#playmate system
revenant-coining · 6 months
[pt: Natumortic /end pt]
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[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: blue, darkish purple, rosy-pink, black, pale yellow, black, dark red, red, light red. in the center of the first flag is a black tombstone symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: purple, purplish pink, pink, light red, pale yellow, light red, red, darkish red, dark red. in the center of the first flag is 2 dark red blood drops symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: magenta, red, light orange, pale purple, pale yellow, pale purple, light purple-pink, pink, darkish pink. in the center of the first flag is a darkish pink teddy bear symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
Natumortic; a natural system subterm; a gender connected to being a natural of death/a death natural. this gender is connected to death, darkness, dark/death aesthetics, cemeteries, natural aesthetics, instinctual aesthetics, & inhood/tinhood.
Patigoreic; a patient system subterm; a gender connected to being a gore patient. this gender is connected to gore, gore aesthetics, patient aesthetics, medical aesthetics, & ill/sick-in-nature (ILLIN/SICKIN) genders.
Playnuzlichic; a playmate system subterm; a gender connected to being a cuddly playmate. this gender is connected to cuddles, cuddly/cozy aesthetics, playmate aesthetics, playful aesthetics, & play/playful-in-nature (PLAYIN) genders.
etymology; natu(ral)/pati(ent)/play(mate), mort/gore/nuzlich, “ic” meaning of or pertaining to
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404, @gamercod
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[id: a rosy-pink line divider. /end id]
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en8y · 7 months
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a cotton slime in the center. the cotton slime is a light yellow blob with small eyes, an open smiling mouth, long rabbit ears, and whiskers; it resembles a rabbit. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull light red, rose gold, and dull light orange. the second flag has these top three colors: deep dark magenta, dark orange, and light orange. the third flag has these top three colors: warm medium brown, burnt orange, and dark tan. each flag has these bottom six stripes: warm light yellow, off-white, warm light yellow, medium warm yellow, warm medium brown, and warm dark brown. END ID.]
oddicottonslimic: a gender connected to being a cotton slime oddity; this gender is connected to cotton slimes, cotton slime aesthetics, oddity aesthetics, bizarre aesthetics, and being inbissiec!
playcottonslimic: a gender connected to being a cotton slime playmate; this gender is connected to cotton slimes, cotton slime aesthetics, playmate aesthetics, playful aesthetics, and PLAYIN genders!
cottonslimence: a gender connected to being a cotton slime silence; this gender is connected to cotton slimes, cotton slime aesthetics, silence aesthetics, stillness aesthetics, and leinhood/klehood!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @neopronouns @revenant-coining
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en69y · 1 year
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oddihypersexulic + hypersexulimate + hypersexulence
[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a heart in two colors, the left side orange-pink, and the right side hot pink. it appears drippy. it is in the center. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull light red, rose gold, and dull light orange. the second flag has these top three colors: deep dark magenta, dark orange, and light orange. the third flag has these top three colors: warm medium brown, burnt orange, and dark tan. each flag has these bottom six stripes: peach, off-white, pastel orange, hot pink, medium warm purple, and dark cool purple. END ID.]
oddihypersexulic: a gender connected to being a hypersexual oddity; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, oddity aesthetics, bizarre aesthetics, and being inbissiec!
hypersexulimate: a gender connected to being a hypersexual playmate; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, playmate aesthetics, playful aesthetics, and PLAYIN genders!
hypersexulence: a gender connected to being a hypersexual silence; this gender is connected to being hypersexual, hypersexual pride, hypersexual aesthetics, silence aesthetics, stillness aesthetics, and leinhood/klehood!
colors referenced from/inspired by @epikulupu’s hypersexual flag!
op is hypersexual, and is allowed to cope in silly gender ways. don’t clown on this post.
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fuzzyunicorn · 22 days
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Me after everything I said did in fact come true
#what hasn’t will ☺️💅#like I said it’s all just a matter of time 😭😂#r the lil Satanists realizing it’s a completely different game when I start fighting back as per today#like I said 2 u lil Satanists earlier today during the carnage it’s amusing 2 me u all think u can do something agaisnt me who not only can#kill immortal souls as well as not only destroying planets I am tasked to destroy solar#systems to entire galaxies & universes :) hehe fun fact: when I destroy planets they don’t take out other ones w it & y is that???#oh my dear lil Satanists I can by magick put nuke domes so meaning if I decided or was commanded to place a nuke dome on this planet I can#take ur WEAKEST nuke if I don’t feel like using my own energy & make it go off repeatedly as many times as it suits my fancy so#that means I can nuke u a billion times over & it has zero adverse effects on other planets & their inhabitants can u lil Satanists do that?#& that’s barely the tip of the iceberg that’s the most watered down version I can give for now so try to grasp what that means 4 u opps#this fuckery can end in 2 seconds if I want but I like toying w u all & since my playmates (the lil Satanists) r so very weak n dull im so#fuckin’ pissed the fuck off @ how weak u all r u promised to put up a fight & im not feeling like im fighting let alone fighting in an#apocalyptic war so what does that mean 4 u lil Satanists? this war is boring the fuck out of me so much so I’m really gonna have to kill &#resurrect u all again purely bc I’m so displeased w ur weak sauce waging of war LIKE COME THE FUCK ON!!!! u all promised to really stick it#2 me & topple me & I gave u all fuckin’ 300 million years to put up a fuckin’ fight! & this is all u lil Satanists got!? FUCKIN’ FIGHT U#COWERING BITCHES IM JUST GETTING STARTED#& u all want to tap out after today’s events I think the fuck not c’mon I’m just 1 wittle soul what r u so fuckin’ scared of??? :)
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katakaluptastrophy · 10 months
Oh no now I'm thinking about the Fourth and the Fifth again and how Jod's awful colonial space feudalism poisons everything.
You are four or five years old. Maybe you're Isaac and you never knew your dad, only that he died at enemy hands in some far flung campaign and six years later you were made to ensure an heir for the baronetcy. Or you're Jeannemary and your mother defied orders, went beyond the rim, and jumped on a grenade. If either of you have surviving parents, they're not considered sufficiently important in this great process of ensuring a suitable heir with a suitable cavalier to keep you. There is no Baron until Isaac comes of age, and the leader of a House needs to be properly trained. You are four or five years old, and you are sent away.
You're five year old Jeannemary. You're not yet sworn to your necromancer, but you've been promised to him since birth and you've been sent away from your planet and your siblings to serve him. You are your generation's Chatur and this is your purpose. And when the cavalier primary of the House you have been sent to sees a little child struggling to see over the table at a reception and props you up with a cushion, you challenge him to a duel. You don't understand why all the adults are laughing. Your honour and your necromancer are all you have left of home. Far away, at the edge of the system, Harrowhark Nonagesimus decides that puppeting her parents' corpses as her House collapses around her is a better fate than yours. At night you are tucked into bed in a room that you don't have to share with any siblings and the man who is looking after you now reads to you from a book of adventure stories and strokes your hair until you fall asleep.
You're nine year old Isaac, swearing to be one flesh, one end with your cavalier in a foreign chapel on a foreign planet. You go to school. The woman who is not quite but almost your mother is helping you to discover spirit magic far beyond the thanergy fission you would have learned at home. She is teaching you to cook and to dance. She tells you that the parts of you which back home would have been considered flaws are your greatest strengths. You have friends and playmates who will never be on the front lines, whose parents write books or engrave stele or organise the bounty of empire from ledgers and transmitter boxes. You are loved and you love, but you are beginning to understand that love comes with a cost.
You are 13 year old Jeannemary. You are back on the Fourth and after last year's bombing you are now cavalier primary. As far as you are concerned, you are grown and ready to serve god and his empire. And you have been denied twice. You don't understand why the people who love you are going to such lengths to stop you from doing what you were born to do or why they have always looked so upset when glorious news comes from home about how someone you would have grown up with, had you not been sent away, has given the ultimate service to the empire. You are cavalier primary of the Fourth House and you fear you are still being propped up on cushions.
You are Isaac Tettares and you are Baron of a planet you spent most of your childhood away from. Everyone else your age long ago shipped out with the Junior Territorials. You are the Baron of a planet but you are not in charge and you have come to understand that your father wasn't in charge either. You love the closest thing you have to parents and they love you. You miss them terribly. You resent the fact that thanks to them you will never truly lead the Fourth. There is talk of a marriage alliance when you are older. You want to be family with them. You don't entirely believe you'll live long enough to marry him when you come of age. And if you do, your half Fifth children will be another crack in what's left of the Fourth House. You miss you dad's stupid jokes and your mum's earnest discussions. You're free of their meddling. You will never be free of their meddling.
You are Jeannemary and Isaac, properly off planet and on display as scion and cavalier for the first time, offered an unimaginable chance to serve god and his empire. You crave the security of your parents. You chafe at the idea that you might be perceived as children. But for a little while you are all together again. You are planning a party. You are making friends. You will all serve the empire together. Perhaps, when you are the fingers and gestures of god, none of these differences will matter any more.
They die horribly. And later so do you. God doesn't care.
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i-cant-sing · 3 months
Salauddin screaming and THROWING UP because Princess reader won't stop picking up stray animals from outside and bringing them into her bedroom because "it's too hot for them outside ;( " "you said my room was the coolest soo..."
on the contrary, Salauddin himself is an animal lover. They're Allah's creations that cannot speak, that cannot ask for help, they're just vulnerable. He cares for his horses very greatly, no expenses are spared for the their stables, their caretakers and the best medicine from around the world. The pain of thirst, its one of the worst ways to dies, so Salauddin makes sure no one in his kingdom ever goes to sleep hungry or thirsty, humans or animals. He's had special water systems and pots designed practically everywhere in Egypt so birds and dogs and other animals get to drink their fill.
BUT as much as Salauddin cares for animals, he doesnt... exactly appreciate his palace turning into a zoo because of all the animals you keep bringing in. Its kinda his fault really. All Salauddin did was get a pretty white kitten that had blue eyes- it was so cute, so he gifted it to you. When you asked him why, he couldnt say that its because the cute kitten reminded him of you. So he said that it was too hot outside for small animals like Fatima (as you had named her) and he saw the realisation dawn in your eyes as you looked out at the pyramids, nodding your head along.
Salauddin sighed in irritation as he felt something furry rubbing against his legs. He looked down under his desk to see a black kitten with green eyes- Bilal. You took him in and said "but Salauddin! Fatima is all alone and she needs a playmate! Besides, Bilal is bullied by the street kids cause he's black and they think that he was a jinn!" You used such excuses to adopt 3 more cats (Mustafa, Haider, Zahra) and now you spend dressing them in cute hijabs- yes even the males.
He picked up the black cat and tickled his chin as he began making his way towards your- or what used to be your room. On his way, he passed by servants chasing after your chickens- Emir, Ahmed and Riyaan.
The doors opened as he entered, the room was in complete chaos. Feathers were falling down as birds flew around the room with the maids hot on their tails. Your cats were resting in one corner with your dogs- Shams and Talia standing guard over them. And you? You were in the center of all this chaos, sitting on the ground with a pet sheep- Mihirmah in your arms as you sheared it carefully. You had found her last night on your way home, not even bothering to ask if you could keep her along with your rest of the petting zoo.
Then again, why would his wife need to ask him? Whats his, is yours.
He walked over and sat down beside you and you finally looked up.
"I found Bilal." He stated, petting the kitten that nuzzled his face against him. You smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you! I was so busy with Mihirmah, I didnt realise he had left. I think he escaped when they took the chicks out for a walk."
He hummed before nodding his head at the sheep. "And how many that makes it now?"
"One." "Y/n." He deadpanned. "Well, one sheep. In total, 52 animals."
"Y/n." He looked at you in disbelief. "How- what- it was 45 last week." You looked at him sheepishly. "Well... its not my fault, really. You see- um, well you know how we thought Shams and Talia were just siblings? I think they were confused and um, Talia just gave birth to 6 pups." You avoided his eyes as he stared at you.
"I am not getting rid of them, Salauddin." You warned him, petting the sheep in your arms. "They need us to care for their babies! They're new parents!"
"Yes, Yusuf?" You used his name, batting your lashes at him. You know how to get to him.
Ya hayati. (My life)
He sighed, petting Bilal in his hands. "I'm going to put Bilal down for a nap."
"Yeah! Just put him with his siblings-" "No. I'm going to separate him and his brothers. They will not be giving babies to their sisters." Salauddin grumbled as you pouted and muttered about how cute new kittens are.
Maybe he can give you a litter of your own to keep you preoccupied. (Not because he likes you or anything- he just doesnt want you to fill his palace with more animals.)
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Despite what Salauddin says, he still remembers each name of all your pets. All of them. He also talks to the cats, especially to Bilal about how he needs to behave for him mama and protect her and stuff.
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codenamesazanka · 6 months
The park flashback/scene where Tenko plays with Mikkun and Tomo-chan in Chapter 418 first takes place in early afternoon, as evidenced by the clock reading almost 2:00 PM.
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The art in the scene confirms this: clear bright skies, and the shadows under the children are short.
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However, the time in the scene changes after Mikkun and Tomo-chan tells Tenko he should be All Might (the moment Tenko decides he wants to be a Hero, as he tells his mom in Chapter 235). Suddenly it's evening: the clock shows 6:13 PM, and the sky darkening because it's nearing sunset.
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When Shigaraki/Tenko thinks of the League, he and the League (and Deku) all have long shadows, the kind you see when the sun is low in the sky.
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The context:
Sunset is the time to go home. Children who have been playing outside, in playgrounds, at the park, are supposed to go home, to get back in time for dinner, back to their families.
In Japan, many cities and towns have a bell/chime/song that plays from public loudspeakers at around 5:00 PM. It's a daily test of an emergency broadcast system, but it has also come to be seen as the evening bell, a 'go home' signal, especially for children, telling them to go home before it gets dark.
In manga and anime, all these elements have become common imagery and symbolism, associated with each other: red-orangey colors, sunset, long shadows, the chime, children saying goodbye to their playmates for the day, the idea of home and return.
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(from Mushishi)
Putting it all together:
When the park scene first shows up, it's Tenko memory of playing with Mikkun and Tomo-chan, likely exactly how it had occurred in real life: it's early afternoon, the sun is shining bright, their shadows are short, they're at the park, they're playing Heroes, and when the kids tell Tenko that he should be All Might, Tenko is overjoyed.
But this isn't the scene 15-16 years ago; this is a memory. Tenko is also Shigaraki here. He has just had his core pried open by Deku, and given relief. The Crying Child has been symbolically saved, but the past, the massacre, the Walk still all happened.
So it's suddenly 6:13 PM, it's sunset now, because it's way past proper time (5:00 PM) to go home - because Shigaraki/Tenko can't go home to the Shimura house. It's too late. It's been long over.
Shigaraki/Tenko then looks away from Mikkun and Tomo-chan, to the side, and say, 'Nah' to their suggestion, because besides it being late, he also no longer wants to be All Might. He's deciding he's a Villain, he still holds malice and he still destroys.
So, the scene changes again to contains the League now, all six of them (plus Deku). They exist in this sunset time, hence their long shadows. They exist with current Shigaraki/Tenko, they exist in the now - and arguably, the League would be the home he would return to at sunset.
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Up to interpretation, of course, but the sunset/going home context is real.
Japanese tweets about it (translated):
[When Tenko got the words he wanted, his eyes lit up, but it was past time to go home so I'm guessing that means "it's too late."]
[It is just heartening that the League members are the place where Tomura would return to when it was "time to go home." I'm sobbing]
[In the scene where Tenko is at the park, the clock is already past 6:00 PM, the time when good kids go home, so if he had met Deku a little earlier, Deku might have been able to stop him, but this seems to show that they're past that stage now, which is good.]
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
Grocery girl: Ken Sato x Reader pt. 3
You were a delivery girl who was frequently dispatched to the famous baseball player's Ken Sato residence, you were a nobody that anyone hardly paid attention to, until you found the legendary baseball passed out on his front steps looking like hell, being a bit of worry wart you help him inside and that things took a HUGE turn when you find yourself playing mommy for a giant baby dragon....
Part 1, Part 2
*"Help me raise this baby Kaiju"* "Pfft, easier said then done..." R/n muttered as she unpacked her stuff in one of the guest rooms, which was by the way; bigger than her apartment, R/n's things barely filled the space leaving huge gaps in the room making it feel little empty.
"Maybe I'll buy a couple plants or something..." She sighed and went to go check with Ken on what exactly she was supposed to do? Like R/n knew she had to help with the baby...but, how exactly? Not everyone can turn into a superhero the size of a skyscraper! She'd like to know what exactly his game plan was?
Meanwhile Ken was pacing around his base while baby was napping in her chamber. He had no freaking clue what to say to R/n, his brain was so fried from a lack of sleep he wasn't thinking straight when he came up with whole co-parenting thing, it was all starting hit him all at once!
What could he get R/n to do? She was just regular human! What if she had work the same time he had a game? what if baby has an explosive tantrum and accidentally hurts R/n or worse? The death of a civvy would not look good on Ultraman's track record, then again; neither was hiding a baby Kaiju but-
Ken's train of though was cut off by R/n coming down the elevator it was kinda weird seeing her in regular clothes and not that obnoxious red and blue Depotman uniform, having traded in said uniform in for a t-shirt and shorts, Ken straightened himself out and tried to make it seem like he wasn't on the verge of a complete breakdown as He and R/n got down to business...whatever it may be.
R/n's responsibilities were meager at due to her human factor, she was basically a glorified playmate to distract the baby whenever Ken was away. "...Feed her when her tummy rumbles, the burp her." R/n interrupted him with a snort.
"Right!~ burp her, right, right- I'll do that, But first lemme just call up Zordon and see if he has any spare Megazords laying around..."
"Ah, a woman of culture I see..."
"Lonely childhood."
So...yeah, R/n burping Baby was out of the question...almost, they tried testing at method that Mina suggested; it involved R/n running up and down barefoot along the little Kaiju's back as a alternative and while it did work. the downside was it was very unstable for R/n to keep her footing and Baby's need to spit up afterwards caused some problems.
The infant immediately jumped to her feet with R/n still on her back and sent the woman tumbling off towards the metal floor, where she would've broken her back or neck if Ultraman hadn't quickly caught her. "Okay, not doing that again..." Ken said with a sigh as R/n slapped her hand over her mouth. "Ugh, I think I'm gonna barf too if I don't get on solid ground." She groaned Ultraman carefully put her down and announced his intention to clean baby up outside seeing as she wasn't completely done spitting up yet.
R/n meanwhile was looking at the putrid green mess already pooling around on the floor and was worried he was leaving this for her to clean up, until the she noticed the glowing "window" was actually a force field; sea pooled into the room as ultraman and Baby stepped outside before it was all pumped out by a drainage system. "Seriously, how much did this cost to build?" R/n wondered out loud It was then when Mina revealed that this basement use to be part of a spaceship that Ken's father used to arrive to Earth.
Cut to Ultraman rubbing Baby's back as she finishes up her business when the rare silence was broken by a faint yell from somewhere...It sounded like someone yelled "What?!" at the top of their lungs.
To say, things got better for Ken with the extra help would be stretching it R/n again had no idea what she was doing and was mainly in charge of keeping the baby entertained for a couple hours so he could get so sleep or go to work, but unfortunately life's a B, and Though they took turns waking up at odd hours feeding her, or bathing her. (R/n uses a large push broom as a scrub brush.. or at least tries to, that baby Kaiju can run!),
Ken was still heavily needed for heavy clean up duty and that left him exhausted during his games, also he noticed R/n hadn't gone to work once since she moved in with him which caused him to jump to the conclusion that she quit, cos that what the last person who lived with him back in LA did (Which resulted in nasty break up).
So he confronted her "No I didn't quit my job, I took maternity leave." R/n said affronted by his accusation, Ken looks at her skeptical how she could possibly gotten on leave when she doesn't have kids? "I told my boss that a friend of mine had just became a single parent and asked me for help so I'm moving in with them, he gave a month off to adjust my new responsibilities." She further explained that it was Mina's idea and the bot pretended to be the friend on the phone with R/n's boss to confirm her story.
"Okay, if this is the case, then where the heck have you been going when I'm on baby duty?" The exhausted baseball player pressed R/n looked at him slyly. "Toy shopping." Ken at her befuddled "Toys for who?" Cut to Mina helping R/n pull in a large cart with a tarp over it out of the elevator and in front of the baby who looked at it curious as R/n removed the tarp revealing a adult pedal car (It looks like the ZAT van from Ultraman Taro) and a 9ft tall Oni? action figure. (it's Momotaros from Den-o)
The baby cooed reached out to them but R/n stopped her for a moment before pulling out what looked like a giant tan rolled up mattress, Ken wondered if it was for chewing on or something, until the delivery girl cut the straps and plastic wrapping open to reveal it was a vacuum sealed 15 foot tall stuffed bear!
Baby squealed excitedly bouncing on her feet before grabbing the bear hugging it; she started playing with rest of the toys she got. While Ken stares on in awe. "I'd figured she was bored being stuck indoors all watching nothing but TV, I know was..." The baby was apparently acting out a hero saving her bear from a car crash she saw on TV show.
"How much did that stuff cost you?" Ken asked watching the scene feeling guilty about earlier; he pretty much accused R/n of being a leech when she was spending money for him. "The car and figure were from my job, rejected packages that were rotting away in the warehouse for the last 10 years; figured they might as well be used for something." She said the paused for moment seemingly in thought. "Annd you kind of paid for the bear." Ken looked at her confused how he could've possibly paid for the bear, R/n noticing his confusion and sighed. "Of you don't remember, last month? when I brought you coffee and donuts? You acted like a spaz and tipped me?" The cogs were spinning in Ken's head before grinding to a halt now remembering.
"Right....How much did I give you?
"Around 30000 yen or so..."
"...That's three hundred dollars, Yer telling me that bear cost three hundred dollars?"
"Hard to believe, but yes. It was a prop for photos in this designer children's photography shop I deliver to, the guy was selling it cos it scared the kids, I thought we could make better use of it."
R/n said with a little shrug Ken hummed and went back to watching the baby and trying not to doze off, only to be alerted that he had to go to work and begrudgingly made his way to the elevator much to R/n's concern the delivery girl could feel the tipping point was coming, she just hopes that when it does Ken knows he's not alone now and can try to open up to her a little more... 
Cross posted on my A03/Squidgeworld/Wattpad.
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ldysmfrst · 5 months
American Mate (6) - A Proposition for You
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 6 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 4911
Work count for Story: 23,924
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have Injury, Anxiety, arguments, comfort, Alpha Space, close proximity, and scenting.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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“Excuse me, Sirs. We have arrived at the AirBnB,” the driver announces through the van's intercom system. The voice pulls Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook's attention away from the scenting session. 
“Thank you, Malcolm,” Jungkook calls out loud enough to be heard past the petition between the driver’s and passenger seats. Looking down, he trails his fingers through Jimin’s hair as the tiny Alpha is now sprawled out across his and Taehyung’s lap with his eyes closed. 
“Minie, we need to get out, my little love,” looking at Taehyung, “Tae? Are you good now?”
“Hmm. Yeah, Kook, I am doing better,” Taehyung opens his eyes, returning to their clear brown. Lifting Jimins legs off his lap, Taehyung moves from his seat and opens the van door. 
“Minie, you cuddle bug. Time to go, I know you are nowhere near a scent high, so please get up so that we can get Y/n to see the doctor.”
Jumping up from lying on Jungkook’s lap, Jimin stumbles out the door and over to the first van, “I will get their door!”
Jungkook and Taehyung chuckle as they watch the dancer trip over one of the van's chairs, but he manages not to fall onto the curb before beelining it to the other van.
“Hey, Tae. Are you going to be okay around Y/n?”
“I think so. It might be better for me to keep my distance until she isn’t in as much pain. I think that is what is causing the most issues for my Alpha. Well, that and keeping away from that pathetic excuse of a Director.” Taehyung growls out the last part.
“I think it would be best if we all keep away from him, though I think Manager Sejin and Namjoon will have to at least deal with him a few more times.”
“Better him than us. Why don’t you go with the others, and I will help out with the luggage so that everything is where it should be?” Taehyung hugs Jungkook around the shoulders, kissing his cheek softly.
Jungkook looks closely at Taehyung, smelling his clear and unbothered ebony wood. “Alright, hopefully, the doctor will be here soon. I think time has flown by faster than we think. It is already starting to get dark out.”
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Buzzing. All you hear is buzzing as your brain short circuits. The desire to melt into the man holding you and run from the predatory eyes of the men watching you causes your body to tense and twitch. 
Suddenly, the van door opening seems louder than it should. It startled you into finally moving away from them and out of the van. 
You didn’t realize how stuffy the van had gotten, but the intensity of the scents within the van does not go unnoticed by Jimin as he watches you bolt from the van right past him towards the packhouse. Yoongi followed close behind with a smirk on his lips.
“What did we miss being in the reject van?” Jimin asks no one in particular. 
“Oh, you guys missed quite a bit, but we will talk about it later. Maybe once Miss Y/n goes in with the doctor,” Namjoon says as the rest leave the van. 
Jungkook walks up to the group and watches you with a confused look. Manager Sejin also joins them.
“You all realize she has no idea what she is to you. She isn’t going to understand why it is nice that she is so instinctually responsive,” Manager Sejin comments using air quotes.
“Yes, Manager-nim. She just was… ah it is hard to explain,” Hoseok bashfully responds as he looks at the floor.
“Well, she isn’t my mate, and I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea how to break it to her, but you are going to have to be careful. I know that much.” Looking at you, a softness of worry crosses his face.
“Do you guys know that she wouldn’t even ask for a bottle of water when she got to the van because she didn’t want to take something from the pack?”
“I have a feeling that she has had to be the one to take care of others and put herself last. She won’t ask for help, and accepting help will be hard for her. Especially, since you guys are so well-known and established as a mate-bonded pack.” Manager Sejin looks at his watch, down the street, and then back to the gathered group.
“The doctor should be here in a few moments. You might want to get her inside and settle in one of the unoccupied rooms, Namjoon-ssi.” 
Manager Sejin bows respectfully to the group and heads to the luggage van, where he can see Taehyung giving directions.
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You walked quickly, not running, up the stairs to the front porch—fresh air—cool Air. It was non-steamy, good for your heart, and not going to make you lose your job and blessed air. 
Taking deep breaths, you hope to clear your mind, slow your heart to a normal pace, and regain professionalism from wherever it is hiding.
Muttering to yourself, you are unaware that Yoongi has followed you, but he keeps a distance while listening to your utterances. His smirk grows to the point his eyes are almost closed. Now that you have calmed down, you turn around and almost run into him.
“Ahh! Don’t sneak up on me like that. I need to get you and Evie both a bell. It must be a feline thing.” Glancing past Yoongi you notice Taehyung coming up the steps with some of the staff carrying in the luggage, “Should get one for him too.”
Chuckling, Yoongi shakes his head, “No bell. No house cat. Jaguar.” Taking a step closer, he sniffs, “Better? No conflict?”
You can’t help but smile softly at his concern: “No, I am fine now. I just haven’t had much skinship as one might say… outside of my family pack, as you call them.”
“I know it is a big cultural thing amongst hybrids and even more so depending on the kind of relationship involved. I guess I was just taken back by all the … all that.” You say, gesturing towards the van as if it were explaining whatever was happening inside. 
Yoongi nods in understanding and takes the last step to be by your side, facing the rest of the pack. His tail again wraps around your waist, and you giggle in amusement, returning his attention with a raised eyebrow.
“Are you keeping me on a fur leash?” You ask, pointing at his tail on your waist.
Yoongi looks down at where you are pointing and looks at his tail like he doesn’t realize that he ever put it there, to begin with. With a glare like he is scolding a child, his tail starts to let go, which pulls at your heart a bit.
“It’s okay, Alpha.” You say as you stroke along the very soft black fur, laying it back in its place, “you are keeping me close and safe like a good Alpha should. Thank you for protecting me.”
Yoongi preens at the compliment while holding back a shudder at the feeling of you petting his tail. His Alpha is happy that you recognize his needs and are allowing him to continue.
“Mr. Min,” you start to speak only to get cut off with an indignant huff.
“Yoongi. Alpha. Not, Mr. Min. Yoongi.”
“Ah, umm. Okay. Yoongi,” you say with a blush as you avoid looking him in the face, “I want to thank you for helping me not land hard on the floor back at the office. I am sure I would have been in worse shape if you hadn't tried to catch me.”
“Hopefully, you know that I do not blame you for my wrist. It was just really bad timing.”
“Still hurt. Keep safe for healing,” Yoongi says, leaning down to catch your eyesight and hoping you see the truth in his words. 
The truth is that he will keep you safe not only while you heal your wrist but also your heart and soul.
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“Time to go ahead inside. Jin, can you make some snacks with Hobi for everyone? The rest will help with the luggage, and I will go with Yoongi and Miss Y/n to one of the guest rooms on the first floor.” Namjoon instructs the pack.
With different forms of agreement, the boys take off to do their assigned tasks. Seokjin and Hoseok smile sheepishly as they pass you, heading to the kitchen.
Namjoon walks up the stairs, his ears flicking to the street as he hears a car approaching, which could only signal the doctor’s arrival—leaving the greeting to the manager.
“Miss Y/n. Yoongi. If you please follow me, I will take you both to one of the guestrooms that you can use to meet the doctor in. We have some snacks being prepared and will bring those soon as well.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t want to eat in one of the bedrooms, Prime Alpha Sir. Plus, my stomach isn’t feeling so well with all the pain,” ‘and the emotional waves’ you add on in your mind.
Leading you both into the house, Namjoon nods his head, “I see. I am sorry it took so long for us to get you seen. We normally heal rather quickly as hybrids. I think we kind of forgot that humans cannot do that. Sorry.”
“No worries, Prime Alpha Sir. I have a high pain tolerance, according to my mom and Derek, but I guess there is just so much that has happened in a short time that my body is just kind of everywhere. I am sorry if my scent is causing any problems as well. I know it must be all over the place.” 
At that last comment, you feel a tug at your waist from the tail, causing you to stumble back into Yoongi. Who buries his nose in your neck, similar to how you were being held by Hoseok in the van, causing you to blush as you regain your footing. 
“Smells good. Not bad. Y/n in pain but happy,” he says as he releases you. This time, he grabs your good hand and pulls you into the room that Namjoon has opened. 
The room is significantly larger than your bedroom, that is for sure. The walls are off-white, with a dark purple accent wall containing a sitting window. The bed is a four-post queen with deep purple curtains tied back with black lace complimenting the purple and black bedding. All the furniture is in a dark, almost burnt-looking wood with iron accents.
You look around the room with your mouth agape. “It’s so beautiful here, and look!” you exclaim as you walk to the adjoining bathroom. “It comes with a private bathroom!”
Namjoon and Yoongi smile at each other as they smell your sweet pea coming out in waves with a hint of more jasmine, which the boys now understand is an indication of your happiness. 
“There is also a walk-in closet, but my favorite part is the sitting window. Perfect to read in,” Namjoon adds.
There is a knock at the door, though it is standing wide open. The three of you look over to see the manager, Jungkook, and a woman with an old-fashioned medical bag standing just outside the door.
“Pardon the interruption, but Dr. Blackwell is here,” Manager Sejin states, motioning to the woman beside him, who bows.
“Dr. Blackwell! It is good to see you again, please come in. I am sure you were informed that Yoongi is in Alpha Space and will probably like to stay but I will step out if it is needed,” Namjoon greets Dr. Blackwell with a firm handshake. 
Dr. Blackwell is a younger-looking woman but still older than you. Her hair is in a French braid, and she is wearing a pantsuit. Setting her bag on the chest at the end of the bed, she looks at Yoongi with kind eyes.
“Yes, Mr. Kim. I was informed and you are correct, since the patient is not a member of your pack then you will have to leave. Technically Mr. Min should leave as well but I will leave that up to the patient.”
“Oh, umm…” Looking between the doctor and Yoongi, they both seem to await your decision. “Mr. M,” you are cut off by a huff and a tug around your waist, “Sorry, Yoongi can stay for now. If anything gets too private then I ask him to step out.”
Yoongi’s actions cause the doctor and Namjoon to pause before looking at each other. Dr. Blackwell speaks first: “Mr. Kim, I was informed that Mr. Min believes to be responsible for the injury. Is that correct?”
“Yes, that is right, and as a mate ~cough cough~ bonded pack we are all here to support them.”
“Oh. I see and that would explain the familiarity. Thank you, Mr. Kim, that is all I believe I need from you now. Unless you want me to check out your cough?” Dr. Blackwell teasingly asks the Prime Alpha who turns slightly pink.
“Nope, I got it. You got it. Yeah. We will head out with the rest of the pack. Gonna be waiting in the dining room near the main kitchen if you need anything or need to kick Yoongi out.”
Namjoon bows to the doctor and then smiles at you as he walks out of the room, taking Jungkook with him.
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In the kitchen, the two eldest have finished preparing snacks and drinks for everyone, including the staff, who gathered around munching on them. 
Pleasant conversations are happening here and there between everyone present. Everyone seems to avoid the topic of you since no one really knows what is going on except the pack and the manager. 
Namjoon watches from the entryway with Jungkook. He has always felt proud of his pack and how they treat the staff like a pseudo-family pack. They have seen other idol groups treat their staff like stepping stones, which never felt right to any of the packmates.
“Hey, everyone,” Namjoon says loud enough to gain the room's attention. “The pack has to have a pack meeting while the doctor is here. I invite the staff to take some of the prepared snacks to the guest house across the lawn and settle in. We won’t be needing any services tonight aside from Manager Sejin.”
“Namjoon-ssi, I will also head over to the other house to settle in, but I will keep my phone on me. Please text me when you need me, and I will come right over,” the manager responds while holding a tray of rolled-up meats and cheeses.
“Sounds good. Bangtan Pack, we need to meet in the dining room. Grab what’s left and come sit down.”
With that, the kitchen is filled with goodbyes, see you later, and other pleasantries as everyone departs. Namjoon, knowing that he doesn’t do well in the kitchen, simply turns and heads to the dining room they will use for the pack meeting. 
The rest of the boys grab what they can. The energy in the dining room is heavy, and they know that they have to discuss this, but the situation is odd. Once everyone is seated, Namjoon takes a look around the table. Each of his mates looks at him expectantly.
“We can all agree that she is our mate, right?” The Prime Alpha asks, wanting to make sure they are at least starting out on the same page. A chorus of agreement floods the room, lifting a weight off their shoulders. 
“Hyung?” Jimin tentatively speaks up.
“Yeah, Jimin, everything okay?”
“Seeing how everyone has reacted to her, I agree that she is a mate but I want to be honest that I haven’t had any time for my Alpha to respond to her. Actually, to be transparent, he backs away whenever she is close. I don’t know why.”
Jimin looks down and picks at the tablecloth until a Hobi takes hold of his hand. “Jimin, you were close with our last playmate and were the first of us to connect with her on a deeper level of friendship. She broke that trust with you,” Hobi begins.
“I am sure that I was not the only one who was shocked that you wanted a new playmate out here. I didn’t say anything because I figured you were trying to rebound.
However, rebounding by finding a new friend is different than finding a new mate. It will be difficult for you and some of our other mates because very few of us have had any experience outside of the pack.”
“Minie,” Jungkook chimes in. “I know you are nervous, and you keep trying to find a way to be around her but not at the same time, which is okay. But you need to make sure to listen to yourself and your Alpha. It is okay if you are not jumping into it head first like some of us are.”
“Hobi and Kook are right, Jimin.” Namjoon finally speaks up. This goes for everyone. We will all take this at a comfortable pace for us and, more importantly, for her. Manager-nim reminded me that she has no way of knowing what is going on and is most likely fighting her instincts because we are already a pack.”
“Remember how long it took us to convince Kook he wasn’t a toy? Or how Taehyung did not open up fully until after Jimin finally took it into his own hands?”
“She is gonna be like that.” Seokjin states, gaining everyone’s attention. “We need to watch ourselves. Some of us are more instinctually driven, but that could drive her away.”
“With that being said… does anyone have any suggestions?” questions Namjoon.
“Yoongi will end up being her safe space, I think.” Taehyung comments more to himself than to anyone.
Hobi shifts in his seat, remembering how self-conscious you were in the van before he speaks up, “She reminds me of myself. She doesn’t have a good self-image. We should each spend time with her.  Show her who we are off-stage, as a pack, as mates with each other, and encourage her to join in.”
“While I think that is a good idea, she won’t join in,” Jungkook interjects. “She wouldn’t ask for a bottle of water for the worry of taking from the pack, how will she accept cuddle time or scenting?”
“True, and besides that, how are we gonna keep her around for us to interact with to even prove anything to anyone,” whines Jimin. “This is so complicated.”
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“Six to eight weeks! You have to be kidding. You expect me not to be using my wrist for upwards of eight weeks? What about work? Can I shower? What about chores?” You loudly speak to Dr. Blackwell in response to her diagnosis of a hairline fracture of your wrist. 
Yoongi’s ears are flat at either your yelling or the feeling of failure. His tail had curled around his own waist during the examination, and your pain levels tinted your scent with mold.
Ever remaining calm, Dr. Blackwell continues, “It would be best if you sought help during that time,” looking at Yoongi, “and since you have a respectable pack responsible for the injury there should be nothing to worry about. Isn’t that right, Mr. Min.”
Yoongi nods with an almost blank face as he tries to hide his disappointment in himself. Internally, scolding himself for breaking his mate during their first meeting.
“Mr. Min, I think it would be best to get your Prime Alpha to discuss anything further,” Dr. Blackwell instructs.
Looking briefly at you while you are looking at the floor, cradling your wrist, Yoongi leaves the guest room, quickly seeking out his pack.
“Miss Y/n, have you dealt with hybrids?”
“Yes, my family pack, as Bangtan puts it, consists of a beta fox and omega munchkin, but what does that have to do with anything?”
“I see. That makes sense. You were the Alpha in your pack and that is why you don’t understand what is happening around you.”
Snapping your head up, you look at the doctor. “What do you mean?”
Taking a tentative step forward, Dr. Blackwell places a hand on your shoulder, “It isn’t my place to say anything more than I already have. Just take a moment to think back to what you have learned about hybrids, and be open to the pack around in the next coming weeks.”
“Why would I be around them for weeks?”
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Yoongi’s scent hits the dining room before he enters. All eyes are on the door as he comes in with his head hung low. He looks around the table with a frown on his face, and he mumbles, “Broke mate.”
Jin, being the closest to him, reaches out and pulls him to sit on his lap. Being Yoongi’s only hyung, Yoongi goes willingly and tucks his nose into Jin’s neck, “Hyung, I broke mate.”
“Yoon, it’s okay. You didn’t do it on purpose. It was strictly an accident,” Jin whispers while rubbing soothing circles on his back. The pack pushes out calming scents into the room.
“Yoongi-hyun, can you tell us what the doctor said?” asks Jungkook.
“Broke wrist. Weeks healing. Need Pack Alpha.”
“Joon, go talk with Miss Y/n and the doctor. Get things figured out. We will take care of Yoongi,” Jin instructs, subtly pulling the elder card again.
“Yoongi, you have done great, and I am sure she doesn’t blame you,” Namjoon says as he walks to the hall, stopping. He looks back to the table. “Kookie, come with me, please. From how the scents are coming down the hall, we might need your tact at calming her down.”
A knock on the wall gains your attention. You see a toothy smile shine at you before he comes bounding over and joins you on the bed. His enthusiasm takes you back, then giggle as he lays his head on your lap, grabbing your left hand to rest on his hair.
“Well, come on in and make yourself comfortable,” you say, smiling as you scratch softly on his hair.
“Are you still in pain?” he asks as his eyes close at the soothing feeling of your fingers.
“No, Dr. Blackwell gave me something for that, and it kicked in a few minutes ago. Though it’s going to be painful for a while,” you inform. Looking up, Namjoon stands next to the doctor with a sweet smile.
“Dr. Blackwell, can you explain the situation please?”
Nodding, she turns to the Prime Alpha, “Mr. Kim, Miss Y/n has what I suspect is a hairline fracture. To be certain, I would need to take her to the local hospital but given your situation that would not be a very easy task.”
“I can say with certainty that be it a hairline fracture or a severe sprain, she will have to wear a brace and not use her wrist for six to eight weeks.”
At the reminder of the weeks of difficulty that will come, your scent turns watery as worry creeps into your mind.
“As you all know, I am both a hybrid and a human doctor which brings me to the next issue at hand. While Miss Y/n is kind of heart and forgives Mr. Min of any wrongdoings, Mr. Min, according to the hybrid culture, is responsible for her recovery.”
“Wait, my recovery? I thought it was just to get me to see you?” Your eyes bounce between the three others in the room.
“That is correct, and as Prime Alpha of his bonded pack, we will provide for her over the next eight weeks. We have the space, the means, and the power to do so, Dr. Blackwell.” Namjoon says, holding eye contact with you. His voice gave no room for argument. 
“Prime Alpha Sir, you… the pack… my work… how?”
“Not to interrupt, but I will excuse myself as this is now a pack matter. Keep that brace on as much as possible. I will leave my report with notes for your employer explaining your health situation and a vial of your pain medications on the dining room table.” Dr. Blackwell says as she gathers her things and bows, leaving the room. 
“Miss Y/n, Dr. Blackwell is right. This is a pack matter now and I think speaking with everyone together would be the best idea. If you would join us, we could talk about what to do next?”
“Umm, yeah. We can do that. I can do that.” 
Moving to stand, Jungkook moves out of the way and holds your good hand, leading you toward the living room where the pack is now gathered. 
Seokjin and Yoongi are on the medium couch, Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok are on the long couch, and the only open seat is a loveseat. 
You move to sit on the loveseat only to have Jungkook pull you to the couch where Seokjin and Yoongi are. “Jin-Hyung, can we sit there with Yoongi?”
Noticing that Yoongi gets stiff at the question, you say, “No, no, that is okay. I think Yoongi has had enough of me. I can sit somewhere else.” However, not only does Jungkook not let go of your hand, but a black tail finds its way around your thigh.
“Sure thing, I will sit with Namjoon.” Seokjin smiles and moves to sit with his Prime Alpha on the smallest couch. 
Next thing you know, you are sandwiched between the bunny and jaguar. Yoongi is on your right, his tail still wrapped around your thigh, with the tip sliding up and down almost absentmindedly. Jungkook is on your left, still holding your hand and resting his head on your shoulder.
Your body relaxes as you lean back on the couch, looking around the room. Mind making jokes about having a fur leash again despite Yoongi not looking at you since you entered the room and how you seem to have become a bunny pillow. After some thought, you realize that you don’t actually mind either action. 
Someone clearing their throat pulls you from your thoughts. Looking towards the loveseat, you see Namjoon sit up straighter and take on a look that clearly shows that it is the Prime Alpha talking and not the cute, funny Namjoon you have seen clips of on Instagram. 
“Bangtan pack, Miss Y/n has a hairline fracture of her right wrist,” at this information, a collective hiss of sympathetic pain comes from the other members. 
“She will be required to wear that brace and limit her use of that hand for the next six to eight weeks. This brings up some causes of concern for Miss Y/n.”
Namjoon looks at you to continue, “Umm… well I am right-hand dominant so doing pretty much anything is going to be complicated. I only have about four days of sick pay saved up right now. So, going back to work will be a hurdle all on its own, not to mention doing any kind of chores or cooking.”
Your eyes wander across the group as you speak. They all look at you like you are speaking something other than English or Korean. When your eyes come to a stop on Yoongi, he is finally looking at you with his eyes now a deep brown.
“Y/n, stay with us,” Yoongi states, not asking. “I am a respectable Alpha Jaguar and it is my honor to care for you back to health. My Alpha already told you outside that he would keep you safe until you are healed. I am here for the long haul.”
Your eyes widen at his declaration, and your mind blanks on what to say or how to respond. 
From your other side, Jungkook cuddles into your side, his nose nudging your neck softly, “We all will be here for the long haul.”
“They are right, you know. We are a bonded pack of mates and we would love to have you stay here with us so that we can take care of you,” Hoseok adds. 
Breaking eye contact with Yoongi, you took to Hoseok as he and the others on that couch smiled genuinely. “What about my job? I cannot leave my work. I have to pay for my flat and food and stuff.”
“Y/n,” your head snaps to the Prime Alpha, “is it okay if we call you Y/n?”
Nodding, you turn your body to face him directly. Your left hand, still holding Jungkook’s, is gripping tightly, trying to ground yourself. 
At your agreement, the Prime Alpha smiles, showing off dimples as he continues, “I figured that you would worry about a few things like that.”
“The room you met with the doctor in is yours while you stay here with us… at the pack house. When we say that we will take care of you, we mean it. We will cover all your expenses; it’s not like we lack the funds to care for anyone. Lastly, in order to keep a job to cover your everyday expenses, such as your flat, cell phone, etc., going, I have a proposition for you.”
Holding your breath, your eyes wide at everything he has said so far, you gulp, “What is your proposition, Prime Alpha Sir?”
“Become our playmate.”
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sunderwight · 2 months
SV Game of Thrones AU where Shen Yuan transmigrates into a character who is basically Joffrey Lannister.
Luo Binghe is a mix of all the Stark kids, but mostly Sansa Stark and Jon Snow. Su Xiyan and Tianlang Jun had a Rhaegar-and-Lyanna thing going on, and Binghe's adopted mother was Su Xiyan's older cousin, who took him in after the fact and had him legitimized because she was the only remaining heir and had no other kids.
In the original story, King Shen Qingqiu (Jiu) develops a suspicion about Luo Binghe's heritage and, being just as paranoid about Heavenly Demons as Robert Baratheon was about Targaryens, invites the Luo family to come to court. Ostensibly so that Binghe can be playmates with the king's son and heir (Shen Yuan). Binghe's mom is horribly worried that they've been found out, but has not choice but to accept the invitation.
Of course, OG Prince Shen Yuan was a rotten little sadist who made it his life's mission to torment Luo Binghe, was eventually revealed to be the bastard spawn of Queen Qiu Haitang and her own brother, executed Binghe's mom for alleged treason, is party to the slaughter of the noble Liu family, and is eventually gruesomely assassinated at his own wedding feast.
Shen Yuan himself doesn't want to torment Binghe, or slaughter anyone, start any wars, or of course be gruesomely assassinated at his own wedding feast. He would much rather live his cushy life as a crown prince, figure out how to administrate a kingdom properly and also implement some better waste management practices to reduce the awful city stench (like, Shen Yuan was never terribly interested in plumbing in his first life but he is absolutely invested in the subject now.)
The problem is that the System absolutely demands that there be a war and certain other plot points in order to propel Luo Binghe into some sort of narrative destiny. Shen Yuan's not sure why because the last time he checked, the book series was stalled with Luo Binghe seemingly dead, and the television series had basically rendered everything he'd done pointless by the end, but regardless the System won't just let him peacefully evade all the drama and spare Luo Binghe all the suffering.
Plus there's the concerning matter of the Northern Demon King awakening and mustering armies to conquer the south (and getting derailed by the beleaguered quartermaster of the Nightswatch, who keeps wondering when the fuck the actual protagonist is going to show up to handle the increasingly concerning plot points, because Binghe should have been exiled by now...?), Zhuzhi Lang resurrecting his uncle (as a dragon?!) across the Narrow Sea, and the Qiu family plotting the murder of the king and a coup to seize power...
(Also featuring: Yue Qingyuan as the parts of Jaime Lannister's character not currently owned by Qiu Jianluo, the Huan Hua Palace Master as a Littlefinger proxy, Meng Mo as Bloodraven, and many more!)
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revenant-coining · 6 months
[pt: Playghostic /end pt]
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[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: magenta, red, light orange, grey, pale yellow, grey, light grey-blue, grey-blue, dark grey-blue. in the center of the first flag is a grey-blue ghost symbol outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
[ids: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: magenta, red, light orange, blue, pale yellow, blue, pale green, light pink, deep blue. in the center of the first flag is 3 blue Z symbols outlined in pale yellow. /end ids]
[id: a rectangular flag with 8 evenly-sized horizontal lines with a thicker one in the middle. colors in this order from top to bottom: medium warm grey, warm dull purple, dark warm purple, black, pale yellow, black, light grey-red, dull red, dark red. /end id]
Playghostic; a playmate system subterm; a gender connected to being a ghost playmate. this gender is connected to ghosts, ghost aesthetics, playmate aesthetics, playful aesthetics, & play/playful-in-nature (PLAYIN) genders. it may also be connected to feelings of melancholy, but doesn’t have to be.
Playmasleepy; a playmate system subterm; a gender connected to being a sleepy playmate. this gender is connected to sleep/sleepiness, sleep/sleepy aesthetics, playmate aesthetics, playful aesthetics, & play/playful-in-nature (PLAYIN) genders.
Revengeist; a poltergeist system subterm; a gender connected to being a revenant poltergeist; this gender is connected to revenants, revenant aesthetics, ghost aesthetics, poltergeist aesthetics, & feeling violent or vengeful.
etymology; playma(te), ghost/sleepy/(polter)geist, “ic” meaning of or pertaining to
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404, @en8y, @gamercod
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[id: a rosy-pink line divider. /end id]
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en8y · 5 months
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has a saber slime in the center. the saber slime is a brown and tan blob with large fangs pointed downwards. its mouth is open, and its eyes are squeezed shut. it has small round eyebrows. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull light red, rose gold, and dull light orange. the second flag has these top three colors: deep dark magenta, dark orange, and light orange. the third flag has these top three colors: warm medium brown, burnt orange, and dark tan. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dull tan, off-white, dull tan, light tan, medium tan, and light brown. END ID.]
oddisaberslimic: a gender connected to being a saber slime oddity; this gender is connected to saber slimes, saber slime aesthetics, oddity aesthetics, bizarre aesthetics, and being inbissiec!
playsaberslimic: a gender connected to being a saber slime playmate; this gender is connected to saber slimes, saber slime aesthetics, playmate aesthetics, playful aesthetics, and PLAYIN genders!
saberslimence: a gender connected to being a saber slime silence; this gender is connected to saber slimes, saber slime aesthetics, silence aesthetics, stillness aesthetics, and leinhood/klehood!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @yolky-slimes-archival
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Nena IV
Barcelona Femení x Child!Reader
Summary: You always need your sister
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Ingrid was glad that you were settling in at Barca. You were more outgoing with her teammates now. You played with them and you ate with them and you giggled whenever someone said something funny.
You were a possessive little thing at the beginning, attached to her in every way possible and pushing Mapi away when she 'interrupted' your sister time. You were like that in Norway too, wanting all of Ingrid's attention when she came home and unrelentingly pursuing it until you got what you wanted.
You were the same at Barca. You allowed Mapi grace occasionally, letting her and Ingrid snuggle up together as you ate or when you were playing with Bagheera but that could change quickly. Suddenly, you would decide that, no, Ingrid was your sister and that meant you got the monopoly over her affection.
At training, it was lesser and, somehow, that made Ingrid feel a little abandoned. She knew that it was a silly thing to feel but you were no longer attached to her hip as you ran around with Patri and Pina and snuggled up with Keira and Alexia during breaks.
You seemed enamoured with her teammates and broke away from your sister as soon as you entered the locker room.
"We see Patri and Pina today?" You asked, swinging your legs as you waited for Ingrid and Mapi to finish getting ready.
"Because you are playing the ball game?"
"Yes, because we're playing football."
Mapi reached out to wrap her hand around Ingrid's waist and you quickly wiggled between them, trying to push Ingrid's Mapi back.
"No," You said," She's my Ingrid." You pushed her a bit harder. "Not yours. You're her Mapi but she's my Ingrid."
Mapi laughed a little and something inside Ingrid settled at the clear possessiveness you displayed over her. She knew that your parents were trying to break you out of it (they thought it was a horrible habit and not at all endearing like Ingrid thought it was) but she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief over it. Ingrid felt you were drifting a little away from her at training so it was nice to know that (at least in the privacy of the apartment) you still wanted her.
"Okay," Mapi agreed," She's your Ingrid."
You nod, reaching out for Ingrid's hand just for good measure and sticking out your tongue. You swung your joined arms and squeezed Ingrid's fingers extra tight. "We go now?"
"Yeah." Ingrid smiled at you softly, swinging you up into her arms. "We're going now."
You ran into the locker room in a whirlwind of energy, straight into Patri's arms. She swung you up instantly, balancing you on her shoulders as Pina excitedly talked to you about the upcoming game.
"Come on," Mapi nudged Ingrid, who remained frozen in the middle of the room," We need to get ready."
Ingrid's eyes moved back to you as she changed, to how you drifted between all of the girls happily but didn't once stray towards her.
You stayed away from her even during the warmup and stayed glued to Alexia and Frido.
"Hey," Ingrid managed to catch you before the teams headed out. She knelt down to your level, adjusting your new 'Engen' jersey. "You be good on the bench, okay?"
You huffed at her. "I know!" You grumbled, scuffing your shoes against the floor. "Gonna play with Ona and Jana."
They were your usual playmates on the bench when Patri and Pina were on the field and you tried to pull away from your sister to go join them, already growing bored of the usual spiel she gave you when she was about to start playing the ball game.
"Hey." Ingrid tugged you back. It was completely out of nowhere that the sense of heartbreak flooded her system at the way you were so adamant that you wanted to go play with Ona and Jana that you didn't even want to give her the usual good luck kisses you always did. "I love you."
You expelled a long, annoyed breath and mumbled back," Love you too."
"Hey, nena!" Ona cheered from where she was moving to head to the bench," Let's go!"
You wrenched yourself out of Ingrid's arms immediately and took Ona's, chattering away with her as soon as you got near enough.
You didn't pay much attention to the game as you sat between Jana and Ona, playing a clapping game with them. You didn't really feel the need to anymore. Barcelona always won so you took the time to play with your new friends and then your old friends Patri and Pina when the game was over.
Somewhere along the line, Patri had procured the ball from the game and was kicking it back and forth to you.
"Pina!" You shrieked, laughing when she appeared behind you and threw you up into the air.
"Careful, nena," Patri laughed as you were placed securely on Pina's shoulders," Pina's fast. She might run away with you!"
"That's okay!" You replied happily," Pina's my bestest friend!"
"What about me?"
"You can be my bestest friend too, Patri, 'cause we all wear the same shoes sometimes."
Patri grinned at you, kicking the ball up and juggling it. "You're pretty high up there, nena. Do you want to try a header?"
It wasn't really meant to be.
Patri knew the moment she kicked the ball at you that it was with too much force. It whacked you straight in the face and you fell off Pina's shoulders backwards.
The scream you let out was loud and you sat up on the grass with fat tears rolling down your face.
Patri and Pina rushed forward at your cries, feeling a little bit like older siblings who were desperately trying to stop their little sister from crying so they didn't get in trouble.
"Where does it hurt?" Pina asked quickly, looking around and swearing in her head when she noticed all the phones pointing at them and the way Mapi was turning Ingrid towards you.
You cried more, spitting out one of your front teeth.
Your gums bled as you sobbed. "Ingrid!" You flinched away when Patri tried to touch you. "Ingrid!"
You sister came skidding to a stop in front of you, moving your hands away from where they were hiding your mouth.
"Oh, elskling," She said softly, moving your top lip up to inspect the gap," It's okay. It's alright. I'm here."
You crawled into her arms, wiping your nose on her jersey as Mapi softly picked up your missing tooth. "Hurts," You whined.
"I know," Ingrid said," It wasn't really time for it to come out but it's okay."
"Lost my tooth," You whimpered pathetically, curling into the warm safety of her body.
"I know," Ingrid repeated. She rubbed your back and held you nice and tight. "I know. Let's get you some ice."
When she made to move away, you tightened your grip on her jersey. "No," You said," No. Ingrid, stay."
"I'm not going anywhere," She promised you, lifting you up easily in her arms before turning to Mapi," Could you get some ice for her gums?"
Mapi nodded, leaning towards you to press a kiss to the top of your head.
"Okay, you," Ingrid said as Mapi headed off," Let's sort that gum out, huh?"
"Bleeding," You said, running your tongue over it.
You've never lost a tooth before.
"It'll stop bleeding soon," Ingrid promised," What about your head? Does that hurt? Or your back? You took a bad fall."
"Just my tooth," You said sniffling.
"I'm sorry it hurts," Ingrid replied, taking the ice Mapi had arrived with and pressing it against your gums," It'll feel better soon."
She was right. Of course she was right. Your Ingrid was always right.
"How are you feeling?" Mapi asked when you had stopped crying.
"Do I still get a big girl tooth?" You answered with a question.
"Why wouldn't you?"
"Because my tooth didn't fall out on its own," You said," Do I still get another one?"
"Of course," Mapi said," You'll get your first big girl tooth soon. That's fun, isn't it?"
You shrugged. "Guess so." You slumped further into Ingrid, looking up at her as she smoothed down your hair and inspected your gum.
"Looking good, elskling," Ingrid said.
You looked at her intently, brushing your lips against her cheek. You smiled weakly at her, eyes still watering slightly. "We still put my tooth under my pillow? So the Norway tooth fairy can find me?"
Ingrid laughed softly. "Of course."
Your brow furrowed. "Even if I put it in my bed and sleep with you and your Mapi?"
Ingrid cupped your cheeks. "Even if you sleep in bed with me and Mapi. Would you like that?"
You nodded. "Sleep with you and your Mapi."
Ingrid stood up, holding you securely in her arms as you buried yourself into her neck. "Sleep with me and my Mapi."
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reccyls · 2 months
Beyond the Merging of Then and Now (Azel story)
Azel's 4th anniversary story sale, where child Azel is brought into the future to meet Emma and current Azel.
As I made my way towards Prince Azel's sanctuary as usual, I came across a small figure.
Emma: This child was all alone in the middle of the desert. Emma: His hair and eye color are exactly like yours, so is he your secret son?
Azel: Not that I can recall. Azel: And don't just bring any random child from who knows where to my sanctuary. Azel: Send him away.
Emma: Don't you have any heart at all!?
Azel: A god has no such thing.
???: God...
Emma: ...That's right. This man here is a god.
(He finally said something.) (He seems to be really anxious around strangers. On the way here, he barely spoke at all. And...) (He's been gripping at the hem of his clothes almost like he's scared of something. And his expression is so stiff.)
Emma: If there's anything troubling you, this man can help you.
Azel: No I won't.
???: O holy god...
Azel: Did you not hear what I just said?
???: Please help me...
Azel: And what would you offer in return? I care not for destitute believers.
???: I... I...
Emma: H-hey, don't cry! Were you scared of this mister? Emma: I know he has a bad personality, but he's not a bad person.
Azel: How disrespectful. Your ability to keep adding onto your debt remains unchanged.
Emma: Prince Azel, please don't bully a child, especially not one this young.
Azel: I would have been merciful had he been just an ordinary child. Azel: But this boy is no "ordinary child". Azel: Just looking at him is enough to make me sick. If you won't throw him out, I will.
Emma: No, no, no, absolutely not!
???: ...if even god has forsaken me... then what should I do...?
Emma: It'll be okay! He's been- um, this was all a divine joke!
Azel: .......A what.
Emma: Anyway! Could you tell me your name? Emma: I've been wondering what I should call you.
???: ........
(Uh oh... He doesn't seem to want to talk to me.)
Azel: Call him whatever you want. How does 'Brat' sound?
Emma: Well then, I'll just borrow part of your name. We'll call him El.
Azel: What kind of hideous naming system is that? No.
Emma: El, won't you tell me what's bothering you?
El: ........
Emma: Did you get lost? If you can't find your parents, we'll look for them together.
El: ........
(Hmm, still nothing. He's just been crying silently, but I feel like there's something he wants to say.) (But he doesn't sob and wail like a regular kid. It's like he's still trying to hold everything back...) (Like his heart is a bowl full of water with a little crack in it, and his tears are slowly leaking out.) (It really hurts to see.)
Azel: Anyway, I shall be leaving now. I leave things here to you.
Emma: No you aren't!
Azel: Ugh... Let go of me.
Emma: Between the two of us, you're the only one that El will talk to. Emma: He doesn't trust me, so please stick around for his sake.
Azel: I don't care.
Emma: ........
Azel: What?
Emma: ........
Azel: Don't just look down and stand there silently.
Emma: ........
Azel: What, are you crying?
Emma: ........
Azel: No, a woman as impudent as you wouldn't-
Emma: ........
Azel: There's no way.
Emma: ........ Emma: ........ *sniffle*
Azel: Agh, damn it, fine. Fine! What do you want me to do? Just tell me.
Emma: Thank you for your kindness, Prince Azel! You aren't just using the title of god for show after all! Emma: --ow, ow, ow, don' pull my cheeks!
Azel: This is your punishment for blasphemy.
El: .....
Azel: You're crying too much, brat. Stop.
El: Because... because I'm still--- I'm not...
Azel: Watch what you say. Don't say anything unnecessary.
El: .......
Azel: At any rate. Brat. It appears as though this woman will be your playmate.
El: ...I can't play.
Azel: God himself speaks before you, and you dare to defy me?
El: ...It's really okay?
Emma: You've never played any games before, El?
El: Never.
(Whatever circumstances El is in must be even worse than I thought.)
Azel: Well then, I've done my part, so now--
Emma: Let's all play together!
Azel: Are you trying to give me an ulcer?
Emma: Oh, I'm sure won't be that bad, come on!
Azel: ...You are definitely the worse person compared to me.
Emma: I didn't hear that! Now come on, let's all play hide and seek!
scene change - now at an oasis
El: Hmmm.... he's not here.
Emma: Who would have thought that Prince Azel was so good at hide and seek...
(It is kind of petty how he's hidden himself away.)
El: Of course we can't find him. He's god, so he has to be good at everything.
Emma: ...You think so?
El: Yes.
Emma: Then it must be really tough, being god.
El: ...Yes. It's tough. El: Um, no, wait. It's not tough at all. El: That's just how a god is.
Emma: ...
El: ...What's wrong?
Emma: It's nothing. I just thought that you looked more relaxed, that's all.
(He was pretty closed off at first, but I think El's warmed up to me while we were searching for Prince Azel.) (Playing like this, he seems just like a normal child.)
El: ...I'm sorry.
Emma: What are you apologizing for?
El: I'm not supposed to let anything show on my face. El: People change how they act if I change my expression. El: If I don't keep things the same, it makes people start unnecessary conflicts. El: Actually... I shouldn't have cried before. I'm not good enough yet.
(So that's why he was so closed-off.) (...I don't know El's full circumstances, but that's probably what the adults around him told him.)
Emma: El, right now, there's nobody here aside from you and me, right? Emma: I don't know who told you that, but here, it doesn't matter. Emma: I promise I'll keep it a secret, so it's okay to let your emotions show, all right?
El: ...... El: ....Miss... What do you think about me?
Emma: Hmmm... I suppose I think you're a young boy who has a lot of difficult things to worry about.
El: A boy... El: ....... El: ...Okay. Then, just for now is okay... El: I'll stop holding back... because for now, I'm just a boy.
(He smiled! What a little angel!)
Emma: Great! So let's play a lot more, okay?
El: Okay. I'll wake up from this dream eventually, but until then, I want to play a lot.
Emma: Dream?
El: My grown up self who became a real god is here, so this must be a dream.
Emma: ...Your grown up self?
El: Huh...? El: Oh, miss, you didn't realize? El: My name is--
Azel: It's El, is it not? Though I think "Brat" suits you better. "Stupid Brat" even more.
El: Mmph!?
Emma: Wha- Prince Azel!? Where did you come from-- wait before that, stop covering El's mouth!
Azel: I don't know. Keeping his mouth shut seems like the better-- ack!
(El bit him!)
El: ...Miss.
Emma: Leave it to me! Just say the word and I'll give Prince Azel a good slap--
El: No, it's not that. We found god.
Emma: ...Oh, that's true.
(I forgot we were in the middle of hide and seek.)
El: I knew you didn't want to let her know, but...
Azel: ...
El: The bait really worked. Even though you're an actual god.
Azel: ...All right. Time to do what I should have done from the start. I'm tossing you out to the far end of the desert.
Emma: Wait! You're not really going to take him away!?
Prince Azel picked up the struggling El under one arm and began walking. Perhaps it was due to how I desperately chased after the god who really did began walking out into the dunes, But the burning pain in my chest lingered for a long while after that.
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succubus-nini · 3 months
GIRL- ok first of all hello. So I was thinking of a fan fiction about Miguel x reader but Miguel is your parents’ close friend and you are at a ceremony all together after many years and he doesn’t take his eyes off of reader, so then they get alone and he fcks reader hard (not sure if you have already written one like this sorry if I didn’t see it) ❤️❤️
A/N-Im sorry it took me nearly a year to finish this babes
You and Miguel? You really didn't know, Miguel was only known by you because of your mother and father who favored him. It's funny actually, because they would always tell Miguel to watch out anytime he was near you. You were a wild child, always getting into something, and VERY MUCH petty. One time, Miguel had stepped on your precious (pet's name) paw, and you proceeded to make him think he was going insane the next three days by staying in his room and hiding whenever he checked.
He found out through you yourself, since you walked up to him one day with a sly grin. "How do you like my ghost act?" Were the words that made him connect the dots. Its safe to say he's over it, but he still checks his closet anytime he's going to bed because of it. You scarred the man for life. You haven't seen the man in years after your parents decided to move you to a place a couple cities away.
Your parent's fiftieth anniversary was approaching, and your aunts had planned a surprise party for when they got back, As you were helping prepare, you heard a familiar voice call your name. "Y/n?" Miguel said, his eyes wide in recognition. He hadn't seen you in a while, suddenly feeling his longing for you starting to sink back into his system as his heart raced upon seeing you again. So close to fuck touch but not yet, he'd have to control himself until the right moment.
You turned around and smiled, you had missed your favorite playmate. "Miguel!" You squealed, pouncing on the taller being. The man caught you and chuckled, putting you down. "Long time no see." He said, a joyous expression being seen in his eyes, even if his face said otherwise. "It has been! Did you miss me?" You questioned, leaning forward. Miguel caught sight of your cleavage from that specific motion, and started to blush.
He cleared his throat and nodded. "I missed some of you, not your troublemaking ways." You rolled your eyes and shoved a box into his hands. "Well, in that case, You can go help in the house with the decorations, Miguel." You huffed, pretending to be mad as you kept setting up the tables. Miguel chuckled, seeing right through your façade, and went inside to talk with your uncle on what to do with the box of decorations he had.
Soon, your parents came back. When they entered the house, everybody jumped out and shot them with hand held confetti cannons, "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" Everybody yelled enthusiastically, their smiles lighting up the room as your parents laughed and thanked everyone. Your cousins ushered your parents outside, everyone following behind them to get the party started.
While everyone else was dancing, Miguel was sitting on the sidelines, watching you while taking occasional sips of his drink. Every movement you made was memorizing to him, his eyes unable to leave your swaying form. After a bit, You got tired and went inside. You decides to stay in your room for a bit, since the dancing portion had stopped and everyone started fixing plates for themselves and others to eat.
Miguel had followed you inside, his head buzzing with thoughts about you. Unknowing to his intentions, you invited him into your room, sitting on your bed and getting comfortable as you turned the TV on. It wasn't long before he sat on the bed too, his eyes never fully leaving your form.
The room started to feel warm when you noticed his gaze on you, his eyes basically eating away at your being and undressing you before himself. You fanned yourself, trying to cool down your heating face. "Its a bit warm in here isn't it," You gently giggled, turning to Miguel. The larger man groaned and grabbed you, tugging you onto his lap before pressing his lips against your own.
If you were warm before, you were burning up now; Everything was so hot, his tongue inside your mouth as he pushed you down, his hands on your skin as he tugged your dress off and fondled your breasts, the air around him as his own clothes joined your dress on the floor. It was all so fuzzy, your brain couldn't even properly process what was happening until Miguel parted from your lips and made his way between your legs, leaving a kiss every inch he descended.
"Miguel not there.." You whined, tugging at his hair as he began to lap at your core, his tongue diving between your folds to bring your arousal into his mouth. You could tell he was good with his mouth just by the way we worked his tongue inside you all while using his lips to suck on your puffy clit. You felt a odd feeling, a tightening in your lower stomach. "M-Miguel..-" You stammered, trying to warn him but it was all in vain. You're cumming on his face before you know it, your head hitting your headboard with a thud as the pleasure washes over you in waves.
Miguel lifted his face to look at her before pressing another kiss to your face, you liquids still o his tongue. He had to prep you, he knew he was bigger than average and that you'd need something to help with the stretch. He had some lube in his bag, which was also on the floor, so he retrieved it. His eyes were clouded with lust as he poured some on your throbbing cunt, making sure his hand was coated as well before sinking a finger into your heat.
He soon sunk a second finger into you, working you open slowly but surely. When he was able to get a fourth finger into you, he was satisfied with his work. He stroked his cock a few times, preparing it for what's to come. He slowly pushes his tip into your entrance, groaning as he he went deeper inch by devastatingly delicious inch. "Oh Mi Alma.." He whispered in your ear when he bottomed out in you, staying still to let you adjust to his girth.
He waited for a sign from you, anything to let him know that you're ready. It wasn't long before he got the green light from you, immediately pulling out until the tip was the only thing inside and slamming into you. It felt so good to have you under him, to mark up and grab onto your soft skin as he ravaged you. He kept biting you on whatever he could reach while thrusting into your deepest parts. Your shoulders, throat, and breasts were all bitten and sore from his relentless attack on them.
He picked up the pace, ramming into you with such force you could barely breathe. He wanted you to cum, he wanted you to tighten around him and milk his cock for every drop he could give you. His hips moved roughly against yours, the sound of skin against skin getting louder as time passed. The feeling of his teeth sinking into your skin, his cock drilling into your abused cunt, his hands squeezing your hips was all too much for you.
Your legs shook as another orgasm crashed onto you, your hands grabbing at the sheets as a cry fell from your lips. Miguel was soon after, not lasting too long when he was getting squeezed by you. "Fuck.." He mumbled, gently pulling out and watching as his cum seeped from your hole. He had half a mind to plug you up again, but hearing a small whimper from you quickly snapped him out of it. He got up and dampened a rag from your bathroom, cleaning you up. When he finished his aftercare, he kissed your forehead, watching you sleep. "Te amo, alborotadora." He said before falling asleep with you in his arms.
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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A/N : Before y’all try to correct me - got this information from the personality database app so if you wanna tell me I’m wrong then blame the app. Also don’t take it THAT seriously. It’s just for fun. I will do a female version after this. Also please LIKE THIS TF UP. THIS TOOK ME WAY TOO LONG AND I DID CHARACTERS I HATE/DONT CARE ABOUT SO IT COULD BE FAIR PLEASE DONT DO THIS TO ME. Also, also do not say I picked favorites because unfortunately this is my personality and the characters that I wanted when I ran it through the system DID NOT match close to 100% so yeah
WARNINGS : none I think
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First, what is an INTP individual?
INTP’s are logical and analytical "Logician" who prioritize knowledge and understanding. They are known for their interest in stripping away superficial details to get to the underlying principles of a system or idea. They may be seen as absent-minded professors who are highly intelligent and enjoy developing and organizing their subjective understandings into consistent systems. They are flexible and tolerant, but may become rigid when their beliefs are challenged.
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Your compalability/relationship with all the MK 1 Characters
Baraka [ ENFJ - protagonist ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Playmate
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Educational
In a relationship, Baraka will give you anything you desire. He is always willing to do anything you ask for to please you. He wants you to be well taken care of. He wants to see you at your best even though most days he feels at his lowest. Baraka does fear that one day you might leave him for someone he feels as though is more worthy. So, he’ll always try to give you everything you have ever wanted. Your communication is always an understanding between the two of you. The two of you get each other.
Baraka is actually playful with you despite how serious he can be. He feels comfortable with you. Like he can be himself. He doesn’t have to hide who he is when he is with you. Everything just feels right. Sometimes the two of you don’t share the same goals but that’s okay. You two are different and Baraka understands that.
Bi-Han [ ENTJ - commander ]
Chemistry : 99%
Relationship Type : Soulmate
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Rational
In a relationship, Bi-Han will try his best to be gentle with you despite his nature. You are his peace. The coldness to his ice. There is no better person to calm him down other than you. He is grumpy with everyone. It’s always him versus the world. That’s not the case with you. It’s always you and him. Together. Bi-Han feels like he can trust you and trust is an absolute big thing with him. If he cannot trust you then he mind as well treat you like everyone else. His communication is always calm considering how cold he can be. He is willing to talk through whatever problem the two of you face. Even though some days he doesn’t feel like it.
Bi-Han has a sense of obsessiveness over you. He feels like he needs you twenty four seven but he will never show it. He’s still a little hasty on showing affection but trust that he feels it. He wants to show you but sometimes it’s hard given how he is as a person. It has nothing to do with you, it’s him. Bi-Han will always try with you. Sometimes he can get a little pissy with you but you know how to handle him so it never gets blown out of proportion. The two of you are the best when you are together.
General Shao [ ESTP - entrepreneur ]
Chemistry : 83%
Relationship Type : Supervisor
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Inductive
In a relationship, Shao will lead, guide, and protect. He will make sure you are alright. Make sure that no obstacles stand in your way. He will always make sure you are making the right decisions. He wants what’s best for you. He will protect you with his life. Nobody will dare threaten his queen. Nobody. Shao feels that you are his very weakness. (And to him this man has no weaknesses.) Sometimes he hates it. He hates the way you make him feel.
Shao will make people bow to you. Will make people worship the ground you walk on. He will not stand for anyone to treat you horribly. Unfortunately, the communication in your relationship is undoubtedly horrid. Shao does not know how to speak to you or confess his feelings which leads into fights. At the end of the day, Shao will always make sure you are safe.
Geras [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Geras will show you nothing but kindness and compassion. You are not kind to yourself. He knows this. He will show you how to treat yourself. He will show you what you truly deserve. He will not back down even when it gets hard. He will stand by your side and help you experience the feeling.
It is not just yourself but to other people you have a hard time expressing your compassion to. Not to worry, Geras will help you. He will show you how to be kind, gentle, and caring to others. When you do, it makes you feel better about yourself. Geras will always be there for everything. Even if your communication can be a little off, he will still show you the way.
Johnny Cage [ ESTP - entrepreneur ]
Chemistry : 83%
Relationship Type : Supervisor
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Inductive
In a relationship, Johnny’s ultimate goal is to make you laugh. He doesn’t care what the situation is. If you’re upset or if you’re happy as can be. He will always try to make you feel better. He can’t stand when you’re sad. He can’t stand when something bothers you so he likes to take away everything that makes you feel bad about yourself with laughter.
Unfortunately, sometimes Johnny claims you are too serious for him and you claim he is too childish for you. Sometimes the communication isn’t really there but Johnny is willing to put aside all that because he loves you. Johnny loves showering you with gifts and telling you how “hot” you are. You’re perfect to him. His little movie star.
Havik [ ISFP - adventurer ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Consigliere
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Havik’s more chaotic nature ceases when he is with you. It is always an interesting experience being with him but you don’t mind it. He gets to show you his way and you will show him yours. Two different worlds colliding may be overwhelming but Havik will be grateful for the experience.
Havik wants to show you what life is all about. He wants to show you adventure. He wants you to experience his world and his thinking. He wants you to understand him because he feels like nobody really does. As long as you let him, he will love you like he’s never loved anybody before.
Kenshi Takahashi [ INTJ - architect ]
Chemistry : 98%
Relationship Type : Twinflame
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Speculative
In a relationship, Kenshi will always be there for you no matter what. Kenshi will be the one that will never go away. Even if you are at your lowest. Even when everything feels pointless. Even if you two fight. There is no driving Kenshi away. The two of you will figure it out. He’s determined on that. He will die on the hill every time. The two of you are so similar that you click every time you are around.
Every time he kisses you, it’s like fireworks. You are more to him than a girlfriend. You are his best friend. Someone that is deeply sewed into his soul. He will never run away from the feeling he has when he’s with you. Never will back down. He accepts who you are completely. With all your faults and all your hardships. You are a hard person to love but not to Kenshi. To Kenshi, you are the only one he can love.
Kuai Liang [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Kuai Liang always wants the best for you. He will do anything if it means it is for your best interest. Protecting you is something he does not take lightly. With everything in his being, Kuai Liang will protect you. He will make sure you are fine emotionally and physically.
It will always be you. Nobody else. Some people may find this rather annoying by Kuai Liang but he doesn’t care. Protecting you is all that matters to him. He can’t stand when he sees you upset. He’ll break down with you when he sees this. He’ll always try to comfort you as best as he can.
Kung Lao [ ENFP - campaigner ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Coach
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Impassionate
In a relationship, Kung Lao wants nothing more than to make you feel good about yourself. He knows it’s hard for you. You are not in tune with yourself but he will help with that. Kung Lao makes you feel beautiful every time he’s with you. He makes you feel special. He will make you feel like you are the only one that matters to him. Like you are the only one that is important.
The communication you two have is always filled with passion and great emotion. Kung Lao will never talk bad about you. Even if he is mad at you. He knows you. He knows you cannot handle the harsh words because he knows you believe all the negative things you think of yourself or other people have said about you. He will not stand for it.
Liu Kang [ ISFJ - defender ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Analyst
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Liu Kang will try to protect your peace. You are an over thinker and tend to always believe that everything will turn to worse. He’ll always try to take away any stress that is on your shoulders. One thing he does hate is your guy’s communication. Sometimes you are not comfortable with talking about your feelings and Liu Kang absolutely cannot stand it. He understands giving you your space but not speaking to him when you feel down or something is wrong drives him crazy. Liu Kang’s wit always charms you and makes you laugh because he’s not over the top with it.
Liu Kang is always patient with you. Especially with your strong emotions. You are emotionally reactive with everything but it is something he can handle. Sometimes when it become far too much, he’ll hold you in his arms and whisper how much he loves you. He’ll make you feel like you’re the only woman in the world. He truly wants you to feel loved with every fiber in his being. Because you don’t like to talk about your feelings, he is always analyzing your body language and your speech to see if you are alright. If he deems you are not, expect a long talk of how much he loves you.
Raiden [ INFJ - advocate ]
Chemistry : 91%
Relationship Type : Advisor
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Speculative
In a relationship, Raiden will try and be the man you want him to be. He’ll be the man you always thought of in your head. He’ll make your dream man a reality. Raiden will always try to guide you to the right choices in life. He wants you to succeed. Your communication is always interesting. It is neither bad or good. Your goals are a little ways from each other but Raiden will always support you. No matter what.
When you feel like a mess, Raiden is there whispering in your ear how much he loves you. How important you are. He will make you feel like you are the most important person in the world. He wants you to see yourself how he sees you. He looks to you like you are his prize possession. Like you are his world. There’s no amount of anything that can change the way Raiden feels about you. Nothing in the world.
Rain [ INFP - mediator ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Supporter
Shared Value : Abstract
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Rain shows you nothing but respect and support. He is your number one support system. In everything, he will help you succeed. Respect is another thing he does not take lightly. You are his goddess, his queen. He will treat you like he needs to worship the ground you walk on.
He’ll always support your ideas and beliefs. Even though most of the time he does not agree with them. In the slightest. He knows that supporting you is more important than him trying to push his ideas and or beliefs onto you. Your needs matter and he understands this. Rain will also allow you to call him by his first name. You are one of the only people to have this privilege so know that Rain means well.
Reiko [ ISTJ - logistician ]
Chemistry : 82%
Relationship Type : Eye opening
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Reiko sees that there is more to life than himself when he is with you. He is a very selfish individual. Not when it comes to you though. He’s learning to put his significant other before him. He has to in order for the relationship to work. Otherwise the relationship is doomed as you can also be quite a selfish individual.
Reiko will try to give you gifts because he is not familiar with any other way of showing his affection. The two of you will have to teach each other how to love one another. It’s a rocky start but Reiko will get the hang of it. The relationship means so much more to him than you could ever realize.
Shang Tsung [ ENTP - debater ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Preceptor
Shared Value : Intellectual
Communication Style : Impassionate
In a relationship, Shang Tsung will put your needs above all. This is strange for the sorcerer as he is used to being selfish. It is not something he is familiar with but he can’t help himself. The more you’re around him the more he has this sense of urgency to try and give you the world.
Shang Tsung will always make sure you are well taken care of before going off doing his business. One thing about him is you will need to support his plans. Whatever they be, he needs someone by his side. Your goals usually align with each other and are smart. Your conversations are usually filled with great emotion and it’s something he can’t pull away from.
Syzoth [ ISFP - adventurer ]
Chemistry : 92%
Relationship Type : Consigliere
Shared Value : Pragmatic
Communication Style : Analytical
In a relationship, Syzoth wants you to feel like he is your home. He knows how it feels to be unwanted. He wants to shield you from that feeling. Nothing in the world matters more to him than you feeling safe. He cannot have you feeling down or feeling unsure. You need to be indefinitely secured.
He does not play any games. Syzoth will always try to advise you on what to do but will make it very clear that he is not trying to control the shape of your destiny. Whatever you desire, he is pleased with. He just doesn’t want you to regret anything or live in the past. Syzoth will make sure you feel safe in the beauty that is you.
Tomas [ ISFJ - defender ]
Chemistry : 81%
Relationship Type : Analyst
Shared Value : Systematic
Communication Style : Reductive
In a relationship, Tomas will always be there when you break. He will always be there when you cry. He will always be there when you can’t find it in yourself to stand on your two feet. He is the glue to your soul. Tomas believes you are capable of doing anything but he knows that’s just something that’s hard for you to believe.
He’ll try to comfort you. To hold you. To kiss you. Sometimes it may not be something that’s physical that you need. Maybe it’s something that’s mental and Tomas will try his best to help you in that department. Seeing you break makes him break and he cannot live with himself knowing that if he didn’t try to help you, you would get worse.
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if you’re an INTP then your soulmate is ENTJ
That means your perfect match for a soulmate is
Your perfect match for a best friend is
Here are runner ups that you could end up with (romantically)
(in order of best all the way down)
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INTPs are typically non smokers.
INTPs typically use dark humor.
INTPs usually are atheists.
INTPs are usually emotionally reactive people.
INTPs typically don’t consider themselves smart.
INTPs typically wear glasses.
INTPs usually don’t fear death.
INTPs usually watch horror movies.
INTPs typically have low self-worth.
INTPs are usually short tempered.
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