90sgrungewriter · 7 years
9. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
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Status: Unedited
The following afternoon came very slowly. Work, as well, went by pretty slow. There weren't many customers for a Saturday morning, so you mostly just doodled your whole shift. Once one o'clock hit, you were on your way home. Eddie wouldn't be over till two, so it gave you time to change from your work clothes and make yourself look half decent.
Time went on, you dressed in a pair of dark jeans, and a dark grey long sleeve shirt. As you finished running the comb through your short hair, you heard a light knock at your door. Your heart rate sped up for a few seconds, feelings of anxiousness filled your chest. It was only Eddie, but you didn't know exactly what his intentions were. But you kept reminding yourself that, it was just Eddie. Sweet, humble, kind, Eddie.  Grasping yourself out of your daze, you made your way over to the door, and took a deep breath before opening it.
Eddie wore a loose fitting brown t-shirt, dark denim jeans and a his signature black boots. He sport a shy smile on his lips, eyes gazing into yours. You smiled and shifted over, allowing him into your home.
"How was work?" He spoke kindly, you could tell he was a bit nervous though.
"It was alright, not many customers so just doodled in my sketchbook for most of the time." You grinned sheepishly. He nodded his head.
"Well, sounds like it could be alot worse." he said, and you definitely agreed. You had some pretty wack days at work sometimes.
He took of his jacket off and set it gently on the chair, before turning to you. You gestured for him to take a seat on the couch, and he did. You sat down beside him, turning on your TV.
"I'm taking you somewhere" he spoke quietly, turning to you and you took notice of how close you were. "but not till later..." his tone was mischevious. You cocked a brow.
"You made plans without me?" You teased. He grinned and nodded.
"Where are we going then?" You continued.
"Well...you'll see. When we get there." That little bastard. But, you secretly somewhat...liked surprises, so you just quietly agreed and went on looking for a channel.
"Alrighty, then."
The two of you spent the next couple of hours goofing around, making fun of lame TV shows, you showed him you recent doodles from work that he asked to see. As time went by, you were basically in a full blown game of pictionary. Eddie had some pretty interesting drawing skills, you could definitely say. He seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself and it made you happy. Like he no longer felt like the new guy. He fit in well with everyone, and was drastically becoming more and more comfortable.
Once five o'clock hit, you were both laughing so hard you were in tears. His stick figures were awesome. He put his pen and paper down on the table in front of him and straightened up.
"So you gonna tell me where we're going yet?" You took a sip of the water that was on the table to your right.
Eddie turned to glance at the clock. "Nope. You'll see when we get there." He winked. You sighed, rolling your eyes.
"Alright, I'm trusting you here." You teased, getting up and cleaning up the junk.
"We can head out now though, if you want." You nodded your head, kind of excited for wherever he was taking you.
"Are you hungry? I was thinking we could grab a bite to eat, first."
"Yeah, I really am now that I think of it." You giggled, shrugging on your leather jacket.
"Good, I've got a cool place in mind." He grinned, opening the door and gesturing to you first. Such a gentleman.
"Lead the way, Vedder."
Eddie drove the way through Seattle (still using Jeff's truck), taking you to a part of the City you never really go, so wherever he was taking you, you sure as hell had no idea.
After a few more minutes of driving, he pulled the truck into a half empty parking lot of a restaurant you had never heard of before. Before you could even untie your seatbelt, Eddie was out of the car and by the passenger door, opening if for you. Your cheeks turned rosy, as you thanked him and stepped down. He smiled cutely and nodded his head.
"What is this place? I’ve ever heard of it, so how do you know about it?" You wondered, curiously.
"Uh, just heard around from some people they have a great fire oven pizzas." He laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Well, I do love me some pizza!" You thanked the heavens he hadn't taken you anywhere fancy. You weren't good with that kind of shit. Hell, he probably wasn't either.
The restaurant was actually pretty nice, not too fancy but it didn't look like anything fast food that was for sure. More of a resto-bar type atmosphere. It was pretty cool.
The host quickly sat you in a booth by a window, giving you a view of the  seattle streets. It wasn’t raining, and it wasn’t too cold either, it was a nice evening. Eddie was looking around the restaurant, as he had never actually been here before.
"Good choice, I like it." You smiled. When his eyes locked with yours, he smiled.
"I'm glad." Then, the waiter came to introduce himself and get our drinks started. Looking through the drink menu, you spoke first. For the both of you.
"Bottle of your finest Merlot, please." You put the menu back down on the table. He nodded, with a smile and stated he would be back in a few.
"You're getting to know me pretty well, huh." He twiddled his fingers, traces of a smile play on his lips.
"I guess so." You winked this time. Hah, see how you like it, Vedder.
"You could have gotten yourself a beer, you know." 
"I like my wine once in a while. What more perfect time then now?"
"I guess you're right." He grinned.
After a few more minutes, the waiter returned with a nice big green bottle of the delicious red liquid, and two glasses.
"I'll give you's a few more minutes with the menus." He said, and walked away. You hadn't even looked at the menu yet anyway, you were too caught up in how cute Eddie was looking. He looked kind of... nice? You didn't mean that in a rude way, just he wasn't dressed the way he normally would be. Instead of his usual shorts and wacky t-shirt or flannel, he wore a pair of dark denim jeans, a black t shirt and a brown blazer. His hair looked more taim than normally and you couldn't help but blush thinking about it. He wanted to look nice for this....your heart was melting. Looking up from his menu he noticed you were staring at him. He quirked an eyebrow.
"You look handsome tonight, Ed." You might as well just say whatever was on your mind at this point. You were starting to get past the awkward stage now.
"Thanks. You too." You giggled, and he shook his head laughing "I mean pretty... uh- beautiful. You look beautiful." He took a sip of his wine to probably just shut himself up and you laughed some more. You seemed to be laughing a lot with him and it made you happy. Maybe this could actually be something, someday.
"Not that you don't always look beautiful." He mumbled. You were going to be putty on the ground by the end of the night if this is how it was going to go. Before you had the chance to say anything, the waiter came back, ready to take your orders.
Eddie decided on the buffalo mozerella, tomato sauce and fresh basil, while you took a chance with the roasted seasonal mushrooms and truffle cheese. Handing him back the menus, you and Eddie talked about quite a few things, politics, music, society. It was never a dull conversation and he was a pretty smart guy. It was nice.
You were about half of the wine bottle in when the food arrived. The two of you dug in, and you had to say it was one of the best pizzas you had ever tasted. You were really having a good time with Eddie, and things were going great. You wondered where he was taking you after this though. To be honest, you would be happy doing absolutely anything as long as it was with him. After finishing your food, there was a good quarter of the bottle left. You knew by the end of it, you would start feeling a bit of the effects from the alcohol. But it defintely wouldn't get you hammered.
You two took your time, still making interesting conversation till the wine was all gone. You had been in the restaurant for almost two hours. It was neering 7 when the waiter came to hand the bill. Within no time, Eddie had his wallet out of his pocket and was paying the man his cash. You stared at him, and he knew it too. Little fucker.
"Why couldn't we split? You suck, Vedder." He opened the door of the restaurant for you and the two of you made your way to the truck.
"Haha, because I asked you on this date, not the other way around. So, its only fair I pay. Right?" You rolled your eyes, and made the annoying talking gesture with your hand. He laughed and to make you stop he grabbed your hand, bringing it back down to your side. But as he went to pull his hand away, you decided to make a bold move and lace your fingers with his. He didn't pull away, just went on, a small smile appearing for a few moments.
"Well, I guess so. Thanks for dinner, then. It was delicious." You smiled, you had reached the truck. With his free hand he opened the truck door and helped you up and in the passenger seat. You never let go until you actually needed to. He shut the door and made his way to the drivers side. You placed a hand on your full tummy, and sighed.
"I'm so full, that was really fucking good." He spoke, as he looked down to see your hand placed where it was. You laughed, and agreed with him.
"So where to now, pretty boy?" You joked as you pulled out of the parking lot and onto the quiet street.
"You'll see, my dear, all in time." He tried not to laugh, but you didn't stop yourself.
You drove for a good while, a bit less than a half hour, and we were heading to the outskirts of town. Countryside, where the hell was he taking you?
"I hope you're not going to murder me and dump my corpse out here." You joked, and he laughed.
"No, I swear its not what it looks like." He stole a glance at you before returning his eyes to the road ahead. You trusted him, so you weren't worried. It was getting dark out, and the full moon was shining bright in the sky.
You drove for about another 15 minutes before he pulled in to a parking lot for the...beach? You looked around the lot and there were no other cars. The reflection of the moon shone off the water and it was a beautiful sight. There were so many stars it was breathtaking. You had nearly forgotten how beautiful the world was when outside the city.
"The stars and the moon...holy shit. Its gorgeous." You spoke, grabbing his arm and gripping onto it.
"Well, I remembered you telling me about your love for camping when you were a kid, so I figured maybe we could relive some of those moments. Together." He smiled. You were so in awe that he actually thought all this out and it was for you. No one had ever done anything like this for you before. You really didn't know what to say. He finished parking the car and shut the engine off, turning to you.
"Well, lets go!" You both stepped out of the car, you thanked the heavens it wasn't terribly cold out, and your jacket would keep you warm.
"I got some extra layers in the back in case you get chilly." You walked over to to the back of the truck where he stood, holding a couple of sweaters and hats. You giggled and nodded, deciding to trade your jacket in for an oversized dark green hoodie. It looked familiar, but you couldn't remember which of the boys it belonged to. At this point, they all shared fucking everything anyway.
Eddie led you to a spot closer to the shore, where there was plenty of firewood. You rose an eyebrow in question.
"I came here earlier today to set some things up." He smiled shyley, his hands behind his back.
"Eddie...this is the coolest thing anyone has ever done for me. Seriously, I can't express how much of a good fucking time I’m having. Thank you." You held your gaze with his for a few moments and if he was closer to you, you probably would have kissed him right then and there.
No, that was a lie you would probably chicken out. Just then, Eddie spoke.
"Crap, I forgot the blankets in the truck. I'll be right back!" Before you could even blink he was running back to the car. You giggled and turned back to the firewood, deciding to get the fire going.
The wood was placed in a medium sized pile, and there were stacks of newspaper to the left, so grabbing your lighter from your pocket, you lit the first paper on fire, setting it underneath the wood. Then, the sound of the truck being started tore your gaze away from the fire. Eddie was driving the truck down closer, maybe he didn't want to carry all the stuff from that far away. You didn't blame him, and wondered why he didn't just do that off the bat. Silly guy. You turned back and continued your task, and the fire was slowly starting to catch. A few more papers, and you'd you golden.
When he stepped out of the truck, he no longer wore his blazer, but a thick flannel. There was your Eddie.
He started to pull the blankets out of the back and placed them on the ground, creating a comfy setting. The fire was a go, and you plopped down on the blanket. Not long after, Eddie did the same, his arms full. He had another bottle of wine, marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers, along with a few other things. Your eyes widened and you cracked up laughing.
"Oh my god, Eddie you are the absolute best! I haven't had smores in forever!" You were grinning ear to ear and he was clearly amused, big smile on his lips. He was laughing too.
"Well, lets get started then." Ed started opening the box of chocolates as you cracked open the bottle of wine and took a swig, before passing it down to him. You looked up once again at the stars and moon, the water, the fire. It was amazing, but you also enjoyed the sounds. It was so quiet, but it wasn't at the same time. You could hear the calm waves reaching the shore, the fire crackling, the bugs. No sounds of other humans and you were definitely going to enjoy the fuck out of that. Suddenly, Eddie's voice ripped you from your thoughts.
"Sticks! We need to go find some sticks to cook these with." He pointed to the two s’mores which lay on the blanket in front of him. Awe, he made you one. He was so cute.
"Well, lets go!" You stood up, and reached down with your hand. Accepting, he grabbed on and you propped him up and the two of you started to walk around to the trees. It wouldn't be too hard to find some twigs, you were sure. There were quite a few trees.
You were right, and the next thing you knew you were sitting back down on your cozy blankets. Eddie wrapped them up in tin foil, stuck the twig through them and handed you yours. You grabbed it and you both sat there, laughing and talking about everything, having a good time and roasting the s’mores. You didn't want this night to end, that was for sure.
The hours went by and you both ate a shit ton of s’mores and marshmallows, and drank even more wine. You were both feeling pretty tipsy by this point, and you were having such a good time. You really did get along with Eddie, and you were very happy to have met him. You couldn't remember the last you felt this happy. You didn't know what time it was by now, but the hours were flying by. You guessed it was pretty late, as the moon had shifted a significant amount. The fire was still going strong, as the both of you were still feeding it. You were leaning into Eddie, and his arm was wrapped around your shoulder, his other arm gently caressing your knee. The laughter died down, and a few moments of comfortable silence had past.
"Hey, Eddie..?" You spoke quietly, not taking your gaze away from the stars above. From the corner of your eye, you see him glance down at you. His face was very very close to yours now, probably the closest it ever had been and you could feel your heart beating faster and faster with every passing second.
"Hmm?" He mumbled lazily, his voice deep.
"If you're drunk... and I'm drunk..." You trailed slowly, while Eddie was still looking at you, a small, lazy smile on his lips.
"Mhmm..." He mumbled once more.
"How to we get home tonight?" He chuckled loudly, and so did you.
"I don't think I thought of that..."He giggled, and looked away laughing quietly, "maybe we could call Jeff and he'll pick us up." He looked back down at you once again.
"Mhm, or..."You spoke, shifting, wanting to get closer but that probably wasn't possible, as you were as close as you could probably get.
"Or...?" Eddie teased, wanting to hear your offer.
"We could camp out in the truck." You grinned evily.
"Hm...that would be awesome." He started to play with your fingers, and it was so cute.
"It would be...lets do it!." You drunkenly lifted up the bottle of wine, taking your final sip, before passing it to Eddie so he could have the last of it. He took the last swig and set the bottle down to the side as best he could. The fire was keeping the both of your warm, but you wondered what time it actually was. So, grabbing Eddie's wrist, you tried to read the numbers in the dark. It read 1:34 AM. Holy shit, time had passed so quickly.
"We should set up the van, we'll probably need to move a few things around." You spoke, and reluctantly (and quite sloppily) tore yourself away from him. You stood straight, and he stoodup after you, nearly falling over. You giggled, wrapping your arms around his torso to help keep him steady. Well, and you just really wanted to be close to him again. His hands found yours and he set them ontop as if to hold them in place. If your face wasn't flushed enough from the wine it definitely was now.
You both made your way over to the truck, opening the back doors. There wasn't too much stuff at least, just a few pieces of musical equipment that we could easily just move to the front. Hopping inside, the two of you tried your best to move the shit around and not fall over, he almost did a few times and you were laughing pretty hard.
Once everything was finished, the fire was starting to burn out. It was a little after two now, and you were in the processing of transfering the blankets into the truck. Eddie piled them up and layed them nicely on the floor of the truck (or tried to anyway). You pulled out your pack of smokes, and shot him one, before lighting it. Eddie had a lighter in his own pocket, and he thanked you with a goofy smile from inside the truck. A few minutes later, the fire was burnt out completely, and it grew more quiet. There were some signs of wildlife and bugs, but nothing out of the of the ordinary.
Finishing up your smoke, Ed came and stood next to you. You smiled up at him before returning your gaze to the stars above.
"I could observe them for hours." your voice barely above a whisper.
"I know how you feel."  There was something about his tone that made it not sound like he was talking about the stars. He was looking at you, once again.
"Come on, we should crash." You gently grabbed his arm and rested your head on him as you made your ways to the truck. He helped you inside and you layed down in the surprisingly cozy blankets. It was as comfortable as it could be, and you were pretty drunk so you didn't really care. Eddie was here, thats all that mattered. He stepped in, closing the doors behind him. The lights dimmed and went out in the truck, and you felt Eddie plop down next to you when he let out a litte yelp.
"Fuck, forgot there were no pillows." You burst out laughing, and soon, he was laughing with you. You noticed after a few moments that he wasn't very close to you. Maybe he was nervous? Maybe he didn't want you to think he was being too pushy or weird? Either way, you were too drunk to care at this point. You moved your body closer to his and warmed up next to him. He slowly gripped you in his arms and you truly felt at home with him. Before you knew it, you were both snoring away.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 9 - Emma
Paige estava totalmente ocupada dizendo para nossas irmãs que ela ganhou do filho mais bonito de Nike no basquete, o que é praticamente impossível. E por isso ela não podia ir comigo e com a Jess para o jantar mais cedo. Meio que a gente adora pegar os melhores lugares na mesa de Afrodite.
Matt, um idiota qualquer que fica paquerando qualquer uma (inclusive nós, do chalé de Afrodite), já havia passado por aqui e dado cinco estrelinhas, como sempre. Então estávamos liberados desse show de faxina e perfumes no chalé. Eu odeio quando é de tarde, de manhã é muito mais produtivo.
Chamei a Jess e saímos.
Já estava escurecendo, mas todo mundo ainda estava ativo arrumando os chalés que ainda faltavam ser avaliados.
Os filhos de Deméter faziam flores novas crescerem em todo o mini-jardim. Os de Poseidon – que não eram muitos – jorravam água para tirar toda a areia do piso. Os de Hermes, bem, eu acho que revezavam em metade ficar dentro, trabalhando, e metade ficar fora, descansando. E por aí vai.
Quase me assustei quando o idiota do Caleb apareceu na minha frente.
- E aí, Em? – Ele me abraçou.
Revirei os olhos.
- O que foi?
- Ah, nada – Ele abriu aquele sorriso charmoso, mas totalmente irritante. – Não posso nem mais falar com você?
- Não.
- Ah, por causa do problema da graxa ainda?
Jess me olhou. Acho que eu estava vermelha de raiva, porque ela disse:
- Hãn... Vou chamar a Paige de novo.
Eu tentei protestar, mas ela saiu correndo.
Virei-me para ele.
- Com “problema da graxa” você se refere a ontem, quando você simplesmente jogou aquela droga em mim?
- Eu não joguei, exatamente. Mas a-ham.
- Então sim.
- Qual é, você não pode ficar irritada para sempre. Você sempre me perdoava, lembra?
- A gente tinha nove anos! E se eu brigasse com você, a professora não me deixava ir para o recreio.
- Tá. Mas eu ainda acho que não dá para ficar assim para sempre.
- Quer apostar?
- Na verdade, não.
- Então com licença?
- Mas... Tá, eu paro de te irritar, juro.
Eu ri.
- Você não consegue, Caleb.
- Claro que consigo!
- Claro que não! Agora vê se sai da minha frente.
- Para onde foi o “com licença”?
- Foi passear com minha paciência.
Ele fez uma careta.
- Você tem paciência?
- Certo. Se eu tenho, ela acabou. Agora saia da frente seu mecânico imprestável.
- Não precisa elogiar – Ele sorriu, irônico, e me deu passagem.
Eu quase tropecei, mas ele segurou meu braço e sorriu mais suave, mas parecia bem triunfante. Os dentes dele são muito brancos.
- Nos vemos no jantar.
- Ah... Certo – Juro que disse isso pelo susto. Achei que fosse cair de cara no chão.
Então fui para a droga das mesas me sentindo um idiota.
0 notes
90sgrungewriter · 7 years
6. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
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Status: Unedited
Needless to say, most of the day was spent creating wacky works of art with Eddie. You's started with big scraps of paper and combined your minds together, and created some pretty wicked paintings. You smoked 2 joints by this time, so you both were pretty high, but as the time passed, you were starting to burn out.
"Wanna take a break? I'll order us some take-out." You stood up and made your way over to your kitchen and opened the drawer where all your takeout flyers were.
"Where from?" The voice cam from almost directly behind you. It startled you so you whipped around and noticed he was standing just a few feet away from you, hands in his pocket.
"Sorry, didn't think you scared that easy." He winked. You rolled your eyes.
"Well, now you know."
He met you at the island in the center of your kitchen and you looked to decide together where you would order from.
"Okay wait. So what are we thinking? Pizza, Greek, Chinese...?" you turned your head to the side to look at him. 
"Mm, Chinese food sounds pretty good to me, right now." He said as he rested a hand on his slim tummy. You couldn't help but agree. It really did.
"Totally agree. What about Chen's Village? They have the best chicken chow mein." You gave him the brochure for the restaurant, and he took a few seconds to look it over, before approving.
"Alright, I'll have the fried tofu with mixed vegetables. You want me to call?" He offers. You nodded meekly.
"Please? I hate talking on the phone. This weird phobia of mine, I guess."
"Its ok, I'll call." He smiled. You pointed him to the phone that lay on the table and he quickly made the call. While he was doing so, you sneaked away to your room to grab your wallet from your purse. He payed for breakfast, so you thought it only to be fair if you were to pay for dinner. At the same time, you grabbed your fluffy blanket at the same time.
When you came back, you decided to clean up the living room a little. A few minutes later he came to help. After that was done, you tossed him the TV remote, and he plopped down on your couch and turned it on.
You were about to sit down too when you heard the doorbell. Before Eddie could even stand up you rushed to the door. The delivery person was a nice older lady, so you made sure to tip her a few extra bucks. She thanked you kindly, and you grabbed the food and shut the door. You turned to Eddie giving you a slight glare, arms crossed.
"You had this planned, didn't you?"
"Maybe." You winked.
"Couldn't you just let me be a nice guy and pay for you?" He said in a voice you knew he was picking on you.
"Oh shut up. You did pay for breakfast this morning, so can't you just let me be a nice girl and pay for you this time around?"
"Goddamn double standards." He cursed. You gently punched his arm with your free hand, and he swiped the food right out of your grasp.
"Hah!  Its all mine now. " You chased him around your tiny apartment, the both of you laughing like crazy.
Finally catching up to him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, lifting his taller frame right off the ground.
"Hahaha, oh my god!" Eddie shouted laughing hysterically. 
You set him down on the couch, ripping the big box of food from his hands this time.
"I cant believe you just picked me up. You're so tiny! Where do you hide all your muscles?" He stood up, and poked at your arms with his soft hands. You giggled as he continued to do so and followed you to the kitchen.  
"I actually used to hit the gym a lot in whenever I was in high school. I went through this intense phase of getting fit, I used to always get picked on about my weight,and I never had a boyfriend so I always felt insecure about it. Anyway, I hit the gym and hit it hard. Got in pretty good shape, now I can kick ass, I guess." There was a lot missing to that story, but you didn't feel like venturing too far into it. Eddie nodded his head.
"But you're so tiny." He lifted your arm.
"Yeah, its been at least a year since I've been. Just caught up with life. Between work and school, and trying to keep somewhat of a social life...the gym just isn't much of an option for me right now." You smiled, taking out plates for your food. Once everything was set, Eddie grabbed both of your plates and brought them to the living room and set them down on the coffee table. He grabbed the remote flipping through the channels.
"Want something to drink Ed? Water, beer, a coke?"
"Maybe just some water please." He turned and shot you a toothy smile. While you filled the glasses with ice, you thought about the days events. You spent the whole day with Eddie today, and really enjoyed it. You hoped he wasn't just staying because he thought it would be rude if he left. But things seemed to be going right for you, for once. So, this one time, you convinced yourself that it wasn't true. You told yourself Eddie finds a good friend in you, and he enjoyed your company, as you did his. You poured cold water into the glasses and made your way to the living room, passing one to Eddie.
"Thank you." He looked at you and took a large gulp.
"You're welcome. Find anything interesting?" You sat down and wrapped your fuzzy blanket around the lower half of your body. Your legs were folded under your but and your body leaned toward the arm of the couch to your left. Eddie laughed.
"I am now." You laughed. As you were about to reach to grab your plate on the coffee table, Eddie beat you to it and set it gently down in your lap. You smiled up at him, he was so nice.
“Such a gentleman." He nodded, digging into his own plate of food.
“I try to be.” 
Your eyes shifted to the TV to see you were watching some documentary about bugs. What a guy.
"I can change it if this grosses you out. There wasn't much else on." He laughed, mouthful of food.
"Its fine, I know. My channels suck. Thats why I own so many movies." You pointed to the corner where all your DVD's were stocked messily on a shelf. He nodded.
"Maybe we should watch one of those, then." He looked at you.
"Sure, you can check them out. Maybe eat first though, so your food doesn't get cold."
"Way ahead of ya." He winked again. Fuck off. Now he was going to start winking at you too? Like his cheekbones weren't enough. Goddamnit.
You cleared your throat and continued to eat.
"Thanks for spending the day with me Ed." You spoke, after a few moments of silence. Your food was delicious, and judging by the look on his face you could tell he felt the same way.
"Oh, don't say that. I get pretty lonely quite often." You teased.
"Yeah, well me too.." He said softly, a small smile upon his lips. You observed him out of the corner of your eye, something you had been doing quite a lot, but couldn't help yourself. He was such an interesting guy.
"What do you mean by that?" You questioned curiously. He stayed quiet for a few moments, probably trying to word something properly in his mind.
"I don't know..I haven't every really spoken about my feelings to anyone. Or anything to anyone for that matter. Sometimes, barely even Beth." Ah, her. Almost forgot about her for a while. Almost. You scolded yourself mentally. Don't be such a bitch, Dani. The poor guy might spill something important to you, and all you can think about is your jealousy over his ex girlfriend? You were disappointed in yourself. He continued to speak.
"Talking about it to someone, well, you...just makes things seem more real. Maybe, some things I've been trying not to think about for a long time." He seemed very conflicted. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder, hoping to comfort him in a subtle way.
"Beth...She uh-well...I always made it seem like we had the perfect relationship. Like she was perfect, and if anything, she could do better than me." He finished up his plate of food, and set it gently on the table in front of him. You removed your hand to place your own plate, which still had some food left, but you didn't want to be rude while he was talking, down on the table also. You re-adjusted your position so that you were now facing him, legs crossed, blanket still wrapped around your legs. You suddenly remembered when you told him he could talk to you if need be, but you didn't actually think he would. But here he is, ready to probably tell you some serious shit. You suddenly grew nervous. You were happy he had chose to confide in you, but you were most definitely not the greatest when it came your turn to talk. You knew that maybe he wasn't expecting you to say anything at all, because that the way he was. Maybe he didn't chose you at all, maybe he just felt bad about the Stone situation. He knew you felt embarassed about it all, and maybe he wanted to make it more bearable for you by spilling his guts or something. Your rambling mind was interrupted by his sweet voice.
"I used to be so sure about us. The way she felt for me, our future. I thought it was set in stone. Seven years is a long time." You stayed quiet. The only sounds were the noises coming from the TV, but the volume wasn't very loud to begin with. He continued to talk.
"But then this happened. So abruptly, all these changes that were to take place in my life. I mean, I left San Diego, my home, to come here. That was a big enough change, and now the person I spent the last seven years waking up to every morning, I'll never see again." He looked down as he spoke, playing with the hem of his flannel. "My life took a complete turn and now, I feel like I don't know anything. What to do, how to feel, how to move forward. I was going to propose to her." That shocked you. Your eyes widened a little, but you still said nothing. There was nothing you could say, really.
"The first day I came here, after our first jam session, I went looking all around for jewelry stores to find here the perfect ring. Ironically, I didn't see any that I thought she'd like. I guess that was a good thing." He tried to joke lightly, but you didn't really laugh. It wouldn't have really been appropriate.
"I loved her, and I thought she loved me. But thinking about it these past couple of days...deep down, I knew. I always knew." He shook his head. Knew what?
"Knew what?" You repeated outside of your mind this time, quietly, curiously.
"There was always something missing. A piece, always a sense of emptiness in our relationship." You were still slightly confused. 
"Her love. It was never there. Maybe at first, but as time went by... I think she just got used of me being there. I was a part of her life she was just used to having around." You nodded, finally understanding. Your heart hurt for him. You could never imagine someone in there right minds doing that to someone like Eddie. He deserved better.
"I at least thought she cared about me though. But looking back on it... she surely didn't. You don't fuck over the ones you care about." Ain't that the truth.
"I'm a bit scared. I don't know where I stand, with almost anything. The guys seem to like me, but what if I do something stupid and mess up? If that happens, I go back to San Diego to start back at zero again. No girlfriend, no band, no job. Nothing." He leaned his back against the back of the couch. Your eyes followed his all the way there, filled with worry for him. You decided it was time to say something.
"First things first, the guys fucking love you, man. That should not be a worry in your little head, so flush that one away. Okay? If anything, they're probably scared to lose you. After Andy... things are looking up for them right now and I'm sure they don't want their hard work to go down the drain." You leaned over to get a bit closer to him, but not too close. "Secondly, Ed. I'm speaking as a true friend to you right now, whatever happened with Beth is not the end of anything. I mean, it is the end of a relationship, but it’s also a new beginning." He turned his head, eyes bore into yours, he rose a brow in question.
"Well for one, all those feelings of worry, angst and emptiness you felt when you were with her, thats all over with. You won't have that weighing you down anymore." You hoped you worded that properly. "It seems to me, this all happened for the best, for you. It may not seem like it right now, but maybe in a few months you'll be happier than you ever have been. You never know. Life works in some mysterious ways Eddie, thats one thing I can tell you for sure." You smiled lightly over at him. He stayed quiet for a few moments, eyes locked to yours. You shifted uncomfortably, had you said something wrong? You hoped not.
"I think... I think you're right." He spoke, sitting up straighter, tearing his eyes away from your own. Oh thank god. You smiled. "A new beginning. Huh. Never thought of it like that..."He drifted.
You patted his back gently. "Atta boy!" You joked. He laughed and nudged your shoulder.
"Thanks, Dani. Much better than the advice you gave me the other night." He teased. Your jaw dropped and you punched his shoulder this time around.
"Fuck you, I tried!" You couldn't help but laugh, and so did he. Quite some time had passed, and you two went on talking. It nearing 9:00, but you weren't tired yet. After all, you did end up sleeping in quite a bit this morning. You knew you couldn't miss your class tomorrow though. You stood up, the blanket falling to the floor, as you picked the plates up of your coffee table and brought them to the kitchen. You set them in the sink for now, you didn't really feel like doing dishes at this moment.
"Thanks for dinner and the eventful day. I had fun painting with you...oh and letting me rant, thanks for that." He stated awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Anytime, Ed." You smiled warmly.
"I should get going though. I gotta shower, I'm starting to stink."
"Is that what I've been smelling?" You scrunched your nose teasingly and the two of you laughed. You followed him to your door.
"Thank you for spening the day with me, Eddie. And for breakfast this morning. Say hello to my boys for me, alright?" You opened your door for him as he finished lacing up his white boots.
He straightened out and pulled you into a quick, and awkward hug. Safe to say, it didn't last long. He waved goodbye and promised he would say hi to the guys. When he was halfway down the hall of your building he shouted at you "don't forget our gig friday!"
"Wouldn't dream of it, Vedder." You waved back at him this time, a toothy grin plastered on your face, as you watched him disappear down the stairs.
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90sgrungewriter · 7 years
4. Untitled - Eddie Vedder
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Status: Unedited
You were excited to see the Alice guys, it had been a while. A few months now, probably. They were definitely a riot and you wished you could see them more often. They were busy with touring right now though.
Everyone greeted them and soon enough they had beer and pizza of their own. Jeff introduced Ed, and things were going smoothly. They seemed to like him, so that was a  good thing. Not that it was hard to like Eddie, it was actually pretty damn easy.
You talked with Layne for a bit, catching up on lost time. He talked about the new record and Demri, as well as how the tour was going and you talked to him about how your art is going. Layne was a talented artist himself, and you guys always shared your work with each other. You both agreed it had been too long.
As the night progressed, everyone started branching off. Sean was with Mike and Stone whom both had their acoustics in one corner. Jeff, Dave and Mike Starr were talking about god knows what on the couch to your left, and you were talking with Layne, Eddie and Jerry. 
"You really need to check out Dani's record collection, Ed. Its pure gold." Jerry praised. You smiled and looked at Eddie. 
"He's not lying." You spoke seriously. Layne nodded his head in agreement.
"She's got everything from the Who to Metallica. Its epic." Layne mentioned.
Eddie nodded his head. "Love the Who." 
"Same. John Entwistle will always be one of my all time favorite bassists." You chimed in.
"Hey I thought I was your all time favorite bassist!" Jeff chimed in from across the room. How the fuck had he even heard you? You gave him a what the fuck look, and that shit eating grin was still on his lips. 
"You could be the ONLY bassist on earth, Ament, and you still wouldn't be my favorite." The guys howled with laughter while Jeff just flipped you the bird. You giggled. You turned and noticed Layne and Jerry had gotten up to grab another beer, leaving just you and Eddie.
"Hey I never thanked you for walking me home last night." You said randomly, just thinking about it now. "You didn't have to, I would have covered for you if Stone asked." He smiled.
"S'alright. I didn't mind." He reassured you. The two of you sat in silence for a few moments, neither of you knowing what to say. You looked around to find Layne and Jerry talking with Mike and Stone now, so they weren’t coming back anytime soon. The silence was starting to get a bit awkward. 
"Man, you sure are a quiet guy, Eddie." You said softly, but made it clear you didn't mean it in a rude way, more of a tease. 
"I get that a lot." He chuckled. "Sorry, don't think I don’t want to talk to you..." You gave him a look that he should just not continue that sentence.
"I didn't think that at all, don't worry." You patted his shoulder gently and he smiled. 
You pulled the pack of cigarettes out of your pocket, taking two of them out and giving one to Eddie.
"I've got smokes in my jacket, I could go get-" he started to stand up but you pulled him back down and placed the cigarette in his hand. 
"Don't worry bout it, just shoot me one next time." He nodded in response. You lit yours first, and notice Ed didn't have a lighter so you lit his too. Damn, if this was in a movie it'd be kinda hot.
You blushed at the thought and looked down, taking a long drag off your cigarette.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Eddie looking at you, but you tried to play it off like you didn't notice. 
"So got a girlfriend waiting for you back home, Ed?" Your curiosity got the best of you. His face contorted in a sour look.
"No." Was his only response. Fuck, you had offended him. You did the one thing that you were trying not to do. Go figure. You didn't know what to say, so you kept your quiet.
"I did. But we broke up. Last night, over the phone. Her name was Beth. She was my angel for 7 years." His voice was monotone. Your eyes widened in shock.
"Sorry to hear." You weren't really sure what else to say.
"I'm not. You wanna know how it happened?" He took a puff of his smoke. "I called her after our show and a fucking man answered her phone. I thought it might have been her brother but boy was I wrong." 
If looks could kill, holy fuck. He was not impressed. You felt bad that that happened to him. How could she? Look at him for christ sakes! He was humble, sweet, and smart. Not to mention hot as hell, and everytime he spoke it could probably make all the girls drool. She must've been stupid as fuck to jeopordize something like that with a guy like him. I mean 7 years? That was a long time for such a young man. You knew you had to say something now, but not really sure what.
"It gets better. I know it sucks now, but it will. I promise. Look forward to what you have ahead of you, you're going to do beautiful things." You tried to give the best words you could muster up but you knew you sucked at it. And you felt bad because of that. Ed only nodded slightly, finishing up his smoke. 
"I'm sorry I'm bad at giving pep talks. I'm trying." He looked at you a little more normal now.
"S'okay. Thanks. I'll keep it in mind." He said quietly. 
"I know I suck at it, but if you ever want to talk to someone I'm here. Even if you just need a listener. People shouldn't have to carry all that weight on their own." You looked straight ahead as you spoke, as you had Andy in mind. You wished you'd have been there that night for him. You should have been there. A few moments of silenced passed before he spoke up again.
"Can I walk you home again tonight?" He asked, eyes boring into yours. You nodded.
"Sure." You smiled. "I'm gonna go grab another beer, you need one?"  
He lifted his bottle to show there was still a good half of it left. You took that as your answer and left for the kitchen.
You were starting to feel a bit drunk, so you decided that this would be your last one before you would head home. It was nearing 10:00 and your class was at 8:00 AM. Gross.
Walking into the kitchen, you head straight for the fridge and grabbed a bottle. Popping the cap off you take a swig and sighed in delight. You loved beer.
Suddenly, you felt someone grab your sides and squeeze, making you yelp out and turn around. Stone was there, a huge grin plastered on his face. "Hey you! Got you good, didn't I?" He laughed, pushing your shoulder lightly. You scoffed. "Fuck you Stone, you scared the shit out of me." You glared at him. He just laughed even harder.
"So are you having a good time? Hows Eddie doing? He's quiet isn't he?" He rambled on.
"Yes, good, and yes." You answered all three questions in one statement.
"Good!" He swung his arm around your shoulder. "Mookie has another gig this Friday night! You in?"
"I'll think about it." you tried to hide your smile.
"So that’s a yes, I'll pick you up before the show don't worry." 
You just shook your head and stayed silent. You knew you'd probably be there anyway.
"I'm heading out soon, man. I got an 8 AM class tomorrow." Your face contorted in disgust about having to be up that early again. He shook his head, a disapproving look lay upon his face.
"Lame." he removed his arm and you two made your way back toward he living room. Before you could go any further, he pulled you back.
"I'll walk you home, you know how creepy this street is at night." he gave you a thumbs up and started to walk away so you spoke up. 
"Oh its alright, Eddie told me he would walk me again tonight." Stone turned around and his smile faltered a bit. "You stay here and get hammered, no worries!" You reassured him, giving his arm a light squeeze.
"Oh. I see." Was all he said, and walked away. Weird?
You made your way back over to where Eddie sat, who was now talking to Sean and Jerry. You were glad they were getting along. 
You drank the rest of your beer, and talked with the three boys about a bunch of random shit. You looked around as you took your final sip, setting the empty bottle down on the table. Everyone looked like they were having a good time, and you were a bit upset to leave. But you knew you would kick yourself tomorrow morning if you stayed out any later.
You stood up and walked around, bidding farewell to each of the boys. Jeff tried to convince you to stay, and he almost won. 
Soon you and Eddie were once again alone, walking in the cold night. You were definitely glad you didn't forget a sweater this time. 
"What about you?" Eddie broke the silence this time. You gave him a confused look, not sure what he meant.
"Sorry, I meant do you have a boyfriend at your place waiting for you?" You chuckled a bit.
"Oh. No, I don't. And I don't think I will anytime soon." You looked straight ahead. Eddie said nothing, but was still looking at you.
"Yeah. The last one was crazy enough to convince me all guys are. I'd rather not." You laughed dryley. He was still looking at you.
"You can talk about it if you want." You noticed you were almost at your apartment.
"Maybe some other time." You tried to change the subject, not wanting to end the night on a depressing note. He nodded, letting it go. You made it up to your building doorway, and stood in silence, neither of you knowing what to say. 
Eddie shuffled his feet a bit before he spoke up.
"I never thanked you for making me feel so welcome here." His eyes were glued to his boots. 
You smiled. You were glad to hear that. "No problem, Ed. I'll see you Friday? Your gig, I'll be there." You stated. He nodded.  
"Goodnight, Dani." He waved lightly, and turned to cross the street.  
You entered your building and made it up to your apartment. You set your purse down on the bed and think of the night you had just spent with your friends, a smile creeping its way onto your lips. You were glad to spend the time with Eddie, and also seeing the Alice guys. 
Suddenly, you started hearing the familiar sound of raindrops hitting your window. Within seconds, it was raining like mad and you thought of poor Eddie, walking home in this. 
You ran to your window to close it and noticed Eddie standing at the store across the street, a new pack of smokes in his hand. He was underneath the roof by the doorway, probably waiting for the rain to subside. You watched him for a few moments. You weren't worried about him seeing you, as he didn't even know what apartment was yours anyway. You waited a few minutes but it didn't look like the rain was going to subside. 
You yawned, you were getting tired but you couldn't just go to sleep knowing Eddie was going to have to walk in the pouring rain. You didn't know what to do. You glanced around your apartment, and your eyes fell to the futon you had in the living room.
Next thing, you were opening your window.
"Ed! Eddie!" You shouted trying to get his attention. He turned to look up and seen you waving your arms.
"Come back! I'll meet you downstairs." And with that, you closed your window. You looked down to notice your floor had gotten a bit wet from the rain. You cursed, you would just have to grab a towel and wipe it up later.
When you got downstairs to the entrance of the apartment building, Eddie was waiting for you inside. Needless to say, he was pretty wet.
"It doesn't look like the rain is gonna stop anytime soon." You stated the obvious.
"Yeah. I guess... I mean, I'm not made of chocolate." He joked. You laughed.
"I have a futon in my living room, please let me sleep guilt free? I can't let you walk home in this you'll get sick. And we can't let that happen right now!" He didn't say anything, but turned to look outside once more.
"I don't want to intrude. I could just call a cab..."
"Nonsense. Don't worry I'm not trying to make a pass on you. Just dont want MY head on a platter if I get you get sick. Please?" After a few seconds, he reluctantly agreed. 
"Great, come on." You lead the way to your apartment as he trailed slowly behind you.
Stepping inside your apartment, you were fully aware of how much of a mess there was. Art tools scattered all over your small living room, such as brushes, mixers and canvases and of course, paint splattered clothing. 
"Sorry about the mess. Obviously wasn't planning on have a sleepover." You joked. He laughed.
"You made that sound pretty funny." He giggled. He fucking giggled. 
You showed him around your small apartment, there wasn't much to it. You had a small kitchen, and a decent size room. Tiny bathroom. But you didn't really care, rent was cheap and it was close to your school and friends. 
Eddie looked around, and seemed intrigued. You had some artwork that was finished laying around and he observed quietly. You felt a bit awkward and hoped he wasn't judging them too harshly. 
"Anyway, uh-" you stuttered "the futon is yours. I'll go grab you a pillow and some blankets. I'm sure I have a spare change of dude clothes for you too, your shirts all wet." You approached him and wrinkled his dampened brown t-shirt through your fingertips. 
What the fuck did you just do that for? You casually let go and backed away. Oh god. What the hell Dani.
"Ok." He nodded. You turned away before he could say anything else, or you could do anything more stupid. That was awkward. 
But you kind of liked being that close to him? In a strange way. You couldn't deny the goodness that radiated off the guy and you knew immediately that he was nothing like your ex. So what the hell was stopping you?
You shook your head, you would think about this some other damn time. You grabbed a pillow and a warm blanket, then scrounged around looking for something for him to sleep in. You found an old over sized grey t shirt that probably once belonged to Stone or one of the guys, and some basketball shorts you were sure would fit him. You made your way back to the living room. Eddie was sat on the futon, eyes laying on your open sketchbook. The drawing was of Andy. Your heart sunk a bit.
"Here you go." His eyes darted up to you and he stood up. You must have startled him.
"Sorry I was just...it was already opened...I-"
"Eddie shut up." You smiled wide, a real smile. You did not want to think of Andy right now, with Ed here. You smiled because he was cute when he got embarrassed. Did he seriously think you would get mad at him for looking at your open sketchbook?
"I would love to stay up and talk but...I've got an early class. Feel free to stay up and sleep in." You quickly added. "you can watch TV, make yourself comfortable. Just lock the door whenever you leave tomorrow. Don't feel like you need to rush out either, I mean-" this time, he cut off your rambling.
"Dani shut up." he mocked. You shook your head, giving a light laugh.
"You've been hanging out with Stone too much." He shrugged his shoulders.
You locked eyes for a few moments, and you cleared your throat.
"Goodnight Eddie, if you need anything I'll be in here." You made your way to your room.
"Goodnight Dani." He spoke softly.  
You closed the door behind you and got ready for bed. You brushed your teeth, and hopped into bed. Stealing a quick glance at the clock, it read 1:03 AM. You sighed. 
Great. You closed you eyes and drifted off to sleep, thoughts of Eddie clouding your mind.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 8 - Brooke
Se um dos novatos de hoje vier para o chalé de Zeus, pelo amor dos deuses, que não seja menino. Só tem três campistas de Zeus: Eu, John e o Simon. E só por isso os engraçadinhos dizem que praticamos incesto. Ah, por favor, no chalé de Hades só tem duas meninas, por que raios eles não vão chatear elas e me deixar em paz? Óbvio que não.
O menino novo, Logan, fisicamente poderia ser facilmente meu meio-irmão. Ele parece esconder todos os sentimentos ruins, o que é totalmente normal para filhos de Zeus. Mas ele é... Tímido demais. Até mais que a outra, Louise.
Ela é legal e tudo. Personalidade completamente de meio-sangues filhos de Zeus. Mas a aparência nada haver, só que isso tudo bem, ela pode ter puxado a mãe, vai saber?
E, por fim, a Mary. Ela é quase idêntica a Lou, mas é extrovertida, ou seja, Zeus. Mas, cara, ela chorou hoje quase a tarde inteira porque o namorado a traiu, algo assim. As filhas de Zeus não choram por homem. Para mim, por exemplo, homem é que nem cereal: Acabou? Sempre tem mais na dispensa, tipo, sempre.
Outro exemplo: John é completamente apaixonado pela menina nova do chalé de Íris, a Khloe, mas ele não sai por aí desesperado por ela, não é?
Então alguém bateu na porta:
- Inspeção – Matt Allen disse, já entrando antes mesmo de eu o mandar sair da minha varanda.
- E aí, Brooke?
- Oi, Matt – Eu disse meio que de má vontade.
Ele olhou em volta, avaliando.
- Quatro estrelinhas – Disse, piscando um olho só. Então deu meia volta e saiu.
Revirei os olhos. Matt é do tipo “popular” e “bossal” do acampamento.
Certo, ele tem sorte, afinal, é filho de Tyche. Mas abusar disso é idiotice. Ok, eu o considero um idiota completo, mas outras garotas, não. Só lamento.
- Brooke! – John entrou se jogando no sofá – Eu e a Khloe passeamos de pégaso hoje, e caramba, ela é um cavaleira tão boa.
- Ela é filha de Íris, John.
- Eu sei – Ele suspirou, sorrindo.
- Você não acha, hum, meio gay ficar por aí andando de pégaso com uma garota conduzindo?
- Acho, mas eu não ligo, ela tá tão na minha.
Eu ri.
- Isso que eu queria ouvir.
-... E você e o Matt?
- Ah sim, ele é um idiota e fim.
- Aham – Ele respondeu, ironicamente – O vi saindo daqui agora a pouco e...
- Ele estava fazendo a inspeção, ok?
- Falou – John sorriu maliciosamente.
- Certo, olha só, ele é um otário que não respeita ninguém. Sabe quantas ele pegou desde que terminou comigo? Umas sessenta.
- Tá, mas isso foi mês passado.
- Exatamente.
- Ah, se rende logo, Brooke. Você sabe que se ele quiser ficar com você de novo, ele consegue.
- Só porque ele é sortudo? Ah, por favor, John. Eu nunca iria deixar de novo, óbvio que não.
- Certo mais se acalme e não me soque de novo.
- Estou calma – Suspirei.
- Claro. Por isso seus olhos estão faiscando.
Lancei-o um olhar mortal. Se meus olhos não faiscavam antes, com certeza faziam isso agora. John recuou.
- Opa, desculpa – Ele riu.
- Tô indo.
- Para onde?
- Sei lá, daqui a pouco é o jantar. Não dá para ficar o dia todo no quarto, vou treinar.
- Vai lá, heroína.
Joguei meu travesseiro nele.
- E você deveria ir ver a Khloe, apaixonado.
- Com prazer – Ele levantou e foi comigo até a porta.
0 notes
write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 7 - Hailey
Tinha uma menina chorando, sentada no chão do chalé. Como eu sou totalmente responsável – Bom, para uma filha de Hermes – eu deveria mandar ela se levantar e arrumar as coisas dela ou ajudar os outros, já que ia ter a inspeção dali a pouco – Normalmente, as inspeções eram de manhã, mas hoje algum irmão meu idiota resolveu fazer uma “pegadinha” no chalé de Hécate, e os campistas de lá acabaram explodindo nossa varanda, então foi adiada para agora -. Mas eu meio que fiquei com pena dela. Quando eu perguntei o que aconteceu ela murmurou algo como “mhanh hauma nmah meu... man man mnhm nah namhan namorado... ele anmna aaaaahmna”, achei melhor não discutir.
Depois de algum tempinho, outra menina nova, a Lou, e um garoto, o Logan, novato também, chegaram para consolá-la.
- Certo. O que ele fez dessa vez? – Louise disse, revirando os olhos.
- Outra – Mary soluçou – Garota.
Eu podia ver a menina, Bowen, ficando azul, ou verde ou vermelha, ou até mesmo tudo junto. Mas com certeza era de raiva.
- Vamos voltar para NY só para umas poucas e boas na cara daquele moleque idiota, vadio, anto... Sempre suspeitei dele e aquele amiguinho, como era? Ah, Daniel. São meu OTP gay, shipo bastante, sério. Lembra quando ele beijou na bochecha de Vince? Foi bem homossexual.
- Lou! – A essa altura do campeonato, Mary já estava rindo e chorando. Ok, até eu ria disfarçadamente.
- Parei. Mas veja pelo lado bom, você não precisa mais me chamar para bancar vela. Não é ótimo?
Mary riu ainda mais e abraçou a amiga e o Logan. Eu achei bem fofinho.
Ainda mais quando David entrou no meu chalé com aquele amigo/irmão dele, Cameron.
Cam foi logo falar com a Mary, David olhou para mim, quase pedindo informações. Depois sentou do meu lado na minha beliche.
- O que foi?
- O namorado da Mary a traiu, algo assim.
- Como ela descobriu isso?
- Acho que Charlotte ensinou a ela como passar mensagens de Íris, ela tentou com o namorado, e aí ele estava beijando outra, foi alguma treta desse tipo.
- Ah – Ele não pareceu triste. Ou com pena.
- O que foi? – Perguntei.
Ele hesitou, mas sorriu para mim.
- Olha como o Cam olha para ela.
Tive que me conter para não sorrir.
- Awn – Eu disse, mexendo no cabelo.
Ele é tão lindo, o David, quero dizer. Eu cheguei há um dia, mas ele ficar falando comigo o tempo todo não ajuda, meio que quando ele quer saber alguma coisa do chalé de Hermes, ele vem até mim, e não ao meu conselheiro-chefe. Deuses!
- Tá afim de chamar todo mundo lá para fora e deixá-los sozinhos?
Olhei para ele, como eu esperava, Ele franzia o canto da boca, coisa que faz sempre que está aprontando uma. Acredite, isso é com frequência.
- Ótima tentativa, mas não vai rolar.
Ele me olhou boquiaberto.
- Droga. Quase deu certo. – Ele disse, passando a mão no cabelo.
- Esquece isso, dessa vez você não ganha a inspeção. Não vou lavar a louça outra vez, seu espertinho. E meus irmãos nunca iriam sair do chalé e parar de arrumar só para o seu planinho dar certo.
- Mas admita que você caiu.
- David, você tem que superar que você não é o único semideus inteligente por aqui. Ser filho de Atena não significa superioridade.
- Na verdade significa. E isso é só questão de tempo, pequena, se você ainda não notou, esse é sempre o mais bagunçado do acampamento, se eu fosse você, me acostumava a lavar a louça logo.
- Caso você não tenha percebido – O fiz olhar em volta - Aqui está bem arrumado hoje, e olha que é o primeiro dia de verão, os campistas estão chegando hoje. E não me chame de pequena, obrigada.
Ele riu e me abraçou.
- Ah, pequena, eu te amo – Ele falou com todas as sete letras e três palavras “eu te amo”. Mas soou como se ele dissesse “você é minha amiga, nada mais, nada menos”.
- É... Então, até o jantar?
David sorriu.
- Até.
Então ele saiu pela porta sem olhar para trás. Deu um aceno de cabeça para o Cameron, que fazia a Mary rir muito – sério, achei que ela iria explodir, sei lá -. Depois foi embora.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 6 - Sam
Eu estava sentado – Ok, deitado – no banco próximo a quadra de vôlei. Ali era o lugar que mais pegava sol, não havia sombra, era o lugar perfeito.
Quando os raios solares entram em contato com minha pele, é quase como tomar um golão de néctar dos deuses. Uma sensação ótima percorre  meu corpo, alivia os pontos de tensão e me faz esquecer os problemas. Eu estava sob poder de meu pai, Apolo.
- Sam? – Alguém me chamava, mas eu estava ocupado demais com os olhos fechados e as duas mãos atrás da cabeça. Só sentindo o calor – Samuel. Collins.
Abri os olhos com uma boa vontade bem grande, e sorri. O sol meio que me deixa de um bom humor enorme.
- E aí, Emma? – Eu disse. Ela cruzou os braços.
- Por que você não dorme de noite?
- Ah, eu não estava dormindo.
Ela suspirou.
Essa é a Louise Bowen, ela chegou hoje. Lou, esse é o Samuel e tal – Uma menina linda acenou para mim, timidamente.
Me obriguei a levantar.
- E aí, Lou? – Sorri para ela.
- Ótimo, se deram bem, agora conversem e tal, eu vou arrumar o chalé, sabe, sou a conselheira-chefe de Afrodite, né – Ela revirou os olhos e correu para os 20 chalés alguns metros dali.
Fiz sinal para que a garota sentasse.
- Já foi reclamada? – Me recostei com as mãos atrás da cabeça de novo, mas dessa vez, sentado. Lou sentou ao meu lado.
- Ainda não – Ela disse, olhando para o chalé de Hermes melancolicamente.
- Ei, ei, ei. Você não precisa se preocupar, Quíron já deve ter falado com sua família, sabe...
- Nã-Não é isso – Ela abaixou a cabeça – É que... Eu sou adotada.
-... E você descobriu isso hoje.
- É.
Por um minuto, achei que ela fosse chorar. Então a abracei.
- Olha, o melhor lugar do mundo para descobrir coisas desse tipo é aqui, Lou. Todos os campistas já passaram por coisas parecidas. Eu por exemplo... – Hesitei. Eu não falava muito daquilo, mas ela me olhava curiosa, como se duvidasse que a minha história fosse pior que a dela. – Eu fugi. Com dez anos. Minha mãe tinha problema com a bebida, minha vó cuidava de mim, quando ela morreu eu... Não queria ficar com minha mãe.
Ela não me olhou com pena, para minha surpresa, ela esperou o resto, como se tivesse um final feliz.
- Agora eu passo o ano inteiro aqui – Sorri.
- Quem é seu pai?
Fiz um gesto com a cabeça em direção ao sol com esperança de que tivessem já explicado a ela quem é o deus do quê. Ela sorriu e mexeu os lábios formando o nome “Apolo”.
Assenti. Louise riu.
E eu juro que não ia me surpreender se ela fosse filha de Afrodite.
Então um garoto alto e magro, de cabelo escuro meio encaracolado veio correndo em nossa direção. Na direção dela, no caso.
- Lou... Eu... Estava te... Procurando – Ele disse, ofegante.
- O que foi? Ela se levantou.
- A Mary... Ela está chorando... Ela mandou eu te chamar... Hãn, alguém ensinou ela a mandar mensagens por arco-íris... E ela falou com Vince e... Eu não ei, algo assim.
Eu juro que vi um raio brilhante passar pelos olhos dela. Mas quem raios era Vince?
- Aquele viado – Ela murmurou baixinho, depois virou-se para mim – Depois a gente se fala, tenho que ir.
Então aquele menino novato que o nome eu desconhecia levou a Lou para o chalé de Hermes.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 5 - Stephen
Sou filho da deusa da vitória, Nike, e ainda assim alguém ousou me desafiar na corrida de bigas ontem.
Ok, não foi “alguém” foi uma caloura, chegou há uns cinco dias. Filha de Afrodite. E muito linda.
Eu meio que fiquei mal por não tê-la deixado ganhar. Mas, ei, sou competitivo, é a minha natureza, falou?
E para piorar a situação, ela me desafiou para um jogo de basquete. Tipo, todo mundo sabe que eu sou o melhor jogador do acampamento, e ela é super-baixinha! Ah, certo, ela é caloura. Mas essa partida é agora.
Realmente não entendo porque uma filha de Afrodite invocou tanto em me ganhar. Ela já é linda, não precisa de todos esses dons também, sabe? Se bem que ela é muito competitiva e eu acho isso bem... Sexy.
Fui até a quadra. Ela me esperava com shorts bem curtos e a camisa do acampamento. Não havia nada demais nisso, mas estava bem bonita. Cara, o que filha da deusa do amor não faz comigo?
- Achei que ia amarelar.
- Tem muitas coisas para aprender ainda por aqui, garota. Uma delas é: Eu não amarelo. Então, vai me dizer seu nome?
- Depois que você perder, talvez.
- O quê? Está pedindo para eu perder de propósito para saber seu nome? – Levantei uma sobrancelha.
- Não. Só jogue, eu cuido do resto.
Ela riu, desafiando-me. Então jogou a bola para mim.
- Quem fizer três cestas primeiro, ganha?
- De qualquer lado? Vale tudo?
- É, pode ser – Ela deu de ombros.
- Feito – Agarrei a bola e avancei quicando-a no chão, rapidamente.
Ela tentou pegar de mim, mas eu troquei de mão, avançando ainda mais pra o meio da quadra. A caloura aterrissou na minha frente, dobrando os joelhos de leve e com as mãos erguidas. Ela se balançou da direita para a esquerda, fazendo meu olhar segui-la, droga, Afrodite. Tudo o que eu pensava era “concentre-se”.
A garota deu mais dois passos na minha direção, e, antes mesmo de eu perceber, ela tomou a posse da bola para si, deu meia volta e atirou na cesta. Nem perigou de cair fora, foi bem no meio, em cheio.
Ela sorriu para mim, e eu soube que não tinha chances contra o charme dessa semideusa. Mas eu não ligava. Sorri de volta e ela me entregou a bola outra vez.
Depois, só do que eu me lembro, é que eu, preste atenção, não fiz nenhuma cesta. E que o nome da minha menina é “Paige”.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 4 - Sophie
Eu só chegara ao acampamento há um dia.
Mas como filha de Hefesto, eu imaginava poder fazer minhas próprias armas logo. Não me culpe, eu amaria aprender, só que eu mal sei segurar um martelo!
Por que droga eu sou filha do deus do trabalho se eu só fico vagabundeando o dia todo?
Pelos deuses, a única coisa que eu peço é servir para alguma coisa. Mas, aparentemente, isso é impossível.
A única coisa boa, é que na inspeção, a regra que nosso conselheiro-chefe, Caleb Jane, deu foi para cada um arrumar e limpar suas coisas. Mas eu só tinha uma muda de roupa e o “colar da sorte” de minha mãe que eu pendurava na cabeceira do beliche.
Pelo menos eu ajudei minha vizinha de cama a tirar a graxa da fronha do travesseiro dela, então eu me senti útil e fui até o chalé de Poseidon.
- Sophie! E aí? – Lisa perguntou ao abrir a porta para mim.
Ela estuda comigo desde a quinta série e com a Khloe – Chalé de Íris -, Hailey – Chalé de Hermes -, Bella – Chalé de Hades – e Zoe – Chalé de Atena -. Nós chegamos todas juntas, fazendo todo mundo estranhar, aparentemente não chegam seis semideuses de vez todos os dias. Desde então, todos resolveram que “esse mês o número de calouros está grande”, tipo, “Nossa! Seis campistas novos, vamos morrer!”. Ah, me poupe.
- Soube que chegaram novos campistas agora?
- Aham, alguma filha de Afrodite de disse que o menino é lindo.
Com certeza não tanto como o Tyler, do chalé de Ares. Mas não disse isso.
- Ah, por favor, grande parte delas dão em cima de todo mundo.
- Eu confio nos palpites de beleza das filhas da deus da beleza, Ok?
- Até que você tem razão.
- É, eu sei, mas estou indo, inspeção daqui a pouco – Ela revirou os olhos castanhos.
- Você tem alguma coisa para arrumar?
- Se você visse o tanto de papel de azedinho em baixo e em cima da minha cama, Sophie... – Ela riu – Até o jantar.
- Até.
Então ela fechou a porta e eu não tinha absolutamente nada para fazer.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 3 - Cam
Os meus amigos também eram meio sangues. Isso explica porque havia tantos monstros me atacando.
Por parte eu estava feliz por passar todo o verão com eles.
Mas depois do “Vou sair com o Vince hoje” da Mary, eu perdi o dia.
Ah, qual é. Ela já devia saber que eu a amo desde a oitava série, quando Lou nos apresentou. Mas mesmo assim ela fica praticamente esfregando na minha cara como ela me odeia e que pode ficar com qualquer um desde que ele não seja eu.
Balancei a cabeça para livrar desse pensamento e fui até meu chalé
- Cameron! E aí, cara? – David disse, levantando a mão para que nos cumprimentássemos. Foi o que fiz. – Eu estava te esperando.
- Ouvi dizer – Respondi sorrindo.
- Percebeu que está vindo muitos campistas novos esse mês?
- Não, eu acabei de chegar.
- Mas é. Estão dizendo que o oráculo logo dará uma profecia nova. E dessa vez eu vou com certe...
- Não tem como saber quando vai ter uma profecia.
- É um palpite. Depois da profecia dos sete, acham que a próxima já deve estar perto. E caso tenha um filho de Atena do meio...
- Claro, pode ir. Eu não estou com muita cabeça para isso – Menti. Lógico que eu gostaria de ir. Mas eu sei o quanto David espera por isso.
- Valeu. Mas eu preciso te apresentar a campista nova. – Ele fez sinal para uma menina loira.
 - Cameron? - Ela perguntou para David, apontando para mim.
- Exato.
- Sou Zoe Harrinson, cheguei ontem.
- Cameron Raimann, seu conselheiro-chefe, estou aqui há uns cinco anos.
Ela parecia o tipo de pessoa que é séria quando precisa, e que não era nada bom tê-la como inimiga – mesmo ela sendo baixinha e bem bonita.
Ao contrário da Mary, que não leva nada a sério. Mas se bem que ela é bem bonita também...
Só que eu preciso parar de pensar nela. Droga.
Aquele mané do Vince se ferrou, vai passar o verão inteiro sem nem notícias da namorada. E bem que ele merece, eu tenho quase certeza que ele já traiu Mary umas cinco vezes ou mais, mas ela nunca acredita em mim.
- Cam? – David estalou os dedos na frente de meus olhos.
- Oi – Acordei, finalmente.
- Temos que limpar as coisas aqui. Inspeção daqui a meia hora.
Imaginei Mary limpando o chalé de Hermes, já que ela era ainda indefinida. Ri com a ideia. Ela é a menina mais bagunceira que já conheci.
- Já vou.
Então peguei uns papéis com projetos de arquitetura brilhantes e anotações de estratégia de guerra na bancada, comecei a organizá-los enquanto lia-os.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 2 - Mary
Quando Oliver tirou o jeans, eu entendi o sobrenome dele. Eu sempre tinha pensado coisa tipo “que tipo de família nomeia-se bode? Quer dizer, Boyd, mas tanto faz!”.
E como eu tinha quase certeza que era tudo um pegadinha, eu soltei uma gargalhada que ecoou na garagem inteira. O que fez meus amigos olharem para mim como se eu fosse louca, normal.
Mas eu me arrependi profundamente quando me enfiaram num carro e começaram com um papo de deuses, e monstros, e acampamento e um monte de coisa de maconheiro. Interrompi Oliver na sua explicação sobre “ciclopes”, o suposto monstro que nos atacou há pouco tempo.
- Quando vamos voltar? Sério, não posso passar o dia nesse acampamento, falou? Vou sair com o Vince hoje.
Oliver e Cam me olharam dos bancos da frente como se eu fosse o bode, depois se entreolharam e riram da minha cara.
- Você ao menos ouviu o que eu disse, Mary? – Oliver me lançou um olhar estranho.
Encolhi os ombros.
- Em parte.
- Vou explicar devagar, ok? – Ele limpou a garganta – Você. Tem. Que. Ficar. Para. Treinar. E. Não. Ser. Morta. Pelos. Monstros. Entendeu?
- O dia todo? – Perguntei, achando um absurdo.
- O verão todo!
Não escutei direito, só pode ser. Relaxa.
- O quê?
- Mary... – Tentou Cameron.
- Você, cale a boca, estou a falar com o bode.
- Sátiro – Corrigiu Oliver.
-Tanto faz! Minha mãe vai me deixar de castigo o ano todo. E Vince, cara? Eu vou ter que ligar para ele e...
- Espera - O bode disse. Como se bodes falassem! Óbvio que é um sonho. – Você falou ligar?
Cameron riu, como se fosse uma piada. Depois disse:
- Me empresta o celular rapidinho.
- Não.
- Por favor, Mary – O “sátiro” estava sério. Entreguei para Cam, antes que ele resolvesse me dar um coice. – Você também Lou. Logan está sem celular, né?
Logan assentiu, e Lou, que ainda estava em choque, entregou para o moreno idiota no banco do carona.
Péssima ideia.
Cameron olhou para os dois IPhones novinhos com pena.
- Droga.
- O quê? – Eu perguntei.
- Os IPhones não tiram a bateria.
- E daí?
- E daí que vocês não podem andar com celulares – Então ele fez a coisa menos esperada do planeta. Ele jogou os celulares no chão e pisoteou até não dar mais para ligá-los. Eu quase fiquei com lágrimas nos olhos.
Não tive tempo, porque Louise logo percebeu o que tinha acontecido com o seu celular novinho, e começou com aqueles ataques de raiva dela, xingando o Cameron todo por mim.
O sortudo foi o Logan, que não levou o celular. Porque ver os destroços das minhas mensagens fofas com o Vince indo pelas janelas não fez muito bem para meu estômago.
- Usar celular é mais perigoso do quê fazer sinal de luz para monstros de encontrarem. Então, sinto muito, proibidas.
- Cameron Raimann, aqueles celulares eram IPHONES! – Lou tentou, fechando os olhos.
- Pior, aquele sinal 3G é perigosíssimo. Desculpa, Lou.
Ela suspirou e pude vê-la contando até dez nos dedos.
- E quanto a falarem com os pais, ao chegarem ao acampamento, Quíron, o diretor de atividades, vai falar com eles, certo? – Boyd falou, sem tirar os olhos da estrada.
- Certo – Lou disse, se acalmando um pouco – De qual deus eu sou filha?
- Não sabemos ainda, ele vai te reclamar lá. Talvez demore, mas alguma hora ele ou ela vai.
- Então eu sou adotada. Que ótimo! Porque eu duvido muito que minha mã... Quer dizer, que a sra. Bowen tenha tido um caso com outro cara, porque ela e o meu... Sr. Bowen estão casados há vinte anos e... Cara, isso faz tanto sentido! Eu nem me pareço com eles!
- Relaxa, você provavelmente vai conhecer seu pai ou sua mãe divina no solstício de inverno, é uma das poucas ocasiões que podemos entrar no olimpo – Disse Cam. Como se isso ajudasse bastante coisa.
Louise suspirou.
- Quem é sua mãe Cam? Você nunca nos falou dela, né?
- Atena. Deusa da sabedoria e estratégia.
Me surpreendi e soltei um:
- Nossa.
- Que foi, Mary? – Ele perguntou, revirando os olhos, mas sorrindo de leve.
- Não sei... Você tem dislexia, sabe?
Cameron riu.
- A maioria dos meio-sangues têm. Alguns têm TDAH, como você e o Logan também. Isso é porque somos “programados” para sobreviver em batalhas e ler em grego antigo.
- Um acampamento para disléxicos e com déficit de atenção, que veem sátiros e centauros com frequência e lutam contra monstros que só eles conseguem ver. Estou empolgadíssima! – Falei, com sarcásmo.
- Pelo menos não tivemos aula hoje – Logan disse, finalmente.
- Vocês vão gostar do acampamento, sério. – Oliver falou parando numa ladeira no meio do nada – E nós... Chegamos.
Todos saímos do carro e seguimos Boyd mato adentro. Não tínhamos outra escolha, já estávamos do outro lado do planeta, né.
Assim que passamos do mato, me vi em cima de uma colina ao lado de um pinheiro grande. Aquilo parecia surreal, eu juraria que não tinha nada depois desse pinheiro, mas não comentei nada senão eles iam começar a tagarelar sobre névoa e ilusões de novo. Deixei para lá.
Dali de cima, eu via o acampamento inteiro. Acharia até normal, mas havia bodes/pessoas, como Oliver, cavalos/pessoas, cavalos/pássaros... E a lista continua.
Descemos até uma casa azul, e um centauro nos abordou:
- Bem-vindos, semideuses! Imagino que Oliver tenha os contado as coisas básicas, não?
- Hãn... Acho que sim – Disse Logan.
- Maravilha – O centauro disse – Sou Quíron, instrutor de atividades. Esse é o Dionísio, mais conhecido como sr. D, diretor do acampamento – Ele apontou para um velho, sentado numa mesa, jogando cartas com um sátiro, que parecia bem amedrontado.
- Dionísio, deus do vinho?
O velho revirou os olhos.
- Ao que me parece, agora sou o deus da Coca-Cola – Disse, tomando um gole.
- Bem, irei chamar um campista para cada um para mostrar o lugar. Cameron, David quer te apresentar aos novos campistas de Atena.
- Ah, certo. Já vou, pessoal. Depois a gente se vê.
Eu, Lou e Logan assentimos.
- Hum, veremos... Ah, Jess e Paige, se importam se eu roubar a Emma por um momento? – Fez um sinal para um grupo de meninas. Duas delas assentiram, a outra levantou-se, sorridente.
- Pode mostrar tudo à Louise Bowen?
- Claro, Quíron – Então ela fez uma careta fofa que pareceu-me um sorriso, então puxou Lou para algum lugar.
O caval... O centauro olhou em volta.
- Harvey?
Um garoto um pouco mais alto que eu, com uma expressão engraçada e sem-graça se aproximou de Logan. Não sei por que, mas ele lembrava-me um elfo.
- Brandon Harvey, prazer – Ele falou, cauteloso e tímido.
- Logan Bouvier – Ele respondeu.
- Acho que devo te mostrar o acampamento agora. Os chalés primeiro, e depois... – A voz dele foi sumindo conforme se afastavam.
- Charlotte! – Chamou Quíron. Uma garota loira da minha idade, que ajudava outra a escovar um Pégaso, virou-se, de modo em que os cachos girassem no ar – Creio que Khloe pode escová-lo sozinha.
Ela olhou para a outra, que aprovou com um aceno de cabeça.
- Sou Charlotte Price, do chalé de Íris – Ela apertou minha mão – Vou te mostrar tudo, venha!
Então eu a segui.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Capítulo 1 - Lou
Eu ia visitar a dra. W, minha terapeuta, hoje.
E dessa vez eu nem ia tentar fugir, juro.
Mas, droga, meus pais devem estar me procurando há horas. Para eles, eu fui para o colégio e sumi. Mas na verdade eu me meti na maior confusão – Não que eu não esteja acostumada com “confusões”, porque eu estou, mas dessa vez, acho que não tem volta.
A manhã tinha começado totalmente.
Passar o caminho inteiro para o colégio discutindo com meu pai? Confere.
Bater a porta muito forte quando sair? Confere.
Fazer uma nota mental de tentar controlar a raiva? Confere.
Ignorar o último tópico e jogar o café que meu pai me deu na blusa da anta de minissaia, enquanto ela me xinga? Confere também.
Como eu disse. Totalmente normal.
Não é como se uma garota com dislexia, hiperatividade e descontrole da raiva fosse ter uma manhã normal, mas tudo dentro do possível.
Passei pelo portão principal do meu mais novo colégio. Depois da aula, estaria de férias! Férias de verão, pior e melhor época do ano. Provavelmente eu iria dar um jeito de ser expulsa hoje, sempre sou, e sempre mudo de cidade por isso, mas estou em New York há três anos, e adoro aqui.
Encontrei com meus amigos. Aqueles que fazem a realidade estranha tornar-se completamente normal.
O Cam tem dislexia, como eu. A Mary e o Logan têm TDAH. Só o Oliver que não é “problemático”, mas para compensar, ele é esquisito, anda esquisito e até come coisas esquisitas, mas ele é um cara legal.
- Louu! – Mary praticamente me derrubou no chão – Manda o Cam calar a boca?
Cam sorriu.
- Ea, Lou – Cam me abraçou – Animada?
- Para?
- Férias, lógico – Ele disse animado.
- Eu deveria? Você sempre passa longe. Aliás, onde é que você vai?
- Er... Um acampamento. Mas você sempre tem a Mar... Ok, ela não é tão boa companhia – Minha amiga deu um soco bem forte no ombro de Cameron, que riu – Tem o Logan.
- Nah, não é boa opção – Disse, me virando para o Logan. Ele só levantou uma sobrancelha.
- Ok, menina do “Muito obrigada por vir! Eu ia morrer ficando de vela pra esses dois!” – Logan disse me abraçando, numa imitação tosca minha saindo com a Mary e o Vincent juntos. Eles são o casal mais nojentinho do planeta.
E só de falar nisso, o namorado em questão passou por nós.
- Hey pessoal – Ele falou de mau gosto. Provavelmente a Mary o obrigou a ser legal com a gente. O Vincent é o capitão do time de futebol, ele é fútil, bossal e superficial, não sei o que a Mary viu nele, mas ela o beijou mesmo assim – Te vejo depois? – Ele falou ainda com a testa grudada com a dela.
- Com certeza – Mary respondeu. Mas alguma coisa estranha me dizia que ela não iria, ignorei. O “Vince” foi com os amiguinhos idiotas dele até a sala-de-aula.
O Cam sempre gostara de Mary. Bom, desde que eu os apresentei na oitava série, quando entrei no colégio. Eles se chateiam bastante, mas são amigos, bom até onde eu sei, né? Olhei pelo canto do olho para ver a reação dele. Mas Cameron parecia não estar prestando muita atenção nisso. Na verdade, ele parecia estar assustado com alguma coisa atrás de nós, seus olhos cinzentos estavam completamente arregalados. Por instinto, virei-me.
Mas eu só vi o Oliver Boyd, nas portas dos fundos do colégio. Ele dava um sinal para Cam, que não parecia ser nada bom. Eles trocavam informações pelo olhar, como por telepatia.
- Hãn... Vão para a sala, eu já alcanço vocês, certo? – Cameron disse, antes de correr atrás de Oliver para s fundos.
Troquei olhares confusos com Mary e Logan. Eles não pareciam entender mais a situação do que eu. Mas, assentindo, resolvemos segui-los. Era muito mais produtivo do que aula. Mas essa foi a pior decisão da minha vida.
Os fundos do colégio deveria ter a placa “ENTRADA RESTRITA SOMENTE PARA FUNCIONÁRIOS”, ninguém além das tias da limpeza, entram lá.
Ok, acho que nem elas vão ali. Porque, pela cor do piso, eu diria que a última faxina ali foi no século passado.
Além disso, nenhum sinal de Cam ou de Oliver. O único barulho que escutava era do saco plástico voando pela entrada.
- Cameron? – Mary chamou, depois de hesitar bastante. O saco prendeu numa lata de lixo enferrujada, mas nada de resposta.
- Oliver? – Logan tentou um pouco mais alto. Mas não alto o suficiente para alguém lá dentro do colégio ouvir, nós estávamos matando aula – Boyd? Ah, vamos lá, você morre de vergonha do seu sobrenome. Oliver!
- Aqui! – Uma voz como a do Cameron gritou da garagem dos professores.
- Lá embaixo – Mary apontou para a ladeira que levava para o subsolo. E acho que ali ganhava como lugar mais sujo do bairro. Eu estava quase sentindo lavas de mosquito se mexendo nas poças e ratos se escondendo nos bueiros, tive que segurar um grito quando uma barata passou perto do meu tênis All Star.
Ali só havia dois carros. Os alunos normalmente estacionam na entrada principal, o que não melhorava nem um pouco nossa situação.
Seguimos até não ter mais saída. E mesmo assim, não vimos nem o Cam nem o Boyd. A única iluminação dali era a luz vinda da ladeira e umas três lâmpadas amareladas que piscavam sem parar, pode-se dizer que estava escuro. Mary quebrou o silêncio com:
- Cameron, seu idiota, se isso for uma brincadeira de mau gosto eu juro que...
- Mhnnnnmhnnnnmmmmmmh! – Oliver apareceu atrás de um carro, amordaçado e com as mãos amarradas nas costas. Ele parecia estar querendo nos avisar alguma coisa.
- Cale-se sátiro! – A voz de Cam, já não parecia a mesma vindo de trás de nós. Num salto, pelo susto, nos três nos viramos. Mas ali definitivamente não era o Cam. Era um... Cara. Um cara de dois metros, cabeludo e um olho grande e vermelho no centro do rosto. Mary soltou um gritinho – Olá, semideuses, quer dizer, jantar.
O monstro voou para cima da gente. Recuamos rapidamente, mas ele teria com certeza nos agarrado. Só que em vez disso, ele urrou de dor e caiu no chão, lamentando-se.
- Calma, ciclope, eu só fiz um furinho, nem doeu. – Cameron. Ele. Tinha. Uma. Espada. – Agora, vá jantar no tártaro.
O bicho ia gritar, mas não deu tempo. Cam enterrou sua espada no tórax daquilo. E, só para ficar mais normal, aquilo virou pó.
Então Cameron virou para a gente e sorriu. Qual o problema dele?
- Oliver, por favor, né? Se eu não estivesse aqui você iria perder o cargo de protetor. – Disse ele, retirando a mordaça e desamarrando os nós – Além do mais, você deveria ter me dito que eles eram semideuses.
- Béeeeh, é meu dever protegê-los! Você iria querer fazer isso por mim. Mas obrigado.
Cam revirou os olhos e se virou para nós. Aparentemente, Mary e Logan não tinham uma expressão muito diferente da minha. Só encaramos os dois, e esperamos uma explicação.
Mas em vez disso, Oliver disse:
- Vamos.
- Para aonde? – Mary se recuperou primeiro.
- Um lugar seguro, onde possamos explicar as coisas – Deu um sorriso para Cam, então tirou os sapatos, pés falsos e estranhamente, as calças. O que ficou a mostra pernas de bode e cascos. – Incluindo isso.
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write-a-fic-blog · 12 years
Personagens - Fic: PJ
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