#platonic moxiety (sorta?)
supernaturalist1234 · 4 years
Platonic Moxiety in 29? (Take as long as you need! No rush :) )
Don’t ask me what they did, but they’re running for it!
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snowdice · 4 years
There Are Things That Are Missing (Part 6 of the Series “Is There Anything Left of Patton?”)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Virgil & Logan, Logan/Patton(?), Virgil & Patton (?)
Characters: Logan, Virgil
Virgil and Logan take a trip to the hardware store during the zombie apocalypse. Something’s missing here...
Virgil cursed. “Ugh, I hate this. I shouldn’t have come. The lost hoodie was an omen.”
Notes: Zombie Apocalypse AU, Past major character death(?), It’s a zombie AU and Patton is a Zombie. Angst.
This is the sixth part of a series of one-shots called Is There Anything Left of Patton? 
Previous parts:
“Something Left”
“Someone You’ll Never Meet”
“Food You’ll Never Eat”
“Things You’ll Never Do”
“There Are Things That Are Lost”
Logan indulged in a moment to himself after he left the room with the cage but before he went upstairs. It never got any easier. None of it did. Not the cage or the lifelessness in Patton’s eyes or Logan’s existence in a world where Patton never laughed or smiled. Patton used to laugh at everything: things Logan said and the silly movies he liked to watch; he often used to send himself into cascades of tinkling giggles over his own senseless jokes.
And now he didn’t.
Logan shook himself and continued his walk back upstairs where Virgil was waiting for him. He gave him one of those pitying looks that Logan appreciated a lot less today than he did most days.
Logan was irritable. He knew he was irritable. Yet that irritability went beyond the fact that they’d been trapped inside for the past few months or that his house had seemed to spring an elusive leak that was rotting out a corner of his living room. No, those were all mundane irritants that Logan could accept as facts of life. What was causing his emotional distress was what was always causing his emotional distress these days.
Logan had been keeping a secret from Virgil. He tried to justify it to himself by reasoning that the only person who could get hurt from it was Logan himself, but he knew that was a falsehood. Logan knew that if he himself came to harm, not only would it affect Virgil emotionally seeing as Logan was literally his only friend in the world, but it would vastly affect Virgil’s ability to survive as he would be left alone. So really, Logan had no excuse for his recklessness.
A few months ago, they had decided that there was really no point to keeping Patton tied up all of the time. It had been nice, almost. He seemed to like his freedom in whatever way he liked things anymore. Of course, Logan had always been careful to restrain him when they both slept. There was no telling what stumbling over a sleeping prey animal would do to Patton’s instincts. So, he had been diligent… until two weeks ago. It had simply been an unintentional error. He’d had a migraine late in the day and had laid down in his room in the dark. At some point, he’d heard Patton wander in but hadn’t paid it much mind. He hadn’t intended to fall asleep but fall asleep he had. Logan had woken in the morning to Patton in bed with him for the first time in close to 2 years.
It had been an accident.
The first time.
His behavior was absolutely stupid and shameful. Logan was well aware of this, but god were the couple of moments of obliviousness in the morning worth the guilt and self-loathing that would come crashing back to him when the world came back into focus.
“Come on,” Logan said without meeting Virgil’s eyes. “Let’s get this over with.”
He and Virgil made their way outside and started towards the Home Depot in town with barely a word between them. One benefit of having Patton upstairs was that both of them were practiced in behavior that was least likely to trigger a zombie’s predatory senses. They were both well versed in silent communication methods and less agitating approaches to movement. The trip was easy, and they only saw three zombies on the way, none of which even noticed them.
They were able to make it through what had once been an employee entrance side door with a surprising lack of effort. Logan could see Virgil growing tense as they transversed the empty building. “This is creepy as hell,” Virgil said, pitching his quiet voice down. Logan had to agree; he didn’t like how their footsteps echoed. Though he had not anticipated the store being full to the brim as it was likely not as occupied by people during the onset of the outbreak as say hospitals, schools, and grocery stores, Logan still expected there to be someone dead here.
“I’m going to check,” he told Virgil.
“Check?” Virgil asked. “What the fuck do you mean ‘check’?”
In answer, Logan hopped up on top of the store’s help desk.
“Oh, fuck, please, no,” Virgil begged even as he scrambled onto the desk next to him and stood with his back to Logan’s. “Can’t we just do this stealthy and run away?”
“It’s better to know what we are dealing with than to be surprised,” Logan reasoned. “Besides, we’re here for timber. Exactly how stealthy do you anticipate that being?”
Virgil cursed. “Ugh, I hate this. I shouldn’t have come. The lost hoodie was an omen.”
“You lose your hoodie weekly,” Logan commented dryly, and then, without giving time for further argument, whistled sharply, similar to how Virgil had drawn Patton to the basement door earlier that day. It echoed loudly through the cement structure.
They both listened in complete silence for anything: movement somewhere, harsh breathing, or moaning. Anything. But nothing came.
“Odd,” Logan mumbled.
“I don’t trust it,” Virgil hissed.
Logan whistled again and they waited, but nothing shambled from the store aisles.
“Oh god,” Virgil said. “I really don’t trust this.”
“Perhaps it was closed during the outbreak and no one was here.”
“Right, because I’m a lucky person.”
“You are still alive,” Logan pointed out. “Luckier than most.”
“Fuck. Thanks. That one helped.”
Logan hopped down from the help desk and Virgil followed after him. “You are rather more anxious without the hoodie,” Logan observed.
“Are you sure it’s not the perfect horror movie set in an empty hardware store post zombie apocalypse?” he asked dryly.
Logan just shook his head. “Come on, let’s go.” Logan could still see Virgil being ever vigilant behind him, turning his head to get a peek down aisles and walking backwards sometimes. Virgil was useful for these types of things. Logan trusted him to notice anything off (including sometimes when there wasn’t anything off, but it was better than the alternative) so Logan was able to focus on the objective.
They made it to a more open location in the middle of the store and they both stopped. “That would explain it,” Logan mumbled.
“Oh fuck,” Virgil said. “it’s a camp. I knew we shouldn’t have gone on this stupid mission without my lucky hoodie.”
Logan studied the little camp. “It doesn’t look like they’re here anymore. They likely buckled down for the winter and moved on now that it’s warmer.”
“But what if they didn’t?” Virgil asked. “What if they’re a bunch of murderers that escaped from a prison and decided since zombies exist that it’s okay for them to be cannibals?”
Logan just gave him a bland look. “Anyway, let’s go get the wood and go home.”
“No, but Logan,” Virgil said following him. “What if they’re like, around?”
“Virgil,” Logan said. “I know that sometimes it may seem that we are the only people alive on the planet, but that is more than likely false. There are going to be living people around sometimes and likely, the majority of them are not murders. You don’t need to freak out.”
“Anyone who survived in this hellscape has to be batshit or a murderer or both.”
“We’re alive.”
“Yeah, and we let your dead boyfriend wander the house, so what’s your point?”
“This is a pointless discussion as they aren’t here. I would be surprised if they are even in the town anymore. Let’s just focus on the objective unless you like living in a home with moldy carpet?”
Virgil shifted nervously on his feet.
Logan rolled his eyes. “Perhaps we should stop by the small clothing section and see if there is anything hoodie like. That way you’ll have two comfort items in case you lose one.”
Virgil shook his head. “It’s a lucky hoodie,” he stressed. “I can’t just replace it.”
Logan scoffed. “If it’s so important, you should keep better track of it.”
“I don’t mean to lose it!” Virgil said hotly.
“Are you certain?” Logan asked. “Because evidence seems to indicate otherwise.”
“Screw your evidence,” Virgil muttered. Logan hid a smile as he continued to walk towards where he knew the supplies he needed should be assuming whoever had made camp here had not moved anything. He was glad the distraction worked to take Virgil’s mind off the “murderer cannibals” in the city. He was still alert at Logan’s back but the lines around his brow had softened a bit.
The stock of timber had been depleted, likely burned for heat. However, Logan was still able to find what he was looking for easily enough. Whoever had been living in the Home Depot had created no problems for them, and Logan predicted they wouldn’t as he and Virgil made their way home.
Thanks for reading!
Just a fair warning, this series is going on a temporary hiatus as I want to have the next three parts completely written before I post the first one. It will be at least one week, probably two weeks, and maybe three weeks. Until then, enjoy wondering why I need to write all three simultaneously. :)
Want to keep reading? The next part of this series is “ And There is a Question”  
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Could you request some fics in these trying times? Perhaps some lesser known ones?
I don’t really keep track of more/less well-known fics, but I can recommend ones I enjoy.
lovely, dark, and deep by @teacupfulofstarshine is an exquisitely written romantic analogical mermaid AU. In-progress.
Keep Him Safe by @whatwashernameagain is an amazing, nuanced fic featuring romantic logicality and romantic prinxiety. Cop!AU, Bakery!AU. Heed warnings. In-progress.
A Virgil Affliction by @creativenostalgiastuff is a canon-verse fic that is a very creative, interesting look at the idea of anxiety medication and its impact on Virgil/the Mindscape. Platonic LAMPT. Complete. 
Romance in the Air...port by @not-so-innocent-bi-sander is a cute Prinxiety one-shot with Single-dad!Virgil.
A Royal Evening also by @not-so-innocent-bi-sander is an absolutely lovely romantic Logince fake-dating Human!AU fic. 
Love and Other Fairy Tales and all of its corresponding one-shots by @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors is one of my absolute favorites and I re-read parts of it/the one-shots all the time. Main story is complete. Fae!AU. Romantic LAMP. Other pairings as well, especially if you dive into some of the one-shots. 
Lies of Omission by @ironwoman359 is one of my favorites by Taylor. Some angsty aftermath of Can Lying Be Good? with Platonic LAMP. Patton-centric. One-shot.
Starved by @randomslasher is a big comfort fic for me. Virgil angst/hurt/comfort with platonic (or pre-romantic) LAMP. Complete. 
Thespian also by @/randomslasher is a lovely angst/hurt/comfort platonic Prinxiety one-shot. 
Dad also also by @/randomslasher is one that I adore. Sorta familial/platonic Moxiety one-shot. 
The Learning & Loving Series by @virgilsjourney is a classic to me. College!AU, romantic Prinxiety. Complete. 
Hope this at least gives ya something! Plenty of great fics and great writers in this fandom for sure. 
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Seems like a good time to bring this back up. Under the cut will be a title, applicable ship, and a small summary of all my wips. I got an ask recently to add someone to a taglist so I’m putting this out: these are all my projects. If you want to be tagged for individual stories, for bad things happen bingo, a certain ships or any and all in general let me know! Of course if you have requests you’ll be tagged anyway but barring that hit me up if you wanna.
Experimental Socialization- Intrulogical- Logan was raised by the government to be nothing more than an experiment and a weapon, utilizing his unique abilities as a mutant. When he finally escapes things are much different than he imagined they’d be but thankfully finds others like him willing to help guide him right where he needs to be. Requested Prompt: Not Used To Being Free
Bad Things Happen Bingo
To Cure The Inevitable- Logince- Roman si so tired of endangering himself and everyone around him everytime he changes. Logan promises to help cure him, an old agreement never straying far in his mind. Requested Prompt: Painful Transformation
Restricted- Platonic DRLAMP- Witches are only granted mercy for being caught by owing service to a household for the rest of their lives. There aren’t many houses that are kind when they take on a witch, a fact that is all to clear to Logan and his found coven. Requested (but modified) Prompt: Hurts To Breathe and Whipping
Rage Against The Machine- Intruloceit- Rage finally breaks down the locks and bars present on his door and is decidedly not happy. Unfortunately, Logan is in the way. Requested Prompt: Lifted by the Neck
Faulty Logic- Platonic DRLAMP- Remus is bored and no one’s seen Logan in a while. He’s probably just shut up in his room...right? Requested Prompt: Locked in a Cage
The Perfect Manicure- Familial Rayality- Patton was so happy he got to spend time with Roman since both of them are usually so busy. Though when he said he couldn’t wait to show Remus and Logan his nails, Patton didn’t think he meant by mail. Requested Prompt: Finger in the Mail
Hold Onto Me- Intruality- Patton rushed to the construction site as soon as he heard the building collapsed. All he can do is hope he isn’t in the emergency team’s way as he holds onto Remus’ hand. Requested prompt: Pinned Down by Wreckage
Space To Breathe- Loceit-  Janus is angry and silences a bit too forcefully cutting off not only voice but air supply as well. Prompt: Hurts To Breathe
Trees Are Shit- Familial LAMP- Roman taunts Virgil, Virgil takes the bait and Patton stays on the ground. Logan and Janus know that nothing good can come from hearing all three of their children start screaming. Prompt: Doesn’t Realize They’ve Been Injured
Fear Will Be Your Enemy- Familial Anaroyality- When Virgil accidently tips off the monsters their trying to sneak around and Patton ends up hurt, he can only sit and watch helplessly as everything falls apart. Prompt: Empathetic Healing
Catch and Release- Analogical- Stress can cause all sorts of symptoms if it isn’t taken seriously, but Logan isn’t stressed, he just caught something from work. Virgil has to be the one to step in and say that no, tea and anti nausea pills are not a substitute for actual rest. Prompt: Definitely Just A Cold
Pretend To Hurt- Intrulociet- Remus often suffers from migraines which makes it incredibly hard to do his job. He isn’t sure what keeps triggering them but at least his loving boyfriends are always there to take care of him. Prompt: Trying To Wake Them Up
Stress Enough- Prinxiety- Roman can feel a cold coming on but Virgil has been so stressed lately he knows the other will be coming to him for comfort. Desperately he tries to work through it so he can still be there for his boyfriend. Prompt: Damaged Vocal Chords
So It Goes- Demus- All Janus wants to do is wear a dress but Xyr mind won’t shut up long enough for xem to do so. Xe has never been so grateful for Remus’ constant need to be background noise. Prompt: Body Image Issues.
Oveflow- DLAMP- Logan always felt useless if he wasn’t doing something but doing things required energy that  he sometimes just didn’t have. The others try and get him to understand that resting does not equate to laziness. Prompt: Anger Born of Worry.
Measured Steps- Anxciet- Soulmate au where the counter on your wrist shows how many times you’ll see you’re soulmate, subject to change. Janus gets concerned when his counter suddenly goes down to one and tries to find his destined person. Virgil isn’t one to trust fate in the midst of panic. Neither realize they are their own foils until it's too late. Prompt: Get It Over With
Close- Familial Moxiety- Virgil doesn’t care about destruction of property as long as Patton is safe. His son comes first, always. Prompt: Hysterical Strength
One Shots
Cold, Hard Bitch- Anxciet- When Janus falls ill and isn’t strong enough to sink out to get help, Virgil has no choice but to travel on foot to the light sides’ space. If only the twins weren’t bitter idiots with the way they seperate the domains. Prompt: Hypothermia.
No Strings Attached- Rociet- Roman doesn’t know how to say no, Janus is happy to teach him. 
To Support and Comfort- Logicality- Patton is autistic and has certain “unconventional” things he does because of it. Logan’s parents don’t understand that but thankfully Logan is there for him no matter what.
Drumbeat- Intrulogical- Thoroughly fed up with the way his and Remus’ ADHD manifests and makes their lives more difficult, Logan sets up a date to try and find a solution to their problem. Thankfully it works out for both of them.
Laughter Is My Love Language- Analogical- Virgil loves each and every one of Logan’s laughs and strives to hear them as much as possible. Logan pretends not to notice.
Safe- Mociet- After staying with his boyfriend for several years Patton realizes the things he endured in childhood definitely weren’t okay. Janus is there to make sure he knows he’s safe.
Quiet Knight- Rociet-  Janus is going off to college in a different state and Roman goes with him to the airport. Neither of them want to leave quite yet.
Black Licorice- Anxciet- Collab
Overgrown Metal Ch 4- Janus and Logan centric chapter
Dee Little Snake Ch 3- Patton walks in on a small Janus- and promptly gets apples thrown at him.
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noyin · 4 years
hi can i get some word vomit about an au you love and/or are currently working on? please?
Oohh yes you may!!! Which au is the question lol
So I'm going to put things in bullet lists to organize my thoughts a bit
Fantasy AU
So I'm really interested in having the characters interact, tho I'm still working out everyone's relationships. What I have planned so far is the classic Prinxiety, and they're pretty much the main characters, Virgil being the reluctant companion to Roman, who is trying to stop his brother from turning the world to darkness.
I have Logicality--and Logan's backstory connects to this but I haven't gotten a chance to explore his story yet, but pretty much, he's an Elven cleric/mage with light magic connected to Roman, and when his connection with Roman wanes, he seeks out The Last Oracle Virgil in order to find out what's up pretty much. And the only person who knows where Virgil is is Patton. Patton doesn't reveal Virgil's location, acting at Virgil's protector. So we have a bit of platonic moxiety going on
I really really want to do serval flashbacks from Janus' perspective, especially in regards to his relationship with the Twin Overlookers. Since Janus constantly favors one side over the other depending on how it will benefit him, there's a great deal of angst to explore here--how has his relationship with the Twins been affected by his fickle nature?
I'm also toying with the idea of past Roceit bc... Cmon that would be such a great plot point. And it would be interesting to see what Remus would feel about that, bc he's quite jealous of his brother. Possible unrequited Demus? Maybe
Also I really want to start doing some actual world building. I really want to do towns and locations and stuff like that, kinda like Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In fact you can expect the world to be sorta post apocalyptic, like in botw. The only thing is that I'll have to draw back grounds which I am... Not known for lol
Written in the Stars AU (it's a pirate/siren au) ('wits' for short)
Oh hoho I'm very excited for this one- I have so many ideas. So currently our protagonists are split into two groups: Janus, Remus, Patton, and Logan, and Roman and Virgil
I'm planning on having Virgil and Roman really get to know each other, they will go island hopping in the next couple of chapters and pretty much go on little dates, all the while I get to unfold Roman's angst in the story. At least that's the plan
As for the other four, I'm REALLY excited to focus on Remus. Because he has probably the most mysterious story line. But I can assure you, Remus will have a huge part in this story
Also. Someone will get injured. Sacrifices will be made. It will get intense and emotional
Also also, you know that trope 'villain and protagonist nearly miss each other by a hair'? Yeah that's going to happen a LOT which will be hilarious for me but torture for the characters
And can I say, a brief summary of the plot is: where's Roman?
Anyway I still have a lot to say but I should probably end it here! This ask is getting real long!! Thank you so much for asking
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xlehukax · 4 years
*wrings hands* would any of you wonderful people be mad if I wrote I different fic besides the one that won my September fic contest first?
... I had a good idea. And then a few more ideas. And then a plot. And then characters. And then I pitched it to a friend. Who really liked it. And wants me to write it. And I want to write it.
It would be Sanders Sides (Sorry Loki and Tom Hiddleston followers, but I hope if I write it you'd still read it, because it would be a doozy of a fic and actually like- plot??), Logicality centric with Rociet mixed in (sorta). Lots of platonic Moxiety and Demus. It's like a sort of... monster fic? Experiments, and all that. Logan's a doctor. Patton is a frog hybrid. Dark pasts, sad stuff, death, but also friendship bracelets, long romantic night drives, and adorableness. The title is There Is A Light That Never Goes Out.
It would be posted on Archives, but with like a special chapter cover on Tumblr that will be the lyrics that inspired the chapter and some meaningful piece. Like, a really cool bit I've never done.
...would that be okay with you guys 😖
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robinsdraw · 5 years
Rate characters: Virgil, Roman, Remy, Remus, Patton, Logan, Emile Picani, Deciet. Now all the ships you want to sail!
Oh hard.... Uhm, Patton (because I love to draw this round boi... And I'm his voice an ALiP... So he is my dad/child), Virgil, Remy I guess, Deceit, Logan and Roman, Picani, oh yeah garbage boi is a thing too now (I do like Remus too, don't worry. He's a nice Chaotic.. neutral? Closer to evil, huh?)...
Seriously I think they are all great! And rating them is kinda unfair.... But that's sorta my rating right now (I haven't watched a Sander Side episode sice remus came out, so I'm a little distanced from them i guess)
And ships... The only one I'm still hanging onto is Prinxiety and Logicality sice they are classic 👌 for the others I don't really have an opinion (platonic moxiety is cute too)
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lefaystrent · 5 years
LeFay’s Masterlist
Here’s a list of all of my Sanders Sides stories. There’s a lot down there. Lots of pairings, lots of genres. Don’t get lost.
20biteen??? – Patton’s really confused and Logan’s just trying to make a sandwich.
A demon? In my attic? More likely than you think --  “Well that’s what happens when your dad asks you to clean the attic and it’s filled with a bunch of junk from his wiccan days,” Virgil explained, though from the demon’s pinched expression the explanation left a lot to be desired.
A Dire Situation -  Logan tries not to make a single move or sound. His whole body coils tight with tension, knowing that the animal can strike at any moment. (additional parts can be found here)
A Storm Rolled into Town -  It’s not like Virgil meant to become famous anyway. It just sorta happened. And now he’s shopping in some small-town mom-and-pop store on a weekday morning. Despite wearing the hood of his jacket up and perhaps looking the more conspicuous for it, he can sense that someone somewhere in this store is watching him.
Ashes –Three months ago, Roman returned home to find the house that he shared with his younger brothers up in flames.
Baby you’re a Firework - “Patton is MY best friend!” you screamed, and then you looked to me with those eyes. How else was I supposed to react other than to tell you that we would be together forever? Logicality
Beneath the Boughs –The feeling of tender fingertips tracing from his jaw to his temple made him want to run through fields, but he wouldn’t move an inch away from this spot for anything in the world. Royality
Curiosity – Deceit’s mission to annoy Logan somehow involves sharing a bed with him and refusing to leave. Logan doesn’t really mind. Loceit
Death of a Bachelor - Virgil invites a bunch of billionaires to his fake wedding with his roommate, Logan. He doesn’t expect one of them to actually agree to go. 
Dino – Patton visits his local library one day and meets the librarian Logan, a man who loves dinosaurs.
Down by the Pier – Patton lives by the ocean. He likes to go sit out on the pier because the view is sweet but the company is even sweeter. Moxiety
Every Friday Night – “There’s a cat? In the sink?” Virgil said. platonic LAMP
Existentialism – Patton is a demon and really bad at it.
Five Times – There were five times that Virgil’s path crossed with Logan Sanders. Each time memorable, each time helping to shape Virgil into the kind of person he wants to be. platonic Analogical
Flutter and Fall – Virgil doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but he wonders if you can fall in love with a moment. Prinxiety
Happy Birthday, Virgil – Logan tends to take things literally.
Heartbeat – Roman’s out on the hunt for prey. He gets more than he bargained for.
Heartbeat AU – More info on the story.
Hello Mr. Spider -  He’s heard the screams of people whenever they lay eyes on him. They take one look at him, this monstrous being with too many limbs and eyes, and they quiver in fear and tears. He doesn’t blame them. He hides himself away, hoping to never hear those horrified screams. Moxiety
Hello Again -  Humans trespassed into the church occasionally. Some during the day, most of them at night. Never did humans come two nights in a row. Moxiety (Sequel to “Hello Mr. Spider”)
Hold On -  He felt someone grip the sleeve of his shirt. Logan looked to his side where Deceit stood, holding onto him. platonic Loceit
How to be a Good Person - “There’s an unconscious man in my flowerbed. What should I do with him?” Dee should be used to getting phone calls from his brother needing help. brotherly Moceit
I got to pet the dog -  Patton gets distracted easily. Virgil doesn’t have the heart to tell him he’s supposed to be working.
I met God last night - Predictably, Patton looked up to stare at Virgil. He set aside his scrapbook, clasped his hands together, and said, “Okay, I’m listening.” platonic Moxiety
I wanna intimi(date) you — Virgil teaches Patton to be more intimidating. It doesn’t go very well.
In a magical kingdom far away… —  The evil Lord Of Logic descends on the land, forcing all it touches to obey the laws of physics.
It’s hot – Virgil won’t take off the jacket.
Love Isn’t Blind – Patton notices a lot more than what people think he does.
Never Too Old – Patton worked as a manager at a toy store in the mall. Lately, the employees were noticing a reoccurring customer. Well, if you could call him a customer. He never actually bought anything. platonic Moxiety
Picture That –  “What are you doing?” Patton says between a flurry of giggles. He lifts the book he’d been reading to half hide his face. Roman dances around him snapping pictures as if Patton is a model. Royality
Piggyback – It’s late, and Patton’s falling asleep on the couch. Virgil’s not used to being the responsible one. Moxiety
Potatoes – Virgil has worries for days, but there’s only one thing that truly scares him. Moxiety
Rewrite – So here Roman is, lying by the sidewalk, very much not okay. Not because the local squirrels ostracized him, and not because he’d tripped or some such unfortunate mishap. No, he just has a lot on his mind. Prinxiety
Ribbit – Two lab partners and one dead frog do not make for the most romantic atmosphere but Roman tries. Logince
Roamin’ Nights -  Not that anyone’s looking right now, but Virgil’s glad that it’s dark in the kitchen, lest the color in his cheeks show. Roman’s not usually this affectionate with Virgil. Makes him wonder if he even realizes that this is Virgil he’s basically trying to use as a pillow. Prinxiety
Round and round we go – Logan stood there long after the commotion began outside, the one where everyone realized what had happened and were running to help and call an ambulance.
Sacrificial rituals and other fun activities – Virgil was a mage—one of the best. He’d seen a lot of things, but a handsome man chained up in the middle of a field? Even he had to take a moment. Prinxiety
Shark Attack! -  “I could be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure sharks don’t attack their victims with hugs.” platonic Moxiety
Sicky Icky – Most people assumed Roman would eat up all the attention he could get even when sick. They’d expect loud dramatics and Roman acting like he was dying every minute of it. That’s not how he was at all. Logince
Side-by-side – Virgil’s tired. Moxiety
So help me, I’m not moving from this spot – Virgil has the day off from work and chooses to spend it in true Virgil style. Queer platonic LAMP
Soft Prinxiety – Literally just a softy prinxiety scene. Prinxiety
Some Days – Some days are better than others, and some aren’t. These are Virgil’s days in the mindscape.
Someday I’ll find my way home -  Love cut deep and left scars on the heart. The heart never quite beat the same way again afterward. Analogical
Supposed to be – People get locked into a certain kind of perspective and decide what kind of person you’re supposed to be. Patton is frustrated.
Take Over the World - There’s not much else to do in the Mindscape for Deceit and the Duke.
That one time Deceit played hero in the mindscape – Deceit goes to the common rooms to find that everyone…is acting too much like themselves.
The Hug Booth -  In Patton’s free time, he had a booth set up somewhere on campus and he’d go sit there. The booth advertised ‘free hugs’.
The Ties that Bind – Everyone has a soulmate. Even the ones who probably shouldn’t. Logicality
This is the police! – “This is the police! Open up! Tell me something about yourself, don’t be afraid.” Prinxiety
Ties - Roman and Patton try to persuade Logan to wear a bow tie. Logan is uncooperative. romantic LAMP
Trances – The sides go into trance-like states sometimes.
Trouble in Tiny Town -  Logan is six inches tall. And somehow the human is the one cowering in fear.
Useless gays are useless – Patton is shirtless and Roman and Virgil are very, very gay. Roman/Patton/Virgil
Stil Gay -  Roman and Virgil are still thirsty gays, and Patton is a tall drink of water. One night of tv watching with his roommates leads to none of them paying attention to the tv. Roman/Patton/Virgil (Sequel to “Useless gays are useless”)
Wake up call -  There’s a muffled siren blaring from outside somewhere. He can feel the time slipping between his fingers.
We are family~ - “Patton,” Logan called. He stood in the doorway, stern-faced for a moment before slumping forward with a pout. “I require physical affection.” platonic LAMP
Analogince - What started as a list of headcanons became a story of how three men fell together. part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Dog Days – In the midst of grieving for his beloved pet, comfort comes to Thomas in a curiously small form. platonic LAMP/Thomas, borrower!sides 
If you have nightmares, we’ll dance on the bed - Fae thrived on chaos and the fear that came with it. Well, most of them anyway. Virgil never really shared that sentiment. (Or alternatively, the story of how Virgil loves humans so much that he makes stupid decisions because of it, like save princes from attempted assassinations.)
Kid!Logan AU – Logan somehow finds himself back in time, waking up in his eleven-year old body.
Reverse Kid!Logan AU –  Roman just wanted a normal babysitting job. Now he’s caught up in debunking why he sees five-year-old Logan Sanders as if he were a grown man. part one , part two
Lifeline – Long ago, when his sides first started showing up, Thomas had pondered long and hard about reality versus imagination. But this? It became more apparent that Patton was carding his hand through Thomas’s hair. It was as if any of his friends were doing it, so tangible it was. Tangible in a way that shouldn’t be possible. platonic LAMP/Thomas
Nursing Home AU -  Patton had seen Virgil during the hiring process, and his personality didn’t seem like a … good fit. Too closed-off and kinda gruff, and probably not a good bedside manner, right? Plus there was that criminal record to consider… But he’s hired anyway, and Virgil joins the staff.
Psychic Therapist Virgil – Virgil’s not your run-of-the-mill therapist. part one, part two
Roses – The humans steer clear from the forest, warning their children with every generation, “Do not stray into those woods. They will devour you.” But it’s modern times now, fairy tales aren’t real, and Virgil and his friends have just moved into town and want to investigate the ‘haunted’ forest.
Variants – Patton was surprised by the mutant breaking into the jewelry store one night. And by break in, he meant that they seeped into shadows and appeared on the other side of the windows without breaking anything at all.
Weclome to the Neighborhood –Virgil’s really bad at peopling, or so his new neighbors find out. Prinxiety
Witch Way -  Virgil just wants to live a quiet life with his familiar, Logan. But we can’t always get what we want.
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I like to think that I don’t let too many WIPS pile up. But I have let these things get out of hand. And I’m gonna list them. Because... maybe someone will see one and convince me to actually write it?
Here we go:
Next BHOH chapter
Next TVFH chapter
TVFH lost chapter - the sad one that ends cuts
TVFH lost chapter - the adorable one the whole time
Next TPTI book
New long chaptered fic - Analogical/sorta parental royality/Rosleep?
Platonic Prinxiety famous au
A CALM Reveal prequel
Prinxiety soulmate au - sadder one but ends well
Prinxiety soulmate au but also in a coffee shop
Prinxiety/Logicality soulmate au - colors
Royal/Commoner Prinxiety
LAMP soulmate au - Halloween - multi chapter
LAMP soulmate au - thoughts
LAMP Wing Au chapter 3
High School Logince
Mermaid Moxiety
High school Logince/Moxiety
Brothers Analogince
The Chaos Triplets
Royal Analogical - Creativitwins
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My Writing Masterlist!!!!
Grouped by ship, to hopefully make things easier to find!! All my writing is also tagged under the tag “lo can write” and all my music is under the tag “lo can sing”!! 
(⭐ = top 5 most popular fics // ❤️ = author’s favourites)
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish) 
The Purpose of Marriage, To Know That You Are Loved - lamp! just fluff; very sappy. featuring: lots of love declarations and a nontraditional marriage proposal. (2,425 words)
tonight might be my night to reminisce - lamp! angst with a soft, hurt/comfort ending. featuring: Logan stargazing and getting existential. (1,665 words)
Saviour - platonic logince and platonic royality! hurt/comfort. featuring: a superhero au and some absolutely terrible puns I spent far too long trying to find. (1,398 words)
Spooked - platonic lamp with a focus on platonic analogical! fluff and humour. featuring: Crofter’s type bribery and bad ghost hunting. (2,362 words)
“You never told me you had a fucking twin.” (⭐) - platonic lamp with a minor focus on platonic logince! fluff and humour. featuring: Roman not knowing how to let other people talk and the subsequent confusion. (1,985 words)
cloud nine (❤️) - lamp! fluff and hurt/comfort. featuring: lots of napping and Virgil trying to help his boyfriends feel better. (2,799 words)
smitten - qpr royality & romantic prinxiety! fluff. featuring: Roman being a lovesick idiot and Patton being basically the sweetest partner ever. (1,033 words)
Chaptered Fics
A Gift From Me To You (❤️) - lamp and platonic sleepxiety! angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, this fic has it all! featuring: surprise soulmates and a whole lot of emotional journeys. (complete) (29,882 words / approximately 3,000 words per chapter) chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 - chapter 7 - chapter 8 - epilogue
Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1,000 words, ish)
“I think I'm in love with you.” - prinxiety! absolute fluff. (616 words)
"So what, who cares what they think?"  - prinxiety! fluff and hurt/comfort. (345 words)
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish)
running out of luck // on his knees - prinxiety! light fluff; nothing hugely intense. featuring: late night strolls on the beach and Roman being a dork. (1,081 words)
“You better have a good reason for waking me up at the ass-crack of dawn.” - platonic prinxiety! fluff. featuring: a timelapse of early mornings or late nights and some reluctantly asked for affection. (1,247 words)
demiromantic love - prinxiety and implied endgame dlamp! fluff with a slight bit of angst. featuring: the obligatory identity crisis and crush on your best friend 90% of LGBT+ people experience in their life. (1,089 words)
stellar nebula - prinxiety with background loceit and parental analogince! fluff. featuring: an impulsive surprise and a whole lot more softness than Virgil was expecting to deal with. (1,375 words)
“You’re crying” (⭐) - platonic prinxiety! hurt/comfort. featuring: hot chocolates and late-night insecurities. (1,350 words)
Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1,000 words, ish)
“Here, take my blanket.” - ambiguous logicality! fluff. (553 words)
“For some reason I’m attracted to you.” - logicality! angst (warning: no happy ending). (583 words)
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish)
Secrets - logicality! hurt/comfort and a lil bit of angst. featuring: a silly misunderstanding and some crying. (1,307 words)
Caretaker - platonic logicality! fluff. featuring: autistic! sides! and Patton being an excellent roommate and friend. (1,431 words)
solidity - ambiguous logicality! angst, possibly hurt/comfort but mostly angst (warning: no happy ending). featuring: some hardcore dissociation and reality issues, and Patton trying his absolute best to help. (1,073 words)
“Is there a special reason as to why you’re wearing my shirt?” - queerplatonic logicality! hurt/comfort and fluff. featuring: Patton trying to work on his issues and Logan being a good qpp. (1,151 words)
“If you don’t hug me right now, I think I might fall apart” - queerplatonic logicality! hurt/comfort and fluff. featuring: angry, protective Patton and some of the subtle ways to love someone. (2,012 words)
“Don’t be silly, I want to stay up with you.” - queerplatonic logicality! hurt/comfort. featuring: some school-related stress and Patton being willing to sacrifice sleep to assist. (1,046 words)
Falling Leaves - platonic logicality! fluff. featuring: autistic sides and lots of crunching leaves. (1,325 words)
Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1,000 words, ish)
Nightmares - analogical! mostly horror, with some hurt/comfort. (730 words)
“Don’t say you love me.” - analogical! hurt/comfort. (627 words)
“All I do is drink coffee and say bad words” - queerplatonic analogical! fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort (704 words)
“Have you seen my hoodie?” - analogical! hurt/comfort. (687 words)
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish)
Understanding Pride (⭐❤️) - queerplatonic analogical! a good mix of angst, hurt/comfort and fluff. featuring: aro/ace Logan coming to terms with his identity and nb Virgil helping him out with that. (5,519 words)
“Just smile. I really need to see you smile.” (❤️) - analogical! pretty much entirely fluff, with a tiny bit of self-doubt. featuring: ace Logan having to deal with some shitty people and Virgil being a soft boyfriend. (1,108 words)
“You’re very endearing when you’re half-asleep.” - analogical! complete fluff. featuring: a sleepy Virgil and a completely in love Logan. (1,031 words)
Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1,000 words, ish)
“This is girl talk, so leave.” - royality, with a side of analogical! fluff. (1,002 words)
First Dance - royality! absolute fluff. 
safe - royality! fluff.
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish)
How Does He Know You Love Him? - platonic royality! angst, with some hurt/comfort. featuring: some reminiscing from Patton and a long-overdue conversation. (1,540 words)
“Please, don’t cry.” (❤️) - royality! fluff. featuring: a proposal and Roman drinking loving his boyfriend juice. (1,562 words)
four and twenty blackbirds - royality! fluff. featuring: Roman’s being a gay mess and both literal and metaphorical sweetness. (1,589 words)
nevertheless - royality! fluff with a lil hurt/comfort. featuring: a song and a hesitant but undying kind of love. (1,196 words)
Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1,000 words, ish)
logince soulmate drabble - logince! fluff. (553 words)
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!” - logince! fluff. (451 words)
Awe - logince! complete fluff. (991 words)
Love You (❤️) - queerplatonic logince! fluff. (748 words)
interstellar infatuation (❤️) - logince! absolute fluff. (729 words)
“Did you seriously just get your foot stuck in a toilet?” - logince! humour. (737 words)
a hand to hold - logince! fluff. (594 words)
Full Fics (longer than 1,000 words, ish)
take care (⭐❤️) - logince! fluff, extremely sappy. featuring: Roman’s bad self-care tendencies and Logan’s willingness to do anything to help his boyfriend. (2,925 words)
the choice is ours and ours alone - logince and (background) moxiety! fluff and hurt/comfort. featuring: autistic Logan and serious relationship discussions. (3,534 words)
breathe in fire (❤️) - logince! angst and a little bit of smut (warning: no happy ending). featuring: an amazing one night stand, and Logan's fear of falling in love. (1,267 words)
“I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.” - logince! fluff. featuring: Logan being a gay mess and Roman managing to be smooth for (what I imagine to be) the first time in his life. (1,507 words)
Screw You // Okay - logince! smut? sorta. and fluff. featuring: arguments as a cover for sexual tension and Logan trying not to admit that he’s soft. (1,432 words)
Effort for Effort’s Sake - ambiguous logince! hurt/comfort. featuring: some emotional turmoil and Roman caring a whole lot. (1,915 words)
“I’ll be here to protect you.” - pre-romantic logince! fluff with a little bit of hurt/comfort. featuring: Roman’s irrational fears and Logan’s willingness to help him feel better. (1,215 words)
cuddles and catnaps - platonic logince! hurt/comfort and fluff. featuring: an exhausted Logan and a heartfelt discussion. (3,667 words)
better things are here with you - logince with background moxiety! fluff. featuring: love confessions and an agreement for the betterment of both ends. (1,768 words) - moxiety companion fic here!
celestial bodies (❤️) - logince! fluff. featuring: a proposal and more emotions than either of them know what to do with. (1,400 words)
disruptions - logince! fluff. featuring: a very nervous Logan and an unexpected, and yet entirely expected, love confession. (1,234 words)
Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1,000 words, ish)
“You’re cute when you’re all worried.” - moxiety! hurt/comfort. (440 words)
“Wait a second are you jealous?” - moxiety! fluff with a tiny bit of hurt/comfort. (762 words)
“I’m so proud of you.” - brotherly moxiety! fluff!!! (544 words)
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish) 
The Well (❤️) - moxiety with background logince! horror? angst? it’s something! featuring: fae Patton and Virgil being the protector as always. (2,820 words)
Nook - Present - moxiety! angst and hurt/comfort. featuring: loving husbands and emotional release. (1,149 words)
every way that matters (❤️) - queerplatonic moxiety! fluff and maybe some hurt/comfort. featuring: an unexpected marriage proposal and a bond closer than you could ever imagine. (1,167 words)
love like you - moxiety! lots of fluff and a little bit of angst. featuring: immortals in love and some sappy slow dancing. (2,064 words)
things are better here with you - moxiety with background logince! complete fluff. featuring: a lot of Virgil being stupidly in love and several attempts at a proposal. (3,404 words) - logince companion fic here!
Self-Control (❤️) - moxiety! fluff. featuring: a past as rebellious punk children and rediscovering feelings after a long time apart. (2,539 words)
Ships with Deceit
Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1,000 words, ish)
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” - parental anxceit! hurt/comfort. (1,000 words)
“I love your hugs.”  - moceit! hurt/comfort. (243 words)
“Do you even still love me?” - dlamp! angst (warning: no happy ending). (626 words)
Certainties - loceit! fluff. (548 words)
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish)
they hate you, I’m sure - platonic moceit! hurt/comfort and fluff. featuring: some tears from Patton and cuddles from a good snake boi. (2,830 words)
“He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.” (⭐) - roceit and one-sided royality! hurt/comfort maybe? I’m really not sure. featuring: Roman’s shitty friends and Dee being observant (bonus: Logan using neopronouns). (1,845 words)
the cost of admission - loceit! fluff. featuring: nb Logan and a direct interpretation of the line, “oh my god, they were roommates”. (1,421 words)
“Please, open the door.” - analoceit! hurt/comfort. featuring: an unexpected coming out and emotional vulnerability. (2,261 words)
Drabbles/Ficlets (under 1,000 words, ish)
feigning innocence - losleep! fluff. (892 words)
“I’m thinkin’ about losleepxiety” - losleepxiety/analosleep! absolute fluff. (369 words)
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish)
Idealistic (❤️) - losleep! fluff with a tiny bit of hurt/comfort. featuring: Remy loving space and Logan loving them even more than that. (2,286 words)
Warmth - remile! fluff with a tiny bit of angst. featuring: nonbinary Remy, trans Emile and just an unreasonable amount of soft. (3,401 words)
Four Seven Hate - losleep! is “gay mess” a fic genre? no? then maybe fluff. featuring: Logan not understanding how emotions or people work and a whole lot of misplaced anger. (1,498 words)
“You’re stunning.” - sleepality! fluff. featuring: prom night and Remy being a bit of a sappy gay. (1,206 words)
No Ship
Full Fics (over 1,000 words, ish)
Patterns - no ship! angst, just entirely angst (warning: no happy ending). featuring: Virgil’s bad coping mechanisms and self-harm. (1,357 words)
Make-Believe - a Roman-inspired song!
Lost & Found - a Virgil-and-Deceit-inspired song!
nevertheless - a royality song!
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supernaturalist1234 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Virgil wearing Patton’s glasses, anyone?
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snowdice · 5 years
There Are Things That Are Lost (Part 5 of the series “Is There Anything Left of Patton.”)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Virgil & Logan, Logan/Patton(?), Virgil & Patton (?)
Characters: Logan, Virgil, Patton(?)
Summary: Virgil’s lucky hoodie is missing. Patton is more helpful with this than Logan.
Notes: Zombie Apocalypse AU, Past major character death(?), It’s a zombie AU and Patton is a Zombie. Angst.
This is the fifth part of a series of one-shots called Is There Anything Left of Patton? For once we’re not going to have a big time skip between this one and the next one so watch out for their trip to the Home Depot next week.
Previous parts:
“Something Left”
“Someone You’ll Never Meet”
Food You’ll Never Eat
Things You’ll Never Do
“Ugh,” Virgil groaned. “Where’s my hoodie?!” Patton turned at the slightly louder sound of his voice and shambled over to him. Unwilling to deal with him right now, Virgil took the couch cushion he’d been looking under and raised it between them as a barrier. Patton glommed onto it and Virgil pushed a bit, so he stumbled back. Apparently, he’d been too rough because he fell and landed on his butt continuing to grip at the pillow mindlessly.
“Don’t be mean to Patton,” Logan scolded, walking into the room.
“Have you seen my hoodie?” Virgil asked him.
“You need to keep better track of your stuff,” Logan said. He pulled the pillow out of Patton’s grip meeting very little resistance.
“That is not helpful,” Virgil spat.
Logan grunted as he leaned over and pulled Patton to his feet by the underarms. Patton grabbed for his face once he was standing. “Hush dear,” Logan mumbled, gently taking his hands in his and pulling them away. “It’s okay.” Then he turned his attention back to Virgil. “Based on data from the last three months, I predict you’ll find it in a place you ‘swear you didn’t put it’ within the next 2-3 days. Then, you’ll inevitably loose it again within the week.”
“… I don’t appreciate your tone.”
Logan did not bother to respond to him this time. He simply settled Patton on the couch with gentle pushes. They had found that he was much more likely to acquiesce if they just poked him in the direction they wanted him to go instead of shoving. He liked to push back against things that were too forceful, but if you just nudged him, he tended to accept it. They’d figured out a lot of things like that ever since they’d started to let him off the leash a bit.
Virgil had convinced Logan to let Patton walk around on his own sometimes almost three months ago, honestly mostly out of boredom after a month being stuck inside by the winter weather. He’d cited the fact that the zombie couldn’t exactly figure out how to open doors or anything, and neither of them were worried he’d eat them at this point. All they had to do to keep him contained was make sure the exits of the room they wanted him in were closed. They didn’t even need to lock them; they could probably just put up one of those baby cages.
Okay, maybe not that. Sometimes when he got in attack mode, he could push really hard. Last month Virgil’d forgotten to close the door to the kitchen and had ended up being tackled for a piece of raw meat he’d been intending to cook. It had been all types of traumatizing to watch him eat something bloody while being held to the ground. Beyond just the instinctual fear, there’d also been the thought that maybe being covered in blood would finally activate his eat human mode and Virgil would be desert. Yet, the most he’d done to Virgil was shove at him with his creepy ass fingers. Patton was lucky Virgil had some weird misplaced affection for him after that stunt. Logan also was lucky for the same reason; else he would have murdered the man for laughing after he realized exactly what had happened.
With a dramatic sigh, Virgil flopped down on the couch next to Patton and immediately had fingers on his arm. “Do you know where my hoodie is?” he asked Patton, pushing the fingers away. Patton made a puffy moaning sound. Virgil nodded along. “I already checked there, but thanks for being more help than Logan.”
Logan glared at him. “It’s too warm for it anyway,” he pointed out. It was true, but that didn’t soothe him.
“And if a zombie comes and tries to bite me, I’d like to have more than a t-shirt for cover,” Virgil grumbled. “No offence, Pat.”
He figured since Patton didn’t stop with the grabbing at his face that he did not take any offence.
“The hoodie isn’t going to give you any more cover if a zombie attacks you,” Logan pointed out.
“Well, it certainly helps when this zombie attacks me,” Virgil said as fingers continued to touch him. He’d usually put up his hood and pull the strings tight to prevent the slightly too cold touch from hitting his skin when Patton did this.
“The lost hoodie is your own fault and I have no sympathy for you. Keep better track of your things.”
Virgil stuck out his tongue. “Fine,” he said. “you’d better hope I don’t die in an accident that could have been prevented by a hoodie when we go out today. ‘Cause I’ll haunt you.”
“Yes,” he snapped, “because I need more dead loved ones hanging around my house.”
“Sorry,” Virgil said, properly cowed.
Logan sighed and sat down in the armchair across from him. “No, I’m sorry. That reaction was needlessly provocative.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like he was battling a headache.
They’d been at each other throats the past couple of months. January and February had been particularly hard with the snow and the cold. They’d been snowed in the house with only each other and a zombie whose presence could either make Logan soft and sad or irritable at the flip of a coin. Now it was nearing April and though it had been snowing still two weeks ago, the weather had broken a day ago and it was suddenly edging on hot, at least in comparison.
Hopefully with a little fresh air they’d be able to calm down a bit around each other.
Speaking of.
“It’s fine Lo,” Virgil said. “I get it. We should probably get going if you’re ready.” At some point during the winter, they’d apparently sprung a leak in the corner of the living room by the armchair. They often woke up to the carpet damp and Logan was worried there might be rot if they let it go much longer. So, since the weather seemed to be holding, they were going on a mission to get lumber and some other supplies to hopefully fix it. The hope was that the Home Depot wasn’t too overrun and the wood there was good. Otherwise they’d have to chop down a tree themselves which would make a lot of noise: not exactly a good thing when flesh eating creatures that were drawn to loud noises were wondering around.
Logan nodded at his reminder and looked over at Patton, the skin around his mouth tightening.
Well, they certainly weren’t going to just leave him alone in the upstairs to roam by himself. Yet, Virgil knew putting him in the basement hurt Logan more than he let on.
There wasn’t anything for it.
They walked together towards the basement entrance, hidden carefully behind a few bookcases in Logan’s study. Virgil whistled long and low and, as anticipated, a couple of moments later, Patton lumbered towards them.
Virgil was glad that Patton wasn’t able to make the connection between where they were drawing him and the basement below because, if Patton was capable of hating anything anymore, he hated the basement. He imagined if Patton could produce the fleeting thought that coming to the study = cage in the basement, he would fight them all the way.
He was always discontent in the basement. The more restrained he was, the worse his sounds and struggling became. It was some instinct, Virgil guessed. After all, how were zombies supposed to hunt and eat people alive if they were trapped? Of course, Patton didn’t actually have to worry about that since he and Logan kept him very well fed, but the chomping living beings instinct seemed to be the only zombie instinct shut off for him. So, he’d still mindlessly shove against things restraining him just like he’d still reach for things and pull them to him and he’d still follow loud noises and dramatic movements. Just like he’d still chase you down and tackle you if you weren’t careful. He just didn’t eat you at the end of it all.
The point was, considering how strong he could be when he wanted to, it was fortune that he didn’t understand where they were going.
Unfortunately, Logan did.
He took a measured breath and pressed the lever that would open the basement door. “Come here, dear,” he requested. Patton turned his attention to Logan, reaching out to him. Logan grabbed one of his hands and pulled softly, causing him to stumble forward in confusion. “Come on,” he coaxed, “it’ll be fine.”
“Want help?” Virgil asked, pitching his voice low as to not attract as much attention from Patton. His hands moved towards where his hoodie pocket would usually be, but then fisted at his sides since he was just in a t-shirt. Virgil always asked even though he always got the same answer.
“I can handle it,” Logan said, his voice measured. Virgil just nodded once and leaned against the door to wait.
Want to read more? The next part of this series is…
There Are Things That Are Missing
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rubyredsparks · 5 years
Blossoming Souls Ch. 6
Relationship(s): Romantic Logince, Moxiety; Platonic every other relationship
“Tags” for the whole story: morally grey!deceit, Deceit, Remus, Thomas as a character, Romance, Minor violence, someone’s potty mouth, Foul language, Minor homophobia (it’s not that bad), Miscommunication (this one is though), Friendship
Chapter Summary: The truth comes out and is a harsh slam to the face.
Virgil watched as a carriage pulled up to the palace, hidden behind the curtains. He had felt anxious about the whole marriage arrangement ever since King Thomas had told him he had signed the papers.
Thomas didn’t know the kingdom of Aowhea as well as he did. They could read and research as much as they wanted, but Virgil would always know more.
Considering he grew up there.
Virgil remembered Emile, his sibling, and their protective nature was no match for the wickedness of Aowhea.
Though, that wasn’t very fair to the kingdom; the setting was lovely, fresh and blooming. It was the people that he hated.
Selfish and greedy. The citizens always thought for themselves, looking forward for a little more gold. Shrouded in their own darkness, clothes dark and eyes even darker, the people of Aowhea were only looking after themselves.
A kingdom full of backstabbers and thieves, Virgil hated that he had lived a life there.
A knock. Virgil turned away from the window. “Come in.”
“Babe, what’s up!” Remy crashed through Virgil’s door, canteen in hand and sunglasses adorned. He smelled faintly of alcohol and bad mead, but Virgil welcomed the familiar, dour smell.
“S’up,” Virgil nodded. He went back to the window, eyes casting worriedly around the castle square.
“Gurl, are you spying on the citizens?” Remy sounded scadelized as he strolled closer to Virgil until he was next to him.
“Of course not,” Virgil scoffed, he glanced back one last time before fixing his gaze back on Remy. “Report.”
Remy rolled his eyes, fixed his hair, saying, “We took a ride into the Fiawl Forest. It wasn’t much. His Royal Pratness also started singing, lamenting really, about how his life sucked.”
“So just typical Roman,” Virgil sighed in relief.
“Well….” Remy looked embarrassed, ducking his head.
“‘Well?” Virgil raised his brow, eyes wide. “That doesn’t sound like a good start. What happened? Who died? And if you killed anyone, was it discreet?”
“What, no!” Remy denied, confused at Virgil’s stress. “We met the Prince of Aowhea on our way home. He was in the midst of getting robbed by bandits.”
Remy winced, sunglasses slipping back over his eyes. “He’s fine. Me and the princess drove them away. Stayed at an inn. S’why we came back a day later sorta with the visiting prince.”
“Please tell me that Roman didn’t do anything stupid when he met the prince,” Virgil asked pleadingly, hands clasped in front of his face.
“No can do, gurl. Introduced himself as his dad, lied about his life, and I think fell in love with him all in the matter of a few hours.”
“I don’t know whether that’s worse or better.” Virgil ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve half a mind to yell at you for this.”
“Whoa,” Remy put his hands up in defense. “I didn’t tell his Royal Annoyance to lie. If anything it’s all his fault!”
“That’s why I have half a mind to yell at you.” Virgil shook his head. “Listen, the carriage from Aowhea just came not five minutes ago. The Prince is expecting Roman or Thomas to be welcoming him into our kingdom. But now I’m pretty sure Roman’s not gonna be there, am I right?”
Remy winced, grimacing, “You’re probably right about that, Vee. Roman majorly clucked up introducing himself as Thomas. He’s probably going to run before he can welcome the Prince.”
Virgil sighed. “That’s what I was afraid of.”
Thomas glanced around anxiously. Roman was nowhere in sight, despite the fact that he had sworn to Thomas that he would be here to greet the visiting prince.
He sighed, the stifling robes and regalia on him felt nearly suffocating. Standing in the foyer of his palace waiting for his possible son-in-law felt like a fantastical dream.
There was an old dream of letting Roman have his chance at finding true love, but the kingdom had to come first.
The reality of his kingdom’s situation was that his borders were crumbling, his soldiers exhausted from the expense of protection and his people’s loyalties wavering.
Thomas knew that he had to do something drastic to save his kingdom and the home that he grew to love. Fortunately, the trade and military alliance with Aowhea had needed updating. Unfortunately, the king of Aowhea decided to give his son as a bride price to Thomas.
It had been... an unusual first meeting to say the least.
~25 years ago~
The loud bustle of men cheering and drinks clinking was grating on Thomas’s ears.
Thomas grit his teeth, pulling his hood down further to hide his facet and stifle the noise as best as possible.
He didn't want to be here. Not in this pub with its cramped spaces and squalid manner. But he had to.
This was where the crowned prince of Aowhea was always rumoured to be at night. A tiny pub saturated with mead and men.
Thomas needed to get a glimpse of him, to know what sort of man Prince Ernst was so that their alliance with their kingdoms could still remain.
Perhaps it was underhanded of him to go undercover without anyone knowing, but he was already in the kingdom. Why not take advantage of this opportunity?
Someone slammed their mug on the table, and Thomas was acutely reminded of how much he hated pubs.
The patrons were loud and unruly, a literal brawl happening in one corner of the room.
Thomas’s skin was crawling, unseen dirt sinking into his skin and seeping into him, making him want to claw at himself.
A booming laugh to his right made him jump, knocking into lukewarm mead and soaking into his boots.
He raised his head, an apology ready on the tip of his tongue when he was met with two different coloured eyes seeming to stare into his soul.
Thomas didn't know how to form words. His ability to speak lost as he stared at the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. Wow, Thomas was very, very gay.
He was tall, that was the second thing Thomas noticed. Tall, dark hair, dark skin, strong build with mouthwatering muscles and a jaw that could cut glass.
The blue overcoat had gold outlines on it, hemmed to shimmer every time he moved, reflecting off the dim lights of the pub.
“My apologies,” the man said, words syrupy sweet and lilting. His accent got more pronounced, “I didn't mean to bump into you, darling.”
“That's not okay! It's your fault!” Thomas blurted out.
The most gorgeous man Thomas had ever met only delicately raised an eyebrow. God, Thomas could feel his cheeks burning a bright red at his admission.
“I- I mean you're a problem! It's not fine! Shit!”
A grin curled the edges of the most gorgeous man Thomas had ever met’s lips.
“What a dirty mouth for a rather rude man.” The grin turned into a wicked smirk. “However shall you pay me back for these insults?”
“I'm sorry!” Thomas squeaked, cheeks darkening even further. The pub felt distant, his ears ringing and the man in front of him was starting to get blurry.
There was a flash of something in the yellow and brown eyes that Thomas didn't even try to decipher.
A hand rested heavily on his shoulder, and Thomas barely reacted.
He allowed the gorgeous man to steer him out of the pub, distantly hearing him say some words he couldn't make out.
There was a tidal wave of noise, stretching his mind, and Thomas screwed his eyes shut tight, trying to block it.
His head felt heavy and his mind detached. Ringing in his ears that echoed way too loudly for his taste.
Something squeezed him. He didn't know what.
There was another squeeze, this time somewhere else.
How could people hear with everything this loud?
A rhythmic squeezing started up, and Thomas slowly became aware that his hand was the thing being squeezed.
Hesitantly, he squeezed back. A stronger reaction was returned, and awareness slowly came back to him.
Thomas was met with two different worried coloured eyes.
“Are you alright?” the man asked, Thomas distantly realized that he hadn't let go of his hand. Maybe he didn't want to.
“Fine! Just fine!” Thomas said, high pitched.
A low chuckle and Thomas wanted to melt, “That's good. You had me worried there.”
“It's fine!” Because Thomas apparently didn't know how to say anything else in the presence of this man without making a fool out of himself.
A smirk this time, and Thomas had to actively suppress a shiver. “I'm Damocles, and you are?”
“Single!” the words flew out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Luckily, the man- Damocles- didn't say anything except raise his brow, amused.
“I mean- Cyril,” Thomas said, remembering the last minute that it probably wasn't a good idea to give his real name out, no matter how common.
Damocles lifted Thomas’s hand up, brushing the barest kiss against his knuckles and purring, “A pleasure.”
Thomas thought his face couldn't get anymore red.
Thomas had thankfully recovered since that first encounter with the now King Ernst of Aowhea.
An unlikely friendship had blossomed between the two Crown Princes, one that Thomas didn’t even realize he needed.
Ernst had always seemed so organized, well-adjusted, a feat Thomas could barely manage.
When he had last visited Ernst half a decade ago….
Thomas broke out of his musings by the heavy castle doors groaning open. He looked up, feeling every ounce of nerves well up inside him.
Regardless of the fact that the second prince of Aowhea was a child and twenty years his junior, Thomas had heard the rumours of Prince Logan’s cold and calculating ways. He knew that if Aowhea didn’t like Eiehde, his kingdom would be doomed.
Thomas stood, footsteps feeling heavy as he walked down from his throne to greet the prince. A fixed smile on his face and one more deep breath.
“Announcing His Royal Highness Prince Logan Wysteria of Aowhea!”
The King of Eiehde kept his head up high, letting a cool mask slip over his face. The doors opening were heavy, groaning as it opened.
Thomas’s first thought of the Prince was young, very young. The boy, for he could hardly be called a man, strode forward, head held high, pride oozing from his stance.
He was slight, the clack of his heeled boots in the foyer made it known that he was shorter than seen. His dark skin complemented the blue garments he was wearing, a trailing black coat behind him and another man trailing behind him.
The Prince reached Thomas, bowing, “Your Majesty.”
Thomas was frozen. He had married his son off to a boy, a child. Someone who shouldn’t be shouldering the responsibilities of a kingdom.
A small cough, and Thomas plastered on another smile. “Rise, my boy, for we shall be family from henceforth. No need for such formalities between family.”
The Prince- Logan, Thomas reminded himself, for he wasn’t joking, they will be family by the month’s end- straightened, a fixed smile on his face as if he didn’t know quite how to smile and instead lifted the edges of his lips.
“Of course, your Majesty, if I may, where is his Highness Prince Roman?” Logan inquired cooly. The slight poison of his words were barely detectable, yet Thomas still winced.
It was just like Roman to break a promise on such an important visit. Well, it couldn’t be helped.
“His Royal Highness was on an embassy to Hevewnoi.” Virgil smoothly intercepted, taking control over the situation as Thomas stood there, frozen. “His return should’ve been yesterday, but there are situations we can’t control.”
“I see.” It was clear that the Prince did not see. Thomas hoped the boy could not see how unnerved he was right now. “Well, I shall overlook it. These situations cannot be helped.”
Thomas let out what he hoped was an inaudible sigh of relief. “I’m sure you’re tired, your Highness. We shall let you retire to your quarters before dining for supper.”
Logan inclined his head in understanding. Thomas waved a hand to one of the guards, “Kai shall show you and your guard to your quarters.”
Kai bowed his head in agreement, stepping toward the hallway where the living quarters were and the other two quickly followed after him.
Thomas’ shoulders sank, that had not been what he was expecting.
Roman was hiding.
He was hiding, had been for the past two weeks or so, and he wasn’t feeling an ounce of shame.
Okay, maybe a bit of shame. He was a knight after all. Captain of the Royal Guard and everything.
He had faced things from a Dragon Witch, Manticore-Chimera, to even a Hydra-Griffin. He was brave, dammit. Brave, courageous, and not to mention handsome.
So why was Roman hiding in the servants’ quarters like a coward? Because the very idea of facing the Prince from Aowhea was so damn terrifying to him. It wasn’t even like there was anything physically intimidating about him. It was outrageous for Roman to even be scared of the other.
When he first saw the Prince, he couldn’t help but think that that was whom he was marrying?
He certainly didn’t think that Prince Logan was suitable to be Prince Consort of Eiedhe. There didn’t seem to be anything special to him. He was more contrary than anything, failing to respond to Roman’s charms.
Well, Roman could also concede to the fact that Roman hadn’t exactly done much to charm Prince Logan either. So he supposed that Logan had a valid reason not to like him.
Gods above, that was so stupid of him to introduce himself as his own Father. Why, oh why, did he happen to meet the Prince on his journey home? Now he couldn’t ever face the other Prince again.
“My Prince,” a gentle voice knocked him out of his thoughts. Roman opened his eyes to see the concerned face of Leo staring at him.
“Yes?” Roman winced at his scratchy voice, clearing it. “What is it, Leo?”
“It’s time for dinner, your Highness.”
“I’m not hungry,” Roman said, rolling over and pulling a blanket over his head. Roman felt slightly guilty hiding in Leo’s bed and subsequently taking over his room, but right now he just wanted to disappear and not have to see anyone again.
“Okay,” Leo said slowly, and Roman felt the disapproval emanating from the gentle man. “If I may, your Highness, why are you hiding in my room?”
“No reason,” Roman mumbled into the bedsheets.
“Of course, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the visiting Prince and your husband to be, yes?”
“What!” Roman shot up, blankets flying and face red. “This has nothing to do with Logan.”
“Mmm, Logan now is it…?” Leo said, and Roman shot him a dark look that made him grin, “Of course it doesn’t. So, again, why are you hiding in my room when you have a perfectly fine room yourself?”
Roman flushed a deeper red, “I just don’t want….”
“You’re scared,” Leo grinned in realization. “Crown Prince Roman of Eiehde, defeater of the Dragon Witch and Conqueror of the Nine Isles is scared.”
“I am not!” Roman screeched, shooting up to his feet and stalking toward Leo. “Lies and slander! I am not scared of a simple Prince.”
“Good,” Leo said simply. “Then you can meet the Prince for dinner and be not scared out of my rooms. Now, shoo.”
Leo had, without Roman realizing, opened the door and pushed Roman out into the deserted hallway.
Roman blinked before he cursed Leo for exiling him from his hiding place. He walked forward, not really knowing where he was going.
He stuck his hands in his pockets, head up and staring at the brick ceiling. The hustle and bustle of the servants was soothing, a buzzing background noise as he walked.
He nodded distractedly at the scattered greetings as he strode forward in the hallways. Roman wasn’t scared of the Prince, but he was scared. Well not of him, but more of falling in love with him.
He hadn’t wanted his first love to be the result of an arranged marriage. He wanted something something romantic, something straight out of a fairy tale if possible.
Bumping into the person of his dreams as he was in the palace plaza, helping the person pick their things up, meeting them in the forest as they were singing their heart out. Something romantic and sweet.
Well, he supposed that he couldn’t always get what he wished for, no matter how much he whinged.
There wasn’t anything inherently wrong with the other Prince. Roman still admitted that the man was handsome, of course not as much as him, but still very handsome.
“Oof!” a voice exclaimed, and Roman stepped back, eyes widening as it landed on familiar curly, black hair. He wasn’t supposed to be here! Roman was hiding from him for goodness’ sake.
“Pardon me, I was-” Prince Logan cut himself off as he seemed to realize that it was Roman he was talking to.
“Thomas,” Logan said, voice set in a tone that Roman wasn’t sure he liked. “Thank the Lady I found someone I recognize. Would you mind showing me to the palace library? I asked for directions, but I can’t seem to make heads or tails of the turns.”
“Of course,” Roman found himself automatically saying. “If you would follow me.”
He held out his elbow, allowing for the Prince to slide his arm securely in the crook of his elbow, and Roman walked forward with the Prince following next to him.
“Have you had dinner yet, your Highness?” Roman said for lack of anything else to say.
Logan inclined his head, “Yes, though I am a little disappointed that Prince Roman wasn’t there to greet or dine with us again. His Majesty, the King, had many things to say about that again.”
Roman winced, imagining the onslaught of reprimands his Father would give him after missing yet another dinner with his Intended.
“Though I can’t help but be relieved,” Logan continued as they reached the library. “I’ve heard and read many things about the Prince, and I don’t know what to do if I ever met him formally.”
There was a peculiar tone in how the Prince phrased that, but Roman wasn’t as interested in that.
“What have you heard?” Roman asked. His heart stuck in his throat, a pain that took hold of his body and made him want to run and hide from those sharp, blue eyes.
Logan had put his hand on the doorknob before he looked him over, eyes roaming and scanning him up and down. Roman could hear the blood rushing in his ears as he waited for Logan’s next words, as if he was on trial and Logan was the executioner.
“That Prince Roman was charming.”
That didn’t sound nearly as bad as he thought it would be.
“And vapid, arrogant, pig-headed and a liar.”
Wait, what?
Roman stopped in his tracks, swallowing past the lump in his throat. “Wh-what do you mean, your Highness?”
“Oh, what kind of fool do you take me for, Thomas? Word travels quickly after two weeks, especially in a castle surrounded by your work. Did you honestly think I wouldn’t find out?”
Roman couldn’t move. His thoughts were a mess, a storm in his mind.
Prince Logan opened the door to the library. “I can see that you didn’t. Thank you for leading me toward the library. Good day, Prince Roman.”
He slammed the door shut as Roman was left blinking outside the library doors.
“What- what just happened?”
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f, h and m for the fanfic questions? :))))
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“No! No, no, no! I am not giving up on you two, and you shouldn’t give up on each other either! You two had something, before. And it worked, and sure it was crazy, but it was wonderfully crazy!” Pax exclaimed, stalking over to Logan and grabbing his hand, then tugging him over towards Roman.
“Pax, please stop. It’s obvious that-”
“I was scared!” Logan blurted, before he could really stop himself. Both Roman and Pax blinked in surprise.
“What?” Roman asked in a hushed voice.
“I was scared, Roman. Of what we were. Favian had so many fantastical ideas- concocting a super-soldier serum, re-creating Frankenstein's monster, summoning Daleks to take on- it was all so illogical and terrifying,” Logan rambled, words spilling out of him in a torrent.
This is from the sixth part of my fusion au, and the reason I picked out this dialogue scene was because I remember getting chills while writing it. And this part of my fusion au in general had a lot of dialogue that I really enjoyed writing (like later, when Favian’s so excited to be formed again)! Another reason this one is my favorite is because I really enjoyed having Logan admit that he was afraid of fusing. Since Logan is rather emotionally closed off in the videos (except for when he’s frustrated), it was really satisfying to write, and I also feel like his outburst here was decently in character!
H: How would you describe your style?
I... am actually not sure. Emotional, or maybe descriptive? This question honestly has me stumped, I don’t really know if I have a “style”. Words just sorta happen, and people seem to like the words. 
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
*rubs hands together like an evil mastermind* oh boy do I! I have three fics that I’ve been secretly working on for a bit (that’s why there’s been some relative radio silence from me on the fic front). Plus, with being back at school, I’ve had like zero time to write. Buuut, I’ll give y’all some vague plotlines in the meantime!
1: A seven-chapter LAMP fic that is a superhero au! Each chapter is gonna focus on a specific pairing within LAMP, with the last chapter being all the boys together! (credit for this chapter set up goes to @nekoabi!) There’s also gonna be background Remile, and I plan for it to be a more fluffy superhero au (think of it as a more “saturday morning cartoon” superhero type story).
2: An atypical LAMP fic (it has Royality/Analogical and Logicality/Prinxiety, but not Moxiety/Logince) with background Remile. It’s a hella angsty fantasy au (don’t worry, there’s a happy-ish ending planned), and I believe I’ve rambled about it to some folks in a discord server once. There’s also some background (and possibly toxic) Dukeceit.
3: A platonic/familial LAMP fic that is inspired by a piece of fanart by @parano--vigilant! Basically, Remus kidnaps the boys and it’s up to Roman to save them! This one may actually get done sometime in the next couple of days, cause I actually had time to write a lot of it today, haha. There’s a lot of angst at the current moment, but it will end happy and fluffy!
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Happily Ever After Ch.
Sorry for the delay, guys! I thought that it had already posted. Oh well.
Relationships: Moxiety, Analogical, Logicality, Eventual LAMP
Warnings: None that I’m aware of. Comment if you find any!
Virgil led both him and Logan back towards the car, but Roman respectfully took a step back.
“I will allow you to ride this beast, Your Highness. The F-“ Virgil shot him a harsh glance. “Virgil will accompany you for your protection. I’m sure that if you gave me directions, I could make the journey within a week.”
Logan stared at him expectantly, as if he was waiting for Roman to proclaim that it was a joke. Was he not used to a guard? Perhaps he came from a less well-known kingdom.
“Your Highness? I assure you that I will not be long, and Virgil spent a ride with me without turning hostile. You’re safe.”
Virgil glanced between the two, before sighing, opening the strange flap in the creature’s side. “Get in, Logan. I’ll explain on the way there.”
“We’re not going to leave him. Ah,” He faltered. “...Your Highness. There’s room for you in the car.”
When Roman shook his head, Logan sighed again, tilting his eyes up towards the sky. “And… I suppose…” He clenched his fist. Roman assumed it was hard for him to admit. “I suppose I’d be safer with you accompanying us.”
A strange joy filled him at Logan’s words, the promise of being needed like a drug. “Oh, well, if that’s the case,” he grinned, taking Logan’s hand in his own and kissing it again. “How could I refuse?”
He opened the flap behind Logan’s. Stepping in, he sat down on the seat inside the creature’s body, dragging what Virgil had called a “seatbelt” across his lap. It clicked into place beside him, and Roman leaned back.
“Are you good back there, Princey?”
“I am quite well, thank you. I suppose now would be a good time to save up my energy!”
He closed his eyes, having every intention to fall asleep.
“Sure. Whatever. Just a heads up: I’ll be calling Patton, so you might not get that much rest.”
Logan muttered something, and Virgil spoke again. “I’ll turn the volume down, or something. G’night.”
“Heya, kiddos! What’s shakin’, bacon?”
Roman bolted awake as another voice that he was sure wasn’t there before filled the car. “What the- Who’s there? Show yourself!”
The voice giggled. “Who’s that? Did you guys make a new friend?”
“Show yourself or I swear-”
“I wouldn’t call him a “friend,” Pat. Though, I guess he’s sorta nice.”
Logan turned around and glared at him, bringing a finger to his lips.
“Oh, well, that’s okay! How was work?”
“Work was alright.” Logan spoke, sighing. “Mrs. White stopped by.”
“That’s weird, I thought people didn’t go to school on Saturdays!”
Roman looked around for where the voice could be coming from, but came up empty-handed, deciding to tap Logan on the shoulder.
“Prince Logan,” Roman whispered. “I believe an invisible intruder has snuck into the car.”
“That’s just the phone, Roman. We’ll be arriving at the house shortly.”
Roman huffed. He didn’t know what a “phone” was, but he most definitely would make it his mission to find out.
“Okay, we’re almost there. I’ll see you soon. Love you.”
“I love you too, kiddos!”
Love? Surely, they meant platonically? Roman quickly pushed the idea of two men in a relationship out of his mind. What loyal friends they must be, to have the ability to wish love unto the other freely.
The car pulled in front of a large house, nowhere near as big as the castle, but definitely bigger than most houses he had seen.
Both Logan and Virgil got out, making their way towards the door without helping Roman.
“P-Prince Logan? Virgil? I’m still here! Honestly, I find it quite rude that you would help Logan but not me.”
With a sinking feeling, Roman remembered that nothing could be heard outside the beast’s body. The last time he rode this creature, Virgil had helped him out, but now he realized he was, in fact, alone.
He had faced worse things than this. However, he didn’t have his sword to carve his way out, and even if he did, he supposed Logan and Virgil wouldn’t take kindly to their slaughtered steed. He ran his hands along the sides of the flaps, dipping his fingers into every nook and cranny. Maybe he could trigger a response?
Just then, he heard muffled voices outside. At last, a rescue! He started banging on the eye sockets, unsure whether they could see them, or if they even knew he was there. Virgil was gesturing to a man Roman didn’t recognize. He had glasses like Logan’s, but smaller, and a small grey cape around his neck, contrasting his sky-blue shirt.
“I’m here, I’m here!” He cried, banging even more furiously than before. “You needn’t worry, I’m alive and well, though I fear I won’t be for long.”
The flap swung open, and Roman tumbled out, laying sprawled across the ground.
“That was… quite a performance.” Logan remarked. “But I suggest you refrain from doing it again.”
The unknown man leaned down, reaching out a hand. Roman gladly took it.
“I don’t know what performance you’re referencing, but thank you for rescuing me. Your beast is quite the trap! If I had my sword, though, I would have been out in minutes, much to the creature’s dismay.”
“Yeah. Okay. Come inside, Patton made steak.”
Roman had had steak just the other day, there was no way he would have it again.
“Oh, I’m alright. I’m sure you have something else you could offer me. I admit, your castle is a tad… well, small, but I will eat your food.”
The other man, he must be Patton, blinked a couple times, deciphering his words. He hummed in confusion.
“You don’t want any steak?”
“Yes, that’s what I said.”
“Oh.” He quickly recovered. “That’s okay! We have some leftover pasta from last night that you can have. Are you vegetarian?”
Roman was so busy answering Patton’s questions, he barely registered walking through the door, until he had sat down at what might have been the smallest table he had ever been in. The walls around him were a plain beige, but they were decorated with pictures of the three men together. In a grassy setting with a tablecloth adorned with food laid in front of them, one with Patton surrounded by dogs, one with Virgil laying with his head on Logan’s chest as he was read to, but the one that caught his attention was one where they were all formally dressed. Logan was wearing a black and white suit, Patton was wearing a white wedding dress, and Virgil was wearing suit with a purple undershirt.
“Where are you in this painting?”
Logan glanced up from the fridge. “That’s our wedding photo.”
“Wedding. Who were you marrying?”
Virgil tilted his head, staring at him in confusion. “Each other.”
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nottodaylogic · 6 years
Gray Cat Fluffy Hoodie
Summary: Moxiety fluff time with cat hoodies :) platonic or romantic? Who even knows anymore
Word count: 851
Warnings: Panicking, sorta kinda panic attack? Sensory things
A/N: This is based off a fanart that I’ll attatch later/tag the artist if I can find them. This was written with my amazing, spectacular friend @ohbytheangel :) hope you enjoy!
“Okaaaay. So this is, if I’m correct, take nine. Are we ready?” Talyn asked.
Patton gave a thumbs-up from his corner. “Ready!”
Logan adjusted his glasses. “Satisfactory.”
“Absolutely grand!” Roman twirled, very prince-like. And also very over-the-top.
Virgil pulled his hoodie tighter around him. “Let’s just go.”
“Alright, Virge.” Thomas nodded at Talyn.
“Three, two, one, action.” Talyn started recording.
Virgil took a deep breath. “We just need to always forget to—oh crap!”
“Just keep going. We can edit it out,” Joan said.
But Virgil couldn’t keep going. This was, as Talyn had said, the ninth time they tried shooting this one scene, and he just couldn’t get it right.
“Virge, it’s okay. Just keep going,” Thomas said, attempting to reassure him.
“I can’t. I’m sorry. I just need a break. I’m sorry.”
“Virgil, it’s really not a problem.”
“We could switch to a different scene.”
“Let’s just try it again.”
No. No, he couldn’t. He needed to get out of here. He needed to go.
He ran out of the room before anyone could say anything more.
He felt bad, kind of. He knew his friends were just trying to help. And he didn’t mean to get this worked up.
Why do I have to be like this? Why do I ruin everything? Why do I have to get so worked up?
He sat down on his bed, curling up, holding his legs tight to his chest.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
He tried to focus on breathing, but his thoughts kept intruding, refusing to be silenced.
“Four,” he murmured, trying to force himself to breathe and calm down. “Four. Four. Four.”
The breath he took was short, ragged, forced. The next ones came easier.
Breathe in for four, hold for seven, breathe out for eight.
He felt himself calming down. His breathing slowed. He lay relaxed on the bed.
He should probably go back out and keep working on the video.
No, he’d just ruin it more. He didn’t want to mess up again.
“Virgil?” There was a knock on his door. “Hey, Virge, can we talk?”
He didn’t respond. He didn’t want to talk with anyone. He just wanted a little more time alone.
“Virgil, I’m coming in, hun.” The door opened, and there was Patton, a jacket over his arm and a mug in his hand.
Virgil pulled a pillow to his chest, leaning back against the wall. “Hey.”
“I made you some tea, I thought that might help you feel better.” Patton sat down next to him on the bed, handing Virgil the mug.
“Thanks,” he muttered, taking a slow sip. Patton was right. It made him feel safe, calm.
“Do you wanna talk, love?”
Virgil shook his head.
“Well, can I talk then?”
“What's the jacket for?”
“Oh. Here.” Patton smiled. “Close your eyes.”
Virgil froze. “Patton. What?”
“Hey. Hey. It’s okay.” He held the jacket out. It unfolded to reveal a gray hoodie. With cat ears. “It’s soft, kiddo. Feel!”
He did. It was incredibly fluffy and soft to the touch. He found it grounding as he melted into its touch. He pulled the hoodie on. “How come you always know how to make me feel better, Dad?”
“Awww, Virgil, honey.” Patton put an arm around his shoulders. “I don’t always know how to make you feel better. And honestly it’s kinda scary that I’m not sure how to help you. But you’re my kiddo, so I’m trying my best.”
“Is everyone else really frustrated with me?” Virgil asked. “For running off? I mean they just want to get the video done and then I put everyone way behind schedule by not only messing up, but running away!”
“Oh, Virgil, honey, no, of course not! They understand that you get anxious. They’re actually really worried about you.”
“They—they are?” Virgil felt himself starting to cry.
“Why wouldn’t they be?”
“Because I’m always messing things up, and they’re annoyed!”
Tears. Tears. Gasping for breath.
A sudden and fierce reminder of his eyeshadow’s fragile existence.
Nails digging into his palms.
Patton holding him. “Virgil, you don’t mess things up. You’re actually always helping us improve things. And everyone loves you so much, they couldn’t be annoyed with you.”
He couldn’t speak. His throat was choked up. He could barely breathe. So many feelings.
“Virgil. Look at me. Deep breaths.”
He leaned his head against Patton’s shoulder. Breathing was slowly getting easier. “Keep talking.”
Patton did exactly that. “You are so thoughtful towards everyone. You keep checking in to make sure we’re doing okay. You notice if we’re feeling down and make a point to ask about it. You do so much to try and help everyone as much as possible. You are so dedicated to our videos and to making sure things turn out amazing. You care so much, and it shows, it really shows, hun.”
“Thanks.” Virgil brushed at his eyes, probably smearing his makeup even more, and cleared his throat. “Thank you, Patton.”
“Anytime, Virge.”
“Dad, question.”
“Shoot, kiddo.”
“Can I keep the hoodie?”
Patton laughed. “Of course.”
They left together to join the others.
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