#please Tanaka Strike
my other silly opinions on the new Sv chapter
JeJe attacking his own siblings for a man has got to be a new level of dickriding (... this is just a joke I swear-)
also if I had a dollar for everytime one of my favorite book series got a universe reset I'd have two dollars. which isn't a lot but like I'm shocked its happened twice....
Tsubaki and Kuro teaming up has got to be the funniest thing ever
also since Saint Germain is in this universe does that mean Hyde hasn't completely lost it or is Licht in danger...
also I'm in shambles that Freya no longer knows Tsurugi or Izuna :(
also I wonder what Sakuya does for work and how his death was prevented (is his sis still around?)
I wanna see more of the gluttony pair in this universe :( they look so so silly... (GUYS I MISS NICCO AND WITH CAPPUCCINO AT HIS GRAVE?? I'M IN SHAMBLES..) ALSO IS SHE GOING TO BE LEFT UNNAMED TOO LIKE THE LITTLE GIRL?? :(
also all these Sv moms are bad asf they're all so pretty and for whatttt
anywayss I think that's all my thoughts for now :3
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sixosix · 2 years
nishinoya yuu loves his teammates.
he adores shouyou, yamaguchi, and kageyama. (tsukishima is only slowly growing on him.) point is, he loves his junior teammates dearly, and would gladly win and lose every tournament if it means just being with them.
but right now? it almost doesn’t feel that way.
you shift nervously, hoping hinata wouldn’t turn around and see the almost poisonous glare nishinoya is drilling on the back of his head. you can see the smoke coming from his ears.
“um.” you feel sweat trickle down the side of your face on hinata’s behalf. “hinata-kun…”
“huh?” says hinata, so painfully oblivious. he tilts his head, asking, “is that a no? it’s okay if you don’t know how to, i can teach you!”
someone gasps from the sidelines.
an unreadable look passes over nishinoya’s face. you almost laugh at how much he’s resembling a disgruntled kitten.
“i know how to, hinata-kun, it’s just that—”
“shouyou,” says nishinoya sternly, a shadow cast across his face, “please stop flirting with the love of my life.”
hinata’s face drains of color so fast you almost reach out in case he faints right then and there. “nishinoya-senpai!” he cries, horrified, “is it against the—the bro… bro… conduct…? contract?”
“the bro code,” yamaguchi helpfully supplies.
“the bro code!” hinata continues. “is it against the bro code to teach someone’s significant other volleyball?”
“it is very intimate,” tanaka agrees, nodding. “i wouldn’t cross that line even on those damn city boys!”
“since when was there a bro code?” sugawara wonders.
“what’s a bro code?” kageyama looks lost, and a little miffed he’s missing out on what seems to be another rule about volleyball he doesn’t know.
“because!” nishinoya yells, catching the attention of just about everyone in the court. “because i don’t want any of you wooing y/n-chan! only i get to look cool in front of y/n, okay? not even you, shouyou.”
hinata nods, taking his mistake seriously.
“yuu,” you laugh, exasperated and hopelessly fond, “there’s no need for all that. only you look the coolest in my eyes.”
nishinoya freezes, jaw hanging wide open. it is impossible, realistically, but everyone watches in awe as an arrow in the shape of a heart strikes him right on his chest.
“y-y/n…” he sobs, sprinting over to you until you’re tackled. but you’re too used to his antics so you just hold him up awkwardly, unfazed. “i love you! would you really let me teach you volleyball?”
this seems extremely important for nishinoya, so you play along and pretend to consider it. “hmm, i don’t know,” you muse, and nishinoya holds his breath. “are you a good teacher?”
“he is!” tanaka agrees immediately, the number one wingman.
“nishinoya-senpai is the best teacher!” and hinata means it, too. “you’re so lucky, y/n-san!”
“i’m touched to have this honor, then,” you laugh. 
“i love you guys! i’m treating you ice cream tomorrow!” nishinoya continues sobbing and preening from the praise. he turns to you, pointing with a finger. “i’m not going to make you regret choosing me!”
you find it sweet that nishinoya is more than happy to let you in on his favorite sport. he seems overjoyed of the thought of you and volleyball combined. “of course, yuu. i’m looking forward to it.”
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this is so stupid HAHAHA i swear it’s like i forgot how to write anymore. i didnt even want to do my fancy format bc i cant think of a title for this
is this a good time to post? no. am i gonna do it anyway so i can slowly make my way back to the algorithm before posting longer fics even though this’ll flop? absolutely yes.
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jalapenobee · 1 month
guys we have four chapters left PLEASE tanaka strike don't end servamp in this world.....
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pinkestlittlebutterfly · 10 months
Chapter 136 is out and while it’s generally smart to wait for a translation to say anything Deep about it I’m just Not Going To Do That and simply put a disclaimer right here at the beginning of my ramblings to tell all of you that everything I say might be incorrect and to please take it with a grain of salt. 
Anyways among the many, many things this chapter reveals I want to talk about Lily’s preferences regarding Puccini’s operas. 
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Again provided that my wonky attempts at understanding didn’t fail me, in these panels Lily tells Misono about how Mikage used to take him to see Puccini’s operas, and how, allegedly, Mikage liked “Madama Butterfly”, but Lily preferred “Turandot”. Strike Tanaka loves their literary references, of course, and I love talking about Lily, so let’s take a look at those works. 
Summarised very shortly, “Madama Butterfly” is the tale of Ciocio-san, referred to as Butterfly, married to an American at a young age, who desires her for her beauty. When he abandons her for three years, she holds onto her love for him, until he returns with his new, American wife, which prompts her to kill herself in despair. “Turandot”, on the other hand, tells of the cruel, cold-hearted princess of the same name, who swore an oath to only marry a man who solved her three riddles and have those who fail beheaded. Over the course of her story she is challenged by a young prince who answers her riddles but ultimately places his life in her hands, until she eventually falls in love with him. 
Both of these stories are much more complex than that, of course, but summarising them properly would go way beyond how long I wanted this post to be and I will just recommend you check them out if you haven’t yet. The point I want to make is that both “Madama Butterfly” and “Turandot” are, at their core, stories about love: Butterfly believes in love with her whole heart but finds hers empty and worthless, while Turandot rejects love until she sees it at its most strong and gives in to it, granting her a happy end. Love is misery and grief to Butterfly, but salvation to Turandot. 
In chapter 136, Lily also talks about love when Misono calls him out on how he is not being very true to his name “All of Love”, suggesting that despite his stance of “everyone is born to be loved” back in volume four, he never really believed in love in the first place and only ever stood for loveless lust. 
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That is, again, assuming I read this part correctly. 
But Lily prefers “Turandot” to “Madama Butterfly”, he prefers the story of a love so warm and true it melts the princess’ ice heart to that which – at least with how he presents himself in this chapter – should be much closer to how he feels about it all. And it might just be mentioned in a throwaway line, but I think it was placed in this chapter on purpose. I think that Lily, like most of us, likes stories that are not about how he thinks the world is, but how he wishes it to be – Lily wants to believe in a love like that Turandot experienced, even as he tries to deny it. 
This is also not the first time that “Turandot” is brought up. “Turandot” is the name of the spell Lily is using to keep himself and Misono trapped on the chess board; the first technique that Misono developed upon becoming Lily’s Eve. In a way, the princess Turandot becomes reminiscent of how Lily positions himself in the game the two of them are playing – a cold-hearted creature, unyielding to love, and cruel in how he rejects it. 
But I think there’s a little Butterfly in him as well.
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We don’t know a lot about Lily’s backstory yet, and I am really mostly speculating at this point, but as it’s been with Kuro and Ildio and Hugh, to become a Servamp one’s body must be primed by sin. Like Butterfly, I think Lily has been the victim of loveless lust once – it’s just that he didn’t get the luxury of dying. He became Turandot, somewhere along the way, and how it happened is (hopefully) for the coming chapters to reveal. 
Turandot found love to soften her heart in the end, and I think Lily will be able to do the same. He already has a prince to challenge him, after all. I don’t think he’s being all that honest with Misono, I think he’s trying to rile him up, to inspire hate and rejection, but Misono has grown strong and smart enough to figure him out. And I honestly can’t wait to see it. 
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
One Hell of a Love (Book 2) Chapter Thirteen
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Thirteen: One Hell of a Newcomer
Summary: A mysterious stranger appears in the Phantomhive Manor.
            “—And so, we would like to look through everyone’s rooms and luggage,” said Arthur after explaining to all of the guests and servants the need to search their belongings for the key. “The ladies may check one another’s things, so you won’t have to worry about us men looking through them. What do you say?”
            “Very well,” said Irene.
            “Do what you want,” huffed Woodley.
            “Go right ahead!” chirped Lau.
            At least there was no fighting this time, thought (Y/N).
            However, in the end, even going through everyone’s belongings brought nothing forward. The strangest thing to be found was a vial of red liquid in Irene’s vanity box, but after the revelation that she was twelve years older than Grimsby, (Y/N) knew it was simply an anti-aging concoction. That being said, (Y/N) had found it entertaining how nervous Mey-Rin had gotten after the discussion of Carmilla the vampire.
            Now, the group had reconvened. The storm still pelted the windows; the sky was as gloomy and dismal as the group’s mood at having discovered nothing.
            “So in the end, it was nowhere to be found,” said Arthur, sighing.
            “At this point, we can only assume that Sebastian had already hidden it elsewhere,” said Ciel.
            “Or that he threw it out the window,” pointed out Lau in one of his rare moments of serious insight. “I mean, a key’s a small thing, so if it were swept away or buried because of this storm, we’d have no hope of finding it.”
            “Excuse me!” Finny stood up straight. “I’ll go look for it outside!”
            “I will go look outside as well, I will!” said Mey-Rin. They both cared about Sebastian.
            Ciel’s eyes widened in surprise. “While it’s true that finding it would give us a hint or two about the murderer, there’s no need to go out of your way to—”
            “I-I want to get to the bottom of this!” said Finny. “I’m not very smart, so I can’t find the killer by thinking it through like you, Young Master! But I could find a key! If that key will help you solve the case even a little, I’d like to try finding it!”
            He was so passionate that even (Y/N) found it endearing.
            Finny and Mey-Rin turned and bolted out the door.
            “Hey, you guys!” Baldroy quickly turned and bowed to the group. “Sorry, excuse us!” He ran out after them.
            (Y/N) smiled softly. If there was one thing they did like about humans, it was their heart. Their hearts burned brightly, and for all the vermin and worms out there, there were also the ones that were strong and pushed through adversity without succumbing to the worst of their instincts.
            Tanaka bowed to the group. “I shall ensure their safety. Mx. (Y/N), if you would look after the guests in my brief absence.”
            “Yes, sir,” said (Y/N). And then Tanaka left.
            “Say,” said Grimsby in the silence that followed. “Sitting here in utter silence is stifling in itself. How about we play a game of cards or something? I brought along  adeck of cards, so I’ll go to my room and get it.”
            And then of there are the humans that continue on when things don’t directly affect them and ignore the issues around them, thought (Y/N).
            “Please wait,” said Arthur. “If you’re going, we should all go.”
            “But I’ll be right back,” said Grimsby.
            “As long as we do not know who is behind these murderers, the soundest course of action is to move as a group to avoid having any more victims,” said Arthur.
            Very astute. (Y/N) concealed a catlike smirk. After all, if they wanted to pick off the group, they’d strike each time one was alone. Of course, (Y/N) could just tear through them all before they could defend themselves, but sometimes a hunt was entertaining.
            “True, that’s best if one of us is the guilty party,” said Lau. “If it is one of us, that is.”
            “What do you mean?” asked Grimsby.
            “There’s nothing to it! I meant exactly what I just said,” said Lau.
            “If the murderer isn’t here among us, where are you saying he is?” asked Grey.
            “For instance, he arrived before the storm and is hiding outside…something like that?” wondered Irene nervously.
            “Even so, would it not be impossible for him to enter a locked room or come in out of the storm to wander about the manor without leaving footprints?” remarked Ciel.
            “What if there exists a fourteenth person who can make the impossible possible?” said Lau.
            “Rubbish! That could never be!” said Woodley.
            “Never, you say?” said Lau. He smiled in amusement. “In this world, it’s absolutes like ‘never’ that can never be. If someone who negates that absolute is lurking in this castle and is waiting for the ideal moment in which to target out lives, he may already be closer than we think. The fourteenth guest who ought not to exist…”
            “Hmph.” Woodley scoffed, but even he was disconcerted by the idea. “There’ sno way such a fantastical person can—”
            ‘Young Master!” shouted Baldroy as he, Mey-Rin, Finny, and Tanaka barged into the room.
            “We’ve caught someone dodgy!” said Finny, holding a rope.
            “Hey, get in here, you!” said Baldroy, and Finny pulled a man bound in rope into the tearoom.
            (Y/N) smothered a chuckle. In a mask and simpler suit, he was unrecognizable, but (Y/N) knew his aura by heart, it was engraved with love. This was Sebastian.
            The guests’ eyes widened as Lau’s prediction came true. Someone had managed to get to the manor.
            “Wai—so there really was someone else?!” cried Grey, undoubtedly the most surprised since he had been committing murder already, so he didn’t think there could be another person. “Where on Earth was he hiding—?”
            “You are…” Ciel recognized his butler, undoubtedly by design.
            “So that means, he is the killer?!” cried Woodley.
            Lau chuckled darkly and stood. “I never for a moment imagined that the fourteenth guest would himself come calling. I too am just a teensy bit taken aback.” He smiled suddenly. “So who are you?”
            (Y/N) deadpanned. I really shouldn’t have expected much seriousness from him. I need to learn my lesson.
            Ciel cried, “You’re back to that again?!”
            “Are you asking for my name?” said Sebastian, even altering his voice.
            “Long time no see, eh, Jeremy?” said Ciel.
            Oh, compared to Sebastian that is an unfortunate name, thought (Y/N).
            “Lord Earl, do you know this old man?” said Lau brightly.
            “Old man?” muttered Sebastian, and (Y/N) smirked at him.
            “Uh, yes, I do,” half-lied Ciel. “This is Vicar Jeremy Rathbone. He is a popular advisor at the local church and something of a celebrity.”
            Oh, and he works for a church. What fun for Sebastian the demon, thought (Y/N), greatly entertained.
            Sebastian smiled. “Please just call me plain old Jeremy.”
            “You are a…vicar?” asked Arthur.
            “How can you expect me to believe a suspicious fellow like him?!” cried Woodley. “Only the fourteenth person, who has no alibi to speak of, could’ve committed the murders! Any way you slice it, it’s got to be him!”
            “The logic of yours is truly nonsensical, Mr. Woodley,” said Sebastian, smirking.
            (Y/N) couldn’t help a sharp grin. Sebastian was going to have fun with this role.
            “How do you know my name?!” demanded Woodley.
            “Oh, it’s quite obvious from the rings adorning your fingers,” said Sebastian. “Large diamonds of that size are mined in South Africa, and the unique round brilliant-cut of those diamonds is possible only with the latest polisher recently developed by the Woodley company. I have also heard that Daniel Anderson, a London jeweler, was aggressively promoting them to society ladies as the rarest of gems, still not widely available on the market, you see. Thus, if among the guests at Earl Phantomhive’s dinner party, there is one individual wearing such rare rings, he is most likely to be the president of the Woodley company. You, Mr. Woodley. Was I wrong?”
            Intelligence is so attractive, thought (Y/N). They could add that to the long list of why they loved Sebastian. (Y/N) loved all of him, his essence, his heart, his strength, his power, his mind, his body and all that it could do...All it could do with them if Sebastian would just let them close enough. (Y/N) would show him that no human could ever equal them.
            Arthur spoke up. “That aside, how in the world did you…rather, since when? And why are you here?”
            “Dear me. Questions, questions,” said Sebastian. “You there.” He looked at Baldroy. “Open my bag, if you would.”
            Baldroy opened the bag to find an owl.
            “That is Mr. Sebastian’s owl, that is!” said Mey-Rin excitedly. “I-Is it dead, is it?”
            “No, it was acting up, so I tranquilized it for a brief spell. It will wake up momentarily,” said Sebastian. He pointed to the leg. “Please do take a look at the letter around its leg.”
            Ciel opened it, and a small irk mark appeared for a moment. (Y/N) had a suspicion Sebastian hadn’t bothered to actually writer anything to keep Ciel on his toes a little. It was exactly the type of petty revenge Sebastian would use to needle his master after going through all the trouble for him.
            “Young Master! Whatever does Mr. Sebastian write?” asked Mey-Rin anxiously.
            There was a pause while Ciel came up with a story. “It appears that he sent this letter to Jeremy anticipating that he himself would eventually be killed.”
            “Oh, no, Mr. Sebastian…” said Mey-Rin.
            “But that paper alone isn’t proof enough that he’s not the killer!” argued Grimsby. “I mean, if he managed to come here from outside of the manor, he could’ve committed last night’s murders too, right?!”
            “Proving my innocence is quite simple,” said Sebastian. “Look in my coat pocket.”
            (Y/N) reached into his pocket, and they were unimpressed by the wink Sebastian sent them conspiratorially. “It’s a ticket, dated from yesterday, March the twelfth, for The Lady of the Lake at the Lyceum Theatre.”
            “The Lady of the Lake is indeed being performed at London’s Lyceum now,” said Irene, confirming that aspect of the story.
            “Yes, last night, I went to the Lyceum Theatre in London,” said Sebastian. “The performance ended well past ten at night. Even if I’d caught a hansom cab and slipped the driver a sovereign to rush over here, it would have taken over two hours to reach this manor. Moreover, the streets are a veritable quagmire of mud, what with all the rain, so it would have taken nearly twice as long as usual.”
            “You came by hansom in this downpour?” said Irene.
            “I bet the river’s overflowin’ its banks with the storm, so there’s no way a cab coulda made it over the bridge,” said Baldroy.
            “Of course there are any number of ways to get here. On foot, by swimming…though to be fair, they are none of them ways I would recommend to average folk,” said Sebastian. “There are as many means to an end as there are stars in the sky. However, the fact remains that there exists but one truth.”
            Poor Sebastian. (Y/N) watched him, entertained. He has to go so far to not lie outright. He is as tricky as the fae.
            “Since you were in London last night, you could not have been involved with the murders,” said Arthur. “Is this the truth of which you speak?”
            “Leave it to the masterly novelist to help me save my breath,” said Sebastian.
            Arthur blinked. “What?”
            “It’s a simple feat to tell a person’s occupation and such from their clothing and habits,” said Sebastian. “First, you have a large writer’s callus on the middle finger of your right hand, and its shape differs from that of those who draw or paint…in other words, it goes to show just how much you write. Next, that blue smudge on your sleeve. This can happen when laundering fabric to which ink has adhered. And lastly…you have made a habit of noting on your cuffs with pencil story ideas as they strike you so you do not forget.” Sebastian glanced down Arthur’s cuff. “Pearl…India…secret room…sign. Only a writer would do something like that, hm?”
            “Amazing, you’re like Dr. Bell, who was once my professor,” said Arthur.
            “Observing human beings is my hobby, you see,” said Sebastian. “Well, now that I’ve relieved you of any suspicions towards toward me, would you untie me at once? It seems this manor is bursting with the fragrance of a heady mystery that will relieve my tedium.”
            (Y/N) pulled a knife from their skirts and cut him free. They smiled at him, sharp. “Please, dear Jeremy, sit.”
            “Thank you.” Sebestian bowed and kissed (Y/N)’s hand in greeting. Then, he sat, and the group explained the entire situation to him.
            “—And that covers everything which took place from the time of the first murder until the butler who summoned you was killed,” said Arthur.
            “I see. I find it all very curious indeed,” said Sebastian. “May I examine the corpses first? They will speak to me of the bare facts most elegantly.
            Arthur nodded. “Very well. Let us make for the wine cellar below.”
            “Stop!” said Sebastian sternly.
            “Eh?” asked Arthur.
            “Please carry each body to a separate room,” said Sebastian.
            “May I ask why?” said Arthur.
            “Even the various scents of a case may yield clues. If the corpses are laid out together, their individual smells will mingle and contaminate,” said Sebastian. “And in a wine cellar, the scent of wine is especially strong. So would you be kind enough to lend us three rooms, Earl Phantomhive?”
            “Alright,” said Ciel, standing. “Finny, Baldroy, move the bodies.”
            “Yes, sir,” they said, hurrying off to prepare the rooms.
            As the servants left and the guests murmured to one another, (Y/N) smirked at Sebastian. Barely moving their lips, they spoke. “Excellent cover.”
            “Before you are too amused, know that I’ll need you to cause a distraction,” said Sebastian, similarly throwing his voice before stepping out of the room to “follow the servants” (really go back under the cloth himself to pose as his corpse).
            “Work, work, work,” sighed (Y/N).
            “Young Master, we’re done relocating the bodies,” said Baldroy a few minutes later.
            “Right then.” Sebastian clapped his hands. “Shall we take a closer look at the corpses in the order they were murdered?”
            “So it would be Lord Siemens first, yes?” said Arthur.
            “I’m coming with you, too!” chirped Grey.
            “This way,” said (Y/N), leading the group. “The corpses of Simens, Phelps, and Sebastian have been set out in order,” they explained as they led the way to a hall.
            “Much obliged, my dear,” said Sebastian. He couldn't help but allow himself a moment of affection. He needed (Y/N) to know that he felt for them more than he could any other being in existence.
            (Y/N) glanced at Sebastian, surprised by the term of affection. It wasn’t strictly necessary for his acting, so they hadn’t expected it. It wasn’t…terrible, though. They rather liked it. What else would he call them if they were more than just friends?
            Sebastian walked into the room with Siemens’s body. “Hm…” He knelt. “He has but one external injury, the wound to his chest. Stabbed once with a sharp blade, I would say.” He pulled out Siemens’s pocket watch. “This man was none too pleasant when he was drunk, was he?”
            “What makes you say that?” said Grey.
            “Oh, it was quite clear the minute I saw this,” said Sebastian. “Here we have a very expensive-looking pocket watch, but there are numerous scratches around the key wind. Only a terrible bore or a drunkard would do such a thing, don’t you agree? And this pungent odor of alcohol is proof that he was drinking spirits of considerable strength right up till the moment of his death…Oh?”
            “What is it?” remarked (Y/N), letting Sebastian show off.
            “I detect an ever-so-slight scent of the sea…” said Sebastian.
            “The sea?” said Arthur. Grey’s eyes darkened for a moment.
            “Ah, Professor, would you happen to carry a handkerchief?” said Sebastian.
            “Ah, yes,” said Arthur. “Here you are.”
            Sebastian took it and stuffed it into Siemens’s mouth.
            “Hey, now, just a—!” Arthur deflated as his handkerchief was rendered unusable.
            “Hm…” Sebastian examined it. “Thank you so very much.” He handed it back. “Now! Mr. Phelps is next, I do believe?”
            He crossed into the next room, and Arthur pointed at the body.
            “The manner of his death alone differed from that of the other two,” he said. “I think it likely that he was injected with a poison via the puncture wounds on his neck. At the time of his death, the only entrance to the room was locked, created a perfect locked room scenario.”
            “I see,” said Sebastian, examining the marks on Phelps’s neck. “May I take a look at the room in which he met his end?” For a moment, his eyes met (Y/N)’s, and they took it as a cue. (Y/N) suspected he needed a moment to switch Phelps’s body to where his own body should be to keep up appearances.
            “Let me show you,” said (Y/N), leading the way and pulling Ciel, Arthur, and Grey’s attention as they headed up the stairs.
            “Vicar Jeremy’s powers of observation are quite extraordinary, so he might notice something we missed in there,” remarked Arthur.
            “Hm?” Grey happened to turn on the stairs and found no one behind him. He huffed. “That old man isn’t with us?”
            “Jeremy?” called Ciel.
            “Right behind you!” said Sebastian, appearing on the stairs below. “I apologize for making you wait. Come, let’s be off.”
            He managed it, thought (Y/N).
            “This is why I can’t stand old men,” complained Grey as they entered Ciel’s room.
            Sebastian examined the entire bedroom carefully before nodding his head somberly. “It would appear there exist multiple villains in this case.”
            The humans’ eyes widened.
            “So that’s how it is after all,” said Ciel.
            “Catching Lord Siemens’s killer will be simple enough, but catching Mr. Phelps’s killer will be rather difficult work,” said Sebastian. “And securing the latter ought to be our first priority to prevent any more loss of life.”
            It’s a snake, decided (Y/N), privately betting on it. Sebastian would never allow a threat any bigger than an animal come near Ciel in his own home.
            “Anyhow, no persons will be able to set out of the manor in this storm,” said Sebastian.
            “What are you talking about?” asked Arthur.
            “There are two conditions which must be met in order for us to capture Phelps’s killer,” said Sebastian. “The first is to wait for nightfall, the second is…your cooperation, Earl Phantomhive.”
            “My cooperation?” asked Ciel.
            “Yes, yours,” said Sebastian. “Let us discuss all the details this evening.”
            “So now it’s the butler’s turn, right? Let’s go back,” said Grey.
            (Y/N) and Sebastian’s eyes met. (Y/N) knew they’d have to make a little distraction for Sebastian to “investigate” his death without the others seeing his body.
            They walked into the room with “Sebastian’s” body, and Sebastian knelt by it.
       ��    “If I recall, I’d heard that the butler was stabbed to death after being bludgeoned,” said Sebastian. “I do beg your pardon, my good man.”
            Of course he compliments himself, thought (Y/N), nose twitching.
            Sebastian lifted the corner of the cloth to reveal the arm of the body, and (Y/N) took their cue. “Oh!” They cried out, lifting a hand to their head and stumbling as if feint.
            “O-Oh!” said Arthur, genuinely worried. “What’s wrong? Are you quite well?” Everyone’s attention turned to (Y/N).
            “Forgive me…” they said, playing up the tremble of their voice. “To see my friend’s body yet again…it’s so terrible…”
            “Are you alright?” said Arthur.
            “Perhaps a break, if you’d like,” said Ciel, keeping the distraction up.
            Behind them, Sebastian finished his “examination” of the body. “The butler was killed most simply,” he declared, and everyone turned back to him.
            “Ah, perfect!” said Grey. “It’ll be dinnertime before long! I’m famiiiished! I wonder what’s on the menu today?”
            “I’m not sure. Shall I inquire with the servants?” said Ciel as they exited the room.
            “Nah. Don’t bother,” said Grey. “I’ll look forward to the surprise. I’m heading back first.”
            He’s going to double back and ensure Sebastian’s corpse is really Sebastian’s corpse. (Y/N)’s nose twitched. Grey truly was frustrating.
            “Well, now, shall we return to?” said Sebastian. “(Y/N) and I need to see the evening’s preparations so do go on ahead.”
            “Yes,” said Arthur and Ciel, turning and leaving.
            “You’ve got Grey?” said (Y/N).
            “Yes,” said Sebastian. “Start the preparations for dinner.”
            “Yes, ‘Jeremy,’ ” said (Y/N) with a smirk.
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seryna99dragon · 5 months
My top 10 Solo Leveling characters + explenation.
I know some of you may not agree (especially no. 10), but please don't hate me. I just like them a lot. This is my opinion. Feel free to tell me if I made a mistake or if I spelled something wrong! And feel free to tell me what your top 10 is, too!
Baek Yoon-Ho
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I'll be honest, I love Yoonho. He's such a cool character. I love cats/tigers/panthers, all of them. I love the way he acts like an aggressive cat, the way he has cat traits and I love how he can transform into an awesome white tiger-like beast.
2. Lim Tae-Gyu
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His personality just screams out sleepdeprived and cocky, but he is not. I love his cocky smile, even though he isn't. When I read the fact that his occupation before his awakening was tennis I came to love him even more. And you got his uniform design. It's awesome!
3. Kenzo Tanaka
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I know he doesn't have a lot of screen time, but I love him. He really strikes me as one of those tough guys that are actually soft on the inside. And I love how he is so calm, unlike most other tough guys. He just strikes me as a really nice and caring guy.
4. Lennart Niermann
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Lennart is awesome. His personality is awesome, his powers are awesome. I love him. He's such a soft and calm person. Every time he was on screen he made me calm. His powers, though. They make me wild! They're so cool! I mean, just look at that picture! Not to msntion the way he protected Thomas. He knew he wouldn't be a match against someone even stronger than Thomas, and yet he helped Thomas.
5. Min Byung-Gu
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He strikes me as one of those softies everyone would love. He's just so nice towards others and he has such a welcoming smile! I love his warm smile! And his design is nice, too. They gave him a nice color palette. The way he uses a book to use his powers also has me going wild. It's just so cool! It makes me think of one of those overpowered wizards!
6. Thomas Andre
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Thomas Andre just screams out brute power! He's such a rough and tough guy. I like how he just smashes eveything and how rough he is with his opponents. Whenever he walks next to someone he looks like a giant. That's really funny. And the way he transforms into an overpowered knight-like looking person is just amazing!
7. Lui Zhigang
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His mysterious and dark aura makes him really appealing. He doesn't have a lot of screen time, but he is such a cool person. He's so powerful, and yet we haven't seen him fight once. But the way he has awesome panels in the manwha makes up for it. His panels are always either dark and mysterious or beautiful.
8. Woo Jin-Chul
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Woo is in my top 10 because he has such a calm and mannered personality, even though his stress level is at 100% everytime we see him. He always manages to find a solution to a problem. When he stopped Baek and Hwang from a fight, we saw his true power. Even though the two were S-ranks, he stopped them. Yes, his arm throbbed in pain, but he still stopped them, which means he's storng.
9. Choi Jong-In
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Choi is a sly, but calm person. I love how he's with Baek 90% of the time. They're always bickering together and throwing a tantrum. Yet he still manages to do his job properly and clear most raids easily. I love his design a lot and his attacks are awesome, too.
10. Hwang Dong-Soo
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HEAR ME OUT! Hear me out! Dongsoo may not be the nicest person, but the way he's shown in a dark and mysterious way has drawn me to him. He also strikes me as one of those complete douchebags with a slightly soft side. He came over to Korea, all because someone killed his brother. Now their band wasn't too good, but he still cherished his brother from the inside. Even if it's just in the slightest. That means he has a soft side and I love him for that.
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duha54 · 2 months
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Warnings : fluff ;grown up sugawara ; suga x artist reader
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You were drawing/writing as usual in your favorite place ever. A study cafe you just found nearby your workplace . You had tried it out and since then it's your go-to place for chilling while enjoying your food and cherry on the top, not being disturbed by anyone.You're younger siblings is a true hurricane . As you settle down and unpack your furniture, you admire the dirt floating in the glow of sunlight . You close your eyes for a second thinking about what to draw/write next . Surprisingly enough, it is the muffled conversation in the background who gave you inspiration. Exited you start pouring your art and soul in your craft determined to , for this time, to make it a masterpiece . Unfortunately for you this time you forgot to close the curtain of your cabin ...
After a while you felt your mussels being sour so you decided to take a walk to get rid of it . Only for noticing an unknown figure standing behind you . Was he staring the whole time ? You froze , shivers rolling down your spine at the idea of a pair of chocolate eyes checking you out . Your only wish is to run or calling this gray haired man for his creepy behavior...
" Oh ,sorry I didn't mean to scare you ! It's just that I passed by and " he paused a moment while rubbing his neck nervously "let's say I got mesmerized by your art"... And you he thought to himself.
- Um ... it's okay. Could you just ... stop staring please ?
-Would a drink will help me make up for it ?
-I dunno ...
-Then, do you have some suggestions?
-A drink and some peace, maybe ?
- Your wish is my demand~ he bowed which made you roll your eyes. He's maybe good looking but it's better be cautious than sorry right ? But if fate want us to meet again ... maybe you could try to get to know each other, who knows ? Once you got your free drink and thanked him you turned around and before you could've even take a step away from him " By the way my name's Sugawara Koushi . And you ?
- Y/n
-It's the prettiest name I had never heard.
-Can you stop ?
- Stop what ? (He at least tried to take the most innocent tone possible )
-You know that you're horrible at flirting, right ? You arched one brow at this last part
-Alright , I give up
-Thanks god...
- Now I can stop being subtle !
-You weren't since the start !
-Guess I have to work on that part ...
-Then do it with some girls that are not me .
- Sorry
-For what ?
-I don't think this Is gonna be possible.
-Aaand why so ?
- Cupid came by here and shot an arrow in my heart the moment I saw you .
You facepalmed was he serious ? How could he could flirt with a random stranger like that if he's horrible at it ? He doesn't seem used to it . The smell of sweat creeped to your nose . Was it you ,no you took a shower this morning. Then ... you took a closer look at him he's sweating like crazy. He's nervous ?! Why you in particular ? What's had him drown to you ? You had to retain yourself from smiling ,could've gave him the wrong idea.
- You serious ? You ain't able to strike up a conversation normally ?
- do I look like a creep ? His voice was barely a murmur, looking at you like a lost puppy...
- A LITTLE bit ?
He let out an exasperated sighted and leaned towards the counter .
"Why did I followed their stupid advice !? It's Yu and Tanaka ! They never got out with someone why did I listen to them !?"he stopped as his eyes widened at the realisation that you exist and are beside him . "AWESOME ! I passe for a creep and now a fool ! Best day ever !" You could hold it anymore. Giggled while rubbing his back .
"That's the dumbest thing I never heard .
- I know ... I that desperate ?" His face looked like a mochi against the counter it made you wanna pinch them .
" You were desperate ?
- Yeah.
-Why ?
- You're just so sweet , funny , talented ,thoughtful... I dunno how to describe it but there's much more that I could say ...
- Are you a stalker ? How much time did you followed me ?" He perked up
-" I'm not I promise !! I just noticed you at the school I teach ... You're Yuki's sister ! Right ! My classroom is the one next door . You also come at every school trip .
- It's okay ! You lowered your tone .Don't worry I got it , you ain't a stalker and you are not creeping me out . "
The gray haired man doesn't seem to buy it .And despite your attempt to calm him down his anxiety seemed to grow more and more .So you tried something else , it works every time for your sis and your cat so there's is no reason for it to fail , right ?
You leaned towards him and petted his head. His face reddened,his breathing steadied as well as his muscles seemed to relax .
"Thank you .
-You're welcome. " This time you really was about to take your leave." See you Saturday then .
-Saturday ?
- There's a school trip to the zoo , remember ? " He bashfully nodded . The accompanying and the other teacher won't mind if you both stay behind, right ?
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Ps: It's the first time I write a lengthy text like this . Hope you like it .Please If you have any advice or critics for me to improve my writing skills feel free to say it in the comments or in my request box .
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ayyyez · 2 years
In honor of the books I picked up today that I ordered a week ago (finally got more kimi ni todoke!!), what series of manga can you see some of our haikyuu favs reading? Or if not manga what kinds of books can you see them reading, YA, thriller, mystery, etc. Feel free to pick whomever you want for hcs, I humbly ask for Tanaka thou <3
A/N: Look at you getting two answered in one day, it's like you own my ask box at this point bestie lmao but yes I have so many vibes for this one, okay <3
TAGS: manga/reading headcanons, fluff, general
CHARACTERS: Tendou Satori, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kenma Kozume, honourable mentions at the end
Okay so we know he used to collect shonen jump magazine when it was around in a physical form. I say he was a subscription owner who would get each issue.
He strikes me as the kind of guy who likes collecting things. Especially artsy types things like his movies. Especially in physical form so his shonen jumps are no different.
He's a constant but casual reader in terms of what he keeps up with in terms of series.
By that I mean he's not like 'OMG I NEED TO READ ALL OF ONE PIECE I'LL BE SO UPSET IF I MISS ONE CHAPTER.' Absolutley not. He's a casual One Piece fan. I know it seems like they don't exist because once you're in you're in BUT HE IS.
He enjoys reading it, don't get me wrong, it's just he's not tearing the issue open for the next chapter.
Tendou's an allrounder with his reading. Will try everything in the issue. Really liked The Disastrous Life of Saiki K the year it was published! He just vibed hard with it.
With Shonen Jump, he's collected it forever so he's read all the early 2000's classics like Naruto, Bleach and Death Note. He watches the anime too.
Outside of the shonen jump I feel like the only manga he would go out of his way to purchase and read would be something of the horror vein because he's a horror fan.
The first time he went into a manga store and saw the covers of the Junji Ito works he HAD to know what they were about. Started with one and ended up collecting them all.
Still prefers watching horror and thrillers over reading them. There's just something more satisfying about cinematic terrors BUT he does enjoy his small collection of manga too.
He just over all prefers reading manga to chill out. Which is why his go to is more the popular shonen series.
Tendou is pretty good with recs too! If you handed him a romance and told him it was the best series in the world and he had to read it he would. He doesn't care, you like it so why wouldn't he? It's just not something he would usually pick up for himself.
He's pretty good at recommending things too. If you're unsure he'll just hand you a shonen jump mag and tell you to go nuts. Just don't read the ads like Ushiwaka please, he can't handle another one. lmao.
Hanging out with Tendou as teens reading manga together would honestly be the best lowkey date every. Just vibing in each others company. Probably watching anime together after too.
I see Tanaka as more of a manga reader too over anything lengthy like novels. He just doesn't have the discipline to sit there and read for long periods of time.
This is why studying is so hard for him! He just gets bored! Would rather be doing something where he can move around.
Definitely doesn't mind picking up a manga every now and again though.
Now as for what he reads. Well. Here's the things. He's actually a real softy at heart and a sucker for romance.
How does he discover this? Totally by accident, he swears.
He went in to pick up a couple shonen series and the shonen jump issue (he doesn't have a subscription he just picks it up on occassion) and the cashier accidentally mixed up a shoujo series into the bag that was on the counter on the side.
Tanaka didn't realise until he got home and for some reason he just never bothered returning it. He had paid for it after all. He might as well read it.
The thing is once he did, he couldn't put it down! He had to read another and another. He was hooked. And what was this serious? Well guess what it was also Kimi ni Todoke!
That gets him hooked on Shoujo romances and has him going in buying more series. He buys one for every two shonen series he gets, hiding it under them at the casier mentally telling them 'They're totally for my sister.' as if they can read his mind.
Doesn't get too embarassed if you ask him about it though it's just an awkward flush of the cheeks and 'Yeah, I like them.' Because Tanaka is one to stay true to himself.
Okay but because he reads a lot of it he kind of gets real sappy ideas about romance and dating.
All those ideas about being a gentlemen? Carrying your bad, walking on the side of the sidewalk closest to the road, standing in front of you during confrontations? All further reinforced by reading those manga.
Has a cute little blushy face when he reads the confession scenes too. Hopes to be that cool when he confesses on day.
If you like manga he really likes sharing that with you. Going to bookstores together, he vibes on just watching you browse with a content look on your face.
Will buy you anything you want. Even if its a whole stack. Tanaka is slamming those bills down and paying. Anything to make you happy and see that smile on your face.
Kenma started reading and collecting manga when his parents forced him to have a hobby other than gaming. Something about resting his eyes from screens.
He did already sort of like reading manga anyway. Was into series like the legend of zelda because of the game. Also collects the standard shonen jump series like one piece, hunter x hunter and naruto too.
The thing about Kenma is he started out with the popular stuff and then he branched out and collected a bit of everything the more he read.
He has a bit of everything from each demographic. Has your Sailormoon, Fruits basket and NANA from your shoujo. Josei like Chihayafuru, shonen/seinin like JoJo's bizarre adventure, fullmetal alchemist, AOT, Gintama, Tokyo Ghoul.
As time goes on he'll collect ones like Given, I hear the sunspot and Blue Flag too.
Likes going to art stalls and places he can collect fan djs and art books too. Isn't really big on chit chat but will say a sweet 'I like your work.' Then pays and scurries off with a little happy face.
Like buying work of his favourite games and characters at the same time. Especially at conventions. Hates the crowds but finds this worth it.
Appreciates being able to do these things with you. Bonus if you like doing them too. If you simply go just to be with him he'll just swoon lol.
Back to the manga. He likes the anime adaptions too but doesn't always get a lot of time to watch them. Prefers games after all. If he does though he prefers to watch the anime after he's read the manga.
Loves watching the anime as a way to spend time with you though after you both have read the manga. Loves being able to compare and criticise it together. Just cuddling and vibing.
Reads books/manga: Semi Eita, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Yaku Morisuke
Reads manga: Hinata Shouyou, Atsumu Miya, Kunimi Akira, Hoshiumi Korai, Nishinoya Yuu, Kindaichi Yuutarou
Reads books: Sugawara Koushi, Yachi Hitoka, Oikawa Tooru, Kita Shinsuke
Reads food packaging and social media: Kageyama Tobio, Suna Rintarou, Kiyoko Shimizu
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a-student-out-of-time · 5 months
Yeah, Shirogane isn't someone you want to deal with...
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Yeah, no kidding. Thank you for telling me.
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But, why would she come after us...?
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She has her reasons, none of them acceptable ones.
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*Mikan holds Kotoko close*
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What's everyone else doing?
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Chiaki went to let her mother know, and Hiyoko...well, she said she needed some time alone.
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We're hoping that we can get enough people to protect everyone, but it's...a lot.
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Mom...c-can we go back to your room, please?
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Of course. Thank you for watching over her, Kikue-san.
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Your help is much appreciated.
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We really did have fun.
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Please be careful, okay?
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We will. Thank you.
*Mikan and Kotoko leave*
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To let such a vile demon strike fear in the hearts of so many is one thing...but to stir those of my dominion?! Of Kotoko?! Unforgivable...
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I shall lay the greatest of curses upon this wretched creature, no matter what faces she may wear! A thousand curses for every soul that she may take!
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I...I shall...
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...Do you need a hug?
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*Gundham accepts*
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I'm so sorry this is happening.
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...You only just began hanging out with us, and now you're in the crosshairs of destiny. I cannot accept that any harm should come to us, to you, or any other innocents.
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But someone with Shirogane's power...I must surpass it, or all will be lost!
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...If it helps? I feel safe knowing you guys are watching out for me.
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It's weird, I don't even like socializing normally. I kept to myself most of the school year, 'specially since my classmates are...weird.
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But with you and the others, I...I really do feel like I fit in better.
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So, I trust you.
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...I will ensure that faith does not go unrewarded.
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yarrayora · 1 year
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[old arts repost]
tanaka strike please reward me for being a good boy
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stars-tonight · 2 months
Heyy how are you?
Please can I have a long matchup thank you!!
Romantic one please
My ideal partner would be someone that I can have a good laugh with/sense of humour and is very sweet. Also, they have to be understanding.
There's no characters in don't mind being paired with but would prefer noya,suga or kiyoko
She/her and can be girl or guy
My hobbies are drumming, skating and kickboxing
My love language would be physical touch
My ideal date is an aquarium (I LOVE THEM SM)
Thank you sm also if you don't have time there is no pressure to do it :)
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🥛 suga was one of your preferred characters so 🫡
🥛 it's okay that you're shy at first because i don't think suga would be very outgoing either
🥛 like he strikes me as an ambivert yknow?
🥛 but he'd be kind of shy or nervous when he's interacting with his crush
🥛 especially before the relationship
🥛 he'd admire you from afar for a bit before finally mustering up the courage (probably with some cheerleading from daichi and tanaka / nishinoya) to ask you on a date
🥛 once you're alone he's very sweet and always tries to make you comfortable and happy
🥛 he'd find your hobbies so cool and would want to learn everything you do
🥛 i can imagine suga taking out his frustration by drumming lol
🥛 idk if you meant ice skating or roller skating but he'd like both (especially roller skating, i could see him on a date at the roller skating rink)
🥛 he'd lowkey be initimidated that you know kickboxing but he'd think it's cool and ask you to teach him some moves lol
🥛 probably likes yelling "hiyah" when he kicks
🥛 he's okay on pda, something more laidback isn't too bad (like i think cheek kisses or quick pecks would be the furthest he'd go)
🥛 in private though he wouldn't shy away from hugs or anything
🥛 suga's not really an aquarium guy but he thinks they're cool, appreciates the ambient lighting everywhere
🥛 idk why but i think his favorite animal would be the penguins
🥛 or the jellyfish
runner up for you was nishinoya yū!
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A/N: hi anon, i hope you liked your matchup :)
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Something about Freya's birthday being August first and Tsurugi's birthday being August thirty first ruins me...
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best-underrated-anime · 9 months
Best Underrated Anime Group E Round 2: #E6 vs #E4
#E6: Vampires and humans cannot coexist in a small town
#E4: Gay found family criminals versus corrupt nobility
Details and poll under the cut!
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#E6: Shiki
Life is idyllic and unassuming in the small town of Sotoba, a simple place where everyone knows everyone. However, tragedy strikes when Megumi Shimizu, a young girl with high aspirations, unexpectedly passes away from an unnamed illness. Over the torrid summer months, as more unexplained deaths crop up around the village, the town's doctor—Toshio Ozaki—begins to suspect that something more sinister than a mere disease is at play.
Toshio teams up with Natsuno Yuuki, an apathetic and aloof teenager, and siblings Kaori and Akira Tanaka, two of Megumi's friends, to unravel the dark mystery behind the deaths in Sotoba. With their combined efforts, the investigation leads them toward an eerie secret pertaining to the new family in the Kanemasa mansion.
Shiki is a horror story about vampires. They need to feed on humans in order to live. They’re a threat to society. We’re all afraid of them. Except it’s not, actually, because Shiki is a horror story about genocide. The vampires and the village are fundamentally at odds: one cannot survive without the complete annihilation of the other. Conflict is inevitable. Conflict is completely justified, in the eyes of both groups. Conflict is still terrifying. Shiki though, is actually a horror story about human nature. You have little choice about whether you end up a human or a vampire. You, dear viewer, and capable of inflicting unimaginable violence and misery, and you will think yourself completely justified. You’re only trying to protect yourself, aren’t you?
Trigger Warnings: Cannibalism, Emotional Abuse, Genocide, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Self-Harm, Suicide
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#E4: Moriarty the Patriot (Yuukoku no Moriarty)
During the late 19th century, Great Britain has become the greatest empire the world has ever known. Hidden within its success, the nation's rigid economic hierarchy dictates the value of one's life solely on status and wealth. To no surprise, the system favors the aristocracy at the top and renders it impossible for the working class to ascend the ranks.
William James Moriarty, the second son of the Moriarty household, lives as a regular noble while also being a consultant for the common folk to give them a hand and solve their problems. However, deep inside him lies a desire to destroy the current structure that dominates British society and those who benefit from it.
Alongside his brothers Albert and Louis, William will do anything it takes to change the filthy world he lives in—even if blood must be spilled.
The story isn’t quite on par with the manga (solely due to there being not enough episodes to cover full character arcs), but the ‘eat the rich’ vibes are immaculate, the plot is complex and interesting, the queercoding and subtext are both wonderfully done, AND there is a CANON TRANS CHARACTER !!!!
Trigger Warnings: Child Abuse, Gender Identity/Sexuality Discrimination, Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Rape/Non-Con, Self-Harm, Suicide
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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mysticdragon828 · 1 year
You there! Yes, the Persona fan behind that screen there! Are you seeking a Discord server to hang out and talk about the series? Somewhere, perhaps, small and cozy, as opposed to one of those huge discord servers where you could feel icy glares on the back of your head? Well, have I got a place for you! It's called Tanaka's Amazing Warehouse, run by yours truly!
Got questions about it? Look down here!
What is it? - It's a mainly Persona-themed server, with a side of other Megami Tensei games!
Is it active? - Kinda? Sometimes? Can't say it's always active, but every now and then we get chatty! But if you ever do want to strike up a conversation there, you will probably get a reply no matter the hour of the day, so go for it!
Is it centered around a particular Persona game? - Nope, we have channels for all of them!
Are Persona and other Megami Tensei games the only things you talk about there? - Nope! There's channels for other games, other series, various arts, memes, and of course a general chat!
Is it LGBTQ+ friendly? - Yes, absolutely! I mean, I'd be a hypocrite if it wasn't lmao
Is there an age limit? - As long you're above what's stated by Discord TOS (13+), you're allowed to join the server, but be forewarned that there is a mild degree of NSFW allowed(*) there, as the admin (me) is an adult.
What language is it? - Unfortunately, it is strictly English-speaking, as I'm not bilingual, but I will probably allow brief conversations involving other languages if you can find someone else there who speaks it? I dunno how likely that is, but more power to you if you do find someone who speaks your language there!
Is there a verification process? - Not exactly, but there is an automatic role assignment that takes place upon joining the server. If you don't automatically recieve the access role when you join, DM me on Discord(**) please!
(*): "mild degree of NSFW allowed" = as far as certain demon/persona designs across the franchise goes, but no deep discussion about it
(**): "on Discord" = my username there is mysticdragon03, and please dont dm me on here, id just get confused lol
If this didn't answer all your questions (somehow), just DM me here and I'll do my best to tell you whatever you need to know about it!
Thinking of joining? We'll be waiting!
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(ps, i would love for this to get a bit of traction at least, so if you're interested or think some of your followers might be interested, reblogs would be appreciated!)
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the-pale-goddess · 1 year
Based on my real life experience today - I have an ask.
Ethan accidentally because he'd never be this much of a dick says "He needs to babysit" their kids and your MC overhears this.
How does your MC react?
Real life experience? Oh, dear…I’m so sorry that you had to deal with this shit. But hey, at least it inspired the ask! Thank you for sending it my way 🫶🏻 (and a few other–apologies for the unavoidable delay, I will try to answer them asap! They’re all amazing and I really appreciate you, Elsa ❤️)
If Ethan were to drop this bomb by accident, it could only happen very early into parenthood when he’s still a little lost, very insecure and quite overwhelmed by the surreal experience he thought wasn’t in the cards for him.
Tiffany would figure that he didn’t really mean what he said, but it wouldn’t stop her from teaching him a lesson the Addams way kdfjdkfjdsf
She struts around Grumpsey’s office in her 4 inch black leather pumps like she means business, waiting for unsuspecting Ethan to finish a phone call.  He’s too busy admiring the sensational view to pick up the clues warning him of impending danger.  When he’s finally available, she walks to his desk with an unreadable smile unfurling on her face, then spreads her arms wide and sets her palms flat on the wooden surface. The energy she exudes is far from coquettish, and a single, powerful look she casts allows him to immediately pinpoint the reason behind her unannounced visit–he fucked up.  „I overheard your conversation with Tanaka earlier and it made me realize that we never discussed the details of our arrangement—your salary is obviously the primary concern.”  Undeterred by sheer confusion overtaking his features, Tiffany continues; the misleadingly docile tone of her voice throws him into a defensive mode just as he’s trying to connect the dots and decipher the hidden message.  Her sarcasm, however, strikes him faster than any logical thought. „Hopefully I can afford your services…I won’t be able to find a proper replacement at such short notice. How much do you charge per hour? You know, for babysitting our son.” Ethan breaks into a cold sweat when the most unfortunate word choice begins to replay in his mind in slow motion. The dumb pun felt harmless at the time, but now? Now he’s the blithering idiot explaining himself, his brows tangled in a rueful frown. „Tiffany, I didn’t intend to say something this moronic and inconsiderate. Parenting and babysitting shouldn’t even be used in the same sentence, I should have been more thoughtful.” „I know.” She winks, relaxing slightly; the sudden shift in her demeanor makes Ethan breathe a sigh of relief. “Just wanted to make sure you’ll never repeat the same mistake again.”  „Do you plan on recounting this embarrassing anecdote every year on NJ's birthday?” „No, but I’ll get you a special Father’s Day shirt that says: my son's favorite nanny.” „Christ…Please, don’t. I’ll do anything.”
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pixiltalks · 7 months
Yeah my idea is that it takes place roughly a year after Servamp canon and 2/3 years after Kagerou Project. The dan move to Tokyo because most of them were going to college there, cue Seto and Marry getting a job at the flower shop.
Anyway if I do write it, it'll be a bit more comedy/slice of life, one idea is that one day while at work Seto's powers activate and his eyes turn red, cue Lilac assuming he's another subclass who just uses illusion to hide his red eyes.
(also I have a headcanon that since Lilac doesn't seem to have a weapon his subclass power is similar to Kidos eye power)
That's so cute,, please come back and share if you do ever write it 🙏🙏 Seto and Marry would be so sweet to Lilac omg-
Considering Strike Tanaka wrote for the Kagepro fan anthologies I'm surprised there aren't more people in both fandoms,, It also makes total sense for both stories to take place in the same universe considering the Servamp world has all kinds of mythical creatures including gorgons, so Azami could exist.
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