#pjsk gender
ioveaether · 1 month
cw: gn!reader; reader has anger issues; char and reader are best friends, but is implied that they're crushing on each other
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It wasn't the first time of you ending up in cries and hiccups, just because you got angry at someone. And definitely it won't be the last as well.
This time it was with your parents. You just wanted to have a normal conversation with them, but ended up getting way too emotional and walking away angry, with tears running down your cheeks.
"Why are you crying now? We didn't even say anything mean."
"We didn't mean to make you cry..."
It wasn't people's fault that you get angry so easily. You always try to control yourself, to explain to people what you mean, but always end up yelling in frustration and then regret it at the end. Sometimes this anger even comes out in tears, making people think that they made you cry...
You hated it. You hated yourself for that. You hated how you lose your temper so easily. You hated how some people even think that you're not trying to control yourself. You just hated it.
"Hey, is everything okay?" A familiar voice said from behind.
You froze in place, before you sniffed slightly and wiped away your tears. "I'm fine." You answered, still not turning to face your best friend.
"It doesn't sound like that." He said back, concern obvious in his voice. "What happened?"
You stood quiet, not even daring to utter a word out, thinking that it'll come out in a shaky voice. You were even trying to hold back your hiccups, but failing miserably.
"C'mon, at least let me see your face." He said in a calm tone, now slowly approaching your form, before he sat down next to you.
"Did you get into another fight with someone?" He asked softly, his eyes finally seeing how red your face was from all the crying. His heart basically shattered at the view in front of him.
"I didn't fight anyone." You answered back, sniffing slightly. "I just..." Tears threatened to come out again, but you quickly wiped them away. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down your nerves, before you spoke. "I just got angry at my parents again.... For nothing."
"I-i didn't want to get angry at them. I just... wanted to have a normal chat with them about something, a-and i don't know what happened-" And the hiccups came back, the tears already falling down your cheeks. "I-i got super emotional at some point. I got angry, i started crying from anger and just walked away, so i can calm my nerves down."
He listened to your shaky voice, his hand slowly reaching to hold yours, to comfort you in some way.
He knew how easily you lose your temper. And he knew how you always try to control yourself, even if sometimes it was just too much. He was proud of you for at least trying, and he always told you that he'll be there to help with whatever he can.
"I hate myself. I hate how easily i get angry at people. I want that anger to be gone in some way." You confessed, squeezing his hand tightly. "I don't want to make people think they're at fault for me losing my temper. Especially people i care about."
"I even think that some people hate me, because of-"
"Okay, i'll stop you right here." He said suddenly, cutting you off. You looked up at him with a confused look, waiting for him to continue.
"No one hates you, because of your short temper, that's just your negative thoughts getting to you. And if there are people who actually hate you because of that, well fuck them! They don't know what you're going though, just to throw disrespectful comments towards you." He said in a serious tone. His hand squeezed yours, as he continued. "And i'm sure you're trying your hardest to control yourself. I've seen you. How you always clench your fists, bite your lips, pick on your nails and so many other things, holding yourself back to not explode in frustration... And i'm proud of you."
He gave you a soft smile, his free hand coming and ruffling your hair.
"Hey!" You let out a small whine, and soon giggles came out of your mouth. "Thank you..." You smiled up at him, before you plopped your head against his shoulder. "It means a lot coming from you."
"Of course. And like i said before, i'm always here to help however i can." He answered, his arms wrapping around you in a soft embrace.
You wrapped your arms around his form, burying yourself closer in the warm hug. He always had such an effect on you. Making you smile and laugh in just mere seconds. You didn't know why he was the one to make you feel like that, but you hoped it'll stay like that forever. Him being your comfort person till the end.
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© ioveaether
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proseka-headcanons · 2 months
for option 10 or 11 clarify in tags :3
idk felt silly and we've already talked about rui gender stuff at least 5 trillion times already. reblog for larger sample size or don't idk - 🎀
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komashkathesilly · 7 months
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no one asked for it but i brought some very crunched mizunene
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platypuslappy · 7 months
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my everythings….
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amourcherie606 · 4 months
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prince with a mermaid princess
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adrinennn · 3 months
rui is so gender
rui is so gende r ya
transmasdc rui: ya! great awsome
transfemrui: ya! amazig!!!!!
nonbinary rui: ya! i love!!!!!!
secret third option rui: ya!
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maybe rui is just purple who knows.
robot.................. maybe ❌🥦
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synnepiruru · 28 days
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rui so genderqueer she so real for that
sorry ive been inactive lately it's exam week (or month per se)
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heartorbit · 1 year
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woe mafukasa be upon ye
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snow-at-twilight · 5 months
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Is it too late to hop on the cyberpunk dead boy(s) train?
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bl4cktourmaline · 5 months
🍙﹒星 — day 1 featuring kamishiro rui
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knock knock!
heres some mail!
ଘ(੭´꒳`)°* ੈ‧₊ 💌
⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ...starfilledsky2810 is typing... ♡
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
❝Hihi! Idk if I'm asking for too many requests since I'm req on 2 events, but for mangoes birthday event, could I have Rui for prompt 1, please? I MISSED MODMFUYU'S BDAY, BUT I'LL MAKE SURE NOT TO MISS YOURS !!❞
━━❝Shall I wake you up with a kiss?❞
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It was one of those rare days you spent, waiting in the living room while your boyfriend was occupied with his new inventions.
You know it was his passion for putting on great shows and you love them of course but sometimes... you just feel very lonely.
You slapped both of your cheeks unconsciously, leaving behind two reddish cheeks... just what the heck were you thinking?
"Haa... maybe I'm more tired than I thought..." scratching your head, displeased as you stand up from the sofa before picking up one of the many cushions.
You stared…before turning to the black screen featuring a channel promoting some valentine's day special ads "Hmm...I guess a nap won't hurt, better than being miserable about this whole thing...haa"
Grabbing the remote on the table before turning the TV off and silence came into the room, you immediately went to make your temporary bed on the sofa.
It's just for a short nap while you wait so it won't hurt anyone if you just rearrange some things... right?
Just as you finish setting up your makeshift bed, the loud click of a door opening and the shuffling footsteps get louder as if it's coming towards you...
In a panic, you tried to make it look like you were already asleep while making yourself as comfortable as possible.
Why are you pretending to be asleep for...?
Ah... I didn't even realize...uhh this is going to be so awkward..!!
But a moment later...
"Hey, (name)..." He paused at the sight of you sleeping on his living room sofa...well he thought at first "...(name)?"
A moment passed, you could hear his footsteps coming closer and soon enough, you could feel his presence...
"Hmm... interesting" Rui chuckled with a playful grin, amused by your silly attempt to play pretend...
What is so interesting about me sleeping here, Rui?!
"(name), I know you're just faking it~"
You just keep laying there, stubbornly continue to pretend to be asleep...
Man...It feels like he is really staring at me...
To make it more convincing, you pretended to snore and stir a little in your sleep "mmm..."
He didn't respond which makes you feel a little nervous because you know how unpredictable he can be once he gets his eyes on something...
Please believe it and leave peacefully...!
But to your disbeliefs, the next thing he says almost made you fall off the sofa... almost
"Ah I see, shall I wake you up with...hmm I don't know..." Rui asked in a teasing tone as bright golden eyes stared at your sleeping face "...maybe a kiss? Do you want that, (name)?"
"Still being stubborn, I see..."
Your ears picked up his shuffling footsteps and in the next moment, a warm breath hit your cheek and when you realized what he was doing. You suddenly found yourself in a dangerous situation with your heart about to explode at any moment...
Before you could mentally prepare yourself, the next thing you know was his lips brushed against yours softly and delicately...
Like a pair of a butterfly wings, long enough to make you gasp in surprise when he slowly removes himself and stares into your widen (colour) eyes.
Rui smiles proudly when he saw your expression went from gawking at him like a goldfish to a blossoming pink as you stumble over your words from the shock.
"Are you awake now?"
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(っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞💌 You receive a letter from Yue!
↻ᴹᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉ ˡᵒᵃᵈᵉᵈ !
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
pyon-yahoo~!! I'm so sorry for being so late with this one- I got really sick in the passed few weeks because of that, we decided to release those event fics on modena's birthday as the starting point, wrote this one at 4 am so yuepyon hope you like it~!!
Tagging ~ @nogenderbee , come and read on your favourite stage director ><
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jjohhuii · 1 year
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vbs gender according to me, a genius (lie)
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hecate-spawn · 4 months
Shout out to trans masc KanaMafu enjoyers
Shout out to ichika gender lovers
Happy white day
Also shout out to kohane lovers
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proseka-headcanons · 1 month
It's my turn with the gender poll
There is a right answer and I will reveal it at some point /silly
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corisanlion · 3 months
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White Day Mafuyu 🧎🧎🧎
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mayoiayasep · 1 year
rui 🤝elliot
worst transmasc haircut i’ve ever seen
edit: i fucking forgot natsume
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bloomingnewwrld · 1 year
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to be so real with you if nobody else on tumblr is an antoya artist i'll be the chosen one
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