#platonic kakagai
Section 3 of our event, coming your way o7
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Goodness, time is flying by isn't it? Well, you all know the drill- a new week of prompts is here! As always our asks and DMs are open if y'all have any questions. We sincerely hope you all are having fun :D
Our mini prompt, items, and deadline-
Sleepovers- a most youthful and enjoyable bonding experience between comrades! What better way to commemorate the bonds of friendship than to show trust through shared slumber, the consumption of less than healthy foods, and the playing of games!! You shall help me make sure my dearest rival attends, won't you Genma-kun?!
...*sigh* Fine, but only if it isn't at my place this time.
• Novel • Sharpie
• Duct tape • Bow
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(September 29th - October 13th)
(Please do not be discouraged if you have missed a section of the event, you can still make submissions for any section up until the event ends in October :>)
Keep your youth burning! You're all incredible o7 - 🌿🐝
Link to Eternal Rivalry Event's Rules & FAQ
Link to Section 1 (First Meeting Mishaps) post
Link to Section 2 (Joint Training Jamboree) post
Link to our Discord Server Invite post
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
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look, sometimes a shinobi’s packer comes loose after a high kick and sometimes his bestie’s gotta cover him while he adjusts (inspired by certain recent conversations lmaoooo)
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maitogaimybeloved · 8 months
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i just wanted to make kakashi into an actual puppy uwu
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eagleeyethree · 2 years
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this is just what rivalry is like
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seohyun0306 · 5 months
Which one of my unpopular opinions do you agree with?
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mixelation · 2 months
for the ship ask meme: kakashi/obito (tho i'd be interested to hear your thoughts on any of the other relatively popular kakashi ships as well)
send me a ship and i'll give you my brutally honest opinion on it
This one is complicated by the fact that I.... don't really like canon Obito or the most common fanon Obito. Like I think there's a ton of spicy, spicy potential here for some really interesting, fucked up stuff in this ship. It's got the drama. It's got the pizzazz. It got the potetial to either be a complete and utter disaster or culminate in incredible catharsis. But while I have fun writing Obito... most Obitos are very annoying. I don't usually read this ship.
For other Kakashi ships... I think my favorite are Kakashi/OC ships. Like I want him to be some OC's weird gangly ninja boyfriend. I like that these ships can lean into his badass side but also his intense loyalty, and hopefully some of his Weirdo Energy. My favorite canon ship for him is probably KakaGai, although there's this weird contradiction where it's too ~comfortable~ to be something I get really rabid over. Like it's there for when you want to snuggle up and read some fluff. For when you think "I'm emotionally exhausted and I want to read about an equally exhausted person get to just relax and feel safe."
I have never super gotten the appeal of Kakashi/Iruka and its popularity continues to baffle me. Kakashi/Sakura is pretty popular in AkaSaku circles, but I like them better platonically (and also since working as a teacher, teacher/student ships now mostly squick me).
Kakashi is pretty shippable for me, so I would be tempted by a wide array of weird crackships for him.
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Best friends to lovers trope! Like they rock that trope so hard
Gai was one of the few people who continued to care about Kakashi when everyone else was standing back watching him self destruct
Kakashi shows so much care for Gai. When Tsunade told him he’d be leading an entire division in the war he said he’d only do it if Gai was by his side
Gai is one of very few people we see Kakashi being openly, unrestrained dork man with.
When Kakashi finally retired and had a freedom he’d never had before, Gai talked about going on vacation to places that meant a lot to them and held significant memories to them
Kakashi’s last scene in the entire naruto manga is with Gai and that’s cute as hell. While we were seeing other characters achieving their dreams (naruto becoming Hokage) Kakashi was portrayed with his most precious person and it’s just *squeel*
Kakashi looked down on Gai for 5.5 seconds and then started seeing him as a possible equal and a friend. While he was constantly talking down to Obito Gai was already a friend that he openly showed friendship to (he considered Obito his friend but failed to openly show it until it was too late)
Entire vacation arc. Like platonic or not that ahit was CUTE and just showed how open and relaxed they are together
Their respect for each other! Kakashi realizes he was wrong to judge Gai for teaching Lee the eight gates technique and actually apologizes to him, and it’s not in private. He apologizes in the middle of the second round chunin exams, where everyone can see them.
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hellcifrogs · 7 months
Considering that we recommend some ships to fan kids, I have to ask, what are your favorite ship at all? Not only considering the ship kids. (Sorry for not being clear at first)
It's okay :) but this is actually such a hard question lol Let's see.
InoSaku and KarinSaku are my top Sakura ships <3 I also like SasuSaku about the same amount as HinaSaku.
SasuSai obviously is my little sweetheart, but also SasuHina, SasuNaru (they don't even count as ship to me they feel so canon is no fun) SasuKarin.
NaruHina obviously, they are still so precious to me. I also have a soft spot for platonic NaruSaku. I guess not many Naruto ships, but Naruto X everyone giving him the love he deserves.
KakaGai. KakaShizu too, that I recently found out about, is surprisingly cute!
TemaTen (ShikaTema and NejiTen are also fine, but I just have an old weakness for the two of them), KankuShinoKiba pretty much in any match up, GaaLee. SasuGaa too! So many Sasuke ships :)
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bizawa-art · 1 year
i’m planning a series of ghibli redraws revolving around kakashi (not related to the kkg mononoke redraw i did in feb). most of the ones i have planned out right now are romantic ships, but i’m also interested in doing some familial and platonic relationships as well, so im outsourcing to yall. i currently have plans for shippy kakaobi, kakairu, kakayama, kakagai, and kakazabu and a platonic thing with kakashi and naruto. are there any kakashi dynamics you’d like to see as ghibli redraws 👀 feel free to throw some names into the replies!
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danikatze · 4 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by @tj-dragonblade! I'm not sure if (m)any of these answers will be interesting at all, because apparently I have a bad memory for ships apart from the ones I made fanart of myself, and I haven't read a lot of fanfic for a long long time.. But I've attempted answering these questions anyway!
What ship were you completely obsessed with as a teenager, but now you don’t care about anymore?
I didn't ship much as a teen. I liked the Marauders gang from HP a lot as a kid, tho, likely even in a shippy way. Obviously HP has left a really bad taste my mouth.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
It was probably a HP one, I was properly obsessed with Sirius, James and Remus for a long time, but like I said, I have a hard time telling when I started consciously shipping characters.
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
Hinata and Naruto and it was baaad. I guess it was maaaybe kind of cute, but it was not good.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fan art of?
Not at all. The most likely options are anyone from HP, Death Note, or InuYasha, but it hasn't stuck with me.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
Nah, the closest I've gotten was the time I got put on a blacklist (or two?) for a shipping Yamato and Sai. I didn't care and so didn't address it, until someone sent me a (kind) message about it. I then explained my feelings about the problematic aspect and the (few) responses I got were 100% positive.
Did you used to have a NOTP or have one currently?
There are plenty of ships I don't particularly like, but I wouldn't call them NOTP's. Except maybe the very very popular ones. I only take real issue with ships that become canon, like a fair few Naruto pairs..
Who were the last couple in the last fanfic you read?
Reading has been hard the last couple of years, so I haven't done much of it.. But it has to have been a Dreamling fic - I'm so excited you've been writing again, TJ 💖
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
MatsuMasa, although they're not my otp in the literal sense. I like them both with Yaichi, and Matsu (non-romantically) with Ume - and the fun thing is that it works all at the same time 😎
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting into?
Hmm well I'm kinda mad at not being as into Dreamling as you are, TJ. I like Sandman and Dreamling! Very much looking forward to the second season and I enjoy the things you blog about, but it's never been more than a general appreciation. And that's fine, ofc, but it's always been such a joy to be excited by the same things as you haha
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they’re kind of interesting?
Maybe KakaGai? Only I didn't dislike it, just didn't consider it. And I don't think it's kind of interesting, I deeply love it.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would have been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I already mentioned YamaSai, but there's also ShisuItachi. Some people say that the latter is incest. It's been too long and I don't remember their specific relationship, but afaik they're not (direct) family, just from the same clan. Can't get too bothered about family trees in fiction.
Kikyo and Kagome from InuYasha is by some considered gross as well, comparable to incest, because Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation?
Idk, is FjorClay problematic, because Caduceus is canonically aroace? I feel like it's not a super popular ship anyways, but I still like them a lot. In a queer platonic way.
What is your favourite crack ship?
I don't think I have one. Although I wonder if JonGerry from the Magnus Archives could be considered crack ship? They aren't from different fandoms, but they only met once after Gerry had already died. And then at Gerry's request, Jon sort of killed him again. It doesn't really count as a crack ship, but this is my answer anyway
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
Hm, I don't know! The last time I really obsessively read them was in my Naruto era.. So who knows - KakaGai is a very plausible answer.
What do most of your ships have in common?
I guess I most commonly like pairings with a Gentle Giant™ (preferably kind of dumb) and someone grumpy and/or cynical and smart and/or skilful. MatsuMasa, BeauYasha and ShikaChou come to mind.
What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Hard to explain. Wrong vibes lol. Look I can appreciate love-hate or even hate-hate relationships as much as the next shipper, but there needs to be at least some level of respect/consent/two-way-street? I still dislike SasuSaku, because they very much have none of that from what I remember. They've always been close to a NOTP and then they became canon so..
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sueske · 1 year
I know you’re a sns shipper but do you yourself ship anyone with Kakashi? I for one ship him with Gai because I’m not Uglyphobic.
Is that the main reason :)) well I don't think gai is ugly, but I don't really actively ship anyone with kakashi cuz I don't really care much for kakashi to begin with. In terms of pairings though I think kakagai is sweet, they obviously care for each other as friends in canon, and I've read some fics with them and enjoyed them. If I had to choose a ship for kakashi it would be kakagai. 
I'm a pretty casual shipper. I don't really ship characters together unless there's a solid basis for them in canon and they're important to me (like sns) so outside sns I can pretty much appreciate most ships (within reason ofc). Like see a pairing as romantic? cool. platonic? also cool. pair them with person a? that's a nice pair. Pair them with person b? great idc bring on the art and fics. 
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Oh me Oh my, it's Section zwei!
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Section 1 has come to a close, and Section 2 begins! Welcome to Weeks 3 & 4 everyone o7 (and a very happy birthday to a certain grey haired chaos magnet)
This post will be fairly shorter than the first thankfully, we would just like to give a quick thanks to those who are participating and a hearty welcome to anyone who would like to join! This section of the event will be special, as it is starting on Kakashi's birthday :D
Our mini prompt, items, and deadline-
If there's one thing Gai knows Kakashi enjoys, its training, but training between the two of them alone just won't do! Wouldn't want to develop bad combat habits after all- and its good to know your allies skills so you can grow together!
Now, how to convince his Rival to attend...
Section 2 will function just as the first did, with a new item list (links to the other posts will be down below)-
• Egg • Tire Swing
• Letter Opener • Glitter
• (Optional) Any birthday item of your choice
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(Please do not be discouraged if you have missed a section of the event, you can still make submissions for any section up until the event ends in October :>)
We hope you all are enjoying this event, your youth is shining brightly! Quite excited to see how bright you'll be by the events end o7 - 🌿🐝
Link to Eternal Rivalry Event's Rules & FAQ
Link to Section 1 (First Meeting Mishaps) post
Link to our Discord Server Invite post
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Best and worst Nart pairings in your opinion?
Kakagai - my eternal, my beloved, my reason for opening my eyes. They're just. So. Fucking. Cute. I love the idea that whether you ship them romantically or platonically, they're just... together. They come as a pair. It took them half a lifetime to get to that point, and they've suffered so much on the way - there's just so much loss and heartbreak on both sides. But the one constant point in both of their lives has been each other. I really don't have anything more to say about them, because just... :chef's kiss: they're perfect.
Then we have Obikaka. THE DRAMA. THE BETRAYAL. THE ANGST POTENTIAL. I suck that shit up like Hashirama sucks on his own lips where they grow out of Madara's immensely fucked up ribcage. It's basically Sasunaru but MORE DRAMATIC. Kakashi Unhealthy Grieving Processes Hatake fucking idolised Obito. He venerated him in his mind after his 'death', and rebuilt his personality around Obito's. He talked to him at that grave every damn day. All while Obito wasn't actually dead - he was building a faction of Konoha's worst enemies.
It would've been so simple to have Obito want revenge on Kakashi. And Kakashi kinda wants that! He wants Obito to hate him as much as he hates himself, for everything that happens and what he perceives to be his own, very personal failures. But Obito doesn't. It's blatant how much he still cares about Kakashi - he wants to force everyone into a dreamworld for his own sake, but for their sake, too. That's embodied in Kakashi: a 'perfect' shinobi who has in fact been used & abused by the system since he was five and is broken in so many ways because of it. Like, yes, Obito's whole shtick with wanting to force everyone to live in a perfect world is REALLY CREEPY AND CONTROLLING when you think about it (miss me with the 'Obito was a perfect misunderstood good guy' headcanons - there's some really interesting stuff to be picked into there, regarding how comfortable he is with trampling over everyone's consent). But the love beneath it? That's so fucking real.
And SNS lol. I mean, it's brilliant, it's practically canon, the entire plot hinges on it... some of the fandom is just very obnoxious lmao lkjdhkjfgjskdfgskdfg
An orgy between Sasori's Hiroko-puppet, the Hashititty, Rock Lee's eyebrows and Tsunade's slug
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lilypheria · 6 months
Hello, could I please ask : A, B, C, D, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, Q, R, S, V, Y, Z for the shipping ask? Thank you!
This got really long and I probably missed something LMAO but thanks for asking!!! 🥰
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Narusasu (occasional sasunaru), hashimada and kakaobi are my top favorites at the moment! I also like kakasaku, shiita, juusasu, kakagai, itasaku and narugaa <3 
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Kakasaku actually – I didn’t ship it at first, but after reading some and meeting fans, I got convinced! 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Sasusaku. Always. Forever. The only ship in Naruto that I actually hate. 
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
… I don’t think I have one atm 
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Manga and anime I think 
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not tumblr specifically, but sasunaru fandom has really soured the dynamic for me 
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Sasuke, Itachi and Naruto <3
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Sai isn’t my favorite, but I really like his character development and how he does form relationships! And he’s so damn cute with Ino 
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
Naruto 😭
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Less discourse, nicer people and just… sharing the love to the thing 
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I don’t listen to music that much that I can answer to this question lmao 
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
Final Fantasy VII. I was too disappointed with the remake, so I just… fell out of love. There’s a chance I might return at some point, but it’s a big if 
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
The friendship between Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto! <3 
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Sasuke is sensitive to touch and his Sharingan activates when he’s emotional (I have a lot of others but do I remember them rn? NOPE lmao)
V - Which character do you relate to most?
Probably Naruto, Sasuke or Sakura 
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Kuroko’s Basketball and video games 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
I’ve loved Naruto since 2007 – I was 17 at the time. The fact that the fandom is still thriving now, when I’m 33, fills me with joy <3
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thetoaddaddy · 10 months
I feel like Jiraiya and Kakashi are unironically very cuddly when around each other in a platonic way. :)
Like they just hanging out and are casually snuggled up very close. Gai definitely sees it as a challenge and joins or just wants to be included. (yes i ship kakagai) But this would eventually lead to a large amount of their adpoted genin around them snoozing.
A cute thought for you! <3
Yes. I like this. These two are solid dad energy people. I like the imagery of them having a cuddle pile of their students on and around them.
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You WILL write all the remaining Kakashi week fics as Kakagai
You WILL write all the remaining Kakashi week fics as Kakagai
You WILL write all the remaining Kakashi week fics as Kakagai
You WILL write all the remaining Kakashi week fics as Kakagai
,,, pwease 🥺
Bfjxhdusjs Maybe XD
I was trying to focus on platonic bonds (so far i have yamato, sai, Sakura and Team Minato) but like, the urge is strong
The world needs more Kakagai lol
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