#platonic togachako
spacebunniesmha · 7 months
I love strong friendships. Like, I love romantic IzuOcha, but platonic IzuOcha is SO cool. Platonic bkdk & togachako? I live for it. Platonic KiriMina? YES PLEASE.
I love platonic relationships SO much😭
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saplingofspunk · 11 months
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I need someone to hug me like Uraraka hugs Toga
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thyornprincess · 11 months
“you can have a lifetime’s worth of my blood” is a marriage proposal actually
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Christmas Headcanons- Ochako x Various
As students, Bakugo makes a big show about how he "can't be bothered" to buy Christmas presents for anyone so Ochako wouldn't feel bad about not being able to afford gifts for everyone.
After learning about Bakugo's feelings for Ochako, Denki hung up mistletoe in the common room to try to get them to kiss. Bakugo loudly announced that the mistletoe thing was "fucking stupid." Before they went to bed, however, Bakugo sweetly kisses Ochako outside her bedroom as they had already been a couple for over a month.
As a couple, they decide not to buy gifts for each other, and instead will do something together. Some years they'll bring their friends along, but Bakugo relaxes more when they are alone.
As adults, they still have a very low-key Christmas, opting to spend the day together in their pajamas (when they don't have to work, of course).
Momo showers Ochako with gifts, but denies that any of them are for Christmas. They're all "just because." Ochako used to protest, but she accepts it at this point.
Ochako makes Momo something every Christmas, because what else is she supposed to get the girl who has everything? Ochako eventually becomes a master at yarnwork and Momo is obsessed with all of Ochako's creations
Momo returns the favor with a handmade gift. It's very clunky, but Momo is determined to make something without using her Quirk. She's embarrassed with how it looks, but Ochako wears it with pride.
They spend Christmas with Ochako's family. The Urarakas adore Momo, and Momo adores the cozy feeling of their home at Christmas.
Momo and Ochako do photoshoots for Christmas cards every year. They are always disgustingly in love in every picture, and their friends never let them live it down.
Prior to Toga's redemption, Ochako would leave a little treat where she knew Toga would find them--usually cookies or chocolates. Toga wouldn't give Ochako anything in return, but would treasure the treats.
Two years later, Ochako finds a friendship bracelet in the area where she left the cookies--pink and red beads with a single heart bead. Ochako never takes it off.
After Toga's redemption, the Uraraka family accepts Toga into their clan with open arms. When they present Toga with her own stocking at their mantle, Toga sobs uncontrollably for 10 minutes.
Toga learns she LOVES peppermint hot chocolate. The Urarakas always make sure they have a supply of it for her, even though she's the only one who drinks it.
Toga asks Ochako to do all the cheesy couple Christmas things-- mistletoe kisses, matching pajamas, movie marathons, all of it. Ochako happily obliges her.
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bibibbon · 3 months
Hello, can I ask why do you think there are so many BL ships from BNHA and JJK? Do you also have fav ships from those two series?
I don't mean any negative things to any fan fics writers or fan art artist (thanks so much every one for sharing your hard works in the fandom).
But like, I'm a fan of both series for years now, and I saw them mostly as just platonic (bakudeku, tododeku, kiribaku, satosugu, itafushi, etc). Now, I'm not anti mlm or wlw because I love BL and GL media (manga, manhwa, books, tv series, etc), but I'm kinda hard to enter into shipping. Do you think I'm weird? Or maybe I'm slow in understanding the romantic subtext in those scenes from both series?
My take on it I guess is that people just love shipping characters together. Fandoms low-key thrive on shipping most of the time and especially when it comes to rareships. In my opinion any legal ship can work depending on how someone writes the story so there's that.
Iam not a huge shipper myself and if I do ship stuff I tend to be a multishipper prefering to enjoy multiple amount of contents that people make. MHA has horribly written ships point blank. Sure togaocha could of worked but it doesn't the same with BKDK. Any ships in MHA that were introduced as possibilities also lack any sort of development. This obviously doesn't stop people from shipping and developing their own ships (as they rightfully should) but canon wise there isn't much going for MHA
When it comes to Jujutsu kaisen akutami already acknowledged that he isn't that good at writing romance so he chooses not to excpet of already established ships like hakari x kirarka or tragic ships like mechamiwa. Even when it comes to that people do view stgs and itafushi as heavily romantically coded and I can see where theyre coming from as there is some heavy romantic subtexts.
Overall, Iam not much of a romantic shipper myself I just love platonic bonds and ships. For some reason I find that platonic ships and bonds are just better written and can connect with the audience a whole lot more easily and better compared to romance. Iam not much of a romance fan so I don't consume much of that side of media. Iam not sure if it's only me but stories centering around one ship get really boring for me whereas other stories that go out to critique stuff or explore ideas are more enjoyable.
Also no I really don't think you're weird I do somewhat relate to you tho.
I don't think MHA has any romantic subtexts however I definitely do see the Jujutsu kaisen romantic subtexts.
Writers usually give readers freedom to decide how they view things. Iam not much of a romance type of reader so I just like viewing a lot of things as platonic just because I think platonic relationships are overall stronger and better then romance ones
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flying-cat · 11 months
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thewoundedmind · 11 months
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Manga keeps killing me !!!Spoilers to 395 chapter!!!! So I've get headcannon, that Ochako will start wearing Toga's hairstyle cause now Toga is the part of her.
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dekusleftsock · 10 days
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I’m making a longer post about this chapter, but I thought these cheeky little parallels were silly. I know what you are Horikoshi.
Like ignore the togachako gay ass part of this… it’s the fact that Izuku is the one looking at her now and she isn’t looking back. Their friendship is so interesting y’all omg (not in a shipping way. Like in an unrequited love/unrequited friendship way. Like they do make me a little ill to think about bc wym by that this gayass can’t get it through his thick skull that this girl liked him for the longest time and doesn’t understand why she isn’t treating him in the not-platonic care way anymore. Like that’s crazy. Izuku bbg you are so interesting and so so silly)
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cherryblossombombs · 2 months
I have an issue with the "the giga cover is likely fujobait" because I can't help but think:
if it was truly fujobait, why now?
Why try to get their attention if MHA is now in the 100M club? The series now so popular, hori/jump doesn't need queer shippers to increase its popularity.
Why try to get fujos and queer fans, if it's already popular in that group? Wasn't it apparently shown that MHA is more popular with women and LGBTQ+ fans?
Why try to get that audience when hori had the chance to do that back in 2016-2018 when Kr//bk was the popular gay ship? Wasn't there an interview where someone pretty much asked hori if he's for kr//bk, but instead of playing along, hori made it about bkdk (the ship that no one took seriously at the time) and said he saw the hand hold more about bkdk angst. Kr//bk was a popular ship, it had bones making official art of them. The smash parody manga had moments of it. Two heroes was their movie [I believe hori didn't really help in that movie. However, notice how in the second movie, (he was a part of that one), focused on bkdk (again, the ship no one took seriously)]. Hori had the ability to use that ship as bait, but he seemed to be the only one out of everyone else to not go for it. Instead he kept pushing for the ship that was thought to be too toxic to even become a platonic ship.
If horikoshi did not want bkdk to seen as romantic, why isn't he stopping jump for implying it? You really can't say that he has no ability to, the guy went to bones and told them the ending. Now, notice how bones suddenly stopped making iz//ch moments and added a bkdk moment in the recap episodes (something that they would never do 2 seasons prior). The assistant (whom hori is friends with) is a loud speaker of dkbk lol. Hori follows him on twitter, there's no way that hori hasn't seen his dkbk art once. Same for katsuki's JP VA (who is also a friend of Hori).
Why try to bait the audience when the manga is ending?
Idk, maybe there's a chance he is actually queerbaiting and make iz//ch canon, but again, after everything?
After the togachako arc? He had made ochako confess her crush on midoriya, only for seconds later to not only brush it off as unimportant (unimportant in the sense of it was more of way to relate to toga and speak with her, it wasn't really used as a "canon izu//ocha" moment), she tells toga that she could have ochako's blood for the rest of her life (and we know that's toga's love language of returning/accepting her feelings) and she told toga that she had the cutest smile in the whole world. Like, didn't hori say that toga was made for ochako's character? I feel like it wouldn't make sense for hori to do all of this, then have ochako end up with midoriya, it would feel like a middle finger to toga tbh.
After chapters 285, 322, 362, 367, 403, and 404? The apology? The "you're the closest one to midoriya izuku, therefore I need to kill you in order to make him go crazy". The heart shaped black whip after seeing bakugou's dying body? The "their feelings became one" double spread? this bullet point could be spread to about 2-3 document pages, but I'm just going to summarize for this post lol. But overall, these chapters (and a few more), show me (imo) that it the "fujobait" claim isn't really strong to use against bkdk.
Again, maybe this is queerbait, because I know that there are times where other media/anime have done simliar and still had the MC in a heterosexual relationship, and leave everyone dumbfounded lol. Once again, all I say to this is "let's see what happens."
P.S. Isn't this the same author who said that he thought that naruto was going to end at 698 (the implied SNS ending) lol? Idk if it's true, that's just something I've heard.
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aashi-heartfilia · 1 year
Why BakuDeku will be canon and not IzuOcha? Connection between TogaChako and the entire Love Square...
So this is pure hypothesis and I should clarify that I'm not a shipper when it comes to MHA. I just love the story, its premise and the various themes that it involves and I love to see what happens next. I don't particularly support any ships and so with all that being said, let's jump into it!
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So, Ochako said that "You should never hide your true feelings or that face of yours".
Horikoshi is very very clever with the panelling.
While most people were debating on whether or not it was an IzuOcha ship bait, I think it signifies something completely different.
Notice how Ochako was thinking about Deku as she said those lines but even in Ochako's imagination, Deku wasn't looking at her.
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I mean, look at it.
He was a bit embarrassed and looking at someone else. It is most probably a memory from when they were training before the second war (when Bakugo was showing his new move Cluster to Deku)
But why would Ochako think about Deku looking at someone else during such an important time?
It parallels how Toga thinks about Twice in a completely platonic sense. He was more of a brother to her (Toga and Twice->brother sister bond)
Plus it also signifies Ochako's journey of self acceptance. Think about it!
When we met Ochako in the beginning, she had an inferiority complex about her hero motivation and background.
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She met Deku, who played her knight in shining armor, who had this cool quirk and everybody loved him.
He was a Hero, and always in the spotlight. Even All Might was interested in him (according to Ochako because she never knew about OFA)
So she admired him and wanted to be like him as in wanted to be a great hero like him but it backfired because Ochako is Ochako and Deku is Deku.
Throughout the series, we see these feelings grow.
But with admiration, what Ochako always felt was jealousy....envy.
The theme of envy has been very prominent in the series. Bakugo is the biggest example of it.
I admit that Ochako might have had a tiny bit of crush on Deku because who wouldn't?
He is a cute, clumsy boy, well natured, a crybaby at times but a real hero at heart. Who wouldn't fall for that?
Plus it's not wrong to have feelings.
But in Ochako's case, she always felt that Deku is so far away.
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It is such a literal representation!
Deku was moving forward while Ochako felt like she was lacking, like she is behind him, literally and figuratively.
We saw how she was struggling to deal with whatever she was feeling.
At first it looks like she is struggling to deal with her feelings for him, but at this particular moment her feeling could only be described as envy.
Admiration could easily be confused for love but!
You're never jealous of the person you love!!
Because till season 3 Ochako was feeling both admiration for his best friend (which everyone else confused for love) and jealousy.
It was especially awkward because they were friends and their other friends kept on pointing in that direction.
But the real change came in the war arc when Ochako got Deku's letter and realised that maybe Deku is not that special after all.
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They are good friends, and she was worried about him because she realised that behind the Hero persona that Deku has, he is also human.
Being a fellow hero, it was more relatable to her.
"Special powers are one thing but there is no such thing as a special person" she said in her speech.
Humanizing all heroes and villains.
I also wanna talk about this specific panel after Bakugo's apology.
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Something about Ochako's expression here really struck a crod.
As Deku falls in Bakugo's arms, the camera pans on Ochako who just stands there observing, what true love is.
She didn't feel anything, because she realised the bond between BakuDeku is a bond of love.
Which is why she never made an effort to follow Deku's footsteps again.
The famous cliff scene: the day before the second war! Both of them knew they could die the very next day and yet they chose to say nothing... Nothing as in love confession, because there was nothing to confess.
Ochako realised that Deku loves and admires Bakugo and she's ok with that, so she'll focus on more important matters, like the Toga situation.
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Because she realised, she can be her own Hero.
And now she wanted to help Toga. A girl like her, that was crying.
Because she has seen so many happy faces, she cannot help but wonder what made Toga cry.
Plus Toga said that only heroes and the people they protect are counted as people and the rest don't even matter.
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As a person, Toga should be free to love whoever she wants but because of her quirk she is constantly judged by people except LoV.
Toga was mad because nobody accepted her throughout her entire life, her parents, her friends, Heroes and the one place where she found home was also snatched away from her.
Everyone is free to love and admire heroes then why not Toga. Everywhere she went, she was rejected.
Even Deku's quirk pointed out that there was no real malice behind TOGA's actions. Her love is so strong that it puts people in danger.
Heck, Danger sense didn't activate in the beginning because Toga didn't wanna hurt Deku.
But it was after she was rejected so badly, that she turned against them.
It was not about a girl asking a boy out but a villain asking a hero out.
And Deku not only rejected her completely but also judged her.
So if the world rejects her, she is bound to do the same!
Which made Ochako the perfect person to face Toga. Both are girls full of love but hide deep inferiority complexes.
Ochako understood this and told Toga her smile is beautiful.
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Why? Because Ochako realised it the hard way, what happens when you suppress your feelings which is why she admired Toga and told her that Toga is right and she should never hide her feelings or her face because she is beautiful.
She admired Toga for her genuine honesty and told her that it is nothing to be ashamed of.
Toga went on a rampage because Deku hurt her (he was the final nail in the coffin) but just because Deku rejected her doesn't mean the end of the world.
Toga is free to live her own life, just because Deku rejected her doesn't mean her life is finished and if she really wants to have a girl chat, Ochako will always be there!
She'll give her blood to Toga for the rest of her life..!!
It's just Ochako's way of telling Toga that just because a boy rejected her doesn't mean her life has ended. That Toga is beautiful and has a lovely smile. And if toga wants to talk about it, Ochako will be more than willing to listen and support her for the rest of her life.
And such is the beautiful dynamic of TogaChako.
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Cheers! Sunshine!
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fabled-lady-twilla · 2 months
✨Twilla's Fandom Blog Introduction✨
Hello my fellow nerdlings, my name is Twilla and this is my new multi-fandom/fanfiction writing inspiration blog. I'm currently looking for active fanfiction writeblrs and MHA/JJK/general fandom blogs to follow and interact with! I would really appreciate it if you could like or reblog this so I can follow you and we can chat about our favorite fandoms and ships. ♡
A Little About Me
I'm a sassy bisexual woman-child (in her late twenties) who LIVES for reading and writing fanfiction and original fiction stories. For those of you that don't know me, my other blog is lovelyladyventress, which is mainly a FF7-centric blog. The few fandoms I love enough to write fanfiction for are as follows: My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Final Fantasy 7, and The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings.
My Absolute Favorite Ships
My Hero Academia
OTP(S): Tie between ShigaDeku🖤 & DabiHawks💙
Other Ships: BakuDeku, TodoDeku, DabiDeku, ShinDeku, DekuHawks, ShigaDabiDeku, DabiDekuHawks, KiriDekuBaku, TodoBakuDeku, Dekubowl, EndHawks, ShigaDabiHawks, ShinKami, MonoShin, KiriBaku, KudoIchi, TogaChako, TsuChako, MiruYumi, SetsuMori, MitsuInko, KacChako, KamiJirou, IidaMei, MezoTsuyu, OjiToru, KiriMina, ToshInko
Jujutsu Kaisen
OTP(S): SukuFushi💚
Other Ships: ItaFushi, ChosoIta (NOT AS BLOOD-RELATED BROTHERS), SukuIta (NOT AS UNCLE/NEPHEW), GoYuu, Yuujibowl, NobaMaki, MakiMiwa, GojoHime, YutaMaki, MechaMiwa
Final Fantasy 7
OTP(S): Tie between SefiKura💜 & ZakKura❤
Other Ships: ASGZC, Strifehart, Aerti, Cloti, Zerith
Themes, Tropes, and Content I Write
exploring human relationships: platonic, familial, and romantic
enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, friends to lovers
sensuality, intimacy, slow burn romance, spicy scenes
soulmates, souls bonds, magical ties, and mental links that are usually tied to main enemy (ShigaDeku, SukuIta, SefiKura)
angsty, whumpy, dark, intense, and sometimes traumatic scenes, and lots of hurt/comfort (with HEAPS & HEAPS of comfort)
sexual identity, self-discovery, individual journeys, character growth, overcoming adversity and bad experiences, and of course, finding genuine happiness at the end of the story. Very, very few stories I write have sad, unsatisfying endings (because I am a TOTAL sap haha)
If any of above sounds appealing to you, give me a follow and lets chat! ❤️❤️❤️
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spacebunniesmha · 8 months
I love all the toga & ochako art we've been getting😭 They're two of my favorite characters.
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class1akids · 11 months
What do you mean when you said it feels manipulative regarding togachako? Honestly i can't get into ship either and i think hori is just trying to use this ship as a bait to make izuocha canon.
I mean that I feel like it goes very HAM with the romantic / sexual insinuations and imagery, but puts no serious effort into depicting a real “relationship” development, so it rings hollow to me.
And because of this, it feels to me less like proper queer representation and more like how straight men have used “lesbian scenes” as material for their sexual fantasies, just mashing attractive girls together.
So it gets the hype for queer ship and Hori keeps adding to it because it’s spicy and will get attention.
He’s done the same with other female characters who have barely or not at all interacted with each other btw:
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Admittedly, I am on the Demi / ace spectrum, so I’m probably having a different viewing experience than other people.
But I also noticed that this is something he only does with his female characters. His male characters, even in sketches that are fan service or can be interpreted as having a romantic undertone, always keep a distance or touch each other in platonic / friendly ways
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So once again, female characters are these eye-candy with very shallow inner worlds who wrap their thighs against each other and rub their asses together with very superficial dialogue or even no interaction. while male characters get deeper emotional work, more complex relationship development and more emotional, less sexual art (on average).
As for IzuOcha still being endgame - I honestly don’t care. I think it would be better for the story just to leave things alone, but it would also be odd not to have some closure on the love confession.
In any case, these chapters to me didn’t feel like the truly “developed” Izuocha. We are at the same place as we were in the Midterms, when Ochako’s crush became her main plot point. Her “confessing” it to Toga doesn’t really change anything in her and Deku’s relationship.
I think Ochako’s inner world / development re Toga and Deku have not been properly progressed throughout the story and these chapters did more to cover up lack of content with pretty art. Toga at least got more character work on her part.
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starrynightzie · 10 months
I mostly wanted this acc to be specifically for art, not rly for anything else but i need to get this off my chest. Obviously if you’ve been on twitter, you’ve probably seen a lot (and i mean a LOT) of hate towards gay ships/shippers recently, (first w togachako, then w stsg) i wanna address all the weird shit thats been happening w jjk dudebros lately. Idk what it is but they’re rly upsetti spaghetti abt even the mere thought of stsg being more than platonic besties, going so far as to shoot down any hint of them being romantically inclined in the slightest - so i thought that i’d take it upon myself to provide poof that stsg has queer, romantic subtext since ppl are being extremely obtuse abt them, all for the sake of protecting their friendship from us evil gays. (other shippers do this too but im mostly focusing on dudebros bc they’re the ones primarily acting like assholes to us for no reason, like yeah, sure, some stsgs are extremely cringey & weird but that can be said for ANY shipper in ANY fandom. When you’re in a fandom as big as this, of course there’s gonna be some bad eggs, it’s inevitable.
ok so. !!DISCLAIMER!! i do not speak japanese, so if i say something incorrect then please correct me. i’ve done enough research to be sure that what im saying is right, but im only human, and sometimes, i might be wrong. so, take what im abt to say with a grain of salt. (just in case).
first off, it should be stated that gege akutami, the creator himself, is an avid bl fan (and ik what ur thinking, ‘oh, that doesn’t mean anything! just bc u read bl, it doesn’t mean you’re likely to write gay relationships into ur own manga!’ which is true, gege HAS said that he doesn’t want to write romance in jjk. HOWEVER, as much as i love stsg & see them in a romantic light, i do definitely think that the reason why their relationship feels so ambiguous is bc gege intentionally made it that way. i think he made their relationship up to the individual’s interpretation. And for ppl who’re thinking ‘why would he do that?’ well, he doesn’t like writing romance, right? so this is the next best thing he could do. and also i have to point out (in case ppl get defensive), gege literally does not and will never care if ppl ship stsg or not, again, he’s a bl fan and if anything - all of the evidence that im going to talk abt proves that he most likely ships stsg himself, so… 🤷‍♂️
2. i’d like to talk about s2’s op & ed which are HEAVILY romantically coded. If you don’t know, the op was written to be from gojo’s pov & vice versa with geto for the ed, the op in particular is a very special case. The song is explicitly abt reminiscing the past , wishing gojo had noticed geto’s sorrow sooner and it also mentions a ‘silent love’. the word ‘love’ being used here is ‘koi’ which EXCLUSIVELY means romantic love… now, since this song was specifically written with gojos pov in mind, doesnt it seem kind of weird to have the word for ‘romantic love’ in there?? (koi can be referred to as ‘young love’ or having a ‘crush’ on someone…. hm… ThAts WeIrD.) instead of using ‘ai’??? which would make more sense if stsg were just besties bc ai is more general and can be used towards friends & family.
and then ofc there’s the whole theme of ‘blue spring’. director park (who directed s1 & jjk 0) has stated in an interview that geto was gojo’s last warm spring of youth. now if you dont know, spring of youth/blue spring means a time in a young person’s life where they have hope and happiness… in animanga, it often means falling in love too… so judging by this, it seems very likely that gojo perhaps developed feelings for geto during their teen years together. Director park has also mentioned in an interview that gojo & geto’s relationship goes beyond ‘friendship’ & being ‘familial’. 👀
3. another clear indicator of gojo being in love w geto is the whole ‘love is the most twisted curse of all’ spiel he said to yuta. ‘but he could mean platonic love!!’ idk, considering yuta had romantic feelings for rika and hes discussing them with gojo & gojo knows this, dont u think it’d be a bit weird for him to mention geto here too? if they were just best friends?? (that’s not even mentioning the fact that gojo & geto’s relationship is supposed to parallel yuta & rika’s in jjk 0…)
4. and then ofc we have gojo saying his last words to geto, which were censored. now, correct me if im wrong but the ONLY times ive ever seen inaudible dialogue being mouthed to another character is when its a love confession mostly seen in romance anime. and like, there’s also no need at all for gojo’s last words to be censored in the first place. (although, i do suspect that his last words may play a major role in the future when he faces kenjaku.) what solidifies it for me being a love confession is that, 1. geto blushed after gojo said whatever it is that he said to him, (only in the manga tho, idk why they didnt make him blush in the movie but its whatever.) and geto replies with, depending on the translation, ‘at least curse me a little at the very end’ or ‘you should at least curse me at the end’. which heavily implies that gojo said something extremely sweet & heartfelt to him as his final words. and if thats not enough to convince u that gojo’s last words were indeed a love confession.. gojo’s eng VA HIMSELF, said that his last words when translated into english means three words… im not saying that gojo’s last words were specifically ‘i love you’ or anything like that, but i am definitely sure that whatever he said was a love confession/something very romantic in nature. bc why else would gege choose to draw geto blushing?? that wouldnt make any sense.
gojo also killed geto on the 24th of december, which in japan, is the most romantic day of the year & couples in japan treat christmas eve as kinda like a separate valentines day. even in the jjk manga recently, gojo offered to fight on dec 24th & kenjaku mocks him by saying how romantic it is… even gege himself acknowledges how romantic christmas eve is in japan, this enforces the idea that gege must’ve chosen dec 24th for a reason, bc why else would he have picked an extremely romantic date as not only the day where he fights kenjaku who is inhabiting geto’s body, but also making it the day geto died?? yall have to remember that all of this has been planned out by gege, none of it is a coincidence… he didn’t just come up with all of this on the spot, he’s been planning this stuff & thinking about it for literal years.
5. and finally, probably the BIGGEST piece of evidence there is, geto & gojo’s character songs. gege chose romantic break up songs for BOTH of them.. like im sorry but if stsg were rly truly only best friends, he would not have chosen those songs for them, it just doesnt make any sense.
conclusion: obviously, this probably isn’t every subtextually romantic thing about stsg’s relationship but these are all the things that i’ve noticed. again, if you see their relationship as purely platonic then that’s fine but don’t be assholes to people for seeing romantic subtext that’s quite clearly there. if i have missed anything out then please let me know and i’ll edit them into the post.
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vriska · 11 months
it has been a few days and i dont understand how im supposed to be normal after togachako real, i cant stop thinking about them
theyre just!!! so good!!!!!!!!
even if you wanna be as boring as humanly possible and read this as purely platonic there is just something so deeply moving about Toga's salvation being found in another girl, Ochako is everything Toga wishes she could be, everything she was told she SHOULD be, and yet Ochako is the one telling HER that she's so beautiful that she wishes she could smile like that, the solidarity between two girls who are oppressed in different ways by the same society coming together and being like 'i see you' its just OOUGHGHGFUHG im sure someone could put this a lot better but!! my god!!!
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tawney · 2 years
I am a heavy multishipper, and I respect every ship I see as long as it's not romanticize anything bad (like inc3st and p3dophilia)
I love Izuocha as much as I love Bakudeku, but it's so funny seeing other izuocha shippers saying that its so obviously endgame cause it shows they're not actually paying any bit of attention to the manga.
I'm not even mentioning the bakudeku and togachako hints going on in recent events; there is a full scene of Ochako addressing the possibility of her admiration of Deku being mistaken for attraction, and putting away ideas of romance so that she can make herself a hero instead of being Izuku's shadow like she's been doing. People have to recognize and understand scenes like that, even if it goes against their ship or they don't like alternative ships.
Adding on to this put into perspective the fact that Izuku literally lost control of his heart over Katsuki 3 times, and the villain goes after Katsuki to get to Izuku (just like he did to Nana's husband) verbally stating that he's "Closest to Izuku". Now take all of this to account and imagine Izuku and Ochako getting together. You see how that would be a strain? Platonic or not Katsuki would be above anyone else to Izuku, and that's going to mess up any romantic relationship Izuku might have. Ochako probably wouldn't want to go in a relationship knowing the childhood friend would be his first.
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