#platonic soulmates aaaah
solaneceae · 8 months
how to (not) deal with asymmetry
a tazercraft oneshot. Years ago, an experiment gone wrong melded two souls together. One has learned to grow alone, the other still has some catching up to do. read on ao3
“Mikey,” he gasps, choking on the scent of smoke and static. “Mikey, cadê vo—” the rest of his words die, in a hacking cough that makes him taste metal at the back of his throat.
It hurts. God, everything hurts, and his brain feels like it’s splitting into dozens and dozens of little bloody shreds. He’s pretty sure he’s bleeding too — glass shards strewn about all over the cold tile floor of the lab, red stains — but the physical pain is nothing compared to the feeling of his deepest Self splintering like sandstone during an earthquake. He grits his teeth, hard enough to crack them — the alarms blare, loud and red and shrill, stabbing through his ears and directly into his unravelling brain.
Dói. Dói. Ajuda. Cadê o Mike? “Não,” he chokes out, despair swelling up disgustingly within him as he spots his best friend, his partner in crime, laying motionless against the gutted remains of their latest machine. “Não não não,” his arms pull him forward through glass and smeared blood (his? Mike’s?), to him, to reach him. Every fiber of his being is burning, thoughts getting fuzzy and muddled, unravelling at the seams. All that’s left is help, Mike, Mike, no, no. “Moço,” Pac sobs as cold fingers press against the younger man’s neck, sinks into despair when he feels nothing. “Não— por favor, ele não. Ele não…”
This was supposed to help. Mike— he said the machine could help with his leg, to control the prosthetic better. It was supposed to be his greatest achievement yet. But it was killing them instead, a parasitic chain reaction eating at their souls as the Labs burned down around them.
Mike just wanted to help. Help him. And now his friend is— “Mikey,” Pac gasps, because Mike’s jugular has granted a pulse — weak, slow and uneven, but a pulse. Still alive. Pushing through the pain, the oldest member of Tazercraft paws at his friend’s chest desperately, grabs his red-stained lab coat to pull his unconscious body away from the smoking machine, away from the flames. “Tâ tudo bem moço,” he wheezes out, fuck, it hurts. “Tâ tudo bem.”
He hears a high-pitched beep — then a soft shhhhh, and then water starts raining down on them. The fire system. “Caralho,” Oh, so now it kicks in. Now they’ll just die of having their souls shredded instead of burning alive, how delightful. Pac could laugh, if only there was anything funny about it all. A particularly vicious wave of white-hot pain washes over him, and Pac whimpers, pulling Mike tight against him. He’s burning, but Mike is cold, so cold. His face is lax, getting paler by the second, blood steadily trickly out of his nose — and from the sticky feeling and metal tang inside his mouth, Pac doubts he’s looking much better. “Disculpe, Mikey,” he utters as the world fades into grey sludge, static filling his ears and seeping into his vision. He’s fading, and fast. “Disculpe.”
What’s he apologising for the most? Not being able to save them, uselessly lying on the floor? Not being smart enough to figure his leg out?
Being stupid enough to lose it in the first place, for trusting a known murderer over his oldest friend? “Acorde,” he pleads, pressing Mike’s forehead against his. Cold. “Acorde, por favor— olhe pra mim, moço…” He can’t die like this. Can’t leave like this, without Mike knowing how sorry he is, how much he loves him, his best friend, his partner, his—
his other half
Mike’s eyes
his other half
Mike’s eyes are green
his other half
his world is green
grass and trees and toxic waste
pulling him in
his world is blue
blue lips
Pac’s face, pale and slack, tears running down
blue lips, blue hoodie
blue pie-shaped eyes among the golden sclera
pulling him in
  As the outside world melts away, two mangled souls reach out and find each other. Spin, spin, spin like two neutron stars trapped in an infernal cosmic dance.
  They brush against one another. Barely a touch, barely anything, but the sheer force of the pull-longing-need makes them cry out in something like pain.
  He-they? Don’t understand. But maybe they do. Pac feels Mike, Mike feels Pac, close, yet not close enough. They are dying, they will die right there, if they don’t—
Do what? What? What is this?
sei, sei
tem medo, tem medo—
não, não
fique, fique
não me abandona agora
They collide. And it’s agony, and it’s ecstasy, and they might be screaming, or maybe they’re both already dead and this is just their last shred of consciousness stretching out into delirium. It’s a cacophony of voices, their voice (voices?) so loud, so loud, and it’s memories of their childhood and their many crimes and heists, of rage and laughter and nights spent huddled together in a thin mattress meant for one. Then under cold rain. Then surrounded by cold metal bars, sharp teeth and claws prowling just outside, distrust, regret, pain and blood and loss, Jv, Guaxi… Of vast expanses of grass under sunlight, freedom, catharsis and revenge and love, and love, and love, searing and all-encompassing and painful.
Pac and Mike scream as their shredded souls cauterize — pieces of themselves sealing the cracks and hollows in each other. It hurts, maybe worse than soul damage does even, but they want it to hurt. Because it means they’re still alive. It hurts, and it’s loud, too much too much too much—
Their entire Selves burn, together. Until it gets so overwhelming that their brains decides that alright, that’s enough, and unplug everything.
Things get muddy from that point on — their memories from that time would stay but a confusing blur in the future. But they do know that they wake sometime later, soaked and cold and not quite right. Mike? Pac? Yes. They blink, and everything still hurts, cuts all over him— them? “Pac,” he calls out, voice shot and throat like sandpaper, but… isn’t that him? Why is he… they…
Bleary eyes open. He sees blue. Blinks, and everything changes. He feels heavy, too heavy. Moço? I’m… here. No. Pac, that you? No, I’m… we…
A hand pushes against the tile, a body grunts and winces. Everything is wet, stupid sprinklers. He-They see Pac, curled up on the floor, cuts all over his arms. Pac sees, himself. That. That’s not right? They blink, and it’s like being in two places at once, two pairs of mismatched eyes meeting, a feedback loop. One of Pac’s eyes is green, one of Mike’s is blue. “Mikey,” Mike’s mouth lets out a whimper, and the voice, the accent… “Pequi?” Pac’s mouth responds in kind, scratchy, barely a mouse’s squeak.
A blink. The feeling of drifting, of losing time. And then Pac feels a little more like himself, Mike’s hands are cupping his face, and he leans into the touch. His eyes are green, green, green. What did we do? he hears his partner’s voice, even though his mouth isn’t moving at all. Meu deus, what did I…
Hurts, Pac’s voice rings through whatever space is forming between both their minds, chaotic and loud and God heir heads hurt so bad. Scared. My leg…
Mike’s eyes fall onto the prosthetic, bent out of shape and barley holding on to Pac’s stump. Colorful swears burst across Pac’s counciousness, and he presses his palms against his ears in an attempt to muffle it all out. It doesn’t. Stop! Stop! Can’t, too loud, can’t—
He feels something reach out and pull him in — something familiar, something good. He reaches back, feels himself drifting again. Gasps as he (Pac, he’s Pac now, but also never stopped being him?) finds himself staring down at his own body once more, and he almost falls over because leg, leg, he has a leg there, but it’s not his? “Imma be sick,” he hiccups, dizzy and nauseous all of a sudden. Pac (no, Pac is— him. That’s Mike, those eyes are green, it looks so weird) grunts something undecipherable from the floor he now lays on, piloting Pac’s body like an ill-fitting suit. “I hit my head on the machine,” Mike-in-Pac, and his words are slurred, like he’s struggling to use that foreign mouth, that unfamiliar tongue. “Concussion.” Mike picks himself off the floor, slowly, hissing as every move pulls at the cuts on his arms. “Shit—” he almost slips on stray glass, struggles to find balance. “Our leg’s busted. Fuck.”
Pac-in-Mike stares, unable to muster coherent thoughts. His skull is throbbing, and he has two fleshy legs. Mike’s body doesn’t respond like his does, wider, shorter, glasses lost somewhere around the wreckage of their failed experiment. And goddamn, he knew Mike’s eyesight was awful, but fuck. He blinks, drifts, and trades fuzzy mind and vision for a tangible pain in his arms and a phantom one in his missing leg. He hears Mike (Mike-in-Mike, he’s back again) vomit near him, and decides that they need to get out.
He’s not sure how they make it all the way to the medbay — time feels wonky, sluggish one second and then too fast the next, and they almost fall several times because they keep finding themselves piloting the other’s body, or both at the same time somehow. One blink, and it’s Mike hopping his way down the corridor, a hand on the wall and his own body slumped against his-Pac’s side. Another blink, and the frontier between them gets fuzzy, individual thoughts merging together into grey mush as they, struggle to coordinate two sets of arms and legs as a single unit.
They lose time, too — now they’re clumsily wiping off blood, pouring disinfectant on cuts that might or might not be his-theirs, long fingers sewing up a cut at the back of a head. Pink hair, that’s— that’s Mike’s. Don’t move. I’m not. Stop. I’m sorry.
White gauze is haphazardly wrapped around injuries because you’re so bad at first aid. Shut up. Do it better. I am. We are. Then the madbay is plunged into darkness and they’re both curled around one another, a knee digging into a gut, a face pressed against a clavicle. Not sure which is whose. Stay. Yes. I’m here. We’re here.
Touch is so weird — only half-tethered to their own bodies, consciousness in near perfect osmosis, every touch felt twice over. One pulls the other closer, neither can tell which one, and their shared mindscape lights up with warmth and hello, hi, it’s me, it’s you, me, you, us. And it’s still raw, still painful, still loud. But darkness beckons them anyway, exhaustion and hurt deeping deep in their bones. They don’t know whose eyes close first, and it doesn’t matter. Their thoughts scatter like dust in the wind, heavy, sticky sleep pulling them down, down, down.
Pac and Mike do not die that day. TazerCraft sleeps, now more than the sum of its parts, two half-souls melting together in a mess of shared memories and half-formed dreams. After a while, the sun rises and shines through the blinds of the medbay. 
They do not wake. It crosses the sky and sets, and still, they do not wake. It will take yet another day before one of them even stirs, lips chapped and dry from dehydration, eyelids cracking open with great struggle to reveal shades of blue and green. And they are raw, tender in a way they do not understand and filled with echoes of thoughts that won’t shut up, stop, not yet settled, not yet stable.
Pac and Mike, Mike and Pac. Together. 
Pac never did well with change. (Well, neither of them really, but Pac was worse about it.) Having to move out of a Lab to escape the authorities was never a good time ; Mike liked his tea to be made a certain way, liked his things organised a certain way ; Pac feared the unknown that came with change, almost as much as he revelled in the chaos it brought. They were a walking contradiction, masters of their craft, creation optimisation addicts that somehow connected to the entity of Chaos and disorder instead of the logical choice that was Knowledge.
They had experienced plenty of change. But they, themselves, hadn’t changed that much since their first meeting. Grown, come into themselves yes — but they had woven their souls and fates together, and stayed as they were because they were content that way.
The island has changed that, too. Things are… different. Pac is different. Because Pac has changed, despite himself, while Mike was gone. He doesn’t know how to feel about it just yet. He wonders if Mike minds that he did. It’s a little harder to know what his other is thinking these days, walls that they had no need for before shielding little pieces of themselves. Secrets to keep, even from each other. Pac has accepted that, he’s the one with the most out of the two of them — a promise to keep, for someone else, a promise of danger and grave consequences if aired out. But he can still feel some bitterness on Mike’s end.
Pac has grown. He struggled, broke, gave in to sickly-sweet mind-honey and chemical bliss. He fell in love, slowly. He confronted his own personal demon in the person of Cell, relapsed and crazed, and he killed him. Only to be hunted and killed all over again on that wretched island. And all of this, he did alone.
Oh, he had his friends, and he had Fit of course. But Mike hadn’t been there, his presence at the back of his mind imperceptible as he slumbered away in the Ordo’s medbay for all those months. And despite himself, Pac had gotten… used, to that. To Mike not being there.
Pac has changed. Mike has not, frozen in time by kelp-induced sleep. But that’s okay.
Pequi, Pequi. Moço. You’re so in love it makes you look stupid.
Pac huffs through his nose at Mike’s interruption, spinning the block he was about to place in his palm. Your face is stupid, he sends back, and feels Mike laugh at the back of his brain — a hum-buzz, familiar and more welcome than he’d like to admit. He smiles as their wavelengths sync up oh-so perfectly, letting himself drift through their shared mindscape until he fades into their greater Self, one, together. TazerCraft, one soul, one mind, all-encompassing love.
Then they separate again, physical sensations trickling back in slowly. Pac blinks, disoriented for a second, before the weight on his nose and lower center of gravity makes him whine in protest. “Mikey! Warn me before you do that!”
Now my face is your face, his other half sing-songs through their bond, stretching Pac’s body like a cat in a sunbeam. Oooh, strong. Been working out, moço? Need to impress someone? Maybe the one you’re building this thing for?
“Choke on a sandpaper dick, Mike.” 
On it.
Pac mumbles something, feeling his (Mike’s) face heat up. He wishes he could hide his face in his own hoodie, because Mike’s shirt just won’t cut it. Come on, it’s been too long, his other half croons from all the way over at the Labs, cracking his (Pac’s) neck with a smirk that would look odd to an outsider, on that face. Pac huffs, pushes green-fading-into-pink hair out of his eyes to look around the place he has found himself in. “...Why were you in some random cave?”
Needed the quiet. And more gold.
“Mmh.” Mike’s body feels a little strange to move around with, after so much time — like a suit he hasn’t worn in a while. Tight in a few places, not sitting quite right in others. So much happened while Mike was in his coma, and Pac knows he’s done some growing as a person — maybe that’s why. 
“Don’t worry too much,” Mike hums as he keeps placing blocks around the island Pac picked for his little love nest (blergh. Sure he’s happy for him, but he could do without Pac’s constant mental swooning over motherfucking FitMC from 2B2T.), picking up on his worries. “You are still Tazer. I am still Craft.”
Feels all rusty.
“It will get better. Let’s stay like this for a bit, yes? I can finish the base layers for you.”
“Would be faster with a machine though.”
“You’d take twice the time just to build the machine,” Pac rolls Mike’s eyes, digging his way out of the cave and pocketing coal and gold on the way. Mike’s pickaxe is shit. “Sometimes it’s just faster a la mano, you know?”
Pfff. Spoilsport.
Pac laughs, light and airy as he breaks to the surface, sunlight hitting in face and momentarily blinding him. Mike hums and pulls him in for a meld, and Pac lets him because he’s missed this.
There’s still a slight stutter to it — like lag but not quite, their shared mindscape rough from disuse after months of radio silence. But they both get into the flow despite it, curling around one another and letting the boundaries between what is Pac and what is Mike blur into almost nothing. Hi, hi, longing and joy and gentle hovering over the new scars in Pac’s psyche as well as on his body. moço, moço. you’re here, i’m here, hello. One of them might be crying, out there or maybe both are ; but it’s most likely Pac. The feeling of arms hugging them tightly, and is it self-soothing if you’re sharing your body with another person while you do it? Hello, you, me, I love me, love you, love us. Hello. Can we join? Yes.
The warp of teleport, barely phasing their osmosis. Two halves, one stumbling to the other half-laughing-half mumbling in mangled Portuguese, embracing, a head nestling in the crook of a neck. One of them gets a kiss on the forehead, or maybe they both do somehow.
Touch gets weird when they’re like this — only half-tethered to their own physical vessels, consciousnesses in near perfect osmosis. Every touch is felt twice over, a feedback loop. They spin, laugh at something one of them thought, and their shared mindscape lights up with warmth and hello, hi, it’s me, it’s you, me, you, us. “You’re ridiculous,” Mike’s body says, blue and green swirling in half-lidded, vacant eyes. “I missed you. Missed us. Yes.”
“A half missed this more. The other was in a coma, it didn’t miss like this one did,” Pac’s body purrs, sitting and basking in sunlight, head tilted to the side. Blue and green staring at the sky without really seeing it. “No. You’re supposed to say ‘me too’, asshole. I did. You did.”  Thoughts spin around endlessly, echoing between query and response in a pattern that only they can decipher. Pequi, Pequi. Mikey. No, I promise. Always? Yes. He won’t, it’s okay. No, I didn’t forget. Can we? Okay.
Then Pac traps Mike in an aggressive noogie, snapping them back into themselves as the shorter man hisses out insults and bats at the other’s face. The build does not progress a lot that day.
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weeping-laurels · 9 months
Girl crush time? Girl crush time!
I have a years long crush on a girl named A, she was my first proper girl crush. Literally my bisexual awakening. We became very close friends in high school. We’re obsessed with the same things, are both vegetarian (well, I’m flexitarian) and we would hang out just to talk for hours on end up until she moved away for college with her gf. Yes, once again, a crush of mine is taken. I’ll never ever ever flirt with her until she’s not taken anymore (maybe when we’re 80). But I love her so much I could marry her and live with her. She’s an asexual lesbian and though I’m rather allosexual (well, I always believed I’m on the ace spectrum but at the same time I’m super hyper-sexual) I could go my whole life without sex if it meant being her wife. Like, aaaah I adore her. We make each other so happy. We’ve never even fought once. We just… brighten each other’s days. She called me her platonic soulmate once. I get she’s been in the same relationship since middle school but wonder if she finds me attractive at all. Wish I could cuddle her n kiss her :(
Yes, she’ll be referred to as A. For amazing, adorable, tAlented, admirable, etc. etc. I think about her a lot.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
chapter 333333 - we back!!
(platonically) (for now) (what?) (I didn't say anything). - HHHHNNGHH!!!! ONION!!!
is this entire series just a love letter to me wanting to take care of this guy? maybe so. maybe so. - so based of you
is this entire series just a love letter to me wanting to take care of this guy? maybe so. maybe so. - all of the cherries
you’re thankful that you’re alone - cmon now chippy did you really think carmy was able to stay away
it’s not gonna somehow get more correct than correct… - but but what if can be…
“Fuck are you doing here?” You and Carmen manage to speak in perfect unison. - they’re soulmates
“If you need a palate tester, lemme know.” - mood. i love that she’s bold enough to say it cause i’d be thinking it but wouldn’t want to overstep
lone chef - lone chef, lone wolf (well bear)
He might not consider himself a brightening presence, but to you, he certainly is a nice lamp. - fucking fuck fuck fuck
not wanting to stroke his ego, but he’s already clocked it. - i love that for them. their dynamic is everything
On their one black plate - her plate!!
But then he leans forward, head meeting your level, amusement lilting his voice - i would die
He grabs the fork from you to try for himself - the way they’ve always shared:’)))
you press the back of your hand to his chest / grazing your hand on the small of his back - it’s so small but oh the touches!!
poor man’s sommelier… - poor syd’s sommelier
“I take the L.” - yeah you do *badum tss*
“What’s wrong with home, Carm?” - she’s too good
He sniffs, he’s waiting for the shoe to drop, for you to tell him he has to go home / “You can hole up at mine.” - I LOVE THEM
“Good. Where’s the black plate go?” - in your apartment and also MY HEART
It’s heavily thrifted and upcycled from furniture you found on the side of the road - love that, especially cause you just KNOW chippy knows how to properly clean the furniture
This is a perfect apartment because you live in it. - :’))))))
Nothing can hit, in here. - 😭😭😭💕🫶🏼
“I uh, I left your Carhartt at work.” - RIIIGHT CAUSE SHE PUT IT ON HIM IN THE WALK-IN AAAAH
“you can put your shit there.” - she’s so slick
“Fuck is this?” / “Fuck is what?” - i am in love with them
“Don’t say my name like that…” / He has discovered does not like it when you say his name with any sort of animosity or disappointment. - because he liiiiikes her:3 he’s so precious
“Carmen no… Two in One?” “…Five in One.” “Five in One?!” - they’re so funny!!! these moments are so<333
pair of sweatpants your brother left here ages ago. - it makes me happy that it’s her brother’s and not an ex like most fics do :’)
Goddamn it he is very pretty, sonofabitch. - he is, it hurts
There’s a boy in your house and you’ve just discovered he’s pretty. - !!!
And without verbally checking in, you once again flow into a silent rhythm - they’re so natural together like yeah they’re meant to be
You make a face, and while he doesn’t fuckin’ guffaw, he does smile - like how richie does:’) she probably made faces with eva oh OH
You both speak at once. “Weird to see you out of uniform.” - SEEE!!! they are perfect. let’s go back to when everything was good and hair was being washed
And he can see you. - how mikey saw her, OH THIS IS A CRIMEE
“You’re good at it.” - 😭😭😭
does he laugh at the sound? Yes. Yes, he does. - that’s what good p-
“What’re you doing?” “I’m taking the couch.” - i also did not forget about this entire interaction, a monumental moment
I will be haunted all night by my Nonna if you sleep on the couch—” / “My own grandmother takes the couch when I visit. She would throw me off my own balcony if I made a guest take the couch.” / “My Nonno would stab me if I let a pretty girl sleep on a couch.” - this in particular i never moved on from. it’s so funny and accurate (especially for carm)
“Then let me use it!” “No!” - the no is so sidieirj
also once again thanks for making his text bold so we know who’s who. love you what who said that, that was just a gust of wind
“So whichever one you find the least sacrilege.” - ugh your way with words
“C’mon, Tony.” / “Heard, pretty boy!" - so if i want to tattoo their dynamic on my eyes how would one do that exactly
Binging through my Popcorn asks, what a TREAT and a half. Shout out to google docs for continually crashing as I try to write ask responses MORE EFFICIENTLY THROUGH THEM AND THEN THEY STOP WORKING FCUK YOU GUYS ANYWAYS LETS GET INTO IT!!
So many cherry flavours that I didn’t plan for. I might just really like cherries. I’ve been eating a bowl of them like every day lately cause they’re in season here right now.
Key signs of a soulmate: you keep talking at the same time. You think he’s a lamp. He can’t stop smiling when he can tell you’re impressed by him. He gives you the black plate. He shares forks with you (they keep running out of forks ok). Also you keep touching him and he’s not saying it’s making him freak out but it’s making him freak out. Positively.
BROKE ASS SYD’S SOMMELIER (so aggressive for no reason RELAX me)
When is he NOT taking the L. How many Chicagoans get tortured by this joke every day? I wonder. I really do. I love the way Chip manages this scene in general, but it’s so fucking. Looking back, it really tracks because like— this is the way that she mourns!! She’s not gonna tell CARMEN to do it any different from her. She sucks at taking her own advice but she won’t force someone to do shit SHE wasn’t strong enough to do. I love her.
I KNOW her handyman dad has a fucking steam cleaner and powerwasher she borrows all the time to clean her shit. As a crafty guy there’s always that little random weird tool that always comes in handy— I imagine handyman dad OG Chicago’s Kindest owns SO MANY big and small specific tools
Carmen, the jacket thief. How dare he. He likes her, he’s forgiven. Still a sinner for Five In One.
SO MANY FICS DO EXES PANTS AND IT’S LIKE— Man me personally, I gave him his fucking clothes back. But I’ve got 4 of my brothers sweaters in my closet rn. Mostly cause they’re hand me downs and he didn’t fit in them anymore but still. There’s also the pain of Chip did borrow her brothers sweats (and brought unused toiletries home) in Two Steps Back,… are they the same ones? FOR YOU TO DECIDE MY BOY!!
THERE’S A BOY IN YOUR HOUSE AND HE’S PRETTY!!! I love their silent rhythm. It’s like my favourite thing in life with people and in characters when two people just flow like one unit without effort. I adore them for this. That and the in sync speaking. Oh how I miss these days.
HE CAN SEE YOUU AUUHHGHGH (roblox death noises). You’re good at it!! Same shit she said to him earlier!! Hell scape!! Burning !! flames!! Flames on the side of my face!!
—sy sounds like—
MONUMENTAL ONE BED SCENE— Need SquidInk to recreate this rn with their Holiday Inn room. Who am I ordering, I’m the writer? 100% Carmen would say I would get fucking stabbed if I let a pretty girl sleep on the couch. That’s him. That’s him at his most romantic man. NO!!
I MISS THESE MOMENTS TOO MAN I’m looking into eye tattoos of dynamics and memories as we speak I’ll let you know when I find out. I HAVE TO GO PUT MY LAUNDRY IN THE DRYER BUT I WILL FIRST SEND THIS OUT AND GO OVER THE WONDERFUL MEMES YOU SENT IN THE NEXT ONE!!
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saintobio · 2 years
SY YN is gonna be my favorite yn of all fics I’ve read. Her character is complex. She’s very human and very relatable. She’s weak and strong at the same time. She’s proof that a kind and generous person is also capable in doing foolish mistakes yet brave enough to own them. There are only two things I see she made a mistake is first, she didn’t divorce Gojo immediately after finding out Sera and continuosly hoping for Gojo to love her at the end and second, her hiding Sachiro and faking the abortion. That’s it. Can’t understand the hate to yn and would like her to end with Toji cause that’s what she deserves. I am really disappointed with Utahime. But knowing yn, she’s definitely hurt because she feels like, Utahime chose Gojo over her, their friendship isn’t that much value for Utahime to disrespect and betray her like that no matter what Gojo and yn’s status is. Of course Gojo has a fair share of it too. He’s always the same, he always do what what he think isn’t right but still do it anyway. Always delaying in communicating things. I need to calm my nerves. Geez
Anonymous said
the previous ask about yn calling gojo her husband yn baby i really love u pls pls pls just get over gojo properly saint can u write me in as yn's bff I CAN FIX HER i can be her bestest friend in the whole word her therapist her maid her girlfriend her platonic soulmate whatever it is she NEEDS a proper support system that can steer her on a better path and not be associated with gojo, aside from her own family and toji. im taking back what i said about gojohime happening being painful, what's more painful is yn being this way. i hate how almost no one sees how she's literally coping terribly with everything and i also hate how she's refusing to get help from someone she knows or a therapist... it seems like she's giving up on life and sachiro is literally her only lifeline. i hate seeing her as a mess rn and for the future chapters of sy... saint i'll beg on my knees for yn's happiness and sanity 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 plsplsplspls my god this fic is always making me cry because i feel so sad for yn and in a way, im always in her position to feel that no one is on my side, everyone is against me and just kept on bottling my feelings till it explode later on :"))))) i wasn't fond of reading jjk self-insert fics but i came across sn and fell in love with yn's character. from the start of sn till now, im always on her side (though i do criticise her for some of actions because im aware that she do make mistakes) and yn is literally one of my four comfort characters in life aaaah she's the only reason why im willing to put myself in misery (from the fic) again and again im so sad
Anonymous said
I will always be on yn’s side, like wtf no one but her and sachi should have a happy ending, like I really hope Gojo’s relationship with uta crumbles, he needs to grow and learn on his own and not get his dick wet with every woman that gives him attention 🙄
Anonymous said
Saint, im gonna be completely honest. I dont think I can read chapter 8 🥲 and why do I imagine yn getting a literal broken heart medical diagnosis after all this ends. I dont think I can hold on to gojoyn endgame SY7 is so painful I have puffy eyes for the past couple of hours now. i dont think I can go on anymore (tho of this is a lie bc I have you on my notifications and I just wanna hurt someone) I just want yn to have eternal rest and see her mom. I have mixed emotions bc omg idk, i just dont know. Your heavy angst is godtier writing that I literally have no idea what to feel but cryh the fuck out of my tear glands. I just hope we can all get through this (especially yn, poor girl)
Anonymous said
i knew people were going to question why yn broke down after finding out about satoru and utahime. okay… as someone who experienced having a close friend and an ex suddenly getting together… it’s different if it’s someone you know and trust. i know she told satoru to move on, but of course, she never told him to move on WITH MY BEST FRIEND. i also read someone say before that toji and satoru aren’t even friends but utahime and yn are… and not only friends but BEST FRIENDS. so before anyone compares it, IT’S DIFFERENT. give yn a break… y’all have been invalidating her feelings ever since sn. 💀
Anonymous said
I don't think yn feeling betrayed when utahime and satoru got together is invalid at all, I mean if my best friend got together with my ex husband who is also my baby daddy, I too would feel betrayed. Especially with all this drama is going on, the least she could have done is wait for satoru and yn to sort out their feelings and then try her turn with satoru.
Anonymous said
This chapter hurt so bad. Y/n definitely has every reason to be sad or hurt. There’s a difference between dating ur exes rival than sleeping with your exes best friend in my opinion. Utahime’s loyalty lies with Yn. In which she just broke by sleeping w her ex husband knowing all the damage he caused her (vise versa). Toji doesn’t owe gojo any loyalty so in my lil head it’s different . IM SO MAD FOR YN SHE HANDLED THAT BETTER THAN ME LMAOAOOAOAOAOA I would’ve been throwing hands cuz wtf.
Good chapter as always saint 🥲 you always know how to pull at my heart strings .
Anonymous said
ofc yn doesn’t own utahime or gojo and they can do whatever they want, but friendship requires loyalty too and imo, that means not hooking up with an ex on an ongoing basis and hiding it. i don’t think it’s fair to expect yn to keep being friends with utahime after that, especially considering yn said she wanted to get rid of anything that reminded her of gojo and move on. yn in the story is definitely a better person than i am lmao if i was in that situation i doubt i would care about him breaking utahimes heart.
also, just something i was wondering!! utahime mentions she’s falling in love with gojo — how long have they known each other at this point, and are her feelings more infatuation/wanting to fix him than actual love? sorry if you already answered this somewhere and i missed it.
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yn is very emotionally flawed, we can’t deny that. she also makes questionable decisions, but her character is just innately unselfish that you feel bad for her sometimes 🥲 at least that’s how i feel when i have to write her pov i’m always like “damn, it’s ok girl you got this”. anyways, still so glad to see yn defenders in the ask box!! :)))
*edited bc i forgot to answer the last question. for a couple of months now, like 4-5? it’s not actual love. just infatuation and “i can’t stop thinking abt you” type of admiration
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miedei · 3 years
AYUMIE PLS FIND YOU IN OUR DREAMS IS SUCH A MASTERPIECE OMG 🥺 YOUR TALENT IS OVERFLOWING 😩‼️ also can i request h from soulmate alphabet + jake from enha? i think it'd be such a concept + with your top-tier writing... I AM CRAVING SIM JAEYUN CUDDLES AND YOUR TALENTED WRITING, I WILL DO ANYTHING 💳💥
hearts beating together.
gn!reader × jake soulmate!au, fluff, friends to lovers, mentions of itzy's ryujin, itzy’s yuna, stray kid's jeongin, nct’s chenle
word count: 1.7k
aaaah thanks so much for liking it you flatter me too much oml <33 this was such a fun request i hope you like it!!!
send in a letter + an idol/character and i'll write a little about it! my request guidelines are on the link in my bio
warning(s): swearing, mentions of food, petnames used platonically(?)
h...eartbeats (the soulmates share the same heartbeat—when one feels panicked, shocked, tired, etc, the other can feel it too).
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your heart confuses you. it races when you relax, slows in the worst of times. a heartbeat bond is strange and uncomfortable at times, but the rush of excitement you feel when your heartbeat changes is incomparable to any other feeling. but of course, it has its downsides.
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"...left leg on the ground, right leg bent, stretch out those muscles," of course your soulmate is getting into a stressful situation just as you're trying to relax. you press pause on the yoga video and flop onto your bed. you’re so excited to meet your soulmate, but the way they’ve messed your plans up so many times, you’re looking forward to giving them a good punch too. you focus on the ba-dump, ba-dump of your heart, like it could somehow lead you to the person behind it. huffing out a sigh, you pull out your phone, shooting off a text to your groupchat with your friends
sent: are any of you free? my heart person’s being an asshole so i may as well go out
delivered, jeongin: well shit sucks to be you i’m at work with my SOULMATE
sent: fuck right off
sent: ryujin jake chenle please
delivered, ryujin: i’m omw to practice but you can come?
delivered, ryujin: i know you have swim after just hang out till then
sent: YES THANK YOU BABE this is why i’m only ryujins hoe smh
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“get in loser!” ryujin is pulled up in front of your door, watching you scramble to not drop your bags. you run down the driveway, waving goodbye to your parents as you slide into the passenger seat.
“god you’re such a lifesaver, whoever’s attached to my heart has it out for me” she chuckles, completely used to your rants about your soulmate. she hasn’t found hers either, but her soulmate has a much less intensive schedule, so she’s not very bothered by her bond, although, the pink-haired girl next to you is an athlete, so her soulmate is probably just as aggravated as you.
the ride to the school is short, and you find a parking spot quickly, so you’re out on the football field in no time. ryujin’s teammates are already on the grass, adjusting uniforms and stretching. she joins them quickly, changing inside and running out. you take a seat on the benches lining the field, settling in to watch them play. your heart is still pounding, but watching the others play, you don’t notice it as much.
the boy’s team is playing one field over, so you can watch them as well. familiar faces dot that field too, and because they let out before the girls, you get to talk to them while waiting. chenle and jake plop down next to you, teasing you about your obviously heaving chest.
“you all worked up watching the games?” chenle nudges you from his side, the feeling of his sweaty shoulder making you shudder. “as if. my soulmates running a marathon or something, like they like to do every day,” jake twists his face in sympathy, "well you've got practice in a bit right? give them a taste of their own medicine!"
"yeah, you know what? i will! thank you jake, for being a good friend," you speak pointedly, gesturing towards chenle. pushing yourself up off the bench, you walk towards the changing rooms near the pool, yelling out a goodbye to your friends.
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changing quickly, your walked out to the pool, greeting your teammates with a smile. time for some payback. tugging on your fins, you dove into the water, relishing the instant comfort it gave. following your coach’s orders, you, along with the rest of the swim team, start swimming laps around the pool. half an hour in, your heart is pumping, and the fact that you were the cause for it makes it so much more sweet. friends have begun to line the sides of the pool, yelling out encouragements and teases. you can easily spot the soulmates of the people swimming with you, their chests heaving, but big smiles on their faces. ryujin, chenle and jake are sat near your lane at the leftmost side of the pool. the three of them, still sweaty and tired from their practice, watch you swim, happy grins on their faces. an hour or so later, you are doing a few mock races, and jeongin has joined them too, his usually teasing visage now smiling with pride. you streak through the water, enjoying the burn in your arms, feeling the exhaustion through your bones in a way that swimming only gives you. you reach for the edge of the pool, and it’s coming closer, closer, until you feel it, slippery on your soaked skin. your friends jump up, yelling out in excitement, filling your heart to the absolute brim.
“alright y/n, good job! you can go change, see you next time,” your coach calls out to you, signalling for you to climb out of the water. your friends swarm you, words of happiness and congratulations surrounding you.
“you did good, fucker,” ryujin ruffles your hair. “now go shower and cool down so you can do that in the actual races,” chest heaving, you flash a huge grin at them, “be right back! i’ll meet you in the parking lot!” they nod their assent, and you begin to walk to the showers, barely catching chenle say something.
“jake, are you really still tired from football? you’ve been panting for ages.”
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hours later, you find yourselves in your usual post-practice spot, the local diner near the school. chatting and laughing, you lose track of time around the point when your fries arrive. jeongin regales you all with stories of the crazy customers he dealt with at work, and ryujin gives you the rundown of all the drama that happened in her football practice(seriously, how do they even have time to kick the ball around when so much is going on??). you get that heady feeling of pure happiness, when you’re not thinking or worrying about anything, just paying attention to the amazing people you get to surround yourself with.
you only snap out of that headspace when chenle looks down at his smartwatch(rich boy) and lets out a noise of surprise.
“it’s 19:42! i need to go, fuck,” he begins to clean up his stuff and lays down money for his meal. the rest of you follow suit, appalled at how long you’ve been sitting in this booth. all the money is on the table, and you rise from your seat, ready to go home.
“ryujin, can you drive me home?” you hold the girl's arm, pleading with her so that you won’t have to walk. she opens her mouth, ready to speak, but then she hesitates, a look of mischief crossing her features.
“okay-” you rejoice, pumping a fist in the air, until she goes on: “only if you can beat me to the car. okay 3,2,1 GO!” she starts sprinting, long legs bringing her halfway across the parking lot in no time. you let out a groan of exhaustion, and start pumping your legs to follow her.
by some miracle, you reach the car at virtually the same time, doubling over to hold your knees in your worn-out state. ryujin, in between her attempts at gulping down air, tells you she’ll take you, and you wait for the rest to reach you.
jeongin, chenle and jake walk leisurely up to you, starting to say their farewells. you straighten up, grabbing first chenle, then jeongin into a hug. they yell out some more goodbyes as they walk off to their cars, when you hug jake.
for having just walked here, his heart is racing. why? you focus your hearing on his heartbeat. it’s almost as if he sprinted here. pulling your head away from him, you look up at him, voicing your concerns.
“are you okay? your heart’s beating really fast.” he frowns at you, and presses a hand to his heart. you follow suit, feeling the thump, thump, thump of his chest. it feels familiar. why do you feel so used to this heartbeat? confusion ripples through your mind, until it clears, with a feeling of shock. you know this heartbeat. you know it because it’s your own.
grabbing his other hand, you place it over your heart. his face twists with surprise, and then an emotion you’re not familiar with crosses his features. he pulls you back into a hug, excitement so evident that it’s crossing over to you. jake is your soulmate! which a choked laugh, you pull him impossibly closer to you. he tucks his head next to yours and whispers in your ear.
“it was always you, wasn’t it?”
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you pull back from the hug, your smile dropping into a serious face. he looks in confusion, as you rear your arm backwards. you push forward, landing a punch in his gut, and he stumbles backward with an ‘oof’
“that was for never letting me rest!”
“YEAH GET HIM!” ryujin yells from her seat in the car. the only thing she’s missing is popcorn, a whole-ass soap opera just happened in front of her.
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shadow and bone rewatch s1e6 while drinking mid-range scotch
I wish I have a face that is as unlined and pretty as Ben Barnes' when I'm 39
Arken you dirty dirty liar
the face Alek is making at his lies that he knows are lies firstly because he knows the art of lying so well and also because he can read people very well
okay Ivan is kind of a bad bitch with his smirk at Arken's lies
alek's eyes narrowing and his little smile when Arken says 'im an entertainer' bitch I love this show
*grabs hand, pulls up sleeve, and discovers Arken's hand is full of marks indicating successful passages through the fold* 'well, that is certainly entertaining' I love this man with all my heart
him screaming is so fucking hot, is that weird for me to say
Nina being the Darkling's spy is quite interesting
Ben giving the Darkling crazy eyes when Arken owns up to his guilt is so cool
also wtf is Arken a fool trying to negotiate with possibly the strongest man in the world
kind of loved the darkness literally eating him
also love Alina learning to use her powers better when she is alone than when she is with anyone else, wish we got to see the cut in this season as per the books, ah can't have everything I guess
the camera pan to Jesper's gun at his side, amazing
god Jessie is literally so beautiful I need to see her bring Alina to the peak of her power so bad
netflix you better renew this series to let the plot run to its completion
'And where is my Summoner?' my little Darklina heart ouchie I really wish you hadn't used and manipulated her like this Alek it was incredibly fucked up especially considering you actually caught feelings
'Ivan and I won't fail you' oh Fedyor my baby, my angel, you don't deserve what is coming
Helnik literally recreating Titanic lmao stop this is a joke
I too would jump off the raft if I came to consciousness to see a gorgeous woman with magical powers with her hand on my back
omg but why is ryevost so pretty though
'I know exactly how she felt. The King's soldiers treated me the same way... I'm not myself today.' why must you do this to me, why must you fuel my darklina soulmates agenda idiocy
I don't quite think I have a problem with the Zoya Darkling relationship as much as I have a problem with the line they chose to reveal it to use with.
my drink's over and I don't know if I should have another, considering that it's 7 am
the tenderness with which he looks at Zoya and takes her hand and then when he says 'I shall relax when I have Alina' makes me believe more that the man that is reduced to tears time and again in front of Alina could in fact be the master manipulator I know him to be
god I can't wait for Zoya's character arc
'I speak six languages, it's part of my job' why is Nina literally the fucking coolest
Alina blinding the oprichniki was so hot, I can't wait to see more of her power and her ruthlessness
I know I've said it before but good god is Jessie Mei Li gorgeous
I simply cannot get over Calahan's accent lmao it's really funny
'im not afraid of you' he says to the insanely gorgeous girl with magic
'You're just a man. Like all the others.' she says and then forgets her train of thought looking at him as he strips. god I love this
not sleeping all night and then scotch is not a good idea, I think
'I promise not to ravish you' 'I hate the way you talk' her hand on his chest, his hand gripping hers, my fucking heart feels like it's about to explode
good god these shooting locations and sets are so beautiful
Alina throwing the flask at Mal and Mal going 'OI!' I fucking can't, I guess I am a
simp for childhood friends to lovers, give me more of that banter and childhood friend energy, I am thriving
wow it literally seems like they took book! Mal sl*tshaming book! Alina and made show! Alina sl*tshame show! Mal, hmm, interesting
'They would have split us up!' MAL'S LITTLE SMILE AT THIS, and the 'You wrote me letters?' Mal's nod, the Malina yearning stare, the Malina hug, 'thank you for finding me' 'always. I'll always find you.' NO MALINA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU HAVE MADE ME ABSOLUTELY FUCKING FERAL
I understand they had to split time between my ravkan babies and the crows and that is why there were several aspects that were sort of not reflected on enough but Alina's training at the Little Palace, Alina's cut, Mal's personality, a teensy bit of backstory for the crows, maybe one lockpicking scene from my boy Kaz
random note: we have far too many idols and paintings and pictures and whatnot of Hindu deities in our house apart from the specially designed temple (we are Hindus, so maybe it's not that weird but it's a little weird)
Kaz's cane is a literal star, it's so beautiful my heart wants to explode
'Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?' *literally fucking gets up and walks aways instead of answering the fucking question* I LITERALLY CAN'T BREATHE I'M LOSING MY MIND
'We won't starve' omg get you someone who packs food for you when you go on the run together hiding from your ex who wants to capture you and use your powers as a weapon against your consent
Mal looking surprised at her summoning sunlight, Alina looking cautiously at him waiting for him to disapprove or run for the hills in fear or smth like that, 'I'm sorry it took me this long to see you... But I see you now' my dumb little shipper trash heart ouch
they really said we're gonna feed you this part asian couple as the protagonists in this show in 2021 and guess what I'm eating it's really tasty I'm very satisfied as a south asian
'I can feel how much you hate sleeping next to me' 👀👀👀 BITCH SAID IMMA SPILL THE TEA AND THEN SHE DID
it's 8 am and guess what I'm getting another drink my parents have c*vid and are in govt qu*r*ntine centres there is nobody to supervise or stop me
I too say 'Why do you have to say things like that?' to my pretty crush when she flirts with me
Nina smiling at Matthias bragging about his conservative ways is my aesthetic
'No, it's not natural for someone to be as stupid as he is tall and yet, oh, there you stand.' MY FUCKING QUEEN
Matthias laughing uncontrollably at Nina saying something which isn't even that funny is a whole ass vibe
Kaz Brekker saying 'The Black General' ooh fuck yeah
isn't alcohol supposed to like kill germs? well, the amount in my system definitely will
I love my crows so much (always but this time particularly for setting that alarm in the stolen carriage)
ooh Polina recognising Inej by the knife yesss let's go writers
this Ivan Jesper showdown is all I needed from life and yet did not know about
Ivan taking off his cloak was, um, sexier than I wanted it to be
I just realised how thirsty I am going to sound in this post
'Has no one told you that keftas are Fabrikator-made and resistant to bullets, hmm?' 'Oh, I do love a challenge' LITERALLY EVERYTHING
im sorry to be pointing out flaws in a perfect show and adaptation but the line delivery on 'You robbed me of my brother, now I'll rob you of your life' from Polina was kind of weak
'You're a-' *gets knocked out with the back of a gun* LMAO we love the hints
got excited at the prospect of kaz v. zoya until I realised they will not be letting the opportunity of kaz v. darkling pass up
my goodness is Amita Suman a splendid actress
'Are you sure you added enough cloves?' literally warranting a wide ass smile from my queen Alina making my entire fucking day
for some reason, no matter how much I push it from my mind, Ben Barnes dressed up as the Darkling, dancing to 'push it' keeps coming to mind, it's absolutely ridiculous
I got somehow distracted with interviews but good things came out of that as it gave my body the time for the booze to kick in
and I would just like to say that I love Leigh for all she has given me
Alina is so fucking compassionate, I have no much love for her. I can feel her guilt and her sorrow as Mal talks of Mikhail and Dubrov
don't particularly like how the stag plotline is woven in, could have been executed better
'You're afraid you might start to like me?' *flaps furs like a bird's wings in frustration*
'I DO like you' my fucking heart you idiots
the sexual tension is so palpable and the moment is so intimate I simply cannot
that moment where you think he might let her fall despite having read the books and he doesn't and he tells her his name I- <3
people have talked about this endlessly but Freddie's little jaw tic after he says Inej because Inej is wounded and he can't physically bring himself to help her I fucking cannot
and now for one of my favorite scenes in television and cinematic history, David Kostyk throwing a book at Jesper Fahey without even knowing who he is merely because he opens the door of his carriage and says hello to him before getting knocked out by Kaz Brekker while trying to run away
Immediately followed by another, the scene with David Kostyk raising his finger to put forward his point in front of the Darkling and the Darkling trying to let him know he doesn't have to before obliging is one of my favourite scenes in the world
also sir please stop being devastatingly attractive in your glorious appearance with your face and your black kefta and cloak because all that comes to mind is Ayesha Erotica's Emo Boy and I'm afraid that is terribly inappropriate.
'No, you look great.' *literally looks down from embarrassment or blushing* MALINA RIGHTS?
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iwaasfairy · 4 years
My Sun and Venus are Pisces, my Moon and Rising are Cancer, and my Mars is Aries!
I wanted to say that I've been a silent fan for I believe a few months now, you write so well it's actually inspired some of my own writings.
aaAAH thank you so much for the support and love that means the world to me iM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT AN D UGHHHH ty ty ♡
your romantic soulmate is yamaguchi tadashi and your platonic soulmate is inuoka so
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march kisses ‧₊˚✩彡
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
All I want is for Iwa to love her and be her plantoic support/soulmate because Osamu has come so far and yet so little. It hurts to always think about what could’ve been when you can’t face what is and you’ve captured that perfectly
Platonic soul mate!! aaaah. I love the way you put that. your way with words - I AM HERE FOR IT. 
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robertisbisexual · 5 years
I agree with your post on killjoys I HAD NEVER HEARD OF UNTIL A GIF I SAW TODAY. How have I never heard of this? I’m hella bi and always looking for new lgbt shows to watch and I’ve never even heard of this?!!?? Wtf
Ahhhh anon its SO GOOD.
IT'S on syfy and having its final season [season 5]
It's so so good.
The lead character is dutch, shes a bad bad bitch that will ruin your life with a complicated past and shes perfect tbh
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Shes got two dumbass brothers who we love along for the ride, they're very important to her and she is very important to them.
Johnny is her gravity [her words] because he keeps her grounded and always brings her back and they're basically platonic soulmates and D'avin is the older brother who joins their duo who has his own sad complicated past and has a #thing with Dutch [like many relationships in this show its complicated.]
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Kendry has some 👀 vibes with Dutch but is an antagonist until she isnt for reasons I cant explain because spoilers~ but shes a boss bitch too. Shes with Aneela who I cant explain at all as it's a major plot point lmao but theyre weird and violent and PERFECT space gays. Even if Kendry is a demon and Aneela is well... crazypants.
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Killjoys also has
Formerly a warlord but now runs a bar and is part of the group Pree
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His husband who looks like dumb thug but is actually a soft dumbass
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Fancy another killjoy who is a little intense about his job but we love him anyway
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And Aneela and D'av have a son who was carried by Kendry [...I think that's what happened it's been a while] and its... complicated gjdjf I'm sorry this show just has a lot of stuff i dont wanna spoil. Jaq considers Aneela and Kendry both to be his moms. I cant find a gif of him atm because tumblr but hes great.
Anyways if you're still reading this I havent even touched on characters like Alvis, Turin, Zeph, Pip, or Lucy [!!!! Lucy the ship!!!! Aaaah shes so good] fjfjg it's a wonderful show with deep world building.
I cant recommend it enough.
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girlobsessed21 · 5 years
The 100 Season 6 Trailer Analysis
I knew I was in for a ride when the trailer opened with this:
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And I have to hand it to Jason, it is brilliant.
Okay, so the first thing we get is Monty’s words we’ve all heard and shed a tear to at the end of season 5 - “I hope we do better there, I hope Jasper was wrong and that we’re not the problem... Be the good guys.”
The first glimpse of the new season reveals who will be woken up first. No surprises there. And the door opening is a callback to the pilot when the dropship door unfolded on awed faces.
Book II: According to Jason’s interviews, the change here is supposed to be the gang living by Monty’s mantra. Does it look like they are? Absolutely not but more on this later.
“Yes Monty, it is beautiful.” Mountains encompassing crystal waters, images of dreams, gleaming between two suns. Lit blue skies, patched with white. Absolutely stunning.
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Kane is alive. Yay! But his health does still seem questionable. That recovery was rather rapid though. I assume this scene is quite early on since they are still on the ship. Well, 125 years is a long time, did he heal during cryo? It is odd, but surely not impossible. Kabby appears to be happy, are all their problems something of the past then due to Kane’s new peace craving philosophy?
On to the radio calls. I’m utterly pleased that this was not swept under the rug. This image is just another one of Bellarke’s soul-touching glances even from afar.
Bellamy is headed somewhere away from the new civilization. I cannot quite make out with whom. Clarke is staring down at a pixel of her “platonic soulmate”, while he is clearly not comfortable with leaving her behind. His face says it all - Be safe. I wish you could come with me. You broke my heart when you left me to die. We know from what Eliza said at Conageddon that they have a good talk. I  would think this chat needs to take place early in the season for them to revive their friendship and partnership. Nothing in the trailer suggests romance, but JR would never spoil something that paramount. Since Bellamy and Echo are still a couple, I only have a shard of hope for romantic Bellarke.
Mosaic-ish sliding doors unveils Clarke in a bright summer dress. Finally some normal outfits, something to look forward to. And then it cuts to Raven bellowing about Clarke’s actions in season 5. Dramatic Sigh. Cut the poor woman some slack, she has saved your lives time and time again. It wasn’t unexpected, Jason hinted at this, just unnecessary in my opinion. I do not agree with Clarke’s actions, but I have empathy, she was only trying to save her child, the only family she had known for six years.
Octavia vs Bloodreina. The Blooreina persona was one of my favorite concepts of season 5. I loved Marie’s portrayal, her batshit craziness and everything that went with it. So, the journey from Bloodreina back to Octavia is one I cannot wait to witness. “Am I a monster? Yes, I am.” The first step in the healing process - Admission.
I cannot quite make out who she is fighting in the scene, I’ve tried all angles, but the person in question is blurred. Perhaps Echo, we do know Octavia is far from pleased with her new sister-in-law. At least we get to see a cutthroat Octavia in action who never ceases to amaze.
“Say I’m your sister?”
“My sister died a long time ago.”
Wow, that blow to the nose must have stung more than being thrown against the railing. I don’t blame Bellamy, she did inflict some unforgivable horrors onto Wonkru and a whole list of others. From what I derive, the Blakes will not find peace anytime soon, but I’m positive they will eventually.
“Salvation comes from faith and good works.” I would like to think Clarke might take these words to heart, sincerely trying to be a good guy. It can also mean some foreshadowing. Reverting back to the scene with Clarke in the dress, the building and surrounding characters emanate a temple-like vibe. Are these people perhaps feigning righteousness when they are in fact monsters?
That island in the shape of a wolf’s head may be stunning, but it gives me the creeps. And just to lure you away from any doubts you may have, a bunch of giggling little kids warms your heart. “Aaaah, these are good people.” This whole place reminisces the fourth The100 novel and Mount Weather. A rat stench flutters by every so often.
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I can’t fault the castle though. The place is jaw-droppingly awesome. Don’t know if it’s just me, but it reminds me of the Disney Castle, layers of glory in vivacious colors. I’m expecting Tinkerbell to appear and cover it in pixie dust at any moment.
Those friendly and welcoming smiles, they are the same Presidents Snow and Coin wore on the Hunger Games - Rat Stench. Clarke Griffin in a nightgown - Yes! I love that. A prom or party, just the kind of calm I need before a storm. Oh and feel free to throw Bellamy Blake in the mix with a tux. I don’t think that’s happening though.
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So here’s my theory: Once they find the inhabitants, Clarke stays behind to get acquainted with them, while Bellamy and the others return to the ship to wake the rest of their people. This stems from the fact that we only see Clarke living with them. Dancing in colorful sleepwear surrounded by art. I know this won’t last on The100, but seeing Clarke in these sweet in-between moments turns on an automatic smile switch.
Completely unlike Clarke Griffin, she decides to trust them, because she will try to live up to Monty’s expectations.
Right before everything is blown to ashes we get a glimpse of some happy couples. Raven and Shaw (Sorry I can’t be too enthusiastic about this one, I will always root for Murven, but if they’re happy, I’m happy.), Miller and Jackson (Don’t think there’s much that can separate them) and Jordan with a girl is definitely something to look forward to.
The Eclipse Induced Psychosis is slightly mind-boggling. Eliza said this season was the biggest acting challenge of her career, leading me to believe she would be facing her demons in some mind-altering way. The trailer tells a whole different story. I’m getting some 1x09 Day Trip x evil squared feels here.
Bellamy’s new peaceful visage crumbles. Bob said that Bellamy will regress to his season 1 self and I’m assuming the eclipse is to blame. Don’t hate me - I loved season 1 bad boy Bellamy to bits. So the visions aren’t real, obviously, but those that have a dark past, experience this episode in high definition.
Miller followed Octavia into a preventable war.
Echo was a cold, heartless spy and murderer.
Bellamy has a whole list of devils lurking behind him: His sister, his mother, Lincoln, Mount Weather, 300 innocent grounders, leaving Clarke behind in Praimfaya.
Murphy: His parents, Charlotte, Finn, hanging Bellamy up to die.
Octavia - Need I say more? That fight scene with herself is genius.
Clarke - There is one small scene where she says, “Shut up” but other than that, I don’t see her going through it. Does nightblood prevent it?
Is it crazy to think this civilization uses the Eclipse to manipulate people? It’s clear they don't trust them - they label them as dangerous. Murphy shooting at Bellamy and Clarke strengthens this idea. These episodes seem powerful enough to impose harm to those you love.
When Madi wakes up in a hospital bed, my mind immediately went towards: They try to remove the flame.
Bellamy’s words, “It’s time to run away,” tells me he resolves that there is a snake in the grass, hence the actual snake. Clarke might be hesitant if she had started trusting them and when Bellamy and the others flee, she stays behind.
The new girl (don’t know her name) tells Clarke about the dangers of the planet, causing her and the girl to hop on motorcycles to warn and save them. But the dangers lurking in the woods are much worse than the civilized inhabitants. Then, instead of running they return and start another civil war.
I have to be honest it does not seem that much different from previous seasons. There still are no good guys. They still try to find alternative solutions to peace and end up killing people to survive. But I guess that’s what the show is about. Sorry Monty...
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bringmemyqueen · 7 years
Hi! do you have any IwaDai fic recs?
aaaah yesss i do!!! i have a link for it here but if you can’t open it then I can name some of my favorites:
Caravan by carriecmoney
I still haven’t finished this yet because it’s multi-chaptered!! (gasp) There’s not many multi-chaptered iwadai fics so bless carrie for this ToT It’s actually end-game iwaoidai set in atla au and has multiple Daichi ships (platonic and romantic) and it is FANTASTIC. I love all the Daichi ships thank you uvu 
do you want to get married? by kythen
This made me CRY BECAUSE I AM WEAK AND A BABY. I just found it so bittersweet when Daichi questions their love and I sob just thinking about that momentary doubt. Still its lovely and intimate and I want to draw them slow dancing.
Game of Love by CamoAndTea3
This is their collection for iwadai week and all of it is A+++ I’m a fluff maniac and they provide me with Lots of Fluffy iwadais. i’m living TTvTT
Mornings by HomeForImaginaryFriends
I will always and forever associate mornings with iwadai and this ficlet shows how iwadai’s relationship is centered around that and it makes my heart so happy :’>
rise and shine by kythen
Another morning+iwadai!!!! i am so biased with this one because it has one of my favorite headcanons in it and i just giddy over it (๓´╰╯`๓)
Show Me The Kombu by slothesaurus
This is more platonic but it doesn’t matter because I LOVE IT. sloth did such a great job with their interaction and my favorite thing is iwadai noticing little things about the other as they talk and //clenches chest// I need more
The Carpenter’s Gift by TottWriter
This was a gift to me aaaaahhhh!!! It’s written so lovely ;o; It’s more like the set-up for iwadai but I love it nonetheless. I love the setting and that its soulmate au and gosh I just feel so happy and thankful that I got such a wonderful gift ;;v;;
Vibes by staticsky
It’s only one chapter but i loveeeeeeeee how the author writes the iwadai interactions. Like I can’t even explain it, its just perfectly how I see iwadai acting and I love every bit of them being sarcastic and joking and competitive about the smallest thing. I just really love it ;v;
I also love all of @ryekamasaki‘s iwadai ficlets
They’re short but show how adorable and dorky they are and I just smile so big whenever I see ry write iwadai. there is this one angsty one...but its good but terrible for my heart but i love it //cries
also!!! i have a tag for fics that I’ve read on here tagged as #things you should read
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My Silmarillion art lover and cry buddy over all things Tolkien and Rogue One!!! Like, are we soulmates? I think we are soulmates. In a platonic way of course :) There are so many things I could say about you aaaah why is it hard to pick the best thing for the moment? Look basically you have one of my favorite aesthetics in that you always post the most beautiful dresses and art And you would die for Rebelcaptain or Bodhi Rook? We share so much it seems. You are incredibly funny, sweet, and kind and creative (heck you can fangirl, plot au's, AND draw? No fair!) I love your user name. I have no idea where it is from but I love it. Have I mentioned I love your aesthetic? HAVE I MENTIONED I LOVE OUR RECENT CONVERSATIONS ABOUT ROGUE ONE/A:TLA WITH OUR MUTUAL FRIEND? GAH
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tofuless · 3 years
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