#piss an vinegar
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everybody left but i stayed right here
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mtomauw · 10 months
Omg tumblr/twitter is stealing your art
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Yoooo the TOS says they're gonna steal ur shit Except no it doesn't not if you crop it normally
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This is in every social media TOS, the same on Twitter which I see people freaking the fuck out about rn for the same dumb shit.
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Anytime a TOS updates people start yelling about this and I need you to understand that they're doing this TO SCARE YOU CUZ THEY HATE WHATEVER WEBSITE THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. If you hate tumblr you say they're stealing your art if you hate twitter you say they're stealing your art. These terms just mean you allow them to host your shit and crop it or show it on promoted posts/tweets whatever or in embeds. They aren't **stealing your art** you retain all ownership it's right there in the TOS. You're being lied to by assholes, if you see shit about a TOS you can just google 'website TOS' and see for yourself it takes 2 seconds and saves you a fuckton of panic.
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transjudas · 1 year
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I love Frank, in his piss shirt, sitting down with his guitar behind Gerard to listen to him give his internet/social media speech at Milton Keynes 3. (x)
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on-this-day-mcr · 1 year
On this day, May 22
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their fifth show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour in Milton Keynes, England. At this show, Frank Iero and Gerard Way wore T-shirts with the words “Piss” and “Vinegar”, respectively, and three tally marks were written on the drums. This show was the only show to feature a clip from the Nova “Rat Attack” documentary, played immediately before the show began. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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sᴀʀᴀʜ ʟᴏᴜɪsᴇ ʙᴇɴɴᴇᴛᴛ
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eponastory · 10 days
Is there something in the air today that is making the fans go nuts?
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I checked the Zutara tag over an hour ago... not a lot going on. I come back and
Holy rusted metal Batman!
It's like the same comment over and over by different blogs...
'It's 2024, and yall are still going on about Kat*ang and Zutara? You guys are delulu!'
We aren't. Actually Zutarians just want to be left alone in peace, but nooooo.
It's the Kat*angers who refuse to let us do so.
Here in the year of two thousand and twenty-four... we are actually exhausted. I mean yes, there will be another (checks notes) two? Yes two waves of shots from the enemy team because of the next two seasons of the AtLA Netflix adaptation. It's not over.
So why are yall complaining?
And if you don't want to see it...
Keep calm and scroll on or
Mind your own business!
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Also, for those of you who are announcing your departure from the Fandom like you're hot stuff... this isn't an airport.
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Frank On This Day:
My Chemical Romance - Milton Keynes Night 3 22/05/2022
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(photographer credits in image description)
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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stpansy · 1 year
worst content to come out of prorev to ME is the head scritches puppy play frank melting into gerard moment actually. like we’ve all seen frerard kiss we’ve all seen fag fight we’ve all seen rub your blood on his face. don’t be weirdly sweet you’ll ruin the statement against homophobia or whatever
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rainbow-femme · 2 months
There are a lot of American phrases that are silly if you haven’t grown up with them and difficult to explain to people not used to them, but my favorite is “full of piss and vinegar”
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bisexualroger · 2 years
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It was funnier in theory
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larsnicklas · 4 months
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⭐️: 3 assists, 4 shots, 8 hits, 13-6 in the faceoff circle, 20:26 TOI, +2 rating
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mtomauw · 9 months
The 'just move to a different website' crowd really is annoying the shit outta me. Imagine a website as a public park: The park is made, the park attracts people, people start using the public park. So many people start using the public park some people decide to set up shops around the public park. Little donut stands or an art stall or a clothing shop. Things work well around the public park, people from the park stay there and walk around and see new shops and businesses they haven't seen in any other public park. The park and the 'town' around it is now fairly popular. Now the new shitlord moves into the public park and owns it and starts banning people and asking entree fees and doing all sorts of dumb shit. Literally everyone in the park hates the choices he's making. Telling people to just 'move their business' is fucking difficult. People are used to going to the park, everyone who leaves moves do 7 different towns, starting shops in all 7 new towns costs an amount of energy which is exhausting to keep up with. All other parks are run by similar soulless shitlords who can also on a dime decide to start doing the same dumb inspired shit the shitlord from park number one is doing. Some people move from the park and don't decide to follow the businesses they like again. It's exhausting and frustrating and telling people to 'just move' is unproductive. And yes I am aware you shouldn't put 'all your eggs' in one basket but every basket that's 'good' will rot the second a platform gets successful enough to attract a new shitlord. And to attract an audience making your own website is even fucking harder. What we need is to acknowledge the internet and social media isn't just entertainment for many people it's their sole source of income and just 'moving' when your entire customer base scatters to 7 different platforms is really difficult.
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tyforthevnm · 1 year
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paulharries: Piss and Vinegar
A year ago this weekend.
[May 20, 2023]
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venomwolves · 2 years
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Piss & Vinegar!
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meat-wentz · 2 years
nothing stimulates us like urine, y’know……uhm
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