#pirol spoilers
Pirates of Leviathan was really just me being like this huh
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a-single-shenanigan · 2 years
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swarmkeepers · 4 years
tired: meet your party in a tavern
wired: get your coach to give you detention for bearing false witness so you can meet a party
inspired: cast hunter's mark on a high schooler wearing a giant coat who stole a statue worth an obscene amount of platinum. follow him to a windowless moldy hovel home to a cursed local legend. crash through the door, completely abandoning all your combat advantages. inside are said cursed rat and teenager plus a dripping wet parrot person, a betta fish eel merperson in a bubble whom you just helped to sell the statue earlier today, and a pop star angel. knock the kid unconscious.
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figayda-rights · 4 years
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A BOY????? A FRIEND???????
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superglorfindel · 4 years
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uhhh alistair ash in celebration of the newest pirol episode! 
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kristenbeeapples · 4 years
pirates of leviathan trailer: fun pirate shenanigans!! magic!! adventure!! 
first ten minutes of ep 1: the harsh realities of the merchant class exploiting the poor for profit in a lawless pirate town
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atimeforclues · 4 years
Ayda Aguefort really came in and said “your shitty parents won’t bother you anymore, here’s a cool spell book let’s be friends also did I mention my girlfriend? Ok bye” and I love her for it
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vilksdessin · 4 years
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I can’t believe that from all the pirates the first one I draw is the depressed rat man BUT HERE WE ARE
Anyways thank you Garthy for giving this man a free bath and some love
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lostnlucky · 4 years
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Alistair nation how are we Feeling tonight
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thehouserocks · 4 years
Brennan in FH: There is no concept of teenagers in Leviathan.
Cheese: Watch this
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supercantaloupe · 4 years
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this person in the comments of alistair ash’s wiki page Gets It
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swarmkeepers · 4 years
dimension 20 seasons (that i have watched) ranked by food crimes
(ranked from least crime to most crime)
the unsleeping city: was tempted to give this one more crime because pete’s microwaved cheese crisp is just so terrible. however there are street food dumplings that regenerate hp, which is more than enough to cancel out the food crimes. also, the bagel of all things, kingston’s mom’s cooking, fancy food at parties, broadway intermission booze, and christmas dinners! (2/10 crimes, crimes exist but are balanced out by really good food. it’s new york, baby!)
fantasy high: corn cuties and slop monster are nasty as hell. the prom buffet is full of bananas which should be a crime, but jem peppercorn likes it so maybe it’s a wash? most of the bad kids probably are eating decent home cooked food, except for riz whose mom is mostly trying her best. bastion market takeout sounds pretty good actually. basrar’s exists! (5/10 crimes, weirdly the season where there is the least food? many crimes are committed bc the bad kids are bloodthirsty, but food is not at the forefront)
fantasy high sophomore year: the grapes sing and fail to make you not horny (could be good, could be bad, i’m calling it a wash). the cast is full of beans! but more importantly, VIRAL SHRIMP PARTY! some points deducted for kristen calling crab nachos “crotch-os” at first, but in general this season gets points for enthusiasm. (9/10 crimes, the food is good but very intense, and arguably covering tracker in lobster is a food crime. very up to interpretation, could be persuaded to swap this with the og fantasy high)
a crown of candy: okay look. the characters, who are food, commit war crimes. ultimate food crime. (11/10 crimes, lots of food, lots of crime)
pirates of leviathan: listen it’s only been two episodes but i can confidently say this wins this dubious list by a WIDE margin. eyeballs are compared to a soft boiled egg, a slime mold engages in double stuf oreos discourse, rot water gets wrung out of said slime mold and a third of the PCs drink it for semi-telepathic powers, said slime mold is also carbonated, PICKLES ARE COMBINED WITH MILK, GRAVY IN CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP? (239847238/10 crimes, they’re pirates and commit all kinds of crimes but specifically so many food crimes, oh god)
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figayda-rights · 4 years
Real myrtle bisexual hours ❤️💛🧡😍🧡💛
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theinfaethable · 4 years
cheese and adaine. both wizards with terrible parents who hold the older child on a pedestal. cheese probably having adaine’s orb.
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throughtosunrise · 4 years
What an epic combat encounter, holy shit.
Having that many experienced DMs as players was a real joy here; everything was so gorgeously detailed and nuanced, from the unique flavor of everyone's spells to the insights into the characters' thought processes to the truly fucking cinematic visual descriptions. Bob's Channel Divinity song. (Bob's everything, lbr.) Cheese's yo-yo. The whole thing with Stimey and Alycon, and Marcid just being done with it all.
And really, there was Marisha Ray, once again, coming in clutch with a spell or skill where the opponent NPC failed the saving throw, and that made the whole tone of the battle just shift into epic mode.
And the dice driving the narrative here? With the way the initiative rolls worked out to give Jack that big moment? (To say nothing of Aabria offering her turn up just so Myrtle could cast Guidance on Jack because everybody wanted to let him have that moment, and everybody was totally into watching it unfold? That's just one of those great-table-chemistry, awesome-players, god-I-love-Dungeons-and-Dragons moments.) Myrtle's key skill checks and that one damage roll that left her standing with a single hit point? So good. (STRESSFUL, BUT GOOD.)
I'm so sad there's only one episode left after this. I love this cast, and I'm gonna miss the Buccaneer Buddies.
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theangelofthewaters · 4 years
Garthy having to say that Ayda might not be around means that she spends a lot of time out to be with Fig and the rest of the bad kids and I am just so happy for her.
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