#plasticman adopts danny
currentfandomkick · 1 year
Plasticman vs Adoption Trials pt 1
Thanks for waiting, and more to be posted in the future when i have time to work out a proper battle.
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Plasticman took a deep breath as the… ghost guardians (gaurdian goons?) of his son moved about somehow less organized than a JL and affiliated allies barbecue.
“As the leader—” the blue armed woman began.
“Only due to a technicality,” Clockwork interrupted. “We all know I’m his favorite.”
Plasticman was just glad his son was safely not present to be pressured into answering that loaded question.
“We have been over this,” Nocturne groaned, rubbing his face. “Just because he agreed to be ‘your problem’ so he wasn’t Ended, doesn’t mean you get to claim favorite status.”
“I find myself agreeing with Nocturne,” blue lady continued. “Especially as we all know we Elipis enjoys the name and role my kin have granted him for his achievements outside of the realms as a mortal.”
“And I’ve known him longest,” Nocturne forced his head up. “Frankly, i’m the most knowledgeable on the living and how they tick in this council, pun intended.”
Clockwork lifted his staff with narrow eye as a geezer. Then pointed it as a toddler.
Plasticman flung himself between them, looping around the staff a few times.
He hates being the sensible one in a room of Ancients and adjecents.
“Hey, I’m pretty sure you guys are supposed to be working out my tests. Like, how many am I taking? Do I get a snack break? Is it open or closed book?”
Clockwork gave him a look that Plas knew would bite him in the butt.
“There are five tests,” Frostbite began while taking the staff of time and Plas safely away from the Infinite’s most over the top time trickster.
“Because Amity already gave me her seal approval,” Plas twisted his head upside down, “so you couldnt up it to six or seven, right?”
“And the children are waiting for you as my liege’s deathday nears,” Fright Knight added with his special brand of ‘too courtly to side eye the Ancients but debating it’ abundantly clear. “So your tests have the potential to happen simultaneously.”
“Great,” Plasticman unwound from the staff and returned to his prior spot. “But do i have an answer ok snacks and if medical comes up, am I allowed to phone a friend,” Plas shifted into a phone and shook his phone hand in Frighty s face. “
Or is that trip to the slammer?” Plas asked behind his finger-made jail bars as he rattled a cup against them.
He delighted in Frighty’s huffing and Nocturn’s slight smile.
“The Great One will need my help and will always have it,” Frostbite began. “There is no reason why asking for help should result in consequences.”
“But if he lacks knowledge it could End Dani,” Clockwork stated with that grin Plas knew was going to bite him in the ass.
“And we are not in the business of leaving our children’s safety negotiable,” Pandora intoned.
“So, is there a class for that? Because if I’m not mistaken, none of you are quite sure how to stabilize her if old Frostbite isnt around,” Plas continued, tying himself in knots openly.
“That’s different,” Pandora began.
“Not quite, my lady,” Fright Knight interrupted. “First aide skills are a requirement, but continued stability for one born coreless is a constantly balance they must maintain themselves.”
“Only until they form a proper core for themselves.” Frost bite began. “The extensive care required is not something any one of us can provide, and halfas are always unique in each case given their nature.”
Pandora pinched her brow. “You are not helping.”
“Sorry,” Frostbite shrunk in on himself for a moment. “If possible, i would like to issue my trial first.”
“Lay it on me iced Yeti!”
Nocturne gave him a look. Plas ignored it.
“You are to escort a blob ghost to the far frozen alone. You’ve always traveled the Infinite with The Great One beside you, but if he or Dani are injured their enemies and any number of the Infinite’s predators might give chase.”
Plas gave him a few foam finger sized thumbs up.
Pandora sat taller before addressing him. “And for my trial, we shall see how you hold up against me in combat while escorting the blob to the Far frozen.”
Plas wondered if he could just turn into freshly printed paper, or if that would be inappropriate in the bad way given this is his co-parenting council.
“Okay, when do we start?”
Clockwork grinned with far too much teeth and banged his reclaimed time staff.
Plas huffed as he realized he was dropped into some part of IR—thankfully close to earth if the green sky was any indication… and he has a blob.
The blob—Blobby?— floated up to him and smacked into his face.
“Okay, Frostbite said Far Frozen escort mission—you got any idea which way that is blobby, can i call you blobby?”
The blob twisted in the air and splat against the ground.
“Not a fan of blobby… how about—”
Something shot him in the back.
The blob cowered on the ground.
“Hold on to that thought little buddy.”
Plas twisted his torso around the thing—squishy thing, hot, and oddly light for something that hit that hard…
Wait this is the ghost zone, made of ectoplasm. Which is as multipurpose as carbon.
Ectoplasm. He was wrapped around ectoplasm.
Well, ecto projectile then—oh this was going to be a real blast now!
“Hey little guy, i will be right back, try eating some of this,” plas unraveled himself. “It’s not the best, but my kids eat ectoblasts all the time, might feel a bit grumpy and jumpy after.”
The smushed blob inched to the failed ectoblast while plas looked around. Based on how he was hit, the enemy was in the sky.
Could be Young Blood again, or it could be a real enemy or Worse.
He’s hoping an overeager Young Blood and not Pandora with guns. He does not want to k ow what an ancient of protection, master of battle and keeper (or jailer) of hope.
One eye ran around to see what all the fuss was.
He saw blue flaming hair, Johnny’s infamous motorcycle and a bit of metal and green flames…
What were his chances of catching a ride with one of them once they find out this is a test?
Skulker likes testing weapons on his son in particular—something about it being important for his development… he does fear Ellie. Especially since Ellie is a menace of the highest degree and was raised in a lab as Vlad’s assistant before everything went down. She knows what not to do and will do it for revenge. He also knows his kids are never far behind him.
Kitty and Johnny won’t want to get on another ancient’s bad side. He’s not sure why Nocturne hates Johnny, but he’s pretty sure it has to do with Jazz—sleep guy has a favorite liminal and holds a nasty grudge whenever it involves Jazz. (And is probably why Vlad has so many night terrors now, if the baby ghost busters’ bugs are a good indicator.)
Ember hates ancients and doesnt like Plas for being “too ghost” for a mortal with no net liminality. He’s an uncanny valley to both sides of the veil, and still isn’t sure if that’s perfect or a shame.
Stealing Johnny’s bike is always ethical. He did vandalize his favorite part of his city and refuse to clean up. Cleaning ecto in any form just sucks—and not in the ‘safe consumption as a living vacuum’ sucks.
Plas walked one finger over to the bike and got ready to reel it in while another set off skulker’s guns in Kitty’s direction. Prompting Johnny and Shadow to go on the offensive and abandon their ride.
He snagged the bike while the four argued.
“Hey Goop?” The blob chimed with a twirl. “Goop it is. We gotta get going, and i grabbed a ride.”
Plas showed off johnny’s bike, and was relieved to see Goop plop down in the side car and snuggle in.
Plas flung the motorcycle into the air and let the GZP map kick in.
He’s just glad its in 2D this time and not 5D that was hard to keep track of the time part.
Then he heard a certain angry warrior yell and kicked it into high gear.
“Hold on Goop! We have an angry spear mom on our tail!”
Goop made a bubbling sound, sinking deeper into the passenger seat.
“You and me both buddy. Think the TimeLocked isles’ markets will be enough to slow her down?”
Goop made a low gurgling sound.
“Well not for a long time, but like an hour or so.
She isn’t one for poofy dresses and Goop do they have a lot of those there.”
Thanks to @stealingyourbones and @bonebrokebuddy for their info on Plasticman
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@alinmenttreasure @sophistryandsophisms @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @im-totally-not-an-alien @akikoyuii @idek618 @satanicritualspecialist @thefanficcup @ekat @secretdestinywerewolf @dannyphantomphan @forgottenac3 @avery-isastupid-name @jadedragon1903 @naluforever3 @akikkobara @the-church-grimm @pheonixqueen @fisticuffsatapplebees @thewondersoflebanon @dontfightmecauseillcry @please-dont-see-me @onyxlightdragon @kyrianclawraith @treepainting @allulily @andsatisfactionbroughtmeback @depuffstuff @shorterthanadverage @notmuchtopost @ghostly-pal @vellichor615 @dulceringo @09shell-sea09 @halfblackwolfdemon @thecatchat @maribatshipper @legallyspawned
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The Justice League had been a pain in Dannys side the last few weeks. They insisted that Danny needed a mentor, someone who could help him right in his ever growing list of abilities and whatnot. Danny snuck into one of the JL meetings in the watchtower to find out the real reason and discovered they saw him as a massive powerhouse that needed to be brought into thier side so his power "doesn't fall into the wrong hands". Ick.
Phantom was also pretty sure this had something to do with the bat be it contingency plans or adoption papers that guy is never too far from the top of Dannys list of "people I want to punt into the abyss for the weekend"
Its not that Danny doesn't want the help, he just knows how the League would eventually view him. He is of Lazarus. He is part monster. He has been ever since he died. Danny no longer thinks like a human does, he's "too violent" "obsessive" and "impulsive" by League standards.
Unfortunately, Danny is wired like that. His people are a part of the Infinite Realms immune system and play a key role in its overall ecosystem. There are legitimate biological reasons hes like this, ones that keep him from fading. The League doesn't seem to understand and he can't explain it in further detail without revealing his own weakness and the weaknesses of others like him.
So he just keeps refusing thier help...until he finds someone who the League also don't "agree" with which was strange since he was on thier team.
Plasticman was an ex criminal who has temptations towards money and has a hard time resisting. The stretchy guy also could turn his body into any shape and stretch any length he wanted and had no regard for the human form. Danny was in awe but the moment he heard the guy make a funny joke he made a decision.
If he had to choose a mentor from the JL roster than he picked this guy.
He announced his decision at the next JL meeting sending the place into an uproar.
Alternatively: Danny gives no warning and Plastic man just gets surprised when this glowy kid and his green puppy appear in front of him smiling happily and introduced himself as his new sidekick.
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currentfandomkick · 1 year
So previous part here
Danny’s adoption as far as GZ in concerned requires Plas to indergo some trials to prove himself as Danny—debated between being the Future King or exalted as the Will of the Infinite—‘s majority caretaker on the mortal side.
A mentorship is one thing—parenthood is taken far more seriously. Especially for a traumatized child ghost.
So, premise aside, lets begin!
Phantom had been beaming for a while. Everyone knew that. Between the JL spot and having a mentor, Amity “Mittens” Park knew her guard was more content than he’d been in a long, long time.
The city spirit was proud for him. Few kept their cool when it came three ancients appearing on their doorstep.
Her guard had chosen his mortal fright well. Between Undergrowth’s High Priestess and the Pharaoh reincarnation his choice of peers, though limited, was good… but he lacked suitable guiding presences.
There is only so much Amity can do herself. She’s not quite physical enough to manifest, no idea to form her base around. And she is not mortal, so how could she ever help?
As the witness to her guard’s life and death, her vote would hold the most sway, regardless of the Trials’ outcome.
Her wonderful guard found himself a father, she would see that this bond is acknowledged.
Nerves flooded Phantom’s form again. He twisted his tail around Plas’ arm and held Cujo close to his chest.
The JL light side hadn’t caught the implications of his potential adoption. They didnt have the whole story on Danny’s place in the Infinite’s pecking order…
Plas does.
Unfortunately, so does the JL Dark. Which is why Plas was checking over anything he should prepare for them by customs and for the usual rites for Living adopting a “Curtain Child” as Constaintine’s text dubbed Danny and his cohorts.
He’s not sure if he should just… ignore the scholarly term for his kind or not. On one hand, he’s been calling himself a halfa since he stopped saying he was a living boy with ghost powers. He’s hyperliminal—functionally dead on command, as far as Yeti were concerned atleast. He straddles the line of liminal and death, while remaining a living being. Three for one deal and passable as all three and not at once.
Halfas aren’t super rare naturally so much as exterminated en masse in the past, and the word for ‘too dead to be liminal’ that survived was, well, halfa. the slur used to justify genocide.
But his alternative was hyperliminal (which he barely qualifies as given he transforms and liminals just exist as ‘merged’ with the opposite natural state (be it mortal side or infinite) and the bucket of issues of using the wrong medical term as a species indicator. Or “Curtain Child” which. No.
Where was he? Oh right, finding Plas before the Trials and his death day and the ‘clock’ starts.
“Patro?” Danny began as he flew into the room.
Zatanna’s eyebrows shot up. Constantine turned to him slowly. Deadman was too happy for Danny’s taste—the off-ecto leaving a sickly sweet-bitter blend in the back of his throat.
“You good kiddo?” Plastic man ran a hand though Danny hair while Danny looped his tail around his arm.
He leaned into it.
“Just nerves. Mittens already approved, but Grandfather can be… intense. So can Auntie Dora, and Nocturne is a wild card on a good day… those three claim parental fright rights and all over me and my dumbass agreed before i understood since i was new and Ember and Kitty and Johnny didnt know i didnt know and—“
Plasticman hummed louder than usual, glancing at his phone and opening one of those boring adult apps Danny can’t be bothered with at the moment.
Patro whistled. “No wonder, why don’t we head back home? Ellie and most of your fright will be there.”
Danny made a small noise of protest, but let his Patro lead the way to the zeta tubes.
“Your doctor said if you can’t be in your usual haunt for this, you should at least be in your nest back home, before the symptoms get worse.”
Danny huffed, looking about the stars. He wanted to fly among them but Patro said not until after his Death Day and they can see the affects.
So two days.
Basically forever.
Jazz raised an eyebrow at Ellie, Sam and Tucker. All flopped down in Danny’s “not a nest” of blankets and star projection lamp.
The stray cacti pots and tech were not unnoticed.
Not were Ellie’s pictures of her travels.
Jazz put bearert and danny old lego starships in before he got back.
“Any preferences on what disaster smoothies we give Danny?” Jazz began. “He’s not allowed chocolate during this time—and we cant give him caffeine so no teas, energy drinks and coffee…which Nasty Shake horrors are we unleashing?”
“Lunchlady already swung by with some sandwhiches,” Penny answered from the hallway.
Jazz opened and shut her mouth, forgetting that she didnt need to be in charge of things this time.
They have reliable adults.
Good weird, but still weird.
“That covers ecto food, not what he needs on the living side,” Sam answered while typing away on her phone. “Best Red agreed to watch Amity for the week solo and send any updates of GIW and Fenton activity.”
Patrick slipped in with an anxious, seven tailed Danny in ghost form.
“And Technus is in their tech, so he’s having a blast destroying their mainframe and plans.”
“Good for him.” Patrick herded Danny into his blanket nest.
“Patro,” Danny huffed, looking to his frightmates for help.
“Oh no, your dad, your problem, remember?”
“Don’t make one excuse for you when you got caught hacking sulker and this is what i get?”
“Some best friend,” danny grumbled, rubbing his arm as he began to burrow under a galaxy blanket and turned on his lamp.
Patrick turned off the lights.
“So as the lead of in best friend olympics—“
“—i say we plot our revenge. Jazz, Ellie, you two dont have to join but we will accept suggestions.”
Jazz smiled as Danny relaxed, skin bursting with nebula freckles more puddle than person.
Patrick isn’t dumb.
He knows he’s being tested by the gods the second he closes the door.
He has to get the Master of Time, the Guardian of Hope and Sleep Soother(? He’s still not sure what title to use for this flavor or sandman) to approve during a trial each of then get to run.
He smiles at Penny before time freeze and the cursed Eyeballs nab him and complain about him ignoring procedure and blah blah blah.
Do they ever get tired of hearing themselves talk?
He doesnt think so…
A familiar council appear before him, for once less riddled with the eyeballs of bureaucratic nonsense and attempted murder. On one side a too familiar yeti waved enthusiastically at him from the side, while the horned cosmos man next to him flopped onto the table unmoving.
On the other side there was a familiar set of armor on an excitable giant who should be on Danny-Sitting a week after his death day. his least favorite trickster had the same grin on that meant Plas would be refereeing Dan and Danny’s “visits” where Dan chose to be a menace about fixing paradoxes and demanded Danny ask more questions while Danny just… did as the weird ageshifter asked before stealing another batch of cookies for himself and hoarding them from his frightmates.
The blue four armed lady in the middle clapped her hands together, waking up the other occupants in the room.
Plas still wasnt sure if said being was related to Wonder Woman or not. both were (sort of) daughters of Zeus but something about dead one being made from all the greek gods available? He tries not to think about it, and roll with the Infinite’s insanity.
“Welcome Plasticman,” a four armed woman began. “We have gathered here to test you to your limits and judge your worthiness as our little star and his moonbeam’s mortal-side parent.”
“Told you we should have tested the first ones,” grumbled the horned man. “Their subconscious was a hot mess and we all know what they turned his holidays into.”
The armor suit made disgruntled sounds on the side, grabbing for a dimension dumping sword.
“Danny was not ready,” the trickster stated. “If he was to leave his caregivers, it will always have to be on his own terms. Especially given his core’s state.”
“He would have accepted it if you let me have Jazz bring up the idea sooner,” Nocturne complained, turning to Clockwork’s child state with a scowl.
“But no. Not part of the plan. Like all your plans actually work out Mr. time madness”
“I have it under control.”
“For the moment,” Frostbite added in. “But you have relapsed before, and now the Great One acts as the counter and has lessened the load.”
“You’re forgetting my second ward.”
“We dont speak of him when it is not a matter of his parole,” Pandora interupted. “Especially when we are here to be certain that Danny is not allowing another, what was that word he like to use to describe the other halfa?”
“Fruitloop,” everyone else chimed in.
“… yes. To ensure no kore fruitloops and otherwise unfit parental figures are able to mistreat, neglect or abuse Danny and Danielle.”
“So, do i need a number 2 pencil for the test, or is it trial by combat or,” Plas listed off absently, watching the five carefully.
“We have each designed a trial or test of our own design. You will begin now.”
Next here
So, any ideas for the trials Plas has to go through?
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@alinmenttreasure @stealingyourbones @sophistryandsophisms s @im-totally-not-an-alien @akikoyuii @idek618 @satanicritualspecialist @thefanficcup @ekat @secretdestinywerewolf f @dannyphantomphan @forgottenac3 @avery-isastupid-name @jadedragon1903 @naluforever3 @akikkobara @the-church-grimm @pheonixqueen @fisticuffsatapplebees @thewondersoflebanon @dontfightmecauseillcry @please-dont-see-me @onyxlightdragon @kyrianclawraith @treepainting @allulily @andsatisfactionbroughtmeback @depuffstuff @shorterthanadverage @notmuchtopost @ghosty-pal @vellichor615 @dulceringo @09shell-sea09 @halfblackwolfdemon @thecatchat @maribatshipper @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @legallyspawned
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