#please be aware of warnings
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Detectives at the Disco (Elysium)
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naritaika · 7 months
Gaza/Palestine updates I found-
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[image id: Israel to continue intense fighting for at least two months after short truce, says defense minister. Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant has said the military will resume fight against Hamas “with intensity” for at least two more months once the short temporary pause ends]
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[image id: Story from journalist alijadallah66: Israeli army opens fire at Palestinians trying to return north of Gaza after humanitarian pause takes effect Gaza city, Gaza November 24, people try to reach Ez-Zeytun neighborhood as Israeli army opens fire on Palestinians trying to return to the northern Gaza from the southern part of the territory after a humanitarian pause takes effect on Gaza city, Gaza on November 24,2023. 1 person was killed and many others were wounded during the attack (photo by Mustafa)]
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[image id: Tweet from Hind Khoudry: today I visited the sea, where I bared my feet to the waves. Laughter echoes as kids had their heads shampooed by their mom. Gazing at the sky, i inhaled deeply, gathering strength for the ongoing battle of reporting. Nov 24 2023
Two images follow, one of a hind who has tan skin and brown hair, walking on the beach in Gaza. The other photo shows about 20 people sitting or walking on the same beach with a hopeful mood]
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[image id: Instagram caption from joegaza93: with the start of the humanitarian truce in Gaza, tens of bodies were found on the roads, during the aggression days no one was able to reach of help them,now people can freely moving in some areas to transfer the bodies, there are hundreds of bodies in the streets of Gaza Strip]
[Video id: large crowds of civilians running down a road from sounds of bullets]
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[image id: A tweet from Quds news network: Israeli soldiers shot this father in the head in front of his child while they were standing in front of his own shop in Qalqilya in the West Bank]
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[image id: Palestinian death toll reaches 14,532+, 7,000+ missing under the rubble, 4,700 women and children, 2,300 men, 5,840+ children killed 205 medical staff killed 3,290 women killed, 64 journalists killed, 4,772+ men killed, 26 out of 35 (74%) of hospitals are out of service]
The truce was broken almost right away, by Israeli troops shooting at people trying to return home. Injustice against Palestinians continues in the West Bank. The pain from the genocides aggression persists during the truce.
Please don’t forget about Palestine, their suffering continues. They haven’t lost hope and nether should we
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getvalentined · 2 months
I've never done a full breakdown of everything that happened to my version of Vincent while he was under the knife (although there is a partial breakdown from like 12 years ago on Ask Vincent Valentine), but @spinejackel tagged my recent Vincent doodle gushing about autopsy scar (Vincent Has a Y-Incision headcanon supremacy!) so I figured it was probably a good time. This is also probably the best method, since I can apply the right tags and trigger warnings to hopefully keep it from hitting the people who would be disturbed.
For anyone who doesn't know, figuring out the fucked up physiology of victims of science is like my entire jam. I think this is what happens when you let a chronically ill child watch Akira and the original Bubblegum Crisis OVA and most of the works of Masamune Shirow. All that before FF7 even existed. This means that the explanation under the cut may seem excessive, and this post is very long. I've been building it over over a quarter century, I don't think there's any avoiding it at this point.
Warnings for body horror, nonconsensual body modification, medical horror and torture. Basically, if there's anything you can think of related to becoming a victim of science under the rule of an unethical sci-fantasy oligarchy, it's probably in here to some degree. It's explained plainly and simply, in clinical but not visceral detail.
My headcanons for what Hojo did to Vincent are pretty specific, albeit not precisely comprehensive; 27 years later I still don't really have a particularly solid concept for how he turned Vincent into a shapeshifter, although at least we know it's not something entirely specific to Vincent—Hojo repeated that facet of the experiment in Azul, but not in any other SOLDIER operative even in DeepGround, implying that it's only possible if very specific physiological conditions are met. The minimal concept I do have involves a twisted application of the concept of incarnate summoning as it appears in FFXIII-2, but it's very vague and also not the topic of this post. Maybe later.
Regarding the Y-incision/autopsy scar, my headcanon is that once Hojo tweaked Vincent into being able to regenerate from any injury—an enhancement that is confirmed to be entirely Hojo's work in Dirge—the professor of course felt it necessary to run various tests quantify the usefulness of his handiwork. He did this first by inflicting various surface injuries, then by causing more extreme bodily trauma, which eventually culminated in Hojo removing the majority of Vincent's internal organs in order to measure how long it took them to grow back and, assuming they did grow back, how the new ones compared to Vincent's original parts.
To be able to observe this as closely as possible, Hojo kept Vincent's torso open for the entire process—which he repeated twice more in order to check the weight, size and structure of the newly-grown organs in comparison to the originals. This study proved that most of them did grow back, but the majority of them stopped developing much earlier than was appropriate for Vincent's age and size. The difference was consistent, Hojo just never figured out why most of them grew back smaller and less-developed.
The reason this happened is based the fact that most of the organs in the human trunk are used in digestion and other related processes, and Vincent's regeneration means he doesn't need to eat or drink anymore. His body only expended as much energy as was completely necessary to develop those organs to the point of being functional rather than normal, because they're not really necessary. Vincent is glad he still has them, though, because he does still occasionally eat (usually in social situations) and also he'd be really sad if he couldn't even have coffee.
Vincent's brain activity remained normal during the entire process, although that may have something to do with Hojo driving a bunch of fluid lines into his head and flooding the inside of his skull with mako to keep him awake the whole time even while deprived of oxygen. (Rebirth spoilers, but seeing the bit in the Nibelheim Protorelic questline where Hojo does something super similar to this, after this has been my headcanon for decades, was a trip.)
Two organs didn't grow back at all: Vincent's appendix and one kidney. This was also the result of efficient energy expenditure, as the human appendix isn't necessary for survival, and only one kidney is really required. (Each time Hojo removed the new kidney, the one that grew back would be on the opposite side, which bothered Hojo to no end.)
His lungs grew back a little larger, possibly because his skeletal structure never quite recovered after his first transformation into Galian—his arms and legs are noticeably too long for his body, although not to the point of looking impossible, and likewise his ribcage settled to breadth that would allow for larger lungs. He doesn't really need these anymore either, related to his brain being exposed to so much mako during the process that it can now operate without oxygen if necessary, but switching himself over from aerobic to anaerobic respiration is really unpleasant and Vincent tries to avoid it when he can.
His heart was pretty normal by the time Hojo was done with him, although his heartrate had dropped to like 20bpm even when elevated. Again, if respiration isn't necessary, there's not much reason for the system to be active. (By the time Lucrecia was done this had dropped to around 5bpm on average, although it's completely arrhythmic and jumps all over the place when he's not either particularly active or on the verge of a transformation.)
This was the experiment that left Vincent susceptible to degradation, which Hojo didn't realize until after finally closing him back up. Upon realizing that Vincent's body wasn't responding properly to a different test (a repetition of an earlier experiment related to the regeneration of external tissues and features), Hojo just kinda threw him in a tube to be disposed of at a later date, kinda like that scene in Arrested Development where there's that dead dove in a bag in the fridge. The incision healed at some point during the period that Lucrecia was working on him, but early enough in her work that the tissue couldn't flawlessly regenerate (like it does in the present), leaving him with one more gnarly scar on top of all the rest.
Vincent is self-conscious about all the physiological changes brought on by what was done to him, often to the point of loathing. His left arm is the worst—it rotted off while he was in the throes of degradation and grew back as something that he hesitates to call his arm—but Vincent hates that Y-incision scar almost as much. Some days they tie.
(It has come up in appropriately horrified conversation with Shalua that, considering how his regeneration works, Vincent could probably get rid of all the scars on his chest if he somehow peeled the skin off his torso in a single swath. He will not be doing that. Besides, it might grow back the wrong color/texture/etc, like his left arm. Not worth the risk, much less the suffering.)
Also I gotta finish off this entry with the extremely stupid headcanon reveal that Vincent's (honestly fairly impressive) dick was cut off during the first round of bodily trauma regeneration tests—and Hojo has never felt the sort of rage he experienced upon discovering that it grew back bigger than before. This occurred early enough in the experiments that Vincent was not awake for it, and thus has no idea how the fuck this happened, and does not want to talk about it ever thank you very much. I've never mentioned it in public anywhere because it is extremely stupid, but I hope someone out there finds it as funny a concept as I do.
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thefloatingstone · 10 months
If anyone else watches Nexpo, he put up a new video 4 days ago about Petscop.
It's a very good video, but the only content warning at the start is for "Psychological abuse" and flashing lights.
However, because he failed to do so, in case this is seen by anyone who needs to know this and who watches him, please note the Petscop video contains in detailed discussion about a real case of child abuse pretending to be "therapy" which resulted in death including censored footage.
As the video makes no attempt to warn you about this and I had to get that brain poison unprepared at 2am last night, I just wanted to spread the word because it's genuinely upsetting. And I do not get upset about this sort of thing easily.
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awesomecooperlove · 8 months
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oh-biwan · 2 months
[rattling cage] Do you have any Obikin fics that you've enjoyed? Your beautiful art made me slip right down the ship rabbit hole and now I need recs, any rating/theme.
-blushes, clears throat- Hi!
I like a lot of different flavors but, to keep it simple, I'll try to match my recommendations to the theme I'm cultivating on this blog so far.
First of all, I have to mention skyl_tales, they wrote some of the absolute Obikin classics and I love their work, it's very dear to me. If you haven't read anything from them yet, I strongly recommend taking a look at their works and going for anything that captures your attention!
Alright, now my conscience is clear and we can move on:
Armageddon Game by posthumous_vigor
One of my more recent obsessions. Basically, padawan Obi-Wan gets captured by Sith Anakin and then groomed to the Dark Side. What I enjoy about this one is how, even despite the unfavorable cards that Obi-Wan has been dealt, he cleverly chases down his goals... but not without twisting himself in the pursuit as well. He is an active actor in this play and ultimately it is not Anakin who Obi-Wan plays against. And by recommending this I'm recommending the whole series :).
Untouched by objectlesson
This fic has one the most predatory padawan Anakin I've ever seen. This child is just so deliciously fucked up in the head. I... I think I'll just let the author's summary speak for itself: In his darkest moments, Anakin began to think of it as his right. To control Obi-Wan’s sleeping mind, force it into a box, shut it up so he could take what he deserved. Warm skin, slack face, soft snores. And then—then—more.
pleasure, little treasure by objectlesson
A guilty pleasure of mine. And probably a very hard pill to swallow, so careful there. In this one, Vader goes back in time, kidnaps Jedi initiate Obi-Wan, and makes him his apprentice. Yes, it's very dark, a psychological horror, but this author writes with such skill and poetry that I trusted they could make me enjoy reading stuff I'd normally avoid... And I was right. The beauty in the abominable. That's why I love this author, the things they write are so refreshingly daring and so deeply fucked up on so many levels, but served in a way that makes me swallow it all up without question. (oh, I should probably mention that as of now this fic is unfinished, I seldomly pick up unfinished works, but with this one, I have no regrets :))
hold my heart more gently than you do my throat by tennessoui
This is a role reversal omegaverse AU. Master Skywalker has been captured by the Separatists, and behind the Council's back, his omega Padawan sets out to save the master in distress. It is debatable if the master in question needs the saving -noises of massacre in the background- (he did need the saving, in my opinion :)). What I really love about this fic are the horror vibes of little Padawan getting chased down the hallways of the enemy base full of dead bodies, and an unknown monster breathing down his neck, but the only thing on his mind is how to find his master and rescue him. Also, I enjoyed the final twist and how the story unfolded in the end. Satisfying. If omegaverse is your thing I definitely recommend this one.
game plan by treescape
Out of all the recommendations, I consider this to be the tame one. If all of the above made you hesitant to try, this is the one to go with. The summary: Vader keeps capturing Obi-Wan during the Wars. Obi-Wan keeps escaping. It's kind of a thing. I'm recommending this one for the banter. Some of it is just next level. Very amusing to read. Chef's kiss.
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I know I have a habit of always keeping things to myself… But why am I still surprised when people don’t know what I know?
#This applies to so many things in my life#this is so incredibly unhealthy#toxic even#yet i can’t help but keep doing it#and now my friends too#those who said the loudest ‘you have to talk to us if we did something you’re not comfortable with so we can come to terms’#turned out to be bottling the hugest amount of distraught then explode without warning#now everything is in pieces#and there’s nothing that could be mended anymore#thought we had something special you know#then why… why can you sabotage everything so quick and run away so fast#why you do this to us?#what were we to you?#You hurt us all and even yourself with your ego saying we don’t have to care about you#but what were we if not friends?#why?#please I can’t continue like this#I desperately aware that things will never be the same and I can never see you as the same friend I’ve known for years#but I still refuse to believe this is really happening#it’s like sand#the more I hold it the harder I clenched my hand they would still eventually fall through my fingers gaps#are we not friends?#why? Why you did it?#You said nothing and yet expect everyone to know how you feel and to sympathize with you and your reasons#I mean we could#we totally could if you just let us know just the tiniest hint you know?#so why things turned out this way?#where has the years gone?#will I ever stop grieving the past if things keep turning out like this?#what does the future hold anyway and where’s my motivation to grasp it?
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killherfreakout · 5 months
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Said, "I got a shrink and she said the same thing that everyone else did," and then it was silent You said, "Alright, am I being indicted?" No, no, no
—Samia, Breathing Song
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phantomram-b00 · 4 months
So, I got yet another donation scammer on my ama…thanks—
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Here proof that this is a scammer:
Also with the fact that this account was made literally today. Seems that the cat scam isn’t working and now going to this tactic. Disgusting. Like absolutely.
So ghost pals mutuals or people who are gonna come across this blog please be very aware and don’t give these scammer any of your hard earn money. Best advice I can give you like I’ve mention before is copy and paste their ask in search bar to see if they copy or if there a pattern.
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voidxbrat · 1 year
FUCK this glitchy/flashy/shaky/static effects trend that every person who makes any sort of media is getting into and putting everywhere without any trigger warnings whatsoever!
You are making it impossible for people like me with seizure, vision, photosensitivity, etc issues to engage with any media (especially videos and/or reels taking over) AT ALL!
So tired of it, fuck the ads everywhere (even here now!), fuck the reels taking over, fuck this flashy effects trend, fuck it all.
Sincerely, someone with severe vision, photosensitivity, and seizure issues, who is being forced away from every form of media for the sake of their own health.
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sweet-potato-42 · 7 months
if our theories about where the qtubbo character is going are correct then we need to make sure to use trigger warnings correctly and if you get triggered by the story then it would be best to change povs at least during loreing
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yakny · 1 month
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Knight Bobo, wearing some of the patterns I drew :D!
#LN#colored doodles#bobo#ft.#agata#louie#(sorry. long tags warning ¯\ (ToT) /¯)#putting the blue patterns to use even if she wasn't the intended wearer for them (hey! big bro louie just has to learn how to share! lol.)#i am actually planning to draw all three of them more along with fafnir and some other nobodies. i cri—#speaking of fafnir!!! FAFNIR???!!! offering alcoholic drinks to nidhogg in the 9th anniversary hell event????!!!#fafnir who's helping agata bobo and louie against tyr?!! who has bobo on speed dial for info as she thwarts tyr's plans??? the guy who‚ on#the night louie leaves and visits him for a drink‚ offers him instead a hot cup of MILK and teasingly calls him a child?! ASADJFJDSK!!!#(there's layers to him offering that that makes it funny‚ i promise. he offers concoctions based on a person's personality? i think??? he#offered debbie a cup of milk that TASTES like books and mela something strong. losing it ✋😭) anyways he runs an INTEL TAVERN. is aware of#most things in the north. fuck. wait! omg??? what if he's the same tavern keeper from louie's dreamweaver??? regardless he is aiding#all three of them... somehow... and he's sharing a drink with nid which is funny cause nid is the same guy who has said before ''alcohol#destroys you mind and stops you from making the right choice 🗿'' and there's fafnir sliding a drink to a sad looking nid. asdjsfkgk#FAFNIR please 😭😭😭!!! (fafnir sliding a drink to nid: make some bad choice tonight boy.)#anyways im just happy there's new fafnir art. i was not expecting it. or him alongside nid. fafnir's name is ALSO named after a dragon in#norse mythology. 🤔 turning into a dragon is a symbol of greed. damn. imagine fafnir is ALSO from frigidfog? but then again...#OKAY I'LL STOP!!! (I WILL NOT!!! I AM LOSING MY MIND! THERE'S JUST SO MUCH I CAN PLAY AROUND WITH HERE!)#wait! okay okay okay. what if for some reason fafnir is ratatoskr 👁 👁? like the role he plays as an intelligence collector adds up#as louie said ''(fafnir) you're not even there yet you already know about it'' it's not far fetched#... i am officially losing it. im adding too much depth to a game that has time and time again made itself shallow 😔
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rachymarie · 1 month
Actually if anyone needs proof that language actually evolves in the true sense of the word: (evolves to be better).
I am proof. A 90s kid who in her teens was such a stubborn jerk when someone told her that using "gay" as a negative word is a slur, refused to stop saying it for maybe a few more years. And I am very sorry, not just because I now have multiple diagnoses to validate my own lived experience of disability. That all came after I changed my language for the better.
We grew up saying all the things everyone agrees is not ok to say now.
The r-word etc. Autistic was a slur too.
It was all just commonplace. (It's no wonder many of us from the millennial generation are left feeling kinda screwed up)
It was Bad, ok.
(If you think that's horrible and irredeemable, well what can I say except think about how we schizospec feel still being called a rampant amount of names and slurs, having our symptoms made into "cute" TikTok trends to be joked about incessantly - but we believe and know you have the propensity to change, it's just an attitude/ignorance thing)
But here's the thing, the point of this post:
Language evolved.
We are better than that now.
Majority of us stopped saying what are now largely considered slurs years ago. Now it's just the internalized ableism to work on.
So why can't we as a society agree to stop using slurs against schizospec?
Why can't it be just as "cringe" to pick on/bully some of the most vulnerable people in society - schizospec?
And stop saying people are schizospec just because they are bigots or you disagree with them, that's not how it works.
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cloverthemonke · 3 months
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these are some really old screenshots that I thankfully have saved. The server is still like this, even after all of this bullshit.
(The person named Duke has changed, and he is much nicer now. We are currently friends and he has made up for it.)
⚠️ Warning: Do not join this Discord server due to the following reasons:
Homophobic and transphobic,and all out anti-lgbtq behavior: The server fosters an environment where all LGBTQ individuals may face discrimination and hostility towards them.
Poor management: The staff exhibit unprofessional conduct, leading to a lack of support and resolution for issues within the server.
Unkind owner: The owner's behavior contributes to a negative culture, making the server unpleasant for its members.
Frequent arguments: Constant conflicts and disagreements among members detract from the overall experience and create a tense environment, and with the horrible staff, the arguments are not taken to dms and progressively get more violent.
Harassment: Instances of bullying and harassment are common, resulting in a hostile and unsafe space for participants.
For your well-being and safety, it's advised to avoid joining this Discord server, and please. For the love of god,Don't ask me about it, they tried to steal my whole irl identity by stealing photos of me that I posted, mocking me for talking abt possibly wanting to be trans in which which resulted in I getting kicked,and possibly banned I'm not sure.
Edit: I forgot abt the time when 3 server members told the staff that I was underage, and the staff believed it so I HAD TO SEND AGE VERIFICATION PHOTOS, and those 3 members stole those photos, and pretended to be me, which ended up in me getting timed out for "bullying a person for their looks and claiming they are not themselves". Fuck that shitty ass server dude.
Thank you.
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awesomecooperlove · 25 days
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potatowoogan · 1 month
Hello to All who sees. This first off is a serious post not something to be goofed around about. Before I get into the story please keep this in mind while on the internet
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Online Safety tips for all ages please keep that in mind as some of you may know these basics but I am restating them for this post.
Keep Personal information professional and limited.
Keep your Privacy Settings on {on the appropriate settings for you and or your kid(s)}
Practice Safe Browsing if possible {Do this especially with younger kids}
Make sure your on a secure and or established Wi-Fi network
Please Be careful on what you download.
Be cautious when clicking on sites you don’t know and or never heard off
Choose strong passwords and DO NOT share any passwords with anyone! Not even someone you may think you have known for a while please be careful
Make Purchases from established sites: Amazon, Target, Walmart ect
Be careful of what you post about please as screenshots can be taken etc
10. Keep your personal information to yourself: that includes; debit card info, address, First and Last name away from people on here. That’s stuff that stays confidential. You may share the general area you live in. USA, Australia, Canada Etc. AND don’t share your town name either!
11: Don’t post/send pics of yourself to someone if you aren’t asked it makes people uncomfortable
With that stated me and a fellow artist @skilled-plaque have encountered someone who starts out their conversations nice then goes into deeper subjects.
The following images happened to me not Lee
Here’s the person who DMed me so you know who to look out for. Please Block them if you see them. Here’s the account to block: https://www.tumblr.com/carrickjam
Please beware fellow artists I’ve meant. Please block em if you see that they follow you. As soon after they followed me and Lee they had stated to Dm us. @alice-angel12x @mayo-wap @cyanwyrmy @sg-the-mag-by please stay safe and block them if ya can
And here’s my encounter
The last image is the person who @skilled-plaque encountered please block them as well if you see them.
Please Remember to stay Safe!
Here’s what happened to me
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