quick cats with long legs and sharper claws that haunt the forests
WolfFern was born in a very large Clan mostly made out of his kin, but he never got very close to anyone except GoldfishFur. 
WolfFern grew up to be the incredibly ambitious apprentice to the deputy, WolfFade. 
It was truly a shame when sweet, elderly WolfFade showed up dead outside camp after WolfFern was made Champion. 
He didn’t have any issue with killing his mentor. It was just a necessity to become leader. WolfFern spent a moon planning how to get rid of CicadaStar, but in the end he didn’t need to. The anxious, thin leader who never shared how many lives he had left got sick and, to WolfFerns luck, was on his last life. 
Within a moon of becoming a warrior, he was deputy. Within a moon of becoming deputy, he was now leader. 
WolfStar starting killing. Sometimes those who annoyed him, sometimes for fun. 
He began washing his paws very frequently, which his best friend GoldfishFur noticed. GoldfishFur helped him kill many more cats, and forced WolfStar into a code of sorts. Helped him cover his tracks. And in return, GoldfishFur was made deputy. 
Over many moons his kill count grew, and he even found a mate of convenience. He had very few friends, and needed a way to keep connected to the Clan. To seem devoted to them. They had RainKit, MistleKit, and BristleKit together. 
Many, many more Clanmates died, and Wolfstar realized that he didn’t feel any grief in killing any of them, not even his kin. 
He took on many apprentices, and even appointed a Champion: HollowStripe, however he would have to wait until HollowStripe was no longer with kits. 
GoldfishFur helped him commit countless more murders and continued to do so after he retired early from his chronic joint pain in his front leg. BroomDust was an easy deputy to manipulate, but everyone knew GoldfishFur called the shots. 
The only time WolfStar truly grieved for was their father, PuppyNut. Wolfstar never received visions, but that night he prayed for PuppyNut to visit him. 
The secrets, the constant lies and covers, all the small injuries hidden in his long fur caught up to him and he lost it. He killed ten Clancats in front of the clan, and everyone was too scared when GoldfishFur turned on them as well to stand up to the cruel duo. 
And, to his Clan's horror, he began skimming the corpses and piling them in the centre of camp as an example. 
At the next elder's ceremony, he slashed SpiderWhiskers throat out. A couple cats died from the stress, more killed by GoldfishFur and WolfStar. HollowStripe was an easier deputy to manipulate anyway. Eventually WolfStar and GoldfishFur organized an attack with a group of rogues. 
WolfStar died of his injuries, but not before nearly exterminating the Clan. 
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Aliases / Nicknames: Two-faced Tom, Goldy
Gender: demitom 
Sexuality: bisexual 
Family: CoconutTooth, WhirlAster (parents), HerringBreeze (mate), GuppyShadow, TallyPaw  (daughters), MilkPaw, KoiPaw (sons) 400+ other family members, 60 who were alive at the same time as him
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, PoppyHeart, LaurelNight (apprentices) 
Clan: WolfsfootClan 
Rank: deputy (retired)
Characteristics: cold, goofy, good kitsitter, manipulative 
Murder Motive: to protect his best friend 
Number of Victims: 80+ 
Number of Murders:  80+ 
Murder Method: luring to fox, clawing/ripping throat out, drowning, shaking to death, disemboweling, skinning, poisoning, hypothermia, burning alive, breaking bones, blunt force. 
Known Victims: RobinKit, MorningKit, PatchKit, BoulderKit, RunningHare, RaccoonFur, PranceBlossom, PheasantJaw, GoldPelt, BadgerRiver, PinkFoot, TawnyPatch, SheepFang, WolfFeather, BlackKit, DayFur, CrestedSlip, FirePoppy, GrassKit, HayBird, ChasingShade, BristleFur, DuskCatcher, HatchNose, QuickKit, ThunderHorse, BreezeSplash, BriarNose, HollyPaw, SmallBeam, MallowLightening, HeronStorm, SleekDrift, LongRump, JumpLotus, SpiderWhiskers, PrickleFur, BroomDust, HollowStar/Stripe, CicadaStar, WolfFade, NeedlePelt, BitternFur, LarchKit, CrookedStone, PloverTuft, BogEar, BraveSkip, RainFur, FawnSnow, RushWish, FawnLeaf, LoudPelt, BlackSpeckle, ShardSpeck, Jayhorse, BubblingSky, OrangeRoar, HalfSpeckle, TroutPeak, PiperNoise, BeetleShade, DancingWhisker,   BayBlaze, SnapDragonBerry, ShrewHeart, CoconutTooth, GoldPelt, BadgerRiver, many rogues 
Victim Profile: Clanmates, rogues. 
Cause of Death: thrown into pit of starving rabid cats, snake bite. 
Cautionary Tale: beware the quick cats with long legs and sharper claws that haunt the forests
GoldfishFur got along perfectly with his Clan. In fact, he was very popular.
When he caught WolfStar in the middle of a murder, GoldfishFur killed the cat before it could scream to him for help. 
WolfStar exposing the murders was very against their original plan, but GoldfishFur still used it to his advantage. The Clan now fully trusted him instead. 
He regretted the murders when he saw his Clanmates grieving, and he grieved for all the cats he had killed. One, however, nearly broke him: ChasingShade.
The two were fighting with a fox when GoldfishFur’s weak leg gave out, and the fox tore out ChasingShade's throat. 
When the deputy, BroomDust, spoke badly about WolfStar, GoldfishFur killed him before the Clan as an example. The sweet, goofy cat turning on his family. 
GoldfishFur had kits whom he loved, and desperately tried to keep out of the way of the rogue attack. The Clan fought back, stronger than they’d expected, and GoldfishFur was bitten by a snake after being backed up over the snake rocks. 
Before he could succumb to the venom, he  was torn apart. 
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Aliases / Nicknames: HollowHearted Leader, HollowStripes
Gender: tom 
Sexuality: unlabelled 
Immediate Family: DuskCatcher, MallowLightening (parents), ShardKit, BrookLeopard, RubbleShade (daughters) LongKit, GrassKit (sons), many unnamed siblings
Other Relations:
Clan: WolfsfootClan
Rank: leader, Champion 
Characteristics: proud, ambitious, good fighter, excellent den builder
Murder Motive: exterminate all of QuickStar’s descendants 
Number of Victims: 60
Number of Murders: 60 
Murder Method: poisoning via deathberries and lilies, hiring rogues. 
Known Victims: WolfLilac, BrookLeopard, RubbleShade, many unnamed Clan cats
Victim Profile: cats from QuickStar’s family tree 
Cause of Death: neck torn out by wolf 
Cautionary Tale: beware the quick cats with long legs and sharper claws that haunt the forests
HollowStar lasted a few moons after he became leader to the once thriving ClubmossClan, now shaken down and beaten from the inside. 
With so many cats having been murdered at the paws of WolfStar and GoldfishFur, the lan was left in shambles. Cats turning on each other, Clans spreading word of curses. It was all too much. They had to be right! It was all a curse! 
For decades, the Clans have been plagued by QuickStars legacy. It had to end. But first, HollowStar had something to do first. 
He only killed one cat directly, and that was WolfLilac. He couldn’t stand to hear her name called across camp. 
She was fierce, and put up a big fight. He earned a couple scratches along his back in exchange for her life. 
Next, he gathered as much deathberries as possible alongside his two surviving daughters, born secretly to a rogue and haven grown up in Twolegplace. They were young, and listened to him out of an eagerness to impress their father. 
They squeezed the deathberries into the pond, and within a day, half the Clan was seizing, frothing at the mouth, and convulsing on the ground by the drinking pond. 
His daughters waited patiently by his side while the screams slowed, more and more surviving cats deserting. If they were of QuickStar’s decent, they were swiftly disposed of by some rogues who were helping in exchange for safe passage through the forest. 
His daughters should have checked the prey he’d given them, for maybe they would have noticed the lily petals left inside it the day prior. 
It was finally over! Starclan would be so proud of him! 
The scent of blood quickly overtook the forest, leaving HollowStar in the middle. He should have realized that the starving wolves would have been interested in the easy meal.
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Additional Information: 
--Submission by @wills-woodland-warriors
Wills: "I left a lot out, but he’s one of my favourites and is incredibly interesting. He hid that he was killing for years from his clan. He never had an attachment to his kits or mate, only ever getting close with GoldfishFur and HollowStripe."
*He drove the Xlan mad. No one was brave enough to stand up to him. 
*He’s a very big and strong cat, and he’s about as ruthless as Alder/Myrtle and GremlinFrost. 
Wills: "also a very interesting cat from clangen, and again one of my favourites."
*Almost all events from these two stories are from clangens generated story itself!  cv Clangen Images are  from the brief moments he was in starclan during his trial. 
*Few of QuickStar’s decendants possibly got away, but not very many. 
*HollowStripe was actually a very sweet child before WolfStar took him under his wing (arm? Paw?) 
*The end of QuickStar’s legacy! 
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mossiestpiglet · 8 months
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[ID: a photo of a baby tarantula, freshly molted in a small naturalistic enclosure. The limbs are pale and abdomen dark. In the background is the molt, revealing the fangs. End ID]
Caught my darling baby freshly molted the other night and got a good picture of her all pale and soft <3
She was given to me free with either another tarantula or an enclosure (don’t remember) and at the time I was told she was a “pinkfoot birdeater”, but having looked at more pictures of Theraphosa apophysis slings her hairs seem much sleeker. My guess now is that she’s actually a Lasiodora parahybana (salmon pink birdeater), because that matches the sleeker hairs and the color contrast between the rear abdomen and rest of the body much better.
I try not to pick favorites with my animals but this little beastie has such a special attitude and appetite that I can’t help but gravitate towards her. Really need to give her a name!
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i-eat-warrior-cats · 2 years
When The Lights Go Out-Chapter Two
Murmured yowls of dismay were let out from across the stone hollow.Brookstar called for silence. "Last night GreyStar has announced an invasion to our camp. He states that each one of our kits will be slaughtered unless we surrender our territory." Pinkfoot's kits cried and ran to their mother and squealed in fright. Riverwing pressed against her mate Mudwhisker's pelt. Suddenly a huge tabby tom appeared out of nowhere and clawed a deep gash through Brookstar's neck. It was Greystar! pinkfoot's kits went ballistic and zoomed in all directions. More Darkclan warriors started appearing in the clearing and began attacking from all directions. Riverwing Twisted around to see a Darkclan she cat leap into the air and pin her to the ground with a crash. riverwing felt the she cat's claws rake her soft belly and with another shriek of pain Riverwing gained a deep gash on the right side of her face. But riverwing kicked out harder than she ever had, and she cat hit the ground with a dizzying thud. River sprinted towards pinkfoot's eldest kit, goldkit, and scooped her up in her mouth and River ran faster out of camp than she ever had before. Brambles clawed at her fur and thorns tugged at her pelt, but she didn't stop running. Tears flooded her eyes, and she heard a call behind her, but She didn't stop.
Rivers legs were growing weak, and the grass had begun to turn to mud. River slowed to a stop and her jaw fell agape. she was in a clearing that she had never been to before. A shimmering pool separated the trees from the rest of the forest. it had begun to lightly rain.it was evening now, and river had grown tired carrying Goldkit. she lapped up some clear water and nuzzled into some ferns with goldkit, and sleep washed over both. The rain had begun to pour by the time River was awoken. A familiar face peered over at her, and she stared aghast. "Mudwhisker?! How on earth did you get here?" Mudwhisker smiled and said "I saw you leave, and I ran after you. Eventually you ran so far ahead I lost you and I spent hours searching." They brushed pelts purring and snuugling.then she felt mudwhisker go unusually stiff. "mudwhisker? are you okay?" mudwisker turned with a painfully burning look on his face fell sideways into a pool.
of blood.
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strocalvenom · 11 months
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|||Theraphosa apophysis|||
Common name : Pinkfoot Goliath birdeater
Origin : 🇧🇷🇻🇪
Habitat : Rainforest
Type : New World terrestrial
Legspan : 9-11in
Lifespan : 4-6yrs (M), 17-20yrs (F)
Urticating hairs : Yes
Venom : Low
Temperament : Typically calm, bold, can be skittish & prone to kicking hair
Experience : Intermediate
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thunderclan — year eight — leaffall
dewpetal, juniperpool, pinkfoot, and trailpoppy become warriors.
freckledpaw, lilypaw, ridgepaw, seedpaw, and stormpaw are apprenticed to darkstripe, brambleclaw, shrewsky, spinwing, and lionblaze.
brightheart has three kittens: amberkit, dewkit, and snowkit.
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scalestails · 2 years
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newsimpsons247 · 4 years
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Pink Simpsons wallets by pinkfoot, these look absolutely amazing #pink #pinkfoot #pinky #lisa #maggie #lisasimpson #maggiesimpson #wallets #simpsonswallets #wallet #simpsonscollecting #simpsonsmuseum #simpsonsmerch #simpsonscollectables #simpsonsmemorabilia #simpsonscollection #simpsonstoys #simpsonsfamily #mattgroening #collectables #simpsons #thesimpsons #simpsonsfans #homersimpson #bartsimpson #newsimpsons247 #simpsonsfans #simpsonsuk #walletsnovelty https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JhZG6Dedd/?igshid=1n04gjleh1ty6
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dorisposh · 4 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp from @shaunacrowell #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #georgesimonton #freebirdbysteven #pinkfoot: https://posh.mk/l0bqnNDIPZ
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kmtx123 · 4 years
So good I had to share! Check out all the items I'm loving on @Poshmarkapp #poshmark #fashion #style #shopmycloset #pinkfoot #thelimited #abercrombiefitch: https://posh.mk/F0WsooTy9Z
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stomp-of-the-angels · 2 years
Last weekend I fixed up my Theraphosa apophysis' enclosure. Finally removed the log she was under to give her a proper hide. Finally being out in the open I was able to get the diagonal leg span. From first left leg to fourth right leg Terra is 4in dls.
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And just a couple days ago I went to hobby lobby and picked up these candle holders to use as water dishes.
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I'm still learning and they're still growing.
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glitch-e-rat · 3 years
went to a Fancy pet shop and got the boyos some liver dog treats
i have never seen sugar eat something so fast in his entire life.. 
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coffeekinmi · 7 years
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yay! ( ^ω^ ) my new stationery from: The Red (www.redfancy.com), Butter Friends, Pinkfoot (www.pinkfoot.co.kr), and Aqualip. Really love to use to clip board to write some kind of reports or anything, at anytime, anywhere... with highlight pen from Aualip which is really awesome... then those drawing books are my 'lands' to create some sketches I wanted 😋☕️☘️ stay young and be productive! bismillah... anyway, it's 15 days to freedom!! がんばれましよう‼︎ ╰(*´︶`*)╯
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