#pioneers heating and air
Gas Furnace Repair in Duarte, CA
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pioneersheating · 10 months
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reasonsforhope · 4 months
"A century of gradual reforestation across the American East and Southeast has kept the region cooler than it otherwise would have become, a new study shows.
The pioneering study of progress shows how the last 25 years of accelerated reforestation around the world might significantly pay off in the second half of the 21st century.
Using a variety of calculative methods and estimations based on satellite and temperature data from weather stations, the authors determined that forests in the eastern United States cool the land surface by 1.8 – 3.6°F annually compared to nearby grasslands and croplands, with the strongest effect seen in summer, when cooling amounts to 3.6 – 9°F.
The younger the forest, the more this cooling effect was detected, with forest trees between 20 and 40 years old offering the coolest temperatures underneath.
“The reforestation has been remarkable and we have shown this has translated into the surrounding air temperature,” Mallory Barnes, an environmental scientist at Indiana University who led the research, told The Guardian.
“Moving forward, we need to think about tree planting not just as a way to absorb carbon dioxide but also the cooling effects in adapting for climate change, to help cities be resilient against these very hot temperatures.”
The cooling of the land surface affected the air near ground level as well, with a stepwise reduction in heat linked to reductions in near-surface air temps.
“Analyses of historical land cover and air temperature trends showed that the cooling benefits of reforestation extend across the landscape,” the authors write. “Locations surrounded by reforestation were up to 1.8°F cooler than neighboring locations that did not undergo land cover change, and areas dominated by regrowing forests were associated with cooling temperature trends in much of the Eastern United States.”
By the 1930s, forest cover loss in the eastern states like the Carolinas and Mississippi had stopped, as the descendants of European settlers moved in greater and greater numbers into cities and marginal agricultural land was abandoned.
The Civilian Conservation Corps undertook large replanting efforts of forests that had been cleared, and this is believed to be what is causing the lower average temperatures observed in the study data.
However, the authors note that other causes, like more sophisticated crop irrigation and increases in airborne pollutants that block incoming sunlight, may have also contributed to the lowering of temperatures over time. They also note that tree planting might not always produce this effect, such as in the boreal zone where increases in trees are linked with increases in humidity that way raise average temperatures."
-via Good News Network, February 20, 2024
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philbridges · 10 months
Installing Mini Split Head
We’re installing another head for the mini-split ac. Pioneer Inverter Ultra High Efficiency Heat Pump 3 head mini split. Where this head is going: tongue-and-groove ceiling, metal roof of the original mobile home. Then you have the roof that covers the old mobile home and all the additions. Not something most will run into, but maybe it will help you out. ⏱️⏱️Chapters⏱️⏱️00:00 Intro00:12 Bit of…
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blogs-hvac · 10 months
Pioneer Heating in San Gabriel Valley, Ca: Improve the Energy Efficiency of Heating Systems and Water Heaters
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One of the most effective strategies to improve the energy efficiency of heating systems and water heaters is through technology upgrades and advancements. Older heating systems and water heaters tend to be less energy-efficient and consume more power than their modern counterparts. Replacing outdated models with newer, more energy-efficient ones can result in substantial energy savings. For instance, upgrading to high-efficiency condensing boilers or tankless water heaters can improve energy efficiency by up to 30% compared to conventional systems.
Another crucial aspect to consider is proper maintenance and regular servicing of pioneer air conditioning service in San Gabriel Valley, CA systems and water heaters. Ensuring that these systems are operating at their optimal level can prevent energy wastage and reduce the need for costly repairs. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and replacing air filters, inspecting heating elements, and flushing sediment from water heaters, can go a long way in maintaining peak efficiency.
Smart and programmable thermostats also play a vital role in optimizing energy use. These advanced devices allow users to set heating schedules based on occupancy and preferences, reducing energy consumption during periods of low demand. Additionally, some smart thermostats use machine learning algorithms to learn household patterns and automatically adjust temperatures for maximum efficiency, providing significant energy savings over time.
Insulation is an often-overlooked aspect that significantly impacts the efficiency of heating systems and water heaters. Properly insulating walls, pipes, and water tanks prevents heat loss, enabling systems to operate more efficiently and consume less energy to maintain desired temperatures. Installing insulation in attics and crawl spaces can further improve overall energy efficiency, keeping the indoor environment comfortable while minimizing energy wastage.
Another innovative approach to enhancing efficiency is the integration of renewable energy sources with heating systems and water heaters. Solar water heaters, for example, harness the sun's energy to heat water, drastically reducing reliance on traditional energy sources. Moreover, heat pumps, which can be powered by renewable electricity, provide a highly efficient way to heat homes and water by transferring heat from one area to another.
Improving the energy efficiency of heating systems and water heaters is a crucial step towards achieving energy conservation and sustainability. By adopting strategies such as technology upgrades, regular maintenance, smart thermostats, insulation, and renewable energy integration, we can significantly reduce energy consumption and mitigate environmental impacts. It is imperative that individuals, businesses, and governments work together to embrace these strategies, as collective action is essential in preserving our planet for future generations.
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A pianist in a room of the old hospital. Photo by ivanbrns on Instagram.
The Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau was built in 1905 in Barcelona (Catalonia). Designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner, one of the most famous architects of the Catalan modernist style, it was a public hospital designed to offer patients a healthy and beautiful environment with good air circulation and natural light. It was a pioneering hospital in many regards, including underground heating.
Nowadays, hospitals use a lot of machinery that made the building obsolete. In 2009, a new modern hospital was built to replace this one. Now, the modernist building can be visited and is also the setting of cultural events such as concerts.
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notiddygxthgf · 1 year
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synopsis: the one where you have the hots for your dealer, and Wakasa is always eager to please a customer. (don't let your boyfriend stop you from finding your husband.)
pairings: wakasa imaushi x f!reader, light takeomi x reader content warning: smut, porn with some plot, car sex, cheating, oral sex, sneaky link, sexual tension, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, sex while high, consensual drug use, mentions of abuse. word count: 1.4k authors note: LOTS OF SMUT!! cw lol very detailed very sexy sex
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven
"OH MY GOD," You giggled, swatting at the air between the two of you. “There’s no way you seriously believe that.”
Somewhere over the course of the last… however long it had been, the two of you moved to the back of the car, where your bodies were tilted towards one another, his arm strewn over the back of your seat while your legs were tossed over his. You hadn’t smoked in a while, just letting the effects of the weed roll over you in warm, wonderful waves. It was Waka who took the next hit
Waka blew smoke off to the side. “Cry about it,” he retorted. “My turn. What constellation is that? Up there?”
You followed his gaze. Honestly, you were having a bit of trouble  seeing the stars right now. Everything felt different. Your skin was buzzing, your face was a little hot, and your head felt light. Still, you took the joint to your lips and took another hit. “Leo.”
“Wrong,” He sighed, gently taking it back. “Big dipper. Your turn.”
“Hmm…” you began to rack your brain for the next question you would ask. While your brain put itself into overdrive, your eyes wandered over to the gentle grip Waka had on the joint the two of you were sharing. How he let it hang loose from his lips. “Is Waka your real name?”
He sucked in through a small grin. He held for a second or two but made no effort to blow the smoke out, letting it pour from his lips like honey while he uttered the words; “Wakasa. Imaushi Wakasa.”
“Ima… uushi…” You sounded it out. You couldn’t explain it, but it felt like you were listening to someone else talking and pioneering your body. Leaning towards the dastardly handsome man, you let a fit of giggles overcome you. “Imaushi.”
His pretty lips curled into another smirk and, fuck, if you hadn’t been melting into your seat for the past half hour already, you sure as hell were now. Your head dropped down a little on its own, touching dangerously close to his shoulder, but quickly picked itself back up. 
 “Sounds prettier when you say it,” Wakasa had remarked.
He helped himself to another lengthy hit. And, shit, at this point in the evening, he could’ve hit something else, if you know what I’m saying.
Following the common pattern of the evening of letting words come from your mouth, you let another question come out. “Do you think I’m pretty, Imaushi Wakasa?”
Wakasa handed you the joint. His head was tilted down a little. His eyes – pink, hazy as he peered up at you through half-lidded eyes and pretty lashes. His tongue flitted out for a brief little moment to wet his lips. Frankly, you couldn’t blame him. Lord knew your mouth was just as dry… one could say that, with the heat pricking at the back of your neck all of a sudden, you were… thirsty. A weak grin flashed his pearly whites at you. “It’s still my turn,” He chuckled. “But, yes. I do.”
Deep down you knew you were making a fool of yourself. But it was just something about it that made you care a little less – it, of course, being everything. The ambiance, the steamy rear seat, the tension, the way Wakasa’s tired, downturned eyes – which were tinted pink now – seemed to pull you apart at the seams.
“Come sit in my lap, doll,” He teased. “You’re too far.”
Your heart squeezed almost painfully at his words. The thought of being so close to him… it nearly drove you mad. You almost couldn’t bring yourself to do it. 
Once again rather obediently, you folded your legs beneath you and crawled into the man’s lap. You let them settle around his warm waist. You had thought about being up this close more than your fair share of times but, shit, now that you were actually here you didn’t know what to do. Taking one of your hands off of his shoulder, you took the joint from Wakasa and pulled a hit from it.
“You want something,” Wakasa remarked, leaning forward. “You’re thinking about it.”
Lukewarm smoke fell out of your mouth almost drunkenly. “Want what?” You traded the joint for the millionth time. 
“That is the question,” His eyes flitted down to your lips – briefly – before settling on your eyes. “What do you want?”
“Is that your 19 th question?” You teased after a small pause. A grin made its way onto your face. One which Wakasa mirrored. 
“It is,” He replied. Maintaining intense eye contact once again, he licked his lips, wrapping them around the small end of the joint. He used only two fingers to pinch it this time – being that it was just about as big as his fingers at that point – and his eyes drank you up.
If you looked any longer, you would close the gap between the two of you and do something you would regret. So you averted your eyes.
In a brief moment’s width, strong hands had found their way over to your chin, and your gaze had been brought right on back to his. After blowing smoke in your face, he reapproached you. “I asked you a question, pretty girl.” He reaffirmed. “What do you want?”
Still, his hands found yours to pass the joint off to you one last time. 
“Would it be promiscuous of me to say you ?” You asked.
This time, you didn’t take a hit. Instead, you held it back up to his mouth, watching the sinful way his lips wrapped around it, watching him savor one last long drag while those devilish eyes of his tore your resolve to shreds. The way he was looking up at you would make a saved man succumb to the devil.
He brought your face closer to his. His thumb moved over the sensitive skin of your lower lip, pulling it down like he was asking for entrance. You let your mouth fall open ever so slightly, and he inched even closer to you. This time, when the smoke came, he blew it slowly into your mouth. Lips ghosting over him, you let it happen.
But he never moved back.
“Not if the feeling’s mutual,” He murmured, so close now that you could feel the warmth of his breath tickling your nose. “You want me, baby?”
You didn’t dare to move. The answer left your mouth before you could even think twice about it, though it was not much louder than a whisper. “Yes…”
And that was all it took. Before you knew it, his arm had made its way around your lower back while he leaned forward to snuff the joint out – without looking, somehow, like he’d done this before – and his lips were on yours like a man who’d been starving for food.
You pressed into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and feeling him bring you even closer. This was moving fast, and you weren’t sure you hated it. Still, his tongue slid across your wet lips and you knew better than to deny him entrance. Deepening the kiss, you tangled your fingers in his buttery golden locks.
It continued for a few more minutes this way, with him deepenening the kiss and your arms exploring the valleys and curves of his body through the fabric. 
In one swift move, he scooped you into his hands, gripping the meat of your ass and pulling you right up against his hips. Instinctively, you rutted down against him.
Wakasa’s lips parted to release a quiet sigh. One of his hands slid over the supple fat of your thighs, moving over your trembling waist, while the other remained on your lower back, encouraging every roll of your hips against his own.
“ Jesus ,” he hummed, but didn’t press further. 
His hands placed themselves on your shoulders, one reaching for the zipper to pull it down while the other nudged the warm fabric off of you. When it fell to the floor, revealing the outfit you had on underneath, Wakasa sat back to admire you, tired, hungry eyes raking themselves over your indecent form. 
He raised a brow. “Lingerie?” He mused. “For me?”
You followed his gaze down to your chest. A black, lacy corset top, a lacy thong and some garter belts cupping your thighs. 
“For you,” You said, ignoring the shame that threatened to gnaw at you.
"For you,"  Takeomi said, watching you push the gift bag to the side and lift the lacy fabric up to the ceiling to get a better look at it.
You grinned, laying the corset down on your lap. "I love it."
Wakasa’s eyes dropped down to the lace cloth on your chest. He licked his lips before getting to work, placing gentle kisses all over your clavicle and then further down to your breasts. His arm snaked around your rear side, holding your waist. His fingers pushed the strap off of your left shoulder.
Feeling him nudge the fabric aside with his nose and make way for a whole new entourage of hot, open-mouthed kisses, you began digging your nails into his shoulders, tugging at the sleeves of his tee.
He let you push him back against the seat. He let your hands shove his hoodie off of his shoulder – hell, he helped you take it off, and he held his arms above his head while you pulled the tee over and off of him. The sight you were met with made your gut churn with desire. A pair of well-defined pecs, an eight-pack, and two strong, muscular arms. He was covered in tattoos from shoulder to shoulder.
Leaving little time to sit and admire, Wakasa pressed forward again, tugging the corset down around your waist. It was cold outside – so very cold, but he didn’t let you feel the chill. He cupped your breast with a large, warm hand. He slipped the other into his mouth. You arched up into him.
He let his tongue roll over your nipple – feeling you grind your hips down into him – and then around it. You careened into his touch.
“I’ve barely even started with you,” The man said, though the sound was muffled by your skin against his teeth. His breath was hot and ragged, fanning against your skin with a purpose. In one motion, he moved his lips from your breasts to the skin above your sternum, settling them there and pressing a small kiss. “Pretty girl… so sensitive.”
His hand snaked its way down over your hips. Slim, experienced fingers slid beneath the hem of the little skirt you were wearing, tracing the lace on top of your navel down to the warm wetness that had begun to seep through it. Noticing the way your hips stuttered over his warm palm, he glanced up at you. His eyes, low with desire, foreshadowed his next words. 
“You want?”
You said nothing – out of embarrassment, of course, but your body language was a dead giveaway. Waka grinned, letting a finger ghost over the print in your panties. He stayed there for a moment, rubbing in a gentle, circular motion – tantalizingly slow, enough to drive you mad – while his lips sucked gently on yours. You found yourself melting into him entirely. Desperate for some form of friction, you began to grind down on him; his hand, his lap. It could have been the weed, or maybe it was the steamy back seat of the car the two of you had just hot-boxed: either way, you felt delightfully lightheaded.
“Mmmh,” you purred. 
He pulled his hand out from beneath you, putting some space between the two of you to nudge your lips open with two of his fingers. Wordlessly, you took the two digits into your mouth, running your tongue over his knuckles and sucking on them – getting them nice and wet with spit. 
“Good girl,” He praised. It sent a shiver down your spine. “Didn’t even have to ask.”
With that, he pulled the wet digits out of your mouth with a quiet “pop”. He brought them back down under your skirt and, before long, you felt him nudge your lace panties to the side. The cold hit you for a brief moment, but then you felt the first finger slide over your soaked cunt, over your aching clit, and you couldn’t focus on anything else.
“ F-Fuck ,” You lurched forward, digging your nails deeper into the bare meat of his shoulders. The sensations, the feelings… It had never felt this strong before. 
“So wet for me,” he remarked. He swiped some of your wetness onto his finger, using the slick of your arousal to press on your swollen clit. He teased you there again in gentle circles, going in for a few more open-mouthed kisses before dipping back down to the hole. He leaned forward to capture your lips.
And then, with no further warning, he slipped his finger in.
“ Oh-! ” You gasped. It was muffled, nothing more than a quiet cry silenced by the devilish onslaught of his lips dancing with yours like making a mess out of you was his job – and then you felt the pressure of his hand against your throat. That, combined with the feeling of his finger curling inside of you, brushing against your tender walls… you were reduced to a babbling mess in a matter of seconds.
“Take it, baby,” He nestled his head into the crook of your neck, on the other side. His words, slightly slurred, were hot against your skin. “Just like that.”
He slipped another finger in. And then, like the obedient little slut you were, you rode his pretty fingers, feeling the slow pull and drag of them against your insides. When he scissored his fingers inside, you could feel yourself being stretched open. It felt so full, so good, you couldn’t help but yearn for more. 
So you began to bounce a little bit on them, just to show you were ready. The way his fingers were hooked inside of you, fuck, they kept pushing at just the right spot. It felt like he was reaching into you and undoing the shoestrings of your orgasm; slowly, with every curl nudging you a little bit closer.
Your tongue lolled out to run over your parted lips, hungry eyes drinking in the sight of him so close to you. His hair was strewn in part over your shoulder. You could see the deep muscles of his backside ripple and tense as he fucked you open with his fingers – slowly. Your nails – painted strawberry pink – made crescent indentations in his skin. 
His mouth formed gentle suction over the skin of your neck, pulling at your life force with every kiss, every mark he left in his wake. You didn’t care if it left marks. You were his. In this moment, that’s all that mattered.
“How you feelin, dollface?” He spoke into your ear, nibbling just below the lobe soon thereafter.
You couldn’t muster out much more than the word “full”.
“Think you can take the rest of me?” he implored. Pulling away from your neck to watch your face contort in pleasure while he slipped a third finger in, Waka adjusted you in his lap. You could feel him pressing up against you; warm and hard and… kind of big, actually. 
Your hips stuttered. Feeling your arousal dripping down his wrist, you realized how nice that sounded right now. You needed it like you needed air to breathe. You wanted to feel him deep enough inside of you that maybe – just maybe – it would fill you up the way you’d wanted to be filled all night.
“I want it, wanna ride you,” You affirmed. “Please.”
And that one word was the catalyst. Wakasa slid his three digits out of you – and you felt each and every single knuckle. Being sure not to wipe any of it off, he brought his fingers up to his mouth and sucked them clean. 
You watched him reach beaneath his ass, digging his spare hand into his back pocket and producing a black leather wallet. He pulled a foil square out of it; a condom – Trojan.
You gulped. 
Sensing your nervousness, Waka pressed a chaste kiss to your neck. He lifted his hips off of the seat, taking you with him, and then pushed the waistband of his sweats down his toned, tatted thighs. 
You followed the blonde happy trail down his abdomen, over his abs, and down past his navel. And there, neatly trimmed, in all of its glory…
“That’s big…” You marveled. Indeed, your previous suspicion had been right. Wakasa would fill you up just right. 
He chuckled, biting down on the foil square and tearing into it with his teeth. “I’m flattered.”
It had to have been eight or nine inches in length – circumcised, resting just above or around his belly button. He pinched the tip of the condom, positioning it just over the tip and rolling it over the first inch of his dick. The trojan stretched to accomodate his girth. 
“You ready, dollface?” He asked again, but this time it sounded more like a challenge. He brought his hands back around your ass, scooting you forward so you were hovering over his length.
Sighing with desire, you pulled the straps of your bustier top back onto your shoulders. You knew you would need all the support you could get with a dick as big as that. 
You decided you wouldn’t grace him with a response, choosing instead to ease yourself down onto him. You gasped at the feeling of first contact. Letting yourself feel his tip glide through your aching cunt, you fought back a quiet moan. 
Wakasa gripped the base of his dick, slapping it against your clit. 
And the moan came out.
He pressed his dick against the sensitive nub, teasing you with it, left to right.
 Feeling you drip on his dick was enough to make him position it right at your entrance. He was getting impatient. You could tell he couldn’t wait a moment longer.
You pushed yourself down on it, and – fuck – you were glad he’d prepped you with three fingers beforehand. Although, admittedly, that had nothing on this. The head popped through the hole first, stretching you open, and the two of you gasped in perfect synchrony.
You took in the first inch, having to pause to adjust yourself to the sudden thickness splitting you open from the inside.
Wakasa let his head back against the seat, biting his lip. His breaths, slightly ragged, began to fog up the windows. But he didn’t rush you. No, he let you take it at your own pace. 
You slid down further and further, feeling yourself stretching around him like you were made for it, like taking it was your job. And then, right when you had gotten about half way down on it, you looked at his pretty face. His pretty face flushed with pink, a shade which matched that of his eyes. His head thrown back, hair beginning to stick to his forehead, sweat beading at the base of his neck. 
And then you took him down to the hilt. 
“Ah, shit,” He trembled, fingers digging into the meat of your ass. He was beginning to lose his composure. Fast.
You rose up a bit, and then sank back down on him. And then repeated that same process a few more times – albeit slowly – just to get used to the feeling of him inside of you. He was deep, so deep that you could feel your walls fluttering around him. It felt so good to be stretched like this.
He was holding back. God, you could feel him holding back, and it made you angry. You wanted nothing more than for him to wreck you right here in the back of this car right now. 
So you picked up the speed a bit, rising and sinking on his dick with newfound purpose. The stretch burned – made your eyes water. But, fuck, it hurt so good. You shut your eyes.
“Look at me,” He said. When you came to, he was already looking at you. Eyes half-lidded and desperate, tongue running across his lower lip. “Lemme see that pretty face, baby.”
Those words alone were enough to make you vocalize your desire for him. Still too shy to ask him for more, you bounced obediently on his cock. Up and down, up and down – until you were panting like a bitch in heat.  “M..fuck.”
Wakasa’s hips twitched beneath you, hands tensing on your backside. Then, slowly, he began to meet your thrusts – lifting himself up to meet you halfway.
And somehow, if it were even possible, he slid in deeper. 
“Oh, fuck… ” You cried.
He sighed happily, thrusting up a little harder. “You like that?” 
"Please," You repeated. “Harder.”
Wakasa’s lip twitched. "As you wish, princess." 
Then, with no further warning, he gripped your hips roughly and slid into you at full force. You gasped, reaching for his shoulders. The car lurched, and you felt yourself move with it. Every quick drag of his dick against your walls had your body squeezing him for dear life.  
Wakasa groaned, slowing his thrusts for a minute to a much slower pace. Feeling your cunt clenching around him, he nearly doubled over from the sudden pleasure. “Fuck,” he gasped. “Fuck, that’s good.”
The man bit his lip, pulling all the way out again before slamming back in. He repeated this action a few more times, clearly relishing in the way you squirmed and gasped. Or maybe it was the way you looked all fucked out like this, bouncing on his dick like some desperate whore. 
You threw your head back. Wakasa gasped, gripping your hips hard enough to bruise, but the sound made you clench around him.
You drew your eyebrows in, letting Wakasa do the work, letting the pleasure consume you. You felt so full. "Waka, fuck," you moaned. 
Then he was picking up the pace and you felt your body slide against the back of the driver’s seat; up and down, up and down. The windows were covered with fog. Yet, still, he was holding back, you could feel it.
" Harder! ”
"Shit, baby," Wakasa stammered. He sought out your lips with a newfound urgency, snapping his hips up against your ass almost mercilessly. His quiet grunts and gasps turned into moans against your sore lips. Louder and louder. 
You were worried about the noises coming out of your mouth– you sounded like you were being murdered in the back seat.
Then, like some sort of miracle, you felt him hit that spot inside of you -- the one that made your toes curl. As your eyes widened, a desperate moan was torn from your lungs.
There it was. 
"Right there, princess?" Wakasa mused. He grinned, of course, as he already knew full and well that he’d just found your sweet spot. So he didn’t move. He kept his hips in the same spot, moving at the same pace, the same angle, while letting his fingers explore your chest – and then further up, applying pressure to the sides of your neck.
And with every thrust, the knot in your stomach began to grow. You were – for lack of better words – in another realm. You felt yourself get lost in the sensation. Your surroundings dissipated. At that moment, all you saw was his angelic face above you, eyebrows scrunched together, sweat rolling down his tattooed chest, lips parted to make way for those sinful, wonderful noises of his. Every time he moved, his muscles tensed and rippled beneath his skin. 
He was so hot, fuck, it made you crazy. 
That combined with the way his hand gripped your throat – using his thumb to cut off your blood supply for seconds at a time before loosening his grip, letting you gasp for air as the blood came rushing back — you felt lightheaded.
His hips stuttered, and he brought himself closer to you again. Your chest chafed against his, legs braced on the seat behind him. The angle you were going at now allowed him so slide in even deeper until he was entirely sheathed in your warmth.  
"You’re taking me so well,” He grunted against your neck. His teeth nipped at the sensitive skin. “So good.”
He reached for your throat again, and you felt your eyes roll back. You felt lightheaded, dizzy, and the weed was starting to make the sensations even stronger. It was almost too much to bare. You were getting close.
Sparing him another glance, you quickly realized how much you wished you hadn’t done that. Those lust-filled lilac eyes of his were burning with a desire so intense you felt yourself grow even more sensitive. 
There was a train coming, one that was about to hit you at full speed. Each hit to your g-spot released more of those chemicals that – combined with the drugs in your system – had your head spinning.
"You’re twitching, baby," Wakasa purred, buttery-smooth, and the sound of it almost made you cum right then and there. “You close?”
Blissfully, you let the pleasure take over you. “ Mhm .”
The sensation of being filled to the brim was driving you up the wall. But still, you held out, knowing that tomorrow this would be nothing more than a memory in your mind – if that.. 
"Me too," He gritted out, persisting and chasing after the promise of paradise. 
You hadn’t even noticed, but his thumb had begun rubbing circles on your clit – it had been doing that for a while now. 
The sound of skin slapping skin grew louder. You could feel the car bouncing and rocking to the rhythm of your bodies dancing in perfect tandem with one another. You never wanted it to end. Never.
And then Wakasa, the devilish bastard he was, leaned in real close to you, right up to your ear. “You wanna cum?”
You were in no state to reply. So, instead, you brought him in for another hot, bruising kiss. You were clawing enough at his back now to leave marks that would last for days.
“Cum for me,” he murmured against your lips. “Cum all over me, pretty baby.”
And that was exactly what you did. With a cry of his name and a final gasp of air, you felt the knot in your core snap. Orgasmic bliss ripped through you, pulsing in strong, quick waves. You threw your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Your thighs trembled, hips jolting as you rode it out – pretty pussy twitching and spasming around his cock.
"Good girl," Wakasa groaned, his thrusts becoming erratic. He was close, you could tell by the way his hips began to buck like a horse gone mad.
And then you squeezed around him one more time – and that was all it took. Wakasa rolled his hips up into you, twitching, whimpering. Feeling your walls milk him dry. He drove as deep into you as the space would allow – holding you there while he came so hard his legs trembled with the sheer force of it. A string of sinful, beautiful moans fell from his lips like notes in a measure.
“Fuck,” he panted, letting his head rest atop your chest once the orgasm had subsided. His hair was entirely plastered to his face and neck with sweat. 
You fell against his bare chest, trying desperately to catch your breath.
Wakasa cradled your head to his chest, pressing a chaste kiss atop your messy hair. 
You tried your best not to think too hard about it. You knew that if you did, your feelings for him would only worsen. So, instead, the two of you sat there in comfortable silence, basking in the warm aftereffects of your coital bliss.  Similarly, you tried your best not to think too hard about the nine-inch dick that was still inside of you, gradually beginning to soften.
As if had read your mind, Wakasa gripped you by your hips and then pulled you off of his cock. It slid out slowly, almost painfully, yet you felt a pleasurable shiver course through your veins as it slid past your abused g-spot and popped out.
He was definitely the biggest you’d taken thus far. Not like there had been many before, of course, but that didn’t stop you from feeling some perverted sense of accomplishment over the matter as the man pulled the condom off of himself and tied it off, and then laid you back down on his chest just as gently as he had removed you.
Conveniently enough, there was a plastic bag nestled in the crevice between the seat and the door – one that Wakasa had kept his grinder in, one that had fallen during… well, anyway, you had a plastic bag. Wakasa reached for it with his spare hand and tossed the used condom in. Then he set it aside and began kissing up your neck again. 
“You were great,” he remarked. “How are you feeling?”
There was a gentle buzz beneath your skin, a slight tingle to your fingertips that could either have been attributed to the copious amounts of marijuana you had ingested tonight or to the orgasm that had hit you with the force of a freight train. Either way, you were far too fucked out to reply.
“Mmmgud,” You murmured. He went to remove his hand from the back of your head, but you held it there. Your morals had been in shreds up to that point already, but you were fighting to keep them intact. “Good.”
And then your stomach growled. And you wished the wind would pick up and suck you out the window. You should have known better than to skip dinner again.
Wakasa chuckled, pushing your head closer to kiss you – softly, this time, with just the right amount of tongue to have you fiending for more. “You hungry?” he teased.
“A ‘lil,” you whined. At least you could still play it off, right?
“You wanna come back to mine?” He asked. His forehead pressed against your own, his eyes glimmering with a slight hint of mischief. Above all else, though, they held promises of safety.“I can make us some dinner. I don’t want you walking home high at night, not in this neighborhood.”
“What a gentleman,” you mused. Sarcastically, of course, but not really.
“I can be whatever you want me to be tonight, dollface.” Wakasa grinned ear to ear, pressing another kiss to your sore lips. “Just say the word.”
To hell with my morals, you decided. 
Homemade food and a few more rounds didn’t sound too bad.
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kp777 · 9 months
By Ralph Nader
Common Dreams Opinion
Sept. 9, 2023
Our national charter needs amending to deal with big corporations, which in turn requires a mass movement.
The headlines on climate catastrophes are becoming more informative as they become more ominous. For years the media headlines have been describing record floods, droughts, wildfires, heatwaves, hurricanes and other fossil-fueled disasters of an abused Mother Nature. The immediate human casualties are devastating.
Very recently, the headlines have been steering us toward what happens in the aftermath of natural disasters in afflicted regions around the world.
The Washington Post yesterday front-paged a huge headline “Climate-Linked Ills Threaten Humanity,” followed by the sub-headline: “Pakistan is the epicenter of a global wave of climate health threats.” The reporters opened their long analysis with almost biblical language: “The floods came, and then the sickness.”
The record heat wave and flooding that left one-third of Pakistan under water have unleashed “dark clouds of mosquitoes” spreading malaria. Food supplies were reduced by drenched fields unable to grow crops. The article depicted a world map with color-coded measures of dangerous heat waves. The Indian sub-continent is registered as having one of the longest annual heat-intense periods. Over 40 million Pakistanis will endure dangerous heat for over six months a year “unless they can find shade… Extreme heat, which causes heatstroke and damages the heart and kidneys” is just one consequence.
Our Constitution never once mentions “corporation” or “company” – it only speaks of “We the People” and “persons.”
Dengue fever surged in Peru. Canadian wildfires poured smoke and particulates into the U.S. triggering asthma attacks. Famine lurks in East Africa’s worst drought in 40 years, while contaminated water takes its toll on many diseases, especially horrifying for infants and young children.
Another consequence recorded by the Post with the headline “Amid Record Heat, Even Indoor Factory Workers Enter Dangerous Terrain” in Asia. Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, led by Dr. Sidney Wolfe, was a pioneer in petitioning OSHA to issue regulations to protect workers against extreme heat (See: https://www.citizen.org/topic/heat-stress/). Corporate OSHA stalled. Then the Biden Administration proposed modest regulations that are facing corporate opposition and years of delay by corporate attorneys.
Until overturned by a Texas court, Governor Greg Abbott overrode some ordinances that were passed in large Texas cities requiring drinking water breaks for construction workers laboring under 100-degree temperatures.
Abbott, arguably the cruelest governor in the United States – unless Florida Governor Ron DeSantis out-snarls him – thought he could get away with this bit of brutishness. After all, he is in Texas, where the oil and gas lobby (Exxon Mobil Et al.) is pushing to increase North American exploration, production, and burning of these well-documented omnicidal sources of global warming and climate violence.
The oil, gas and coal industry’s tentacles have encircled a majority of the 535 lawmakers in Congress to shield and maintain huge tax subsidies behind the industry’s lethal drive for increased production. Its marketeers see their profitable circular death dance intensify as hotter days lead to higher air conditioning loads.
Running berserk with their bulging profits, these giant energy companies worldwide are forging a suicide pact with an abused Mother Earth. The projections for what climate eruptions will do to humans and the natural world continue to be underestimated. The realities each year exceed scientists’ predictive models.
With no other driving value system than short-term profits, these artificial entities or companies, and corporations controlling different dangerous technologies, cannot be allowed equal justice under the law with real human beings driven by other far more important life-sustaining and morally enhancing values. For over 2000 years, every major religion has warned about subordination by the merchant class of civilized values. The great “soft energy” or renewable energy prophet and physicist, Amory Lovins, put this critical declaration in modern, secular language when he wrote: “Markets make good servants, but bad masters.”
Our Constitution never once mentions “corporation” or “company” – it only speaks of “We the People” and “persons.” Our national charter needs amending to deal with big corporations, which in turn requires a mass movement. Since ravaging corporations impact people with indiscriminate harm, not caring whether the victims are liberals or conservatives, the political prospect for a decisive left/right coalition is as auspicious as ever.
Tens of millions of hard-pressed American workers have given up on themselves securing a government that works for them, instead of for short-sighted, greedy corporations.
The pressure for such a coalition is growing daily. Insurance companies, citing climate disaster claims, are skyrocketing homeowners and auto insurance premiums, or worse, either redlining areas or altogether pulling out of some states such as Florida. Some coastal areas will soon be private insurance deserts, requiring entry by state-run insurance coverage, at least for reinsurance purposes.
Overpaid insurance company CEOs are starting to demand bailouts without even guaranteeing coverage for consumers.
Faster and faster, the second, third and fourth waves of after-effects of these man-made natural disasters will become all-enveloping punishers of societies that are failing to head off the looming dangers, now maturing into evermore desperate states of living.
On Capitol Hill, a domestically paralyzed Congress only comes together every year to hoopla its bipartisan mega-billion-dollar additions to the bloated, unaudited Pentagon budget – taking over half of the entire federal government’s operating budget. Congress regularly gives the Generals more than they request.
Meanwhile, back home, tens of millions of hard-pressed American workers have given up on themselves securing a government that works for them, instead of for short-sighted, greedy corporations. These Americans continue to ignore the historically validated truth – no more than one active percent of the citizenry, representing the majority public opinion, can quickly make a large majority of those 535 Congressional Senators and Representatives fight first and foremost for the public interest.
Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely. RALPH NADER Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and the author of "The Seventeen Solutions: Bold Ideas for Our American Future" (2012). His new book is, "Wrecking America: How Trump's Lies and Lawbreaking Betray All" (2020, co-authored with Mark Green).
Full Bio >
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herrlindemann · 7 months
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Sonic Seducer, June 2015
The exotic blossoms of a band break: After Rammstein said goodbye to the collective scene after their furious final show at the Wacken Open Air in summer 2013, the individual group members are slowly but surely returning with solo projects. While guitarist Richard Kruspe kicked things off last fall with the release of the second long play from his all-star artist collective Emigrate, spring 2015 will also be dominated by the Berlin industrial metallers. While keyboardist Flake Lorenz is trying his hand at writing books, frontman Till Lindemann is also letting the sparks fly again in every way possible: On the debut album of his solo effort of the same name, the flame-retardant muscle man has enlisted the help of Hypocrisy/Pain mastermind Peter Tägtgren. Together we'll be firing on all cylinders for 'Skills In Pills' from June onwards - and all in English!
The good news at the very beginning: the all-clear can be given. Despite all the rumors and speculation, the founding of Lindemann does not mean the end of Rammstein, as Till solemnly explains in the preliminary discussion about his latest field of musical activity. "Peter and I have been planning this project for ages. We had to keep postponing it because of time constraints — either he was on tour or I was busy with Rammstein. For me, Lindemann means more of a vacation from Rammstein. 15 years together is a long time. During this time we lived almost exclusively for the band and neglected our private life a lot. Some band members have small children and we are aware that we need more time for our families and whatever else is going on these days. It was urgently necessary for some of us to take a longer break from Rammstein. A break during which you can collect yourself again and really relax without the next appointments being on your calendar."
Anyone who knows the New German Hardness pioneer and the Scandinavian death metal veteran knows: you won't rest for a single minute on the twelve tracks of 'Skills In Pills'. On the contrary. As the names Rammstein and Pain suggest, on their first album the Lindemann/Tägtgren duo created a darkly bombastic, subtly electro-fied hybrid monster that stomps through the metal forest with glowing eyes, broad shoulders and a dirty grin to make his way through the mainstream and underground regardless of the losses. A real man's record, the result of a German-Swedish friendship that has now lasted a good 15 years. A long shared history that, according to Tägtgren, "starts with bar fights and continues through vomiting in Chinese restaurants" to the present day. Sounds too weird for a PR stunt, as Lindemann confirms. "We met when Flake and I got into a fight in a small bar somewhere in the north of Sweden. Peter somehow got in the way. I previously only knew him from seeing metal clubs and bars in Stockholm, but had never spoken to him. Back then we hung out a lot with the guys from Clawfinger and our mixer at the time, Stefan Glaumann. A time when I was out every night and knew all the clubs. Peter and his brother really saved our asses in that fight and kept us out of a lot of trouble. He calmed the heated tempers and said to these guys: By the way, that's the singer from Rammstein, they're okay. Afterwards there was home-made beer for the whole house. Then we all crashed really badly together."
Instead of burning off their excess energy in trendy shops in Stockholm, LindGren now prefers to spend her time on 'Skills In Pills'. With instant neckbreakers like 'Ladyboy' and 'Golden Shower', the bizarre fetish metal smash 'Fat' and the polarizing family planning guide 'Praise Abort(ion'), the duo will be open-mouthed and perhaps one or two scandal headlines from June onwards in relevant tabloids. The new pieces are based on Till Lindemann's notorious, deep black humor, which was often misunderstood in Rammstein and in his two previously published volumes of poetry. In English form, all non-German-speaking regions now have the chance for the first time to immerse yourself in the eerie and beautiful world of thoughts of the R-rolling fifty-something. Brutal humor for everyone.
"It’s just part of my job. I've always tried to let a certain kind of humor shine through; even if sometimes it wasn't much fun to record the songs. I can't judge whether this is the light, carefree side of Till Lindemann. The biggest difference is definitely that the songs are in English - a completely new field of work that I'm working on today."
The album was created in Peter Tägtgren's semi-legendary The Abyss studio in the tiny village of Pärlby, around 200 kilometers northwest of Stockholm. Where over the last twenty years milestones have been recorded by mostly black metal formations such as Dimmu Borgir, Dark Funeral and of course Peter's numerous in-house projects, last summer they clubbed their way through their collection of acoustic pills in a relaxed mood. Relaxed feel-good atmosphere à la Lindemann. "In his studio you can literally throw a fishing rod into the water from the comfort of your own home. Peter did the editing of the songs and I fished during my breaks from recording. We approached this project without any great expectations or plans. We just wanted to do something together. Everything has developed step by step into what you can hear and see today. Initially we thought we'd record a few songs and put them online to see how people would react."
"We are very serious about music," concludes Peter Tägtgren. "We are extremely proud of what we have created together with this album. But at the moment the project is still in its infancy. You have to see how much the audience likes our work. If it goes down well out there, I could imagine playing concerts with Lindemann. But at the moment it is still too early to judge. We'll wait for the feedback first."
The Lindemann album ‘Skills In Pills’ will be released in June; The detailed interview with Till and Peter can be found in the next issue.
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visit-new-york · 2 years
Broadway, New York City
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Steam Heating in the Concrete Jungle: A Comprehensive Analysis of New York City's Historic and Sustainable Heating Infrastructure
1.1 Historical Overview of Steam Heating
Steam heating has a storied history in New York City, dating back to the mid-1800s. Before steam heating, buildings relied on individual coal-burning stoves or fireplaces for warmth, resulting in uneven heating and numerous health hazards. The advent of steam heating, pioneered by engineer Stephen Gold in the 1850s, marked a significant advancement in heating technology. It offered a centralized heating solution, where steam generated in large plants could be distributed efficiently through a network of underground pipes to individual buildings, providing consistent and reliable heat throughout the city.
1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Steam Heating
The adoption of steam heating brought several advantages to New York City. It allowed for the elimination of individual heating units in each building, reducing maintenance costs and fire risks. Steam heating systems operate quietly, without the noise associated with forced-air systems, contributing to a more peaceful urban environment. Additionally, steam heating radiators became architectural features, adding a distinctive charm to buildings' interiors.
However, steam heating also presented challenges. One of the primary concerns was heat loss during steam transportation through the extensive underground pipe network. Proper insulation became crucial to mitigate energy waste and ensure efficient heat distribution. Additionally, as the steam system aged, it became susceptible to leaks, and repairing the aging infrastructure posed logistical and financial hurdles.
1.3 Comparison with Other Heating Systems
Compared to forced air and electric heating systems, steam heating offered unique benefits. Forced air systems, prevalent in modern construction, tend to create drafts and circulate dust, potentially exacerbating respiratory issues. Steam heating's ability to deliver consistent warmth without air movement was preferred in many buildings. Electric heating, while convenient and clean, often proved less efficient and costlier, especially for larger buildings served by the steam system.
How Steam Heating Works in New York
2.1 Steam Generation in Centralized Plants
The heart of the New York City steam heating system lies in its centralized plants. These large facilities, situated strategically throughout the city, house powerful boilers that generate steam from various energy sources, including natural gas, oil, and coal. In recent years, efforts have been made to transition towards cleaner fuels and renewable energy options, aligning with the city's sustainability goals.
2.2 Distribution of Steam in Underground Pipes
Once steam is produced, it is conveyed through an extensive network of underground pipes, known as steam mains. These mains crisscross the city, providing steam to thousands of buildings. The pipes are insulated to minimize heat loss, maximizing the efficiency of the distribution process.
2.3 Steam Radiators and Heat Exchange
Upon reaching individual buildings, the steam is directed to steam radiators or heat exchangers, depending on the building's size and heating requirements. Steam radiators are common in residential buildings, where the steam enters the unit and releases its latent heat as it condenses back into water, effectively warming the surrounding air. Heat exchangers are prevalent in commercial and industrial settings, where the steam's heat is transferred to the building's air or water distribution systems.
2.4 Steam Traps and Venting
Steam traps are essential components of the steam heating system. They are designed to remove condensate, the water formed when steam cools down, from the system. Proper venting is equally crucial, as it releases air and non-condensable gases from the pipes, preventing air locks and ensuring efficient steam flow. Specialized venting devices, such as air vents and steam traps, are installed throughout the system to maintain its optimal performance.
New York City Steam Heating System
3.1 Overview of NYC Steam System
The New York City steam heating system stands as one of the largest and oldest in the world. The responsibility for its operation and maintenance lies with private utility companies, which have historically managed the network's intricate web of steam mains, radiators, and heat exchangers.
3.2 Steam Plants in New York City
New York City's steam plants are strategically located to serve the varying heating demands of different neighborhoods. These plants are equipped with modern boilers and state-of-the-art emission control technologies to reduce environmental impacts. Efforts to further improve air quality and sustainability are continuously underway.
3.3 Steam Distribution Network
The steam distribution network encompasses over 100 miles of steam mains, which interconnect and branch to supply steam to individual buildings. The network's design considers factors such as pressure requirements, building density, and historical demand patterns to ensure an efficient and consistent supply of heat throughout the city.
3.4 Maintenance and Upgrades of NYC Steam System
Maintaining such an extensive steam heating system requires regular inspections and maintenance. The aging infrastructure presents challenges, making ongoing upgrades essential to ensure the system's longevity and continued efficiency. Modernization efforts include replacing older pipes with more robust materials, improving insulation, and upgrading boiler technologies to enhance energy efficiency.
Heating Buildings with Steam
4.1 Steam Heating in Residential Buildings
Steam heating systems are a common sight in older residential buildings across New York City. The iconic steam radiators, often found beneath large windows, have become cherished architectural elements. Residents appreciate the steady and cozy heat these systems provide during the harsh winter months.
4.2 Steam Heating in Commercial and Industrial Buildings
Commercial and industrial buildings extensively utilize steam heating due to its ability to meet the substantial heating demands of such structures. Heat exchangers play a crucial role in these settings, where steam heat can be efficiently transferred to large air or water distribution systems, catering to diverse heating requirements.
4.3 Steam Heat vs. Forced Air: Considerations and Comparisons
In the perennial debate between steam heating and forced air systems, each has its merits. While steam heating boasts even heat distribution, quiet operation, and a lack of airborne dust circulation, forced-air systems can also provide air conditioning and ventilation, adding flexibility to building comfort. The choice between these heating methods depends on the specific needs and priorities of each building owner or occupant.
Efficiency and Sustainability of New York City Steam Heating
5.1 Assessing the Efficiency of Steam Systems
Efficiency is a critical aspect of the steam heating system, as it directly affects operating costs and environmental impacts. Regular assessments of individual steam systems and the overall distribution network are conducted to identify opportunities for improvement. Efforts are focused on reducing heat loss, optimizing boiler performance, and upgrading insulation to maximize energy efficiency.
5.2 Environmental Considerations and Emissions
Given the environmental challenges of fossil fuel-based energy sources, New York City is actively exploring ways to reduce emissions associated with steam heating. Increased reliance on cleaner fuels, as well as integration with renewable energy sources, is being pursued to lower the system's carbon footprint and align with the city's commitment to sustainability.
5.3 Energy-Saving Measures and Upgrades
To further enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the steam heating system, energy-saving measures and technological upgrades are continually implemented. These may include installing advanced control systems for better operational management, adopting waste heat recovery techniques, and exploring the integration of renewable energy into steam generation.
Operation and Maintenance of New York City Steam Heating Systems
6.1 Proper Operation and Control of Steam Systems
Operating steam heating systems requires skilled personnel who are well-versed in the complexities of steam distribution and radiator control. Proper monitoring and adjustments to steam pressure and temperature are essential to maintain efficient heat distribution and prevent energy wastage.
6.2 Common Issues and Troubleshooting
Despite rigorous maintenance practices, steam heating systems can encounter occasional issues, such as leaks in underground pipes, uneven heating in specific areas, or water hammer (the loud noise resulting from sudden condensate contact with steam). Timely detection and troubleshooting are vital to minimize disruptions and ensure a comfortable indoor environment.
6.3 Safety Considerations and Maintenance Practices
The safe operation of steam heating systems is paramount, considering the high temperatures and pressures involved. Regular safety inspections and adherence to strict maintenance protocols are essential to prevent accidents, protect occupants and workers, and maintain the integrity of the entire steam heating infrastructure.
Future Trends and Alternatives to New York City Steam Heating
7.1 Innovations in Steam Heating Technology
As technology continues to advance, innovations in steam heating are expected to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the system. These may include advancements in boiler design, better insulation materials, and smart technologies that optimize steam generation and distribution, ultimately enhancing overall system performance.
7.2 District Energy Systems and Combined Heat and Power
District energy systems, also known as district heating or cooling, involve the sharing of heat and cooling resources among neighboring buildings. Such systems can enhance the efficiency of energy use and reduce overall emissions by utilizing waste heat from one building to serve the needs of another. Similarly, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems integrate power generation with steam generation, maximizing the utilization of energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
7.3 Exploration of Alternative Heating Methods
In pursuit of greater sustainability, New York City is exploring alternative heating methods that can complement or replace steam heating where feasible. Geothermal heating, solar thermal systems, and heat pumps are among the technologies under consideration. These systems harness renewable energy sources to provide heating, potentially reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a cleaner urban environment.
The New York City steam heating system has left an indelible mark on the city's history, revolutionizing how buildings are heated and providing comfort to millions of residents and workers. The network's robust infrastructure, combined with ongoing efforts to improve efficiency and sustainability, reflects the city's commitment to maintaining a reliable, efficient, and environmentally responsible heating system. As the future unfolds, advancements in technology and the exploration of alternative heating methods will further shape the destiny of steam heating in New York City, ensuring its relevance and resilience for generations to come.
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drstonetrivia · 6 months
Chapter 213 Trivia (Part 1)
I guess things were going too well for too long..?
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Gen's drawing of Senku here was probably inspired by very early chapter cover images. I don't know why else he'd be holding an exploding container.
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We've now got three interpretations of Whyman: the generic one, Luna's, and now Gen's.
I like how Gen's has arms and legs coming out of the skull!
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Finally! The Kingdom of Science can watch Dr. Stone together!
As long as someone animates it…
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Kenjiro Takayanagi of Shizuoka University is considered one of the main pioneers of television, succeeding in displaying the character イ (i) on his Braun tube display in Dec 1926. Over the next few years, he improved the image allowing more detailed images such as human faces.
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By 1939, Japan's first television station began broadcasting from NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation). After the war, Takayanagi Sensei's work was used as a foundation for other televisions and related industries around the world.
If everyone thought working on a second cell phone after they'd spent months making one was bad, they're not ready to hear about what they'll need to make for television broadcasts. (Senku also never changes...)
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I didn't realize how big their other boat was. I guess things made in the USA really are bigger?
The Perseus not being the biggest ship anymore makes me a little sad :(
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SAL 9000 is a reference to HAL 9000, the AI antagonist from Space Odyssey. It stands for "Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer", so in this case it might be "Senku programmed" or even "Sai programmed"!
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The "NES" (actually the Famicom again, both in the drawing and Sai's comment in the Japanese version) and SAL 9000 don't have the exact same specifications:
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SAL 9000 is specialized for math operations and thus has a longer word length (16 bits vs 8) which allows more significant figures in the numbers. They've also got more RAM (SAL has 16 kB while the NES has 2).
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The downside is that because they used parametrons, their clock speed (how fast they can do calculations) is slower than if they'd used transistors.
The large amount of ROM they've also got could imply that they have several built-in programs. Xeno's work, perhaps?
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CRT screens only reach a maximum diagonal length of around 40 inches (~101 cm), as a larger screen needs a larger tube, and the thickness of the glass increases with size to handle the vacuum without shattering making it very unwieldy with the added weight and thus not worth manufacturing for sale.
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Senku's here is obviously much, much bigger. Possibly even world record; the biggest CRT screens made were 61 inches (~152 cm) on the diagonal.
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SAL 9000 has both air and water cooling, probably used depending on what's better for individual parts. Normally you only need one or the other.
It'd be good if they could get the carbonated water maker in there and ferment some alcohol faster too using the computer's heat…
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SAL 9000 also has 3 phase power like modern power transmission. They're AC power sources, phase shifted by 120° so that at any point in time, their sum is 0. The advantage to this is that you don't need return lines for the current, so you can use half as many cables.
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The games shown are inspired by Tetris (featuring Ishigami Village and Roppongi!), Pacman, a combination game of Gyruss and Tempest, then another combination game of Galaga and Asteroids.
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The transmission towers can only be headed towards the dam, so we have an approximate direction for where that is! There's a few rivers nearby in modern Tokyo, but over 3,700 years they've probably changed a lot.
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(Next part)
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Thermostat Services in California
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pioneersheating · 10 months
Reliable HVAC Service in Pasadena - Expert Heating & Cooling Solutions
Our team of experts in Pasadena offers dependable heating and HVAC Service Pasadena to ensure your comfort and efficiency. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you with your heating and cooling needs.
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seeliragh-fr · 10 months
making a separate post for this so i don't derail someone's cool lore post but I've always had the idea that the fire flight is actually a very richly forested region with a lot of fertile soil and rainfall, especially the further you get away from the Great Furnace. i'll spare everyone the most of the earth sciences lecture but typically volcanic eruptions trigger bouts of rainfall (sornieth doesn't have el nino so i dont think global precipitation would be decreased in the same way as irl), and the constant warm air masses meeting the coast would create a hot, wet climate similar to sumatra (which also has many active or previously active volcanoes). i'm picturing a lot of the ashfall waste as dense tropical forests filled with fast-growing pioneer tree species and elaborate ecosystems based around hot springs heated by underground magma pockets. the ashfall corn cultivars are the bestest in all of sornieth and all the herbivorous breeds rave about them
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blogs-hvac · 10 months
Pioneer Heat Pumps: Electrical Control Troubleshooting in Modern Air Conditioners
I. Deciphering Wiring Diagrams: Mapping the Electrical Maze
Wiring diagrams serve as the cartographic guide to the electrical labyrinth within pioneer air conditioner in South Pasadena, CA. Comprehending these diagrams is paramount to understanding the control system's layout and functionality. Components such as compressors, fans, thermostats, and safety switches are visually represented, illustrating their interconnections and control pathways. Technicians must navigate these diagrams with precision to diagnose potential issues accurately.
II. Unveiling the Sequence of Operations: Unraveling the Symphony
The sequence of operations outlines the step-by-step process that governs an air conditioner's operation. It details how the electrical components interact and respond to various inputs, such as temperature changes or user settings. By grasping this symphony of actions, technicians can identify anomalies in the system's behavior, enabling targeted troubleshooting and rectification.
III. Troubleshooting Techniques: Solving the Electrical Enigma
Electrical control troubleshooting demands both technical expertise and methodical approach. Technicians must employ various techniques to diagnose faults effectively. These include voltage and continuity testing to verify the presence of power and detect open or short circuits. Additionally, temperature and pressure measurements are used to assess the system's performance and detect irregularities. Furthermore, functional testing, in conjunction with the sequence of operations, can reveal the root cause of malfunctions.
IV. Embracing Safety Measures: Shielding from Electrocution Risks
As the complexity of electrical control systems increases, so does the importance of adhering to stringent safety measures. Technicians must take precautions such as de-energizing the system, using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and following lock-out/tag-out procedures. Ensuring safety not only protects the technician but also prevents accidental damage to the equipment during troubleshooting activities.
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spikybanana · 1 year
@wolfstarmicrofic - prompt: pioneer - cw for brief and very vague description of panic attacks near the beginning masterpost
After dinner, Remus found Sirius alone by the window in their room. He was looking out into the night, hugging his knees, and Bowie’s Aladdin Sane was playing quietly on their small table. Remus moved up to take a place near him. 
They did this sometimes, the two of them drawing towards each other when the nights got lonely. Sirius had James, of course, for open arms and words of righteous defence, and the occasional threat to violence or two. That, Remus wasn’t always the best at. Admittedly, even Peter was better at offering those loud words of reassurance. But Sirius came to Remus for the quiet, for the companionship that found no words and needed no words. When they were too angry to shout, too weary to rest, Sirius would take Remus’ hand from between them and grip it very, very tightly, until either of them stopped shaking, until the music was louder than their breathing again. 
Tonight, however, there was a different kind of weightiness in the air. It made Remus remember a conversation from what might have been years ago, accompanied by the same strange songs of Bowie in the background. 
“You know what I mean, don’t you?” Sirius had asked. “I don’t get it. The way James and Pete go on about
“I know what you mean.” Remus hummed noncommittally. He’d been wondering what in hell Bowie could have meant by ‘cold fire’.
“Do you think… it’s because something’s wrong with us?”
And Remus had laughed then. “Of course there’s something wrong with me.” He’d said, gesturing vaguely at himself. 
Sirius huffed a laugh in surprise, shook his head. “You know that’s not what I mean, Moony. Don’t be silly.”
“Then you quit it yourself. Whatever this is.” 
The first few bars of a new song drew him back to the present. With a start, Remus remembered that this was the same song that played in his memory. He turned cautiously towards Sirius, wondering if it’s possible at all that he was remembering the same thing. 
Starlight framing his profile, Sirius looked deep in thought. There was a faint smile, almost ironic, light on his lips. 
The prettiest star, crooned Bowie’s voice from the player. Remus bolted up from his seat. 
No, no way. He was making it up in his head, surely. Seeing what he expected to see. But— songs about love had never made sense to him before, yet the song was right there, telling him about when he loved the prettiest star. His cheeks heated, and his heart began racing ahead without his permission. 
Sirius turned to him in question, his smile growing with curiosity. 
“What’s the matter?”
“I— David Bowie’s in France,” he blurted stupidly.
“What a pioneer.” Sirius was all teeth with amusement, as though Remus made perfect sense. 
He huffed in frustration. Embarrassed, he turned his back on Sirius, and began pacing the room.
Sirius didn’t let him brew in silence, however. 
“You said you loved me.” He said a few moments later.
Remus whipped himself around.
“I what?”
“The day I… told all of you about being gay. You said you loved me.”
“I… said that?” 
Sirius frowned, and Remus panicked quietly until he remembered the context. It must have been a stupid joke, a passing comment that was never meant to mean much.
Or perhaps it was. And Remus didn’t even know.
“Right, uh. So I did.” Remus said finally.
Sirius was looking him straight in the eyes. “What did you mean?” He asked. “What did you mean when you said that?”
Remus opened his mouth, caught off guard by the question. Why could Sirius possibly be asking? He tried to search in Sirius’ expression, but that was hard when Sirius was only inspecting his own. And how could he possibly answer? It was something Remus barely understood himself. 
Sirius licked his lips, perhaps out of nervousness, but the sight strangely emboldened Remus. 
He took two steps forward, paused in front of Sirius for only half a moment, then leaned down, grabbed Sirius’ face, and sealed his lips over Sirius’. 
Sirius made a noise against his lips, and Remus drew back immediately. For a moment, Sirius looked as shocked as he felt. But gradually, his lips pulled back, and a smile was blooming and lighting up his entire face. 
“Did you mean it?” he asked.
Remus nodded slowly. “I— didn’t know what else to say. I’m usually better with words. Sorry.”
Sirius reached out then, took both of Remus’ hands and pulled until he dropped into his lap. “Don’t be sorry, Moony,” he said, dropping a peck on the tip of Remus’ nose, “never be sorry.”
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