niduart · 8 months
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My trainer for Nid. Commission are open, more info: https://www.deviantart.com/nid15/art/Commission-OPEN-1009213987
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dietrauerweide · 1 year
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“Oh. He’s here,”
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pjackk · 2 months
I wish i could get piosoned by a scary hunk with sum hairy junk
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go-on-eat-shrooms · 3 months
House Blackwood vs House Martell Part I
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Warning: 18+
Very detailed smut, angst, sword play, blood, love at first bite, battle modes, comedy, foul launage.
Benjicot Blackwoodxfem
My very first fanfic ever. This built up in my mind over time. Please be nice. Not edited well. But I did my best. I know these are two different time lines but why not.
Listen to: Chris brown- under the influence to set a better mood. Mostly in part 4
Summary: Heading to Kingslanding for a intense meeting between House Lanister. But being an adventurer you ask your father to stop in the Riverlands.
Part 2
Dorn had very humid lands. You heard of the Riverlands from stories your father and your 3 sisters have told you in the past. And you yearned for the fresh breezes that could caress your face with cool winds compared to the Demonic suns of Dorn. You literally hated the heat with the rage of a thousand suns. Seen as odd to your family to be infatuated with cooler weather's was the staple of your being. But nonetheless being the youngest of all your sisters. You still held the Martell signature appearance. Long black hair that cascaded like a river of soft strands that roamed all the way to your back.  Completion of gently kissed sun.  You were an odd one still compared to your sisters. Heterochromatic eyes fell upon your face. Versus the black pools of black that befit the rest of your family that was accustomed for a Martell.
On an unexpected day to your knowing at least; strolled your father into your room. Oberyn Martell with a childish smile yet vengeful look. Informing you "We are headed to Kingslanding it's time you see what shit it is and what it has done to your past Aunt. Your 3 sisters will be joining this travel. I expect you to be ready in a few hours. Our ships leaves in 3. So my dear hurry bc you know how impatient your sisters can be."
You were beyond over joyed so much so your eyes beamed towards your father brighter than the biggest stars at nightfall.
Your exasperated breath effortlessly said "Yes father! I'll do my best to behave in enemy territory."
Oberyn gave you a doubtful stare. But still indicated to hurry and pack what was most needed for your travel.
As your sisters you were also known to be quite savage and took shit from no one. Your father made sure of that. No man could ever dare to dream of even laying 1 finger on your skin. The unwanted ones at least.
Your sisters were experts with whips, spears, swords and a secret poison only known to your mother for the antidote. 
As the ship was boarding with your father's dedicated crew along with your sisters. You skipped towards the ship as giddy as a baby goat. This being the first time going into a different land.
You though, dedicated yourself to daggers like one of your sisters. You found having two blades on eat hand a more swift advantage than any spear or whip. At times the daggers dipped in your mother's violet pioson.
Seeing the victims that tried hurting or even to even gently caress you was to you a reason to watch them bleed and die a slow death.
The ship ride was rather boring but to be expected. The only form of entertainment you had was to practice combatance with your sisters. They were impressed on how much you improved.
Sister 1: "Y/N look at you, you advanced much more than the last time we kicked your ass."
Sister 2: "Yes, very well done until you meet someone that's not us, always look in the mirror well bc your head can be on a spike sliced off by some fat fuck with a some cock."
Sister 3: "I'm sorry for laughing but they are correct.  Be careful. Those big tit's and ass will slow you down"
You knew that with looks you were different from your sisters. Developing very early for your age in ways that even confused your parents. Your clothes had to be even more tailored made than your sisters.
Agitated you stated " I may not be as light as a feather as of yet, but I will get there and tear up each one of you. I'll hand your flat asses back to you served on a silver platter"
All 3 sisters laughed more than expected. Taunting you that that can only happen while you dreamnt.
As dawn be fell upon the ship. You could see the faint outlines of land. Your insides felt like they were doing summersaults of pure excitement and a bit of fear. 
What could await yourself in these new lands you never seen?
As your ship docked in one of the close by ports. Your curiosity became set a flame by the combinations of exploring that could be done.
As your 18th birthday was nearby you begged your father to take you to the place called the Riverlands as a gift. Your sisters yawned and said it was just grass and moody bitchy clouds. Nothing to be awed about.
You pleaded to your father until he gave in. Your 3 sisters were annoyed but this was not their day. As they got what they wanted for their birthdays.
Your father managed to aquire 5 horses to make your way towards the Riverlands. On the way there your sisters started telling you father was taking you to House Blackwood.
Sister 1: This house has a lord named lord Samwell. And other cunts that are just crazy. Enjoy your stay.
Sister 2: You might just leave here without ears and with your vagina lips made into earrings and shit. These fuckers are known to cut mother fuckers like fresh baked bread sliced down with an axe.
Sister 3: Not to mention he has a son named Benjicot. Rumors say he is a shy and clumsy twat.But in the blink of an eye switches to a total ballistic blood thirsty kid when he goes into battle. And his fart clouds resemble the ghosts of past dragons eating prince joffery. Totally merciless even slices his own men without a thought in order to ensure his victories.
Sister 1: " Or clouds of Cerci fucking her brother on Tywins back, that geezer denies his liniage is false." Chiming in.
Chuckling loudly.
Oberyn stated "he is actually about your age now. I met him before. A very quiet young man very polite. But I too have heard the fear he strikes into men for his age. No need to worry. As long as he is no where near battles or confrontation he is a normal shy boy.
All this talk of his violence makes you defensive and a bit intrigued.
After a long treck through lands full of beautiful green grass and trees swaying in the wind. The sun no where to be seen. Which made you feel like this birthday gift could never top any other future wishes you had.
You reached a fairly large estate with the Blackwood sigil splashed in a gigantic detailed wooden shield with matching colored flags.
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lazuli-bloom · 1 year
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Finally done with the outfits from @marzibirdart's Pokemon themed outfits
Keroro – Dark/Flying
Weird one for Keroro, I know, but I've been associating him with Dark and Fallen Angel stuff
Tamama – Fighting/Normal
While Fighting was a given for Tamama, I eventually landed on an altered Normal outfit to mimic Munchlax. I felt like Normal was fitting because there's a lot of cute ones as well as powerhouses (Whitney's Miltank) and it would mean Tamama is still weak to other Fighting types
Giroro – Dragon/Rock
I felt like this combo lent itself more to war as a whole, and just being old as dirt
Dororo – Fairy/Ghost
He looks really cute in pink and Fairy types are often Nature adjacent, while ghost types can hold on to a lot of negative emotions so seemed fitting
Kururu – Steel/Poison
Steel was an easy pick, but pioson types are often weird little off-putting guys which fit Kururu
Kora – Psychic/Electric
Sorta the opposite of Keroro, it's the closest to Light I could think of. There's a lot of examples of divine visions which fit with her being a nun an all, also lightning has been associated with being sent by divine since ancient times
Darvo – Bug/Fire
Bug seemed fitting due to several of the plagues on Egypt were bugs (lice, flies, locust) and the fire outfit ended up looking like that of the Spanish Inquisition which is also very fitting for this jerk
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eldriitchmurmurs · 2 days
EVERY fantasy history whatever story that doesnt include at least one lady piosoning or frying pan bashing her piece of shit husband and completely getting away with it, is bad
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thirteens-earring · 4 months
part y pioson
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intairnwetrust · 11 months
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Elain Archeron as Pioson Ivy
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Hey Kieran, it maybe weird but those mochi may, or were, kinda a poison? Maybe a Pecha berry or something that cures poison may help you a bit?
The headache is a little on the worrisome side. Check list to see if its either something you havent done or the pioson mochi.
Eaten food(real food)?
Eaten more mochi?
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"Well, the last thing I ate was the odd mochi... and that's when the symptoms happened."
"Sleep does sound good, though. When I catch up with Sis I might nap for a bit."
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newartistgirl · 2 years
Twilight is “fine”
  His recovery was sudden and unexpected. Also, incredibly well timed with the shapeshifters’. Is this related?  I never believed he was going to die. This comic started just as a bunch of interactions between the heroes, and, eventhough now he have a storyline, the main focus it is still the Links. This means that a death so early on the story would have been odd. “But, the slate said...”. I know I know, but I highly doubt that will be a treat in the near future. 
  Before going into all the random thoughts on this matter lets recap. Twilight got hit and “cursed/piosoned”. They tried a fairy to heal him and it didn’t work. Hyrule, thinking that his magic spell might help goes along four to the town. Wild finishes off the iron knuckle. 
  I might add aslo before starting that, in my opinion, Hyrule’s magic spell was not working either, or at least definitely not as intended. Maybe it sort of prevented Twilight’s death, but for sure has not healed him.
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Hyrules’ answer to Time asking wether it was actually working or not is not so calming. Instead of: “I feel he is getting better” or “Each time I get less tired, he is improving” (don’t take this too serious, I have no idea how his magic spell actaully works, and even less of how it feels), he says that he knows Twilight is still fighting so he won’t give up. The thing here it is that it seems that he won’t stop trying eventhough it does not seem to be working. Just in case it is actually doing something they don’t notice, or that it will eventually work somehow. Furthermore, it would not make sense. How come Hyrule’s magic works but not a fairy’s? I would say that the fairy refused for any sort of reason due to Twilight’s cursed condition, but potions wouldn’t work either, so it’s not the case.
1. Thanks to Wild we know that while they were trying to heal Twilight the shapeshifter was already injured. Meaning this could have been the reason why a fairy wouldn’t work, nor any kind of magic. The shapeshifter was draining  Twilight’s energy. And, after it gets destroyed by Wild, he starts draining more and more energy, this time not just to heal a wound but to sort of “revive himself”. And, now that we have seen he’s recovered his body back, Twilight has also started his recovery. 
2. But what if the reason behind not a single kind of magic working on our rancher it’s said “poison/curse” monsters have?
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This panel kind of shows that, indeed, something is going on with his blood, just like the monster’s. He is cursed/poisoned. One could argue that monsters have become stronger and Twilight nearly dies... Well, we don’t really know how monsters have become “cursed/poisoned”, maybe they went through a nearly-dead stage before becoming stronger. We don’t see monsters with scars, nor them bleeding with open wounds, but the shapeshifter has had to get them cursed some way. Maybe not exactly the same one used with Twilight. However, the main point is if it actually has the same consecuences for both. Will Twilight become stronger? Are monsters controled by the shapeshifter in any sort of way? (It’s not the first time they scattered without explanation. Furthermore, in the sunset arc, we see that once the big guy gets defeated they all run away, so it’s not crazy to think that, if not controlled, at least, they follow it) And... fairies can’t heal monsters, can they? Are Four or Wind that far off? 
3. Maybe it is a little bit of both ideas. It is posible, as far as we know, for the shapeshifter to have been draining Twilight’s energy to recover his material form (As seen, he was never actually “dead”), added to the fact that, Twilight's blood is indeed poisoned.
  To finish off, just a little detail that I didn’t notice until I read the comment section; Time was holding his ocarina. It may not mean anything. He knows the consecuences of using it. But... If required to save the life of his descendant... Would he have...?
  Again, as always, thanks for reading and sorry in advance for any spelling mistake I might have made.
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waypens · 1 year
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pick your pioson
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Why do people even speak? When you know they will ruin the simplest and the most innocent things why tell them anything? Because people, even the ones you love the most, can and will ruin things you never even told them. They just will. They're words are like little darts of poison which embed in your skin so fucking deep that you essentially drown in it.
And the worst part is that after breaking and destroying everything you hold dear, mixing that pioson in your blood they will ask why you have become so bitter? So utterly hollow and incapable and void of feeling anything but numbness? They will have to the audacity to do that. And then instead of taking some of that fucking responsibility they will blame it on the most trivial and stupidest of things and worst of all, YOU. None of them have the guts or can lower their pride and admit that they did go wrong somewhere.
And how do they ruin? By making stupid and needless assumptions about it. And what do they even make these presumptions about,on what grounds? Because you know you haven't told them anything that can lead to them thinking what they are thinking. They just like to ruin things.
"You're words and their sharp stings"
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frascospecimen · 3 months
dont worry frascospecimen i will be cheering for you on the toxic slug challeng
I ambtakinf the #Pioson #Slug #Challange
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zzzztimes-blog · 4 months
Im as an isdue im my mibd as all around . Manahing thus issye was realusing my mother enjoyed my war games . She kibd of looked atvtge nunver of play senariors by the tine over 7 yrs she guided me hmm to my aunt and death. She had a abikity ti ssy you can die . Thsy is often very scarse in any aunty or mother. My mither was unparrakked in making a home above a sewerage system we all the family enjoyed troping the colurs bbc . Any mounty oythin wuedtiibs and answrr tennus welvone . The prespertterian graves left ascthey were left
Many attemots at integratikns left by hmmm u i see i see u . Etc . The lesdon is tge army not a engkish ir irish its a ducioline . The abikity to not kill wrong. The ginal lesson i played out with mum was the unions propabkyany bedraggked srmy keft over ftom wars unable to acceot the self is bith wribg write and ibdiffeent limited was a attck on indian settlements . I reacted in the garden and we sirted hiw yo mange uniforms gobe riuge. The helicopter furing inbhis srmy vuet bam kirea . It is a look to not a wrong answer. So the army by waters grey water. Perhaps show a reel how amebsty international can expkain about grey wstrr piosons. Nature has a need for clean water too. In the meantime spatk jirk general senares druids any body liefts yiur toyal highnesse and majestys . Shikds up
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precious-and-petulant · 5 months
whats the background relationships?
Xixula/Seulio pale and Varpen/Kizeta pale, ❀f c❀urse. And als❀ Pioson/Habano/Tegiri
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telecomgraveyard · 7 months
Why would he l1sten to me but not you?
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