#play night market if
dannydoteggg · 2 years
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My MC Sawyer and @night-market-if Hazel
Truly cannot recommend the Night Market IF enough! The story makes me feel like I'm in a dream and when the MC meets Hazel - it gave me the Howl's moving castle feels and now I'm tucked in tight for the ride.
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arimiadev · 6 months
exactly 1 week left until Witch on the Holy Night, the first TYPE-MOON (non-game play oriented) visual novel to ever be officially localized, releases on Steam on December 14th, 2023.
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Witch on the Holy Night / Mahoyo is a coming of age story following Aoko Aozaki, a highschooler who has to balance her class president, perfect grades life with her secret afterschool life of being a mage—a secret she has to keep at the risk of death. Keeping this balance already isn't easy but one day she gets a wrench thrown into it with the introduction of a transfer student, Soujuurou Shizuki, a country boy so out of touch that he's never seen electricity before.
things Mahoyo is:
one of the most visually impressive visual novels ever made
a modern fantasy (1980s) tale about mages and magic intermingling with modern society
a coming of age tale about high schoolers finding themselves in this world
around 30 hours long
somewhat tied to other TYPE-MOON works, namely Garden of Sinners / Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime (but can be read without any knowledge of other TYPE-MOON works)
things Mahoyo is not:
a romance visual novel or a dating sim
a visual novel with choices or multiple endings
a video game with gameplay
another Holy Grail war
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night-market-if · 2 months
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Brought Miss Boda to work with me today at @mooreaux 's house. Their very old dog Lulu is not quite sure what to do
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eviefrve · 7 months
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Mineko's Night Market, dev. Meowza Games (2023)
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aethersea · 4 months
devastating to go into the tag for an obscure vampire movie I've been quietly obsessed with for years to find mostly gifsets of minor characters (played by big-name actors) and review blogs saying they didn't like it :(
@ everyone who made a post saying "I liked it :)" I am blowing you a kiss. everyone who made a lovely gifset or photoset of the cinematography I am tipping my hat. that one poster that said "bro did y'all just miss the Entire Message about class and race or???" I am shaking your hand with enthusiasm there was SUCH a message about class and race
anyway everybody should watch Night Teeth and revel in glitzy flashy modern vampires in LA with me
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hadrassians · 1 year
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belladonna from @night-market-if
my favorite scary lady!!!!
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eirene · 2 years
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Night-Market In Amsterdam, With The Dam Palace And The Nieuwe Kerk In The Background, ca. 1864
Petrus van Schendel, known as Monsieur Chandelle
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4bsurdcreature · 10 months
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What's this, me trying to decode Palia's Cipher? It's more likely than you'd think...
The writing says "Writs" on the first image, "Sale" and "Upgrade" on the second, and "Lets Go" on the map. I have yet to figure out what the first and third characters in the blue festival sign are.
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Mamizou's accusation of Sannyo's Chō-Han rolls
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To be clear, Mamizou is not actually claiming Sannyo is cheating, this is because they are playing simple Chō-Han (Odds vs Evens), and since Sannyo sets the cup on the table before betting even starts. The game is completely fair.
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to everyone else playing, they are experiencing a completely fair game of Chō-Han.
But for Mamizou.....
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she is getting mocked for cheating against the Yamawaro in her earlier games of Cee-lo
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But is it even physically possible for Sannyo to control fair dice shaken in a cup?
And we do know for a fact they are fair dice because she's playing Chō-Han in the traditional fashion, with her sleeve off, making it physically impossible for her to switch out the dice each round.
Well according to a site on dice play, it actually is possible
"even straight dice can be controlled with practice. Cheats develop techniques where the dice are placed in the cup and are then slid out of the horizontally held cup rather than rolled"
Except there are two problems.
Sannyo cannot be using this technique for two reasons. The first is because Mamizou tells us she shakes the cup, and the second is because every round she sets her cup straight onto the table completely flat.
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so how is this possible?
There is one possibility given what we are shown.
So here's how she probably does it.
The first step Sannyo will need to take is to flourish the dice, allowing her to select her results, if she's as good as we might assume, she could toss them from the tips of her fingers as easily as from the side, so even showing people the dice won't matter. We know for a fact Sannyo does flourish the dice every single round.
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The next thing Sannyo does is throw her dice into the cup and shake them around, just like Mamizou said when she made her accusation.
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as long as Sannyo can hit them flat on the bottom, the dice can theoretically hold the result, next we need to assume she can hold them there even while holding the cup horizontal. To do this Sannyo will need to switch to spinning them along the sides with inertia immediately after they hit flat on the bottom. Then she needs to keep them rolling horizontal along the sides without turning the side with her result.
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Note the absence of "Rattling". The only sound effects we are shown are solid "thumps", "Clacks" or "Slams".
Now those were the tricks required to let her even attempt to do this rolling horizontal and under the conditions of Chō-Han. Now we actually get to the part she should not actually be able to cheat.
Sannyo is going to need to stay on the result she's kept flat to the base of the cup and then get it to land flat against the table without bouncing and turning.
But what if we saw the first part of that trick?
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Every round she smacks the cup and immediately lays it onto the table.
If she does this absolutely perfectly she can hit her result flat against the base, and then ride the inertia of turning it to lay it flat against the side corners of the cup and finally land the dice on the table. Then keep the edge of the cup as a support to prevent it from turning over while it bounces.
And that is how it can theoretically be done.
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The amount of skill required to actually pull this nonsense off would boarder on impossible. If we weren't talking about Sannyo this would be inconceivable.
Sannyo is not just good. She's very, very good.
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I am legitimately sad this man doesn’t exist in my life…
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lionheartchocobo · 8 months
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turbolainen · 1 year
once again there is not a single promotional night in the nhl where players opt out of participating except for pride night and it says a lot about how inclusive the league really is
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bugeyedfreaks · 8 months
So I know you hate rrb and that's so valid but i think the funniest implication of the clip show is that teen them just like, stopped doing villainous things? Like the girls stopped fighting crime that's so lame but why did those three idiots stop being bad guys? Did Mtn Dew calm them down?
And then that got me thinking can you imagine like, if they did age up the girls we see retired villains who could rob a bank sure but it's bingo night
My only problem is I can't imagine any villain just retire from villainy as much as I can't imagine the girls older
From what I understand, that whole sequence was all kind of a lighthearted jab at the ridiculous idea that the girls would ever just be interested in boys and shopping if they got older… so clearly it would be just as OOC and ridiculous if the RRB quit being awful. But yeah, whatever could have mellowed them out? 😆 maybe they discovered weed and that calmed them down or maybe something was in their axe body spray lol idk
…to be fair, given how we’ve seen the other villains of Townsville, I’m sure they’re already doing things like that in their downtime. 😆
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night-market-if · 2 months
I get that Milo feels bad, and that's good he should feel remorse, but the urge I have every time he throws himself a pity party to smack him upside the head and remind him he's not the victim here.
I mean... He kind of is?
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july-19th-club · 7 months
one thing about me is that the first time i go to an unfamiliar place i screw it up worse than anybody ever has even with directions. but the NEXT time i go to the place i remember the route exactly and for the rest of all time i know it without having to check . the dichotomy of man
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richkidcityfriends · 9 months
i want to read everything at once. which of course means i read nothing. obviously.
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